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Manual:Zone Manual The Objects Section DIL functions for objects

iamnove edited this page Jan 11, 2023 · 55 revisions

DIL functions for objects

The DIL language is the language a builder can use to make his own special functions on rooms, NPCs, objects, PCs, and much more. This manual is for basic zone writing and therefore will not go into how to write your own DIL functions. The VME however is released with many functions for you as an Administrator and your builders to use to make special rooms, NPCs, and objects. The following sections contain a full list of all object functions released with the VME 2.0 server.

Restriction functions

The desire to have different equipment comes from every players desire to be different. The restrict functions were designed to help make this a reality by only allowing certain groups of players to wear some items. The restrict functions can be used alone or together to make a greater restricted item. for example you could make an item, restricted to only females or you could make an item, restricted to females that had a strength greater than 20 and who have done a certain quest.

All restrict functions have a name that describes what the restriction function is for and four other arguments. the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th argument is the exact same for all restrict functions only the name of the restrict and the first argument changes. The format for the restrict functions is as follows.

	dilcopy <function name> (arg 1, <max damage>,
	    <percentage>,<Optional DIL>);

We will skip the function name and the first argument and get back to them later.

max damage and percentage
The second and third arguments set the damage done when the wrong player wears an object. The reason we are explaining them together is they can work together or separately depending on how you set them.

The second argument is the max damage the third argument is the percentage damage.

When both arguments are set to 0 no damage will be done when the item is illegally worn. When the second argument is set to a number like 100 and the third argument is set to 0, exactly 100 damage will be done to the player no matter how many hit points he/she has. So by setting the second argument to a number and setting the third to 0 you could possibly kill your victim since it will remove the amount specified no matter how much the player has.

If you do not want to possibly kill your victim the Third argument should be used. If you set the second argument to 0 and the third argument to a number it will do a percent of damage to the player. for example if The third argument was set to 25 it would do 25 % damage to a player.

You can also use the second and third argument together if you want to set a max amount of damage without possibly killing them. for example if you set the second argument to 100 and third to 25. The item will do 25% damage up to 100 hit points of damage. This all might be a bit confusing so let me show you a few examples and tell you what they would do.

second= 0 third = 25
This would do 25% damage to a player. second =100 third = 0 this would do 100 damage to a player no matter his amount of hit points.
second = 25 third = 25
This would do 25 % damage to a player up to 25 hit points.

So if a player had 150 hit points the max that could be removed is 25 hit points.

optional DIL
All restrict DIL functions have a default set of acts. If you want to make your own set of acts you have to create your own DIL that does nothing more than act. If you don't understand how this works. You may want to look in the DIL manual about passing DIL functions as arguments.

Now we should get back to the first argument and function name since they are what control the restricts. The function name has been chosen so you can easily tell what the restrict was created for while the first argument changes depending on which restrict you use. The following are what each function restricts name is and what the function name and first argument are.

Guild Restrict

This function restricts an object to players in a certain guild or guilds. Anyone not in the guild or guilds, will have the damage done as set in the 2nd and 3rd arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in function.zon.

	dilbegin guild_restrict

As the definition indicates the first argument is a stringlist. This means you can restrict this item to more than one guild. All guilds in the string list will be able to wear this object. If we wanted to make an item that only Paladins and sorcerers could wear it would look like this.

	dilcopy guild_restrict@function ({"Midgaard Paladin",
	                         "Midgaard Sorcerer"},0,25,"");
Anti-guild Restrict
This function restricts an object to players not in a certain guild or guilds. Anyone not in the guild or guilds listed, will have the damage done as set in the 2nd and 3rd arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in


	dilbegin anti_guild_restrict

As the definition indicates the first argument is a stringlist. This means you can restrict this item from more than one guild. All guilds in the string list will not be able to wear this object. If we wanted to make an item that only Paladins and sorcerers could not wear it would look like this.

	dilcopy anti_guild_restrict@function ({"Midgaard Paladin",
	                              "Midgaard Sorcerer"},0,25,"");
Quest Restrict
This function restricts an object to players who have done a certain quest. Any player who has not done the quest,

will have the damage done as set in the 2nd and 3rd arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in function.zon.

	dilbegin quest_restrict

As the definition indicates the first argument is a string. The quest restrict is only made to restrict the by one quest at a time. If you want the item to have multiple quests restrictions you just add another dilcopy to it. The following Would be an object restricted to one quest.

	dilcopy quest_restrict@function ("Eagles quest complete",0,25,"");
Quests Restrict
This function restricts an object to players who have a certain quest or quests. Anyone not having all quests in the list of quests, will have the damage done as set in the 2nd and 3rd arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in


	dilbegin quests_restrict

As the definition indicates the first argument is a stringlist. This means you can restrict this item to more than one quest. Players that have not done every quest will not be able to use the object. If we wanted to make an item that only players that have finished both the 'Eagles quest complete' and the 'Feather fall quest complete' could wear. It would look like this.

	dilcopy quests_restrict@function ({"Eagles quest complete",
	                          "Feather fall quest complete"},0,25,"");
Alignment Restrict
This function restricts an object to players with a certain alignment range.

