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Module 1: Basic Data Structures

Module Description

This module contains seven assignments aimed at practicing Python's basic data structures.

Assignment 0: Practical Exercises on "Basic Data Structures"

  • Solution
  • Description: This assignment consists of five tasks:
    1. Word Length: Write an arbitrary string into the variable a. Then, calculate the length of the string and display the result.
    2. Sums and Differences: Write two integers into the variables first and second. Calculate their sum and difference, store them in the variables summa and diff respectively, and display these values.
    3. Arithmetic Mean: Write three numbers into the variables first, second, and third. Calculate their arithmetic mean and store it in the variable mean. Display the value of mean.
    4. Simple Strings: Create two variables first_string and second_string with the strings "Tuesday" and "Monday". Display the strings so that "Monday" comes before "Tuesday" with a comma and a space between them ("Monday, Tuesday").
    5. Complex Formula: Write three numbers into the variables a, b, and c. Create a variable f to store the result of the expression (a * b) + (a * c). Raise the result to the third power and divide it by two. Display the final result.

Assignment 1: Practical Exercises on "Strings and String Indexing"

  • Solution
  • Description:
    1. Assign any string to the variable example.
    2. Display the first character of this string.
    3. Display the last character of this string using a negative index.
    4. Display the second half of this string.
    5. Display this string in reverse order.
    6. Display every second character of this string.

Assignment 2: Practical Exercises on "Variables in PyCharm"

  • Solution
  • Description:
    1. Create variables to store the following data:
      • Number of completed assignments (value: 12)
      • Number of hours spent (value: 1.5)
      • Course name (value: 'Python')
      • Time per assignment (calculate using the first two variables)
    2. Display the following string using these variables: "Course: Python, total tasks: 12, hours spent: 1.5, average time per task: 0.125 hours."

Assignment 3: Practical Exercises on "Dynamic Typing"

  • Solution
  • Description:
    1. Create a variable name and assign it a string value.
    2. Display the value of name.
    3. Create a variable age and assign it an integer value.
    4. Display the value of age.
    5. Add a new value to age and display the updated value.
    6. Create a variable is_student and assign it a boolean value.
    7. Display the value of is_student.

Assignment 4: Practical Exercises on "Program Organization and String Methods"

  • Solution
  • Description:
    1. Organize a program:
      • Create a variable my_string and assign it a string value using input().
      • Display the number of characters in the input string.
    2. Using string methods, perform the following actions:
      • Display my_string in uppercase.
      • Display my_string in lowercase.
      • Remove all spaces from my_string.
      • Display the first character of my_string.
      • Display the last character of my_string.

Assignment 5: Practical Exercises on "Immutable and Mutable Objects, Tuples and Lists"

  • Solution

  • Description:

    1. Define Variables of Different Data Types:
      • Create a variable immutable_var and assign it a tuple with several elements of different data types.
      • Display the tuple immutable_var.
    2. Change Variable Values:
      • Attempt to modify the elements of the tuple immutable_var. Explain why tuple elements cannot be modified.
    3. Create Mutable Data Structures:
      • Create a variable mutable_list and assign it a list with several elements.
      • Modify the elements of the list mutable_list.
      • Display the modified list mutable_list.

    Additional Tasks

    5.1 Task: Modifying Nested Lists

    • Solution
    • Description: Write a function that takes a list of lists of numbers and multiplies each element by 2. Show how this function works with mutable objects.

    5.2 Task: Copying Mutable Objects

    • Solution
    • Description: Write a function that takes a list and returns a deep copy of it, where all nested lists are also copied.

    5.3 Task: Reversing Words in a Sentence

    • Solution
    • Description: Write a function that takes a sentence and returns a new sentence where each word is reversed, but the order of words is preserved.

    5.4 Task: Character Frequency

    • Solution
    • Description: Write a function that takes a string and returns a dictionary where the keys are the characters in the string, and the values are their frequencies.

    5.5 Task: Anagram Check

    • Solution
    • Description: Write a function that takes two strings and checks if they are anagrams (contain the same characters in different orders).

    5.6 Task: Sorting a List of Tuples

    • Solution
    • Description: Write a function that takes a list of tuples, where each tuple contains two numbers, and returns the list sorted by the second number in each tuple.

Assignment 6: Practical Exercises on "Dictionaries and Sets"

  • Solution
  • Description:
    1. Working with Dictionaries:
      • Create a variable my_dict and assign it a dictionary with several key-value pairs (e.g., Name (str) - Birth Year (int)).
      • Display the dictionary my_dict.
      • Display one value for an existing key and one for a non-existing key without causing an error.
      • Add two more arbitrary key-value pairs to the dictionary my_dict.
      • Remove one pair by an existing key from the dictionary my_dict and display the value.
      • Display the dictionary my_dict.
    2. Working with Sets:
      • Create a variable my_set and assign it a set containing different data types with duplicate values.
      • Display the set my_set (should show only unique values).
      • Add two arbitrary elements to the set my_set that are not already in it.
      • Remove one element from the set my_set.
      • Display the modified set my_set.

Additional Assignment: Practical Exercise on "Basic Data Structures"

  • Solution
  • Description: Task "Average Grade": Solve a real-life problem where school teachers are tired of manually calculating the average grade of each student, so you need to automate this process:
    • Input Data:

      1. A list: grades = [[5, 3, 3, 5, 4], [2, 2, 2, 3], [4, 5, 5, 2], [4, 4, 3], [5, 5, 5, 4, 5]]
      2. A set: students = {'Johnny', 'Bilbo', 'Steve', 'Khendrik', 'Aaron'}
      • The grades list contains lists of grades for each student in alphabetical order. For example: 'Aaron' - [5, 3, 3, 5, 4]
      • The students set contains an unordered sequence of names of all students in the class.
    • Task: Write a program that creates a dictionary using grades and students, where the key will be the student's name and the value will be their average grade.