Releases: SeedSigner/seedsigner
The Usability Update
Release Notes
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To install on a MicroSD, download the file "", extract the .img file file, and write that image to a MicroSD card (at least 4GB in size).
New Features:
- added TESTNET!
- added support for 12 word seeds
- added ability to temporarily save 3 seeds
- added outgoing psbt trimming
- added status indicators during frame input
- added support for up to 99 input frames
- added "go-back" during word entry
- added error checking for entered seeds
- fixed change identification bug
- various UX improvements & other bug fixes
- built for compatibility with Specter v1.1.0 and up
- use Specter's "other" device type
- boot time is 90-100 seconds on RasPi Zero
- always opt for animated QR codes in Specter
- test with small amounts of BTC if using mainnet
- currently support multisig only
- try holding screen upside-down when signing
SeedSigner 0.2.0 with Optical Signing
Ability to generate xpub keys and sign transactions via QR codes added to this version! See the current project readme for further information! To install on a MicroSD, download the file "", extract the .img file file, and write that image to a MicroSD card (at least 4GB in size). Help can be found on Telegram at
Version 0.0.2
Made some changes to the UX and added functionality to generate a 24-word seed with dice rolls in this version.
This is a preconfigured image with SeedSigner and the necessary dependencies installed; write the image to your MicroSD just as you would Raspberry Pi OS. The app will appear a little over a minute after power is applied to a Raspberry Pi Zero; may be quicker for 2/3/4.