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Deletes unused variables, or comments them out if they are only 'used' in commented-out code. TODO comments can be added for variables that are assigned but never used.
Note that this rule will skip methods in which macros are used.
- Action for local variables that are never used: [delete]
- Action for variables only used in commented-out code: [comment out with *]
- Action for assigned but unused local variables: [add TODO comment]
- Action for assigned variables only used in commented-out code: [add TODO comment]
- Action for variables only assigned in MESSAGE ... INTO: [add pragma ##NEEDED]
- Action for local constants that are never used: [comment out with *]
- Action for constants only used in commented-out code: [comment out with *]
METHOD delete_unused_variables.
CONSTANTS lc_unused TYPE i VALUE 1200.
CONSTANTS lc_commented_out TYPE i VALUE 2.
CONSTANTS lc_used_constant TYPE i VALUE 3.
DATA lv_unused_a TYPE i.
DATA: lv_unused_b TYPE string,
lv_used_var TYPE i,
lv_commented_out LIKE lv_used_var.
DATA lv_only_assigned TYPE i.
DATA lv_assigned_but_used_incomment TYPE i.
DATA lv_assigned_in_msg TYPE string.
" with the ##NEEDED pragma, an unused variable will be kept and no TODO added;
" the pragma also prevents a warning from the Extended Check (SLIN)
DATA lv_unused_but_needed TYPE string ##NEEDED.
<ls_unused_a> TYPE ty_s_structure,
<ls_commented_out> LIKE LINE OF its_table,
<ls_used> TYPE tt_table.
CLEAR ev_count.
" the following variable assigned but unused; however, the call may have side effects
DATA(lo_unused_util) = get_utility( ).
lv_used_var = 0.
DO lc_used_constant TIMES.
LOOP AT its_table ASSIGNING <ls_used>.
lv_used_var += <ls_used>-num.
ev_count = lv_used_var.
" lv_only_assigned is only used to modifying its own value
CLEAR lv_only_assigned.
lv_only_assigned = lv_only_assigned + 2.
MULTIPLY lv_only_assigned BY 2.
" without INTO, MESSAGE would interrupt the program flow; therefore,
" this variable is needed for the intended behavior even if it is never used
MESSAGE e123(any_message) INTO DATA(lv_message).
MESSAGE e456(other_message) WITH 'any' 'text' INTO lv_assigned_in_msg.
lv_assigned_but_used_incomment = 1.
* this comment mentions the variable lv_unused_a, but that does not count:
* only variables in commented-out ABAP code count, not variables in text comments!
* lv_commented_out = 0.
* DO lc_commented_out * lv_assigned_but_used_incomment TIMES.
* LOOP AT its_any_table ASSIGNING <ls_commented_out>.
* lv_commented_out += 1.
Resulting code:
METHOD delete_unused_variables.
* CONSTANTS lc_unused TYPE i VALUE 1200.
* CONSTANTS lc_commented_out TYPE i VALUE 2.
CONSTANTS lc_used_constant TYPE i VALUE 3.
DATA: lv_used_var TYPE i.
* lv_commented_out LIKE lv_used_var.
" TODO: variable is assigned but never used (ABAP cleaner)
DATA lv_only_assigned TYPE i.
" TODO: variable is assigned but only used in commented-out code (ABAP cleaner)
DATA lv_assigned_but_used_incomment TYPE i.
DATA lv_assigned_in_msg TYPE string ##NEEDED.
" with the ##NEEDED pragma, an unused variable will be kept and no TODO added;
" the pragma also prevents a warning from the Extended Check (SLIN)
DATA lv_unused_but_needed TYPE string ##NEEDED.
* FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_commented_out> LIKE LINE OF its_table,
<ls_used> TYPE tt_table.
CLEAR ev_count.
" the following variable assigned but unused; however, the call may have side effects
" TODO: variable is assigned but never used (ABAP cleaner)
DATA(lo_unused_util) = get_utility( ).
lv_used_var = 0.
DO lc_used_constant TIMES.
LOOP AT its_table ASSIGNING <ls_used>.
lv_used_var += <ls_used>-num.
ev_count = lv_used_var.
" lv_only_assigned is only used to modifying its own value
CLEAR lv_only_assigned.
lv_only_assigned = lv_only_assigned + 2.
MULTIPLY lv_only_assigned BY 2.
" without INTO, MESSAGE would interrupt the program flow; therefore,
" this variable is needed for the intended behavior even if it is never used
MESSAGE e123(any_message) INTO DATA(lv_message) ##NEEDED.
MESSAGE e456(other_message) WITH 'any' 'text' INTO lv_assigned_in_msg.
lv_assigned_but_used_incomment = 1.
* this comment mentions the variable lv_unused_a, but that does not count:
* only variables in commented-out ABAP code count, not variables in text comments!
* lv_commented_out = 0.
* DO lc_commented_out * lv_assigned_but_used_incomment TIMES.
* LOOP AT its_any_table ASSIGNING <ls_commented_out>.
* lv_commented_out += 1.