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Replaces obsolete MOVE ... TO and MOVE ... ?TO statements with the more general assignment operators = and ?=.
This rule is part of the essential profile, as it is explicitly demanded by the Clean ABAP Styleguide.
- Clean ABAP Styleguide: Prefer functional to procedural language constructs
- Clean ABAP Styleguide: Avoid obsolete language elements
- ABAP Keyword Documentation: Obsolete Assignments: MOVE
- Unchain MOVE: chains (required for processing them with this rule)
METHOD replace_obsolete_move_to.
MOVE 1 TO ev_result.
MOVE 'ab' TO es_result-text.
MOVE '12' TO ev_start+4(2).
MOVE get_next_date( iv_year = iv_year
iv_period = iv_period ) TO ev_date.
MOVE lo_source ?TO lo_dest.
MOVE EXACT source TO dest.
" some comment
1 TO ev_value,
'2023' TO ev_start(4),
" another comment
EXACT iv_data TO ev_data,
io_instance ?TO eo_instance.
" with the MOVE chain, get_next_value( ) is also called 3 times,
" but without the chain, that's much clearer:
MOVE get_next_value( ) TO: ev_any, ev_other, ev_third.
Resulting code:
METHOD replace_obsolete_move_to.
ev_result = 1.
es_result-text = 'ab'.
ev_start+4(2) = '12'.
ev_date = get_next_date( iv_year = iv_year
iv_period = iv_period ).
lo_dest ?= lo_source.
dest = EXACT #( source ).
" some comment
ev_value = 1.
ev_start(4) = '2023'.
" another comment
ev_data = EXACT #( iv_data ).
eo_instance ?= io_instance.
" with the MOVE chain, get_next_value( ) is also called 3 times,
" but without the chain, that's much clearer:
ev_any = get_next_value( ).
ev_other = get_next_value( ).
ev_third = get_next_value( ).