[Due 11:59PM Thursday, April 10] In this lab, we will use a basic imitation learning (behavior cloning) algorithm to train a model to drive the truck.
Make sure that your repo is up-to-date
ssh nvidia@<IP OF YOUR ROBOT>
conda activate ros_base
pip3 install torch
ssh nvidia@<IP OF YOUR ROBOT>
cd ~/StartUp
./start_ros.sh <IP OF YOUR ROBOT>
conda activate ros_base
source devel/setup.bash
source network_ros_client.sh <IP OF YOUR ROBOT> <IP OF YOUR PC>
roslaunch racecar_interface visualization.launch enable_routing:=false
ssh nvidia@<IP OF YOUR ROBOT>
conda activate ros_base
source devel/setup.bash
source network_ros_host.sh <IP OF YOUR ROBOT>
roslaunch racecar_learning lab5.launch
A loop will be generated automatically as your robot's reference path, use your controller to drive the robot along the path.
You can drive your robot along the reference path for a few loops, then simply let the robot stop on the track and wait the loss to converge.
4. Once the loss converges, call the service "learning/eval" from RQT to pause the training and evalute the model.
Hit the down button on your controller to start the evaluation. The robot will drive along the reference path.
5. If the robot drives well, call the service "learning/save_model" from RQT to save the model and call the service "learning/save_data" to stop the training.
Your model will be saved in folder "ROS_Core/Labs/Lab5/models" on your robot, and the training data will be saved in folder "ROS_Core/Labs/Lab5/data" on your robot.
6. If you do not like your model, call the service "learning/start_learn" again from RQT to resume training again.
With data collected from the previous step, we can train the model offline using provided iPython notebook. You can train this on your own PC, which should be significantly faster than the computer on the robot.
You can evaluate the model trained offline by using additional parameter during the launch of the learning node. In T3, relaunch the node using
roslaunch racecar_learning lab5.launch model_path:=<PATH TO YOUR MODEL>