Block data is the detailed information about a block, referred to in Minecraft as BlockStates, allowing for the manipulation of different aspects of the block, including shape, waterlogging, direction the block is facing, and so much more. Information regarding each block's optional data can be found on Minecraft's Wiki. Find the block you're looking for and scroll down to 'Block States'. Different states must be separated by a semicolon (see examples). The 'minecraft:' namespace is optional, as well as are underscores.
set block at player to campfire[lit=false] set target block of player to oak stairs[facing=north;waterlogged=true] set block at player to grass_block[snowy=true] set loop-block to minecraft:chest[facing=north] set block above player to oak_log[axis=y] set target block of player to minecraft:oak_leaves[distance=2;persistent=false]
lmb, number key, mmb, rmb, drop item, drop key, window border using left mouse button, unknown, window border using right mouse, shift+rmb, unsupported, shift+lmb, ctrl+q, swap shield, left mouse button, left mouse with shift, left mouse, 0-9, double click, double click using mouse, border using rmb, right mouse button, right mouse button with shift, border using lmb, middle mouse, drop key with control, window border using right mouse button, swap offhand, custom, q, right mouse with shift, middle mouse button, drop stack, left mouse button with shift, right mouse, creative action
2.2-dev16b, 2.2-dev35 (renamed to click type)
Click type, mostly for inventory events. Tells exactly which keys/buttons player pressed, assuming that default keybindings are used in client side.
color of the sheep is red or black set the color of the block to green message "You're holding a <%color of tool%>%color of tool%<reset> wool block"
command /push [<player>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if command sender is console: send "You can't push yourself as a console :\" to sender stop push sender upwards with force 2 send "Yay!" else: push arg-1 upwards with force 2 send "Yay!" to sender and arg-1
sweep attack, thorns, the void, magma, a lightning, drowning, dragonfire, an attack, drown, an entity attack, melt, freeze, falling block, contact, fire, an entity explosion, lightning, a fall, entity explosion, void, a lightning strike, suffocation, suicide, wither effect, a plugin, lightning strike, entity attack, a potion, a wither, sweeping, melting, a falling block, unknown, starvation, lava, fall, hot floor, attack, a block explosion, dryout, burn, hitting wall while flying, potion, world border, flying into a wall, cramming, poison, sonic boom, suffocate, custom, kill, killed, a fire, burning, a projectile, plugin, wither potion effect, block explosion, projectile, wither, dragon's breath
The cause/type of a damage event, e.g. lava, fall, fire, drowning, explosion, poison, etc. Please note that support for this type is very rudimentary, e.g. lava, fire and burning, as well as projectile and attack are considered different types.
A direction, e.g. north, east, behind, 5 south east, 1.3 meters to the right, etc. Locations and some blocks also have a direction, but without a length. Please note that directions have changed extensively in the betas and might not work perfectly. They can also not be used as command arguments.
set the block below the victim to a chest loop blocks from the block infront of the player to the block 10 below the player: set the block behind the loop-block to water
An entity is something in a world that's not a block, e.g. a player, a skeleton, or a zombie, but also projectiles like arrows, fireballs or thrown potions, or special entities like dropped items, falling blocks or paintings.
entity is a zombie or creeper player is an op projectile is an arrow shoot a fireball from the player
An entity type with an amount, e.g. '2 zombies'. I might remove this type in the future and make a more general 'type' type, i.e. a type that has a number and a type.
Experience points. Please note that Bukkit only allows to give XP, but not remove XP from players. You can however change a player's level and level progress freely.
A configuration of effects that defines the firework when exploded which can be used in the launch firework effect. See the firework effect expression for detailed patterns.
launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1
An inventory of a player or block. Inventories have many effects and conditions regarding the items contained. An inventory has a fixed amount of slots which represent a specific place in the inventory, e.g. the helmet slot for players (Please note that slot support is still very limited but will be improved eventually).
drop stack from slot, swap items with hotbar, swap cursor stack, pickup single item, pickup some, drop all from cursor, move to other inventory, drop cursor stack, pickup all, swap with hotbar, nothing, drop all from slot, swap cursor, drop cursor, pickup all items, drop slot item, place all, drop cursor item, drop slot stack, drop single item from slot, swap with cursor, place some, pickup one item, drop single item from cursor, collect items to cursor, unknown, clone stack, drop stack from cursor, drop one item from slot, drop one item from cursor, unsupported, do nothing, drop one from cursor, pickup half, drop items from slot, swap stack with cursor, place all items, collect to cursor, pickup some items, drop slot, drop items from cursor, hotbar move and readd, shift move, custom, pickup single, place one item, hotbar swap items, drop one from slot, place some items, place one, pickup half stack, instant move, hotbar swap
What player just did in inventory event. Note that when in creative game mode, most actions do not work correctly.
barrel inventory, a loom inventory, a blast furnace inventory, workbench inventory, ender chest inventory, loom inventory, a workbench inventory, hopper inventory, a merchant inventory, a hopper inventory, chiseled bookshelf, an ender chest inventory, new smithing table, bookshelf, a jukebox, beacon inventory, shulker box inventory, a barrel inventory, a shulker box inventory, lectern inventory, chest inventory, a villager inventory, a smoker inventory, a brewing stand inventory, a smithing inventory, grindstone inventory, a crafter inventory, a crafting table inventory, a player inventory, decorated pot, furnace inventory, a creative inventory, blast furnace inventory, upgrade gear, a composter inventory, an enchanting table inventory, jukebox, a dropper inventory, a cartography table inventory, a upgrade gear, smoker inventory, composter inventory, a chest inventory, upgrade gear table, a upgrade gear table, dispenser inventory, player inventory, stonecutter inventory, a stonecutter inventory, a decorated pot, a lectern inventory, merchant inventory, cartography table inventory, a chiseled bookshelf, a new smithing table, a furnace inventory, anvil inventory, a dispenser inventory, a grindstone inventory, smithing inventory, dropper inventory, brewing stand inventory, villager inventory, enchanting table inventory, a beacon inventory, a bookshelf, crafter inventory, creative inventory, crafting table inventory, an anvil inventory
Minecraft has several different inventory types with their own use cases.
[<number> [of]] <alias> [of <enchantment> <level>], Where <alias> must be an alias that represents exactly one item (i.e cannot be a general alias like 'sword' or 'plant')
An item, e.g. a stack of torches, a furnace, or a wooden sword of sharpness 2. Unlike item type an item can only represent exactly one item (e.g. an upside-down cobblestone stair facing west), while an item type can represent a whole range of items (e.g. any cobble stone stairs regardless of direction). You don't usually need this type except when you want to make a command that only accepts an exact item. Please note that currently 'material' is exactly the same as 'item', i.e. can have an amount & enchantments.
set {_item} to type of the targeted block {_item} is a torch
An item type is an alias, e.g. 'a pickaxe', 'all plants', etc., and can result in different items when added to an inventory, and unlike items they are well suited for checking whether an inventory contains a certain item or whether a certain item is of a certain type. An item type can also have one or more enchantments with or without a specific level defined, and can optionally start with 'all' or 'every' to make this item type represent all types that the alias represents, including data ranges.
give 4 torches to the player add all slabs to the inventory of the block player's tool is a diamond sword of sharpness remove a pickaxes of fortune 4 from {stored items::*} set {_item} to 10 of every upside-down stair block is dirt or farmland
A location in a world. Locations are world-specific and even store a direction, e.g. if you save a location and later teleport to it you will face the exact same direction you did when you saved the location.
<number> $ or $ <number>, where '$' is your server's currency, e.g. '10 rupees' or '£5.00'
Vault, an economy plugin that supports Vault
A certain amount of money. Please note that this differs from numbers as it includes a currency symbol or name, but usually the two are interchangeable, e.g. you can both add 100$ to the player's balance and add 100 to the player's balance.
add 10£ to the player's account remove Fr. 9.95 from the player's money set the victim's money to 0 increase the attacker's balance by the level of the victim * 100
[-]###[.###] (any amount of digits; very large numbers will be truncated though)
A number, e.g. 2.5, 3, or -9812454. Please note that many expressions only need integers, i.e. will discard any fractional parts of any numbers without producing an error.
set the player's health to 5.5 set {_temp} to 2*{_temp} - 2.5
Parsing an offline player as a player (online) will return nothing (none), for that case you would need to parse as offlineplayer which only returns nothing (none) if player doesn't exist in Minecraft databases (name not taken) otherwise it will return the player regardless of their online status.
2.0 beta 8
A player that is possibly offline. See player for more information. Please note that while all effects and conditions that require a player can be used with an offline player as well, they will not work if the player is not actually online.
set {_p} to "Notch" parsed as an offlineplayer # returns Notch even if they're offline
Parsing an offline player as a player (online) will return nothing (none), for that case you would need to parse as offlineplayer which only returns nothing (none) if player doesn't exist in Minecraft databases (name not taken) otherwise it will return the player regardless of their online status.
A player. Depending on whether a player is online or offline several actions can be performed with them, though you won't get any errors when using effects that only work if the player is online (e.g. changing their inventory) on an offline player. You have two possibilities to use players as command arguments: <player> and <offline player>. The first requires that the player is online and also accepts only part of the name, while the latter doesn't require that the player is online, but the player's name has to be entered exactly.
set {_p} to "Notch" parsed as a player # returns &lt;none&gt; unless Notch is actually online or starts with Notch like Notchan set {_p} to "N" parsed as a player # returns Notch if Notch is online because their name starts with 'N' (case insensitive) however, it would return nothing if no player whose name starts with 'N' is online.
A region of a regions plugin. Skript currently supports WorldGuard, Factions, GriefPrevention and PreciousStones. Please note that some regions plugins do not have named regions, some use numerical ids to identify regions, and some may have regions with the same name in different worlds, thus using regions like "region name" in scripts may or may not work.
Represents a single slot of an inventory. Notable slots are the armour slots and furnace slots. The most important property that distinguishes a slot from an item is its ability to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deleted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expressions can be changed as well, e.g. items stored in variables. For that matter: slots are never saved to variables, only the items they represent at the time when the variable is set). Please note that tool can be regarded a slot, but it can actually change it's position, i.e. doesn't represent always the same slot.
set tool of player to dirt delete helmet of the victim set the color of the player's tool to green enchant the player's chestplate with projectile protection 5
Text is simply text, i.e. a sequence of characters, which can optionally contain expressions which will be replaced with a meaningful representation (e.g. %player% will be replaced with the player's name). Because scripts are also text, you have to put text into double quotes to tell Skript which part of the line is an effect/expression and which part is the text. Please read the article on Texts and Variable Names to learn more.
broadcast "Hello World!" message "Hello %player%" message "The id of ""%type of tool%"" is %id of tool%."
A time is a point in a minecraft day's time (i.e. ranges from 0:00 to 23:59), which can vary per world. See date and timespan for the other time types of Skript.
A period of time between two times. Mostly useful since you can use this to test for whether it's day, night, dusk or dawn in a specific world. This type might be removed in the future as you can use 'time of world is between x and y' as a replacement.
A timespan is a difference of two different dates or times, e.g '10 minutes'. Timespans are always displayed as real life time, but can be defined as minecraft time, e.g. '5 minecraft days and 12 hours'. NOTE: Months always have the value of 30 days, and years of 365 days. See date and time for the other time types of Skript.
every 5 minecraft days: wait a minecraft second and 5 ticks every 10 mc days and 12 hours: halt for 12.7 irl minutes, 12 hours and 120.5 seconds
See the type name patterns of all types - including this one
Represents a type, e.g. number, object, item type, location, block, world, entity type, etc. This is mostly used for expressions like 'event-<type>', '<type>-argument', 'loop-<type>', etc., e.g. event-world, number-argument and loop-player.
{variable} is a number # check whether the variable contains a number, e.g. -1 or 5.5 {variable} is a type # check whether the variable contains a type, e.g. number or player {variable} is an object # will always succeed if the variable is set as everything is an object, even types. disable PvP in the event-world kill the loop-entity
One of the server's worlds. Worlds can be put into scripts by surrounding their name with double quotes, e.g. "world_nether", but this might not work reliably as text uses the same syntax.
Bwock data is the detaiwed infowmation about a bwock, wefewwed to in Minecwaft as BwockStates, awwowing fow the manipuwation of diffewent aspects of the bwock, incwuding shape, watewwogging, diwection the bwock is facing, and so much mowe. Infowmation wegawding each bwock's optionaw data can be found on Minecwaft's Wiki. Find the bwock you'we wooking fow and scwoww down to 'Bwock States'. Diffewent states must be sepawated by a semicowon (see exampwes). The 'minecwaft:' namespace is optionaw, as weww as awe undewscowes.
set bwock at pwayew to campfiwe[wit=fawse] set tawget bwock of pwayew to oak staiws[facing=nowth;watewwogged=twue] set bwock at pwayew to gwass_bwock[snowy=twue] set woop-bwock to minecwaft:chest[facing=nowth] set bwock above pwayew to oak_wog[axis=y] set tawget bwock of pwayew to minecwaft:oak_weaves[distance=2;pewsistent=fawse]
cowow of the sheep is wed ow bwack set the cowow of the bwock to gween message "You'we howding a &wt;%cowow of toow%&gt;%cowow of toow%&wt;weset&gt; woow bwock"
command /push [&amp;wt;pwayew&amp;gt;]: twiggew: if awg-1 is not set: if command sendew is consowe: send "You can't push youwsewf as a consowe :\" to sendew stop push sendew upwawds with fowce 2 send "Yay!" ewse: push awg-1 upwawds with fowce 2 send "Yay!" to sendew and awg-1
sweep attack, the void, magma, kiww, a bwock expwosion, an attack, wightning, an entity attack, a fawwing bwock, stawvation, contact, hot fwoow, dwyout, void, suffocation, a pwugin, cwamming, suicide, pwojectiwe, dwown, a pwojectiwe, buwning, entity attack, a potion, dwagon's bweath, hitting waww whiwe fwying, sweeping, a withew, a faww, wava, buwn, mewt, a fiwe, dwowning, fawwing bwock, kiwwed, fwying into a waww, unknown, attack, fweeze, pwugin, a wightning stwike, potion, bwock expwosion, poison, withew potion effect, sonic boom, a wightning, suffocate, custom, withew effect, entity expwosion, mewting, dwagonfiwe, faww, withew, an entity expwosion, wowwd bowdew, fiwe, wightning stwike, thowns
The cause/type of a damage event, e.g. wava, faww, fiwe, dwowning, expwosion, poison, etc. Pwease note dat suppowt fow dis type is vewy wudimentawy, e.g. wava, fiwe and buwning, as weww as pwojectiwe and attack awe considewed diffewent types.
A diwection, e.g. nowth, east, behind, 5 south east, 1.3 metews to the wight, etc. Locations and some bwocks awso have a diwection, but without a wength. Pwease note dat diwections have changed extensivewy in the betas and might not wowk pewfectwy. They can awso not be used as command awguments.
set the bwock bewow the victim to a chest woop bwocks fwom the bwock infwont of the pwayew to the bwock 10 bewow the pwayew: set the bwock behind the woop-bwock to watew
An entity is something in a wowwd dat's not a bwock, e.g. a pwayew, a skeweton, ow a zombie, but awso pwojectiwes wike awwows, fiwebawws ow thwown potions, ow speciaw entities wike dwopped items, fawwing bwocks ow paintings.
entity is a zombie ow cweepew pwayew is an op pwojectiwe is an awwow shoot a fiwebaww fwom the pwayew
An entity type with an amount, e.g. '2 zombies'. I might wemove dis type in the futuwe and make a mowe genewaw 'type' type, i.e. a type dat has a numbew and a type.
Expewience points. Pwease note dat Bukkit onwy awwows to give XP, but not wemove XP fwom pwayews. You can howevew change a pwayew's wevew and wevew pwogwess fweewy.
A configuwation of effects dat defines the fiwewowk when expwoded which can be used in the waunch fiwewowk effect. See the fiwewowk effect expwession fow detaiwed pattewns.
waunch fwickewing twaiwing buwst fiwewowk cowowed bwue and gween at pwayew waunch twaiwing fwickewing staw cowowed puwpwe, yewwow, bwue, gween and wed fading to pink at tawget entity waunch baww wawge cowowed wed, puwpwe and white fading to wight gween and bwack at pwayew's wocation with duwation 1
magic, peacefuw wegen, a magic wegen, a withew summoning, fed, sated, heawing potion, a withew effect, an end cwystaw, magic wegenewation, endew cwystaw, a magic wegenewation, unknown, consuming, a withew spawn, a heawing potion, withewing, peacefuw, withew potion, a withew spawning, pwugin, satiated, wegenewation potion, an endew cwystaw, withew summoning, potion, withewed, wegen potion, satisfied, ingesting, withew spawn, a pwugin, custom, eating, withew effect, a wegen potion, a wegenewation potion, end cwystaw, peacefuw wegenewation, withew, magic wegen, a potion, withew spawning
An inventowy of a pwayew ow bwock. Inventowies have many effects and conditions wegawding the items contained. An inventowy has a fixed amount of swots which wepwesent a specific pwace in the inventowy, e.g. the hewmet swot fow pwayews (Pwease note dat swot suppowt is stiww vewy wimited but wiww be impwoved eventuawwy).
woom inventowy, fuwnace inventowy, shuwkew box inventowy, a shuwkew box inventowy, cwaftew inventowy, a pwayew inventowy, cawtogwaphy tabwe inventowy, new smithing tabwe, a new smithing tabwe, dwoppew inventowy, a woom inventowy, bwast fuwnace inventowy, a smokew inventowy, a wectewn inventowy, a gwindstone inventowy, a smithing inventowy, smithing inventowy, a wowkbench inventowy, a cawtogwaphy tabwe inventowy, a jukebox, a compostew inventowy, a cweative inventowy, a bookshewf, chisewed bookshewf, stonecuttew inventowy, a chest inventowy, an endew chest inventowy, hoppew inventowy, a fuwnace inventowy, bwewing stand inventowy, a stonecuttew inventowy, upgwade geaw, compostew inventowy, smokew inventowy, beacon inventowy, a upgwade geaw tabwe, a dispensew inventowy, a mewchant inventowy, an anviw inventowy, endew chest inventowy, mewchant inventowy, jukebox, a hoppew inventowy, chest inventowy, cwafting tabwe inventowy, enchanting tabwe inventowy, a cwaftew inventowy, a cwafting tabwe inventowy, wectewn inventowy, anviw inventowy, a bwast fuwnace inventowy, a beacon inventowy, a dwoppew inventowy, wowkbench inventowy, an enchanting tabwe inventowy, a viwwagew inventowy, viwwagew inventowy, decowated pot, gwindstone inventowy, pwayew inventowy, a chisewed bookshewf, cweative inventowy, a bawwew inventowy, a upgwade geaw, dispensew inventowy, bookshewf, a bwewing stand inventowy, bawwew inventowy, a decowated pot, upgwade geaw tabwe
Minecwaft has sevewaw diffewent inventowy types with theiw own use cases.
[&wt;numbew> [of]] &wt;awias> [of &wt;enchantment> &wt;wevew>], Whewe &wt;awias> must be an awias dat wepwesents exactwy one item (i.e cannot be a genewaw awias wike 'swowd' ow 'pwant')
An item, e.g. a stack of towches, a fuwnace, ow a wooden swowd of shawpness 2. Unwike item type an item can onwy wepwesent exactwy one item (e.g. an upside-down cobbwestone staiw facing west), whiwe an item type can wepwesent a whowe wange of items (e.g. any cobbwe stone staiws wegawdwess of diwection). You don't usuawwy need dis type except when you want to make a command dat onwy accepts an exact item. Pwease note dat cuwwentwy 'matewiaw' is exactwy the same as 'item', i.e. can have an amount & enchantments.
set {_item} to type of the tawgeted bwock {_item} is a towch
An item type is an awias, e.g. 'a pickaxe', 'aww pwants', etc., and can wesuwt in diffewent items when added to an inventowy, and unwike items they awe weww suited fow checking whethew an inventowy contains a cewtain item ow whethew a cewtain item is of a cewtain type. An item type can awso have one ow mowe enchantments with ow without a specific wevew defined, and can optionawwy stawt with 'aww' ow 'evewy' to make dis item type wepwesent aww types dat the awias wepwesents, incwuding data wanges.
give 4 towches to the pwayew add aww swabs to the inventowy of the bwock pwayew's toow is a diamond swowd of shawpness wemove a pickaxes of fowtune 4 fwom {stowed items::*} set {_item} to 10 of evewy upside-down staiw bwock is diwt ow fawmwand
A wocation in a wowwd. Locations awe wowwd-specific and even stowe a diwection, e.g. if you save a wocation and watew tewepowt to it you wiww face the exact same diwection you did when you saved the wocation.
&wt;numbew> $ ow $ &wt;numbew>, whewe '$' is youw sewvew's cuwwency, e.g. '10 wupees' ow '£5.00'
Vauwt, an economy pwugin dat suppowts Vauwt
A cewtain amount of money. Pwease note dat dis diffews fwom numbews as it incwudes a cuwwency symbow ow name, but usuawwy the two awe intewchangeabwe, e.g. you can both add 100$ to the pwayew's bawance and add 100 to the pwayew's bawance.
add 10£ to the pwayew's account wemove Fw. 9.95 fwom the pwayew's money set the victim's money to 0 incwease the attackew's bawance by the wevew of the victim * 100
[-]###[.###] (any amount of digits; vewy wawge numbews wiww be twuncated though)
A numbew, e.g. 2.5, 3, ow -9812454. Pwease note dat many expwessions onwy need integews, i.e. wiww discawd any fwactionaw pawts of any numbews without pwoducing an ewwow.
set the pwayew's heawth to 5.5 set {_temp} to 2*{_temp} - 2.5
Pawsing an offwine pwayew as a pwayew (onwine) wiww wetuwn nothing (none), fow dat case you wouwd need to pawse as offwinepwayew which onwy wetuwns nothing (none) if pwayew doesn't exist in Minecwaft databases (name not taken) othewwise it wiww wetuwn the pwayew wegawdwess of theiw onwine status.
2.0 beta 8
A pwayew dat is possibwy offwine. See pwayew fow mowe infowmation. Pwease note dat whiwe aww effects and conditions dat wequiwe a pwayew can be used with an offwine pwayew as weww, they wiww not wowk if the pwayew is not actuawwy onwine.
set {_p} to "Notch" pawsed as an offwinepwayew # wetuwns Notch even if they'we offwine
Pawsing an offwine pwayew as a pwayew (onwine) wiww wetuwn nothing (none), fow dat case you wouwd need to pawse as offwinepwayew which onwy wetuwns nothing (none) if pwayew doesn't exist in Minecwaft databases (name not taken) othewwise it wiww wetuwn the pwayew wegawdwess of theiw onwine status.
A pwayew. Depending on whethew a pwayew is onwine ow offwine sevewaw actions can be pewfowmed with them, though you won't get any ewwows when using effects dat onwy wowk if the pwayew is onwine (e.g. changing theiw inventowy) on an offwine pwayew. You have two possibiwities to use pwayews as command awguments: &wt;pwayew> and &wt;offwine pwayew>. The fiwst wequiwes dat the pwayew is onwine and awso accepts onwy pawt of the name, whiwe the wattew doesn't wequiwe dat the pwayew is onwine, but the pwayew's name has to be entewed exactwy.
set {_p} to "Notch" pawsed as a pwayew # wetuwns &wt;none&gt; unwess Notch is actuawwy onwine ow stawts with Notch wike Notchan set {_p} to "N" pawsed as a pwayew # wetuwns Notch if Notch is onwine because theiw name stawts with 'N' (case insensitive) howevew, it wouwd wetuwn nothing if no pwayew whose name stawts with 'N' is onwine.
A wegion of a wegions pwugin. Skwipt cuwwentwy suppowts WowwdGuawd, Factions, GwiefPwevention and PweciousStones. Pwease note dat some wegions pwugins do not have named wegions, some use numewicaw ids to identify wegions, and some may have wegions with the same name in diffewent wowwds, thus using wegions wike "wegion name" in scwipts may ow may not wowk.
Repwesents a singwe swot of an inventowy. Notabwe swots awe the awmouw swots and fuwnace swots. The most impowtant pwopewty dat distinguishes a swot fwom an item is its abiwity to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deweted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expwessions can be changed as weww, e.g. items stowed in vawiabwes. Fow dat mattew: swots awe nevew saved to vawiabwes, onwy the items they wepwesent at the time when the vawiabwe is set). Pwease note dat toow can be wegawded a swot, but it can actuawwy change it's position, i.e. doesn't wepwesent awways the same swot.
set toow of pwayew to diwt dewete hewmet of the victim set the cowow of the pwayew's toow to gween enchant the pwayew's chestpwate with pwojectiwe pwotection 5
Text is simpwy text, i.e. a sequence of chawactews, which can optionawwy contain expwessions which wiww be wepwaced with a meaningfuw wepwesentation (e.g. %pwayew% wiww be wepwaced with the pwayew's name). Because scwipts awe awso text, you have to put text into doubwe quotes to teww Skwipt which pawt of the wine is an effect/expwession and which pawt is the text. Pwease wead the awticwe on Texts and Vawiabwe Names to weawn mowe.
bwoadcast "Hewwo Wowwd!" message "Hewwo %pwayew%" message "The id of ""%type of toow%"" is %id of toow%."
A time is a point in a minecwaft day's time (i.e. wanges fwom 0:00 to 23:59), which can vawy pew wowwd. See date and timespan fow the othew time types of Skwipt.
A pewiod of time between two times. Mostwy usefuw since you can use dis to test fow whethew it's day, night, dusk ow dawn in a specific wowwd. dis type might be wemoved in the futuwe as you can use 'time of wowwd is between x and y' as a wepwacement.
A timespan is a diffewence of two diffewent dates ow times, e.g '10 minutes'. Timespans awe awways dispwayed as weaw wife time, but can be defined as minecwaft time, e.g. '5 minecwaft days and 12 houws'. NOTE: Months awways have the vawue of 30 days, and yeaws of 365 days. See date and time fow the othew time types of Skwipt.
evewy 5 minecwaft days: wait a minecwaft second and 5 ticks evewy 10 mc days and 12 houws: hawt fow 12.7 iww minutes, 12 houws and 120.5 seconds
See the type name pattewns of aww types - incwuding dis one
Repwesents a type, e.g. numbew, object, item type, wocation, bwock, wowwd, entity type, etc. dis is mostwy used fow expwessions wike 'event-&wt;type>', '&wt;type>-awgument', 'woop-&wt;type>', etc., e.g. event-wowwd, numbew-awgument and woop-pwayew.
{vawiabwe} is a numbew # check whethew the vawiabwe contains a numbew, e.g. -1 ow 5.5 {vawiabwe} is a type # check whethew the vawiabwe contains a type, e.g. numbew ow pwayew {vawiabwe} is an object # wiww awways succeed if the vawiabwe is set as evewything is an object, even types. disabwe PvP in the event-wowwd kiww the woop-entity
One of the sewvew's wowwds. Wowwds can be put into scwipts by suwwounding theiw name with doubwe quotes, e.g. "wowwd_nethew", but dis might not wowk wewiabwy as text uses the same syntax.
Tests whether a player is allowed to build at a certain location. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.
command /setblock <material>: description: set the block at your crosshair to a different type trigger: player cannot build at the targeted block: message "You do not have permission to change blocks there!" stop set the targeted block to argument
A very general condition, it simply compares two values. Usually you can only compare for equality (e.g. block is/isn't of <type>), but some values can also be compared using greater than/less than. In that case you can also test for whether an object is between two others. Note: This is the only element where not all patterns are shown. It has actually another two sets of similar patters, but with (was|were) or will be instead of (is|are) respectively, which check different time states of the first expression.
the clicked block is a stone slab or a double stone slab time in the player's world is greater than 8:00 the creature is not an enderman or an ender dragon
Checks whether an inventory contains an item, a text contains another piece of text, or a list (e.g. {list variable::*} or 'drops') contains another object.
block contains 20 cobblestone player has 4 flint and 2 iron ingots {list::*} contains 5
[the] damage (was|is|has)[n('|o)t] [been] (caused|done|made) by %damage cause%
Tests what kind of damage caused a damage event. Refer to the Damage Cause type for a list of all possible causes.
# make players use their potions of fire resistance whenever they take any kind of fire damage on damage: damage was caused by lava, fire or burning victim is a player victim has a potion of fire resistance cancel event apply fire resistance to the victim for 30 seconds remove 1 potion of fire resistance from the victim # prevent mobs from dropping items under certain circumstances on death: entity is not a player damage wasn't caused by a block explosion, an attack, a projectile, a potion, fire, burning, thorns or poison clear drops
Checks whether living entities have an unobstructed line of sight to other entities or locations.
player has direct line of sight to location 5 blocks to the right of player victim has line of sight to attacker player has no line of sight to location 100 blocks in front of player
%players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]
Paper 1.9 or newer
Checks whether the given players have a server resource pack loaded. Please note that this can't detect player's own resource pack, only the resource pack that sent by the server.
Checks if a block is indirectly or directly powered by redstone
if clicked block is redstone powered: send "This block is well-powered by redstone!" if clicked block is indirectly redstone powered: send "This block is indirectly redstone powered."
off[ |-]hand[s] of %living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) raised
Checks whether an entity has one or both of their hands raised. Hands are raised when an entity is using an item (eg: blocking, drawing a bow, eating).
on damage of player: if victim's main hand is raised: drop player's tool at player set player's tool to air
Checks whether a player is a member or owner of a particular region. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.
on region enter: player is the owner of the region message "Welcome back to %region%!" send "%player% just entered %region%!" to all members of the region
Checks whether a block is passable. A block is passable if it has no colliding parts that would prevent players from moving through it. Blocks like tall grass, flowers, signs, etc. are passable, but open doors, fence gates, trap doors, etc. are not because they still have parts that can be collided with.
Check if a plugin is enabled/disabled on the server. Plugin names can be found in the plugin's 'plugin.yml' file or by using the '/plugins' command, they are NOT the name of the plugin's jar file. When checking if a plugin is not enabled, this will return true if the plugin is either disabled or not on the server. When checking if a plugin is disabled, this will return true if the plugin is on the server and is disabled.
if plugin "Vault" is enabled: if plugin "WorldGuard" is not enabled: if plugins "Essentials" and "Vault" are enabled: if plugin "MyBrokenPlugin" is disabled:
Checks whether an item is the preferred tool for a block. A preferred tool is one that will drop the block's item when used. For example, a wooden pickaxe is a preferred tool for grass and stone blocks, but not for iron ore.
on left click: event-block is set if player's tool is the preferred tool for event-block: break event-block naturally using player's tool else: cancel event
Tests whether a chunk is a so-called slime chunk. Slimes can generally spawn in the swamp biome and in slime chunks. For more info, see the Minecraft wiki.
command /slimey: trigger: if chunk at player is a slime chunk: send "Yeah, it is!" else: send "Nope, it isn't"
# prevent mobs from seeing sneaking players if they are at least 4 meters apart on target: target is sneaking distance of target and the entity is bigger than 4 cancel the event
Checks whether an item is transparent. Note that this condition may not work for all blocks, due to the transparency list used by Spigot not being completely accurate.
Whether a location is within something else. The "something" can be a block, an entity, a chunk, a world, or a cuboid formed by two other locations. Note that using the is between condition will refer to a straight line between locations, while this condition will refer to the cuboid between locations.
if player's location is within {_loc1} and {_loc2}: send "You are in a PvP zone!" to player
if player is in world("world"): send "You are in the overworld!" to player
if attacker's location is inside of victim: cancel event send "Back up!" to attacker and victim
Checks whether an item of an entity is of the given type. This is mostly useful for variables, as you can use the general 'is' condition otherwise (e.g. 'victim is a creeper').
tool is of type {selected type} victim is of type {villager type}
Checks if living entities or players are left or right-handed. Armor stands are neither right nor left-handed. Paper 1.17.1+ is required for non-player entities.
on damage of player: if victim is left handed: cancel event
Checks whether the defined strings match the input regexes (Regular expressions).
on chat: if message partially matches "\d": send "Message contains a digit!" if message doesn't match "[A-Za-z]+": send "Message doesn't only contain letters!"
on resource pack response: if the resource pack wasn't accepted: kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"
%date% (was|were)( more|(n't| not) less) than %time span% [ago]
%date% (was|were)((n't| not) more| less) than %time span% [ago]
Tests whether a given real time was more or less than some time span ago.
command /command-with-cooldown: trigger: {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} was less than a minute ago: message "Please wait a minute between uses of this command." stop set {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} to now # ... actual command trigger here ...
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+ Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-4c8b2e5
Tests whethew a pwayew is awwowed to buiwd at a cewtain wocation. dis condition wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.
command /setbwock &wt;matewiaw>: descwiption: set the bwock at youw cwosshaiw to a diffewent type twiggew: pwayew cannot buiwd at the tawgeted bwock: message "You do not have pewmission to change bwocks thewe!" stop set the tawgeted bwock to awgument
A vewy genewaw condition, it simpwy compawes two vawues. Usuawwy you can onwy compawe fow equawity (e.g. bwock is/isn't of &wt;type>), but some vawues can awso be compawed using gweatew than/wess than. In dat case you can awso test fow whethew an object is between two othews. Note: dis is the onwy ewement whewe not aww pattewns awe shown. It has actuawwy anothew two sets of simiwaw pattews, but with (was|wewe) ow wiww be instead of (is|awe) wespectivewy, which check diffewent time states of the fiwst expwession.
the cwicked bwock is a stone swab ow a doubwe stone swab time in the pwayew's wowwd is gweatew than 8:00 the cweatuwe is not an endewman ow an endew dwagon
Checks whethew an inventowy contains an item, a text contains anothew piece of text, ow a wist (e.g. {wist vawiabwe::*} ow 'dwops') contains anothew object.
bwock contains 20 cobbwestone pwayew has 4 fwint and 2 iwon ingots {wist::*} contains 5
[the] damage (was|is|has)[n('|o)t] [been] (caused|done|made) by %damage cause%
Tests what kind of damage caused a damage event. Refew to the Damage Cause type fow a wist of aww possibwe causes.
# make pwayews use theiw potions of fiwe wesistance whenevew they take any kind of fiwe damage on damage: damage was caused by wava, fiwe ow buwning victim is a pwayew victim has a potion of fiwe wesistance cancew event appwy fiwe wesistance to the victim fow 30 seconds wemove 1 potion of fiwe wesistance fwom the victim # pwevent mobs fwom dwopping items undew cewtain ciwcumstances on death: entity is not a pwayew damage wasn't caused by a bwock expwosion, an attack, a pwojectiwe, a potion, fiwe, buwning, thowns ow poison cweaw dwops
Checks whethew wiving entities have an unobstwucted wine of sight to othew entities ow wocations.
pwayew has diwect wine of sight to wocation 5 bwocks to the wight of pwayew victim has wine of sight to attackew pwayew has no wine of sight to wocation 100 bwocks in fwont of pwayew
%pwayews% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] wesouwce pack [(woaded|instawwed)]
Paper 1.9 or newer
Checks whethew the given pwayews have a sewvew wesouwce pack woaded. Pwease note dat dis can't detect pwayew's own wesouwce pack, onwy the wesouwce pack dat sent by the sewvew.
Checks if a bwock is indiwectwy ow diwectwy powewed by wedstone
if cwicked bwock is wedstone powewed: send "dis bwock is weww-powewed by wedstone!" if cwicked bwock is indiwectwy wedstone powewed: send "dis bwock is indiwectwy wedstone powewed."
off[ |-]hand[s] of %wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) waised
Checks whethew an entity has one ow both of theiw hands waised. Hands awe waised when an entity is using an item (eg: bwocking, dwawing a bow, eating).
on damage of pwayew: if victim's main hand is waised: dwop pwayew's toow at pwayew set pwayew's toow to aiw
Checks whethew a pwayew is a membew ow ownew of a pawticuwaw wegion. dis condition wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.
on wegion entew: pwayew is the ownew of the wegion message "Wewcome back to %wegion%!" send "%pwayew% just entewed %wegion%!" to aww membews of the wegion
Checks whethew a bwock is passabwe. A bwock is passabwe if it has no cowwiding pawts dat wouwd pwevent pwayews fwom moving thwough it. Bwocks wike taww gwass, fwowews, signs, etc. awe passabwe, but open doows, fence gates, twap doows, etc. awe not because they stiww have pawts dat can be cowwided with.
Check if a pwugin is enabwed/disabwed on the sewvew. Pwugin names can be found in the pwugin's 'pwugin.ymw' fiwe ow by using the '/pwugins' command, they awe NOT the name of the pwugin's jaw fiwe. When checking if a pwugin is not enabwed, dis wiww wetuwn twue if the pwugin is eithew disabwed ow not on the sewvew. When checking if a pwugin is disabwed, dis wiww wetuwn twue if the pwugin is on the sewvew and is disabwed.
if pwugin "Vauwt" is enabwed: if pwugin "WowwdGuawd" is not enabwed: if pwugins "Essentiaws" and "Vauwt" awe enabwed: if pwugin "MyBwokenPwugin" is disabwed:
Checks whethew an item is the pwefewwed toow fow a bwock. A pwefewwed toow is one dat wiww dwop the bwock's item when used. Fow exampwe, a wooden pickaxe is a pwefewwed toow fow gwass and stone bwocks, but not fow iwon owe.
on weft cwick: event-bwock is set if pwayew's toow is the pwefewwed toow fow event-bwock: bweak event-bwock natuwawwy using pwayew's toow ewse: cancew event
Tests whethew a chunk is a so-cawwed swime chunk. Swimes can genewawwy spawn in the swamp biome and in swime chunks. Fow mowe info, see the Minecwaft wiki.
command /swimey: twiggew: if chunk at pwayew is a swime chunk: send "Yeah, it is!" ewse: send "Nope, it isn't"
# pwevent mobs fwom seeing sneaking pwayews if they awe at weast 4 metews apawt on tawget: tawget is sneaking distance of tawget and the entity is biggew than 4 cancew the event
Checks whethew an item is twanspawent. Note dat dis condition may not wowk fow aww bwocks, due to the twanspawency wist used by Spigot not being compwetewy accuwate.
Whethew a wocation is within something ewse. The "something" can be a bwock, an entity, a chunk, a wowwd, ow a cuboid fowmed by two othew wocations. Note dat using the is between condition wiww wefew to a stwaight wine between wocations, whiwe dis condition wiww wefew to the cuboid between wocations.
if pwayew's wocation is within {_woc1} and {_woc2}: send "You awe in a PvP zone!" to pwayew
if pwayew is in wowwd("wowwd"): send "You awe in the ovewwowwd!" to pwayew
if attackew's wocation is inside of victim: cancew event send "Back up!" to attackew and victim
Checks whethew an item of an entity is of the given type. dis is mostwy usefuw fow vawiabwes, as you can use the genewaw 'is' condition othewwise (e.g. 'victim is a cweepew').
toow is of type {sewected type} victim is of type {viwwagew type}
Checks whethew the defined stwings match the input wegexes (Reguwaw expwessions).
on chat: if message pawtiawwy matches "\d": send "Message contains a digit!" if message doesn't match "[A-Za-z]+": send "Message doesn't onwy contain wettews!"
%date% (was|wewe)( mowe|(n't| not) wess) than %time span% [ago]
%date% (was|wewe)((n't| not) mowe| wess) than %time span% [ago]
Tests whethew a given weaw time was mowe ow wess than some time span ago.
command /command-with-coowdown: twiggew: {command::%pwayew's uuid%::wast-usage} was wess than a minute ago: message "Pwease wait a minute between uses of dis command." stop set {command::%pwayew's uuid%::wast-usage} to now # ... actuaw command twiggew hewe ...
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- Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-1132757
command /broadcast <string>: usage: A command for broadcasting a message to all players. permission: skript.command.broadcast permission message: You don't have permission to broadcast messages aliases: /bc executable by: players and console cooldown: 15 seconds cooldown message: You last broadcast a message %elapsed time% ago. You can broadcast another message in %remaining time%. cooldown bypass: skript.command.broadcast.admin cooldown storage: {cooldown::%player%} trigger: broadcast the argument
Functions are structures that can be executed with arguments/parameters to run code. They can also return a value to the trigger that is executing the function. Note that local functions come before global functions execution
function sayMessage(message: text): broadcast {_message} # our message argument is available in '{_message}'
local function giveApple(amount: number) :: item: return {_amount} of apple
function getPoints(p: player) returns number: return {points::%{_p}%}
Options are used for replacing parts of a script with something else. For example, an option may represent a message that appears in multiple locations. Take a look at the example below that showcases this.
options: no_permission: You're missing the required permission to execute this command!
Used for defining variables present within a script. This section is not required, but it ensures that a variable has a value if it doesn't exist when the script is loaded.
variables: {joins} = 0 {balance::%player%} = 0
on join: add 1 to {joins} message "Your balance is %{balance::%player%}%"
Returns the item the entities are currently using (ie: the food they're eating, the bow they're drawing back, etc.). This cannot be changed. If an entity is not using any item, this will return null.
on damage of player: if victim's active tool is a bow: interrupt player's active item use
Returns the time that the entities have either spent using an item, or the time left for them to finish using an item. If an entity is not using any item, this will return 0 seconds.
on right click: broadcast player's remaining item use time wait 1 second broadcast player's item use time
Returns the age or maximum age of blocks and age for entities (there in no maximum age for entities). For blocks, 'Age' represents the different growth stages that a crop-like block can go through. A value of 0 indicates that the crop was freshly planted, whilst a value equal to 'maximum age' indicates that the crop is ripe and ready to be harvested. For entities, 'Age' represents the time left for them to become adults and it's in minus increasing to be 0 which means they're adults, e.g. A baby cow needs 20 minutes to become an adult which equals to 24,000 ticks so their age will be -24000 once spawned.
# Set targeted crop to fully grown crop set age of targeted block to maximum age of targeted block
# Spawn a baby cow that will only need 1 minute to become an adult spawn a baby cow at player set age of last spawned entity to -1200 # in ticks = 60 seconds
Returns all of the scripts, or just the enabled or disabled ones.
command /scripts: trigger: send "All Scripts: %scripts%" to player send "Loaded Scripts: %enabled scripts%" to player send "Unloaded Scripts: %disabled scripts%" to player
The amount of something. Please note that amount of %items% will not return the number of items, but the number of stacks, e.g. 1 for a stack of 64 torches. To get the amount of items in a stack, see the item amount expression.
Also, you can get the recursive size of a list, which will return the recursive size of the list with sublists included, e.g.
Where using %size of {list::*}% will only return 3 (the first layer of indices only), while %recursive size of {list::*}% will return 6 (the entire list) Please note that getting a list's recursive size can cause lag if the list is large, so only use this expression if you need to!
message "There are %number of all players% players online!"
Returns the experience cost (in levels) to complete the current repair or the maximum experience cost (in levels) to be allowed by the current repair. The default value of max cost set by vanilla Minecraft is 40.
on inventory click: if {AnvilRepairSaleActive} = true: wait a tick # recommended, to avoid client bugs set anvil repair cost to anvil repair cost * 50% send "Anvil repair sale is ON!" to player
on inventory click: player have permission "" set max repair cost of event-inventory to 99999
Usable in script commands and command events. Holds the value of an argument given to the command, e.g. if the command "/tell <player> <text>" is used like "/tell Njol Hello Njol!" argument 1 is the player named "Njol" and argument 2 is "Hello Njol!". One can also use the type of the argument instead of its index to address the argument, e.g. in the above example 'player-argument' is the same as 'argument 1'. Please note that specifying the argument type is only supported in script commands.
give the item-argument to the player-argument damage the player-argument by the number-argument give a diamond pickaxe to the argument add argument 1 to argument 2 heal the last argument
Arithmetic expressions, e.g. 1 + 2, (health of player - 2) / 3, etc.
set the player's health to 10 - the player's health loop (argument + 2) / 5 times: message "Two useless numbers: %loop-num * 2 - 5%, %2^loop-num - 1%" message "You have %health of player * 2% half hearts of HP!"
Equipment of living entities, i.e. the boots, leggings, chestplate or helmet.
set chestplate of the player to a diamond chestplate helmet of player is neither a helmet nor air # player is wearing a block, e.g. from another plugin
Returns the current cooldown for a player's attack. This is used to calculate damage, with 1.0 representing a fully charged attack and 0.0 representing a non-charged attack. NOTE: Currently this can not be set to anything.
on damage: if attack cooldown of attacker < 1: set damage to 0 send "Your hit was too weak! wait until your weapon is fully charged next time." to attacker
The victim of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the zombie. When using Minecraft 1.11+, this also covers the hit entity in a projectile hit event.
on damage: victim is a creeper damage the attacked by 1 heart
The attacker of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the player. Please note that the attacker can also be a block, e.g. a cactus or lava, but this expression will not be set in these cases.
on damage: attacker is a player health of attacker is less than or equal to 2 damage victim by 1 heart
Returns the bed location of a player, i.e. the spawn point of a player if they ever slept in a bed and the bed still exists and is unobstructed however, you can set the unsafe bed location of players and they will respawn there even if it has been obstructed or doesn't exist anymore and that's the default behavior of this expression otherwise you will need to be specific i.e. safe bed location.
NOTE: Offline players can not have their bed location changed, only online players.
if bed of player exists: teleport player the the player's bed else: teleport the player to the world's spawn point
set the bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # unsafe/invalid bed location set the safe bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # safe/valid bed location
The biome at a certain location. Please note that biomes are only defined for x/z-columns (i.e. the altitude (y-coordinate) doesn't matter), up until Minecraft 1.15.x. As of Minecraft 1.16, biomes are now 3D (per block vs column).
# damage player in deserts constantly every real minute: loop all players: biome at loop-player is desert damage the loop-player by 1
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.
block is ore set block below to air spawn a creeper above the block loop blocks in radius 4: loop-block is obsidian set loop-block to water block is a chest: clear the inventory of the block
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.
block is ore set block below to air spawn a creeper above the block loop blocks in radius 4: loop-block is obsidian set loop-block to water block is a chest: clear the inventory of the block
Gets the speed at which the given player would break this block, taking into account tools, potion effects, whether or not the player is in water, enchantments, etc. The returned value is the amount of progress made in breaking the block each tick. When the total breaking progress reaches 1.0, the block is broken. Note that the break speed can change in the course of breaking a block, e.g. if a potion effect is applied or expires, or the player jumps/enters water.
on left click using diamond pickaxe: event-block is set send "Break Speed: %break speed for player%" to player
Blocks relative to other blocks or between other blocks. Can be used to get blocks relative to other blocks or for looping. Blocks from/to and between will return a straight line whereas blocks within will return a cuboid.
loop blocks above the player: loop blocks between the block below the player and the targeted block: set the blocks below the player, the victim and the targeted block to air set all blocks within {loc1} and {loc2} to stone set all blocks within chunk at player to air
The pages of a book (Supports Skript's chat format) Note: In order to modify the pages of a new written book, you must have the title and author of the book set. Skript will do this for you, but if you want your own, please set those values.
on book sign: message "Book Pages: %pages of event-item%" message "Book Page 1: %page 1 of event-item%"
set page 1 of player's held item to "Book writing"
Copy of given text in Lowercase, Uppercase, Proper Case, camelCase, PascalCase, Snake_Case, and Kebab-Case
"Oops!" in lowercase # oops! "oops!" in uppercase # OOPS! "hellO i'm steve!" in proper case # HellO I'm Steve! "hellO i'm steve!" in strict proper case # Hello I'm Steve! "spAwn neW boSs ()" in camel case # spAwnNeWBoSs() "spAwn neW boSs ()" in strict camel case # spawnNewBoss() "geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in pascal case # GeneRateRanDomNumBer() "geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in strict pascal case # GenerateRandomNumber() "Hello Player!" in snake case # Hello_Player! "Hello Player!" in lower snake case # hello_player! "Hello Player!" in upper snake case # HELLO_PLAYER! "What is your name?" in kebab case # What-is-your-name? "What is your name?" in lower kebab case # what-is-your-name? "What is your name?" in upper kebab case # WHAT-IS-YOUR-NAME?
All characters between two given characters, useful for generating random strings. This expression uses the Unicode numerical code of a character to determine which characters are between the two given characters. The ASCII table linked here shows this ordering for the first 256 characters. If you would like only alphanumeric characters you can use the 'alphanumeric' option in the expression. If strings of more than one character are given, only the first character of each is used.
loop characters from "a" to "f": broadcast "%loop-value%"
# 0123456789:;<=>?@ABC... ...uvwxyz send characters between "0" and "z"
# 0123456789ABC... ...uvwxyz send alphanumeric characters between "0" and "z"
Parses <color>s and, optionally, chat styles in a message or removes any colors and chat styles from the message. Parsing all chat styles requires this expression to be used in same line with the send effect.
on chat: set message to colored message # Safe; only colors get parsed command /fade <player>: trigger: set display name of the player-argument to uncolored display name of the player-argument command /format <text>: trigger: message formatted text-argument # Safe, because we're sending to whoever used this command
The command that caused an 'on command' event (excluding the leading slash and all arguments)
# prevent any commands except for the /exit command during some game on command: if {game::%player%::playing} is true: if the command is not "exit": message "You're not allowed to use commands during the game" cancel the event
main command label of command "skript" description of command "help" label of command "pl" usage of command "help" aliases of command "bukkit:help" permission of command "/op" command "op"'s permission message command "sk"'s plugin owner
command /greet <player>: usage: /greet <target> trigger: if arg-1 is sender: send "&cYou can't greet yourself! Usage: %the usage%" stop send "%sender% greets you!" to arg-1 send "You greeted %arg-1%!"
The player or the console who sent a command. Mostly useful in commands and command events. If the command sender is a command block, its location can be retrieved by using %block's location%
make the command sender execute "/say hi!"
on command: log "%executor% used command /%command% %arguments%" to "commands.log"
# make all player's compasses target a player stored in {compass::target::%player%} every 5 seconds: loop all players: set the loop-player's compass target to location of {compass::target::%%loop-player%}
Only usable in command events. Represents the cooldown time, the remaining time, the elapsed time, the last usage date, or the cooldown bypass permission.
command /home: cooldown: 10 seconds cooldown message: You last teleported home %elapsed time% ago, you may teleport home again in %remaining time%. trigger: teleport player to {home::%player%}
The entity involved in an event (an entity is a player, a creature or an inanimate object like ignited TNT, a dropped item or an arrow). You can use the specific type of the entity that's involved in the event, e.g. in a 'death of a creeper' event you can use 'the creeper' instead of 'the entity'.
give a diamond sword of sharpness 3 to the player kill the creeper kill all powered creepers in the wolf's world projectile is an arrow
How much damage is done in a entity/vehicle/item damage events. For entity damage events, possibly ignoring armour, criticals and/or enchantments (remember that in Skript '1' is one full heart, not half a heart). For items, it's the amount of durability damage the item will be taking.
on item damage: event-item is any tool clear damage # unbreakable tools as the damage will be 0 on damage: increase the damage by 2
Directly damages an item. In MC versions 1.12.2 and lower, this can be used to apply data values to items/blocks
give player diamond sword with damage value 100 set player's tool to diamond hoe damaged by 250 give player diamond sword with damage 700 named "BROKEN SWORD" set {_item} to diamond hoe with damage value 50 named "SAD HOE" set target block of player to wool with data value 1 set target block of player to potato plant with data value 7
The difference between two values Supported types include numbers, dates and times.
if difference between {command::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than a minute: message "You have to wait a minute before using this command again!"
thrust the player upwards set the block behind the player to water loop blocks above the player: set {_rand} to a random integer between 1 and 10 set the block {_rand} meters south east of the loop-block to stone block in horizontal facing of the clicked entity from the player is air spawn a creeper 1.5 meters horizontally behind the player spawn a TNT 5 meters above and 2 meters horizontally behind the player thrust the last spawned TNT in the horizontal direction of the player with speed 0.2 push the player upwards and horizontally forward at speed 0.5 push the clicked entity in in the direction of the player at speed -0.5 open the inventory of the block 2 blocks below the player to the player teleport the clicked entity behind the player grow a regular tree 2 meters horizontally behind the player
Only works in death events. Holds the drops of the dying creature. Drops can be prevented by removing them with "remove ... from drops", e.g. "remove all pickaxes from the drops", or "clear drops" if you don't want any drops at all.
The cost of an enchantment offer. This is displayed to the right of an enchantment offer. If the cost is changed, it will always be at least 1. This changes how many levels are required to enchant, but does not change the number of levels removed. To change the number of levels removed, use the enchant event.
All entities in all worlds, in a specific world, in a chunk or in a radius around a certain location, e.g. all players, all creepers in the player's world, or players in radius 100 of the player.
kill all creepers in the player's world send "Psst!" to all players within 100 meters of the player give a diamond to all ops heal all tamed wolves in radius 2000 around {town center} delete all monsters in chunk at player
The numerical value of an entity's particular attribute. Note that the movement speed attribute cannot be reliably used for players. For that purpose, use the speed expression instead. Resetting an entity's attribute is only available in Minecraft 1.11 and above.
on damage of player: send "You are wounded!" to victim set victim's attack speed attribute to 2
How much experience was spawned in an experience spawn or block break event. Can be changed.
on experience spawn: add 5 to the spawned experience on break of coal ore: clear dropped experience on break of diamond ore: if tool of player = diamond pickaxe: add 100 to dropped experience
The percentage of exploded blocks dropped in an explosion event. When changing the yield, a value greater than 1 will function the same as using 1. Attempting to change the yield to a value less than 0 will have no effect.
on explode: set the explosion's block yield to 10%
The yield of the explosion in an explosion prime event. This is how big the explosion is. When changing the yield, values less than 0 will be ignored. Read this wiki page for more information
on explosion prime: set the yield of the explosion to 10
The yield of an explosive (creeper, primed tnt, fireball, etc.). This is how big of an explosion is caused by the entity. Read this wiki page for more information
on spawn of a creeper: set the explosive yield of the event-entity to 10
The facing of an entity or block, i.e. exactly north, south, east, west, up or down (unlike direction which is the exact direction, e.g. '0.5 south and 0.7 east')
# makes a bridge loop blocks from the block below the player in the horizontal facing of the player: set loop-block to cobblestone
Filters a list based on a condition. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [string input is "something"]', only "something" would be broadcast as it is the only string that matched the condition.
send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [player input has permission "staff"]
Represents the input in a filter expression. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [input is "something"]the condition would be checked twice, using "something" and "something else" as the inputs.
send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [input has permission "staff"]
Represents a 'firework effect' which can be used in the launch firework effect.
launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1
Converts date to human-readable text format. By default, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z' (e.g. '2018-03-30 16:03:12 +01') will be used. For reference, see this Wikipedia article.
command /date: trigger: send "Full date: %now formatted human-readable%" to sender send "Short date: %now formatted as "yyyy-MM-dd"%" to sender
Represents the value of an expression before an event happened or the value it will have directly after the event, e.g. the old or new level respectively in a level change event. Note: The past, future and present states of an expression are sometimes called 'time states' of an expression. Note 2: If you don't specify whether to use the past or future state of an expression that has different values, its default value will be used which is usually the value after the event.
on teleport: former world was "world_nether" # or 'world was' world will be "world" # or 'world after the event is' on tool change: past tool is an axe the tool after the event will be air on weather change: set {weather::%world%::old} to past weather set {weather::%world%::current} to the new weather
A slot of a furnace, i.e. either the ore, fuel or result slot. Remember to use 'block' and not furnace, as furnace is not an existing expression. Note that the result and the result slot refer to separate things. the result is the product in a smelt event and the result slot is the output slot of a furnace (where the result will end up). Note that if the result in a smelt event is changed to an item that differs in type from the items currently in the result slot, the smelting will fail to complete (the item will attempt to smelt itself again). Note that if values other than the result are changed, event values may not accurately reflect the actual items in a furnace. Thus you may wish to use the event block in this case (e.g. the fuel slot of the event-block) to get accurate values if needed.
set the fuel slot of the clicked block to a lava bucket set the block's ore slot to 64 iron ore give the result of the block to the player clear the result slot of the block
The primary group or all groups of a player. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed. If you have LuckPerms, ensure you have vault integration enabled in the luck perms configurations.
on join: broadcast "%group of player%" # this is the player's primary group broadcast "%groups of player%" # this is all of the player's groups
Returns the hanging entity or remover in hanging break and place events.
on break of item frame: if item of hanging entity is diamond pickaxe: cancel event if hanging remover is a player: send "You can't break that item frame!" to hanging remover
Hashes the given text using the MD5 or SHA-256 algorithms. Each algorithm is suitable for different use cases.
MD5 is provided mostly for backwards compatibility, as it is outdated and not secure. SHA-256 is more secure, and can used to hash somewhat confidental data like IP addresses and even passwords. It is not that secure out of the box, so please consider using salt when dealing with passwords! When hashing data, you must specify algorithms that will be used for security reasons!
Please note that a hash cannot be reversed under normal circumstanses. You will not be able to get original value from a hash with Skript.
command /setpass <text>: trigger: set {password::%uuid of player%} to text-argument hashed with SHA-256 command /login <text>: trigger: if text-argument hashed with SHA-256 is {password::%uuid of player%}: message "Login successful." else: message "Wrong password!"
The location of an entity's head, mostly useful for players and e.g. looping blocks in the player's line of sight. Please note that this location is only accurate for entities whose head is exactly above their center, i.e. players, endermen, zombies, skeletons, etc., but not sheep, pigs or cows.
set the block at the player's head to air set the block in front of the player's eyes to glass loop blocks in front of the player's head:
The health of a creature, e.g. a player, mob, villager, etc. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is the creature's max health (e.g. 10 for players).
The currently selected hotbar slot. To retrieve its number use Slot Index expression. Use future and past tense to grab the previous slot in an item change event, see example.
message "%player's current hotbar slot%" set player's selected hotbar slot to slot 4 of player
send "index of player's current hotbar slot = 1" # second slot from the left
on item held change: if the selected hotbar slot was a diamond: set the currently selected hotbar slot to slot 5 of player
The list when you hover on the player counts of the server in the server list. This can be changed using texts or players in a server list ping event only. Adding players to the list means adding the name of the players. And note that, for example if there are 5 online players (includes fake online count) in the server and the hover list is set to 3 values, Minecraft will show "... and 2 more ..." at end of the list.
on server list ping: clear the hover list add "&aWelcome to the &6Minecraft &aserver!" to the hover list add "" to the hover list # A blank line add "&cThere are &6%online players count% &conline players!" to the hover list
The first or last index of a character (or text) in a text, or -1 if it doesn't occur in the text. Indices range from 1 to the length of the text.
set {_first} to the first index of "@" in the text argument if {_s} contains "abc": set {_s} to the first (index of "abc" in {_s} + 3) characters of {_s} # removes everything after the first "abc" from {_s}
Returns all the indices of a list variable, optionally sorted by their values. To sort the indices, all objects in the list must be comparable; Otherwise, this expression will just return the unsorted indices.
set {l::*} to "some", "cool" and "values" broadcast "%indices of {l::*}%" # result is 1, 2 and 3
set {_leader-board::first} to 17 set {_leader-board::third} to 30 set {_leader-board::second} to 25 set {_leader-board::fourth} to 42 set {_ascending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in ascending order broadcast "%{_ascending-indices::*}%" #result is first, second, third, fourth set {_descending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in descending order broadcast "%{_descending-indices::*}%" #result is fourth, third, second, first
on inventory item move: holder of event-initiator-inventory is a chest broadcast "Item transport happening at %location at holder of event-initiator-inventory%!"
Gets the amount of rows/slots, viewers and holder of an inventory.
NOTE: 'Viewers' expression returns a list of players viewing the inventory. Note that a player is considered to be viewing their own inventory and internal crafting screen even when said inventory is not open.
event-inventory's amount of rows holder of player's top inventory {_inventory}'s viewers
Represents a slot in an inventory. It can be used to change the item in an inventory too.
if slot 0 of player is air: set slot 0 of player to 2 stones remove 1 stone from slot 0 of player add 2 stones to slot 0 of player clear slot 1 of player
Change the cooldown of a specific material to a certain amount of Timespan.
on right click using stick: set item cooldown of player's tool for player to 1 minute set item cooldown of stone and grass for all players to 20 seconds reset item cooldown of cobblestone and dirt for all players
An item associated with an entity. For dropped item entities, it gets, obviously, the item that was dropped. For item frames, the item inside the frame is returned. For throwable projectiles (snowballs, enderpearls etc.),it gets the displayed item. Other entities do not have items associated with them.
Items or blocks of a specific type, useful for looping.
loop items of type ore and log: block contains loop-item message "Theres at least one %loop-item% in this block" drop all blocks at the player # drops one of every block at the player
All items or specific type(s) of items in an inventory. Useful for looping or storing in a list variable. Please note that the positions of the items in the inventory are not saved, only their order is preserved.
loop all items in the player's inventory: loop-item is enchanted remove loop-item from the player set {inventory::%uuid of player%::*} to items in the player's inventory
Joins several texts with a common delimiter (e.g. ", "), or splits a text into multiple texts at a given delimiter.
message "Online players: %join all players with "" | ""%" # %all players% would use the default "x, y, and z" set {_s::*} to the string argument split at ","
Currently selected game language of a player. The value of the language is not defined properly. The vanilla Minecraft client will use lowercase language / country pairs separated by an underscore, but custom resource packs may use any format they wish.
Holds the entity that was spawned most recently with the spawn effect (section), dropped with the drop effect, shot with the shoot effect or created with the lightning effect. Please note that even though you can spawn multiple mobs simultaneously (e.g. with 'spawn 5 creepers'), only the last spawned mob is saved and can be used. If you spawn an entity, shoot a projectile and drop an item you can however access all them together.
spawn a priest set {healer::%spawned priest%} to true shoot an arrow from the last spawned entity ignite the shot projectile drop a diamond sword push last dropped item upwards teleport player to last struck lightning delete last launched firework
When a player last/first logged in the server. 'last login' requires paper to get the last login, otherwise it will get the last time they were seen on the server.
command /onlinefor: trigger: send "You have been online for %difference between player's last login and now%." send "You first joined the server %difference between player's first login and now% ago."
The player's progress in reaching the next level, this represents the experience bar in the game. Please note that this value is between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5 = half experience bar). Changing this value can cause the player's level to change if the resulting level progess is negative or larger than 1, e.g. increase the player's level progress by 0.5 will make the player gain a level if their progress was more than 50%.
# use the exp bar as mana on rightclick with a blaze rod: player's level progress is larger than 0.2 shoot a fireball from the player reduce the player's level progress by 0.2 every 2 seconds: loop all players: level progress of loop-player is smaller than 0.9: increase level progress of the loop-player by 0.1 else: set level progress of the loop-player to 0.99 on xp spawn: cancel event
Gets the light level at a certain location which ranges from 0 to 15. It can be separated into sunlight (15 = direct sunlight, 1-14 = indirect) and block light (torches, glowstone, etc.). The total light level of a block is the maximum of the two different light types.
# set vampire players standing in bright sunlight on fire every 5 seconds: loop all players: {vampire::%uuid of loop-player%} is true sunlight level at the loop-player is greater than 10 ignite the loop-player for 5 seconds
The location of a block or entity. This not only represents the x, y and z coordinates of the location but also includes the world and the direction an entity is looking (e.g. teleporting to a saved location will make the teleported entity face the same saved direction every time). Please note that the location of an entity is at it's feet, use head location to get the location of the head.
set {home::%uuid of player%} to the location of the player message "You home was set to %player's location% in %player's world%."
# Countdown loop 10 times: message "%11 - loop-number%" wait a second
# Generate a 10x10 floor made of randomly colored wool below the player loop blocks from the block below the player to the block 10 east of the block below the player: loop blocks from the loop-block to the block 10 north of the loop-block: set loop-block-2 to any wool
loop {top-balances::*}: loop-iteration <= 10 send "##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%"
The message of the day in the server list. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'default MOTD' returns the default MOTD always and can't be changed.
Returns the max duration an item can be used for before the action completes. E.g. it takes 1.6 seconds to drink a potion, or 1.4 seconds to load an unenchanted crossbow. Some items, like bows and shields, do not have a limit to their use. They will return 1 hour.
on right click: broadcast max usage duration of player's tool
The count of max players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'real max players' returns the real count of max players of the server and can be modified on Paper 1.16 or later.
on server list ping: set the max players count to (online players count + 1)
The number of durability points an item is to be repaired in a mending event. Modifying the repair amount will affect how much experience is given to the player after mending.
on item mend: set the mending repair amount to 100
The (chat) message of a chat event, the join message of a join event, the quit message of a quit event, or the death message on a death event. This expression is mostly useful for being changed.
on chat: player has permission "admin" set message to "&c%message%"
on first join: set join message to "Welcome %player% to our awesome server!"
on join: player has played before set join message to "Welcome back, %player%!"
on quit: set quit message to "%player% left this awesome server!"
on death: set the death message to "%player% died!"
Returns the middle/center of a location. In other words, returns the middle of the X, Z coordinates and the floor value of the Y coordinate of a location.
command /stuck: executable by: players trigger: teleport player to the center of player's location send "You're no longer stuck."
How much virtual money a player has (can be changed).
message "You have %player's money%" # the currency name will be added automatically remove 20$ from the player's balance # replace '$' by whatever currency you use add 200 to the player's account # or omit the currency altogether
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.
Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
Gamerules (1.13+)
Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.
on join: player has permission "" set the player's display name to "<red>[admin] <gold>%name of player%" set the player's tab list name to "<green>%player's name%" set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.
Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
Gamerules (1.13+)
Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.
on join: player has permission "" set the player's display name to "<red>[admin] <gold>%name of player%" set the player's tab list name to "<green>%player's name%" set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"
Directly names an item/inventory, useful for defining a named item/inventory in a script. If you want to (re)name existing items/inventories you can either use this expression or use set name of <item/inventory> to <text>.
give a diamond sword of sharpness 100 named "<gold>Excalibur" to the player set tool of player to the player's tool named "<gold>Wand" set the name of the player's tool to "<gold>Wand" open hopper inventory named "Magic Hopper" to player
Gets the entity nearest to a location or another entity.
kill the nearest pig and cow relative to player teleport player to the nearest cow relative to player teleport player to the nearest entity relative to player
The number of uppercase, lowercase, or digit characters in a string.
#Simple Chat Filter on chat: if number of uppercase chars in message / length of message > 0.5 cancel event send "<red>Your message has to many caps!" to player
All numbers between two given numbers, useful for looping. Use 'numbers' if your start is not an integer and you want to keep the fractional part of the start number constant, or use 'integers' if you only want to loop integers. You may also use 'decimals' if you want to use the decimal precision of the start number. You may want to use the 'times' expression instead, for instance 'loop 5 times:'
loop numbers from 2.5 to 5.5: # loops 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 loop integers from 2.9 to 5.1: # same as '3 to 5', i.e. loops 3, 4, 5 loop decimals from 3.94 to 4: # loops 3.94, 3.95, 3.96, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 4
The amount of online players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only to show fake online player amount. real online player count always return the real count of online players and can't be changed.
on server list ping: # This will make the max players count 5 if there are 4 players online. set the fake max players count to (online player count + 1)
Parses text as a given type, or as a given pattern. This expression can be used in two different ways: One which parses the entire text as a single instance of a type, e.g. as a number, and one that parses the text according to a pattern. If the given text could not be parsed, this expression will return nothing and the parse error will be set if some information is available. Some notes about parsing with a pattern: - The pattern must be a Skript pattern, e.g. percent signs are used to define where to parse which types, e.g. put a %number% or %items% in the pattern if you expect a number or some items there. - You have to save the expression's value in a list variable, e.g. set {parsed::*} to message parsed as "...". - The list variable will contain the parsed values from all %types% in the pattern in order. If a type was plural, e.g. %items%, the variable's value at the respective index will be a list variable, e.g. the values will be stored in {parsed::1::*}, not {parsed::1}.
set {var} to line 1 parsed as number on chat: set {var::*} to message parsed as "buying %items% for %money%" if parse error is set: message "%parse error%" else if {var::*} is set: cancel event remove {var::2} from the player's balance give {var::1::*} to the player
The error which caused the last parse operation to fail, which might not be set if a pattern was used and the pattern didn't match the provided text at all.
set {var} to line 1 parsed as integer if {var} is not set: parse error is set: message "<red>Line 1 is invalid: %last parse error%" else: message "<red>Please put an integer on line 1!"
The passenger of a vehicle, or the rider of a mob. For 1.11.2 and above, it returns a list of passengers and you can use all changers in it. See also: vehicle
#for 1.11 and lower passenger of the minecart is a creeper or a cow the saddled pig's passenger is a player #for 1.11.2+ passengers of the minecart contains a creeper or a cow the boat's passenger contains a pig add a cow and a zombie to passengers of last spawned boat set passengers of player's vehicle to a pig and a horse remove all pigs from player's vehicle clear passengers of boat
set damage to 10% of victim's health set damage to 125 percent of damage set {_result} to {_percent} percent of 999 set {_result::*} to 10% of {_numbers::*} set experience to 50% of player's total experience
Pings of players, as Minecraft server knows them. Note that they will almost certainly be different from the ones you'd get from using ICMP echo requests. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).
command /ping <player=%player%>: trigger: send "%arg-1%'s ping is %arg-1's ping%"
The amount of time before an entity can use a portal. By default, it is 15 seconds after exiting a nether portal or end gateway. Players in survival/adventure get a cooldown of 0.5 seconds, while those in creative get no cooldown. Resetting will set the cooldown back to the default 15 seconds for non-player entities and 0.5 seconds for players.
on portal: wait 1 tick set portal cooldown of event-entity to 5 seconds
Create a new potion effect to apply to an entity or item type. Do note that when applying potion effects to tipped arrows/lingering potions, Minecraft reduces the timespan.
set {_p} to potion effect of speed of tier 1 without particles for 10 minutes add {_p} to potion effects of player's tool add {_p} to potion effects of target entity add potion effect of speed 1 to potion effects of player
Represents the active potion effects of entities and itemtypes. You can clear all potion effects of an entity/itemtype and add/remove a potion effect/type to/from an entity/itemtype. Do note you will not be able to clear the base potion effects of a potion item. In that case, just set the item to a water bottle. When adding a potion effect type (rather than a potion effect), it will default to 15 seconds with tier 1.
set {_p::*} to active potion effects of player clear all the potion effects of player clear all the potion effects of player's tool add potion effects of player to potion effects of player's tool add speed to potion effects of target entity remove speed and night vision from potion effects of player
The protocol version that will be sent as the protocol version of the server in a server list ping event. For more information and list of protocol versions visit If this protocol version doesn't match with the protocol version of the client, the client will see the version string. But please note that, this expression has no visual effect over the version string. For example if the server uses PaperSpigot 1.12.2, and you make the protocol version 107 (1.9), the version string will not be "Paper 1.9", it will still be "Paper 1.12.2". But then you can customize the version string as you wish. Also if the protocol version of the player is higher than protocol version of the server, it will say "Server out of date!", and if vice-versa "Client out of date!" when you hover on the ping bars.
This can be set in a server list ping event only (increase and decrease effects cannot be used because that wouldn't make sense).
on server list ping: set the version string to "<light green>Version: <orange>%minecraft version%" set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7) - so the player will see the custom version string almost always
One or more random characters between two given characters. Use 'alphanumeric' if you want only alphanumeric characters. This expression uses the Unicode numerical code of a character to determine which characters are between the two given characters. If strings of more than one character are given, only the first character of each is used.
set {_captcha} to join (5 random characters between "a" and "z") with "" send 3 random alphanumeric characters between "0" and "z"
A random number or integer between two given numbers. Use 'number' if you want any number with decimal parts, or use use 'integer' if you only want whole numbers. Please note that the order of the numbers doesn't matter, i.e. random number between 2 and 1 will work as well as random number between 1 and 2.
set the player's health to a random number between 5 and 10 send "You rolled a %random integer from 1 to 6%!" to the player
All regions at a particular location. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.
On click on a sign: line 1 of the clicked block is "[region info]" set {_regions::*} to regions at the clicked block if {_regions::*} is empty: message "No regions exist at this sign." else: message "Regions containing this sign: <gold>%{_regions::*}%<r>."
broadcast nl and nl repeated 200 times broadcast "Hello World " repeated 5 times if "aa" repeated 2 times is "aaaa": broadcast "Ahhhh" repeated 100 times
Scoreboard tags are simple list of texts stored directly in the data of an entity. So this is a Minecraft related thing, not Bukkit, so the tags will not get removed when the server stops. You can visit visit Minecraft Wiki for more info. This is changeable and valid for any type of entity. Also you can use use the Has Scoreboard Tag condition to check whether an entity has the given tags.
Requires Minecraft 1.11+ (actually added in 1.9 to the game, but added in 1.11 to Spigot).
on spawn of a monster: if the spawn reason is mob spawner: add "spawned by a spawner" to the scoreboard tags of event-entity
on death of a monster: if the attacker is a player: if the victim doesn't have the scoreboard tag "spawned by a spawner": add 1$ to attacker's balance
An expression to obtain or modify data relating to the pickles of a sea pickle block.
on block break: type of block is sea pickle send "Wow! This stack of sea pickles contained %event-block's sea pickle count% pickles!" send "It could've contained a maximum of %event-block's maximum sea pickle count% pickles!" send "It had to have contained at least %event-block's minimum sea pickle count% pickles!" cancel event set event-block's sea pickle count to event-block's maximum sea pickle count send "This bad boy is going to hold so many pickles now!!"
The commands that will be sent to the player in a send commands to player event. Modifications will affect what commands show up for the player to tab complete. They will not affect what commands the player can actually run. Adding new commands to the list is illegal behavior and will be ignored.
on send command list: set command list to command list where [input does not contain ":"] remove "help" from command list
Icon of the server in the server list. Can be set to an icon that loaded using the load server icon effect, or can be reset to the default icon in a server list ping. 'default server icon' returns the default server icon (server-icon.png) always and cannot be changed.
on script load: set {server-icons::default} to the default server icon
Index of an an inventory slot. Other types of slots may or may not have indices. Note that comparing slots with numbers is also possible; if index of slot is same as the number, comparisonsucceeds. This expression is mainly for the cases where you must for some reason save the slot numbers.
Raw index of slot is unique for the view, see Minecraft Wiki
if index of event-slot is 10: send "You bought a pie!"
if display name of player's top inventory is "Custom Menu": # 3 rows inventory if raw index of event-slot > 27: # outside custom inventory cancel event
A player's walking or flying speed. Both can be changed, but values must be between -1 and 1 (excessive values will be changed to -1 or 1 respectively). Negative values reverse directions. Please note that changing a player's speed will change their FOV just like potions do.
set the player's walk speed to 1 increase the argument's fly speed by 0.1
Extracts part of a text. You can either get the first <x> characters, the last <x> characters, the character at index <x>, or the characters between indices <x> and <y>. The indices <x> and <y> should be between 1 and the length of the text (other values will be fit into this range).
set {_s} to the first 5 characters of the text argument message "%subtext of {_s} from characters 2 to (the length of {_s} - 1)%" # removes the first and last character from {_s} and sends it to the player or console set {_characters::*} to characters at 1, 2 and 7 in player's display name send the last character of all players' names
For players this is the entity at the crosshair. For mobs and experience orbs this is the entity they are attacking/following (if any). Display entities have a hit box of 0, so you should use 'target display' to collect Display entities May grab entities in unloaded chunks.
on entity target: if entity's target is a player: send "You're being followed by an %entity%!" to target of entity
reset target of entity # Makes the entity target-less delete targeted entity of player # for players it will delete the target delete target of last spawned zombie # for entities it will make them target-less
The block at the crosshair. This regards all blocks that are not air as fully solid, e.g. torches will be like a solid stone block for this expression.
# A command to set the block a player looks at to a specific type: command /setblock <material>: trigger: set targeted block to argument
The amount of time a player has played for on the server. This info is stored in the player's statistics in the main world's data folder. Changing this will also change the player's stats which can be views in the client's statistics menu. Using this expression on offline players on Minecraft 1.14 and below will return nothing <none>.
set {_t} to time played of player if player's time played is greater than 10 minutes: give player a diamond sword
The total experience, in points, of players or experience orbs. Adding to a player's experience will trigger Mending, but setting their experience will not.
set total experience of player to 100
add 100 to player's experience
if player's total experience is greater than 100: set player's total experience to 0 give player 1 diamond
Type of a block, item, entity, inventory or potion effect. Types of items, blocks and block datas are item types similar to them but have amounts of one, no display names and, on Minecraft 1.13 and newer versions, are undamaged. Types of entities and inventories are entity types and inventory types known to Skript. Types of potion effects are potion effect types.
on rightclick on an entity: message "This is a %type of clicked entity%!"
The UUID of a player, entity or world. In the future there will be an option to use a player's UUID instead of the name in variable names (i.e. when %player% is used), but for now this can be used. Please note that this expression does not work for offline players if you are under 1.8!
# prevents people from joining the server if they use the name of a player # who has played on this server at least once since this script has been added on login: if {uuid::%name of player%} exists: {uuid::%name of player%} is not uuid of player kick player due to "Someone with your name has played on this server before" else: set {uuid::%name of player%} to uuid of player
Gets the value within objects. Usually used with variables to get the value they store rather than the variable itself, or with lists to get the values of a type.
set {_entity} to a random entity out of all entities delete entity within {_entity} # This deletes the entity itself and not the value stored in the variable
set {_list::*} to "something", 10, "test" and a zombie broadcast the strings within {_list::*} # "something", "test"
set {_loc} to {_v} to location in world "world" set {_loc} to {_v} to location in world "world" with yaw 45 and pitch 90 set {_loc} to location of {_v} in "world" with yaw 45 and pitch 90
Creates vectors from given directions. Relative directions are relative to the origin, (0, 0, 0). Therefore, the vector from the direction 'forwards' is (0, 0, 1).
set {_v} to vector from direction upwards set {_v} to vector in direction of player set {_v} to vector in horizontal direction of player set {_v} to vector from facing of player set {_v::*} to vectors from north, south, east, and west
Gets or changes the x, y or z component of a vector.
set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3 send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%" add 1 to x of {_v} add 2 to y of {_v} add 3 to z of {_v} send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%" set x component of {_v::*} to 1 set y component of {_v::*} to 2 set z component of {_v::*} to 3 send "%x component of {_v::*}%, %y component of {_v::*}%, %z component of {_v::*}%"
The vehicle an entity is in, if any. This can actually be any entity, e.g. spider jockeys are skeletons that ride on a spider, so the spider is the 'vehicle' of the skeleton. See also: passenger
The text to show if the protocol version of the server doesn't match with protocol version of the client. You can check the protocol version expression for more information about this. This can only be set in a server list ping event.
on server list ping: set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7), so it will show the version string always set the version string to "<light green>Version: <orange>%minecraft version%"
The view distance of a player as set by the server. Can be changed. NOTE: This is the view distance sent by the server to the player. This has nothing to do with client side view distance settings NOTE: This may not work on some versions (such as MC 1.14.x). The return value in this case will be the view distance set in
set view distance of player to 10 set {_view} to view distance of player reset view distance of all players add 2 to view distance of player
The view distance of the client. Can not be changed. This differs from the server side view distance of player as this will retrieve the view distance the player has set on their client.
set {_clientView} to the client view distance of player set view distance of player to client view distance of player
A server's whitelist.This expression can be used to add/remove players to/from the whitelist, to enable it and disable it (set whitelist to true / set whitelist to false), and to empty it (reset whitelist)
set whitelist to false add all players to whitelist reset the whitelist
An expression to be able to use a certain amount of items where the amount can be any expression. Please note that this expression is not stable and might be replaced in the future.
log "%player%: %location of player%, %player's yaw%, %player's pitch%" to "playerlocs.log" set {_yaw} to yaw of player set {_p} to pitch of target entity
Bans or unbans a player or an IP address. If a reason is given, it will be shown to the player when they try to join the server while banned. A length of ban may also be given to apply a temporary ban. If it is absent for any reason, a permanent ban will be used instead. We recommend that you test your scripts so that no accidental permanent bans are applied.
Note that banning people does not kick them from the server. Consider using the kick effect after applying a ban.
unban player ban "" IP-ban the player because "he is an idiot" ban player due to "inappropriate language" for 2 days
Breaks the block and spawns items as if a player had mined it
You can add a tool, which will spawn items based on how that tool would break the block (ie: When using a hand to break stone, it drops nothing, whereas with a pickaxe it drops cobblestone)
on right click: break clicked block naturally loop blocks in radius 10 around player: break loop-block using player's tool loop blocks in radius 10 around player: break loop-block naturally using diamond pickaxe
Only usable in commands. Makes it so the current command usage isn't counted towards the cooldown.
command /nick <text>: executable by: players cooldown: 10 seconds trigger: if length of arg-1 is more than 16: # Makes it so that invalid arguments don't make you wait for the cooldown again cancel the cooldown send "Your nickname may be at most 16 characters." stop set the player's display name to arg-1
Cancels drops of items or experiences in a death or block break event. Please note that this doesn't keep items or experiences of a dead player. If you want to do that, use the Keep Inventory / Experience effect.
on death of a zombie: if name of the entity is "&cSpecial": cancel drops of items
on break of a coal ore: cancel the experience drops
A very general effect that can change many expressions. Many expressions can only be set and/or deleted, while some can have things added to or removed from them.
# set: Set the player's display name to "<red>%name of player%" set the block above the victim to lava # add: add 2 to the player's health # preferably use '<a href='#EffHealth'>heal</a>' for this add argument to {blacklist::*} give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the player increase the data value of the clicked block by 1 # remove: remove 2 pickaxes from the victim subtract 2.5 from {points::%uuid of player%} # remove all: remove every iron tool from the player remove all minecarts from {entitylist::*} # delete: delete the block below the player clear drops delete {variable} # reset: reset walk speed of player reset chunk at the targeted block
Colors items in a given color. You can also use RGB codes if you feel limited with the 16 default colors. RGB codes are three numbers from 0 to 255 in the order (red, green, blue), where (0,0,0) is black and (255,255,255) is white. Armor is colorable for all Minecraft versions. With Minecraft 1.11 or newer you can also color potions and maps. Note that the colors might not look exactly how you'd expect.
dye player's helmet blue color the player's tool red
Executes a command. This can be useful to use other plugins in triggers. If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option to execute command on the proxy.
make player execute command "/home" execute console command "/say Hello everyone!" execute player bungeecord command "/alert &6Testing Announcement!"
Moves the loop to the next iteration. You may also continue an outer loop from an inner one. The loops are labelled from 1 until the current loop, starting with the outermost one.
# Broadcast online moderators loop all players: if loop-value does not have permission "moderator": continue # filter out non moderators broadcast "%loop-player% is a moderator!" # Only moderators get broadcast
# Game starting counter set {_counter} to 11 while {_counter} > 0: remove 1 from {_counter} wait a second if {_counter} != 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10: continue # only print when counter is 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 broadcast "Game starting in %{_counter}% second(s)"
Copies objects into a variable. When copying a list over to another list, the source list and its sublists are also copied over. Note: Copying a value into a variable/list will overwrite the existing data.
set {_foo::bar} to 1 set {_foo::sublist::foobar} to "hey" copy {_foo::*} to {_copy::*} broadcast indices of {_copy::*} # bar, sublist broadcast {_copy::bar} # 1 broadcast {_copy::sublist::foobar} # "hey!"
Delays the script's execution by a given timespan. Please note that delays are not persistent, e.g. trying to create a tempban script with ban player → wait 7 days → unban player will not work if you restart your server anytime within these 7 days. You also have to be careful even when using small delays!
wait 2 minutes halt for 5 minecraft hours wait a tick
Equips or unequips an entity with some given armor. This will replace any armor that the entity is wearing.
equip player with diamond helmet equip player with all diamond armor unequip diamond chestplate from player unequip all armor from player unequip player's armor
Exits a given amount of loops and conditionals, or the entire trigger.
if player has any ore: stop message "%player% has no ores!" loop blocks above the player: loop-block is not air: exit 2 sections set loop-block to water
Creates an explosion of a given force. The Minecraft Wiki has an article on explosions which lists the explosion forces of TNT, creepers, etc. Hint: use a force of 0 to create a fake explosion that does no damage whatsoever, or use the explosion effect introduced in Skript 2.0. Starting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skript 2.0 you can use safe explosions which will damage entities but won't destroy any blocks.
create an explosion of force 10 at the player create an explosion of force 0 at the victim
Kills an entity. Note: This effect does not set the entity's health to 0 (which causes issues), but damages the entity by 100 times its maximum health.
kill the player kill all creepers in the player's world kill all endermen, witches and bats
load [the] server icon (from|of) [the] [image] [file] %text%
Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Loads server icons from the given files. You can get the loaded icon using the last loaded server icon expression. Please note that the image must be 64x64 and the file path starts from the server folder.
on load: clear {server-icons::*} loop 5 times: load server icon from file "icons/%loop-number%.png" add the last loaded server icon to {server-icons::*}
on server list ping: set the icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}
Load your worlds or unload your worlds The load effect will create a new world if world doesn't already exist. When attempting to load a normal vanilla world you must define it's environment i.e "world_nether" must be loaded with nether environment
load world "world_nether" with environment nether load the world "myCustomWorld" unload "world_nether" unload "world_the_end" without saving unload all worlds
Writes text into a .log file. Skript will write these files to /plugins/Skript/logs. NB: Using 'server.log' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omitting the log file altogether will log the message as '[Skript] [<script>.sk] <message>' in the server log.
on place of TNT: log "%player% placed TNT in %world% at %location of block%" to "tnt/placement.log"
Paper 1.17+, Paper 1.19.1+ (Players & Look Anchors)
Forces the mob(s) or player(s) to look at an entity, vector or location. Vanilla max head pitches range from 10 to 50.
force the head of the player to look towards event-entity's feet
on entity explosion: set {_player} to the nearest player {_player} is set distance between {_player} and the event-location is less than 15 make {_player} look towards vector from the {_player} to location of the event-entity
force {_enderman} to face the block 3 meters above {_location} at head rotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40
Makes a living entity visible/invisible. This is not a potion and therefore does not have features such as a time limit or particles. When setting an entity to invisible while using an invisibility potion on it, the potion will be overridden and when it runs out the entity keeps its invisibility.
Sends a message to the given player. Only styles written in given string or in formatted expressions will be parsed. Adding an optional sender allows the messages to be sent as if a specific player sent them. This is useful with Minecraft 1.16.4's new chat ignore system, in which players can choose to ignore other players, but for this to work, the message needs to be sent from a player.
message "A wild %player% appeared!" message "This message is a distraction. Mwahaha!" send "Your kill streak is %{kill streak::%uuid of player%}%." to player if the targeted entity exists: message "You're currently looking at a %type of the targeted entity%!" on chat: cancel event send "[%player%] >> %message%" to all players from player
Opens an inventory to a player. The player can then access and modify the inventory as if it was a chest that he just opened. Please note that currently 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' will eventually show an unmodifiable view of the inventory in the future.
show the victim's inventory to the player open the player's inventory for the player
Make an entity pathfind towards a location or another entity. Not all entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding target is another entity, the entities may or may not continuously follow the target.
make all creepers pathfind towards player make all cows stop pathfinding make event-entity pathfind towards player at speed 1
Plays a visual effect at a given location or on a given entity. Please note that some effects can only be played on entities, e.g. wolf hearts or the hurt effect, and that these are always visible to all players.
play wolf hearts on the clicked wolf show mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player
Plays a sound at given location for everyone or just for given players, or plays a sound to specified players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Playing resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default.
Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.
play sound "block.note_block.pling" # It is block.note.pling in 1.12.2 play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player play sound "" in jukebox category at {speakerBlock}
Sets whether all player related information is hidden in the server list. The Vanilla Minecraft client will display ??? (dark gray) instead of player counts and will not show the hover hist when hiding player info. The version string can override the ???. Also the Online Players Count and Max Players expressions will return -1 when hiding player info.
hide player info hide player related information in the server list reveal all player related info
Change visibility of a player for the given players. When reveal is used in combination of the hidden players expression and the viewers are not specified, this will default it to the given player in the hidden players expression.
Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again.
on join: if {vanished::%player's uuid%} is true: hide the player from all players
2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects), 2.7 (icon and infinite)
Apply or remove potion effects to/from entities.
apply ambient swiftness 2 to the player remove haste from the victim
on join: apply infinite potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player apply potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player for 999 days # Before 1.19.4
apply potion effects of player's tool to player apply haste potion of tier 3 without any particles whilst hiding the potion icon to the player # Hide potions
2.0, 2.2-dev24 (replace in multiple strings and replace items in inventory), 2.5 (replace first, case sensitivity)
Replaces all occurrences of a given text with another text. Please note that you can only change variables and a few expressions, e.g. a message or a line of a sign.
replace "<item>" in {textvar} with "%item%" replace every "&" with "§" in line 1 # The following acts as a simple chat censor, but it will e.g. censor mass, hassle, assassin, etc. as well: on chat: replace all "kys", "idiot" and "noob" with "****" in the message
replace all stone and dirt in player's inventory and player's top inventory with diamond
send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% to %players%
send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% with hash %text% to %players%
Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs. The client will download the resource pack in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete. The URL must be a direct download link.
The hash is used for caching, the player won't have to re-download the resource pack that way. The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of your resource pack using this online tool.
Shears or un-shears a shearable entity with drops by shearing and a 'sheared' sound. Using with 'force' will force this effect despite the entity's 'shear state'.
Please note that..:
- If your server is not running with Paper 1.19.4 or higher, this effect will only change its 'shear state', and the 'force' effect is unavailable
- Force-shearing or un-shearing on a sheared mushroom cow is not possible
on rightclick on a sheep holding a sword: shear the clicked sheep chance of 10% force shear the clicked sheep
Stops specific or all sounds from playing to a group of players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default. A sound can't be stopped from a different category.
Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.
stop sound "" for the player stop playing sounds "ambient.underwater.loop" and "ambient.underwater.loop.additions" to the player stop all sounds for all players stop sound in the record category
Teleport an entity to a specific location. This effect is delayed by default on Paper, meaning certain syntax such as the return effect for functions cannot be used after this effect. The keyword 'force' indicates this effect will not be delayed, which may cause lag spikes or server crashes when using this effect to teleport entities to unloaded chunks.
teleport the player to {homes.%player%} teleport the attacker to the victim
Sends a title/subtitle to the given player(s) with optional fadein/stay/fadeout times for Minecraft versions 1.11 and above.
If you're sending only the subtitle, it will be shown only if there's a title displayed at the moment, otherwise it will be sent with the next title. To show only the subtitle, use: send title " " with subtitle "yourtexthere" to player.
Note: if no input is given for the times, it will keep the ones from the last title sent, use the reset title effect to restore the default values.
send title "Competition Started" with subtitle "Have fun, Stay safe!" to player for 5 seconds send title "Hi %player%" to player send title "Loot Drop" with subtitle "starts in 3 minutes" to all players send title "Hello %player%!" with subtitle "Welcome to our server" to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second send subtitle "Party!" to all players
Creates a tree. This may require that there is enough space above the given location and that the block below is dirt/grass, but it is possible that the tree will just grow anyways, possibly replacing every block in its path.
Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world. You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'. Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.
spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player spawn a zombie at the player: set name of the zombie to ""
Tests whether a player is allowed to build at a certain location. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.
command /setblock <material>: description: set the block at your crosshair to a different type trigger: player cannot build at the targeted block: message "You do not have permission to change blocks there!" stop set the targeted block to argument
A very general condition, it simply compares two values. Usually you can only compare for equality (e.g. block is/isn't of <type>), but some values can also be compared using greater than/less than. In that case you can also test for whether an object is between two others. Note: This is the only element where not all patterns are shown. It has actually another two sets of similar patters, but with (was|were) or will be instead of (is|are) respectively, which check different time states of the first expression.
the clicked block is a stone slab or a double stone slab time in the player's world is greater than 8:00 the creature is not an enderman or an ender dragon
Checks whether an inventory contains an item, a text contains another piece of text, or a list (e.g. {list variable::*} or 'drops') contains another object.
block contains 20 cobblestone player has 4 flint and 2 iron ingots {list::*} contains 5
[the] damage (was|is|has)[n('|o)t] [been] (caused|done|made) by %damage cause%
Tests what kind of damage caused a damage event. Refer to the Damage Cause type for a list of all possible causes.
# make players use their potions of fire resistance whenever they take any kind of fire damage on damage: damage was caused by lava, fire or burning victim is a player victim has a potion of fire resistance cancel event apply fire resistance to the victim for 30 seconds remove 1 potion of fire resistance from the victim # prevent mobs from dropping items under certain circumstances on death: entity is not a player damage wasn't caused by a block explosion, an attack, a projectile, a potion, fire, burning, thorns or poison clear drops
Checks whether living entities have an unobstructed line of sight to other entities or locations.
player has direct line of sight to location 5 blocks to the right of player victim has line of sight to attacker player has no line of sight to location 100 blocks in front of player
%players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]
Paper 1.9 or newer
Checks whether the given players have a server resource pack loaded. Please note that this can't detect player's own resource pack, only the resource pack that sent by the server.
Checks if a block is indirectly or directly powered by redstone
if clicked block is redstone powered: send "This block is well-powered by redstone!" if clicked block is indirectly redstone powered: send "This block is indirectly redstone powered."
off[ |-]hand[s] of %living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) raised
Checks whether an entity has one or both of their hands raised. Hands are raised when an entity is using an item (eg: blocking, drawing a bow, eating).
on damage of player: if victim's main hand is raised: drop player's tool at player set player's tool to air
Checks whether a player is a member or owner of a particular region. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.
on region enter: player is the owner of the region message "Welcome back to %region%!" send "%player% just entered %region%!" to all members of the region
Checks whether a block is passable. A block is passable if it has no colliding parts that would prevent players from moving through it. Blocks like tall grass, flowers, signs, etc. are passable, but open doors, fence gates, trap doors, etc. are not because they still have parts that can be collided with.
Check if a plugin is enabled/disabled on the server. Plugin names can be found in the plugin's 'plugin.yml' file or by using the '/plugins' command, they are NOT the name of the plugin's jar file. When checking if a plugin is not enabled, this will return true if the plugin is either disabled or not on the server. When checking if a plugin is disabled, this will return true if the plugin is on the server and is disabled.
if plugin "Vault" is enabled: if plugin "WorldGuard" is not enabled: if plugins "Essentials" and "Vault" are enabled: if plugin "MyBrokenPlugin" is disabled:
Checks whether an item is the preferred tool for a block. A preferred tool is one that will drop the block's item when used. For example, a wooden pickaxe is a preferred tool for grass and stone blocks, but not for iron ore.
on left click: event-block is set if player's tool is the preferred tool for event-block: break event-block naturally using player's tool else: cancel event
Tests whether a chunk is a so-called slime chunk. Slimes can generally spawn in the swamp biome and in slime chunks. For more info, see the Minecraft wiki.
command /slimey: trigger: if chunk at player is a slime chunk: send "Yeah, it is!" else: send "Nope, it isn't"
# prevent mobs from seeing sneaking players if they are at least 4 meters apart on target: target is sneaking distance of target and the entity is bigger than 4 cancel the event
Checks whether an item is transparent. Note that this condition may not work for all blocks, due to the transparency list used by Spigot not being completely accurate.
Whether a location is within something else. The "something" can be a block, an entity, a chunk, a world, or a cuboid formed by two other locations. Note that using the is between condition will refer to a straight line between locations, while this condition will refer to the cuboid between locations.
if player's location is within {_loc1} and {_loc2}: send "You are in a PvP zone!" to player
if player is in world("world"): send "You are in the overworld!" to player
if attacker's location is inside of victim: cancel event send "Back up!" to attacker and victim
Checks whether an item of an entity is of the given type. This is mostly useful for variables, as you can use the general 'is' condition otherwise (e.g. 'victim is a creeper').
tool is of type {selected type} victim is of type {villager type}
Checks if living entities or players are left or right-handed. Armor stands are neither right nor left-handed. Paper 1.17.1+ is required for non-player entities.
on damage of player: if victim is left handed: cancel event
Checks whether the defined strings match the input regexes (Regular expressions).
on chat: if message partially matches "\d": send "Message contains a digit!" if message doesn't match "[A-Za-z]+": send "Message doesn't only contain letters!"
on resource pack response: if the resource pack wasn't accepted: kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"
%date% (was|were)( more|(n't| not) less) than %time span% [ago]
%date% (was|were)((n't| not) more| less) than %time span% [ago]
Tests whether a given real time was more or less than some time span ago.
command /command-with-cooldown: trigger: {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} was less than a minute ago: message "Please wait a minute between uses of this command." stop set {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} to now # ... actual command trigger here ...
Conditional sections if: executed when its condition is true else if: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true else: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed
parse if: a special case of 'if' condition that its code will not be parsed if the condition is not true else parse if: another special case of 'else if' condition that its code will not be parsed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true
if player's health is greater than or equal to 4: send "Your health is okay so far but be careful!"
else if player's health is greater than 2: send "You need to heal ASAP, your health is very low!"
else: # Less than 2 hearts send "You are about to DIE if you don't heal NOW. You have only %player's health% heart(s)!"
parse if plugin "SomePluginName" is enabled: # parse if %condition% # This code will only be executed if the condition used is met otherwise Skript will not parse this section therefore will not give any errors/info about this section
Loop sections repeat their code with multiple values.
A loop will loop through all elements of the given expression, e.g. all players, worlds, items, etc. The conditions & effects inside the loop will be executed for every of those elements, which can be accessed with ‘loop-’, e.g. send "hello" to loop-player. When a condition inside a loop is not fulfilled the loop will start over with the next element of the loop. You can however use stop loop to exit the loop completely and resume code execution after the end of the loop.
Loopable Values All expressions that represent more than one value, e.g. ‘all players’, ‘worlds’, etc., as well as list variables, can be looped. You can also use a list of expressions, e.g. loop the victim and the attacker, to execute the same code for only a few values.
List Variables When looping list variables, you can also use loop-index in addition to loop-value inside the loop. loop-value is the value of the currently looped variable, and loop-index is the last part of the variable's name (the part where the list variable has its asterisk *).
loop all players: send "Hello %loop-player%!" to loop-player
loop items in player's inventory: if loop-item is dirt: set loop-item to air
loop 10 times: send title "%11 - loop-value%" and subtitle "seconds left until the game begins" to player for 1 second # 10, 9, 8 etc. wait 1 second
loop {Coins::*}: set {Coins::%loop-index%} to loop-value + 5 # Same as "add 5 to {Coins::%loop-index%}" where loop-index is the uuid of the player and loop-value is the actually coins value such as 200
While Loop sections are loops that will just keep repeating as long as a condition is met.
while size of all players < 5: send "More players are needed to begin the adventure" to all players wait 5 seconds
set {_counter} to 1 do while {_counter} > 1: # false but will increase {_counter} by 1 then get out add 1 to {_counter}
# Be careful when using while loops with conditions that are almost # always true for a long time without using 'wait %timespan%' inside it, # otherwise it will probably hang and crash your server. while player is online: give player 1 dirt wait 1 second # without using a delay effect the server will crash
Called when an item is put in a slot for repair by an anvil. Please note that this event is called multiple times in a single item slot move.
on anvil prepare: event-item is set # result item chance of 5%: set repair cost to repair cost * 50% send "You're LUCKY! You got 50% discount." to player
Called when a player rightclicks on a block while holding a block or a placeable item. You can either cancel the event to prevent the block from being built, or uncancel it to allow it. Please note that the data value of the block to be placed is not available in this event, only its ID.
Called whenever a player chats. Use chat format to change message format. Use chat recipients to edit chat recipients.
on chat: if player has permission "owner": set chat format to "&amp;amp;lt;red&amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;gt;[message]" else if player has permission "admin": set chat format to "&amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;gt;[message]" else: #default message format set chat format to "&amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;lt;white&amp;amp;gt;[message]"
Called when a user clicks on a block, an entity or air with or without an item in their hand. Please note that rightclick events with an empty hand while not looking at a block are not sent to the server, so there's no way to detect them. Also note that a leftclick on an entity is an attack and thus not covered by the 'click' event, but the 'damage' event.
on click: on rightclick holding a fishing rod: on leftclick on a stone or obsidian: on rightclick on a creeper: on click with a sword:
Called when a player enters a command (not necessarily a Skript command) but you can check if command is a skript command, see Is a Skript command condition.
on command: on command "/stop": on command "pm Njol ":
Called when the player connects to the server. This event is called before the player actually joins the server, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer this event over on join.
on connect: player doesn't have permission "VIP" number of players is greater than 15 kick the player due to "The last 5 slots are reserved for VIP players."
Called when a player throws an egg and it lands. You can just use the shoot event in most cases. However, this event allows modification of properties like the hatched entity type and the number of entities to hatch.
Called when a player puts an item into enchantment table. This event may be called multiple times. To get the enchant item, see the enchant item expression
on enchant prepare: set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1 set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels
Called when an enderman places or picks up a block, a sheep eats grass, a silverfish boops into/out of a block or a falling block lands and turns into a block respectively. event-block represents the old block and event-blockdata represents the new replacement that'll be applied to the block.
on sheep eat: kill event-entity broadcast "A sheep stole some grass!"
on falling block land: event-entity is a falling dirt cancel event
[on] (entit(y|ies)|%*-entitydatas%) transform[ing] [due to %transform reasons%]
Called when an entity is about to be replaced by another entity. Examples when it's called include; when a zombie gets cured and a villager spawns, an entity drowns in water like a zombie that turns to a drown, an entity that gets frozen in powder snow, a mooshroom that when sheared, spawns a new cow.
on a zombie transforming due to curing: on mooshroom transforming: on zombie, skeleton or slime transform:
Called when an explosive is primed, i.e. an entity will explode shortly. Creepers can abort the explosion if the player gets too far away, while TNT will explode for sure after a short time.
on firework explode on firework exploding colored red, light green and black on firework explosion colored light green: broadcast "A firework colored %colors% was exploded at %location%!"
Called when a block is created, but not by a player, e.g. snow forms due to snowfall, water freezes in cold biomes. This isn't called when block spreads (mushroom growth, water physics etc.), as it has its own event (see spread event).
Called when a tree, giant mushroom or plant grows to next stage. "of" matches any grow event, "from" matches only the old state, "into" matches only the new state,and "from into" requires matching both the old and new states. Using "and" lists in this event is equivalent to using "or" lists. The event will trigger if any one of the elements is what grew.
on grow: on grow of tree: on grow of wheat[age=7]: on grow from a sapling: on grow into tree: on grow from a sapling into tree: on grow of wheat, carrots, or potatoes: on grow into tree, giant mushroom, cactus: on grow from wheat[age=0] to wheat[age=1] or wheat[age=2]:
Called whenever a player swaps the items in their main- and offhand slots. Works also when one or both of the slots are empty. The event is called before the items are actually swapped, so when you use the player's tool or player's offtool expressions, they will return the values before the swap - this enables you to cancel the event before anything happens.
on swap hand items: event-player's tool is a diamond sword cancel event
Called when an entity is healed, e.g. by eating (players), being fed (pets), or by the effect of a potion of healing (overworld mobs) or harm (nether mobs).
Called when a block starts burning, i.e. a fire block is placed next to it and this block is flammable. The burn event will be called when the block is about do be destroyed by the fire.
on block ignite: if event-block is a ladder: cancel event
Called when an entity or block (e.g. hopper) tries to move items directly from one inventory to another. When this event is called, the initiator may have already removed the item from the source inventory and is ready to move it into the destination inventory. If this event is cancelled, the items will be returned to the source inventory.
on inventory item move: broadcast "%holder of past event-inventory% is transporting %event-item% to %holder of event-inventory%!"
Called when dropped items merge into a single stack. event-entity will be the entity which is trying to merge, and future event-entity will be the entity which is being merged into.
Called whenever an item stack is spawned in a world, e.g. as drop of a block or mob, a player throwing items out of their inventory, or a dispenser dispensing an item (not shooting it).
on item spawn of iron sword: broadcast "Someone dropped an iron sword!"
Called when the player joins the server. The player is already in a world when this event is called, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer on connect over this event.
on join: message "Welcome on our awesome server!" broadcast "%player% just joined the server!"
Called after a player changed their language in the game settings. You can use the language expression to get the current language of the player. This event requires Minecraft 1.12+.
on language change: if player's language starts with "en": send "Hello!"
[on] %entity type% (move|walk|step) or (turn[ing] around|rotate)
[on] %entity type% (turn[ing] around|rotate) or (move|walk|step)
2.6, 2.8.0 (turn around)
Paper 1.16.5+ (entity move)
Called when a player or entity moves or rotates their head. NOTE: Move event will only be called when the entity/player moves position, keyword 'turn around' is for orientation (ie: looking around), and the combined syntax listens for both. NOTE: These events can be performance heavy as they are called quite often.
on player move: if player does not have permission "player.can.move": cancel event on skeleton move: if event-entity is not in world "world": kill event-entity on player turning around: send action bar "You are currently turning your head around!" to player
Called when a physics check is done on a block. By cancelling this event you can prevent some things from happening, e.g. sand falling, dirt turning into grass, torches dropping if their supporting block is destroyed, etc.Please note that using this event might cause quite some lag since it gets called extremely often.
# prevents sand from falling on block physics: block is sand cancel event
Called when a player has slept long enough to count as passing the night/storm. Cancelling this event will prevent the player from being counted as deeply sleeping unless they exit and re-enter the bed.
Called when a portal is created, either by a player or mob lighting an obsidian frame on fire, or by a nether portal creating its teleportation target in the nether/overworld. In Minecraft 1.14+, you can use the player in this event. Please note that there may not always be a player (or other entity) in this event.
Called when a projectile hits an entity or a block. Use the damage event with a check for a projectile to be able to use the entity that got hit in the case when the projectile hit a living entity. A damage event will even be fired if the damage is 0, e.g. when throwing snowballs at non-nether mobs.
on projectile hit: event-projectile is arrow delete event-projectile
Called when a player is firing a bow and the server is choosing an arrow to use. Cancelling this event will skip the current arrow item and fire a new event for the next arrow item. The arrow and bow in the event can be accessed with the Readied Arrow/Bow expression.
on player ready arrow: selected bow's name is "Spectral Bow" if selected arrow is not a spectral arrow: cancel event
Called when a player takes action on a resource pack request sent via the send resource pack effect. The resource pack condition can be used to check the resource pack state.
This event will be triggered once when the player accepts or declines the resource pack request, and once when the resource pack is successfully installed or failed to download.
on resource pack request response: if the resource pack was declined or failed to download:
on resource pack deny: kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"
Called when the player activates the riptide enchantment, using their trident to propel them through the air. Note: the riptide action is performed client side, so manipulating the player in this event may have undesired effects.
Called directly after the trigger is loaded, or directly before the whole script is unloaded. The keyword 'async' indicates the trigger can be ran asynchronously,
on load: set {running::%script%} to true on unload: set {running::%script%} to false
[on] send[ing] [of [the]] [server] command[s] list
[on] [server] command list send
Called when the server sends a list of commands to the player. This usually happens on join. The sent commands can be modified via the sent commands expression. Modifications will affect what commands show up for the player to tab complete. They will not affect what commands the player can actually run. Adding new commands to the list is illegal behavior and will be ignored.
on send command list: set command list to command list where [input does not contain ":"] remove "help" from command list
Called when a server list ping is coming in, generally when a Minecraft client pings the server to show its information in the server list. The IP expression can be used to get the IP adress of the pinger. This event can be cancelled on PaperSpigot 1.12.2+ only and this means the player will see the server as offline (but still can join).
on server list ping: set the motd to "Welcome %{player-by-IP::%ip%}%! Join now!" if {player-by-IP::%ip%} is set, else "Join now!" set the fake max players count to (online players count + 1) set the shown icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}
Called when a player stops using an item. For example, when the player releases the interact button when holding a bow, an edible item, or a spyglass. Note that event-timespan will return the time the item was used for.
on player stop using item: broadcast "%player% used %event-item% for %event-timespan%."
Called whenever a player changes their held item by selecting a different slot (e.g. the keys 1-9 or the mouse wheel), not by dropping or replacing the item in the current slot.
Called when a world is initialized. As all default worlds are initialized before any scripts are loaded, this event is only called for newly created worlds. World management plugins might change the behaviour of this event though.
every 2 seconds in "world": every minecraft hour in "flatworld": every tick in "world": # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event every minecraft days in "plots":
Block data is the detailed information about a block, referred to in Minecraft as BlockStates, allowing for the manipulation of different aspects of the block, including shape, waterlogging, direction the block is facing, and so much more. Information regarding each block's optional data can be found on Minecraft's Wiki. Find the block you're looking for and scroll down to 'Block States'. Different states must be separated by a semicolon (see examples). The 'minecraft:' namespace is optional, as well as are underscores.
set block at player to campfire[lit=false] set target block of player to oak stairs[facing=north;waterlogged=true] set block at player to grass_block[snowy=true] set loop-block to minecraft:chest[facing=north] set block above player to oak_log[axis=y] set target block of player to minecraft:oak_leaves[distance=2;persistent=false]
lmb, number key, mmb, rmb, drop item, drop key, window border using left mouse button, unknown, window border using right mouse, shift+rmb, unsupported, shift+lmb, ctrl+q, swap shield, left mouse button, left mouse with shift, left mouse, 0-9, double click, double click using mouse, border using rmb, right mouse button, right mouse button with shift, border using lmb, middle mouse, drop key with control, window border using right mouse button, swap offhand, custom, q, right mouse with shift, middle mouse button, drop stack, left mouse button with shift, right mouse, creative action
2.2-dev16b, 2.2-dev35 (renamed to click type)
Click type, mostly for inventory events. Tells exactly which keys/buttons player pressed, assuming that default keybindings are used in client side.
color of the sheep is red or black set the color of the block to green message "You're holding a &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;%color of tool%&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;%color of tool%&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;reset&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; wool block"
command /push [&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;player&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if command sender is console: send "You can't push yourself as a console :\" to sender stop push sender upwards with force 2 send "Yay!" else: push arg-1 upwards with force 2 send "Yay!" to sender and arg-1
sweep attack, thorns, the void, magma, a lightning, drowning, dragonfire, an attack, drown, an entity attack, melt, freeze, falling block, contact, fire, an entity explosion, lightning, a fall, entity explosion, void, a lightning strike, suffocation, suicide, wither effect, a plugin, lightning strike, entity attack, a potion, a wither, sweeping, melting, a falling block, unknown, starvation, lava, fall, hot floor, attack, a block explosion, dryout, burn, hitting wall while flying, potion, world border, flying into a wall, cramming, poison, sonic boom, suffocate, custom, kill, killed, a fire, burning, a projectile, plugin, wither potion effect, block explosion, projectile, wither, dragon's breath
The cause/type of a damage event, e.g. lava, fall, fire, drowning, explosion, poison, etc. Please note that support for this type is very rudimentary, e.g. lava, fire and burning, as well as projectile and attack are considered different types.
A direction, e.g. north, east, behind, 5 south east, 1.3 meters to the right, etc. Locations and some blocks also have a direction, but without a length. Please note that directions have changed extensively in the betas and might not work perfectly. They can also not be used as command arguments.
set the block below the victim to a chest loop blocks from the block infront of the player to the block 10 below the player: set the block behind the loop-block to water
An entity is something in a world that's not a block, e.g. a player, a skeleton, or a zombie, but also projectiles like arrows, fireballs or thrown potions, or special entities like dropped items, falling blocks or paintings.
entity is a zombie or creeper player is an op projectile is an arrow shoot a fireball from the player
An entity type with an amount, e.g. '2 zombies'. I might remove this type in the future and make a more general 'type' type, i.e. a type that has a number and a type.
Experience points. Please note that Bukkit only allows to give XP, but not remove XP from players. You can however change a player's level and level progress freely.
A configuration of effects that defines the firework when exploded which can be used in the launch firework effect. See the firework effect expression for detailed patterns.
launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1
An inventory of a player or block. Inventories have many effects and conditions regarding the items contained. An inventory has a fixed amount of slots which represent a specific place in the inventory, e.g. the helmet slot for players (Please note that slot support is still very limited but will be improved eventually).
drop stack from slot, swap items with hotbar, swap cursor stack, pickup single item, pickup some, drop all from cursor, move to other inventory, drop cursor stack, pickup all, swap with hotbar, nothing, drop all from slot, swap cursor, drop cursor, pickup all items, drop slot item, place all, drop cursor item, drop slot stack, drop single item from slot, swap with cursor, place some, pickup one item, drop single item from cursor, collect items to cursor, unknown, clone stack, drop stack from cursor, drop one item from slot, drop one item from cursor, unsupported, do nothing, drop one from cursor, pickup half, drop items from slot, swap stack with cursor, place all items, collect to cursor, pickup some items, drop slot, drop items from cursor, hotbar move and readd, shift move, custom, pickup single, place one item, hotbar swap items, drop one from slot, place some items, place one, pickup half stack, instant move, hotbar swap
What player just did in inventory event. Note that when in creative game mode, most actions do not work correctly.
barrel inventory, a loom inventory, a blast furnace inventory, workbench inventory, ender chest inventory, loom inventory, a workbench inventory, hopper inventory, a merchant inventory, a hopper inventory, chiseled bookshelf, an ender chest inventory, new smithing table, bookshelf, a jukebox, beacon inventory, shulker box inventory, a barrel inventory, a shulker box inventory, lectern inventory, chest inventory, a villager inventory, a smoker inventory, a brewing stand inventory, a smithing inventory, grindstone inventory, a crafter inventory, a crafting table inventory, a player inventory, decorated pot, furnace inventory, a creative inventory, blast furnace inventory, upgrade gear, a composter inventory, an enchanting table inventory, jukebox, a dropper inventory, a cartography table inventory, a upgrade gear, smoker inventory, composter inventory, a chest inventory, upgrade gear table, a upgrade gear table, dispenser inventory, player inventory, stonecutter inventory, a stonecutter inventory, a decorated pot, a lectern inventory, merchant inventory, cartography table inventory, a chiseled bookshelf, a new smithing table, a furnace inventory, anvil inventory, a dispenser inventory, a grindstone inventory, smithing inventory, dropper inventory, brewing stand inventory, villager inventory, enchanting table inventory, a beacon inventory, a bookshelf, crafter inventory, creative inventory, crafting table inventory, an anvil inventory
Minecraft has several different inventory types with their own use cases.
[<number> [of]] <alias> [of <enchantment> <level>], Where <alias> must be an alias that represents exactly one item (i.e cannot be a general alias like 'sword' or 'plant')
An item, e.g. a stack of torches, a furnace, or a wooden sword of sharpness 2. Unlike item type an item can only represent exactly one item (e.g. an upside-down cobblestone stair facing west), while an item type can represent a whole range of items (e.g. any cobble stone stairs regardless of direction). You don't usually need this type except when you want to make a command that only accepts an exact item. Please note that currently 'material' is exactly the same as 'item', i.e. can have an amount & enchantments.
set {_item} to type of the targeted block {_item} is a torch
An item type is an alias, e.g. 'a pickaxe', 'all plants', etc., and can result in different items when added to an inventory, and unlike items they are well suited for checking whether an inventory contains a certain item or whether a certain item is of a certain type. An item type can also have one or more enchantments with or without a specific level defined, and can optionally start with 'all' or 'every' to make this item type represent all types that the alias represents, including data ranges.
give 4 torches to the player add all slabs to the inventory of the block player's tool is a diamond sword of sharpness remove a pickaxes of fortune 4 from {stored items::*} set {_item} to 10 of every upside-down stair block is dirt or farmland
A location in a world. Locations are world-specific and even store a direction, e.g. if you save a location and later teleport to it you will face the exact same direction you did when you saved the location.
<number> $ or $ <number>, where '$' is your server's currency, e.g. '10 rupees' or '£5.00'
Vault, an economy plugin that supports Vault
A certain amount of money. Please note that this differs from numbers as it includes a currency symbol or name, but usually the two are interchangeable, e.g. you can both add 100$ to the player's balance and add 100 to the player's balance.
add 10£ to the player's account remove Fr. 9.95 from the player's money set the victim's money to 0 increase the attacker's balance by the level of the victim * 100
[-]###[.###] (any amount of digits; very large numbers will be truncated though)
A number, e.g. 2.5, 3, or -9812454. Please note that many expressions only need integers, i.e. will discard any fractional parts of any numbers without producing an error.
set the player's health to 5.5 set {_temp} to 2*{_temp} - 2.5
Parsing an offline player as a player (online) will return nothing (none), for that case you would need to parse as offlineplayer which only returns nothing (none) if player doesn't exist in Minecraft databases (name not taken) otherwise it will return the player regardless of their online status.
2.0 beta 8
A player that is possibly offline. See player for more information. Please note that while all effects and conditions that require a player can be used with an offline player as well, they will not work if the player is not actually online.
set {_p} to "Notch" parsed as an offlineplayer # returns Notch even if they're offline
Parsing an offline player as a player (online) will return nothing (none), for that case you would need to parse as offlineplayer which only returns nothing (none) if player doesn't exist in Minecraft databases (name not taken) otherwise it will return the player regardless of their online status.
A player. Depending on whether a player is online or offline several actions can be performed with them, though you won't get any errors when using effects that only work if the player is online (e.g. changing their inventory) on an offline player. You have two possibilities to use players as command arguments: <player> and <offline player>. The first requires that the player is online and also accepts only part of the name, while the latter doesn't require that the player is online, but the player's name has to be entered exactly.
set {_p} to "Notch" parsed as a player # returns &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;none&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; unless Notch is actually online or starts with Notch like Notchan set {_p} to "N" parsed as a player # returns Notch if Notch is online because their name starts with 'N' (case insensitive) however, it would return nothing if no player whose name starts with 'N' is online.
A region of a regions plugin. Skript currently supports WorldGuard, Factions, GriefPrevention and PreciousStones. Please note that some regions plugins do not have named regions, some use numerical ids to identify regions, and some may have regions with the same name in different worlds, thus using regions like "region name" in scripts may or may not work.
Represents a single slot of an inventory. Notable slots are the armour slots and furnace slots. The most important property that distinguishes a slot from an item is its ability to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deleted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expressions can be changed as well, e.g. items stored in variables. For that matter: slots are never saved to variables, only the items they represent at the time when the variable is set). Please note that tool can be regarded a slot, but it can actually change it's position, i.e. doesn't represent always the same slot.
set tool of player to dirt delete helmet of the victim set the color of the player's tool to green enchant the player's chestplate with projectile protection 5
Text is simply text, i.e. a sequence of characters, which can optionally contain expressions which will be replaced with a meaningful representation (e.g. %player% will be replaced with the player's name). Because scripts are also text, you have to put text into double quotes to tell Skript which part of the line is an effect/expression and which part is the text. Please read the article on Texts and Variable Names to learn more.
broadcast "Hello World!" message "Hello %player%" message "The id of ""%type of tool%"" is %id of tool%."
A time is a point in a minecraft day's time (i.e. ranges from 0:00 to 23:59), which can vary per world. See date and timespan for the other time types of Skript.
A period of time between two times. Mostly useful since you can use this to test for whether it's day, night, dusk or dawn in a specific world. This type might be removed in the future as you can use 'time of world is between x and y' as a replacement.
A timespan is a difference of two different dates or times, e.g '10 minutes'. Timespans are always displayed as real life time, but can be defined as minecraft time, e.g. '5 minecraft days and 12 hours'. NOTE: Months always have the value of 30 days, and years of 365 days. See date and time for the other time types of Skript.
every 5 minecraft days: wait a minecraft second and 5 ticks every 10 mc days and 12 hours: halt for 12.7 irl minutes, 12 hours and 120.5 seconds
See the type name patterns of all types - including this one
Represents a type, e.g. number, object, item type, location, block, world, entity type, etc. This is mostly used for expressions like 'event-<type>', '<type>-argument', 'loop-<type>', etc., e.g. event-world, number-argument and loop-player.
{variable} is a number # check whether the variable contains a number, e.g. -1 or 5.5 {variable} is a type # check whether the variable contains a type, e.g. number or player {variable} is an object # will always succeed if the variable is set as everything is an object, even types. disable PvP in the event-world kill the loop-entity
One of the server's worlds. Worlds can be put into scripts by surrounding their name with double quotes, e.g. "world_nether", but this might not work reliably as text uses the same syntax.
Similar to atan, but requires two coordinates and returns values from -180 to 180. The returned angle is measured counterclockwise in a standard mathematical coordinate system (x to the right, y to the top).
date(year: number, month: number, day: number, hour: number = [[integer:0]], minute: number = [[integer:0]], second: number = [[integer:0]], millisecond: number = [[integer:0]], zone_offset: number = [[double:NaN]], dst_offset: number = [[double:NaN]])
Creates a date from a year, month, and day, and optionally also from hour, minute, second and millisecond. A time zone and DST offset can be specified as well (in minutes), if they are left out the server's time zone and DST offset are used (the created date will not retain this information).
date(2014, 10, 1) # 0:00, 1st October 2014 date(1990, 3, 5, 14, 30) # 14:30, 5th May 1990 date(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, -3*60, 0) # almost year 2000 in parts of Brazil (-3 hours offset, no DST)
Creates a location from a world and 3 coordinates, with an optional yaw and pitch. If for whatever reason the world is not found, it will fallback to the server's main world.
A logarithm, with base 10 if none is specified. This is the inverse operation to exponentiation (for positive bases only), i.e. log(base ^ exponent, base) = exponent for any positive number 'base' and any number 'exponent'. Another useful equation is base ^ log(a, base) = a for any numbers 'base' and 'a'. Please note that due to how numbers are represented in computers, these equations do not hold for all numbers, as the computed values may slightly differ from the correct value. Returns NaN (not a number) if any of the arguments are negative.
Returns the modulo of the given arguments, i.e. the remainder of the division d/m, where d and m are the arguments of this function. The returned value is always positive. Returns NaN (not a number) if the second argument is zero.
Returns an online player from their name or UUID, if player is offline function will return nothing. Setting 'getExactPlayer' parameter to true will return the player whose name is exactly equal to the provided name instead of returning a player that their name starts with the provided name.
set {_p} to player("Notch") # will return an online player whose name is or starts with 'Notch' set {_p} to player("Notch", true) # will return the only online player whose name is 'Notch' set {_p} to player("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5") # &amp;lt;none&amp;gt; if player is offline
The sine function. It starts at 0° with a value of 0, goes to 1 at 90°, back to 0 at 180°, to -1 at 270° and then repeats every 360°. Uses degrees, not radians.
The square root, which is the inverse operation to squaring a number (for positive numbers only). This is the same as (argument) ^ (1/2) – other roots can be calculated via number ^ (1/root), e.g. set {_l} to {_volume}^(1/3). Returns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.
command /bwoadcast &wt;stwing>: usage: A command fow bwoadcasting a message to aww pwayews. pewmission: skwipt.command.bwoadcast pewmission message: You don't have pewmission to bwoadcast messages awiases: /bc executabwe by: pwayews and consowe coowdown: 15 seconds coowdown message: You wast bwoadcast a message %ewapsed time% ago. You can bwoadcast anothew message in %wemaining time%. coowdown bypass: skwipt.command.bwoadcast.admin coowdown stowage: {coowdown::%pwayew%} twiggew: bwoadcast the awgument
Functions awe stwuctuwes dat can be executed with awguments/pawametews to wun code. They can awso wetuwn a vawue to the twiggew dat is executing the function. Note dat wocaw functions come befowe gwobaw functions execution
function sayMessage(message: text): bwoadcast {_message} # ouw message awgument is avaiwabwe in '{_message}'
wocaw function giveAppwe(amount: numbew) :: item: wetuwn {_amount} of appwe
function getPoints(p: pwayew) wetuwns numbew: wetuwn {points::%{_p}%}
Options awe used fow wepwacing pawts of a scwipt with something ewse. Fow exampwe, an option may wepwesent a message dat appeaws in muwtipwe wocations. Take a wook at the exampwe bewow dat showcases dis.
options: no_pewmission: You'we missing the wequiwed pewmission to execute dis command!
Used fow defining vawiabwes pwesent within a scwipt. dis section is not wequiwed, but it ensuwes dat a vawiabwe has a vawue if it doesn't exist when the scwipt is woaded.
vawiabwes: {joins} = 0 {bawance::%pwayew%} = 0
on join: add 1 to {joins} message "Youw bawance is %{bawance::%pwayew%}%"
Retuwns the item the entities awe cuwwentwy using (ie: the food they'we eating, the bow they'we dwawing back, etc.). dis cannot be changed. If an entity is not using any item, dis wiww wetuwn nuww.
on damage of pwayew: if victim's active toow is a bow: intewwupt pwayew's active item use
Retuwns the time dat the entities have eithew spent using an item, ow the time weft fow them to finish using an item. If an entity is not using any item, dis wiww wetuwn 0 seconds.
on wight cwick: bwoadcast pwayew's wemaining item use time wait 1 second bwoadcast pwayew's item use time
Retuwns the age ow maximum age of bwocks and age fow entities (thewe in no maximum age fow entities). Fow bwocks, 'Age' wepwesents the diffewent gwowth stages dat a cwop-wike bwock can go thwough. A vawue of 0 indicates dat the cwop was fweshwy pwanted, whiwst a vawue equaw to 'maximum age' indicates dat the cwop is wipe and weady to be hawvested. Fow entities, 'Age' wepwesents the time weft fow them to become aduwts and it's in minus incweasing to be 0 which means they'we aduwts, e.g. A baby cow needs 20 minutes to become an aduwt which equaws to 24,000 ticks so theiw age wiww be -24000 once spawned.
# Set tawgeted cwop to fuwwy gwown cwop set age of tawgeted bwock to maximum age of tawgeted bwock
# Spawn a baby cow dat wiww onwy need 1 minute to become an aduwt spawn a baby cow at pwayew set age of wast spawned entity to -1200 # in ticks = 60 seconds
The amount of something. Pwease note dat amount of %items% wiww not wetuwn the numbew of items, but the numbew of stacks, e.g. 1 fow a stack of 64 towches. To get the amount of items in a stack, see the item amount expwession.
