As a user with an active internet connection I want to be able to register for an account
- email: Email
- password: String
- StatusCode: 200
Given the user has an active internet connection
When the user tries to register an account
the application should present the registration screen
- email + password
upon successful registration -
- User should receive an email to verify their account.
Given the user doesn't have an active internet connection
When the user tries to register an account
the application should present notification asking them turn on internet
As a user with an active internet connection I want to be able to login to my account
- email: Email
- password: String
- StatusCode: - 200
- created_at: Date
- updated_at: Date
- email: Email
- id: xid
- access_token: valid JWT
Given the user has an active internet connection
when the user tries to login by providing their email and password.
- If the credentials are valid the user should be proceed to main screen
- If the credentials are not valid the user should be prompted that their combination is not correct
As a user with an active internet connection I want to be able to create a shortened url
- original_url : URL
- custom_alias: String?
- expires_on: Date (in the future, from now onwards)
- keywords: [String]? - used for searching
- description: String?
- StatusCode: 201
- Data
- id: String
- user_id: xid
- original_url: URL
- custom_alias: String
- shortcode: String
- expires_on: Date
- created_at: Date
- updated_at: Date
- keywords: [String]
- hits: Int
- StatusCode: 400
- Data
- error: String
Given a user has an active internet connection and has a valid token
when the user tries to create a shortened url
- if the provided information is correct / valid
The user should receive a shortened url
- if the provided information is not correct / not valid
The user should receive an error response / message
As a user with an active internet connection I want to be able to fetch all of my shortened urls
- Statuscode: 200
Data: Array
- id: String
- user_id: String
- original_url: URL
- custom_alias: String
- shortcode: String
- expires_on: Date
- created_at: Date
- updated_at: Date
- keywords: [String]
- hits: Int
Given a user has an active internet connection and has a valid token
when the user tries to fetch all their shortened urls
- The user should get all their shorted urls
As a user with an active internet connection and a valid token I want to be able verify my shortened url
Data: Method: GET
- urlPath : /:id
- StatusCode: 200
- Data
- id: String
- user_id: String
- original_url: URL
- custom_alias: String
- shortcode: String
- expires_on: Date
- created_at: Date
- updated_at: Date
- keywords: [String]
- hits: Int
Given a user has an active internet connection and has a valid token
when the user tries to verify their shortened url
- The user should get a verifed shortened url
As a user with an active internet connection and a valid token I want to be able delete my shortened url
- Method: DELETE
- urlPath : /:id
- StatusCode: 202
Given a user has an active internet connection and has a valid token
when the user tries to delete their shortened url
- The user should get a confirmation on the status of the deletion