Anyone not in the alignment range, will have the damage done as set in the 3nd and 4th arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory.

We said at the beginning of this section that all restricts have only 4 arguments. This was a bit of a lie since this restrict has five arguments. The reason we didn't count this one is because the first and second argument in the alignment restrict function are used together and thus are only really one argument. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in function.zon.

	dilbegin ali_restrict

As the definition indicates the first and second arguments are two integers. the first is the max alignment that can wear or use this object and the second is the minimum alignment. So if we wanted to restrict an item to only good players it would look like this.

	dilcopy ali_restrict@function (1000,350,0,25,"");
Level restrict
This function restricts an object to players above or equal to a certain level. Any player not at least the level or higher, will have the damage done as set in the 2nd and 3rd arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory. This restrict works in the old level system from one to fifty which means if the level restrict is set higher than fifty no player will be able to wear or use this object. This is good if you have objects that only your administrators should be able to use. If you want to restrict an object to greater than level fifty for players you need to use the 'vlevel' restrict. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in function.zon.
	dilbegin level_restrict

As the definition indicates the first argument is an integer. The integer for the level restrict can range from 1 to 255. Thus if we wanted to make an object that only administrator could wear or use it would look like this

	dilcopy level_restrict@function (51, 0,25,"");
Virtual Level Restrict
This function restricts an object to players above or equal to a certain level. Any player not at least the level or higher, will have the damage done as set in the 2nd and 3rd arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory. This restrict works in the new level system from one to infinity.

The following is the definition of the DIL as found in function.zon.

	dilbegin vlevel_restrict

As the definition indicates the first argument is an integer. The integer for the level restrict can range from 1 to infinite. Thus if we wanted to make an object that only players that have reached the level of 5000 could wear or use, it would look like this.

	dilcopy vlevel_restrict@function (5000, 0,25,"");
Race restrict
This function restricts an object from players of a certain race. Any player not of the selected race, will have the damage done as set in the 2nd and 3rd arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in function.zon.
	dilbegin race_restrict

As the definition indicates the first argument is an integer. The integer being passed in should be the race you want to restrict the object from. You can pass in the defines as listed in (Link to app-c) or if you have added races you will find the list of races in values.h. If we wanted to restrict an object from humans the following is what it would look like.

	dilcopy race_restrict@function (RACE_HUMAN,0,25,"");
Gender restrict
This function restricts an object to players of a certain gender. Anyone not of the gender, will have the damage done as set in the 2nd and 3rd arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in


	dilbegin sex_restrict

As the definition indicates the first argument is an integer. The integer you should pass in is one of the defines from vme.h. The gender defines are as follows.

	#define SEX_NEUTRAL   0
	#define SEX_MALE      1
	#define SEX_FEMALE    2

If we wanted to make an item that could only be worn by a female player, it would look like this.

	dilcopy sex_restrict (SEX_FEMALE,0,25,"");
Player restrict
This function restricts an object to players who have a specific name. Any player of the wrong name, will have the damage done as set in the 2nd and 3rd arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in


	dilbegin ply_restrict

As the definition indicates the first argument is a string. The quest restrict is only made to restrict the quest to one person at a time. While this DIL was designed to be put on when a player receives a quest item and thus was made to be dilcopied in a DIL you can still put it on when you first create the object if you are making special items for administrators or players that you know in advance. If you want more information about copying a DIL from with in another DIL you will have to read the DIL manual If however you want to restrict this to a single player at compile time of your zone it would look something like this.

	dilcopy ply_restrict@function ("Whistler",0,25,"");
Ability restrict
This function restricts an object from a player with less than a certain amount of a certain ability. Any player not having the correct amount of a certain ability, will have the damage done as set in the 3nd and 4th arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory.

We said at the beginning of this section that all restricts have only 4 arguments. This was a bit of a lie since this restrict has five arguments. The reason we didn't count this one is because the first and second argument in the ability restrict function are used together and thus are only really one argument. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in function.zon.

	dilbegin abi_restrict

As the definition indicates the first and second arguments are two integers. the first is the ability type and the second is the amount of that ability the player needs to have or greater to wear or use the item. the ability types can be found in vme.h and are listed here for convenience.