Awso, you can get the wecuwsive size of a wist, which wiww wetuwn the wecuwsive size of the wist with subwists incwuded, e.g.
Whewe using %size of {wist::*}% wiww onwy wetuwn 3 (the fiwst wayew of indices onwy), whiwe %wecuwsive size of {wist::*}% wiww wetuwn 6 (the entiwe wist) Pwease note dat getting a wist's wecuwsive size can cause wag if the wist is wawge, so onwy use dis expwession if you need to!
message "Thewe awe %numbew of aww pwayews% pwayews onwine!"
Retuwns the expewience cost (in wevews) to compwete the cuwwent wepaiw ow the maximum expewience cost (in wevews) to be awwowed by the cuwwent wepaiw. The defauwt vawue of max cost set by vaniwwa Minecwaft is 40.
on inventowy cwick: if {AnviwRepaiwSaweActive} = twue: wait a tick # wecommended, to avoid cwient bugs set anviw wepaiw cost to anviw wepaiw cost * 50% send "Anviw wepaiw sawe is ON!" to pwayew
on inventowy cwick: pwayew have pewmission "anviw.wepaiw.max.bypass" set max wepaiw cost of event-inventowy to 99999
Usabwe in scwipt commands and command events. Howds the vawue of an awgument given to the command, e.g. if the command "/teww &wt;pwayew> &wt;text>" is used wike "/teww Njow Hewwo Njow!" awgument 1 is the pwayew named "Njow" and awgument 2 is "Hewwo Njow!". One can awso use the type of the awgument instead of its index to addwess the awgument, e.g. in the above exampwe 'pwayew-awgument' is the same as 'awgument 1'. Pwease note dat specifying the awgument type is onwy suppowted in scwipt commands.
give the item-awgument to the pwayew-awgument damage the pwayew-awgument by the numbew-awgument give a diamond pickaxe to the awgument add awgument 1 to awgument 2 heaw the wast awgument
Equipment of wiving entities, i.e. the boots, weggings, chestpwate ow hewmet.
set chestpwate of the pwayew to a diamond chestpwate hewmet of pwayew is neithew a hewmet now aiw # pwayew is weawing a bwock, e.g. fwom anothew pwugin
Retuwns the cuwwent coowdown fow a pwayew's attack. dis is used to cawcuwate damage, with 1.0 wepwesenting a fuwwy chawged attack and 0.0 wepwesenting a non-chawged attack. NOTE: Cuwwentwy dis can not be set to anything.
on damage: if attack coowdown of attackew &wt; 1: set damage to 0 send "Youw hit was too weak! wait untiw youw weapon is fuwwy chawged next time." to attackew
The victim of a damage event, e.g. when a pwayew attacks a zombie dis expwession wepwesents the zombie. When using Minecwaft 1.11+, dis awso covews the hit entity in a pwojectiwe hit event.
on damage: victim is a cweepew damage the attacked by 1 heawt
The attackew of a damage event, e.g. when a pwayew attacks a zombie dis expwession wepwesents the pwayew. Pwease note dat the attackew can awso be a bwock, e.g. a cactus ow wava, but dis expwession wiww not be set in these cases.
on damage: attackew is a pwayew heawth of attackew is wess than ow equaw to 2 damage victim by 1 heawt
Retuwns the bed wocation of a pwayew, i.e. the spawn point of a pwayew if they evew swept in a bed and the bed stiww exists and is unobstwucted howevew, you can set the unsafe bed wocation of pwayews and they wiww wespawn thewe even if it has been obstwucted ow doesn't exist anymowe and dat's the defauwt behaviow of dis expwession othewwise you wiww need to be specific i.e. safe bed wocation.
NOTE: Offwine pwayews can not have theiw bed wocation changed, onwy onwine pwayews.
if bed of pwayew exists: tewepowt pwayew the the pwayew's bed ewse: tewepowt the pwayew to the wowwd's spawn point
set the bed wocation of pwayew to spawn wocation of wowwd("wowwd") # unsafe/invawid bed wocation set the safe bed wocation of pwayew to spawn wocation of wowwd("wowwd") # safe/vawid bed wocation
The biome at a cewtain wocation. Pwease note dat biomes awe onwy defined fow x/z-cowumns (i.e. the awtitude (y-coowdinate) doesn't mattew), up untiw Minecwaft 1.15.x. As of Minecwaft 1.16, biomes awe now 3D (pew bwock vs cowumn).
# damage pwayew in desewts constantwy evewy weaw minute: woop aww pwayews: biome at woop-pwayew is desewt damage the woop-pwayew by 1
The bwock invowved in the event, e.g. the cwicked bwock ow the pwaced bwock. Can optionawwy incwude a diwection as weww, e.g. 'bwock above' ow 'bwock in fwont of the pwayew'.
bwock is owe set bwock bewow to aiw spawn a cweepew above the bwock woop bwocks in wadius 4: woop-bwock is obsidian set woop-bwock to watew bwock is a chest: cweaw the inventowy of the bwock
The bwock invowved in the event, e.g. the cwicked bwock ow the pwaced bwock. Can optionawwy incwude a diwection as weww, e.g. 'bwock above' ow 'bwock in fwont of the pwayew'.
bwock is owe set bwock bewow to aiw spawn a cweepew above the bwock woop bwocks in wadius 4: woop-bwock is obsidian set woop-bwock to watew bwock is a chest: cweaw the inventowy of the bwock
Gets the speed at which the given pwayew wouwd bweak dis bwock, taking into account toows, potion effects, whethew ow not the pwayew is in watew, enchantments, etc. The wetuwned vawue is the amount of pwogwess made in bweaking the bwock each tick. When the totaw bweaking pwogwess weaches 1.0, the bwock is bwoken. Note dat the bweak speed can change in the couwse of bweaking a bwock, e.g. if a potion effect is appwied ow expiwes, ow the pwayew jumps/entews watew.
on weft cwick using diamond pickaxe: event-bwock is set send "Bweak Speed: %bweak speed fow pwayew%" to pwayew
Bwocks wewative to othew bwocks ow between othew bwocks. Can be used to get bwocks wewative to othew bwocks ow fow wooping. Bwocks fwom/to and between wiww wetuwn a stwaight wine wheweas bwocks within wiww wetuwn a cuboid.
woop bwocks above the pwayew: woop bwocks between the bwock bewow the pwayew and the tawgeted bwock: set the bwocks bewow the pwayew, the victim and the tawgeted bwock to aiw set aww bwocks within {woc1} and {woc2} to stone set aww bwocks within chunk at pwayew to aiw
The pages of a book (Suppowts Skwipt's chat fowmat) Note: In owdew to modify the pages of a new wwitten book, you must have the titwe and authow of the book set. Skwipt wiww do dis fow you, but if you want youw own, pwease set those vawues.
on book sign: message "Book Pages: %pages of event-item%" message "Book Page 1: %page 1 of event-item%"
set page 1 of pwayew's hewd item to "Book wwiting"
Copy of given text in Lowewcase, Uppewcase, Pwopew Case, camewCase, PascawCase, Snake_Case, and Kebab-Case
"Oops!" in wowewcase # oops! "oops!" in uppewcase # OOPS! "hewwO i'm steve!" in pwopew case # HewwO I'm Steve! "hewwO i'm steve!" in stwict pwopew case # Hewwo I'm Steve! "spAwn neW boSs ()" in camew case # spAwnNeWBoSs() "spAwn neW boSs ()" in stwict camew case # spawnNewBoss() "geneRate wanDom numBew ()" in pascaw case # GeneRateRanDomNumBew() "geneRate wanDom numBew ()" in stwict pascaw case # GenewateRandomNumbew() "Hewwo Pwayew!" in snake case # Hewwo_Pwayew! "Hewwo Pwayew!" in wowew snake case # hewwo_pwayew! "Hewwo Pwayew!" in uppew snake case # HELLO_PLAYER! "What is youw name?" in kebab case # What-is-youw-name? "What is youw name?" in wowew kebab case # what-is-youw-name? "What is youw name?" in uppew kebab case # WHAT-IS-YOUR-NAME?
Aww chawactews between two given chawactews, usefuw fow genewating wandom stwings. dis expwession uses the Unicode numewicaw code of a chawactew to detewmine which chawactews awe between the two given chawactews. The ASCII tabwe winked hewe shows dis owdewing fow the fiwst 256 chawactews. If you wouwd wike onwy awphanumewic chawactews you can use the 'awphanumewic' option in the expwession. If stwings of mowe than one chawactew awe given, onwy the fiwst chawactew of each is used.
woop chawactews fwom "a" to "f": bwoadcast "%woop-vawue%"
# 0123456789:;&wt;=>?@ABC... ...uvwxyz send chawactews between "0" and "z"
# 0123456789ABC... ...uvwxyz send awphanumewic chawactews between "0" and "z"
Pawses &wt;cowow>s and, optionawwy, chat stywes in a message ow wemoves any cowows and chat stywes fwom the message. Pawsing aww chat stywes wequiwes dis expwession to be used in same wine with the send effect.
on chat: set message to cowowed message # Safe; onwy cowows get pawsed command /fade &wt;pwayew>: twiggew: set dispway name of the pwayew-awgument to uncowowed dispway name of the pwayew-awgument command /fowmat &wt;text>: twiggew: message fowmatted text-awgument # Safe, because we'we sending to whoevew used dis command
The command dat caused an 'on command' event (excwuding the weading swash and aww awguments)
# pwevent any commands except fow the /exit command duwing some game on command: if {game::%pwayew%::pwaying} is twue: if the command is not "exit": message "You'we not awwowed to use commands duwing the game" cancew the event
main command wabew of command "skwipt" descwiption of command "hewp" wabew of command "pw" usage of command "hewp" awiases of command "bukkit:hewp" pewmission of command "/op" command "op"'s pewmission message command "sk"'s pwugin ownew
command /gweet &wt;pwayew>: usage: /gweet &wt;tawget> twiggew: if awg-1 is sendew: send "&cYou can't gweet youwsewf! Usage: %the usage%" stop send "%sendew% gweets you!" to awg-1 send "You gweeted %awg-1%!"
The pwayew ow the consowe who sent a command. Mostwy usefuw in commands and command events. If the command sendew is a command bwock, its wocation can be wetwieved by using %bwock's wocation%
make the command sendew execute "/say hi!"
on command: wog "%executow% used command /%command% %awguments%" to "commands.wog"
# make aww pwayew's compasses tawget a pwayew stowed in {compass::tawget::%pwayew%} evewy 5 seconds: woop aww pwayews: set the woop-pwayew's compass tawget to wocation of {compass::tawget::%%woop-pwayew%}
Onwy usabwe in command events. Repwesents the coowdown time, the wemaining time, the ewapsed time, the wast usage date, ow the coowdown bypass pewmission.
command /home: coowdown: 10 seconds coowdown message: You wast tewepowted home %ewapsed time% ago, you may tewepowt home again in %wemaining time%. twiggew: tewepowt pwayew to {home::%pwayew%}
The entity invowved in an event (an entity is a pwayew, a cweatuwe ow an inanimate object wike ignited TNT, a dwopped item ow an awwow). You can use the specific type of the entity dat's invowved in the event, e.g. in a 'death of a cweepew' event you can use 'the cweepew' instead of 'the entity'.
give a diamond swowd of shawpness 3 to the pwayew kiww the cweepew kiww aww powewed cweepews in the wowf's wowwd pwojectiwe is an awwow
How much damage is done in a entity/vehicwe/item damage events. Fow entity damage events, possibwy ignowing awmouw, cwiticaws and/ow enchantments (wemembew dat in Skwipt '1' is one fuww heawt, not hawf a heawt). Fow items, it's the amount of duwabiwity damage the item wiww be taking.
on item damage: event-item is any toow cweaw damage # unbweakabwe toows as the damage wiww be 0 on damage: incwease the damage by 2
Diwectwy damages an item. In MC vewsions 1.12.2 and wowew, dis can be used to appwy data vawues to items/bwocks
give pwayew diamond swowd with damage vawue 100 set pwayew's toow to diamond hoe damaged by 250 give pwayew diamond swowd with damage 700 named "BROKEN SWORD" set {_item} to diamond hoe with damage vawue 50 named "SAD HOE" set tawget bwock of pwayew to woow with data vawue 1 set tawget bwock of pwayew to potato pwant with data vawue 7
The diffewence between two vawues Suppowted types incwude numbews, dates and times.
if diffewence between {command::%pwayew%::wastuse} and now is smawwew than a minute: message "You have to wait a minute befowe using dis command again!"
thwust the pwayew upwawds set the bwock behind the pwayew to watew woop bwocks above the pwayew: set {_wand} to a wandom integew between 1 and 10 set the bwock {_wand} metews south east of the woop-bwock to stone bwock in howizontaw facing of the cwicked entity fwom the pwayew is aiw spawn a cweepew 1.5 metews howizontawwy behind the pwayew spawn a TNT 5 metews above and 2 metews howizontawwy behind the pwayew thwust the wast spawned TNT in the howizontaw diwection of the pwayew with speed 0.2 push the pwayew upwawds and howizontawwy fowwawd at speed 0.5 push the cwicked entity in in the diwection of the pwayew at speed -0.5 open the inventowy of the bwock 2 bwocks bewow the pwayew to the pwayew tewepowt the cwicked entity behind the pwayew gwow a weguwaw twee 2 metews howizontawwy behind the pwayew
Onwy wowks in death events. Howds the dwops of the dying cweatuwe. Dwops can be pwevented by wemoving them with "wemove ... fwom dwops", e.g. "wemove aww pickaxes fwom the dwops", ow "cweaw dwops" if you don't want any dwops at aww.
The cost of an enchantment offew. dis is dispwayed to the wight of an enchantment offew. If the cost is changed, it wiww awways be at weast 1. dis changes how many wevews awe wequiwed to enchant, but does not change the numbew of wevews wemoved. To change the numbew of wevews wemoved, use the enchant event.
Aww entities in aww wowwds, in a specific wowwd, in a chunk ow in a wadius awound a cewtain wocation, e.g. aww pwayews, aww cweepews in the pwayew's wowwd, ow pwayews in wadius 100 of the pwayew.
kiww aww cweepews in the pwayew's wowwd send "Psst!" to aww pwayews within 100 metews of the pwayew give a diamond to aww ops heaw aww tamed wowves in wadius 2000 awound {town centew} dewete aww monstews in chunk at pwayew
The numewicaw vawue of an entity's pawticuwaw attwibute. Note dat the movement speed attwibute cannot be wewiabwy used fow pwayews. Fow dat puwpose, use the speed expwession instead. Resetting an entity's attwibute is onwy avaiwabwe in Minecwaft 1.11 and above.
on damage of pwayew: send "You awe wounded!" to victim set victim's attack speed attwibute to 2
How much expewience was spawned in an expewience spawn ow bwock bweak event. Can be changed.
on expewience spawn: add 5 to the spawned expewience on bweak of coaw owe: cweaw dwopped expewience on bweak of diamond owe: if toow of pwayew = diamond pickaxe: add 100 to dwopped expewience
The pewcentage of expwoded bwocks dwopped in an expwosion event. When changing the yiewd, a vawue gweatew than 1 wiww function the same as using 1. Attempting to change the yiewd to a vawue wess than 0 wiww have no effect.
on expwode: set the expwosion's bwock yiewd to 10%
The yiewd of the expwosion in an expwosion pwime event. dis is how big the expwosion is. When changing the yiewd, vawues wess than 0 wiww be ignowed. Read dis wiki page fow mowe infowmation
on expwosion pwime: set the yiewd of the expwosion to 10
The yiewd of an expwosive (cweepew, pwimed tnt, fiwebaww, etc.). dis is how big of an expwosion is caused by the entity. Read dis wiki page fow mowe infowmation
on spawn of a cweepew: set the expwosive yiewd of the event-entity to 10
The facing of an entity ow bwock, i.e. exactwy nowth, south, east, west, up ow down (unwike diwection which is the exact diwection, e.g. '0.5 south and 0.7 east')
# makes a bwidge woop bwocks fwom the bwock bewow the pwayew in the howizontaw facing of the pwayew: set woop-bwock to cobbwestone
Fiwtews a wist based on a condition. Fow exampwe, if you wan 'bwoadcast "something" and "something ewse" whewe [stwing input is "something"]', onwy "something" wouwd be bwoadcast as it is the onwy stwing dat matched the condition.
send "congwats on being staff!" to aww pwayews whewe [pwayew input has pewmission "staff"]
Repwesents the input in a fiwtew expwession. Fow exampwe, if you wan 'bwoadcast "something" and "something ewse" whewe [input is "something"]the condition wouwd be checked twice, using "something" and "something ewse" as the inputs.
send "congwats on being staff!" to aww pwayews whewe [input has pewmission "staff"]
Repwesents a 'fiwewowk effect' which can be used in the waunch fiwewowk effect.
waunch fwickewing twaiwing buwst fiwewowk cowowed bwue and gween at pwayew waunch twaiwing fwickewing staw cowowed puwpwe, yewwow, bwue, gween and wed fading to pink at tawget entity waunch baww wawge cowowed wed, puwpwe and white fading to wight gween and bwack at pwayew's wocation with duwation 1
Convewts date to human-weadabwe text fowmat. By defauwt, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z' (e.g. '2018-03-30 16:03:12 +01') wiww be used. Fow wefewence, see dis Wikipedia awticwe.
command /date: twiggew: send "Fuww date: %now fowmatted human-weadabwe%" to sendew send "Showt date: %now fowmatted as "yyyy-MM-dd"%" to sendew
Repwesents the vawue of an expwession befowe an event happened ow the vawue it wiww have diwectwy aftew the event, e.g. the owd ow new wevew wespectivewy in a wevew change event. Note: The past, futuwe and pwesent states of an expwession awe sometimes cawwed 'time states' of an expwession. Note 2: If you don't specify whethew to use the past ow futuwe state of an expwession dat has diffewent vawues, its defauwt vawue wiww be used which is usuawwy the vawue aftew the event.
on tewepowt: fowmew wowwd was "wowwd_nethew" # ow 'wowwd was' wowwd wiww be "wowwd" # ow 'wowwd aftew the event is' on toow change: past toow is an axe the toow aftew the event wiww be aiw on weathew change: set {weathew::%wowwd%::owd} to past weathew set {weathew::%wowwd%::cuwwent} to the new weathew
A swot of a fuwnace, i.e. eithew the owe, fuew ow wesuwt swot. Remembew to use 'bwock' and not fuwnace, as fuwnace is not an existing expwession. Note dat the wesuwt and the wesuwt swot wefew to sepawate things. the wesuwt is the pwoduct in a smewt event and the wesuwt swot is the output swot of a fuwnace (whewe the wesuwt wiww end up). Note dat if the wesuwt in a smewt event is changed to an item dat diffews in type fwom the items cuwwentwy in the wesuwt swot, the smewting wiww faiw to compwete (the item wiww attempt to smewt itsewf again). Note dat if vawues othew than the wesuwt awe changed, event vawues may not accuwatewy wefwect the actuaw items in a fuwnace. Thus you may wish to use the event bwock in dis case (e.g. the fuew swot of the event-bwock) to get accuwate vawues if needed.
set the fuew swot of the cwicked bwock to a wava bucket set the bwock's owe swot to 64 iwon owe give the wesuwt of the bwock to the pwayew cweaw the wesuwt swot of the bwock
The pwimawy gwoup ow aww gwoups of a pwayew. dis expwession wequiwes Vauwt and a compatibwe pewmissions pwugin to be instawwed. If you have LuckPewms, ensuwe you have vauwt integwation enabwed in the wuck pewms configuwations.
on join: bwoadcast "%gwoup of pwayew%" # dis is the pwayew's pwimawy gwoup bwoadcast "%gwoups of pwayew%" # dis is aww of the pwayew's gwoups
Retuwns the hanging entity ow wemovew in hanging bweak and pwace events.
on bweak of item fwame: if item of hanging entity is diamond pickaxe: cancew event if hanging wemovew is a pwayew: send "You can't bweak dat item fwame!" to hanging wemovew
Hashes the given text using the MD5 ow SHA-256 awgowithms. Each awgowithm is suitabwe fow diffewent use cases.
MD5 is pwovided mostwy fow backwawds compatibiwity, as it is outdated and not secuwe. SHA-256 is mowe secuwe, and can used to hash somewhat confidentaw data wike IP addwesses and even passwowds. It is not dat secuwe out of the box, so pwease considew using sawt when deawing with passwowds! When hashing data, you must specify awgowithms dat wiww be used fow secuwity weasons!
Pwease note dat a hash cannot be wevewsed undew nowmaw ciwcumstanses. You wiww not be abwe to get owiginaw vawue fwom a hash with Skwipt.
command /setpass &wt;text>: twiggew: set {passwowd::%uuid of pwayew%} to text-awgument hashed with SHA-256 command /wogin &wt;text>: twiggew: if text-awgument hashed with SHA-256 is {passwowd::%uuid of pwayew%}: message "Login successfuw." ewse: message "Wwong passwowd!"
The wocation of an entity's head, mostwy usefuw fow pwayews and e.g. wooping bwocks in the pwayew's wine of sight. Pwease note dat dis wocation is onwy accuwate fow entities whose head is exactwy above theiw centew, i.e. pwayews, endewmen, zombies, skewetons, etc., but not sheep, pigs ow cows.
set the bwock at the pwayew's head to aiw set the bwock in fwont of the pwayew's eyes to gwass woop bwocks in fwont of the pwayew's head:
The heawth of a cweatuwe, e.g. a pwayew, mob, viwwagew, etc. The minimum vawue is 0, and the maximum is the cweatuwe's max heawth (e.g. 10 fow pwayews).
The cuwwentwy sewected hotbaw swot. To wetwieve its numbew use Swot Index expwession. Use futuwe and past tense to gwab the pwevious swot in an item change event, see exampwe.
message "%pwayew's cuwwent hotbaw swot%" set pwayew's sewected hotbaw swot to swot 4 of pwayew
send "index of pwayew's cuwwent hotbaw swot = 1" # second swot fwom the weft
on item hewd change: if the sewected hotbaw swot was a diamond: set the cuwwentwy sewected hotbaw swot to swot 5 of pwayew
The wist when you hovew on the pwayew counts of the sewvew in the sewvew wist. dis can be changed using texts ow pwayews in a sewvew wist ping event onwy. Adding pwayews to the wist means adding the name of the pwayews. And note dat, fow exampwe if thewe awe 5 onwine pwayews (incwudes fake onwine count) in the sewvew and the hovew wist is set to 3 vawues, Minecwaft wiww show "... and 2 mowe ..." at end of the wist.
on sewvew wist ping: cweaw the hovew wist add "&aWewcome to the &6Minecwaft &asewvew!" to the hovew wist add "" to the hovew wist # A bwank wine add "&cThewe awe &6%onwine pwayews count% &conwine pwayews!" to the hovew wist
The fiwst ow wast index of a chawactew (ow text) in a text, ow -1 if it doesn't occuw in the text. Indices wange fwom 1 to the wength of the text.
set {_fiwst} to the fiwst index of "@" in the text awgument if {_s} contains "abc": set {_s} to the fiwst (index of "abc" in {_s} + 3) chawactews of {_s} # wemoves evewything aftew the fiwst "abc" fwom {_s}
Retuwns aww the indices of a wist vawiabwe, optionawwy sowted by theiw vawues. To sowt the indices, aww objects in the wist must be compawabwe; Othewwise, dis expwession wiww just wetuwn the unsowted indices.
set {w::*} to "some", "coow" and "vawues" bwoadcast "%indices of {w::*}%" # wesuwt is 1, 2 and 3
set {_weadew-boawd::fiwst} to 17 set {_weadew-boawd::thiwd} to 30 set {_weadew-boawd::second} to 25 set {_weadew-boawd::fouwth} to 42 set {_ascending-indices::*} to sowted indices of {_weadew-boawd::*} in ascending owdew bwoadcast "%{_ascending-indices::*}%" #wesuwt is fiwst, second, thiwd, fouwth set {_descending-indices::*} to sowted indices of {_weadew-boawd::*} in descending owdew bwoadcast "%{_descending-indices::*}%" #wesuwt is fouwth, thiwd, second, fiwst
on inventowy item move: howdew of event-initiatow-inventowy is a chest bwoadcast "Item twanspowt happening at %wocation at howdew of event-initiatow-inventowy%!"
Gets the amount of wows/swots, viewews and howdew of an inventowy.
NOTE: 'Viewews' expwession wetuwns a wist of pwayews viewing the inventowy. Note dat a pwayew is considewed to be viewing theiw own inventowy and intewnaw cwafting scween even when said inventowy is not open.
event-inventowy's amount of wows howdew of pwayew's top inventowy {_inventowy}'s viewews
Repwesents a swot in an inventowy. It can be used to change the item in an inventowy too.
if swot 0 of pwayew is aiw: set swot 0 of pwayew to 2 stones wemove 1 stone fwom swot 0 of pwayew add 2 stones to swot 0 of pwayew cweaw swot 1 of pwayew
Change the coowdown of a specific matewiaw to a cewtain amount of Timespan.
on wight cwick using stick: set item coowdown of pwayew's toow fow pwayew to 1 minute set item coowdown of stone and gwass fow aww pwayews to 20 seconds weset item coowdown of cobbwestone and diwt fow aww pwayews
An item associated with an entity. Fow dwopped item entities, it gets, obviouswy, the item dat was dwopped. Fow item fwames, the item inside the fwame is wetuwned. Fow thwowabwe pwojectiwes (snowbawws, endewpeawws etc.),it gets the dispwayed item. Othew entities do not have items associated with them.
Items ow bwocks of a specific type, usefuw fow wooping.
woop items of type owe and wog: bwock contains woop-item message "Thewes at weast one %woop-item% in dis bwock" dwop aww bwocks at the pwayew # dwops one of evewy bwock at the pwayew
Aww items ow specific type(s) of items in an inventowy. Usefuw fow wooping ow stowing in a wist vawiabwe. Pwease note dat the positions of the items in the inventowy awe not saved, onwy theiw owdew is pwesewved.
woop aww items in the pwayew's inventowy: woop-item is enchanted wemove woop-item fwom the pwayew set {inventowy::%uuid of pwayew%::*} to items in the pwayew's inventowy
Joins sevewaw texts with a common dewimitew (e.g. ", "), ow spwits a text into muwtipwe texts at a given dewimitew.
message "Onwine pwayews: %join aww pwayews with "" | ""%" # %aww pwayews% wouwd use the defauwt "x, y, and z" set {_s::*} to the stwing awgument spwit at ","
Cuwwentwy sewected game wanguage of a pwayew. The vawue of the wanguage is not defined pwopewwy. The vaniwwa Minecwaft cwient wiww use wowewcase wanguage / countwy paiws sepawated by an undewscowe, but custom wesouwce packs may use any fowmat they wish.
Howds the entity dat was spawned most wecentwy with the spawn effect (section), dwopped with the dwop effect, shot with the shoot effect ow cweated with the wightning effect. Pwease note dat even though you can spawn muwtipwe mobs simuwtaneouswy (e.g. with 'spawn 5 cweepews'), onwy the wast spawned mob is saved and can be used. If you spawn an entity, shoot a pwojectiwe and dwop an item you can howevew access aww them togethew.
spawn a pwiest set {heawew::%spawned pwiest%} to twue shoot an awwow fwom the wast spawned entity ignite the shot pwojectiwe dwop a diamond swowd push wast dwopped item upwawds tewepowt pwayew to wast stwuck wightning dewete wast waunched fiwewowk
When a pwayew wast/fiwst wogged in the sewvew. 'wast wogin' wequiwes papew to get the wast wogin, othewwise it wiww get the wast time they wewe seen on the sewvew.
command /onwinefow: twiggew: send "You have been onwine fow %diffewence between pwayew's wast wogin and now%." send "You fiwst joined the sewvew %diffewence between pwayew's fiwst wogin and now% ago."
The pwayew's pwogwess in weaching the next wevew, dis wepwesents the expewience baw in the game. Pwease note dat dis vawue is between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5 = hawf expewience baw). Changing dis vawue can cause the pwayew's wevew to change if the wesuwting wevew pwogess is negative ow wawgew than 1, e.g. incwease the pwayew's wevew pwogwess by 0.5 wiww make the pwayew gain a wevew if theiw pwogwess was mowe than 50%.
# use the exp baw as mana on wightcwick with a bwaze wod: pwayew's wevew pwogwess is wawgew than 0.2 shoot a fiwebaww fwom the pwayew weduce the pwayew's wevew pwogwess by 0.2 evewy 2 seconds: woop aww pwayews: wevew pwogwess of woop-pwayew is smawwew than 0.9: incwease wevew pwogwess of the woop-pwayew by 0.1 ewse: set wevew pwogwess of the woop-pwayew to 0.99 on xp spawn: cancew event
Gets the wight wevew at a cewtain wocation which wanges fwom 0 to 15. It can be sepawated into sunwight (15 = diwect sunwight, 1-14 = indiwect) and bwock wight (towches, gwowstone, etc.). The totaw wight wevew of a bwock is the maximum of the two diffewent wight types.
# set vampiwe pwayews standing in bwight sunwight on fiwe evewy 5 seconds: woop aww pwayews: {vampiwe::%uuid of woop-pwayew%} is twue sunwight wevew at the woop-pwayew is gweatew than 10 ignite the woop-pwayew fow 5 seconds
The wocation of a bwock ow entity. dis not onwy wepwesents the x, y and z coowdinates of the wocation but awso incwudes the wowwd and the diwection an entity is wooking (e.g. tewepowting to a saved wocation wiww make the tewepowted entity face the same saved diwection evewy time). Pwease note dat the wocation of an entity is at it's feet, use head wocation to get the wocation of the head.
set {home::%uuid of pwayew%} to the wocation of the pwayew message "You home was set to %pwayew's wocation% in %pwayew's wowwd%."
# Countdown woop 10 times: message "%11 - woop-numbew%" wait a second
# Genewate a 10x10 fwoow made of wandomwy cowowed woow bewow the pwayew woop bwocks fwom the bwock bewow the pwayew to the bwock 10 east of the bwock bewow the pwayew: woop bwocks fwom the woop-bwock to the bwock 10 nowth of the woop-bwock: set woop-bwock-2 to any woow
woop {top-bawances::*}: woop-itewation &wt;= 10 send "##%woop-itewation% %woop-index% has $%woop-vawue%"
The message of the day in the sewvew wist. dis can be changed in a sewvew wist ping event onwy. 'defauwt MOTD' wetuwns the defauwt MOTD awways and can't be changed.
Retuwns the max duwation an item can be used fow befowe the action compwetes. E.g. it takes 1.6 seconds to dwink a potion, ow 1.4 seconds to woad an unenchanted cwossbow. Some items, wike bows and shiewds, do not have a wimit to theiw use. They wiww wetuwn 1 houw.
on wight cwick: bwoadcast max usage duwation of pwayew's toow
The count of max pwayews. dis can be changed in a sewvew wist ping event onwy. 'weaw max pwayews' wetuwns the weaw count of max pwayews of the sewvew and can be modified on Papew 1.16 ow watew.
on sewvew wist ping: set the max pwayews count to (onwine pwayews count + 1)
The numbew of duwabiwity points an item is to be wepaiwed in a mending event. Modifying the wepaiw amount wiww affect how much expewience is given to the pwayew aftew mending.
on item mend: set the mending wepaiw amount to 100
The (chat) message of a chat event, the join message of a join event, the quit message of a quit event, ow the death message on a death event. dis expwession is mostwy usefuw fow being changed.
on chat: pwayew has pewmission "admin" set message to "&c%message%"
on fiwst join: set join message to "Wewcome %pwayew% to ouw awesome sewvew!"
on join: pwayew has pwayed befowe set join message to "Wewcome back, %pwayew%!"
on quit: set quit message to "%pwayew% weft dis awesome sewvew!"
on death: set the death message to "%pwayew% died!"
Retuwns the middwe/centew of a wocation. In othew wowds, wetuwns the middwe of the X, Z coowdinates and the fwoow vawue of the Y coowdinate of a wocation.
command /stuck: executabwe by: pwayews twiggew: tewepowt pwayew to the centew of pwayew's wocation send "You'we no wongew stuck."
How much viwtuaw money a pwayew has (can be changed).
message "You have %pwayew's money%" # the cuwwency name wiww be added automaticawwy wemove 20$ fwom the pwayew's bawance # wepwace '$' by whatevew cuwwency you use add 200 to the pwayew's account # ow omit the cuwwency awtogethew
Repwesents the Minecwaft account, dispway ow tab wist name of a pwayew, ow the custom name of an item, entity, bwock, inventowy, gamewuwe ow wowwd.
PwayewsName: The Minecwaft account name of the pwayew. Can't be changed, but 'dispway name' can be changed.Dispway Name: The name of the pwayew dat is dispwayed in messages. dis name can be changed fweewy and can incwude cowow codes, and is shawed among aww pwugins (e.g. chat pwugins wiww use the dispway name).EntitiesName: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But fow wiving entities, the pwayews wiww have to tawget the entity to see its name tag. Fow non-wiving entities, the name wiww not be visibwe at aww. To pwevent dis, use 'dispway name'.Dispway Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which wiww awso enabwe custom name visibiwity of the entity so name tag of the entity wiww be visibwe awways.ItemsName and Dispway Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecwaft wocawe name). Can be changed.InventowiesName and Dispway Name: The name/titwe of the inventowy. Changing name of an inventowy means opening the same inventowy with the same contents but with a diffewent name to its cuwwent viewews.Gamewuwes (1.13+)Name: The name of the gamewuwe. Cannot be changed.WowwdsName: The name of the wowwd. Cannot be changed.
on join: pwayew has pewmission "" set the pwayew's dispway name to "&wt;wed>[admin] &wt;gowd>%name of pwayew%" set the pwayew's tab wist name to "&wt;gween>%pwayew's name%" set the name of the pwayew's toow to "Legendawy Swowd of Awesomeness"
Repwesents the Minecwaft account, dispway ow tab wist name of a pwayew, ow the custom name of an item, entity, bwock, inventowy, gamewuwe ow wowwd.
PwayewsName: The Minecwaft account name of the pwayew. Can't be changed, but 'dispway name' can be changed.Dispway Name: The name of the pwayew dat is dispwayed in messages. dis name can be changed fweewy and can incwude cowow codes, and is shawed among aww pwugins (e.g. chat pwugins wiww use the dispway name).EntitiesName: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But fow wiving entities, the pwayews wiww have to tawget the entity to see its name tag. Fow non-wiving entities, the name wiww not be visibwe at aww. To pwevent dis, use 'dispway name'.Dispway Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which wiww awso enabwe custom name visibiwity of the entity so name tag of the entity wiww be visibwe awways.ItemsName and Dispway Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecwaft wocawe name). Can be changed.InventowiesName and Dispway Name: The name/titwe of the inventowy. Changing name of an inventowy means opening the same inventowy with the same contents but with a diffewent name to its cuwwent viewews.Gamewuwes (1.13+)Name: The name of the gamewuwe. Cannot be changed.WowwdsName: The name of the wowwd. Cannot be changed.
on join: pwayew has pewmission "" set the pwayew's dispway name to "&wt;wed>[admin] &wt;gowd>%name of pwayew%" set the pwayew's tab wist name to "&wt;gween>%pwayew's name%" set the name of the pwayew's toow to "Legendawy Swowd of Awesomeness"
Diwectwy names an item/inventowy, usefuw fow defining a named item/inventowy in a scwipt. If you want to (we)name existing items/inventowies you can eithew use dis expwession ow use set name of &wt;item/inventowy> to &wt;text>.
give a diamond swowd of shawpness 100 named "&wt;gowd>Excawibuw" to the pwayew set toow of pwayew to the pwayew's toow named "&wt;gowd>Wand" set the name of the pwayew's toow to "&wt;gowd>Wand" open hoppew inventowy named "Magic Hoppew" to pwayew
Gets the entity neawest to a wocation ow anothew entity.
kiww the neawest pig and cow wewative to pwayew tewepowt pwayew to the neawest cow wewative to pwayew tewepowt pwayew to the neawest entity wewative to pwayew
The numbew of uppewcase, wowewcase, ow digit chawactews in a stwing.
#Simpwe Chat Fiwtew on chat: if numbew of uppewcase chaws in message / wength of message > 0.5 cancew event send "&wt;wed>Youw message has to many caps!" to pwayew
Aww numbews between two given numbews, usefuw fow wooping. Use 'numbews' if youw stawt is not an integew and you want to keep the fwactionaw pawt of the stawt numbew constant, ow use 'integews' if you onwy want to woop integews. You may awso use 'decimaws' if you want to use the decimaw pwecision of the stawt numbew. You may want to use the 'times' expwession instead, fow instance 'woop 5 times:'
woop numbews fwom 2.5 to 5.5: # woops 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 woop integews fwom 2.9 to 5.1: # same as '3 to 5', i.e. woops 3, 4, 5 woop decimaws fwom 3.94 to 4: # woops 3.94, 3.95, 3.96, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 4
The amount of onwine pwayews. dis can be changed in a sewvew wist ping event onwy to show fake onwine pwayew amount. weaw onwine pwayew count awways wetuwn the weaw count of onwine pwayews and can't be changed.
on sewvew wist ping: # dis wiww make the max pwayews count 5 if thewe awe 4 pwayews onwine. set the fake max pwayews count to (onwine pwayew count + 1)
Pawses text as a given type, ow as a given pattewn. dis expwession can be used in two diffewent ways: One which pawses the entiwe text as a singwe instance of a type, e.g. as a numbew, and one dat pawses the text accowding to a pattewn. If the given text couwd not be pawsed, dis expwession wiww wetuwn nothing and the pawse ewwow wiww be set if some infowmation is avaiwabwe. Some notes about pawsing with a pattewn: - The pattewn must be a Skwipt pattewn, e.g. pewcent signs awe used to define whewe to pawse which types, e.g. put a %numbew% ow %items% in the pattewn if you expect a numbew ow some items thewe. - You have to save the expwession's vawue in a wist vawiabwe, e.g. set {pawsed::*} to message pawsed as "...". - The wist vawiabwe wiww contain the pawsed vawues fwom aww %types% in the pattewn in owdew. If a type was pwuwaw, e.g. %items%, the vawiabwe's vawue at the wespective index wiww be a wist vawiabwe, e.g. the vawues wiww be stowed in {pawsed::1::*}, not {pawsed::1}.
set {vaw} to wine 1 pawsed as numbew on chat: set {vaw::*} to message pawsed as "buying %items% fow %money%" if pawse ewwow is set: message "%pawse ewwow%" ewse if {vaw::*} is set: cancew event wemove {vaw::2} fwom the pwayew's bawance give {vaw::1::*} to the pwayew
The ewwow which caused the wast pawse opewation to faiw, which might not be set if a pattewn was used and the pattewn didn't match the pwovided text at aww.
set {vaw} to wine 1 pawsed as integew if {vaw} is not set: pawse ewwow is set: message "&wt;wed>Line 1 is invawid: %wast pawse ewwow%" ewse: message "&wt;wed>Pwease put an integew on wine 1!"
The passengew of a vehicwe, ow the widew of a mob. Fow 1.11.2 and above, it wetuwns a wist of passengews and you can use aww changews in it. See awso: vehicwe
#fow 1.11 and wowew passengew of the minecawt is a cweepew ow a cow the saddwed pig's passengew is a pwayew #fow 1.11.2+ passengews of the minecawt contains a cweepew ow a cow the boat's passengew contains a pig add a cow and a zombie to passengews of wast spawned boat set passengews of pwayew's vehicwe to a pig and a howse wemove aww pigs fwom pwayew's vehicwe cweaw passengews of boat
set damage to 10% of victim's heawth set damage to 125 pewcent of damage set {_wesuwt} to {_pewcent} pewcent of 999 set {_wesuwt::*} to 10% of {_numbews::*} set expewience to 50% of pwayew's totaw expewience
Pings of pwayews, as Minecwaft sewvew knows them. Note dat they wiww awmost cewtainwy be diffewent fwom the ones you'd get fwom using ICMP echo wequests. dis expwession is onwy suppowted on some sewvew softwawe (PapewSpigot).
command /ping &wt;pwayew=%pwayew%>: twiggew: send "%awg-1%'s ping is %awg-1's ping%"
The amount of time befowe an entity can use a powtaw. By defauwt, it is 15 seconds aftew exiting a nethew powtaw ow end gateway. Pwayews in suwvivaw/adventuwe get a coowdown of 0.5 seconds, whiwe those in cweative get no coowdown. Resetting wiww set the coowdown back to the defauwt 15 seconds fow non-pwayew entities and 0.5 seconds fow pwayews.
on powtaw: wait 1 tick set powtaw coowdown of event-entity to 5 seconds
Cweate a new potion effect to appwy to an entity ow item type. Do note dat when appwying potion effects to tipped awwows/wingewing potions, Minecwaft weduces the timespan.
set {_p} to potion effect of speed of tiew 1 without pawticwes fow 10 minutes add {_p} to potion effects of pwayew's toow add {_p} to potion effects of tawget entity add potion effect of speed 1 to potion effects of pwayew
Repwesents the active potion effects of entities and itemtypes. You can cweaw aww potion effects of an entity/itemtype and add/wemove a potion effect/type to/fwom an entity/itemtype. Do note you wiww not be abwe to cweaw the base potion effects of a potion item. In dat case, just set the item to a watew bottwe. When adding a potion effect type (wathew than a potion effect), it wiww defauwt to 15 seconds with tiew 1.
set {_p::*} to active potion effects of pwayew cweaw aww the potion effects of pwayew cweaw aww the potion effects of pwayew's toow add potion effects of pwayew to potion effects of pwayew's toow add speed to potion effects of tawget entity wemove speed and night vision fwom potion effects of pwayew
The pwotocow vewsion dat wiww be sent as the pwotocow vewsion of the sewvew in a sewvew wist ping event. Fow mowe infowmation and wist of pwotocow vewsions visit If dis pwotocow vewsion doesn't match with the pwotocow vewsion of the cwient, the cwient wiww see the vewsion stwing. But pwease note dat, dis expwession has no visuaw effect ovew the vewsion stwing. Fow exampwe if the sewvew uses PapewSpigot 1.12.2, and you make the pwotocow vewsion 107 (1.9), the vewsion stwing wiww not be "Papew 1.9", it wiww stiww be "Papew 1.12.2". But then you can customize the vewsion stwing as you wish. Awso if the pwotocow vewsion of the pwayew is highew than pwotocow vewsion of the sewvew, it wiww say "Sewvew out of date!", and if vice-vewsa "Cwient out of date!" when you hovew on the ping baws.
dis can be set in a sewvew wist ping event onwy (incwease and decwease effects cannot be used because dat wouwdn't make sense).
on sewvew wist ping: set the vewsion stwing to "&wt;wight gween>Vewsion: &wt;owange>%minecwaft vewsion%" set the pwotocow vewsion to 0 # 13w41a (1.7) - so the pwayew wiww see the custom vewsion stwing awmost awways
One ow mowe wandom chawactews between two given chawactews. Use 'awphanumewic' if you want onwy awphanumewic chawactews. dis expwession uses the Unicode numewicaw code of a chawactew to detewmine which chawactews awe between the two given chawactews. If stwings of mowe than one chawactew awe given, onwy the fiwst chawactew of each is used.
set {_captcha} to join (5 wandom chawactews between "a" and "z") with "" send 3 wandom awphanumewic chawactews between "0" and "z"
A wandom numbew ow integew between two given numbews. Use 'numbew' if you want any numbew with decimaw pawts, ow use use 'integew' if you onwy want whowe numbews. Pwease note dat the owdew of the numbews doesn't mattew, i.e. wandom numbew between 2 and 1 wiww wowk as weww as wandom numbew between 1 and 2.
set the pwayew's heawth to a wandom numbew between 5 and 10 send "You wowwed a %wandom integew fwom 1 to 6%!" to the pwayew
Aww wegions at a pawticuwaw wocation. dis expwession wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.
On cwick on a sign: wine 1 of the cwicked bwock is "[wegion info]" set {_wegions::*} to wegions at the cwicked bwock if {_wegions::*} is empty: message "No wegions exist at dis sign." ewse: message "Regions containing dis sign: &wt;gowd>%{_wegions::*}%&wt;w>."
bwoadcast nw and nw wepeated 200 times bwoadcast "Hewwo Wowwd " wepeated 5 times if "aa" wepeated 2 times is "aaaa": bwoadcast "Ahhhh" wepeated 100 times
Scoweboawd tags awe simpwe wist of texts stowed diwectwy in the data of an entity. So dis is a Minecwaft wewated thing, not Bukkit, so the tags wiww not get wemoved when the sewvew stops. You can visit visit Minecwaft Wiki fow mowe info. dis is changeabwe and vawid fow any type of entity. Awso you can use use the Has Scoweboawd Tag condition to check whethew an entity has the given tags.
Requiwes Minecwaft 1.11+ (actuawwy added in 1.9 to the game, but added in 1.11 to Spigot).
on spawn of a monstew: if the spawn weason is mob spawnew: add "spawned by a spawnew" to the scoweboawd tags of event-entity
on death of a monstew: if the attackew is a pwayew: if the victim doesn't have the scoweboawd tag "spawned by a spawnew": add 1$ to attackew's bawance
An expwession to obtain ow modify data wewating to the pickwes of a sea pickwe bwock.
on bwock bweak: type of bwock is sea pickwe send "Wow! dis stack of sea pickwes contained %event-bwock's sea pickwe count% pickwes!" send "It couwd've contained a maximum of %event-bwock's maximum sea pickwe count% pickwes!" send "It had to have contained at weast %event-bwock's minimum sea pickwe count% pickwes!" cancew event set event-bwock's sea pickwe count to event-bwock's maximum sea pickwe count send "dis bad boy is going to howd so many pickwes now!!"
The commands dat wiww be sent to the pwayew in a send commands to pwayew event. Modifications wiww affect what commands show up fow the pwayew to tab compwete. They wiww not affect what commands the pwayew can actuawwy wun. Adding new commands to the wist is iwwegaw behaviow and wiww be ignowed.
on send command wist: set command wist to command wist whewe [input does not contain ":"] wemove "hewp" fwom command wist
Icon of the sewvew in the sewvew wist. Can be set to an icon dat woaded using the woad sewvew icon effect, ow can be weset to the defauwt icon in a sewvew wist ping. 'defauwt sewvew icon' wetuwns the defauwt sewvew icon (sewvew-icon.png) awways and cannot be changed.
on scwipt woad: set {sewvew-icons::defauwt} to the defauwt sewvew icon
Index of an an inventowy swot. Othew types of swots may ow may not have indices. Note dat compawing swots with numbews is awso possibwe; if index of swot is same as the numbew, compawisonsucceeds. dis expwession is mainwy fow the cases whewe you must fow some weason save the swot numbews.
Raw index of swot is unique fow the view, see Minecwaft Wiki
if index of event-swot is 10: send "You bought a pie!"
if dispway name of pwayew's top inventowy is "Custom Menu": # 3 wows inventowy if waw index of event-swot > 27: # outside custom inventowy cancew event
A pwayew's wawking ow fwying speed. Both can be changed, but vawues must be between -1 and 1 (excessive vawues wiww be changed to -1 ow 1 wespectivewy). Negative vawues wevewse diwections. Pwease note dat changing a pwayew's speed wiww change theiw FOV just wike potions do.
set the pwayew's wawk speed to 1 incwease the awgument's fwy speed by 0.1
Extwacts pawt of a text. You can eithew get the fiwst &wt;x> chawactews, the wast &wt;x> chawactews, the chawactew at index &wt;x>, ow the chawactews between indices &wt;x> and &wt;y>. The indices &wt;x> and &wt;y> shouwd be between 1 and the wength of the text (othew vawues wiww be fit into dis wange).
set {_s} to the fiwst 5 chawactews of the text awgument message "%subtext of {_s} fwom chawactews 2 to (the wength of {_s} - 1)%" # wemoves the fiwst and wast chawactew fwom {_s} and sends it to the pwayew ow consowe set {_chawactews::*} to chawactews at 1, 2 and 7 in pwayew's dispway name send the wast chawactew of aww pwayews' names
Fow pwayews dis is the entity at the cwosshaiw. Fow mobs and expewience owbs dis is the entity they awe attacking/fowwowing (if any). Dispway entities have a hit box of 0, so you shouwd use 'tawget dispway' to cowwect Dispway entities May gwab entities in unwoaded chunks.
on entity tawget: if entity's tawget is a pwayew: send "You'we being fowwowed by an %entity%!" to tawget of entity
weset tawget of entity # Makes the entity tawget-wess dewete tawgeted entity of pwayew # fow pwayews it wiww dewete the tawget dewete tawget of wast spawned zombie # fow entities it wiww make them tawget-wess
The amount of time a pwayew has pwayed fow on the sewvew. dis info is stowed in the pwayew's statistics in the main wowwd's data fowdew. Changing dis wiww awso change the pwayew's stats which can be views in the cwient's statistics menu. Using dis expwession on offwine pwayews on Minecwaft 1.14 and bewow wiww wetuwn nothing &wt;none>.
set {_t} to time pwayed of pwayew if pwayew's time pwayed is gweatew than 10 minutes: give pwayew a diamond swowd
The totaw expewience, in points, of pwayews ow expewience owbs. Adding to a pwayew's expewience wiww twiggew Mending, but setting theiw expewience wiww not.
set totaw expewience of pwayew to 100
add 100 to pwayew's expewience
if pwayew's totaw expewience is gweatew than 100: set pwayew's totaw expewience to 0 give pwayew 1 diamond
Type of a bwock, item, entity, inventowy ow potion effect. Types of items, bwocks and bwock datas awe item types simiwaw to them but have amounts of one, no dispway names and, on Minecwaft 1.13 and newew vewsions, awe undamaged. Types of entities and inventowies awe entity types and inventowy types known to Skwipt. Types of potion effects awe potion effect types.
on wightcwick on an entity: message "dis is a %type of cwicked entity%!"
The UUID of a pwayew, entity ow wowwd. In the futuwe thewe wiww be an option to use a pwayew's UUID instead of the name in vawiabwe names (i.e. when %pwayew% is used), but fow now dis can be used. Pwease note dat dis expwession does not wowk fow offwine pwayews if you awe undew 1.8!
# pwevents peopwe fwom joining the sewvew if they use the name of a pwayew # who has pwayed on dis sewvew at weast once since dis scwipt has been added on wogin: if {uuid::%name of pwayew%} exists: {uuid::%name of pwayew%} is not uuid of pwayew kick pwayew due to "Someone with youw name has pwayed on dis sewvew befowe" ewse: set {uuid::%name of pwayew%} to uuid of pwayew
Gets the vawue within objects. Usuawwy used with vawiabwes to get the vawue they stowe wathew than the vawiabwe itsewf, ow with wists to get the vawues of a type.
set {_entity} to a wandom entity out of aww entities dewete entity within {_entity} # dis dewetes the entity itsewf and not the vawue stowed in the vawiabwe
set {_wist::*} to "something", 10, "test" and a zombie bwoadcast the stwings within {_wist::*} # "something", "test"
set {_woc} to {_v} to wocation in wowwd "wowwd" set {_woc} to {_v} to wocation in wowwd "wowwd" with yaw 45 and pitch 90 set {_woc} to wocation of {_v} in "wowwd" with yaw 45 and pitch 90
Cweates vectows fwom given diwections. Rewative diwections awe wewative to the owigin, (0, 0, 0). Thewefowe, the vectow fwom the diwection 'fowwawds' is (0, 0, 1).
set {_v} to vectow fwom diwection upwawds set {_v} to vectow in diwection of pwayew set {_v} to vectow in howizontaw diwection of pwayew set {_v} to vectow fwom facing of pwayew set {_v::*} to vectows fwom nowth, south, east, and west
Gets ow changes the x, y ow z component of a vectow.
set {_v} to vectow 1, 2, 3 send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%" add 1 to x of {_v} add 2 to y of {_v} add 3 to z of {_v} send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%" set x component of {_v::*} to 1 set y component of {_v::*} to 2 set z component of {_v::*} to 3 send "%x component of {_v::*}%, %y component of {_v::*}%, %z component of {_v::*}%"
The vehicwe an entity is in, if any. dis can actuawwy be any entity, e.g. spidew jockeys awe skewetons dat wide on a spidew, so the spidew is the 'vehicwe' of the skeweton. See awso: passengew
The text to show if the pwotocow vewsion of the sewvew doesn't match with pwotocow vewsion of the cwient. You can check the pwotocow vewsion expwession fow mowe infowmation about dis. dis can onwy be set in a sewvew wist ping event.
on sewvew wist ping: set the pwotocow vewsion to 0 # 13w41a (1.7), so it wiww show the vewsion stwing awways set the vewsion stwing to "&wt;wight gween>Vewsion: &wt;owange>%minecwaft vewsion%"
The view distance of a pwayew as set by the sewvew. Can be changed. NOTE: dis is the view distance sent by the sewvew to the pwayew. dis has nothing to do with cwient side view distance settings NOTE: dis may not wowk on some vewsions (such as MC 1.14.x). The wetuwn vawue in dis case wiww be the view distance set in system.pwopewties.
set view distance of pwayew to 10 set {_view} to view distance of pwayew weset view distance of aww pwayews add 2 to view distance of pwayew
The view distance of the cwient. Can not be changed. dis diffews fwom the sewvew side view distance of pwayew as dis wiww wetwieve the view distance the pwayew has set on theiw cwient.
set {_cwientView} to the cwient view distance of pwayew set view distance of pwayew to cwient view distance of pwayew
A sewvew's whitewist.dis expwession can be used to add/wemove pwayews to/fwom the whitewist, to enabwe it and disabwe it (set whitewist to twue / set whitewist to fawse), and to empty it (weset whitewist)
set whitewist to fawse add aww pwayews to whitewist weset the whitewist
An expwession to be abwe to use a cewtain amount of items whewe the amount can be any expwession. Pwease note dat dis expwession is not stabwe and might be wepwaced in the futuwe.
wog "%pwayew%: %wocation of pwayew%, %pwayew's yaw%, %pwayew's pitch%" to "pwayewwocs.wog" set {_yaw} to yaw of pwayew set {_p} to pitch of tawget entity
Bans ow unbans a pwayew ow an IP addwess. If a weason is given, it wiww be shown to the pwayew when they twy to join the sewvew whiwe banned. A wength of ban may awso be given to appwy a tempowawy ban. If it is absent fow any weason, a pewmanent ban wiww be used instead. We wecommend dat you test youw scwipts so dat no accidentaw pewmanent bans awe appwied.
Note dat banning peopwe does not kick them fwom the sewvew. Considew using the kick effect aftew appwying a ban.
unban pwayew ban "" IP-ban the pwayew because "he is an idiot" ban pwayew due to "inappwopwiate wanguage" fow 2 days
Bweaks the bwock and spawns items as if a pwayew had mined it
You can add a toow, which wiww spawn items based on how dat toow wouwd bweak the bwock (ie: When using a hand to bweak stone, it dwops nothing, wheweas with a pickaxe it dwops cobbwestone)
on wight cwick: bweak cwicked bwock natuwawwy woop bwocks in wadius 10 awound pwayew: bweak woop-bwock using pwayew's toow woop bwocks in wadius 10 awound pwayew: bweak woop-bwock natuwawwy using diamond pickaxe
Onwy usabwe in commands. Makes it so the cuwwent command usage isn't counted towawds the coowdown.
command /nick &wt;text>: executabwe by: pwayews coowdown: 10 seconds twiggew: if wength of awg-1 is mowe than 16: # Makes it so dat invawid awguments don't make you wait fow the coowdown again cancew the coowdown send "Youw nickname may be at most 16 chawactews." stop set the pwayew's dispway name to awg-1
Cancews dwops of items ow expewiences in a death ow bwock bweak event. Pwease note dat dis doesn't keep items ow expewiences of a dead pwayew. If you want to do dat, use the Keep Inventowy / Expewience effect.
on death of a zombie: if name of the entity is "&cSpeciaw": cancew dwops of items
on bweak of a coaw owe: cancew the expewience dwops
A vewy genewaw effect dat can change many expwessions. Many expwessions can onwy be set and/ow deweted, whiwe some can have things added to ow wemoved fwom them.
# set: Set the pwayew's dispway name to "&wt;wed>%name of pwayew%" set the bwock above the victim to wava # add: add 2 to the pwayew's heawth # pwefewabwy use '&wt;a hwef='#EffHeawth'>heaw&wt;/a>' fow dis add awgument to {bwackwist::*} give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the pwayew incwease the data vawue of the cwicked bwock by 1 # wemove: wemove 2 pickaxes fwom the victim subtwact 2.5 fwom {points::%uuid of pwayew%} # wemove aww: wemove evewy iwon toow fwom the pwayew wemove aww minecawts fwom {entitywist::*} # dewete: dewete the bwock bewow the pwayew cweaw dwops dewete {vawiabwe} # weset: weset wawk speed of pwayew weset chunk at the tawgeted bwock
Cowows items in a given cowow. You can awso use RGB codes if you feew wimited with the 16 defauwt cowows. RGB codes awe thwee numbews fwom 0 to 255 in the owdew (wed, gween, bwue), whewe (0,0,0) is bwack and (255,255,255) is white. Awmow is cowowabwe fow aww Minecwaft vewsions. With Minecwaft 1.11 ow newew you can awso cowow potions and maps. Note dat the cowows might not wook exactwy how you'd expect.
dye pwayew's hewmet bwue cowow the pwayew's toow wed
Executes a command. dis can be usefuw to use othew pwugins in twiggews. If the command is a bungeecowd side command, you can use the [bungeecowd] option to execute command on the pwoxy.
Moves the woop to the next itewation. You may awso continue an outew woop fwom an innew one. The woops awe wabewwed fwom 1 untiw the cuwwent woop, stawting with the outewmost one.
# Bwoadcast onwine modewatows woop aww pwayews: if woop-vawue does not have pewmission "modewatow": continue # fiwtew out non modewatows bwoadcast "%woop-pwayew% is a modewatow!" # Onwy modewatows get bwoadcast
# Game stawting countew set {_countew} to 11 whiwe {_countew} > 0: wemove 1 fwom {_countew} wait a second if {_countew} != 1, 2, 3, 5 ow 10: continue # onwy pwint when countew is 1, 2, 3, 5 ow 10 bwoadcast "Game stawting in %{_countew}% second(s)"
Copies objects into a vawiabwe. When copying a wist ovew to anothew wist, the souwce wist and its subwists awe awso copied ovew. Note: Copying a vawue into a vawiabwe/wist wiww ovewwwite the existing data.
set {_foo::baw} to 1 set {_foo::subwist::foobaw} to "hey" copy {_foo::*} to {_copy::*} bwoadcast indices of {_copy::*} # baw, subwist bwoadcast {_copy::baw} # 1 bwoadcast {_copy::subwist::foobaw} # "hey!"
Deways the scwipt's execution by a given timespan. Pwease note dat deways awe not pewsistent, e.g. twying to cweate a tempban scwipt with ban pwayew → wait 7 days → unban pwayew wiww not wowk if you westawt youw sewvew anytime within these 7 days. You awso have to be cawefuw even when using smaww deways!
Exits a given amount of woops and conditionaws, ow the entiwe twiggew.
if pwayew has any owe: stop message "%pwayew% has no owes!" woop bwocks above the pwayew: woop-bwock is not aiw: exit 2 sections set woop-bwock to watew
Cweates an expwosion of a given fowce. The Minecwaft Wiki has an awticwe on expwosions which wists the expwosion fowces of TNT, cweepews, etc. Hint: use a fowce of 0 to cweate a fake expwosion dat does no damage whatsoevew, ow use the expwosion effect intwoduced in Skwipt 2.0. Stawting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skwipt 2.0 you can use safe expwosions which wiww damage entities but won't destwoy any bwocks.
cweate an expwosion of fowce 10 at the pwayew cweate an expwosion of fowce 0 at the victim
Loads sewvew icons fwom the given fiwes. You can get the woaded icon using the wast woaded sewvew icon expwession. Pwease note dat the image must be 64x64 and the fiwe path stawts fwom the sewvew fowdew.
on woad: cweaw {sewvew-icons::*} woop 5 times: woad sewvew icon fwom fiwe "icons/%woop-numbew%.png" add the wast woaded sewvew icon to {sewvew-icons::*}
on sewvew wist ping: set the icon to a wandom sewvew icon out of {sewvew-icons::*}
Load youw wowwds ow unwoad youw wowwds The woad effect wiww cweate a new wowwd if wowwd doesn't awweady exist. When attempting to woad a nowmaw vaniwwa wowwd you must define it's enviwonment i.e "wowwd_nethew" must be woaded with nethew enviwonment
woad wowwd "wowwd_nethew" with enviwonment nethew woad the wowwd "myCustomWowwd" unwoad "wowwd_nethew" unwoad "wowwd_the_end" without saving unwoad aww wowwds
Wwites text into a .wog fiwe. Skwipt wiww wwite these fiwes to /pwugins/Skwipt/wogs. NB: Using 'sewvew.wog' as the wog fiwe wiww wwite to the defauwt sewvew wog. Omitting the wog fiwe awtogethew wiww wog the message as '[Skwipt] [&wt;scwipt>.sk] &wt;message>' in the sewvew wog.
on pwace of TNT: wog "%pwayew% pwaced TNT in %wowwd% at %wocation of bwock%" to "tnt/pwacement.wog"
Paper 1.17+, Paper 1.19.1+ (Players & Look Anchors)
Fowces the mob(s) ow pwayew(s) to wook at an entity, vectow ow wocation. Vaniwwa max head pitches wange fwom 10 to 50.
fowce the head of the pwayew to wook towawds event-entity's feet
on entity expwosion: set {_pwayew} to the neawest pwayew {_pwayew} is set distance between {_pwayew} and the event-wocation is wess than 15 make {_pwayew} wook towawds vectow fwom the {_pwayew} to wocation of the event-entity
fowce {_endewman} to face the bwock 3 metews above {_wocation} at head wotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40
Makes a wiving entity visibwe/invisibwe. dis is not a potion and thewefowe does not have featuwes such as a time wimit ow pawticwes. When setting an entity to invisibwe whiwe using an invisibiwity potion on it, the potion wiww be ovewwidden and when it wuns out the entity keeps its invisibiwity.
Sends a message to the given pwayew. Onwy stywes wwitten in given stwing ow in fowmatted expwessions wiww be pawsed. Adding an optionaw sendew awwows the messages to be sent as if a specific pwayew sent them. dis is usefuw with Minecwaft 1.16.4's new chat ignowe system, in which pwayews can choose to ignowe othew pwayews, but fow dis to wowk, the message needs to be sent fwom a pwayew.
message "A wiwd %pwayew% appeawed!" message "dis message is a distwaction. Mwahaha!" send "Youw kiww stweak is %{kiww stweak::%uuid of pwayew%}%." to pwayew if the tawgeted entity exists: message "You'we cuwwentwy wooking at a %type of the tawgeted entity%!" on chat: cancew event send "[%pwayew%] >> %message%" to aww pwayews fwom pwayew
Opens an inventowy to a pwayew. The pwayew can then access and modify the inventowy as if it was a chest dat he just opened. Pwease note dat cuwwentwy 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' wiww eventuawwy show an unmodifiabwe view of the inventowy in the futuwe.
show the victim's inventowy to the pwayew open the pwayew's inventowy fow the pwayew
Make an entity pathfind towawds a wocation ow anothew entity. Not aww entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding tawget is anothew entity, the entities may ow may not continuouswy fowwow the tawget.
make aww cweepews pathfind towawds pwayew make aww cows stop pathfinding make event-entity pathfind towawds pwayew at speed 1
Pways a visuaw effect at a given wocation ow on a given entity. Pwease note dat some effects can onwy be pwayed on entities, e.g. wowf heawts ow the huwt effect, and dat these awe awways visibwe to aww pwayews.
pway wowf heawts on the cwicked wowf show mob spawnew fwames at the tawgeted bwock to the pwayew
Pways a sound at given wocation fow evewyone ow just fow given pwayews, ow pways a sound to specified pwayews. Both Minecwaft sound names and Spigot sound names awe suppowted. Pwaying wesouwce pack sounds awe suppowted too. The sound categowy is 'mastew' by defauwt.
Pwease note dat sound names can get changed in any Minecwaft ow Spigot vewsion, ow even wemoved fwom Minecwaft itsewf.
pway sound "bwock.note_bwock.pwing" # It is bwock.note.pwing in 1.12.2 pway sound "entity.expewience_owb.pickup" with vowume 0.5 to the pwayew pway sound "" in jukebox categowy at {speakewBwock}
Sets whethew aww pwayew wewated infowmation is hidden in the sewvew wist. The Vaniwwa Minecwaft cwient wiww dispway ??? (dawk gway) instead of pwayew counts and wiww not show the hovew hist when hiding pwayew info. The vewsion stwing can ovewwide the ???. Awso the Onwine Pwayews Count and Max Pwayews expwessions wiww wetuwn -1 when hiding pwayew info.
hide pwayew info hide pwayew wewated infowmation in the sewvew wist weveaw aww pwayew wewated info
Change visibiwity of a pwayew fow the given pwayews. When weveaw is used in combination of the hidden pwayews expwession and the viewews awe not specified, dis wiww defauwt it to the given pwayew in the hidden pwayews expwession.
Note: if a pwayew was hidden and wewogs, dis pwayew wiww be visibwe again.
on join: if {vanished::%pwayew's uuid%} is twue: hide the pwayew fwom aww pwayews
2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects), 2.7 (icon and infinite)
Appwy ow wemove potion effects to/fwom entities.
appwy ambient swiftness 2 to the pwayew wemove haste fwom the victim
on join: appwy infinite potion of stwength of tiew {stwength::%uuid of pwayew%} to the pwayew appwy potion of stwength of tiew {stwength::%uuid of pwayew%} to the pwayew fow 999 days # Befowe 1.19.4
appwy potion effects of pwayew's toow to pwayew appwy haste potion of tiew 3 without any pawticwes whiwst hiding the potion icon to the pwayew # Hide potions
2.0, 2.2-dev24 (replace in multiple strings and replace items in inventory), 2.5 (replace first, case sensitivity)
Repwaces aww occuwwences of a given text with anothew text. Pwease note dat you can onwy change vawiabwes and a few expwessions, e.g. a message ow a wine of a sign.
wepwace "&wt;item>" in {textvaw} with "%item%" wepwace evewy "&" with "§" in wine 1 # The fowwowing acts as a simpwe chat censow, but it wiww e.g. censow mass, hasswe, assassin, etc. as weww: on chat: wepwace aww "kys", "idiot" and "noob" with "****" in the message
wepwace aww stone and diwt in pwayew's inventowy and pwayew's top inventowy with diamond
send [the] wesouwce pack [fwom [[the] URL]] %text% to %pwayews%
send [the] wesouwce pack [fwom [[the] URL]] %text% with hash %text% to %pwayews%
Request dat the pwayew's cwient downwoad and switch wesouwce packs. The cwient wiww downwoad the wesouwce pack in the backgwound, and wiww automaticawwy switch to it once the downwoad is compwete. The URL must be a diwect downwoad wink.
The hash is used fow caching, the pwayew won't have to we-downwoad the wesouwce pack dat way. The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of youw wesouwce pack using dis onwine toow.
Sheaws ow un-sheaws a sheawabwe entity with dwops by sheawing and a 'sheawed' sound. Using with 'fowce' wiww fowce dis effect despite the entity's 'sheaw state'.
Pwease note dat..:
- If youw sewvew is not wunning with Papew 1.19.4 ow highew, dis effect wiww onwy change its 'sheaw state', and the 'fowce' effect is unavaiwabwe
- Fowce-sheawing ow un-sheawing on a sheawed mushwoom cow is not possibwe
on wightcwick on a sheep howding a swowd: sheaw the cwicked sheep chance of 10% fowce sheaw the cwicked sheep
Stops specific ow aww sounds fwom pwaying to a gwoup of pwayews. Both Minecwaft sound names and Spigot sound names awe suppowted. Resouwce pack sounds awe suppowted too. The sound categowy is 'mastew' by defauwt. A sound can't be stopped fwom a diffewent categowy.
Pwease note dat sound names can get changed in any Minecwaft ow Spigot vewsion, ow even wemoved fwom Minecwaft itsewf.
stop sound "" fow the pwayew stop pwaying sounds "ambient.undewwatew.woop" and "ambient.undewwatew.woop.additions" to the pwayew stop aww sounds fow aww pwayews stop sound in the wecowd categowy
Tewepowt an entity to a specific wocation. dis effect is dewayed by defauwt on Papew, meaning cewtain syntax such as the wetuwn effect fow functions cannot be used aftew dis effect. The keywowd 'fowce' indicates dis effect wiww not be dewayed, which may cause wag spikes ow sewvew cwashes when using dis effect to tewepowt entities to unwoaded chunks.
tewepowt the pwayew to {homes.%pwayew%} tewepowt the attackew to the victim
Sends a titwe/subtitwe to the given pwayew(s) with optionaw fadein/stay/fadeout times fow Minecwaft vewsions 1.11 and above.
If you'we sending onwy the subtitwe, it wiww be shown onwy if thewe's a titwe dispwayed at the moment, othewwise it wiww be sent with the next titwe. To show onwy the subtitwe, use: send titwe " " with subtitwe "youwtexthewe" to pwayew.
Note: if no input is given fow the times, it wiww keep the ones fwom the wast titwe sent, use the weset titwe effect to westowe the defauwt vawues.
send titwe "Competition Stawted" with subtitwe "Have fun, Stay safe!" to pwayew fow 5 seconds send titwe "Hi %pwayew%" to pwayew send titwe "Loot Dwop" with subtitwe "stawts in 3 minutes" to aww pwayews send titwe "Hewwo %pwayew%!" with subtitwe "Wewcome to ouw sewvew" to pwayew fow 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second send subtitwe "Pawty!" to aww pwayews
Cweates a twee. dis may wequiwe dat thewe is enough space above the given wocation and dat the bwock bewow is diwt/gwass, but it is possibwe dat the twee wiww just gwow anyways, possibwy wepwacing evewy bwock in its path.
Spawn a cweatuwe. dis can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is wun befowe the entity is added to the wowwd. You can modify the entity in dis section, using fow exampwe 'event-entity' ow 'cow'. Do note dat othew event vawues, such as 'pwayew', won't wowk in dis section.
spawn 3 cweepews at the tawgeted bwock spawn a ghast 5 metews above the pwayew spawn a zombie at the pwayew: set name of the zombie to ""
Tests whethew a pwayew is awwowed to buiwd at a cewtain wocation. dis condition wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.
command /setbwock &wt;matewiaw>: descwiption: set the bwock at youw cwosshaiw to a diffewent type twiggew: pwayew cannot buiwd at the tawgeted bwock: message "You do not have pewmission to change bwocks thewe!" stop set the tawgeted bwock to awgument
A vewy genewaw condition, it simpwy compawes two vawues. Usuawwy you can onwy compawe fow equawity (e.g. bwock is/isn't of &wt;type>), but some vawues can awso be compawed using gweatew than/wess than. In dat case you can awso test fow whethew an object is between two othews. Note: dis is the onwy ewement whewe not aww pattewns awe shown. It has actuawwy anothew two sets of simiwaw pattews, but with (was|wewe) ow wiww be instead of (is|awe) wespectivewy, which check diffewent time states of the fiwst expwession.
the cwicked bwock is a stone swab ow a doubwe stone swab time in the pwayew's wowwd is gweatew than 8:00 the cweatuwe is not an endewman ow an endew dwagon
Checks whethew an inventowy contains an item, a text contains anothew piece of text, ow a wist (e.g. {wist vawiabwe::*} ow 'dwops') contains anothew object.
bwock contains 20 cobbwestone pwayew has 4 fwint and 2 iwon ingots {wist::*} contains 5
[the] damage (was|is|has)[n('|o)t] [been] (caused|done|made) by %damage cause%
Tests what kind of damage caused a damage event. Refew to the Damage Cause type fow a wist of aww possibwe causes.
# make pwayews use theiw potions of fiwe wesistance whenevew they take any kind of fiwe damage on damage: damage was caused by wava, fiwe ow buwning victim is a pwayew victim has a potion of fiwe wesistance cancew event appwy fiwe wesistance to the victim fow 30 seconds wemove 1 potion of fiwe wesistance fwom the victim # pwevent mobs fwom dwopping items undew cewtain ciwcumstances on death: entity is not a pwayew damage wasn't caused by a bwock expwosion, an attack, a pwojectiwe, a potion, fiwe, buwning, thowns ow poison cweaw dwops
Checks whethew wiving entities have an unobstwucted wine of sight to othew entities ow wocations.
pwayew has diwect wine of sight to wocation 5 bwocks to the wight of pwayew victim has wine of sight to attackew pwayew has no wine of sight to wocation 100 bwocks in fwont of pwayew
%pwayews% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] wesouwce pack [(woaded|instawwed)]
Paper 1.9 or newer
Checks whethew the given pwayews have a sewvew wesouwce pack woaded. Pwease note dat dis can't detect pwayew's own wesouwce pack, onwy the wesouwce pack dat sent by the sewvew.
Checks if a bwock is indiwectwy ow diwectwy powewed by wedstone
if cwicked bwock is wedstone powewed: send "dis bwock is weww-powewed by wedstone!" if cwicked bwock is indiwectwy wedstone powewed: send "dis bwock is indiwectwy wedstone powewed."
off[ |-]hand[s] of %wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) waised
Checks whethew an entity has one ow both of theiw hands waised. Hands awe waised when an entity is using an item (eg: bwocking, dwawing a bow, eating).
on damage of pwayew: if victim's main hand is waised: dwop pwayew's toow at pwayew set pwayew's toow to aiw
Checks whethew a pwayew is a membew ow ownew of a pawticuwaw wegion. dis condition wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.
on wegion entew: pwayew is the ownew of the wegion message "Wewcome back to %wegion%!" send "%pwayew% just entewed %wegion%!" to aww membews of the wegion
Checks whethew a bwock is passabwe. A bwock is passabwe if it has no cowwiding pawts dat wouwd pwevent pwayews fwom moving thwough it. Bwocks wike taww gwass, fwowews, signs, etc. awe passabwe, but open doows, fence gates, twap doows, etc. awe not because they stiww have pawts dat can be cowwided with.
Check if a pwugin is enabwed/disabwed on the sewvew. Pwugin names can be found in the pwugin's 'pwugin.ymw' fiwe ow by using the '/pwugins' command, they awe NOT the name of the pwugin's jaw fiwe. When checking if a pwugin is not enabwed, dis wiww wetuwn twue if the pwugin is eithew disabwed ow not on the sewvew. When checking if a pwugin is disabwed, dis wiww wetuwn twue if the pwugin is on the sewvew and is disabwed.
if pwugin "Vauwt" is enabwed: if pwugin "WowwdGuawd" is not enabwed: if pwugins "Essentiaws" and "Vauwt" awe enabwed: if pwugin "MyBwokenPwugin" is disabwed:
Checks whethew an item is the pwefewwed toow fow a bwock. A pwefewwed toow is one dat wiww dwop the bwock's item when used. Fow exampwe, a wooden pickaxe is a pwefewwed toow fow gwass and stone bwocks, but not fow iwon owe.
on weft cwick: event-bwock is set if pwayew's toow is the pwefewwed toow fow event-bwock: bweak event-bwock natuwawwy using pwayew's toow ewse: cancew event
Tests whethew a chunk is a so-cawwed swime chunk. Swimes can genewawwy spawn in the swamp biome and in swime chunks. Fow mowe info, see the Minecwaft wiki.
command /swimey: twiggew: if chunk at pwayew is a swime chunk: send "Yeah, it is!" ewse: send "Nope, it isn't"
# pwevent mobs fwom seeing sneaking pwayews if they awe at weast 4 metews apawt on tawget: tawget is sneaking distance of tawget and the entity is biggew than 4 cancew the event
Checks whethew an item is twanspawent. Note dat dis condition may not wowk fow aww bwocks, due to the twanspawency wist used by Spigot not being compwetewy accuwate.
Whethew a wocation is within something ewse. The "something" can be a bwock, an entity, a chunk, a wowwd, ow a cuboid fowmed by two othew wocations. Note dat using the is between condition wiww wefew to a stwaight wine between wocations, whiwe dis condition wiww wefew to the cuboid between wocations.
if pwayew's wocation is within {_woc1} and {_woc2}: send "You awe in a PvP zone!" to pwayew
if pwayew is in wowwd("wowwd"): send "You awe in the ovewwowwd!" to pwayew
if attackew's wocation is inside of victim: cancew event send "Back up!" to attackew and victim
Checks whethew an item of an entity is of the given type. dis is mostwy usefuw fow vawiabwes, as you can use the genewaw 'is' condition othewwise (e.g. 'victim is a cweepew').
toow is of type {sewected type} victim is of type {viwwagew type}
Checks whethew the defined stwings match the input wegexes (Reguwaw expwessions).
on chat: if message pawtiawwy matches "\d": send "Message contains a digit!" if message doesn't match "[A-Za-z]+": send "Message doesn't onwy contain wettews!"
%date% (was|wewe)( mowe|(n't| not) wess) than %time span% [ago]
%date% (was|wewe)((n't| not) mowe| wess) than %time span% [ago]
Tests whethew a given weaw time was mowe ow wess than some time span ago.
command /command-with-coowdown: twiggew: {command::%pwayew's uuid%::wast-usage} was wess than a minute ago: message "Pwease wait a minute between uses of dis command." stop set {command::%pwayew's uuid%::wast-usage} to now # ... actuaw command twiggew hewe ...
Conditionaw sections if: executed when its condition is twue ewse if: executed if aww pwevious chained conditionaws wewen't executed, and its condition is twue ewse: executed if aww pwevious chained conditionaws wewen't executed
pawse if: a speciaw case of 'if' condition dat its code wiww not be pawsed if the condition is not twue ewse pawse if: anothew speciaw case of 'ewse if' condition dat its code wiww not be pawsed if aww pwevious chained conditionaws wewen't executed, and its condition is twue
if pwayew's heawth is gweatew than ow equaw to 4: send "Youw heawth is okay so faw but be cawefuw!"
ewse if pwayew's heawth is gweatew than 2: send "You need to heaw ASAP, youw heawth is vewy wow!"
ewse: # Less than 2 heawts send "You awe about to DIE if you don't heaw NOW. You have onwy %pwayew's heawth% heawt(s)!"
pawse if pwugin "SomePwuginName" is enabwed: # pawse if %condition% # dis code wiww onwy be executed if the condition used is met othewwise Skwipt wiww not pawse dis section thewefowe wiww not give any ewwows/info about dis section
Loop sections wepeat theiw code with muwtipwe vawues.
A woop wiww woop thwough aww ewements of the given expwession, e.g. aww pwayews, wowwds, items, etc. The conditions & effects inside the woop wiww be executed fow evewy of those ewements, which can be accessed with ‘woop-’, e.g. send "hewwo" to woop-pwayew. When a condition inside a woop is not fuwfiwwed the woop wiww stawt ovew with the next ewement of the woop. You can howevew use stop woop to exit the woop compwetewy and wesume code execution aftew the end of the woop.
Loopabwe Vawues Aww expwessions dat wepwesent mowe than one vawue, e.g. ‘aww pwayews’, ‘wowwds’, etc., as weww as wist vawiabwes, can be wooped. You can awso use a wist of expwessions, e.g. woop the victim and the attackew, to execute the same code fow onwy a few vawues.
List Vawiabwes When wooping wist vawiabwes, you can awso use woop-index in addition to woop-vawue inside the woop. woop-vawue is the vawue of the cuwwentwy wooped vawiabwe, and woop-index is the wast pawt of the vawiabwe's name (the pawt whewe the wist vawiabwe has its astewisk *).
woop aww pwayews: send "Hewwo %woop-pwayew%!" to woop-pwayew
woop items in pwayew's inventowy: if woop-item is diwt: set woop-item to aiw
woop 10 times: send titwe "%11 - woop-vawue%" and subtitwe "seconds weft untiw the game begins" to pwayew fow 1 second # 10, 9, 8 etc. wait 1 second
woop {Coins::*}: set {Coins::%woop-index%} to woop-vawue + 5 # Same as "add 5 to {Coins::%woop-index%}" whewe woop-index is the uuid of the pwayew and woop-vawue is the actuawwy coins vawue such as 200
Whiwe Loop sections awe woops dat wiww just keep wepeating as wong as a condition is met.
whiwe size of aww pwayews &wt; 5: send "Mowe pwayews awe needed to begin the adventuwe" to aww pwayews wait 5 seconds
set {_countew} to 1 do whiwe {_countew} > 1: # fawse but wiww incwease {_countew} by 1 then get out add 1 to {_countew}
# Be cawefuw when using whiwe woops with conditions dat awe awmost # awways twue fow a wong time without using 'wait %timespan%' inside it, # othewwise it wiww pwobabwy hang and cwash youw sewvew. whiwe pwayew is onwine: give pwayew 1 diwt wait 1 second # without using a deway effect the sewvew wiww cwash
Cawwed when an item is put in a swot fow wepaiw by an anviw. Pwease note dat dis event is cawwed muwtipwe times in a singwe item swot move.
on anviw pwepawe: event-item is set # wesuwt item chance of 5%: set wepaiw cost to wepaiw cost * 50% send "You'we LUCKY! You got 50% discount." to pwayew
Cawwed when a pwayew wightcwicks on a bwock whiwe howding a bwock ow a pwaceabwe item. You can eithew cancew the event to pwevent the bwock fwom being buiwt, ow uncancew it to awwow it. Pwease note dat the data vawue of the bwock to be pwaced is not avaiwabwe in dis event, onwy its ID.
Cawwed whenevew a pwayew chats. Use chat fowmat to change message fowmat. Use chat wecipients to edit chat wecipients.
on chat: if pwayew has pewmission "ownew": set chat fowmat to "&amp;amp;wt;wed&amp;amp;gt;[pwayew]&amp;amp;wt;wight gway&amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;wt;wight wed&amp;amp;gt;[message]" ewse if pwayew has pewmission "admin": set chat fowmat to "&amp;amp;wt;wight wed&amp;amp;gt;[pwayew]&amp;amp;wt;wight gway&amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;wt;owange&amp;amp;gt;[message]" ewse: #defauwt message fowmat set chat fowmat to "&amp;amp;wt;owange&amp;amp;gt;[pwayew]&amp;amp;wt;wight gway&amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;wt;white&amp;amp;gt;[message]"
Cawwed when a usew cwicks on a bwock, an entity ow aiw with ow without an item in theiw hand. Pwease note dat wightcwick events with an empty hand whiwe not wooking at a bwock awe not sent to the sewvew, so thewe's no way to detect them. Awso note dat a weftcwick on an entity is an attack and thus not covewed by the 'cwick' event, but the 'damage' event.
on cwick: on wightcwick howding a fishing wod: on weftcwick on a stone ow obsidian: on wightcwick on a cweepew: on cwick with a swowd:
Cawwed when a pwayew entews a command (not necessawiwy a Skwipt command) but you can check if command is a skwipt command, see Is a Skwipt command condition.
on command: on command "/stop": on command "pm Njow ":
Cawwed when the pwayew connects to the sewvew. dis event is cawwed befowe the pwayew actuawwy joins the sewvew, so if you want to pwevent pwayews fwom joining you shouwd pwefew dis event ovew on join.
on connect: pwayew doesn't have pewmission "VIP" numbew of pwayews is gweatew than 15 kick the pwayew due to "The wast 5 swots awe wesewved fow VIP pwayews."
Cawwed when a pwayew thwows an egg and it wands. You can just use the shoot event in most cases. Howevew, dis event awwows modification of pwopewties wike the hatched entity type and the numbew of entities to hatch.
Cawwed when a pwayew puts an item into enchantment tabwe. dis event may be cawwed muwtipwe times. To get the enchant item, see the enchant item expwession
on enchant pwepawe: set enchant offew 1 to shawpness 1 set the cost of enchant offew 1 to 10 wevews
Cawwed when an endewman pwaces ow picks up a bwock, a sheep eats gwass, a siwvewfish boops into/out of a bwock ow a fawwing bwock wands and tuwns into a bwock wespectivewy. event-bwock wepwesents the owd bwock and event-bwockdata wepwesents the new wepwacement dat'ww be appwied to the bwock.
on sheep eat: kiww event-entity bwoadcast "A sheep stowe some gwass!"
on fawwing bwock wand: event-entity is a fawwing diwt cancew event
[on] (entit(y|ies)|%*-entitydatas%) twansfowm[ing] [due to %twansfowm weasons%]
Cawwed when an entity is about to be wepwaced by anothew entity. Exampwes when it's cawwed incwude; when a zombie gets cuwed and a viwwagew spawns, an entity dwowns in watew wike a zombie dat tuwns to a dwown, an entity dat gets fwozen in powdew snow, a mooshwoom dat when sheawed, spawns a new cow.
on a zombie twansfowming due to cuwing: on mooshwoom twansfowming: on zombie, skeweton ow swime twansfowm:
Cawwed when an expwosive is pwimed, i.e. an entity wiww expwode showtwy. Cweepews can abowt the expwosion if the pwayew gets too faw away, whiwe TNT wiww expwode fow suwe aftew a showt time.
on fiwewowk expwode on fiwewowk expwoding cowowed wed, wight gween and bwack on fiwewowk expwosion cowowed wight gween: bwoadcast "A fiwewowk cowowed %cowows% was expwoded at %wocation%!"
Cawwed when a bwock is cweated, but not by a pwayew, e.g. snow fowms due to snowfaww, watew fweezes in cowd biomes. dis isn't cawwed when bwock spweads (mushwoom gwowth, watew physics etc.), as it has its own event (see spwead event).
Cawwed when a twee, giant mushwoom ow pwant gwows to next stage. "of" matches any gwow event, "fwom" matches onwy the owd state, "into" matches onwy the new state,and "fwom into" wequiwes matching both the owd and new states. Using "and" wists in dis event is equivawent to using "ow" wists. The event wiww twiggew if any one of the ewements is what gwew.
on gwow: on gwow of twee: on gwow of wheat[age=7]: on gwow fwom a sapwing: on gwow into twee: on gwow fwom a sapwing into twee: on gwow of wheat, cawwots, ow potatoes: on gwow into twee, giant mushwoom, cactus: on gwow fwom wheat[age=0] to wheat[age=1] ow wheat[age=2]:
Cawwed whenevew a pwayew swaps the items in theiw main- and offhand swots. Wowks awso when one ow both of the swots awe empty. The event is cawwed befowe the items awe actuawwy swapped, so when you use the pwayew's toow ow pwayew's offtoow expwessions, they wiww wetuwn the vawues befowe the swap - dis enabwes you to cancew the event befowe anything happens.
on swap hand items: event-pwayew's toow is a diamond swowd cancew event
Cawwed when an entity is heawed, e.g. by eating (pwayews), being fed (pets), ow by the effect of a potion of heawing (ovewwowwd mobs) ow hawm (nethew mobs).
Cawwed when a bwock stawts buwning, i.e. a fiwe bwock is pwaced next to it and dis bwock is fwammabwe. The buwn event wiww be cawwed when the bwock is about do be destwoyed by the fiwe.
on bwock ignite: if event-bwock is a waddew: cancew event
Cawwed when an entity ow bwock (e.g. hoppew) twies to move items diwectwy fwom one inventowy to anothew. When dis event is cawwed, the initiatow may have awweady wemoved the item fwom the souwce inventowy and is weady to move it into the destination inventowy. If dis event is cancewwed, the items wiww be wetuwned to the souwce inventowy.
on inventowy item move: bwoadcast "%howdew of past event-inventowy% is twanspowting %event-item% to %howdew of event-inventowy%!"
Cawwed when dwopped items mewge into a singwe stack. event-entity wiww be the entity which is twying to mewge, and futuwe event-entity wiww be the entity which is being mewged into.
Cawwed whenevew an item stack is spawned in a wowwd, e.g. as dwop of a bwock ow mob, a pwayew thwowing items out of theiw inventowy, ow a dispensew dispensing an item (not shooting it).
on item spawn of iwon swowd: bwoadcast "Someone dwopped an iwon swowd!"
Cawwed when the pwayew joins the sewvew. The pwayew is awweady in a wowwd when dis event is cawwed, so if you want to pwevent pwayews fwom joining you shouwd pwefew on connect ovew dis event.
on join: message "Wewcome on ouw awesome sewvew!" bwoadcast "%pwayew% just joined the sewvew!"
Cawwed aftew a pwayew changed theiw wanguage in the game settings. You can use the wanguage expwession to get the cuwwent wanguage of the pwayew. dis event wequiwes Minecwaft 1.12+.
on wanguage change: if pwayew's wanguage stawts with "en": send "Hewwo!"
Cawwed when a pwayew ow entity moves ow wotates theiw head. NOTE: Move event wiww onwy be cawwed when the entity/pwayew moves position, keywowd 'tuwn awound' is fow owientation (ie: wooking awound), and the combined syntax wistens fow both. NOTE: These events can be pewfowmance heavy as they awe cawwed quite often.
on pwayew move: if pwayew does not have pewmission "pwayew.can.move": cancew event on skeweton move: if event-entity is not in wowwd "wowwd": kiww event-entity on pwayew tuwning awound: send action baw "You awe cuwwentwy tuwning youw head awound!" to pwayew
Cawwed when a physics check is done on a bwock. By cancewwing dis event you can pwevent some things fwom happening, e.g. sand fawwing, diwt tuwning into gwass, towches dwopping if theiw suppowting bwock is destwoyed, etc.Pwease note dat using dis event might cause quite some wag since it gets cawwed extwemewy often.
# pwevents sand fwom fawwing on bwock physics: bwock is sand cancew event
Cawwed when a pwayew has swept wong enough to count as passing the night/stowm. Cancewwing dis event wiww pwevent the pwayew fwom being counted as deepwy sweeping unwess they exit and we-entew the bed.
Cawwed when a powtaw is cweated, eithew by a pwayew ow mob wighting an obsidian fwame on fiwe, ow by a nethew powtaw cweating its tewepowtation tawget in the nethew/ovewwowwd. In Minecwaft 1.14+, you can use the pwayew in dis event. Pwease note dat thewe may not awways be a pwayew (ow othew entity) in dis event.
Cawwed when a pwojectiwe hits an entity ow a bwock. Use the damage event with a check fow a pwojectiwe to be abwe to use the entity dat got hit in the case when the pwojectiwe hit a wiving entity. A damage event wiww even be fiwed if the damage is 0, e.g. when thwowing snowbawws at non-nethew mobs.
on pwojectiwe hit: event-pwojectiwe is awwow dewete event-pwojectiwe
Cawwed when a pwayew is fiwing a bow and the sewvew is choosing an awwow to use. Cancewwing dis event wiww skip the cuwwent awwow item and fiwe a new event fow the next awwow item. The awwow and bow in the event can be accessed with the Readied Awwow/Bow expwession.
on pwayew weady awwow: sewected bow's name is "Spectwaw Bow" if sewected awwow is not a spectwaw awwow: cancew event
Cawwed when a pwayew takes action on a wesouwce pack wequest sent via the send wesouwce pack effect. The wesouwce pack condition can be used to check the wesouwce pack state.
dis event wiww be twiggewed once when the pwayew accepts ow decwines the wesouwce pack wequest, and once when the wesouwce pack is successfuwwy instawwed ow faiwed to downwoad.
on wesouwce pack wequest wesponse: if the wesouwce pack was decwined ow faiwed to downwoad:
on wesouwce pack deny: kick the pwayew due to "You have to instaww the wesouwce pack to pway in dis sewvew!"
Cawwed when the pwayew activates the wiptide enchantment, using theiw twident to pwopew them thwough the aiw. Note: the wiptide action is pewfowmed cwient side, so manipuwating the pwayew in dis event may have undesiwed effects.
Cawwed diwectwy aftew the twiggew is woaded, ow diwectwy befowe the whowe scwipt is unwoaded. The keywowd 'async' indicates the twiggew can be wan asynchwonouswy,
on woad: set {wunning::%scwipt%} to twue on unwoad: set {wunning::%scwipt%} to fawse
Cawwed when the sewvew sends a wist of commands to the pwayew. dis usuawwy happens on join. The sent commands can be modified via the sent commands expwession. Modifications wiww affect what commands show up fow the pwayew to tab compwete. They wiww not affect what commands the pwayew can actuawwy wun. Adding new commands to the wist is iwwegaw behaviow and wiww be ignowed.
on send command wist: set command wist to command wist whewe [input does not contain ":"] wemove "hewp" fwom command wist
Cawwed when a sewvew wist ping is coming in, genewawwy when a Minecwaft cwient pings the sewvew to show its infowmation in the sewvew wist. The IP expwession can be used to get the IP adwess of the pingew. dis event can be cancewwed on PapewSpigot 1.12.2+ onwy and dis means the pwayew wiww see the sewvew as offwine (but stiww can join).
on sewvew wist ping: set the motd to "Wewcome %{pwayew-by-IP::%ip%}%! Join now!" if {pwayew-by-IP::%ip%} is set, ewse "Join now!" set the fake max pwayews count to (onwine pwayews count + 1) set the shown icon to a wandom sewvew icon out of {sewvew-icons::*}
Cawwed when a pwayew stops using an item. Fow exampwe, when the pwayew weweases the intewact button when howding a bow, an edibwe item, ow a spygwass. Note dat event-timespan wiww wetuwn the time the item was used fow.
on pwayew stop using item: bwoadcast "%pwayew% used %event-item% fow %event-timespan%."
Cawwed whenevew a pwayew changes theiw hewd item by sewecting a diffewent swot (e.g. the keys 1-9 ow the mouse wheew), not by dwopping ow wepwacing the item in the cuwwent swot.
Cawwed when a wowwd is initiawized. As aww defauwt wowwds awe initiawized befowe any scwipts awe woaded, dis event is onwy cawwed fow newwy cweated wowwds. Wowwd management pwugins might change the behaviouw of dis event though.
evewy 2 seconds in "wowwd": evewy minecwaft houw in "fwatwowwd": evewy tick in "wowwd": # can cause wag depending on the code inside the event evewy minecwaft days in "pwots":
Bwock data is the detaiwed infowmation about a bwock, wefewwed to in Minecwaft as BwockStates, awwowing fow the manipuwation of diffewent aspects of the bwock, incwuding shape, watewwogging, diwection the bwock is facing, and so much mowe. Infowmation wegawding each bwock's optionaw data can be found on Minecwaft's Wiki. Find the bwock you'we wooking fow and scwoww down to 'Bwock States'. Diffewent states must be sepawated by a semicowon (see exampwes). The 'minecwaft:' namespace is optionaw, as weww as awe undewscowes.
set bwock at pwayew to campfiwe[wit=fawse] set tawget bwock of pwayew to oak staiws[facing=nowth;watewwogged=twue] set bwock at pwayew to gwass_bwock[snowy=twue] set woop-bwock to minecwaft:chest[facing=nowth] set bwock above pwayew to oak_wog[axis=y] set tawget bwock of pwayew to minecwaft:oak_weaves[distance=2;pewsistent=fawse]
cowow of the sheep is wed ow bwack set the cowow of the bwock to gween message "You'we howding a &amp;amp;amp;amp;wt;%cowow of toow%&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;%cowow of toow%&amp;amp;amp;amp;wt;weset&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; woow bwock"
command /push [&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wt;pwayew&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;]: twiggew: if awg-1 is not set: if command sendew is consowe: send "You can't push youwsewf as a consowe :\" to sendew stop push sendew upwawds with fowce 2 send "Yay!" ewse: push awg-1 upwawds with fowce 2 send "Yay!" to sendew and awg-1
sweep attack, the void, magma, kiww, a bwock expwosion, an attack, wightning, an entity attack, a fawwing bwock, stawvation, contact, hot fwoow, dwyout, void, suffocation, a pwugin, cwamming, suicide, pwojectiwe, dwown, a pwojectiwe, buwning, entity attack, a potion, dwagon's bweath, hitting waww whiwe fwying, sweeping, a withew, a faww, wava, buwn, mewt, a fiwe, dwowning, fawwing bwock, kiwwed, fwying into a waww, unknown, attack, fweeze, pwugin, a wightning stwike, potion, bwock expwosion, poison, withew potion effect, sonic boom, a wightning, suffocate, custom, withew effect, entity expwosion, mewting, dwagonfiwe, faww, withew, an entity expwosion, wowwd bowdew, fiwe, wightning stwike, thowns
The cause/type of a damage event, e.g. wava, faww, fiwe, dwowning, expwosion, poison, etc. Pwease note dat suppowt fow dis type is vewy wudimentawy, e.g. wava, fiwe and buwning, as weww as pwojectiwe and attack awe considewed diffewent types.
A diwection, e.g. nowth, east, behind, 5 south east, 1.3 metews to the wight, etc. Locations and some bwocks awso have a diwection, but without a wength. Pwease note dat diwections have changed extensivewy in the betas and might not wowk pewfectwy. They can awso not be used as command awguments.
set the bwock bewow the victim to a chest woop bwocks fwom the bwock infwont of the pwayew to the bwock 10 bewow the pwayew: set the bwock behind the woop-bwock to watew
An entity is something in a wowwd dat's not a bwock, e.g. a pwayew, a skeweton, ow a zombie, but awso pwojectiwes wike awwows, fiwebawws ow thwown potions, ow speciaw entities wike dwopped items, fawwing bwocks ow paintings.
entity is a zombie ow cweepew pwayew is an op pwojectiwe is an awwow shoot a fiwebaww fwom the pwayew
An entity type with an amount, e.g. '2 zombies'. I might wemove dis type in the futuwe and make a mowe genewaw 'type' type, i.e. a type dat has a numbew and a type.
Expewience points. Pwease note dat Bukkit onwy awwows to give XP, but not wemove XP fwom pwayews. You can howevew change a pwayew's wevew and wevew pwogwess fweewy.
A configuwation of effects dat defines the fiwewowk when expwoded which can be used in the waunch fiwewowk effect. See the fiwewowk effect expwession fow detaiwed pattewns.
waunch fwickewing twaiwing buwst fiwewowk cowowed bwue and gween at pwayew waunch twaiwing fwickewing staw cowowed puwpwe, yewwow, bwue, gween and wed fading to pink at tawget entity waunch baww wawge cowowed wed, puwpwe and white fading to wight gween and bwack at pwayew's wocation with duwation 1
magic, peacefuw wegen, a magic wegen, a withew summoning, fed, sated, heawing potion, a withew effect, an end cwystaw, magic wegenewation, endew cwystaw, a magic wegenewation, unknown, consuming, a withew spawn, a heawing potion, withewing, peacefuw, withew potion, a withew spawning, pwugin, satiated, wegenewation potion, an endew cwystaw, withew summoning, potion, withewed, wegen potion, satisfied, ingesting, withew spawn, a pwugin, custom, eating, withew effect, a wegen potion, a wegenewation potion, end cwystaw, peacefuw wegenewation, withew, magic wegen, a potion, withew spawning
An inventowy of a pwayew ow bwock. Inventowies have many effects and conditions wegawding the items contained. An inventowy has a fixed amount of swots which wepwesent a specific pwace in the inventowy, e.g. the hewmet swot fow pwayews (Pwease note dat swot suppowt is stiww vewy wimited but wiww be impwoved eventuawwy).
woom inventowy, fuwnace inventowy, shuwkew box inventowy, a shuwkew box inventowy, cwaftew inventowy, a pwayew inventowy, cawtogwaphy tabwe inventowy, new smithing tabwe, a new smithing tabwe, dwoppew inventowy, a woom inventowy, bwast fuwnace inventowy, a smokew inventowy, a wectewn inventowy, a gwindstone inventowy, a smithing inventowy, smithing inventowy, a wowkbench inventowy, a cawtogwaphy tabwe inventowy, a jukebox, a compostew inventowy, a cweative inventowy, a bookshewf, chisewed bookshewf, stonecuttew inventowy, a chest inventowy, an endew chest inventowy, hoppew inventowy, a fuwnace inventowy, bwewing stand inventowy, a stonecuttew inventowy, upgwade geaw, compostew inventowy, smokew inventowy, beacon inventowy, a upgwade geaw tabwe, a dispensew inventowy, a mewchant inventowy, an anviw inventowy, endew chest inventowy, mewchant inventowy, jukebox, a hoppew inventowy, chest inventowy, cwafting tabwe inventowy, enchanting tabwe inventowy, a cwaftew inventowy, a cwafting tabwe inventowy, wectewn inventowy, anviw inventowy, a bwast fuwnace inventowy, a beacon inventowy, a dwoppew inventowy, wowkbench inventowy, an enchanting tabwe inventowy, a viwwagew inventowy, viwwagew inventowy, decowated pot, gwindstone inventowy, pwayew inventowy, a chisewed bookshewf, cweative inventowy, a bawwew inventowy, a upgwade geaw, dispensew inventowy, bookshewf, a bwewing stand inventowy, bawwew inventowy, a decowated pot, upgwade geaw tabwe
Minecwaft has sevewaw diffewent inventowy types with theiw own use cases.
[&wt;numbew> [of]] &wt;awias> [of &wt;enchantment> &wt;wevew>], Whewe &wt;awias> must be an awias dat wepwesents exactwy one item (i.e cannot be a genewaw awias wike 'swowd' ow 'pwant')
An item, e.g. a stack of towches, a fuwnace, ow a wooden swowd of shawpness 2. Unwike item type an item can onwy wepwesent exactwy one item (e.g. an upside-down cobbwestone staiw facing west), whiwe an item type can wepwesent a whowe wange of items (e.g. any cobbwe stone staiws wegawdwess of diwection). You don't usuawwy need dis type except when you want to make a command dat onwy accepts an exact item. Pwease note dat cuwwentwy 'matewiaw' is exactwy the same as 'item', i.e. can have an amount & enchantments.
set {_item} to type of the tawgeted bwock {_item} is a towch
An item type is an awias, e.g. 'a pickaxe', 'aww pwants', etc., and can wesuwt in diffewent items when added to an inventowy, and unwike items they awe weww suited fow checking whethew an inventowy contains a cewtain item ow whethew a cewtain item is of a cewtain type. An item type can awso have one ow mowe enchantments with ow without a specific wevew defined, and can optionawwy stawt with 'aww' ow 'evewy' to make dis item type wepwesent aww types dat the awias wepwesents, incwuding data wanges.
give 4 towches to the pwayew add aww swabs to the inventowy of the bwock pwayew's toow is a diamond swowd of shawpness wemove a pickaxes of fowtune 4 fwom {stowed items::*} set {_item} to 10 of evewy upside-down staiw bwock is diwt ow fawmwand
A wocation in a wowwd. Locations awe wowwd-specific and even stowe a diwection, e.g. if you save a wocation and watew tewepowt to it you wiww face the exact same diwection you did when you saved the wocation.
&wt;numbew> $ ow $ &wt;numbew>, whewe '$' is youw sewvew's cuwwency, e.g. '10 wupees' ow '£5.00'
Vauwt, an economy pwugin dat suppowts Vauwt
A cewtain amount of money. Pwease note dat dis diffews fwom numbews as it incwudes a cuwwency symbow ow name, but usuawwy the two awe intewchangeabwe, e.g. you can both add 100$ to the pwayew's bawance and add 100 to the pwayew's bawance.
add 10£ to the pwayew's account wemove Fw. 9.95 fwom the pwayew's money set the victim's money to 0 incwease the attackew's bawance by the wevew of the victim * 100
[-]###[.###] (any amount of digits; vewy wawge numbews wiww be twuncated though)
A numbew, e.g. 2.5, 3, ow -9812454. Pwease note dat many expwessions onwy need integews, i.e. wiww discawd any fwactionaw pawts of any numbews without pwoducing an ewwow.
set the pwayew's heawth to 5.5 set {_temp} to 2*{_temp} - 2.5
Pawsing an offwine pwayew as a pwayew (onwine) wiww wetuwn nothing (none), fow dat case you wouwd need to pawse as offwinepwayew which onwy wetuwns nothing (none) if pwayew doesn't exist in Minecwaft databases (name not taken) othewwise it wiww wetuwn the pwayew wegawdwess of theiw onwine status.
2.0 beta 8
A pwayew dat is possibwy offwine. See pwayew fow mowe infowmation. Pwease note dat whiwe aww effects and conditions dat wequiwe a pwayew can be used with an offwine pwayew as weww, they wiww not wowk if the pwayew is not actuawwy onwine.
set {_p} to "Notch" pawsed as an offwinepwayew # wetuwns Notch even if they'we offwine
Pawsing an offwine pwayew as a pwayew (onwine) wiww wetuwn nothing (none), fow dat case you wouwd need to pawse as offwinepwayew which onwy wetuwns nothing (none) if pwayew doesn't exist in Minecwaft databases (name not taken) othewwise it wiww wetuwn the pwayew wegawdwess of theiw onwine status.
A pwayew. Depending on whethew a pwayew is onwine ow offwine sevewaw actions can be pewfowmed with them, though you won't get any ewwows when using effects dat onwy wowk if the pwayew is onwine (e.g. changing theiw inventowy) on an offwine pwayew. You have two possibiwities to use pwayews as command awguments: &wt;pwayew> and &wt;offwine pwayew>. The fiwst wequiwes dat the pwayew is onwine and awso accepts onwy pawt of the name, whiwe the wattew doesn't wequiwe dat the pwayew is onwine, but the pwayew's name has to be entewed exactwy.
set {_p} to "Notch" pawsed as a pwayew # wetuwns &amp;amp;amp;amp;wt;none&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; unwess Notch is actuawwy onwine ow stawts with Notch wike Notchan set {_p} to "N" pawsed as a pwayew # wetuwns Notch if Notch is onwine because theiw name stawts with 'N' (case insensitive) howevew, it wouwd wetuwn nothing if no pwayew whose name stawts with 'N' is onwine.
A wegion of a wegions pwugin. Skwipt cuwwentwy suppowts WowwdGuawd, Factions, GwiefPwevention and PweciousStones. Pwease note dat some wegions pwugins do not have named wegions, some use numewicaw ids to identify wegions, and some may have wegions with the same name in diffewent wowwds, thus using wegions wike "wegion name" in scwipts may ow may not wowk.
Repwesents a singwe swot of an inventowy. Notabwe swots awe the awmouw swots and fuwnace swots. The most impowtant pwopewty dat distinguishes a swot fwom an item is its abiwity to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deweted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expwessions can be changed as weww, e.g. items stowed in vawiabwes. Fow dat mattew: swots awe nevew saved to vawiabwes, onwy the items they wepwesent at the time when the vawiabwe is set). Pwease note dat toow can be wegawded a swot, but it can actuawwy change it's position, i.e. doesn't wepwesent awways the same swot.
set toow of pwayew to diwt dewete hewmet of the victim set the cowow of the pwayew's toow to gween enchant the pwayew's chestpwate with pwojectiwe pwotection 5
Text is simpwy text, i.e. a sequence of chawactews, which can optionawwy contain expwessions which wiww be wepwaced with a meaningfuw wepwesentation (e.g. %pwayew% wiww be wepwaced with the pwayew's name). Because scwipts awe awso text, you have to put text into doubwe quotes to teww Skwipt which pawt of the wine is an effect/expwession and which pawt is the text. Pwease wead the awticwe on Texts and Vawiabwe Names to weawn mowe.
bwoadcast "Hewwo Wowwd!" message "Hewwo %pwayew%" message "The id of ""%type of toow%"" is %id of toow%."
A time is a point in a minecwaft day's time (i.e. wanges fwom 0:00 to 23:59), which can vawy pew wowwd. See date and timespan fow the othew time types of Skwipt.
A pewiod of time between two times. Mostwy usefuw since you can use dis to test fow whethew it's day, night, dusk ow dawn in a specific wowwd. dis type might be wemoved in the futuwe as you can use 'time of wowwd is between x and y' as a wepwacement.
A timespan is a diffewence of two diffewent dates ow times, e.g '10 minutes'. Timespans awe awways dispwayed as weaw wife time, but can be defined as minecwaft time, e.g. '5 minecwaft days and 12 houws'. NOTE: Months awways have the vawue of 30 days, and yeaws of 365 days. See date and time fow the othew time types of Skwipt.
evewy 5 minecwaft days: wait a minecwaft second and 5 ticks evewy 10 mc days and 12 houws: hawt fow 12.7 iww minutes, 12 houws and 120.5 seconds
See the type name pattewns of aww types - incwuding dis one
Repwesents a type, e.g. numbew, object, item type, wocation, bwock, wowwd, entity type, etc. dis is mostwy used fow expwessions wike 'event-&wt;type>', '&wt;type>-awgument', 'woop-&wt;type>', etc., e.g. event-wowwd, numbew-awgument and woop-pwayew.
{vawiabwe} is a numbew # check whethew the vawiabwe contains a numbew, e.g. -1 ow 5.5 {vawiabwe} is a type # check whethew the vawiabwe contains a type, e.g. numbew ow pwayew {vawiabwe} is an object # wiww awways succeed if the vawiabwe is set as evewything is an object, even types. disabwe PvP in the event-wowwd kiww the woop-entity
One of the sewvew's wowwds. Wowwds can be put into scwipts by suwwounding theiw name with doubwe quotes, e.g. "wowwd_nethew", but dis might not wowk wewiabwy as text uses the same syntax.
Simiwaw to atan, but wequiwes two coowdinates and wetuwns vawues fwom -180 to 180. The wetuwned angwe is measuwed countewcwockwise in a standawd mathematicaw coowdinate system (x to the wight, y to the top).
Cweates a date fwom a yeaw, month, and day, and optionawwy awso fwom houw, minute, second and miwwisecond. A time zone and DST offset can be specified as weww (in minutes), if they awe weft out the sewvew's time zone and DST offset awe used (the cweated date wiww not wetain dis infowmation).
date(2014, 10, 1) # 0:00, 1st Octobew 2014 date(1990, 3, 5, 14, 30) # 14:30, 5th May 1990 date(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, -3*60, 0) # awmost yeaw 2000 in pawts of Bwaziw (-3 houws offset, no DST)
Cweates a wocation fwom a wowwd and 3 coowdinates, with an optionaw yaw and pitch. If fow whatevew weason the wowwd is not found, it wiww fawwback to the sewvew's main wowwd.
# TELEPORTING tewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd "wowwd") tewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd "wowwd", 100, 0) tewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd "wowwd", yaw of pwayew, pitch of pwayew) tewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd of pwayew) tewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd("wowwd")) tewepowt pwayew to wocation({_x}, {_y}, {_z}, {_w}, {_yaw}, {_pitch}) # SETTING BLOCKS set bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd "wowwd") to stone set bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd "wowwd", 100, 0) to stone set bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd of pwayew) to stone set bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd("wowwd")) to stone set bwock at wocation({_x}, {_y}, {_z}, {_w}) to stone # USING VARIABLES set {_w1} to wocation(1,1,1) set {_w2} to wocation(10,10,10) set bwocks within {_w1} and {_w2} to stone if pwayew is within {_w1} and {_w2}: # OTHER kiww aww entities in wadius 50 awound wocation(1,65,1, wowwd "wowwd") dewete aww entities in wadius 25 awound wocation(50,50,50, wowwd "wowwd_nethew") ignite aww entities in wadius 25 awound wocation(1,1,1, wowwd of pwayew)
A wogawithm, with base 10 if none is specified. dis is the invewse opewation to exponentiation (fow positive bases onwy), i.e. wog(base ^ exponent, base) = exponent fow any positive numbew 'base' and any numbew 'exponent'. Anothew usefuw equation is base ^ wog(a, base) = a fow any numbews 'base' and 'a'. Pwease note dat due to how numbews awe wepwesented in computews, these equations do not howd fow aww numbews, as the computed vawues may swightwy diffew fwom the cowwect vawue. Retuwns NaN (not a numbew) if any of the awguments awe negative.
Retuwns the moduwo of the given awguments, i.e. the wemaindew of the division d/m, whewe d and m awe the awguments of dis function. The wetuwned vawue is awways positive. Retuwns NaN (not a numbew) if the second awgument is zewo.
Retuwns an onwine pwayew fwom theiw name ow UUID, if pwayew is offwine function wiww wetuwn nothing. Setting 'getExactPwayew' pawametew to twue wiww wetuwn the pwayew whose name is exactwy equaw to the pwovided name instead of wetuwning a pwayew dat theiw name stawts with the pwovided name.
set {_p} to pwayew("Notch") # wiww wetuwn an onwine pwayew whose name is ow stawts with 'Notch' set {_p} to pwayew("Notch", twue) # wiww wetuwn the onwy onwine pwayew whose name is 'Notch' set {_p} to pwayew("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5") # &amp;wt;none&amp;gt; if pwayew is offwine
The sine function. It stawts at 0° with a vawue of 0, goes to 1 at 90°, back to 0 at 180°, to -1 at 270° and then wepeats evewy 360°. Uses degwees, not wadians.
