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Open-cluster-management(OCM) with minikube

NOTE: Currently published OCM OLM bundles are outdated, hence install is via sources

The write-up is presented as a series of commands that need to be executed. This includes a series of kubectl config use-context <cluster-name> which assumes commands following the same are not changing the context and are retained till the next context change.

There are 3 diffs present with this document, which need to be applied to the repositories as follows,

  • registration-operator.diff to [email protected]:open-cluster-management/registration-operator
  • multicloud-operators-subscription.diff to [email protected]:open-cluster-management/multicloud-operators-subscription.git
  • application-samples.diff to [email protected]:open-cluster-management/application-samples.git


  1. Use kvm2 as the minikube driver for the setup

    NOTE: docker driver was found not to work correctly for this setup!


  1. minikube cluster with profile hub serves as the OCM hub
  2. minikube cluster on the same node with profile cluster1 serves as one of the managed clusters
  3. TODO: Add hub as another managed cluster

Hub install


NOTE: Hub needs more CPUs (or at least till we can reduce all replica sets to a single replica)

minikube start --profile=hub --cpus=4

NOTE: Need to recheck if the install of CRD is still required

kubectl apply -f

git clone [email protected]:open-cluster-management/registration-operator.git

cd ./registration-operator

git checkout release-2.3

git apply ../ocm-minikube/registration-operator.diff

make deploy-hub

Pods at the end of hub deployment:
olm                           catalog-operator-54bbdffc6b-k22xq                          1/1     Running   0          2m8s
olm                           olm-operator-6bfbd74fb8-ltz5g                              1/1     Running   0          2m8s
olm                           operatorhubio-catalog-v4n9g                                1/1     Running   0          119s
olm                           packageserver-594555d95d-mpsnv                             1/1     Running   0          118s
olm                           packageserver-594555d95d-t9znd                             1/1     Running   0          118s
open-cluster-management-hub   cluster-manager-registration-controller-566b5cd967-9dwbg   1/1     Running   0          57s
open-cluster-management-hub   cluster-manager-registration-controller-566b5cd967-jzqgk   1/1     Running   0          57s
open-cluster-management-hub   cluster-manager-registration-controller-566b5cd967-pm6tp   1/1     Running   0          57s
open-cluster-management-hub   cluster-manager-registration-webhook-5649df75cf-26l8d      1/1     Running   0          57s
open-cluster-management-hub   cluster-manager-registration-webhook-5649df75cf-lp4w7      1/1     Running   0          57s
open-cluster-management-hub   cluster-manager-registration-webhook-5649df75cf-r8k55      1/1     Running   0          57s
open-cluster-management-hub   cluster-manager-work-webhook-776d978d64-2rxw2              1/1     Running   0          57s
open-cluster-management-hub   cluster-manager-work-webhook-776d978d64-hxr8w              1/1     Running   0          57s
open-cluster-management-hub   cluster-manager-work-webhook-776d978d64-jkxz4              1/1     Running   0          57s
open-cluster-management       cluster-manager-5446b78b75-5r4sm                           1/1     Running   0          84s
open-cluster-management       cluster-manager-5446b78b75-9l5tz                           1/1     Running   0          84s
open-cluster-management       cluster-manager-5446b78b75-bwdbs                           1/1     Running   0          84s
open-cluster-management       cluster-manager-registry-server-84fbf889b4-npr2w           1/1     Running   0          102s

Managed Cluster install

NOTE: Repeat the steps to add another managed cluster including the hub itself

Deploy managed cluster components


minikube start --profile=cluster1

kubectl config use-context cluster1

export MANAGED_CLUSTER=cluster1

kubectl config view --flatten --context=hub --minify > /tmp/hub-config

export HUB_KUBECONFIG=/tmp/hub-config

make deploy-spoke

NOTE: Wait for deployments to appear

Sample output:
$ kubectl get deployments -n open-cluster-management
NAME                         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
klusterlet                   3/3     3            3           80m
klusterlet-registry-server   1/1     1            1           81m

$ kubectl get deployments -n open-cluster-management-agent
NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
klusterlet-registration-agent   3/3     3            3           80m
klusterlet-work-agent           3/3     3            3           80m

Complete managed cluster registration on hub


kubectl config use-context hub

kubectl get csr

Sample output:
NAME             AGE    SIGNERNAME                                    REQUESTOR         CONDITION
cluster1-2bcsp   102s           minikube-user     Pending
csr-wwvpf        34m   system:node:hub   Approved,Issued

kubectl certificate approve cluster1-2bcsp

kubectl get csr

Sample output:
NAME             AGE    SIGNERNAME                                    REQUESTOR         CONDITION
cluster1-2bcsp   2m2s           minikube-user     Approved,Issued
csr-wwvpf        35m   system:node:hub   Approved,Issued

kubectl get managedcluster

Sample output:
cluster1   false          https://localhost                           3m15s

kubectl patch managedcluster cluster1 -p='{"spec":{"hubAcceptsClient":true}}' --type=merge

kubectl get managedcluster

Sample output:
cluster1   true           https://localhost      True     True        3m54s



kubectl config use-context hub

NOTE: Edit kustomize to change namespace to $KIND_CLUSTER

sed -e "s,KIND_CLUSTER,$KIND_CLUSTER," -i ../ocm-minikube/examples/kustomization.yaml

kubectl apply -k ../ocm-minikube/examples/

kubectl get pods --context=cluster1

Once pod is visible and test is succesful

kubectl delete -k ../ocm-minikube/examples/

  • Tidy up!