	#define ABIL_MAG               0
	#define ABIL_DIV               1
	#define ABIL_STR               2
	#define ABIL_DEX               3
	#define ABIL_CON               4
	#define ABIL_CHA               5
	#define ABIL_BRA               6
	#define ABIL_HP                7

If you wanted to restrict an object to people having more than 50% strength it would look like this:

	dilcopy abi_restrict@function (ABIL_STR,50,0,25,"");

If you want to restrict an object to more than one ability you only need to add another restrict to the item. For example if you wanted to restrict it to people having greater than or equal to 50% divine and 30% brain. The item would have these two lines.

	dilcopy abi_restrict@function (ABIL_DIV,50,0,25,"");
	dilcopy abi_restrict@function (ABIL_BRA,30,0,25,"");
Skill restrict
This function restricts an object from a player with less than a certain amount of a certain skill. Any player not having the correct amount of a certain skill, will have the damage done as set in the 3nd and 4th arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory.

We said at the beginning of this section that all restricts have only 4 arguments. This was a bit of a lie since this restrict has five arguments. The reason we didn't count this one is because the first and second argument in the skill restrict function are used together and thus are only really one argument. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in function.zon.

	dilbegin ski_restrict

As the definition indicates the first and second arguments are two integers. the first is the skill and the second is the amount of that skill the player needs to have or greater to wear or use the item. the skills can be found in (Link to app-g) and values.h. We have also included the first five skills here for convenience in explaining how the function works.

	#define SKI_TURN_UNDEAD        0
	#define SKI_SCROLL_USE         1
	#define SKI_WAND_USE           2
	#define SKI_CONSIDER           3
	#define SKI_DIAGNOSTICS        4

If you wanted to restrict an object to people having more than 50% 'turn undead' it would look like this:

	dilcopy ski_restrict@function (ASKI_TURN_UNDEAD,50,0,25,"");

If you want to restrict an object to more than one skill you only need to add another restrict to the item. For example if you wanted to restrict it to people having greater than or equal to 50% in 'turn undead' and 30% in 'scroll use'. The item would have these two lines.

	dilcopy ski_restrict@function (SKI_TURN_UNDEAD,50,0,25,"");
	dilcopy ski_restrict@function (SKI_SCROLL_USE,30,0,25,"");
Spell restrict
This function restricts an object from a player with less than a certain amount of a certain spell. Any player not having the correct amount of a certain spell, will have the damage done as set in the 3nd and 4th arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory.

We said at the beginning of this section that all restricts have only 4 arguments. This was a bit of a lie since this restrict has five arguments. The reason we didn't count this one is because the first and second argument in the spell restrict function are used together and thus are only really one argument. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in function.zon.

	dilbegin sp_restrict

As the definition indicates the first and second arguments are two integers. the first is the spell and the second is the amount of that spell the player needs to have or greater to wear or use the item. the spells can be found in (Link to app-h) and values.h. We have also included the first five spells here for convenience in explaining how the function works.

	#define SPL_LOCK              52
	#define SPL_UNLOCK            53
	#define SPL_DROWSE            54
	#define SPL_SLOW              55
	#define SPL_DUST_DEVIL        56

If you wanted to restrict an object to people having more than 50% 'lock' spell, it would look like this:

	dilcopy sp_restrict@function (ASPL_LOCK,50,0,25,"");

If you want to restrict an object to more than one spell you only need to add another restrict to the item. For example if you wanted to restrict it to people having greater than or equal to 50% in 'lock' and 30% in 'unlock' spells. The item would have these two lines.

	dilcopy sp_restrict@function (SPL_LOCK,50,0,25,"");
	dilcopy SPL_restrict@function (SPL_LOCK,30,0,25,"");
Weapon restrict
This function restricts an object from a player with less than a certain amount of a certain weapon. Any player not having the correct amount of a certain weapon, will have the damage done as set in the 3nd and 4th arguments unless none is set. Even if no damage is set the object will be removed off of the players equipment and placed in their inventory.

We said at the beginning of this section that all restricts have only 4 arguments. This was a bit of a lie since this restrict has five arguments. The reason we didn't count this one is because the first and second argument in the weapon restrict function are used together and thus are only really one argument. The following is the definition of the DIL as found in function.zon.

	dilbegin weap_restrict

As the definition indicates the first and second arguments are two integers. the first is the weapon and the second is the amount of that weapon the player needs to have or greater to wear or use the item. the weapons can be found in (Link to app-d) and values.h. We have also included the first five weapons here for convenience in explaining how the function works.