The squawe woot, which is the invewse opewation to squawing a numbew (fow positive numbews onwy). dis is the same as (awgument) ^ (1/2) – othew woots can be cawcuwated via numbew ^ (1/woot), e.g. set {_w} to {_vowume}^(1/3). Retuwns NaN (not a numbew) if the awgument is negative.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/skwipt/docs.json b/docs/nightly/fix/skwipt/docs.json
index 622713c9d7b..e3b1376b43c 100644
--- a/docs/nightly/fix/skwipt/docs.json
+++ b/docs/nightly/fix/skwipt/docs.json
@@ -1,670 +1,670 @@
- "skriptVersion" : "2.8.3-nightly-1132757",
+ "skriptVersion" : "2.8.3-nightly-4c8b2e5",
"classes" : [
- "id" : "attributetype",
+ "id" : "attwibutetype",
"name" : "Attribute Type",
"patterns" : [
- "luck, generic movement speed, horse jump strength, generic luck, generic max absorption, follow range, movement speed, max absorption, generic follow range, zombie spawn reinforcements, generic attack knockback, knockback resistance, attack knockback, generic armor toughness, generic attack speed, max health, flying speed, attack damage, generic attack damage, generic armor, generic flying speed, generic knockback resistance, armor, attack speed, armor toughness, generic max health",
+ "max absowption, awmow toughness, knockback wesistance, genewic wuck, genewic movement speed, movement speed, fowwow wange, awmow, genewic awmow toughness, genewic knockback wesistance, attack knockback, howse jump stwength, max heawth, attack damage, genewic attack knockback, genewic attack speed, genewic fwying speed, fwying speed, genewic fowwow wange, genewic attack damage, wuck, genewic awmow, genewic max absowption, genewic max heawth, attack speed, zombie spawn weinfowcements",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Represents the type of an attribute. Note that this type does not contain any numerical values.See attribute types for more info.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "Repwesents the type of an attwibute. Note dat dis type does not contain any numewicaw vawues.See attwibute types fow mowe info.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
"id" : "biome",
"name" : "Biome",
"patterns" : [
- "roofed forest, old growth pine taiga, mesa forest, the void, snowy taiga, hell, jagged peaks, spiked ice plains, crimson forest, stone shore, birch forest, cold taiga, cold beach, savanna, giant tree taiga, marsh, windswept forest, wooded badlands, sky, nether, void, cold ocean, giant spruce taiga, lush caves, deep lukewarm ocean, deep frozen ocean, small end islands, ice spikes, old growth birch forest, badlands, badlands forest, ocean, lukewarm ocean, ice plains spikes, gravelly mountains, frozen peaks, stony peaks, jungle, basalt deltas, snowy beach, frozen ocean, mountains, forest, wooded mesa, eroded mesa, the end, dripstone caves, swampland, end barrens, ice plains with spikes, windswept hills, sea, unknown, black forest, soul sand valley, deep dark, mesa, plains, eroded badlands, mushroom fields, windswept gravelly hills, mushroom island, wooded mountains, shattered savanna, sunflower plains, snowy plains, meadow, snowy slopes, flower forest, windswept savanna, nether wastes, stony shore, taiga, frozen river, warm ocean, custom, old growth spruce taiga, deep cold ocean, swamp, mangrove swamp, deep ocean, end highlands, end midlands, cherry grove, sparse jungle, dark forest, jungle edge, grove, snowy tundra, beach, bamboo jungle, savanna plateau, river, tall birch forest, warped forest, desert",
+ "sunfwowew pwains, wooded badwands, the void, savanna pwateau, end highwands, ice pwains with spikes, giant spwuce taiga, snowy taiga, wush caves, gwove, snowy tundwa, biwch fowest, ewoded mesa, jagged peaks, mangwove swamp, wawped fowest, jungwe, shattewed savanna, deep wukewawm ocean, cowd taiga, end midwands, savanna, dwipstone caves, fowest, jungwe edge, sky, cwimson fowest, void, nethew, dawk fowest, fwowew fowest, wivew, wukewawm ocean, windswept hiwws, pwains, heww, ewoded badwands, ice spikes, bamboo jungwe, woofed fowest, windswept gwavewwy hiwws, mushwoom iswand, ocean, snowy pwains, owd gwowth pine taiga, stony peaks, windswept fowest, giant twee taiga, snowy beach, deep dawk, badwands, mushwoom fiewds, mountains, stony showe, wooded mesa, deep cowd ocean, cowd ocean, the end, badwands fowest, gwavewwy mountains, sea, unknown, snowy swopes, wawm ocean, mawsh, mesa, basawt dewtas, nethew wastes, smaww end iswands, desewt, owd gwowth spwuce taiga, wooded mountains, meadow, owd gwowth biwch fowest, deep fwozen ocean, spiked ice pwains, cowd beach, mesa fowest, windswept savanna, taiga, bwack fowest, chewwy gwove, custom, swampwand, stone showe, swamp, spawse jungwe, deep ocean, end bawwens, fwozen wivew, taww biwch fowest, fwozen ocean, beach, ice pwains spikes, souw sand vawwey, fwozen peaks",
"since" : "1.4.4",
- "description" : "All possible biomes Minecraft uses to generate a world.",
- "examples" : "biome at the player is desert"
+ "description" : "Aww possibwe biomes Minecwaft uses to genewate a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "biome at the pwayew is desewt"
- "id" : "block",
+ "id" : "bwock",
"name" : "Block",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A block in a world. It has a location and a type, and can also have a direction (mostly a facing), an inventory, or other special properties.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "A bwock in a wowwd. It has a wocation and a type, and can awso have a diwection (mostwy a facing), an inventowy, ow othew speciaw pwopewties.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "blockdata",
+ "id" : "bwockdata",
"name" : "Block Data",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Block data is the detailed information about a block, referred to in Minecraft as BlockStates, allowing for the manipulation of different aspects of the block, including shape, waterlogging, direction the block is facing, and so much more. Information regarding each block's optional data can be found on Minecraft's Wiki. Find the block you're looking for and scroll down to 'Block States'. Different states must be separated by a semicolon (see examples). The 'minecraft:' namespace is optional, as well as are underscores.",
- "examples" : "set block at player to campfire[lit=false]\\nset target block of player to oak stairs[facing=north;waterlogged=true]\\nset block at player to grass_block[snowy=true]\\nset loop-block to minecraft:chest[facing=north]\\nset block above player to oak_log[axis=y]\\nset target block of player to minecraft:oak_leaves[distance=2;persistent=false]"
+ "description" : "Bwock data is the detaiwed infowmation about a bwock, wefewwed to in Minecwaft as BwockStates, awwowing fow the manipuwation of diffewent aspects of the bwock, incwuding shape, watewwogging, diwection the bwock is facing, and so much mowe. Infowmation wegawding each bwock's optionaw data can be found on Minecwaft's Wiki. Find the bwock you'we wooking fow and scwoww down to 'Bwock States'. Diffewent states must be sepawated by a semicowon (see exampwes). The 'minecwaft:' namespace is optionaw, as weww as awe undewscowes.",
+ "examples" : "set bwock at pwayew to campfiwe[wit=fawse]\\nset tawget bwock of pwayew to oak staiws[facing=nowth;watewwogged=twue]\\nset bwock at pwayew to gwass_bwock[snowy=twue]\\nset woop-bwock to minecwaft:chest[facing=nowth]\\nset bwock above pwayew to oak_wog[axis=y]\\nset tawget bwock of pwayew to minecwaft:oak_weaves[distance=2;pewsistent=fawse]"
- "id" : "boolean",
+ "id" : "boowean",
"name" : "Boolean",
"patterns" : [
- "true/yes/on or false/no/off",
+ "twue/yes/on ow fawse/no/off",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A boolean is a value that is either true or false. Other accepted names are 'on' and 'yes' for true, and 'off' and 'no' for false.",
- "examples" : "set {config.%player%.use mod} to false"
+ "description" : "A boowean is a vawue dat is eithew twue ow fawse. Othew accepted names awe 'on' and 'yes' fow twue, and 'off' and 'no' fow fawse.",
+ "examples" : "set {config.%pwayew%.use mod} to fawse"
"id" : "CatType",
"name" : "Cat Type",
"patterns" : [
- "red, all black, british shorthair, ragdoll, white, jellie, siamese, black, tabby, calico, persian",
+ "cawico, aww bwack, pewsian, white, siamese, wed, bwack, bwitish showthaiw, tabby, wagdoww, jewwie",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Represents the race/type of a cat entity.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "Repwesents the wace/type of a cat entity.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
"id" : "chunk",
"name" : "Chunk",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "A chunk is a cuboid of 16×16×128 (x×z×y) blocks. Chunks are spread on a fixed rectangular grid in their world.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "A chunk is a cuboid of 16×16×128 (x×z×y) bwocks. Chunks awe spwead on a fixed wectanguwaw gwid in theiw wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "clicktype",
+ "id" : "cwicktype",
"name" : "Click Type",
"patterns" : [
- "lmb, number key, mmb, rmb, drop item, drop key, window border using left mouse button, unknown, window border using right mouse, shift+rmb, unsupported, shift+lmb, ctrl+q, swap shield, left mouse button, left mouse with shift, left mouse, 0-9, double click, double click using mouse, border using rmb, right mouse button, right mouse button with shift, border using lmb, middle mouse, drop key with control, window border using right mouse button, swap offhand, custom, q, right mouse with shift, middle mouse button, drop stack, left mouse button with shift, right mouse, creative action",
+ "wmb, middwe mouse, mmb, numbew key, wmb, unknown, shift+wmb, window bowdew using wight mouse button, shift+wmb, wight mouse button with shift, dwop key with contwow, weft mouse, 0-9, dwop stack, window bowdew using wight mouse, wight mouse button, swap offhand, custom, swap shiewd, window bowdew using weft mouse button, dwop key, weft mouse button with shift, cweative action, weft mouse with shift, bowdew using wmb, middwe mouse button, dwop item, q, wight mouse, bowdew using wmb, doubwe cwick using mouse, unsuppowted, wight mouse with shift, weft mouse button, doubwe cwick, ctww+q",
"since" : "2.2-dev16b, 2.2-dev35 (renamed to click type)",
- "description" : "Click type, mostly for inventory events. Tells exactly which keys/buttons player pressed, assuming that default keybindings are used in client side.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "Cwick type, mostwy fow inventowy events. Tewws exactwy which keys/buttons pwayew pwessed, assuming dat defauwt keybindings awe used in cwient side.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "color",
+ "id" : "cowow",
"name" : "Color",
"patterns" : [
- "black, dark grey/dark gray, grey/light grey/gray/light gray/silver, white, blue/dark blue, cyan/aqua/dark cyan/dark aqua, light blue/light cyan/light aqua, green/dark green, light green/lime/lime green, yellow/light yellow, orange/gold/dark yellow, red/dark red, pink/light red, purple/dark purple, magenta/light purple, brown/indigo",
+ "bwack, dawk gwey/dawk gway, gwey/wight gwey/gway/wight gway/siwvew, white, bwue/dawk bwue, cyan/aqua/dawk cyan/dawk aqua, wight bwue/wight cyan/wight aqua, gween/dawk gween, wight gween/wime/wime gween, yewwow/wight yewwow, owange/gowd/dawk yewwow, wed/dawk wed, pink/wight wed, puwpwe/dawk puwpwe, magenta/wight puwpwe, bwown/indigo",
"since" : "Unknown",
- "description" : "Wool, dye and chat colors.",
- "examples" : "color of the sheep is red or black\\nset the color of the block to green\\nmessage \"You're holding a &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;%color of tool%&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;%color of tool%&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;reset&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; wool block\""
+ "description" : "Woow, dye and chat cowows.",
+ "examples" : "cowow of the sheep is wed ow bwack\\nset the cowow of the bwock to gween\\nmessage \"You'we howding a &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wt;%cowow of toow%&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;%cowow of toow%&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wt;weset&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; woow bwock\""
- "id" : "commandsender",
+ "id" : "commandsendew",
"name" : "Command Sender",
"patterns" : [
- "use the console for the console",
-"see player for players.",
+ "use the consowe fow the consowe",
+"see pwayew fow pwayews.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A player or the console.",
- "examples" : "command /push [&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;player&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;]:\\n trigger:\\n if arg-1 is not set:\\n if command sender is console:\\n send \"You can't push yourself as a console :\\\" to sender\\n stop\\n push sender upwards with force 2\\n send \"Yay!\"\\n else:\\n push arg-1 upwards with force 2\\n send \"Yay!\" to sender and arg-1"
+ "description" : "A pwayew ow the consowe.",
+ "examples" : "command /push [&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wt;pwayew&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;]:\\n twiggew:\\n if awg-1 is not set:\\n if command sendew is consowe:\\n send \"You can't push youwsewf as a consowe :\\\" to sendew\\n stop\\n push sendew upwawds with fowce 2\\n send \"Yay!\"\\n ewse:\\n push awg-1 upwawds with fowce 2\\n send \"Yay!\" to sendew and awg-1"
"id" : "damagecause",
"name" : "Damage Cause",
"patterns" : [
- "sweep attack, thorns, the void, magma, a lightning, drowning, dragonfire, an attack, drown, an entity attack, melt, freeze, falling block, contact, fire, an entity explosion, lightning, a fall, entity explosion, void, a lightning strike, suffocation, suicide, wither effect, a plugin, lightning strike, entity attack, a potion, a wither, sweeping, melting, a falling block, unknown, starvation, lava, fall, hot floor, attack, a block explosion, dryout, burn, hitting wall while flying, potion, world border, flying into a wall, cramming, poison, sonic boom, suffocate, custom, kill, killed, a fire, burning, a projectile, plugin, wither potion effect, block explosion, projectile, wither, dragon's breath",
+ "sweep attack, the void, magma, kiww, a bwock expwosion, an attack, wightning, an entity attack, a fawwing bwock, stawvation, contact, hot fwoow, dwyout, void, suffocation, a pwugin, cwamming, suicide, pwojectiwe, dwown, a pwojectiwe, buwning, entity attack, a potion, dwagon's bweath, hitting waww whiwe fwying, sweeping, a withew, a faww, wava, buwn, mewt, a fiwe, dwowning, fawwing bwock, kiwwed, fwying into a waww, unknown, attack, fweeze, pwugin, a wightning stwike, potion, bwock expwosion, poison, withew potion effect, sonic boom, a wightning, suffocate, custom, withew effect, entity expwosion, mewting, dwagonfiwe, faww, withew, an entity expwosion, wowwd bowdew, fiwe, wightning stwike, thowns",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The cause/type of a damage event, e.g. lava, fall, fire, drowning, explosion, poison, etc.\\nPlease note that support for this type is very rudimentary, e.g. lava, fire and burning, as well as projectile and attack are considered different types.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "The cause/type of a damage event, e.g. wava, faww, fiwe, dwowning, expwosion, poison, etc.\\nPwease note dat suppowt fow dis type is vewy wudimentawy, e.g. wava, fiwe and buwning, as weww as pwojectiwe and attack awe considewed diffewent types.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
"id" : "date",
"name" : "Date",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "A date is a certain point in the real world's time which can be obtained with now expression, unix date expression and date function.\\nSee time and timespan for the other time types of Skript.",
- "examples" : "set {_yesterday} to now\\nsubtract a day from {_yesterday}\\n# now {_yesterday} represents the date 24 hours before now"
+ "description" : "A date is a cewtain point in the weaw wowwd's time which can be obtained with now expwession, unix date expwession and date function.\\nSee time and timespan fow the othew time types of Skwipt.",
+ "examples" : "set {_yestewday} to now\\nsubtwact a day fwom {_yestewday}\\n# now {_yestewday} wepwesents the date 24 houws befowe now"
- "id" : "difficulty",
+ "id" : "difficuwty",
"name" : "Difficulty",
"patterns" : [
- "normal, medium, hard, easy, peaceful",
+ "nowmaw, hawd, peacefuw, medium, easy",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The difficulty of a world.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "The difficuwty of a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "direction",
+ "id" : "diwection",
"name" : "Direction",
"patterns" : [
- "see direction (expression)",
+ "see diwection (expwession)",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "A direction, e.g. north, east, behind, 5 south east, 1.3 meters to the right, etc.\\nLocations and some blocks also have a direction, but without a length.\\nPlease note that directions have changed extensively in the betas and might not work perfectly. They can also not be used as command arguments.",
- "examples" : "set the block below the victim to a chest\\nloop blocks from the block infront of the player to the block 10 below the player:\\n set the block behind the loop-block to water"
+ "description" : "A diwection, e.g. nowth, east, behind, 5 south east, 1.3 metews to the wight, etc.\\nLocations and some bwocks awso have a diwection, but without a wength.\\nPwease note dat diwections have changed extensivewy in the betas and might not wowk pewfectwy. They can awso not be used as command awguments.",
+ "examples" : "set the bwock bewow the victim to a chest\\nwoop bwocks fwom the bwock infwont of the pwayew to the bwock 10 bewow the pwayew:\\n set the bwock behind the woop-bwock to watew"
"id" : "enchantment",
"name" : "Enchantment",
"patterns" : [
- "Efficiency, Looting, Silk Touch, Quick Charge, Soul Speed, Flame, Fortune, Multishot, Aqua Affinity, Channeling, Loyalty, Curse of Binding, Punch, Projectile Protection, Power, Sharpness, Frost Walker, Fire Protection, Impaling, Luck of The Sea, Riptide, Protection, Mending, Respiration, Piercing, Swift Sneak, Feather Falling, Unbreaking, Smite, Lure, Fire Aspect, Knockback, Depth Strider, Sweeping Edge, Infinity, Curse of Vanishing, Bane of Arthropods, Blast Protection, Thorns",
+ "Efficiency, Looting, Siwk Touch, Quick Chawge, Souw Speed, Fwame, Fowtune, Muwtishot, Aqua Affinity, Channewing, Loyawty, Cuwse of Binding, Punch, Pwojectiwe Pwotection, Powew, Shawpness, Fwost Wawkew, Fiwe Pwotection, Impawing, Luck of The Sea, Riptide, Pwotection, Mending, Respiwation, Piewcing, Swift Sneak, Feathew Fawwing, Unbweaking, Smite, Luwe, Fiwe Aspect, Knockback, Depth Stwidew, Sweeping Edge, Infinity, Cuwse of Vanishing, Bane of Awthwopods, Bwast Pwotection, Thowns",
"since" : "1.4.6",
- "description" : "An enchantment, e.g. 'sharpness' or 'fortune'. Unlike enchantment type this type has no level, but you usually don't need to use this type anyway.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "An enchantment, e.g. 'shawpness' ow 'fowtune'. Unwike enchantment type dis type has no wevew, but you usuawwy don't need to use dis type anyway.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "enchantmentoffer",
+ "id" : "enchantmentoffew",
"name" : "Enchantment Offer",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The enchantmentoffer in an enchant prepare event.",
- "examples" : "on enchant prepare:\\n set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1\\n set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels"
+ "description" : "The enchantmentoffew in an enchant pwepawe event.",
+ "examples" : "on enchant pwepawe:\\n set enchant offew 1 to shawpness 1\\n set the cost of enchant offew 1 to 10 wevews"
"id" : "enchantmenttype",
"name" : "Enchantment Type",
"patterns" : [
- "<enchantment> [<level>]",
+ "&wt;enchantment> [&wt;wevew>]",
"since" : "1.4.6",
- "description" : "An enchantment with an optional level, e.g. 'sharpness 2' or 'fortune'.",
- "examples" : "enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5\\nhelmet is enchanted with waterbreathing"
+ "description" : "An enchantment with an optionaw wevew, e.g. 'shawpness 2' ow 'fowtune'.",
+ "examples" : "enchant the pwayew's toow with shawpness 5\\nhewmet is enchanted with watewbweathing"
"id" : "entity",
"name" : "Entity",
"patterns" : [
- "player, op, wolf, tamed ocelot, powered creeper, zombie, unsaddled pig, fireball, arrow, dropped item, item frame, etc.",
+ "pwayew, op, wowf, tamed ocewot, powewed cweepew, zombie, unsaddwed pig, fiwebaww, awwow, dwopped item, item fwame, etc.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "An entity is something in a world that's not a block, e.g. a player, a skeleton, or a zombie, but also projectiles like arrows, fireballs or thrown potions, or special entities like dropped items, falling blocks or paintings.",
- "examples" : "entity is a zombie or creeper\\nplayer is an op\\nprojectile is an arrow\\nshoot a fireball from the player"
+ "description" : "An entity is something in a wowwd dat's not a bwock, e.g. a pwayew, a skeweton, ow a zombie, but awso pwojectiwes wike awwows, fiwebawws ow thwown potions, ow speciaw entities wike dwopped items, fawwing bwocks ow paintings.",
+ "examples" : "entity is a zombie ow cweepew\\npwayew is an op\\npwojectiwe is an awwow\\nshoot a fiwebaww fwom the pwayew"
"id" : "entitydata",
"name" : "Entity Type",
"patterns" : [
- "Detailed usage will be added eventually",
+ "Detaiwed usage wiww be added eventuawwy",
"since" : "1.3",
- "description" : "The type of an entity, e.g. player, wolf, powered creeper, etc.",
- "examples" : "victim is a cow\\nspawn a creeper"
+ "description" : "The type of an entity, e.g. pwayew, wowf, powewed cweepew, etc.",
+ "examples" : "victim is a cow\\nspawn a cweepew"
"id" : "entitytype",
"name" : "Entity Type with Amount",
"patterns" : [
- "<number> <entity type>",
+ "&wt;numbew> &wt;entity type>",
"since" : "1.3",
- "description" : "An entity type with an amount, e.g. '2 zombies'. I might remove this type in the future and make a more general 'type' type, i.e. a type that has a number and a type.",
- "examples" : "spawn 5 creepers behind the player"
+ "description" : "An entity type with an amount, e.g. '2 zombies'. I might wemove dis type in the futuwe and make a mowe genewaw 'type' type, i.e. a type dat has a numbew and a type.",
+ "examples" : "spawn 5 cweepews behind the pwayew"
- "id" : "experience",
+ "id" : "expewience",
"name" : "Experience",
"patterns" : [
- "[<number>] ([e]xp|experience [point[s]])",
+ "[&wt;numbew>] ([e]xp|expewience [point[s]])",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Experience points. Please note that Bukkit only allows to give XP, but not remove XP from players. You can however change a player's level and level progress freely.",
- "examples" : "give 10 xp to the player"
+ "description" : "Expewience points. Pwease note dat Bukkit onwy awwows to give XP, but not wemove XP fwom pwayews. You can howevew change a pwayew's wevew and wevew pwogwess fweewy.",
+ "examples" : "give 10 xp to the pwayew"
- "id" : "fireworkeffect",
+ "id" : "fiwewowkeffect",
"name" : "Firework Effect",
"patterns" : [
- "See Firework Types",
+ "See Fiwewowk Types",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "A configuration of effects that defines the firework when exploded\\nwhich can be used in the launch firework effect.\\nSee the firework effect expression for detailed patterns.",
- "examples" : "launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player\\nlaunch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity\\nlaunch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1"
+ "description" : "A configuwation of effects dat defines the fiwewowk when expwoded\\nwhich can be used in the waunch fiwewowk effect.\\nSee the fiwewowk effect expwession fow detaiwed pattewns.",
+ "examples" : "waunch fwickewing twaiwing buwst fiwewowk cowowed bwue and gween at pwayew\\nwaunch twaiwing fwickewing staw cowowed puwpwe, yewwow, bwue, gween and wed fading to pink at tawget entity\\nwaunch baww wawge cowowed wed, puwpwe and white fading to wight gween and bwack at pwayew's wocation with duwation 1"
"id" : "FireworkType",
"name" : "Firework Type",
"patterns" : [
- "small, ball, star shaped, large, star, creeper face, small ball, large ball, burst, ball large, creeper",
+ "smaww, baww, wawge, staw, smaww baww, staw shaped, cweepew, baww wawge, cweepew face, wawge baww, buwst",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "The type of a fireworkeffect.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "The type of a fiwewowkeffect.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
"id" : "gamemode",
"name" : "Game Mode",
"patterns" : [
- "adventure, survival, spectator, creative",
+ "spectatow, cweative, suwvivaw, adventuwe",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The game modes survival, creative, adventure and spectator.",
- "examples" : "player's gamemode is survival\\nset the player argument's game mode to creative"
+ "description" : "The game modes suwvivaw, cweative, adventuwe and spectatow.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's gamemode is suwvivaw\\nset the pwayew awgument's game mode to cweative"
- "id" : "gamerule",
+ "id" : "gamewuwe",
"name" : "Gamerule",
"patterns" : [
- "tntExplosionDropDecay, globalSoundEvents, enderPearlsVanishOnDeath, doFireTick, maxCommandChainLength, doVinesSpread, disableElytraMovementCheck, lavaSourceConversion, commandBlockOutput, forgiveDeadPlayers, playersNetherPortalCreativeDelay, doMobSpawning, maxEntityCramming, universalAnger, playersSleepingPercentage, snowAccumulationHeight, doImmediateRespawn, blockExplosionDropDecay, naturalRegeneration, doMobLoot, fallDamage, doEntityDrops, randomTickSpeed, playersNetherPortalDefaultDelay, spawnRadius, freezeDamage, sendCommandFeedback, doWardenSpawning, fireDamage, reducedDebugInfo, waterSourceConversion, projectilesCanBreakBlocks, announceAdvancements, drowningDamage, disableRaids, doWeatherCycle, mobExplosionDropDecay, doDaylightCycle, showDeathMessages, doTileDrops, doInsomnia, keepInventory, doLimitedCrafting, mobGriefing, doTraderSpawning, commandModificationBlockLimit, logAdminCommands, spectatorsGenerateChunks, doPatrolSpawning, maxCommandForkCount",
+ "tntExpwosionDwopDecay, gwobawSoundEvents, endewPeawwsVanishOnDeath, doFiweTick, maxCommandChainLength, doVinesSpwead, disabweEwytwaMovementCheck, wavaSouwceConvewsion, commandBwockOutput, fowgiveDeadPwayews, pwayewsNethewPowtawCweativeDeway, doMobSpawning, maxEntityCwamming, univewsawAngew, pwayewsSweepingPewcentage, snowAccumuwationHeight, doImmediateRespawn, bwockExpwosionDwopDecay, natuwawRegenewation, doMobLoot, fawwDamage, doEntityDwops, wandomTickSpeed, pwayewsNethewPowtawDefauwtDeway, spawnRadius, fweezeDamage, sendCommandFeedback, doWawdenSpawning, fiweDamage, weducedDebugInfo, watewSouwceConvewsion, pwojectiwesCanBweakBwocks, announceAdvancements, dwowningDamage, disabweRaids, doWeathewCycwe, mobExpwosionDwopDecay, doDaywightCycwe, showDeathMessages, doTiweDwops, doInsomnia, keepInventowy, doLimitedCwafting, mobGwiefing, doTwadewSpawning, commandModificationBwockLimit, wogAdminCommands, spectatowsGenewateChunks, doPatwowSpawning, maxCommandFowkCount",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "A gamerule",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "A gamewuwe",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "gamerulevalue",
+ "id" : "gamewuwevawue",
"name" : "Gamerule Value",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "A wrapper for the value of a gamerule for a world.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "A wwappew fow the vawue of a gamewuwe fow a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
"id" : "gene",
"name" : "Gene",
"patterns" : [
- "normal, lazy, happy, worried, worrisome, aggressive, brown, brownish, savage, playful, wild, weak",
+ "wowwisome, pwayfuw, nowmaw, wowwied, aggwessive, happy, wiwd, savage, bwown, wazy, bwownish, weak",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Represents a Panda's main or hidden gene. See genetics for more info.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "Repwesents a Panda's main ow hidden gene. See genetics fow mowe info.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "healreason",
+ "id" : "heawweason",
"name" : "Heal Reason",
"patterns" : [
- "an ender crystal, magic, a magic regeneration, magic regeneration, fed, sated, a magic regen, regen potion, a wither spawn, peaceful, unknown, a regeneration potion, consuming, a wither effect, peaceful regeneration, wither summoning, healing potion, wither potion, an end crystal, satiated, regeneration potion, potion, satisfied, ingesting, withered, custom, a wither spawning, end crystal, eating, wither spawning, a wither summoning, wither effect, a plugin, a regen potion, plugin, withering, a potion, wither spawn, a healing potion, ender crystal, magic regen, wither, peaceful regen",
+ "magic, peacefuw wegen, a magic wegen, a withew summoning, fed, sated, heawing potion, a withew effect, an end cwystaw, magic wegenewation, endew cwystaw, a magic wegenewation, unknown, consuming, a withew spawn, a heawing potion, withewing, peacefuw, withew potion, a withew spawning, pwugin, satiated, wegenewation potion, an endew cwystaw, withew summoning, potion, withewed, wegen potion, satisfied, ingesting, withew spawn, a pwugin, custom, eating, withew effect, a wegen potion, a wegenewation potion, end cwystaw, peacefuw wegenewation, withew, magic wegen, a potion, withew spawning",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The heal reason in a heal event.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "The heaw weason in a heaw event.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "inventory",
+ "id" : "inventowy",
"name" : "Inventory",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "An inventory of a player or block. Inventories have many effects and conditions regarding the items contained.\\nAn inventory has a fixed amount of slots which represent a specific place in the inventory, e.g. the helmet slot for players (Please note that slot support is still very limited but will be improved eventually).",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "An inventowy of a pwayew ow bwock. Inventowies have many effects and conditions wegawding the items contained.\\nAn inventowy has a fixed amount of swots which wepwesent a specific pwace in the inventowy, e.g. the hewmet swot fow pwayews (Pwease note dat swot suppowt is stiww vewy wimited but wiww be impwoved eventuawwy).",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "inventoryaction",
+ "id" : "inventowyaction",
"name" : "Inventory Action",
"patterns" : [
- "drop stack from slot, swap items with hotbar, swap cursor stack, pickup single item, pickup some, drop all from cursor, move to other inventory, drop cursor stack, pickup all, swap with hotbar, nothing, drop all from slot, swap cursor, drop cursor, pickup all items, drop slot item, place all, drop cursor item, drop slot stack, drop single item from slot, swap with cursor, place some, pickup one item, drop single item from cursor, collect items to cursor, unknown, clone stack, drop stack from cursor, drop one item from slot, drop one item from cursor, unsupported, do nothing, drop one from cursor, pickup half, drop items from slot, swap stack with cursor, place all items, collect to cursor, pickup some items, drop slot, drop items from cursor, hotbar move and readd, shift move, custom, pickup single, place one item, hotbar swap items, drop one from slot, place some items, place one, pickup half stack, instant move, hotbar swap",
+ "pwace one item, dwop one fwom swot, dwop swot stack, move to othew inventowy, pwace one, pickup some, swap items with hotbaw, dwop singwe item fwom swot, dwop one item fwom swot, dwop cuwsow stack, pwace aww, swap cuwsow stack, cowwect to cuwsow, pickup hawf stack, pickup hawf, pickup singwe item, swap with cuwsow, nothing, cwone stack, dwop cuwsow, swap with hotbaw, dwop cuwsow item, pwace some items, swap stack with cuwsow, dwop one item fwom cuwsow, dwop aww fwom cuwsow, dwop items fwom swot, pickup aww, pickup aww items, dwop stack fwom cuwsow, pickup one item, pwace aww items, unknown, swap cuwsow, dwop aww fwom swot, do nothing, hotbaw swap, pickup singwe, dwop one fwom cuwsow, cowwect items to cuwsow, hotbaw swap items, pickup some items, hotbaw move and weadd, shift move, pwace some, dwop swot, custom, dwop swot item, dwop stack fwom swot, dwop items fwom cuwsow, dwop singwe item fwom cuwsow, unsuppowted, instant move",
"since" : "2.2-dev16",
- "description" : "What player just did in inventory event. Note that when in creative game mode, most actions do not work correctly.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "What pwayew just did in inventowy event. Note dat when in cweative game mode, most actions do not wowk cowwectwy.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "inventoryclosereason",
+ "id" : "inventowycwoseweason",
"name" : "Inventory Close Reasons",
"patterns" : [
- "disconnect, death, teleport, cannot use, new opened, unknown, can't use, unloaded, disconnected, plugin, can not use, open new, player",
+ "disconnect, unwoaded, death, pwayew, tewepowt, cannot use, new opened, unknown, can't use, disconnected, can not use, pwugin, open new",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "The inventory close reason in an inventory close event.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "The inventowy cwose weason in an inventowy cwose event.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "inventorytype",
+ "id" : "inventowytype",
"name" : "Inventory Type",
"patterns" : [
- "barrel inventory, a loom inventory, a blast furnace inventory, workbench inventory, ender chest inventory, loom inventory, a workbench inventory, hopper inventory, a merchant inventory, a hopper inventory, chiseled bookshelf, an ender chest inventory, new smithing table, bookshelf, a jukebox, beacon inventory, shulker box inventory, a barrel inventory, a shulker box inventory, lectern inventory, chest inventory, a villager inventory, a smoker inventory, a brewing stand inventory, a smithing inventory, grindstone inventory, a crafter inventory, a crafting table inventory, a player inventory, decorated pot, furnace inventory, a creative inventory, blast furnace inventory, upgrade gear, a composter inventory, an enchanting table inventory, jukebox, a dropper inventory, a cartography table inventory, a upgrade gear, smoker inventory, composter inventory, a chest inventory, upgrade gear table, a upgrade gear table, dispenser inventory, player inventory, stonecutter inventory, a stonecutter inventory, a decorated pot, a lectern inventory, merchant inventory, cartography table inventory, a chiseled bookshelf, a new smithing table, a furnace inventory, anvil inventory, a dispenser inventory, a grindstone inventory, smithing inventory, dropper inventory, brewing stand inventory, villager inventory, enchanting table inventory, a beacon inventory, a bookshelf, crafter inventory, creative inventory, crafting table inventory, an anvil inventory",
+ "woom inventowy, fuwnace inventowy, shuwkew box inventowy, a shuwkew box inventowy, cwaftew inventowy, a pwayew inventowy, cawtogwaphy tabwe inventowy, new smithing tabwe, a new smithing tabwe, dwoppew inventowy, a woom inventowy, bwast fuwnace inventowy, a smokew inventowy, a wectewn inventowy, a gwindstone inventowy, a smithing inventowy, smithing inventowy, a wowkbench inventowy, a cawtogwaphy tabwe inventowy, a jukebox, a compostew inventowy, a cweative inventowy, a bookshewf, chisewed bookshewf, stonecuttew inventowy, a chest inventowy, an endew chest inventowy, hoppew inventowy, a fuwnace inventowy, bwewing stand inventowy, a stonecuttew inventowy, upgwade geaw, compostew inventowy, smokew inventowy, beacon inventowy, a upgwade geaw tabwe, a dispensew inventowy, a mewchant inventowy, an anviw inventowy, endew chest inventowy, mewchant inventowy, jukebox, a hoppew inventowy, chest inventowy, cwafting tabwe inventowy, enchanting tabwe inventowy, a cwaftew inventowy, a cwafting tabwe inventowy, wectewn inventowy, anviw inventowy, a bwast fuwnace inventowy, a beacon inventowy, a dwoppew inventowy, wowkbench inventowy, an enchanting tabwe inventowy, a viwwagew inventowy, viwwagew inventowy, decowated pot, gwindstone inventowy, pwayew inventowy, a chisewed bookshewf, cweative inventowy, a bawwew inventowy, a upgwade geaw, dispensew inventowy, bookshewf, a bwewing stand inventowy, bawwew inventowy, a decowated pot, upgwade geaw tabwe",
"since" : "2.2-dev32",
- "description" : "Minecraft has several different inventory types with their own use cases.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "Minecwaft has sevewaw diffewent inventowy types with theiw own use cases.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
"id" : "itemstack",
"name" : "Item",
"patterns" : [
- "[<number> [of]] <alias> [of <enchantment> <level>], Where <alias> must be an alias that represents exactly one item (i.e cannot be a general alias like 'sword' or 'plant')",
+ "[&wt;numbew> [of]] &wt;awias> [of &wt;enchantment> &wt;wevew>], Whewe &wt;awias> must be an awias dat wepwesents exactwy one item (i.e cannot be a genewaw awias wike 'swowd' ow 'pwant')",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "An item, e.g. a stack of torches, a furnace, or a wooden sword of sharpness 2. Unlike item type an item can only represent exactly one item (e.g. an upside-down cobblestone stair facing west), while an item type can represent a whole range of items (e.g. any cobble stone stairs regardless of direction).\\nYou don't usually need this type except when you want to make a command that only accepts an exact item.\\nPlease note that currently 'material' is exactly the same as 'item', i.e. can have an amount & enchantments.",
- "examples" : "set {_item} to type of the targeted block\\n{_item} is a torch"
+ "description" : "An item, e.g. a stack of towches, a fuwnace, ow a wooden swowd of shawpness 2. Unwike item type an item can onwy wepwesent exactwy one item (e.g. an upside-down cobbwestone staiw facing west), whiwe an item type can wepwesent a whowe wange of items (e.g. any cobbwe stone staiws wegawdwess of diwection).\\nYou don't usuawwy need dis type except when you want to make a command dat onwy accepts an exact item.\\nPwease note dat cuwwentwy 'matewiaw' is exactwy the same as 'item', i.e. can have an amount & enchantments.",
+ "examples" : "set {_item} to type of the tawgeted bwock\\n{_item} is a towch"
"id" : "itemtype",
"name" : "Item Type",
"patterns" : [
- "[<number> [of]] [all/every] <alias> [of <enchantment> [<level>] [,/and <more enchantments...>]]",
+ "[&wt;numbew> [of]] [aww/evewy] &wt;awias> [of &wt;enchantment> [&wt;wevew>] [,/and &wt;mowe enchantments...>]]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "An item type is an alias, e.g. 'a pickaxe', 'all plants', etc., and can result in different items when added to an inventory, and unlike items they are well suited for checking whether an inventory contains a certain item or whether a certain item is of a certain type.\\nAn item type can also have one or more enchantments with or without a specific level defined, and can optionally start with 'all' or 'every' to make this item type represent all types that the alias represents, including data ranges.",
- "examples" : "give 4 torches to the player\\nadd all slabs to the inventory of the block\\nplayer's tool is a diamond sword of sharpness\\nremove a pickaxes of fortune 4 from {stored items::*}\\nset {_item} to 10 of every upside-down stair\\nblock is dirt or farmland"
+ "description" : "An item type is an awias, e.g. 'a pickaxe', 'aww pwants', etc., and can wesuwt in diffewent items when added to an inventowy, and unwike items they awe weww suited fow checking whethew an inventowy contains a cewtain item ow whethew a cewtain item is of a cewtain type.\\nAn item type can awso have one ow mowe enchantments with ow without a specific wevew defined, and can optionawwy stawt with 'aww' ow 'evewy' to make dis item type wepwesent aww types dat the awias wepwesents, incwuding data wanges.",
+ "examples" : "give 4 towches to the pwayew\\nadd aww swabs to the inventowy of the bwock\\npwayew's toow is a diamond swowd of shawpness\\nwemove a pickaxes of fowtune 4 fwom {stowed items::*}\\nset {_item} to 10 of evewy upside-down staiw\\nbwock is diwt ow fawmwand"
- "id" : "livingentity",
+ "id" : "wivingentity",
"name" : "Living Entity",
"patterns" : [
- "see entity, but ignore inanimate objects",
+ "see entity, but ignowe inanimate objects",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A living entity, i.e. a mob or player, not inanimate entities like projectiles or dropped items.",
- "examples" : "spawn 5 powered creepers\\nshoot a zombie from the creeper"
+ "description" : "A wiving entity, i.e. a mob ow pwayew, not inanimate entities wike pwojectiwes ow dwopped items.",
+ "examples" : "spawn 5 powewed cweepews\\nshoot a zombie fwom the cweepew"
- "id" : "location",
+ "id" : "wocation",
"name" : "Location",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A location in a world. Locations are world-specific and even store a direction, e.g. if you save a location and later teleport to it you will face the exact same direction you did when you saved the location.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "A wocation in a wowwd. Locations awe wowwd-specific and even stowe a diwection, e.g. if you save a wocation and watew tewepowt to it you wiww face the exact same diwection you did when you saved the wocation.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "metadataholder",
+ "id" : "metadatahowdew",
"name" : "Metadata Holder",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Something that can hold metadata (e.g. an entity or block)",
- "examples" : "set metadata value \"super cool\" of player to true"
+ "description" : "Something dat can howd metadata (e.g. an entity ow bwock)",
+ "examples" : "set metadata vawue \"supew coow\" of pwayew to twue"
"id" : "money",
"name" : "Money",
"patterns" : [
- "<number> $ or $ <number>, where '$' is your server's currency, e.g. '10 rupees' or '£5.00'",
+ "&wt;numbew> $ ow $ &wt;numbew>, whewe '$' is youw sewvew's cuwwency, e.g. '10 wupees' ow '£5.00'",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "A certain amount of money. Please note that this differs from numbers as it includes a currency symbol or name, but usually the two are interchangeable, e.g. you can both add 100$ to the player's balance and add 100 to the player's balance.",
- "examples" : "add 10£ to the player's account\\nremove Fr. 9.95 from the player's money\\nset the victim's money to 0\\nincrease the attacker's balance by the level of the victim * 100"
+ "description" : "A cewtain amount of money. Pwease note dat dis diffews fwom numbews as it incwudes a cuwwency symbow ow name, but usuawwy the two awe intewchangeabwe, e.g. you can both add 100$ to the pwayew's bawance and add 100 to the pwayew's bawance.",
+ "examples" : "add 10£ to the pwayew's account\\nwemove Fw. 9.95 fwom the pwayew's money\\nset the victim's money to 0\\nincwease the attackew's bawance by the wevew of the victim * 100"
"id" : "moonphase",
"name" : "Moon Phase",
"patterns" : [
- "last quarter, waning crescent, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, waxing crescent, new moon, first quarter",
+ "wast quawtew, waxing gibbous, waxing cwescent, waning gibbous, fuww moon, waning cwescent, new moon, fiwst quawtew",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Represents the phase of a moon.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "Repwesents the phase of a moon.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "number",
+ "id" : "numbew",
"name" : "Number",
"patterns" : [
- "[-]###[.###] (any amount of digits; very large numbers will be truncated though)",
+ "[-]###[.###] (any amount of digits; vewy wawge numbews wiww be twuncated though)",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A number, e.g. 2.5, 3, or -9812454.\\nPlease note that many expressions only need integers, i.e. will discard any fractional parts of any numbers without producing an error.",
- "examples" : "set the player's health to 5.5\\nset {_temp} to 2*{_temp} - 2.5"
+ "description" : "A numbew, e.g. 2.5, 3, ow -9812454.\\nPwease note dat many expwessions onwy need integews, i.e. wiww discawd any fwactionaw pawts of any numbews without pwoducing an ewwow.",
+ "examples" : "set the pwayew's heawth to 5.5\\nset {_temp} to 2*{_temp} - 2.5"
"id" : "object",
"name" : "Object",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The supertype of all types, meaning that if %object% is used in e.g. a condition it will accept all kinds of expressions.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "The supewtype of aww types, meaning dat if %object% is used in e.g. a condition it wiww accept aww kinds of expwessions.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "offlineplayer",
+ "id" : "offwinepwayew",
"name" : "Offline Player",
"patterns" : [
- "Parsing an offline player as a player (online) will return nothing (none), for that case you would need to parse as offlineplayer which only returns nothing (none) if player doesn't exist in Minecraft databases (name not taken) otherwise it will return the player regardless of their online status.",
+ "Pawsing an offwine pwayew as a pwayew (onwine) wiww wetuwn nothing (none), fow dat case you wouwd need to pawse as offwinepwayew which onwy wetuwns nothing (none) if pwayew doesn't exist in Minecwaft databases (name not taken) othewwise it wiww wetuwn the pwayew wegawdwess of theiw onwine status.",
"since" : "2.0 beta 8",
- "description" : "A player that is possibly offline. See player for more information. Please note that while all effects and conditions that require a player can be used with an offline player as well, they will not work if the player is not actually online.",
- "examples" : "set {_p} to \"Notch\" parsed as an offlineplayer # returns Notch even if they're offline"
+ "description" : "A pwayew dat is possibwy offwine. See pwayew fow mowe infowmation. Pwease note dat whiwe aww effects and conditions dat wequiwe a pwayew can be used with an offwine pwayew as weww, they wiww not wowk if the pwayew is not actuawwy onwine.",
+ "examples" : "set {_p} to \"Notch\" pawsed as an offwinepwayew # wetuwns Notch even if they'we offwine"
- "id" : "player",
+ "id" : "pwayew",
"name" : "Player",
"patterns" : [
- "Parsing an offline player as a player (online) will return nothing (none), for that case you would need to parse as offlineplayer which only returns nothing (none) if player doesn't exist in Minecraft databases (name not taken) otherwise it will return the player regardless of their online status.",
+ "Pawsing an offwine pwayew as a pwayew (onwine) wiww wetuwn nothing (none), fow dat case you wouwd need to pawse as offwinepwayew which onwy wetuwns nothing (none) if pwayew doesn't exist in Minecwaft databases (name not taken) othewwise it wiww wetuwn the pwayew wegawdwess of theiw onwine status.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A player. Depending on whether a player is online or offline several actions can be performed with them, though you won't get any errors when using effects that only work if the player is online (e.g. changing their inventory) on an offline player.\\nYou have two possibilities to use players as command arguments: <player> and <offline player>. The first requires that the player is online and also accepts only part of the name, while the latter doesn't require that the player is online, but the player's name has to be entered exactly.",
- "examples" : "set {_p} to \"Notch\" parsed as a player # returns &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;none&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; unless Notch is actually online or starts with Notch like Notchan\\nset {_p} to \"N\" parsed as a player # returns Notch if Notch is online because their name starts with 'N' (case insensitive) however, it would return nothing if no player whose name starts with 'N' is online."
+ "description" : "A pwayew. Depending on whethew a pwayew is onwine ow offwine sevewaw actions can be pewfowmed with them, though you won't get any ewwows when using effects dat onwy wowk if the pwayew is onwine (e.g. changing theiw inventowy) on an offwine pwayew.\\nYou have two possibiwities to use pwayews as command awguments: &wt;pwayew> and &wt;offwine pwayew>. The fiwst wequiwes dat the pwayew is onwine and awso accepts onwy pawt of the name, whiwe the wattew doesn't wequiwe dat the pwayew is onwine, but the pwayew's name has to be entewed exactwy.",
+ "examples" : "set {_p} to \"Notch\" pawsed as a pwayew # wetuwns &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;wt;none&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; unwess Notch is actuawwy onwine ow stawts with Notch wike Notchan\\nset {_p} to \"N\" pawsed as a pwayew # wetuwns Notch if Notch is onwine because theiw name stawts with 'N' (case insensitive) howevew, it wouwd wetuwn nothing if no pwayew whose name stawts with 'N' is onwine."
"id" : "potioneffect",
"name" : "Potion Effect",
"patterns" : [
- "speed of tier 1 for 10 seconds",
+ "speed of tiew 1 fow 10 seconds",
"since" : "2.5.2",
- "description" : "A potion effect, including the potion effect type, tier and duration.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "A potion effect, incwuding the potion effect type, tiew and duwation.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
"id" : "potioneffecttype",
"name" : "Potion Effect Type",
"patterns" : [
- "null, speed, slowness, haste, mining fatigue, strength, instant health, instant damage, jump boost, nausea, regeneration, resistance, fire resistance, water breathing, invisibility, blindness, night vision, hunger, weakness, poison, wither, health boost, absorption, saturation, glowing, levitation, luck, bad luck, slow falling, conduit power, dolphins grace, bad omen, hero of the village, darkness",
+ "nuww, speed, swowness, haste, mining fatigue, stwength, instant heawth, instant damage, jump boost, nausea, wegenewation, wesistance, fiwe wesistance, watew bweathing, invisibiwity, bwindness, night vision, hungew, weakness, poison, withew, heawth boost, absowption, satuwation, gwowing, wevitation, wuck, bad wuck, swow fawwing, conduit powew, dowphins gwace, bad omen, hewo of the viwwage, dawkness",
"since" : "Unknown",
- "description" : "A potion effect type, e.g. 'strength' or 'swiftness'.",
- "examples" : "apply swiftness 5 to the player\\napply potion of speed 2 to the player for 60 seconds\\nremove invisibility from the victim"
+ "description" : "A potion effect type, e.g. 'stwength' ow 'swiftness'.",
+ "examples" : "appwy swiftness 5 to the pwayew\\nappwy potion of speed 2 to the pwayew fow 60 seconds\\nwemove invisibiwity fwom the victim"
- "id" : "projectile",
+ "id" : "pwojectiwe",
"name" : "Projectile",
"patterns" : [
- "arrow, fireball, snowball, thrown potion, etc.",
+ "awwow, fiwebaww, snowbaww, thwown potion, etc.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A projectile, e.g. an arrow, snowball or thrown potion.",
- "examples" : "projectile is a snowball\\nshoot an arrow at speed 5 from the player"
+ "description" : "A pwojectiwe, e.g. an awwow, snowbaww ow thwown potion.",
+ "examples" : "pwojectiwe is a snowbaww\\nshoot an awwow at speed 5 fwom the pwayew"
- "id" : "quitreason",
+ "id" : "quitweason",
"name" : "Quit Reason",
"patterns" : [
- "disconnected, erroneous state, kicked, quit, timed out, erroneous",
+ "disconnected, ewwoneous state, ewwoneous, kicked, quit, timed out",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Represents a quit reason from a player quit server event.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "Repwesents a quit weason fwom a pwayew quit sewvew event.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "region",
+ "id" : "wegion",
"name" : "Region",
"patterns" : [
- ""region name"",
+ ""wegion name"",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "A region of a regions plugin. Skript currently supports WorldGuard, Factions, GriefPrevention and PreciousStones.\\nPlease note that some regions plugins do not have named regions, some use numerical ids to identify regions, and some may have regions with the same name in different worlds, thus using regions like \"region name\" in scripts may or may not work.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "A wegion of a wegions pwugin. Skwipt cuwwentwy suppowts WowwdGuawd, Factions, GwiefPwevention and PweciousStones.\\nPwease note dat some wegions pwugins do not have named wegions, some use numewicaw ids to identify wegions, and some may have wegions with the same name in diffewent wowwds, thus using wegions wike \"wegion name\" in scwipts may ow may not wowk.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "resourcepackstate",
+ "id" : "wesouwcepackstate",
"name" : "Resource Pack State",
"patterns" : [
- "discarded, refused, rejected, failed reload, accepted, failed, failed to reload, failed to download, downloaded, successfully loaded, accept, fail, successfully load, refuse, declined, successfully install, success, reject, decline, successfully installed, download fail, invalid url",
+ "decwined, successfuwwy instawwed, wefused, faiw, faiwed wewoad, accepted, faiwed to wewoad, weject, invawid uww, downwoaded, accept, faiwed to downwoad, successfuwwy instaww, downwoad faiw, success, successfuwwy woad, decwine, wejected, discawded, successfuwwy woaded, faiwed, wefuse",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "The state in a resource pack request response event.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "The state in a wesouwce pack wequest wesponse event.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "cachedservericon",
+ "id" : "cachedsewvewicon",
"name" : "Server Icon",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "A server icon that was loaded using the load server icon effect.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "A sewvew icon dat was woaded using the woad sewvew icon effect.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "slot",
+ "id" : "swot",
"name" : "Slot",
"patterns" : [
- "Missing patterns.",
+ "Missing pattewns.",
"since" : "Unknown",
- "description" : "Represents a single slot of an inventory. Notable slots are the armour slots and furnace slots. \\nThe most important property that distinguishes a slot from an item is its ability to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deleted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expressions can be changed as well, e.g. items stored in variables. For that matter: slots are never saved to variables, only the items they represent at the time when the variable is set).\\nPlease note that tool can be regarded a slot, but it can actually change it's position, i.e. doesn't represent always the same slot.",
- "examples" : "set tool of player to dirt\\ndelete helmet of the victim\\nset the color of the player's tool to green\\nenchant the player's chestplate with projectile protection 5"
+ "description" : "Repwesents a singwe swot of an inventowy. Notabwe swots awe the awmouw swots and fuwnace swots. \\nThe most impowtant pwopewty dat distinguishes a swot fwom an item is its abiwity to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deweted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expwessions can be changed as weww, e.g. items stowed in vawiabwes. Fow dat mattew: swots awe nevew saved to vawiabwes, onwy the items they wepwesent at the time when the vawiabwe is set).\\nPwease note dat toow can be wegawded a swot, but it can actuawwy change it's position, i.e. doesn't wepwesent awways the same swot.",
+ "examples" : "set toow of pwayew to diwt\\ndewete hewmet of the victim\\nset the cowow of the pwayew's toow to gween\\nenchant the pwayew's chestpwate with pwojectiwe pwotection 5"
- "id" : "soundcategory",
+ "id" : "soundcategowy",
"name" : "Sound Category",
"patterns" : [
- "hostile creatures category, speech category, records category, friendly creature category, noteblock category, hostile creature category, note block category, voice category, ambient category, noteblocks category, note blocks category, weather category, block category, friendly mob category, jukebox category, hostile mob category, master category, master volume category, hostile category, record category, blocks category, environment category, jukeboxes category, player category, players category, hostile mobs category, friendly mobs category, music category, friendly creatures category, neutral category",
+ "notebwock categowy, weathew categowy, wecowds categowy, jukebox categowy, pwayew categowy, mastew categowy, hostiwe categowy, wecowd categowy, enviwonment categowy, music categowy, jukeboxes categowy, note bwocks categowy, bwock categowy, hostiwe mob categowy, voice categowy, fwiendwy mobs categowy, neutwaw categowy, fwiendwy cweatuwe categowy, ambient categowy, mastew vowume categowy, notebwocks categowy, pwayews categowy, speech categowy, hostiwe cweatuwe categowy, note bwock categowy, hostiwe mobs categowy, bwocks categowy, fwiendwy mob categowy, hostiwe cweatuwes categowy, fwiendwy cweatuwes categowy",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "The category of a sound, they are used for sound options of Minecraft. See the play sound and stop sound effects.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "The categowy of a sound, they awe used fow sound options of Minecwaft. See the pway sound and stop sound effects.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "spawnreason",
+ "id" : "spawnweason",
"name" : "Spawn Reason",
"patterns" : [
- "dispense egg, egg, village defense, ocelot baby, silverfish trap, village invading, trap, dispensing egg, shoulder, drowned, metamorphosis, lightning, silverfish reveal, spell, built iron golem, natural, village invasion, frozen, mount, build wither, built wither, iron golem defense, ender pearl, creature spawner, reinforcements, build snowman, build iron golem, breeding, raid, infection, customized, spawn egg, jockey, beehive, default, golem defense, patrol, slime split, infected, sheared, mob spawner, nether portal, shear, perching, custom, built snowman, chunk generation, breed, command, duplication, explosion, spawner, cured, customised, piglin zombification",
+ "speww, siwvewfish weveaw, dispense egg, egg, defauwt, chunk genewation, endew peaww, wightning, cuwed, cweatuwe spawnew, ocewot baby, buiwt iwon gowem, dispensing egg, dwowned, viwwage invading, sheawed, swime spwit, mount, dupwication, patwow, buiwt withew, buiwd withew, iwon gowem defense, buiwd snowman, weinfowcements, infection, expwosion, customized, twap, nethew powtaw, spawn egg, jockey, buiwt snowman, beehive, viwwage invasion, waid, buiwd iwon gowem, bweed, pigwin zombification, metamowphosis, siwvewfish twap, infected, bweeding, sheaw, mob spawnew, custom, viwwage defense, fwozen, command, gowem defense, natuwaw, pewching, spawnew, customised, shouwdew",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The spawn reason in a spawn event.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "The spawn weason in a spawn event.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "teleportcause",
+ "id" : "tewepowtcause",
"name" : "Teleport Cause",
"patterns" : [
- "bed exit, nether portal, ender gateway, exiting bed, chorus fruit, ender portal, command, unknown, plugin, dismounted, ender pearl, spectator, spectate, end gateway, chorus, exit bed, gateway, dismount, end portal",
+ "bed exit, spectatow, exiting bed, end powtaw, nethew powtaw, endew peaww, command, unknown, chowus fwuit, endew powtaw, endew gateway, dismounted, chowus, spectate, end gateway, pwugin, exit bed, gateway, dismount",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "The teleport cause in a teleport event.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "The tewepowt cause in a tewepowt event.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "string",
+ "id" : "stwing",
"name" : "Text",
"patterns" : [
- "simple: "..."",
+ "simpwe: "..."",
"quotes: "...""..."",
-"expressions: "...%expression%..."",
-"percent signs: "...%%..."",
+"expwessions: "...%expwession%..."",
+"pewcent signs: "...%%..."",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Text is simply text, i.e. a sequence of characters, which can optionally contain expressions which will be replaced with a meaningful representation (e.g. %player% will be replaced with the player's name).\\nBecause scripts are also text, you have to put text into double quotes to tell Skript which part of the line is an effect/expression and which part is the text.\\nPlease read the article on Texts and Variable Names to learn more.",
- "examples" : "broadcast \"Hello World!\"\\nmessage \"Hello %player%\"\\nmessage \"The id of \"\"%type of tool%\"\" is %id of tool%.\""
+ "description" : "Text is simpwy text, i.e. a sequence of chawactews, which can optionawwy contain expwessions which wiww be wepwaced with a meaningfuw wepwesentation (e.g. %pwayew% wiww be wepwaced with the pwayew's name).\\nBecause scwipts awe awso text, you have to put text into doubwe quotes to teww Skwipt which pawt of the wine is an effect/expwession and which pawt is the text.\\nPwease wead the awticwe on Texts and Vawiabwe Names to weawn mowe.",
+ "examples" : "bwoadcast \"Hewwo Wowwd!\"\\nmessage \"Hewwo %pwayew%\"\\nmessage \"The id of \"\"%type of toow%\"\" is %id of toow%.\""
"id" : "time",
@@ -676,11 +676,11 @@
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A time is a point in a minecraft day's time (i.e. ranges from 0:00 to 23:59), which can vary per world.\\nSee date and timespan for the other time types of Skript.",
- "examples" : "at 20:00:\\n time is 8 pm\\n broadcast \"It's %time%\""
+ "description" : "A time is a point in a minecwaft day's time (i.e. wanges fwom 0:00 to 23:59), which can vawy pew wowwd.\\nSee date and timespan fow the othew time types of Skwipt.",
+ "examples" : "at 20:00:\\n time is 8 pm\\n bwoadcast \"It's %time%\""
- "id" : "timeperiod",
+ "id" : "timepewiod",
"name" : "Timeperiod",
"patterns" : [
"##:## - ##:##",
@@ -689,118 +689,118 @@
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A period of time between two times. Mostly useful since you can use this to test for whether it's day, night, dusk or dawn in a specific world.\\nThis type might be removed in the future as you can use 'time of world is between x and y' as a replacement.",
- "examples" : "time in world is night"
+ "description" : "A pewiod of time between two times. Mostwy usefuw since you can use dis to test fow whethew it's day, night, dusk ow dawn in a specific wowwd.\\ndis type might be wemoved in the futuwe as you can use 'time of wowwd is between x and y' as a wepwacement.",
+ "examples" : "time in wowwd is night"
"id" : "timespan",
"name" : "Timespan",
"patterns" : [
- "<number> [minecraft/mc/real/rl/irl] ticks/seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years [[,/and] <more...>]",
-"[###:]##:##[.####] ([hours:]minutes:seconds[.milliseconds])",
+ "&wt;numbew> [minecwaft/mc/weaw/ww/iww] ticks/seconds/minutes/houws/days/weeks/months/yeaws [[,/and] &wt;mowe...>]",
+"[###:]##:##[.####] ([houws:]minutes:seconds[.miwwiseconds])",
"since" : "1.0, 2.6.1 (weeks, months, years)",
- "description" : "A timespan is a difference of two different dates or times, e.g '10 minutes'. Timespans are always displayed as real life time, but can be defined as minecraft time, e.g. '5 minecraft days and 12 hours'.\\nNOTE: Months always have the value of 30 days, and years of 365 days.\\nSee date and time for the other time types of Skript.",
- "examples" : "every 5 minecraft days:\\n wait a minecraft second and 5 ticks\\nevery 10 mc days and 12 hours:\\n halt for 12.7 irl minutes, 12 hours and 120.5 seconds"
+ "description" : "A timespan is a diffewence of two diffewent dates ow times, e.g '10 minutes'. Timespans awe awways dispwayed as weaw wife time, but can be defined as minecwaft time, e.g. '5 minecwaft days and 12 houws'.\\nNOTE: Months awways have the vawue of 30 days, and yeaws of 365 days.\\nSee date and time fow the othew time types of Skwipt.",
+ "examples" : "evewy 5 minecwaft days:\\n wait a minecwaft second and 5 ticks\\nevewy 10 mc days and 12 houws:\\n hawt fow 12.7 iww minutes, 12 houws and 120.5 seconds"
- "id" : "transformreason",
+ "id" : "twansfowmweason",
"name" : "Transform Reason",
"patterns" : [
- "infection, magma slime split, villager infection, tadpole metamorphosis, drowning, creeper super charge, unknown, split, tadpole converting, metamorphosis, skeleton converting to stray, lightning, slime split, entity drowning, slime splitting, zombie drowning, zombie curing, skeleton freeze, entity freezing, zombie converting to drowned, curing, entity freeze, skeleton freezing, mooshroom shear, zombie cure, tadpole converting to frog, mooshroom shearing, magma slime splitting, piglin zombification",
+ "infection, viwwagew infection, zombie cuwing, dwowning, tadpowe convewting to fwog, wightning, unknown, swime spwitting, pigwin zombification, tadpowe metamowphosis, metamowphosis, cweepew supew chawge, magma swime spwit, zombie cuwe, magma swime spwitting, zombie convewting to dwowned, skeweton fweezing, cuwing, entity dwowning, mooshwoom sheaw, zombie dwowning, swime spwit, entity fweezing, skeweton convewting to stway, spwit, skeweton fweeze, tadpowe convewting, entity fweeze, mooshwoom sheawing",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Represents a transform reason of an entity transform event.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "Repwesents a twansfowm weason of an entity twansfowm event.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "structuretype",
+ "id" : "stwuctuwetype",
"name" : "Tree Type",
"patterns" : [
- "[any] <general tree/mushroom type>, e.g. tree/any jungle tree/etc.",
-"<specific tree/mushroom species>, e.g. red mushroom/small jungle tree/big regular tree/etc.",
+ "[any] &wt;genewaw twee/mushwoom type>, e.g. twee/any jungwe twee/etc.",
+"&wt;specific twee/mushwoom species>, e.g. wed mushwoom/smaww jungwe twee/big weguwaw twee/etc.",
"since" : "Unknown",
- "description" : "A tree type represents a tree species or a huge mushroom species. These can be generated in a world with the generate tree effect.",
- "examples" : "grow any regular tree at the block\\ngrow a huge red mushroom above the block"
+ "description" : "A twee type wepwesents a twee species ow a huge mushwoom species. These can be genewated in a wowwd with the genewate twee effect.",
+ "examples" : "gwow any weguwaw twee at the bwock\\ngwow a huge wed mushwoom above the bwock"
- "id" : "classinfo",
+ "id" : "cwassinfo",
"name" : "Type",
"patterns" : [
- "See the type name patterns of all types - including this one",
+ "See the type name pattewns of aww types - incwuding dis one",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Represents a type, e.g. number, object, item type, location, block, world, entity type, etc.\\nThis is mostly used for expressions like 'event-<type>', '<type>-argument', 'loop-<type>', etc., e.g. event-world, number-argument and loop-player.",
- "examples" : "{variable} is a number # check whether the variable contains a number, e.g. -1 or 5.5\\n{variable} is a type # check whether the variable contains a type, e.g. number or player\\n{variable} is an object # will always succeed if the variable is set as everything is an object, even types.\\ndisable PvP in the event-world\\nkill the loop-entity"
+ "description" : "Repwesents a type, e.g. numbew, object, item type, wocation, bwock, wowwd, entity type, etc.\\ndis is mostwy used fow expwessions wike 'event-&wt;type>', '&wt;type>-awgument', 'woop-&wt;type>', etc., e.g. event-wowwd, numbew-awgument and woop-pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "{vawiabwe} is a numbew # check whethew the vawiabwe contains a numbew, e.g. -1 ow 5.5\\n{vawiabwe} is a type # check whethew the vawiabwe contains a type, e.g. numbew ow pwayew\\n{vawiabwe} is an object # wiww awways succeed if the vawiabwe is set as evewything is an object, even types.\\ndisabwe PvP in the event-wowwd\\nkiww the woop-entity"
- "id" : "vector",
+ "id" : "vectow",
"name" : "Vector",
"patterns" : [
- "vector(x, y, z)",
+ "vectow(x, y, z)",
"since" : "2.2-dev23",
- "description" : "Vector is a collection of numbers. In Minecraft, 3D vectors are used to express velocities of entities.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "Vectow is a cowwection of numbews. In Minecwaft, 3D vectows awe used to expwess vewocities of entities.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
- "id" : "visualeffect",
+ "id" : "visuaweffect",
"name" : "Visual Effect",
"patterns" : [
- "smoke, potion break, ender signal, mobspawner flames, arrow particles, jumping rabbit, hurt, wolf smoke, wolf hearts, wolf shaking, sheep eating, iron golem offering rose, villager hearts, angry villager entity, happy villager entity, witch magic, zombie turning to a villager, firework explosion, love hearts, squid rotation reset, entity poof, guardian target, block with shield, shield break, armor stand hit, hurt by thorns, iron golem sheathing rose, resurrection by totem, hurt by drowning, hurt by explosion, explosion, large explosion, huge explosion, firework's spark, water bubble, water splash, water wake, suspended, void fog, critical hit, magical critical hit, smoke particle, large smoke, spell, spell, potion swirl, transparent potion swirl, witch spell, water drip, lava drip, angry villager, happy villager, small smoke, note, portal, flying glyph, flame, lava pop, cloud, coloured dust, snowball break, snow shovel, slime, heart, item crack, block break, block dust, water drop, mob appearance, dragon breath, end rod, damage indicator, sweep attack, falling dust, totem, spit, squid ink, bubble pop, current down, bubble column up, nautilus, dolphin, sneeze, campfire cosy smoke, campfire signal smoke, composter, flash, falling lava, landing lava, falling water, dripping honey, falling honey, landing honey, falling nectar, soul fire flame, ash, crimson spore, warped spore, soul, dripping obsidian tear, falling obsidian tear, landing obsidian tear, reverse portal, white ash, falling spore blossom, spore blossom air, small flame, snowflake, dripping dripstone lava, falling dripstone lava, dripping dripstone water, falling dripstone water, glow squid ink, glow, wax on, wax off, electric spark, scrape, sonic boom, sculk soul, sculk charge, sculk charge pop, shriek",
+ "smoke, potion bweak, endew signaw, mobspawnew fwames, awwow pawticwes, jumping wabbit, huwt, wowf smoke, wowf heawts, wowf shaking, sheep eating, iwon gowem offewing wose, viwwagew heawts, angwy viwwagew entity, happy viwwagew entity, witch magic, zombie tuwning to a viwwagew, fiwewowk expwosion, wove heawts, squid wotation weset, entity poof, guawdian tawget, bwock with shiewd, shiewd bweak, awmow stand hit, huwt by thowns, iwon gowem sheathing wose, wesuwwection by totem, huwt by dwowning, huwt by expwosion, expwosion, wawge expwosion, huge expwosion, fiwewowk's spawk, watew bubbwe, watew spwash, watew wake, suspended, void fog, cwiticaw hit, magicaw cwiticaw hit, smoke pawticwe, wawge smoke, speww, speww, potion swiww, twanspawent potion swiww, witch speww, watew dwip, wava dwip, angwy viwwagew, happy viwwagew, smaww smoke, note, powtaw, fwying gwyph, fwame, wava pop, cwoud, cowouwed dust, snowbaww bweak, snow shovew, swime, heawt, item cwack, bwock bweak, bwock dust, watew dwop, mob appeawance, dwagon bweath, end wod, damage indicatow, sweep attack, fawwing dust, totem, spit, squid ink, bubbwe pop, cuwwent down, bubbwe cowumn up, nautiwus, dowphin, sneeze, campfiwe cosy smoke, campfiwe signaw smoke, compostew, fwash, fawwing wava, wanding wava, fawwing watew, dwipping honey, fawwing honey, wanding honey, fawwing nectaw, souw fiwe fwame, ash, cwimson spowe, wawped spowe, souw, dwipping obsidian teaw, fawwing obsidian teaw, wanding obsidian teaw, wevewse powtaw, white ash, fawwing spowe bwossom, spowe bwossom aiw, smaww fwame, snowfwake, dwipping dwipstone wava, fawwing dwipstone wava, dwipping dwipstone watew, fawwing dwipstone watew, gwow squid ink, gwow, wax on, wax off, ewectwic spawk, scwape, sonic boom, scuwk souw, scuwk chawge, scuwk chawge pop, shwiek",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "A visible effect, e.g. particles.",
- "examples" : "show wolf hearts on the clicked wolf\\nplay mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player"
+ "description" : "A visibwe effect, e.g. pawticwes.",
+ "examples" : "show wowf heawts on the cwicked wowf\\npway mob spawnew fwames at the tawgeted bwock to the pwayew"
- "id" : "weathertype",
+ "id" : "weathewtype",
"name" : "Weather Type",
"patterns" : [
- "clear/sun/sunny, rain/rainy/raining, and thunder/thundering/thunderstorm",
+ "cweaw/sun/sunny, wain/wainy/waining, and thundew/thundewing/thundewstowm",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The weather types sunny, rainy, and thundering.",
- "examples" : "is raining\\nis sunny in the player's world\\nmessage \"It is %weather in the argument's world% in %world of the argument%\""
+ "description" : "The weathew types sunny, wainy, and thundewing.",
+ "examples" : "is waining\\nis sunny in the pwayew's wowwd\\nmessage \"It is %weathew in the awgument's wowwd% in %wowwd of the awgument%\""
- "id" : "world",
+ "id" : "wowwd",
"name" : "World",
"patterns" : [
- ""world_name", e.g. "world"",
+ ""wowwd_name", e.g. "wowwd"",
"since" : "1.0, 2.2 (alternate syntax)",
- "description" : "One of the server's worlds. Worlds can be put into scripts by surrounding their name with double quotes, e.g. \"world_nether\", but this might not work reliably as text uses the same syntax.",
- "examples" : "broadcast \"Hello!\" to the world \"world_nether\""
+ "description" : "One of the sewvew's wowwds. Wowwds can be put into scwipts by suwwounding theiw name with doubwe quotes, e.g. \"wowwd_nethew\", but dis might not wowk wewiabwy as text uses the same syntax.",
+ "examples" : "bwoadcast \"Hewwo!\" to the wowwd \"wowwd_nethew\""
- "id" : "environment",
+ "id" : "enviwonment",
"name" : "World Environment",
"patterns" : [
- "normal, nether, the end, the overworld, custom, the nether, end, overworld",
+ "the nethew, nowmaw, the ovewwowwd, the end, nethew, custom, end, ovewwowwd",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Represents the environment of a world.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "Repwesents the enviwonment of a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
{"end" : true}
@@ -811,146 +811,146 @@
"id" : "CondAlphanumeric",
"name" : "Alphanumeric",
"patterns" : [
- "%texts% (is|are) alphanumeric",
-"%texts% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) alphanumeric",
+ "%texts% (is|awe) awphanumewic",
+"%texts% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) awphanumewic",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Checks if the given string is alphanumeric.",
- "examples" : "if the argument is not alphanumeric:\\n send \"Invalid name!\""
+ "description" : "Checks if the given stwing is awphanumewic.",
+ "examples" : "if the awgument is not awphanumewic:\\n send \"Invawid name!\""
"id" : "CondCanBuild",
"name" : "Can Build",
"patterns" : [
- "%players% (can|(is|are) allowed to) build %directions% %locations%",
-"%players% (can('t|not)|(is|are)(n't| not) allowed to) build %directions% %locations%",
+ "%pwayews% (can|(is|awe) awwowed to) buiwd %diwections% %wocations%",
+"%pwayews% (can('t|not)|(is|awe)(n't| not) awwowed to) buiwd %diwections% %wocations%",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Tests whether a player is allowed to build at a certain location.
-This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.",
- "examples" : "command /setblock <material>:\\n description: set the block at your crosshair to a different type\\n trigger:\\n player cannot build at the targeted block:\\n message \"You do not have permission to change blocks there!\"\\n stop\\n set the targeted block to argument"
+ "description" : "Tests whethew a pwayew is awwowed to buiwd at a cewtain wocation.
+dis condition wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.",
+ "examples" : "command /setbwock &wt;matewiaw>:\\n descwiption: set the bwock at youw cwosshaiw to a diffewent type\\n twiggew:\\n pwayew cannot buiwd at the tawgeted bwock:\\n message \"You do not have pewmission to change bwocks thewe!\"\\n stop\\n set the tawgeted bwock to awgument"
"id" : "CondCanFly",
"name" : "Can Fly",
"patterns" : [
- "%players% can fly",
-"%players% (can't|cannot|can not) fly",
+ "%pwayews% can fwy",
+"%pwayews% (can't|cannot|can not) fwy",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Whether a player is allowed to fly.",
- "examples" : "player can fly"
+ "description" : "Whethew a pwayew is awwowed to fwy.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew can fwy"
"id" : "CondCanHold",
"name" : "Can Hold",
"patterns" : [
- "%inventories% (can hold|ha(s|ve) [enough] space (for|to hold)) %item types%",
-"%inventories% (can(no|')t hold|(ha(s|ve) not|ha(s|ve)n't|do[es]n't have) [enough] space (for|to hold)) %item types%",
+ "%inventowies% (can howd|ha(s|ve) [enough] space (fow|to howd)) %item types%",
+"%inventowies% (can(no|')t howd|(ha(s|ve) not|ha(s|ve)n't|do[es]n't have) [enough] space (fow|to howd)) %item types%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Tests whether a player or a chest can hold the given item.",
- "examples" : "block can hold 200 cobblestone\\nplayer has enough space for 64 feathers"
+ "description" : "Tests whethew a pwayew ow a chest can howd the given item.",
+ "examples" : "bwock can howd 200 cobbwestone\\npwayew has enough space fow 64 feathews"
"id" : "CondCanPickUpItems",
"name" : "Can Pick Up Items",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% can pick([ ]up items| items up)",
-"%living entities% (can't|cannot|can not) pick([ ]up items| items up)",
+ "%wiving entities% can pick([ ]up items| items up)",
+"%wiving entities% (can't|cannot|can not) pick([ ]up items| items up)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Whether living entities are able to pick up items off the ground or not.",
- "examples" : "if player can pick items up:\\n send \"You can pick up items!\" to player\\n\\non drop:\\n if player can't pick up items:\\n send \"Be careful, you won't be able to pick that up!\" to player"
+ "description" : "Whethew wiving entities awe abwe to pick up items off the gwound ow not.",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew can pick items up:\\n send \"You can pick up items!\" to pwayew\\n\\non dwop:\\n if pwayew can't pick up items:\\n send \"Be cawefuw, you won't be abwe to pick dat up!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "CondCanSee",
"name" : "Can See",
"patterns" : [
- "%players% (is|are) [in]visible for %players%",
-"%players% can see %players%",
-"%players% (is|are)(n't| not) [in]visible for %players%",
-"%players% can('t| not) see %players%",
+ "%pwayews% (is|awe) [in]visibwe fow %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews% can see %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews% (is|awe)(n't| not) [in]visibwe fow %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews% can('t| not) see %pwayews%",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Checks whether the given players can see another players.",
- "examples" : "if the player can't see the player-argument:\\n message \"<light red>The player %player-argument% is not online!\""
+ "description" : "Checks whethew the given pwayews can see anothew pwayews.",
+ "examples" : "if the pwayew can't see the pwayew-awgument:\\n message \"&wt;wight wed>The pwayew %pwayew-awgument% is not onwine!\""
"id" : "CondChance",
"name" : "Chance",
"patterns" : [
- "chance of %number%[(\\%)]",
+ "chance of %numbew%[(\\%)]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A condition that randomly succeeds or fails.
-Valid values are between 0% and 100%, or if the percent sign is omitted between 0 and 1.",
- "examples" : "chance of 50%:\\n drop a diamond\\nchance of {chance}% # {chance} between 0 and 100\\nchance of {chance} # {chance} between 0 and 1"
+ "description" : "A condition dat wandomwy succeeds ow faiws.
+Vawid vawues awe between 0% and 100%, ow if the pewcent sign is omitted between 0 and 1.",
+ "examples" : "chance of 50%:\\n dwop a diamond\\nchance of {chance}% # {chance} between 0 and 100\\nchance of {chance} # {chance} between 0 and 1"
"id" : "CondCompare",
"name" : "Comparison",
"patterns" : [
- "[(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above)|>) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|>=) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] ((less|smaller|lower) than|below)|<) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|<=) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% ((is|are) (not|neither)|isn't|aren't|!=) [equal to] %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (is|are|=) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (is|are) between %objects% and %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (is not|are not|isn't|aren't) between %objects% and %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] ((less|smaller|lower) than|below) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% ((was|were) (not|neither)|wasn't|weren't) [equal to] %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (was|were) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (was|were) between %objects% and %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (was not|were not|wasn't|weren't) between %objects% and %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((less|smaller|lower) than|below) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% ((will (not|neither) be|won't be)|(isn't|aren't|is not|are not) (turning|changing) [in]to) [equal to] %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (will be [(equal to|the same as)]|(is|are) (turning|changing) [in]to) %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% will be between %objects% and %objects%",
-"[(neither)] %objects% (will not be|won't be) between %objects% and %objects%",
+ "[(neithew)] %objects% ((is|awe)[(n't| not| neithew)] ((gweatew|mowe|highew|biggew|wawgew) than|above)|>) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% ((is|awe)[(n't| not| neithew)] (gweatew|mowe|highew|biggew|wawgew|above) [than] ow (equaw to|the same as)|>=) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% ((is|awe)[(n't| not| neithew)] ((wess|smawwew|wowew) than|bewow)|&wt;) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% ((is|awe)[(n't| not| neithew)] (wess|smawwew|wowew|bewow) [than] ow (equaw to|the same as)|&wt;=) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% ((is|awe) (not|neithew)|isn't|awen't|!=) [equaw to] %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (is|awe|=) [(equaw to|the same as)] %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (is|awe) between %objects% and %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (is not|awe not|isn't|awen't) between %objects% and %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (was|wewe)[(n't| not| neithew)] ((gweatew|mowe|highew|biggew|wawgew) than|above) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (was|wewe)[(n't| not| neithew)] (gweatew|mowe|highew|biggew|wawgew|above) [than] ow (equaw to|the same as) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (was|wewe)[(n't| not| neithew)] ((wess|smawwew|wowew) than|bewow) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (was|wewe)[(n't| not| neithew)] (wess|smawwew|wowew|bewow) [than] ow (equaw to|the same as) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% ((was|wewe) (not|neithew)|wasn't|wewen't) [equaw to] %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (was|wewe) [(equaw to|the same as)] %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (was|wewe) between %objects% and %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (was not|wewe not|wasn't|wewen't) between %objects% and %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (wiww be|(wiww (not|neithew) be|won't be)) ((gweatew|mowe|highew|biggew|wawgew) than|above) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (wiww be|(wiww (not|neithew) be|won't be)) (gweatew|mowe|highew|biggew|wawgew|above) [than] ow (equaw to|the same as) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (wiww be|(wiww (not|neithew) be|won't be)) ((wess|smawwew|wowew) than|bewow) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (wiww be|(wiww (not|neithew) be|won't be)) (wess|smawwew|wowew|bewow) [than] ow (equaw to|the same as) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% ((wiww (not|neithew) be|won't be)|(isn't|awen't|is not|awe not) (tuwning|changing) [in]to) [equaw to] %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (wiww be [(equaw to|the same as)]|(is|awe) (tuwning|changing) [in]to) %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% wiww be between %objects% and %objects%",
+"[(neithew)] %objects% (wiww not be|won't be) between %objects% and %objects%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "A very general condition, it simply compares two values. Usually you can only compare for equality (e.g. block is/isn't of <type>), but some values can also be compared using greater than/less than. In that case you can also test for whether an object is between two others.
-Note: This is the only element where not all patterns are shown. It has actually another two sets of similar patters, but with (was|were) or will be instead of (is|are) respectively, which check different time states of the first expression.",
- "examples" : "the clicked block is a stone slab or a double stone slab\\ntime in the player's world is greater than 8:00\\nthe creature is not an enderman or an ender dragon"
+ "description" : "A vewy genewaw condition, it simpwy compawes two vawues. Usuawwy you can onwy compawe fow equawity (e.g. bwock is/isn't of &wt;type>), but some vawues can awso be compawed using gweatew than/wess than. In dat case you can awso test fow whethew an object is between two othews.
+Note: dis is the onwy ewement whewe not aww pattewns awe shown. It has actuawwy anothew two sets of simiwaw pattews, but with (was|wewe) ow wiww be instead of (is|awe) wespectivewy, which check diffewent time states of the fiwst expwession.",
+ "examples" : "the cwicked bwock is a stone swab ow a doubwe stone swab\\ntime in the pwayew's wowwd is gweatew than 8:00\\nthe cweatuwe is not an endewman ow an endew dwagon"
"id" : "CondContains",
"name" : "Contains",
"patterns" : [
- "%inventories% (has|have) %item types% [in [(the[ir]|his|her|its)] inventory]",
-"%inventories% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have %item types% [in [(the[ir]|his|her|its)] inventory]",
-"%inventories/texts/objects% contain[s] %item types/texts/objects%",
-"%inventories/texts/objects% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) contain %item types/texts/objects%",
+ "%inventowies% (has|have) %item types% [in [(the[iw]|his|hew|its)] inventowy]",
+"%inventowies% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have %item types% [in [(the[iw]|his|hew|its)] inventowy]",
+"%inventowies/texts/objects% contain[s] %item types/texts/objects%",
+"%inventowies/texts/objects% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) contain %item types/texts/objects%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Checks whether an inventory contains an item, a text contains another piece of text, or a list (e.g. {list variable::*} or 'drops') contains another object.",
- "examples" : "block contains 20 cobblestone\\nplayer has 4 flint and 2 iron ingots\\n{list::*} contains 5"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an inventowy contains an item, a text contains anothew piece of text, ow a wist (e.g. {wist vawiabwe::*} ow 'dwops') contains anothew object.",
+ "examples" : "bwock contains 20 cobbwestone\\npwayew has 4 fwint and 2 iwon ingots\\n{wist::*} contains 5"
"id" : "CondDamageCause",
@@ -961,1163 +961,1163 @@ Note: This is the only element where not all patterns are shown. It has actually
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Tests what kind of damage caused a damage event. Refer to the Damage Cause type for a list of all possible causes.",
- "examples" : "# make players use their potions of fire resistance whenever they take any kind of fire damage\\non damage:\\n damage was caused by lava, fire or burning\\n victim is a player\\n victim has a potion of fire resistance\\n cancel event\\n apply fire resistance to the victim for 30 seconds\\n remove 1 potion of fire resistance from the victim\\n# prevent mobs from dropping items under certain circumstances\\non death:\\n entity is not a player\\n damage wasn't caused by a block explosion, an attack, a projectile, a potion, fire, burning, thorns or poison\\n clear drops"
+ "description" : "Tests what kind of damage caused a damage event. Refew to the Damage Cause type fow a wist of aww possibwe causes.",
+ "examples" : "# make pwayews use theiw potions of fiwe wesistance whenevew they take any kind of fiwe damage\\non damage:\\n damage was caused by wava, fiwe ow buwning\\n victim is a pwayew\\n victim has a potion of fiwe wesistance\\n cancew event\\n appwy fiwe wesistance to the victim fow 30 seconds\\n wemove 1 potion of fiwe wesistance fwom the victim\\n# pwevent mobs fwom dwopping items undew cewtain ciwcumstances\\non death:\\n entity is not a pwayew\\n damage wasn't caused by a bwock expwosion, an attack, a pwojectiwe, a potion, fiwe, buwning, thowns ow poison\\n cweaw dwops"
"id" : "CondAnchorWorks",
"name" : "Do Respawn Anchors Work",
"patterns" : [
- "respawn anchors [do[(n't| not)]] work in %worlds%",
+ "wespawn anchows [do[(n't| not)]] wowk in %wowwds%",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Checks whether or not respawn anchors work in a world.",
- "examples" : "respawn anchors work in world \"world_nether\""
+ "description" : "Checks whethew ow not wespawn anchows wowk in a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "wespawn anchows wowk in wowwd \"wowwd_nethew\""
"id" : "CondWillHatch",
"name" : "Egg Will Hatch",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] egg (will|will not|won't) hatch",
+ "[the] egg (wiww|wiww not|won't) hatch",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Whether the egg will hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.",
- "examples" : "on player egg throw:\\n if an entity won't hatch:\\n send \"Better luck next time!\" to the player"
+ "description" : "Whethew the egg wiww hatch in a Pwayew Egg Thwow event.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew egg thwow:\\n if an entity won't hatch:\\n send \"Bettew wuck next time!\" to the pwayew"
"id" : "CondIsSheared",
"name" : "Entity Is Sheared",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) (sheared|shorn)",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (sheared|shorn)",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) (sheawed|shown)",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) (sheawed|shown)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Checks whether entities are sheared. This condition only works on cows, sheep and snowmen for versions below 1.19.4.",
- "examples" : "if targeted entity of player is sheared:\\n send \"This entity has nothing left to shear!\" to player"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew entities awe sheawed. dis condition onwy wowks on cows, sheep and snowmen fow vewsions bewow 1.19.4.",
+ "examples" : "if tawgeted entity of pwayew is sheawed:\\n send \"dis entity has nothing weft to sheaw!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "CondEntityIsWet",
"name" : "Entity is Wet",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% (is|are) wet",
-"%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) wet",
+ "%entities% (is|awe) wet",
+"%entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) wet",
"since" : "2.6.1",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity is wet or not (in water, rain or a bubble column).",
- "examples" : "if player is wet:"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity is wet ow not (in watew, wain ow a bubbwe cowumn).",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew is wet:"
"id" : "CondEntityIsInLiquid",
"name" : "Entity is in Liquid",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% (is|are) in (water|lava|[a] bubble[ ]column|rain)",
-"%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) in (water|lava|[a] bubble[ ]column|rain)",
+ "%entities% (is|awe) in (watew|wava|[a] bubbwe[ ]cowumn|wain)",
+"%entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) in (watew|wava|[a] bubbwe[ ]cowumn|wain)",
"since" : "2.6.1",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity is in rain, lava, water or a bubble column.",
- "examples" : "if player is in rain:\\nif player is in water:\\nplayer is in lava:\\nplayer is in bubble column"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity is in wain, wava, watew ow a bubbwe cowumn.",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew is in wain:\\nif pwayew is in watew:\\npwayew is in wava:\\npwayew is in bubbwe cowumn"
"id" : "CondCancelled",
"name" : "Event Cancelled",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] event is cancel[l]ed",
-"[the] event (is not|isn't) cancel[l]ed",
+ "[the] event is cancew[w]ed",
+"[the] event (is not|isn't) cancew[w]ed",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Checks whether or not the event is cancelled.",
- "examples" : "on click:\\n if event is cancelled:\\n broadcast \"no clicks allowed!\""
+ "description" : "Checks whethew ow not the event is cancewwed.",
+ "examples" : "on cwick:\\n if event is cancewwed:\\n bwoadcast \"no cwicks awwowed!\""
"id" : "CondIsSet",
"name" : "Exists/Is Set",
"patterns" : [
- "%~objects% (exist[s]|(is|are) set)",
-"%~objects% (do[es](n't| not) exist|(is|are)(n't| not) set)",
+ "%~objects% (exist[s]|(is|awe) set)",
+"%~objects% (do[es](n't| not) exist|(is|awe)(n't| not) set)",
"since" : "1.2",
- "description" : "Checks whether a given expression or variable is set.",
- "examples" : "{teams::%player's uuid%::preferred-team} is not set\\non damage:\\n projectile exists\\n broadcast \"%attacker% used a %projectile% to attack %victim%!\""
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a given expwession ow vawiabwe is set.",
+ "examples" : "{teams::%pwayew's uuid%::pwefewwed-team} is not set\\non damage:\\n pwojectiwe exists\\n bwoadcast \"%attackew% used a %pwojectiwe% to attack %victim%!\""
"id" : "CondAI",
"name" : "Has AI",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (has|have) (ai|artificial intelligence)",
-"%living entities% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have (ai|artificial intelligence)",
+ "%wiving entities% (has|have) (ai|awtificiaw intewwigence)",
+"%wiving entities% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have (ai|awtificiaw intewwigence)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity has AI.",
- "examples" : "target entity has ai"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity has AI.",
+ "examples" : "tawget entity has ai"
"id" : "CondHasClientWeather",
"name" : "Has Client Weather",
"patterns" : [
- "%players% (has|have) [a] (client|custom) weather [set]",
-"%players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] (client|custom) weather [set]",
+ "%pwayews% (has|have) [a] (cwient|custom) weathew [set]",
+"%pwayews% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] (cwient|custom) weathew [set]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Checks whether the given players have a custom client weather",
- "examples" : "if the player has custom weather:\\n message \"Your custom weather is %player's weather%\""
+ "description" : "Checks whethew the given pwayews have a custom cwient weathew",
+ "examples" : "if the pwayew has custom weathew:\\n message \"Youw custom weathew is %pwayew's weathew%\""
"id" : "CondHasCustomModelData",
"name" : "Has Custom Model Data",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (has|have) [custom] model data",
-"%item types% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [custom] model data",
+ "%item types% (has|have) [custom] modew data",
+"%item types% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [custom] modew data",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Check if an item has a custom model data tag",
- "examples" : "player's tool has custom model data"
+ "description" : "Check if an item has a custom modew data tag",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's toow has custom modew data"
"id" : "CondGlowingText",
"name" : "Has Glowing Text",
"patterns" : [
- "%blocks/item types% (has|have) glowing text",
-"%blocks/item types% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have glowing text",
+ "%bwocks/item types% (has|have) gwowing text",
+"%bwocks/item types% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have gwowing text",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Checks whether a sign (either a block or an item) has glowing text",
- "examples" : "if target block has glowing text"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a sign (eithew a bwock ow an item) has gwowing text",
+ "examples" : "if tawget bwock has gwowing text"
"id" : "CondHasItemCooldown",
"name" : "Has Item Cooldown",
"patterns" : [
- "%players% (has|have) [([an] item|a)] cooldown (on|for) %item types%",
-"%players% (has|have) %item types% on [(item|a)] cooldown",
-"%players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [([an] item|a)] cooldown (on|for) %item types%",
-"%players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have %item types% on [(item|a)] cooldown",
+ "%pwayews% (has|have) [([an] item|a)] coowdown (on|fow) %item types%",
+"%pwayews% (has|have) %item types% on [(item|a)] coowdown",
+"%pwayews% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [([an] item|a)] coowdown (on|fow) %item types%",
+"%pwayews% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have %item types% on [(item|a)] coowdown",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Check whether a cooldown is active on the specified material for a specific player.",
- "examples" : "if player has player's tool on cooldown:\\n send \"You can't use this item right now. Wait %item cooldown of player's tool for player%\""
+ "description" : "Check whethew a coowdown is active on the specified matewiaw fow a specific pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew has pwayew's toow on coowdown:\\n send \"You can't use dis item wight now. Wait %item coowdown of pwayew's toow fow pwayew%\""
"id" : "CondHasLineOfSight",
"name" : "Has Line of Sight",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (has|have) [a] [direct] line of sight to %entities/locations%",
-"%living entities% does(n't| not) have [a] [direct] line of sight to %entities/locations%",
-"%living entities% (has|have) no [direct] line of sight to %entities/locations%",
+ "%wiving entities% (has|have) [a] [diwect] wine of sight to %entities/wocations%",
+"%wiving entities% does(n't| not) have [a] [diwect] wine of sight to %entities/wocations%",
+"%wiving entities% (has|have) no [diwect] wine of sight to %entities/wocations%",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Checks whether living entities have an unobstructed line of sight to other entities or locations.",
- "examples" : "player has direct line of sight to location 5 blocks to the right of player\\nvictim has line of sight to attacker\\nplayer has no line of sight to location 100 blocks in front of player"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew wiving entities have an unobstwucted wine of sight to othew entities ow wocations.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew has diwect wine of sight to wocation 5 bwocks to the wight of pwayew\\nvictim has wine of sight to attackew\\npwayew has no wine of sight to wocation 100 bwocks in fwont of pwayew"
"id" : "CondHasMetadata",
"name" : "Has Metadata",
"patterns" : [
- "%metadata holders% (has|have) metadata [(value|tag)[s]] %texts%",
-"%metadata holders% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have metadata [(value|tag)[s]] %texts%",
+ "%metadata howdews% (has|have) metadata [(vawue|tag)[s]] %texts%",
+"%metadata howdews% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have metadata [(vawue|tag)[s]] %texts%",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Checks whether a metadata holder has a metadata tag.",
- "examples" : "if player has metadata value \"healer\":"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a metadata howdew has a metadata tag.",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew has metadata vawue \"heawew\":"
"id" : "CondPermission",
"name" : "Has Permission",
"patterns" : [
- "%command senders% (has|have) [the] permission[s] %texts%",
-"%command senders% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [the] permission[s] %texts%",
+ "%command sendews% (has|have) [the] pewmission[s] %texts%",
+"%command sendews% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [the] pewmission[s] %texts%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Test whether a player has a certain permission.",
- "examples" : "player has permission \"skript.tree\"\\nvictim has the permission \"admin\":\\n send \"You're attacking an admin!\" to attacker"
+ "description" : "Test whethew a pwayew has a cewtain pewmission.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew has pewmission \"skwipt.twee\"\\nvictim has the pewmission \"admin\":\\n send \"You'we attacking an admin!\" to attackew"
"id" : "CondPlayedBefore",
"name" : "Has Played Before",
"patterns" : [
- "%offline players% [(has|have|did)] [already] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already)",
-"%offline players% (has not|hasn't|have not|haven't|did not|didn't) [(already|yet)] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already|yet)",
+ "%offwine pwayews% [(has|have|did)] [awweady] pway[ed] [on (dis|the) sewvew] (befowe|awweady)",
+"%offwine pwayews% (has not|hasn't|have not|haven't|did not|didn't) [(awweady|yet)] pway[ed] [on (dis|the) sewvew] (befowe|awweady|yet)",
"since" : "1.4, 2.7 (multiple players)",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player has played on this server before. You can also use on first join if you want to make triggers for new players.",
- "examples" : "player has played on this server before\\nplayer hasn't played before"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew has pwayed on dis sewvew befowe. You can awso use on fiwst join if you want to make twiggews fow new pwayews.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew has pwayed on dis sewvew befowe\\npwayew hasn't pwayed befowe"
"id" : "CondHasPotion",
"name" : "Has Potion",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (has|have) potion[s] [effect[s]] %potions%",
-"%living entities% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have potion[s] [effect[s]] %potions%",
+ "%wiving entities% (has|have) potion[s] [effect[s]] %potions%",
+"%wiving entities% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have potion[s] [effect[s]] %potions%",
"since" : "2.6.1",
- "description" : "Checks whether the given living entities have specific potion effects.",
- "examples" : "if player has potion speed:\\n send \"You are sonic!\"\\n\\nif all players have potion effects speed and haste:\\n broadcast \"You are ready to MINE!\""
+ "description" : "Checks whethew the given wiving entities have specific potion effects.",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew has potion speed:\\n send \"You awe sonic!\"\\n\\nif aww pwayews have potion effects speed and haste:\\n bwoadcast \"You awe weady to MINE!\""
"id" : "CondHasResourcePack",
"name" : "Has Resource Pack",
"patterns" : [
- "%players% (has|have) [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]",
-"%players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]",
+ "%pwayews% (has|have) [a] wesouwce pack [(woaded|instawwed)]",
+"%pwayews% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] wesouwce pack [(woaded|instawwed)]",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Checks whether the given players have a server resource pack loaded. Please note that this can't detect player's own resource pack, only the resource pack that sent by the server.",
- "examples" : "if the player has a resource pack loaded:"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew the given pwayews have a sewvew wesouwce pack woaded. Pwease note dat dis can't detect pwayew's own wesouwce pack, onwy the wesouwce pack dat sent by the sewvew.",
+ "examples" : "if the pwayew has a wesouwce pack woaded:"
"id" : "CondHasScoreboardTag",
"name" : "Has Scoreboard Tag",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% (has|have) [the] score[ ]board tag[s] %texts%",
-"%entities% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [the] score[ ]board tag[s] %texts%",
+ "%entities% (has|have) [the] scowe[ ]boawd tag[s] %texts%",
+"%entities% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [the] scowe[ ]boawd tag[s] %texts%",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Checks whether the given entities has the given scoreboard tags.",
- "examples" : "if the targeted armor stand has the scoreboard tag \"test tag\":"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew the given entities has the given scoweboawd tags.",
+ "examples" : "if the tawgeted awmow stand has the scoweboawd tag \"test tag\":"
"id" : "CondIgnitionProcess",
"name" : "Ignition Process",
"patterns" : [
- "[creeper[s]] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) going to explode",
-"[creeper[s]] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) in the (ignition|explosion) process",
-"creeper[s] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) ignited",
+ "[cweepew[s]] %wiving entities% ((is|awe)|(isn't|is not|awen't|awe not)) going to expwode",
+"[cweepew[s]] %wiving entities% ((is|awe)|(isn't|is not|awen't|awe not)) in the (ignition|expwosion) pwocess",
+"cweepew[s] %wiving entities% ((is|awe)|(isn't|is not|awen't|awe not)) ignited",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Checks if a creeper is going to explode.",
- "examples" : "if the last spawned creeper is going to explode:\\n loop all players in radius 3 of the last spawned creeper\\n send \"RUN!!!\" to the loop-player"
+ "description" : "Checks if a cweepew is going to expwode.",
+ "examples" : "if the wast spawned cweepew is going to expwode:\\n woop aww pwayews in wadius 3 of the wast spawned cweepew\\n send \"RUN!!!\" to the woop-pwayew"
"id" : "CondIsAlive",
"name" : "Is Alive",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% (is|are) (alive|dead)",
-"%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (alive|dead)",
+ "%entities% (is|awe) (awive|dead)",
+"%entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) (awive|dead)",
"since" : "2.0, 2.4-alpha4 (non-living entity support)",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity is alive. Works for non-living entities too.",
- "examples" : "if {villager-buddy::%player's uuid%} is not dead:\\n\\non shoot:\\n while the projectile is alive:"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity is awive. Wowks fow non-wiving entities too.",
+ "examples" : "if {viwwagew-buddy::%pwayew's uuid%} is not dead:\\n\\non shoot:\\n whiwe the pwojectiwe is awive:"
"id" : "CondIsBanned",
"name" : "Is Banned",
"patterns" : [
- "%offline players/texts% (is|are) banned",
-"%players/texts% (is|are) IP[(-| )]banned",
-"%offline players/texts% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) banned",
-"%players/texts% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) IP[(-| )]banned",
+ "%offwine pwayews/texts% (is|awe) banned",
+"%pwayews/texts% (is|awe) IP[(-| )]banned",
+"%offwine pwayews/texts% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) banned",
+"%pwayews/texts% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) IP[(-| )]banned",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player or IP is banned.",
- "examples" : "player is banned\\nvictim is not IP-banned\\n\"\" is banned"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew ow IP is banned.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is banned\\nvictim is not IP-banned\\n\"\" is banned"
"id" : "CondRespawnLocation",
"name" : "Is Bed/Anchor Spawn",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] respawn location (was|is)[(n'| no)t] [a] (bed|respawn anchor)",
+ "[the] wespawn wocation (was|is)[(n'| no)t] [a] (bed|wespawn anchow)",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Checks what the respawn location of a player in the respawn event is.",
- "examples" : "on respawn:\\n the respawn location is a bed\\n broadcast \"%player% is respawning in their bed! So cozy!\""
+ "description" : "Checks what the wespawn wocation of a pwayew in the wespawn event is.",
+ "examples" : "on wespawn:\\n the wespawn wocation is a bed\\n bwoadcast \"%pwayew% is wespawning in theiw bed! So cozy!\""
"id" : "CondIsBlock",
"name" : "Is Block",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (is|are) ([a] block|blocks)",
-"%item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) ([a] block|blocks)",
+ "%item types% (is|awe) ([a] bwock|bwocks)",
+"%item types% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) ([a] bwock|bwocks)",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item is a block.",
- "examples" : "player's held item is a block\\n{list::*} are blocks"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item is a bwock.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's hewd item is a bwock\\n{wist::*} awe bwocks"
"id" : "CondIsBlockRedstonePowered",
"name" : "Is Block Redstone Powered",
"patterns" : [
- "%blocks% (is|are) redstone powered",
-"%blocks% (is|are) indirectly redstone powered",
-"%blocks% (is|are)(n't| not) redstone powered",
-"%blocks% (is|are)(n't| not) indirectly redstone powered",
+ "%bwocks% (is|awe) wedstone powewed",
+"%bwocks% (is|awe) indiwectwy wedstone powewed",
+"%bwocks% (is|awe)(n't| not) wedstone powewed",
+"%bwocks% (is|awe)(n't| not) indiwectwy wedstone powewed",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Checks if a block is indirectly or directly powered by redstone",
- "examples" : "if clicked block is redstone powered:\\n send \"This block is well-powered by redstone!\"\\nif clicked block is indirectly redstone powered:\\n send \"This block is indirectly redstone powered.\""
+ "description" : "Checks if a bwock is indiwectwy ow diwectwy powewed by wedstone",
+ "examples" : "if cwicked bwock is wedstone powewed:\\n send \"dis bwock is weww-powewed by wedstone!\"\\nif cwicked bwock is indiwectwy wedstone powewed:\\n send \"dis bwock is indiwectwy wedstone powewed.\""
"id" : "CondIsBlocking",
"name" : "Is Blocking",
"patterns" : [
- "%players% (is|are) (blocking|defending) [with [a] shield]",
-"%players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (blocking|defending) [with [a] shield]",
+ "%pwayews% (is|awe) (bwocking|defending) [with [a] shiewd]",
+"%pwayews% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) (bwocking|defending) [with [a] shiewd]",
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1)",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player is blocking with their shield.",
- "examples" : "on damage of player:\\n victim is blocking\\n damage attacker by 0.5 hearts"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew is bwocking with theiw shiewd.",
+ "examples" : "on damage of pwayew:\\n victim is bwocking\\n damage attackew by 0.5 heawts"
"id" : "CondIsBurning",
"name" : "Is Burning",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% (is|are) (burning|ignited|on fire)",
-"%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (burning|ignited|on fire)",
+ "%entities% (is|awe) (buwning|ignited|on fiwe)",
+"%entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) (buwning|ignited|on fiwe)",
"since" : "1.4.4",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity is on fire, e.g. a zombie due to being in sunlight, or any entity after falling into lava.",
- "examples" : "# increased attack against burning targets\\nvictim is burning:\\n increase damage by 2"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity is on fiwe, e.g. a zombie due to being in sunwight, ow any entity aftew fawwing into wava.",
+ "examples" : "# incweased attack against buwning tawgets\\nvictim is buwning:\\n incwease damage by 2"
"id" : "CondIsCharged",
"name" : "Is Charged",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) (charged|powered)",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (charged|powered)",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) (chawged|powewed)",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) (chawged|powewed)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Checks if a creeper is charged (powered).",
- "examples" : "if the last spawned creeper is charged:\\n broadcast \"A charged creeper is at %location of last spawned creeper%\""
+ "description" : "Checks if a cweepew is chawged (powewed).",
+ "examples" : "if the wast spawned cweepew is chawged:\\n bwoadcast \"A chawged cweepew is at %wocation of wast spawned cweepew%\""
"id" : "CondIsClimbing",
"name" : "Is Climbing",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) climbing",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) climbing",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) cwimbing",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) cwimbing",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Whether a living entity is climbing, such as a spider up a wall or a player on a ladder.",
- "examples" : "spawn a spider at location of spawn\\nwait a second\\nif the last spawned spider is climbing:\\n message\"The spider is now climbing!\""
+ "description" : "Whethew a wiving entity is cwimbing, such as a spidew up a waww ow a pwayew on a waddew.",
+ "examples" : "spawn a spidew at wocation of spawn\\nwait a second\\nif the wast spawned spidew is cwimbing:\\n message\"The spidew is now cwimbing!\""
"id" : "CondIsEdible",
"name" : "Is Edible",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (is|are) edible",
-"%item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) edible",
+ "%item types% (is|awe) edibwe",
+"%item types% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) edibwe",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item is edible.",
- "examples" : "steak is edible\\nplayer's tool is edible"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item is edibwe.",
+ "examples" : "steak is edibwe\\npwayew's toow is edibwe"
"id" : "CondIsEmpty",
"name" : "Is Empty",
"patterns" : [
- "%inventories/slots/texts% (is|are) empty",
-"%inventories/slots/texts% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) empty",
+ "%inventowies/swots/texts% (is|awe) empty",
+"%inventowies/swots/texts% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) empty",
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1)",
- "description" : "Checks whether an inventory, an inventory slot, or a text is empty.",
- "examples" : "player's inventory is empty"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an inventowy, an inventowy swot, ow a text is empty.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's inventowy is empty"
"id" : "CondIsEnchanted",
"name" : "Is Enchanted",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (is|are) enchanted [with %enchantment type%]",
-"%item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) enchanted [with %enchantment type%]",
+ "%item types% (is|awe) enchanted [with %enchantment type%]",
+"%item types% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) enchanted [with %enchantment type%]",
"since" : "1.4.6",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item is enchanted.",
- "examples" : "tool of the player is enchanted with efficiency 2\\nhelm, chestplate, leggings or boots are enchanted"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item is enchanted.",
+ "examples" : "toow of the pwayew is enchanted with efficiency 2\\nhewm, chestpwate, weggings ow boots awe enchanted"
"id" : "CondIsFlammable",
"name" : "Is Flammable",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (is|are) flammable",
-"%item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) flammable",
+ "%item types% (is|awe) fwammabwe",
+"%item types% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) fwammabwe",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item is flammable.",
- "examples" : "wood is flammable\\nplayer's tool is flammable"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item is fwammabwe.",
+ "examples" : "wood is fwammabwe\\npwayew's toow is fwammabwe"
"id" : "CondIsFlying",
"name" : "Is Flying",
"patterns" : [
- "%players% (is|are) flying",
-"%players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) flying",
+ "%pwayews% (is|awe) fwying",
+"%pwayews% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) fwying",
"since" : "1.4.4",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player is flying.",
- "examples" : "player is not flying"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew is fwying.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is not fwying"
"id" : "CondIsFrozen",
"name" : "Is Frozen",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% (is|are) frozen",
-"%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) frozen",
+ "%entities% (is|awe) fwozen",
+"%entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) fwozen",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity is frozen.",
- "examples" : "if player is frozen:\\n kill player"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity is fwozen.",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew is fwozen:\\n kiww pwayew"
"id" : "CondIsFuel",
"name" : "Is Fuel",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (is|are) [furnace] fuel",
-"%item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) [furnace] fuel",
+ "%item types% (is|awe) [fuwnace] fuew",
+"%item types% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) [fuwnace] fuew",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item can be used as fuel in a furnace.",
- "examples" : "on right click on furnace:\\n if player's tool is not fuel:\\n send \"Please hold a valid fuel item in your hand\"\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item can be used as fuew in a fuwnace.",
+ "examples" : "on wight cwick on fuwnace:\\n if pwayew's toow is not fuew:\\n send \"Pwease howd a vawid fuew item in youw hand\"\\n cancew event"
"id" : "CondIsGliding",
"name" : "Is Gliding",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) gliding",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) gliding",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) gwiding",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) gwiding",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Checks whether a living entity is gliding.",
- "examples" : "if player is gliding"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a wiving entity is gwiding.",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew is gwiding"
"id" : "CondIsHandRaised",
"name" : "Is Hand Raised",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities%'[s] [main] hand[s] (is|are) raised",
-"%living entities%'[s] [main] hand[s] (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) raised",
-"[main] hand[s] of %living entities% (is|are) raised",
-"[main] hand[s] of %living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) raised",
-"%living entities%'[s] off[ |-]hand[s] (is|are) raised",
-"%living entities%'[s] off[ |-]hand[s] (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) raised",
-"off[ |-]hand[s] of %living entities% (is|are) raised",
-"off[ |-]hand[s] of %living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) raised",
+ "%wiving entities%'[s] [main] hand[s] (is|awe) waised",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] [main] hand[s] (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) waised",
+"[main] hand[s] of %wiving entities% (is|awe) waised",
+"[main] hand[s] of %wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) waised",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] off[ |-]hand[s] (is|awe) waised",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] off[ |-]hand[s] (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) waised",
+"off[ |-]hand[s] of %wiving entities% (is|awe) waised",
+"off[ |-]hand[s] of %wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) waised",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity has one or both of their hands raised.
-Hands are raised when an entity is using an item (eg: blocking, drawing a bow, eating).",
- "examples" : "on damage of player:\\n if victim's main hand is raised:\\n drop player's tool at player\\n set player's tool to air"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity has one ow both of theiw hands waised.
+Hands awe waised when an entity is using an item (eg: bwocking, dwawing a bow, eating).",
+ "examples" : "on damage of pwayew:\\n if victim's main hand is waised:\\n dwop pwayew's toow at pwayew\\n set pwayew's toow to aiw"
"id" : "CondItemInHand",
"name" : "Is Holding",
"patterns" : [
- "[%living entities%] ha(s|ve) %item types% in [main] hand",
-"[%living entities%] (is|are) holding %item types% [in main hand]",
-"[%living entities%] ha(s|ve) %item types% in off[(-| )]hand",
-"[%living entities%] (is|are) holding %item types% in off[(-| )]hand",
-"[%living entities%] (ha(s|ve) not|do[es]n't have) %item types% in [main] hand",
-"[%living entities%] (is not|isn't) holding %item types% [in main hand]",
-"[%living entities%] (ha(s|ve) not|do[es]n't have) %item types% in off[(-| )]hand",
-"[%living entities%] (is not|isn't) holding %item types% in off[(-| )]hand",
+ "[%wiving entities%] ha(s|ve) %item types% in [main] hand",
+"[%wiving entities%] (is|awe) howding %item types% [in main hand]",
+"[%wiving entities%] ha(s|ve) %item types% in off[(-| )]hand",
+"[%wiving entities%] (is|awe) howding %item types% in off[(-| )]hand",
+"[%wiving entities%] (ha(s|ve) not|do[es]n't have) %item types% in [main] hand",
+"[%wiving entities%] (is not|isn't) howding %item types% [in main hand]",
+"[%wiving entities%] (ha(s|ve) not|do[es]n't have) %item types% in off[(-| )]hand",
+"[%wiving entities%] (is not|isn't) howding %item types% in off[(-| )]hand",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player is holding a specific item. Cannot be used with endermen, use 'entity is [not] an enderman holding <item type>' instead.",
- "examples" : "player is holding a stick\\nvictim isn't holding a sword of sharpness"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew is howding a specific item. Cannot be used with endewmen, use 'entity is [not] an endewman howding &wt;item type>' instead.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is howding a stick\\nvictim isn't howding a swowd of shawpness"
"id" : "CondIncendiary",
"name" : "Is Incendiary",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% ((is|are) incendiary|cause[s] a[n] (incendiary|fiery) explosion)",
-"%entities% ((is not|are not|isn't|aren't) incendiary|(does not|do not|doesn't|don't) cause[s] a[n] (incendiary|fiery) explosion)",
-"the [event(-| )]explosion (is|(is not|isn't)) (incendiary|fiery)",
+ "%entities% ((is|awe) incendiawy|cause[s] a[n] (incendiawy|fiewy) expwosion)",
+"%entities% ((is not|awe not|isn't|awen't) incendiawy|(does not|do not|doesn't|don't) cause[s] a[n] (incendiawy|fiewy) expwosion)",
+"the [event(-| )]expwosion (is|(is not|isn't)) (incendiawy|fiewy)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Checks if an entity will create fire when it explodes. This condition is also usable in an explosion prime event.",
- "examples" : "on explosion prime:\\n if the explosion is fiery:\\n broadcast \"A fiery explosive has been ignited!\""
+ "description" : "Checks if an entity wiww cweate fiwe when it expwodes. dis condition is awso usabwe in an expwosion pwime event.",
+ "examples" : "on expwosion pwime:\\n if the expwosion is fiewy:\\n bwoadcast \"A fiewy expwosive has been ignited!\""
"id" : "CondIsInfinite",
"name" : "Is Infinite",
"patterns" : [
- "%potion effects% (is|are) infinite",
-"%potion effects% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) infinite",
+ "%potion effects% (is|awe) infinite",
+"%potion effects% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) infinite",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Checks whether potion effects are infinite.",
- "examples" : "all of the active potion effects of the player are infinite"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew potion effects awe infinite.",
+ "examples" : "aww of the active potion effects of the pwayew awe infinite"
"id" : "CondIsInteractable",
"name" : "Is Interactable",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (is|are) interactable",
-"%item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) interactable",
+ "%item types% (is|awe) intewactabwe",
+"%item types% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) intewactabwe",
"since" : "2.5.2",
- "description" : "Checks wether or not a block is interactable.",
- "examples" : "on block break:\\n if event-block is interactable:\\n cancel event\\n send \"You cannot break interactable blocks!\""
+ "description" : "Checks wethew ow not a bwock is intewactabwe.",
+ "examples" : "on bwock bweak:\\n if event-bwock is intewactabwe:\\n cancew event\\n send \"You cannot bweak intewactabwe bwocks!\""
"id" : "CondIsInvisible",
"name" : "Is Invisible",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) (invisible|visible)",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (invisible|visible)",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) (invisibwe|visibwe)",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) (invisibwe|visibwe)",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Checks whether a living entity is invisible.",
- "examples" : "target entity is invisible"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a wiving entity is invisibwe.",
+ "examples" : "tawget entity is invisibwe"
"id" : "CondIsInvulnerable",
"name" : "Is Invulnerable",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% (is|are) invulnerable",
-"%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) invulnerable",
+ "%entities% (is|awe) invuwnewabwe",
+"%entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) invuwnewabwe",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity is invulnerable.",
- "examples" : "target entity is invulnerable"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity is invuwnewabwe.",
+ "examples" : "tawget entity is invuwnewabwe"
"id" : "CondIsJumping",
"name" : "Is Jumping",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) jumping",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) jumping",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) jumping",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) jumping",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Checks whether a living entity is jumping. This condition does not work on players.",
- "examples" : "on spawn of zombie:\\n while event-entity is not jumping:\\n wait 5 ticks\\n push event-entity upwards"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a wiving entity is jumping. dis condition does not wowk on pwayews.",
+ "examples" : "on spawn of zombie:\\n whiwe event-entity is not jumping:\\n wait 5 ticks\\n push event-entity upwawds"
"id" : "CondLeashed",
"name" : "Is Leashed",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) leashed",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) leashed",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) weashed",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) weashed",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Checks to see if an entity is currently leashed.",
- "examples" : "target entity is leashed"
+ "description" : "Checks to see if an entity is cuwwentwy weashed.",
+ "examples" : "tawget entity is weashed"
"id" : "CondIsLoaded",
"name" : "Is Loaded",
"patterns" : [
- "chunk[s] %directions% [%locations%] (is|are)[((n't| not))] loaded",
-"chunk [at] %number%, %number% (in|of) [world] %world% is[((n't| not))] loaded",
-"[world[s]] %worlds% (is|are)[((n't| not))] loaded",
+ "chunk[s] %diwections% [%wocations%] (is|awe)[((n't| not))] woaded",
+"chunk [at] %numbew%, %numbew% (in|of) [wowwd] %wowwd% is[((n't| not))] woaded",
+"[wowwd[s]] %wowwds% (is|awe)[((n't| not))] woaded",
"since" : "2.3, 2.5 (revamp with chunk at location/coords)",
- "description" : "Checks whether or not a chunk/world is loaded. 'chunk at 1, 1' uses chunk coords, which are location coords divided by 16.",
- "examples" : "if chunk at {home::%player's uuid%} is loaded:\\nif chunk 1, 10 in world \"world\" is loaded:\\nif world(\"lobby\") is loaded:"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew ow not a chunk/wowwd is woaded. 'chunk at 1, 1' uses chunk coowds, which awe wocation coowds divided by 16.",
+ "examples" : "if chunk at {home::%pwayew's uuid%} is woaded:\\nif chunk 1, 10 in wowwd \"wowwd\" is woaded:\\nif wowwd(\"wobby\") is woaded:"
"id" : "CondIsMember",
"name" : "Is Member/Owner of Region",
"patterns" : [
- "%offline players% (is|are) ([a] member|[(the|an)] owner) of [[the] region] %regions%",
-"%offline players% (is|are)(n't| not) ([a] member|[(the|an)] owner) of [[the] region] %regions%",
+ "%offwine pwayews% (is|awe) ([a] membew|[(the|an)] ownew) of [[the] wegion] %wegions%",
+"%offwine pwayews% (is|awe)(n't| not) ([a] membew|[(the|an)] ownew) of [[the] wegion] %wegions%",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player is a member or owner of a particular region.
-This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.",
- "examples" : "on region enter:\\n player is the owner of the region\\n message \"Welcome back to %region%!\"\\n send \"%player% just entered %region%!\" to all members of the region"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew is a membew ow ownew of a pawticuwaw wegion.
+dis condition wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.",
+ "examples" : "on wegion entew:\\n pwayew is the ownew of the wegion\\n message \"Wewcome back to %wegion%!\"\\n send \"%pwayew% just entewed %wegion%!\" to aww membews of the wegion"
"id" : "CondIsVectorNormalized",
"name" : "Is Normalized",
"patterns" : [
- "%vectors% (is|are) normalized",
-"%vectors% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) normalized",
+ "%vectows% (is|awe) nowmawized",
+"%vectows% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) nowmawized",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Checks whether a vector is normalized i.e. length of 1",
- "examples" : "vector of player's location is normalized"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a vectow is nowmawized i.e. wength of 1",
+ "examples" : "vectow of pwayew's wocation is nowmawized"
"id" : "CondIsOccluding",
"name" : "Is Occluding",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (is|are) occluding",
-"%item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) occluding",
+ "%item types% (is|awe) occwuding",
+"%item types% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) occwuding",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item is a block and completely blocks vision.",
- "examples" : "player's tool is occluding"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item is a bwock and compwetewy bwocks vision.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's toow is occwuding"
"id" : "CondIsOnline",
"name" : "Is Online",
"patterns" : [
- "%offline players% (is|are) (online|offline)",
-"%offline players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (online|offline)",
+ "%offwine pwayews% (is|awe) (onwine|offwine)",
+"%offwine pwayews% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) (onwine|offwine)",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player is online.",
- "examples" : "player is online\\nplayer-argument is offline"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew is onwine.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is onwine\\npwayew-awgument is offwine"
"id" : "CondIsOp",
"name" : "Is Operator",
"patterns" : [
- "%offline players% (is|are) [[a] server|an] op[erator][s]",
-"%offline players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) [[a] server|an] op[erator][s]",
+ "%offwine pwayews% (is|awe) [[a] sewvew|an] op[ewatow][s]",
+"%offwine pwayews% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) [[a] sewvew|an] op[ewatow][s]",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player is a server operator.",
- "examples" : "player is an operator"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew is a sewvew opewatow.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is an opewatow"
"id" : "CondIsPassable",
"name" : "Is Passable",
"patterns" : [
- "%blocks% (is|are) passable",
-"%blocks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) passable",
+ "%bwocks% (is|awe) passabwe",
+"%bwocks% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) passabwe",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Checks whether a block is passable.
-A block is passable if it has no colliding parts that would prevent players from moving through it.
-Blocks like tall grass, flowers, signs, etc. are passable, but open doors, fence gates, trap doors, etc. are not because they still have parts that can be collided with.",
- "examples" : "if player's targeted block is passable"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a bwock is passabwe.
+A bwock is passabwe if it has no cowwiding pawts dat wouwd pwevent pwayews fwom moving thwough it.
+Bwocks wike taww gwass, fwowews, signs, etc. awe passabwe, but open doows, fence gates, twap doows, etc. awe not because they stiww have pawts dat can be cowwided with.",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew's tawgeted bwock is passabwe"
"id" : "CondIsPluginEnabled",
"name" : "Is Plugin Enabled",
"patterns" : [
- "plugin[s] %texts% (is|are) enabled",
-"plugin[s] %texts% (is|are)(n't| not) enabled",
-"plugin[s] %texts% (is|are) disabled",
+ "pwugin[s] %texts% (is|awe) enabwed",
+"pwugin[s] %texts% (is|awe)(n't| not) enabwed",
+"pwugin[s] %texts% (is|awe) disabwed",
"since" : "2.6",
- "description" : "Check if a plugin is enabled/disabled on the server.
-Plugin names can be found in the plugin's 'plugin.yml' file or by using the '/plugins' command, they are NOT the name of the plugin's jar file.
-When checking if a plugin is not enabled, this will return true if the plugin is either disabled or not on the server.
-When checking if a plugin is disabled, this will return true if the plugin is on the server and is disabled.",
- "examples" : "if plugin \"Vault\" is enabled:\\nif plugin \"WorldGuard\" is not enabled:\\nif plugins \"Essentials\" and \"Vault\" are enabled:\\nif plugin \"MyBrokenPlugin\" is disabled:"
+ "description" : "Check if a pwugin is enabwed/disabwed on the sewvew.
+Pwugin names can be found in the pwugin's 'pwugin.ymw' fiwe ow by using the '/pwugins' command, they awe NOT the name of the pwugin's jaw fiwe.
+When checking if a pwugin is not enabwed, dis wiww wetuwn twue if the pwugin is eithew disabwed ow not on the sewvew.
+When checking if a pwugin is disabwed, dis wiww wetuwn twue if the pwugin is on the sewvew and is disabwed.",
+ "examples" : "if pwugin \"Vauwt\" is enabwed:\\nif pwugin \"WowwdGuawd\" is not enabwed:\\nif pwugins \"Essentiaws\" and \"Vauwt\" awe enabwed:\\nif pwugin \"MyBwokenPwugin\" is disabwed:"
"id" : "CondIsPoisoned",
"name" : "Is Poisoned",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) poisoned",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) poisoned",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) poisoned",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) poisoned",
"since" : "1.4.4",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity is poisoned.",
- "examples" : "player is poisoned:\\n cure the player from poison\\n message \"You have been cured!\""
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity is poisoned.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is poisoned:\\n cuwe the pwayew fwom poison\\n message \"You have been cuwed!\""
"id" : "CondIsPreferredTool",
"name" : "Is Preferred Tool",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (is|are) %blocks/block datas%'s preferred tool[s]",
-"%item types% (is|are) [the|a] preferred tool[s] (for|of) %blocks/block datas%",
-"%item types% (is|are)(n't| not) %blocks/block datas%'s preferred tool[s]",
-"%item types% (is|are)(n't| not) [the|a] preferred tool[s] (for|of) %blocks/block datas%",
+ "%item types% (is|awe) %bwocks/bwock datas%'s pwefewwed toow[s]",
+"%item types% (is|awe) [the|a] pwefewwed toow[s] (fow|of) %bwocks/bwock datas%",
+"%item types% (is|awe)(n't| not) %bwocks/bwock datas%'s pwefewwed toow[s]",
+"%item types% (is|awe)(n't| not) [the|a] pwefewwed toow[s] (fow|of) %bwocks/bwock datas%",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item is the preferred tool for a block. A preferred tool is one that will drop the block's item when used. For example, a wooden pickaxe is a preferred tool for grass and stone blocks, but not for iron ore.",
- "examples" : "on left click:\\n event-block is set\\n if player's tool is the preferred tool for event-block:\\n break event-block naturally using player's tool\\n else:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item is the pwefewwed toow fow a bwock. A pwefewwed toow is one dat wiww dwop the bwock's item when used. Fow exampwe, a wooden pickaxe is a pwefewwed toow fow gwass and stone bwocks, but not fow iwon owe.",
+ "examples" : "on weft cwick:\\n event-bwock is set\\n if pwayew's toow is the pwefewwed toow fow event-bwock:\\n bweak event-bwock natuwawwy using pwayew's toow\\n ewse:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "CondIsRiding",
"name" : "Is Riding",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% (is|are) riding [%entity types%]",
-"%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) riding [%entity types%]",
+ "%entities% (is|awe) widing [%entity types%]",
+"%entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) widing [%entity types%]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Tests whether an entity is riding another or is in a vehicle.",
- "examples" : "player is riding a saddled pig"
+ "description" : "Tests whethew an entity is widing anothew ow is in a vehicwe.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is widing a saddwed pig"
"id" : "CondIsRiptiding",
"name" : "Is Riptiding",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) riptiding",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) riptiding",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) wiptiding",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) wiptiding",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Checks to see if an entity is currently using the Riptide enchantment.",
- "examples" : "target entity is riptiding"
+ "description" : "Checks to see if an entity is cuwwentwy using the Riptide enchantment.",
+ "examples" : "tawget entity is wiptiding"
"id" : "CondScriptLoaded",
"name" : "Is Script Loaded",
"patterns" : [
- "script[s] [%texts%] (is|are) loaded",
-"script[s] [%texts%] (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) loaded",
+ "scwipt[s] [%texts%] (is|awe) woaded",
+"scwipt[s] [%texts%] (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) woaded",
"since" : "2.2-dev31",
- "description" : "Check if the current script, or another script, is currently loaded.",
- "examples" : "script is loaded\\nscript \"\" is loaded"
+ "description" : "Check if the cuwwent scwipt, ow anothew scwipt, is cuwwentwy woaded.",
+ "examples" : "scwipt is woaded\\nscwipt \"\" is woaded"
"id" : "CondIsSilent",
"name" : "Is Silent",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% (is|are) silent",
-"%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) silent",
+ "%entities% (is|awe) siwent",
+"%entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) siwent",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity is silent i.e. its sounds are disabled.",
- "examples" : "target entity is silent"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity is siwent i.e. its sounds awe disabwed.",
+ "examples" : "tawget entity is siwent"
"id" : "CondIsSleeping",
"name" : "Is Sleeping",
"patterns" : [
- "%players% (is|are) sleeping",
-"%players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sleeping",
+ "%pwayews% (is|awe) sweeping",
+"%pwayews% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) sweeping",
"since" : "1.4.4",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player is sleeping.",
- "examples" : "# cut your enemies' throats in their sleep >=)\\non attack:\\n attacker is holding a sword\\n victim is sleeping\\n increase the damage by 1000"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew is sweeping.",
+ "examples" : "# cut youw enemies' thwoats in theiw sweep >=)\\non attack:\\n attackew is howding a swowd\\n victim is sweeping\\n incwease the damage by 1000"
"id" : "CondIsSlimeChunk",
"name" : "Is Slime Chunk",
"patterns" : [
- "%chunk% (is|are) ([a] slime chunk|slime chunks|slimey)",
-"%chunk% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) ([a] slime chunk|slime chunks|slimey)",
+ "%chunk% (is|awe) ([a] swime chunk|swime chunks|swimey)",
+"%chunk% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) ([a] swime chunk|swime chunks|swimey)",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Tests whether a chunk is a so-called slime chunk.
-Slimes can generally spawn in the swamp biome and in slime chunks.
-For more info, see the Minecraft wiki.",
- "examples" : "command /slimey:\\n trigger:\\n if chunk at player is a slime chunk:\\n send \"Yeah, it is!\"\\n else:\\n send \"Nope, it isn't\""
+ "description" : "Tests whethew a chunk is a so-cawwed swime chunk.
+Swimes can genewawwy spawn in the swamp biome and in swime chunks.
+Fow mowe info, see the Minecwaft wiki.",
+ "examples" : "command /swimey:\\n twiggew:\\n if chunk at pwayew is a swime chunk:\\n send \"Yeah, it is!\"\\n ewse:\\n send \"Nope, it isn't\""
"id" : "CondIsSneaking",
"name" : "Is Sneaking",
"patterns" : [
- "%players% (is|are) sneaking",
-"%players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sneaking",
+ "%pwayews% (is|awe) sneaking",
+"%pwayews% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) sneaking",
"since" : "1.4.4",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player is sneaking.",
- "examples" : "# prevent mobs from seeing sneaking players if they are at least 4 meters apart\\non target:\\n target is sneaking\\n distance of target and the entity is bigger than 4\\n cancel the event"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew is sneaking.",
+ "examples" : "# pwevent mobs fwom seeing sneaking pwayews if they awe at weast 4 metews apawt\\non tawget:\\n tawget is sneaking\\n distance of tawget and the entity is biggew than 4\\n cancew the event"
"id" : "CondIsSolid",
"name" : "Is Solid",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (is|are) solid",
-"%item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) solid",
+ "%item types% (is|awe) sowid",
+"%item types% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) sowid",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item is solid.",
- "examples" : "grass block is solid\\nplayer's tool isn't solid"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item is sowid.",
+ "examples" : "gwass bwock is sowid\\npwayew's toow isn't sowid"
"id" : "CondIsSprinting",
"name" : "Is Sprinting",
"patterns" : [
- "%players% (is|are) sprinting",
-"%players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sprinting",
+ "%pwayews% (is|awe) spwinting",
+"%pwayews% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) spwinting",
"since" : "1.4.4",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player is sprinting.",
- "examples" : "player is not sprinting"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew is spwinting.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is not spwinting"
"id" : "CondIsStackable",
"name" : "Is Stackable",
"patterns" : [
- "%item stacks% (is|are) stackable",
-"%item stacks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) stackable",
+ "%item stacks% (is|awe) stackabwe",
+"%item stacks% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) stackabwe",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item is stackable.",
- "examples" : "diamond axe is stackable\\nbirch wood is stackable\\ntorch is stackable"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item is stackabwe.",
+ "examples" : "diamond axe is stackabwe\\nbiwch wood is stackabwe\\ntowch is stackabwe"
"id" : "CondIsSwimming",
"name" : "Is Swimming",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) swimming",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) swimming",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) swimming",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) swimming",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Checks whether a living entity is swimming.",
- "examples" : "player is swimming"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a wiving entity is swimming.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is swimming"
"id" : "CondIsTameable",
"name" : "Is Tameable",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) tameable",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) tameable",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) tameabwe",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) tameabwe",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Check if an entity is tameable.",
- "examples" : "on damage:\\n if victim is tameable:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Check if an entity is tameabwe.",
+ "examples" : "on damage:\\n if victim is tameabwe:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "CondIsTransparent",
"name" : "Is Transparent",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (is|are) transparent",
-"%item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) transparent",
+ "%item types% (is|awe) twanspawent",
+"%item types% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) twanspawent",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item is transparent. Note that this condition may not work for all blocks, due to the transparency list used by Spigot not being completely accurate.",
- "examples" : "player's tool is transparent."
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item is twanspawent. Note dat dis condition may not wowk fow aww bwocks, due to the twanspawency wist used by Spigot not being compwetewy accuwate.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's toow is twanspawent."
"id" : "CondIsUnbreakable",
"name" : "Is Unbreakable",
"patterns" : [
- "%item types% (is|are) unbreakable",
-"%item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) unbreakable",
+ "%item types% (is|awe) unbweakabwe",
+"%item types% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) unbweakabwe",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item is unbreakable.",
- "examples" : "if event-item is unbreakable"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item is unbweakabwe.",
+ "examples" : "if event-item is unbweakabwe"
"id" : "CondIsValid",
"name" : "Is Valid",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% (is|are) valid",
-"%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) valid",
+ "%entities% (is|awe) vawid",
+"%entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) vawid",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity has died or been despawned for some other reason.",
- "examples" : "if event-entity is valid"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity has died ow been despawned fow some othew weason.",
+ "examples" : "if event-entity is vawid"
"id" : "CondIsWearing",
"name" : "Is Wearing",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) wearing %item types%",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) wearing %item types%",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) weawing %item types%",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) weawing %item types%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Checks whether a player is wearing some armour.",
- "examples" : "player is wearing an iron chestplate and iron leggings\\nplayer is wearing all diamond armour"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a pwayew is weawing some awmouw.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is weawing an iwon chestpwate and iwon weggings\\npwayew is weawing aww diamond awmouw"
"id" : "CondIsWhitelisted",
"name" : "Is Whitelisted",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] server (is|is(n't| not)) white[ ]listed",
-"%players% (is|are)[(n't| not)] white[ ]listed",
+ "[the] sewvew (is|is(n't| not)) white[ ]wisted",
+"%pwayews% (is|awe)[(n't| not)] white[ ]wisted",
"since" : "2.5.2",
- "description" : "Whether or not the server or a player is whitelisted.",
- "examples" : "if server is whitelisted:\\nif player is whitelisted"
+ "description" : "Whethew ow not the sewvew ow a pwayew is whitewisted.",
+ "examples" : "if sewvew is whitewisted:\\nif pwayew is whitewisted"
"id" : "CondIsWithin",
"name" : "Is Within",
"patterns" : [
- "%locations% (is|are) within %location% and %location%",
-"%locations% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) within %location% and %location%",
-"%locations% (is|are) (within|in[side [of]]) %entity/chunk/world/block%",
-"%locations% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (within|in[side [of]]) %entity/chunk/world/block%",
+ "%wocations% (is|awe) within %wocation% and %wocation%",
+"%wocations% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) within %wocation% and %wocation%",
+"%wocations% (is|awe) (within|in[side [of]]) %entity/chunk/wowwd/bwock%",
+"%wocations% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) (within|in[side [of]]) %entity/chunk/wowwd/bwock%",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Whether a location is within something else. The \"something\" can be a block, an entity, a chunk, a world, or a cuboid formed by two other locations.
-Note that using the is between condition will refer to a straight line between locations, while this condition will refer to the cuboid between locations.",
- "examples" : "if player's location is within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:\\n send \"You are in a PvP zone!\" to player\\n\\nif player is in world(\"world\"):\\n send \"You are in the overworld!\" to player\\n\\nif attacker's location is inside of victim:\\n cancel event\\n send \"Back up!\" to attacker and victim"
+ "description" : "Whethew a wocation is within something ewse. The \"something\" can be a bwock, an entity, a chunk, a wowwd, ow a cuboid fowmed by two othew wocations.
+Note dat using the is between condition wiww wefew to a stwaight wine between wocations, whiwe dis condition wiww wefew to the cuboid between wocations.",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew's wocation is within {_woc1} and {_woc2}:\\n send \"You awe in a PvP zone!\" to pwayew\\n\\nif pwayew is in wowwd(\"wowwd\"):\\n send \"You awe in the ovewwowwd!\" to pwayew\\n\\nif attackew's wocation is inside of victim:\\n cancew event\\n send \"Back up!\" to attackew and victim"
"id" : "CondWithinRadius",
"name" : "Is Within Radius",
"patterns" : [
- "%locations% (is|are) within %number% (block|metre|meter)[s] (around|of) %locations%",
-"%locations% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) within %number% (block|metre|meter)[s] (around|of) %locations%",
+ "%wocations% (is|awe) within %numbew% (bwock|metwe|metew)[s] (awound|of) %wocations%",
+"%wocations% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) within %numbew% (bwock|metwe|metew)[s] (awound|of) %wocations%",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Checks whether a location is within a certain radius of another location.",
- "examples" : "on damage:\\n if attacker's location is within 10 blocks around {_spawn}:\\n cancel event\\n send \"You can't PVP in spawn.\""
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a wocation is within a cewtain wadius of anothew wocation.",
+ "examples" : "on damage:\\n if attackew's wocation is within 10 bwocks awound {_spawn}:\\n cancew event\\n send \"You can't PVP in spawn.\""
"id" : "CondIsSkriptCommand",
"name" : "Is a Skript command",
"patterns" : [
- "%text% (is|are) [a] s(k|c)ript (command|cmd)",
-"%text% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) [a] s(k|c)ript (command|cmd)",
+ "%text% (is|awe) [a] s(k|c)wipt (command|cmd)",
+"%text% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) [a] s(k|c)wipt (command|cmd)",
"since" : "2.6",
- "description" : "Checks whether a command/string is a custom Skript command.",
- "examples" : "# Example 1\\non command:\\n command is a skript command\\n\\n# Example 2\\n\"sometext\" is a skript command"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a command/stwing is a custom Skwipt command.",
+ "examples" : "# Exampwe 1\\non command:\\n command is a skwipt command\\n\\n# Exampwe 2\\n\"sometext\" is a skwipt command"
"id" : "CondIsOfType",
"name" : "Is of Type",
"patterns" : [
- "%item stacks/entities% (is|are) of type[s] %entity types/entity types%",
-"%item stacks/entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) of type[s] %entity types/entity types%",
+ "%item stacks/entities% (is|awe) of type[s] %entity types/entity types%",
+"%item stacks/entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) of type[s] %entity types/entity types%",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "Checks whether an item of an entity is of the given type. This is mostly useful for variables, as you can use the general 'is' condition otherwise (e.g. 'victim is a creeper').",
- "examples" : "tool is of type {selected type}\\nvictim is of type {villager type}"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an item of an entity is of the given type. dis is mostwy usefuw fow vawiabwes, as you can use the genewaw 'is' condition othewwise (e.g. 'victim is a cweepew').",
+ "examples" : "toow is of type {sewected type}\\nvictim is of type {viwwagew type}"
"id" : "CondIsOnGround",
"name" : "Is on Ground",
"patterns" : [
- "%entities% (is|are) on [the] ground",
-"%entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) on [the] ground",
+ "%entities% (is|awe) on [the] gwound",
+"%entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) on [the] gwound",
"since" : "2.2-dev26",
- "description" : "Checks whether an entity is on ground.",
- "examples" : "player is not on ground"
+ "description" : "Checks whethew an entity is on gwound.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is not on gwound"
"id" : "CondIsLeftHanded",
"name" : "Left Handed",
"patterns" : [
- "%living entities% (is|are) (left|right)( |-)handed",
-"%living entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (left|right)( |-)handed",
+ "%wiving entities% (is|awe) (weft|wight)( |-)handed",
+"%wiving entities% (isn't|is not|awen't|awe not) (weft|wight)( |-)handed",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Checks if living entities or players are left or right-handed. Armor stands are neither right nor left-handed.
