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Manual:DIL Manual secure()

iamnove edited this page Dec 14, 2022 · 52 revisions

secure ( u : unitptr , label)

Secures the unitptr 'u' and jumps to 'label' when the secure is broken.

 u : Unit to secure.
 label : Label to jump to, on removal.

Secures a unitptr, so that the program will go to 'label' if unit leaves local environment. The unit leaves the local environment when it is destroyed or e.g. moved to a different location such as an adjacent room. A transparent room in a room would not count as leaving the local environment.

A DIL program is tested for secures in the follow circumstances:

  • When the DIL program is activated (e.g. after a pause / wait())
  • When the DIL program has performed a send(), sendto(), sendtoall(), sendtoalldil().
  • When the DIL program calls updateposition() (because it might kill the unit)
  • When the DIL program calls cast(), cast2() or attackspell(), meleeattack(), meleedamage().
  • Returning from a DIL sub-function that has triggered a secure() scan.
  • In every foreach-next step

A DIL program will test a specific unit for secure in the follow circumstances:

  • DIL destroy(u) will test if 'u' was a secured() variable and if so will trigger it if destroyed.
  • DIL exec(str, u) will test if 'u' was a secured() variable and if so will trigger it if destroyed.

A specific test will also cascade down through frames.

If a secure() is triggered during execution in a sub-function/procedure, then once execution returns to the parent frame, then the parent frame will test for secure() violations before continuing execution.

Should several secured units leave local environment, the last such event will determine the point of execution upon return.

See also:

 > unsecure
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