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File metadata and controls

86 lines (63 loc) · 5.99 KB


The flex-table-card aims for more flexibility for tabular-ish visuallization needs, by realizing:

  • unlimited columns / rows
  • various different data-sources may be used in a single table
  • lots of possibilities for configuration: entity selection (include, exclude), (hidden-)column-sorting, js-based content manipulation, row limiting and more...

Flex Table gives you the possibility to visualize any tabular data within Lovelace. Especially overviews with high data densities can be easily realized. Some screenshots:

Configuration Options

Top-level options

Name Type Required? Description
type string required custom:flex-table-card
title string optional A title for the card
strict boolean optional If true, each cell must have a match, or row will be hidden
sort_by[-|+] col-id optional Sort by given column identifier, append '+' (ascending) or '-' (descending)
max_rows int optional Restrict the number of (shown) rows to this maximum number
clickable boolean optional Activates the entities' on-click popup dialog
css section optional Adapt, extend the CSS-style of this flex-table instance (see below)
- ... section item(s) optional
entities section required Section defining the entities, i.e., data sources (see below)
- ... section item(s) required
columns section required Section defining the column(s) and its contents (see below)
- ... section item(s) required

entities options (2nd level): selection / querying / filtering

option Type Required? Description
include regexp required Defines the initial entity data source(s)
exclude regexp optional Reduces the included data sources(s)

css options (2nd level): css adaptations

option Type Required? Description
<css_selector> string optional the original <css_selector> will be replaced with option's value
<css_selector>+ string optional <css_selector>'s contents are appended to the existing <css_selector>

columns options (2nd level): header definition, column identifcation

option Type Required? Description
name string optional column header
id string optional unique identifier e.g., to sort one of multiple equally referencing cells

If neither name nor id is set the identifier for the column will be derived from the content definition. Apart from sort_by no other option requires referencing of this identifier, for easy referencing by sort_by it is considered best practice to set id and use it for sort_by.

columns options (2nd level): visibility, formatting, content manipulation

option Type Required? Description
hidden bool optional true to avoid showing the column (e.g., for sorting)
icon string optional use icon inside header (left of name), typical mdi:something (cheatsheet)
modify string optional* apply java-script code, x is data, i.e., (x) => eval(<modfiy>)
align enum optional text alignment, one of: left, center, right (default: left)
prefix string optional to be applied before all cell contents
suffix string optional to be appended after all cell contents

*Use modify with caution and on your own risk only. This will directly execute code using eval(), which is by definition a safety risk. Especially avoid processing any third party APIs / contents with flex-table-card using the modify parameter, only apply this parameter, if you are 100% sure about the contents and origin of the data.

columns (content) options (2nd level): column (cell) content definition, one required and mutually exclusive

option Type Description
attr regexp matches to the first attribute matching this regexp
prop string matches the entity's state members, e.g. state (any from here )
attr_as_list string matched attribute is expected to contain a list, each expanded to a row

columns (content) options (2nd level): allows multiple content definitions for a single cell

option Type Description
multi list-of-2-strings matches each pair within list as above: select multiple matches, concat all using multi_delimiter see #19 for an example.
multi_delimiter string defaults to ' ', thus concat multi-items using a whitespace

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