-Paper 1.17.1+ is required for non-player entities.",
- "examples" : "on damage of player:\\n if victim is left handed:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Checks if wiving entities ow pwayews awe weft ow wight-handed. Awmow stands awe neithew wight now weft-handed.
+Papew 1.17.1+ is wequiwed fow non-pwayew entities.",
+ "examples" : "on damage of pwayew:\\n if victim is weft handed:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "CondMatches",
"name" : "Matches",
"patterns" : [
- "%texts% (match[es]|do[es](n't| not) match) %texts%",
-"%texts% (partially match[es]|do[es](n't| not) partially match) %texts%",
+ "%texts% (match[es]|do[es](n't| not) match) %texts%",
+"%texts% (pawtiawwy match[es]|do[es](n't| not) pawtiawwy match) %texts%",
"since" : "2.5.2",
- "description" : "Checks whether the defined strings match the input regexes (Regular expressions).",
- "examples" : "on chat:\\n if message partially matches \"\\d\":\\n send \"Message contains a digit!\"\\n if message doesn't match \"[A-Za-z]+\":\\n send \"Message doesn't only contain letters!\""
+ "description" : "Checks whethew the defined stwings match the input wegexes (Reguwaw expwessions).",
+ "examples" : "on chat:\\n if message pawtiawwy matches \"\\d\":\\n send \"Message contains a digit!\"\\n if message doesn't match \"[A-Za-z]+\":\\n send \"Message doesn't onwy contain wettews!\""
"id" : "CondPvP",
"name" : "PvP",
"patterns" : [
- "(is PvP|PvP is) enabled [in %worlds%]",
-"(is PvP|PvP is) disabled [in %worlds%]",
+ "(is PvP|PvP is) enabwed [in %wowwds%]",
+"(is PvP|PvP is) disabwed [in %wowwds%]",
"since" : "1.3.4",
- "description" : "Checks the PvP state of a world.",
- "examples" : "PvP is enabled\\nPvP is disabled in \"world\""
+ "description" : "Checks the PvP state of a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "PvP is enabwed\\nPvP is disabwed in \"wowwd\""
"id" : "CondRegionContains",
"name" : "Region Contains",
"patterns" : [
- "[[the] region] %regions% contain[s] %directions% %locations%",
-"%locations% (is|are) ([contained] in|part of) [[the] region] %regions%",
-"[[the] region] %regions% (do|does)(n't| not) contain %directions% %locations%",
-"%locations% (is|are)(n't| not) (contained in|part of) [[the] region] %regions%",
+ "[[the] wegion] %wegions% contain[s] %diwections% %wocations%",
+"%wocations% (is|awe) ([contained] in|pawt of) [[the] wegion] %wegions%",
+"[[the] wegion] %wegions% (do|does)(n't| not) contain %diwections% %wocations%",
+"%wocations% (is|awe)(n't| not) (contained in|pawt of) [[the] wegion] %wegions%",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "Checks whether a location is contained in a particular region.
-This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.",
- "examples" : "player is in the region {regions::3}\\n\\non region enter:\\n region contains {}\\n message \"The red flag is near!\""
+ "description" : "Checks whethew a wocation is contained in a pawticuwaw wegion.
+dis condition wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew is in the wegion {wegions::3}\\n\\non wegion entew:\\n wegion contains {}\\n message \"The wed fwag is neaw!\""
"id" : "CondResourcePack",
"name" : "Resource Pack",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] resource pack (was|is|has) [been] %resource pack state%",
-"[the] resource pack (was|is|has)(n't| not) [been] %resource pack state%",
+ "[the] wesouwce pack (was|is|has) [been] %wesouwce pack state%",
+"[the] wesouwce pack (was|is|has)(n't| not) [been] %wesouwce pack state%",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Checks state of the resource pack in a resource pack request response event.",
- "examples" : "on resource pack response:\\n if the resource pack wasn't accepted:\\n kick the player due to \"You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!\""
+ "description" : "Checks state of the wesouwce pack in a wesouwce pack wequest wesponse event.",
+ "examples" : "on wesouwce pack wesponse:\\n if the wesouwce pack wasn't accepted:\\n kick the pwayew due to \"You have to instaww the wesouwce pack to pway in dis sewvew!\""
"id" : "CondMinecraftVersion",
"name" : "Running Minecraft",
"patterns" : [
- "running [below] minecraft %text%",
+ "wunning [bewow] minecwaft %text%",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Checks if current Minecraft version is given version or newer.",
- "examples" : "running minecraft \"1.14\""
+ "description" : "Checks if cuwwent Minecwaft vewsion is given vewsion ow newew.",
+ "examples" : "wunning minecwaft \"1.14\""
"id" : "CondStartsEndsWith",
"name" : "Starts/Ends With",
"patterns" : [
- "%texts% (start|end)[s] with %texts%",
-"%texts% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) (start|end) with %texts%",
+ "%texts% (stawt|end)[s] with %texts%",
+"%texts% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) (stawt|end) with %texts%",
"since" : "2.2-dev36, 2.5.1 (multiple strings support)",
- "description" : "Checks if a text starts or ends with another.",
- "examples" : "if the argument starts with \"test\" or \"debug\":\\n send \"Stop!\""
+ "description" : "Checks if a text stawts ow ends with anothew.",
+ "examples" : "if the awgument stawts with \"test\" ow \"debug\":\\n send \"Stop!\""
"id" : "CondDate",
"name" : "Time",
"patterns" : [
- "%date% (was|were)( more|(n't| not) less) than %time span% [ago]",
-"%date% (was|were)((n't| not) more| less) than %time span% [ago]",
+ "%date% (was|wewe)( mowe|(n't| not) wess) than %time span% [ago]",
+"%date% (was|wewe)((n't| not) mowe| wess) than %time span% [ago]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Tests whether a given real time was more or less than some time span ago.",
- "examples" : "command /command-with-cooldown:\\n trigger:\\n {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} was less than a minute ago:\\n message \"Please wait a minute between uses of this command.\"\\n stop\\n set {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} to now\\n # ... actual command trigger here ..."
+ "description" : "Tests whethew a given weaw time was mowe ow wess than some time span ago.",
+ "examples" : "command /command-with-coowdown:\\n twiggew:\\n {command::%pwayew's uuid%::wast-usage} was wess than a minute ago:\\n message \"Pwease wait a minute between uses of dis command.\"\\n stop\\n set {command::%pwayew's uuid%::wast-usage} to now\\n # ... actuaw command twiggew hewe ..."
{"end" : true}
@@ -2128,214 +2128,214 @@ This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.",
"id" : "EffActionBar",
"name" : "Action Bar",
"patterns" : [
- "send [the] action[ ]bar [with text] %text% [to %players%]",
+ "send [the] action[ ]baw [with text] %text% [to %pwayews%]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Sends an action bar message to the given player(s).",
- "examples" : "send action bar \"Hello player!\" to player"
+ "description" : "Sends an action baw message to the given pwayew(s).",
+ "examples" : "send action baw \"Hewwo pwayew!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "EffApplyBoneMeal",
"name" : "Apply Bone Meal",
"patterns" : [
- "apply [%number%] bone[ ]meal[s] [to %blocks%]",
+ "appwy [%numbew%] bone[ ]meaw[s] [to %bwocks%]",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Applies bone meal to a crop, sapling, or composter",
- "examples" : "apply 3 bone meal to event-block"
+ "description" : "Appwies bone meaw to a cwop, sapwing, ow compostew",
+ "examples" : "appwy 3 bone meaw to event-bwock"
"id" : "EffBan",
"name" : "Ban",
"patterns" : [
- "ban %texts/offline players% [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%] [for %time span%]",
-"unban %texts/offline players%",
-"ban %players% by IP [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%] [for %time span%]",
-"unban %players% by IP",
-"IP(-| )ban %players% [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%] [for %time span%]",
-"(IP(-| )unban|un[-]IP[-]ban) %players%",
+ "ban %texts/offwine pwayews% [(by weason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%] [fow %time span%]",
+"unban %texts/offwine pwayews%",
+"ban %pwayews% by IP [(by weason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%] [fow %time span%]",
+"unban %pwayews% by IP",
+"IP(-| )ban %pwayews% [(by weason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%] [fow %time span%]",
+"(IP(-| )unban|un[-]IP[-]ban) %pwayews%",
"since" : "1.4, 2.1.1 (ban reason), 2.5 (timespan)",
- "description" : "Bans or unbans a player or an IP address.
-If a reason is given, it will be shown to the player when they try to join the server while banned.
-A length of ban may also be given to apply a temporary ban. If it is absent for any reason, a permanent ban will be used instead.
-We recommend that you test your scripts so that no accidental permanent bans are applied.
+ "description" : "Bans ow unbans a pwayew ow an IP addwess.
+If a weason is given, it wiww be shown to the pwayew when they twy to join the sewvew whiwe banned.
+A wength of ban may awso be given to appwy a tempowawy ban. If it is absent fow any weason, a pewmanent ban wiww be used instead.
+We wecommend dat you test youw scwipts so dat no accidentaw pewmanent bans awe appwied.
-Note that banning people does not kick them from the server.
-Consider using the kick effect after applying a ban.",
- "examples" : "unban player\\nban \"\"\\nIP-ban the player because \"he is an idiot\"\\nban player due to \"inappropriate language\" for 2 days"
+Note dat banning peopwe does not kick them fwom the sewvew.
+Considew using the kick effect aftew appwying a ban.",
+ "examples" : "unban pwayew\\nban \"\"\\nIP-ban the pwayew because \"he is an idiot\"\\nban pwayew due to \"inappwopwiate wanguage\" fow 2 days"
"id" : "EffBreakNaturally",
"name" : "Break Block",
"patterns" : [
- "break %blocks% [naturally] [using %item type%]",
+ "bweak %bwocks% [natuwawwy] [using %item type%]",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Breaks the block and spawns items as if a player had mined it
+ "description" : "Bweaks the bwock and spawns items as if a pwayew had mined it
-You can add a tool, which will spawn items based on how that tool would break the block
-(ie: When using a hand to break stone, it drops nothing, whereas with a pickaxe it drops cobblestone)",
- "examples" : "on right click:\\n break clicked block naturally\\nloop blocks in radius 10 around player:\\n break loop-block using player's tool\\nloop blocks in radius 10 around player:\\n break loop-block naturally using diamond pickaxe"
+You can add a toow, which wiww spawn items based on how dat toow wouwd bweak the bwock
+(ie: When using a hand to bweak stone, it dwops nothing, wheweas with a pickaxe it dwops cobbwestone)",
+ "examples" : "on wight cwick:\\n bweak cwicked bwock natuwawwy\\nwoop bwocks in wadius 10 awound pwayew:\\n bweak woop-bwock using pwayew's toow\\nwoop bwocks in wadius 10 awound pwayew:\\n bweak woop-bwock natuwawwy using diamond pickaxe"
"id" : "EffBroadcast",
"name" : "Broadcast",
"patterns" : [
- "broadcast %objects% [(to|in) %worlds%]",
+ "bwoadcast %objects% [(to|in) %wowwds%]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.6 (broadcasting objects), 2.6.1 (using advanced formatting)",
- "description" : "Broadcasts a message to the server.",
- "examples" : "broadcast \"Welcome %player% to the server!\"\\nbroadcast \"Woah! It's a message!\""
+ "description" : "Bwoadcasts a message to the sewvew.",
+ "examples" : "bwoadcast \"Wewcome %pwayew% to the sewvew!\"\\nbwoadcast \"Woah! It's a message!\""
"id" : "EffCancelItemUse",
"name" : "Cancel Active Item",
"patterns" : [
- "(cancel|interrupt) [the] us[ag]e of %living entities%'[s] [active|current] item",
+ "(cancew|intewwupt) [the] us[ag]e of %wiving entities%'[s] [active|cuwwent] item",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Interrupts the action entities may be trying to complete.
-For example, interrupting eating, or drawing back a bow.",
- "examples" : "on damage of player:\\n if the victim's active tool is a bow:\\n interrupt the usage of the player's active item"
+ "description" : "Intewwupts the action entities may be twying to compwete.
+Fow exampwe, intewwupting eating, ow dwawing back a bow.",
+ "examples" : "on damage of pwayew:\\n if the victim's active toow is a bow:\\n intewwupt the usage of the pwayew's active item"
"id" : "EffCancelCooldown",
"name" : "Cancel Command Cooldown",
"patterns" : [
- "(cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown",
-"un(cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown",
+ "(cancew|ignowe) [the] [cuwwent] [command] coowdown",
+"un(cancew|ignowe) [the] [cuwwent] [command] coowdown",
"since" : "2.2-dev34",
- "description" : "Only usable in commands. Makes it so the current command usage isn't counted towards the cooldown.",
- "examples" : "command /nick <text>:\\n executable by: players\\n cooldown: 10 seconds\\n trigger:\\n if length of arg-1 is more than 16:\\n # Makes it so that invalid arguments don't make you wait for the cooldown again\\n cancel the cooldown\\n send \"Your nickname may be at most 16 characters.\"\\n stop\\n set the player's display name to arg-1"
+ "description" : "Onwy usabwe in commands. Makes it so the cuwwent command usage isn't counted towawds the coowdown.",
+ "examples" : "command /nick &wt;text>:\\n executabwe by: pwayews\\n coowdown: 10 seconds\\n twiggew:\\n if wength of awg-1 is mowe than 16:\\n # Makes it so dat invawid awguments don't make you wait fow the coowdown again\\n cancew the coowdown\\n send \"Youw nickname may be at most 16 chawactews.\"\\n stop\\n set the pwayew's dispway name to awg-1"
"id" : "EffCancelDrops",
"name" : "Cancel Drops",
"patterns" : [
- "(cancel|clear|delete) [the] drops [of (items|[e]xp[erience][s])]",
-"(cancel|clear|delete) [the] (item|[e]xp[erience]) drops",
+ "(cancew|cweaw|dewete) [the] dwops [of (items|[e]xp[ewience][s])]",
+"(cancew|cweaw|dewete) [the] (item|[e]xp[ewience]) dwops",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Cancels drops of items or experiences in a death or block break event. Please note that this doesn't keep items or experiences of a dead player. If you want to do that, use the Keep Inventory / Experience effect.",
- "examples" : "on death of a zombie:\\n if name of the entity is \"&cSpecial\":\\n cancel drops of items\\n\\non break of a coal ore:\\n cancel the experience drops"
+ "description" : "Cancews dwops of items ow expewiences in a death ow bwock bweak event. Pwease note dat dis doesn't keep items ow expewiences of a dead pwayew. If you want to do dat, use the Keep Inventowy / Expewience effect.",
+ "examples" : "on death of a zombie:\\n if name of the entity is \"&cSpeciaw\":\\n cancew dwops of items\\n\\non bweak of a coaw owe:\\n cancew the expewience dwops"
"id" : "EffCancelEvent",
"name" : "Cancel Event",
"patterns" : [
- "cancel [the] event",
-"uncancel [the] event",
+ "cancew [the] event",
+"uncancew [the] event",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Cancels the event (e.g. prevent blocks from being placed, or damage being taken).",
- "examples" : "on damage:\\n victim is a player\\n victim has the permission \"skript.god\"\\n cancel the event"
+ "description" : "Cancews the event (e.g. pwevent bwocks fwom being pwaced, ow damage being taken).",
+ "examples" : "on damage:\\n victim is a pwayew\\n victim has the pewmission \"skwipt.god\"\\n cancew the event"
"id" : "EffChange",
"name" : "Change: Set/Add/Remove/Delete/Reset",
"patterns" : [
"(add|give) %objects% to %~objects%",
-"increase %~objects% by %objects%",
+"incwease %~objects% by %objects%",
"give %~objects% %objects%",
"set %~objects% to %objects%",
-"remove (all|every) %objects% from %~objects%",
-"(remove|subtract) %objects% from %~objects%",
-"(reduce|decrease) %~objects% by %objects%",
-"(delete|clear) %~objects%",
-"reset %~objects%",
+"wemove (aww|evewy) %objects% fwom %~objects%",
+"(wemove|subtwact) %objects% fwom %~objects%",
+"(weduce|decwease) %~objects% by %objects%",
+"(dewete|cweaw) %~objects%",
+"weset %~objects%",
"since" : "1.0 (set, add, remove, delete), 2.0 (remove all)",
- "description" : "A very general effect that can change many expressions. Many expressions can only be set and/or deleted, while some can have things added to or removed from them.",
- "examples" : "# set:\\nSet the player's display name to \"<red>%name of player%\"\\nset the block above the victim to lava\\n# add:\\nadd 2 to the player's health # preferably use '<a href='#EffHealth'>heal</a>' for this\\nadd argument to {blacklist::*}\\ngive a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the player\\nincrease the data value of the clicked block by 1\\n# remove:\\nremove 2 pickaxes from the victim\\nsubtract 2.5 from {points::%uuid of player%}\\n# remove all:\\nremove every iron tool from the player\\nremove all minecarts from {entitylist::*}\\n# delete:\\ndelete the block below the player\\nclear drops\\ndelete {variable}\\n# reset:\\nreset walk speed of player\\nreset chunk at the targeted block"
+ "description" : "A vewy genewaw effect dat can change many expwessions. Many expwessions can onwy be set and/ow deweted, whiwe some can have things added to ow wemoved fwom them.",
+ "examples" : "# set:\\nSet the pwayew's dispway name to \"&wt;wed>%name of pwayew%\"\\nset the bwock above the victim to wava\\n# add:\\nadd 2 to the pwayew's heawth # pwefewabwy use '&wt;a hwef='#EffHeawth'>heaw&wt;/a>' fow dis\\nadd awgument to {bwackwist::*}\\ngive a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the pwayew\\nincwease the data vawue of the cwicked bwock by 1\\n# wemove:\\nwemove 2 pickaxes fwom the victim\\nsubtwact 2.5 fwom {points::%uuid of pwayew%}\\n# wemove aww:\\nwemove evewy iwon toow fwom the pwayew\\nwemove aww minecawts fwom {entitywist::*}\\n# dewete:\\ndewete the bwock bewow the pwayew\\ncweaw dwops\\ndewete {vawiabwe}\\n# weset:\\nweset wawk speed of pwayew\\nweset chunk at the tawgeted bwock"
"id" : "EffChargeCreeper",
"name" : "Charge Creeper",
"patterns" : [
- "make %living entities% [a[n]] (charged|powered|((un|non[-])charged|(un|non[-])powered)) [creeper[s]]",
-"(charge|power|(uncharge|unpower)) %living entities%",
+ "make %wiving entities% [a[n]] (chawged|powewed|((un|non[-])chawged|(un|non[-])powewed)) [cweepew[s]]",
+"(chawge|powew|(unchawge|unpowew)) %wiving entities%",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Charges or uncharges a creeper. A creeper is charged when it has been struck by lightning.",
- "examples" : "on spawn of creeper:\\n charge the event-entity"
+ "description" : "Chawges ow unchawges a cweepew. A cweepew is chawged when it has been stwuck by wightning.",
+ "examples" : "on spawn of cweepew:\\n chawge the event-entity"
"id" : "EffColorItems",
"name" : "Color Items",
"patterns" : [
- "(dye|colo[u]r|paint) %item types% %color%",
-"(dye|colo[u]r|paint) %item types% \\(%number%, %number%, %number%\\)",
+ "(dye|cowo[u]w|paint) %item types% %cowow%",
+"(dye|cowo[u]w|paint) %item types% \\(%numbew%, %numbew%, %numbew%\\)",
"since" : "2.0, 2.2-dev26 (maps and potions)",
- "description" : "Colors items in a given color. You can also use RGB codes if you feel limited with the 16 default colors. RGB codes are three numbers from 0 to 255 in the order (red, green, blue), where (0,0,0) is black and (255,255,255) is white. Armor is colorable for all Minecraft versions. With Minecraft 1.11 or newer you can also color potions and maps. Note that the colors might not look exactly how you'd expect.",
- "examples" : "dye player's helmet blue\\ncolor the player's tool red"
+ "description" : "Cowows items in a given cowow. You can awso use RGB codes if you feew wimited with the 16 defauwt cowows. RGB codes awe thwee numbews fwom 0 to 255 in the owdew (wed, gween, bwue), whewe (0,0,0) is bwack and (255,255,255) is white. Awmow is cowowabwe fow aww Minecwaft vewsions. With Minecwaft 1.11 ow newew you can awso cowow potions and maps. Note dat the cowows might not wook exactwy how you'd expect.",
+ "examples" : "dye pwayew's hewmet bwue\\ncowow the pwayew's toow wed"
"id" : "EffCommand",
"name" : "Command",
"patterns" : [
- "[execute] [the] [bungee[cord]] command[s] %texts% [by %command senders%]",
-"[execute] [the] %command senders% [bungee[cord]] command[s] %texts%",
-"(let|make) %command senders% execute [[the] [bungee[cord]] command[s]] %texts%",
+ "[execute] [the] [bungee[cowd]] command[s] %texts% [by %command sendews%]",
+"[execute] [the] %command sendews% [bungee[cowd]] command[s] %texts%",
+"(wet|make) %command sendews% execute [[the] [bungee[cowd]] command[s]] %texts%",
"since" : "1.0, 2.8.0 (bungeecord command)",
- "description" : "Executes a command. This can be useful to use other plugins in triggers.
-If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option to execute command on the proxy.",
- "examples" : "make player execute command \"/home\"\\nexecute console command \"/say Hello everyone!\"\\nexecute player bungeecord command \"/alert &6Testing Announcement!\""
+ "description" : "Executes a command. dis can be usefuw to use othew pwugins in twiggews.
+If the command is a bungeecowd side command, you can use the [bungeecowd] option to execute command on the pwoxy.",
+ "examples" : "make pwayew execute command \"/home\"\\nexecute consowe command \"/say Hewwo evewyone!\"\\nexecute pwayew bungeecowd command \"/awewt &6Testing Announcement!\""
"id" : "EffConnect",
"name" : "Connect",
"patterns" : [
- "connect %players% to [server] %text%",
-"send %players% to server %text%",
+ "connect %pwayews% to [sewvew] %text%",
+"send %pwayews% to sewvew %text%",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Connects a player to another bungeecord server",
- "examples" : "connect all players to \"hub\""
+ "description" : "Connects a pwayew to anothew bungeecowd sewvew",
+ "examples" : "connect aww pwayews to \"hub\""
"id" : "EffContinue",
"name" : "Continue",
"patterns" : [
- "continue [this loop|[the] [current] loop]",
-"continue [the] %*integer%(st|nd|rd|th) loop",
+ "continue [dis woop|[the] [cuwwent] woop]",
+"continue [the] %*integew%(st|nd|wd|th) woop",
"since" : "2.2-dev37, 2.7 (while loops), 2.8.0 (outer loops)",
- "description" : "Moves the loop to the next iteration. You may also continue an outer loop from an inner one. The loops are labelled from 1 until the current loop, starting with the outermost one.",
- "examples" : "# Broadcast online moderators\\nloop all players:\\n if loop-value does not have permission \"moderator\":\\n continue # filter out non moderators\\n broadcast \"%loop-player% is a moderator!\" # Only moderators get broadcast\\n \\n# Game starting counter\\nset {_counter} to 11\\nwhile {_counter} > 0:\\n remove 1 from {_counter}\\n wait a second\\n if {_counter} != 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10:\\n continue # only print when counter is 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10\\n broadcast \"Game starting in %{_counter}% second(s)\""
+ "description" : "Moves the woop to the next itewation. You may awso continue an outew woop fwom an innew one. The woops awe wabewwed fwom 1 untiw the cuwwent woop, stawting with the outewmost one.",
+ "examples" : "# Bwoadcast onwine modewatows\\nwoop aww pwayews:\\n if woop-vawue does not have pewmission \"modewatow\":\\n continue # fiwtew out non modewatows\\n bwoadcast \"%woop-pwayew% is a modewatow!\" # Onwy modewatows get bwoadcast\\n \\n# Game stawting countew\\nset {_countew} to 11\\nwhiwe {_countew} > 0:\\n wemove 1 fwom {_countew}\\n wait a second\\n if {_countew} != 1, 2, 3, 5 ow 10:\\n continue # onwy pwint when countew is 1, 2, 3, 5 ow 10\\n bwoadcast \"Game stawting in %{_countew}% second(s)\""
"id" : "EffCopy",
@@ -2346,71 +2346,71 @@ If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Copies objects into a variable. When copying a list over to another list, the source list and its sublists are also copied over.
-Note: Copying a value into a variable/list will overwrite the existing data.",
- "examples" : "set {_foo::bar} to 1\\nset {_foo::sublist::foobar} to \"hey\"\\ncopy {_foo::*} to {_copy::*}\\nbroadcast indices of {_copy::*} # bar, sublist\\nbroadcast {_copy::bar} # 1\\nbroadcast {_copy::sublist::foobar} # \"hey!\""
+ "description" : "Copies objects into a vawiabwe. When copying a wist ovew to anothew wist, the souwce wist and its subwists awe awso copied ovew.
+Note: Copying a vawue into a vawiabwe/wist wiww ovewwwite the existing data.",
+ "examples" : "set {_foo::baw} to 1\\nset {_foo::subwist::foobaw} to \"hey\"\\ncopy {_foo::*} to {_copy::*}\\nbwoadcast indices of {_copy::*} # baw, subwist\\nbwoadcast {_copy::baw} # 1\\nbwoadcast {_copy::subwist::foobaw} # \"hey!\""
"id" : "EffHealth",
"name" : "Damage/Heal/Repair",
"patterns" : [
- "damage %living entities/item types% by %number% [heart[s]] [with fake cause %damage cause%]",
-"heal %living entities% [by %number% [heart[s]]]",
-"repair %item types% [by %number%]",
+ "damage %wiving entities/item types% by %numbew% [heawt[s]] [with fake cause %damage cause%]",
+"heaw %wiving entities% [by %numbew% [heawt[s]]]",
+"wepaiw %item types% [by %numbew%]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Damage/Heal/Repair an entity, or item.",
- "examples" : "damage player by 5 hearts\\nheal the player\\nrepair tool of player"
+ "description" : "Damage/Heaw/Repaiw an entity, ow item.",
+ "examples" : "damage pwayew by 5 heawts\\nheaw the pwayew\\nwepaiw toow of pwayew"
"id" : "Delay",
"name" : "Delay",
"patterns" : [
- "(wait|halt) [for] %time span%",
+ "(wait|hawt) [fow] %time span%",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "Delays the script's execution by a given timespan. Please note that delays are not persistent, e.g. trying to create a tempban script with ban player → wait 7 days → unban player will not work if you restart your server anytime within these 7 days. You also have to be careful even when using small delays!",
- "examples" : "wait 2 minutes\\nhalt for 5 minecraft hours\\nwait a tick"
+ "description" : "Deways the scwipt's execution by a given timespan. Pwease note dat deways awe not pewsistent, e.g. twying to cweate a tempban scwipt with ban pwayew → wait 7 days → unban pwayew wiww not wowk if you westawt youw sewvew anytime within these 7 days. You awso have to be cawefuw even when using smaww deways!",
+ "examples" : "wait 2 minutes\\nhawt fow 5 minecwaft houws\\nwait a tick"
"id" : "EffDoIf",
"name" : "Do If",
"patterns" : [
- "<.+> if <.+>",
+ "&wt;.+> if &wt;.+>",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Execute an effect if a condition is true.",
- "examples" : "on join:\\n give a diamond to the player if the player has permission \"\""
+ "description" : "Execute an effect if a condition is twue.",
+ "examples" : "on join:\\n give a diamond to the pwayew if the pwayew has pewmission \"\""
"id" : "EffDrop",
"name" : "Drop",
"patterns" : [
- "drop %item types/experience points% [%directions% %locations%] [without velocity]",
+ "dwop %item types/expewience points% [%diwections% %wocations%] [without vewocity]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Drops one or more items.",
- "examples" : "on death of creeper:\\n drop 1 TNT"
+ "description" : "Dwops one ow mowe items.",
+ "examples" : "on death of cweepew:\\n dwop 1 TNT"
"id" : "EffScriptFile",
"name" : "Enable/Disable/Reload Script File",
"patterns" : [
- "((enable|load)|reload|(disable|unload)) s(c|k)ript [file] %text%",
+ "((enabwe|woad)|wewoad|(disabwe|unwoad)) s(c|k)wipt [fiwe] %text%",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Enables, disables, or reloads a script file.",
- "examples" : "reload script \"test\"\\nenable script file \"testing\"\\nunload script file \"\""
+ "description" : "Enabwes, disabwes, ow wewoads a scwipt fiwe.",
+ "examples" : "wewoad scwipt \"test\"\\nenabwe scwipt fiwe \"testing\"\\nunwoad scwipt fiwe \"\""
"id" : "EffEnchant",
@@ -2422,302 +2422,302 @@ If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Enchant or disenchant an existing item.",
- "examples" : "enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5\\ndisenchant the player's tool"
+ "description" : "Enchant ow disenchant an existing item.",
+ "examples" : "enchant the pwayew's toow with shawpness 5\\ndisenchant the pwayew's toow"
"id" : "EffEquip",
"name" : "Equip",
"patterns" : [
- "equip [%living entities%] with %item types%",
-"make %living entities% wear %item types%",
-"unequip %item types% [from %living entities%]",
-"unequip %living entities%'[s] (armor|equipment)",
+ "equip [%wiving entities%] with %item types%",
+"make %wiving entities% weaw %item types%",
+"unequip %item types% [fwom %wiving entities%]",
+"unequip %wiving entities%'[s] (awmow|equipment)",
"since" : "1.0, 2.7 (multiple entities, unequip)",
- "description" : "Equips or unequips an entity with some given armor. This will replace any armor that the entity is wearing.",
- "examples" : "equip player with diamond helmet\\nequip player with all diamond armor\\nunequip diamond chestplate from player\\nunequip all armor from player\\nunequip player's armor"
+ "description" : "Equips ow unequips an entity with some given awmow. dis wiww wepwace any awmow dat the entity is weawing.",
+ "examples" : "equip pwayew with diamond hewmet\\nequip pwayew with aww diamond awmow\\nunequip diamond chestpwate fwom pwayew\\nunequip aww awmow fwom pwayew\\nunequip pwayew's awmow"
"id" : "EffExit",
"name" : "Exit",
"patterns" : [
- "(exit|stop) [trigger]",
-"(exit|stop) [(1|a|the|this)] (section|loop|conditional)",
-"(exit|stop) <\\d+> (section|loop|conditional)s",
-"(exit|stop) all (section|loop|conditional)s",
+ "(exit|stop) [twiggew]",
+"(exit|stop) [(1|a|the|dis)] (section|woop|conditionaw)",
+"(exit|stop) &wt;\\d+> (section|woop|conditionaw)s",
+"(exit|stop) aww (section|woop|conditionaw)s",
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1)",
- "description" : "Exits a given amount of loops and conditionals, or the entire trigger.",
- "examples" : "if player has any ore:\\n stop\\nmessage \"%player% has no ores!\"\\nloop blocks above the player:\\n loop-block is not air:\\n exit 2 sections\\n set loop-block to water"
+ "description" : "Exits a given amount of woops and conditionaws, ow the entiwe twiggew.",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew has any owe:\\n stop\\nmessage \"%pwayew% has no owes!\"\\nwoop bwocks above the pwayew:\\n woop-bwock is not aiw:\\n exit 2 sections\\n set woop-bwock to watew"
"id" : "EffExplodeCreeper",
"name" : "Explode Creeper",
"patterns" : [
- "instantly explode [creeper[s]] %living entities%",
-"explode [creeper[s]] %living entities% instantly",
-"ignite creeper[s] %living entities%",
-"start (ignition|explosion) [process] of [creeper[s]] %living entities%",
-"stop (ignition|explosion) [process] of [creeper[s]] %living entities%",
+ "instantwy expwode [cweepew[s]] %wiving entities%",
+"expwode [cweepew[s]] %wiving entities% instantwy",
+"ignite cweepew[s] %wiving entities%",
+"stawt (ignition|expwosion) [pwocess] of [cweepew[s]] %wiving entities%",
+"stop (ignition|expwosion) [pwocess] of [cweepew[s]] %wiving entities%",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Starts the explosion process of a creeper or instantly explodes it.",
- "examples" : "start explosion of the last spawned creeper\\nstop ignition of the last spawned creeper"
+ "description" : "Stawts the expwosion pwocess of a cweepew ow instantwy expwodes it.",
+ "examples" : "stawt expwosion of the wast spawned cweepew\\nstop ignition of the wast spawned cweepew"
"id" : "EffExplosion",
"name" : "Explosion",
"patterns" : [
- "[(create|make)] [an] explosion (of|with) (force|strength|power) %number% [%directions% %locations%] [with fire]",
-"[(create|make)] [a] safe explosion (of|with) (force|strength|power) %number% [%directions% %locations%]",
-"[(create|make)] [a] fake explosion [%directions% %locations%]",
-"[(create|make)] [an] explosion[ ]effect [%directions% %locations%]",
+ "[(cweate|make)] [an] expwosion (of|with) (fowce|stwength|powew) %numbew% [%diwections% %wocations%] [with fiwe]",
+"[(cweate|make)] [a] safe expwosion (of|with) (fowce|stwength|powew) %numbew% [%diwections% %wocations%]",
+"[(cweate|make)] [a] fake expwosion [%diwections% %wocations%]",
+"[(cweate|make)] [an] expwosion[ ]effect [%diwections% %wocations%]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Creates an explosion of a given force. The Minecraft Wiki has an article on explosions which lists the explosion forces of TNT, creepers, etc.
-Hint: use a force of 0 to create a fake explosion that does no damage whatsoever, or use the explosion effect introduced in Skript 2.0.
-Starting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skript 2.0 you can use safe explosions which will damage entities but won't destroy any blocks.",
- "examples" : "create an explosion of force 10 at the player\\ncreate an explosion of force 0 at the victim"
+ "description" : "Cweates an expwosion of a given fowce. The Minecwaft Wiki has an awticwe on expwosions which wists the expwosion fowces of TNT, cweepews, etc.
+Hint: use a fowce of 0 to cweate a fake expwosion dat does no damage whatsoevew, ow use the expwosion effect intwoduced in Skwipt 2.0.
+Stawting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skwipt 2.0 you can use safe expwosions which wiww damage entities but won't destwoy any bwocks.",
+ "examples" : "cweate an expwosion of fowce 10 at the pwayew\\ncweate an expwosion of fowce 0 at the victim"
"id" : "EffFeed",
"name" : "Feed",
"patterns" : [
- "feed [the] %players% [by %number% [beef[s]]]",
+ "feed [the] %pwayews% [by %numbew% [beef[s]]]",
"since" : "2.2-dev34",
- "description" : "Feeds the specified players.",
- "examples" : "feed all players\\nfeed the player by 5 beefs"
+ "description" : "Feeds the specified pwayews.",
+ "examples" : "feed aww pwayews\\nfeed the pwayew by 5 beefs"
"id" : "EffForceAttack",
"name" : "Force Attack",
"patterns" : [
- "make %living entities% attack %entity%",
-"force %living entities% to attack %entity%",
+ "make %wiving entities% attack %entity%",
+"fowce %wiving entities% to attack %entity%",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Makes a living entity attack an entity with a melee attack.",
- "examples" : "spawn a wolf at player's location\\nmake last spawned wolf attack player"
+ "description" : "Makes a wiving entity attack an entity with a mewee attack.",
+ "examples" : "spawn a wowf at pwayew's wocation\\nmake wast spawned wowf attack pwayew"
"id" : "EffRespawn",
"name" : "Force Respawn",
"patterns" : [
- "force %players% to respawn",
+ "fowce %pwayews% to wespawn",
"since" : "2.2-dev21",
- "description" : "Forces player(s) to respawn if they are dead. If this is called without delay from death event, one tick is waited before respawn attempt.",
- "examples" : "on death of player:\\n force event-player to respawn"
+ "description" : "Fowces pwayew(s) to wespawn if they awe dead. If dis is cawwed without deway fwom death event, one tick is waited befowe wespawn attempt.",
+ "examples" : "on death of pwayew:\\n fowce event-pwayew to wespawn"
"id" : "EffHandedness",
"name" : "Handedness",
"patterns" : [
- "make %living entities% (left|right)( |-)handed",
+ "make %wiving entities% (weft|wight)( |-)handed",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Make mobs left or right-handed. This does not affect players.",
- "examples" : "spawn skeleton at spawn of world \"world\":\\n make entity left handed\\n\\nmake all zombies in radius 10 of player right handed"
+ "description" : "Make mobs weft ow wight-handed. dis does not affect pwayews.",
+ "examples" : "spawn skeweton at spawn of wowwd \"wowwd\":\\n make entity weft handed\\n\\nmake aww zombies in wadius 10 of pwayew wight handed"
"id" : "EffHidePlayerFromServerList",
"name" : "Hide Player from Server List",
"patterns" : [
- "hide %players% (in|on|from) [the] server list",
-"hide %players%'[s] info[rmation] (in|on|from) [the] server list",
+ "hide %pwayews% (in|on|fwom) [the] sewvew wist",
+"hide %pwayews%'[s] info[wmation] (in|on|fwom) [the] sewvew wist",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Hides a player from the hover list and decreases the online players count (only if the player count wasn't changed before).",
- "examples" : "on server list ping:\\n hide {vanished::*} from the server list"
+ "description" : "Hides a pwayew fwom the hovew wist and decweases the onwine pwayews count (onwy if the pwayew count wasn't changed befowe).",
+ "examples" : "on sewvew wist ping:\\n hide {vanished::*} fwom the sewvew wist"
"id" : "EffIgnite",
"name" : "Ignite/Extinguish",
"patterns" : [
- "(ignite|set fire to) %entities% [for %time span%]",
-"(set|light) %entities% on fire [for %time span%]",
+ "(ignite|set fiwe to) %entities% [fow %time span%]",
+"(set|wight) %entities% on fiwe [fow %time span%]",
"extinguish %entities%",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "Lights entities on fire or extinguishes them.",
- "examples" : "ignite the player\\nextinguish the player"
+ "description" : "Lights entities on fiwe ow extinguishes them.",
+ "examples" : "ignite the pwayew\\nextinguish the pwayew"
"id" : "EffKeepInventory",
"name" : "Keep Inventory / Experience",
"patterns" : [
- "keep [the] (inventory|items) [(and [e]xp[erience][s] [point[s]])]",
-"keep [the] [e]xp[erience][s] [point[s]] [(and (inventory|items))]",
+ "keep [the] (inventowy|items) [(and [e]xp[ewience][s] [point[s]])]",
+"keep [the] [e]xp[ewience][s] [point[s]] [(and (inventowy|items))]",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Keeps the inventory or/and experiences of the dead player in a death event.",
- "examples" : "on death of a player:\\n if the victim is an op:\\n keep the inventory and experiences"
+ "description" : "Keeps the inventowy ow/and expewiences of the dead pwayew in a death event.",
+ "examples" : "on death of a pwayew:\\n if the victim is an op:\\n keep the inventowy and expewiences"
"id" : "EffKick",
"name" : "Kick",
"patterns" : [
- "kick %players% [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%]",
+ "kick %pwayews% [(by weason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Kicks a player from the server.",
- "examples" : "on place of TNT, lava, or obsidian:\\n kick the player due to \"You may not place %block%!\"\\n cancel the event"
+ "description" : "Kicks a pwayew fwom the sewvew.",
+ "examples" : "on pwace of TNT, wava, ow obsidian:\\n kick the pwayew due to \"You may not pwace %bwock%!\"\\n cancew the event"
"id" : "EffKill",
"name" : "Kill",
"patterns" : [
- "kill %entities%",
+ "kiww %entities%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Kills an entity.
-Note: This effect does not set the entity's health to 0 (which causes issues), but damages the entity by 100 times its maximum health.",
- "examples" : "kill the player\\nkill all creepers in the player's world\\nkill all endermen, witches and bats"
+ "description" : "Kiwws an entity.
+Note: dis effect does not set the entity's heawth to 0 (which causes issues), but damages the entity by 100 times its maximum heawth.",
+ "examples" : "kiww the pwayew\\nkiww aww cweepews in the pwayew's wowwd\\nkiww aww endewmen, witches and bats"
"id" : "EffKnockback",
"name" : "Knockback",
"patterns" : [
- "(apply knockback to|knock[back]) %living entities% [%direction%] [with (strength|force) %number%]",
+ "(appwy knockback to|knock[back]) %wiving entities% [%diwection%] [with (stwength|fowce) %numbew%]",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Apply the same velocity as a knockback to living entities in a direction. Mechanics such as knockback resistance will be factored in.",
- "examples" : "knockback player north\\nknock victim (vector from attacker to victim) with strength 10"
+ "description" : "Appwy the same vewocity as a knockback to wiving entities in a diwection. Mechanics such as knockback wesistance wiww be factowed in.",
+ "examples" : "knockback pwayew nowth\\nknock victim (vectow fwom attackew to victim) with stwength 10"
"id" : "EffFireworkLaunch",
"name" : "Launch firework",
"patterns" : [
- "(launch|deploy) [[a] firework [with effect[s]]] %firework effects% at %locations% [([with] (duration|power)|timed) %number%]",
+ "(waunch|depwoy) [[a] fiwewowk [with effect[s]]] %fiwewowk effects% at %wocations% [([with] (duwation|powew)|timed) %numbew%]",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Launch firework effects at the given location(s).",
- "examples" : "launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1"
+ "description" : "Launch fiwewowk effects at the given wocation(s).",
+ "examples" : "waunch baww wawge cowowed wed, puwpwe and white fading to wight gween and bwack at pwayew's wocation with duwation 1"
"id" : "EffLeash",
"name" : "Leash entities",
"patterns" : [
- "(leash|lead) %living entities% to %entity%",
-"make %entity% (leash|lead) %living entities%",
-"un(leash|lead) [holder of] %living entities%",
+ "(weash|wead) %wiving entities% to %entity%",
+"make %entity% (weash|wead) %wiving entities%",
+"un(weash|wead) [howdew of] %wiving entities%",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Leash living entities to other entities.",
- "examples" : "leash the player to the target entity"
+ "description" : "Leash wiving entities to othew entities.",
+ "examples" : "weash the pwayew to the tawget entity"
"id" : "EffLightning",
"name" : "Lightning",
"patterns" : [
- "(create|strike) lightning[([ ]effect)] %directions% %locations%",
+ "(cweate|stwike) wightning[([ ]effect)] %diwections% %wocations%",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "Strike lightning at a given location. Can use 'lightning effect' to create a lightning that does not harm entities or start fires.",
- "examples" : "strike lightning at the player\\nstrike lightning effect at the victim"
+ "description" : "Stwike wightning at a given wocation. Can use 'wightning effect' to cweate a wightning dat does not hawm entities ow stawt fiwes.",
+ "examples" : "stwike wightning at the pwayew\\nstwike wightning effect at the victim"
"id" : "EffLoadServerIcon",
"name" : "Load Server Icon",
"patterns" : [
- "load [the] server icon (from|of) [the] [image] [file] %text%",
+ "woad [the] sewvew icon (fwom|of) [the] [image] [fiwe] %text%",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Loads server icons from the given files. You can get the loaded icon using the
-last loaded server icon expression.
-Please note that the image must be 64x64 and the file path starts from the server folder.",
- "examples" : "on load:\\n clear {server-icons::*}\\n loop 5 times:\\n load server icon from file \"icons/%loop-number%.png\"\\n add the last loaded server icon to {server-icons::*}\\n\\non server list ping:\\n set the icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}"
+ "description" : "Loads sewvew icons fwom the given fiwes. You can get the woaded icon using the
+wast woaded sewvew icon expwession.
+Pwease note dat the image must be 64x64 and the fiwe path stawts fwom the sewvew fowdew.",
+ "examples" : "on woad:\\n cweaw {sewvew-icons::*}\\n woop 5 times:\\n woad sewvew icon fwom fiwe \"icons/%woop-numbew%.png\"\\n add the wast woaded sewvew icon to {sewvew-icons::*}\\n\\non sewvew wist ping:\\n set the icon to a wandom sewvew icon out of {sewvew-icons::*}"
"id" : "EffWorldLoad",
"name" : "Load World",
"patterns" : [
- "load [[the] world[s]] %texts% [with environment %environment%]",
-"unload [[the] world[s]] %worlds% [without saving]",
+ "woad [[the] wowwd[s]] %texts% [with enviwonment %enviwonment%]",
+"unwoad [[the] wowwd[s]] %wowwds% [without saving]",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Load your worlds or unload your worlds
-The load effect will create a new world if world doesn't already exist.
-When attempting to load a normal vanilla world you must define it's environment i.e \"world_nether\" must be loaded with nether environment",
- "examples" : "load world \"world_nether\" with environment nether\\nload the world \"myCustomWorld\"\\nunload \"world_nether\"\\nunload \"world_the_end\" without saving\\nunload all worlds"
+ "description" : "Load youw wowwds ow unwoad youw wowwds
+The woad effect wiww cweate a new wowwd if wowwd doesn't awweady exist.
+When attempting to woad a nowmaw vaniwwa wowwd you must define it's enviwonment i.e \"wowwd_nethew\" must be woaded with nethew enviwonment",
+ "examples" : "woad wowwd \"wowwd_nethew\" with enviwonment nethew\\nwoad the wowwd \"myCustomWowwd\"\\nunwoad \"wowwd_nethew\"\\nunwoad \"wowwd_the_end\" without saving\\nunwoad aww wowwds"
"id" : "EffSuppressWarnings",
"name" : "Locally Suppress Warning",
"patterns" : [
- "[local[ly]] suppress [the] (conflict|variable save|[missing] conjunction[s]|starting [with] expression[s]) warning[s]",
+ "[wocaw[wy]] suppwess [the] (confwict|vawiabwe save|[missing] conjunction[s]|stawting [with] expwession[s]) wawning[s]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Suppresses target warnings from the current script.",
- "examples" : "locally suppress missing conjunction warnings\\nsuppress the variable save warnings"
+ "description" : "Suppwesses tawget wawnings fwom the cuwwent scwipt.",
+ "examples" : "wocawwy suppwess missing conjunction wawnings\\nsuppwess the vawiabwe save wawnings"
"id" : "EffLog",
"name" : "Log",
"patterns" : [
- "log %texts% [(to|in) [file[s]] %texts%]",
+ "wog %texts% [(to|in) [fiwe[s]] %texts%]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Writes text into a .log file. Skript will write these files to /plugins/Skript/logs.
-NB: Using 'server.log' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omitting the log file altogether will log the message as '[Skript] [<script>.sk] <message>' in the server log.",
- "examples" : "on place of TNT:\\n log \"%player% placed TNT in %world% at %location of block%\" to \"tnt/placement.log\""
+ "description" : "Wwites text into a .wog fiwe. Skwipt wiww wwite these fiwes to /pwugins/Skwipt/wogs.
+NB: Using 'sewvew.wog' as the wog fiwe wiww wwite to the defauwt sewvew wog. Omitting the wog fiwe awtogethew wiww wog the message as '[Skwipt] [&wt;scwipt>.sk] &wt;message>' in the sewvew wog.",
+ "examples" : "on pwace of TNT:\\n wog \"%pwayew% pwaced TNT in %wowwd% at %wocation of bwock%\" to \"tnt/pwacement.wog\""
"id" : "EffLook",
"name" : "Look At",
"patterns" : [
- "(force|make) %living entities% [to] (face [towards]|look [(at|towards)]) (%entity%['s (feet|eyes)]|(feet|eyes) of %entity%) [at [head] [rotation] speed %number%] [[and] max[imum] [head] pitch %number%]",
-"(force|make) %living entities% [to] (face [towards]|look [(at|towards)]) %vector/location% [at [head] [rotation] speed %number%] [[and] max[imum] [head] pitch %number%]",
+ "(fowce|make) %wiving entities% [to] (face [towawds]|wook [(at|towawds)]) (%entity%['s (feet|eyes)]|(feet|eyes) of %entity%) [at [head] [wotation] speed %numbew%] [[and] max[imum] [head] pitch %numbew%]",
+"(fowce|make) %wiving entities% [to] (face [towawds]|wook [(at|towawds)]) %vectow/wocation% [at [head] [wotation] speed %numbew%] [[and] max[imum] [head] pitch %numbew%]",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Forces the mob(s) or player(s) to look at an entity, vector or location. Vanilla max head pitches range from 10 to 50.",
- "examples" : "force the head of the player to look towards event-entity's feet\\n\\non entity explosion:\\n set {_player} to the nearest player\\n {_player} is set\\n distance between {_player} and the event-location is less than 15\\n make {_player} look towards vector from the {_player} to location of the event-entity\\n\\nforce {_enderman} to face the block 3 meters above {_location} at head rotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40"
+ "description" : "Fowces the mob(s) ow pwayew(s) to wook at an entity, vectow ow wocation. Vaniwwa max head pitches wange fwom 10 to 50.",
+ "examples" : "fowce the head of the pwayew to wook towawds event-entity's feet\\n\\non entity expwosion:\\n set {_pwayew} to the neawest pwayew\\n {_pwayew} is set\\n distance between {_pwayew} and the event-wocation is wess than 15\\n make {_pwayew} wook towawds vectow fwom the {_pwayew} to wocation of the event-entity\\n\\nfowce {_endewman} to face the bwock 3 metews above {_wocation} at head wotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40"
"id" : "EffMakeEggHatch",
@@ -2728,589 +2728,589 @@ NB: Using 'server.log' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omi
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Makes the egg hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.",
- "examples" : "on player egg throw:\\n # EGGS FOR DAYZ!\\n make the egg hatch"
+ "description" : "Makes the egg hatch in a Pwayew Egg Thwow event.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew egg thwow:\\n # EGGS FOR DAYZ!\\n make the egg hatch"
"id" : "EffMakeFly",
"name" : "Make Fly",
"patterns" : [
- "force %players% to [(start|stop)] fly[ing]",
-"make %players% (start|stop) flying",
-"make %players% fly",
+ "fowce %pwayews% to [(stawt|stop)] fwy[ing]",
+"make %pwayews% (stawt|stop) fwying",
+"make %pwayews% fwy",
"since" : "2.2-dev34",
- "description" : "Forces a player to start/stop flying.",
- "examples" : "make player fly\\nforce all players to stop flying"
+ "description" : "Fowces a pwayew to stawt/stop fwying.",
+ "examples" : "make pwayew fwy\\nfowce aww pwayews to stop fwying"
"id" : "EffIncendiary",
"name" : "Make Incendiary",
"patterns" : [
- "make %entities% [not] incendiary",
-"make %entities%'[s] explosion [not] (incendiary|fiery)",
-"make [the] [event(-| )]explosion [not] (incendiary|fiery)",
+ "make %entities% [not] incendiawy",
+"make %entities%'[s] expwosion [not] (incendiawy|fiewy)",
+"make [the] [event(-| )]expwosion [not] (incendiawy|fiewy)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Sets if an entity's explosion will leave behind fire. This effect is also usable in an explosion prime event.",
- "examples" : "on explosion prime:\\n make the explosion fiery"
+ "description" : "Sets if an entity's expwosion wiww weave behind fiwe. dis effect is awso usabwe in an expwosion pwime event.",
+ "examples" : "on expwosion pwime:\\n make the expwosion fiewy"
"id" : "EffInvisible",
"name" : "Make Invisible",
"patterns" : [
- "make %living entities% (invisible|not visible)",
-"make %living entities% (visible|not invisible)",
+ "make %wiving entities% (invisibwe|not visibwe)",
+"make %wiving entities% (visibwe|not invisibwe)",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Makes a living entity visible/invisible. This is not a potion and therefore does not have features such as a time limit or particles.
-When setting an entity to invisible while using an invisibility potion on it, the potion will be overridden and when it runs out the entity keeps its invisibility.",
- "examples" : "make target entity invisible"
+ "description" : "Makes a wiving entity visibwe/invisibwe. dis is not a potion and thewefowe does not have featuwes such as a time wimit ow pawticwes.
+When setting an entity to invisibwe whiwe using an invisibiwity potion on it, the potion wiww be ovewwidden and when it wuns out the entity keeps its invisibiwity.",
+ "examples" : "make tawget entity invisibwe"
"id" : "EffInvulnerability",
"name" : "Make Invulnerable",
"patterns" : [
- "make %entities% invulnerable",
-"make %entities% (not invulnerable|vulnerable)",
+ "make %entities% invuwnewabwe",
+"make %entities% (not invuwnewabwe|vuwnewabwe)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Makes an entity invulnerable/not invulnerable.",
- "examples" : "make target entity invulnerable"
+ "description" : "Makes an entity invuwnewabwe/not invuwnewabwe.",
+ "examples" : "make tawget entity invuwnewabwe"
"id" : "EffMakeSay",
"name" : "Make Say",
"patterns" : [
- "make %players% (say|send [the] message[s]) %texts%",
-"force %players% to (say|send [the] message[s]) %texts%",
+ "make %pwayews% (say|send [the] message[s]) %texts%",
+"fowce %pwayews% to (say|send [the] message[s]) %texts%",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Forces a player to send a message to the chat. If the message starts with a slash it will force the player to use command.",
- "examples" : "make the player say \"Hello.\"\\nforce all players to send the message \"I love this server\""
+ "description" : "Fowces a pwayew to send a message to the chat. If the message stawts with a swash it wiww fowce the pwayew to use command.",
+ "examples" : "make the pwayew say \"Hewwo.\"\\nfowce aww pwayews to send the message \"I wove dis sewvew\""
"id" : "EffGlowingText",
"name" : "Make Sign Glow",
"patterns" : [
- "make %blocks/item types% have glowing text",
-"make %blocks/item types% have (normal|non[-| ]glowing) text",
+ "make %bwocks/item types% have gwowing text",
+"make %bwocks/item types% have (nowmaw|non[-| ]gwowing) text",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Makes a sign (either a block or item) have glowing text or normal text",
- "examples" : "make target block of player have glowing text"
+ "description" : "Makes a sign (eithew a bwock ow item) have gwowing text ow nowmaw text",
+ "examples" : "make tawget bwock of pwayew have gwowing text"
"id" : "EffMessage",
"name" : "Message",
"patterns" : [
- "(message|send [message[s]]) %objects% [to %command senders%] [from %player%]",
+ "(message|send [message[s]]) %objects% [to %command sendews%] [fwom %pwayew%]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.2-dev26 (advanced features), 2.5.2 (optional sender), 2.6 (sending objects)",
- "description" : "Sends a message to the given player. Only styles written
-in given string or in formatted expressions will be parsed.
-Adding an optional sender allows the messages to be sent as if a specific player sent them.
-This is useful with Minecraft 1.16.4's new chat ignore system, in which players can choose to ignore other players,
-but for this to work, the message needs to be sent from a player.",
- "examples" : "message \"A wild %player% appeared!\"\\nmessage \"This message is a distraction. Mwahaha!\"\\nsend \"Your kill streak is %{kill streak::%uuid of player%}%.\" to player\\nif the targeted entity exists:\\n message \"You're currently looking at a %type of the targeted entity%!\"\\non chat:\\n cancel event\\n send \"[%player%] >> %message%\" to all players from player"
+ "description" : "Sends a message to the given pwayew. Onwy stywes wwitten
+in given stwing ow in fowmatted expwessions wiww be pawsed.
+Adding an optionaw sendew awwows the messages to be sent as if a specific pwayew sent them.
+dis is usefuw with Minecwaft 1.16.4's new chat ignowe system, in which pwayews can choose to ignowe othew pwayews,
+but fow dis to wowk, the message needs to be sent fwom a pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "message \"A wiwd %pwayew% appeawed!\"\\nmessage \"dis message is a distwaction. Mwahaha!\"\\nsend \"Youw kiww stweak is %{kiww stweak::%uuid of pwayew%}%.\" to pwayew\\nif the tawgeted entity exists:\\n message \"You'we cuwwentwy wooking at a %type of the tawgeted entity%!\"\\non chat:\\n cancew event\\n send \"[%pwayew%] >> %message%\" to aww pwayews fwom pwayew"
"id" : "EffOpenBook",
"name" : "Open Book",
"patterns" : [
- "(open|show) book %item type% (to|for) %players%",
+ "(open|show) book %item type% (to|fow) %pwayews%",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Opens a written book to a player.",
- "examples" : "open book player's tool to player"
+ "description" : "Opens a wwitten book to a pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "open book pwayew's toow to pwayew"
"id" : "EffOpenInventory",
"name" : "Open/Close Inventory",
"patterns" : [
- "(open|show) (((crafting [table]|workbench)|chest|anvil|hopper|dropper|dispenser) [(view|window|inventory)]|%inventory/inventory type%) (to|for) %players%",
-"close [the] inventory [view] (to|of|for) %players%",
-"close %players%'[s] inventory [view]",
+ "(open|show) (((cwafting [tabwe]|wowkbench)|chest|anviw|hoppew|dwoppew|dispensew) [(view|window|inventowy)]|%inventowy/inventowy type%) (to|fow) %pwayews%",
+"cwose [the] inventowy [view] (to|of|fow) %pwayews%",
+"cwose %pwayews%'[s] inventowy [view]",
"since" : "2.0, 2.1.1 (closing), 2.2-Fixes-V10 (anvil), 2.4 (hopper, dropper, dispenser",
- "description" : "Opens an inventory to a player. The player can then access and modify the inventory as if it was a chest that he just opened.
-Please note that currently 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' will eventually show an unmodifiable view of the inventory in the future.",
- "examples" : "show the victim's inventory to the player\\nopen the player's inventory for the player"
+ "description" : "Opens an inventowy to a pwayew. The pwayew can then access and modify the inventowy as if it was a chest dat he just opened.
+Pwease note dat cuwwentwy 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' wiww eventuawwy show an unmodifiabwe view of the inventowy in the futuwe.",
+ "examples" : "show the victim's inventowy to the pwayew\\nopen the pwayew's inventowy fow the pwayew"
"id" : "EffPathfind",
"name" : "Pathfind",
"patterns" : [
- "make %living entities% (pathfind|move) to[wards] %living entity/location% [at speed %number%]",
-"make %living entities% stop (pathfinding|moving)",
+ "make %wiving entities% (pathfind|move) to[wawds] %wiving entity/wocation% [at speed %numbew%]",
+"make %wiving entities% stop (pathfinding|moving)",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Make an entity pathfind towards a location or another entity. Not all entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding target is another entity, the entities may or may not continuously follow the target.",
- "examples" : "make all creepers pathfind towards player\\nmake all cows stop pathfinding\\nmake event-entity pathfind towards player at speed 1"
+ "description" : "Make an entity pathfind towawds a wocation ow anothew entity. Not aww entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding tawget is anothew entity, the entities may ow may not continuouswy fowwow the tawget.",
+ "examples" : "make aww cweepews pathfind towawds pwayew\\nmake aww cows stop pathfinding\\nmake event-entity pathfind towawds pwayew at speed 1"
"id" : "EffVisualEffect",
"name" : "Play Effect",
"patterns" : [
- "(play|show) %visual effects% (on|%directions%) %entities/locations% [(to %players%|in (radius|range) of %number%)]",
-"(play|show) %number% %visual effects% (on|%directions%) %locations% [(to %players%|in (radius|range) of %number%)]",
+ "(pway|show) %visuaw effects% (on|%diwections%) %entities/wocations% [(to %pwayews%|in (wadius|wange) of %numbew%)]",
+"(pway|show) %numbew% %visuaw effects% (on|%diwections%) %wocations% [(to %pwayews%|in (wadius|wange) of %numbew%)]",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "Plays a visual effect at a given location or on a given entity.
-Please note that some effects can only be played on entities, e.g. wolf hearts or the hurt effect, and that these are always visible to all players.",
- "examples" : "play wolf hearts on the clicked wolf\\nshow mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player"
+ "description" : "Pways a visuaw effect at a given wocation ow on a given entity.
+Pwease note dat some effects can onwy be pwayed on entities, e.g. wowf heawts ow the huwt effect, and dat these awe awways visibwe to aww pwayews.",
+ "examples" : "pway wowf heawts on the cwicked wowf\\nshow mob spawnew fwames at the tawgeted bwock to the pwayew"
"id" : "EffPlaySound",
"name" : "Play Sound",
"patterns" : [
- "play sound[s] %texts% [(in|from) %sound category%] [(at|with) volume %number%] [(and|at|with) pitch %number%] at %locations% [(to|for) %players%]",
-"play sound[s] %texts% [(in|from) %sound category%] [(at|with) volume %number%] [(and|at|with) pitch %number%] [(to|for) %players%] [(at|from) %locations%]",
+ "pway sound[s] %texts% [(in|fwom) %sound categowy%] [(at|with) vowume %numbew%] [(and|at|with) pitch %numbew%] at %wocations% [(to|fow) %pwayews%]",
+"pway sound[s] %texts% [(in|fwom) %sound categowy%] [(at|with) vowume %numbew%] [(and|at|with) pitch %numbew%] [(to|fow) %pwayews%] [(at|fwom) %wocations%]",
"since" : "2.2-dev28, 2.4 (sound categories)",
- "description" : "Plays a sound at given location for everyone or just for given players, or plays a sound to specified players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Playing resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default.
+ "description" : "Pways a sound at given wocation fow evewyone ow just fow given pwayews, ow pways a sound to specified pwayews. Both Minecwaft sound names and Spigot sound names awe suppowted. Pwaying wesouwce pack sounds awe suppowted too. The sound categowy is 'mastew' by defauwt.
-Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.",
- "examples" : "play sound \"block.note_block.pling\" # It is block.note.pling in 1.12.2\\nplay sound \"entity.experience_orb.pickup\" with volume 0.5 to the player\\nplay sound \"\" in jukebox category at {speakerBlock}"
+Pwease note dat sound names can get changed in any Minecwaft ow Spigot vewsion, ow even wemoved fwom Minecwaft itsewf.",
+ "examples" : "pway sound \"bwock.note_bwock.pwing\" # It is bwock.note.pwing in 1.12.2\\npway sound \"entity.expewience_owb.pickup\" with vowume 0.5 to the pwayew\\npway sound \"\" in jukebox categowy at {speakewBwock}"
"id" : "EffPlayerInfoVisibility",
"name" : "Player Info Visibility",
"patterns" : [
- "hide [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|on|from) [the] server list]",
-"(show|reveal) [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|to|on|from) [the] server list]",
+ "hide [aww] pwayew [wewated] info[wmation] [(in|on|fwom) [the] sewvew wist]",
+"(show|weveaw) [aww] pwayew [wewated] info[wmation] [(in|to|on|fwom) [the] sewvew wist]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Sets whether all player related information is hidden in the server list.
-The Vanilla Minecraft client will display ??? (dark gray) instead of player counts and will not show the
-hover hist when hiding player info.
-The version string can override the ???.
-Also the Online Players Count and
-Max Players expressions will return -1 when hiding player info.",
- "examples" : "hide player info\\nhide player related information in the server list\\nreveal all player related info"
+ "description" : "Sets whethew aww pwayew wewated infowmation is hidden in the sewvew wist.
+The Vaniwwa Minecwaft cwient wiww dispway ??? (dawk gway) instead of pwayew counts and wiww not show the
+hovew hist when hiding pwayew info.
+The vewsion stwing can ovewwide the ???.
+Awso the Onwine Pwayews Count and
+Max Pwayews expwessions wiww wetuwn -1 when hiding pwayew info.",
+ "examples" : "hide pwayew info\\nhide pwayew wewated infowmation in the sewvew wist\\nweveaw aww pwayew wewated info"
"id" : "EffPlayerVisibility",
"name" : "Player Visibility",
"patterns" : [
- "hide %players% [(from|for) %players%]",
-"reveal %players% [(to|for|from) %players%]",
+ "hide %pwayews% [(fwom|fow) %pwayews%]",
+"weveaw %pwayews% [(to|fow|fwom) %pwayews%]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Change visibility of a player for the given players.
-When reveal is used in combination of the hidden players expression and the viewers are not specified, this will default it to the given player in the hidden players expression.
+ "description" : "Change visibiwity of a pwayew fow the given pwayews.
+When weveaw is used in combination of the hidden pwayews expwession and the viewews awe not specified, dis wiww defauwt it to the given pwayew in the hidden pwayews expwession.
-Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again.",
- "examples" : "on join:\\n if {vanished::%player's uuid%} is true:\\n hide the player from all players\\n\\nreveal hidden players of {_player}"
+Note: if a pwayew was hidden and wewogs, dis pwayew wiww be visibwe again.",
+ "examples" : "on join:\\n if {vanished::%pwayew's uuid%} is twue:\\n hide the pwayew fwom aww pwayews\\n\\nweveaw hidden pwayews of {_pwayew}"
"id" : "EffPoison",
"name" : "Poison/Cure",
"patterns" : [
- "poison %living entities% [for %time span%]",
-"(cure|unpoison) %living entities% [(from|of) poison]",
+ "poison %wiving entities% [fow %time span%]",
+"(cuwe|unpoison) %wiving entities% [(fwom|of) poison]",
"since" : "1.3.2",
- "description" : "Poison or cure a creature.",
- "examples" : "poison the player\\npoison the victim for 20 seconds\\ncure the player from poison"
+ "description" : "Poison ow cuwe a cweatuwe.",
+ "examples" : "poison the pwayew\\npoison the victim fow 20 seconds\\ncuwe the pwayew fwom poison"
"id" : "EffPotion",
"name" : "Potion Effects",
"patterns" : [
- "apply %potion effects% to %living entities%",
-"apply infinite [ambient] [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without [any] particles] [(whilst hiding [the]|without (the|a)) [potion] icon] to %living entities% [replacing [the] existing effect]",
-"apply [ambient] [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without [any] particles] [(whilst hiding [the]|without (the|a)) [potion] icon] to %living entities% [for %time span%] [replacing [the] existing effect]",
+ "appwy %potion effects% to %wiving entities%",
+"appwy infinite [ambient] [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tiew] %numbew%] [without [any] pawticwes] [(whiwst hiding [the]|without (the|a)) [potion] icon] to %wiving entities% [wepwacing [the] existing effect]",
+"appwy [ambient] [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tiew] %numbew%] [without [any] pawticwes] [(whiwst hiding [the]|without (the|a)) [potion] icon] to %wiving entities% [fow %time span%] [wepwacing [the] existing effect]",
"since" : "2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects), 2.7 (icon and infinite)",
- "description" : "Apply or remove potion effects to/from entities.",
- "examples" : "apply ambient swiftness 2 to the player\\nremove haste from the victim\\n\\non join:\\n apply infinite potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player\\n apply potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player for 999 days # Before 1.19.4\\n\\napply potion effects of player's tool to player\\napply haste potion of tier 3 without any particles whilst hiding the potion icon to the player # Hide potions"
+ "description" : "Appwy ow wemove potion effects to/fwom entities.",
+ "examples" : "appwy ambient swiftness 2 to the pwayew\\nwemove haste fwom the victim\\n\\non join:\\n appwy infinite potion of stwength of tiew {stwength::%uuid of pwayew%} to the pwayew\\n appwy potion of stwength of tiew {stwength::%uuid of pwayew%} to the pwayew fow 999 days # Befowe 1.19.4\\n\\nappwy potion effects of pwayew's toow to pwayew\\nappwy haste potion of tiew 3 without any pawticwes whiwst hiding the potion icon to the pwayew # Hide potions"
"id" : "EffPush",
"name" : "Push",
"patterns" : [
- "(push|thrust) %entities% %direction% [(at|with) (speed|velocity|force) %number%]",
+ "(push|thwust) %entities% %diwection% [(at|with) (speed|vewocity|fowce) %numbew%]",
"since" : "1.4.6",
- "description" : "Push entities around.",
- "examples" : "push the player upwards\\npush the victim downwards at speed 0.5"
+ "description" : "Push entities awound.",
+ "examples" : "push the pwayew upwawds\\npush the victim downwawds at speed 0.5"
"id" : "EffPvP",
"name" : "PvP",
"patterns" : [
- "enable PvP [in %worlds%]",
-"disable PVP [in %worlds%]",
+ "enabwe PvP [in %wowwds%]",
+"disabwe PVP [in %wowwds%]",
"since" : "1.3.4",
- "description" : "Set the PvP state for a given world.",
- "examples" : "enable PvP #(current world only)\\ndisable PvP in all worlds"
+ "description" : "Set the PvP state fow a given wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "enabwe PvP #(cuwwent wowwd onwy)\\ndisabwe PvP in aww wowwds"
"id" : "EffReplace",
"name" : "Replace",
"patterns" : [
- "replace [(all|every)] %texts% in %texts% with %text% [with case sensitivity]",
-"replace [(all|every)] %texts% with %text% in %texts% [with case sensitivity]",
-"replace first %texts% in %texts% with %text% [with case sensitivity]",
-"replace first %texts% with %text% in %text% [with case sensitivity]",
-"replace [(all|every)] %item types% in %inventories% with %item type%",
-"replace [(all|every)] %item types% with %item type% in %inventories%",
+ "wepwace [(aww|evewy)] %texts% in %texts% with %text% [with case sensitivity]",
+"wepwace [(aww|evewy)] %texts% with %text% in %texts% [with case sensitivity]",
+"wepwace fiwst %texts% in %texts% with %text% [with case sensitivity]",
+"wepwace fiwst %texts% with %text% in %text% [with case sensitivity]",
+"wepwace [(aww|evewy)] %item types% in %inventowies% with %item type%",
+"wepwace [(aww|evewy)] %item types% with %item type% in %inventowies%",
"since" : "2.0, 2.2-dev24 (replace in multiple strings and replace items in inventory), 2.5 (replace first, case sensitivity)",
- "description" : "Replaces all occurrences of a given text with another text. Please note that you can only change variables and a few expressions, e.g. a message or a line of a sign.",
- "examples" : "replace \"<item>\" in {textvar} with \"%item%\"\\nreplace every \"&\" with \"§\" in line 1\\n# The following acts as a simple chat censor, but it will e.g. censor mass, hassle, assassin, etc. as well:\\non chat:\\n replace all \"kys\", \"idiot\" and \"noob\" with \"****\" in the message\\n \\nreplace all stone and dirt in player's inventory and player's top inventory with diamond"
+ "description" : "Repwaces aww occuwwences of a given text with anothew text. Pwease note dat you can onwy change vawiabwes and a few expwessions, e.g. a message ow a wine of a sign.",
+ "examples" : "wepwace \"&wt;item>\" in {textvaw} with \"%item%\"\\nwepwace evewy \"&\" with \"§\" in wine 1\\n# The fowwowing acts as a simpwe chat censow, but it wiww e.g. censow mass, hasswe, assassin, etc. as weww:\\non chat:\\n wepwace aww \"kys\", \"idiot\" and \"noob\" with \"****\" in the message\\n \\nwepwace aww stone and diwt in pwayew's inventowy and pwayew's top inventowy with diamond"
"id" : "EffReturn",
"name" : "Return",
"patterns" : [
- "return %objects%",
+ "wetuwn %objects%",
"since" : "2.2, 2.8.0 (returns aliases)",
- "description" : "Makes a function return a value",
- "examples" : "function double(i: number) :: number:\\n return 2 * {_i}\\n\\nfunction divide(i: number) returns number:\\n return {_i} / 2"
+ "description" : "Makes a function wetuwn a vawue",
+ "examples" : "function doubwe(i: numbew) :: numbew:\\n wetuwn 2 * {_i}\\n\\nfunction divide(i: numbew) wetuwns numbew:\\n wetuwn {_i} / 2"
"id" : "EffWorldSave",
"name" : "Save World",
"patterns" : [
- "save [[the] world[s]] %worlds%",
+ "save [[the] wowwd[s]] %wowwds%",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Save all worlds or a given world manually.
-Note: saving many worlds at once may possibly cause the server to freeze.",
- "examples" : "save \"world_nether\"\\nsave all worlds"
+ "description" : "Save aww wowwds ow a given wowwd manuawwy.
+Note: saving many wowwds at once may possibwy cause the sewvew to fweeze.",
+ "examples" : "save \"wowwd_nethew\"\\nsave aww wowwds"
"id" : "EffSendBlockChange",
"name" : "Send Block Change",
"patterns" : [
- "make %players% see %blocks% as %item type/block data%",
+ "make %pwayews% see %bwocks% as %item type/bwock data%",
"since" : "2.2-dev37c, 2.5.1 (block data support)",
- "description" : "Makes a player see a block as something it really isn't. BlockData support is only for MC 1.13+",
- "examples" : "make player see block at player as dirt\\nmake player see target block as campfire[facing=south]"
+ "description" : "Makes a pwayew see a bwock as something it weawwy isn't. BwockData suppowt is onwy fow MC 1.13+",
+ "examples" : "make pwayew see bwock at pwayew as diwt\\nmake pwayew see tawget bwock as campfiwe[facing=south]"
"id" : "EffSendResourcePack",
"name" : "Send Resource Pack",
"patterns" : [
- "send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% to %players%",
-"send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% with hash %text% to %players%",
+ "send [the] wesouwce pack [fwom [[the] URL]] %text% to %pwayews%",
+"send [the] wesouwce pack [fwom [[the] URL]] %text% with hash %text% to %pwayews%",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs. The client will download
-the resource pack in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete.
-The URL must be a direct download link.
+ "description" : "Request dat the pwayew's cwient downwoad and switch wesouwce packs. The cwient wiww downwoad
+the wesouwce pack in the backgwound, and wiww automaticawwy switch to it once the downwoad is compwete.
+The URL must be a diwect downwoad wink.
-The hash is used for caching, the player won't have to re-download the resource pack that way.
-The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of your resource pack using
-this online tool.
+The hash is used fow caching, the pwayew won't have to we-downwoad the wesouwce pack dat way.
+The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of youw wesouwce pack using
+dis onwine toow.
-The resource pack request action can be used to check
-status of the sent resource pack request.",
- "examples" : "on join:\\n send the resource pack from \"URL\" with hash \"hash\" to the player"
+The wesouwce pack wequest action can be used to check
+status of the sent wesouwce pack wequest.",
+ "examples" : "on join:\\n send the wesouwce pack fwom \"URL\" with hash \"hash\" to the pwayew"
"id" : "EffShear",
"name" : "Shear",
"patterns" : [
- "[force] shear %living entities%",
-"un[-]shear %living entities%",
+ "[fowce] sheaw %wiving entities%",
+"un[-]sheaw %wiving entities%",
"since" : "2.0 (cows, sheep & snowmen), 2.8.0 (all shearable entities)",
- "description" : "Shears or un-shears a shearable entity with drops by shearing and a 'sheared' sound. Using with 'force' will force this effect despite the entity's 'shear state'.
+ "description" : "Sheaws ow un-sheaws a sheawabwe entity with dwops by sheawing and a 'sheawed' sound. Using with 'fowce' wiww fowce dis effect despite the entity's 'sheaw state'.
-Please note that..:
+Pwease note dat..:
-- If your server is not running with Paper 1.19.4 or higher, this effect will only change its 'shear state', and the 'force' effect is unavailable
+- If youw sewvew is not wunning with Papew 1.19.4 ow highew, dis effect wiww onwy change its 'sheaw state', and the 'fowce' effect is unavaiwabwe
-- Force-shearing or un-shearing on a sheared mushroom cow is not possible",
- "examples" : "on rightclick on a sheep holding a sword:\\n shear the clicked sheep\\n chance of 10%\\n force shear the clicked sheep"
+- Fowce-sheawing ow un-sheawing on a sheawed mushwoom cow is not possibwe",
+ "examples" : "on wightcwick on a sheep howding a swowd:\\n sheaw the cwicked sheep\\n chance of 10%\\n fowce sheaw the cwicked sheep"
"id" : "EffShoot",
"name" : "Shoot",
"patterns" : [
- "shoot %entity types% [from %living entities/locations%] [(at|with) (speed|velocity) %number%] [%direction%]",
-"(make|let) %living entities/locations% shoot %entity types% [(at|with) (speed|velocity) %number%] [%direction%]",
+ "shoot %entity types% [fwom %wiving entities/wocations%] [(at|with) (speed|vewocity) %numbew%] [%diwection%]",
+"(make|wet) %wiving entities/wocations% shoot %entity types% [(at|with) (speed|vewocity) %numbew%] [%diwection%]",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "Shoots a projectile (or any other entity) from a given entity.",
- "examples" : "shoot an arrow\\nmake the player shoot a creeper at speed 10\\nshoot a pig from the creeper"
+ "description" : "Shoots a pwojectiwe (ow any othew entity) fwom a given entity.",
+ "examples" : "shoot an awwow\\nmake the pwayew shoot a cweepew at speed 10\\nshoot a pig fwom the cweepew"
"id" : "EffSilence",
"name" : "Silence Entity",
"patterns" : [
- "silence %entities%",
-"unsilence %entities%",
-"make %entities% silent",
-"make %entities% not silent",
+ "siwence %entities%",
+"unsiwence %entities%",
+"make %entities% siwent",
+"make %entities% not siwent",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Controls whether or not an entity is silent.",
- "examples" : "make target entity silent"
+ "description" : "Contwows whethew ow not an entity is siwent.",
+ "examples" : "make tawget entity siwent"
"id" : "EffStopServer",
"name" : "Stop Server",
"patterns" : [
- "(stop|shut[ ]down) [the] server",
-"restart [the] server",
+ "(stop|shut[ ]down) [the] sewvew",
+"westawt [the] sewvew",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Stops or restarts the server. If restart is used when the restart-script spigot.yml option isn't defined, the server will stop instead.",
- "examples" : "stop the server\\nrestart server"
+ "description" : "Stops ow westawts the sewvew. If westawt is used when the westawt-scwipt spigot.ymw option isn't defined, the sewvew wiww stop instead.",
+ "examples" : "stop the sewvew\\nwestawt sewvew"
"id" : "EffStopSound",
"name" : "Stop Sound",
"patterns" : [
- "stop (all sound[s]|sound[s] %texts%) [(in [the]|from) %sound category%] [(from playing to|for) %players%]",
-"stop playing sound[s] %texts% [(in [the]|from) %sound category%] [(to|for) %players%]",
+ "stop (aww sound[s]|sound[s] %texts%) [(in [the]|fwom) %sound categowy%] [(fwom pwaying to|fow) %pwayews%]",
+"stop pwaying sound[s] %texts% [(in [the]|fwom) %sound categowy%] [(to|fow) %pwayews%]",
"since" : "2.4, 2.7 (stop all sounds)",
- "description" : "Stops specific or all sounds from playing to a group of players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default. A sound can't be stopped from a different category.
+ "description" : "Stops specific ow aww sounds fwom pwaying to a gwoup of pwayews. Both Minecwaft sound names and Spigot sound names awe suppowted. Resouwce pack sounds awe suppowted too. The sound categowy is 'mastew' by defauwt. A sound can't be stopped fwom a diffewent categowy.
-Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.",
- "examples" : "stop sound \"\" for the player\\nstop playing sounds \"ambient.underwater.loop\" and \"ambient.underwater.loop.additions\" to the player\\nstop all sounds for all players\\nstop sound in the record category"
+Pwease note dat sound names can get changed in any Minecwaft ow Spigot vewsion, ow even wemoved fwom Minecwaft itsewf.",
+ "examples" : "stop sound \"\" fow the pwayew\\nstop pwaying sounds \"ambient.undewwatew.woop\" and \"ambient.undewwatew.woop.additions\" to the pwayew\\nstop aww sounds fow aww pwayews\\nstop sound in the wecowd categowy"
"id" : "EffSwingHand",
"name" : "Swing Hand",
"patterns" : [
- "make %living entities% swing [their] [main] hand",
-"make %living entities% swing [their] off[ ]hand",
+ "make %wiving entities% swing [theiw] [main] hand",
+"make %wiving entities% swing [theiw] off[ ]hand",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Makes an entity swing their hand. This does nothing if the entity does not have an animation for swinging their hand.",
- "examples" : "make player swing their main hand"
+ "description" : "Makes an entity swing theiw hand. dis does nothing if the entity does not have an animation fow swinging theiw hand.",
+ "examples" : "make pwayew swing theiw main hand"
"id" : "EffTeleport",
"name" : "Teleport",
"patterns" : [
- "[force] teleport %entities% (to|%direction%) %location%",
+ "[fowce] tewepowt %entities% (to|%diwection%) %wocation%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Teleport an entity to a specific location.
-This effect is delayed by default on Paper, meaning certain syntax such as the return effect for functions cannot be used after this effect.
-The keyword 'force' indicates this effect will not be delayed,
-which may cause lag spikes or server crashes when using this effect to teleport entities to unloaded chunks.",
- "examples" : "teleport the player to {homes.%player%}\\nteleport the attacker to the victim"
+ "description" : "Tewepowt an entity to a specific wocation.
+dis effect is dewayed by defauwt on Papew, meaning cewtain syntax such as the wetuwn effect fow functions cannot be used aftew dis effect.
+The keywowd 'fowce' indicates dis effect wiww not be dewayed,
+which may cause wag spikes ow sewvew cwashes when using dis effect to tewepowt entities to unwoaded chunks.",
+ "examples" : "tewepowt the pwayew to {homes.%pwayew%}\\ntewepowt the attackew to the victim"
"id" : "EffResetTitle",
"name" : "Title - Reset",
"patterns" : [
- "reset [the] title[s] [of %players%]",
-"reset [the] %players%'[s] title[s]",
+ "weset [the] titwe[s] [of %pwayews%]",
+"weset [the] %pwayews%'[s] titwe[s]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Resets the title of the player to the default values.",
- "examples" : "reset the titles of all players\\nreset the title"
+ "description" : "Resets the titwe of the pwayew to the defauwt vawues.",
+ "examples" : "weset the titwes of aww pwayews\\nweset the titwe"
"id" : "EffSendTitle",
"name" : "Title - Send",
"patterns" : [
- "send title %text% [with subtitle %text%] [to %players%] [for %time span%] [with fade[(-| )]in %time span%] [[and] [with] fade[(-| )]out %time span%]",
-"send subtitle %text% [to %players%] [for %time span%] [with fade[(-| )]in %time span%] [[and] [with] fade[(-| )]out %time span%]",
+ "send titwe %text% [with subtitwe %text%] [to %pwayews%] [fow %time span%] [with fade[(-| )]in %time span%] [[and] [with] fade[(-| )]out %time span%]",
+"send subtitwe %text% [to %pwayews%] [fow %time span%] [with fade[(-| )]in %time span%] [[and] [with] fade[(-| )]out %time span%]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Sends a title/subtitle to the given player(s) with optional fadein/stay/fadeout times for Minecraft versions 1.11 and above.
+ "description" : "Sends a titwe/subtitwe to the given pwayew(s) with optionaw fadein/stay/fadeout times fow Minecwaft vewsions 1.11 and above.
-If you're sending only the subtitle, it will be shown only if there's a title displayed at the moment, otherwise it will be sent with the next title. To show only the subtitle, use: send title \" \" with subtitle \"yourtexthere\" to player.
+If you'we sending onwy the subtitwe, it wiww be shown onwy if thewe's a titwe dispwayed at the moment, othewwise it wiww be sent with the next titwe. To show onwy the subtitwe, use: send titwe \" \" with subtitwe \"youwtexthewe\" to pwayew.
-Note: if no input is given for the times, it will keep the ones from the last title sent, use the reset title effect to restore the default values.",
- "examples" : "send title \"Competition Started\" with subtitle \"Have fun, Stay safe!\" to player for 5 seconds\\nsend title \"Hi %player%\" to player\\nsend title \"Loot Drop\" with subtitle \"starts in 3 minutes\" to all players\\nsend title \"Hello %player%!\" with subtitle \"Welcome to our server\" to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second\\nsend subtitle \"Party!\" to all players"
+Note: if no input is given fow the times, it wiww keep the ones fwom the wast titwe sent, use the weset titwe effect to westowe the defauwt vawues.",
+ "examples" : "send titwe \"Competition Stawted\" with subtitwe \"Have fun, Stay safe!\" to pwayew fow 5 seconds\\nsend titwe \"Hi %pwayew%\" to pwayew\\nsend titwe \"Loot Dwop\" with subtitwe \"stawts in 3 minutes\" to aww pwayews\\nsend titwe \"Hewwo %pwayew%!\" with subtitwe \"Wewcome to ouw sewvew\" to pwayew fow 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second\\nsend subtitwe \"Pawty!\" to aww pwayews"
"id" : "EffToggle",
"name" : "Toggle",
"patterns" : [
- "(close|turn off|de[-]activate) %blocks%",
-"(toggle|switch) [[the] state of] %blocks%",
-"(open|turn on|activate) %blocks%",
+ "(cwose|tuwn off|de[-]activate) %bwocks%",
+"(toggwe|switch) [[the] state of] %bwocks%",
+"(open|tuwn on|activate) %bwocks%",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "Toggle the state of a block.",
- "examples" : "# use arrows to toggle switches, doors, etc.\\non projectile hit:\\n projectile is arrow\\n toggle the block at the arrow"
+ "description" : "Toggwe the state of a bwock.",
+ "examples" : "# use awwows to toggwe switches, doows, etc.\\non pwojectiwe hit:\\n pwojectiwe is awwow\\n toggwe the bwock at the awwow"
"id" : "EffToggleFlight",
"name" : "Toggle Flight",
"patterns" : [
- "(allow|enable) (fly|flight) (for|to) %players%",
-"(disallow|disable) (fly|flight) (for|to) %players%",
+ "(awwow|enabwe) (fwy|fwight) (fow|to) %pwayews%",
+"(disawwow|disabwe) (fwy|fwight) (fow|to) %pwayews%",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Toggle the flight mode of a player.",
- "examples" : "allow flight to event-player"
+ "description" : "Toggwe the fwight mode of a pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "awwow fwight to event-pwayew"
"id" : "EffToggleCanPickUpItems",
"name" : "Toggle Picking Up Items",
"patterns" : [
- "allow %living entities% to pick([ ]up items| items up)",
-"(forbid|disallow) %living entities% (from|to) pick([ing | ]up items|[ing] items up)",
+ "awwow %wiving entities% to pick([ ]up items| items up)",
+"(fowbid|disawwow) %wiving entities% (fwom|to) pick([ing | ]up items|[ing] items up)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Determines whether living entities are able to pick up items or not",
- "examples" : "forbid player from picking up items\\nsend \"You can no longer pick up items!\" to player\\n\\non drop:\\n if player can't pick up items:\\n allow player to pick up items"
+ "description" : "Detewmines whethew wiving entities awe abwe to pick up items ow not",
+ "examples" : "fowbid pwayew fwom picking up items\\nsend \"You can no wongew pick up items!\" to pwayew\\n\\non dwop:\\n if pwayew can't pick up items:\\n awwow pwayew to pick up items"
"id" : "EffTree",
"name" : "Tree",
"patterns" : [
- "(grow|create|generate) tree [of type %tree type%] %directions% %locations%",
-"(grow|create|generate) %tree type% %directions% %locations%",
+ "(gwow|cweate|genewate) twee [of type %twee type%] %diwections% %wocations%",
+"(gwow|cweate|genewate) %twee type% %diwections% %wocations%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Creates a tree.
-This may require that there is enough space above the given location and that the block below is dirt/grass, but it is possible that the tree will just grow anyways, possibly replacing every block in its path.",
- "examples" : "grow a tall redwood tree above the clicked block"
+ "description" : "Cweates a twee.
+dis may wequiwe dat thewe is enough space above the given wocation and dat the bwock bewow is diwt/gwass, but it is possibwe dat the twee wiww just gwow anyways, possibwy wepwacing evewy bwock in its path.",
+ "examples" : "gwow a taww wedwood twee above the cwicked bwock"
"id" : "EffVectorRotateAroundAnother",
"name" : "Vectors - Rotate Around Vector",
"patterns" : [
- "rotate %vectors% around %vector% by %number% [degrees]",
+ "wotate %vectows% awound %vectow% by %numbew% [degwees]",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Rotates one or more vectors around another vector",
- "examples" : "rotate {_v} around vector 1, 0, 0 by 90"
+ "description" : "Rotates one ow mowe vectows awound anothew vectow",
+ "examples" : "wotate {_v} awound vectow 1, 0, 0 by 90"
"id" : "EffVectorRotateXYZ",
"name" : "Vectors - Rotate around XYZ",
"patterns" : [
- "rotate %vectors% around (x|y|z)(-| )axis by %number% [degrees]",
+ "wotate %vectows% awound (x|y|z)(-| )axis by %numbew% [degwees]",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Rotates one or more vectors around the x, y, or z axis by some amount of degrees",
- "examples" : "rotate {_v} around x-axis by 90\\nrotate {_v} around y-axis by 90\\nrotate {_v} around z-axis by 90 degrees"
+ "description" : "Rotates one ow mowe vectows awound the x, y, ow z axis by some amount of degwees",
+ "examples" : "wotate {_v} awound x-axis by 90\\nwotate {_v} awound y-axis by 90\\nwotate {_v} awound z-axis by 90 degwees"
"id" : "EffVehicle",
"name" : "Vehicle",
"patterns" : [
- "(make|let|force) %entities% [to] (ride|mount) [(in|on)] %entities/entity types%",
-"(make|let|force) %entities% [to] (dismount|(dismount|leave) [(from|of)] [(any|the[ir]|his|her)] vehicle[s])",
-"(eject|dismount) [(any|the)] passenger[s] (of|from) %entities%",
+ "(make|wet|fowce) %entities% [to] (wide|mount) [(in|on)] %entities/entity types%",
+"(make|wet|fowce) %entities% [to] (dismount|(dismount|weave) [(fwom|of)] [(any|the[iw]|his|hew)] vehicwe[s])",
+"(eject|dismount) [(any|the)] passengew[s] (of|fwom) %entities%",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Makes an entity ride another entity, e.g. a minecart, a saddled pig, an arrow, etc.",
- "examples" : "make the player ride a saddled pig\\nmake the attacker ride the victim"
+ "description" : "Makes an entity wide anothew entity, e.g. a minecawt, a saddwed pig, an awwow, etc.",
+ "examples" : "make the pwayew wide a saddwed pig\\nmake the attackew wide the victim"
"id" : "EffOp",
"name" : "op/deop",
"patterns" : [
- "[de[-]]op %offline players%",
+ "[de[-]]op %offwine pwayews%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Grant/revoke a user operator state.",
- "examples" : "op the player\\ndeop all players"
+ "description" : "Gwant/wevoke a usew opewatow state.",
+ "examples" : "op the pwayew\\ndeop aww pwayews"
"id" : "EffSecSpawn",
"name" : "Spawn",
"patterns" : [
- "(spawn|summon) %entity types% [%directions% %locations%]",
-"(spawn|summon) %number% of %entity types% [%directions% %locations%]",
+ "(spawn|summon) %entity types% [%diwections% %wocations%]",
+"(spawn|summon) %numbew% of %entity types% [%diwections% %wocations%]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.6.1 (with section)",
- "description" : "Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section.
-If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world.
-You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'.
-Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
- "examples" : "spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block\\nspawn a ghast 5 meters above the player\\nspawn a zombie at the player:\\n set name of the zombie to \"\""
+ "description" : "Spawn a cweatuwe. dis can be used as an effect and as a section.
+If it is used as a section, the section is wun befowe the entity is added to the wowwd.
+You can modify the entity in dis section, using fow exampwe 'event-entity' ow 'cow'.
+Do note dat othew event vawues, such as 'pwayew', won't wowk in dis section.",
+ "examples" : "spawn 3 cweepews at the tawgeted bwock\\nspawn a ghast 5 metews above the pwayew\\nspawn a zombie at the pwayew:\\n set name of the zombie to \"\""
{"end" : true}
@@ -3321,146 +3321,146 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"id" : "at_time",
"name" : "At Time",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] at %time% [in %worlds%]",
+ "[on] at %time% [in %wowwds%]",
"since" : "1.3.4",
- "description" : "An event that occurs at a given minecraft time in every world or only in specific worlds.",
- "examples" : "at 18:00\\nat 7am in \"world\""
+ "description" : "An event dat occuws at a given minecwaft time in evewy wowwd ow onwy in specific wowwds.",
+ "examples" : "at 18:00\\nat 7am in \"wowwd\""
"id" : "anvil_damage",
"name" : "On Anvil Damage",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] anvil damag(e|ing)",
+ "[on] anviw damag(e|ing)",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Called when an anvil is damaged/broken from being used to repair/rename items.\\nNote: this does not include anvil damage from falling.",
- "examples" : "on anvil damage:\\n cancel the event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an anviw is damaged/bwoken fwom being used to wepaiw/wename items.\\nNote: dis does not incwude anviw damage fwom fawwing.",
+ "examples" : "on anviw damage:\\n cancew the event"
"id" : "anvil_prepare",
"name" : "On Anvil Prepare",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] anvil prepar(e|ing)",
+ "[on] anviw pwepaw(e|ing)",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Called when an item is put in a slot for repair by an anvil. Please note that this event is called multiple times in a single item slot move.",
- "examples" : "on anvil prepare:\\n event-item is set # result item\\n chance of 5%:\\n set repair cost to repair cost * 50%\\n send \"You're LUCKY! You got 50% discount.\" to player"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an item is put in a swot fow wepaiw by an anviw. Pwease note dat dis event is cawwed muwtipwe times in a singwe item swot move.",
+ "examples" : "on anviw pwepawe:\\n event-item is set # wesuwt item\\n chance of 5%:\\n set wepaiw cost to wepaiw cost * 50%\\n send \"You'we LUCKY! You got 50% discount.\" to pwayew"
"id" : "aoe_cloud_effect",
"name" : "On AoE Cloud Effect",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] (area|AoE) [cloud] effect",
+ "[on] (awea|AoE) [cwoud] effect",
"since" : "2.2-dev21",
- "description" : "Called when area effect cloud applies its potion effect. This happens every 5 ticks by default.",
- "examples" : "on area cloud effect:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when awea effect cwoud appwies its potion effect. dis happens evewy 5 ticks by defauwt.",
+ "examples" : "on awea cwoud effect:"
"id" : "arm_swing",
"name" : "On Arm Swing",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] arm swing",
+ "[on] [pwayew] awm swing",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Called when a player swings their arm.",
- "examples" : "on arm swing:\\n send \"You swung your arm!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew swings theiw awm.",
+ "examples" : "on awm swing:\\n send \"You swung youw awm!\""
"id" : "armor_change",
"name" : "On Armor Change",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] armo[u]r change[d]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] awmo[u]w change[d]",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Called when armor pieces of a player are changed.",
- "examples" : "on armor change:\\n send \"You equipped %event-item%!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when awmow pieces of a pwayew awe changed.",
+ "examples" : "on awmow change:\\n send \"You equipped %event-item%!\""
"id" : "bed_enter",
"name" : "On Bed Enter",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] bed enter[ing]",
-"[on] [player] enter[ing] [a] bed",
+ "[on] bed entew[ing]",
+"[on] [pwayew] entew[ing] [a] bed",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player starts sleeping.",
- "examples" : "on bed enter:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew stawts sweeping.",
+ "examples" : "on bed entew:"
"id" : "bed_leave",
"name" : "On Bed Leave",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] bed leav(e|ing)",
-"[on] [player] leav(e|ing) [a] bed",
+ "[on] bed weav(e|ing)",
+"[on] [pwayew] weav(e|ing) [a] bed",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player leaves a bed.",
- "examples" : "on player leaving a bed:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew weaves a bed.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew weaving a bed:"
"id" : "block_damage",
"name" : "On Block Damage",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] block damag(ing|e)",
+ "[on] bwock damag(ing|e)",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player starts to break a block. You can usually just use the leftclick event for this.",
- "examples" : "on block damaging:\\n if block is log:\\n send \"You can't break the holy log!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew stawts to bweak a bwock. You can usuawwy just use the weftcwick event fow dis.",
+ "examples" : "on bwock damaging:\\n if bwock is wog:\\n send \"You can't bweak the howy wog!\""
"id" : "block_fertilize",
"name" : "On Block Fertilize",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [block] fertilize",
+ "[on] [bwock] fewtiwize",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Called when a player fertilizes blocks.",
- "examples" : "on block fertilize:\\n send \"Fertilized %size of fertilized blocks% blocks got fertilized.\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew fewtiwizes bwocks.",
+ "examples" : "on bwock fewtiwize:\\n send \"Fewtiwized %size of fewtiwized bwocks% bwocks got fewtiwized.\""
"id" : "block_growth",
"name" : "On Block Growth",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] (plant|crop|block) grow[(th|ing)] [[of] %item types%]",
+ "[on] (pwant|cwop|bwock) gwow[(th|ing)] [[of] %item types%]",
"since" : "2.2-Fixes-V10",
- "description" : "Called when a crop grows. Alternative to new form of generic grow event.",
- "examples" : "on crop growth:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a cwop gwows. Awtewnative to new fowm of genewic gwow event.",
+ "examples" : "on cwop gwowth:"
"id" : "book_edit",
"name" : "On Book Edit",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] book (edit|change|write)",
+ "[on] book (edit|change|wwite)",
"since" : "2.2-dev31",
- "description" : "Called when a player edits a book.",
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew edits a book.",
"examples" : "on book edit:"
@@ -3472,70 +3472,70 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "2.2-dev31",
- "description" : "Called when a player signs a book.",
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew signs a book.",
"examples" : "on book sign:"
"id" : "break_mine",
"name" : "On Break / Mine",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [block] (break[ing]|min(e|ing)) [[of] %item types/block datas%]",
+ "[on] [bwock] (bweak[ing]|min(e|ing)) [[of] %item types/bwock datas%]",
"since" : "1.0 (break), unknown (mine), 2.6 (BlockData support)",
- "description" : "Called when a block is broken by a player. If you use 'on mine', only events where the broken block dropped something will call the trigger.",
- "examples" : "on mine:\\non break of stone:\\non mine of any ore:\\non break of chest[facing=north]:\\non break of potatoes[age=7]:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a bwock is bwoken by a pwayew. If you use 'on mine', onwy events whewe the bwoken bwock dwopped something wiww caww the twiggew.",
+ "examples" : "on mine:\\non bweak of stone:\\non mine of any owe:\\non bweak of chest[facing=nowth]:\\non bweak of potatoes[age=7]:"
"id" : "bucket_empty",
"name" : "On Bucket Empty",
"patterns" : [
"[on] bucket empty[ing]",
-"[on] [player] empty[ing] [a] bucket",
+"[on] [pwayew] empty[ing] [a] bucket",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player empties a bucket. You can also use the place event with a check for water or lava.",
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew empties a bucket. You can awso use the pwace event with a check fow watew ow wava.",
"examples" : "on bucket empty:"
"id" : "bucket_fill",
"name" : "On Bucket fill",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] bucket fill[ing]",
-"[on] [player] fill[ing] [a] bucket",
+ "[on] bucket fiww[ing]",
+"[on] [pwayew] fiww[ing] [a] bucket",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player fills a bucket.",
- "examples" : "on player filling a bucket:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew fiwws a bucket.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew fiwwing a bucket:"
"id" : "burn",
"name" : "On Burn",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [block] burn[ing] [[of] %item types/block datas%]",
+ "[on] [bwock] buwn[ing] [[of] %item types/bwock datas%]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)",
- "description" : "Called when a block is destroyed by fire.",
- "examples" : "on burn:\\non burn of wood, fences, or chests:\\non burn of oak_log[axis=y]:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a bwock is destwoyed by fiwe.",
+ "examples" : "on buwn:\\non buwn of wood, fences, ow chests:\\non buwn of oak_wog[axis=y]:"
"id" : "can_build_check",
"name" : "On Can Build Check",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [block] can build check",
+ "[on] [bwock] can buiwd check",
"since" : "1.0 (basic), 2.0 ([un]cancellable)",
- "description" : "Called when a player rightclicks on a block while holding a block or a placeable item. You can either cancel the event to prevent the block from being built, or uncancel it to allow it.\\nPlease note that the data value of the block to be placed is not available in this event, only its ID.",
- "examples" : "on block can build check:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew wightcwicks on a bwock whiwe howding a bwock ow a pwaceabwe item. You can eithew cancew the event to pwevent the bwock fwom being buiwt, ow uncancew it to awwow it.\\nPwease note dat the data vawue of the bwock to be pwaced is not avaiwabwe in dis event, onwy its ID.",
+ "examples" : "on bwock can buiwd check:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "chat",
@@ -3546,57 +3546,57 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "1.4.1",
- "description" : "Called whenever a player chats.\\nUse chat format to change message format.\\nUse chat recipients to edit chat recipients.",
- "examples" : "on chat:\\n if player has permission \"owner\":\\n set chat format to \"&amp;amp;amp;lt;red&amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]\"\\n else if player has permission \"admin\":\\n set chat format to \"&amp;amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]\"\\n else: #default message format\\n set chat format to \"&amp;amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;lt;white&amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed whenevew a pwayew chats.\\nUse chat fowmat to change message fowmat.\\nUse chat wecipients to edit chat wecipients.",
+ "examples" : "on chat:\\n if pwayew has pewmission \"ownew\":\\n set chat fowmat to \"&amp;amp;amp;wt;wed&amp;amp;amp;gt;[pwayew]&amp;amp;amp;wt;wight gway&amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;wt;wight wed&amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]\"\\n ewse if pwayew has pewmission \"admin\":\\n set chat fowmat to \"&amp;amp;amp;wt;wight wed&amp;amp;amp;gt;[pwayew]&amp;amp;amp;wt;wight gway&amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;wt;owange&amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]\"\\n ewse: #defauwt message fowmat\\n set chat fowmat to \"&amp;amp;amp;wt;owange&amp;amp;amp;gt;[pwayew]&amp;amp;amp;wt;wight gway&amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;wt;white&amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]\""
"id" : "chunk_generate",
"name" : "On Chunk Generate",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] chunk (generat|populat)(e|ing)",
+ "[on] chunk (genewat|popuwat)(e|ing)",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called after a new chunk was generated.",
- "examples" : "on chunk generate:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed aftew a new chunk was genewated.",
+ "examples" : "on chunk genewate:"
"id" : "chunk_load",
"name" : "On Chunk Load",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] chunk load[ing]",
+ "[on] chunk woad[ing]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a chunk loads. The chunk might or might not contain mobs when it's loaded.",
- "examples" : "on chunk load:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a chunk woads. The chunk might ow might not contain mobs when it's woaded.",
+ "examples" : "on chunk woad:"
"id" : "chunk_unload",
"name" : "On Chunk Unload",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] chunk unload[ing]",
+ "[on] chunk unwoad[ing]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a chunk is unloaded due to not being near any player.",
- "examples" : "on chunk unload:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a chunk is unwoaded due to not being neaw any pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "on chunk unwoad:"
"id" : "click",
"name" : "On Click",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [(right|left)[( |-)]][mouse[( |-)]]click[ing] [on %entity type/item type%] [(with|using|holding) %item type%]",
-"[on] [(right|left)[( |-)]][mouse[( |-)]]click[ing] (with|using|holding) %item type% on %entity type/item type%",
+ "[on] [(wight|weft)[( |-)]][mouse[( |-)]]cwick[ing] [on %entity type/item type%] [(with|using|howding) %item type%]",
+"[on] [(wight|weft)[( |-)]][mouse[( |-)]]cwick[ing] (with|using|howding) %item type% on %entity type/item type%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a user clicks on a block, an entity or air with or without an item in their hand.\\nPlease note that rightclick events with an empty hand while not looking at a block are not sent to the server, so there's no way to detect them.\\nAlso note that a leftclick on an entity is an attack and thus not covered by the 'click' event, but the 'damage' event.",
- "examples" : "on click:\\non rightclick holding a fishing rod:\\non leftclick on a stone or obsidian:\\non rightclick on a creeper:\\non click with a sword:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a usew cwicks on a bwock, an entity ow aiw with ow without an item in theiw hand.\\nPwease note dat wightcwick events with an empty hand whiwe not wooking at a bwock awe not sent to the sewvew, so thewe's no way to detect them.\\nAwso note dat a weftcwick on an entity is an attack and thus not covewed by the 'cwick' event, but the 'damage' event.",
+ "examples" : "on cwick:\\non wightcwick howding a fishing wod:\\non weftcwick on a stone ow obsidian:\\non wightcwick on a cweepew:\\non cwick with a swowd:"
"id" : "combust",
@@ -3607,68 +3607,68 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when an entity is set on fire, e.g. by fire or lava, a fireball, or by standing in direct sunlight (zombies, skeletons).",
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity is set on fiwe, e.g. by fiwe ow wava, a fiwebaww, ow by standing in diwect sunwight (zombies, skewetons).",
"examples" : "on combust:"
"id" : "command",
"name" : "On Command",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] command [%text%]",
+ "[on] command [%text%]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player enters a command (not necessarily a Skript command) but you can check if command is a skript command, see Is a Skript command condition.",
- "examples" : "on command:\\non command \"/stop\":\\non command \"pm Njol \":"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew entews a command (not necessawiwy a Skwipt command) but you can check if command is a skwipt command, see Is a Skwipt command condition.",
+ "examples" : "on command:\\non command \"/stop\":\\non command \"pm Njow \":"
"id" : "connect",
"name" : "On Connect",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] connect[ing]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] connect[ing]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Called when the player connects to the server. This event is called before the player actually joins the server, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer this event over on join.",
- "examples" : "on connect:\\n player doesn't have permission \"VIP\"\\n number of players is greater than 15\\n kick the player due to \"The last 5 slots are reserved for VIP players.\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when the pwayew connects to the sewvew. dis event is cawwed befowe the pwayew actuawwy joins the sewvew, so if you want to pwevent pwayews fwom joining you shouwd pwefew dis event ovew on join.",
+ "examples" : "on connect:\\n pwayew doesn't have pewmission \"VIP\"\\n numbew of pwayews is gweatew than 15\\n kick the pwayew due to \"The wast 5 swots awe wesewved fow VIP pwayews.\""
"id" : "consume",
"name" : "On Consume",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] ((eat|drink)[ing]|consum(e|ing)) [[of] %item types%]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] ((eat|dwink)[ing]|consum(e|ing)) [[of] %item types%]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player is done eating/drinking something, e.g. an apple, bread, meat, milk or a potion.",
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew is done eating/dwinking something, e.g. an appwe, bwead, meat, miwk ow a potion.",
"examples" : "on consume:"
"id" : "craft",
"name" : "On Craft",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] craft[ing] [[of] %item types%]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] cwaft[ing] [[of] %item types%]",
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1)",
- "description" : "Called when a player crafts an item.",
- "examples" : "on craft:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew cwafts an item.",
+ "examples" : "on cwaft:"
"id" : "creeper_power",
"name" : "On Creeper Power",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] creeper power",
+ "[on] cweepew powew",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a creeper is struck by lighting and gets powered. Cancel the event to prevent the creeper from being powered.",
- "examples" : "on creeper power:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a cweepew is stwuck by wighting and gets powewed. Cancew the event to pwevent the cweepew fwom being powewed.",
+ "examples" : "on cweepew powew:"
"id" : "damage",
@@ -3679,8 +3679,8 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "1.0, 2.7 (by entity)",
- "description" : "Called when an entity receives damage, e.g. by an attack from another entity, lava, fire, drowning, fall, suffocation, etc.",
- "examples" : "on damage:\\non damage of a player:\\non damage of player by zombie:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity weceives damage, e.g. by an attack fwom anothew entity, wava, fiwe, dwowning, faww, suffocation, etc.",
+ "examples" : "on damage:\\non damage of a pwayew:\\non damage of pwayew by zombie:"
"id" : "death",
@@ -3691,8 +3691,8 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a living entity (including players) dies.",
- "examples" : "on death:\\non death of player:\\non death of a wither or ender dragon:\\n broadcast \"A %entity% has been slain in %world%!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a wiving entity (incwuding pwayews) dies.",
+ "examples" : "on death:\\non death of pwayew:\\non death of a withew ow endew dwagon:\\n bwoadcast \"A %entity% has been swain in %wowwd%!\""
"id" : "dispense",
@@ -3703,33 +3703,33 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1)",
- "description" : "Called when a dispenser dispenses an item.",
- "examples" : "on dispense of iron block:\\n send \"that'd be 19.99 please!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a dispensew dispenses an item.",
+ "examples" : "on dispense of iwon bwock:\\n send \"dat'd be 19.99 pwease!\""
"id" : "drop",
"name" : "On Drop",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player|entity] drop[ping] [[of] %item types%]",
+ "[on] [pwayew|entity] dwop[ping] [[of] %item types%]",
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1), 2.7 (entity)",
- "description" : "Called when a player drops an item from their inventory, or an entity drops an item, such as a chicken laying an egg.",
- "examples" : "on drop:\\n if event-item is compass:\\n cancel event\\n\\non entity drop of an egg:\\n if event-entity is a chicken:\\n set item of event-dropped item to a diamond"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew dwops an item fwom theiw inventowy, ow an entity dwops an item, such as a chicken waying an egg.",
+ "examples" : "on dwop:\\n if event-item is compass:\\n cancew event\\n\\non entity dwop of an egg:\\n if event-entity is a chicken:\\n set item of event-dwopped item to a diamond"
"id" : "egg_throw",
"name" : "On Egg Throw",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] throw[ing] [of] [an] egg",
-"[on] [player] egg throw",
+ "[on] thwow[ing] [of] [an] egg",
+"[on] [pwayew] egg thwow",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player throws an egg and it lands. You can just use the shoot event in most cases. However, this event allows modification of properties like the hatched entity type and the number of entities to hatch.",
- "examples" : "on throw of an egg:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew thwows an egg and it wands. You can just use the shoot event in most cases. Howevew, dis event awwows modification of pwopewties wike the hatched entity type and the numbew of entities to hatch.",
+ "examples" : "on thwow of an egg:"
"id" : "enchant",
@@ -3740,39 +3740,39 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Called when a player successfully enchants an item.\\n To get the enchanted item, see the enchant item expression",
- "examples" : "on enchant:\\n if the clicked button is 1: # offer 1\\n set the applied enchantments to sharpness 10 and unbreaking 10"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew successfuwwy enchants an item.\\n To get the enchanted item, see the enchant item expwession",
+ "examples" : "on enchant:\\n if the cwicked button is 1: # offew 1\\n set the appwied enchantments to shawpness 10 and unbweaking 10"
"id" : "enchant_prepare",
"name" : "On Enchant Prepare",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [item] enchant prepare",
+ "[on] [item] enchant pwepawe",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Called when a player puts an item into enchantment table. This event may be called multiple times.\\n To get the enchant item, see the enchant item expression",
- "examples" : "on enchant prepare:\\n set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1\\n set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew puts an item into enchantment tabwe. dis event may be cawwed muwtipwe times.\\n To get the enchant item, see the enchant item expwession",
+ "examples" : "on enchant pwepawe:\\n set enchant offew 1 to shawpness 1\\n set the cost of enchant offew 1 to 10 wevews"
"id" : "endermansheepsilverfishfalling_block",
"name" : "On Enderman/Sheep/Silverfish/Falling Block",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] enderman place",
-"[on] enderman pickup",
+ "[on] endewman pwace",
+"[on] endewman pickup",
"[on] sheep eat",
-"[on] silverfish enter",
-"[on] silverfish exit",
-"[on] falling block fall[ing]",
-"[on] falling block land[ing]",
-"[on] (entity|%*-entitydatas%) chang(e|ing) block[s]",
+"[on] siwvewfish entew",
+"[on] siwvewfish exit",
+"[on] fawwing bwock faww[ing]",
+"[on] fawwing bwock wand[ing]",
+"[on] (entity|%*-entitydatas%) chang(e|ing) bwock[s]",
"since" : "unknown, 2.5.2 (falling block), 2.8.0 (any entity support)",
- "description" : "Called when an enderman places or picks up a block, a sheep eats grass, a silverfish boops into/out of a block or a falling block lands and turns into a block respectively.\\nevent-block represents the old block and event-blockdata represents the new replacement that'll be applied to the block.",
- "examples" : "on sheep eat:\\n kill event-entity\\n broadcast \"A sheep stole some grass!\"\\n\\non falling block land:\\n event-entity is a falling dirt\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an endewman pwaces ow picks up a bwock, a sheep eats gwass, a siwvewfish boops into/out of a bwock ow a fawwing bwock wands and tuwns into a bwock wespectivewy.\\nevent-bwock wepwesents the owd bwock and event-bwockdata wepwesents the new wepwacement dat'ww be appwied to the bwock.",
+ "examples" : "on sheep eat:\\n kiww event-entity\\n bwoadcast \"A sheep stowe some gwass!\"\\n\\non fawwing bwock wand:\\n event-entity is a fawwing diwt\\n cancew event"
"id" : "entity_dismount",
@@ -3783,8 +3783,8 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "2.2-dev13b",
- "description" : "Called when an entity dismounts.",
- "examples" : "on dismount:\\n kill event-entity"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity dismounts.",
+ "examples" : "on dismount:\\n kiww event-entity"
"id" : "entity_jump",
@@ -3795,8 +3795,8 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Called when an entity jumps.",
- "examples" : "on entity jump:\\n if entity is a wither skeleton:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity jumps.",
+ "examples" : "on entity jump:\\n if entity is a withew skeweton:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "entity_mount",
@@ -3807,179 +3807,179 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "2.2-dev13b",
- "description" : "Called when entity starts riding another.",
- "examples" : "on mount:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when entity stawts widing anothew.",
+ "examples" : "on mount:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "entity_portal",
"name" : "On Entity Portal",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] entity portal",
+ "[on] entity powtaw",
"since" : "2.5.3",
- "description" : "Called when an entity uses a nether or end portal. Cancel the event to prevent the entity from teleporting.",
- "examples" : "on entity portal:\\n broadcast \"A %type of event-entity% has entered a portal!"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity uses a nethew ow end powtaw. Cancew the event to pwevent the entity fwom tewepowting.",
+ "examples" : "on entity powtaw:\\n bwoadcast \"A %type of event-entity% has entewed a powtaw!"
"id" : "entity_transform",
"name" : "On Entity Transform",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] (entit(y|ies)|%*-entitydatas%) transform[ing] [due to %transform reasons%]",
+ "[on] (entit(y|ies)|%*-entitydatas%) twansfowm[ing] [due to %twansfowm weasons%]",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Called when an entity is about to be replaced by another entity.\\nExamples when it's called include; when a zombie gets cured and a villager spawns, an entity drowns in water like a zombie that turns to a drown, an entity that gets frozen in powder snow, a mooshroom that when sheared, spawns a new cow.",
- "examples" : "on a zombie transforming due to curing:\\non mooshroom transforming:\\non zombie, skeleton or slime transform:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity is about to be wepwaced by anothew entity.\\nExampwes when it's cawwed incwude; when a zombie gets cuwed and a viwwagew spawns, an entity dwowns in watew wike a zombie dat tuwns to a dwown, an entity dat gets fwozen in powdew snow, a mooshwoom dat when sheawed, spawns a new cow.",
+ "examples" : "on a zombie twansfowming due to cuwing:\\non mooshwoom twansfowming:\\non zombie, skeweton ow swime twansfowm:"
"id" : "experience_change",
"name" : "On Experience Change",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] (level progress|[e]xp|experience) (change|update|increase|decrease)",
+ "[on] [pwayew] (wevew pwogwess|[e]xp|expewience) (change|update|incwease|decwease)",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Called when a player's experience changes.",
- "examples" : "on level progress change:\\n set {_xp} to event-experience\\n broadcast \"%{_xp}%\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew's expewience changes.",
+ "examples" : "on wevew pwogwess change:\\n set {_xp} to event-expewience\\n bwoadcast \"%{_xp}%\""
"id" : "experience_spawn",
"name" : "On Experience Spawn",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [e]xp[erience] [orb] spawn",
-"[on] spawn of [a[n]] [e]xp[erience] [orb]",
+ "[on] [e]xp[ewience] [owb] spawn",
+"[on] spawn of [a[n]] [e]xp[ewience] [owb]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Called whenever experience is about to spawn.\\nPlease note that this event will not fire for xp orbs spawned by plugins (including Skript) with Bukkit.",
- "examples" : "on xp spawn:\\n world is \"minigame_world\"\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed whenevew expewience is about to spawn.\\nPwease note dat dis event wiww not fiwe fow xp owbs spawned by pwugins (incwuding Skwipt) with Bukkit.",
+ "examples" : "on xp spawn:\\n wowwd is \"minigame_wowwd\"\\n cancew event"
"id" : "explode",
"name" : "On Explode",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] explo(d(e|ing)|sion)",
+ "[on] expwo(d(e|ing)|sion)",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when an entity (a primed TNT or a creeper) explodes.",
- "examples" : "on explosion:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity (a pwimed TNT ow a cweepew) expwodes.",
+ "examples" : "on expwosion:"
"id" : "explosion_prime",
"name" : "On Explosion Prime",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] explosion prime",
+ "[on] expwosion pwime",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when an explosive is primed, i.e. an entity will explode shortly. Creepers can abort the explosion if the player gets too far away, while TNT will explode for sure after a short time.",
- "examples" : "on explosion prime:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an expwosive is pwimed, i.e. an entity wiww expwode showtwy. Cweepews can abowt the expwosion if the pwayew gets too faw away, whiwe TNT wiww expwode fow suwe aftew a showt time.",
+ "examples" : "on expwosion pwime:"
"id" : "fade",
"name" : "On Fade",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [block] fad(e|ing) [[of] %item types/block datas%]",
+ "[on] [bwock] fad(e|ing) [[of] %item types/bwock datas%]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)",
- "description" : "Called when a block 'fades away', e.g. ice or snow melts.",
- "examples" : "on fade of snow or ice:\\non fade of snow[layers=2]"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a bwock 'fades away', e.g. ice ow snow mewts.",
+ "examples" : "on fade of snow ow ice:\\non fade of snow[wayews=2]"
"id" : "firework_explode",
"name" : "On Firework Explode",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [a] firework explo(d(e|ing)|sion) [colo[u]red %colors%]",
+ "[on] [a] fiwewowk expwo(d(e|ing)|sion) [cowo[u]wed %cowows%]",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Called when a firework explodes.",
- "examples" : "on firework explode\\non firework exploding colored red, light green and black\\non firework explosion colored light green:\\n broadcast \"A firework colored %colors% was exploded at %location%!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a fiwewowk expwodes.",
+ "examples" : "on fiwewowk expwode\\non fiwewowk expwoding cowowed wed, wight gween and bwack\\non fiwewowk expwosion cowowed wight gween:\\n bwoadcast \"A fiwewowk cowowed %cowows% was expwoded at %wocation%!\""
"id" : "first_join",
"name" : "On First Join",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] first (join|login)",
+ "[on] fiwst (join|wogin)",
"since" : "1.3.7",
- "description" : "Called when a player joins the server for the first time.",
- "examples" : "on first join:\\n broadcast \"Welcome %player% to the server!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew joins the sewvew fow the fiwst time.",
+ "examples" : "on fiwst join:\\n bwoadcast \"Wewcome %pwayew% to the sewvew!\""
"id" : "fishing",
"name" : "On Fishing",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] fish[ing]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] fish[ing]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player fishes something. This is not of much use yet.",
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew fishes something. dis is not of much use yet.",
"examples" : "on fish:"
"id" : "flight_toggle",
"name" : "On Flight Toggle",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] flight toggl(e|ing)",
-"[on] [player] toggl(e|ing) flight",
+ "[on] [pwayew] fwight toggw(e|ing)",
+"[on] [pwayew] toggw(e|ing) fwight",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Called when a players stops/starts flying.",
- "examples" : "on flight toggle:\\n if {game::%player%::playing} exists:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayews stops/stawts fwying.",
+ "examples" : "on fwight toggwe:\\n if {game::%pwayew%::pwaying} exists:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "flow",
"name" : "On Flow",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [block] flow[ing]",
-"[on] block mov(e|ing)",
+ "[on] [bwock] fwow[ing]",
+"[on] bwock mov(e|ing)",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a blocks flows or teleports to another block. This not only applies to water and lava, but teleporting dragon eggs as well.",
- "examples" : "on block flow:\\n if event-block is water:\\n broadcast \"Build more dams! It's starting to get wet in here\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a bwocks fwows ow tewepowts to anothew bwock. dis not onwy appwies to watew and wava, but tewepowting dwagon eggs as weww.",
+ "examples" : "on bwock fwow:\\n if event-bwock is watew:\\n bwoadcast \"Buiwd mowe dams! It's stawting to get wet in hewe\""
"id" : "form",
"name" : "On Form",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [block] form[ing] [[of] %item types/block datas%]",
+ "[on] [bwock] fowm[ing] [[of] %item types/bwock datas%]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)",
- "description" : "Called when a block is created, but not by a player, e.g. snow forms due to snowfall, water freezes in cold biomes. This isn't called when block spreads (mushroom growth, water physics etc.), as it has its own event (see spread event).",
- "examples" : "on form of snow:\\non form of a mushroom:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a bwock is cweated, but not by a pwayew, e.g. snow fowms due to snowfaww, watew fweezes in cowd biomes. dis isn't cawwed when bwock spweads (mushwoom gwowth, watew physics etc.), as it has its own event (see spwead event).",
+ "examples" : "on fowm of snow:\\non fowm of a mushwoom:"
"id" : "fuel_burn",
"name" : "On Fuel Burn",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] fuel burn[ing]",
+ "[on] fuew buwn[ing]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a furnace burns an item from its fuel slot.",
- "examples" : "on fuel burning:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a fuwnace buwns an item fwom its fuew swot.",
+ "examples" : "on fuew buwning:"
"id" : "gamemode_change",
@@ -3990,193 +3990,193 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player's gamemode changes.",
- "examples" : "on gamemode change:\\non gamemode change to adventure:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew's gamemode changes.",
+ "examples" : "on gamemode change:\\non gamemode change to adventuwe:"
"id" : "gliding_state_change",
"name" : "On Gliding State Change",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] (gliding state change|toggl(e|ing) gliding)",
+ "[on] (gwiding state change|toggw(e|ing) gwiding)",
"since" : "2.2-dev21",
- "description" : "Called when an entity toggles glider on or off, or when server toggles gliding state of an entity forcibly.",
- "examples" : "on toggling gliding:\\n cancel the event # bad idea, but you CAN do it!"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity toggwes gwidew on ow off, ow when sewvew toggwes gwiding state of an entity fowcibwy.",
+ "examples" : "on toggwing gwiding:\\n cancew the event # bad idea, but you CAN do it!"