	#define WPN_BATTLE_AXE    7  /* Two Handed */
	#define WPN_HAND_AXE      8
	#define WPN_WAR_MATTOCK   9  /* Two Handed */
	#define WPN_WAR_HAMMER   10
	#define WPN_GREAT_SWORD  11  /* Two Handed */

If you wanted to restrict an object to people having more than 50% 'battle axe', it would look like this:

	dilcopy weap_restrict@function (WPN_BATTLE_AXE,50,0,25,"");

If you want to restrict an object to more than one weapon you only need to add another restrict to the item. For example if you wanted to restrict it to people having greater than or equal to 50% in 'hand axe' and 30% in 'battle axe' spells. The item would have these two lines.

	dilcopy weap_restrict@function (WPN_HAND_AXE,50,0,25,"");
	dilcopy weap_restrict@function (WPN_BATTLE_AXE,30,0,25,"");

Tuborg function

What game would be complete with out the Denmark water! With that in mind the VME 2.0 has a tuborg function that makes a drink give endurance and health when drank. The function is defined in function.zon as follows:

	dilbegin tuborg (s:string);

As the definition indicates the tuborg function only has one argument. The real surprise is that the argument is not used yet in the DIL so no matter what you set it to it doesn't matter. In the future this argument is going to allow different kinds of tuborgs to be made but for now its just a place holder and all that is needed is a set of double quotes.

To create a tuborg you just add the following line to your drink container.

	dilcopy tuborg@function ("");

Message board

Every game needs a way for Administrators and players to exchange ideas. The message boards have been designed for this purpose. The boards function can be easy to use or more difficult depending on what all you want them to do. The board function is defined in boards.zon as follows.

	dilbegin board

This looks pretty hard I know but to make a normal board we have made it as simple as possible while allowing for the boards to be used in almost any situation. After you make your first board it is pretty much block and copy and change the first argument. The arguments are as follows:

The first argument is the board index filename. It tells the board DIL what name to store the board under so if you create more boards with the same name they will all be pointing to the same messages. You can put any legal symbolic name in this string and it will work with no problems.
the second argument is a DIL you pass in that does any checks to see if the player looking at the board is allowed to. This requires some knowledge in DIL but we have given some example DIL functions in the


	//used to restrict players access to a board
	dilbegin string admin_res (u:unitptr,v:unitptr);
//used to restrict non-admin from removing posts
dilbegin string rem_res (u:unitptr, v:unitptr);

So with the 'admin_res' you could do something like this:

	dilcopy board@boards ("wizbrd","admin_res@boards"...);

Putting the 'admin_res' function in the second argument would make it so only administrators could look at the board. If you put an empty string or two double quotes as the argument it will let anyone look at the board.

the third argument is a DIL you pass in that does any checks to see if the player trying to remove a post at the board is allowed to. This requires some knowledge in DIL but we have given some example DIL functions in the


	//used to restrict players access to a board
	dilbegin string admin_res (u:unitptr,v:unitptr);
//used to restrict non-admin from removing posts
dilbegin string rem_res (u:unitptr, v:unitptr);

So with the 'rem_res' you could do something like this:

	dilcopy board@boards ("citizen","","rem_res@boards",...);

With the 'rem_res' in the third argument only administrators can now remove from this board but anyone can look at it because of the empty string in the second argument. Putting an empty string in the third argument will make it so anyone can remove from this board.

the forth argument is a DIL you pass in that does any checks to see if the player trying to post at the board is allowed to. This requires some knowledge in DIL but we have given some example DIL functions in the


	//used to restrict players access to a board
	dilbegin string admin_res (u:unitptr,v:unitptr);
//used to restrict non-admin from removing posts
dilbegin string rem_res (u:unitptr, v:unitptr);

As you can see we haven't made a post restriction DIL because as of yet we haven't found a need for one. If you have a need for one just look over the two restrict DIL functions we have already mentioned and you will find it is really easy to make. We want to allow anyone to post so our dilcopy looks like this:

	dilcopy board@boards ("citizen","","rem_res@boards","",...);

With the 'rem_res' in the third argument only administrators can now remove from this board but anyone can post to it because of the empty string in the forth argument. The empty string again in the second argument also allows everyone to look at the board.

The fifth argument is simply the amount of posts that you want to allow to be posted before the board is full.

To make a free for all board where everyone can post, remove posts, look at what posts are on the board, and have a max of 50 posts it would simply be as follows:

	dilcopy board@boards("citizen","","","",50);

When making a board for players to post concerns to the administrators and only have the administrators be able to remove them, wile still allowing everyone to read them it would look like this.

	dilcopy board@boards("citizen","","rem_res@boards","",100);
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