sed -e "s,$KIND_CLUSTER,KIND_CLUSTER," -i ../ocm-minikube/examples/kustomization.yaml

Sample output:
hello   1/1     Running   0          23s

Application management install

Hub subscription operator


git clone [email protected]:open-cluster-management/multicloud-operators-subscription.git

cd multicloud-operators-subscription

git apply ../ocm-minikube/multicloud-operators-subscription.diff

kubectl config use-context hub

USE_VENDORIZED_BUILD_HARNESS=faked make deploy-community-hub

NOTE: Faked USE_VENDORIZED_BUILD_HARNESS, does not impact the make target in use above

NOTE: Wait for deployments to appear

Sample output:
kubectl get deployments -n multicluster-operators
NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
multicluster-operators-application    1/1     1            1           47s
multicluster-operators-subscription   1/1     1            1           47s

ManagedCluster subscription operator for the HUB

NOTE: This assumes hub is already added as a ManagedCluster following this section, replacing cluster1 with hub

kubectl config use-context hub

Check if hub is available as a ManagedCluster,

kubectl get managedcluster hub

IMPORTANT: Label the hub ManagedCluster as local, in the example below the hub MC was named hub replace as required based on the name hub was added as a MC - export MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME=hub - kubectl patch managedcluster ${MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME} -p='{"metadata":{"labels":{"local-cluster":"true"}}}' --type=merge

cd ../multicloud-operators-subscription

export HUB_KUBECONFIG=/tmp/hub-config

cp -f ${HUB_KUBECONFIG} /tmp/kubeconfig

kubectl -n multicluster-operators create secret generic appmgr-hub-kubeconfig --from-file=kubeconfig=/tmp/kubeconfig

mkdir -p munge-manifests

cp deploy/managed/operator.yaml munge-manifests/operator.yaml

sed -i 's/<managed cluster name>/'"$MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME"'/g' munge-manifests/operator.yaml

sed -i 's/<managed cluster namespace>/'"$MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME"'/g' munge-manifests/operator.yaml

sed -i '0,/name: multicluster-operators-subscription/{s/name: multicluster-operators-subscription/name: multicluster-operators-subscription-mc/}' munge-manifests/operator.yaml

kubectl apply -f munge-manifests/operator.yaml

NOTE: Wait for deployments to appear

Sample output:
kubectl get deployments -n multicluster-operators
NAME                                     READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
multicluster-operators-application       1/1     1            1           3h42m
multicluster-operators-subscription      1/1     1            1           3h42m
multicluster-operators-subscription-mc   1/1     1            1           20s

ManagedCluster subscription operator

NOTE: If adding the hub as one of the managed clusters, see above instructions instead of following this section!

export HUB_KUBECONFIG=/tmp/hub-config

kubectl config use-context cluster1

export MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME=cluster1

USE_VENDORIZED_BUILD_HARNESS=faked make deploy-community-managed

NOTE: Faked USE_VENDORIZED_BUILD_HARNESS, does not impact the make target in use above

NOTE: Wait for deployments to appear

Sample output:
kubectl get deployments -n multicluster-operators
NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
multicluster-operators-subscription   1/1     1            1           17s


kubectl config use-context hub

kubectl apply -f examples/helmrepo-hub-channel

NOTE: When adding a second MC, there were initial MC namespace not found errors in the hub deployment multicluster-operators/multicluster-operators-application logs. Restarting the deployment fixed the issue (which was done to increase log verbosity, but fixed the issue instead)

Sample output:
kubectl get pods --context=cluster1
NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello                                                  1/1     Running   0          25m
nginx-ingress-1619c-controller-5959b6b4c4-fd856        1/1     Running   0          6m52s
nginx-ingress-1619c-default-backend-84f598dd65-jxmkd   1/1     Running   0          6m52s

Application samples test

Label the managed cluster cluster1 as usage=test

kubectl patch managedcluster cluster1 -p='{"metadata":{"labels":{"usage":"test"}}}' --type=merge

git clone [email protected]:open-cluster-management/application-samples.git

cd application-samples

git apply ../ocm-minikube/application-samples.diff

kubectl apply -k subscriptions/channel

kubectl apply -k subscriptions/book-import

One error was noted and application CR is not created, but example still works:

kubectl apply -f subscriptions/book-import/application.yaml 
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "subscriptions/book-import/application.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://multicluster-operators-application-svc.multicluster-operators.svc:443/app-validate?timeout=10s": dial tcp connect: connection refused
Sample output:
$ kubectl get pods --context=cluster1 -n book-import
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
book-import-849fc8cb8-7697x   1/1     Running   0          58m