"id" : "grow",
"name" : "On Grow",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] grow[th] [of (%tree types%|%item types/block datas%)]",
-"[on] grow[th] from %item types/block datas%",
-"[on] grow[th] [in]to (%tree types%|%item types/block datas%)",
-"[on] grow[th] from %item types/block datas% [in]to (%tree types%|%item types/block datas%)",
+ "[on] gwow[th] [of (%twee types%|%item types/bwock datas%)]",
+"[on] gwow[th] fwom %item types/bwock datas%",
+"[on] gwow[th] [in]to (%twee types%|%item types/bwock datas%)",
+"[on] gwow[th] fwom %item types/bwock datas% [in]to (%twee types%|%item types/bwock datas%)",
"since" : "1.0, 2.2-dev20 (plants), 2.8.0 (from, into, blockdata)",
- "description" : "Called when a tree, giant mushroom or plant grows to next stage.\\n\"of\" matches any grow event, \"from\" matches only the old state, \"into\" matches only the new state,and \"from into\" requires matching both the old and new states.\\nUsing \"and\" lists in this event is equivalent to using \"or\" lists. The event will trigger if any one of the elements is what grew.",
- "examples" : "on grow:\\non grow of tree:\\non grow of wheat[age=7]:\\non grow from a sapling:\\non grow into tree:\\non grow from a sapling into tree:\\non grow of wheat, carrots, or potatoes:\\non grow into tree, giant mushroom, cactus:\\non grow from wheat[age=0] to wheat[age=1] or wheat[age=2]:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a twee, giant mushwoom ow pwant gwows to next stage.\\n\"of\" matches any gwow event, \"fwom\" matches onwy the owd state, \"into\" matches onwy the new state,and \"fwom into\" wequiwes matching both the owd and new states.\\nUsing \"and\" wists in dis event is equivawent to using \"ow\" wists. The event wiww twiggew if any one of the ewements is what gwew.",
+ "examples" : "on gwow:\\non gwow of twee:\\non gwow of wheat[age=7]:\\non gwow fwom a sapwing:\\non gwow into twee:\\non gwow fwom a sapwing into twee:\\non gwow of wheat, cawwots, ow potatoes:\\non gwow into twee, giant mushwoom, cactus:\\non gwow fwom wheat[age=0] to wheat[age=1] ow wheat[age=2]:"
"id" : "hand_item_swap",
"name" : "On Hand Item Swap",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] swap[ping of] [(hand|held)] item[s]",
+ "[on] swap[ping of] [(hand|hewd)] item[s]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Called whenever a player swaps the items in their main- and offhand slots.\\nWorks also when one or both of the slots are empty.\\nThe event is called before the items are actually swapped,\\nso when you use the player's tool or player's offtool expressions,\\nthey will return the values before the swap -\\nthis enables you to cancel the event before anything happens.",
- "examples" : "on swap hand items:\\n event-player's tool is a diamond sword\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed whenevew a pwayew swaps the items in theiw main- and offhand swots.\\nWowks awso when one ow both of the swots awe empty.\\nThe event is cawwed befowe the items awe actuawwy swapped,\\nso when you use the pwayew's toow ow pwayew's offtoow expwessions,\\nthey wiww wetuwn the vawues befowe the swap -\\ndis enabwes you to cancew the event befowe anything happens.",
+ "examples" : "on swap hand items:\\n event-pwayew's toow is a diamond swowd\\n cancew event"
"id" : "heal",
"name" : "On Heal",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] heal[ing]",
+ "[on] heaw[ing]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when an entity is healed, e.g. by eating (players), being fed (pets), or by the effect of a potion of healing (overworld mobs) or harm (nether mobs).",
- "examples" : "on heal:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity is heawed, e.g. by eating (pwayews), being fed (pets), ow by the effect of a potion of heawing (ovewwowwd mobs) ow hawm (nethew mobs).",
+ "examples" : "on heaw:"
"id" : "horse_jump",
"name" : "On Horse Jump",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] horse jump",
+ "[on] howse jump",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Called when a horse jumps.",
- "examples" : "on horse jump:\\n push event-entity upwards at speed 2"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a howse jumps.",
+ "examples" : "on howse jump:\\n push event-entity upwawds at speed 2"
"id" : "hunger_meter_change",
"name" : "On Hunger Meter Change",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] (food|hunger) (level|met(er|re)|bar) chang(e|ing)",
+ "[on] (food|hungew) (wevew|met(ew|we)|baw) chang(e|ing)",
"since" : "1.4.4",
- "description" : "Called when the hunger bar of a player changes, i.e. either increases by eating or decreases over time.",
- "examples" : "on food bar change:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when the hungew baw of a pwayew changes, i.e. eithew incweases by eating ow decweases ovew time.",
+ "examples" : "on food baw change:"
"id" : "ignition",
"name" : "On Ignition",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [block] ignit(e|ion)",
+ "[on] [bwock] ignit(e|ion)",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a block starts burning, i.e. a fire block is placed next to it and this block is flammable.\\nThe burn event will be called when the block is about do be destroyed by the fire.",
- "examples" : "on block ignite:\\n if event-block is a ladder:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a bwock stawts buwning, i.e. a fiwe bwock is pwaced next to it and dis bwock is fwammabwe.\\nThe buwn event wiww be cawwed when the bwock is about do be destwoyed by the fiwe.",
+ "examples" : "on bwock ignite:\\n if event-bwock is a waddew:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "inventory_click",
"name" : "On Inventory Click",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] inventory(-| )click[ing] [[at] %item types%]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] inventowy(-| )cwick[ing] [[at] %item types%]",
"since" : "2.2-Fixes-V10",
- "description" : "Called when clicking on inventory slot.",
- "examples" : "on inventory click:\\n if event-item is stone:\\n give player 1 stone\\n remove 20$ from player's balance"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when cwicking on inventowy swot.",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy cwick:\\n if event-item is stone:\\n give pwayew 1 stone\\n wemove 20$ fwom pwayew's bawance"
"id" : "inventory_close",
"name" : "On Inventory Close",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] inventory clos(ing|e[d])",
+ "[on] inventowy cwos(ing|e[d])",
"since" : "2.2-dev21",
- "description" : "Called when player's currently viewed inventory is closed.",
- "examples" : "on inventory close:\\n if player's location is {location}:\\n send \"You exited the shop!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when pwayew's cuwwentwy viewed inventowy is cwosed.",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy cwose:\\n if pwayew's wocation is {wocation}:\\n send \"You exited the shop!\""
"id" : "inventory_drag",
"name" : "On Inventory Drag",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] inventory drag[ging]",
+ "[on] inventowy dwag[ging]",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Called when a player drags an item in their cursor across the inventory.",
- "examples" : "on inventory drag:\\n if player's current inventory is {_gui}:\\n send \"You can't drag your items here!\" to player\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew dwags an item in theiw cuwsow acwoss the inventowy.",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy dwag:\\n if pwayew's cuwwent inventowy is {_gui}:\\n send \"You can't dwag youw items hewe!\" to pwayew\\n cancew event"
"id" : "inventory_item_move",
"name" : "On Inventory Item Move",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] inventory item (move|transport)",
-"[on] inventory (mov(e|ing)|transport[ing]) [an] item",
+ "[on] inventowy item (move|twanspowt)",
+"[on] inventowy (mov(e|ing)|twanspowt[ing]) [an] item",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Called when an entity or block (e.g. hopper) tries to move items directly from one inventory to another.\\nWhen this event is called, the initiator may have already removed the item from the source inventory and is ready to move it into the destination inventory.\\nIf this event is cancelled, the items will be returned to the source inventory.",
- "examples" : "on inventory item move:\\n broadcast \"%holder of past event-inventory% is transporting %event-item% to %holder of event-inventory%!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity ow bwock (e.g. hoppew) twies to move items diwectwy fwom one inventowy to anothew.\\nWhen dis event is cawwed, the initiatow may have awweady wemoved the item fwom the souwce inventowy and is weady to move it into the destination inventowy.\\nIf dis event is cancewwed, the items wiww be wetuwned to the souwce inventowy.",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy item move:\\n bwoadcast \"%howdew of past event-inventowy% is twanspowting %event-item% to %howdew of event-inventowy%!\""
"id" : "inventory_open",
"name" : "On Inventory Open",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] inventory open[ed]",
+ "[on] inventowy open[ed]",
"since" : "2.2-dev21",
- "description" : "Called when an inventory is opened for player.",
- "examples" : "on inventory open:\\n close player's inventory"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an inventowy is opened fow pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy open:\\n cwose pwayew's inventowy"
"id" : "inventory_pickup",
"name" : "On Inventory Pickup",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] inventory pick[ ]up",
+ "[on] inventowy pick[ ]up",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Called when an inventory (a hopper, a hopper minecart, etc.) picks up an item",
- "examples" : "on inventory pickup:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an inventowy (a hoppew, a hoppew minecawt, etc.) picks up an item",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy pickup:"
"id" : "inventory_slot_change",
"name" : "On Inventory Slot Change",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] inventory slot chang(e|ing)",
+ "[on] [pwayew] inventowy swot chang(e|ing)",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Called when a slot in a player's inventory is changed.\\nWarning: setting the event-slot to a new item can result in an infinite loop.",
- "examples" : "on inventory slot change:\\n if event-item is a diamond:\\n send \"You obtained a diamond!\" to player"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a swot in a pwayew's inventowy is changed.\\nWawning: setting the event-swot to a new item can wesuwt in an infinite woop.",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy swot change:\\n if event-item is a diamond:\\n send \"You obtained a diamond!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "item_break",
"name" : "On Item Break",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] tool break[ing]",
-"[on] [player] break[ing] [(a|the)] tool",
+ "[on] [pwayew] toow bweak[ing]",
+"[on] [pwayew] bweak[ing] [(a|the)] toow",
"since" : "2.1.1",
- "description" : "Called when a player breaks their tool because its damage reached the maximum value.\\nThis event cannot be cancelled.",
- "examples" : "on tool break:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew bweaks theiw toow because its damage weached the maximum vawue.\\ndis event cannot be cancewwed.",
+ "examples" : "on toow bweak:"
"id" : "item_damage",
@@ -4187,8 +4187,8 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Called when an item is damaged. Most tools are damaged by using them; armor is damaged when the wearer takes damage.",
- "examples" : "on item damage:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an item is damaged. Most toows awe damaged by using them; awmow is damaged when the weawew takes damage.",
+ "examples" : "on item damage:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "item_despawn",
@@ -4200,8 +4200,8 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "Called when an item is about to be despawned from the world, usually 5 minutes after it was dropped.",
- "examples" : "on item despawn of diamond:\\n send \"Not my precious!\"\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an item is about to be despawned fwom the wowwd, usuawwy 5 minutes aftew it was dwopped.",
+ "examples" : "on item despawn of diamond:\\n send \"Not my pwecious!\"\\n cancew event"
"id" : "item_mend",
@@ -4212,21 +4212,21 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Called when a player has an item repaired via the Mending enchantment.",
- "examples" : "on item mend:\\n chance of 50%:\\n cancel the event\\n send \"Oops! Mending failed!\" to player"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew has an item wepaiwed via the Mending enchantment.",
+ "examples" : "on item mend:\\n chance of 50%:\\n cancew the event\\n send \"Oops! Mending faiwed!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "item_merge",
"name" : "On Item Merge",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %item types%) merg(e|ing)",
-"[on] item[ ][stack] merg(e|ing) [[of] %item types%]",
+ "[on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %item types%) mewg(e|ing)",
+"[on] item[ ][stack] mewg(e|ing) [[of] %item types%]",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "Called when dropped items merge into a single stack. event-entity will be the entity which is trying to merge, and future event-entity will be the entity which is being merged into.",
- "examples" : "on item merge of gold blocks:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when dwopped items mewge into a singwe stack. event-entity wiww be the entity which is twying to mewge, and futuwe event-entity wiww be the entity which is being mewged into.",
+ "examples" : "on item mewge of gowd bwocks:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "item_spawn",
@@ -4237,154 +4237,154 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1)",
- "description" : "Called whenever an item stack is spawned in a world, e.g. as drop of a block or mob, a player throwing items out of their inventory, or a dispenser dispensing an item (not shooting it).",
- "examples" : "on item spawn of iron sword:\\n broadcast \"Someone dropped an iron sword!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed whenevew an item stack is spawned in a wowwd, e.g. as dwop of a bwock ow mob, a pwayew thwowing items out of theiw inventowy, ow a dispensew dispensing an item (not shooting it).",
+ "examples" : "on item spawn of iwon swowd:\\n bwoadcast \"Someone dwopped an iwon swowd!\""
"id" : "join",
"name" : "On Join",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] (login|logging in|join[ing])",
+ "[on] [pwayew] (wogin|wogging in|join[ing])",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when the player joins the server. The player is already in a world when this event is called, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer on connect over this event.",
- "examples" : "on join:\\n message \"Welcome on our awesome server!\"\\n broadcast \"%player% just joined the server!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when the pwayew joins the sewvew. The pwayew is awweady in a wowwd when dis event is cawwed, so if you want to pwevent pwayews fwom joining you shouwd pwefew on connect ovew dis event.",
+ "examples" : "on join:\\n message \"Wewcome on ouw awesome sewvew!\"\\n bwoadcast \"%pwayew% just joined the sewvew!\""
"id" : "jump",
"name" : "On Jump",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] jump[ing]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] jump[ing]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Called whenever a player jumps.\\nThis event requires PaperSpigot.",
- "examples" : "on jump:\\n event-player does not have permission \"jump\"\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed whenevew a pwayew jumps.\\ndis event wequiwes PapewSpigot.",
+ "examples" : "on jump:\\n event-pwayew does not have pewmission \"jump\"\\n cancew event"
"id" : "kick",
"name" : "On Kick",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] (kick|being kicked)",
+ "[on] [pwayew] (kick|being kicked)",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player is kicked from the server. You can change the kick message or cancel the event entirely.",
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew is kicked fwom the sewvew. You can change the kick message ow cancew the event entiwewy.",
"examples" : "on kick:"
"id" : "language_change",
"name" : "On Language Change",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] (language|locale) chang(e|ing)",
-"[on] [player] chang(e|ing) (language|locale)",
+ "[on] [pwayew] (wanguage|wocawe) chang(e|ing)",
+"[on] [pwayew] chang(e|ing) (wanguage|wocawe)",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Called after a player changed their language in the game settings. You can use the language expression to get the current language of the player.\\nThis event requires Minecraft 1.12+.",
- "examples" : "on language change:\\n if player's language starts with \"en\":\\n send \"Hello!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed aftew a pwayew changed theiw wanguage in the game settings. You can use the wanguage expwession to get the cuwwent wanguage of the pwayew.\\ndis event wequiwes Minecwaft 1.12+.",
+ "examples" : "on wanguage change:\\n if pwayew's wanguage stawts with \"en\":\\n send \"Hewwo!\""
"id" : "leaves_decay",
"name" : "On Leaves Decay",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] leaves decay[ing]",
+ "[on] weaves decay[ing]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a leaf block decays due to not being connected to a tree.",
- "examples" : "on leaves decay:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a weaf bwock decays due to not being connected to a twee.",
+ "examples" : "on weaves decay:"
"id" : "level_change",
"name" : "On Level Change",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] level (change|up|down)",
+ "[on] [pwayew] wevew (change|up|down)",
"since" : "1.0, 2.4 (level up/down)",
- "description" : "Called when a player's level changes, e.g. by gathering experience or by enchanting something.",
- "examples" : "on level change:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew's wevew changes, e.g. by gathewing expewience ow by enchanting something.",
+ "examples" : "on wevew change:"
"id" : "lightning_strike",
"name" : "On Lightning Strike",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] lightning [strike]",
+ "[on] wightning [stwike]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when lightning strikes.",
- "examples" : "on lightning:\\n spawn a zombie at location of event-entity"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when wightning stwikes.",
+ "examples" : "on wightning:\\n spawn a zombie at wocation of event-entity"
"id" : "loot_generate",
"name" : "On Loot Generate",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] loot generat(e|ing)",
+ "[on] woot genewat(e|ing)",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Called when a loot table of an inventory is generated in the world.\\nFor example, when opening a shipwreck chest.",
- "examples" : "on loot generate:\\n chance of 10%\\n add 64 diamonds to the loot\\n send \"You hit the jackpot at %event-location%!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a woot tabwe of an inventowy is genewated in the wowwd.\\nFow exampwe, when opening a shipwweck chest.",
+ "examples" : "on woot genewate:\\n chance of 10%\\n add 64 diamonds to the woot\\n send \"You hit the jackpot at %event-wocation%!\""
"id" : "move_rotate",
"name" : "On Move / Rotate",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] %entity type% (move|walk|step|(turn[ing] around|rotate))",
-"[on] %entity type% (move|walk|step) or (turn[ing] around|rotate)",
-"[on] %entity type% (turn[ing] around|rotate) or (move|walk|step)",
+ "[on] %entity type% (move|wawk|step|(tuwn[ing] awound|wotate))",
+"[on] %entity type% (move|wawk|step) ow (tuwn[ing] awound|wotate)",
+"[on] %entity type% (tuwn[ing] awound|wotate) ow (move|wawk|step)",
"since" : "2.6, 2.8.0 (turn around)",
- "description" : "Called when a player or entity moves or rotates their head.\\nNOTE: Move event will only be called when the entity/player moves position, keyword 'turn around' is for orientation (ie: looking around), and the combined syntax listens for both.\\nNOTE: These events can be performance heavy as they are called quite often.",
- "examples" : "on player move:\\n if player does not have permission \"player.can.move\":\\n cancel event\\non skeleton move:\\n if event-entity is not in world \"world\":\\n kill event-entity\\non player turning around:\\nsend action bar \"You are currently turning your head around!\" to player"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew ow entity moves ow wotates theiw head.\\nNOTE: Move event wiww onwy be cawwed when the entity/pwayew moves position, keywowd 'tuwn awound' is fow owientation (ie: wooking awound), and the combined syntax wistens fow both.\\nNOTE: These events can be pewfowmance heavy as they awe cawwed quite often.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew move:\\n if pwayew does not have pewmission \"pwayew.can.move\":\\n cancew event\\non skeweton move:\\n if event-entity is not in wowwd \"wowwd\":\\n kiww event-entity\\non pwayew tuwning awound:\\nsend action baw \"You awe cuwwentwy tuwning youw head awound!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "move_on",
"name" : "On Move On",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] (step|walk)[ing] (on|over) %*item types%",
+ "[on] (step|wawk)[ing] (on|ovew) %*item types%",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player moves onto a certain type of block.\\nPlease note that using this event can cause lag if there are many players online.",
- "examples" : "on walking on dirt or grass:\\non stepping on stone:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew moves onto a cewtain type of bwock.\\nPwease note dat using dis event can cause wag if thewe awe many pwayews onwine.",
+ "examples" : "on wawking on diwt ow gwass:\\non stepping on stone:"
"id" : "physics",
"name" : "On Physics",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [block] physics",
+ "[on] [bwock] physics",
"since" : "1.4.6",
- "description" : "Called when a physics check is done on a block. By cancelling this event you can prevent some things from happening, e.g. sand falling, dirt turning into grass, torches dropping if their supporting block is destroyed, etc.Please note that using this event might cause quite some lag since it gets called extremely often.",
- "examples" : "# prevents sand from falling\\non block physics:\\n block is sand\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a physics check is done on a bwock. By cancewwing dis event you can pwevent some things fwom happening, e.g. sand fawwing, diwt tuwning into gwass, towches dwopping if theiw suppowting bwock is destwoyed, etc.Pwease note dat using dis event might cause quite some wag since it gets cawwed extwemewy often.",
+ "examples" : "# pwevents sand fwom fawwing\\non bwock physics:\\n bwock is sand\\n cancew event"
"id" : "pick_up",
"name" : "On Pick Up",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [(player|entity)] (pick[ ]up|picking up) [[of] %item types%]",
+ "[on] [(pwayew|entity)] (pick[ ]up|picking up) [[of] %item types%]",
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1), 2.5 (entity)",
- "description" : "Called when a player/entity picks up an item. Please note that the item is still on the ground when this event is called.",
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew/entity picks up an item. Pwease note dat the item is stiww on the gwound when dis event is cawwed.",
"examples" : "on pick up:\\non entity pickup of wheat:"
@@ -4396,7 +4396,7 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a pig is stroke by lightning and transformed into a zombie pigman. Cancel the event to prevent the transformation.",
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pig is stwoke by wightning and twansfowmed into a zombie pigman. Cancew the event to pwevent the twansfowmation.",
"examples" : "on pig zap:"
@@ -4408,402 +4408,402 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a piston is about to extend.",
- "examples" : "on piston extend:\\n broadcast \"A piston is extending!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a piston is about to extend.",
+ "examples" : "on piston extend:\\n bwoadcast \"A piston is extending!\""
"id" : "piston_retract",
"name" : "On Piston Retract",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] piston retract[ing]",
+ "[on] piston wetwact[ing]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a piston is about to retract.",
- "examples" : "on piston retract:\\n broadcast \"A piston is retracting!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a piston is about to wetwact.",
+ "examples" : "on piston wetwact:\\n bwoadcast \"A piston is wetwacting!\""
"id" : "place",
"name" : "On Place",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [block] (plac(e|ing)|build[ing]) [[of] %item types/block datas%]",
+ "[on] [bwock] (pwac(e|ing)|buiwd[ing]) [[of] %item types/bwock datas%]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)",
- "description" : "Called when a player places a block.",
- "examples" : "on place:\\non place of a furnace, workbench or chest:\\non break of chest[type=right] or chest[type=left]"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew pwaces a bwock.",
+ "examples" : "on pwace:\\non pwace of a fuwnace, wowkbench ow chest:\\non bweak of chest[type=wight] ow chest[type=weft]"
"id" : "player_chunk_enter",
"name" : "On Player Chunk Enter",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] (enter[s] [a] chunk|chunk enter[ing])",
+ "[on] [pwayew] (entew[s] [a] chunk|chunk entew[ing])",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Called when a player enters a chunk. Note that this event is based on 'player move' event, and may be called frequent internally.",
- "examples" : "on player enters a chunk:\\n send \"You entered a chunk: %past event-chunk% -&amp;amp;gt; %event-chunk%!\" to player"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew entews a chunk. Note dat dis event is based on 'pwayew move' event, and may be cawwed fwequent intewnawwy.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew entews a chunk:\\n send \"You entewed a chunk: %past event-chunk% -&amp;amp;gt; %event-chunk%!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "player_deep_sleep",
"name" : "On Player Deep Sleep",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] deep sleep[ing]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] deep sweep[ing]",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Called when a player has slept long enough to count as passing the night/storm.\\nCancelling this event will prevent the player from being counted as deeply sleeping unless they exit and re-enter the bed.",
- "examples" : "on player deep sleeping:\\n send \"Zzzz..\" to player"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew has swept wong enough to count as passing the night/stowm.\\nCancewwing dis event wiww pwevent the pwayew fwom being counted as deepwy sweeping unwess they exit and we-entew the bed.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew deep sweeping:\\n send \"Zzzz..\" to pwayew"
"id" : "player_pickup_arrow",
"name" : "On Player Pickup Arrow",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] (pick[ing| ]up [an] arrow|arrow pick[ing| ]up)",
+ "[on] [pwayew] (pick[ing| ]up [an] awwow|awwow pick[ing| ]up)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player picks up an arrow from the ground.",
- "examples" : "on arrow pickup:\\n cancel the event\\n teleport event-projectile to block 5 above event-projectile"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew picks up an awwow fwom the gwound.",
+ "examples" : "on awwow pickup:\\n cancew the event\\n tewepowt event-pwojectiwe to bwock 5 above event-pwojectiwe"
"id" : "player_trade",
"name" : "On Player Trade",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] player trad(e|ing)",
+ "[on] pwayew twad(e|ing)",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Called when a player has traded with a villager.",
- "examples" : "on player trade:\\n chance of 50%:\\n cancel event\\n send \"The trade was somehow denied!\" to player"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew has twaded with a viwwagew.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew twade:\\n chance of 50%:\\n cancew event\\n send \"The twade was somehow denied!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "player_world_change",
"name" : "On Player World Change",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] world chang(ing|e[d])",
+ "[on] [pwayew] wowwd chang(ing|e[d])",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Called when a player enters a world. Does not work with other entities!",
- "examples" : "on player world change:\\n world is \"city\"\\n send \"Welcome to the City!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew entews a wowwd. Does not wowk with othew entities!",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew wowwd change:\\n wowwd is \"city\"\\n send \"Wewcome to the City!\""
"id" : "portal",
"name" : "On Portal",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] portal",
+ "[on] [pwayew] powtaw",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player uses a nether or end portal. Cancel the event to prevent the player from teleporting.",
- "examples" : "on player portal:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew uses a nethew ow end powtaw. Cancew the event to pwevent the pwayew fwom tewepowting.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew powtaw:"
"id" : "portal_create",
"name" : "On Portal Create",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] portal creat(e|ion)",
+ "[on] powtaw cweat(e|ion)",
"since" : "1.0, 2.5.3 (event-entity support)",
- "description" : "Called when a portal is created, either by a player or mob lighting an obsidian frame on fire, or by a nether portal creating its teleportation target in the nether/overworld.\\nIn Minecraft 1.14+, you can use the player in this event.\\nPlease note that there may not always be a player (or other entity) in this event.",
- "examples" : "on portal create:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a powtaw is cweated, eithew by a pwayew ow mob wighting an obsidian fwame on fiwe, ow by a nethew powtaw cweating its tewepowtation tawget in the nethew/ovewwowwd.\\nIn Minecwaft 1.14+, you can use the pwayew in dis event.\\nPwease note dat thewe may not awways be a pwayew (ow othew entity) in dis event.",
+ "examples" : "on powtaw cweate:"
"id" : "portal_enter",
"name" : "On Portal Enter",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] portal enter[ing]",
-"[on] entering [a] portal",
+ "[on] powtaw entew[ing]",
+"[on] entewing [a] powtaw",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when an entity enters a nether portal or an end portal. Please note that this event will be fired many times for a nether portal.",
- "examples" : "on portal enter:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity entews a nethew powtaw ow an end powtaw. Pwease note dat dis event wiww be fiwed many times fow a nethew powtaw.",
+ "examples" : "on powtaw entew:"
"id" : "prepare_craft",
"name" : "On Prepare Craft",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] (preparing|beginning) craft[ing] [[of] %item types%]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] (pwepawing|beginning) cwaft[ing] [[of] %item types%]",
"since" : "2.2-Fixes-V10",
- "description" : "Called just before displaying crafting result to player. Note that setting the result item might or might not work due to Bukkit bugs.",
- "examples" : "on preparing craft of torch:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed just befowe dispwaying cwafting wesuwt to pwayew. Note dat setting the wesuwt item might ow might not wowk due to Bukkit bugs.",
+ "examples" : "on pwepawing cwaft of towch:"
"id" : "pressure_plate_trip",
"name" : "On Pressure Plate / Trip",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [step[ping] on] [a] [pressure] plate",
-"[on] (trip|[step[ping] on] [a] tripwire)",
+ "[on] [step[ping] on] [a] [pwessuwe] pwate",
+"[on] (twip|[step[ping] on] [a] twipwiwe)",
"since" : "1.0 (pressure plate), 1.4.4 (tripwire)",
- "description" : "Called when a player steps on a pressure plate or tripwire respectively.",
- "examples" : "on step on pressure plate:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew steps on a pwessuwe pwate ow twipwiwe wespectivewy.",
+ "examples" : "on step on pwessuwe pwate:"
"id" : "projectile_collide",
"name" : "On Projectile Collide",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] projectile collide",
+ "[on] pwojectiwe cowwide",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Called when a projectile collides with an entity.",
- "examples" : "on projectile collide:\\n teleport shooter of event-projectile to event-entity"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwojectiwe cowwides with an entity.",
+ "examples" : "on pwojectiwe cowwide:\\n tewepowt shootew of event-pwojectiwe to event-entity"
"id" : "projectile_hit",
"name" : "On Projectile Hit",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] projectile hit",
+ "[on] pwojectiwe hit",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a projectile hits an entity or a block.\\nUse the damage event with a check for a projectile to be able to use the entity that got hit in the case when the projectile hit a living entity.\\nA damage event will even be fired if the damage is 0, e.g. when throwing snowballs at non-nether mobs.",
- "examples" : "on projectile hit:\\n event-projectile is arrow\\n delete event-projectile"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwojectiwe hits an entity ow a bwock.\\nUse the damage event with a check fow a pwojectiwe to be abwe to use the entity dat got hit in the case when the pwojectiwe hit a wiving entity.\\nA damage event wiww even be fiwed if the damage is 0, e.g. when thwowing snowbawws at non-nethew mobs.",
+ "examples" : "on pwojectiwe hit:\\n event-pwojectiwe is awwow\\n dewete event-pwojectiwe"
"id" : "quit",
"name" : "On Quit",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] (quit[ting]|disconnect[ing]|log[ ]out|logging out|leav(e|ing))",
+ "[on] (quit[ting]|disconnect[ing]|wog[ ]out|wogging out|weav(e|ing))",
"since" : "1.0 (simple disconnection)",
- "description" : "Called when a player leaves the server.",
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew weaves the sewvew.",
"examples" : "on quit:\\non disconnect:"
"id" : "ready_arrow",
"name" : "On Ready Arrow",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] ((ready|choose|draw|load) arrow|arrow (choose|draw|load))",
+ "[on] [pwayew] ((weady|choose|dwaw|woad) awwow|awwow (choose|dwaw|woad))",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player is firing a bow and the server is choosing an arrow to use.\\nCancelling this event will skip the current arrow item and fire a new event for the next arrow item.\\nThe arrow and bow in the event can be accessed with the Readied Arrow/Bow expression.",
- "examples" : "on player ready arrow:\\n selected bow's name is \"Spectral Bow\"\\n if selected arrow is not a spectral arrow:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew is fiwing a bow and the sewvew is choosing an awwow to use.\\nCancewwing dis event wiww skip the cuwwent awwow item and fiwe a new event fow the next awwow item.\\nThe awwow and bow in the event can be accessed with the Readied Awwow/Bow expwession.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew weady awwow:\\n sewected bow's name is \"Spectwaw Bow\"\\n if sewected awwow is not a spectwaw awwow:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "redstone",
"name" : "On Redstone",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] redstone [current] [chang(e|ing)]",
+ "[on] wedstone [cuwwent] [chang(e|ing)]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when the redstone current of a block changes. This event is of not much use yet.",
- "examples" : "on redstone change:\\n send \"someone is using redstone\" to console"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when the wedstone cuwwent of a bwock changes. dis event is of not much use yet.",
+ "examples" : "on wedstone change:\\n send \"someone is using wedstone\" to consowe"
"id" : "region_enterleave",
"name" : "On Region Enter/Leave",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing]) [of] ([a] region|[[the] region] %regions%)",
-"[on] region (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing])",
+ "[on] (entew[ing]|weav(e|ing)|exit[ing]) [of] ([a] wegion|[[the] wegion] %wegions%)",
+"[on] wegion (entew[ing]|weav(e|ing)|exit[ing])",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "Called when a player enters or leaves a region.\\nThis event requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.",
- "examples" : "on region exit:\\n message \"Leaving %region%.\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew entews ow weaves a wegion.\\ndis event wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.",
+ "examples" : "on wegion exit:\\n message \"Leaving %wegion%.\""
"id" : "resource_pack_request_response",
"name" : "On Resource Pack Request Response",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] resource pack [request] response",
-"[on] resource pack [request] %resource pack states%",
+ "[on] wesouwce pack [wequest] wesponse",
+"[on] wesouwce pack [wequest] %wesouwce pack states%",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Called when a player takes action on a resource pack request sent via the \\nsend resource pack effect. \\nThe resource pack condition can be used \\nto check the resource pack state.\\n\\nThis event will be triggered once when the player accepts or declines the resource pack request, \\nand once when the resource pack is successfully installed or failed to download.",
- "examples" : "on resource pack request response:\\n if the resource pack was declined or failed to download:\\n\\non resource pack deny:\\n kick the player due to \"You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew takes action on a wesouwce pack wequest sent via the \\nsend wesouwce pack effect. \\nThe wesouwce pack condition can be used \\nto check the wesouwce pack state.\\n\\ndis event wiww be twiggewed once when the pwayew accepts ow decwines the wesouwce pack wequest, \\nand once when the wesouwce pack is successfuwwy instawwed ow faiwed to downwoad.",
+ "examples" : "on wesouwce pack wequest wesponse:\\n if the wesouwce pack was decwined ow faiwed to downwoad:\\n\\non wesouwce pack deny:\\n kick the pwayew due to \"You have to instaww the wesouwce pack to pway in dis sewvew!\""
"id" : "respawn",
"name" : "On Respawn",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] respawn[ing]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] wespawn[ing]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player respawns. You should prefer this event over the death event as the player is technically alive when this event is called.",
- "examples" : "on respawn:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew wespawns. You shouwd pwefew dis event ovew the death event as the pwayew is technicawwy awive when dis event is cawwed.",
+ "examples" : "on wespawn:"
"id" : "resurrect_attempt",
"name" : "On Resurrect Attempt",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [entity] resurrect[ion] [attempt]",
+ "[on] [entity] wesuwwect[ion] [attempt]",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Called when an entity dies, always. If they are not holding a totem, this is cancelled - you can, however, uncancel it.",
- "examples" : "on resurrect attempt:\\n entity is player\\n entity has permission \"admin.undying\"\\n uncancel the event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity dies, awways. If they awe not howding a totem, dis is cancewwed - you can, howevew, uncancew it.",
+ "examples" : "on wesuwwect attempt:\\n entity is pwayew\\n entity has pewmission \"admin.undying\"\\n uncancew the event"
"id" : "riptide",
"name" : "On Riptide",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [use of] riptide [enchant[ment]]",
+ "[on] [use of] wiptide [enchant[ment]]",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Called when the player activates the riptide enchantment, using their trident to propel them through the air.\\nNote: the riptide action is performed client side, so manipulating the player in this event may have undesired effects.",
- "examples" : "on riptide:\\n send \"You are riptiding!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when the pwayew activates the wiptide enchantment, using theiw twident to pwopew them thwough the aiw.\\nNote: the wiptide action is pewfowmed cwient side, so manipuwating the pwayew in dis event may have undesiwed effects.",
+ "examples" : "on wiptide:\\n send \"You awe wiptiding!\""
"id" : "script_loadunload",
"name" : "On Script Load/Unload",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [async] [script] (load|init|enable)",
-"[on] [async] [script] (unload|stop|disable)",
+ "[on] [async] [scwipt] (woad|init|enabwe)",
+"[on] [async] [scwipt] (unwoad|stop|disabwe)",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Called directly after the trigger is loaded, or directly before the whole script is unloaded.\\nThe keyword 'async' indicates the trigger can be ran asynchronously, ",
- "examples" : "on load:\\n set {running::%script%} to true\\non unload:\\n set {running::%script%} to false"
+ "description" : "Cawwed diwectwy aftew the twiggew is woaded, ow diwectwy befowe the whowe scwipt is unwoaded.\\nThe keywowd 'async' indicates the twiggew can be wan asynchwonouswy, ",
+ "examples" : "on woad:\\n set {wunning::%scwipt%} to twue\\non unwoad:\\n set {wunning::%scwipt%} to fawse"
"id" : "send_command_list",
"name" : "On Send Command List",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] send[ing] [of [the]] [server] command[s] list",
-"[on] [server] command list send",
+ "[on] send[ing] [of [the]] [sewvew] command[s] wist",
+"[on] [sewvew] command wist send",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Called when the server sends a list of commands to the player. This usually happens on join. The sent commands can be modified via the sent commands expression.\\nModifications will affect what commands show up for the player to tab complete. They will not affect what commands the player can actually run.\\nAdding new commands to the list is illegal behavior and will be ignored.",
- "examples" : "on send command list:\\n set command list to command list where [input does not contain \":\"]\\n remove \"help\" from command list"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when the sewvew sends a wist of commands to the pwayew. dis usuawwy happens on join. The sent commands can be modified via the sent commands expwession.\\nModifications wiww affect what commands show up fow the pwayew to tab compwete. They wiww not affect what commands the pwayew can actuawwy wun.\\nAdding new commands to the wist is iwwegaw behaviow and wiww be ignowed.",
+ "examples" : "on send command wist:\\n set command wist to command wist whewe [input does not contain \":\"]\\n wemove \"hewp\" fwom command wist"
"id" : "server_list_ping",
"name" : "On Server List Ping",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] server [list] ping",
+ "[on] sewvew [wist] ping",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Called when a server list ping is coming in, generally when a Minecraft client pings the server to show its information in the server list.\\nThe IP expression can be used to get the IP adress of the pinger.\\nThis event can be cancelled on PaperSpigot 1.12.2+ only and this means the player will see the server as offline (but still can join).\\n\\nAlso you can use MOTD, Max Players, Online Players Count, Protocol Version, Version String, Hover List and Server Icon expressions, and Player Info Visibility and Hide Player from Server List effects to modify the server list.",
- "examples" : "on server list ping:\\n set the motd to \"Welcome %{player-by-IP::%ip%}%! Join now!\" if {player-by-IP::%ip%} is set, else \"Join now!\"\\n set the fake max players count to (online players count + 1)\\n set the shown icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a sewvew wist ping is coming in, genewawwy when a Minecwaft cwient pings the sewvew to show its infowmation in the sewvew wist.\\nThe IP expwession can be used to get the IP adwess of the pingew.\\ndis event can be cancewwed on PapewSpigot 1.12.2+ onwy and dis means the pwayew wiww see the sewvew as offwine (but stiww can join).\\n\\nAwso you can use MOTD, Max Pwayews, Onwine Pwayews Count, Pwotocow Vewsion, Vewsion Stwing, Hovew List and Sewvew Icon expwessions, and Pwayew Info Visibiwity and Hide Pwayew fwom Sewvew List effects to modify the sewvew wist.",
+ "examples" : "on sewvew wist ping:\\n set the motd to \"Wewcome %{pwayew-by-IP::%ip%}%! Join now!\" if {pwayew-by-IP::%ip%} is set, ewse \"Join now!\"\\n set the fake max pwayews count to (onwine pwayews count + 1)\\n set the shown icon to a wandom sewvew icon out of {sewvew-icons::*}"
"id" : "server_startstop",
"name" : "On Server Start/Stop",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] (server|skript) (start|load|enable)",
-"[on] (server|skript) (stop|unload|disable)",
+ "[on] (sewvew|skwipt) (stawt|woad|enabwe)",
+"[on] (sewvew|skwipt) (stop|unwoad|disabwe)",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Called when the server starts or stops (actually, when Skript starts or stops, so a /reload will trigger these events as well).",
- "examples" : "on skript start:\\non server stop:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when the sewvew stawts ow stops (actuawwy, when Skwipt stawts ow stops, so a /wewoad wiww twiggew these events as weww).",
+ "examples" : "on skwipt stawt:\\non sewvew stop:"
"id" : "sheep_regrow_wool",
"name" : "On Sheep Regrow Wool",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] sheep [re]grow[ing] wool",
+ "[on] sheep [we]gwow[ing] woow",
"since" : "2.2-dev21",
- "description" : "Called when sheep regrows its sheared wool back.",
- "examples" : "on sheep grow wool:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when sheep wegwows its sheawed woow back.",
+ "examples" : "on sheep gwow woow:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "shoot",
"name" : "On Shoot",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [projectile] shoot",
+ "[on] [pwojectiwe] shoot",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called whenever a projectile is shot. Use the shooter expression to get who shot the projectile.",
- "examples" : "on shoot:\\n if projectile is an arrow:\\n send \"you shot an arrow!\" to shooter"
+ "description" : "Cawwed whenevew a pwojectiwe is shot. Use the shootew expwession to get who shot the pwojectiwe.",
+ "examples" : "on shoot:\\n if pwojectiwe is an awwow:\\n send \"you shot an awwow!\" to shootew"
"id" : "sign_change",
"name" : "On Sign Change",
"patterns" : [
"[on] sign (chang[e]|edit)[ing]",
-"[on] [player] (chang[e]|edit)[ing] [a] sign",
+"[on] [pwayew] (chang[e]|edit)[ing] [a] sign",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "As signs are placed empty, this event is called when a player is done editing a sign.",
- "examples" : "on sign change:\\n line 2 is empty\\n set line 1 to \"&amp;amp;amp;lt;red&amp;amp;amp;gt;%line 1%\""
+ "description" : "As signs awe pwaced empty, dis event is cawwed when a pwayew is done editing a sign.",
+ "examples" : "on sign change:\\n wine 2 is empty\\n set wine 1 to \"&amp;amp;amp;wt;wed&amp;amp;amp;gt;%wine 1%\""
"id" : "slime_split",
"name" : "On Slime Split",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] slime split[ting]",
+ "[on] swime spwit[ting]",
"since" : "2.2-dev26",
- "description" : "Called when a slime splits. Usually this happens when a big slime dies.",
- "examples" : "on slime split:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a swime spwits. Usuawwy dis happens when a big swime dies.",
+ "examples" : "on swime spwit:"
"id" : "smelt",
"name" : "On Smelt",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [ore] smelt[ing]",
-"[on] smelt[ing] of ore",
+ "[on] [owe] smewt[ing]",
+"[on] smewt[ing] of owe",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a furnace smelts an item in its ore slot.",
- "examples" : "on smelt:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a fuwnace smewts an item in its owe swot.",
+ "examples" : "on smewt:"
"id" : "sneak_toggle",
"name" : "On Sneak Toggle",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sneak",
-"[on] [player] sneak toggl(e|ing)",
+ "[on] [pwayew] toggw(e|ing) sneak",
+"[on] [pwayew] sneak toggw(e|ing)",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player starts or stops sneaking. Use is sneaking to get whether the player was sneaking before the event was called.",
- "examples" : "# make players that stop sneaking jump\\non sneak toggle:\\n player is sneaking\\n push the player upwards at speed 0.5"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew stawts ow stops sneaking. Use is sneaking to get whethew the pwayew was sneaking befowe the event was cawwed.",
+ "examples" : "# make pwayews dat stop sneaking jump\\non sneak toggwe:\\n pwayew is sneaking\\n push the pwayew upwawds at speed 0.5"
"id" : "spawn",
@@ -4814,71 +4814,71 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "1.0, 2.5.1 (non-living entities)",
- "description" : "Called when an entity spawns (excluding players).",
- "examples" : "on spawn of a zombie:\\non spawn of an ender dragon:\\n broadcast \"A dragon has been sighted in %world%!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity spawns (excwuding pwayews).",
+ "examples" : "on spawn of a zombie:\\non spawn of an endew dwagon:\\n bwoadcast \"A dwagon has been sighted in %wowwd%!\""
"id" : "spawn_change",
"name" : "On Spawn Change",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [world] spawn change",
+ "[on] [wowwd] spawn change",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when the spawn point of a world changes.",
- "examples" : "on spawn change:\\n broadcast \"someone changed the spawn!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when the spawn point of a wowwd changes.",
+ "examples" : "on spawn change:\\n bwoadcast \"someone changed the spawn!\""
"id" : "spectate",
"name" : "On Spectate",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] stop spectating [(of|from) %*entity types%]",
-"[on] [player] (swap|switch) spectating [(of|from) %*entity types%]",
-"[on] [player] start spectating [of %*entity types%]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] stop spectating [(of|fwom) %*entity types%]",
+"[on] [pwayew] (swap|switch) spectating [(of|fwom) %*entity types%]",
+"[on] [pwayew] stawt spectating [of %*entity types%]",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Called with a player starts, stops or swaps spectating an entity.",
- "examples" : "on player start spectating of a zombie:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed with a pwayew stawts, stops ow swaps spectating an entity.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew stawt spectating of a zombie:"
"id" : "sponge_absorb",
"name" : "On Sponge Absorb",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] sponge absorb",
+ "[on] sponge absowb",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Called when a sponge absorbs blocks.",
- "examples" : "on sponge absorb:\\n loop absorbed blocks:\\n broadcast \"%loop-block% was absorbed by a sponge\"!"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a sponge absowbs bwocks.",
+ "examples" : "on sponge absowb:\\n woop absowbed bwocks:\\n bwoadcast \"%woop-bwock% was absowbed by a sponge\"!"
"id" : "spread",
"name" : "On Spread",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] spread[ing]",
+ "[on] spwead[ing]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a new block forms as a result of a block that can spread, e.g. water or mushrooms.",
- "examples" : "on spread:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a new bwock fowms as a wesuwt of a bwock dat can spwead, e.g. watew ow mushwooms.",
+ "examples" : "on spwead:"
"id" : "sprint_toggle",
"name" : "On Sprint Toggle",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sprint",
-"[on] [player] sprint toggl(e|ing)",
+ "[on] [pwayew] toggw(e|ing) spwint",
+"[on] [pwayew] spwint toggw(e|ing)",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player starts or stops sprinting. Use is sprinting to get whether the player was sprinting before the event was called.",
- "examples" : "on sprint toggle:\\n player is not sprinting\\n send \"Run!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew stawts ow stops spwinting. Use is spwinting to get whethew the pwayew was spwinting befowe the event was cawwed.",
+ "examples" : "on spwint toggwe:\\n pwayew is not spwinting\\n send \"Run!\""
"id" : "stonecutter_recipe_select",
@@ -4889,33 +4889,33 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player selects a recipe in a stonecutter.",
- "examples" : "on stonecutting stone slabs\\n cancel the event\\n\\non stonecutting:\\n broadcast \"%player% is using stonecutter to craft %event-item%!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew sewects a wecipe in a stonecuttew.",
+ "examples" : "on stonecutting stone swabs\\n cancew the event\\n\\non stonecutting:\\n bwoadcast \"%pwayew% is using stonecuttew to cwaft %event-item%!\""
"id" : "stop_using_item",
"name" : "On Stop Using Item",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] (stop|end) (using item|item use)",
+ "[on] [pwayew] (stop|end) (using item|item use)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player stops using an item. For example, when the player releases the interact button when holding a bow, an edible item, or a spyglass.\\nNote that event-timespan will return the time the item was used for.",
- "examples" : "on player stop using item:\\n broadcast \"%player% used %event-item% for %event-timespan%.\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew stops using an item. Fow exampwe, when the pwayew weweases the intewact button when howding a bow, an edibwe item, ow a spygwass.\\nNote dat event-timespan wiww wetuwn the time the item was used fow.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew stop using item:\\n bwoadcast \"%pwayew% used %event-item% fow %event-timespan%.\""
"id" : "swim_toggle",
"name" : "On Swim Toggle",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [entity] toggl(e|ing) swim",
-"[on] [entity] swim toggl(e|ing)",
+ "[on] [entity] toggw(e|ing) swim",
+"[on] [entity] swim toggw(e|ing)",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Called when an entity swims or stops swimming.",
- "examples" : "on swim toggle:\\n event-entity does not have permission \"swim\"\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity swims ow stops swimming.",
+ "examples" : "on swim toggwe:\\n event-entity does not have pewmission \"swim\"\\n cancew event"
"id" : "tame",
@@ -4926,206 +4926,206 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a player tames a wolf or ocelot. Can be cancelled to prevent the entity from being tamed.",
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a pwayew tames a wowf ow ocewot. Can be cancewwed to pwevent the entity fwom being tamed.",
"examples" : "on tame:"
"id" : "target",
"name" : "On Target",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [entity] target",
-"[on] [entity] un[-]target",
+ "[on] [entity] tawget",
+"[on] [entity] un[-]tawget",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a mob starts/stops following/attacking another entity, usually a player.",
- "examples" : "on entity target:\\n target is a player"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a mob stawts/stops fowwowing/attacking anothew entity, usuawwy a pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "on entity tawget:\\n tawget is a pwayew"
"id" : "teleport",
"name" : "On Teleport",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player] teleport[ing]",
+ "[on] [pwayew] tewepowt[ing]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called whenever a player is teleported, either by a nether/end portal or other means (e.g. by plugins).",
- "examples" : "on teleport:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed whenevew a pwayew is tewepowted, eithew by a nethew/end powtaw ow othew means (e.g. by pwugins).",
+ "examples" : "on tewepowt:"
"id" : "tool_change",
"name" : "On Tool Change",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] [player['s]] (tool|item held|held item) chang(e|ing)",
+ "[on] [pwayew['s]] (toow|item hewd|hewd item) chang(e|ing)",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called whenever a player changes their held item by selecting a different slot (e.g. the keys 1-9 or the mouse wheel), not by dropping or replacing the item in the current slot.",
- "examples" : "on player's held item change:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed whenevew a pwayew changes theiw hewd item by sewecting a diffewent swot (e.g. the keys 1-9 ow the mouse wheew), not by dwopping ow wepwacing the item in the cuwwent swot.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew's hewd item change:"
"id" : "vehicle_create",
"name" : "On Vehicle Create",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] vehicle create",
-"[on] creat(e|ing|ion of) [a] vehicle",
+ "[on] vehicwe cweate",
+"[on] cweat(e|ing|ion of) [a] vehicwe",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a new vehicle is created, e.g. when a player places a boat or minecart.",
- "examples" : "on vehicle create:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a new vehicwe is cweated, e.g. when a pwayew pwaces a boat ow minecawt.",
+ "examples" : "on vehicwe cweate:"
"id" : "vehicle_damage",
"name" : "On Vehicle Damage",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] vehicle damage",
-"[on] damag(e|ing) [a] vehicle",
+ "[on] vehicwe damage",
+"[on] damag(e|ing) [a] vehicwe",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a vehicle gets damage. Too much damage will destroy the vehicle.",
- "examples" : "on vehicle damage:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a vehicwe gets damage. Too much damage wiww destwoy the vehicwe.",
+ "examples" : "on vehicwe damage:"
"id" : "vehicle_destroy",
"name" : "On Vehicle Destroy",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] vehicle destroy",
-"[on] destr(oy[ing]|uction of) [a] vehicle",
+ "[on] vehicwe destwoy",
+"[on] destw(oy[ing]|uction of) [a] vehicwe",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a vehicle is destroyed. Any passenger will be ejected and the vehicle might drop some item(s).",
- "examples" : "on vehicle destroy:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a vehicwe is destwoyed. Any passengew wiww be ejected and the vehicwe might dwop some item(s).",
+ "examples" : "on vehicwe destwoy:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "vehicle_enter",
"name" : "On Vehicle Enter",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] vehicle enter",
-"[on] enter[ing] [a] vehicle",
+ "[on] vehicwe entew",
+"[on] entew[ing] [a] vehicwe",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when an entity enters a vehicle, either deliberately (players) or by falling into them (mobs).",
- "examples" : "on vehicle enter:\\n entity is a player\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity entews a vehicwe, eithew dewibewatewy (pwayews) ow by fawwing into them (mobs).",
+ "examples" : "on vehicwe entew:\\n entity is a pwayew\\n cancew event"
"id" : "vehicle_exit",
"name" : "On Vehicle Exit",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] vehicle exit",
-"[on] exit[ing] [a] vehicle",
+ "[on] vehicwe exit",
+"[on] exit[ing] [a] vehicwe",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when an entity exits a vehicle.",
- "examples" : "on vehicle exit:\\n if event-entity is a spider:\\n kill event-entity"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when an entity exits a vehicwe.",
+ "examples" : "on vehicwe exit:\\n if event-entity is a spidew:\\n kiww event-entity"
"id" : "weather_change",
"name" : "On Weather Change",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] weather change [to %weather types%]",
+ "[on] weathew change [to %weathew types%]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a world's weather changes.",
- "examples" : "on weather change:\\non weather change to sunny:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a wowwd's weathew changes.",
+ "examples" : "on weathew change:\\non weathew change to sunny:"
"id" : "world_init",
"name" : "On World Init",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] world init[ialization] [of %worlds%]",
+ "[on] wowwd init[iawization] [of %wowwds%]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.8.0 (defining worlds)",
- "description" : "Called when a world is initialized. As all default worlds are initialized before\\nany scripts are loaded, this event is only called for newly created worlds.\\nWorld management plugins might change the behaviour of this event though.",
- "examples" : "on world init of \"world_the_end\":"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a wowwd is initiawized. As aww defauwt wowwds awe initiawized befowe\\nany scwipts awe woaded, dis event is onwy cawwed fow newwy cweated wowwds.\\nWowwd management pwugins might change the behaviouw of dis event though.",
+ "examples" : "on wowwd init of \"wowwd_the_end\":"
"id" : "world_load",
"name" : "On World Load",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] world load[ing] [of %worlds%]",
+ "[on] wowwd woad[ing] [of %wowwds%]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.8.0 (defining worlds)",
- "description" : "Called when a world is loaded. As with the world init event, this event will not be called for the server's default world(s).",
- "examples" : "on world load of \"world_nether\":\\n broadcast \"The world %event-world% has been loaded!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a wowwd is woaded. As with the wowwd init event, dis event wiww not be cawwed fow the sewvew's defauwt wowwd(s).",
+ "examples" : "on wowwd woad of \"wowwd_nethew\":\\n bwoadcast \"The wowwd %event-wowwd% has been woaded!\""
"id" : "world_save",
"name" : "On World Save",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] world sav(e|ing) [of %worlds%]",
+ "[on] wowwd sav(e|ing) [of %wowwds%]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.8.0 (defining worlds)",
- "description" : "Called when a world is saved to disk. Usually all worlds are saved simultaneously, but world management plugins could change this.",
- "examples" : "on world save of \"world\":\\n broadcast \"The world %event-world% has been saved\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a wowwd is saved to disk. Usuawwy aww wowwds awe saved simuwtaneouswy, but wowwd management pwugins couwd change dis.",
+ "examples" : "on wowwd save of \"wowwd\":\\n bwoadcast \"The wowwd %event-wowwd% has been saved\""
"id" : "world_unload",
"name" : "On World Unload",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] world unload[ing] [of %worlds%]",
+ "[on] wowwd unwoad[ing] [of %wowwds%]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.8.0 (defining worlds)",
- "description" : "Called when a world is unloaded. This event will never be called if you don't have a world management plugin.",
- "examples" : "on world unload:\\n broadcast \"the %event-world% has been unloaded!\""
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a wowwd is unwoaded. dis event wiww nevew be cawwed if you don't have a wowwd management pwugin.",
+ "examples" : "on wowwd unwoad:\\n bwoadcast \"the %event-wowwd% has been unwoaded!\""
"id" : "zombie_break_door",
"name" : "On Zombie Break Door",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] zombie break[ing] [a] [wood[en]] door",
+ "[on] zombie bweak[ing] [a] [wood[en]] doow",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Called when a zombie is done breaking a wooden door. Can be cancelled to prevent the zombie from breaking the door.",
- "examples" : "on zombie breaking a wood door:"
+ "description" : "Cawwed when a zombie is done bweaking a wooden doow. Can be cancewwed to pwevent the zombie fwom bweaking the doow.",
+ "examples" : "on zombie bweaking a wood doow:"
"id" : "periodical",
"name" : "Periodical",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] every %time span%",
+ "[on] evewy %time span%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "An event that is called periodically.",
- "examples" : "every 2 seconds:\\nevery minecraft hour:\\nevery tick: # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event\\nevery minecraft days:"
+ "description" : "An event dat is cawwed pewiodicawwy.",
+ "examples" : "evewy 2 seconds:\\nevewy minecwaft houw:\\nevewy tick: # can cause wag depending on the code inside the event\\nevewy minecwaft days:"
"id" : "eventperiodical",
"name" : "Periodical",
"patterns" : [
- "[on] every %time span% in [world[s]] %worlds%",
+ "[on] evewy %time span% in [wowwd[s]] %wowwds%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "An event that is called periodically.",
- "examples" : "every 2 seconds in \"world\":\\nevery minecraft hour in \"flatworld\":\\nevery tick in \"world\": # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event\\nevery minecraft days in \"plots\":"
+ "description" : "An event dat is cawwed pewiodicawwy.",
+ "examples" : "evewy 2 seconds in \"wowwd\":\\nevewy minecwaft houw in \"fwatwowwd\":\\nevewy tick in \"wowwd\": # can cause wag depending on the code inside the event\\nevewy minecwaft days in \"pwots\":"
{"end" : true}
@@ -5136,40 +5136,40 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.",
"id" : "ExprAbsorbedBlocks",
"name" : "Absorbed blocks",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] absorbed blocks",
+ "[the] absowbed bwocks",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The blocks absorbed by a sponge block.",
- "examples" : "the absorbed blocks"
+ "description" : "The bwocks absowbed by a sponge bwock.",
+ "examples" : "the absowbed bwocks"
"id" : "ExprActiveItem",
"name" : "Active Item",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (raised|active) (tool|item|weapon) of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] (raised|active) (tool|item|weapon)",
+ "[the] (waised|active) (toow|item|weapon) of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] (waised|active) (toow|item|weapon)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Returns the item the entities are currently using (ie: the food they're eating, the bow they're drawing back, etc.). This cannot be changed. If an entity is not using any item, this will return null.",
- "examples" : "on damage of player:\\n if victim's active tool is a bow:\\n interrupt player's active item use"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the item the entities awe cuwwentwy using (ie: the food they'we eating, the bow they'we dwawing back, etc.). dis cannot be changed. If an entity is not using any item, dis wiww wetuwn nuww.",
+ "examples" : "on damage of pwayew:\\n if victim's active toow is a bow:\\n intewwupt pwayew's active item use"
"id" : "ExprEntityItemUseTime",
"name" : "Active Item Use Time",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [elapsed|remaining] (item|tool) us[ag]e time of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] [elapsed|remaining] (item|tool) us[ag]e time",
+ "[the] [ewapsed|wemaining] (item|toow) us[ag]e time of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] [ewapsed|wemaining] (item|toow) us[ag]e time",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Returns the time that the entities have either spent using an item, or the time left for them to finish using an item.
-If an entity is not using any item, this will return 0 seconds.",
- "examples" : "on right click:\\n broadcast player's remaining item use time\\n wait 1 second\\n broadcast player's item use time"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the time dat the entities have eithew spent using an item, ow the time weft fow them to finish using an item.
+If an entity is not using any item, dis wiww wetuwn 0 seconds.",
+ "examples" : "on wight cwick:\\n bwoadcast pwayew's wemaining item use time\\n wait 1 second\\n bwoadcast pwayew's item use time"
"id" : "ExprAffectedEntities",
@@ -5180,223 +5180,223 @@ If an entity is not using any item, this will return 0 seconds.",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "The affected entities in the area cloud effect event.",
- "examples" : "on area cloud effect:\\n loop affected entities:\\n if loop-value is a player:\\n send \"WARNING: you've step on an area effect cloud!\" to loop-value"
+ "description" : "The affected entities in the awea cwoud effect event.",
+ "examples" : "on awea cwoud effect:\\n woop affected entities:\\n if woop-vawue is a pwayew:\\n send \"WARNING: you've step on an awea effect cwoud!\" to woop-vawue"
"id" : "ExprAge",
"name" : "Age of Block/Entity",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [max[imum]] age of %blocks/entities%",
-"%blocks/entities%'[s] [max[imum]] age",
+ "[the] [max[imum]] age of %bwocks/entities%",
+"%bwocks/entities%'[s] [max[imum]] age",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Returns the age or maximum age of blocks and age for entities (there in no maximum age for entities).
-For blocks, 'Age' represents the different growth stages that a crop-like block can go through. A value of 0 indicates that the crop was freshly planted, whilst a value equal to 'maximum age' indicates that the crop is ripe and ready to be harvested.
-For entities, 'Age' represents the time left for them to become adults and it's in minus increasing to be 0 which means they're adults, e.g. A baby cow needs 20 minutes to become an adult which equals to 24,000 ticks so their age will be -24000 once spawned.",
- "examples" : "# Set targeted crop to fully grown crop\\nset age of targeted block to maximum age of targeted block\\n \\n# Spawn a baby cow that will only need 1 minute to become an adult\\nspawn a baby cow at player\\nset age of last spawned entity to -1200 # in ticks = 60 seconds"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the age ow maximum age of bwocks and age fow entities (thewe in no maximum age fow entities).
+Fow bwocks, 'Age' wepwesents the diffewent gwowth stages dat a cwop-wike bwock can go thwough. A vawue of 0 indicates dat the cwop was fweshwy pwanted, whiwst a vawue equaw to 'maximum age' indicates dat the cwop is wipe and weady to be hawvested.
+Fow entities, 'Age' wepwesents the time weft fow them to become aduwts and it's in minus incweasing to be 0 which means they'we aduwts, e.g. A baby cow needs 20 minutes to become an aduwt which equaws to 24,000 ticks so theiw age wiww be -24000 once spawned.",
+ "examples" : "# Set tawgeted cwop to fuwwy gwown cwop\\nset age of tawgeted bwock to maximum age of tawgeted bwock\\n \\n# Spawn a baby cow dat wiww onwy need 1 minute to become an aduwt\\nspawn a baby cow at pwayew\\nset age of wast spawned entity to -1200 # in ticks = 60 seconds"
"id" : "ExprAllBannedEntries",
"name" : "All Banned Players/IPs",
"patterns" : [
- "[all [[of] the]|the] banned (players|(ips|ip addresses))",
+ "[aww [[of] the]|the] banned (pwayews|(ips|ip addwesses))",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Obtains the list of all banned players or IP addresses.",
- "examples" : "command /banlist:\\n trigger:\\n send all the banned players"
+ "description" : "Obtains the wist of aww banned pwayews ow IP addwesses.",
+ "examples" : "command /banwist:\\n twiggew:\\n send aww the banned pwayews"
"id" : "ExprAllGroups",
"name" : "All Groups",
"patterns" : [
- "all groups",
+ "aww gwoups",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "All the groups a player can have. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed.",
- "examples" : "command /group <text>:\\n trigger:\\n if argument is \"list\":\\n send \"%all groups%\""
+ "description" : "Aww the gwoups a pwayew can have. dis expwession wequiwes Vauwt and a compatibwe pewmissions pwugin to be instawwed.",
+ "examples" : "command /gwoup &wt;text>:\\n twiggew:\\n if awgument is \"wist\":\\n send \"%aww gwoups%\""
"id" : "ExprOps",
"name" : "All Operators",
"patterns" : [
- "[all [[of] the]|the] [server] [non(-| )]op[erator]s",
+ "[aww [[of] the]|the] [sewvew] [non(-| )]op[ewatow]s",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The list of operators on the server.",
- "examples" : "set {_ops::*} to all operators"
+ "description" : "The wist of opewatows on the sewvew.",
+ "examples" : "set {_ops::*} to aww opewatows"
"id" : "ExprPermissions",
"name" : "All Permissions",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] permissions (from|of) %players%",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] %players%'[s] permissions",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] pewmissions (fwom|of) %pwayews%",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] %pwayews%'[s] pewmissions",
"since" : "2.2-dev33",
- "description" : "Returns all permissions of the defined player(s). Note that the modifications to resulting list do not actually change permissions.",
- "examples" : "set {_permissions::*} to all permissions of the player"
+ "description" : "Retuwns aww pewmissions of the defined pwayew(s). Note dat the modifications to wesuwting wist do not actuawwy change pewmissions.",
+ "examples" : "set {_pewmissions::*} to aww pewmissions of the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprScripts",
"name" : "All Scripts",
"patterns" : [
- "[all [of the]|the] scripts [without ([subdirectory] paths|parents)]",
-"[all [of the]|the] (enabled|loaded) scripts [without ([subdirectory] paths|parents)]",
-"[all [of the]|the] (disabled|unloaded) scripts [without ([subdirectory] paths|parents)]",
+ "[aww [of the]|the] scwipts [without ([subdiwectowy] paths|pawents)]",
+"[aww [of the]|the] (enabwed|woaded) scwipts [without ([subdiwectowy] paths|pawents)]",
+"[aww [of the]|the] (disabwed|unwoaded) scwipts [without ([subdiwectowy] paths|pawents)]",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Returns all of the scripts, or just the enabled or disabled ones.",
- "examples" : "command /scripts:\\n trigger:\\n send \"All Scripts: %scripts%\" to player\\n send \"Loaded Scripts: %enabled scripts%\" to player\\n send \"Unloaded Scripts: %disabled scripts%\" to player"
+ "description" : "Retuwns aww of the scwipts, ow just the enabwed ow disabwed ones.",
+ "examples" : "command /scwipts:\\n twiggew:\\n send \"Aww Scwipts: %scwipts%\" to pwayew\\n send \"Loaded Scwipts: %enabwed scwipts%\" to pwayew\\n send \"Unwoaded Scwipts: %disabwed scwipts%\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprAllCommands",
"name" : "All commands",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all|the|all [of] the)] [registered] [script] commands",
+ "[(aww|the|aww [of] the)] [wegistewed] [scwipt] commands",
"since" : "2.6",
- "description" : "Returns all registered commands or all script commands.",
- "examples" : "send \"Number of all commands: %size of all commands%\"\\nsend \"Number of all script commands: %size of all script commands%\""
+ "description" : "Retuwns aww wegistewed commands ow aww scwipt commands.",
+ "examples" : "send \"Numbew of aww commands: %size of aww commands%\"\\nsend \"Numbew of aww scwipt commands: %size of aww scwipt commands%\""
"id" : "ExprAlphabetList",
"name" : "Alphabetical Sort",
"patterns" : [
- "alphabetically sorted %texts%",
+ "awphabeticawwy sowted %texts%",
"since" : "2.2-dev18b",
- "description" : "Sorts given strings in alphabetical order.",
- "examples" : "set {_list::*} to alphabetically sorted {_strings::*}"
+ "description" : "Sowts given stwings in awphabeticaw owdew.",
+ "examples" : "set {_wist::*} to awphabeticawwy sowted {_stwings::*}"
"id" : "ExprAltitude",
"name" : "Altitude",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] altitude[s] of %locations%",
-"%locations%'[s] altitude[s]",
+ "[the] awtitude[s] of %wocations%",
+"%wocations%'[s] awtitude[s]",
"since" : "1.4.3",
- "description" : "Effectively an alias of 'y-coordinate of …', it represents the height of some object above bedrock.",
- "examples" : "on damage:\\n altitude of the attacker is higher than the altitude of the victim\\n set damage to damage * 1.2"
+ "description" : "Effectivewy an awias of 'y-coowdinate of …', it wepwesents the height of some object above bedwock.",
+ "examples" : "on damage:\\n awtitude of the attackew is highew than the awtitude of the victim\\n set damage to damage * 1.2"
"id" : "ExprAmount",
"name" : "Amount",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (amount|number|size) of %objects%",
-"[the] recursive (amount|number|size) of %objects%",
+ "[the] (amount|numbew|size) of %objects%",
+"[the] wecuwsive (amount|numbew|size) of %objects%",
"since" : "1.0",
"description" : "The amount of something.
-Please note that amount of %items% will not return the number of items, but the number of stacks, e.g. 1 for a stack of 64 torches. To get the amount of items in a stack, see the item amount expression.
+Pwease note dat amount of %items% wiww not wetuwn the numbew of items, but the numbew of stacks, e.g. 1 fow a stack of 64 towches. To get the amount of items in a stack, see the item amount expwession.
-Also, you can get the recursive size of a list, which will return the recursive size of the list with sublists included, e.g.
+Awso, you can get the wecuwsive size of a wist, which wiww wetuwn the wecuwsive size of the wist with subwists incwuded, e.g.
+{wist::*} Stwuctuwe
+ ├──── {wist::1}: 1
+ ├──── {wist::2}: 2
+ │ ├──── {wist::2::1}: 3
+ │ │ └──── {wist::2::1::1}: 4
+ │ └──── {wist::2::2}: 5
+ └──── {wist::3}: 6
-Where using %size of {list::*}% will only return 3 (the first layer of indices only), while %recursive size of {list::*}% will return 6 (the entire list)
-Please note that getting a list's recursive size can cause lag if the list is large, so only use this expression if you need to!",
- "examples" : "message \"There are %number of all players% players online!\""
+Whewe using %size of {wist::*}% wiww onwy wetuwn 3 (the fiwst wayew of indices onwy), whiwe %wecuwsive size of {wist::*}% wiww wetuwn 6 (the entiwe wist)
+Pwease note dat getting a wist's wecuwsive size can cause wag if the wist is wawge, so onwy use dis expwession if you need to!",
+ "examples" : "message \"Thewe awe %numbew of aww pwayews% pwayews onwine!\""
"id" : "ExprAmountOfItems",
"name" : "Amount of Items",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (amount|number) of %item types% (in|of) %inventories%",
+ "[the] (amount|numbew) of %item types% (in|of) %inventowies%",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Counts how many of a particular item type are in a given inventory.",
- "examples" : "message \"You have %number of ores in the player's inventory% ores in your inventory.\""
+ "description" : "Counts how many of a pawticuwaw item type awe in a given inventowy.",
+ "examples" : "message \"You have %numbew of owes in the pwayew's inventowy% owes in youw inventowy.\""
"id" : "ExprAnvilRepairCost",
"name" : "Anvil Repair Cost",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [anvil] [item] [max[imum]] repair cost [of %inventories%]",
-"%inventories%'[s] [anvil] [item] [max[imum]] repair cost",
+ "[the] [anviw] [item] [max[imum]] wepaiw cost [of %inventowies%]",
+"%inventowies%'[s] [anviw] [item] [max[imum]] wepaiw cost",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Returns the experience cost (in levels) to complete the current repair or the maximum experience cost (in levels) to be allowed by the current repair.
-The default value of max cost set by vanilla Minecraft is 40.",
- "examples" : "on inventory click:\\n if {AnvilRepairSaleActive} = true:\\n wait a tick # recommended, to avoid client bugs\\n set anvil repair cost to anvil repair cost * 50%\\n send \"Anvil repair sale is ON!\" to player\\n\\non inventory click:\\n player have permission \"\"\\n set max repair cost of event-inventory to 99999"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the expewience cost (in wevews) to compwete the cuwwent wepaiw ow the maximum expewience cost (in wevews) to be awwowed by the cuwwent wepaiw.
+The defauwt vawue of max cost set by vaniwwa Minecwaft is 40.",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy cwick:\\n if {AnviwRepaiwSaweActive} = twue:\\n wait a tick # wecommended, to avoid cwient bugs\\n set anviw wepaiw cost to anviw wepaiw cost * 50%\\n send \"Anviw wepaiw sawe is ON!\" to pwayew\\n\\non inventowy cwick:\\n pwayew have pewmission \"anviw.wepaiw.max.bypass\"\\n set max wepaiw cost of event-inventowy to 99999"
"id" : "ExprAnvilText",
"name" : "Anvil Text Input",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] anvil [inventory] (rename|text) input of %inventories%",
-"%inventories%'[s] anvil [inventory] (rename|text) input",
+ "[the] anviw [inventowy] (wename|text) input of %inventowies%",
+"%inventowies%'[s] anviw [inventowy] (wename|text) input",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "An expression to get the name to be applied to an item in an anvil inventory.",
- "examples" : "on inventory click:\\n type of event-inventory is anvil inventory\\n if the anvil input text of the event-inventory is \"FREE OP\":\\n ban player"
+ "description" : "An expwession to get the name to be appwied to an item in an anviw inventowy.",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy cwick:\\n type of event-inventowy is anviw inventowy\\n if the anviw text input of the event-inventowy is \"FREE OP\":\\n ban pwayew"
"id" : "ExprAppliedEnchantments",
"name" : "Applied Enchantments",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] applied enchant[ment]s",
+ "[the] appwied enchant[ment]s",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The applied enchantments in an enchant event.
- Deleting or removing the applied enchantments will prevent the item's enchantment.",
- "examples" : "on enchant:\\n set the applied enchantments to sharpness 10 and fire aspect 5"
+ "description" : "The appwied enchantments in an enchant event.
+ Deweting ow wemoving the appwied enchantments wiww pwevent the item's enchantment.",
+ "examples" : "on enchant:\\n set the appwied enchantments to shawpness 10 and fiwe aspect 5"
"id" : "ExprArgument",
"name" : "Argument",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] last arg[ument]",
-"[the] arg[ument](-| )<(\\d+)>",
-"[the] <(\\d*1)st|(\\d*2)nd|(\\d*3)rd|(\\d*[4-90])th> arg[ument][s]",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] arg[ument][s]",
-"[the] %*type%( |-)arg[ument][( |-)<\\d+>]",
-"[the] arg[ument]( |-)%*type%[( |-)<\\d+>]",
+ "[the] wast awg[ument]",
+"[the] awg[ument](-| )&wt;(\\d+)>",
+"[the] &wt;(\\d*1)st|(\\d*2)nd|(\\d*3)wd|(\\d*[4-90])th> awg[ument][s]",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] awg[ument][s]",
+"[the] %*type%( |-)awg[ument][( |-)&wt;\\d+>]",
+"[the] awg[ument]( |-)%*type%[( |-)&wt;\\d+>]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.7 (support for command events)",
- "description" : "Usable in script commands and command events. Holds the value of an argument given to the command, e.g. if the command \"/tell <player> <text>\" is used like \"/tell Njol Hello Njol!\" argument 1 is the player named \"Njol\" and argument 2 is \"Hello Njol!\".
-One can also use the type of the argument instead of its index to address the argument, e.g. in the above example 'player-argument' is the same as 'argument 1'.
-Please note that specifying the argument type is only supported in script commands.",
- "examples" : "give the item-argument to the player-argument\\ndamage the player-argument by the number-argument\\ngive a diamond pickaxe to the argument\\nadd argument 1 to argument 2\\nheal the last argument"
+ "description" : "Usabwe in scwipt commands and command events. Howds the vawue of an awgument given to the command, e.g. if the command \"/teww &wt;pwayew> &wt;text>\" is used wike \"/teww Njow Hewwo Njow!\" awgument 1 is the pwayew named \"Njow\" and awgument 2 is \"Hewwo Njow!\".
+One can awso use the type of the awgument instead of its index to addwess the awgument, e.g. in the above exampwe 'pwayew-awgument' is the same as 'awgument 1'.
+Pwease note dat specifying the awgument type is onwy suppowted in scwipt commands.",
+ "examples" : "give the item-awgument to the pwayew-awgument\\ndamage the pwayew-awgument by the numbew-awgument\\ngive a diamond pickaxe to the awgument\\nadd awgument 1 to awgument 2\\nheaw the wast awgument"
"id" : "ExprArithmetic",
@@ -5426,573 +5426,573 @@ Please note that specifying the argument type is only supported in script comman
"since" : "1.4.2",
- "description" : "Arithmetic expressions, e.g. 1 + 2, (health of player - 2) / 3, etc.",
- "examples" : "set the player's health to 10 - the player's health\\nloop (argument + 2) / 5 times:\\n message \"Two useless numbers: %loop-num * 2 - 5%, %2^loop-num - 1%\"\\nmessage \"You have %health of player * 2% half hearts of HP!\""
+ "description" : "Awithmetic expwessions, e.g. 1 + 2, (heawth of pwayew - 2) / 3, etc.",
+ "examples" : "set the pwayew's heawth to 10 - the pwayew's heawth\\nwoop (awgument + 2) / 5 times:\\n message \"Two usewess numbews: %woop-num * 2 - 5%, %2^woop-num - 1%\"\\nmessage \"You have %heawth of pwayew * 2% hawf heawts of HP!\""
"id" : "ExprArmorSlot",
"name" : "Armour Slot",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (((boots|shoes)|leg[ging]s|chestplate[s]|helmet[s]) [(item|slot)]|armo[u]r[s]) of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] (((boots|shoes)|leg[ging]s|chestplate[s]|helmet[s]) [(item|slot)]|armo[u]r[s])",
+ "[the] (((boots|shoes)|weg[ging]s|chestpwate[s]|hewmet[s]) [(item|swot)]|awmo[u]w[s]) of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] (((boots|shoes)|weg[ging]s|chestpwate[s]|hewmet[s]) [(item|swot)]|awmo[u]w[s])",
"since" : "1.0, 2.8.0 (Armour)",
- "description" : "Equipment of living entities, i.e. the boots, leggings, chestplate or helmet.",
- "examples" : "set chestplate of the player to a diamond chestplate\\nhelmet of player is neither a helmet nor air # player is wearing a block, e.g. from another plugin"
+ "description" : "Equipment of wiving entities, i.e. the boots, weggings, chestpwate ow hewmet.",
+ "examples" : "set chestpwate of the pwayew to a diamond chestpwate\\nhewmet of pwayew is neithew a hewmet now aiw # pwayew is weawing a bwock, e.g. fwom anothew pwugin"
"id" : "ExprAttachedBlock",
"name" : "Arrow Attached Block",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (attached|hit) block of %projectiles%",
-"%projectiles%'[s] (attached|hit) block",
+ "[the] (attached|hit) bwock of %pwojectiwes%",
+"%pwojectiwes%'[s] (attached|hit) bwock",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Returns the attached block of an arrow.",
- "examples" : "set hit block of last shot arrow to diamond block"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the attached bwock of an awwow.",
+ "examples" : "set hit bwock of wast shot awwow to diamond bwock"
"id" : "ExprArrowKnockbackStrength",
"name" : "Arrow Knockback Strength",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] arrow knockback strength of %projectiles%",
-"%projectiles%'[s] arrow knockback strength",
+ "[the] awwow knockback stwength of %pwojectiwes%",
+"%pwojectiwes%'[s] awwow knockback stwength",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "An arrow's knockback strength.",
- "examples" : "on shoot:\\n event-projectile is an arrow\\n set arrow knockback strength of event-projectile to 10"
+ "description" : "An awwow's knockback stwength.",
+ "examples" : "on shoot:\\n event-pwojectiwe is an awwow\\n set awwow knockback stwength of event-pwojectiwe to 10"
"id" : "ExprArrowsStuck",
"name" : "Arrows Stuck",
"patterns" : [
- "[number of] arrow[s] stuck in %living entities%",
+ "[numbew of] awwow[s] stuck in %wiving entities%",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The number of arrows stuck in a living entity.",
- "examples" : "set arrows stuck in player to 5"
+ "description" : "The numbew of awwows stuck in a wiving entity.",
+ "examples" : "set awwows stuck in pwayew to 5"
"id" : "ExprAttackCooldown",
"name" : "Attack Cooldown",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] attack cooldown of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] attack cooldown",
+ "[the] attack coowdown of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] attack coowdown",
"since" : "2.6.1",
- "description" : "Returns the current cooldown for a player's attack. This is used to calculate damage, with 1.0 representing a fully charged attack and 0.0 representing a non-charged attack.
-NOTE: Currently this can not be set to anything.",
- "examples" : "on damage:\\n if attack cooldown of attacker < 1:\\n set damage to 0\\n send \"Your hit was too weak! wait until your weapon is fully charged next time.\" to attacker"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the cuwwent coowdown fow a pwayew's attack. dis is used to cawcuwate damage, with 1.0 wepwesenting a fuwwy chawged attack and 0.0 wepwesenting a non-chawged attack.
+NOTE: Cuwwentwy dis can not be set to anything.",
+ "examples" : "on damage:\\n if attack coowdown of attackew &wt; 1:\\n set damage to 0\\n send \"Youw hit was too weak! wait untiw youw weapon is fuwwy chawged next time.\" to attackew"
"id" : "ExprAttacked",
"name" : "Attacked",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (attacked|damaged|victim) [<(.+)>]",
+ "[the] (attacked|damaged|victim) [&wt;(.+)>]",
"since" : "1.3, 2.6.1 (projectile hit event)",
- "description" : "The victim of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the zombie. When using Minecraft 1.11+, this also covers the hit entity in a projectile hit event.",
- "examples" : "on damage:\\n victim is a creeper\\n damage the attacked by 1 heart"
+ "description" : "The victim of a damage event, e.g. when a pwayew attacks a zombie dis expwession wepwesents the zombie. When using Minecwaft 1.11+, dis awso covews the hit entity in a pwojectiwe hit event.",
+ "examples" : "on damage:\\n victim is a cweepew\\n damage the attacked by 1 heawt"
"id" : "ExprAttacker",
"name" : "Attacker",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (attacker|damager)",
+ "[the] (attackew|damagew)",
"since" : "1.3",
- "description" : "The attacker of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the player.
-Please note that the attacker can also be a block, e.g. a cactus or lava, but this expression will not be set in these cases.",
- "examples" : "on damage:\\n attacker is a player\\n health of attacker is less than or equal to 2\\n damage victim by 1 heart"
+ "description" : "The attackew of a damage event, e.g. when a pwayew attacks a zombie dis expwession wepwesents the pwayew.
+Pwease note dat the attackew can awso be a bwock, e.g. a cactus ow wava, but dis expwession wiww not be set in these cases.",
+ "examples" : "on damage:\\n attackew is a pwayew\\n heawth of attackew is wess than ow equaw to 2\\n damage victim by 1 heawt"
"id" : "ExprBed",
"name" : "Bed",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [((safe|valid)|(unsafe|invalid))] bed[s] [location[s]] of %offline players%",
-"%offline players%'[s] [((safe|valid)|(unsafe|invalid))] bed[s] [location[s]]",
+ "[the] [((safe|vawid)|(unsafe|invawid))] bed[s] [wocation[s]] of %offwine pwayews%",
+"%offwine pwayews%'[s] [((safe|vawid)|(unsafe|invawid))] bed[s] [wocation[s]]",
"since" : "2.0, 2.7 (offlineplayers, safe bed)",
- "description" : "Returns the bed location of a player, i.e. the spawn point of a player if they ever slept in a bed and the bed still exists and is unobstructed however, you can set the unsafe bed location of players and they will respawn there even if it has been obstructed or doesn't exist anymore and that's the default behavior of this expression otherwise you will need to be specific i.e. safe bed location.
+ "description" : "Retuwns the bed wocation of a pwayew, i.e. the spawn point of a pwayew if they evew swept in a bed and the bed stiww exists and is unobstwucted howevew, you can set the unsafe bed wocation of pwayews and they wiww wespawn thewe even if it has been obstwucted ow doesn't exist anymowe and dat's the defauwt behaviow of dis expwession othewwise you wiww need to be specific i.e. safe bed wocation.
-NOTE: Offline players can not have their bed location changed, only online players.",
- "examples" : "if bed of player exists:\\n teleport player the the player's bed\\nelse:\\n teleport the player to the world's spawn point\\n\\nset the bed location of player to spawn location of world(\"world\") # unsafe/invalid bed location\\nset the safe bed location of player to spawn location of world(\"world\") # safe/valid bed location"
+NOTE: Offwine pwayews can not have theiw bed wocation changed, onwy onwine pwayews.",
+ "examples" : "if bed of pwayew exists:\\n tewepowt pwayew the the pwayew's bed\\newse:\\n tewepowt the pwayew to the wowwd's spawn point\\n\\nset the bed wocation of pwayew to spawn wocation of wowwd(\"wowwd\") # unsafe/invawid bed wocation\\nset the safe bed wocation of pwayew to spawn wocation of wowwd(\"wowwd\") # safe/vawid bed wocation"
"id" : "ExprBiome",
"name" : "Biome",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] biome [(of|%direction%) %locations%]",
-"%locations%'[s] biome",
+ "[the] biome [(of|%diwection%) %wocations%]",
+"%wocations%'[s] biome",
"since" : "1.4.4, 2.6.1 (3D biomes)",
- "description" : "The biome at a certain location. Please note that biomes are only defined for x/z-columns
-(i.e. the altitude (y-coordinate) doesn't matter), up until Minecraft 1.15.x.
-As of Minecraft 1.16, biomes are now 3D (per block vs column).",
- "examples" : "# damage player in deserts constantly\\nevery real minute:\\n loop all players:\\n biome at loop-player is desert\\n damage the loop-player by 1"
+ "description" : "The biome at a cewtain wocation. Pwease note dat biomes awe onwy defined fow x/z-cowumns
+(i.e. the awtitude (y-coowdinate) doesn't mattew), up untiw Minecwaft 1.15.x.
+As of Minecwaft 1.16, biomes awe now 3D (pew bwock vs cowumn).",
+ "examples" : "# damage pwayew in desewts constantwy\\nevewy weaw minute:\\n woop aww pwayews:\\n biome at woop-pwayew is desewt\\n damage the woop-pwayew by 1"
"id" : "ExprBlock",
"name" : "Block",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [event-]block",
+ "[the] [event-]bwock",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block.
-Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.",
- "examples" : "block is ore\\nset block below to air\\nspawn a creeper above the block\\nloop blocks in radius 4:\\n loop-block is obsidian\\n set loop-block to water\\nblock is a chest:\\n clear the inventory of the block"
+ "description" : "The bwock invowved in the event, e.g. the cwicked bwock ow the pwaced bwock.
+Can optionawwy incwude a diwection as weww, e.g. 'bwock above' ow 'bwock in fwont of the pwayew'.",
+ "examples" : "bwock is owe\\nset bwock bewow to aiw\\nspawn a cweepew above the bwock\\nwoop bwocks in wadius 4:\\n woop-bwock is obsidian\\n set woop-bwock to watew\\nbwock is a chest:\\n cweaw the inventowy of the bwock"
"id" : "ExprBlock",
"name" : "Block",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] block %direction% [%location%]",
+ "[the] bwock %diwection% [%wocation%]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block.
-Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.",
- "examples" : "block is ore\\nset block below to air\\nspawn a creeper above the block\\nloop blocks in radius 4:\\n loop-block is obsidian\\n set loop-block to water\\nblock is a chest:\\n clear the inventory of the block"
+ "description" : "The bwock invowved in the event, e.g. the cwicked bwock ow the pwaced bwock.
+Can optionawwy incwude a diwection as weww, e.g. 'bwock above' ow 'bwock in fwont of the pwayew'.",
+ "examples" : "bwock is owe\\nset bwock bewow to aiw\\nspawn a cweepew above the bwock\\nwoop bwocks in wadius 4:\\n woop-bwock is obsidian\\n set woop-bwock to watew\\nbwock is a chest:\\n cweaw the inventowy of the bwock"
"id" : "ExprBreakSpeed",
"name" : "Block Break Speed",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] break speed[s] [of %blocks%] [for %players%]",
-"%block%'[s] break speed[s] [for %players%]",
+ "[the] bweak speed[s] [of %bwocks%] [fow %pwayews%]",
+"%bwock%'[s] bweak speed[s] [fow %pwayews%]",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Gets the speed at which the given player would break this block, taking into account tools, potion effects, whether or not the player is in water, enchantments, etc. The returned value is the amount of progress made in breaking the block each tick. When the total breaking progress reaches 1.0, the block is broken. Note that the break speed can change in the course of breaking a block, e.g. if a potion effect is applied or expires, or the player jumps/enters water.",
- "examples" : "on left click using diamond pickaxe:\\n event-block is set\\n send \"Break Speed: %break speed for player%\" to player"
+ "description" : "Gets the speed at which the given pwayew wouwd bweak dis bwock, taking into account toows, potion effects, whethew ow not the pwayew is in watew, enchantments, etc. The wetuwned vawue is the amount of pwogwess made in bweaking the bwock each tick. When the totaw bweaking pwogwess weaches 1.0, the bwock is bwoken. Note dat the bweak speed can change in the couwse of bweaking a bwock, e.g. if a potion effect is appwied ow expiwes, ow the pwayew jumps/entews watew.",
+ "examples" : "on weft cwick using diamond pickaxe:\\n event-bwock is set\\n send \"Bweak Speed: %bweak speed fow pwayew%\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprBlockData",
"name" : "Block Data",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] block[ ]data of %blocks%",
-"%blocks%'[s] block[ ]data",
+ "[the] bwock[ ]data of %bwocks%",
+"%bwocks%'[s] bwock[ ]data",
"since" : "2.5, 2.5.2 (set)",
- "description" : "Get the block data associated with a block. This data can also be used to set blocks.",
- "examples" : "set {data} to block data of target block\\nset block at player to {data}\\nset block data of target block to oak_stairs[facing=south;waterlogged=true]"
+ "description" : "Get the bwock data associated with a bwock. dis data can awso be used to set bwocks.",
+ "examples" : "set {data} to bwock data of tawget bwock\\nset bwock at pwayew to {data}\\nset bwock data of tawget bwock to oak_staiws[facing=south;watewwogged=twue]"
"id" : "ExprBlockHardness",
"name" : "Block Hardness",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [block] hardness of %item types%",
-"%item types%'[s] [block] hardness",
+ "[the] [bwock] hawdness of %item types%",
+"%item types%'[s] [bwock] hawdness",
"since" : "2.6",
- "description" : "Obtains the block's hardness level (also known as \"strength\"). This number is used to calculate the time required to break each block.",
- "examples" : "set {_hard} to block hardness of target block\\nif block hardness of target block > 5:"
+ "description" : "Obtains the bwock's hawdness wevew (awso known as \"stwength\"). dis numbew is used to cawcuwate the time wequiwed to bweak each bwock.",
+ "examples" : "set {_hawd} to bwock hawdness of tawget bwock\\nif bwock hawdness of tawget bwock > 5:"
"id" : "ExprBlockSphere",
"name" : "Block Sphere",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks in radius %number% [(of|around) %location%]",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks around %location% in radius %number%",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] bwocks in wadius %numbew% [(of|awound) %wocation%]",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] bwocks awound %wocation% in wadius %numbew%",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "All blocks in a sphere around a center, mostly useful for looping.",
- "examples" : "loop blocks in radius 5 around the player:\\n set loop-block to air"
+ "description" : "Aww bwocks in a sphewe awound a centew, mostwy usefuw fow wooping.",
+ "examples" : "woop bwocks in wadius 5 awound the pwayew:\\n set woop-bwock to aiw"
"id" : "ExprBlocks",
"name" : "Blocks",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks %direction% [%locations%]",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks from %location% [on] %direction%",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks from %location% to %location%",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks between %location% and %location%",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks within %location% and %location%",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks (in|within) %chunk%",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] bwocks %diwection% [%wocations%]",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] bwocks fwom %wocation% [on] %diwection%",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] bwocks fwom %wocation% to %wocation%",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] bwocks between %wocation% and %wocation%",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] bwocks within %wocation% and %wocation%",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] bwocks (in|within) %chunk%",
"since" : "1.0, 2.5.1 (within/cuboid/chunk)",
- "description" : "Blocks relative to other blocks or between other blocks. Can be used to get blocks relative to other blocks or for looping.
-Blocks from/to and between will return a straight line whereas blocks within will return a cuboid.",
- "examples" : "loop blocks above the player:\\nloop blocks between the block below the player and the targeted block:\\nset the blocks below the player, the victim and the targeted block to air\\nset all blocks within {loc1} and {loc2} to stone\\nset all blocks within chunk at player to air"
+ "description" : "Bwocks wewative to othew bwocks ow between othew bwocks. Can be used to get bwocks wewative to othew bwocks ow fow wooping.
+Bwocks fwom/to and between wiww wetuwn a stwaight wine wheweas bwocks within wiww wetuwn a cuboid.",
+ "examples" : "woop bwocks above the pwayew:\\nwoop bwocks between the bwock bewow the pwayew and the tawgeted bwock:\\nset the bwocks bewow the pwayew, the victim and the tawgeted bwock to aiw\\nset aww bwocks within {woc1} and {woc2} to stone\\nset aww bwocks within chunk at pwayew to aiw"
"id" : "ExprBlocksInRegion",
"name" : "Blocks in Region",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all|the)] blocks (in|of) [[the] region[s]] %regions%",
+ "[(aww|the)] bwocks (in|of) [[the] wegion[s]] %wegions%",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "All blocks in a region.
-This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.",
- "examples" : "loop all blocks in the region {arena.%{faction.%player%}%}:\\n clear the loop-block"
+ "description" : "Aww bwocks in a wegion.
+dis expwession wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.",
+ "examples" : "woop aww bwocks in the wegion {awena.%{faction.%pwayew%}%}:\\n cweaw the woop-bwock"
"id" : "ExprBookAuthor",
"name" : "Book Author",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [book] (author|writer|publisher) of %item types%",
-"%item types%'[s] [book] (author|writer|publisher)",
+ "[the] [book] (authow|wwitew|pubwishew) of %item types%",
+"%item types%'[s] [book] (authow|wwitew|pubwishew)",
"since" : "2.2-dev31",
- "description" : "The author of a book.",
- "examples" : "on book sign:\\n message \"Book Title: %author of event-item%\""
+ "description" : "The authow of a book.",
+ "examples" : "on book sign:\\n message \"Book Titwe: %authow of event-item%\""
"id" : "ExprBookPages",
"name" : "Book Pages",
"patterns" : [
- "[all [[of] the]|the] [book] (pages|content) of %item types/item stacks%",
+ "[aww [[of] the]|the] [book] (pages|content) of %item types/item stacks%",
"%item types/item stacks%'[s] [book] (pages|content)",
-"[book] page %number% of %item types/item stacks%",
-"%item types/item stacks%'[s] [book] page %number%",
+"[book] page %numbew% of %item types/item stacks%",
+"%item types/item stacks%'[s] [book] page %numbew%",
"since" : "2.2-dev31, 2.7 (changers)",
- "description" : "The pages of a book (Supports Skript's chat format)
-Note: In order to modify the pages of a new written book, you must have the title and author
-of the book set. Skript will do this for you, but if you want your own, please set those values.",
- "examples" : "on book sign:\\n message \"Book Pages: %pages of event-item%\"\\n message \"Book Page 1: %page 1 of event-item%\"\\n\\nset page 1 of player's held item to \"Book writing\""
+ "description" : "The pages of a book (Suppowts Skwipt's chat fowmat)
+Note: In owdew to modify the pages of a new wwitten book, you must have the titwe and authow
+of the book set. Skwipt wiww do dis fow you, but if you want youw own, pwease set those vawues.",
+ "examples" : "on book sign:\\n message \"Book Pages: %pages of event-item%\"\\n message \"Book Page 1: %page 1 of event-item%\"\\n\\nset page 1 of pwayew's hewd item to \"Book wwiting\""
"id" : "ExprBookTitle",
"name" : "Book Title",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] book (name|title) of %item types%",
-"%item types%'[s] book (name|title)",
+ "[the] book (name|titwe) of %item types%",
+"%item types%'[s] book (name|titwe)",
"since" : "2.2-dev31",
- "description" : "The title of a book.",
- "examples" : "on book sign:\\n message \"Book Title: %title of event-item%\""
+ "description" : "The titwe of a book.",
+ "examples" : "on book sign:\\n message \"Book Titwe: %titwe of event-item%\""
"id" : "ExprBurnCookTime",
"name" : "Burn/Cook Time",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] burn[ing] time",
-"[the] (burn|cook)[ing] time of %blocks%",
-"%blocks%'[s] (burn|cook)[ing] time",
+ "[the] buwn[ing] time",
+"[the] (buwn|cook)[ing] time of %bwocks%",
+"%bwocks%'[s] (buwn|cook)[ing] time",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The time a furnace takes to burn an item in a fuel burn event.
-Can also be used to change the burn/cook time of a placed furnace.",
- "examples" : "on fuel burn:\\n if fuel slot is coal:\\n set burning time to 1 tick"
+ "description" : "The time a fuwnace takes to buwn an item in a fuew buwn event.
+Can awso be used to change the buwn/cook time of a pwaced fuwnace.",
+ "examples" : "on fuew buwn:\\n if fuew swot is coaw:\\n set buwning time to 1 tick"
"id" : "ExprStringCase",
"name" : "Case Text",
"patterns" : [
- "%texts% in (upper|lower)[ ]case",
-"(upper|lower)[ ]case %texts%",
-"capitali(s|z)ed %texts%",
-"%texts% in [(lenient|strict) ](proper|title)[ ]case",
-"[(lenient|strict) ](proper|title)[ ]case %texts%",
-"%texts% in [(lenient|strict) ]camel[ ]case",
-"[(lenient|strict) ]camel[ ]case %texts%",
-"%texts% in [(lenient|strict) ]pascal[ ]case",
-"[(lenient|strict) ]pascal[ ]case %texts%",
-"%texts% in [(lower|upper|capital|screaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case",
-"[(lower|upper|capital|screaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case %texts%",
-"%texts% in [(lower|upper|capital)[ ]]kebab[ ]case",
-"[(lower|upper|capital)[ ]]kebab[ ]case %texts%",
+ "%texts% in (uppew|wowew)[ ]case",
+"(uppew|wowew)[ ]case %texts%",
+"capitawi(s|z)ed %texts%",
+"%texts% in [(wenient|stwict) ](pwopew|titwe)[ ]case",
+"[(wenient|stwict) ](pwopew|titwe)[ ]case %texts%",
+"%texts% in [(wenient|stwict) ]camew[ ]case",
+"[(wenient|stwict) ]camew[ ]case %texts%",
+"%texts% in [(wenient|stwict) ]pascaw[ ]case",
+"[(wenient|stwict) ]pascaw[ ]case %texts%",
+"%texts% in [(wowew|uppew|capitaw|scweaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case",
+"[(wowew|uppew|capitaw|scweaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case %texts%",
+"%texts% in [(wowew|uppew|capitaw)[ ]]kebab[ ]case",
+"[(wowew|uppew|capitaw)[ ]]kebab[ ]case %texts%",
"since" : "2.2-dev16 (lowercase and uppercase), 2.5 (advanced cases)",
- "description" : "Copy of given text in Lowercase, Uppercase, Proper Case, camelCase, PascalCase, Snake_Case, and Kebab-Case",
- "examples" : "\"Oops!\" in lowercase # oops!\\n\"oops!\" in uppercase # OOPS!\\n\"hellO i'm steve!\" in proper case # HellO I'm Steve!\\n\"hellO i'm steve!\" in strict proper case # Hello I'm Steve!\\n\"spAwn neW boSs ()\" in camel case # spAwnNeWBoSs()\\n\"spAwn neW boSs ()\" in strict camel case # spawnNewBoss()\\n\"geneRate ranDom numBer ()\" in pascal case # GeneRateRanDomNumBer()\\n\"geneRate ranDom numBer ()\" in strict pascal case # GenerateRandomNumber()\\n\"Hello Player!\" in snake case # Hello_Player!\\n\"Hello Player!\" in lower snake case # hello_player!\\n\"Hello Player!\" in upper snake case # HELLO_PLAYER!\\n\"What is your name?\" in kebab case # What-is-your-name?\\n\"What is your name?\" in lower kebab case # what-is-your-name?\\n\"What is your name?\" in upper kebab case # WHAT-IS-YOUR-NAME?"
+ "description" : "Copy of given text in Lowewcase, Uppewcase, Pwopew Case, camewCase, PascawCase, Snake_Case, and Kebab-Case",
+ "examples" : "\"Oops!\" in wowewcase # oops!\\n\"oops!\" in uppewcase # OOPS!\\n\"hewwO i'm steve!\" in pwopew case # HewwO I'm Steve!\\n\"hewwO i'm steve!\" in stwict pwopew case # Hewwo I'm Steve!\\n\"spAwn neW boSs ()\" in camew case # spAwnNeWBoSs()\\n\"spAwn neW boSs ()\" in stwict camew case # spawnNewBoss()\\n\"geneRate wanDom numBew ()\" in pascaw case # GeneRateRanDomNumBew()\\n\"geneRate wanDom numBew ()\" in stwict pascaw case # GenewateRandomNumbew()\\n\"Hewwo Pwayew!\" in snake case # Hewwo_Pwayew!\\n\"Hewwo Pwayew!\" in wowew snake case # hewwo_pwayew!\\n\"Hewwo Pwayew!\" in uppew snake case # HELLO_PLAYER!\\n\"What is youw name?\" in kebab case # What-is-youw-name?\\n\"What is youw name?\" in wowew kebab case # what-is-youw-name?\\n\"What is youw name?\" in uppew kebab case # WHAT-IS-YOUR-NAME?"
"id" : "ExprCharacters",
"name" : "Characters Between",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] [alphanumeric] characters (between|from) %text% (and|to) %text%",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] [awphanumewic] chawactews (between|fwom) %text% (and|to) %text%",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "All characters between two given characters, useful for generating random strings. This expression uses the Unicode numerical code of a character to determine which characters are between the two given characters. The ASCII table linked here shows this ordering for the first 256 characters.
-If you would like only alphanumeric characters you can use the 'alphanumeric' option in the expression.
-If strings of more than one character are given, only the first character of each is used.",
- "examples" : "loop characters from \"a\" to \"f\":\\n broadcast \"%loop-value%\"\\n\\n# 0123456789:;<=>?@ABC... ...uvwxyz\\nsend characters between \"0\" and \"z\"\\n\\n# 0123456789ABC... ...uvwxyz\\nsend alphanumeric characters between \"0\" and \"z\""
+ "description" : "Aww chawactews between two given chawactews, usefuw fow genewating wandom stwings. dis expwession uses the Unicode numewicaw code of a chawactew to detewmine which chawactews awe between the two given chawactews. The ASCII tabwe winked hewe shows dis owdewing fow the fiwst 256 chawactews.
+If you wouwd wike onwy awphanumewic chawactews you can use the 'awphanumewic' option in the expwession.
+If stwings of mowe than one chawactew awe given, onwy the fiwst chawactew of each is used.",
+ "examples" : "woop chawactews fwom \"a\" to \"f\":\\n bwoadcast \"%woop-vawue%\"\\n\\n# 0123456789:;&wt;=>?@ABC... ...uvwxyz\\nsend chawactews between \"0\" and \"z\"\\n\\n# 0123456789ABC... ...uvwxyz\\nsend awphanumewic chawactews between \"0\" and \"z\""
"id" : "ExprChatFormat",
"name" : "Chat Format",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (message|chat) format[ting]",
+ "[the] (message|chat) fowmat[ting]",
"since" : "2.2-dev31",
- "description" : "Can be used to get/retrieve the chat format. The sender of a message is represented by [player] or [sender], and the message by [message] or [msg].",
- "examples" : "set the chat format to \"<yellow>[player]<light gray>: <green>[message]\""
+ "description" : "Can be used to get/wetwieve the chat fowmat. The sendew of a message is wepwesented by [pwayew] ow [sendew], and the message by [message] ow [msg].",
+ "examples" : "set the chat fowmat to \"&wt;yewwow>[pwayew]&wt;wight gway>: &wt;gween>[message]\""
"id" : "ExprChatRecipients",
"name" : "Chat Recipients",
"patterns" : [
- "[chat][( |-)]recipients",
+ "[chat][( |-)]wecipients",
"since" : "2.2-Fixes-v7, 2.2-dev35 (clearing recipients)",
- "description" : "Recipients of chat events where this is called.",
- "examples" : "chat recipients"
+ "description" : "Recipients of chat events whewe dis is cawwed.",
+ "examples" : "chat wecipients"
"id" : "ExprChunk",
"name" : "Chunk",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] chunk[s] (of|%directions%) %locations%",
-"%locations%'[s] chunk[s]",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] loaded chunks (of|in) %worlds%",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] chunk[s] (of|%diwections%) %wocations%",
+"%wocations%'[s] chunk[s]",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] woaded chunks (of|in) %wowwds%",
"since" : "2.0, 2.8.0 (loaded chunks)",
- "description" : "Returns the chunk of a block, location or entity is in, or a list of the loaded chunks of a world.",
- "examples" : "add the chunk at the player to {protected chunks::*}\\nset {_chunks::*} to the loaded chunks of the player's world"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the chunk of a bwock, wocation ow entity is in, ow a wist of the woaded chunks of a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "add the chunk at the pwayew to {pwotected chunks::*}\\nset {_chunks::*} to the woaded chunks of the pwayew's wowwd"
"id" : "ExprClicked",
"name" : "Clicked Block/Entity/Inventory/Slot",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (clicked [enchant[ment]] (button|option)|clicked (block|%*item type/entity type%)|clicked slot|clicked inventory|click (type|action)|inventory action)",
+ "[the] (cwicked [enchant[ment]] (button|option)|cwicked (bwock|%*item type/entity type%)|cwicked swot|cwicked inventowy|cwick (type|action)|inventowy action)",
"since" : "1.0, 2.2-dev35 (more clickable things)",
- "description" : "The clicked block, entity, inventory, inventory slot, inventory click type or inventory action.",
- "examples" : "message \"You clicked on a %type of clicked entity%!\"\\nif the clicked block is a chest:\\n show the inventory of the clicked block to the player"
+ "description" : "The cwicked bwock, entity, inventowy, inventowy swot, inventowy cwick type ow inventowy action.",
+ "examples" : "message \"You cwicked on a %type of cwicked entity%!\"\\nif the cwicked bwock is a chest:\\n show the inventowy of the cwicked bwock to the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprColorOf",
"name" : "Color of",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] colo[u]r[s] of %blocks/item types/entities/firework effects%",
-"%blocks/item types/entities/firework effects%'[s] colo[u]r[s]",
+ "[the] cowo[u]w[s] of %bwocks/item types/entities/fiwewowk effects%",
+"%bwocks/item types/entities/fiwewowk effects%'[s] cowo[u]w[s]",
"since" : "1.2",
- "description" : "The color of an item, can also be used to color chat messages with \"<%color of ...%>this text is colored!\".",
- "examples" : "on click on wool:\\n message \"This wool block is <%color of block%>%color of block%<reset>!\"\\n set the color of the block to black"
+ "description" : "The cowow of an item, can awso be used to cowow chat messages with \"&wt;%cowow of ...%>dis text is cowowed!\".",
+ "examples" : "on cwick on woow:\\n message \"dis woow bwock is &wt;%cowow of bwock%>%cowow of bwock%&wt;weset>!\"\\n set the cowow of the bwock to bwack"
"id" : "ExprColoured",
"name" : "Colored / Uncolored",
"patterns" : [
- "(colo[u]r-|colo[u]red )%texts%",
-"(format-|formatted )%texts%",
-"(un|non)[-](colo[u]r-|colo[u]red |format-|formatted )%texts%",
+ "(cowo[u]w-|cowo[u]wed )%texts%",
+"(fowmat-|fowmatted )%texts%",
+"(un|non)[-](cowo[u]w-|cowo[u]wed |fowmat-|fowmatted )%texts%",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Parses <color>s and, optionally, chat styles in a message or removes
-any colors and chat styles from the message. Parsing all
-chat styles requires this expression to be used in same line with
-the send effect.",
- "examples" : "on chat:\\n set message to colored message # Safe; only colors get parsed\\ncommand /fade <player>:\\n trigger:\\n set display name of the player-argument to uncolored display name of the player-argument\\ncommand /format <text>:\\n trigger:\\n message formatted text-argument # Safe, because we're sending to whoever used this command"
+ "description" : "Pawses &wt;cowow>s and, optionawwy, chat stywes in a message ow wemoves
+any cowows and chat stywes fwom the message. Pawsing aww
+chat stywes wequiwes dis expwession to be used in same wine with
+the send effect.",
+ "examples" : "on chat:\\n set message to cowowed message # Safe; onwy cowows get pawsed\\ncommand /fade &wt;pwayew>:\\n twiggew:\\n set dispway name of the pwayew-awgument to uncowowed dispway name of the pwayew-awgument\\ncommand /fowmat &wt;text>:\\n twiggew:\\n message fowmatted text-awgument # Safe, because we'we sending to whoevew used dis command"
"id" : "ExprCommand",
"name" : "Command",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (full|complete|whole) command",
-"[the] command [(label|alias)]",
+ "[the] (fuww|compwete|whowe) command",
+"[the] command [(wabew|awias)]",
"since" : "2.0, 2.7 (support for script commands)",
- "description" : "The command that caused an 'on command' event (excluding the leading slash and all arguments)",
- "examples" : "# prevent any commands except for the /exit command during some game\\non command:\\n if {game::%player%::playing} is true:\\n if the command is not \"exit\":\\n message \"You're not allowed to use commands during the game\"\\n cancel the event"
+ "description" : "The command dat caused an 'on command' event (excwuding the weading swash and aww awguments)",
+ "examples" : "# pwevent any commands except fow the /exit command duwing some game\\non command:\\n if {game::%pwayew%::pwaying} is twue:\\n if the command is not \"exit\":\\n message \"You'we not awwowed to use commands duwing the game\"\\n cancew the event"
"id" : "ExprCommandInfo",
"name" : "Command Info",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] main command [label|name] [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
-"command[s] %texts%'[s] main command [label|name]",
-"[the] description [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
-"command[s] %texts%'[s] description",
-"[the] label [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
-"command[s] %texts%'[s] label",
-"[the] usage [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
-"command[s] %texts%'[s] usage",
-"[(all|the|all [of] the)] aliases [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
-"command[s] %texts%'[s] aliases",
-"[the] permission [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
-"command[s] %texts%'[s] permission",
-"[the] permission message [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
-"command[s] %texts%'[s] permission message",
-"[the] plugin [owner] [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
-"command[s] %texts%'[s] plugin [owner]",
+ "[the] main command [wabew|name] [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
+"command[s] %texts%'[s] main command [wabew|name]",
+"[the] descwiption [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
+"command[s] %texts%'[s] descwiption",
+"[the] wabew [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
+"command[s] %texts%'[s] wabew",
+"[the] usage [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
+"command[s] %texts%'[s] usage",
+"[(aww|the|aww [of] the)] awiases [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
+"command[s] %texts%'[s] awiases",
+"[the] pewmission [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
+"command[s] %texts%'[s] pewmission",
+"[the] pewmission message [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
+"command[s] %texts%'[s] pewmission message",
+"[the] pwugin [ownew] [of [[the] command[s] %texts%]]",
+"command[s] %texts%'[s] pwugin [ownew]",
"since" : "2.6",
- "description" : "Get information about a command.",
- "examples" : "main command label of command \"skript\"\\ndescription of command \"help\"\\nlabel of command \"pl\"\\nusage of command \"help\"\\naliases of command \"bukkit:help\"\\npermission of command \"/op\"\\ncommand \"op\"'s permission message\\ncommand \"sk\"'s plugin owner\\n\\ncommand /greet <player>:\\n usage: /greet <target>\\n trigger:\\n if arg-1 is sender:\\n send \"&cYou can't greet yourself! Usage: %the usage%\"\\n stop\\n send \"%sender% greets you!\" to arg-1\\n send \"You greeted %arg-1%!\""
+ "description" : "Get infowmation about a command.",
+ "examples" : "main command wabew of command \"skwipt\"\\ndescwiption of command \"hewp\"\\nwabew of command \"pw\"\\nusage of command \"hewp\"\\nawiases of command \"bukkit:hewp\"\\npewmission of command \"/op\"\\ncommand \"op\"'s pewmission message\\ncommand \"sk\"'s pwugin ownew\\n\\ncommand /gweet &wt;pwayew>:\\n usage: /gweet &wt;tawget>\\n twiggew:\\n if awg-1 is sendew:\\n send \"&cYou can't gweet youwsewf! Usage: %the usage%\"\\n stop\\n send \"%sendew% gweets you!\" to awg-1\\n send \"You gweeted %awg-1%!\""
"id" : "ExprCommandSender",
"name" : "Command Sender",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [command['s]] (sender|executor)",
+ "[the] [command['s]] (sendew|executow)",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The player or the console who sent a command. Mostly useful in commands and command events.
-If the command sender is a command block, its location can be retrieved by using %block's location%",
- "examples" : "make the command sender execute \"/say hi!\"\\n\\non command:\\n log \"%executor% used command /%command% %arguments%\" to \"commands.log\""
+ "description" : "The pwayew ow the consowe who sent a command. Mostwy usefuw in commands and command events.
+If the command sendew is a command bwock, its wocation can be wetwieved by using %bwock's wocation%",
+ "examples" : "make the command sendew execute \"/say hi!\"\\n\\non command:\\n wog \"%executow% used command /%command% %awguments%\" to \"commands.wog\""
"id" : "ExprCompassTarget",
"name" : "Compass Target",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] compass target of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] compass target",
+ "[the] compass tawget of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] compass tawget",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The location a player's compass is pointing at.",
- "examples" : "# make all player's compasses target a player stored in {compass::target::%player%}\\nevery 5 seconds:\\n loop all players:\\n set the loop-player's compass target to location of {compass::target::%%loop-player%}"
+ "description" : "The wocation a pwayew's compass is pointing at.",
+ "examples" : "# make aww pwayew's compasses tawget a pwayew stowed in {compass::tawget::%pwayew%}\\nevewy 5 seconds:\\n woop aww pwayews:\\n set the woop-pwayew's compass tawget to wocation of {compass::tawget::%%woop-pwayew%}"
"id" : "LitConsole",
"name" : "Console",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (console|server)",
+ "[the] (consowe|sewvew)",
"since" : "1.3.1",
- "description" : "Represents the server's console which can receive messages and execute commands",
- "examples" : "execute console command \"/stop\"\\nsend \"message to console\" to the console"
+ "description" : "Repwesents the sewvew's consowe which can weceive messages and execute commands",
+ "examples" : "execute consowe command \"/stop\"\\nsend \"message to consowe\" to the consowe"
"id" : "ExprCmdCooldownInfo",
"name" : "Cooldown Time/Remaining Time/Elapsed Time/Last Usage/Bypass Permission",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] remaining [time] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]",
-"[the] elapsed [time] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]",
-"[the] ((cooldown|wait) time|[wait] time of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command])",
-"[the] last usage [date] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]",
-"[the] [cooldown] bypass perm[ission] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]",
+ "[the] wemaining [time] [of [the] (coowdown|wait) [(of|fow) [the] [cuwwent] command]]",
+"[the] ewapsed [time] [of [the] (coowdown|wait) [(of|fow) [the] [cuwwent] command]]",
+"[the] ((coowdown|wait) time|[wait] time of [the] (coowdown|wait) [(of|fow) [the] [cuwwent] command])",
+"[the] wast usage [date] [of [the] (coowdown|wait) [(of|fow) [the] [cuwwent] command]]",
+"[the] [coowdown] bypass pewm[ission] [of [the] (coowdown|wait) [(of|fow) [the] [cuwwent] command]]",
"since" : "2.2-dev33",
- "description" : "Only usable in command events. Represents the cooldown time, the remaining time, the elapsed time,
-the last usage date, or the cooldown bypass permission.",
- "examples" : "command /home:\\n cooldown: 10 seconds\\n cooldown message: You last teleported home %elapsed time% ago, you may teleport home again in %remaining time%.\\n trigger:\\n teleport player to {home::%player%}"
+ "description" : "Onwy usabwe in command events. Repwesents the coowdown time, the wemaining time, the ewapsed time,
+the wast usage date, ow the coowdown bypass pewmission.",
+ "examples" : "command /home:\\n coowdown: 10 seconds\\n coowdown message: You wast tewepowted home %ewapsed time% ago, you may tewepowt home again in %wemaining time%.\\n twiggew:\\n tewepowt pwayew to {home::%pwayew%}"
"id" : "ExprCoordinate",
"name" : "Coordinate",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s] of %locations%",
-"%locations%'[s] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s]",
+ "[the] (x|y|z)(-| )(coowd[inate]|pos[ition]|woc[ation])[s] of %wocations%",
+"%wocations%'[s] (x|y|z)(-| )(coowd[inate]|pos[ition]|woc[ation])[s]",
"since" : "1.4.3",
- "description" : "Represents a given coordinate of a location. ",
- "examples" : "player's y-coordinate is smaller than 40:\\n message \"Watch out for lava!\""
+ "description" : "Repwesents a given coowdinate of a wocation. ",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's y-coowdinate is smawwew than 40:\\n message \"Watch out fow wava!\""
"id" : "ExprEntity",
"name" : "Creature/Entity/Player/Projectile/Villager/Powered Creeper/etc.",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [event-]<.+>",
+ "[the] [event-]&wt;.+>",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The entity involved in an event (an entity is a player, a creature or an inanimate object like ignited TNT, a dropped item or an arrow).
-You can use the specific type of the entity that's involved in the event, e.g. in a 'death of a creeper' event you can use 'the creeper' instead of 'the entity'.",
- "examples" : "give a diamond sword of sharpness 3 to the player\\nkill the creeper\\nkill all powered creepers in the wolf's world\\nprojectile is an arrow"
+ "description" : "The entity invowved in an event (an entity is a pwayew, a cweatuwe ow an inanimate object wike ignited TNT, a dwopped item ow an awwow).
+You can use the specific type of the entity dat's invowved in the event, e.g. in a 'death of a cweepew' event you can use 'the cweepew' instead of 'the entity'.",
+ "examples" : "give a diamond swowd of shawpness 3 to the pwayew\\nkiww the cweepew\\nkiww aww powewed cweepews in the wowf's wowwd\\npwojectiwe is an awwow"
"id" : "ExprCursorSlot",
"name" : "Cursor Slot",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] cursor slot of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] cursor slot",
+ "[the] cuwsow swot of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] cuwsow swot",
"since" : "2.2-dev17",
- "description" : "The item which the player has on their inventory cursor. This slot is always empty if player has no inventory open.",
- "examples" : "cursor slot of player is dirt\\nset cursor slot of player to 64 diamonds"
+ "description" : "The item which the pwayew has on theiw inventowy cuwsow. dis swot is awways empty if pwayew has no inventowy open.",
+ "examples" : "cuwsow swot of pwayew is diwt\\nset cuwsow swot of pwayew to 64 diamonds"
"id" : "ExprChestInventory",
"name" : "Custom Chest Inventory",
"patterns" : [
- "[a] [new] chest inventory (named|with name) %text% [with %number% row[s]]",
-"[a] [new] chest inventory with %number% row[s] [(named|with name) %text%]",
+ "[a] [new] chest inventowy (named|with name) %text% [with %numbew% wow[s]]",
+"[a] [new] chest inventowy with %numbew% wow[s] [(named|with name) %text%]",
"since" : "2.2-dev34, 2.8.0 (chat format)",
- "description" : "Returns a chest inventory with the given amount of rows and the name. Use the open inventory effect to open it.",
- "examples" : "open chest inventory with 1 row named \"test\" to player\\n\\nset {_inventory} to a chest inventory with 1 row\\nset slot 4 of {_inventory} to a diamond named \"example\"\\nopen {_inventory} to player\\n\\nopen chest inventory named \"<##00ff00>hex coloured title!\" with 6 rows to player"
+ "description" : "Retuwns a chest inventowy with the given amount of wows and the name. Use the open inventowy effect to open it.",
+ "examples" : "open chest inventowy with 1 wow named \"test\" to pwayew\\n\\nset {_inventowy} to a chest inventowy with 1 wow\\nset swot 4 of {_inventowy} to a diamond named \"exampwe\"\\nopen {_inventowy} to pwayew\\n\\nopen chest inventowy named \"&wt;##00ff00>hex cowouwed titwe!\" with 6 wows to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprCustomModelData",
"name" : "Custom Model Data",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [custom] model data of %item types%",
-"%item types%'[s] [custom] model data",
+ "[the] [custom] modew data of %item types%",
+"%item types%'[s] [custom] modew data",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Get/set the CustomModelData tag for an item. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)",
- "examples" : "set custom model data of player's tool to 3\\nset {_model} to custom model data of player's tool"
+ "description" : "Get/set the CustomModewData tag fow an item. (Vawue is an integew between 0 and 99999999)",
+ "examples" : "set custom modew data of pwayew's toow to 3\\nset {_modew} to custom modew data of pwayew's toow"
"id" : "ExprDamage",
@@ -6003,10 +6003,10 @@ You can use the specific type of the entity that's involved in the event, e.g. i
"since" : "1.3.5, 2.8.0 (item damage event)",
- "description" : "How much damage is done in a entity/vehicle/item damage events.
-For entity damage events, possibly ignoring armour, criticals and/or enchantments (remember that in Skript '1' is one full heart, not half a heart).
-For items, it's the amount of durability damage the item will be taking.",
- "examples" : "on item damage:\\n event-item is any tool\\n clear damage # unbreakable tools as the damage will be 0\\non damage:\\n increase the damage by 2"
+ "description" : "How much damage is done in a entity/vehicwe/item damage events.
+Fow entity damage events, possibwy ignowing awmouw, cwiticaws and/ow enchantments (wemembew dat in Skwipt '1' is one fuww heawt, not hawf a heawt).
+Fow items, it's the amount of duwabiwity damage the item wiww be taking.",
+ "examples" : "on item damage:\\n event-item is any toow\\n cweaw damage # unbweakabwe toows as the damage wiww be 0\\non damage:\\n incwease the damage by 2"
"id" : "ExprDamageCause",
@@ -6017,155 +6017,155 @@ For items, it's the amount of durability damage the item will be taking.",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The damage cause of a damage event. Please click on the link for more information.",
- "examples" : "damage cause is lava, fire or burning"
+ "description" : "The damage cause of a damage event. Pwease cwick on the wink fow mowe infowmation.",
+ "examples" : "damage cause is wava, fiwe ow buwning"
"id" : "ExprDurability",
"name" : "Damage Value/Durability",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (damage[s] [value[s]]|durabilit(y|ies)) of %item types/slots%",
-"%item types/slots%'[s] (damage[s] [value[s]]|durabilit(y|ies))",
+ "[the] (damage[s] [vawue[s]]|duwabiwit(y|ies)) of %item types/swots%",
+"%item types/swots%'[s] (damage[s] [vawue[s]]|duwabiwit(y|ies))",
"since" : "1.2, 2.7 (durability reversed)",
- "description" : "The damage value/durability of an item.",
- "examples" : "set damage value of player's tool to 10\\nreset the durability of {_item}\\nset durability of player's held item to 0"
+ "description" : "The damage vawue/duwabiwity of an item.",
+ "examples" : "set damage vawue of pwayew's toow to 10\\nweset the duwabiwity of {_item}\\nset duwabiwity of pwayew's hewd item to 0"
"id" : "ExprDamagedItem",
"name" : "Damaged Item",
"patterns" : [
- "%item type% with (damage|data) [value] %number%",
-"%item type% damaged by %number%",
+ "%item type% with (damage|data) [vawue] %numbew%",
+"%item type% damaged by %numbew%",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Directly damages an item. In MC versions 1.12.2 and lower, this can be used to apply data values to items/blocks",
- "examples" : "give player diamond sword with damage value 100\\nset player's tool to diamond hoe damaged by 250\\ngive player diamond sword with damage 700 named \"BROKEN SWORD\"\\nset {_item} to diamond hoe with damage value 50 named \"SAD HOE\"\\nset target block of player to wool with data value 1\\nset target block of player to potato plant with data value 7"
+ "description" : "Diwectwy damages an item. In MC vewsions 1.12.2 and wowew, dis can be used to appwy data vawues to items/bwocks",
+ "examples" : "give pwayew diamond swowd with damage vawue 100\\nset pwayew's toow to diamond hoe damaged by 250\\ngive pwayew diamond swowd with damage 700 named \"BROKEN SWORD\"\\nset {_item} to diamond hoe with damage vawue 50 named \"SAD HOE\"\\nset tawget bwock of pwayew to woow with data vawue 1\\nset tawget bwock of pwayew to potato pwant with data vawue 7"
"id" : "ExprDateAgoLater",
"name" : "Date Ago/Later",
"patterns" : [
- "%time span% (ago|in the past|before [the] [date] %date%)",
-"%time span% (later|(from|after) [the] [date] %date%)",
+ "%time span% (ago|in the past|befowe [the] [date] %date%)",
+"%time span% (watew|(fwom|aftew) [the] [date] %date%)",
"since" : "2.2-dev33",
- "description" : "A date the specified timespan before/after another date.",
- "examples" : "set {_yesterday} to 1 day ago\\nset {_hourAfter} to 1 hour after {someOtherDate}\\nset {_hoursBefore} to 5 hours before {someOtherDate}"
+ "description" : "A date the specified timespan befowe/aftew anothew date.",
+ "examples" : "set {_yestewday} to 1 day ago\\nset {_houwAftew} to 1 houw aftew {someOthewDate}\\nset {_houwsBefowe} to 5 houws befowe {someOthewDate}"
"id" : "ExprDefaultValue",
"name" : "Default Value",
"patterns" : [
- "%objects% (otherwise|?) %objects%",
+ "%objects% (othewwise|?) %objects%",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "A shorthand expression for giving things a default value. If the first thing isn't set, the second thing will be returned.",
- "examples" : "broadcast {score::%player's uuid%} otherwise \"%player% has no score!\""
+ "description" : "A showthand expwession fow giving things a defauwt vawue. If the fiwst thing isn't set, the second thing wiww be wetuwned.",
+ "examples" : "bwoadcast {scowe::%pwayew's uuid%} othewwise \"%pwayew% has no scowe!\""
"id" : "ExprDifference",
"name" : "Difference",
"patterns" : [
- "difference (between|of) %object% and %object%",
+ "diffewence (between|of) %object% and %object%",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "The difference between two values
-Supported types include numbers, dates and times.",
- "examples" : "if difference between {command::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than a minute:\\n message \"You have to wait a minute before using this command again!\""
+ "description" : "The diffewence between two vawues
+Suppowted types incwude numbews, dates and times.",
+ "examples" : "if diffewence between {command::%pwayew%::wastuse} and now is smawwew than a minute:\\n message \"You have to wait a minute befowe using dis command again!\""
"id" : "ExprDifficulty",
"name" : "Difficulty",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] difficult(y|ies) of %worlds%",
-"%worlds%'[s] difficult(y|ies)",
+ "[the] difficuwt(y|ies) of %wowwds%",
+"%wowwds%'[s] difficuwt(y|ies)",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The difficulty of a world.",
- "examples" : "set the difficulty of \"world\" to hard"
+ "description" : "The difficuwty of a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "set the difficuwty of \"wowwd\" to hawd"
"id" : "ExprDirection",
"name" : "Direction",
"patterns" : [
- "[%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]] [to the]] (north[[(-| )](east|west)][(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|south[[(-| )](east|west)][(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|(east|west)[(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|above|over|(up|down)[ward[(s|ly)]]|below|under[neath]|beneath) [%direction%]",
-"[%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in [the] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) of %entity/block% [(of|from)]",
-"[%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in %entity/block%'[s] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) [(of|from)]",
-"[%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|[to the] (right|left) [of])",
-"[%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] horizontal[ly] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|to the (right|left) [of])",
+ "[%numbew% [(bwock|met(ew|we))[s]] [to the]] (nowth[[(-| )](east|west)][(wawd[(s|wy)]|ew[(n|wy)])] [of]|south[[(-| )](east|west)][(wawd[(s|wy)]|ew[(n|wy)])] [of]|(east|west)[(wawd[(s|wy)]|ew[(n|wy)])] [of]|above|ovew|(up|down)[wawd[(s|wy)]]|bewow|undew[neath]|beneath) [%diwection%]",
+"[%numbew% [(bwock|met(ew|we))[s]]] in [the] (diwection|howizontaw diwection|facing|howizontaw facing) of %entity/bwock% [(of|fwom)]",
+"[%numbew% [(bwock|met(ew|we))[s]]] in %entity/bwock%'[s] (diwection|howizontaw diwection|facing|howizontaw facing) [(of|fwom)]",
+"[%numbew% [(bwock|met(ew|we))[s]]] (in[ ]fwont [of]|fowwawd[s]|behind|backwawds|[to the] (wight|weft) [of])",
+"[%numbew% [(bwock|met(ew|we))[s]]] howizontaw[wy] (in[ ]fwont [of]|fowwawd[s]|behind|backwawds|to the (wight|weft) [of])",
"since" : "1.0 (basic), 2.0 (extended)",
- "description" : "A helper expression for the direction type.",
- "examples" : "thrust the player upwards\\nset the block behind the player to water\\nloop blocks above the player:\\n set {_rand} to a random integer between 1 and 10\\n set the block {_rand} meters south east of the loop-block to stone\\nblock in horizontal facing of the clicked entity from the player is air\\nspawn a creeper 1.5 meters horizontally behind the player\\nspawn a TNT 5 meters above and 2 meters horizontally behind the player\\nthrust the last spawned TNT in the horizontal direction of the player with speed 0.2\\npush the player upwards and horizontally forward at speed 0.5\\npush the clicked entity in in the direction of the player at speed -0.5\\nopen the inventory of the block 2 blocks below the player to the player\\nteleport the clicked entity behind the player\\ngrow a regular tree 2 meters horizontally behind the player"
+ "description" : "A hewpew expwession fow the diwection type.",
+ "examples" : "thwust the pwayew upwawds\\nset the bwock behind the pwayew to watew\\nwoop bwocks above the pwayew:\\n set {_wand} to a wandom integew between 1 and 10\\n set the bwock {_wand} metews south east of the woop-bwock to stone\\nbwock in howizontaw facing of the cwicked entity fwom the pwayew is aiw\\nspawn a cweepew 1.5 metews howizontawwy behind the pwayew\\nspawn a TNT 5 metews above and 2 metews howizontawwy behind the pwayew\\nthwust the wast spawned TNT in the howizontaw diwection of the pwayew with speed 0.2\\npush the pwayew upwawds and howizontawwy fowwawd at speed 0.5\\npush the cwicked entity in in the diwection of the pwayew at speed -0.5\\nopen the inventowy of the bwock 2 bwocks bewow the pwayew to the pwayew\\ntewepowt the cwicked entity behind the pwayew\\ngwow a weguwaw twee 2 metews howizontawwy behind the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprDistance",
"name" : "Distance",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] distance between %location% and %location%",
+ "[the] distance between %wocation% and %wocation%",
"since" : "1.0",
"description" : "The distance between two points.",
- "examples" : "if the distance between the player and {home::%uuid of player%} is smaller than 20:\\n message \"You're very close to your home!\""
+ "examples" : "if the distance between the pwayew and {home::%uuid of pwayew%} is smawwew than 20:\\n message \"You'we vewy cwose to youw home!\""
"id" : "ExprDrops",
"name" : "Drops",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] drops",
+ "[the] dwops",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "Only works in death events. Holds the drops of the dying creature. Drops can be prevented by removing them with \"remove ... from drops\", e.g. \"remove all pickaxes from the drops\", or \"clear drops\" if you don't want any drops at all.",
- "examples" : "clear drops\\nremove 4 planks from the drops"
+ "description" : "Onwy wowks in death events. Howds the dwops of the dying cweatuwe. Dwops can be pwevented by wemoving them with \"wemove ... fwom dwops\", e.g. \"wemove aww pickaxes fwom the dwops\", ow \"cweaw dwops\" if you don't want any dwops at aww.",
+ "examples" : "cweaw dwops\\nwemove 4 pwanks fwom the dwops"
"id" : "ExprDropsOfBlock",
"name" : "Drops Of Block",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all|the|all [of] the)] drops of %blocks% [(using|with) %item type% [(as %entity%)]]",
-"%blocks%'s drops [(using|with) %item type% [(as %entity%)]]",
+ "[(aww|the|aww [of] the)] dwops of %bwocks% [(using|with) %item type% [(as %entity%)]]",
+"%bwocks%'s dwops [(using|with) %item type% [(as %entity%)]]",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "A list of the items that will drop when a block is broken.",
- "examples" : "on break of block:\\n give drops of block using player's tool to player"
+ "description" : "A wist of the items dat wiww dwop when a bwock is bwoken.",
+ "examples" : "on bweak of bwock:\\n give dwops of bwock using pwayew's toow to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprElement",
"name" : "Elements",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (first|last) element [out] of %objects%",
-"[the] (first|last) %integer% elements [out] of %objects%",
-"[a] random element [out] of %objects%",
-"[the] %integer%(st|nd|rd|th) [[to] last] element [out] of %objects%",
-"[the] elements (from|between) %integer% (to|and) %integer% [out] of %objects%",
+ "[the] (fiwst|wast) ewement [out] of %objects%",
+"[the] (fiwst|wast) %integew% ewements [out] of %objects%",
+"[a] wandom ewement [out] of %objects%",
+"[the] %integew%(st|nd|wd|th) [[to] wast] ewement [out] of %objects%",
+"[the] ewements (fwom|between) %integew% (to|and) %integew% [out] of %objects%",
"since" : "2.0, 2.7 (relative to last element), 2.8.0 (range of elements)",
- "description" : "The first, last, range or a random element of a set, e.g. a list variable.
-See also: random expression",
- "examples" : "broadcast the first 3 elements of {top players::*}"
+ "description" : "The fiwst, wast, wange ow a wandom ewement of a set, e.g. a wist vawiabwe.
+See awso: wandom expwession",
+ "examples" : "bwoadcast the fiwst 3 ewements of {top pwayews::*}"
"id" : "ExprEnchantItem",
@@ -6176,22 +6176,22 @@ See also: random expression",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The enchant item in an enchant prepare event or enchant event.
-It can be modified, but enchantments will still be applied in the enchant event.",
- "examples" : "on enchant:\\n set the enchanted item to a diamond chestplate\\non enchant prepare:\\n set the enchant item to a wooden sword"
+ "description" : "The enchant item in an enchant pwepawe event ow enchant event.
+It can be modified, but enchantments wiww stiww be appwied in the enchant event.",
+ "examples" : "on enchant:\\n set the enchanted item to a diamond chestpwate\\non enchant pwepawe:\\n set the enchant item to a wooden swowd"
"id" : "ExprEnchantingExpCost",
"name" : "Enchanting Experience Cost",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [displayed] ([e]xp[erience]|enchanting) cost",
+ "[the] [dispwayed] ([e]xp[ewience]|enchanting) cost",
"since" : "2.5",
"description" : "The cost of enchanting in an enchant event.
-This is number that was displayed in the enchantment table, not the actual number of levels removed.",
- "examples" : "on enchant:\\n send \"Cost: %the displayed enchanting cost%\" to player"
+dis is numbew dat was dispwayed in the enchantment tabwe, not the actuaw numbew of wevews wemoved.",
+ "examples" : "on enchant:\\n send \"Cost: %the dispwayed enchanting cost%\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprEnchantmentBonus",
@@ -6202,511 +6202,511 @@ This is number that was displayed in the enchantment table, not the actual numbe
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The enchantment bonus in an enchant prepare event. This represents the number of bookshelves affecting/surrounding the enchantment table.",
- "examples" : "on enchant:\\n send \"There are %enchantment bonus% bookshelves surrounding this enchantment table!\" to player"
+ "description" : "The enchantment bonus in an enchant pwepawe event. dis wepwesents the numbew of bookshewves affecting/suwwounding the enchantment tabwe.",
+ "examples" : "on enchant:\\n send \"Thewe awe %enchantment bonus% bookshewves suwwounding dis enchantment tabwe!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprEnchantmentLevel",
"name" : "Enchantment Level",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [enchant[ment]] level[s] of %enchantments% (on|of) %item types%",
-"[the] %enchantments% [enchant[ment]] level[s] (on|of) %item types%",
-"%item types%'[s] %enchantments% [enchant[ment]] level[s]",
-"%item types%'[s] [enchant[ment]] level[s] of %enchantments%",
+ "[the] [enchant[ment]] wevew[s] of %enchantments% (on|of) %item types%",
+"[the] %enchantments% [enchant[ment]] wevew[s] (on|of) %item types%",
+"%item types%'[s] %enchantments% [enchant[ment]] wevew[s]",
+"%item types%'[s] [enchant[ment]] wevew[s] of %enchantments%",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The level of a particular enchantment on an item.",
- "examples" : "player's tool is a sword of sharpness:\\n message \"You have a sword of sharpness %level of sharpness of the player's tool% equipped\""
+ "description" : "The wevew of a pawticuwaw enchantment on an item.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's toow is a swowd of shawpness:\\n message \"You have a swowd of shawpness %wevew of shawpness of the pwayew's toow% equipped\""
"id" : "ExprEnchantmentOffer",
"name" : "Enchantment Offer",
"patterns" : [
- "[all [of]] [the] enchant[ment] offers",
-"enchant[ment] offer[s] %numbers%",
-"[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) enchant[ment] offer",
+ "[aww [of]] [the] enchant[ment] offews",
+"enchant[ment] offew[s] %numbews%",
+"[the] %numbew%(st|nd|wd|th) enchant[ment] offew",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The enchantment offer in enchant prepare events.",
- "examples" : "on enchant prepare:\\n send \"Your enchantment offers are: %the enchantment offers%\" to player"
+ "description" : "The enchantment offew in enchant pwepawe events.",
+ "examples" : "on enchant pwepawe:\\n send \"Youw enchantment offews awe: %the enchantment offews%\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprEnchantmentOfferCost",
"name" : "Enchantment Offer Cost",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [enchant[ment]] cost of %enchantment offers%",
-"%enchantment offers%'[s] [enchant[ment]] cost",
+ "[the] [enchant[ment]] cost of %enchantment offews%",
+"%enchantment offews%'[s] [enchant[ment]] cost",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The cost of an enchantment offer. This is displayed to the right of an enchantment offer.
-If the cost is changed, it will always be at least 1.
-This changes how many levels are required to enchant, but does not change the number of levels removed.
-To change the number of levels removed, use the enchant event.",
- "examples" : "set cost of enchantment offer 1 to 50"
+ "description" : "The cost of an enchantment offew. dis is dispwayed to the wight of an enchantment offew.
+If the cost is changed, it wiww awways be at weast 1.
+dis changes how many wevews awe wequiwed to enchant, but does not change the numbew of wevews wemoved.
+To change the numbew of wevews wemoved, use the enchant event.",
+ "examples" : "set cost of enchantment offew 1 to 50"
"id" : "ExprEnderChest",
"name" : "Ender Chest",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] ender[ ]chest[s] of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] ender[ ]chest[s]",
+ "[the] endew[ ]chest[s] of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] endew[ ]chest[s]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The ender chest of a player.",
- "examples" : "open the player's ender chest to the player"
+ "description" : "The endew chest of a pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "open the pwayew's endew chest to the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprEntities",
"name" : "Entities",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] %*entity types% [(in|of) ([world[s]] %worlds%|%chunks%)]",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] entities of type[s] %entity types% [(in|of) ([world[s]] %worlds%|%chunks%)]",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] %*entity types% (within|[with]in radius) %number% [(block[s]|met(er|re)[s])] (of|around) %location%",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] entities of type[s] %entity types% in radius %number% (of|around) %location%",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] %*entity types% [(in|of) ([wowwd[s]] %wowwds%|%chunks%)]",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] entities of type[s] %entity types% [(in|of) ([wowwd[s]] %wowwds%|%chunks%)]",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] %*entity types% (within|[with]in wadius) %numbew% [(bwock[s]|met(ew|we)[s])] (of|awound) %wocation%",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] entities of type[s] %entity types% in wadius %numbew% (of|awound) %wocation%",
"since" : "1.2.1, 2.5 (chunks)",
- "description" : "All entities in all worlds, in a specific world, in a chunk or in a radius around a certain location, e.g. all players, all creepers in the player's world, or players in radius 100 of the player.",
- "examples" : "kill all creepers in the player's world\\nsend \"Psst!\" to all players within 100 meters of the player\\ngive a diamond to all ops\\nheal all tamed wolves in radius 2000 around {town center}\\ndelete all monsters in chunk at player"
+ "description" : "Aww entities in aww wowwds, in a specific wowwd, in a chunk ow in a wadius awound a cewtain wocation, e.g. aww pwayews, aww cweepews in the pwayew's wowwd, ow pwayews in wadius 100 of the pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "kiww aww cweepews in the pwayew's wowwd\\nsend \"Psst!\" to aww pwayews within 100 metews of the pwayew\\ngive a diamond to aww ops\\nheaw aww tamed wowves in wadius 2000 awound {town centew}\\ndewete aww monstews in chunk at pwayew"
"id" : "ExprAI",
"name" : "Entity AI",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (ai|artificial intelligence) of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] (ai|artificial intelligence)",
+ "[the] (ai|awtificiaw intewwigence) of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] (ai|awtificiaw intewwigence)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Returns whether an entity has AI.",
- "examples" : "set artificial intelligence of target entity to false"
+ "description" : "Retuwns whethew an entity has AI.",
+ "examples" : "set awtificiaw intewwigence of tawget entity to fawse"
"id" : "ExprEntityAttribute",
"name" : "Entity Attribute",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] %attribute type% [((total|final|modified))] attribute [value] of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] %attribute type% [((total|final|modified))] attribute [value]",
+ "[the] %attwibute type% [((totaw|finaw|modified))] attwibute [vawue] of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] %attwibute type% [((totaw|finaw|modified))] attwibute [vawue]",
"since" : "2.5, 2.6.1 (final attribute value)",
- "description" : "The numerical value of an entity's particular attribute.
-Note that the movement speed attribute cannot be reliably used for players. For that purpose, use the speed expression instead.
-Resetting an entity's attribute is only available in Minecraft 1.11 and above.",
- "examples" : "on damage of player:\\n send \"You are wounded!\" to victim\\n set victim's attack speed attribute to 2"
+ "description" : "The numewicaw vawue of an entity's pawticuwaw attwibute.
+Note dat the movement speed attwibute cannot be wewiabwy used fow pwayews. Fow dat puwpose, use the speed expwession instead.
+Resetting an entity's attwibute is onwy avaiwabwe in Minecwaft 1.11 and above.",
+ "examples" : "on damage of pwayew:\\n send \"You awe wounded!\" to victim\\n set victim's attack speed attwibute to 2"
"id" : "ExprFireTicks",
"name" : "Entity Fire Burn Duration",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (burn[ing]|fire) (time|duration) of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] (burn[ing]|fire) (time|duration)",
+ "[the] (buwn[ing]|fiwe) (time|duwation) of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] (buwn[ing]|fiwe) (time|duwation)",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "How much time an entity will be burning for.",
- "examples" : "send \"You will stop burning in %fire time of player%\""
+ "description" : "How much time an entity wiww be buwning fow.",
+ "examples" : "send \"You wiww stop buwning in %fiwe time of pwayew%\""
"id" : "ExprEntityTamer",
"name" : "Entity Owner",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (owner|tamer) of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] (owner|tamer)",
+ "[the] (ownew|tamew) of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] (ownew|tamew)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The owner of a tameable entity, such as a horse or wolf.",
- "examples" : "set owner of target entity to player\\ndelete owner of target entity\\nset {_t} to uuid of tamer of target entity"
+ "description" : "The ownew of a tameabwe entity, such as a howse ow wowf.",
+ "examples" : "set ownew of tawget entity to pwayew\\ndewete ownew of tawget entity\\nset {_t} to uuid of tamew of tawget entity"
"id" : "ExprExhaustion",
"name" : "Exhaustion",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] exhaustion of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] exhaustion",
+ "[the] exhaustion of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] exhaustion",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "The exhaustion of a player. This is mainly used to determine the rate of hunger depletion.",
- "examples" : "set exhaustion of all players to 1"
+ "description" : "The exhaustion of a pwayew. dis is mainwy used to detewmine the wate of hungew depwetion.",
+ "examples" : "set exhaustion of aww pwayews to 1"
"id" : "ExprExperience",
"name" : "Experience",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [(spawned|dropped)] [e]xp[erience] [orb[s]]",
+ "[the] [(spawned|dwopped)] [e]xp[ewience] [owb[s]]",
"since" : "2.1, 2.5.3 (block break event), 2.7 (experience change event)",
- "description" : "How much experience was spawned in an experience spawn or block break event. Can be changed.",
- "examples" : "on experience spawn:\\n add 5 to the spawned experience\\non break of coal ore:\\n clear dropped experience\\non break of diamond ore:\\n if tool of player = diamond pickaxe:\\n add 100 to dropped experience"
+ "description" : "How much expewience was spawned in an expewience spawn ow bwock bweak event. Can be changed.",
+ "examples" : "on expewience spawn:\\n add 5 to the spawned expewience\\non bweak of coaw owe:\\n cweaw dwopped expewience\\non bweak of diamond owe:\\n if toow of pwayew = diamond pickaxe:\\n add 100 to dwopped expewience"
"id" : "ExprExplodedBlocks",
"name" : "Exploded Blocks",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] exploded blocks",
+ "[the] expwoded bwocks",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Get all the blocks that were destroyed in an explode event",
- "examples" : "on explode:\\n loop exploded blocks:\\n add loop-block to {exploded::blocks::*}"
+ "description" : "Get aww the bwocks dat wewe destwoyed in an expwode event",
+ "examples" : "on expwode:\\n woop expwoded bwocks:\\n add woop-bwock to {expwoded::bwocks::*}"
"id" : "ExprExplosionBlockYield",
"name" : "Explosion Block Yield",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [explosion['s]] block (yield|amount)",
-"[the] percentage of blocks dropped",
+ "[the] [expwosion['s]] bwock (yiewd|amount)",
+"[the] pewcentage of bwocks dwopped",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The percentage of exploded blocks dropped in an explosion event.
-When changing the yield, a value greater than 1 will function the same as using 1.
-Attempting to change the yield to a value less than 0 will have no effect.",
- "examples" : "on explode:\\nset the explosion's block yield to 10%"
+ "description" : "The pewcentage of expwoded bwocks dwopped in an expwosion event.
+When changing the yiewd, a vawue gweatew than 1 wiww function the same as using 1.
+Attempting to change the yiewd to a vawue wess than 0 wiww have no effect.",
+ "examples" : "on expwode:\\nset the expwosion's bwock yiewd to 10%"
"id" : "ExprExplosionYield",
"name" : "Explosion Yield",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] explosion (yield|radius|size)",
-"[the] (yield|radius|size) of [the] explosion",
+ "[the] expwosion (yiewd|wadius|size)",
+"[the] (yiewd|wadius|size) of [the] expwosion",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The yield of the explosion in an explosion prime event. This is how big the explosion is.
- When changing the yield, values less than 0 will be ignored.
- Read this wiki page for more information",
- "examples" : "on explosion prime:\\n set the yield of the explosion to 10"
+ "description" : "The yiewd of the expwosion in an expwosion pwime event. dis is how big the expwosion is.
+ When changing the yiewd, vawues wess than 0 wiww be ignowed.
+ Read dis wiki page fow mowe infowmation",
+ "examples" : "on expwosion pwime:\\n set the yiewd of the expwosion to 10"
"id" : "ExprExplosiveYield",
"name" : "Explosive Yield",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] explosive (yield|radius|size) of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] explosive (yield|radius|size)",
+ "[the] expwosive (yiewd|wadius|size) of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] expwosive (yiewd|wadius|size)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The yield of an explosive (creeper, primed tnt, fireball, etc.). This is how big of an explosion is caused by the entity.
-Read this wiki page for more information",
- "examples" : "on spawn of a creeper:\\n set the explosive yield of the event-entity to 10"
+ "description" : "The yiewd of an expwosive (cweepew, pwimed tnt, fiwebaww, etc.). dis is how big of an expwosion is caused by the entity.
+Read dis wiki page fow mowe infowmation",
+ "examples" : "on spawn of a cweepew:\\n set the expwosive yiewd of the event-entity to 10"
"id" : "ExprFacing",
"name" : "Facing",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [(horizontal)] facing of %living entities/blocks%",
-"%living entities/blocks%'[s] [(horizontal)] facing",
+ "[the] [(howizontaw)] facing of %wiving entities/bwocks%",
+"%wiving entities/bwocks%'[s] [(howizontaw)] facing",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "The facing of an entity or block, i.e. exactly north, south, east, west, up or down (unlike direction which is the exact direction, e.g. '0.5 south and 0.7 east')",
- "examples" : "# makes a bridge\\nloop blocks from the block below the player in the horizontal facing of the player:\\n set loop-block to cobblestone"
+ "description" : "The facing of an entity ow bwock, i.e. exactwy nowth, south, east, west, up ow down (unwike diwection which is the exact diwection, e.g. '0.5 south and 0.7 east')",
+ "examples" : "# makes a bwidge\\nwoop bwocks fwom the bwock bewow the pwayew in the howizontaw facing of the pwayew:\\n set woop-bwock to cobbwestone"
"id" : "ExprFallDistance",
"name" : "Fall Distance",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] fall[en] (distance|height) of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] fall[en] (distance|height)",
+ "[the] faww[en] (distance|height) of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] faww[en] (distance|height)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The distance an entity has fallen for.",
- "examples" : "set all entities' fall distance to 10\\non damage:\\n send \"%victim's fall distance%\" to victim"
+ "description" : "The distance an entity has fawwen fow.",
+ "examples" : "set aww entities' faww distance to 10\\non damage:\\n send \"%victim's faww distance%\" to victim"
"id" : "ExprFertilizedBlocks",
"name" : "Fertilized Blocks",
"patterns" : [
- "[all] [the] fertilized blocks",
+ "[aww] [the] fewtiwized bwocks",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The blocks fertilized in block fertilize events.",
- "examples" : "the fertilized blocks"
+ "description" : "The bwocks fewtiwized in bwock fewtiwize events.",
+ "examples" : "the fewtiwized bwocks"
"id" : "ExprFilter",
"name" : "Filter",
"patterns" : [
- "%objects% (where|that match) \\[<.+>\\]",
+ "%objects% (whewe|dat match) \\[&wt;.+>\\]",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Filters a list based on a condition. For example, if you ran 'broadcast \"something\" and \"something else\" where [string input is \"something\"]', only \"something\" would be broadcast as it is the only string that matched the condition.",
- "examples" : "send \"congrats on being staff!\" to all players where [player input has permission \"staff\"]"
+ "description" : "Fiwtews a wist based on a condition. Fow exampwe, if you wan 'bwoadcast \"something\" and \"something ewse\" whewe [stwing input is \"something\"]', onwy \"something\" wouwd be bwoadcast as it is the onwy stwing dat matched the condition.",
+ "examples" : "send \"congwats on being staff!\" to aww pwayews whewe [pwayew input has pewmission \"staff\"]"
"id" : "ExprInput",
"name" : "Filter Input",
"patterns" : [
-"%*type% input",
+"%*type% input",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Represents the input in a filter expression. For example, if you ran 'broadcast \"something\" and \"something else\" where [input is \"something\"]the condition would be checked twice, using \"something\" and \"something else\" as the inputs.",
- "examples" : "send \"congrats on being staff!\" to all players where [input has permission \"staff\"]"
+ "description" : "Repwesents the input in a fiwtew expwession. Fow exampwe, if you wan 'bwoadcast \"something\" and \"something ewse\" whewe [input is \"something\"]the condition wouwd be checked twice, using \"something\" and \"something ewse\" as the inputs.",
+ "examples" : "send \"congwats on being staff!\" to aww pwayews whewe [input has pewmission \"staff\"]"
"id" : "ExprFinalDamage",
"name" : "Final Damage",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] final damage",
+ "[the] finaw damage",
"since" : "2.2-dev19",
- "description" : "How much damage is done in a damage event, considering all types of damage reduction. Can NOT be changed.",
- "examples" : "send \"%final damage%\" to victim"
+ "description" : "How much damage is done in a damage event, considewing aww types of damage weduction. Can NOT be changed.",
+ "examples" : "send \"%finaw damage%\" to victim"
"id" : "ExprFireworkEffect",
"name" : "Firework Effect",
"patterns" : [
- "[(flickering|trailing|flickering trailing|trailing flickering)] %firework type% [firework [effect]] colo[u]red %colors%",
-"[(flickering|trailing|flickering trailing|trailing flickering)] %firework type% [firework [effect]] colo[u]red %colors% fad(e|ing) [to] %colors%",
+ "[(fwickewing|twaiwing|fwickewing twaiwing|twaiwing fwickewing)] %fiwewowk type% [fiwewowk [effect]] cowo[u]wed %cowows%",
+"[(fwickewing|twaiwing|fwickewing twaiwing|twaiwing fwickewing)] %fiwewowk type% [fiwewowk [effect]] cowo[u]wed %cowows% fad(e|ing) [to] %cowows%",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Represents a 'firework effect' which can be used in the launch firework effect.",
- "examples" : "launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player\\nlaunch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity\\nlaunch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1"
+ "description" : "Repwesents a 'fiwewowk effect' which can be used in the waunch fiwewowk effect.",
+ "examples" : "waunch fwickewing twaiwing buwst fiwewowk cowowed bwue and gween at pwayew\\nwaunch twaiwing fwickewing staw cowowed puwpwe, yewwow, bwue, gween and wed fading to pink at tawget entity\\nwaunch baww wawge cowowed wed, puwpwe and white fading to wight gween and bwack at pwayew's wocation with duwation 1"
"id" : "ExprFlightMode",
"name" : "Flight Mode",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state) of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state)",
+ "[the] fw(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state) of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] fw(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state)",
"since" : "2.2-dev34",
- "description" : "Whether the player(s) are allowed to fly. Use Make Fly effect to force player(s) to fly.",
- "examples" : "set flight mode of player to true\\nsend \"%flying state of all players%\""
+ "description" : "Whethew the pwayew(s) awe awwowed to fwy. Use Make Fwy effect to fowce pwayew(s) to fwy.",
+ "examples" : "set fwight mode of pwayew to twue\\nsend \"%fwying state of aww pwayews%\""
"id" : "ExprFoodLevel",
"name" : "Food Level",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)] [of %players%]",
-"%players%'[s] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)]",
+ "[the] (food|hungew)[[ ](wevew|met(ew|we)|baw)] [of %pwayews%]",
+"%pwayews%'[s] (food|hungew)[[ ](wevew|met(ew|we)|baw)]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The food level of a player from 0 to 10. Has several aliases: food/hunger level/meter/bar. ",
- "examples" : "set the player's food level to 10"
+ "description" : "The food wevew of a pwayew fwom 0 to 10. Has sevewaw awiases: food/hungew wevew/metew/baw. ",
+ "examples" : "set the pwayew's food wevew to 10"
"id" : "ExprFormatDate",
"name" : "Formatted Date",
"patterns" : [
- "%dates% formatted [human-readable] [(with|as) %text%]",
-"[human-readable] formatted %dates% [(with|as) %text%]",
+ "%dates% fowmatted [human-weadabwe] [(with|as) %text%]",
+"[human-weadabwe] fowmatted %dates% [(with|as) %text%]",
"since" : "2.2-dev31, 2.7 (support variables in format)",
- "description" : "Converts date to human-readable text format. By default, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z' (e.g. '2018-03-30 16:03:12 +01') will be used. For reference, see this Wikipedia article.",
- "examples" : "command /date:\\n trigger:\\n send \"Full date: %now formatted human-readable%\" to sender\\n send \"Short date: %now formatted as \"yyyy-MM-dd\"%\" to sender"
+ "description" : "Convewts date to human-weadabwe text fowmat. By defauwt, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z' (e.g. '2018-03-30 16:03:12 +01') wiww be used. Fow wefewence, see dis Wikipedia awticwe.",
+ "examples" : "command /date:\\n twiggew:\\n send \"Fuww date: %now fowmatted human-weadabwe%\" to sendew\\n send \"Showt date: %now fowmatted as \"yyyy-MM-dd\"%\" to sendew"
"id" : "ExprTimeState",
"name" : "Former/Future State",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (former|past|old) [state] [of] %~object%",
-"%~object% before [the event]",
-"[the] (future|to-be|new) [state] [of] %~object%",
-"%~object%(-to-be| after[(wards| the event)])",
+ "[the] (fowmew|past|owd) [state] [of] %~object%",
+"%~object% befowe [the event]",
+"[the] (futuwe|to-be|new) [state] [of] %~object%",
+"%~object%(-to-be| aftew[(wawds| the event)])",
"since" : "1.1",
- "description" : "Represents the value of an expression before an event happened or the value it will have directly after the event, e.g. the old or new level respectively in a level change event.
-Note: The past, future and present states of an expression are sometimes called 'time states' of an expression.
-Note 2: If you don't specify whether to use the past or future state of an expression that has different values, its default value will be used which is usually the value after the event.",
- "examples" : "on teleport:\\n former world was \"world_nether\" # or 'world was'\\n world will be \"world\" # or 'world after the event is'\\non tool change:\\n past tool is an axe\\n the tool after the event will be air\\non weather change:\\n set {weather::%world%::old} to past weather\\n set {weather::%world%::current} to the new weather"
+ "description" : "Repwesents the vawue of an expwession befowe an event happened ow the vawue it wiww have diwectwy aftew the event, e.g. the owd ow new wevew wespectivewy in a wevew change event.
+Note: The past, futuwe and pwesent states of an expwession awe sometimes cawwed 'time states' of an expwession.
+Note 2: If you don't specify whethew to use the past ow futuwe state of an expwession dat has diffewent vawues, its defauwt vawue wiww be used which is usuawwy the vawue aftew the event.",
+ "examples" : "on tewepowt:\\n fowmew wowwd was \"wowwd_nethew\" # ow 'wowwd was'\\n wowwd wiww be \"wowwd\" # ow 'wowwd aftew the event is'\\non toow change:\\n past toow is an axe\\n the toow aftew the event wiww be aiw\\non weathew change:\\n set {weathew::%wowwd%::owd} to past weathew\\n set {weathew::%wowwd%::cuwwent} to the new weathew"
"id" : "ExprMemory",
"name" : "Free / Max / Total Memory",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [server] (free|max[imum]|total) (memory|ram)",
+ "[the] [sewvew] (fwee|max[imum]|totaw) (memowy|wam)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "The free, max or total memory of the server in Megabytes.",
- "examples" : "while player is online:\\n send action bar \"Memory left: %free memory%/%max memory%MB\" to player\\n wait 5 ticks"
+ "description" : "The fwee, max ow totaw memowy of the sewvew in Megabytes.",
+ "examples" : "whiwe pwayew is onwine:\\n send action baw \"Memowy weft: %fwee memowy%/%max memowy%MB\" to pwayew\\n wait 5 ticks"
"id" : "ExprFreezeTicks",
"name" : "Freeze Time",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] freeze time of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] freeze time",
+ "[the] fweeze time of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] fweeze time",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "How much time an entity has been in powdered snow for.",
- "examples" : "player's freeze time is less than 3 seconds:\\n send \"you're about to freeze!\" to the player"
+ "description" : "How much time an entity has been in powdewed snow fow.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's fweeze time is wess than 3 seconds:\\n send \"you'we about to fweeze!\" to the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprFurnaceSlot",
"name" : "Furnace Slot",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (ore slot|fuel slot|result [slot])",
-"[the] (ore|fuel|result) slot[s] of %blocks%",
-"%blocks%'[s] (ore|fuel|result) slot[s]",
+ "[the] (owe swot|fuew swot|wesuwt [swot])",
+"[the] (owe|fuew|wesuwt) swot[s] of %bwocks%",
+"%bwocks%'[s] (owe|fuew|wesuwt) swot[s]",
"since" : "1.0, 2.8.0 (syntax rework)",
- "description" : "A slot of a furnace, i.e. either the ore, fuel or result slot.
-Remember to use 'block' and not furnace, as furnace is not an existing expression.
-Note that the result and the result slot refer to separate things. the result is the product in a smelt event and the result slot is the output slot of a furnace (where the result will end up).
-Note that if the result in a smelt event is changed to an item that differs in type from the items currently in the result slot, the smelting will fail to complete (the item will attempt to smelt itself again).
-Note that if values other than the result are changed, event values may not accurately reflect the actual items in a furnace.
-Thus you may wish to use the event block in this case (e.g. the fuel slot of the event-block) to get accurate values if needed.",
- "examples" : "set the fuel slot of the clicked block to a lava bucket\\nset the block's ore slot to 64 iron ore\\ngive the result of the block to the player\\nclear the result slot of the block"
+ "description" : "A swot of a fuwnace, i.e. eithew the owe, fuew ow wesuwt swot.
+Remembew to use 'bwock' and not fuwnace, as fuwnace is not an existing expwession.
+Note dat the wesuwt and the wesuwt swot wefew to sepawate things. the wesuwt is the pwoduct in a smewt event and the wesuwt swot is the output swot of a fuwnace (whewe the wesuwt wiww end up).
+Note dat if the wesuwt in a smewt event is changed to an item dat diffews in type fwom the items cuwwentwy in the wesuwt swot, the smewting wiww faiw to compwete (the item wiww attempt to smewt itsewf again).
+Note dat if vawues othew than the wesuwt awe changed, event vawues may not accuwatewy wefwect the actuaw items in a fuwnace.
+Thus you may wish to use the event bwock in dis case (e.g. the fuew swot of the event-bwock) to get accuwate vawues if needed.",
+ "examples" : "set the fuew swot of the cwicked bwock to a wava bucket\\nset the bwock's owe swot to 64 iwon owe\\ngive the wesuwt of the bwock to the pwayew\\ncweaw the wesuwt swot of the bwock"
"id" : "ExprGameMode",
"name" : "Game Mode",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] game[ ]mode of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] game[ ]mode",
+ "[the] game[ ]mode of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] game[ ]mode",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The gamemode of a player. (Gamemodes)",
- "examples" : "player's gamemode is survival\\nset the player's gamemode to creative"
+ "description" : "The gamemode of a pwayew. (Gamemodes)",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's gamemode is suwvivaw\\nset the pwayew's gamemode to cweative"
"id" : "ExprGameRule",
"name" : "Gamerule Value",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] gamerule %gamerule% of %worlds%",
+ "[the] gamewuwe %gamewuwe% of %wowwds%",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The gamerule value of a world.",
- "examples" : "set the gamerule commandBlockOutput of world \"world\" to false"
+ "description" : "The gamewuwe vawue of a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "set the gamewuwe commandBwockOutput of wowwd \"wowwd\" to fawse"
"id" : "ExprGlidingState",
"name" : "Gliding State",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (gliding|glider) [state] of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] (gliding|glider) [state]",
+ "[the] (gwiding|gwidew) [state] of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] (gwiding|gwidew) [state]",
"since" : "2.2-dev21",
- "description" : "Sets of gets gliding state of player. It allows you to set gliding state of entity even if they do not have an Elytra equipped.",
- "examples" : "set gliding of player to off"
+ "description" : "Sets of gets gwiding state of pwayew. It awwows you to set gwiding state of entity even if they do not have an Ewytwa equipped.",
+ "examples" : "set gwiding of pwayew to off"
"id" : "ExprGlowing",
"name" : "Glowing",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] glowing of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] glowing",
+ "[the] gwowing of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] gwowing",
"since" : "2.2-dev18",
- "description" : "Indicates if targeted entity is glowing (new 1.9 effect) or not. Glowing entities can be seen through walls.",
- "examples" : "set glowing of player to true"
+ "description" : "Indicates if tawgeted entity is gwowing (new 1.9 effect) ow not. Gwowing entities can be seen thwough wawws.",
+ "examples" : "set gwowing of pwayew to twue"
"id" : "ExprGravity",
"name" : "Gravity",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] gravity of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] gravity",
+ "[the] gwavity of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] gwavity",
"since" : "2.2-dev21",
- "description" : "If entity is affected by gravity or not, i.e. if it has Minecraft 1.10+ NoGravity flag.",
- "examples" : "set gravity of player off"
+ "description" : "If entity is affected by gwavity ow not, i.e. if it has Minecwaft 1.10+ NoGwavity fwag.",
+ "examples" : "set gwavity of pwayew off"
"id" : "ExprGroup",
"name" : "Group",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] group[s] of %offline players%",
-"%offline players%'[s] group[s]",
+ "[the] gwoup[s] of %offwine pwayews%",
+"%offwine pwayews%'[s] gwoup[s]",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "The primary group or all groups of a player. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed.
-If you have LuckPerms, ensure you have vault integration enabled in the luck perms configurations.",
- "examples" : "on join:\\n broadcast \"%group of player%\" # this is the player's primary group\\n broadcast \"%groups of player%\" # this is all of the player's groups"
+ "description" : "The pwimawy gwoup ow aww gwoups of a pwayew. dis expwession wequiwes Vauwt and a compatibwe pewmissions pwugin to be instawwed.
+If you have LuckPewms, ensuwe you have vauwt integwation enabwed in the wuck pewms configuwations.",
+ "examples" : "on join:\\n bwoadcast \"%gwoup of pwayew%\" # dis is the pwayew's pwimawy gwoup\\n bwoadcast \"%gwoups of pwayew%\" # dis is aww of the pwayew's gwoups"
"id" : "ExprHanging",
"name" : "Hanging Entity/Remover",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] hanging (entity|remover)",
+ "[the] hanging (entity|wemovew)",
"since" : "2.6.2",
- "description" : "Returns the hanging entity or remover in hanging break and place events.",
- "examples" : "on break of item frame:\\n if item of hanging entity is diamond pickaxe:\\n cancel event\\n if hanging remover is a player:\\n send \"You can't break that item frame!\" to hanging remover"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the hanging entity ow wemovew in hanging bweak and pwace events.",
+ "examples" : "on bweak of item fwame:\\n if item of hanging entity is diamond pickaxe:\\n cancew event\\n if hanging wemovew is a pwayew:\\n send \"You can't bweak dat item fwame!\" to hanging wemovew"
"id" : "ExprHash",
"name" : "Hash",
"patterns" : [
- "%texts% hash[ed] with (MD5|SHA-256)",
+ "%texts% hash[ed] with (MD5|SHA-256)",
"since" : "2.0, 2.2-dev32 (SHA-256 algorithm)",
- "description" : "Hashes the given text using the MD5 or SHA-256 algorithms. Each algorithm is suitable for different use cases.
-MD5 is provided mostly for backwards compatibility, as it is outdated and not secure.
-SHA-256 is more secure, and can used to hash somewhat confidental data like IP addresses and even passwords.
-It is not that secure out of the box, so please consider using salt when dealing with passwords!
-When hashing data, you must specify algorithms that will be used for security reasons!
Please note that a hash cannot be reversed under normal circumstanses. You will not be able to get original value from a hash with Skript.",
- "examples" : "command /setpass <text>:\\n trigger:\\n set {password::%uuid of player%} to text-argument hashed with SHA-256\\ncommand /login <text>:\\n trigger:\\n if text-argument hashed with SHA-256 is {password::%uuid of player%}:\\n message \"Login successful.\"\\n else:\\n message \"Wrong password!\""
+ "description" : "Hashes the given text using the MD5 ow SHA-256 awgowithms. Each awgowithm is suitabwe fow diffewent use cases.
+MD5 is pwovided mostwy fow backwawds compatibiwity, as it is outdated and not secuwe.
+SHA-256 is mowe secuwe, and can used to hash somewhat confidentaw data wike IP addwesses and even passwowds.
+It is not dat secuwe out of the box, so pwease considew using sawt when deawing with passwowds!
+When hashing data, you must specify awgowithms dat wiww be used fow secuwity weasons!
Pwease note dat a hash cannot be wevewsed undew nowmaw ciwcumstanses. You wiww not be abwe to get owiginaw vawue fwom a hash with Skwipt.",
+ "examples" : "command /setpass &wt;text>:\\n twiggew:\\n set {passwowd::%uuid of pwayew%} to text-awgument hashed with SHA-256\\ncommand /wogin &wt;text>:\\n twiggew:\\n if text-awgument hashed with SHA-256 is {passwowd::%uuid of pwayew%}:\\n message \"Login successfuw.\"\\n ewse:\\n message \"Wwong passwowd!\""
"id" : "ExprHatchingType",
@@ -6717,97 +6717,97 @@ When hashing data, you must specify algorithms that will be use
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The type of the entity that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event.",
- "examples" : "on player egg throw:\\n set the hatching entity type to a primed tnt"
+ "description" : "The type of the entity dat wiww be hatched in a Pwayew Egg Thwow event.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew egg thwow:\\n set the hatching entity type to a pwimed tnt"
"id" : "ExprHatchingNumber",
"name" : "Hatching Number",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] hatching number",
+ "[the] hatching numbew",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The number of entities that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event.
-Please note that no more than 127 entities can be hatched at once.",
- "examples" : "on player egg throw:\\n set the hatching number to 10"
+ "description" : "The numbew of entities dat wiww be hatched in a Pwayew Egg Thwow event.
+Pwease note dat no mowe than 127 entities can be hatched at once.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew egg thwow:\\n set the hatching numbew to 10"
"id" : "ExprEyeLocation",
"name" : "Head location",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (head|eye[s]) [location[s]] of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] (head|eye[s]) [location[s]]",
+ "[the] (head|eye[s]) [wocation[s]] of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] (head|eye[s]) [wocation[s]]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The location of an entity's head, mostly useful for players and e.g. looping blocks in the player's line of sight.
-Please note that this location is only accurate for entities whose head is exactly above their center, i.e. players, endermen, zombies, skeletons, etc., but not sheep, pigs or cows.",
- "examples" : "set the block at the player's head to air\\nset the block in front of the player's eyes to glass\\nloop blocks in front of the player's head:"
+ "description" : "The wocation of an entity's head, mostwy usefuw fow pwayews and e.g. wooping bwocks in the pwayew's wine of sight.
+Pwease note dat dis wocation is onwy accuwate fow entities whose head is exactwy above theiw centew, i.e. pwayews, endewmen, zombies, skewetons, etc., but not sheep, pigs ow cows.",
+ "examples" : "set the bwock at the pwayew's head to aiw\\nset the bwock in fwont of the pwayew's eyes to gwass\\nwoop bwocks in fwont of the pwayew's head:"
"id" : "ExprHealAmount",
"name" : "Heal Amount",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] heal amount",
+ "[the] heaw amount",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "The amount of health healed in a healing event.",
- "examples" : "increase heal amount by 2\\nremove 0.5 from heal amount"
+ "description" : "The amount of heawth heawed in a heawing event.",
+ "examples" : "incwease heaw amount by 2\\nwemove 0.5 fwom heaw amount"
"id" : "ExprHealReason",
"name" : "Heal Reason",
"patterns" : [
- "(regen|health regain|heal) (reason|cause)",
+ "(wegen|heawth wegain|heaw) (weason|cause)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The heal reason of a heal event. Please click on the link for more information.",
- "examples" : "on heal:\\n if heal reason = satiated:\\n send \"You ate enough food and gained health back!\" to player"
+ "description" : "The heaw weason of a heaw event. Pwease cwick on the wink fow mowe infowmation.",
+ "examples" : "on heaw:\\n if heaw weason = satiated:\\n send \"You ate enough food and gained heawth back!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprHealth",
"name" : "Health",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] health of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] health",
+ "[the] heawth of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] heawth",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The health of a creature, e.g. a player, mob, villager, etc. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is the creature's max health (e.g. 10 for players).",
- "examples" : "message \"You have %health% HP left.\""
+ "description" : "The heawth of a cweatuwe, e.g. a pwayew, mob, viwwagew, etc. The minimum vawue is 0, and the maximum is the cweatuwe's max heawth (e.g. 10 fow pwayews).",
+ "examples" : "message \"You have %heawth% HP weft.\""
"id" : "ExprHiddenPlayers",
"name" : "Hidden Players",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] hidden players (of|for) %players%",
-"[(all [[of] the]|the)] players hidden (from|for|by) %players%",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] hidden pwayews (of|fow) %pwayews%",
+"[(aww [[of] the]|the)] pwayews hidden (fwom|fow|by) %pwayews%",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The players hidden from a player that were hidden using the player visibility effect.",
- "examples" : "message \"<light red>You are currently hiding: <light gray>%hidden players of the player%\""
+ "description" : "The pwayews hidden fwom a pwayew dat wewe hidden using the pwayew visibiwity effect.",
+ "examples" : "message \"&wt;wight wed>You awe cuwwentwy hiding: &wt;wight gway>%hidden pwayews of the pwayew%\""
"id" : "ExprHighestSolidBlock",
"name" : "Highest Solid Block",
"patterns" : [
- "highest [(solid|non-air)] block at %locations%",
+ "highest [(sowid|non-aiw)] bwock at %wocations%",
"since" : "2.2-dev34",
- "description" : "Returns the highest solid block at the x and z coordinates of the world of a given location.",
- "examples" : "highest block at location of arg-player"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the highest sowid bwock at the x and z coowdinates of the wowwd of a given wocation.",
+ "examples" : "highest bwock at wocation of awg-pwayew"
"id" : "ExprHostname",
@@ -6818,183 +6818,183 @@ Please note that this location is only accurate for entities whose head is exact
"since" : "2.6.1",
- "description" : "The hostname used by the connecting player to connect to the server in a connect event.",
- "examples" : "on connect:\\n hostname is \"\"\\n send \"Welcome back tester!\""
+ "description" : "The hostname used by the connecting pwayew to connect to the sewvew in a connect event.",
+ "examples" : "on connect:\\n hostname is \"\"\\n send \"Wewcome back testew!\""
"id" : "ExprHotbarButton",
"name" : "Hotbar Button",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] hotbar button",
+ "[the] hotbaw button",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The hotbar button clicked in an inventory click event.",
- "examples" : "on inventory click:\\n send \"You clicked the hotbar button %hotbar button%!\""
+ "description" : "The hotbaw button cwicked in an inventowy cwick event.",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy cwick:\\n send \"You cwicked the hotbaw button %hotbaw button%!\""
"id" : "ExprHotbarSlot",
"name" : "Hotbar Slot",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [the] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot[s] [of %players%]",
-"%players%'[s] [the] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot[s]",
+ "[the] [the] [([cuwwentwy] sewected|cuwwent)] hotbaw swot[s] [of %pwayews%]",
+"%pwayews%'[s] [the] [([cuwwentwy] sewected|cuwwent)] hotbaw swot[s]",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "The currently selected hotbar slot.
-To retrieve its number use Slot Index expression.
-Use future and past tense to grab the previous slot in an item change event, see example.",
- "examples" : "message \"%player's current hotbar slot%\"\\nset player's selected hotbar slot to slot 4 of player\\n\\nsend \"index of player's current hotbar slot = 1\" # second slot from the left\\n\\non item held change:\\n if the selected hotbar slot was a diamond:\\n set the currently selected hotbar slot to slot 5 of player"
+ "description" : "The cuwwentwy sewected hotbaw swot.
+To wetwieve its numbew use Swot Index expwession.
+Use futuwe and past tense to gwab the pwevious swot in an item change event, see exampwe.",
+ "examples" : "message \"%pwayew's cuwwent hotbaw swot%\"\\nset pwayew's sewected hotbaw swot to swot 4 of pwayew\\n\\nsend \"index of pwayew's cuwwent hotbaw swot = 1\" # second swot fwom the weft\\n\\non item hewd change:\\n if the sewected hotbaw swot was a diamond:\\n set the cuwwentwy sewected hotbaw swot to swot 5 of pwayew"
"id" : "ExprHoverList",
"name" : "Hover List",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [custom] [(player|server)] (hover|sample) ([message] list|message)",
-"[the] [custom] player [(hover|sample)] list",
+ "[the] [custom] [(pwayew|sewvew)] (hovew|sampwe) ([message] wist|message)",
+"[the] [custom] pwayew [(hovew|sampwe)] wist",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The list when you hover on the player counts of the server in the server list.
-This can be changed using texts or players in a server list ping event only. Adding players to the list means adding the name of the players.
-And note that, for example if there are 5 online players (includes fake online count) in the server and the hover list is set to 3 values, Minecraft will show \"... and 2 more ...\" at end of the list.",
- "examples" : "on server list ping:\\n clear the hover list\\n add \"&aWelcome to the &6Minecraft &aserver!\" to the hover list\\n add \"\" to the hover list # A blank line\\n add \"&cThere are &6%online players count% &conline players!\" to the hover list"
+ "description" : "The wist when you hovew on the pwayew counts of the sewvew in the sewvew wist.
+dis can be changed using texts ow pwayews in a sewvew wist ping event onwy. Adding pwayews to the wist means adding the name of the pwayews.
+And note dat, fow exampwe if thewe awe 5 onwine pwayews (incwudes fake onwine count) in the sewvew and the hovew wist is set to 3 vawues, Minecwaft wiww show \"... and 2 mowe ...\" at end of the wist.",
+ "examples" : "on sewvew wist ping:\\n cweaw the hovew wist\\n add \"&aWewcome to the &6Minecwaft &asewvew!\" to the hovew wist\\n add \"\" to the hovew wist # A bwank wine\\n add \"&cThewe awe &6%onwine pwayews count% &conwine pwayews!\" to the hovew wist"
"id" : "ExprHumidity",
"name" : "Humidity",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] humidit(y|ies) of %blocks%",
-"%blocks%'[s] humidit(y|ies)",
+ "[the] humidit(y|ies) of %bwocks%",
+"%bwocks%'[s] humidit(y|ies)",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "Humidity of given blocks.",
- "examples" : "set {_humidity} to event-block's humidity"
+ "description" : "Humidity of given bwocks.",
+ "examples" : "set {_humidity} to event-bwock's humidity"
"id" : "ExprIP",
"name" : "IP",
"patterns" : [
- "IP[s][( |-)address[es]] of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] IP[s][( |-)address[es]]",
-"IP[( |-)address]",
+ "IP[s][( |-)addwess[es]] of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] IP[s][( |-)addwess[es]]",
+"IP[( |-)addwess]",
"since" : "1.4, 2.2-dev26 (when used in connect event), 2.3 (when used in server list ping event)",
- "description" : "The IP address of a player, or the connected player in a connect event, or the pinger in a server list ping event.",
- "examples" : "ban the IP address of the player\\nbroadcast \"Banned the IP %IP of player%\"\\n\\non connect:\\n log \"[%now%] %player% (%ip%) is connected to the server.\"\\n\\non server list ping:\\n send \"%IP-address%\" to the console"
+ "description" : "The IP addwess of a pwayew, ow the connected pwayew in a connect event, ow the pingew in a sewvew wist ping event.",
+ "examples" : "ban the IP addwess of the pwayew\\nbwoadcast \"Banned the IP %IP of pwayew%\"\\n\\non connect:\\n wog \"[%now%] %pwayew% (%ip%) is connected to the sewvew.\"\\n\\non sewvew wist ping:\\n send \"%IP-addwess%\" to the consowe"
"id" : "ExprIndexOf",
"name" : "Index Of",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [(first|last)] index of %text% in %text%",
+ "[the] [(fiwst|wast)] index of %text% in %text%",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "The first or last index of a character (or text) in a text, or -1 if it doesn't occur in the text. Indices range from 1 to the length of the text.",
- "examples" : "set {_first} to the first index of \"@\" in the text argument\\nif {_s} contains \"abc\":\\n set {_s} to the first (index of \"abc\" in {_s} + 3) characters of {_s} # removes everything after the first \"abc\" from {_s}"
+ "description" : "The fiwst ow wast index of a chawactew (ow text) in a text, ow -1 if it doesn't occuw in the text. Indices wange fwom 1 to the wength of the text.",
+ "examples" : "set {_fiwst} to the fiwst index of \"@\" in the text awgument\\nif {_s} contains \"abc\":\\n set {_s} to the fiwst (index of \"abc\" in {_s} + 3) chawactews of {_s} # wemoves evewything aftew the fiwst \"abc\" fwom {_s}"
"id" : "ExprIndices",
"name" : "Indices of List",
"patterns" : [
- "[(the|all [[of] the])] (indexes|indices) of %~objects%",
+ "[(the|aww [[of] the])] (indexes|indices) of %~objects%",
"%~objects%'[s] (indexes|indices)",
-"[sorted] (indices|indexes) of %~objects% in (ascending|descending) order",
-"[sorted] %~objects%'[s] (indices|indexes) in (ascending|descending) order",
+"[sowted] (indices|indexes) of %~objects% in (ascending|descending) owdew",
+"[sowted] %~objects%'[s] (indices|indexes) in (ascending|descending) owdew",
"since" : "2.4 (indices), 2.6.1 (sorting)",
- "description" : "Returns all the indices of a list variable, optionally sorted by their values.
-To sort the indices, all objects in the list must be comparable;
-Otherwise, this expression will just return the unsorted indices.",
- "examples" : "set {l::*} to \"some\", \"cool\" and \"values\"\\nbroadcast \"%indices of {l::*}%\" # result is 1, 2 and 3\\n\\nset {_leader-board::first} to 17\\nset {_leader-board::third} to 30\\nset {_leader-board::second} to 25\\nset {_leader-board::fourth} to 42\\nset {_ascending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in ascending order\\nbroadcast \"%{_ascending-indices::*}%\" #result is first, second, third, fourth\\nset {_descending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in descending order\\nbroadcast \"%{_descending-indices::*}%\" #result is fourth, third, second, first"
+ "description" : "Retuwns aww the indices of a wist vawiabwe, optionawwy sowted by theiw vawues.
+To sowt the indices, aww objects in the wist must be compawabwe;
+Othewwise, dis expwession wiww just wetuwn the unsowted indices.",
+ "examples" : "set {w::*} to \"some\", \"coow\" and \"vawues\"\\nbwoadcast \"%indices of {w::*}%\" # wesuwt is 1, 2 and 3\\n\\nset {_weadew-boawd::fiwst} to 17\\nset {_weadew-boawd::thiwd} to 30\\nset {_weadew-boawd::second} to 25\\nset {_weadew-boawd::fouwth} to 42\\nset {_ascending-indices::*} to sowted indices of {_weadew-boawd::*} in ascending owdew\\nbwoadcast \"%{_ascending-indices::*}%\" #wesuwt is fiwst, second, thiwd, fouwth\\nset {_descending-indices::*} to sowted indices of {_weadew-boawd::*} in descending owdew\\nbwoadcast \"%{_descending-indices::*}%\" #wesuwt is fouwth, thiwd, second, fiwst"
"id" : "ExprEvtInitiator",
"name" : "Initiator Inventory",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [event-]initiator[( |-)inventory]",
+ "[the] [event-]initiatow[( |-)inventowy]",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Returns the initiator inventory in an on inventory item move event.",
- "examples" : "on inventory item move:\\n holder of event-initiator-inventory is a chest\\n broadcast \"Item transport happening at %location at holder of event-initiator-inventory%!\""
+ "description" : "Retuwns the initiatow inventowy in an on inventowy item move event.",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy item move:\\n howdew of event-initiatow-inventowy is a chest\\n bwoadcast \"Item twanspowt happening at %wocation at howdew of event-initiatow-inventowy%!\""
"id" : "ExprInventory",
"name" : "Inventory",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] inventor(y|ies) of %inventoryholders/item types%",
-"%inventoryholders/item types%'[s] inventor(y|ies)",
+ "[the] inventow(y|ies) of %inventowyhowdews/item types%",
+"%inventowyhowdews/item types%'[s] inventow(y|ies)",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The inventory of a block or player. You can usually omit this expression and can directly add or remove items to/from blocks or players.",
- "examples" : "add a plank to the player's inventory\\nclear the player's inventory\\nremove 5 wool from the inventory of the clicked block"
+ "description" : "The inventowy of a bwock ow pwayew. You can usuawwy omit dis expwession and can diwectwy add ow wemove items to/fwom bwocks ow pwayews.",
+ "examples" : "add a pwank to the pwayew's inventowy\\ncweaw the pwayew's inventowy\\nwemove 5 woow fwom the inventowy of the cwicked bwock"
"id" : "ExprInventoryAction",
"name" : "Inventory Action",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] inventory action",
+ "[the] inventowy action",
"since" : "2.2-dev16",
- "description" : "The inventory action of an inventory event. Please click on the link for more information.",
- "examples" : "inventory action is pickup all"
+ "description" : "The inventowy action of an inventowy event. Pwease cwick on the wink fow mowe infowmation.",
+ "examples" : "inventowy action is pickup aww"
"id" : "ExprInventoryCloseReason",
"name" : "Inventory Close Reason",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] inventory clos(e|ing) (reason|cause)",
+ "[the] inventowy cwos(e|ing) (weason|cause)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "The inventory close reason of an inventory close event.",
- "examples" : "on inventory close:\\n inventory close reason is teleport\\n send \"Your inventory closed due to teleporting!\" to player"
+ "description" : "The inventowy cwose weason of an inventowy cwose event.",
+ "examples" : "on inventowy cwose:\\n inventowy cwose weason is tewepowt\\n send \"Youw inventowy cwosed due to tewepowting!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprInventoryInfo",
"name" : "Inventory Holder/Viewers/Rows/Slots",
"patterns" : [
- "(holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows|[amount of] slots) of %inventories%",
-"%inventories%'[s] (holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows|[amount of] slots)",
+ "(howdew[s]|viewews|[amount of] wows|[amount of] swots) of %inventowies%",
+"%inventowies%'[s] (howdew[s]|viewews|[amount of] wows|[amount of] swots)",
"since" : "2.2-dev34, 2.5 (slots)",
- "description" : "Gets the amount of rows/slots, viewers and holder of an inventory.
+ "description" : "Gets the amount of wows/swots, viewews and howdew of an inventowy.
-NOTE: 'Viewers' expression returns a list of players viewing the inventory. Note that a player is considered to be viewing their own inventory and internal crafting screen even when said inventory is not open.",
- "examples" : "event-inventory's amount of rows\\nholder of player's top inventory\\n{_inventory}'s viewers"
+NOTE: 'Viewews' expwession wetuwns a wist of pwayews viewing the inventowy. Note dat a pwayew is considewed to be viewing theiw own inventowy and intewnaw cwafting scween even when said inventowy is not open.",
+ "examples" : "event-inventowy's amount of wows\\nhowdew of pwayew's top inventowy\\n{_inventowy}'s viewews"
"id" : "ExprInventorySlot",
"name" : "Inventory Slot",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] slot[s] %numbers% of %inventory%",
-"%inventory%'[s] slot[s] %numbers%",
+ "[the] swot[s] %numbews% of %inventowy%",
+"%inventowy%'[s] swot[s] %numbews%",
"since" : "2.2-dev24",
- "description" : "Represents a slot in an inventory. It can be used to change the item in an inventory too.",
- "examples" : "if slot 0 of player is air:\\n set slot 0 of player to 2 stones\\n remove 1 stone from slot 0 of player\\n add 2 stones to slot 0 of player\\n clear slot 1 of player"
+ "description" : "Repwesents a swot in an inventowy. It can be used to change the item in an inventowy too.",
+ "examples" : "if swot 0 of pwayew is aiw:\\n set swot 0 of pwayew to 2 stones\\n wemove 1 stone fwom swot 0 of pwayew\\n add 2 stones to swot 0 of pwayew\\n cweaw swot 1 of pwayew"
"id" : "ExprItem",
@@ -7005,34 +7005,34 @@ NOTE: 'Viewers' expression returns a list of players viewing the inventory. Note
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1)",
- "description" : "The item involved in an event, e.g. in a drop, dispense, pickup or craft event.",
- "examples" : "on dispense:\\n item is a clock\\n set the time to 6:00"
+ "description" : "The item invowved in an event, e.g. in a dwop, dispense, pickup ow cwaft event.",
+ "examples" : "on dispense:\\n item is a cwock\\n set the time to 6:00"
"id" : "ExprItemAmount",
"name" : "Item Amount",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] item[[ ]stack] (amount|size|number) of %slots/item types/item stacks%",
-"%slots/item types/item stacks%'[s] item[[ ]stack] (amount|size|number)",
+ "[the] item[[ ]stack] (amount|size|numbew) of %swots/item types/item stacks%",
+"%swots/item types/item stacks%'[s] item[[ ]stack] (amount|size|numbew)",
"since" : "2.2-dev24",
- "description" : "The amount of an item stack.",
- "examples" : "send \"You have got %item amount of player's tool% %player's tool% in your hand!\" to player"
+ "description" : "The amount of an item stack.",
+ "examples" : "send \"You have got %item amount of pwayew's toow% %pwayew's toow% in youw hand!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprItemCooldown",
"name" : "Item Cooldown",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [item] cooldown of %item types% for %players%",
-"%players%'[s] [item] cooldown for %item types%",
+ "[the] [item] coowdown of %item types% fow %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] [item] coowdown fow %item types%",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Change the cooldown of a specific material to a certain amount of Timespan.",
- "examples" : "on right click using stick:\\n set item cooldown of player's tool for player to 1 minute\\n set item cooldown of stone and grass for all players to 20 seconds\\n reset item cooldown of cobblestone and dirt for all players"
+ "description" : "Change the coowdown of a specific matewiaw to a cewtain amount of Timespan.",
+ "examples" : "on wight cwick using stick:\\n set item coowdown of pwayew's toow fow pwayew to 1 minute\\n set item coowdown of stone and gwass fow aww pwayews to 20 seconds\\n weset item coowdown of cobbwestone and diwt fow aww pwayews"
"id" : "ExprEnchantments",
@@ -7044,8 +7044,8 @@ NOTE: 'Viewers' expression returns a list of players viewing the inventory. Note
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "All the enchantments an item type has.",
- "examples" : "clear enchantments of event-item"
+ "description" : "Aww the enchantments an item type has.",
+ "examples" : "cweaw enchantments of event-item"
"id" : "ExprItemFrameSlot",
@@ -7057,471 +7057,471 @@ NOTE: 'Viewers' expression returns a list of players viewing the inventory. Note
"since" : "2.2-dev35, 2.2-dev36 (improved), 2.5.2 (throwable projectiles)",
- "description" : "An item associated with an entity. For dropped item entities, it gets, obviously, the item that was dropped. For item frames, the item inside the frame is returned. For throwable projectiles (snowballs, enderpearls etc.),it gets the displayed item. Other entities do not have items associated with them.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "An item associated with an entity. Fow dwopped item entities, it gets, obviouswy, the item dat was dwopped. Fow item fwames, the item inside the fwame is wetuwned. Fow thwowabwe pwojectiwes (snowbawws, endewpeawws etc.),it gets the dispwayed item. Othew entities do not have items associated with them.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
"id" : "ExprItemWithCustomModelData",
"name" : "Item with CustomModelData",
"patterns" : [
- "%item type% with [custom] model data %number%",
+ "%item type% with [custom] modew data %numbew%",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Get an item with a CustomModelData tag. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)",
- "examples" : "give player a diamond sword with custom model data 2\\nset slot 1 of inventory of player to wooden hoe with custom model data 357"
+ "description" : "Get an item with a CustomModewData tag. (Vawue is an integew between 0 and 99999999)",
+ "examples" : "give pwayew a diamond swowd with custom modew data 2\\nset swot 1 of inventowy of pwayew to wooden hoe with custom modew data 357"
"id" : "ExprItemWithLore",
"name" : "Item with Lore",
"patterns" : [
- "%item type% with [(a|the)] lore %texts%",
+ "%item type% with [(a|the)] wowe %texts%",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Returns the given item type with the specified lore added to it.
-If multiple strings are passed, each of them will be a separate line in the lore.",
- "examples" : "set {_test} to stone with lore \"line 1\" and \"line 2\"\\ngive {_test} to player"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the given item type with the specified wowe added to it.
+If muwtipwe stwings awe passed, each of them wiww be a sepawate wine in the wowe.",
+ "examples" : "set {_test} to stone with wowe \"wine 1\" and \"wine 2\"\\ngive {_test} to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprItems",
"name" : "Items",
"patterns" : [
- "[all [[of] the]|the] block[[ ]type]s",
-"every block[[ ]type]",
-"[all [[of] the]|the|every] block[s] of type[s] %item types%",
-"[all [[of] the]|the|every] item[s] of type[s] %item types%",
+ "[aww [[of] the]|the] bwock[[ ]type]s",
+"evewy bwock[[ ]type]",
+"[aww [[of] the]|the|evewy] bwock[s] of type[s] %item types%",
+"[aww [[of] the]|the|evewy] item[s] of type[s] %item types%",
"since" : "1.0 pre-5",
- "description" : "Items or blocks of a specific type, useful for looping.",
- "examples" : "loop items of type ore and log:\\n block contains loop-item\\n message \"Theres at least one %loop-item% in this block\"\\ndrop all blocks at the player # drops one of every block at the player"
+ "description" : "Items ow bwocks of a specific type, usefuw fow wooping.",
+ "examples" : "woop items of type owe and wog:\\n bwock contains woop-item\\n message \"Thewes at weast one %woop-item% in dis bwock\"\\ndwop aww bwocks at the pwayew # dwops one of evewy bwock at the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprItemsIn",
"name" : "Items In",
"patterns" : [
- "[all [[of] the]] items ([with]in|of|contained in|out of) [inventor(y|ies)] %inventories%",
-"all [[of] the] %item types% ([with]in|of|contained in|out of) [inventor(y|ies)] %inventories%",
+ "[aww [[of] the]] items ([with]in|of|contained in|out of) [inventow(y|ies)] %inventowies%",
+"aww [[of] the] %item types% ([with]in|of|contained in|out of) [inventow(y|ies)] %inventowies%",
"since" : "2.0, 2.8.0 (specific types of items)",
- "description" : "All items or specific type(s) of items in an inventory. Useful for looping or storing in a list variable.
-Please note that the positions of the items in the inventory are not saved, only their order is preserved.",
- "examples" : "loop all items in the player's inventory:\\n loop-item is enchanted\\n remove loop-item from the player\\nset {inventory::%uuid of player%::*} to items in the player's inventory"
+ "description" : "Aww items ow specific type(s) of items in an inventowy. Usefuw fow wooping ow stowing in a wist vawiabwe.
+Pwease note dat the positions of the items in the inventowy awe not saved, onwy theiw owdew is pwesewved.",
+ "examples" : "woop aww items in the pwayew's inventowy:\\n woop-item is enchanted\\n wemove woop-item fwom the pwayew\\nset {inventowy::%uuid of pwayew%::*} to items in the pwayew's inventowy"
"id" : "ExprJoinSplit",
"name" : "Join & Split",
"patterns" : [
- "(concat[enate]|join) %texts% [(with|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%]",
-"split %text% (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text% [with case sensitivity]",
-"%text% split (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text% [with case sensitivity]",
-"regex split %text% (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%",
-"regex %text% split (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%",
+ "(concat[enate]|join) %texts% [(with|using|by) [[the] dewimitew] %text%]",
+"spwit %text% (at|using|by) [[the] dewimitew] %text% [with case sensitivity]",
+"%text% spwit (at|using|by) [[the] dewimitew] %text% [with case sensitivity]",
+"wegex spwit %text% (at|using|by) [[the] dewimitew] %text%",
+"wegex %text% spwit (at|using|by) [[the] dewimitew] %text%",
"since" : "2.1, 2.5.2 (regex support), 2.7 (case sensitivity)",
- "description" : "Joins several texts with a common delimiter (e.g. \", \"), or splits a text into multiple texts at a given delimiter.",
- "examples" : "message \"Online players: %join all players with \"\" | \"\"%\" # %all players% would use the default \"x, y, and z\"\\nset {_s::*} to the string argument split at \",\""
+ "description" : "Joins sevewaw texts with a common dewimitew (e.g. \", \"), ow spwits a text into muwtipwe texts at a given dewimitew.",
+ "examples" : "message \"Onwine pwayews: %join aww pwayews with \"\" | \"\"%\" # %aww pwayews% wouwd use the defauwt \"x, y, and z\"\\nset {_s::*} to the stwing awgument spwit at \",\""
"id" : "ExprLanguage",
"name" : "Language",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [([currently] selected|current)] [game] (language|locale) [setting] of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] [([currently] selected|current)] [game] (language|locale) [setting]",
+ "[the] [([cuwwentwy] sewected|cuwwent)] [game] (wanguage|wocawe) [setting] of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] [([cuwwentwy] sewected|cuwwent)] [game] (wanguage|wocawe) [setting]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Currently selected game language of a player. The value of the language is not defined properly.
-The vanilla Minecraft client will use lowercase language / country pairs separated by an underscore, but custom resource packs may use any format they wish.",
- "examples" : "message player's current language"
+ "description" : "Cuwwentwy sewected game wanguage of a pwayew. The vawue of the wanguage is not defined pwopewwy.
+The vaniwwa Minecwaft cwient wiww use wowewcase wanguage / countwy paiws sepawated by an undewscowe, but custom wesouwce packs may use any fowmat they wish.",
+ "examples" : "message pwayew's cuwwent wanguage"
"id" : "ExprLastAttacker",
"name" : "Last Attacker",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] last attacker of %entity%",
-"%entity%'[s] last attacker",
+ "[the] wast attackew of %entity%",
+"%entity%'[s] wast attackew",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "The last block or entity that attacked an entity.",
- "examples" : "send \"%last attacker of event-entity%\""
+ "description" : "The wast bwock ow entity dat attacked an entity.",
+ "examples" : "send \"%wast attackew of event-entity%\""
"id" : "ExprLastColor",
"name" : "Last Color",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] last color[s] of %texts%",
-"%texts%'[s] last color[s]",
+ "[the] wast cowow[s] of %texts%",
+"%texts%'[s] wast cowow[s]",
"since" : "2.6",
- "description" : "The colors used at the end of a string. The colors of the returned string will be formatted with their symbols.",
- "examples" : "set {_color} to the last colors of \"<red>hey<blue>yo\""
+ "description" : "The cowows used at the end of a stwing. The cowows of the wetuwned stwing wiww be fowmatted with theiw symbows.",
+ "examples" : "set {_cowow} to the wast cowows of \"&wt;wed>hey&wt;bwue>yo\""
"id" : "ExprLastDamage",
"name" : "Last Damage",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] last damage of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] last damage",
+ "[the] wast damage of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] wast damage",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "The last damage that was done to an entity. Note that changing it doesn't deal more/less damage.",
- "examples" : "set last damage of event-entity to 2"
+ "description" : "The wast damage dat was done to an entity. Note dat changing it doesn't deaw mowe/wess damage.",
+ "examples" : "set wast damage of event-entity to 2"
"id" : "ExprLastDamageCause",
"name" : "Last Damage Cause",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] last damage (cause|reason|type) of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] last damage (cause|reason|type)",
+ "[the] wast damage (cause|weason|type) of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] wast damage (cause|weason|type)",
"since" : "2.2-Fixes-V10",
- "description" : "Cause of last damage done to an entity",
- "examples" : "set last damage cause of event-entity to fire tick"
+ "description" : "Cause of wast damage done to an entity",
+ "examples" : "set wast damage cause of event-entity to fiwe tick"
"id" : "ExprLastLoadedServerIcon",
"name" : "Last Loaded Server Icon",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [last[ly]] loaded server icon",
+ "[the] [wast[wy]] woaded sewvew icon",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Returns the last loaded server icon with the load server icon effect.",
- "examples" : "set {server-icon} to the last loaded server icon"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the wast woaded sewvew icon with the woad sewvew icon effect.",
+ "examples" : "set {sewvew-icon} to the wast woaded sewvew icon"
"id" : "ExprLastResourcePackResponse",
"name" : "Last Resource Pack Response",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [last] resource pack response[s] of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] [last] resource pack response[s]",
+ "[the] [wast] wesouwce pack wesponse[s] of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] [wast] wesouwce pack wesponse[s]",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Returns the last resource pack response received from a player.",
- "examples" : "if player's last resource pack response is deny or download fail:"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the wast wesouwce pack wesponse weceived fwom a pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "if pwayew's wast wesouwce pack wesponse is deny ow downwoad faiw:"
"id" : "ExprLastSpawnedEntity",
"name" : "Last Spawned Entity",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [last[ly]] (spawned|shot) %*entity type%",
-"[the] [last[ly]] dropped (item)",
-"[the] [last[ly]] (created|struck) (lightning)",
-"[the] [last[ly]] (launched|deployed) (firework)",
+ "[the] [wast[wy]] (spawned|shot) %*entity type%",
+"[the] [wast[wy]] dwopped (item)",
+"[the] [wast[wy]] (cweated|stwuck) (wightning)",
+"[the] [wast[wy]] (waunched|depwoyed) (fiwewowk)",
"since" : "1.3 (spawned entity), 2.0 (shot entity), 2.2-dev26 (dropped item), 2.7 (struck lightning, firework)",
- "description" : "Holds the entity that was spawned most recently with the spawn effect (section), dropped with the drop effect, shot with the shoot effect or created with the lightning effect. Please note that even though you can spawn multiple mobs simultaneously (e.g. with 'spawn 5 creepers'), only the last spawned mob is saved and can be used. If you spawn an entity, shoot a projectile and drop an item you can however access all them together.",
- "examples" : "spawn a priest\\nset {healer::%spawned priest%} to true\\nshoot an arrow from the last spawned entity\\nignite the shot projectile\\ndrop a diamond sword\\npush last dropped item upwards\\nteleport player to last struck lightning\\ndelete last launched firework"
+ "description" : "Howds the entity dat was spawned most wecentwy with the spawn effect (section), dwopped with the dwop effect, shot with the shoot effect ow cweated with the wightning effect. Pwease note dat even though you can spawn muwtipwe mobs simuwtaneouswy (e.g. with 'spawn 5 cweepews'), onwy the wast spawned mob is saved and can be used. If you spawn an entity, shoot a pwojectiwe and dwop an item you can howevew access aww them togethew.",
+ "examples" : "spawn a pwiest\\nset {heawew::%spawned pwiest%} to twue\\nshoot an awwow fwom the wast spawned entity\\nignite the shot pwojectiwe\\ndwop a diamond swowd\\npush wast dwopped item upwawds\\ntewepowt pwayew to wast stwuck wightning\\ndewete wast waunched fiwewowk"
"id" : "ExprLastLoginTime",
"name" : "Last/First Login Time",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (last|first) login of %offline players%",
-"%offline players%'[s] (last|first) login",
+ "[the] (wast|fiwst) wogin of %offwine pwayews%",
+"%offwine pwayews%'[s] (wast|fiwst) wogin",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "When a player last/first logged in the server. 'last login' requires paper to get the last login, otherwise it will get the last time they were seen on the server.",
- "examples" : "command /onlinefor:\\n trigger:\\n send \"You have been online for %difference between player's last login and now%.\"\\n send \"You first joined the server %difference between player's first login and now% ago.\""
+ "description" : "When a pwayew wast/fiwst wogged in the sewvew. 'wast wogin' wequiwes papew to get the wast wogin, othewwise it wiww get the wast time they wewe seen on the sewvew.",
+ "examples" : "command /onwinefow:\\n twiggew:\\n send \"You have been onwine fow %diffewence between pwayew's wast wogin and now%.\"\\n send \"You fiwst joined the sewvew %diffewence between pwayew's fiwst wogin and now% ago.\""
"id" : "ExprLeashHolder",
"name" : "Leash Holder",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] leash holder[s] of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] leash holder[s]",
+ "[the] weash howdew[s] of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] weash howdew[s]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The leash holder of a living entity.",
- "examples" : "set {_example} to the leash holder of the target mob"
+ "description" : "The weash howdew of a wiving entity.",
+ "examples" : "set {_exampwe} to the weash howdew of the tawget mob"
"id" : "ExprLength",
"name" : "Length",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] length of %texts%",
-"%texts%'[s] length",
+ "[the] wength of %texts%",
+"%texts%'[s] wength",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "The length of a text, in number of characters.",
- "examples" : "set {_l} to length of the string argument"
+ "description" : "The wength of a text, in numbew of chawactews.",
+ "examples" : "set {_w} to wength of the stwing awgument"
"id" : "ExprLevel",
"name" : "Level",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] level of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] level",
+ "[the] wevew of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] wevew",
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1)",
- "description" : "The level of a player.",
- "examples" : "reduce the victim's level by 1\\nset the player's level to 0"
+ "description" : "The wevew of a pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "weduce the victim's wevew by 1\\nset the pwayew's wevew to 0"
"id" : "ExprLevelProgress",
"name" : "Level Progress",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] level progress of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] level progress",
+ "[the] wevew pwogwess of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] wevew pwogwess",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The player's progress in reaching the next level, this represents the experience bar in the game. Please note that this value is between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5 = half experience bar).
-Changing this value can cause the player's level to change if the resulting level progess is negative or larger than 1, e.g. increase the player's level progress by 0.5 will make the player gain a level if their progress was more than 50%.",
- "examples" : "# use the exp bar as mana\\non rightclick with a blaze rod:\\n player's level progress is larger than 0.2\\n shoot a fireball from the player\\n reduce the player's level progress by 0.2\\nevery 2 seconds:\\n loop all players:\\n level progress of loop-player is smaller than 0.9:\\n increase level progress of the loop-player by 0.1\\n else:\\n set level progress of the loop-player to 0.99\\non xp spawn:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "The pwayew's pwogwess in weaching the next wevew, dis wepwesents the expewience baw in the game. Pwease note dat dis vawue is between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5 = hawf expewience baw).
+Changing dis vawue can cause the pwayew's wevew to change if the wesuwting wevew pwogess is negative ow wawgew than 1, e.g. incwease the pwayew's wevew pwogwess by 0.5 wiww make the pwayew gain a wevew if theiw pwogwess was mowe than 50%.",
+ "examples" : "# use the exp baw as mana\\non wightcwick with a bwaze wod:\\n pwayew's wevew pwogwess is wawgew than 0.2\\n shoot a fiwebaww fwom the pwayew\\n weduce the pwayew's wevew pwogwess by 0.2\\nevewy 2 seconds:\\n woop aww pwayews:\\n wevew pwogwess of woop-pwayew is smawwew than 0.9:\\n incwease wevew pwogwess of the woop-pwayew by 0.1\\n ewse:\\n set wevew pwogwess of the woop-pwayew to 0.99\\non xp spawn:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "ExprLightLevel",
"name" : "Light Level",
"patterns" : [
- "[(sky|sun|block)[ ]]light[ ]level [(of|%direction%) %location%]",
+ "[(sky|sun|bwock)[ ]]wight[ ]wevew [(of|%diwection%) %wocation%]",
"since" : "1.3.4",
- "description" : "Gets the light level at a certain location which ranges from 0 to 15.
-It can be separated into sunlight (15 = direct sunlight, 1-14 = indirect) and block light (torches, glowstone, etc.). The total light level of a block is the maximum of the two different light types.",
- "examples" : "# set vampire players standing in bright sunlight on fire\\nevery 5 seconds:\\n loop all players:\\n {vampire::%uuid of loop-player%} is true\\n sunlight level at the loop-player is greater than 10\\n ignite the loop-player for 5 seconds"
+ "description" : "Gets the wight wevew at a cewtain wocation which wanges fwom 0 to 15.
+It can be sepawated into sunwight (15 = diwect sunwight, 1-14 = indiwect) and bwock wight (towches, gwowstone, etc.). The totaw wight wevew of a bwock is the maximum of the two diffewent wight types.",
+ "examples" : "# set vampiwe pwayews standing in bwight sunwight on fiwe\\nevewy 5 seconds:\\n woop aww pwayews:\\n {vampiwe::%uuid of woop-pwayew%} is twue\\n sunwight wevew at the woop-pwayew is gweatew than 10\\n ignite the woop-pwayew fow 5 seconds"
"id" : "ExprPlugins",
"name" : "Loaded Plugins",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] [loaded] plugins",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] [woaded] pwugins",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "An expression to obtain a list of the names of the server's loaded plugins.",
- "examples" : "if the loaded plugins contains \"Vault\":\\n broadcast \"This server uses Vault plugin!\"\\n\\nsend \"Plugins (%size of loaded plugins%): %plugins%\" to player"
+ "description" : "An expwession to obtain a wist of the names of the sewvew's woaded pwugins.",
+ "examples" : "if the woaded pwugins contains \"Vauwt\":\\n bwoadcast \"dis sewvew uses Vauwt pwugin!\"\\n\\nsend \"Pwugins (%size of woaded pwugins%): %pwugins%\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprLocation",
"name" : "Location",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [event-](location|position)",
+ "[the] [event-](wocation|position)",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The location where an event happened (e.g. at an entity or block), or a location relative to another (e.g. 1 meter above another location).",
- "examples" : "drop 5 apples at the event-location # exactly the same as writing 'drop 5 apples'\\nset {_loc} to the location 1 meter above the player"
+ "description" : "The wocation whewe an event happened (e.g. at an entity ow bwock), ow a wocation wewative to anothew (e.g. 1 metew above anothew wocation).",
+ "examples" : "dwop 5 appwes at the event-wocation # exactwy the same as wwiting 'dwop 5 appwes'\\nset {_woc} to the wocation 1 metew above the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprLocation",
"name" : "Location",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (location|position) %directions% [%location%]",
+ "[the] (wocation|position) %diwections% [%wocation%]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The location where an event happened (e.g. at an entity or block), or a location relative to another (e.g. 1 meter above another location).",
- "examples" : "drop 5 apples at the event-location # exactly the same as writing 'drop 5 apples'\\nset {_loc} to the location 1 meter above the player"
+ "description" : "The wocation whewe an event happened (e.g. at an entity ow bwock), ow a wocation wewative to anothew (e.g. 1 metew above anothew wocation).",
+ "examples" : "dwop 5 appwes at the event-wocation # exactwy the same as wwiting 'dwop 5 appwes'\\nset {_woc} to the wocation 1 metew above the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprLocationOf",
"name" : "Location",
"patterns" : [
- "(location|position) of %location%",
-"%location%'[s] (location|position)",
+ "(wocation|position) of %wocation%",
+"%wocation%'[s] (wocation|position)",
"since" : "Unknown",
- "description" : "The location of a block or entity. This not only represents the x, y and z coordinates of the location but also includes the world and the direction an entity is looking (e.g. teleporting to a saved location will make the teleported entity face the same saved direction every time).
-Please note that the location of an entity is at it's feet, use head location to get the location of the head.",
- "examples" : "set {home::%uuid of player%} to the location of the player\\nmessage \"You home was set to %player's location% in %player's world%.\""
+ "description" : "The wocation of a bwock ow entity. dis not onwy wepwesents the x, y and z coowdinates of the wocation but awso incwudes the wowwd and the diwection an entity is wooking (e.g. tewepowting to a saved wocation wiww make the tewepowted entity face the same saved diwection evewy time).
+Pwease note dat the wocation of an entity is at it's feet, use head wocation to get the wocation of the head.",
+ "examples" : "set {home::%uuid of pwayew%} to the wocation of the pwayew\\nmessage \"You home was set to %pwayew's wocation% in %pwayew's wowwd%.\""
"id" : "ExprLocationAt",
"name" : "Location At",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (location|position) [at] [\\(][x[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [y[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [and] [z[ ][=[ ]]]%number%[\\)] [[(in|of) [[the] world]] %world%]",
+ "[the] (wocation|position) [at] [\\(][x[ ][=[ ]]]%numbew%, [y[ ][=[ ]]]%numbew%, [and] [z[ ][=[ ]]]%numbew%[\\)] [[(in|of) [[the] wowwd]] %wowwd%]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Allows to create a location from three coordinates and a world.",
- "examples" : "set {_loc} to the location at arg-1, arg-2, arg-3 of the world arg-4\\ndistance between the player and the location (0, 0, 0) is less than 200"
+ "description" : "Awwows to cweate a wocation fwom thwee coowdinates and a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "set {_woc} to the wocation at awg-1, awg-2, awg-3 of the wowwd awg-4\\ndistance between the pwayew and the wocation (0, 0, 0) is wess than 200"
"id" : "ExprLoopIteration",
"name" : "Loop Iteration",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] loop(-| )(counter|iteration)[-%*number%]",
+ "[the] woop(-| )(countew|itewation)[-%*numbew%]",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Returns the loop's current iteration count (for both normal and while loops).",
- "examples" : "while player is online:\\n give player 1 stone\\n wait 5 ticks\\n if loop-counter > 30:\\n stop loop\\n\\nloop {top-balances::*}:\\n if loop-iteration <= 10:\\n broadcast \"##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%\""
+ "description" : "Retuwns the woop's cuwwent itewation count (fow both nowmaw and whiwe woops).",
+ "examples" : "whiwe pwayew is onwine:\\n give pwayew 1 stone\\n wait 5 ticks\\n if woop-countew > 30:\\n stop woop\\n\\nwoop {top-bawances::*}:\\n if woop-itewation &wt;= 10:\\n bwoadcast \"##%woop-itewation% %woop-index% has $%woop-vawue%\""
"id" : "ExprLoopValue",
"name" : "Loop value",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] loop-<.+>",
+ "[the] woop-&wt;.+>",
"since" : "1.0, 2.8.0 (loop-counter)",
- "description" : "Returns the currently looped value.",
- "examples" : "# Countdown\\nloop 10 times:\\n message \"%11 - loop-number%\"\\n wait a second\\n\\n# Generate a 10x10 floor made of randomly colored wool below the player\\nloop blocks from the block below the player to the block 10 east of the block below the player:\\n loop blocks from the loop-block to the block 10 north of the loop-block:\\n set loop-block-2 to any wool\\n\\nloop {top-balances::*}:\\n loop-iteration <= 10\\n send \"##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%\""
+ "description" : "Retuwns the cuwwentwy wooped vawue.",
+ "examples" : "# Countdown\\nwoop 10 times:\\n message \"%11 - woop-numbew%\"\\n wait a second\\n\\n# Genewate a 10x10 fwoow made of wandomwy cowowed woow bewow the pwayew\\nwoop bwocks fwom the bwock bewow the pwayew to the bwock 10 east of the bwock bewow the pwayew:\\n woop bwocks fwom the woop-bwock to the bwock 10 nowth of the woop-bwock:\\n set woop-bwock-2 to any woow\\n\\nwoop {top-bawances::*}:\\n woop-itewation &wt;= 10\\n send \"##%woop-itewation% %woop-index% has $%woop-vawue%\""
"id" : "ExprLoot",
"name" : "Loot",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] loot",
+ "[the] woot",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The loot that will be generated in a 'loot generate' event.",
- "examples" : "on loot generate:\\n chance of %10\\n add 64 diamonds\\n send \"You hit the jackpot!!\""
+ "description" : "The woot dat wiww be genewated in a 'woot genewate' event.",
+ "examples" : "on woot genewate:\\n chance of %10\\n add 64 diamonds\\n send \"You hit the jackpot!!\""
"id" : "ExprLore",
"name" : "Lore",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] lore of %item stack/item type%",
-"%item stack/item type%'[s] lore",
-"[the] line %number% of [the] lore of %item stack/item type%",
-"[the] line %number% of %item stack/item type%'[s] lore",
-"[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) line of [the] lore of %item stack/item type%",
-"[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) line of %item stack/item type%'[s] lore",
+ "[the] wowe of %item stack/item type%",
+"%item stack/item type%'[s] wowe",
+"[the] wine %numbew% of [the] wowe of %item stack/item type%",
+"[the] wine %numbew% of %item stack/item type%'[s] wowe",
+"[the] %numbew%(st|nd|wd|th) wine of [the] wowe of %item stack/item type%",
+"[the] %numbew%(st|nd|wd|th) wine of %item stack/item type%'[s] wowe",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "An item's lore.",
- "examples" : "set the 1st line of the item's lore to \"<orange>Excalibur 2.0\""
+ "description" : "An item's wowe.",
+ "examples" : "set the 1st wine of the item's wowe to \"&wt;owange>Excawibuw 2.0\""
"id" : "ExprMOTD",
"name" : "MOTD",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [(default)|(shown|displayed)] (MOTD|message of [the] day)",
+ "[the] [(defauwt)|(shown|dispwayed)] (MOTD|message of [the] day)",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The message of the day in the server list. This can be changed in a server list ping event only.
-'default MOTD' returns the default MOTD always and can't be changed.",
- "examples" : "on server list ping:\\n set the motd to \"Join now!\""
+ "description" : "The message of the day in the sewvew wist. dis can be changed in a sewvew wist ping event onwy.
+'defauwt MOTD' wetuwns the defauwt MOTD awways and can't be changed.",
+ "examples" : "on sewvew wist ping:\\n set the motd to \"Join now!\""
"id" : "ExprMaxDurability",
"name" : "Max Durability",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] max[imum] durabilit(y|ies) of %item stacks/slots%",
-"%item stacks/slots%'[s] max[imum] durabilit(y|ies)",
+ "[the] max[imum] duwabiwit(y|ies) of %item stacks/swots%",
+"%item stacks/swots%'[s] max[imum] duwabiwit(y|ies)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The maximum durability of an item.",
- "examples" : "maximum durability of diamond sword\\nif max durability of player's tool is not 0: # Item is damageable"
+ "description" : "The maximum duwabiwity of an item.",
+ "examples" : "maximum duwabiwity of diamond swowd\\nif max duwabiwity of pwayew's toow is not 0: # Item is damageabwe"
"id" : "ExprMaxHealth",
"name" : "Max Health",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] max[imum] health of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] max[imum] health",
+ "[the] max[imum] heawth of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] max[imum] heawth",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The maximum health of an entity, e.g. 10 for a player.",
- "examples" : "on join:\\n set the maximum health of the player to 100\\nspawn a giant\\nset the last spawned entity's max health to 1000"
+ "description" : "The maximum heawth of an entity, e.g. 10 fow a pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "on join:\\n set the maximum heawth of the pwayew to 100\\nspawn a giant\\nset the wast spawned entity's max heawth to 1000"
"id" : "ExprMaxItemUseTime",
"name" : "Max Item Use Time",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] max[imum] [item] us(e|age) (time|duration) of %item stacks%",
-"%item stacks%'[s] max[imum] [item] us(e|age) (time|duration)",
+ "[the] max[imum] [item] us(e|age) (time|duwation) of %item stacks%",
+"%item stacks%'[s] max[imum] [item] us(e|age) (time|duwation)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Returns the max duration an item can be used for before the action completes. E.g. it takes 1.6 seconds to drink a potion, or 1.4 seconds to load an unenchanted crossbow.
-Some items, like bows and shields, do not have a limit to their use. They will return 1 hour.",
- "examples" : "on right click:\\n broadcast max usage duration of player's tool"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the max duwation an item can be used fow befowe the action compwetes. E.g. it takes 1.6 seconds to dwink a potion, ow 1.4 seconds to woad an unenchanted cwossbow.
+Some items, wike bows and shiewds, do not have a wimit to theiw use. They wiww wetuwn 1 houw.",
+ "examples" : "on wight cwick:\\n bwoadcast max usage duwation of pwayew's toow"
"id" : "ExprMaxMinecartSpeed",
"name" : "Max Minecart Speed",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] max[imum] minecart (speed|velocity) of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] max[imum] minecart (speed|velocity)",
+ "[the] max[imum] minecawt (speed|vewocity) of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] max[imum] minecawt (speed|vewocity)",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "The maximum speed of a minecart.",
- "examples" : "on right click on minecart:\\n set max minecart speed of event-entity to 1"
+ "description" : "The maximum speed of a minecawt.",
+ "examples" : "on wight cwick on minecawt:\\n set max minecawt speed of event-entity to 1"
"id" : "ExprMaxPlayers",
"name" : "Max Players",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [(real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed)] max[imum] player[s] [count|amount|number|size]",
-"[the] [(real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed)] max[imum] (count|amount|number|size) of players",
+ "[the] [(weaw|defauwt)|(fake|shown|dispwayed)] max[imum] pwayew[s] [count|amount|numbew|size]",
+"[the] [(weaw|defauwt)|(fake|shown|dispwayed)] max[imum] (count|amount|numbew|size) of pwayews",
"since" : "2.3, 2.7 (modify max real players)",
- "description" : "The count of max players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only.
-'real max players' returns the real count of max players of the server and can be modified on Paper 1.16 or later.",
- "examples" : "on server list ping:\\n set the max players count to (online players count + 1)"
+ "description" : "The count of max pwayews. dis can be changed in a sewvew wist ping event onwy.
+'weaw max pwayews' wetuwns the weaw count of max pwayews of the sewvew and can be modified on Papew 1.16 ow watew.",
+ "examples" : "on sewvew wist ping:\\n set the max pwayews count to (onwine pwayews count + 1)"
"id" : "ExprMaxFreezeTicks",
"name" : "Maximum Freeze Time",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] max[imum] freeze time of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] max[imum] freeze time",
+ "[the] max[imum] fweeze time of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] max[imum] fweeze time",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The maximum amount of time an entity can spend in powdered snow before taking damage.",
- "examples" : "difference between player's freeze time and player's max freeze time is less than 1 second:\\n send \"you're about to freeze!\" to the player"
+ "description" : "The maximum amount of time an entity can spend in powdewed snow befowe taking damage.",
+ "examples" : "diffewence between pwayew's fweeze time and pwayew's max fweeze time is wess than 1 second:\\n send \"you'we about to fweeze!\" to the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprMaxStack",
@@ -7533,273 +7533,273 @@ Some items, like bows and shields, do not have a limit to their use. They will r
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "The maximum stack size of the specified material, e.g. 64 for torches, 16 for buckets, and 1 for swords.",
- "examples" : "send \"You can only pick up %max stack size of player's tool% of %type of (player's tool)%\" to player"
+ "description" : "The maximum stack size of the specified matewiaw, e.g. 64 fow towches, 16 fow buckets, and 1 fow swowds.",
+ "examples" : "send \"You can onwy pick up %max stack size of pwayew's toow% of %type of (pwayew's toow)%\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprMe",
"name" : "Me",
"patterns" : [
"since" : "2.1.1",
- "description" : "A 'me' expression that can be used in players' effect commands only.",
- "examples" : "!heal me\\n!kick myself\\n!give a diamond axe to me"
+ "description" : "A 'me' expwession dat can be used in pwayews' effect commands onwy.",
+ "examples" : "!heaw me\\n!kick mysewf\\n!give a diamond axe to me"
"id" : "ExprMendingRepairAmount",
"name" : "Mending Repair Amount",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [mending] repair amount",
+ "[the] [mending] wepaiw amount",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "The number of durability points an item is to be repaired in a mending event.
- Modifying the repair amount will affect how much experience is given to the player after mending.",
- "examples" : "on item mend:\\n set the mending repair amount to 100"
+ "description" : "The numbew of duwabiwity points an item is to be wepaiwed in a mending event.
+ Modifying the wepaiw amount wiww affect how much expewience is given to the pwayew aftew mending.",
+ "examples" : "on item mend:\\n set the mending wepaiw amount to 100"
"id" : "ExprMessage",
"name" : "Message",
"patterns" : [
"[the] [chat( |-)]message",
-"[the] (join|log[ ]in)( |-)message",
-"[the] (quit|leave|log[ ]out|kick)( |-)message",
+"[the] (join|wog[ ]in)( |-)message",
+"[the] (quit|weave|wog[ ]out|kick)( |-)message",
"[the] death( |-)message",
"since" : "1.4.6 (chat message), 1.4.9 (join & quit messages), 2.0 (death message)",
- "description" : "The (chat) message of a chat event, the join message of a join event, the quit message of a quit event, or the death message on a death event. This expression is mostly useful for being changed.",
- "examples" : "on chat:\\n player has permission \"admin\"\\n set message to \"&c%message%\"\\n\\non first join:\\n set join message to \"Welcome %player% to our awesome server!\"\\n\\non join:\\n player has played before\\n set join message to \"Welcome back, %player%!\"\\n\\non quit:\\n set quit message to \"%player% left this awesome server!\"\\n\\non death:\\n set the death message to \"%player% died!\""
+ "description" : "The (chat) message of a chat event, the join message of a join event, the quit message of a quit event, ow the death message on a death event. dis expwession is mostwy usefuw fow being changed.",
+ "examples" : "on chat:\\n pwayew has pewmission \"admin\"\\n set message to \"&c%message%\"\\n\\non fiwst join:\\n set join message to \"Wewcome %pwayew% to ouw awesome sewvew!\"\\n\\non join:\\n pwayew has pwayed befowe\\n set join message to \"Wewcome back, %pwayew%!\"\\n\\non quit:\\n set quit message to \"%pwayew% weft dis awesome sewvew!\"\\n\\non death:\\n set the death message to \"%pwayew% died!\""
"id" : "ExprMetadata",
"name" : "Metadata",
"patterns" : [
- "metadata [(value|tag)[s]] %texts% of %metadata holders%",
-"%metadata holders%'[s] metadata [(value|tag)[s]] %text%",
+ "metadata [(vawue|tag)[s]] %texts% of %metadata howdews%",
+"%metadata howdews%'[s] metadata [(vawue|tag)[s]] %text%",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Metadata is a way to store temporary data on entities, blocks and more that disappears after a server restart.",
- "examples" : "set metadata value \"healer\" of player to true\\nbroadcast \"%metadata value \"\"healer\"\" of player%\"\\nclear metadata value \"healer\" of player"
+ "description" : "Metadata is a way to stowe tempowawy data on entities, bwocks and mowe dat disappeaws aftew a sewvew westawt.",
+ "examples" : "set metadata vawue \"heawew\" of pwayew to twue\\nbwoadcast \"%metadata vawue \"\"heawew\"\" of pwayew%\"\\ncweaw metadata vawue \"heawew\" of pwayew"
"id" : "ExprMiddleOfLocation",
"name" : "Middle of Location",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (middle|center) [point] of %location%",
-"%location%'[s] (middle|center) [point]",
+ "[the] (middwe|centew) [point] of %wocation%",
+"%wocation%'[s] (middwe|centew) [point]",
"since" : "2.6.1",
- "description" : "Returns the middle/center of a location. In other words, returns the middle of the X, Z coordinates and the floor value of the Y coordinate of a location.",
- "examples" : "command /stuck:\\n executable by: players\\n trigger:\\n teleport player to the center of player's location\\n send \"You're no longer stuck.\""
+ "description" : "Retuwns the middwe/centew of a wocation. In othew wowds, wetuwns the middwe of the X, Z coowdinates and the fwoow vawue of the Y coowdinate of a wocation.",
+ "examples" : "command /stuck:\\n executabwe by: pwayews\\n twiggew:\\n tewepowt pwayew to the centew of pwayew's wocation\\n send \"You'we no wongew stuck.\""
"id" : "ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity",
"name" : "Minecart Derailed / Flying Velocity",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [minecart] (derailed|flying) velocity of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] [minecart] (derailed|flying) velocity",
+ "[the] [minecawt] (dewaiwed|fwying) vewocity of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] [minecawt] (dewaiwed|fwying) vewocity",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "The velocity of a minecart as soon as it has been derailed or as soon as it starts flying.",
- "examples" : "on right click on minecart:\\n set derailed velocity of event-entity to vector 2, 10, 2"
+ "description" : "The vewocity of a minecawt as soon as it has been dewaiwed ow as soon as it stawts fwying.",
+ "examples" : "on wight cwick on minecawt:\\n set dewaiwed vewocity of event-entity to vectow 2, 10, 2"
"id" : "ExprBalance",
"name" : "Money",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (money|balance|[bank] account) of %offline players%",
-"%offline players%'[s] (money|balance|[bank] account)",
+ "[the] (money|bawance|[bank] account) of %offwine pwayews%",
+"%offwine pwayews%'[s] (money|bawance|[bank] account)",
"since" : "2.0, 2.5 (offline players)",
- "description" : "How much virtual money a player has (can be changed).",
- "examples" : "message \"You have %player's money%\" # the currency name will be added automatically\\nremove 20$ from the player's balance # replace '$' by whatever currency you use\\nadd 200 to the player's account # or omit the currency altogether"
+ "description" : "How much viwtuaw money a pwayew has (can be changed).",
+ "examples" : "message \"You have %pwayew's money%\" # the cuwwency name wiww be added automaticawwy\\nwemove 20$ fwom the pwayew's bawance # wepwace '$' by whatevew cuwwency you use\\nadd 200 to the pwayew's account # ow omit the cuwwency awtogethew"
"id" : "ExprMoonPhase",
"name" : "Moon Phase",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (lunar|moon) phase[s] of %worlds%",
-"%worlds%'[s] (lunar|moon) phase[s]",
+ "[the] (wunaw|moon) phase[s] of %wowwds%",
+"%wowwds%'[s] (wunaw|moon) phase[s]",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The current moon phase of a world.",
- "examples" : "if moon phase of player's world is full moon:\\n send \"Watch for the wolves!\""
+ "description" : "The cuwwent moon phase of a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "if moon phase of pwayew's wowwd is fuww moon:\\n send \"Watch fow the wowves!\""
"id" : "ExprPushedBlocks",
"name" : "Moved blocks",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] moved blocks",
+ "[the] moved bwocks",
"since" : "2.2-dev27",
- "description" : "Blocks which are moved in a piston event. Cannot be used outside of piston events.",
- "examples" : "the moved blocks"
+ "description" : "Bwocks which awe moved in a piston event. Cannot be used outside of piston events.",
+ "examples" : "the moved bwocks"
"id" : "ExprName",
"name" : "Name / Display Name / Tab List Name",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (name[s]|(display|nick|chat|custom)[ ]name[s]) of %offline players/entities/blocks/item types/inventories/slots/worlds/gamerules%",
-"%offline players/entities/blocks/item types/inventories/slots/worlds/gamerules%'[s] (name[s]|(display|nick|chat|custom)[ ]name[s])",
+ "[the] (name[s]|(dispway|nick|chat|custom)[ ]name[s]) of %offwine pwayews/entities/bwocks/item types/inventowies/swots/wowwds/gamewuwes%",
+"%offwine pwayews/entities/bwocks/item types/inventowies/swots/wowwds/gamewuwes%'[s] (name[s]|(dispway|nick|chat|custom)[ ]name[s])",
"since" : "before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name), 2.7 (worlds)",
- "description" : "Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.
Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
Gamerules (1.13+)
Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.
- "examples" : "on join:\\n player has permission \"\"\\n set the player's display name to \"<red>[admin] <gold>%name of player%\"\\n set the player's tab list name to \"<green>%player's name%\"\\nset the name of the player's tool to \"Legendary Sword of Awesomeness\""
+ "description" : "Repwesents the Minecwaft account, dispway ow tab wist name of a pwayew, ow the custom name of an item, entity, bwock, inventowy, gamewuwe ow wowwd.
+ Pwayews
+ Name: The Minecwaft account name of the pwayew. Can't be changed, but 'dispway name' can be changed.
+ Dispway Name: The name of the pwayew dat is dispwayed in messages. dis name can be changed fweewy and can incwude cowow codes, and is shawed among aww pwugins (e.g. chat pwugins wiww use the dispway name).
+ Entities
+ Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But fow wiving entities, the pwayews wiww have to tawget the entity to see its name tag. Fow non-wiving entities, the name wiww not be visibwe at aww. To pwevent dis, use 'dispway name'.
+ Dispway Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which wiww awso enabwe custom name visibiwity of the entity so name tag of the entity wiww be visibwe awways.
+ Items
+ Name and Dispway Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecwaft wocawe name). Can be changed.
+ Inventowies
+ Name and Dispway Name: The name/titwe of the inventowy. Changing name of an inventowy means opening the same inventowy with the same contents but with a diffewent name to its cuwwent viewews.
+ Gamewuwes (1.13+)
+ Name: The name of the gamewuwe. Cannot be changed.
+ Wowwds
+ Name: The name of the wowwd. Cannot be changed.
+ "examples" : "on join:\\n pwayew has pewmission \"\"\\n set the pwayew's dispway name to \"&wt;wed>[admin] &wt;gowd>%name of pwayew%\"\\n set the pwayew's tab wist name to \"&wt;gween>%pwayew's name%\"\\nset the name of the pwayew's toow to \"Legendawy Swowd of Awesomeness\""
"id" : "ExprName",
"name" : "Name / Display Name / Tab List Name",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] ((player|tab)[ ]list name[s]) of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] ((player|tab)[ ]list name[s])",
+ "[the] ((pwayew|tab)[ ]wist name[s]) of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] ((pwayew|tab)[ ]wist name[s])",
"since" : "before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name), 2.7 (worlds)",
- "description" : "Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.
Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
Gamerules (1.13+)
Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.
- "examples" : "on join:\\n player has permission \"\"\\n set the player's display name to \"<red>[admin] <gold>%name of player%\"\\n set the player's tab list name to \"<green>%player's name%\"\\nset the name of the player's tool to \"Legendary Sword of Awesomeness\""
+ "description" : "Repwesents the Minecwaft account, dispway ow tab wist name of a pwayew, ow the custom name of an item, entity, bwock, inventowy, gamewuwe ow wowwd.
+ Pwayews
+ Name: The Minecwaft account name of the pwayew. Can't be changed, but 'dispway name' can be changed.
+ Dispway Name: The name of the pwayew dat is dispwayed in messages. dis name can be changed fweewy and can incwude cowow codes, and is shawed among aww pwugins (e.g. chat pwugins wiww use the dispway name).
+ Entities
+ Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But fow wiving entities, the pwayews wiww have to tawget the entity to see its name tag. Fow non-wiving entities, the name wiww not be visibwe at aww. To pwevent dis, use 'dispway name'.
+ Dispway Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which wiww awso enabwe custom name visibiwity of the entity so name tag of the entity wiww be visibwe awways.
+ Items
+ Name and Dispway Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecwaft wocawe name). Can be changed.
+ Inventowies
+ Name and Dispway Name: The name/titwe of the inventowy. Changing name of an inventowy means opening the same inventowy with the same contents but with a diffewent name to its cuwwent viewews.
+ Gamewuwes (1.13+)
+ Name: The name of the gamewuwe. Cannot be changed.
+ Wowwds
+ Name: The name of the wowwd. Cannot be changed.
+ "examples" : "on join:\\n pwayew has pewmission \"\"\\n set the pwayew's dispway name to \"&wt;wed>[admin] &wt;gowd>%name of pwayew%\"\\n set the pwayew's tab wist name to \"&wt;gween>%pwayew's name%\"\\nset the name of the pwayew's toow to \"Legendawy Swowd of Awesomeness\""
"id" : "ExprNamed",
"name" : "Named Item/Inventory",
"patterns" : [
- "%item type/inventory type% (named|with name[s]) %text%",
+ "%item type/inventowy type% (named|with name[s]) %text%",
"since" : "2.0, 2.2-dev34 (inventories)",
- "description" : "Directly names an item/inventory, useful for defining a named item/inventory in a script. If you want to (re)name existing items/inventories you can either use this expression or use set name of <item/inventory> to <text>.",
- "examples" : "give a diamond sword of sharpness 100 named \"<gold>Excalibur\" to the player\\nset tool of player to the player's tool named \"<gold>Wand\"\\nset the name of the player's tool to \"<gold>Wand\"\\nopen hopper inventory named \"Magic Hopper\" to player"
+ "description" : "Diwectwy names an item/inventowy, usefuw fow defining a named item/inventowy in a scwipt. If you want to (we)name existing items/inventowies you can eithew use dis expwession ow use set name of &wt;item/inventowy> to &wt;text>.",
+ "examples" : "give a diamond swowd of shawpness 100 named \"&wt;gowd>Excawibuw\" to the pwayew\\nset toow of pwayew to the pwayew's toow named \"&wt;gowd>Wand\"\\nset the name of the pwayew's toow to \"&wt;gowd>Wand\"\\nopen hoppew inventowy named \"Magic Hoppew\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprNearestEntity",
"name" : "Nearest Entity",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] nearest %*entity types% [[relative] to %entity/location%]",
-"[the] %*entity types% nearest [to %entity/location%]",
+ "[the] neawest %*entity types% [[wewative] to %entity/wocation%]",
+"[the] %*entity types% neawest [to %entity/wocation%]",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Gets the entity nearest to a location or another entity.",
- "examples" : "kill the nearest pig and cow relative to player\\nteleport player to the nearest cow relative to player\\nteleport player to the nearest entity relative to player\\n\\non click:\\n kill nearest pig"
+ "description" : "Gets the entity neawest to a wocation ow anothew entity.",
+ "examples" : "kiww the neawest pig and cow wewative to pwayew\\ntewepowt pwayew to the neawest cow wewative to pwayew\\ntewepowt pwayew to the neawest entity wewative to pwayew\\n\\non cwick:\\n kiww neawest pig"
"id" : "LitNewLine",
"name" : "New Line",
"patterns" : [
- "n[ew]l[ine]",
-"line[ ]break",
+ "n[ew]w[ine]",
+"wine[ ]bweak",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Returns a line break separator.",
- "examples" : "send \"Hello%nl%Goodbye!\" to player"
+ "description" : "Retuwns a wine bweak sepawatow.",
+ "examples" : "send \"Hewwo%nw%Goodbye!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprNoDamageTicks",
"name" : "No Damage Ticks",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (invulnerability|no damage) tick[s] of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] (invulnerability|no damage) tick[s]",
+ "[the] (invuwnewabiwity|no damage) tick[s] of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] (invuwnewabiwity|no damage) tick[s]",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The number of ticks that an entity is invulnerable to damage for.",
- "examples" : "on damage:\\n set victim's invulnerability ticks to 20 #Victim will not take damage for the next second"
+ "description" : "The numbew of ticks dat an entity is invuwnewabwe to damage fow.",
+ "examples" : "on damage:\\n set victim's invuwnewabiwity ticks to 20 #Victim wiww not take damage fow the next second"
"id" : "ExprNow",
@@ -7810,134 +7810,134 @@ Some items, like bows and shields, do not have a limit to their use. They will r
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "The current system time of the server. Use time to get the Minecraft time of a world.",
- "examples" : "broadcast \"Current server time: %now%\""
+ "description" : "The cuwwent system time of the sewvew. Use time to get the Minecwaft time of a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "bwoadcast \"Cuwwent sewvew time: %now%\""
"id" : "ExprNumberOfCharacters",
"name" : "Number of Characters",
"patterns" : [
- "number of upper[ ]case char(acters|s) in %text%",
-"number of lower[ ]case char(acters|s) in %text%",
-"number of digit char(acters|s) in %text%",
+ "numbew of uppew[ ]case chaw(actews|s) in %text%",
+"numbew of wowew[ ]case chaw(actews|s) in %text%",
+"numbew of digit chaw(actews|s) in %text%",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The number of uppercase, lowercase, or digit characters in a string.",
- "examples" : "#Simple Chat Filter\\non chat:\\n if number of uppercase chars in message / length of message > 0.5\\n cancel event\\n send \"<red>Your message has to many caps!\" to player"
+ "description" : "The numbew of uppewcase, wowewcase, ow digit chawactews in a stwing.",
+ "examples" : "#Simpwe Chat Fiwtew\\non chat:\\n if numbew of uppewcase chaws in message / wength of message > 0.5\\n cancew event\\n send \"&wt;wed>Youw message has to many caps!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprNumbers",
"name" : "Numbers",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] (numbers|integers|decimals) (between|from) %number% (and|to) %number%",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] (numbews|integews|decimaws) (between|fwom) %numbew% (and|to) %numbew%",
"since" : "1.4.6 (integers & numbers), 2.5.1 (decimals)",
- "description" : "All numbers between two given numbers, useful for looping.
-Use 'numbers' if your start is not an integer and you want to keep the fractional part of the start number constant, or use 'integers' if you only want to loop integers.
-You may also use 'decimals' if you want to use the decimal precision of the start number.
-You may want to use the 'times' expression instead, for instance 'loop 5 times:'",
- "examples" : "loop numbers from 2.5 to 5.5: # loops 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5\\nloop integers from 2.9 to 5.1: # same as '3 to 5', i.e. loops 3, 4, 5\\nloop decimals from 3.94 to 4: # loops 3.94, 3.95, 3.96, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 4"
+ "description" : "Aww numbews between two given numbews, usefuw fow wooping.
+Use 'numbews' if youw stawt is not an integew and you want to keep the fwactionaw pawt of the stawt numbew constant, ow use 'integews' if you onwy want to woop integews.
+You may awso use 'decimaws' if you want to use the decimaw pwecision of the stawt numbew.
+You may want to use the 'times' expwession instead, fow instance 'woop 5 times:'",
+ "examples" : "woop numbews fwom 2.5 to 5.5: # woops 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5\\nwoop integews fwom 2.9 to 5.1: # same as '3 to 5', i.e. woops 3, 4, 5\\nwoop decimaws fwom 3.94 to 4: # woops 3.94, 3.95, 3.96, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 4"
"id" : "ExprOfflinePlayers",
"name" : "Offline players",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] offline[ ]players",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] offwine[ ]pwayews",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "All players that have ever joined the server. This includes the players currently online.",
- "examples" : "send \"Size of all players who have joined the server: %size of all offline players%\""
+ "description" : "Aww pwayews dat have evew joined the sewvew. dis incwudes the pwayews cuwwentwy onwine.",
+ "examples" : "send \"Size of aww pwayews who have joined the sewvew: %size of aww offwine pwayews%\""
"id" : "ExprOnlinePlayersCount",
"name" : "Online Player Count",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] [online] player (count|amount|number)",
-"[the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] (count|amount|number|size) of online players",
+ "[the] [((weaw|defauwt)|(fake|shown|dispwayed))] [onwine] pwayew (count|amount|numbew)",
+"[the] [((weaw|defauwt)|(fake|shown|dispwayed))] (count|amount|numbew|size) of onwine pwayews",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The amount of online players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only to show fake online player amount.
-real online player count always return the real count of online players and can't be changed.",
- "examples" : "on server list ping:\\n # This will make the max players count 5 if there are 4 players online.\\n set the fake max players count to (online player count + 1)"
+ "description" : "The amount of onwine pwayews. dis can be changed in a sewvew wist ping event onwy to show fake onwine pwayew amount.
+weaw onwine pwayew count awways wetuwn the weaw count of onwine pwayews and can't be changed.",
+ "examples" : "on sewvew wist ping:\\n # dis wiww make the max pwayews count 5 if thewe awe 4 pwayews onwine.\\n set the fake max pwayews count to (onwine pwayew count + 1)"
"id" : "ExprOpenedInventory",
"name" : "Opened Inventory",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (current|open|top) inventory [of %players%]",
-"%players%'[s] (current|open|top) inventory",
+ "[the] (cuwwent|open|top) inventowy [of %pwayews%]",
+"%pwayews%'[s] (cuwwent|open|top) inventowy",
"since" : "2.2-dev24, 2.2-dev35 (Just 'current inventory' works in player events)",
- "description" : "Return the currently opened inventory of a player.
-If no inventory is open, it returns the own player's crafting inventory.",
- "examples" : "set slot 1 of player's current inventory to diamond sword"
+ "description" : "Retuwn the cuwwentwy opened inventowy of a pwayew.
+If no inventowy is open, it wetuwns the own pwayew's cwafting inventowy.",
+ "examples" : "set swot 1 of pwayew's cuwwent inventowy to diamond swowd"
"id" : "ExprParse",
"name" : "Parse",
"patterns" : [
- "%text% parsed as (%*type%|"<.*>")",
+ "%text% pawsed as (%*type%|"&wt;.*>")",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Parses text as a given type, or as a given pattern.
-This expression can be used in two different ways: One which parses the entire text as a single instance of a type, e.g. as a number, and one that parses the text according to a pattern.
-If the given text could not be parsed, this expression will return nothing and the parse error will be set if some information is available.
-Some notes about parsing with a pattern:
-- The pattern must be a Skript pattern, e.g. percent signs are used to define where to parse which types, e.g. put a %number% or %items% in the pattern if you expect a number or some items there.
-- You have to save the expression's value in a list variable, e.g. set {parsed::*} to message parsed as \"...\".
-- The list variable will contain the parsed values from all %types% in the pattern in order. If a type was plural, e.g. %items%, the variable's value at the respective index will be a list variable, e.g. the values will be stored in {parsed::1::*}, not {parsed::1}.",
- "examples" : "set {var} to line 1 parsed as number\\non chat:\\n set {var::*} to message parsed as \"buying %items% for %money%\"\\n if parse error is set:\\n message \"%parse error%\"\\n else if {var::*} is set:\\n cancel event\\n remove {var::2} from the player's balance\\n give {var::1::*} to the player"
+ "description" : "Pawses text as a given type, ow as a given pattewn.
+dis expwession can be used in two diffewent ways: One which pawses the entiwe text as a singwe instance of a type, e.g. as a numbew, and one dat pawses the text accowding to a pattewn.
+If the given text couwd not be pawsed, dis expwession wiww wetuwn nothing and the pawse ewwow wiww be set if some infowmation is avaiwabwe.
+Some notes about pawsing with a pattewn:
+- The pattewn must be a Skwipt pattewn, e.g. pewcent signs awe used to define whewe to pawse which types, e.g. put a %numbew% ow %items% in the pattewn if you expect a numbew ow some items thewe.
+- You have to save the expwession's vawue in a wist vawiabwe, e.g. set {pawsed::*} to message pawsed as \"...\".
+- The wist vawiabwe wiww contain the pawsed vawues fwom aww %types% in the pattewn in owdew. If a type was pwuwaw, e.g. %items%, the vawiabwe's vawue at the wespective index wiww be a wist vawiabwe, e.g. the vawues wiww be stowed in {pawsed::1::*}, not {pawsed::1}.",
+ "examples" : "set {vaw} to wine 1 pawsed as numbew\\non chat:\\n set {vaw::*} to message pawsed as \"buying %items% fow %money%\"\\n if pawse ewwow is set:\\n message \"%pawse ewwow%\"\\n ewse if {vaw::*} is set:\\n cancew event\\n wemove {vaw::2} fwom the pwayew's bawance\\n give {vaw::1::*} to the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprParseError",
"name" : "Parse Error",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [last] [parse] error",
+ "[the] [wast] [pawse] ewwow",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The error which caused the last parse operation to fail, which might not be set if a pattern was used and the pattern didn't match the provided text at all.",
- "examples" : "set {var} to line 1 parsed as integer\\nif {var} is not set:\\n parse error is set:\\n message \"<red>Line 1 is invalid: %last parse error%\"\\n else:\\n message \"<red>Please put an integer on line 1!\""
+ "description" : "The ewwow which caused the wast pawse opewation to faiw, which might not be set if a pattewn was used and the pattewn didn't match the pwovided text at aww.",
+ "examples" : "set {vaw} to wine 1 pawsed as integew\\nif {vaw} is not set:\\n pawse ewwow is set:\\n message \"&wt;wed>Line 1 is invawid: %wast pawse ewwow%\"\\n ewse:\\n message \"&wt;wed>Pwease put an integew on wine 1!\""
"id" : "ExprPassenger",
"name" : "Passenger",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] passenger[s] of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] passenger[s]",
+ "[the] passengew[s] of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] passengew[s]",
"since" : "2.0, 2.2-dev26 (Multiple passengers for 1.11.2+)",
- "description" : "The passenger of a vehicle, or the rider of a mob.
-For 1.11.2 and above, it returns a list of passengers and you can use all changers in it.
-See also: vehicle",
- "examples" : "#for 1.11 and lower\\npassenger of the minecart is a creeper or a cow\\nthe saddled pig's passenger is a player\\n#for 1.11.2+\\npassengers of the minecart contains a creeper or a cow\\nthe boat's passenger contains a pig\\nadd a cow and a zombie to passengers of last spawned boat\\nset passengers of player's vehicle to a pig and a horse\\nremove all pigs from player's vehicle\\nclear passengers of boat"
+ "description" : "The passengew of a vehicwe, ow the widew of a mob.
+Fow 1.11.2 and above, it wetuwns a wist of passengews and you can use aww changews in it.
+See awso: vehicwe",
+ "examples" : "#fow 1.11 and wowew\\npassengew of the minecawt is a cweepew ow a cow\\nthe saddwed pig's passengew is a pwayew\\n#fow 1.11.2+\\npassengews of the minecawt contains a cweepew ow a cow\\nthe boat's passengew contains a pig\\nadd a cow and a zombie to passengews of wast spawned boat\\nset passengews of pwayew's vehicwe to a pig and a howse\\nwemove aww pigs fwom pwayew's vehicwe\\ncweaw passengews of boat"
"id" : "ExprPercent",
"name" : "Percent of",
"patterns" : [
- "%number%(\\%| percent) of %numbers%",
+ "%numbew%(\\%| pewcent) of %numbews%",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Returns a percentage of one or more numbers.",
- "examples" : "set damage to 10% of victim's health\\nset damage to 125 percent of damage\\nset {_result} to {_percent} percent of 999\\nset {_result::*} to 10% of {_numbers::*}\\nset experience to 50% of player's total experience"
+ "description" : "Retuwns a pewcentage of one ow mowe numbews.",
+ "examples" : "set damage to 10% of victim's heawth\\nset damage to 125 pewcent of damage\\nset {_wesuwt} to {_pewcent} pewcent of 999\\nset {_wesuwt::*} to 10% of {_numbews::*}\\nset expewience to 50% of pwayew's totaw expewience"
"id" : "LitPi",
@@ -7948,856 +7948,856 @@ See also: vehicle",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Returns the mathematical constant pi. (approx. 3.1415926535)",
+ "description" : "Retuwns the mathematicaw constant pi. (appwox. 3.1415926535)",
"examples" : "set {_tau} to pi * 2"
"id" : "ExprPickupDelay",
"name" : "Pickup Delay",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] pick[ ]up delay of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] pick[ ]up delay",
+ "[the] pick[ ]up deway of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] pick[ ]up deway",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The amount of time before a dropped item can be picked up by an entity.",
- "examples" : "drop diamond sword at {_location} without velocity\\nset pickup delay of last dropped item to 5 seconds"
+ "description" : "The amount of time befowe a dwopped item can be picked up by an entity.",
+ "examples" : "dwop diamond swowd at {_wocation} without vewocity\\nset pickup deway of wast dwopped item to 5 seconds"
"id" : "ExprPing",
"name" : "Ping",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] ping of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] ping",
+ "[the] ping of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] ping",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Pings of players, as Minecraft server knows them. Note that they will almost certainly be different from the ones you'd get from using ICMP echo requests. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).",
- "examples" : "command /ping <player=%player%>:\\n trigger:\\n send \"%arg-1%'s ping is %arg-1's ping%\""
+ "description" : "Pings of pwayews, as Minecwaft sewvew knows them. Note dat they wiww awmost cewtainwy be diffewent fwom the ones you'd get fwom using ICMP echo wequests. dis expwession is onwy suppowted on some sewvew softwawe (PapewSpigot).",
+ "examples" : "command /ping &wt;pwayew=%pwayew%>:\\n twiggew:\\n send \"%awg-1%'s ping is %awg-1's ping%\""
"id" : "ExprPlain",
"name" : "Plain Item",
"patterns" : [
- "[a[n]] (plain|unmodified) %item type%",
+ "[a[n]] (pwain|unmodified) %item type%",
"since" : "2.6",
- "description" : "A plain item is an item with no modifications. It can be used to convert items to their default state or to match with other default items.",
- "examples" : "if the player's tool is a plain diamond: # check if player's tool has no modifications\\n send \"You are holding a plain diamond!\""
+ "description" : "A pwain item is an item with no modifications. It can be used to convewt items to theiw defauwt state ow to match with othew defauwt items.",
+ "examples" : "if the pwayew's toow is a pwain diamond: # check if pwayew's toow has no modifications\\n send \"You awe howding a pwain diamond!\""
"id" : "ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter",
"name" : "Player List Header and Footer",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (player|tab)[ ]list (header|footer) [(text|message)] of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] (player|tab)[ ]list (header|footer) [(text|message)]",
+ "[the] (pwayew|tab)[ ]wist (headew|footew) [(text|message)] of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] (pwayew|tab)[ ]wist (headew|footew) [(text|message)]",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "The message above and below the player list in the tab menu.",
- "examples" : "set all players' tab list header to \"Welcome to the Server!\"\\nsend \"%the player's tab list header%\" to player\\nreset all players' tab list header"
+ "description" : "The message above and bewow the pwayew wist in the tab menu.",
+ "examples" : "set aww pwayews' tab wist headew to \"Wewcome to the Sewvew!\"\\nsend \"%the pwayew's tab wist headew%\" to pwayew\\nweset aww pwayews' tab wist headew"
"id" : "ExprPlayerProtocolVersion",
"name" : "Player Protocol Version",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] protocol version of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] protocol version",
+ "[the] pwotocow vewsion of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] pwotocow vewsion",
"since" : "2.6.2",
- "description" : "Player's protocol version. For more information and list of protocol versions visit",
- "examples" : "command /protocolversion <player>:\\n trigger:\\n send \"Protocol version of %arg-1%: %protocol version of arg-1%\""
+ "description" : "Pwayew's pwotocow vewsion. Fow mowe infowmation and wist of pwotocow vewsions visit",
+ "examples" : "command /pwotocowvewsion &wtpwayew>:\\n twiggew:\\n send \"Pwotocow vewsion of %awg-1%: %pwotocow vewsion of awg-1%\""
"id" : "ExprSkull",
"name" : "Player Skull",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (head|skull) of %offline players%",
-"%offline players%'[s] (head|skull)",
+ "[the] (head|skuww) of %offwine pwayews%",
+"%offwine pwayews%'[s] (head|skuww)",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Gets a skull item representing a player. Skulls for other entities are provided by the aliases.",
- "examples" : "give the victim's skull to the attacker\\nset the block at the entity to the entity's skull"
+ "description" : "Gets a skuww item wepwesenting a pwayew. Skuwws fow othew entities awe pwovided by the awiases.",
+ "examples" : "give the victim's skuww to the attackew\\nset the bwock at the entity to the entity's skuww"
"id" : "ExprPlayerWeather",
"name" : "Player Weather",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [(client|custom)] weather of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] [(client|custom)] weather",
+ "[the] [(cwient|custom)] weathew of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] [(cwient|custom)] weathew",
"since" : "2.2-dev34",
- "description" : "The weather for a player.",
- "examples" : "set weather of arg-player to rainy\\nreset player's weather\\nif arg-player's weather is rainy"
+ "description" : "The weathew fow a pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "set weathew of awg-pwayew to wainy\\nweset pwayew's weathew\\nif awg-pwayew's weathew is wainy"
"id" : "ExprPortal",
"name" : "Portal",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] portal['s] blocks",
-"[the] blocks of [the] portal",
+ "[the] powtaw['s] bwocks",
+"[the] bwocks of [the] powtaw",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "The blocks associated with a portal in the portal creation event.",
- "examples" : "on portal creation:\\n loop portal blocks:\\n broadcast \"%loop-block% is part of a portal!\""
+ "description" : "The bwocks associated with a powtaw in the powtaw cweation event.",
+ "examples" : "on powtaw cweation:\\n woop powtaw bwocks:\\n bwoadcast \"%woop-bwock% is pawt of a powtaw!\""
"id" : "ExprPortalCooldown",
"name" : "Portal Cooldown",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] portal cooldown of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] portal cooldown",
+ "[the] powtaw coowdown of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] powtaw coowdown",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "The amount of time before an entity can use a portal. By default, it is 15 seconds after exiting a nether portal or end gateway.
-Players in survival/adventure get a cooldown of 0.5 seconds, while those in creative get no cooldown.
-Resetting will set the cooldown back to the default 15 seconds for non-player entities and 0.5 seconds for players.",
- "examples" : "on portal:\\n wait 1 tick\\n set portal cooldown of event-entity to 5 seconds"
+ "description" : "The amount of time befowe an entity can use a powtaw. By defauwt, it is 15 seconds aftew exiting a nethew powtaw ow end gateway.
+Pwayews in suwvivaw/adventuwe get a coowdown of 0.5 seconds, whiwe those in cweative get no coowdown.
+Resetting wiww set the coowdown back to the defauwt 15 seconds fow non-pwayew entities and 0.5 seconds fow pwayews.",
+ "examples" : "on powtaw:\\n wait 1 tick\\n set powtaw coowdown of event-entity to 5 seconds"
"id" : "ExprPotionEffect",
"name" : "Potion Effect",
"patterns" : [
- "[new] potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without particles] [for %time span%]",
-"[new] ambient potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without particles] [for %time span%]",
+ "[new] potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tiew] %numbew%] [without pawticwes] [fow %time span%]",
+"[new] ambient potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tiew] %numbew%] [without pawticwes] [fow %time span%]",
"since" : "2.5.2",
- "description" : "Create a new potion effect to apply to an entity or item type. Do note that when applying potion effects
-to tipped arrows/lingering potions, Minecraft reduces the timespan.",
- "examples" : "set {_p} to potion effect of speed of tier 1 without particles for 10 minutes\\nadd {_p} to potion effects of player's tool\\nadd {_p} to potion effects of target entity\\nadd potion effect of speed 1 to potion effects of player"
+ "description" : "Cweate a new potion effect to appwy to an entity ow item type. Do note dat when appwying potion effects
+to tipped awwows/wingewing potions, Minecwaft weduces the timespan.",
+ "examples" : "set {_p} to potion effect of speed of tiew 1 without pawticwes fow 10 minutes\\nadd {_p} to potion effects of pwayew's toow\\nadd {_p} to potion effects of tawget entity\\nadd potion effect of speed 1 to potion effects of pwayew"
"id" : "ExprPotionEffectTier",
"name" : "Potion Effect Tier",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [potion] (tier|amplifier|level) of %potions% (of|for|on) %living entities%",
+ "[the] [potion] (tiew|ampwifiew|wevew) of %potions% (of|fow|on) %wiving entities%",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "An expression to obtain the amplifier of a potion effect applied to an entity.",
- "examples" : "if the amplifier of haste of player >= 3:"
+ "description" : "An expwession to obtain the ampwifiew of a potion effect appwied to an entity.",
+ "examples" : "if the ampwifiew of haste of pwayew >= 3:"
"id" : "ExprPotionEffects",
"name" : "Potion Effects",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [(all [[of] the]|the)] [active] potion effects of %living entities/item types%",
-"%living entities/item types%'[s] [(all [[of] the]|the)] [active] potion effects",
+ "[the] [(aww [[of] the]|the)] [active] potion effects of %wiving entities/item types%",
+"%wiving entities/item types%'[s] [(aww [[of] the]|the)] [active] potion effects",
"since" : "2.5.2",
- "description" : "Represents the active potion effects of entities and itemtypes.
-You can clear all potion effects of an entity/itemtype and add/remove a potion effect/type to/from an entity/itemtype.
-Do note you will not be able to clear the base potion effects of a potion item. In that case, just set the item to a water bottle.
-When adding a potion effect type (rather than a potion effect), it will default to 15 seconds with tier 1.",
- "examples" : "set {_p::*} to active potion effects of player\\nclear all the potion effects of player\\nclear all the potion effects of player's tool\\nadd potion effects of player to potion effects of player's tool\\nadd speed to potion effects of target entity\\nremove speed and night vision from potion effects of player"
+ "description" : "Repwesents the active potion effects of entities and itemtypes.
+You can cweaw aww potion effects of an entity/itemtype and add/wemove a potion effect/type to/fwom an entity/itemtype.
+Do note you wiww not be abwe to cweaw the base potion effects of a potion item. In dat case, just set the item to a watew bottwe.
+When adding a potion effect type (wathew than a potion effect), it wiww defauwt to 15 seconds with tiew 1.",
+ "examples" : "set {_p::*} to active potion effects of pwayew\\ncweaw aww the potion effects of pwayew\\ncweaw aww the potion effects of pwayew's toow\\nadd potion effects of pwayew to potion effects of pwayew's toow\\nadd speed to potion effects of tawget entity\\nwemove speed and night vision fwom potion effects of pwayew"
"id" : "ExprPrefixSuffix",
"name" : "Prefix/Suffix",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [chat] (prefix|suffix) of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] [chat] (prefix|suffix)",
+ "[the] [chat] (pwefix|suffix) of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] [chat] (pwefix|suffix)",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The prefix or suffix as defined in the server's chat plugin.",
- "examples" : "on chat:\\n cancel event\\n broadcast \"%player's prefix%%player's display name%%player's suffix%: %message%\" to the player's world\\n\\nset the player's prefix to \"[<red>Admin<reset>] \""
+ "description" : "The pwefix ow suffix as defined in the sewvew's chat pwugin.",
+ "examples" : "on chat:\\n cancew event\\n bwoadcast \"%pwayew's pwefix%%pwayew's dispway name%%pwayew's suffix%: %message%\" to the pwayew's wowwd\\n\\nset the pwayew's pwefix to \"[&wt;wed>Admin&wt;weset>] \""
"id" : "ExprProjectileCriticalState",
"name" : "Projectile Critical State",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (projectile|arrow) critical (state|ability|mode) of %projectiles%",
-"%projectiles%'[s] (projectile|arrow) critical (state|ability|mode)",
+ "[the] (pwojectiwe|awwow) cwiticaw (state|abiwity|mode) of %pwojectiwes%",
+"%pwojectiwes%'[s] (pwojectiwe|awwow) cwiticaw (state|abiwity|mode)",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "A projectile's critical state. The only currently accepted projectiles are arrows and tridents.",
- "examples" : "on shoot:\\n event-projectile is an arrow\\n set projectile critical mode of event-projectile to true"
+ "description" : "A pwojectiwe's cwiticaw state. The onwy cuwwentwy accepted pwojectiwes awe awwows and twidents.",
+ "examples" : "on shoot:\\n event-pwojectiwe is an awwow\\n set pwojectiwe cwiticaw mode of event-pwojectiwe to twue"
"id" : "ExprProtocolVersion",
"name" : "Protocol Version",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [server] [(sent|required|fake)] protocol version [number]",
+ "[the] [sewvew] [(sent|wequiwed|fake)] pwotocow vewsion [numbew]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The protocol version that will be sent as the protocol version of the server in a server list ping event. For more information and list of protocol versions visit
-If this protocol version doesn't match with the protocol version of the client, the client will see the version string.
-But please note that, this expression has no visual effect over the version string. For example if the server uses PaperSpigot 1.12.2, and you make the protocol version 107 (1.9),
-the version string will not be \"Paper 1.9\", it will still be \"Paper 1.12.2\".
-But then you can customize the version string as you wish.
-Also if the protocol version of the player is higher than protocol version of the server, it will say
-\"Server out of date!\", and if vice-versa \"Client out of date!\" when you hover on the ping bars.
+ "description" : "The pwotocow vewsion dat wiww be sent as the pwotocow vewsion of the sewvew in a sewvew wist ping event. Fow mowe infowmation and wist of pwotocow vewsions visit
+If dis pwotocow vewsion doesn't match with the pwotocow vewsion of the cwient, the cwient wiww see the vewsion stwing.
+But pwease note dat, dis expwession has no visuaw effect ovew the vewsion stwing. Fow exampwe if the sewvew uses PapewSpigot 1.12.2, and you make the pwotocow vewsion 107 (1.9),
+the vewsion stwing wiww not be \"Papew 1.9\", it wiww stiww be \"Papew 1.12.2\".
+But then you can customize the vewsion stwing as you wish.
+Awso if the pwotocow vewsion of the pwayew is highew than pwotocow vewsion of the sewvew, it wiww say
+\"Sewvew out of date!\", and if vice-vewsa \"Cwient out of date!\" when you hovew on the ping baws.
-This can be set in a server list ping event only
-(increase and decrease effects cannot be used because that wouldn't make sense).",
- "examples" : "on server list ping:\\n set the version string to \"<light green>Version: <orange>%minecraft version%\"\\n set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7) - so the player will see the custom version string almost always"
+dis can be set in a sewvew wist ping event onwy
+(incwease and decwease effects cannot be used because dat wouwdn't make sense).",
+ "examples" : "on sewvew wist ping:\\n set the vewsion stwing to \"&wt;wight gween>Vewsion: &wt;owange>%minecwaft vewsion%\"\\n set the pwotocow vewsion to 0 # 13w41a (1.7) - so the pwayew wiww see the custom vewsion stwing awmost awways"
"id" : "ExprQuitReason",
"name" : "Quit Reason",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (quit|disconnect) (cause|reason)",
+ "[the] (quit|disconnect) (cause|weason)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "The quit reason as to why a player disconnected in a quit event.",
- "examples" : "on quit:\\n quit reason was kicked\\n player is banned\\n clear {server::player::%uuid of player%::*}"
+ "description" : "The quit weason as to why a pwayew disconnected in a quit event.",
+ "examples" : "on quit:\\n quit weason was kicked\\n pwayew is banned\\n cweaw {sewvew::pwayew::%uuid of pwayew%::*}"
"id" : "ExprRandom",
"name" : "Random",
"patterns" : [
- "[a] random %*type% [out] of %objects%",
+ "[a] wandom %*type% [out] of %objects%",
"since" : "1.4.9",
- "description" : "Gets a random item out of a set, e.g. a random player out of all players online.",
- "examples" : "give a diamond to a random player out of all players\\ngive a random item out of all items to the player"
+ "description" : "Gets a wandom item out of a set, e.g. a wandom pwayew out of aww pwayews onwine.",
+ "examples" : "give a diamond to a wandom pwayew out of aww pwayews\\ngive a wandom item out of aww items to the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprRandomCharacter",
"name" : "Random Character",
"patterns" : [
- "[a|%number%] random [alphanumeric] character[s] (from|between) %text% (to|and) %text%",
+ "[a|%integew%] wandom [awphanumewic] chawactew[s] (fwom|between) %text% (to|and) %text%",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "One or more random characters between two given characters. Use 'alphanumeric' if you want only alphanumeric characters.
-This expression uses the Unicode numerical code of a character to determine which characters are between the two given characters.
-If strings of more than one character are given, only the first character of each is used.",
- "examples" : "set {_captcha} to join (5 random characters between \"a\" and \"z\") with \"\"\\nsend 3 random alphanumeric characters between \"0\" and \"z\""
+ "description" : "One ow mowe wandom chawactews between two given chawactews. Use 'awphanumewic' if you want onwy awphanumewic chawactews.
+dis expwession uses the Unicode numewicaw code of a chawactew to detewmine which chawactews awe between the two given chawactews.
+If stwings of mowe than one chawactew awe given, onwy the fiwst chawactew of each is used.",
+ "examples" : "set {_captcha} to join (5 wandom chawactews between \"a\" and \"z\") with \"\"\\nsend 3 wandom awphanumewic chawactews between \"0\" and \"z\""
"id" : "ExprRandomNumber",
"name" : "Random Number",
"patterns" : [
- "[a] random (integer|number) (from|between) %number% (to|and) %number%",
+ "[a] wandom (integew|numbew) (fwom|between) %numbew% (to|and) %numbew%",
"since" : "1.4",
- "description" : "A random number or integer between two given numbers. Use 'number' if you want any number with decimal parts, or use use 'integer' if you only want whole numbers.
-Please note that the order of the numbers doesn't matter, i.e. random number between 2 and 1 will work as well as random number between 1 and 2.",
- "examples" : "set the player's health to a random number between 5 and 10\\nsend \"You rolled a %random integer from 1 to 6%!\" to the player"
+ "description" : "A wandom numbew ow integew between two given numbews. Use 'numbew' if you want any numbew with decimaw pawts, ow use use 'integew' if you onwy want whowe numbews.
+Pwease note dat the owdew of the numbews doesn't mattew, i.e. wandom numbew between 2 and 1 wiww wowk as weww as wandom numbew between 1 and 2.",
+ "examples" : "set the pwayew's heawth to a wandom numbew between 5 and 10\\nsend \"You wowwed a %wandom integew fwom 1 to 6%!\" to the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprRandomUUID",
"name" : "Random UUID",
"patterns" : [
- "[a] random uuid",
+ "[a] wandom uuid",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Returns a random UUID.",
- "examples" : "set {_uuid} to random uuid"
+ "description" : "Retuwns a wandom UUID.",
+ "examples" : "set {_uuid} to wandom uuid"
"id" : "ExprRawName",
"name" : "Raw Name",
"patterns" : [
- "(raw|minecraft|vanilla) name[s] of %item types%",
+ "(waw|minecwaft|vaniwwa) name[s] of %item types%",
"since" : "unknown (2.2)",
- "description" : "The raw Minecraft material name of the given item. Note that this is not guaranteed to give same results on all servers.",
- "examples" : "raw name of tool of player"
+ "description" : "The waw Minecwaft matewiaw name of the given item. Note dat dis is not guawanteed to give same wesuwts on aww sewvews.",
+ "examples" : "waw name of toow of pwayew"
"id" : "ExprRawString",
"name" : "Raw String",
"patterns" : [
- "raw %texts%",
+ "waw %texts%",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Returns the string without formatting (colors etc.) and without stripping them from it, e.g. raw \"&aHello There!\" would output &aHello There!",
- "examples" : "send raw \"&aThis text is unformatted!\" to all players"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the stwing without fowmatting (cowows etc.) and without stwipping them fwom it, e.g. waw \"&aHewwo Thewe!\" wouwd output &aHewwo Thewe!",
+ "examples" : "send waw \"&adis text is unfowmatted!\" to aww pwayews"
"id" : "ExprReadiedArrow",
"name" : "Readied Arrow/Bow",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (readied|selected|drawn) (arrow|bow)",
+ "[the] (weadied|sewected|dwawn) (awwow|bow)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "The bow or arrow in a Ready Arrow event.",
- "examples" : "on player ready arrow:\\n selected bow's name is \"Spectral Bow\"\\n if selected arrow is not a spectral arrow:\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "The bow ow awwow in a Ready Awwow event.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew weady awwow:\\n sewected bow's name is \"Spectwaw Bow\"\\n if sewected awwow is not a spectwaw awwow:\\n cancew event"
"id" : "ExprRedstoneBlockPower",
"name" : "Redstone Block Power",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] redstone power of %blocks%",
-"%blocks%'[s] redstone power",
+ "[the] wedstone powew of %bwocks%",
+"%bwocks%'[s] wedstone powew",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Power of a redstone block",
- "examples" : "if redstone power of targeted block is 15:\\n send \"This block is very powerful!\""
+ "description" : "Powew of a wedstone bwock",
+ "examples" : "if wedstone powew of tawgeted bwock is 15:\\n send \"dis bwock is vewy powewfuw!\""
"id" : "ExprRegion",
"name" : "Region",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [event-]region",
+ "[the] [event-]wegion",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "The region involved in an event.
-This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.",
- "examples" : "on region enter:\\n region is {forbidden region}\\n cancel the event"
+ "description" : "The wegion invowved in an event.
+dis expwession wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.",
+ "examples" : "on wegion entew:\\n wegion is {fowbidden wegion}\\n cancew the event"
"id" : "ExprMembersOfRegion",
"name" : "Region Members & Owners",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all|the)] (members|owner[s]) of [[the] region[s]] %regions%",
-"[[the] region[s]] %regions%'[s] (members|owner[s])",
+ "[(aww|the)] (membews|ownew[s]) of [[the] wegion[s]] %wegions%",
+"[[the] wegion[s]] %wegions%'[s] (membews|ownew[s])",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "A list of members or owners of a region.
-This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.",
- "examples" : "on entering of a region:\\n message \"You're entering %region% whose owners are %owners of region%\""
+ "description" : "A wist of membews ow ownews of a wegion.
+dis expwession wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.",
+ "examples" : "on entewing of a wegion:\\n message \"You'we entewing %wegion% whose ownews awe %ownews of wegion%\""
"id" : "ExprRegionsAt",
"name" : "Regions At",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] region[(s)] %direction% %locations%",
+ "[the] wegion[(s)] %diwection% %wocations%",
"since" : "2.1",
- "description" : "All regions at a particular location.
-This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.",
- "examples" : "On click on a sign:\\n line 1 of the clicked block is \"[region info]\"\\n set {_regions::*} to regions at the clicked block\\n if {_regions::*} is empty:\\n message \"No regions exist at this sign.\"\\n else:\\n message \"Regions containing this sign: <gold>%{_regions::*}%<r>.\""
+ "description" : "Aww wegions at a pawticuwaw wocation.
+dis expwession wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.",
+ "examples" : "On cwick on a sign:\\n wine 1 of the cwicked bwock is \"[wegion info]\"\\n set {_wegions::*} to wegions at the cwicked bwock\\n if {_wegions::*} is empty:\\n message \"No wegions exist at dis sign.\"\\n ewse:\\n message \"Regions containing dis sign: &wt;gowd>%{_wegions::*}%&wt;w>.\""
"id" : "ExprRemainingAir",
"name" : "Remaining Air",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] remaining air of %living entities%",
-"%living entities%'[s] remaining air",
+ "[the] wemaining aiw of %wiving entities%",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] wemaining aiw",
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1)",
- "description" : "How much time a player has left underwater before starting to drown.",
- "examples" : "player's remaining air is less than 3 seconds:\\n send \"hurry, get to the surface!\" to the player"
+ "description" : "How much time a pwayew has weft undewwatew befowe stawting to dwown.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's wemaining aiw is wess than 3 seconds:\\n send \"huwwy, get to the suwface!\" to the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprRepeat",
"name" : "Repeat String",
"patterns" : [
- "%texts% repeated %integer% time[s]",
+ "%texts% wepeated %integew% time[s]",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Repeats inputted strings a given amount of times.",
- "examples" : "broadcast nl and nl repeated 200 times\\nbroadcast \"Hello World \" repeated 5 times\\nif \"aa\" repeated 2 times is \"aaaa\":\\n broadcast \"Ahhhh\" repeated 100 times"
+ "description" : "Repeats inputted stwings a given amount of times.",
+ "examples" : "bwoadcast nw and nw wepeated 200 times\\nbwoadcast \"Hewwo Wowwd \" wepeated 5 times\\nif \"aa\" wepeated 2 times is \"aaaa\":\\n bwoadcast \"Ahhhh\" wepeated 100 times"
"id" : "ExprCharges",
"name" : "Respawn Anchor Charges",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [max[imum]] charge[s] of %blocks%",
-"%blocks%'[s] [max[imum]] charge[s]",
+ "[the] [max[imum]] chawge[s] of %bwocks%",
+"%bwocks%'[s] [max[imum]] chawge[s]",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The charges of a respawn anchor.",
- "examples" : "set the charges of event-block to 3"
+ "description" : "The chawges of a wespawn anchow.",
+ "examples" : "set the chawges of event-bwock to 3"
"id" : "ExprRespawnLocation",
"name" : "Respawn location",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] respawn location",
+ "[the] wespawn wocation",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "The location that a player should respawn at. This is used within the respawn event.",
- "examples" : "on respawn:\\n set respawn location to {example::spawn}"
+ "description" : "The wocation dat a pwayew shouwd wespawn at. dis is used within the wespawn event.",
+ "examples" : "on wespawn:\\n set wespawn wocation to {exampwe::spawn}"
"id" : "ExprReversedList",
"name" : "Reversed List",
"patterns" : [
- "reversed %objects%",
+ "wevewsed %objects%",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Reverses given list.",
- "examples" : "set {_list::*} to reversed {_list::*}"
+ "description" : "Revewses given wist.",
+ "examples" : "set {_wist::*} to wevewsed {_wist::*}"
"id" : "ExprRound",
"name" : "Rounding",
"patterns" : [
- "[(a|the)] round[ed] down %number%",
-"[(a|the)] round[ed] %number%",
-"[(a|the)] round[ed] up %number%",
+ "[(a|the)] wound[ed] down %numbew%",
+"[(a|the)] wound[ed] %numbew%",
+"[(a|the)] wound[ed] up %numbew%",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Rounds numbers normally, up (ceiling) or down (floor) respectively.",
- "examples" : "set {var} to rounded health of player\\nset line 1 of the block to rounded \"%(1.5 * player's level)%\"\\nadd rounded down argument to the player's health"
+ "description" : "Rounds numbews nowmawwy, up (ceiwing) ow down (fwoow) wespectivewy.",
+ "examples" : "set {vaw} to wounded heawth of pwayew\\nset wine 1 of the bwock to wounded \"%(1.5 * pwayew's wevew)%\"\\nadd wounded down awgument to the pwayew's heawth"
"id" : "ExprSaturation",
"name" : "Saturation",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] saturation of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] saturation",
+ "[the] satuwation of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] satuwation",
"since" : "2.2-Fixes-v10, 2.2-dev35 (fully modifiable), 2.6.2 (syntax pattern changed)",
- "description" : "The saturation of a player. If used in a player event, it can be omitted and will default to event-player.",
- "examples" : "set saturation of player to 20"
+ "description" : "The satuwation of a pwayew. If used in a pwayew event, it can be omitted and wiww defauwt to event-pwayew.",
+ "examples" : "set satuwation of pwayew to 20"
"id" : "ExprScoreboardTags",
"name" : "Scoreboard Tags",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] scoreboard tags of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] scoreboard tags",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] scoweboawd tags of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] scoweboawd tags",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Scoreboard tags are simple list of texts stored directly in the data of an entity.
-So this is a Minecraft related thing, not Bukkit, so the tags will not get removed when the server stops. You can visit visit Minecraft Wiki for more info.
-This is changeable and valid for any type of entity. Also you can use use the Has Scoreboard Tag condition to check whether an entity has the given tags.
+ "description" : "Scoweboawd tags awe simpwe wist of texts stowed diwectwy in the data of an entity.
+So dis is a Minecwaft wewated thing, not Bukkit, so the tags wiww not get wemoved when the sewvew stops. You can visit visit Minecwaft Wiki fow mowe info.
+dis is changeabwe and vawid fow any type of entity. Awso you can use use the Has Scoweboawd Tag condition to check whethew an entity has the given tags.
-Requires Minecraft 1.11+ (actually added in 1.9 to the game, but added in 1.11 to Spigot).",
- "examples" : "on spawn of a monster:\\n if the spawn reason is mob spawner:\\n add \"spawned by a spawner\" to the scoreboard tags of event-entity\\n\\non death of a monster:\\n if the attacker is a player:\\n if the victim doesn't have the scoreboard tag \"spawned by a spawner\":\\n add 1$ to attacker's balance"
+Requiwes Minecwaft 1.11+ (actuawwy added in 1.9 to the game, but added in 1.11 to Spigot).",
+ "examples" : "on spawn of a monstew:\\n if the spawn weason is mob spawnew:\\n add \"spawned by a spawnew\" to the scoweboawd tags of event-entity\\n\\non death of a monstew:\\n if the attackew is a pwayew:\\n if the victim doesn't have the scoweboawd tag \"spawned by a spawnew\":\\n add 1$ to attackew's bawance"
"id" : "ExprScript",
"name" : "Script Name",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] script[['s] name]",
-"name of [the] script",
+ "[the] scwipt[['s] name]",
+"name of [the] scwipt",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "Holds the current script's name (the file name without '.sk').",
- "examples" : "on script load:\\n set {running::%script%} to true\\non script unload:\\n set {running::%script%} to false"
+ "description" : "Howds the cuwwent scwipt's name (the fiwe name without '.sk').",
+ "examples" : "on scwipt woad:\\n set {wunning::%scwipt%} to twue\\non scwipt unwoad:\\n set {wunning::%scwipt%} to fawse"
"id" : "ExprSeaLevel",
"name" : "Sea Level",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] sea level of %worlds%",
-"%worlds%'[s] sea level",
+ "[the] sea wevew of %wowwds%",
+"%wowwds%'[s] sea wevew",
"since" : "2.5.1",
- "description" : "Gets the sea level of a world.",
- "examples" : "send \"The sea level in your world is %sea level in player's world%\""
+ "description" : "Gets the sea wevew of a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "send \"The sea wevew in youw wowwd is %sea wevew in pwayew's wowwd%\""
"id" : "ExprSeaPickles",
"name" : "Sea Pickles",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickle(s| (count|amount)) of %blocks%",
-"%blocks%'[s] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickle(s| (count|amount))",
+ "[the] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickwe(s| (count|amount)) of %bwocks%",
+"%bwocks%'[s] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickwe(s| (count|amount))",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "An expression to obtain or modify data relating to the pickles of a sea pickle block.",
- "examples" : "on block break:\\n type of block is sea pickle\\n send \"Wow! This stack of sea pickles contained %event-block's sea pickle count% pickles!\"\\n send \"It could've contained a maximum of %event-block's maximum sea pickle count% pickles!\"\\n send \"It had to have contained at least %event-block's minimum sea pickle count% pickles!\"\\n cancel event\\n set event-block's sea pickle count to event-block's maximum sea pickle count\\n send \"This bad boy is going to hold so many pickles now!!\""
+ "description" : "An expwession to obtain ow modify data wewating to the pickwes of a sea pickwe bwock.",
+ "examples" : "on bwock bweak:\\n type of bwock is sea pickwe\\n send \"Wow! dis stack of sea pickwes contained %event-bwock's sea pickwe count% pickwes!\"\\n send \"It couwd've contained a maximum of %event-bwock's maximum sea pickwe count% pickwes!\"\\n send \"It had to have contained at weast %event-bwock's minimum sea pickwe count% pickwes!\"\\n cancew event\\n set event-bwock's sea pickwe count to event-bwock's maximum sea pickwe count\\n send \"dis bad boy is going to howd so many pickwes now!!\""
"id" : "ExprSentCommands",
"name" : "Sent Command List",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [sent] [server] command[s] list",
+ "[the] [sent] [sewvew] command[s] wist",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "The commands that will be sent to the player in a send commands to player event.
-Modifications will affect what commands show up for the player to tab complete. They will not affect what commands the player can actually run.
-Adding new commands to the list is illegal behavior and will be ignored.",
- "examples" : "on send command list:\\n set command list to command list where [input does not contain \":\"]\\n remove \"help\" from command list"
+ "description" : "The commands dat wiww be sent to the pwayew in a send commands to pwayew event.
+Modifications wiww affect what commands show up fow the pwayew to tab compwete. They wiww not affect what commands the pwayew can actuawwy wun.
+Adding new commands to the wist is iwwegaw behaviow and wiww be ignowed.",
+ "examples" : "on send command wist:\\n set command wist to command wist whewe [input does not contain \":\"]\\n wemove \"hewp\" fwom command wist"
"id" : "ExprServerIcon",
"name" : "Server Icon",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [((default)|(shown|sent))] [server] icon",
+ "[the] [((defauwt)|(shown|sent))] [sewvew] icon",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "Icon of the server in the server list. Can be set to an icon that loaded using the
-load server icon effect,
-or can be reset to the default icon in a server list ping.
-'default server icon' returns the default server icon (server-icon.png) always and cannot be changed.",
- "examples" : "on script load:\\n set {server-icons::default} to the default server icon"
+ "description" : "Icon of the sewvew in the sewvew wist. Can be set to an icon dat woaded using the
+woad sewvew icon effect,
+ow can be weset to the defauwt icon in a sewvew wist ping.
+'defauwt sewvew icon' wetuwns the defauwt sewvew icon (sewvew-icon.png) awways and cannot be changed.",
+ "examples" : "on scwipt woad:\\n set {sewvew-icons::defauwt} to the defauwt sewvew icon"
"id" : "ExprSets",
"name" : "Sets",
"patterns" : [
- "[all [[of] the]|the|every] %*type%",
+ "[aww [[of] the]|the|evewy] %*type%",
"since" : "1.0 pre-5, 2.7 (classinfo)",
- "description" : "Returns a list of all the values of a type. Useful for looping.",
- "examples" : "loop all attribute types:\\n set loop-value attribute of player to 10\\n message \"Set attribute %loop-value% to 10!\""
+ "description" : "Retuwns a wist of aww the vawues of a type. Usefuw fow wooping.",
+ "examples" : "woop aww attwibute types:\\n set woop-vawue attwibute of pwayew to 10\\n message \"Set attwibute %woop-vawue% to 10!\""
"id" : "ExprShooter",
"name" : "Shooter",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] shooter [of %projectile%]",
+ "[the] shootew [of %pwojectiwe%]",
"since" : "1.3.7",
- "description" : "The shooter of a projectile.",
- "examples" : "shooter is a skeleton"
+ "description" : "The shootew of a pwojectiwe.",
+ "examples" : "shootew is a skeweton"
"id" : "ExprShuffledList",
"name" : "Shuffled List",
"patterns" : [
- "shuffled %objects%",
+ "shuffwed %objects%",
"since" : "2.2-dev32",
- "description" : "Shuffles given list randomly. This is done by replacing indices by random numbers in resulting list.",
- "examples" : "set {_list::*} to shuffled {_list::*}"
+ "description" : "Shuffwes given wist wandomwy. dis is done by wepwacing indices by wandom numbews in wesuwting wist.",
+ "examples" : "set {_wist::*} to shuffwed {_wist::*}"
"id" : "ExprSignText",
"name" : "Sign Text",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] line %number% [of %block%]",
-"[the] (1st|first|2nd|second|3rd|third|4th|fourth) line [of %block%]",
+ "[the] wine %numbew% [of %bwock%]",
+"[the] (1st|fiwst|2nd|second|3wd|thiwd|4th|fouwth) wine [of %bwock%]",
"since" : "1.3",
- "description" : "A line of text on a sign. Can be changed, but remember that there is a 16 character limit per line (including color codes that use 2 characters each).",
- "examples" : "on rightclick on sign:\\n line 2 of the clicked block is \"[Heal]\":\\n heal the player\\n set line 3 to \"%player%\""
+ "description" : "A wine of text on a sign. Can be changed, but wemembew dat thewe is a 16 chawactew wimit pew wine (incwuding cowow codes dat use 2 chawactews each).",
+ "examples" : "on wightcwick on sign:\\n wine 2 of the cwicked bwock is \"[Heaw]\":\\n heaw the pwayew\\n set wine 3 to \"%pwayew%\""
"id" : "ExprSlotIndex",
"name" : "Slot Index",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [(raw|unique)] index of %slots%",
-"%slots%'[s] [(raw|unique)] index",
+ "[the] [(waw|unique)] index of %swots%",
+"%swots%'[s] [(waw|unique)] index",
"since" : "2.2-dev35, 2.8.0 (raw index)",
- "description" : "Index of an an inventory slot. Other types of slots may or may not have indices. Note that comparing slots with numbers is also possible; if index of slot is same as the number, comparisonsucceeds. This expression is mainly for the cases where you must for some reason save the slot numbers.
+ "description" : "Index of an an inventowy swot. Othew types of swots may ow may not have indices. Note dat compawing swots with numbews is awso possibwe; if index of swot is same as the numbew, compawisonsucceeds. dis expwession is mainwy fow the cases whewe you must fow some weason save the swot numbews.
-Raw index of slot is unique for the view, see Minecraft Wiki",
- "examples" : "if index of event-slot is 10:\\n send \"You bought a pie!\"\\n\\nif display name of player's top inventory is \"Custom Menu\": # 3 rows inventory\\n if raw index of event-slot > 27: # outside custom inventory\\n cancel event"
+Raw index of swot is unique fow the view, see Minecwaft Wiki",
+ "examples" : "if index of event-swot is 10:\\n send \"You bought a pie!\"\\n\\nif dispway name of pwayew's top inventowy is \"Custom Menu\": # 3 wows inventowy\\n if waw index of event-swot > 27: # outside custom inventowy\\n cancew event"
"id" : "ExprSortedList",
"name" : "Sorted List",
"patterns" : [
- "sorted %objects%",
+ "sowted %objects%",
"since" : "2.2-dev19",
- "description" : "Sorts given list in natural order. All objects in list must be comparable; if they're not, this expression will return nothing.",
- "examples" : "set {_sorted::*} to sorted {_players::*}"
+ "description" : "Sowts given wist in natuwaw owdew. Aww objects in wist must be compawabwe; if they'we not, dis expwession wiww wetuwn nothing.",
+ "examples" : "set {_sowted::*} to sowted {_pwayews::*}"
"id" : "ExprSourceBlock",
"name" : "Source Block",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] source block",
+ "[the] souwce bwock",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The source block in a spread event.",
- "examples" : "on spread:\\n if the source block is a grass block:\\n set the source block to a dirt block"
+ "description" : "The souwce bwock in a spwead event.",
+ "examples" : "on spwead:\\n if the souwce bwock is a gwass bwock:\\n set the souwce bwock to a diwt bwock"
"id" : "ExprSpawn",
"name" : "Spawn",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]] [of %worlds%]",
-"%worlds%'[s] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]]",
+ "[the] spawn[s] [(point|wocation)[s]] [of %wowwds%]",
+"%wowwds%'[s] spawn[s] [(point|wocation)[s]]",
"since" : "1.4.2",
- "description" : "The spawn point of a world.",
- "examples" : "teleport all players to spawn\\nset the spawn point of \"world\" to the player's location"
+ "description" : "The spawn point of a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "tewepowt aww pwayews to spawn\\nset the spawn point of \"wowwd\" to the pwayew's wocation"
"id" : "ExprSpawnReason",
"name" : "Spawn Reason",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] spawn[ing] reason",
+ "[the] spawn[ing] weason",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The spawn reason in a spawn event.",
- "examples" : "on spawn:\\n spawn reason is reinforcements or breeding\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "The spawn weason in a spawn event.",
+ "examples" : "on spawn:\\n spawn weason is weinfowcements ow bweeding\\n cancew event"
"id" : "ExprSpawnerType",
"name" : "Spawner Type",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (spawner|entity|creature) type[s] of %blocks%",
-"%blocks%'[s] (spawner|entity|creature) type[s]",
+ "[the] (spawnew|entity|cweatuwe) type[s] of %bwocks%",
+"%bwocks%'[s] (spawnew|entity|cweatuwe) type[s]",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "Retrieves, sets, or resets the spawner's entity type",
- "examples" : "on right click:\\n if event-block is spawner:\\n send \"Spawner's type is %target block's entity type%\""
+ "description" : "Retwieves, sets, ow wesets the spawnew's entity type",
+ "examples" : "on wight cwick:\\n if event-bwock is spawnew:\\n send \"Spawnew's type is %tawget bwock's entity type%\""
"id" : "ExprSpecialNumber",
"name" : "Special Number",
"patterns" : [
- "(NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞)) value",
-"value of (NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞))",
+ "(NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞)) vawue",
+"vawue of (NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞))",
"since" : "2.2-dev32d",
- "description" : "Special number values, namely NaN, Infinity and -Infinity",
- "examples" : "if {_number} is infinity value:"
+ "description" : "Speciaw numbew vawues, namewy NaN, Infinity and -Infinity",
+ "examples" : "if {_numbew} is infinity vawue:"
"id" : "ExprSpectatorTarget",
"name" : "Spectator Target",
"patterns" : [
- "spectator target [of %players%]",
-"%players%'[s] spectator target",
+ "spectatow tawget [of %pwayews%]",
+"%pwayews%'[s] spectatow tawget",
"since" : "2.4-alpha4, 2.7 (Paper Spectator Event)",
- "description" : "Grabs the spectator target entity of the players.",
- "examples" : "on player start spectating of player:\\n message \"&c%spectator target% currently has %{game::kills::%spectator target%}% kills!\" to the player\\n\\non player stop spectating:\\n past spectator target was a zombie\\n set spectator target to the nearest skeleton"
+ "description" : "Gwabs the spectatow tawget entity of the pwayews.",
+ "examples" : "on pwayew stawt spectating of pwayew:\\n message \"&c%spectatow tawget% cuwwentwy has %{game::kiwws::%spectatow tawget%}% kiwws!\" to the pwayew\\n\\non pwayew stop spectating:\\n past spectatow tawget was a zombie\\n set spectatow tawget to the neawest skeweton"
"id" : "ExprSpeed",
"name" : "Speed",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed",
+ "[the] (wawk[ing]|fw(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] (wawk[ing]|fw(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed",
"since" : "unknown (before 2.1)",
- "description" : "A player's walking or flying speed. Both can be changed, but values must be between -1 and 1 (excessive values will be changed to -1 or 1 respectively). Negative values reverse directions.
-Please note that changing a player's speed will change their FOV just like potions do.",
- "examples" : "set the player's walk speed to 1\\nincrease the argument's fly speed by 0.1"
+ "description" : "A pwayew's wawking ow fwying speed. Both can be changed, but vawues must be between -1 and 1 (excessive vawues wiww be changed to -1 ow 1 wespectivewy). Negative vawues wevewse diwections.
+Pwease note dat changing a pwayew's speed wiww change theiw FOV just wike potions do.",
+ "examples" : "set the pwayew's wawk speed to 1\\nincwease the awgument's fwy speed by 0.1"
"id" : "ExprSubstring",
"name" : "Substring",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (part|sub[ ](text|string)) of %texts% (between|from) [ind(ex|ices)|character[s]] %number% (and|to) [(index|character)] %number%",
-"[the] (first|last) [%number%] character[s] of %texts%",
-"[the] %number% (first|last) characters of %texts%",
-"[the] character[s] at [(index|position|indexes|indices|positions)] %numbers% (in|of) %texts%",
+ "[the] (pawt|sub[ ](text|stwing)) of %texts% (between|fwom) [ind(ex|ices)|chawactew[s]] %numbew% (and|to) [(index|chawactew)] %numbew%",
+"[the] (fiwst|wast) [%numbew%] chawactew[s] of %texts%",
+"[the] %numbew% (fiwst|wast) chawactews of %texts%",
+"[the] chawactew[s] at [(index|position|indexes|indices|positions)] %numbews% (in|of) %texts%",
"since" : "2.1, 2.5.2 (character at, multiple strings support)",
- "description" : "Extracts part of a text. You can either get the first <x> characters, the last <x> characters, the character at index <x>, or the characters between indices <x> and <y>. The indices <x> and <y> should be between 1 and the length of the text (other values will be fit into this range).",
- "examples" : "set {_s} to the first 5 characters of the text argument\\nmessage \"%subtext of {_s} from characters 2 to (the length of {_s} - 1)%\" # removes the first and last character from {_s} and sends it to the player or console\\nset {_characters::*} to characters at 1, 2 and 7 in player's display name\\nsend the last character of all players' names"
+ "description" : "Extwacts pawt of a text. You can eithew get the fiwst &wt;x> chawactews, the wast &wt;x> chawactews, the chawactew at index &wt;x>, ow the chawactews between indices &wt;x> and &wt;y>. The indices &wt;x> and &wt;y> shouwd be between 1 and the wength of the text (othew vawues wiww be fit into dis wange).",
+ "examples" : "set {_s} to the fiwst 5 chawactews of the text awgument\\nmessage \"%subtext of {_s} fwom chawactews 2 to (the wength of {_s} - 1)%\" # wemoves the fiwst and wast chawactew fwom {_s} and sends it to the pwayew ow consowe\\nset {_chawactews::*} to chawactews at 1, 2 and 7 in pwayew's dispway name\\nsend the wast chawactew of aww pwayews' names"
"id" : "ExprTPS",
"name" : "TPS (ticks per second)",
"patterns" : [
- "tps from [the] last ([1] minute|1[ ]m[inute])",
-"tps from [the] last 5[ ]m[inutes]",
-"tps from [the] last 15[ ]m[inutes]",
+ "tps fwom [the] wast ([1] minute|1[ ]m[inute])",
+"tps fwom [the] wast 5[ ]m[inutes]",
+"tps fwom [the] wast 15[ ]m[inutes]",
"[the] tps",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "Returns the 3 most recent TPS readings, like the /tps command. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).",
- "examples" : "broadcast \"%tps%\""
+ "description" : "Retuwns the 3 most wecent TPS weadings, wike the /tps command. dis expwession is onwy suppowted on some sewvew softwawe (PapewSpigot).",
+ "examples" : "bwoadcast \"%tps%\""
"id" : "ExprTamer",
"name" : "Tamer",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] tamer",
+ "[the] tamew",
"since" : "2.2-dev25",
- "description" : "The tamer of an entity. Can only be used in entity tame events. You can use 'event-entity' to refer tamed entity itself.",
- "examples" : "on tame:\\n if the tamer is a player:\\n send \"someone tamed something!\" to console"
+ "description" : "The tamew of an entity. Can onwy be used in entity tame events. You can use 'event-entity' to wefew tamed entity itsewf.",
+ "examples" : "on tame:\\n if the tamew is a pwayew:\\n send \"someone tamed something!\" to consowe"
"id" : "ExprTarget",
"name" : "Target",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] target[[ed] %*entity type%] [of %living entities%] [ignoring blocks] [[with|at] ray[ ]size %number%]",
-"%living entities%'[s] target[[ed] %*entity type%] [ignoring blocks] [[with|at] ray[ ]size %number%]",
+ "[the] tawget[[ed] %*entity type%] [of %wiving entities%] [ignowing bwocks] [[with|at] way[ ]size %numbew%]",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] tawget[[ed] %*entity type%] [ignowing bwocks] [[with|at] way[ ]size %numbew%]",
"since" : "1.4.2, 2.7 (Reset), 2.8.0 (ignore blocks)",
- "description" : "For players this is the entity at the crosshair.
-For mobs and experience orbs this is the entity they are attacking/following (if any).
-Display entities have a hit box of 0, so you should use 'target display' to collect Display entities
-May grab entities in unloaded chunks.",
- "examples" : "on entity target:\\n if entity's target is a player:\\n send \"You're being followed by an %entity%!\" to target of entity\\n\\nreset target of entity # Makes the entity target-less\\ndelete targeted entity of player # for players it will delete the target\\ndelete target of last spawned zombie # for entities it will make them target-less"
+ "description" : "Fow pwayews dis is the entity at the cwosshaiw.
+Fow mobs and expewience owbs dis is the entity they awe attacking/fowwowing (if any).
+Dispway entities have a hit box of 0, so you shouwd use 'tawget dispway' to cowwect Dispway entities
+May gwab entities in unwoaded chunks.",
+ "examples" : "on entity tawget:\\n if entity's tawget is a pwayew:\\n send \"You'we being fowwowed by an %entity%!\" to tawget of entity\\n\\nweset tawget of entity # Makes the entity tawget-wess\\ndewete tawgeted entity of pwayew # fow pwayews it wiww dewete the tawget\\ndewete tawget of wast spawned zombie # fow entities it wiww make them tawget-wess"
"id" : "ExprTargetedBlock",
"name" : "Targeted Block",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]",
-"%players%'[s] target[ed] block[s]",
-"[the] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]",
-"%players%'[s] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s]",
+ "[the] tawget[ed] bwock[s] [of %pwayews%]",
+"%pwayews%'[s] tawget[ed] bwock[s]",
+"[the] actuaw[wy] tawget[ed] bwock[s] [of %pwayews%]",
+"%pwayews%'[s] actuaw[wy] tawget[ed] bwock[s]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The block at the crosshair. This regards all blocks that are not air as fully solid, e.g. torches will be like a solid stone block for this expression.",
- "examples" : "# A command to set the block a player looks at to a specific type:\\ncommand /setblock <material>:\\n trigger:\\n set targeted block to argument"
+ "description" : "The bwock at the cwosshaiw. dis wegawds aww bwocks dat awe not aiw as fuwwy sowid, e.g. towches wiww be wike a sowid stone bwock fow dis expwession.",
+ "examples" : "# A command to set the bwock a pwayew wooks at to a specific type:\\ncommand /setbwock &wt;matewiaw>:\\n twiggew:\\n set tawgeted bwock to awgument"
"id" : "ExprTeleportCause",
"name" : "Teleport Cause",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] teleport (cause|reason|type)",
+ "[the] tewepowt (cause|weason|type)",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "The teleport cause within a player teleport event.",
- "examples" : "on teleport:\\n teleport cause is nether portal, end portal or end gateway\\n cancel event"
+ "description" : "The tewepowt cause within a pwayew tewepowt event.",
+ "examples" : "on tewepowt:\\n tewepowt cause is nethew powtaw, end powtaw ow end gateway\\n cancew event"
"id" : "ExprTemperature",
"name" : "Temperature",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] temperature[s] of %blocks%",
-"%blocks%'[s] temperature[s]",
+ "[the] tempewatuwe[s] of %bwocks%",
+"%bwocks%'[s] tempewatuwe[s]",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "Temperature at given block.",
- "examples" : "message \"%temperature of the targeted block%\""
+ "description" : "Tempewatuwe at given bwock.",
+ "examples" : "message \"%tempewatuwe of the tawgeted bwock%\""
"id" : "ExprTernary",
"name" : "Ternary",
"patterns" : [
- "%objects% if <.+>[,] (otherwise|else) %objects%",
+ "%objects% if &wt;.+>[,] (othewwise|ewse) %objects%",
"since" : "2.2-dev36",
- "description" : "A shorthand expression for returning something based on a condition.",
- "examples" : "set {points} to 500 if {admin::%player's uuid%} is set else 100"
+ "description" : "A showthand expwession fow wetuwning something based on a condition.",
+ "examples" : "set {points} to 500 if {admin::%pwayew's uuid%} is set ewse 100"
"id" : "ExprEgg",
"name" : "The Egg",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [thrown] egg",
+ "[the] [thwown] egg",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The egg thrown in a Player Egg Throw event.",
+ "description" : "The egg thwown in a Pwayew Egg Thwow event.",
"examples" : "spawn an egg at the egg"
"id" : "ExprTime",
"name" : "Time",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] time[s] [([with]in|of) %worlds%]",
-"%worlds%'[s] time[s]",
+ "[the] time[s] [([with]in|of) %wowwds%]",
+"%wowwds%'[s] time[s]",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The time of a world.",
- "examples" : "time in world is between 18:00 and 6:00:\\n broadcast \"It's night-time, watch out for monsters!\""
+ "description" : "The time of a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "time in wowwd is between 18:00 and 6:00:\\n bwoadcast \"It's night-time, watch out fow monstews!\""
"id" : "ExprTimePlayed",
"name" : "Time Played",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] time played of %offline players%",
-"%offline players%'[s] time played",
+ "[the] time pwayed of %offwine pwayews%",
+"%offwine pwayews%'[s] time pwayed",
"since" : "2.5, 2.7 (offline players)",
- "description" : "The amount of time a player has played for on the server. This info is stored in the player's statistics in the main world's data folder. Changing this will also change the player's stats which can be views in the client's statistics menu.
-Using this expression on offline players on Minecraft 1.14 and below will return nothing <none>.",
- "examples" : "set {_t} to time played of player\\nif player's time played is greater than 10 minutes:\\n give player a diamond sword\\n\\nset player's time played to 0 seconds"
+ "description" : "The amount of time a pwayew has pwayed fow on the sewvew. dis info is stowed in the pwayew's statistics in the main wowwd's data fowdew. Changing dis wiww awso change the pwayew's stats which can be views in the cwient's statistics menu.
+Using dis expwession on offwine pwayews on Minecwaft 1.14 and bewow wiww wetuwn nothing &wt;none>.",
+ "examples" : "set {_t} to time pwayed of pwayew\\nif pwayew's time pwayed is gweatew than 10 minutes:\\n give pwayew a diamond swowd\\n\\nset pwayew's time pwayed to 0 seconds"
"id" : "ExprTimeSince",
@@ -8808,104 +8808,104 @@ Using this expression on offline players on Minecraft 1.14 and below will return
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The time that has passed since a date. If the given date is in the future, a value will not be returned.",
- "examples" : "send \"%time since 5 minecraft days ago% has passed since 5 minecraft days ago!\" to player"
+ "description" : "The time dat has passed since a date. If the given date is in the futuwe, a vawue wiww not be wetuwned.",
+ "examples" : "send \"%time since 5 minecwaft days ago% has passed since 5 minecwaft days ago!\" to pwayew"
"id" : "ExprTool",
"name" : "Tool",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] ((tool|held item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (tool|item))) [of %living entities%]",
-"%living entities%'[s] ((tool|held item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (tool|item)))",
+ "[the] ((toow|hewd item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (toow|item))) [of %wiving entities%]",
+"%wiving entities%'[s] ((toow|hewd item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (toow|item)))",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The item an entity is holding in their main or off hand.",
- "examples" : "player's tool is a pickaxe\\nplayer's off hand tool is a shield\\nset tool of all players to a diamond sword\\nset offhand tool of target entity to a bow"
+ "description" : "The item an entity is howding in theiw main ow off hand.",
+ "examples" : "pwayew's toow is a pickaxe\\npwayew's off hand toow is a shiewd\\nset toow of aww pwayews to a diamond swowd\\nset offhand toow of tawget entity to a bow"
"id" : "ExprTotalExperience",
"name" : "Total Experience",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [total] experience of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] [total] experience",
+ "[the] [totaw] expewience of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] [totaw] expewience",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The total experience, in points, of players or experience orbs.
-Adding to a player's experience will trigger Mending, but setting their experience will not.",
- "examples" : "set total experience of player to 100\\n\\nadd 100 to player's experience\\n\\nif player's total experience is greater than 100:\\n set player's total experience to 0\\n give player 1 diamond"
+ "description" : "The totaw expewience, in points, of pwayews ow expewience owbs.
+Adding to a pwayew's expewience wiww twiggew Mending, but setting theiw expewience wiww not.",
+ "examples" : "set totaw expewience of pwayew to 100\\n\\nadd 100 to pwayew's expewience\\n\\nif pwayew's totaw expewience is gweatew than 100:\\n set pwayew's totaw expewience to 0\\n give pwayew 1 diamond"
"id" : "ExprTransformReason",
"name" : "Transform Reason",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] transform[ing] (cause|reason|type)",
+ "[the] twansfowm[ing] (cause|weason|type)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "The transform reason within an entity entity transform event.",
- "examples" : "on entity transform:\\n transform reason is infection, drowned or frozen"
+ "description" : "The twansfowm weason within an entity entity twansfowm event.",
+ "examples" : "on entity twansfowm:\\n twansfowm weason is infection, dwowned ow fwozen"
"id" : "ExprTypeOf",
"name" : "Type of",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] type of %entity types/item types/inventories/potion effects/block datas%",
-"%entity types/item types/inventories/potion effects/block datas%'[s] type",
+ "[the] type of %entity types/item types/inventowies/potion effects/bwock datas%",
+"%entity types/item types/inventowies/potion effects/bwock datas%'[s] type",
"since" : "1.4, 2.5.2 (potion effect), 2.7 (block datas)",
- "description" : "Type of a block, item, entity, inventory or potion effect.
-Types of items, blocks and block datas are item types similar to them but have amounts
-of one, no display names and, on Minecraft 1.13 and newer versions, are undamaged.
-Types of entities and inventories are entity types and inventory types known to Skript.
-Types of potion effects are potion effect types.",
- "examples" : "on rightclick on an entity:\\n message \"This is a %type of clicked entity%!\""
+ "description" : "Type of a bwock, item, entity, inventowy ow potion effect.
+Types of items, bwocks and bwock datas awe item types simiwaw to them but have amounts
+of one, no dispway names and, on Minecwaft 1.13 and newew vewsions, awe undamaged.
+Types of entities and inventowies awe entity types and inventowy types known to Skwipt.
+Types of potion effects awe potion effect types.",
+ "examples" : "on wightcwick on an entity:\\n message \"dis is a %type of cwicked entity%!\""
"id" : "ExprUUID",
"name" : "UUID",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] UUID of %offline players/worlds/entities%",
-"%offline players/worlds/entities%'[s] UUID",
+ "[the] UUID of %offwine pwayews/wowwds/entities%",
+"%offwine pwayews/wowwds/entities%'[s] UUID",
"since" : "2.1.2, 2.2 (offline players' UUIDs), 2.2-dev24 (other entities' UUIDs)",
- "description" : "The UUID of a player, entity or world.
-In the future there will be an option to use a player's UUID instead of the name in variable names (i.e. when %player% is used), but for now this can be used.
-Please note that this expression does not work for offline players if you are under 1.8!",
- "examples" : "# prevents people from joining the server if they use the name of a player\\n# who has played on this server at least once since this script has been added\\non login:\\n if {uuid::%name of player%} exists:\\n {uuid::%name of player%} is not uuid of player\\n kick player due to \"Someone with your name has played on this server before\"\\n else:\\n set {uuid::%name of player%} to uuid of player"
+ "description" : "The UUID of a pwayew, entity ow wowwd.
+In the futuwe thewe wiww be an option to use a pwayew's UUID instead of the name in vawiabwe names (i.e. when %pwayew% is used), but fow now dis can be used.
+Pwease note dat dis expwession does not wowk fow offwine pwayews if you awe undew 1.8!",
+ "examples" : "# pwevents peopwe fwom joining the sewvew if they use the name of a pwayew\\n# who has pwayed on dis sewvew at weast once since dis scwipt has been added\\non wogin:\\n if {uuid::%name of pwayew%} exists:\\n {uuid::%name of pwayew%} is not uuid of pwayew\\n kick pwayew due to \"Someone with youw name has pwayed on dis sewvew befowe\"\\n ewse:\\n set {uuid::%name of pwayew%} to uuid of pwayew"
"id" : "ExprUnbreakable",
"name" : "Unbreakable Items",
"patterns" : [
- "unbreakable %item types%",
+ "unbweakabwe %item types%",
"since" : "2.2-dev13b",
- "description" : "Creates unbreakable copies of given items.",
- "examples" : "unbreakable iron sword #Creates unbreakable iron sword"
+ "description" : "Cweates unbweakabwe copies of given items.",
+ "examples" : "unbweakabwe iwon swowd #Cweates unbweakabwe iwon swowd"
"id" : "ExprUnixDate",
"name" : "Unix Date",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] unix date of %numbers%",
-"%numbers%'[s] unix date",
+ "[the] unix date of %numbews%",
+"%numbews%'[s] unix date",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Converts given Unix timestamp to a date. The Unix timespan represents the number of seconds elapsed since 1 January 1970.",
- "examples" : "unix date of 946684800 #1 January 2000 12:00 AM (UTC Time)"
+ "description" : "Convewts given Unix timestamp to a date. The Unix timespan wepwesents the numbew of seconds ewapsed since 1 Januawy 1970.",
+ "examples" : "unix date of 946684800 #1 Januawy 2000 12:00 AM (UTC Time)"
"id" : "ExprUnixTicks",
@@ -8917,471 +8917,471 @@ In the future there will be an option to use a player's UUID instead of the name
"since" : "2.2-dev31",
- "description" : "Converts given date to Unix timestamp. This is roughly how many seconds have elapsed since 1 January 1970.",
+ "description" : "Convewts given date to Unix timestamp. dis is woughwy how many seconds have ewapsed since 1 Januawy 1970.",
"examples" : "unix timestamp of now"
"id" : "ExprValueWithin",
"name" : "Value Within",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (%*type%|value[s]) (within|in) %~objects%",
+ "[the] (%*type%|vawue[s]) (within|in) %~objects%",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "Gets the value within objects. Usually used with variables to get the value they store rather than the variable itself, or with lists to get the values of a type.",
- "examples" : "set {_entity} to a random entity out of all entities\\ndelete entity within {_entity} # This deletes the entity itself and not the value stored in the variable\\n\\nset {_list::*} to \"something\", 10, \"test\" and a zombie\\nbroadcast the strings within {_list::*} # \"something\", \"test\""
+ "description" : "Gets the vawue within objects. Usuawwy used with vawiabwes to get the vawue they stowe wathew than the vawiabwe itsewf, ow with wists to get the vawues of a type.",
+ "examples" : "set {_entity} to a wandom entity out of aww entities\\ndewete entity within {_entity} # dis dewetes the entity itsewf and not the vawue stowed in the vawiabwe\\n\\nset {_wist::*} to \"something\", 10, \"test\" and a zombie\\nbwoadcast the stwings within {_wist::*} # \"something\", \"test\""
"id" : "ExprVectorAngleBetween",
"name" : "Vectors - Angle Between",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] angle between [[the] vectors] %vector% and %vector%",
+ "[the] angwe between [[the] vectows] %vectow% and %vectow%",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Gets the angle between two vectors.",
- "examples" : "send \"%the angle between vector 1, 0, 0 and vector 0, 1, 1%\""
+ "description" : "Gets the angwe between two vectows.",
+ "examples" : "send \"%the angwe between vectow 1, 0, 0 and vectow 0, 1, 1%\""
"id" : "ExprVectorArithmetic",
"name" : "Vectors - Arithmetic",
"patterns" : [
- "%vector%[ ]++[ ]%vector%",
-"%vector%[ ]--[ ]%vector%",
-"%vector%[ ]**[ ]%vector%",
-"%vector%[ ]//[ ]%vector%",
+ "%vectow%[ ]++[ ]%vectow%",
+"%vectow%[ ]--[ ]%vectow%",
+"%vectow%[ ]**[ ]%vectow%",
+"%vectow%[ ]//[ ]%vectow%",
"since" : "2.2-dev28, 2.8.0 (deprecation)",
- "description" : "Arithmetic expressions for vectors.",
- "examples" : "set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3 // vector 5, 5, 5\\nset {_v} to {_v} ++ {_v}\\nset {_v} to {_v} -- {_v}\\nset {_v} to {_v} ** {_v}\\nset {_v} to {_v} // {_v}"
+ "description" : "Awithmetic expwessions fow vectows.",
+ "examples" : "set {_v} to vectow 1, 2, 3 // vectow 5, 5, 5\\nset {_v} to {_v} ++ {_v}\\nset {_v} to {_v} -- {_v}\\nset {_v} to {_v} ** {_v}\\nset {_v} to {_v} // {_v}"
"id" : "ExprLocationFromVector",
"name" : "Vectors - Create Location from Vector",
"patterns" : [
- "%vector% to location in %world%",
-"location (from|of) %vector% in %world%",
-"%vector% [to location] in %world% with yaw %number% and pitch %number%",
-"location (from|of) %vector% in %world% with yaw %number% and pitch %number%",
+ "%vectow% to wocation in %wowwd%",
+"wocation (fwom|of) %vectow% in %wowwd%",
+"%vectow% [to wocation] in %wowwd% with yaw %numbew% and pitch %numbew%",
+"wocation (fwom|of) %vectow% in %wowwd% with yaw %numbew% and pitch %numbew%",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Creates a location from a vector in a world.",
- "examples" : "set {_loc} to {_v} to location in world \"world\"\\nset {_loc} to {_v} to location in world \"world\" with yaw 45 and pitch 90\\nset {_loc} to location of {_v} in \"world\" with yaw 45 and pitch 90"
+ "description" : "Cweates a wocation fwom a vectow in a wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "set {_woc} to {_v} to wocation in wowwd \"wowwd\"\\nset {_woc} to {_v} to wocation in wowwd \"wowwd\" with yaw 45 and pitch 90\\nset {_woc} to wocation of {_v} in \"wowwd\" with yaw 45 and pitch 90"
"id" : "ExprVectorFromDirection",
"name" : "Vectors - Create from Direction",
"patterns" : [
- "vector[s] [from] %directions%",
-"%directions% vector[s]",
+ "vectow[s] [fwom] %diwections%",
+"%diwections% vectow[s]",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Creates vectors from given directions.
-Relative directions are relative to the origin, (0, 0, 0). Therefore, the vector from the direction 'forwards' is (0, 0, 1).",
- "examples" : "set {_v} to vector from direction upwards\\nset {_v} to vector in direction of player\\nset {_v} to vector in horizontal direction of player\\nset {_v} to vector from facing of player\\nset {_v::*} to vectors from north, south, east, and west"
+ "description" : "Cweates vectows fwom given diwections.
+Rewative diwections awe wewative to the owigin, (0, 0, 0). Thewefowe, the vectow fwom the diwection 'fowwawds' is (0, 0, 1).",
+ "examples" : "set {_v} to vectow fwom diwection upwawds\\nset {_v} to vectow in diwection of pwayew\\nset {_v} to vectow in howizontaw diwection of pwayew\\nset {_v} to vectow fwom facing of pwayew\\nset {_v::*} to vectows fwom nowth, south, east, and west"
"id" : "ExprVectorFromXYZ",
"name" : "Vectors - Create from XYZ",
"patterns" : [
- "[a] [new] vector [(from|at|to)] %number%,[ ]%number%(,[ ]| and )%number%",
+ "[a] [new] vectow [(fwom|at|to)] %numbew%,[ ]%numbew%(,[ ]| and )%numbew%",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Creates a vector from x, y and z values.",
- "examples" : "set {_v} to vector 0, 1, 0"
+ "description" : "Cweates a vectow fwom x, y and z vawues.",
+ "examples" : "set {_v} to vectow 0, 1, 0"
"id" : "ExprVectorCrossProduct",
"name" : "Vectors - Cross Product",
"patterns" : [
- "%vector% cross %vector%",
+ "%vectow% cwoss %vectow%",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Gets the cross product between two vectors.",
- "examples" : "send \"%vector 1, 0, 0 cross vector 0, 1, 0%\""
+ "description" : "Gets the cwoss pwoduct between two vectows.",
+ "examples" : "send \"%vectow 1, 0, 0 cwoss vectow 0, 1, 0%\""
"id" : "ExprVectorCylindrical",
"name" : "Vectors - Cylindrical Shape",
"patterns" : [
- "[a] [new] cylindrical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [height] %number%",
+ "[a] [new] cywindwicaw vectow [(fwom|with)] [wadius] %numbew%, [yaw] %numbew%(,| and) [height] %numbew%",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Forms a 'cylindrical shaped' vector using yaw to manipulate the current point.",
- "examples" : "loop 360 times:\\n set {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, height 2\\nset {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw 90, height 2"
+ "description" : "Fowms a 'cywindwicaw shaped' vectow using yaw to manipuwate the cuwwent point.",
+ "examples" : "woop 360 times:\\n set {_v} to cywindwicaw vectow wadius 1, yaw woop-vawue, height 2\\nset {_v} to cywindwicaw vectow wadius 1, yaw 90, height 2"
"id" : "ExprVectorDotProduct",
"name" : "Vectors - Dot Product",
"patterns" : [
- "%vector% dot %vector%",
+ "%vectow% dot %vectow%",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Gets the dot product between two vectors.",
+ "description" : "Gets the dot pwoduct between two vectows.",
"examples" : "set {_dot} to {_v1} dot {_v2}"
"id" : "ExprVectorLength",
"name" : "Vectors - Length",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (vector|standard|normal) length[s] of %vectors%",
-"%vectors%'[s] (vector|standard|normal) length[s]",
+ "[the] (vectow|standawd|nowmaw) wength[s] of %vectows%",
+"%vectows%'[s] (vectow|standawd|nowmaw) wength[s]",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Gets or sets the length of a vector.",
- "examples" : "send \"%standard length of vector 1, 2, 3%\"\\nset {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3\\nset standard length of {_v} to 2\\nsend \"%standard length of {_v}%\""
+ "description" : "Gets ow sets the wength of a vectow.",
+ "examples" : "send \"%standawd wength of vectow 1, 2, 3%\"\\nset {_v} to vectow 1, 2, 3\\nset standawd wength of {_v} to 2\\nsend \"%standawd wength of {_v}%\""
"id" : "ExprLocationVectorOffset",
"name" : "Vectors - Location Vector Offset",
"patterns" : [
- "%location% offset by [[the] vectors] %vectors%",
-"%location%[ ]~[~][ ]%vectors%",
+ "%wocation% offset by [[the] vectows] %vectows%",
+"%wocation%[ ]~[~][ ]%vectows%",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Returns the location offset by vectors.",
- "examples" : "set {_loc} to {_loc} ~ {_v}"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the wocation offset by vectows.",
+ "examples" : "set {_woc} to {_woc} ~ {_v}"
"id" : "ExprVectorNormalize",
"name" : "Vectors - Normalized",
"patterns" : [
- "normalize[d] %vector%",
-"%vector% normalized",
+ "nowmawize[d] %vectow%",
+"%vectow% nowmawized",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Returns the same vector but with length 1.",
- "examples" : "set {_v} to normalized {_v}"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the same vectow but with wength 1.",
+ "examples" : "set {_v} to nowmawized {_v}"
"id" : "ExprVectorRandom",
"name" : "Vectors - Random Vector",
"patterns" : [
- "[a] random vector",
+ "[a] wandom vectow",
"since" : "2.2-dev28, 2.7 (signed components)",
- "description" : "Creates a random unit vector.",
- "examples" : "set {_v} to a random vector"
+ "description" : "Cweates a wandom unit vectow.",
+ "examples" : "set {_v} to a wandom vectow"
"id" : "ExprVectorSpherical",
"name" : "Vectors - Spherical Shape",
"patterns" : [
- "[new] spherical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [pitch] %number%",
+ "[new] sphewicaw vectow [(fwom|with)] [wadius] %numbew%, [yaw] %numbew%(,| and) [pitch] %numbew%",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Forms a 'spherical shaped' vector using yaw and pitch to manipulate the current point.",
- "examples" : "loop 360 times:\\n set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, pitch loop-value\\nset {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw 45, pitch 90"
+ "description" : "Fowms a 'sphewicaw shaped' vectow using yaw and pitch to manipuwate the cuwwent point.",
+ "examples" : "woop 360 times:\\n set {_v} to sphewicaw vectow wadius 1, yaw woop-vawue, pitch woop-vawue\\nset {_v} to sphewicaw vectow wadius 1, yaw 45, pitch 90"
"id" : "ExprVectorSquaredLength",
"name" : "Vectors - Squared Length",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] squared length[s] of %vectors%",
-"%vectors%'[s] squared length[s]",
+ "[the] squawed wength[s] of %vectows%",
+"%vectows%'[s] squawed wength[s]",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Gets the squared length of a vector.",
- "examples" : "send \"%squared length of vector 1, 2, 3%\""
+ "description" : "Gets the squawed wength of a vectow.",
+ "examples" : "send \"%squawed wength of vectow 1, 2, 3%\""
"id" : "ExprVectorBetweenLocations",
"name" : "Vectors - Vector Between Locations",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] vector (from|between) %location% (to|and) %location%",
+ "[the] vectow (fwom|between) %wocation% (to|and) %wocation%",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Creates a vector between two locations.",
- "examples" : "set {_v} to vector between {_loc1} and {_loc2}"
+ "description" : "Cweates a vectow between two wocations.",
+ "examples" : "set {_v} to vectow between {_woc1} and {_woc2}"
"id" : "ExprVectorProjection",
"name" : "Vectors - Vector Projection",
"patterns" : [
- "[vector] projection [of] %vector% on[to] %vector%",
+ "[vectow] pwojection [of] %vectow% on[to] %vectow%",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "An expression to get the vector projection of two vectors.",
- "examples" : "set {_projection} to vector projection of vector(1, 2, 3) onto vector(4, 4, 4)"
+ "description" : "An expwession to get the vectow pwojection of two vectows.",
+ "examples" : "set {_pwojection} to vectow pwojection of vectow(1, 2, 3) onto vectow(4, 4, 4)"
"id" : "ExprVectorOfLocation",
"name" : "Vectors - Vector from Location",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] vector (of|from|to) %location%",
-"%location%'s vector",
+ "[the] vectow (of|fwom|to) %wocation%",
+"%wocation%'s vectow",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Creates a vector from a location.",
- "examples" : "set {_v} to vector of {_loc}"
+ "description" : "Cweates a vectow fwom a wocation.",
+ "examples" : "set {_v} to vectow of {_woc}"
"id" : "ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch",
"name" : "Vectors - Vector from Pitch and Yaw",
"patterns" : [
- "[a] [new] vector (from|with) yaw %number% and pitch %number%",
+ "[a] [new] vectow (fwom|with) yaw %numbew% and pitch %numbew%",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Creates a vector from a yaw and pitch value.",
- "examples" : "set {_v} to vector from yaw 45 and pitch 45"
+ "description" : "Cweates a vectow fwom a yaw and pitch vawue.",
+ "examples" : "set {_v} to vectow fwom yaw 45 and pitch 45"
"id" : "ExprVelocity",
"name" : "Vectors - Velocity",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] velocit(y|ies) of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] velocit(y|ies)",
+ "[the] vewocit(y|ies) of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] vewocit(y|ies)",
"since" : "2.2-dev31",
- "description" : "Gets or changes velocity of an entity.",
- "examples" : "set player's velocity to {_v}"
+ "description" : "Gets ow changes vewocity of an entity.",
+ "examples" : "set pwayew's vewocity to {_v}"
"id" : "ExprVectorXYZ",
"name" : "Vectors - XYZ Component",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [vector] (x|y|z) [component[s]] of %vectors%",
-"%vectors%'[s] [vector] (x|y|z) [component[s]]",
+ "[the] [vectow] (x|y|z) [component[s]] of %vectows%",
+"%vectows%'[s] [vectow] (x|y|z) [component[s]]",
"since" : "2.2-dev28",
- "description" : "Gets or changes the x, y or z component of a vector.",
- "examples" : "set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3\\nsend \"%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%\"\\nadd 1 to x of {_v}\\nadd 2 to y of {_v}\\nadd 3 to z of {_v}\\nsend \"%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%\"\\nset x component of {_v::*} to 1\\nset y component of {_v::*} to 2\\nset z component of {_v::*} to 3\\nsend \"%x component of {_v::*}%, %y component of {_v::*}%, %z component of {_v::*}%\""
+ "description" : "Gets ow changes the x, y ow z component of a vectow.",
+ "examples" : "set {_v} to vectow 1, 2, 3\\nsend \"%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%\"\\nadd 1 to x of {_v}\\nadd 2 to y of {_v}\\nadd 3 to z of {_v}\\nsend \"%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%\"\\nset x component of {_v::*} to 1\\nset y component of {_v::*} to 2\\nset z component of {_v::*} to 3\\nsend \"%x component of {_v::*}%, %y component of {_v::*}%, %z component of {_v::*}%\""
"id" : "ExprVehicle",
"name" : "Vehicle",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] vehicle[s] of %entities%",
-"%entities%'[s] vehicle[s]",
+ "[the] vehicwe[s] of %entities%",
+"%entities%'[s] vehicwe[s]",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The vehicle an entity is in, if any. This can actually be any entity, e.g. spider jockeys are skeletons that ride on a spider, so the spider is the 'vehicle' of the skeleton.
-See also: passenger",
- "examples" : "vehicle of the player is a minecart"
+ "description" : "The vehicwe an entity is in, if any. dis can actuawwy be any entity, e.g. spidew jockeys awe skewetons dat wide on a spidew, so the spidew is the 'vehicwe' of the skeweton.
+See awso: passengew",
+ "examples" : "vehicwe of the pwayew is a minecawt"
"id" : "ExprVersion",
"name" : "Version",
"patterns" : [
- "([craft]bukkit|minecraft|skript)( |-)version",
+ "([cwaft]bukkit|minecwaft|skwipt)( |-)vewsion",
"since" : "2.0",
- "description" : "The version of Bukkit, Minecraft or Skript respectively.",
- "examples" : "message \"This server is running Minecraft %minecraft version% on Bukkit %bukkit version%\"\\nmessage \"This server is powered by Skript %skript version%\""
+ "description" : "The vewsion of Bukkit, Minecwaft ow Skwipt wespectivewy.",
+ "examples" : "message \"dis sewvew is wunning Minecwaft %minecwaft vewsion% on Bukkit %bukkit vewsion%\"\\nmessage \"dis sewvew is powewed by Skwipt %skwipt vewsion%\""
"id" : "ExprVersionString",
"name" : "Version String",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [shown|custom] version [string|text]",
+ "[the] [shown|custom] vewsion [stwing|text]",
"since" : "2.3",
- "description" : "The text to show if the protocol version of the server doesn't match with protocol version of the client. You can check the protocol version expression for more information about this.
-This can only be set in a server list ping event.",
- "examples" : "on server list ping:\\n set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7), so it will show the version string always\\n set the version string to \"<light green>Version: <orange>%minecraft version%\""
+ "description" : "The text to show if the pwotocow vewsion of the sewvew doesn't match with pwotocow vewsion of the cwient. You can check the pwotocow vewsion expwession fow mowe infowmation about dis.
+dis can onwy be set in a sewvew wist ping event.",
+ "examples" : "on sewvew wist ping:\\n set the pwotocow vewsion to 0 # 13w41a (1.7), so it wiww show the vewsion stwing awways\\n set the vewsion stwing to \"&wt;wight gween>Vewsion: &wt;owange>%minecwaft vewsion%\""
"id" : "ExprPlayerViewDistance",
"name" : "View Distance",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] view distance[s] of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] view distance[s]",
+ "[the] view distance[s] of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] view distance[s]",
"since" : "2.4",
- "description" : "The view distance of a player as set by the server. Can be changed.
-NOTE: This is the view distance sent by the server to the player.
-This has nothing to do with client side view distance settings
-NOTE: This may not work on some versions (such as MC 1.14.x).
-The return value in this case will be the view distance set in",
- "examples" : "set view distance of player to 10\\nset {_view} to view distance of player\\nreset view distance of all players\\nadd 2 to view distance of player"
+ "description" : "The view distance of a pwayew as set by the sewvew. Can be changed.
+NOTE: dis is the view distance sent by the sewvew to the pwayew.
+dis has nothing to do with cwient side view distance settings
+NOTE: dis may not wowk on some vewsions (such as MC 1.14.x).
+The wetuwn vawue in dis case wiww be the view distance set in system.pwopewties.",
+ "examples" : "set view distance of pwayew to 10\\nset {_view} to view distance of pwayew\\nweset view distance of aww pwayews\\nadd 2 to view distance of pwayew"
"id" : "ExprClientViewDistance",
"name" : "View Distance of Client",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] client view distance[s] of %players%",
-"%players%'[s] client view distance[s]",
+ "[the] cwient view distance[s] of %pwayews%",
+"%pwayews%'[s] cwient view distance[s]",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "The view distance of the client. Can not be changed. This differs from the server side view distance of player as this will retrieve the view distance the player has set on their client.",
- "examples" : "set {_clientView} to the client view distance of player\\nset view distance of player to client view distance of player"
+ "description" : "The view distance of the cwient. Can not be changed. dis diffews fwom the sewvew side view distance of pwayew as dis wiww wetwieve the view distance the pwayew has set on theiw cwient.",
+ "examples" : "set {_cwientView} to the cwient view distance of pwayew\\nset view distance of pwayew to cwient view distance of pwayew"
"id" : "ExprWeather",
"name" : "Weather",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] weather [(in|of) %worlds%]",
-"%worlds%'[s] weather",
+ "[the] weathew [(in|of) %wowwds%]",
+"%wowwds%'[s] weathew",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The weather in the given or the current world.",
- "examples" : "set weather to clear\\nweather in \"world\" is rainy"
+ "description" : "The weathew in the given ow the cuwwent wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "set weathew to cweaw\\nweathew in \"wowwd\" is wainy"
"id" : "ExprWhitelist",
"name" : "Whitelist",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] white[ ]list",
+ "[the] white[ ]wist",
"since" : "2.5.2",
- "description" : "A server's whitelist.This expression can be used to add/remove players to/from the whitelist, to enable it and disable it (set whitelist to true / set whitelist to false), and to empty it (reset whitelist)",
- "examples" : "set whitelist to false\\nadd all players to whitelist\\nreset the whitelist"
+ "description" : "A sewvew's whitewist.dis expwession can be used to add/wemove pwayews to/fwom the whitewist, to enabwe it and disabwe it (set whitewist to twue / set whitewist to fawse), and to empty it (weset whitewist)",
+ "examples" : "set whitewist to fawse\\nadd aww pwayews to whitewist\\nweset the whitewist"
"id" : "ExprWorld",
"name" : "World",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] world [of %locations/entities/chunk%]",
-"%locations/entities/chunk%'[s] world",
+ "[the] wowwd [of %wocations/entities/chunk%]",
+"%wocations/entities/chunk%'[s] wowwd",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "The world the event occurred in.",
- "examples" : "world is \"world_nether\"\\nteleport the player to the world's spawn\\nset the weather in the player's world to rain\\nset {_world} to world of event-chunk"
+ "description" : "The wowwd the event occuwwed in.",
+ "examples" : "wowwd is \"wowwd_nethew\"\\ntewepowt the pwayew to the wowwd's spawn\\nset the weathew in the pwayew's wowwd to wain\\nset {_wowwd} to wowwd of event-chunk"
"id" : "ExprWorldEnvironment",
"name" : "World Environment",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] [world] environment of %worlds%",
-"%worlds%'[s] [world] environment",
+ "[the] [wowwd] enviwonment of %wowwds%",
+"%wowwds%'[s] [wowwd] enviwonment",
"since" : "2.7",
- "description" : "The environment of a world",
- "examples" : "if environment of player's world is nether:\\n apply fire resistance to player for 10 minutes"
+ "description" : "The enviwonment of a wowwd",
+ "examples" : "if enviwonment of pwayew's wowwd is nethew:\\n appwy fiwe wesistance to pwayew fow 10 minutes"
"id" : "ExprSeed",
"name" : "World Seed",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] seed[s] (from|of) %worlds%",
-"%worlds%'[s] seed[s]",
+ "[the] seed[s] (fwom|of) %wowwds%",
+"%wowwds%'[s] seed[s]",
"since" : "2.2-dev35",
- "description" : "The seed of given world. Note that it will be returned as Minecraft internally treats seeds, not as you specified it in world configuration.",
- "examples" : "broadcast \"Seed: %seed of player's world%\""
+ "description" : "The seed of given wowwd. Note dat it wiww be wetuwned as Minecwaft intewnawwy tweats seeds, not as you specified it in wowwd configuwation.",
+ "examples" : "bwoadcast \"Seed: %seed of pwayew's wowwd%\""
"id" : "ExprWorldFromName",
"name" : "World from Name",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] world [(named|with name)] %text%",
+ "[the] wowwd [(named|with name)] %text%",
"since" : "2.6.1",
- "description" : "Returns the world from a string.",
- "examples" : "world named {game::world-name}\\nthe world \"world\""
+ "description" : "Retuwns the wowwd fwom a stwing.",
+ "examples" : "wowwd named {game::wowwd-name}\\nthe wowwd \"wowwd\""
"id" : "ExprWorlds",
"name" : "Worlds",
"patterns" : [
- "[(all [[of] the]|the)] worlds",
+ "[(aww [[of] the]|the)] wowwds",
"since" : "1.0",
- "description" : "All worlds of the server, useful for looping.",
- "examples" : "loop all worlds:\\n broadcast \"You're in %loop-world%\" to loop-world"
+ "description" : "Aww wowwds of the sewvew, usefuw fow wooping.",
+ "examples" : "woop aww wowwds:\\n bwoadcast \"You'we in %woop-wowwd%\" to woop-wowwd"
"id" : "ExprTimes",
"name" : "X Times",
"patterns" : [
- "%number% time[s]",
+ "%numbew% time[s]",
"since" : "1.4.6",
- "description" : "Integers between 1 and X, used in loops to loop X times.",
- "examples" : "loop 20 times:\\n broadcast \"%21 - loop-number% seconds left..\"\\n wait 1 second"
+ "description" : "Integews between 1 and X, used in woops to woop X times.",
+ "examples" : "woop 20 times:\\n bwoadcast \"%21 - woop-numbew% seconds weft..\"\\n wait 1 second"
"id" : "ExprXOf",
"name" : "X of Item",
"patterns" : [
- "%number% of %item stacks/item types/entity type%",
+ "%numbew% of %item stacks/item types/entity type%",
"since" : "1.2",
- "description" : "An expression to be able to use a certain amount of items where the amount can be any expression. Please note that this expression is not stable and might be replaced in the future.",
- "examples" : "give level of player of pickaxes to the player"
+ "description" : "An expwession to be abwe to use a cewtain amount of items whewe the amount can be any expwession. Pwease note dat dis expwession is not stabwe and might be wepwaced in the futuwe.",
+ "examples" : "give wevew of pwayew of pickaxes to the pwayew"
"id" : "ExprYawPitch",
"name" : "Yaw / Pitch",
"patterns" : [
- "[the] (yaw|pitch) of %locations/vectors%",
-"%locations/vectors%'[s] (yaw|pitch)",
+ "[the] (yaw|pitch) of %wocations/vectows%",
+"%wocations/vectows%'[s] (yaw|pitch)",
"since" : "2.0, 2.2-dev28 (vector yaw/pitch)",
- "description" : "The yaw or pitch of a location or vector.",
- "examples" : "log \"%player%: %location of player%, %player's yaw%, %player's pitch%\" to \"playerlocs.log\"\\nset {_yaw} to yaw of player\\nset {_p} to pitch of target entity"
+ "description" : "The yaw ow pitch of a wocation ow vectow.",
+ "examples" : "wog \"%pwayew%: %wocation of pwayew%, %pwayew's yaw%, %pwayew's pitch%\" to \"pwayewwocs.wog\"\\nset {_yaw} to yaw of pwayew\\nset {_p} to pitch of tawget entity"
{"end" : true}
@@ -9392,385 +9392,385 @@ The return value in this case will be the view distance set in
"id" : "abs",
"name" : "abs",
"patterns" : [
- "abs(n: number)",
+ "abs(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Returns the absolute value of the argument, i.e. makes the argument positive.",
+ "description" : "Retuwns the absowute vawue of the awgument, i.e. makes the awgument positive.",
"examples" : "abs(3) = 3\\nabs(-2) = 2"
"id" : "acos",
"name" : "acos",
"patterns" : [
- "acos(n: number)",
+ "acos(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "The inverse of the cosine, also called arccos. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from 0 to 180.",
+ "description" : "The invewse of the cosine, awso cawwed awccos. Retuwns wesuwt in degwees, not wadians. Onwy wetuwns vawues fwom 0 to 180.",
"examples" : "acos(0) = 90\\nacos(1) = 0\\nacos(0.5) = 30"
"id" : "asin",
"name" : "asin",
"patterns" : [
- "asin(n: number)",
+ "asin(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "The inverse of the sine, also called arcsin. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from -90 to 90.",
+ "description" : "The invewse of the sine, awso cawwed awcsin. Retuwns wesuwt in degwees, not wadians. Onwy wetuwns vawues fwom -90 to 90.",
"examples" : "asin(0) = 0\\nasin(1) = 90\\nasin(0.5) = 30"
"id" : "atan",
"name" : "atan",
"patterns" : [
- "atan(n: number)",
+ "atan(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "The inverse of the tangent, also called arctan. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from -90 to 90.",
+ "description" : "The invewse of the tangent, awso cawwed awctan. Retuwns wesuwt in degwees, not wadians. Onwy wetuwns vawues fwom -90 to 90.",
"examples" : "atan(0) = 0\\natan(1) = 45\\natan(10000) = 89.9943"
"id" : "atan2",
"name" : "atan2",
"patterns" : [
- "atan2(x: number, y: number)",
+ "atan2(x: numbew, y: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Similar to atan, but requires two coordinates and returns values from -180 to 180.\\nThe returned angle is measured counterclockwise in a standard mathematical coordinate system (x to the right, y to the top).",
+ "description" : "Simiwaw to atan, but wequiwes two coowdinates and wetuwns vawues fwom -180 to 180.\\nThe wetuwned angwe is measuwed countewcwockwise in a standawd mathematicaw coowdinate system (x to the wight, y to the top).",
"examples" : "atan2(0, 1) = 0\\natan2(10, 0) = 90\\natan2(-10, 5) = -63.4349"
"id" : "calcExperience",
"name" : "calcExperience",
"patterns" : [
- "calcExperience(level: long)",
+ "calcExperience(level: wong)",
"since" : "2.2-dev32",
- "description" : "Calculates the total amount of experience needed to achieve given level from scratch in Minecraft.",
- "examples" : "Missing examples."
+ "description" : "Cawcuwates the totaw amount of expewience needed to achieve given wevew fwom scwatch in Minecwaft.",
+ "examples" : "Missing exampwes."
"id" : "caseEquals",
"name" : "caseEquals",
"patterns" : [
- "caseEquals(strs: strings)",
+ "caseEquals(strs: stwings)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Checks if the contents of a list of strings are strictly equal with case sensitivity.",
- "examples" : "caseEquals(\"hi\", \"Hi\") = false\\ncaseEquals(\"text\", \"text\", \"text\") = true\\ncaseEquals({some list variable::*})"
+ "description" : "Checks if the contents of a wist of stwings awe stwictwy equaw with case sensitivity.",
+ "examples" : "caseEquaws(\"hi\", \"Hi\") = fawse\\ncaseEquaws(\"text\", \"text\", \"text\") = twue\\ncaseEquaws({some wist vawiabwe::*})"
"id" : "ceil",
"name" : "ceil",
"patterns" : [
- "ceil(n: number)",
+ "ceil(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Rounds a number up, i.e. returns the closest integer larger than or equal to the argument.",
- "examples" : "ceil(2.34) = 3\\nceil(2) = 2\\nceil(2.99) = 3"
+ "description" : "Rounds a numbew up, i.e. wetuwns the cwosest integew wawgew than ow equaw to the awgument.",
+ "examples" : "ceiw(2.34) = 3\\nceiw(2) = 2\\nceiw(2.99) = 3"
"id" : "ceiling",
"name" : "ceiling",
"patterns" : [
- "ceiling(n: number)",
+ "ceiling(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Alias of ceil.",
- "examples" : "ceiling(2.34) = 3\\nceiling(2) = 2\\nceiling(2.99) = 3"
+ "description" : "Awias of ceiw.",
+ "examples" : "ceiwing(2.34) = 3\\nceiwing(2) = 2\\nceiwing(2.99) = 3"
"id" : "clamp",
"name" : "clamp",
"patterns" : [
- "clamp(values: numbers, min: number, max: number)",
+ "clamp(values: numbews, min: numbew, max: numbew)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Clamps one or more values between two numbers.",
- "examples" : "clamp(5, 0, 10) = 5\\nclamp(5.5, 0, 5) = 5\\nclamp(0.25, 0, 0.5) = 0.25\\nclamp(5, 7, 10) = 7\\nclamp((5, 0, 10, 9, 13), 7, 10) = (7, 7, 10, 9, 10)\\nset {_clamped::*} to clamp({_values::*}, 0, 10)"
+ "description" : "Cwamps one ow mowe vawues between two numbews.",
+ "examples" : "cwamp(5, 0, 10) = 5\\ncwamp(5.5, 0, 5) = 5\\ncwamp(0.25, 0, 0.5) = 0.25\\ncwamp(5, 7, 10) = 7\\ncwamp((5, 0, 10, 9, 13), 7, 10) = (7, 7, 10, 9, 10)\\nset {_cwamped::*} to cwamp({_vawues::*}, 0, 10)"
"id" : "cos",
"name" : "cos",
"patterns" : [
- "cos(n: number)",
+ "cos(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "The cosine function. This is basically the sine shifted by 90°, i.e. cos(a) = sin(a + 90°), for any number a. Uses degrees, not radians.",
+ "description" : "The cosine function. dis is basicawwy the sine shifted by 90°, i.e. cos(a) = sin(a + 90°), fow any numbew a. Uses degwees, not wadians.",
"examples" : "cos(0) = 1\\ncos(90) = 0"
"id" : "date",
"name" : "date",
"patterns" : [
- "date(year: number, month: number, day: number, hour: number = [[integer:0]], minute: number = [[integer:0]], second: number = [[integer:0]], millisecond: number = [[integer:0]], zone_offset: number = [[double:NaN]], dst_offset: number = [[double:NaN]])",
+ "date(year: numbew, month: numbew, day: numbew, hour: numbew = [[integew:0]], minute: numbew = [[integew:0]], second: numbew = [[integew:0]], millisecond: numbew = [[integew:0]], zone_offset: numbew = [[doubwe:NaN]], dst_offset: numbew = [[doubwe:NaN]])",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Creates a date from a year, month, and day, and optionally also from hour, minute, second and millisecond.\\nA time zone and DST offset can be specified as well (in minutes), if they are left out the server's time zone and DST offset are used (the created date will not retain this information).",
- "examples" : "date(2014, 10, 1) # 0:00, 1st October 2014\\ndate(1990, 3, 5, 14, 30) # 14:30, 5th May 1990\\ndate(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, -3*60, 0) # almost year 2000 in parts of Brazil (-3 hours offset, no DST)"
+ "description" : "Cweates a date fwom a yeaw, month, and day, and optionawwy awso fwom houw, minute, second and miwwisecond.\\nA time zone and DST offset can be specified as weww (in minutes), if they awe weft out the sewvew's time zone and DST offset awe used (the cweated date wiww not wetain dis infowmation).",
+ "examples" : "date(2014, 10, 1) # 0:00, 1st Octobew 2014\\ndate(1990, 3, 5, 14, 30) # 14:30, 5th May 1990\\ndate(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, -3*60, 0) # awmost yeaw 2000 in pawts of Bwaziw (-3 houws offset, no DST)"
"id" : "exp",
"name" : "exp",
"patterns" : [
- "exp(n: number)",
+ "exp(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "The exponential function. You probably don't need this if you don't know what this is.",
+ "description" : "The exponentiaw function. You pwobabwy don't need dis if you don't know what dis is.",
"examples" : "exp(0) = 1\\nexp(1) = 2.7183"
"id" : "floor",
"name" : "floor",
"patterns" : [
- "floor(n: number)",
+ "floor(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Rounds a number down, i.e. returns the closest integer smaller than or equal to the argument.",
- "examples" : "floor(2.34) = 2\\nfloor(2) = 2\\nfloor(2.99) = 2"
+ "description" : "Rounds a numbew down, i.e. wetuwns the cwosest integew smawwew than ow equaw to the awgument.",
+ "examples" : "fwoow(2.34) = 2\\nfwoow(2) = 2\\nfwoow(2.99) = 2"
"id" : "isNaN",
"name" : "isNaN",
"patterns" : [
- "isNaN(n: number)",
+ "isNaN(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Returns true if the input is NaN (not a number).",
- "examples" : "isNaN(0) # false\\nisNaN(0/0) # true\\nisNaN(sqrt(-1)) # true"
+ "description" : "Retuwns twue if the input is NaN (not a numbew).",
+ "examples" : "isNaN(0) # fawse\\nisNaN(0/0) # twue\\nisNaN(sqwt(-1)) # twue"
"id" : "ln",
"name" : "ln",
"patterns" : [
- "ln(n: number)",
+ "ln(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "The natural logarithm. You probably don't need this if you don't know what this is.\\nReturns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.",
- "examples" : "ln(1) = 0\\nln(exp(5)) = 5\\nln(2) = 0.6931"
+ "description" : "The natuwaw wogawithm. You pwobabwy don't need dis if you don't know what dis is.\\nRetuwns NaN (not a numbew) if the awgument is negative.",
+ "examples" : "wn(1) = 0\\nwn(exp(5)) = 5\\nwn(2) = 0.6931"
"id" : "location",
"name" : "location",
"patterns" : [
- "location(x: number, y: number, z: number, world: world = event-world, yaw: number = [[integer:0]], pitch: number = [[integer:0]])",
+ "location(x: numbew, y: numbew, z: numbew, world: wowwd = event-wowwd, yaw: numbew = [[integew:0]], pitch: numbew = [[integew:0]])",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Creates a location from a world and 3 coordinates, with an optional yaw and pitch.\\nIf for whatever reason the world is not found, it will fallback to the server's main world.",
- "examples" : "location(0, 128, 0)\\nlocation(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate + 5, player's z-coordinate, player's world, 0, 90)\\nlocation(0, 64, 0, world \"world_nether\")\\nlocation(100, 110, -145, world(\"my_custom_world\"))"
+ "description" : "Cweates a wocation fwom a wowwd and 3 coowdinates, with an optionaw yaw and pitch.\\nIf fow whatevew weason the wowwd is not found, it wiww fawwback to the sewvew's main wowwd.",
+ "examples" : "# TELEPORTING\\ntewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd \"wowwd\")\\ntewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd \"wowwd\", 100, 0)\\ntewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd \"wowwd\", yaw of pwayew, pitch of pwayew)\\ntewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd of pwayew)\\ntewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd(\"wowwd\"))\\ntewepowt pwayew to wocation({_x}, {_y}, {_z}, {_w}, {_yaw}, {_pitch})\\n# SETTING BLOCKS\\nset bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd \"wowwd\") to stone\\nset bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd \"wowwd\", 100, 0) to stone\\nset bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd of pwayew) to stone\\nset bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd(\"wowwd\")) to stone\\nset bwock at wocation({_x}, {_y}, {_z}, {_w}) to stone\\n# USING VARIABLES\\nset {_w1} to wocation(1,1,1)\\nset {_w2} to wocation(10,10,10)\\nset bwocks within {_w1} and {_w2} to stone\\nif pwayew is within {_w1} and {_w2}:\\n# OTHER\\nkiww aww entities in wadius 50 awound wocation(1,65,1, wowwd \"wowwd\")\\ndewete aww entities in wadius 25 awound wocation(50,50,50, wowwd \"wowwd_nethew\")\\nignite aww entities in wadius 25 awound wocation(1,1,1, wowwd of pwayew)"
"id" : "log",
"name" : "log",
"patterns" : [
- "log(n: number, base: number = [[integer:10]])",
+ "log(n: numbew, base: numbew = [[integew:10]])",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "A logarithm, with base 10 if none is specified. This is the inverse operation to exponentiation (for positive bases only), i.e. log(base ^ exponent, base) = exponent for any positive number 'base' and any number 'exponent'.\\nAnother useful equation is base ^ log(a, base) = a for any numbers 'base' and 'a'.\\nPlease note that due to how numbers are represented in computers, these equations do not hold for all numbers, as the computed values may slightly differ from the correct value.\\nReturns NaN (not a number) if any of the arguments are negative.",
- "examples" : "log(100) = 2 # 10^2 = 100\\nlog(16, 2) = 4 # 2^4 = 16"
+ "description" : "A wogawithm, with base 10 if none is specified. dis is the invewse opewation to exponentiation (fow positive bases onwy), i.e. wog(base ^ exponent, base) = exponent fow any positive numbew 'base' and any numbew 'exponent'.\\nAnothew usefuw equation is base ^ wog(a, base) = a fow any numbews 'base' and 'a'.\\nPwease note dat due to how numbews awe wepwesented in computews, these equations do not howd fow aww numbews, as the computed vawues may swightwy diffew fwom the cowwect vawue.\\nRetuwns NaN (not a numbew) if any of the awguments awe negative.",
+ "examples" : "wog(100) = 2 # 10^2 = 100\\nwog(16, 2) = 4 # 2^4 = 16"
"id" : "max",
"name" : "max",
"patterns" : [
- "max(ns: numbers)",
+ "max(ns: numbews)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Returns the maximum number from a list of numbers.",
- "examples" : "max(1) = 1\\nmax(1, 2, 3, 4) = 4\\nmax({some list variable::*})"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the maximum numbew fwom a wist of numbews.",
+ "examples" : "max(1) = 1\\nmax(1, 2, 3, 4) = 4\\nmax({some wist vawiabwe::*})"
"id" : "min",
"name" : "min",
"patterns" : [
- "min(ns: numbers)",
+ "min(ns: numbews)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Returns the minimum number from a list of numbers.",
- "examples" : "min(1) = 1\\nmin(1, 2, 3, 4) = 1\\nmin({some list variable::*})"
+ "description" : "Retuwns the minimum numbew fwom a wist of numbews.",
+ "examples" : "min(1) = 1\\nmin(1, 2, 3, 4) = 1\\nmin({some wist vawiabwe::*})"
"id" : "mod",
"name" : "mod",
"patterns" : [
- "mod(d: number, m: number)",
+ "mod(d: numbew, m: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Returns the modulo of the given arguments, i.e. the remainder of the division d/m, where d and m are the arguments of this function.\\nThe returned value is always positive. Returns NaN (not a number) if the second argument is zero.",
+ "description" : "Retuwns the moduwo of the given awguments, i.e. the wemaindew of the division d/m, whewe d and m awe the awguments of dis function.\\nThe wetuwned vawue is awways positive. Retuwns NaN (not a numbew) if the second awgument is zewo.",
"examples" : "mod(3, 2) = 1\\nmod(256436, 100) = 36\\nmod(-1, 10) = 9"
"id" : "offlineplayer",
"name" : "offlineplayer",
"patterns" : [
- "offlineplayer(nameOrUUID: string)",
+ "offlineplayer(nameOrUUID: stwing)",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Returns a offline player from their name or UUID. This function will still return the player if they're online.",
- "examples" : "set {_p} to offlineplayer(\"Notch\")\\nset {_p} to offlineplayer(\"069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5\")"
+ "description" : "Retuwns a offwine pwayew fwom theiw name ow UUID. dis function wiww stiww wetuwn the pwayew if they'we onwine.",
+ "examples" : "set {_p} to offwinepwayew(\"Notch\")\\nset {_p} to offwinepwayew(\"069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5\")"
"id" : "player",
"name" : "player",
"patterns" : [
- "player(nameOrUUID: string, getExactPlayer: boolean = [[boolean:false]])",
+ "player(nameOrUUID: stwing, getExactPlayer: boowean = [[boowean:fawse]])",
"since" : "2.8.0",
- "description" : "Returns an online player from their name or UUID, if player is offline function will return nothing.\\nSetting 'getExactPlayer' parameter to true will return the player whose name is exactly equal to the provided name instead of returning a player that their name starts with the provided name.",
- "examples" : "set {_p} to player(\"Notch\") # will return an online player whose name is or starts with 'Notch'\\nset {_p} to player(\"Notch\", true) # will return the only online player whose name is 'Notch'\\nset {_p} to player(\"069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5\") # &amp;amp;lt;none&amp;amp;gt; if player is offline"
+ "description" : "Retuwns an onwine pwayew fwom theiw name ow UUID, if pwayew is offwine function wiww wetuwn nothing.\\nSetting 'getExactPwayew' pawametew to twue wiww wetuwn the pwayew whose name is exactwy equaw to the pwovided name instead of wetuwning a pwayew dat theiw name stawts with the pwovided name.",
+ "examples" : "set {_p} to pwayew(\"Notch\") # wiww wetuwn an onwine pwayew whose name is ow stawts with 'Notch'\\nset {_p} to pwayew(\"Notch\", twue) # wiww wetuwn the onwy onwine pwayew whose name is 'Notch'\\nset {_p} to pwayew(\"069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5\") # &amp;amp;wt;none&amp;amp;gt; if pwayew is offwine"
"id" : "product",
"name" : "product",
"patterns" : [
- "product(ns: numbers)",
+ "product(ns: numbews)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Calculates the product of a list of numbers.",
- "examples" : "product(1) = 1\\nproduct(2, 3, 4) = 24\\nproduct({some list variable::*})\\nproduct(2, {_v::*}, and the player's y-coordinate)"
+ "description" : "Cawcuwates the pwoduct of a wist of numbews.",
+ "examples" : "pwoduct(1) = 1\\npwoduct(2, 3, 4) = 24\\npwoduct({some wist vawiabwe::*})\\npwoduct(2, {_v::*}, and the pwayew's y-coowdinate)"
"id" : "rgb",
"name" : "rgb",
"patterns" : [
- "rgb(red: long, green: long, blue: long)",
+ "rgb(red: wong, green: wong, blue: wong)",
"since" : "2.5",
- "description" : "Returns a RGB color from the given red, green and blue parameters.",
- "examples" : "dye player's leggings rgb(120, 30, 45)"
+ "description" : "Retuwns a RGB cowow fwom the given wed, gween and bwue pawametews.",
+ "examples" : "dye pwayew's weggings wgb(120, 30, 45)"
"id" : "round",
"name" : "round",
"patterns" : [
- "round(n: number, d: number = [[integer:0]])",
+ "round(n: numbew, d: numbew = [[integew:0]])",
"since" : "2.2, 2.7 (decimal placement)",
- "description" : "Rounds a number, i.e. returns the closest integer to the argument. Place a second argument to define the decimal placement.",
- "examples" : "round(2.34) = 2\\nround(2) = 2\\nround(2.99) = 3\\nround(2.5) = 3"
+ "description" : "Rounds a numbew, i.e. wetuwns the cwosest integew to the awgument. Pwace a second awgument to define the decimaw pwacement.",
+ "examples" : "wound(2.34) = 2\\nwound(2) = 2\\nwound(2.99) = 3\\nwound(2.5) = 3"
"id" : "sin",
"name" : "sin",
"patterns" : [
- "sin(n: number)",
+ "sin(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "The sine function. It starts at 0° with a value of 0, goes to 1 at 90°, back to 0 at 180°, to -1 at 270° and then repeats every 360°. Uses degrees, not radians.",
+ "description" : "The sine function. It stawts at 0° with a vawue of 0, goes to 1 at 90°, back to 0 at 180°, to -1 at 270° and then wepeats evewy 360°. Uses degwees, not wadians.",
"examples" : "sin(90) = 1\\nsin(60) = 0.866"
"id" : "sqrt",
"name" : "sqrt",
"patterns" : [
- "sqrt(n: number)",
+ "sqrt(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "The square root, which is the inverse operation to squaring a number (for positive numbers only). This is the same as (argument) ^ (1/2) – other roots can be calculated via number ^ (1/root), e.g. set {_l} to {_volume}^(1/3).\\nReturns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.",
- "examples" : "sqrt(4) = 2\\nsqrt(2) = 1.4142\\nsqrt(-1) = NaN"
+ "description" : "The squawe woot, which is the invewse opewation to squawing a numbew (fow positive numbews onwy). dis is the same as (awgument) ^ (1/2) – othew woots can be cawcuwated via numbew ^ (1/woot), e.g. set {_w} to {_vowume}^(1/3).\\nRetuwns NaN (not a numbew) if the awgument is negative.",
+ "examples" : "sqwt(4) = 2\\nsqwt(2) = 1.4142\\nsqwt(-1) = NaN"
"id" : "sum",
"name" : "sum",
"patterns" : [
- "sum(ns: numbers)",
+ "sum(ns: numbews)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Sums a list of numbers.",
- "examples" : "sum(1) = 1\\nsum(2, 3, 4) = 9\\nsum({some list variable::*})\\nsum(2, {_v::*}, and the player's y-coordinate)"
+ "description" : "Sums a wist of numbews.",
+ "examples" : "sum(1) = 1\\nsum(2, 3, 4) = 9\\nsum({some wist vawiabwe::*})\\nsum(2, {_v::*}, and the pwayew's y-coowdinate)"
"id" : "tan",
"name" : "tan",
"patterns" : [
- "tan(n: number)",
+ "tan(n: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "The tangent function. This is basically sin(arg)/cos(arg). Uses degrees, not radians.",
+ "description" : "The tangent function. dis is basicawwy sin(awg)/cos(awg). Uses degwees, not wadians.",
"examples" : "tan(0) = 0\\ntan(45) = 1\\ntan(89.99) = 5729.5779"
"id" : "vector",
"name" : "vector",
"patterns" : [
- "vector(x: number, y: number, z: number)",
+ "vector(x: numbew, y: numbew, z: numbew)",
"since" : "2.2-dev23",
- "description" : "Creates a new vector, which can be used with various expressions, effects and functions.",
- "examples" : "vector(0, 0, 0)"
+ "description" : "Cweates a new vectow, which can be used with vawious expwessions, effects and functions.",
+ "examples" : "vectow(0, 0, 0)"
"id" : "world",
"name" : "world",
"patterns" : [
- "world(name: string)",
+ "world(name: stwing)",
"since" : "2.2",
- "description" : "Gets a world from its name.",
- "examples" : "set {_nether} to world(\"%{_world}%_nether\")"
+ "description" : "Gets a wowwd fwom its name.",
+ "examples" : "set {_nethew} to wowwd(\"%{_wowwd}%_nethew\")"
{"end" : true}
diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/skwipt/effects.html b/docs/nightly/fix/skwipt/effects.html
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- Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-1132757
Bans or unbans a player or an IP address. If a reason is given, it will be shown to the player when they try to join the server while banned. A length of ban may also be given to apply a temporary ban. If it is absent for any reason, a permanent ban will be used instead. We recommend that you test your scripts so that no accidental permanent bans are applied.
Note that banning people does not kick them from the server. Consider using the kick effect after applying a ban.
unban player ban "" IP-ban the player because "he is an idiot" ban player due to "inappropriate language" for 2 days
Breaks the block and spawns items as if a player had mined it
You can add a tool, which will spawn items based on how that tool would break the block (ie: When using a hand to break stone, it drops nothing, whereas with a pickaxe it drops cobblestone)
on right click: break clicked block naturally loop blocks in radius 10 around player: break loop-block using player's tool loop blocks in radius 10 around player: break loop-block naturally using diamond pickaxe
Only usable in commands. Makes it so the current command usage isn't counted towards the cooldown.
command /nick <text>: executable by: players cooldown: 10 seconds trigger: if length of arg-1 is more than 16: # Makes it so that invalid arguments don't make you wait for the cooldown again cancel the cooldown send "Your nickname may be at most 16 characters." stop set the player's display name to arg-1
Cancels drops of items or experiences in a death or block break event. Please note that this doesn't keep items or experiences of a dead player. If you want to do that, use the Keep Inventory / Experience effect.
on death of a zombie: if name of the entity is "&cSpecial": cancel drops of items
on break of a coal ore: cancel the experience drops
A very general effect that can change many expressions. Many expressions can only be set and/or deleted, while some can have things added to or removed from them.
# set: Set the player's display name to "<red>%name of player%" set the block above the victim to lava # add: add 2 to the player's health # preferably use '<a href='#EffHealth'>heal</a>' for this add argument to {blacklist::*} give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the player increase the data value of the clicked block by 1 # remove: remove 2 pickaxes from the victim subtract 2.5 from {points::%uuid of player%} # remove all: remove every iron tool from the player remove all minecarts from {entitylist::*} # delete: delete the block below the player clear drops delete {variable} # reset: reset walk speed of player reset chunk at the targeted block
Colors items in a given color. You can also use RGB codes if you feel limited with the 16 default colors. RGB codes are three numbers from 0 to 255 in the order (red, green, blue), where (0,0,0) is black and (255,255,255) is white. Armor is colorable for all Minecraft versions. With Minecraft 1.11 or newer you can also color potions and maps. Note that the colors might not look exactly how you'd expect.
dye player's helmet blue color the player's tool red
Executes a command. This can be useful to use other plugins in triggers. If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option to execute command on the proxy.
make player execute command "/home" execute console command "/say Hello everyone!" execute player bungeecord command "/alert &6Testing Announcement!"
Moves the loop to the next iteration. You may also continue an outer loop from an inner one. The loops are labelled from 1 until the current loop, starting with the outermost one.
# Broadcast online moderators loop all players: if loop-value does not have permission "moderator": continue # filter out non moderators broadcast "%loop-player% is a moderator!" # Only moderators get broadcast
# Game starting counter set {_counter} to 11 while {_counter} > 0: remove 1 from {_counter} wait a second if {_counter} != 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10: continue # only print when counter is 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 broadcast "Game starting in %{_counter}% second(s)"
Copies objects into a variable. When copying a list over to another list, the source list and its sublists are also copied over. Note: Copying a value into a variable/list will overwrite the existing data.
set {_foo::bar} to 1 set {_foo::sublist::foobar} to "hey" copy {_foo::*} to {_copy::*} broadcast indices of {_copy::*} # bar, sublist broadcast {_copy::bar} # 1 broadcast {_copy::sublist::foobar} # "hey!"
Delays the script's execution by a given timespan. Please note that delays are not persistent, e.g. trying to create a tempban script with ban player → wait 7 days → unban player will not work if you restart your server anytime within these 7 days. You also have to be careful even when using small delays!
wait 2 minutes halt for 5 minecraft hours wait a tick
Equips or unequips an entity with some given armor. This will replace any armor that the entity is wearing.
equip player with diamond helmet equip player with all diamond armor unequip diamond chestplate from player unequip all armor from player unequip player's armor
Exits a given amount of loops and conditionals, or the entire trigger.
if player has any ore: stop message "%player% has no ores!" loop blocks above the player: loop-block is not air: exit 2 sections set loop-block to water
Creates an explosion of a given force. The Minecraft Wiki has an article on explosions which lists the explosion forces of TNT, creepers, etc. Hint: use a force of 0 to create a fake explosion that does no damage whatsoever, or use the explosion effect introduced in Skript 2.0. Starting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skript 2.0 you can use safe explosions which will damage entities but won't destroy any blocks.
create an explosion of force 10 at the player create an explosion of force 0 at the victim
Kills an entity. Note: This effect does not set the entity's health to 0 (which causes issues), but damages the entity by 100 times its maximum health.
kill the player kill all creepers in the player's world kill all endermen, witches and bats
load [the] server icon (from|of) [the] [image] [file] %text%
Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Loads server icons from the given files. You can get the loaded icon using the last loaded server icon expression. Please note that the image must be 64x64 and the file path starts from the server folder.
on load: clear {server-icons::*} loop 5 times: load server icon from file "icons/%loop-number%.png" add the last loaded server icon to {server-icons::*}
on server list ping: set the icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}
Load your worlds or unload your worlds The load effect will create a new world if world doesn't already exist. When attempting to load a normal vanilla world you must define it's environment i.e "world_nether" must be loaded with nether environment
load world "world_nether" with environment nether load the world "myCustomWorld" unload "world_nether" unload "world_the_end" without saving unload all worlds
Writes text into a .log file. Skript will write these files to /plugins/Skript/logs. NB: Using 'server.log' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omitting the log file altogether will log the message as '[Skript] [<script>.sk] <message>' in the server log.
on place of TNT: log "%player% placed TNT in %world% at %location of block%" to "tnt/placement.log"
Paper 1.17+, Paper 1.19.1+ (Players & Look Anchors)
Forces the mob(s) or player(s) to look at an entity, vector or location. Vanilla max head pitches range from 10 to 50.
force the head of the player to look towards event-entity's feet
on entity explosion: set {_player} to the nearest player {_player} is set distance between {_player} and the event-location is less than 15 make {_player} look towards vector from the {_player} to location of the event-entity
force {_enderman} to face the block 3 meters above {_location} at head rotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40
Makes a living entity visible/invisible. This is not a potion and therefore does not have features such as a time limit or particles. When setting an entity to invisible while using an invisibility potion on it, the potion will be overridden and when it runs out the entity keeps its invisibility.
Sends a message to the given player. Only styles written in given string or in formatted expressions will be parsed. Adding an optional sender allows the messages to be sent as if a specific player sent them. This is useful with Minecraft 1.16.4's new chat ignore system, in which players can choose to ignore other players, but for this to work, the message needs to be sent from a player.
message "A wild %player% appeared!" message "This message is a distraction. Mwahaha!" send "Your kill streak is %{kill streak::%uuid of player%}%." to player if the targeted entity exists: message "You're currently looking at a %type of the targeted entity%!" on chat: cancel event send "[%player%] >> %message%" to all players from player
Opens an inventory to a player. The player can then access and modify the inventory as if it was a chest that he just opened. Please note that currently 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' will eventually show an unmodifiable view of the inventory in the future.
show the victim's inventory to the player open the player's inventory for the player
Make an entity pathfind towards a location or another entity. Not all entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding target is another entity, the entities may or may not continuously follow the target.
make all creepers pathfind towards player make all cows stop pathfinding make event-entity pathfind towards player at speed 1
Plays a visual effect at a given location or on a given entity. Please note that some effects can only be played on entities, e.g. wolf hearts or the hurt effect, and that these are always visible to all players.
play wolf hearts on the clicked wolf show mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player
Plays a sound at given location for everyone or just for given players, or plays a sound to specified players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Playing resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default.
Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.
play sound "block.note_block.pling" # It is block.note.pling in 1.12.2 play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player play sound "" in jukebox category at {speakerBlock}
Sets whether all player related information is hidden in the server list. The Vanilla Minecraft client will display ??? (dark gray) instead of player counts and will not show the hover hist when hiding player info. The version string can override the ???. Also the Online Players Count and Max Players expressions will return -1 when hiding player info.
hide player info hide player related information in the server list reveal all player related info
Change visibility of a player for the given players. When reveal is used in combination of the hidden players expression and the viewers are not specified, this will default it to the given player in the hidden players expression.
Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again.
on join: if {vanished::%player's uuid%} is true: hide the player from all players
2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects), 2.7 (icon and infinite)
Apply or remove potion effects to/from entities.
apply ambient swiftness 2 to the player remove haste from the victim
on join: apply infinite potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player apply potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player for 999 days # Before 1.19.4
apply potion effects of player's tool to player apply haste potion of tier 3 without any particles whilst hiding the potion icon to the player # Hide potions
2.0, 2.2-dev24 (replace in multiple strings and replace items in inventory), 2.5 (replace first, case sensitivity)
Replaces all occurrences of a given text with another text. Please note that you can only change variables and a few expressions, e.g. a message or a line of a sign.
replace "<item>" in {textvar} with "%item%" replace every "&" with "§" in line 1 # The following acts as a simple chat censor, but it will e.g. censor mass, hassle, assassin, etc. as well: on chat: replace all "kys", "idiot" and "noob" with "****" in the message
replace all stone and dirt in player's inventory and player's top inventory with diamond
send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% to %players%
send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% with hash %text% to %players%
Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs. The client will download the resource pack in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete. The URL must be a direct download link.
The hash is used for caching, the player won't have to re-download the resource pack that way. The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of your resource pack using this online tool.
Shears or un-shears a shearable entity with drops by shearing and a 'sheared' sound. Using with 'force' will force this effect despite the entity's 'shear state'.
Please note that..:
- If your server is not running with Paper 1.19.4 or higher, this effect will only change its 'shear state', and the 'force' effect is unavailable
- Force-shearing or un-shearing on a sheared mushroom cow is not possible
on rightclick on a sheep holding a sword: shear the clicked sheep chance of 10% force shear the clicked sheep
Stops specific or all sounds from playing to a group of players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default. A sound can't be stopped from a different category.
Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.
stop sound "" for the player stop playing sounds "ambient.underwater.loop" and "ambient.underwater.loop.additions" to the player stop all sounds for all players stop sound in the record category
Teleport an entity to a specific location. This effect is delayed by default on Paper, meaning certain syntax such as the return effect for functions cannot be used after this effect. The keyword 'force' indicates this effect will not be delayed, which may cause lag spikes or server crashes when using this effect to teleport entities to unloaded chunks.
teleport the player to {homes.%player%} teleport the attacker to the victim
Sends a title/subtitle to the given player(s) with optional fadein/stay/fadeout times for Minecraft versions 1.11 and above.
If you're sending only the subtitle, it will be shown only if there's a title displayed at the moment, otherwise it will be sent with the next title. To show only the subtitle, use: send title " " with subtitle "yourtexthere" to player.
Note: if no input is given for the times, it will keep the ones from the last title sent, use the reset title effect to restore the default values.
send title "Competition Started" with subtitle "Have fun, Stay safe!" to player for 5 seconds send title "Hi %player%" to player send title "Loot Drop" with subtitle "starts in 3 minutes" to all players send title "Hello %player%!" with subtitle "Welcome to our server" to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second send subtitle "Party!" to all players
Creates a tree. This may require that there is enough space above the given location and that the block below is dirt/grass, but it is possible that the tree will just grow anyways, possibly replacing every block in its path.
Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world. You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'. Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.
spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player spawn a zombie at the player: set name of the zombie to ""
\ No newline at end of file
+ Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-4c8b2e5
Bans ow unbans a pwayew ow an IP addwess. If a weason is given, it wiww be shown to the pwayew when they twy to join the sewvew whiwe banned. A wength of ban may awso be given to appwy a tempowawy ban. If it is absent fow any weason, a pewmanent ban wiww be used instead. We wecommend dat you test youw scwipts so dat no accidentaw pewmanent bans awe appwied.
Note dat banning peopwe does not kick them fwom the sewvew. Considew using the kick effect aftew appwying a ban.
unban pwayew ban "" IP-ban the pwayew because "he is an idiot" ban pwayew due to "inappwopwiate wanguage" fow 2 days
Bweaks the bwock and spawns items as if a pwayew had mined it
You can add a toow, which wiww spawn items based on how dat toow wouwd bweak the bwock (ie: When using a hand to bweak stone, it dwops nothing, wheweas with a pickaxe it dwops cobbwestone)
on wight cwick: bweak cwicked bwock natuwawwy woop bwocks in wadius 10 awound pwayew: bweak woop-bwock using pwayew's toow woop bwocks in wadius 10 awound pwayew: bweak woop-bwock natuwawwy using diamond pickaxe
Onwy usabwe in commands. Makes it so the cuwwent command usage isn't counted towawds the coowdown.
command /nick &wt;text>: executabwe by: pwayews coowdown: 10 seconds twiggew: if wength of awg-1 is mowe than 16: # Makes it so dat invawid awguments don't make you wait fow the coowdown again cancew the coowdown send "Youw nickname may be at most 16 chawactews." stop set the pwayew's dispway name to awg-1
Cancews dwops of items ow expewiences in a death ow bwock bweak event. Pwease note dat dis doesn't keep items ow expewiences of a dead pwayew. If you want to do dat, use the Keep Inventowy / Expewience effect.
on death of a zombie: if name of the entity is "&cSpeciaw": cancew dwops of items
on bweak of a coaw owe: cancew the expewience dwops
A vewy genewaw effect dat can change many expwessions. Many expwessions can onwy be set and/ow deweted, whiwe some can have things added to ow wemoved fwom them.
# set: Set the pwayew's dispway name to "&wt;wed>%name of pwayew%" set the bwock above the victim to wava # add: add 2 to the pwayew's heawth # pwefewabwy use '&wt;a hwef='#EffHeawth'>heaw&wt;/a>' fow dis add awgument to {bwackwist::*} give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the pwayew incwease the data vawue of the cwicked bwock by 1 # wemove: wemove 2 pickaxes fwom the victim subtwact 2.5 fwom {points::%uuid of pwayew%} # wemove aww: wemove evewy iwon toow fwom the pwayew wemove aww minecawts fwom {entitywist::*} # dewete: dewete the bwock bewow the pwayew cweaw dwops dewete {vawiabwe} # weset: weset wawk speed of pwayew weset chunk at the tawgeted bwock
Cowows items in a given cowow. You can awso use RGB codes if you feew wimited with the 16 defauwt cowows. RGB codes awe thwee numbews fwom 0 to 255 in the owdew (wed, gween, bwue), whewe (0,0,0) is bwack and (255,255,255) is white. Awmow is cowowabwe fow aww Minecwaft vewsions. With Minecwaft 1.11 ow newew you can awso cowow potions and maps. Note dat the cowows might not wook exactwy how you'd expect.
dye pwayew's hewmet bwue cowow the pwayew's toow wed
Executes a command. dis can be usefuw to use othew pwugins in twiggews. If the command is a bungeecowd side command, you can use the [bungeecowd] option to execute command on the pwoxy.
Moves the woop to the next itewation. You may awso continue an outew woop fwom an innew one. The woops awe wabewwed fwom 1 untiw the cuwwent woop, stawting with the outewmost one.
# Bwoadcast onwine modewatows woop aww pwayews: if woop-vawue does not have pewmission "modewatow": continue # fiwtew out non modewatows bwoadcast "%woop-pwayew% is a modewatow!" # Onwy modewatows get bwoadcast
# Game stawting countew set {_countew} to 11 whiwe {_countew} > 0: wemove 1 fwom {_countew} wait a second if {_countew} != 1, 2, 3, 5 ow 10: continue # onwy pwint when countew is 1, 2, 3, 5 ow 10 bwoadcast "Game stawting in %{_countew}% second(s)"
Copies objects into a vawiabwe. When copying a wist ovew to anothew wist, the souwce wist and its subwists awe awso copied ovew. Note: Copying a vawue into a vawiabwe/wist wiww ovewwwite the existing data.
set {_foo::baw} to 1 set {_foo::subwist::foobaw} to "hey" copy {_foo::*} to {_copy::*} bwoadcast indices of {_copy::*} # baw, subwist bwoadcast {_copy::baw} # 1 bwoadcast {_copy::subwist::foobaw} # "hey!"
Deways the scwipt's execution by a given timespan. Pwease note dat deways awe not pewsistent, e.g. twying to cweate a tempban scwipt with ban pwayew → wait 7 days → unban pwayew wiww not wowk if you westawt youw sewvew anytime within these 7 days. You awso have to be cawefuw even when using smaww deways!
Exits a given amount of woops and conditionaws, ow the entiwe twiggew.
if pwayew has any owe: stop message "%pwayew% has no owes!" woop bwocks above the pwayew: woop-bwock is not aiw: exit 2 sections set woop-bwock to watew
Cweates an expwosion of a given fowce. The Minecwaft Wiki has an awticwe on expwosions which wists the expwosion fowces of TNT, cweepews, etc. Hint: use a fowce of 0 to cweate a fake expwosion dat does no damage whatsoevew, ow use the expwosion effect intwoduced in Skwipt 2.0. Stawting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skwipt 2.0 you can use safe expwosions which wiww damage entities but won't destwoy any bwocks.
cweate an expwosion of fowce 10 at the pwayew cweate an expwosion of fowce 0 at the victim
Loads sewvew icons fwom the given fiwes. You can get the woaded icon using the wast woaded sewvew icon expwession. Pwease note dat the image must be 64x64 and the fiwe path stawts fwom the sewvew fowdew.
on woad: cweaw {sewvew-icons::*} woop 5 times: woad sewvew icon fwom fiwe "icons/%woop-numbew%.png" add the wast woaded sewvew icon to {sewvew-icons::*}
on sewvew wist ping: set the icon to a wandom sewvew icon out of {sewvew-icons::*}
Load youw wowwds ow unwoad youw wowwds The woad effect wiww cweate a new wowwd if wowwd doesn't awweady exist. When attempting to woad a nowmaw vaniwwa wowwd you must define it's enviwonment i.e "wowwd_nethew" must be woaded with nethew enviwonment
woad wowwd "wowwd_nethew" with enviwonment nethew woad the wowwd "myCustomWowwd" unwoad "wowwd_nethew" unwoad "wowwd_the_end" without saving unwoad aww wowwds
Wwites text into a .wog fiwe. Skwipt wiww wwite these fiwes to /pwugins/Skwipt/wogs. NB: Using 'sewvew.wog' as the wog fiwe wiww wwite to the defauwt sewvew wog. Omitting the wog fiwe awtogethew wiww wog the message as '[Skwipt] [&wt;scwipt>.sk] &wt;message>' in the sewvew wog.
on pwace of TNT: wog "%pwayew% pwaced TNT in %wowwd% at %wocation of bwock%" to "tnt/pwacement.wog"
Paper 1.17+, Paper 1.19.1+ (Players & Look Anchors)
Fowces the mob(s) ow pwayew(s) to wook at an entity, vectow ow wocation. Vaniwwa max head pitches wange fwom 10 to 50.
fowce the head of the pwayew to wook towawds event-entity's feet
on entity expwosion: set {_pwayew} to the neawest pwayew {_pwayew} is set distance between {_pwayew} and the event-wocation is wess than 15 make {_pwayew} wook towawds vectow fwom the {_pwayew} to wocation of the event-entity
fowce {_endewman} to face the bwock 3 metews above {_wocation} at head wotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40
Makes a wiving entity visibwe/invisibwe. dis is not a potion and thewefowe does not have featuwes such as a time wimit ow pawticwes. When setting an entity to invisibwe whiwe using an invisibiwity potion on it, the potion wiww be ovewwidden and when it wuns out the entity keeps its invisibiwity.
Sends a message to the given pwayew. Onwy stywes wwitten in given stwing ow in fowmatted expwessions wiww be pawsed. Adding an optionaw sendew awwows the messages to be sent as if a specific pwayew sent them. dis is usefuw with Minecwaft 1.16.4's new chat ignowe system, in which pwayews can choose to ignowe othew pwayews, but fow dis to wowk, the message needs to be sent fwom a pwayew.
message "A wiwd %pwayew% appeawed!" message "dis message is a distwaction. Mwahaha!" send "Youw kiww stweak is %{kiww stweak::%uuid of pwayew%}%." to pwayew if the tawgeted entity exists: message "You'we cuwwentwy wooking at a %type of the tawgeted entity%!" on chat: cancew event send "[%pwayew%] >> %message%" to aww pwayews fwom pwayew
Opens an inventowy to a pwayew. The pwayew can then access and modify the inventowy as if it was a chest dat he just opened. Pwease note dat cuwwentwy 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' wiww eventuawwy show an unmodifiabwe view of the inventowy in the futuwe.
show the victim's inventowy to the pwayew open the pwayew's inventowy fow the pwayew
Make an entity pathfind towawds a wocation ow anothew entity. Not aww entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding tawget is anothew entity, the entities may ow may not continuouswy fowwow the tawget.
make aww cweepews pathfind towawds pwayew make aww cows stop pathfinding make event-entity pathfind towawds pwayew at speed 1
Pways a visuaw effect at a given wocation ow on a given entity. Pwease note dat some effects can onwy be pwayed on entities, e.g. wowf heawts ow the huwt effect, and dat these awe awways visibwe to aww pwayews.
pway wowf heawts on the cwicked wowf show mob spawnew fwames at the tawgeted bwock to the pwayew
Pways a sound at given wocation fow evewyone ow just fow given pwayews, ow pways a sound to specified pwayews. Both Minecwaft sound names and Spigot sound names awe suppowted. Pwaying wesouwce pack sounds awe suppowted too. The sound categowy is 'mastew' by defauwt.
Pwease note dat sound names can get changed in any Minecwaft ow Spigot vewsion, ow even wemoved fwom Minecwaft itsewf.
pway sound "bwock.note_bwock.pwing" # It is bwock.note.pwing in 1.12.2 pway sound "entity.expewience_owb.pickup" with vowume 0.5 to the pwayew pway sound "" in jukebox categowy at {speakewBwock}
Sets whethew aww pwayew wewated infowmation is hidden in the sewvew wist. The Vaniwwa Minecwaft cwient wiww dispway ??? (dawk gway) instead of pwayew counts and wiww not show the hovew hist when hiding pwayew info. The vewsion stwing can ovewwide the ???. Awso the Onwine Pwayews Count and Max Pwayews expwessions wiww wetuwn -1 when hiding pwayew info.
hide pwayew info hide pwayew wewated infowmation in the sewvew wist weveaw aww pwayew wewated info
Change visibiwity of a pwayew fow the given pwayews. When weveaw is used in combination of the hidden pwayews expwession and the viewews awe not specified, dis wiww defauwt it to the given pwayew in the hidden pwayews expwession.
Note: if a pwayew was hidden and wewogs, dis pwayew wiww be visibwe again.
on join: if {vanished::%pwayew's uuid%} is twue: hide the pwayew fwom aww pwayews
2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects), 2.7 (icon and infinite)
Appwy ow wemove potion effects to/fwom entities.
appwy ambient swiftness 2 to the pwayew wemove haste fwom the victim
on join: appwy infinite potion of stwength of tiew {stwength::%uuid of pwayew%} to the pwayew appwy potion of stwength of tiew {stwength::%uuid of pwayew%} to the pwayew fow 999 days # Befowe 1.19.4
appwy potion effects of pwayew's toow to pwayew appwy haste potion of tiew 3 without any pawticwes whiwst hiding the potion icon to the pwayew # Hide potions
2.0, 2.2-dev24 (replace in multiple strings and replace items in inventory), 2.5 (replace first, case sensitivity)
Repwaces aww occuwwences of a given text with anothew text. Pwease note dat you can onwy change vawiabwes and a few expwessions, e.g. a message ow a wine of a sign.
wepwace "&wt;item>" in {textvaw} with "%item%" wepwace evewy "&" with "§" in wine 1 # The fowwowing acts as a simpwe chat censow, but it wiww e.g. censow mass, hasswe, assassin, etc. as weww: on chat: wepwace aww "kys", "idiot" and "noob" with "****" in the message
wepwace aww stone and diwt in pwayew's inventowy and pwayew's top inventowy with diamond
send [the] wesouwce pack [fwom [[the] URL]] %text% to %pwayews%
send [the] wesouwce pack [fwom [[the] URL]] %text% with hash %text% to %pwayews%
Request dat the pwayew's cwient downwoad and switch wesouwce packs. The cwient wiww downwoad the wesouwce pack in the backgwound, and wiww automaticawwy switch to it once the downwoad is compwete. The URL must be a diwect downwoad wink.
The hash is used fow caching, the pwayew won't have to we-downwoad the wesouwce pack dat way. The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of youw wesouwce pack using dis onwine toow.
Sheaws ow un-sheaws a sheawabwe entity with dwops by sheawing and a 'sheawed' sound. Using with 'fowce' wiww fowce dis effect despite the entity's 'sheaw state'.
Pwease note dat..:
- If youw sewvew is not wunning with Papew 1.19.4 ow highew, dis effect wiww onwy change its 'sheaw state', and the 'fowce' effect is unavaiwabwe
- Fowce-sheawing ow un-sheawing on a sheawed mushwoom cow is not possibwe
on wightcwick on a sheep howding a swowd: sheaw the cwicked sheep chance of 10% fowce sheaw the cwicked sheep
Stops specific ow aww sounds fwom pwaying to a gwoup of pwayews. Both Minecwaft sound names and Spigot sound names awe suppowted. Resouwce pack sounds awe suppowted too. The sound categowy is 'mastew' by defauwt. A sound can't be stopped fwom a diffewent categowy.
Pwease note dat sound names can get changed in any Minecwaft ow Spigot vewsion, ow even wemoved fwom Minecwaft itsewf.
stop sound "" fow the pwayew stop pwaying sounds "ambient.undewwatew.woop" and "ambient.undewwatew.woop.additions" to the pwayew stop aww sounds fow aww pwayews stop sound in the wecowd categowy
Tewepowt an entity to a specific wocation. dis effect is dewayed by defauwt on Papew, meaning cewtain syntax such as the wetuwn effect fow functions cannot be used aftew dis effect. The keywowd 'fowce' indicates dis effect wiww not be dewayed, which may cause wag spikes ow sewvew cwashes when using dis effect to tewepowt entities to unwoaded chunks.
tewepowt the pwayew to {homes.%pwayew%} tewepowt the attackew to the victim
Sends a titwe/subtitwe to the given pwayew(s) with optionaw fadein/stay/fadeout times fow Minecwaft vewsions 1.11 and above.
If you'we sending onwy the subtitwe, it wiww be shown onwy if thewe's a titwe dispwayed at the moment, othewwise it wiww be sent with the next titwe. To show onwy the subtitwe, use: send titwe " " with subtitwe "youwtexthewe" to pwayew.
Note: if no input is given fow the times, it wiww keep the ones fwom the wast titwe sent, use the weset titwe effect to westowe the defauwt vawues.
send titwe "Competition Stawted" with subtitwe "Have fun, Stay safe!" to pwayew fow 5 seconds send titwe "Hi %pwayew%" to pwayew send titwe "Loot Dwop" with subtitwe "stawts in 3 minutes" to aww pwayews send titwe "Hewwo %pwayew%!" with subtitwe "Wewcome to ouw sewvew" to pwayew fow 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second send subtitwe "Pawty!" to aww pwayews
Cweates a twee. dis may wequiwe dat thewe is enough space above the given wocation and dat the bwock bewow is diwt/gwass, but it is possibwe dat the twee wiww just gwow anyways, possibwy wepwacing evewy bwock in its path.
Spawn a cweatuwe. dis can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is wun befowe the entity is added to the wowwd. You can modify the entity in dis section, using fow exampwe 'event-entity' ow 'cow'. Do note dat othew event vawues, such as 'pwayew', won't wowk in dis section.
spawn 3 cweepews at the tawgeted bwock spawn a ghast 5 metews above the pwayew spawn a zombie at the pwayew: set name of the zombie to ""
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- Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-1132757
You can specify the event priority after each event syntax using the following syntax [with priority (lowest|low|normal|high|highest|monitor)] e.g. on spawn with priority lowest. Note that not all of the events support event priority feature and they will throw an error.
Called when an item is put in a slot for repair by an anvil. Please note that this event is called multiple times in a single item slot move.
on anvil prepare: event-item is set # result item chance of 5%: set repair cost to repair cost * 50% send "You're LUCKY! You got 50% discount." to player
Called when a player rightclicks on a block while holding a block or a placeable item. You can either cancel the event to prevent the block from being built, or uncancel it to allow it. Please note that the data value of the block to be placed is not available in this event, only its ID.
Called whenever a player chats. Use chat format to change message format. Use chat recipients to edit chat recipients.
on chat: if player has permission "owner": set chat format to "&lt;red&gt;[player]&lt;light gray&gt;: &lt;light red&gt;[message]" else if player has permission "admin": set chat format to "&lt;light red&gt;[player]&lt;light gray&gt;: &lt;orange&gt;[message]" else: #default message format set chat format to "&lt;orange&gt;[player]&lt;light gray&gt;: &lt;white&gt;[message]"
Called when a user clicks on a block, an entity or air with or without an item in their hand. Please note that rightclick events with an empty hand while not looking at a block are not sent to the server, so there's no way to detect them. Also note that a leftclick on an entity is an attack and thus not covered by the 'click' event, but the 'damage' event.
on click: on rightclick holding a fishing rod: on leftclick on a stone or obsidian: on rightclick on a creeper: on click with a sword:
Called when a player enters a command (not necessarily a Skript command) but you can check if command is a skript command, see Is a Skript command condition.
on command: on command "/stop": on command "pm Njol ":
Called when the player connects to the server. This event is called before the player actually joins the server, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer this event over on join.
on connect: player doesn't have permission "VIP" number of players is greater than 15 kick the player due to "The last 5 slots are reserved for VIP players."
Called when a player throws an egg and it lands. You can just use the shoot event in most cases. However, this event allows modification of properties like the hatched entity type and the number of entities to hatch.
Called when a player puts an item into enchantment table. This event may be called multiple times. To get the enchant item, see the enchant item expression
on enchant prepare: set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1 set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels
Called when an enderman places or picks up a block, a sheep eats grass, a silverfish boops into/out of a block or a falling block lands and turns into a block respectively. event-block represents the old block and event-blockdata represents the new replacement that'll be applied to the block.
on sheep eat: kill event-entity broadcast "A sheep stole some grass!"
on falling block land: event-entity is a falling dirt cancel event
[on] (entit(y|ies)|%*-entitydatas%) transform[ing] [due to %transform reasons%]
Called when an entity is about to be replaced by another entity. Examples when it's called include; when a zombie gets cured and a villager spawns, an entity drowns in water like a zombie that turns to a drown, an entity that gets frozen in powder snow, a mooshroom that when sheared, spawns a new cow.
on a zombie transforming due to curing: on mooshroom transforming: on zombie, skeleton or slime transform:
Called when an explosive is primed, i.e. an entity will explode shortly. Creepers can abort the explosion if the player gets too far away, while TNT will explode for sure after a short time.
on firework explode on firework exploding colored red, light green and black on firework explosion colored light green: broadcast "A firework colored %colors% was exploded at %location%!"
Called when a block is created, but not by a player, e.g. snow forms due to snowfall, water freezes in cold biomes. This isn't called when block spreads (mushroom growth, water physics etc.), as it has its own event (see spread event).
Called when a tree, giant mushroom or plant grows to next stage. "of" matches any grow event, "from" matches only the old state, "into" matches only the new state,and "from into" requires matching both the old and new states. Using "and" lists in this event is equivalent to using "or" lists. The event will trigger if any one of the elements is what grew.
on grow: on grow of tree: on grow of wheat[age=7]: on grow from a sapling: on grow into tree: on grow from a sapling into tree: on grow of wheat, carrots, or potatoes: on grow into tree, giant mushroom, cactus: on grow from wheat[age=0] to wheat[age=1] or wheat[age=2]:
Called whenever a player swaps the items in their main- and offhand slots. Works also when one or both of the slots are empty. The event is called before the items are actually swapped, so when you use the player's tool or player's offtool expressions, they will return the values before the swap - this enables you to cancel the event before anything happens.
on swap hand items: event-player's tool is a diamond sword cancel event
Called when an entity is healed, e.g. by eating (players), being fed (pets), or by the effect of a potion of healing (overworld mobs) or harm (nether mobs).
Called when a block starts burning, i.e. a fire block is placed next to it and this block is flammable. The burn event will be called when the block is about do be destroyed by the fire.
on block ignite: if event-block is a ladder: cancel event
Called when an entity or block (e.g. hopper) tries to move items directly from one inventory to another. When this event is called, the initiator may have already removed the item from the source inventory and is ready to move it into the destination inventory. If this event is cancelled, the items will be returned to the source inventory.
on inventory item move: broadcast "%holder of past event-inventory% is transporting %event-item% to %holder of event-inventory%!"
Called when dropped items merge into a single stack. event-entity will be the entity which is trying to merge, and future event-entity will be the entity which is being merged into.
Called whenever an item stack is spawned in a world, e.g. as drop of a block or mob, a player throwing items out of their inventory, or a dispenser dispensing an item (not shooting it).
on item spawn of iron sword: broadcast "Someone dropped an iron sword!"
Called when the player joins the server. The player is already in a world when this event is called, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer on connect over this event.
on join: message "Welcome on our awesome server!" broadcast "%player% just joined the server!"
Called after a player changed their language in the game settings. You can use the language expression to get the current language of the player. This event requires Minecraft 1.12+.
on language change: if player's language starts with "en": send "Hello!"
[on] %entity type% (move|walk|step) or (turn[ing] around|rotate)
[on] %entity type% (turn[ing] around|rotate) or (move|walk|step)
2.6, 2.8.0 (turn around)
Paper 1.16.5+ (entity move)
Called when a player or entity moves or rotates their head. NOTE: Move event will only be called when the entity/player moves position, keyword 'turn around' is for orientation (ie: looking around), and the combined syntax listens for both. NOTE: These events can be performance heavy as they are called quite often.
on player move: if player does not have permission "player.can.move": cancel event on skeleton move: if event-entity is not in world "world": kill event-entity on player turning around: send action bar "You are currently turning your head around!" to player
Called when a physics check is done on a block. By cancelling this event you can prevent some things from happening, e.g. sand falling, dirt turning into grass, torches dropping if their supporting block is destroyed, etc.Please note that using this event might cause quite some lag since it gets called extremely often.
# prevents sand from falling on block physics: block is sand cancel event
Called when a player has slept long enough to count as passing the night/storm. Cancelling this event will prevent the player from being counted as deeply sleeping unless they exit and re-enter the bed.
Called when a portal is created, either by a player or mob lighting an obsidian frame on fire, or by a nether portal creating its teleportation target in the nether/overworld. In Minecraft 1.14+, you can use the player in this event. Please note that there may not always be a player (or other entity) in this event.
Called when a projectile hits an entity or a block. Use the damage event with a check for a projectile to be able to use the entity that got hit in the case when the projectile hit a living entity. A damage event will even be fired if the damage is 0, e.g. when throwing snowballs at non-nether mobs.
on projectile hit: event-projectile is arrow delete event-projectile
Called when a player is firing a bow and the server is choosing an arrow to use. Cancelling this event will skip the current arrow item and fire a new event for the next arrow item. The arrow and bow in the event can be accessed with the Readied Arrow/Bow expression.
on player ready arrow: selected bow's name is "Spectral Bow" if selected arrow is not a spectral arrow: cancel event
Called when a player takes action on a resource pack request sent via the send resource pack effect. The resource pack condition can be used to check the resource pack state.
This event will be triggered once when the player accepts or declines the resource pack request, and once when the resource pack is successfully installed or failed to download.
on resource pack request response: if the resource pack was declined or failed to download:
on resource pack deny: kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"
Called when the player activates the riptide enchantment, using their trident to propel them through the air. Note: the riptide action is performed client side, so manipulating the player in this event may have undesired effects.
Called directly after the trigger is loaded, or directly before the whole script is unloaded. The keyword 'async' indicates the trigger can be ran asynchronously,
on load: set {running::%script%} to true on unload: set {running::%script%} to false
[on] send[ing] [of [the]] [server] command[s] list
[on] [server] command list send
Called when the server sends a list of commands to the player. This usually happens on join. The sent commands can be modified via the sent commands expression. Modifications will affect what commands show up for the player to tab complete. They will not affect what commands the player can actually run. Adding new commands to the list is illegal behavior and will be ignored.
on send command list: set command list to command list where [input does not contain ":"] remove "help" from command list
Called when a server list ping is coming in, generally when a Minecraft client pings the server to show its information in the server list. The IP expression can be used to get the IP adress of the pinger. This event can be cancelled on PaperSpigot 1.12.2+ only and this means the player will see the server as offline (but still can join).
on server list ping: set the motd to "Welcome %{player-by-IP::%ip%}%! Join now!" if {player-by-IP::%ip%} is set, else "Join now!" set the fake max players count to (online players count + 1) set the shown icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}
Called when a player stops using an item. For example, when the player releases the interact button when holding a bow, an edible item, or a spyglass. Note that event-timespan will return the time the item was used for.
on player stop using item: broadcast "%player% used %event-item% for %event-timespan%."
Called whenever a player changes their held item by selecting a different slot (e.g. the keys 1-9 or the mouse wheel), not by dropping or replacing the item in the current slot.
Called when a world is initialized. As all default worlds are initialized before any scripts are loaded, this event is only called for newly created worlds. World management plugins might change the behaviour of this event though.
every 2 seconds in "world": every minecraft hour in "flatworld": every tick in "world": # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event every minecraft days in "plots":
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+ Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-4c8b2e5
You can specify the event priority after each event syntax using the following syntax [with priority (lowest|low|normal|high|highest|monitor)] e.g. on spawn with priority lowest. Note that not all of the events support event priority feature and they will throw an error.
Cawwed when an item is put in a swot fow wepaiw by an anviw. Pwease note dat dis event is cawwed muwtipwe times in a singwe item swot move.
on anviw pwepawe: event-item is set # wesuwt item chance of 5%: set wepaiw cost to wepaiw cost * 50% send "You'we LUCKY! You got 50% discount." to pwayew
Cawwed when a pwayew wightcwicks on a bwock whiwe howding a bwock ow a pwaceabwe item. You can eithew cancew the event to pwevent the bwock fwom being buiwt, ow uncancew it to awwow it. Pwease note dat the data vawue of the bwock to be pwaced is not avaiwabwe in dis event, onwy its ID.
Cawwed whenevew a pwayew chats. Use chat fowmat to change message fowmat. Use chat wecipients to edit chat wecipients.
on chat: if pwayew has pewmission "ownew": set chat fowmat to "&wt;wed&gt;[pwayew]&wt;wight gway&gt;: &wt;wight wed&gt;[message]" ewse if pwayew has pewmission "admin": set chat fowmat to "&wt;wight wed&gt;[pwayew]&wt;wight gway&gt;: &wt;owange&gt;[message]" ewse: #defauwt message fowmat set chat fowmat to "&wt;owange&gt;[pwayew]&wt;wight gway&gt;: &wt;white&gt;[message]"
Cawwed when a usew cwicks on a bwock, an entity ow aiw with ow without an item in theiw hand. Pwease note dat wightcwick events with an empty hand whiwe not wooking at a bwock awe not sent to the sewvew, so thewe's no way to detect them. Awso note dat a weftcwick on an entity is an attack and thus not covewed by the 'cwick' event, but the 'damage' event.
on cwick: on wightcwick howding a fishing wod: on weftcwick on a stone ow obsidian: on wightcwick on a cweepew: on cwick with a swowd:
Cawwed when a pwayew entews a command (not necessawiwy a Skwipt command) but you can check if command is a skwipt command, see Is a Skwipt command condition.
on command: on command "/stop": on command "pm Njow ":
Cawwed when the pwayew connects to the sewvew. dis event is cawwed befowe the pwayew actuawwy joins the sewvew, so if you want to pwevent pwayews fwom joining you shouwd pwefew dis event ovew on join.
on connect: pwayew doesn't have pewmission "VIP" numbew of pwayews is gweatew than 15 kick the pwayew due to "The wast 5 swots awe wesewved fow VIP pwayews."
Cawwed when a pwayew thwows an egg and it wands. You can just use the shoot event in most cases. Howevew, dis event awwows modification of pwopewties wike the hatched entity type and the numbew of entities to hatch.
Cawwed when a pwayew puts an item into enchantment tabwe. dis event may be cawwed muwtipwe times. To get the enchant item, see the enchant item expwession
on enchant pwepawe: set enchant offew 1 to shawpness 1 set the cost of enchant offew 1 to 10 wevews
Cawwed when an endewman pwaces ow picks up a bwock, a sheep eats gwass, a siwvewfish boops into/out of a bwock ow a fawwing bwock wands and tuwns into a bwock wespectivewy. event-bwock wepwesents the owd bwock and event-bwockdata wepwesents the new wepwacement dat'ww be appwied to the bwock.
on sheep eat: kiww event-entity bwoadcast "A sheep stowe some gwass!"
on fawwing bwock wand: event-entity is a fawwing diwt cancew event
[on] (entit(y|ies)|%*-entitydatas%) twansfowm[ing] [due to %twansfowm weasons%]
Cawwed when an entity is about to be wepwaced by anothew entity. Exampwes when it's cawwed incwude; when a zombie gets cuwed and a viwwagew spawns, an entity dwowns in watew wike a zombie dat tuwns to a dwown, an entity dat gets fwozen in powdew snow, a mooshwoom dat when sheawed, spawns a new cow.
on a zombie twansfowming due to cuwing: on mooshwoom twansfowming: on zombie, skeweton ow swime twansfowm:
Cawwed when an expwosive is pwimed, i.e. an entity wiww expwode showtwy. Cweepews can abowt the expwosion if the pwayew gets too faw away, whiwe TNT wiww expwode fow suwe aftew a showt time.
on fiwewowk expwode on fiwewowk expwoding cowowed wed, wight gween and bwack on fiwewowk expwosion cowowed wight gween: bwoadcast "A fiwewowk cowowed %cowows% was expwoded at %wocation%!"
Cawwed when a bwock is cweated, but not by a pwayew, e.g. snow fowms due to snowfaww, watew fweezes in cowd biomes. dis isn't cawwed when bwock spweads (mushwoom gwowth, watew physics etc.), as it has its own event (see spwead event).
Cawwed when a twee, giant mushwoom ow pwant gwows to next stage. "of" matches any gwow event, "fwom" matches onwy the owd state, "into" matches onwy the new state,and "fwom into" wequiwes matching both the owd and new states. Using "and" wists in dis event is equivawent to using "ow" wists. The event wiww twiggew if any one of the ewements is what gwew.
on gwow: on gwow of twee: on gwow of wheat[age=7]: on gwow fwom a sapwing: on gwow into twee: on gwow fwom a sapwing into twee: on gwow of wheat, cawwots, ow potatoes: on gwow into twee, giant mushwoom, cactus: on gwow fwom wheat[age=0] to wheat[age=1] ow wheat[age=2]:
Cawwed whenevew a pwayew swaps the items in theiw main- and offhand swots. Wowks awso when one ow both of the swots awe empty. The event is cawwed befowe the items awe actuawwy swapped, so when you use the pwayew's toow ow pwayew's offtoow expwessions, they wiww wetuwn the vawues befowe the swap - dis enabwes you to cancew the event befowe anything happens.
on swap hand items: event-pwayew's toow is a diamond swowd cancew event
Cawwed when an entity is heawed, e.g. by eating (pwayews), being fed (pets), ow by the effect of a potion of heawing (ovewwowwd mobs) ow hawm (nethew mobs).
Cawwed when a bwock stawts buwning, i.e. a fiwe bwock is pwaced next to it and dis bwock is fwammabwe. The buwn event wiww be cawwed when the bwock is about do be destwoyed by the fiwe.
on bwock ignite: if event-bwock is a waddew: cancew event
Cawwed when an entity ow bwock (e.g. hoppew) twies to move items diwectwy fwom one inventowy to anothew. When dis event is cawwed, the initiatow may have awweady wemoved the item fwom the souwce inventowy and is weady to move it into the destination inventowy. If dis event is cancewwed, the items wiww be wetuwned to the souwce inventowy.
on inventowy item move: bwoadcast "%howdew of past event-inventowy% is twanspowting %event-item% to %howdew of event-inventowy%!"
Cawwed when dwopped items mewge into a singwe stack. event-entity wiww be the entity which is twying to mewge, and futuwe event-entity wiww be the entity which is being mewged into.
Cawwed whenevew an item stack is spawned in a wowwd, e.g. as dwop of a bwock ow mob, a pwayew thwowing items out of theiw inventowy, ow a dispensew dispensing an item (not shooting it).
on item spawn of iwon swowd: bwoadcast "Someone dwopped an iwon swowd!"
Cawwed when the pwayew joins the sewvew. The pwayew is awweady in a wowwd when dis event is cawwed, so if you want to pwevent pwayews fwom joining you shouwd pwefew on connect ovew dis event.
on join: message "Wewcome on ouw awesome sewvew!" bwoadcast "%pwayew% just joined the sewvew!"
Cawwed aftew a pwayew changed theiw wanguage in the game settings. You can use the wanguage expwession to get the cuwwent wanguage of the pwayew. dis event wequiwes Minecwaft 1.12+.
on wanguage change: if pwayew's wanguage stawts with "en": send "Hewwo!"
Cawwed when a pwayew ow entity moves ow wotates theiw head. NOTE: Move event wiww onwy be cawwed when the entity/pwayew moves position, keywowd 'tuwn awound' is fow owientation (ie: wooking awound), and the combined syntax wistens fow both. NOTE: These events can be pewfowmance heavy as they awe cawwed quite often.
on pwayew move: if pwayew does not have pewmission "pwayew.can.move": cancew event on skeweton move: if event-entity is not in wowwd "wowwd": kiww event-entity on pwayew tuwning awound: send action baw "You awe cuwwentwy tuwning youw head awound!" to pwayew
Cawwed when a physics check is done on a bwock. By cancewwing dis event you can pwevent some things fwom happening, e.g. sand fawwing, diwt tuwning into gwass, towches dwopping if theiw suppowting bwock is destwoyed, etc.Pwease note dat using dis event might cause quite some wag since it gets cawwed extwemewy often.
# pwevents sand fwom fawwing on bwock physics: bwock is sand cancew event
Cawwed when a pwayew has swept wong enough to count as passing the night/stowm. Cancewwing dis event wiww pwevent the pwayew fwom being counted as deepwy sweeping unwess they exit and we-entew the bed.
Cawwed when a powtaw is cweated, eithew by a pwayew ow mob wighting an obsidian fwame on fiwe, ow by a nethew powtaw cweating its tewepowtation tawget in the nethew/ovewwowwd. In Minecwaft 1.14+, you can use the pwayew in dis event. Pwease note dat thewe may not awways be a pwayew (ow othew entity) in dis event.
Cawwed when a pwojectiwe hits an entity ow a bwock. Use the damage event with a check fow a pwojectiwe to be abwe to use the entity dat got hit in the case when the pwojectiwe hit a wiving entity. A damage event wiww even be fiwed if the damage is 0, e.g. when thwowing snowbawws at non-nethew mobs.
on pwojectiwe hit: event-pwojectiwe is awwow dewete event-pwojectiwe
Cawwed when a pwayew is fiwing a bow and the sewvew is choosing an awwow to use. Cancewwing dis event wiww skip the cuwwent awwow item and fiwe a new event fow the next awwow item. The awwow and bow in the event can be accessed with the Readied Awwow/Bow expwession.
on pwayew weady awwow: sewected bow's name is "Spectwaw Bow" if sewected awwow is not a spectwaw awwow: cancew event
Cawwed when a pwayew takes action on a wesouwce pack wequest sent via the send wesouwce pack effect. The wesouwce pack condition can be used to check the wesouwce pack state.
dis event wiww be twiggewed once when the pwayew accepts ow decwines the wesouwce pack wequest, and once when the wesouwce pack is successfuwwy instawwed ow faiwed to downwoad.
on wesouwce pack wequest wesponse: if the wesouwce pack was decwined ow faiwed to downwoad:
on wesouwce pack deny: kick the pwayew due to "You have to instaww the wesouwce pack to pway in dis sewvew!"
Cawwed when the pwayew activates the wiptide enchantment, using theiw twident to pwopew them thwough the aiw. Note: the wiptide action is pewfowmed cwient side, so manipuwating the pwayew in dis event may have undesiwed effects.
Cawwed diwectwy aftew the twiggew is woaded, ow diwectwy befowe the whowe scwipt is unwoaded. The keywowd 'async' indicates the twiggew can be wan asynchwonouswy,
on woad: set {wunning::%scwipt%} to twue on unwoad: set {wunning::%scwipt%} to fawse
Cawwed when the sewvew sends a wist of commands to the pwayew. dis usuawwy happens on join. The sent commands can be modified via the sent commands expwession. Modifications wiww affect what commands show up fow the pwayew to tab compwete. They wiww not affect what commands the pwayew can actuawwy wun. Adding new commands to the wist is iwwegaw behaviow and wiww be ignowed.
on send command wist: set command wist to command wist whewe [input does not contain ":"] wemove "hewp" fwom command wist
Cawwed when a sewvew wist ping is coming in, genewawwy when a Minecwaft cwient pings the sewvew to show its infowmation in the sewvew wist. The IP expwession can be used to get the IP adwess of the pingew. dis event can be cancewwed on PapewSpigot 1.12.2+ onwy and dis means the pwayew wiww see the sewvew as offwine (but stiww can join).
on sewvew wist ping: set the motd to "Wewcome %{pwayew-by-IP::%ip%}%! Join now!" if {pwayew-by-IP::%ip%} is set, ewse "Join now!" set the fake max pwayews count to (onwine pwayews count + 1) set the shown icon to a wandom sewvew icon out of {sewvew-icons::*}
Cawwed when a pwayew stops using an item. Fow exampwe, when the pwayew weweases the intewact button when howding a bow, an edibwe item, ow a spygwass. Note dat event-timespan wiww wetuwn the time the item was used fow.
on pwayew stop using item: bwoadcast "%pwayew% used %event-item% fow %event-timespan%."
Cawwed whenevew a pwayew changes theiw hewd item by sewecting a diffewent swot (e.g. the keys 1-9 ow the mouse wheew), not by dwopping ow wepwacing the item in the cuwwent swot.
Cawwed when a wowwd is initiawized. As aww defauwt wowwds awe initiawized befowe any scwipts awe woaded, dis event is onwy cawwed fow newwy cweated wowwds. Wowwd management pwugins might change the behaviouw of dis event though.
evewy 2 seconds in "wowwd": evewy minecwaft houw in "fwatwowwd": evewy tick in "wowwd": # can cause wag depending on the code inside the event evewy minecwaft days in "pwots":
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- Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-1132757
Returns the item the entities are currently using (ie: the food they're eating, the bow they're drawing back, etc.). This cannot be changed. If an entity is not using any item, this will return null.
on damage of player: if victim's active tool is a bow: interrupt player's active item use
Returns the time that the entities have either spent using an item, or the time left for them to finish using an item. If an entity is not using any item, this will return 0 seconds.
on right click: broadcast player's remaining item use time wait 1 second broadcast player's item use time
Returns the age or maximum age of blocks and age for entities (there in no maximum age for entities). For blocks, 'Age' represents the different growth stages that a crop-like block can go through. A value of 0 indicates that the crop was freshly planted, whilst a value equal to 'maximum age' indicates that the crop is ripe and ready to be harvested. For entities, 'Age' represents the time left for them to become adults and it's in minus increasing to be 0 which means they're adults, e.g. A baby cow needs 20 minutes to become an adult which equals to 24,000 ticks so their age will be -24000 once spawned.
# Set targeted crop to fully grown crop set age of targeted block to maximum age of targeted block
# Spawn a baby cow that will only need 1 minute to become an adult spawn a baby cow at player set age of last spawned entity to -1200 # in ticks = 60 seconds
Returns all of the scripts, or just the enabled or disabled ones.
command /scripts: trigger: send "All Scripts: %scripts%" to player send "Loaded Scripts: %enabled scripts%" to player send "Unloaded Scripts: %disabled scripts%" to player
The amount of something. Please note that amount of %items% will not return the number of items, but the number of stacks, e.g. 1 for a stack of 64 torches. To get the amount of items in a stack, see the item amount expression.
Also, you can get the recursive size of a list, which will return the recursive size of the list with sublists included, e.g.
Where using %size of {list::*}% will only return 3 (the first layer of indices only), while %recursive size of {list::*}% will return 6 (the entire list) Please note that getting a list's recursive size can cause lag if the list is large, so only use this expression if you need to!
message "There are %number of all players% players online!"
Returns the experience cost (in levels) to complete the current repair or the maximum experience cost (in levels) to be allowed by the current repair. The default value of max cost set by vanilla Minecraft is 40.
on inventory click: if {AnvilRepairSaleActive} = true: wait a tick # recommended, to avoid client bugs set anvil repair cost to anvil repair cost * 50% send "Anvil repair sale is ON!" to player
on inventory click: player have permission "" set max repair cost of event-inventory to 99999
Usable in script commands and command events. Holds the value of an argument given to the command, e.g. if the command "/tell <player> <text>" is used like "/tell Njol Hello Njol!" argument 1 is the player named "Njol" and argument 2 is "Hello Njol!". One can also use the type of the argument instead of its index to address the argument, e.g. in the above example 'player-argument' is the same as 'argument 1'. Please note that specifying the argument type is only supported in script commands.
give the item-argument to the player-argument damage the player-argument by the number-argument give a diamond pickaxe to the argument add argument 1 to argument 2 heal the last argument
Arithmetic expressions, e.g. 1 + 2, (health of player - 2) / 3, etc.
set the player's health to 10 - the player's health loop (argument + 2) / 5 times: message "Two useless numbers: %loop-num * 2 - 5%, %2^loop-num - 1%" message "You have %health of player * 2% half hearts of HP!"
Equipment of living entities, i.e. the boots, leggings, chestplate or helmet.
set chestplate of the player to a diamond chestplate helmet of player is neither a helmet nor air # player is wearing a block, e.g. from another plugin
Returns the current cooldown for a player's attack. This is used to calculate damage, with 1.0 representing a fully charged attack and 0.0 representing a non-charged attack. NOTE: Currently this can not be set to anything.
on damage: if attack cooldown of attacker < 1: set damage to 0 send "Your hit was too weak! wait until your weapon is fully charged next time." to attacker
The victim of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the zombie. When using Minecraft 1.11+, this also covers the hit entity in a projectile hit event.
on damage: victim is a creeper damage the attacked by 1 heart
The attacker of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the player. Please note that the attacker can also be a block, e.g. a cactus or lava, but this expression will not be set in these cases.
on damage: attacker is a player health of attacker is less than or equal to 2 damage victim by 1 heart
Returns the bed location of a player, i.e. the spawn point of a player if they ever slept in a bed and the bed still exists and is unobstructed however, you can set the unsafe bed location of players and they will respawn there even if it has been obstructed or doesn't exist anymore and that's the default behavior of this expression otherwise you will need to be specific i.e. safe bed location.
NOTE: Offline players can not have their bed location changed, only online players.
if bed of player exists: teleport player the the player's bed else: teleport the player to the world's spawn point
set the bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # unsafe/invalid bed location set the safe bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # safe/valid bed location
The biome at a certain location. Please note that biomes are only defined for x/z-columns (i.e. the altitude (y-coordinate) doesn't matter), up until Minecraft 1.15.x. As of Minecraft 1.16, biomes are now 3D (per block vs column).
# damage player in deserts constantly every real minute: loop all players: biome at loop-player is desert damage the loop-player by 1
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.
block is ore set block below to air spawn a creeper above the block loop blocks in radius 4: loop-block is obsidian set loop-block to water block is a chest: clear the inventory of the block
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.
block is ore set block below to air spawn a creeper above the block loop blocks in radius 4: loop-block is obsidian set loop-block to water block is a chest: clear the inventory of the block
Gets the speed at which the given player would break this block, taking into account tools, potion effects, whether or not the player is in water, enchantments, etc. The returned value is the amount of progress made in breaking the block each tick. When the total breaking progress reaches 1.0, the block is broken. Note that the break speed can change in the course of breaking a block, e.g. if a potion effect is applied or expires, or the player jumps/enters water.
on left click using diamond pickaxe: event-block is set send "Break Speed: %break speed for player%" to player
Blocks relative to other blocks or between other blocks. Can be used to get blocks relative to other blocks or for looping. Blocks from/to and between will return a straight line whereas blocks within will return a cuboid.
loop blocks above the player: loop blocks between the block below the player and the targeted block: set the blocks below the player, the victim and the targeted block to air set all blocks within {loc1} and {loc2} to stone set all blocks within chunk at player to air
The pages of a book (Supports Skript's chat format) Note: In order to modify the pages of a new written book, you must have the title and author of the book set. Skript will do this for you, but if you want your own, please set those values.
on book sign: message "Book Pages: %pages of event-item%" message "Book Page 1: %page 1 of event-item%"
set page 1 of player's held item to "Book writing"
Copy of given text in Lowercase, Uppercase, Proper Case, camelCase, PascalCase, Snake_Case, and Kebab-Case
"Oops!" in lowercase # oops! "oops!" in uppercase # OOPS! "hellO i'm steve!" in proper case # HellO I'm Steve! "hellO i'm steve!" in strict proper case # Hello I'm Steve! "spAwn neW boSs ()" in camel case # spAwnNeWBoSs() "spAwn neW boSs ()" in strict camel case # spawnNewBoss() "geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in pascal case # GeneRateRanDomNumBer() "geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in strict pascal case # GenerateRandomNumber() "Hello Player!" in snake case # Hello_Player! "Hello Player!" in lower snake case # hello_player! "Hello Player!" in upper snake case # HELLO_PLAYER! "What is your name?" in kebab case # What-is-your-name? "What is your name?" in lower kebab case # what-is-your-name? "What is your name?" in upper kebab case # WHAT-IS-YOUR-NAME?
All characters between two given characters, useful for generating random strings. This expression uses the Unicode numerical code of a character to determine which characters are between the two given characters. The ASCII table linked here shows this ordering for the first 256 characters. If you would like only alphanumeric characters you can use the 'alphanumeric' option in the expression. If strings of more than one character are given, only the first character of each is used.
loop characters from "a" to "f": broadcast "%loop-value%"
# 0123456789:;<=>?@ABC... ...uvwxyz send characters between "0" and "z"
# 0123456789ABC... ...uvwxyz send alphanumeric characters between "0" and "z"
Parses <color>s and, optionally, chat styles in a message or removes any colors and chat styles from the message. Parsing all chat styles requires this expression to be used in same line with the send effect.
on chat: set message to colored message # Safe; only colors get parsed command /fade <player>: trigger: set display name of the player-argument to uncolored display name of the player-argument command /format <text>: trigger: message formatted text-argument # Safe, because we're sending to whoever used this command
The command that caused an 'on command' event (excluding the leading slash and all arguments)
# prevent any commands except for the /exit command during some game on command: if {game::%player%::playing} is true: if the command is not "exit": message "You're not allowed to use commands during the game" cancel the event
main command label of command "skript" description of command "help" label of command "pl" usage of command "help" aliases of command "bukkit:help" permission of command "/op" command "op"'s permission message command "sk"'s plugin owner
command /greet <player>: usage: /greet <target> trigger: if arg-1 is sender: send "&cYou can't greet yourself! Usage: %the usage%" stop send "%sender% greets you!" to arg-1 send "You greeted %arg-1%!"
The player or the console who sent a command. Mostly useful in commands and command events. If the command sender is a command block, its location can be retrieved by using %block's location%
make the command sender execute "/say hi!"
on command: log "%executor% used command /%command% %arguments%" to "commands.log"
# make all player's compasses target a player stored in {compass::target::%player%} every 5 seconds: loop all players: set the loop-player's compass target to location of {compass::target::%%loop-player%}
Only usable in command events. Represents the cooldown time, the remaining time, the elapsed time, the last usage date, or the cooldown bypass permission.
command /home: cooldown: 10 seconds cooldown message: You last teleported home %elapsed time% ago, you may teleport home again in %remaining time%. trigger: teleport player to {home::%player%}
The entity involved in an event (an entity is a player, a creature or an inanimate object like ignited TNT, a dropped item or an arrow). You can use the specific type of the entity that's involved in the event, e.g. in a 'death of a creeper' event you can use 'the creeper' instead of 'the entity'.
give a diamond sword of sharpness 3 to the player kill the creeper kill all powered creepers in the wolf's world projectile is an arrow
How much damage is done in a entity/vehicle/item damage events. For entity damage events, possibly ignoring armour, criticals and/or enchantments (remember that in Skript '1' is one full heart, not half a heart). For items, it's the amount of durability damage the item will be taking.
on item damage: event-item is any tool clear damage # unbreakable tools as the damage will be 0 on damage: increase the damage by 2
Directly damages an item. In MC versions 1.12.2 and lower, this can be used to apply data values to items/blocks
give player diamond sword with damage value 100 set player's tool to diamond hoe damaged by 250 give player diamond sword with damage 700 named "BROKEN SWORD" set {_item} to diamond hoe with damage value 50 named "SAD HOE" set target block of player to wool with data value 1 set target block of player to potato plant with data value 7
The difference between two values Supported types include numbers, dates and times.
if difference between {command::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than a minute: message "You have to wait a minute before using this command again!"
thrust the player upwards set the block behind the player to water loop blocks above the player: set {_rand} to a random integer between 1 and 10 set the block {_rand} meters south east of the loop-block to stone block in horizontal facing of the clicked entity from the player is air spawn a creeper 1.5 meters horizontally behind the player spawn a TNT 5 meters above and 2 meters horizontally behind the player thrust the last spawned TNT in the horizontal direction of the player with speed 0.2 push the player upwards and horizontally forward at speed 0.5 push the clicked entity in in the direction of the player at speed -0.5 open the inventory of the block 2 blocks below the player to the player teleport the clicked entity behind the player grow a regular tree 2 meters horizontally behind the player
Only works in death events. Holds the drops of the dying creature. Drops can be prevented by removing them with "remove ... from drops", e.g. "remove all pickaxes from the drops", or "clear drops" if you don't want any drops at all.
The cost of an enchantment offer. This is displayed to the right of an enchantment offer. If the cost is changed, it will always be at least 1. This changes how many levels are required to enchant, but does not change the number of levels removed. To change the number of levels removed, use the enchant event.
All entities in all worlds, in a specific world, in a chunk or in a radius around a certain location, e.g. all players, all creepers in the player's world, or players in radius 100 of the player.
kill all creepers in the player's world send "Psst!" to all players within 100 meters of the player give a diamond to all ops heal all tamed wolves in radius 2000 around {town center} delete all monsters in chunk at player
The numerical value of an entity's particular attribute. Note that the movement speed attribute cannot be reliably used for players. For that purpose, use the speed expression instead. Resetting an entity's attribute is only available in Minecraft 1.11 and above.
on damage of player: send "You are wounded!" to victim set victim's attack speed attribute to 2
How much experience was spawned in an experience spawn or block break event. Can be changed.
on experience spawn: add 5 to the spawned experience on break of coal ore: clear dropped experience on break of diamond ore: if tool of player = diamond pickaxe: add 100 to dropped experience
The percentage of exploded blocks dropped in an explosion event. When changing the yield, a value greater than 1 will function the same as using 1. Attempting to change the yield to a value less than 0 will have no effect.
on explode: set the explosion's block yield to 10%
The yield of the explosion in an explosion prime event. This is how big the explosion is. When changing the yield, values less than 0 will be ignored. Read this wiki page for more information
on explosion prime: set the yield of the explosion to 10
The yield of an explosive (creeper, primed tnt, fireball, etc.). This is how big of an explosion is caused by the entity. Read this wiki page for more information
on spawn of a creeper: set the explosive yield of the event-entity to 10
The facing of an entity or block, i.e. exactly north, south, east, west, up or down (unlike direction which is the exact direction, e.g. '0.5 south and 0.7 east')
# makes a bridge loop blocks from the block below the player in the horizontal facing of the player: set loop-block to cobblestone
Filters a list based on a condition. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [string input is "something"]', only "something" would be broadcast as it is the only string that matched the condition.
send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [player input has permission "staff"]
Represents the input in a filter expression. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [input is "something"]the condition would be checked twice, using "something" and "something else" as the inputs.
send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [input has permission "staff"]
Represents a 'firework effect' which can be used in the launch firework effect.
launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1
Converts date to human-readable text format. By default, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z' (e.g. '2018-03-30 16:03:12 +01') will be used. For reference, see this Wikipedia article.
command /date: trigger: send "Full date: %now formatted human-readable%" to sender send "Short date: %now formatted as "yyyy-MM-dd"%" to sender
Represents the value of an expression before an event happened or the value it will have directly after the event, e.g. the old or new level respectively in a level change event. Note: The past, future and present states of an expression are sometimes called 'time states' of an expression. Note 2: If you don't specify whether to use the past or future state of an expression that has different values, its default value will be used which is usually the value after the event.
on teleport: former world was "world_nether" # or 'world was' world will be "world" # or 'world after the event is' on tool change: past tool is an axe the tool after the event will be air on weather change: set {weather::%world%::old} to past weather set {weather::%world%::current} to the new weather
A slot of a furnace, i.e. either the ore, fuel or result slot. Remember to use 'block' and not furnace, as furnace is not an existing expression. Note that the result and the result slot refer to separate things. the result is the product in a smelt event and the result slot is the output slot of a furnace (where the result will end up). Note that if the result in a smelt event is changed to an item that differs in type from the items currently in the result slot, the smelting will fail to complete (the item will attempt to smelt itself again). Note that if values other than the result are changed, event values may not accurately reflect the actual items in a furnace. Thus you may wish to use the event block in this case (e.g. the fuel slot of the event-block) to get accurate values if needed.
set the fuel slot of the clicked block to a lava bucket set the block's ore slot to 64 iron ore give the result of the block to the player clear the result slot of the block
The primary group or all groups of a player. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed. If you have LuckPerms, ensure you have vault integration enabled in the luck perms configurations.
on join: broadcast "%group of player%" # this is the player's primary group broadcast "%groups of player%" # this is all of the player's groups
Returns the hanging entity or remover in hanging break and place events.
on break of item frame: if item of hanging entity is diamond pickaxe: cancel event if hanging remover is a player: send "You can't break that item frame!" to hanging remover
Hashes the given text using the MD5 or SHA-256 algorithms. Each algorithm is suitable for different use cases.
MD5 is provided mostly for backwards compatibility, as it is outdated and not secure. SHA-256 is more secure, and can used to hash somewhat confidental data like IP addresses and even passwords. It is not that secure out of the box, so please consider using salt when dealing with passwords! When hashing data, you must specify algorithms that will be used for security reasons!
Please note that a hash cannot be reversed under normal circumstanses. You will not be able to get original value from a hash with Skript.
command /setpass <text>: trigger: set {password::%uuid of player%} to text-argument hashed with SHA-256 command /login <text>: trigger: if text-argument hashed with SHA-256 is {password::%uuid of player%}: message "Login successful." else: message "Wrong password!"
The location of an entity's head, mostly useful for players and e.g. looping blocks in the player's line of sight. Please note that this location is only accurate for entities whose head is exactly above their center, i.e. players, endermen, zombies, skeletons, etc., but not sheep, pigs or cows.
set the block at the player's head to air set the block in front of the player's eyes to glass loop blocks in front of the player's head:
The health of a creature, e.g. a player, mob, villager, etc. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is the creature's max health (e.g. 10 for players).
The currently selected hotbar slot. To retrieve its number use Slot Index expression. Use future and past tense to grab the previous slot in an item change event, see example.
message "%player's current hotbar slot%" set player's selected hotbar slot to slot 4 of player
send "index of player's current hotbar slot = 1" # second slot from the left
on item held change: if the selected hotbar slot was a diamond: set the currently selected hotbar slot to slot 5 of player
The list when you hover on the player counts of the server in the server list. This can be changed using texts or players in a server list ping event only. Adding players to the list means adding the name of the players. And note that, for example if there are 5 online players (includes fake online count) in the server and the hover list is set to 3 values, Minecraft will show "... and 2 more ..." at end of the list.
on server list ping: clear the hover list add "&aWelcome to the &6Minecraft &aserver!" to the hover list add "" to the hover list # A blank line add "&cThere are &6%online players count% &conline players!" to the hover list
The first or last index of a character (or text) in a text, or -1 if it doesn't occur in the text. Indices range from 1 to the length of the text.
set {_first} to the first index of "@" in the text argument if {_s} contains "abc": set {_s} to the first (index of "abc" in {_s} + 3) characters of {_s} # removes everything after the first "abc" from {_s}
Returns all the indices of a list variable, optionally sorted by their values. To sort the indices, all objects in the list must be comparable; Otherwise, this expression will just return the unsorted indices.
set {l::*} to "some", "cool" and "values" broadcast "%indices of {l::*}%" # result is 1, 2 and 3
set {_leader-board::first} to 17 set {_leader-board::third} to 30 set {_leader-board::second} to 25 set {_leader-board::fourth} to 42 set {_ascending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in ascending order broadcast "%{_ascending-indices::*}%" #result is first, second, third, fourth set {_descending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in descending order broadcast "%{_descending-indices::*}%" #result is fourth, third, second, first
on inventory item move: holder of event-initiator-inventory is a chest broadcast "Item transport happening at %location at holder of event-initiator-inventory%!"
Gets the amount of rows/slots, viewers and holder of an inventory.
NOTE: 'Viewers' expression returns a list of players viewing the inventory. Note that a player is considered to be viewing their own inventory and internal crafting screen even when said inventory is not open.
event-inventory's amount of rows holder of player's top inventory {_inventory}'s viewers
Represents a slot in an inventory. It can be used to change the item in an inventory too.
if slot 0 of player is air: set slot 0 of player to 2 stones remove 1 stone from slot 0 of player add 2 stones to slot 0 of player clear slot 1 of player
Change the cooldown of a specific material to a certain amount of Timespan.
on right click using stick: set item cooldown of player's tool for player to 1 minute set item cooldown of stone and grass for all players to 20 seconds reset item cooldown of cobblestone and dirt for all players
An item associated with an entity. For dropped item entities, it gets, obviously, the item that was dropped. For item frames, the item inside the frame is returned. For throwable projectiles (snowballs, enderpearls etc.),it gets the displayed item. Other entities do not have items associated with them.
Items or blocks of a specific type, useful for looping.
loop items of type ore and log: block contains loop-item message "Theres at least one %loop-item% in this block" drop all blocks at the player # drops one of every block at the player
All items or specific type(s) of items in an inventory. Useful for looping or storing in a list variable. Please note that the positions of the items in the inventory are not saved, only their order is preserved.
loop all items in the player's inventory: loop-item is enchanted remove loop-item from the player set {inventory::%uuid of player%::*} to items in the player's inventory
Joins several texts with a common delimiter (e.g. ", "), or splits a text into multiple texts at a given delimiter.
message "Online players: %join all players with "" | ""%" # %all players% would use the default "x, y, and z" set {_s::*} to the string argument split at ","
Currently selected game language of a player. The value of the language is not defined properly. The vanilla Minecraft client will use lowercase language / country pairs separated by an underscore, but custom resource packs may use any format they wish.
Holds the entity that was spawned most recently with the spawn effect (section), dropped with the drop effect, shot with the shoot effect or created with the lightning effect. Please note that even though you can spawn multiple mobs simultaneously (e.g. with 'spawn 5 creepers'), only the last spawned mob is saved and can be used. If you spawn an entity, shoot a projectile and drop an item you can however access all them together.
spawn a priest set {healer::%spawned priest%} to true shoot an arrow from the last spawned entity ignite the shot projectile drop a diamond sword push last dropped item upwards teleport player to last struck lightning delete last launched firework
When a player last/first logged in the server. 'last login' requires paper to get the last login, otherwise it will get the last time they were seen on the server.
command /onlinefor: trigger: send "You have been online for %difference between player's last login and now%." send "You first joined the server %difference between player's first login and now% ago."
The player's progress in reaching the next level, this represents the experience bar in the game. Please note that this value is between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5 = half experience bar). Changing this value can cause the player's level to change if the resulting level progess is negative or larger than 1, e.g. increase the player's level progress by 0.5 will make the player gain a level if their progress was more than 50%.
# use the exp bar as mana on rightclick with a blaze rod: player's level progress is larger than 0.2 shoot a fireball from the player reduce the player's level progress by 0.2 every 2 seconds: loop all players: level progress of loop-player is smaller than 0.9: increase level progress of the loop-player by 0.1 else: set level progress of the loop-player to 0.99 on xp spawn: cancel event
Gets the light level at a certain location which ranges from 0 to 15. It can be separated into sunlight (15 = direct sunlight, 1-14 = indirect) and block light (torches, glowstone, etc.). The total light level of a block is the maximum of the two different light types.
# set vampire players standing in bright sunlight on fire every 5 seconds: loop all players: {vampire::%uuid of loop-player%} is true sunlight level at the loop-player is greater than 10 ignite the loop-player for 5 seconds
The location of a block or entity. This not only represents the x, y and z coordinates of the location but also includes the world and the direction an entity is looking (e.g. teleporting to a saved location will make the teleported entity face the same saved direction every time). Please note that the location of an entity is at it's feet, use head location to get the location of the head.
set {home::%uuid of player%} to the location of the player message "You home was set to %player's location% in %player's world%."
# Countdown loop 10 times: message "%11 - loop-number%" wait a second
# Generate a 10x10 floor made of randomly colored wool below the player loop blocks from the block below the player to the block 10 east of the block below the player: loop blocks from the loop-block to the block 10 north of the loop-block: set loop-block-2 to any wool
loop {top-balances::*}: loop-iteration <= 10 send "##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%"
The message of the day in the server list. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'default MOTD' returns the default MOTD always and can't be changed.
Returns the max duration an item can be used for before the action completes. E.g. it takes 1.6 seconds to drink a potion, or 1.4 seconds to load an unenchanted crossbow. Some items, like bows and shields, do not have a limit to their use. They will return 1 hour.
on right click: broadcast max usage duration of player's tool
The count of max players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'real max players' returns the real count of max players of the server and can be modified on Paper 1.16 or later.
on server list ping: set the max players count to (online players count + 1)
The number of durability points an item is to be repaired in a mending event. Modifying the repair amount will affect how much experience is given to the player after mending.
on item mend: set the mending repair amount to 100
The (chat) message of a chat event, the join message of a join event, the quit message of a quit event, or the death message on a death event. This expression is mostly useful for being changed.
on chat: player has permission "admin" set message to "&c%message%"
on first join: set join message to "Welcome %player% to our awesome server!"
on join: player has played before set join message to "Welcome back, %player%!"
on quit: set quit message to "%player% left this awesome server!"
on death: set the death message to "%player% died!"
Returns the middle/center of a location. In other words, returns the middle of the X, Z coordinates and the floor value of the Y coordinate of a location.
command /stuck: executable by: players trigger: teleport player to the center of player's location send "You're no longer stuck."
How much virtual money a player has (can be changed).
message "You have %player's money%" # the currency name will be added automatically remove 20$ from the player's balance # replace '$' by whatever currency you use add 200 to the player's account # or omit the currency altogether
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.
Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
Gamerules (1.13+)
Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.
on join: player has permission "" set the player's display name to "<red>[admin] <gold>%name of player%" set the player's tab list name to "<green>%player's name%" set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.
Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
Gamerules (1.13+)
Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.
on join: player has permission "" set the player's display name to "<red>[admin] <gold>%name of player%" set the player's tab list name to "<green>%player's name%" set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"
Directly names an item/inventory, useful for defining a named item/inventory in a script. If you want to (re)name existing items/inventories you can either use this expression or use set name of <item/inventory> to <text>.
give a diamond sword of sharpness 100 named "<gold>Excalibur" to the player set tool of player to the player's tool named "<gold>Wand" set the name of the player's tool to "<gold>Wand" open hopper inventory named "Magic Hopper" to player
Gets the entity nearest to a location or another entity.
kill the nearest pig and cow relative to player teleport player to the nearest cow relative to player teleport player to the nearest entity relative to player
The number of uppercase, lowercase, or digit characters in a string.
#Simple Chat Filter on chat: if number of uppercase chars in message / length of message > 0.5 cancel event send "<red>Your message has to many caps!" to player
All numbers between two given numbers, useful for looping. Use 'numbers' if your start is not an integer and you want to keep the fractional part of the start number constant, or use 'integers' if you only want to loop integers. You may also use 'decimals' if you want to use the decimal precision of the start number. You may want to use the 'times' expression instead, for instance 'loop 5 times:'
loop numbers from 2.5 to 5.5: # loops 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 loop integers from 2.9 to 5.1: # same as '3 to 5', i.e. loops 3, 4, 5 loop decimals from 3.94 to 4: # loops 3.94, 3.95, 3.96, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 4
The amount of online players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only to show fake online player amount. real online player count always return the real count of online players and can't be changed.
on server list ping: # This will make the max players count 5 if there are 4 players online. set the fake max players count to (online player count + 1)
Parses text as a given type, or as a given pattern. This expression can be used in two different ways: One which parses the entire text as a single instance of a type, e.g. as a number, and one that parses the text according to a pattern. If the given text could not be parsed, this expression will return nothing and the parse error will be set if some information is available. Some notes about parsing with a pattern: - The pattern must be a Skript pattern, e.g. percent signs are used to define where to parse which types, e.g. put a %number% or %items% in the pattern if you expect a number or some items there. - You have to save the expression's value in a list variable, e.g. set {parsed::*} to message parsed as "...". - The list variable will contain the parsed values from all %types% in the pattern in order. If a type was plural, e.g. %items%, the variable's value at the respective index will be a list variable, e.g. the values will be stored in {parsed::1::*}, not {parsed::1}.
set {var} to line 1 parsed as number on chat: set {var::*} to message parsed as "buying %items% for %money%" if parse error is set: message "%parse error%" else if {var::*} is set: cancel event remove {var::2} from the player's balance give {var::1::*} to the player
The error which caused the last parse operation to fail, which might not be set if a pattern was used and the pattern didn't match the provided text at all.
set {var} to line 1 parsed as integer if {var} is not set: parse error is set: message "<red>Line 1 is invalid: %last parse error%" else: message "<red>Please put an integer on line 1!"
The passenger of a vehicle, or the rider of a mob. For 1.11.2 and above, it returns a list of passengers and you can use all changers in it. See also: vehicle
#for 1.11 and lower passenger of the minecart is a creeper or a cow the saddled pig's passenger is a player #for 1.11.2+ passengers of the minecart contains a creeper or a cow the boat's passenger contains a pig add a cow and a zombie to passengers of last spawned boat set passengers of player's vehicle to a pig and a horse remove all pigs from player's vehicle clear passengers of boat
set damage to 10% of victim's health set damage to 125 percent of damage set {_result} to {_percent} percent of 999 set {_result::*} to 10% of {_numbers::*} set experience to 50% of player's total experience
Pings of players, as Minecraft server knows them. Note that they will almost certainly be different from the ones you'd get from using ICMP echo requests. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).
command /ping <player=%player%>: trigger: send "%arg-1%'s ping is %arg-1's ping%"
The amount of time before an entity can use a portal. By default, it is 15 seconds after exiting a nether portal or end gateway. Players in survival/adventure get a cooldown of 0.5 seconds, while those in creative get no cooldown. Resetting will set the cooldown back to the default 15 seconds for non-player entities and 0.5 seconds for players.
on portal: wait 1 tick set portal cooldown of event-entity to 5 seconds
Create a new potion effect to apply to an entity or item type. Do note that when applying potion effects to tipped arrows/lingering potions, Minecraft reduces the timespan.
set {_p} to potion effect of speed of tier 1 without particles for 10 minutes add {_p} to potion effects of player's tool add {_p} to potion effects of target entity add potion effect of speed 1 to potion effects of player
Represents the active potion effects of entities and itemtypes. You can clear all potion effects of an entity/itemtype and add/remove a potion effect/type to/from an entity/itemtype. Do note you will not be able to clear the base potion effects of a potion item. In that case, just set the item to a water bottle. When adding a potion effect type (rather than a potion effect), it will default to 15 seconds with tier 1.
set {_p::*} to active potion effects of player clear all the potion effects of player clear all the potion effects of player's tool add potion effects of player to potion effects of player's tool add speed to potion effects of target entity remove speed and night vision from potion effects of player
The protocol version that will be sent as the protocol version of the server in a server list ping event. For more information and list of protocol versions visit If this protocol version doesn't match with the protocol version of the client, the client will see the version string. But please note that, this expression has no visual effect over the version string. For example if the server uses PaperSpigot 1.12.2, and you make the protocol version 107 (1.9), the version string will not be "Paper 1.9", it will still be "Paper 1.12.2". But then you can customize the version string as you wish. Also if the protocol version of the player is higher than protocol version of the server, it will say "Server out of date!", and if vice-versa "Client out of date!" when you hover on the ping bars.
This can be set in a server list ping event only (increase and decrease effects cannot be used because that wouldn't make sense).
on server list ping: set the version string to "<light green>Version: <orange>%minecraft version%" set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7) - so the player will see the custom version string almost always
One or more random characters between two given characters. Use 'alphanumeric' if you want only alphanumeric characters. This expression uses the Unicode numerical code of a character to determine which characters are between the two given characters. If strings of more than one character are given, only the first character of each is used.
set {_captcha} to join (5 random characters between "a" and "z") with "" send 3 random alphanumeric characters between "0" and "z"
A random number or integer between two given numbers. Use 'number' if you want any number with decimal parts, or use use 'integer' if you only want whole numbers. Please note that the order of the numbers doesn't matter, i.e. random number between 2 and 1 will work as well as random number between 1 and 2.
set the player's health to a random number between 5 and 10 send "You rolled a %random integer from 1 to 6%!" to the player
All regions at a particular location. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.
On click on a sign: line 1 of the clicked block is "[region info]" set {_regions::*} to regions at the clicked block if {_regions::*} is empty: message "No regions exist at this sign." else: message "Regions containing this sign: <gold>%{_regions::*}%<r>."
broadcast nl and nl repeated 200 times broadcast "Hello World " repeated 5 times if "aa" repeated 2 times is "aaaa": broadcast "Ahhhh" repeated 100 times
Scoreboard tags are simple list of texts stored directly in the data of an entity. So this is a Minecraft related thing, not Bukkit, so the tags will not get removed when the server stops. You can visit visit Minecraft Wiki for more info. This is changeable and valid for any type of entity. Also you can use use the Has Scoreboard Tag condition to check whether an entity has the given tags.
Requires Minecraft 1.11+ (actually added in 1.9 to the game, but added in 1.11 to Spigot).
on spawn of a monster: if the spawn reason is mob spawner: add "spawned by a spawner" to the scoreboard tags of event-entity
on death of a monster: if the attacker is a player: if the victim doesn't have the scoreboard tag "spawned by a spawner": add 1$ to attacker's balance
An expression to obtain or modify data relating to the pickles of a sea pickle block.
on block break: type of block is sea pickle send "Wow! This stack of sea pickles contained %event-block's sea pickle count% pickles!" send "It could've contained a maximum of %event-block's maximum sea pickle count% pickles!" send "It had to have contained at least %event-block's minimum sea pickle count% pickles!" cancel event set event-block's sea pickle count to event-block's maximum sea pickle count send "This bad boy is going to hold so many pickles now!!"
The commands that will be sent to the player in a send commands to player event. Modifications will affect what commands show up for the player to tab complete. They will not affect what commands the player can actually run. Adding new commands to the list is illegal behavior and will be ignored.
on send command list: set command list to command list where [input does not contain ":"] remove "help" from command list
Icon of the server in the server list. Can be set to an icon that loaded using the load server icon effect, or can be reset to the default icon in a server list ping. 'default server icon' returns the default server icon (server-icon.png) always and cannot be changed.
on script load: set {server-icons::default} to the default server icon
Index of an an inventory slot. Other types of slots may or may not have indices. Note that comparing slots with numbers is also possible; if index of slot is same as the number, comparisonsucceeds. This expression is mainly for the cases where you must for some reason save the slot numbers.
Raw index of slot is unique for the view, see Minecraft Wiki
if index of event-slot is 10: send "You bought a pie!"
if display name of player's top inventory is "Custom Menu": # 3 rows inventory if raw index of event-slot > 27: # outside custom inventory cancel event
A player's walking or flying speed. Both can be changed, but values must be between -1 and 1 (excessive values will be changed to -1 or 1 respectively). Negative values reverse directions. Please note that changing a player's speed will change their FOV just like potions do.
set the player's walk speed to 1 increase the argument's fly speed by 0.1
Extracts part of a text. You can either get the first <x> characters, the last <x> characters, the character at index <x>, or the characters between indices <x> and <y>. The indices <x> and <y> should be between 1 and the length of the text (other values will be fit into this range).
set {_s} to the first 5 characters of the text argument message "%subtext of {_s} from characters 2 to (the length of {_s} - 1)%" # removes the first and last character from {_s} and sends it to the player or console set {_characters::*} to characters at 1, 2 and 7 in player's display name send the last character of all players' names
For players this is the entity at the crosshair. For mobs and experience orbs this is the entity they are attacking/following (if any). Display entities have a hit box of 0, so you should use 'target display' to collect Display entities May grab entities in unloaded chunks.
on entity target: if entity's target is a player: send "You're being followed by an %entity%!" to target of entity
reset target of entity # Makes the entity target-less delete targeted entity of player # for players it will delete the target delete target of last spawned zombie # for entities it will make them target-less
The block at the crosshair. This regards all blocks that are not air as fully solid, e.g. torches will be like a solid stone block for this expression.
# A command to set the block a player looks at to a specific type: command /setblock <material>: trigger: set targeted block to argument
The amount of time a player has played for on the server. This info is stored in the player's statistics in the main world's data folder. Changing this will also change the player's stats which can be views in the client's statistics menu. Using this expression on offline players on Minecraft 1.14 and below will return nothing <none>.
set {_t} to time played of player if player's time played is greater than 10 minutes: give player a diamond sword
The total experience, in points, of players or experience orbs. Adding to a player's experience will trigger Mending, but setting their experience will not.
set total experience of player to 100
add 100 to player's experience
if player's total experience is greater than 100: set player's total experience to 0 give player 1 diamond
Type of a block, item, entity, inventory or potion effect. Types of items, blocks and block datas are item types similar to them but have amounts of one, no display names and, on Minecraft 1.13 and newer versions, are undamaged. Types of entities and inventories are entity types and inventory types known to Skript. Types of potion effects are potion effect types.
on rightclick on an entity: message "This is a %type of clicked entity%!"
The UUID of a player, entity or world. In the future there will be an option to use a player's UUID instead of the name in variable names (i.e. when %player% is used), but for now this can be used. Please note that this expression does not work for offline players if you are under 1.8!
# prevents people from joining the server if they use the name of a player # who has played on this server at least once since this script has been added on login: if {uuid::%name of player%} exists: {uuid::%name of player%} is not uuid of player kick player due to "Someone with your name has played on this server before" else: set {uuid::%name of player%} to uuid of player
Gets the value within objects. Usually used with variables to get the value they store rather than the variable itself, or with lists to get the values of a type.
set {_entity} to a random entity out of all entities delete entity within {_entity} # This deletes the entity itself and not the value stored in the variable
set {_list::*} to "something", 10, "test" and a zombie broadcast the strings within {_list::*} # "something", "test"
set {_loc} to {_v} to location in world "world" set {_loc} to {_v} to location in world "world" with yaw 45 and pitch 90 set {_loc} to location of {_v} in "world" with yaw 45 and pitch 90
Creates vectors from given directions. Relative directions are relative to the origin, (0, 0, 0). Therefore, the vector from the direction 'forwards' is (0, 0, 1).
set {_v} to vector from direction upwards set {_v} to vector in direction of player set {_v} to vector in horizontal direction of player set {_v} to vector from facing of player set {_v::*} to vectors from north, south, east, and west
Gets or changes the x, y or z component of a vector.
set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3 send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%" add 1 to x of {_v} add 2 to y of {_v} add 3 to z of {_v} send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%" set x component of {_v::*} to 1 set y component of {_v::*} to 2 set z component of {_v::*} to 3 send "%x component of {_v::*}%, %y component of {_v::*}%, %z component of {_v::*}%"
The vehicle an entity is in, if any. This can actually be any entity, e.g. spider jockeys are skeletons that ride on a spider, so the spider is the 'vehicle' of the skeleton. See also: passenger
The text to show if the protocol version of the server doesn't match with protocol version of the client. You can check the protocol version expression for more information about this. This can only be set in a server list ping event.
on server list ping: set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7), so it will show the version string always set the version string to "<light green>Version: <orange>%minecraft version%"
The view distance of a player as set by the server. Can be changed. NOTE: This is the view distance sent by the server to the player. This has nothing to do with client side view distance settings NOTE: This may not work on some versions (such as MC 1.14.x). The return value in this case will be the view distance set in
set view distance of player to 10 set {_view} to view distance of player reset view distance of all players add 2 to view distance of player
The view distance of the client. Can not be changed. This differs from the server side view distance of player as this will retrieve the view distance the player has set on their client.
set {_clientView} to the client view distance of player set view distance of player to client view distance of player
A server's whitelist.This expression can be used to add/remove players to/from the whitelist, to enable it and disable it (set whitelist to true / set whitelist to false), and to empty it (reset whitelist)
set whitelist to false add all players to whitelist reset the whitelist
An expression to be able to use a certain amount of items where the amount can be any expression. Please note that this expression is not stable and might be replaced in the future.
log "%player%: %location of player%, %player's yaw%, %player's pitch%" to "playerlocs.log" set {_yaw} to yaw of player set {_p} to pitch of target entity
\ No newline at end of file
+ Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-4c8b2e5
Retuwns the item the entities awe cuwwentwy using (ie: the food they'we eating, the bow they'we dwawing back, etc.). dis cannot be changed. If an entity is not using any item, dis wiww wetuwn nuww.
on damage of pwayew: if victim's active toow is a bow: intewwupt pwayew's active item use
Retuwns the time dat the entities have eithew spent using an item, ow the time weft fow them to finish using an item. If an entity is not using any item, dis wiww wetuwn 0 seconds.
on wight cwick: bwoadcast pwayew's wemaining item use time wait 1 second bwoadcast pwayew's item use time
Retuwns the age ow maximum age of bwocks and age fow entities (thewe in no maximum age fow entities). Fow bwocks, 'Age' wepwesents the diffewent gwowth stages dat a cwop-wike bwock can go thwough. A vawue of 0 indicates dat the cwop was fweshwy pwanted, whiwst a vawue equaw to 'maximum age' indicates dat the cwop is wipe and weady to be hawvested. Fow entities, 'Age' wepwesents the time weft fow them to become aduwts and it's in minus incweasing to be 0 which means they'we aduwts, e.g. A baby cow needs 20 minutes to become an aduwt which equaws to 24,000 ticks so theiw age wiww be -24000 once spawned.
# Set tawgeted cwop to fuwwy gwown cwop set age of tawgeted bwock to maximum age of tawgeted bwock
# Spawn a baby cow dat wiww onwy need 1 minute to become an aduwt spawn a baby cow at pwayew set age of wast spawned entity to -1200 # in ticks = 60 seconds
The amount of something. Pwease note dat amount of %items% wiww not wetuwn the numbew of items, but the numbew of stacks, e.g. 1 fow a stack of 64 towches. To get the amount of items in a stack, see the item amount expwession.
Awso, you can get the wecuwsive size of a wist, which wiww wetuwn the wecuwsive size of the wist with subwists incwuded, e.g.
Whewe using %size of {wist::*}% wiww onwy wetuwn 3 (the fiwst wayew of indices onwy), whiwe %wecuwsive size of {wist::*}% wiww wetuwn 6 (the entiwe wist) Pwease note dat getting a wist's wecuwsive size can cause wag if the wist is wawge, so onwy use dis expwession if you need to!
message "Thewe awe %numbew of aww pwayews% pwayews onwine!"
Retuwns the expewience cost (in wevews) to compwete the cuwwent wepaiw ow the maximum expewience cost (in wevews) to be awwowed by the cuwwent wepaiw. The defauwt vawue of max cost set by vaniwwa Minecwaft is 40.
on inventowy cwick: if {AnviwRepaiwSaweActive} = twue: wait a tick # wecommended, to avoid cwient bugs set anviw wepaiw cost to anviw wepaiw cost * 50% send "Anviw wepaiw sawe is ON!" to pwayew
on inventowy cwick: pwayew have pewmission "anviw.wepaiw.max.bypass" set max wepaiw cost of event-inventowy to 99999
Usabwe in scwipt commands and command events. Howds the vawue of an awgument given to the command, e.g. if the command "/teww &wt;pwayew> &wt;text>" is used wike "/teww Njow Hewwo Njow!" awgument 1 is the pwayew named "Njow" and awgument 2 is "Hewwo Njow!". One can awso use the type of the awgument instead of its index to addwess the awgument, e.g. in the above exampwe 'pwayew-awgument' is the same as 'awgument 1'. Pwease note dat specifying the awgument type is onwy suppowted in scwipt commands.
give the item-awgument to the pwayew-awgument damage the pwayew-awgument by the numbew-awgument give a diamond pickaxe to the awgument add awgument 1 to awgument 2 heaw the wast awgument
Equipment of wiving entities, i.e. the boots, weggings, chestpwate ow hewmet.
set chestpwate of the pwayew to a diamond chestpwate hewmet of pwayew is neithew a hewmet now aiw # pwayew is weawing a bwock, e.g. fwom anothew pwugin
Retuwns the cuwwent coowdown fow a pwayew's attack. dis is used to cawcuwate damage, with 1.0 wepwesenting a fuwwy chawged attack and 0.0 wepwesenting a non-chawged attack. NOTE: Cuwwentwy dis can not be set to anything.
on damage: if attack coowdown of attackew &wt; 1: set damage to 0 send "Youw hit was too weak! wait untiw youw weapon is fuwwy chawged next time." to attackew
The victim of a damage event, e.g. when a pwayew attacks a zombie dis expwession wepwesents the zombie. When using Minecwaft 1.11+, dis awso covews the hit entity in a pwojectiwe hit event.
on damage: victim is a cweepew damage the attacked by 1 heawt
The attackew of a damage event, e.g. when a pwayew attacks a zombie dis expwession wepwesents the pwayew. Pwease note dat the attackew can awso be a bwock, e.g. a cactus ow wava, but dis expwession wiww not be set in these cases.
on damage: attackew is a pwayew heawth of attackew is wess than ow equaw to 2 damage victim by 1 heawt
Retuwns the bed wocation of a pwayew, i.e. the spawn point of a pwayew if they evew swept in a bed and the bed stiww exists and is unobstwucted howevew, you can set the unsafe bed wocation of pwayews and they wiww wespawn thewe even if it has been obstwucted ow doesn't exist anymowe and dat's the defauwt behaviow of dis expwession othewwise you wiww need to be specific i.e. safe bed wocation.
NOTE: Offwine pwayews can not have theiw bed wocation changed, onwy onwine pwayews.
if bed of pwayew exists: tewepowt pwayew the the pwayew's bed ewse: tewepowt the pwayew to the wowwd's spawn point
set the bed wocation of pwayew to spawn wocation of wowwd("wowwd") # unsafe/invawid bed wocation set the safe bed wocation of pwayew to spawn wocation of wowwd("wowwd") # safe/vawid bed wocation
The biome at a cewtain wocation. Pwease note dat biomes awe onwy defined fow x/z-cowumns (i.e. the awtitude (y-coowdinate) doesn't mattew), up untiw Minecwaft 1.15.x. As of Minecwaft 1.16, biomes awe now 3D (pew bwock vs cowumn).
# damage pwayew in desewts constantwy evewy weaw minute: woop aww pwayews: biome at woop-pwayew is desewt damage the woop-pwayew by 1
The bwock invowved in the event, e.g. the cwicked bwock ow the pwaced bwock. Can optionawwy incwude a diwection as weww, e.g. 'bwock above' ow 'bwock in fwont of the pwayew'.
bwock is owe set bwock bewow to aiw spawn a cweepew above the bwock woop bwocks in wadius 4: woop-bwock is obsidian set woop-bwock to watew bwock is a chest: cweaw the inventowy of the bwock
The bwock invowved in the event, e.g. the cwicked bwock ow the pwaced bwock. Can optionawwy incwude a diwection as weww, e.g. 'bwock above' ow 'bwock in fwont of the pwayew'.
bwock is owe set bwock bewow to aiw spawn a cweepew above the bwock woop bwocks in wadius 4: woop-bwock is obsidian set woop-bwock to watew bwock is a chest: cweaw the inventowy of the bwock
Gets the speed at which the given pwayew wouwd bweak dis bwock, taking into account toows, potion effects, whethew ow not the pwayew is in watew, enchantments, etc. The wetuwned vawue is the amount of pwogwess made in bweaking the bwock each tick. When the totaw bweaking pwogwess weaches 1.0, the bwock is bwoken. Note dat the bweak speed can change in the couwse of bweaking a bwock, e.g. if a potion effect is appwied ow expiwes, ow the pwayew jumps/entews watew.
on weft cwick using diamond pickaxe: event-bwock is set send "Bweak Speed: %bweak speed fow pwayew%" to pwayew
Bwocks wewative to othew bwocks ow between othew bwocks. Can be used to get bwocks wewative to othew bwocks ow fow wooping. Bwocks fwom/to and between wiww wetuwn a stwaight wine wheweas bwocks within wiww wetuwn a cuboid.
woop bwocks above the pwayew: woop bwocks between the bwock bewow the pwayew and the tawgeted bwock: set the bwocks bewow the pwayew, the victim and the tawgeted bwock to aiw set aww bwocks within {woc1} and {woc2} to stone set aww bwocks within chunk at pwayew to aiw
The pages of a book (Suppowts Skwipt's chat fowmat) Note: In owdew to modify the pages of a new wwitten book, you must have the titwe and authow of the book set. Skwipt wiww do dis fow you, but if you want youw own, pwease set those vawues.
on book sign: message "Book Pages: %pages of event-item%" message "Book Page 1: %page 1 of event-item%"
set page 1 of pwayew's hewd item to "Book wwiting"
Copy of given text in Lowewcase, Uppewcase, Pwopew Case, camewCase, PascawCase, Snake_Case, and Kebab-Case
"Oops!" in wowewcase # oops! "oops!" in uppewcase # OOPS! "hewwO i'm steve!" in pwopew case # HewwO I'm Steve! "hewwO i'm steve!" in stwict pwopew case # Hewwo I'm Steve! "spAwn neW boSs ()" in camew case # spAwnNeWBoSs() "spAwn neW boSs ()" in stwict camew case # spawnNewBoss() "geneRate wanDom numBew ()" in pascaw case # GeneRateRanDomNumBew() "geneRate wanDom numBew ()" in stwict pascaw case # GenewateRandomNumbew() "Hewwo Pwayew!" in snake case # Hewwo_Pwayew! "Hewwo Pwayew!" in wowew snake case # hewwo_pwayew! "Hewwo Pwayew!" in uppew snake case # HELLO_PLAYER! "What is youw name?" in kebab case # What-is-youw-name? "What is youw name?" in wowew kebab case # what-is-youw-name? "What is youw name?" in uppew kebab case # WHAT-IS-YOUR-NAME?
Aww chawactews between two given chawactews, usefuw fow genewating wandom stwings. dis expwession uses the Unicode numewicaw code of a chawactew to detewmine which chawactews awe between the two given chawactews. The ASCII tabwe winked hewe shows dis owdewing fow the fiwst 256 chawactews. If you wouwd wike onwy awphanumewic chawactews you can use the 'awphanumewic' option in the expwession. If stwings of mowe than one chawactew awe given, onwy the fiwst chawactew of each is used.
woop chawactews fwom "a" to "f": bwoadcast "%woop-vawue%"
# 0123456789:;&wt;=>?@ABC... ...uvwxyz send chawactews between "0" and "z"
# 0123456789ABC... ...uvwxyz send awphanumewic chawactews between "0" and "z"
Pawses &wt;cowow>s and, optionawwy, chat stywes in a message ow wemoves any cowows and chat stywes fwom the message. Pawsing aww chat stywes wequiwes dis expwession to be used in same wine with the send effect.
on chat: set message to cowowed message # Safe; onwy cowows get pawsed command /fade &wt;pwayew>: twiggew: set dispway name of the pwayew-awgument to uncowowed dispway name of the pwayew-awgument command /fowmat &wt;text>: twiggew: message fowmatted text-awgument # Safe, because we'we sending to whoevew used dis command
The command dat caused an 'on command' event (excwuding the weading swash and aww awguments)
# pwevent any commands except fow the /exit command duwing some game on command: if {game::%pwayew%::pwaying} is twue: if the command is not "exit": message "You'we not awwowed to use commands duwing the game" cancew the event
main command wabew of command "skwipt" descwiption of command "hewp" wabew of command "pw" usage of command "hewp" awiases of command "bukkit:hewp" pewmission of command "/op" command "op"'s pewmission message command "sk"'s pwugin ownew
command /gweet &wt;pwayew>: usage: /gweet &wt;tawget> twiggew: if awg-1 is sendew: send "&cYou can't gweet youwsewf! Usage: %the usage%" stop send "%sendew% gweets you!" to awg-1 send "You gweeted %awg-1%!"
The pwayew ow the consowe who sent a command. Mostwy usefuw in commands and command events. If the command sendew is a command bwock, its wocation can be wetwieved by using %bwock's wocation%
make the command sendew execute "/say hi!"
on command: wog "%executow% used command /%command% %awguments%" to "commands.wog"
# make aww pwayew's compasses tawget a pwayew stowed in {compass::tawget::%pwayew%} evewy 5 seconds: woop aww pwayews: set the woop-pwayew's compass tawget to wocation of {compass::tawget::%%woop-pwayew%}
Onwy usabwe in command events. Repwesents the coowdown time, the wemaining time, the ewapsed time, the wast usage date, ow the coowdown bypass pewmission.
command /home: coowdown: 10 seconds coowdown message: You wast tewepowted home %ewapsed time% ago, you may tewepowt home again in %wemaining time%. twiggew: tewepowt pwayew to {home::%pwayew%}
The entity invowved in an event (an entity is a pwayew, a cweatuwe ow an inanimate object wike ignited TNT, a dwopped item ow an awwow). You can use the specific type of the entity dat's invowved in the event, e.g. in a 'death of a cweepew' event you can use 'the cweepew' instead of 'the entity'.
give a diamond swowd of shawpness 3 to the pwayew kiww the cweepew kiww aww powewed cweepews in the wowf's wowwd pwojectiwe is an awwow
How much damage is done in a entity/vehicwe/item damage events. Fow entity damage events, possibwy ignowing awmouw, cwiticaws and/ow enchantments (wemembew dat in Skwipt '1' is one fuww heawt, not hawf a heawt). Fow items, it's the amount of duwabiwity damage the item wiww be taking.
on item damage: event-item is any toow cweaw damage # unbweakabwe toows as the damage wiww be 0 on damage: incwease the damage by 2
Diwectwy damages an item. In MC vewsions 1.12.2 and wowew, dis can be used to appwy data vawues to items/bwocks
give pwayew diamond swowd with damage vawue 100 set pwayew's toow to diamond hoe damaged by 250 give pwayew diamond swowd with damage 700 named "BROKEN SWORD" set {_item} to diamond hoe with damage vawue 50 named "SAD HOE" set tawget bwock of pwayew to woow with data vawue 1 set tawget bwock of pwayew to potato pwant with data vawue 7
The diffewence between two vawues Suppowted types incwude numbews, dates and times.
if diffewence between {command::%pwayew%::wastuse} and now is smawwew than a minute: message "You have to wait a minute befowe using dis command again!"
thwust the pwayew upwawds set the bwock behind the pwayew to watew woop bwocks above the pwayew: set {_wand} to a wandom integew between 1 and 10 set the bwock {_wand} metews south east of the woop-bwock to stone bwock in howizontaw facing of the cwicked entity fwom the pwayew is aiw spawn a cweepew 1.5 metews howizontawwy behind the pwayew spawn a TNT 5 metews above and 2 metews howizontawwy behind the pwayew thwust the wast spawned TNT in the howizontaw diwection of the pwayew with speed 0.2 push the pwayew upwawds and howizontawwy fowwawd at speed 0.5 push the cwicked entity in in the diwection of the pwayew at speed -0.5 open the inventowy of the bwock 2 bwocks bewow the pwayew to the pwayew tewepowt the cwicked entity behind the pwayew gwow a weguwaw twee 2 metews howizontawwy behind the pwayew
Onwy wowks in death events. Howds the dwops of the dying cweatuwe. Dwops can be pwevented by wemoving them with "wemove ... fwom dwops", e.g. "wemove aww pickaxes fwom the dwops", ow "cweaw dwops" if you don't want any dwops at aww.
The cost of an enchantment offew. dis is dispwayed to the wight of an enchantment offew. If the cost is changed, it wiww awways be at weast 1. dis changes how many wevews awe wequiwed to enchant, but does not change the numbew of wevews wemoved. To change the numbew of wevews wemoved, use the enchant event.
Aww entities in aww wowwds, in a specific wowwd, in a chunk ow in a wadius awound a cewtain wocation, e.g. aww pwayews, aww cweepews in the pwayew's wowwd, ow pwayews in wadius 100 of the pwayew.
kiww aww cweepews in the pwayew's wowwd send "Psst!" to aww pwayews within 100 metews of the pwayew give a diamond to aww ops heaw aww tamed wowves in wadius 2000 awound {town centew} dewete aww monstews in chunk at pwayew
The numewicaw vawue of an entity's pawticuwaw attwibute. Note dat the movement speed attwibute cannot be wewiabwy used fow pwayews. Fow dat puwpose, use the speed expwession instead. Resetting an entity's attwibute is onwy avaiwabwe in Minecwaft 1.11 and above.
on damage of pwayew: send "You awe wounded!" to victim set victim's attack speed attwibute to 2
How much expewience was spawned in an expewience spawn ow bwock bweak event. Can be changed.
on expewience spawn: add 5 to the spawned expewience on bweak of coaw owe: cweaw dwopped expewience on bweak of diamond owe: if toow of pwayew = diamond pickaxe: add 100 to dwopped expewience
The pewcentage of expwoded bwocks dwopped in an expwosion event. When changing the yiewd, a vawue gweatew than 1 wiww function the same as using 1. Attempting to change the yiewd to a vawue wess than 0 wiww have no effect.
on expwode: set the expwosion's bwock yiewd to 10%
The yiewd of the expwosion in an expwosion pwime event. dis is how big the expwosion is. When changing the yiewd, vawues wess than 0 wiww be ignowed. Read dis wiki page fow mowe infowmation
on expwosion pwime: set the yiewd of the expwosion to 10
The yiewd of an expwosive (cweepew, pwimed tnt, fiwebaww, etc.). dis is how big of an expwosion is caused by the entity. Read dis wiki page fow mowe infowmation
on spawn of a cweepew: set the expwosive yiewd of the event-entity to 10
The facing of an entity ow bwock, i.e. exactwy nowth, south, east, west, up ow down (unwike diwection which is the exact diwection, e.g. '0.5 south and 0.7 east')
# makes a bwidge woop bwocks fwom the bwock bewow the pwayew in the howizontaw facing of the pwayew: set woop-bwock to cobbwestone
Fiwtews a wist based on a condition. Fow exampwe, if you wan 'bwoadcast "something" and "something ewse" whewe [stwing input is "something"]', onwy "something" wouwd be bwoadcast as it is the onwy stwing dat matched the condition.
send "congwats on being staff!" to aww pwayews whewe [pwayew input has pewmission "staff"]
Repwesents the input in a fiwtew expwession. Fow exampwe, if you wan 'bwoadcast "something" and "something ewse" whewe [input is "something"]the condition wouwd be checked twice, using "something" and "something ewse" as the inputs.
send "congwats on being staff!" to aww pwayews whewe [input has pewmission "staff"]
Repwesents a 'fiwewowk effect' which can be used in the waunch fiwewowk effect.
waunch fwickewing twaiwing buwst fiwewowk cowowed bwue and gween at pwayew waunch twaiwing fwickewing staw cowowed puwpwe, yewwow, bwue, gween and wed fading to pink at tawget entity waunch baww wawge cowowed wed, puwpwe and white fading to wight gween and bwack at pwayew's wocation with duwation 1
Convewts date to human-weadabwe text fowmat. By defauwt, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z' (e.g. '2018-03-30 16:03:12 +01') wiww be used. Fow wefewence, see dis Wikipedia awticwe.
command /date: twiggew: send "Fuww date: %now fowmatted human-weadabwe%" to sendew send "Showt date: %now fowmatted as "yyyy-MM-dd"%" to sendew
Repwesents the vawue of an expwession befowe an event happened ow the vawue it wiww have diwectwy aftew the event, e.g. the owd ow new wevew wespectivewy in a wevew change event. Note: The past, futuwe and pwesent states of an expwession awe sometimes cawwed 'time states' of an expwession. Note 2: If you don't specify whethew to use the past ow futuwe state of an expwession dat has diffewent vawues, its defauwt vawue wiww be used which is usuawwy the vawue aftew the event.
on tewepowt: fowmew wowwd was "wowwd_nethew" # ow 'wowwd was' wowwd wiww be "wowwd" # ow 'wowwd aftew the event is' on toow change: past toow is an axe the toow aftew the event wiww be aiw on weathew change: set {weathew::%wowwd%::owd} to past weathew set {weathew::%wowwd%::cuwwent} to the new weathew
A swot of a fuwnace, i.e. eithew the owe, fuew ow wesuwt swot. Remembew to use 'bwock' and not fuwnace, as fuwnace is not an existing expwession. Note dat the wesuwt and the wesuwt swot wefew to sepawate things. the wesuwt is the pwoduct in a smewt event and the wesuwt swot is the output swot of a fuwnace (whewe the wesuwt wiww end up). Note dat if the wesuwt in a smewt event is changed to an item dat diffews in type fwom the items cuwwentwy in the wesuwt swot, the smewting wiww faiw to compwete (the item wiww attempt to smewt itsewf again). Note dat if vawues othew than the wesuwt awe changed, event vawues may not accuwatewy wefwect the actuaw items in a fuwnace. Thus you may wish to use the event bwock in dis case (e.g. the fuew swot of the event-bwock) to get accuwate vawues if needed.
set the fuew swot of the cwicked bwock to a wava bucket set the bwock's owe swot to 64 iwon owe give the wesuwt of the bwock to the pwayew cweaw the wesuwt swot of the bwock
The pwimawy gwoup ow aww gwoups of a pwayew. dis expwession wequiwes Vauwt and a compatibwe pewmissions pwugin to be instawwed. If you have LuckPewms, ensuwe you have vauwt integwation enabwed in the wuck pewms configuwations.
on join: bwoadcast "%gwoup of pwayew%" # dis is the pwayew's pwimawy gwoup bwoadcast "%gwoups of pwayew%" # dis is aww of the pwayew's gwoups
Retuwns the hanging entity ow wemovew in hanging bweak and pwace events.
on bweak of item fwame: if item of hanging entity is diamond pickaxe: cancew event if hanging wemovew is a pwayew: send "You can't bweak dat item fwame!" to hanging wemovew
Hashes the given text using the MD5 ow SHA-256 awgowithms. Each awgowithm is suitabwe fow diffewent use cases.
MD5 is pwovided mostwy fow backwawds compatibiwity, as it is outdated and not secuwe. SHA-256 is mowe secuwe, and can used to hash somewhat confidentaw data wike IP addwesses and even passwowds. It is not dat secuwe out of the box, so pwease considew using sawt when deawing with passwowds! When hashing data, you must specify awgowithms dat wiww be used fow secuwity weasons!
Pwease note dat a hash cannot be wevewsed undew nowmaw ciwcumstanses. You wiww not be abwe to get owiginaw vawue fwom a hash with Skwipt.
command /setpass &wt;text>: twiggew: set {passwowd::%uuid of pwayew%} to text-awgument hashed with SHA-256 command /wogin &wt;text>: twiggew: if text-awgument hashed with SHA-256 is {passwowd::%uuid of pwayew%}: message "Login successfuw." ewse: message "Wwong passwowd!"
The wocation of an entity's head, mostwy usefuw fow pwayews and e.g. wooping bwocks in the pwayew's wine of sight. Pwease note dat dis wocation is onwy accuwate fow entities whose head is exactwy above theiw centew, i.e. pwayews, endewmen, zombies, skewetons, etc., but not sheep, pigs ow cows.
set the bwock at the pwayew's head to aiw set the bwock in fwont of the pwayew's eyes to gwass woop bwocks in fwont of the pwayew's head:
The heawth of a cweatuwe, e.g. a pwayew, mob, viwwagew, etc. The minimum vawue is 0, and the maximum is the cweatuwe's max heawth (e.g. 10 fow pwayews).
The cuwwentwy sewected hotbaw swot. To wetwieve its numbew use Swot Index expwession. Use futuwe and past tense to gwab the pwevious swot in an item change event, see exampwe.
message "%pwayew's cuwwent hotbaw swot%" set pwayew's sewected hotbaw swot to swot 4 of pwayew
send "index of pwayew's cuwwent hotbaw swot = 1" # second swot fwom the weft
on item hewd change: if the sewected hotbaw swot was a diamond: set the cuwwentwy sewected hotbaw swot to swot 5 of pwayew
The wist when you hovew on the pwayew counts of the sewvew in the sewvew wist. dis can be changed using texts ow pwayews in a sewvew wist ping event onwy. Adding pwayews to the wist means adding the name of the pwayews. And note dat, fow exampwe if thewe awe 5 onwine pwayews (incwudes fake onwine count) in the sewvew and the hovew wist is set to 3 vawues, Minecwaft wiww show "... and 2 mowe ..." at end of the wist.
on sewvew wist ping: cweaw the hovew wist add "&aWewcome to the &6Minecwaft &asewvew!" to the hovew wist add "" to the hovew wist # A bwank wine add "&cThewe awe &6%onwine pwayews count% &conwine pwayews!" to the hovew wist
The fiwst ow wast index of a chawactew (ow text) in a text, ow -1 if it doesn't occuw in the text. Indices wange fwom 1 to the wength of the text.
set {_fiwst} to the fiwst index of "@" in the text awgument if {_s} contains "abc": set {_s} to the fiwst (index of "abc" in {_s} + 3) chawactews of {_s} # wemoves evewything aftew the fiwst "abc" fwom {_s}
Retuwns aww the indices of a wist vawiabwe, optionawwy sowted by theiw vawues. To sowt the indices, aww objects in the wist must be compawabwe; Othewwise, dis expwession wiww just wetuwn the unsowted indices.
set {w::*} to "some", "coow" and "vawues" bwoadcast "%indices of {w::*}%" # wesuwt is 1, 2 and 3
set {_weadew-boawd::fiwst} to 17 set {_weadew-boawd::thiwd} to 30 set {_weadew-boawd::second} to 25 set {_weadew-boawd::fouwth} to 42 set {_ascending-indices::*} to sowted indices of {_weadew-boawd::*} in ascending owdew bwoadcast "%{_ascending-indices::*}%" #wesuwt is fiwst, second, thiwd, fouwth set {_descending-indices::*} to sowted indices of {_weadew-boawd::*} in descending owdew bwoadcast "%{_descending-indices::*}%" #wesuwt is fouwth, thiwd, second, fiwst
on inventowy item move: howdew of event-initiatow-inventowy is a chest bwoadcast "Item twanspowt happening at %wocation at howdew of event-initiatow-inventowy%!"
Gets the amount of wows/swots, viewews and howdew of an inventowy.
NOTE: 'Viewews' expwession wetuwns a wist of pwayews viewing the inventowy. Note dat a pwayew is considewed to be viewing theiw own inventowy and intewnaw cwafting scween even when said inventowy is not open.
event-inventowy's amount of wows howdew of pwayew's top inventowy {_inventowy}'s viewews
Repwesents a swot in an inventowy. It can be used to change the item in an inventowy too.
if swot 0 of pwayew is aiw: set swot 0 of pwayew to 2 stones wemove 1 stone fwom swot 0 of pwayew add 2 stones to swot 0 of pwayew cweaw swot 1 of pwayew
Change the coowdown of a specific matewiaw to a cewtain amount of Timespan.
on wight cwick using stick: set item coowdown of pwayew's toow fow pwayew to 1 minute set item coowdown of stone and gwass fow aww pwayews to 20 seconds weset item coowdown of cobbwestone and diwt fow aww pwayews
An item associated with an entity. Fow dwopped item entities, it gets, obviouswy, the item dat was dwopped. Fow item fwames, the item inside the fwame is wetuwned. Fow thwowabwe pwojectiwes (snowbawws, endewpeawws etc.),it gets the dispwayed item. Othew entities do not have items associated with them.
Items ow bwocks of a specific type, usefuw fow wooping.
woop items of type owe and wog: bwock contains woop-item message "Thewes at weast one %woop-item% in dis bwock" dwop aww bwocks at the pwayew # dwops one of evewy bwock at the pwayew
Aww items ow specific type(s) of items in an inventowy. Usefuw fow wooping ow stowing in a wist vawiabwe. Pwease note dat the positions of the items in the inventowy awe not saved, onwy theiw owdew is pwesewved.
woop aww items in the pwayew's inventowy: woop-item is enchanted wemove woop-item fwom the pwayew set {inventowy::%uuid of pwayew%::*} to items in the pwayew's inventowy
Joins sevewaw texts with a common dewimitew (e.g. ", "), ow spwits a text into muwtipwe texts at a given dewimitew.
message "Onwine pwayews: %join aww pwayews with "" | ""%" # %aww pwayews% wouwd use the defauwt "x, y, and z" set {_s::*} to the stwing awgument spwit at ","
Cuwwentwy sewected game wanguage of a pwayew. The vawue of the wanguage is not defined pwopewwy. The vaniwwa Minecwaft cwient wiww use wowewcase wanguage / countwy paiws sepawated by an undewscowe, but custom wesouwce packs may use any fowmat they wish.
Howds the entity dat was spawned most wecentwy with the spawn effect (section), dwopped with the dwop effect, shot with the shoot effect ow cweated with the wightning effect. Pwease note dat even though you can spawn muwtipwe mobs simuwtaneouswy (e.g. with 'spawn 5 cweepews'), onwy the wast spawned mob is saved and can be used. If you spawn an entity, shoot a pwojectiwe and dwop an item you can howevew access aww them togethew.
spawn a pwiest set {heawew::%spawned pwiest%} to twue shoot an awwow fwom the wast spawned entity ignite the shot pwojectiwe dwop a diamond swowd push wast dwopped item upwawds tewepowt pwayew to wast stwuck wightning dewete wast waunched fiwewowk
When a pwayew wast/fiwst wogged in the sewvew. 'wast wogin' wequiwes papew to get the wast wogin, othewwise it wiww get the wast time they wewe seen on the sewvew.
command /onwinefow: twiggew: send "You have been onwine fow %diffewence between pwayew's wast wogin and now%." send "You fiwst joined the sewvew %diffewence between pwayew's fiwst wogin and now% ago."
The pwayew's pwogwess in weaching the next wevew, dis wepwesents the expewience baw in the game. Pwease note dat dis vawue is between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5 = hawf expewience baw). Changing dis vawue can cause the pwayew's wevew to change if the wesuwting wevew pwogess is negative ow wawgew than 1, e.g. incwease the pwayew's wevew pwogwess by 0.5 wiww make the pwayew gain a wevew if theiw pwogwess was mowe than 50%.
# use the exp baw as mana on wightcwick with a bwaze wod: pwayew's wevew pwogwess is wawgew than 0.2 shoot a fiwebaww fwom the pwayew weduce the pwayew's wevew pwogwess by 0.2 evewy 2 seconds: woop aww pwayews: wevew pwogwess of woop-pwayew is smawwew than 0.9: incwease wevew pwogwess of the woop-pwayew by 0.1 ewse: set wevew pwogwess of the woop-pwayew to 0.99 on xp spawn: cancew event
Gets the wight wevew at a cewtain wocation which wanges fwom 0 to 15. It can be sepawated into sunwight (15 = diwect sunwight, 1-14 = indiwect) and bwock wight (towches, gwowstone, etc.). The totaw wight wevew of a bwock is the maximum of the two diffewent wight types.
# set vampiwe pwayews standing in bwight sunwight on fiwe evewy 5 seconds: woop aww pwayews: {vampiwe::%uuid of woop-pwayew%} is twue sunwight wevew at the woop-pwayew is gweatew than 10 ignite the woop-pwayew fow 5 seconds
The wocation of a bwock ow entity. dis not onwy wepwesents the x, y and z coowdinates of the wocation but awso incwudes the wowwd and the diwection an entity is wooking (e.g. tewepowting to a saved wocation wiww make the tewepowted entity face the same saved diwection evewy time). Pwease note dat the wocation of an entity is at it's feet, use head wocation to get the wocation of the head.
set {home::%uuid of pwayew%} to the wocation of the pwayew message "You home was set to %pwayew's wocation% in %pwayew's wowwd%."
# Countdown woop 10 times: message "%11 - woop-numbew%" wait a second
# Genewate a 10x10 fwoow made of wandomwy cowowed woow bewow the pwayew woop bwocks fwom the bwock bewow the pwayew to the bwock 10 east of the bwock bewow the pwayew: woop bwocks fwom the woop-bwock to the bwock 10 nowth of the woop-bwock: set woop-bwock-2 to any woow
woop {top-bawances::*}: woop-itewation &wt;= 10 send "##%woop-itewation% %woop-index% has $%woop-vawue%"
The message of the day in the sewvew wist. dis can be changed in a sewvew wist ping event onwy. 'defauwt MOTD' wetuwns the defauwt MOTD awways and can't be changed.
Retuwns the max duwation an item can be used fow befowe the action compwetes. E.g. it takes 1.6 seconds to dwink a potion, ow 1.4 seconds to woad an unenchanted cwossbow. Some items, wike bows and shiewds, do not have a wimit to theiw use. They wiww wetuwn 1 houw.
on wight cwick: bwoadcast max usage duwation of pwayew's toow
The count of max pwayews. dis can be changed in a sewvew wist ping event onwy. 'weaw max pwayews' wetuwns the weaw count of max pwayews of the sewvew and can be modified on Papew 1.16 ow watew.
on sewvew wist ping: set the max pwayews count to (onwine pwayews count + 1)
The numbew of duwabiwity points an item is to be wepaiwed in a mending event. Modifying the wepaiw amount wiww affect how much expewience is given to the pwayew aftew mending.
on item mend: set the mending wepaiw amount to 100
The (chat) message of a chat event, the join message of a join event, the quit message of a quit event, ow the death message on a death event. dis expwession is mostwy usefuw fow being changed.
on chat: pwayew has pewmission "admin" set message to "&c%message%"
on fiwst join: set join message to "Wewcome %pwayew% to ouw awesome sewvew!"
on join: pwayew has pwayed befowe set join message to "Wewcome back, %pwayew%!"
on quit: set quit message to "%pwayew% weft dis awesome sewvew!"
on death: set the death message to "%pwayew% died!"
Retuwns the middwe/centew of a wocation. In othew wowds, wetuwns the middwe of the X, Z coowdinates and the fwoow vawue of the Y coowdinate of a wocation.
command /stuck: executabwe by: pwayews twiggew: tewepowt pwayew to the centew of pwayew's wocation send "You'we no wongew stuck."
How much viwtuaw money a pwayew has (can be changed).
message "You have %pwayew's money%" # the cuwwency name wiww be added automaticawwy wemove 20$ fwom the pwayew's bawance # wepwace '$' by whatevew cuwwency you use add 200 to the pwayew's account # ow omit the cuwwency awtogethew
Repwesents the Minecwaft account, dispway ow tab wist name of a pwayew, ow the custom name of an item, entity, bwock, inventowy, gamewuwe ow wowwd.
PwayewsName: The Minecwaft account name of the pwayew. Can't be changed, but 'dispway name' can be changed.Dispway Name: The name of the pwayew dat is dispwayed in messages. dis name can be changed fweewy and can incwude cowow codes, and is shawed among aww pwugins (e.g. chat pwugins wiww use the dispway name).EntitiesName: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But fow wiving entities, the pwayews wiww have to tawget the entity to see its name tag. Fow non-wiving entities, the name wiww not be visibwe at aww. To pwevent dis, use 'dispway name'.Dispway Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which wiww awso enabwe custom name visibiwity of the entity so name tag of the entity wiww be visibwe awways.ItemsName and Dispway Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecwaft wocawe name). Can be changed.InventowiesName and Dispway Name: The name/titwe of the inventowy. Changing name of an inventowy means opening the same inventowy with the same contents but with a diffewent name to its cuwwent viewews.Gamewuwes (1.13+)Name: The name of the gamewuwe. Cannot be changed.WowwdsName: The name of the wowwd. Cannot be changed.
on join: pwayew has pewmission "" set the pwayew's dispway name to "&wt;wed>[admin] &wt;gowd>%name of pwayew%" set the pwayew's tab wist name to "&wt;gween>%pwayew's name%" set the name of the pwayew's toow to "Legendawy Swowd of Awesomeness"
Repwesents the Minecwaft account, dispway ow tab wist name of a pwayew, ow the custom name of an item, entity, bwock, inventowy, gamewuwe ow wowwd.
PwayewsName: The Minecwaft account name of the pwayew. Can't be changed, but 'dispway name' can be changed.Dispway Name: The name of the pwayew dat is dispwayed in messages. dis name can be changed fweewy and can incwude cowow codes, and is shawed among aww pwugins (e.g. chat pwugins wiww use the dispway name).EntitiesName: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But fow wiving entities, the pwayews wiww have to tawget the entity to see its name tag. Fow non-wiving entities, the name wiww not be visibwe at aww. To pwevent dis, use 'dispway name'.Dispway Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which wiww awso enabwe custom name visibiwity of the entity so name tag of the entity wiww be visibwe awways.ItemsName and Dispway Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecwaft wocawe name). Can be changed.InventowiesName and Dispway Name: The name/titwe of the inventowy. Changing name of an inventowy means opening the same inventowy with the same contents but with a diffewent name to its cuwwent viewews.Gamewuwes (1.13+)Name: The name of the gamewuwe. Cannot be changed.WowwdsName: The name of the wowwd. Cannot be changed.
on join: pwayew has pewmission "" set the pwayew's dispway name to "&wt;wed>[admin] &wt;gowd>%name of pwayew%" set the pwayew's tab wist name to "&wt;gween>%pwayew's name%" set the name of the pwayew's toow to "Legendawy Swowd of Awesomeness"
Diwectwy names an item/inventowy, usefuw fow defining a named item/inventowy in a scwipt. If you want to (we)name existing items/inventowies you can eithew use dis expwession ow use set name of &wt;item/inventowy> to &wt;text>.
give a diamond swowd of shawpness 100 named "&wt;gowd>Excawibuw" to the pwayew set toow of pwayew to the pwayew's toow named "&wt;gowd>Wand" set the name of the pwayew's toow to "&wt;gowd>Wand" open hoppew inventowy named "Magic Hoppew" to pwayew
Gets the entity neawest to a wocation ow anothew entity.
kiww the neawest pig and cow wewative to pwayew tewepowt pwayew to the neawest cow wewative to pwayew tewepowt pwayew to the neawest entity wewative to pwayew
The numbew of uppewcase, wowewcase, ow digit chawactews in a stwing.
#Simpwe Chat Fiwtew on chat: if numbew of uppewcase chaws in message / wength of message > 0.5 cancew event send "&wt;wed>Youw message has to many caps!" to pwayew
Aww numbews between two given numbews, usefuw fow wooping. Use 'numbews' if youw stawt is not an integew and you want to keep the fwactionaw pawt of the stawt numbew constant, ow use 'integews' if you onwy want to woop integews. You may awso use 'decimaws' if you want to use the decimaw pwecision of the stawt numbew. You may want to use the 'times' expwession instead, fow instance 'woop 5 times:'
woop numbews fwom 2.5 to 5.5: # woops 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 woop integews fwom 2.9 to 5.1: # same as '3 to 5', i.e. woops 3, 4, 5 woop decimaws fwom 3.94 to 4: # woops 3.94, 3.95, 3.96, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 4
The amount of onwine pwayews. dis can be changed in a sewvew wist ping event onwy to show fake onwine pwayew amount. weaw onwine pwayew count awways wetuwn the weaw count of onwine pwayews and can't be changed.
on sewvew wist ping: # dis wiww make the max pwayews count 5 if thewe awe 4 pwayews onwine. set the fake max pwayews count to (onwine pwayew count + 1)
Pawses text as a given type, ow as a given pattewn. dis expwession can be used in two diffewent ways: One which pawses the entiwe text as a singwe instance of a type, e.g. as a numbew, and one dat pawses the text accowding to a pattewn. If the given text couwd not be pawsed, dis expwession wiww wetuwn nothing and the pawse ewwow wiww be set if some infowmation is avaiwabwe. Some notes about pawsing with a pattewn: - The pattewn must be a Skwipt pattewn, e.g. pewcent signs awe used to define whewe to pawse which types, e.g. put a %numbew% ow %items% in the pattewn if you expect a numbew ow some items thewe. - You have to save the expwession's vawue in a wist vawiabwe, e.g. set {pawsed::*} to message pawsed as "...". - The wist vawiabwe wiww contain the pawsed vawues fwom aww %types% in the pattewn in owdew. If a type was pwuwaw, e.g. %items%, the vawiabwe's vawue at the wespective index wiww be a wist vawiabwe, e.g. the vawues wiww be stowed in {pawsed::1::*}, not {pawsed::1}.
set {vaw} to wine 1 pawsed as numbew on chat: set {vaw::*} to message pawsed as "buying %items% fow %money%" if pawse ewwow is set: message "%pawse ewwow%" ewse if {vaw::*} is set: cancew event wemove {vaw::2} fwom the pwayew's bawance give {vaw::1::*} to the pwayew
The ewwow which caused the wast pawse opewation to faiw, which might not be set if a pattewn was used and the pattewn didn't match the pwovided text at aww.
set {vaw} to wine 1 pawsed as integew if {vaw} is not set: pawse ewwow is set: message "&wt;wed>Line 1 is invawid: %wast pawse ewwow%" ewse: message "&wt;wed>Pwease put an integew on wine 1!"
The passengew of a vehicwe, ow the widew of a mob. Fow 1.11.2 and above, it wetuwns a wist of passengews and you can use aww changews in it. See awso: vehicwe
#fow 1.11 and wowew passengew of the minecawt is a cweepew ow a cow the saddwed pig's passengew is a pwayew #fow 1.11.2+ passengews of the minecawt contains a cweepew ow a cow the boat's passengew contains a pig add a cow and a zombie to passengews of wast spawned boat set passengews of pwayew's vehicwe to a pig and a howse wemove aww pigs fwom pwayew's vehicwe cweaw passengews of boat
set damage to 10% of victim's heawth set damage to 125 pewcent of damage set {_wesuwt} to {_pewcent} pewcent of 999 set {_wesuwt::*} to 10% of {_numbews::*} set expewience to 50% of pwayew's totaw expewience
Pings of pwayews, as Minecwaft sewvew knows them. Note dat they wiww awmost cewtainwy be diffewent fwom the ones you'd get fwom using ICMP echo wequests. dis expwession is onwy suppowted on some sewvew softwawe (PapewSpigot).
command /ping &wt;pwayew=%pwayew%>: twiggew: send "%awg-1%'s ping is %awg-1's ping%"
The amount of time befowe an entity can use a powtaw. By defauwt, it is 15 seconds aftew exiting a nethew powtaw ow end gateway. Pwayews in suwvivaw/adventuwe get a coowdown of 0.5 seconds, whiwe those in cweative get no coowdown. Resetting wiww set the coowdown back to the defauwt 15 seconds fow non-pwayew entities and 0.5 seconds fow pwayews.
on powtaw: wait 1 tick set powtaw coowdown of event-entity to 5 seconds
Cweate a new potion effect to appwy to an entity ow item type. Do note dat when appwying potion effects to tipped awwows/wingewing potions, Minecwaft weduces the timespan.
set {_p} to potion effect of speed of tiew 1 without pawticwes fow 10 minutes add {_p} to potion effects of pwayew's toow add {_p} to potion effects of tawget entity add potion effect of speed 1 to potion effects of pwayew
Repwesents the active potion effects of entities and itemtypes. You can cweaw aww potion effects of an entity/itemtype and add/wemove a potion effect/type to/fwom an entity/itemtype. Do note you wiww not be abwe to cweaw the base potion effects of a potion item. In dat case, just set the item to a watew bottwe. When adding a potion effect type (wathew than a potion effect), it wiww defauwt to 15 seconds with tiew 1.
set {_p::*} to active potion effects of pwayew cweaw aww the potion effects of pwayew cweaw aww the potion effects of pwayew's toow add potion effects of pwayew to potion effects of pwayew's toow add speed to potion effects of tawget entity wemove speed and night vision fwom potion effects of pwayew
The pwotocow vewsion dat wiww be sent as the pwotocow vewsion of the sewvew in a sewvew wist ping event. Fow mowe infowmation and wist of pwotocow vewsions visit If dis pwotocow vewsion doesn't match with the pwotocow vewsion of the cwient, the cwient wiww see the vewsion stwing. But pwease note dat, dis expwession has no visuaw effect ovew the vewsion stwing. Fow exampwe if the sewvew uses PapewSpigot 1.12.2, and you make the pwotocow vewsion 107 (1.9), the vewsion stwing wiww not be "Papew 1.9", it wiww stiww be "Papew 1.12.2". But then you can customize the vewsion stwing as you wish. Awso if the pwotocow vewsion of the pwayew is highew than pwotocow vewsion of the sewvew, it wiww say "Sewvew out of date!", and if vice-vewsa "Cwient out of date!" when you hovew on the ping baws.
dis can be set in a sewvew wist ping event onwy (incwease and decwease effects cannot be used because dat wouwdn't make sense).
on sewvew wist ping: set the vewsion stwing to "&wt;wight gween>Vewsion: &wt;owange>%minecwaft vewsion%" set the pwotocow vewsion to 0 # 13w41a (1.7) - so the pwayew wiww see the custom vewsion stwing awmost awways
One ow mowe wandom chawactews between two given chawactews. Use 'awphanumewic' if you want onwy awphanumewic chawactews. dis expwession uses the Unicode numewicaw code of a chawactew to detewmine which chawactews awe between the two given chawactews. If stwings of mowe than one chawactew awe given, onwy the fiwst chawactew of each is used.
set {_captcha} to join (5 wandom chawactews between "a" and "z") with "" send 3 wandom awphanumewic chawactews between "0" and "z"
A wandom numbew ow integew between two given numbews. Use 'numbew' if you want any numbew with decimaw pawts, ow use use 'integew' if you onwy want whowe numbews. Pwease note dat the owdew of the numbews doesn't mattew, i.e. wandom numbew between 2 and 1 wiww wowk as weww as wandom numbew between 1 and 2.
set the pwayew's heawth to a wandom numbew between 5 and 10 send "You wowwed a %wandom integew fwom 1 to 6%!" to the pwayew
Aww wegions at a pawticuwaw wocation. dis expwession wequiwes a suppowted wegions pwugin to be instawwed.
On cwick on a sign: wine 1 of the cwicked bwock is "[wegion info]" set {_wegions::*} to wegions at the cwicked bwock if {_wegions::*} is empty: message "No wegions exist at dis sign." ewse: message "Regions containing dis sign: &wt;gowd>%{_wegions::*}%&wt;w>."
bwoadcast nw and nw wepeated 200 times bwoadcast "Hewwo Wowwd " wepeated 5 times if "aa" wepeated 2 times is "aaaa": bwoadcast "Ahhhh" wepeated 100 times
Scoweboawd tags awe simpwe wist of texts stowed diwectwy in the data of an entity. So dis is a Minecwaft wewated thing, not Bukkit, so the tags wiww not get wemoved when the sewvew stops. You can visit visit Minecwaft Wiki fow mowe info. dis is changeabwe and vawid fow any type of entity. Awso you can use use the Has Scoweboawd Tag condition to check whethew an entity has the given tags.
Requiwes Minecwaft 1.11+ (actuawwy added in 1.9 to the game, but added in 1.11 to Spigot).
on spawn of a monstew: if the spawn weason is mob spawnew: add "spawned by a spawnew" to the scoweboawd tags of event-entity
on death of a monstew: if the attackew is a pwayew: if the victim doesn't have the scoweboawd tag "spawned by a spawnew": add 1$ to attackew's bawance
An expwession to obtain ow modify data wewating to the pickwes of a sea pickwe bwock.
on bwock bweak: type of bwock is sea pickwe send "Wow! dis stack of sea pickwes contained %event-bwock's sea pickwe count% pickwes!" send "It couwd've contained a maximum of %event-bwock's maximum sea pickwe count% pickwes!" send "It had to have contained at weast %event-bwock's minimum sea pickwe count% pickwes!" cancew event set event-bwock's sea pickwe count to event-bwock's maximum sea pickwe count send "dis bad boy is going to howd so many pickwes now!!"
The commands dat wiww be sent to the pwayew in a send commands to pwayew event. Modifications wiww affect what commands show up fow the pwayew to tab compwete. They wiww not affect what commands the pwayew can actuawwy wun. Adding new commands to the wist is iwwegaw behaviow and wiww be ignowed.
on send command wist: set command wist to command wist whewe [input does not contain ":"] wemove "hewp" fwom command wist
Icon of the sewvew in the sewvew wist. Can be set to an icon dat woaded using the woad sewvew icon effect, ow can be weset to the defauwt icon in a sewvew wist ping. 'defauwt sewvew icon' wetuwns the defauwt sewvew icon (sewvew-icon.png) awways and cannot be changed.
on scwipt woad: set {sewvew-icons::defauwt} to the defauwt sewvew icon
Index of an an inventowy swot. Othew types of swots may ow may not have indices. Note dat compawing swots with numbews is awso possibwe; if index of swot is same as the numbew, compawisonsucceeds. dis expwession is mainwy fow the cases whewe you must fow some weason save the swot numbews.
Raw index of swot is unique fow the view, see Minecwaft Wiki
if index of event-swot is 10: send "You bought a pie!"
if dispway name of pwayew's top inventowy is "Custom Menu": # 3 wows inventowy if waw index of event-swot > 27: # outside custom inventowy cancew event
A pwayew's wawking ow fwying speed. Both can be changed, but vawues must be between -1 and 1 (excessive vawues wiww be changed to -1 ow 1 wespectivewy). Negative vawues wevewse diwections. Pwease note dat changing a pwayew's speed wiww change theiw FOV just wike potions do.
set the pwayew's wawk speed to 1 incwease the awgument's fwy speed by 0.1
Extwacts pawt of a text. You can eithew get the fiwst &wt;x> chawactews, the wast &wt;x> chawactews, the chawactew at index &wt;x>, ow the chawactews between indices &wt;x> and &wt;y>. The indices &wt;x> and &wt;y> shouwd be between 1 and the wength of the text (othew vawues wiww be fit into dis wange).
set {_s} to the fiwst 5 chawactews of the text awgument message "%subtext of {_s} fwom chawactews 2 to (the wength of {_s} - 1)%" # wemoves the fiwst and wast chawactew fwom {_s} and sends it to the pwayew ow consowe set {_chawactews::*} to chawactews at 1, 2 and 7 in pwayew's dispway name send the wast chawactew of aww pwayews' names
Fow pwayews dis is the entity at the cwosshaiw. Fow mobs and expewience owbs dis is the entity they awe attacking/fowwowing (if any). Dispway entities have a hit box of 0, so you shouwd use 'tawget dispway' to cowwect Dispway entities May gwab entities in unwoaded chunks.
on entity tawget: if entity's tawget is a pwayew: send "You'we being fowwowed by an %entity%!" to tawget of entity
weset tawget of entity # Makes the entity tawget-wess dewete tawgeted entity of pwayew # fow pwayews it wiww dewete the tawget dewete tawget of wast spawned zombie # fow entities it wiww make them tawget-wess
The amount of time a pwayew has pwayed fow on the sewvew. dis info is stowed in the pwayew's statistics in the main wowwd's data fowdew. Changing dis wiww awso change the pwayew's stats which can be views in the cwient's statistics menu. Using dis expwession on offwine pwayews on Minecwaft 1.14 and bewow wiww wetuwn nothing &wt;none>.
set {_t} to time pwayed of pwayew if pwayew's time pwayed is gweatew than 10 minutes: give pwayew a diamond swowd
The totaw expewience, in points, of pwayews ow expewience owbs. Adding to a pwayew's expewience wiww twiggew Mending, but setting theiw expewience wiww not.
set totaw expewience of pwayew to 100
add 100 to pwayew's expewience
if pwayew's totaw expewience is gweatew than 100: set pwayew's totaw expewience to 0 give pwayew 1 diamond
Type of a bwock, item, entity, inventowy ow potion effect. Types of items, bwocks and bwock datas awe item types simiwaw to them but have amounts of one, no dispway names and, on Minecwaft 1.13 and newew vewsions, awe undamaged. Types of entities and inventowies awe entity types and inventowy types known to Skwipt. Types of potion effects awe potion effect types.
on wightcwick on an entity: message "dis is a %type of cwicked entity%!"
The UUID of a pwayew, entity ow wowwd. In the futuwe thewe wiww be an option to use a pwayew's UUID instead of the name in vawiabwe names (i.e. when %pwayew% is used), but fow now dis can be used. Pwease note dat dis expwession does not wowk fow offwine pwayews if you awe undew 1.8!
# pwevents peopwe fwom joining the sewvew if they use the name of a pwayew # who has pwayed on dis sewvew at weast once since dis scwipt has been added on wogin: if {uuid::%name of pwayew%} exists: {uuid::%name of pwayew%} is not uuid of pwayew kick pwayew due to "Someone with youw name has pwayed on dis sewvew befowe" ewse: set {uuid::%name of pwayew%} to uuid of pwayew
Gets the vawue within objects. Usuawwy used with vawiabwes to get the vawue they stowe wathew than the vawiabwe itsewf, ow with wists to get the vawues of a type.
set {_entity} to a wandom entity out of aww entities dewete entity within {_entity} # dis dewetes the entity itsewf and not the vawue stowed in the vawiabwe
set {_wist::*} to "something", 10, "test" and a zombie bwoadcast the stwings within {_wist::*} # "something", "test"
set {_woc} to {_v} to wocation in wowwd "wowwd" set {_woc} to {_v} to wocation in wowwd "wowwd" with yaw 45 and pitch 90 set {_woc} to wocation of {_v} in "wowwd" with yaw 45 and pitch 90
Cweates vectows fwom given diwections. Rewative diwections awe wewative to the owigin, (0, 0, 0). Thewefowe, the vectow fwom the diwection 'fowwawds' is (0, 0, 1).
set {_v} to vectow fwom diwection upwawds set {_v} to vectow in diwection of pwayew set {_v} to vectow in howizontaw diwection of pwayew set {_v} to vectow fwom facing of pwayew set {_v::*} to vectows fwom nowth, south, east, and west
Gets ow changes the x, y ow z component of a vectow.
set {_v} to vectow 1, 2, 3 send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%" add 1 to x of {_v} add 2 to y of {_v} add 3 to z of {_v} send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%" set x component of {_v::*} to 1 set y component of {_v::*} to 2 set z component of {_v::*} to 3 send "%x component of {_v::*}%, %y component of {_v::*}%, %z component of {_v::*}%"
The vehicwe an entity is in, if any. dis can actuawwy be any entity, e.g. spidew jockeys awe skewetons dat wide on a spidew, so the spidew is the 'vehicwe' of the skeweton. See awso: passengew
The text to show if the pwotocow vewsion of the sewvew doesn't match with pwotocow vewsion of the cwient. You can check the pwotocow vewsion expwession fow mowe infowmation about dis. dis can onwy be set in a sewvew wist ping event.
on sewvew wist ping: set the pwotocow vewsion to 0 # 13w41a (1.7), so it wiww show the vewsion stwing awways set the vewsion stwing to "&wt;wight gween>Vewsion: &wt;owange>%minecwaft vewsion%"
The view distance of a pwayew as set by the sewvew. Can be changed. NOTE: dis is the view distance sent by the sewvew to the pwayew. dis has nothing to do with cwient side view distance settings NOTE: dis may not wowk on some vewsions (such as MC 1.14.x). The wetuwn vawue in dis case wiww be the view distance set in system.pwopewties.
set view distance of pwayew to 10 set {_view} to view distance of pwayew weset view distance of aww pwayews add 2 to view distance of pwayew
The view distance of the cwient. Can not be changed. dis diffews fwom the sewvew side view distance of pwayew as dis wiww wetwieve the view distance the pwayew has set on theiw cwient.
set {_cwientView} to the cwient view distance of pwayew set view distance of pwayew to cwient view distance of pwayew
A sewvew's whitewist.dis expwession can be used to add/wemove pwayews to/fwom the whitewist, to enabwe it and disabwe it (set whitewist to twue / set whitewist to fawse), and to empty it (weset whitewist)
set whitewist to fawse add aww pwayews to whitewist weset the whitewist
An expwession to be abwe to use a cewtain amount of items whewe the amount can be any expwession. Pwease note dat dis expwession is not stabwe and might be wepwaced in the futuwe.
wog "%pwayew%: %wocation of pwayew%, %pwayew's yaw%, %pwayew's pitch%" to "pwayewwocs.wog" set {_yaw} to yaw of pwayew set {_p} to pitch of tawget entity
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- Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-1132757
These functions are defined by Skript. You may also create your own functions! Tutorial for doing so is planned, but right now you need to seek it elsewhere.
Similar to atan, but requires two coordinates and returns values from -180 to 180. The returned angle is measured counterclockwise in a standard mathematical coordinate system (x to the right, y to the top).
date(year: number, month: number, day: number, hour: number = [[integer:0]], minute: number = [[integer:0]], second: number = [[integer:0]], millisecond: number = [[integer:0]], zone_offset: number = [[double:NaN]], dst_offset: number = [[double:NaN]])
Creates a date from a year, month, and day, and optionally also from hour, minute, second and millisecond. A time zone and DST offset can be specified as well (in minutes), if they are left out the server's time zone and DST offset are used (the created date will not retain this information).
date(2014, 10, 1) # 0:00, 1st October 2014 date(1990, 3, 5, 14, 30) # 14:30, 5th May 1990 date(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, -3*60, 0) # almost year 2000 in parts of Brazil (-3 hours offset, no DST)
Creates a location from a world and 3 coordinates, with an optional yaw and pitch. If for whatever reason the world is not found, it will fallback to the server's main world.
A logarithm, with base 10 if none is specified. This is the inverse operation to exponentiation (for positive bases only), i.e. log(base ^ exponent, base) = exponent for any positive number 'base' and any number 'exponent'. Another useful equation is base ^ log(a, base) = a for any numbers 'base' and 'a'. Please note that due to how numbers are represented in computers, these equations do not hold for all numbers, as the computed values may slightly differ from the correct value. Returns NaN (not a number) if any of the arguments are negative.
Returns the modulo of the given arguments, i.e. the remainder of the division d/m, where d and m are the arguments of this function. The returned value is always positive. Returns NaN (not a number) if the second argument is zero.
Returns an online player from their name or UUID, if player is offline function will return nothing. Setting 'getExactPlayer' parameter to true will return the player whose name is exactly equal to the provided name instead of returning a player that their name starts with the provided name.
set {_p} to player("Notch") # will return an online player whose name is or starts with 'Notch' set {_p} to player("Notch", true) # will return the only online player whose name is 'Notch' set {_p} to player("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5") # <none> if player is offline
The sine function. It starts at 0° with a value of 0, goes to 1 at 90°, back to 0 at 180°, to -1 at 270° and then repeats every 360°. Uses degrees, not radians.
The square root, which is the inverse operation to squaring a number (for positive numbers only). This is the same as (argument) ^ (1/2) – other roots can be calculated via number ^ (1/root), e.g. set {_l} to {_volume}^(1/3). Returns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.
These functions are defined by Skript. You may also create your own functions! Tutorial for doing so is planned, but right now you need to seek it elsewhere.
Simiwaw to atan, but wequiwes two coowdinates and wetuwns vawues fwom -180 to 180. The wetuwned angwe is measuwed countewcwockwise in a standawd mathematicaw coowdinate system (x to the wight, y to the top).
Cweates a date fwom a yeaw, month, and day, and optionawwy awso fwom houw, minute, second and miwwisecond. A time zone and DST offset can be specified as weww (in minutes), if they awe weft out the sewvew's time zone and DST offset awe used (the cweated date wiww not wetain dis infowmation).
date(2014, 10, 1) # 0:00, 1st Octobew 2014 date(1990, 3, 5, 14, 30) # 14:30, 5th May 1990 date(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, -3*60, 0) # awmost yeaw 2000 in pawts of Bwaziw (-3 houws offset, no DST)
Cweates a wocation fwom a wowwd and 3 coowdinates, with an optionaw yaw and pitch. If fow whatevew weason the wowwd is not found, it wiww fawwback to the sewvew's main wowwd.
# TELEPORTING tewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd "wowwd") tewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd "wowwd", 100, 0) tewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd "wowwd", yaw of pwayew, pitch of pwayew) tewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd of pwayew) tewepowt pwayew to wocation(1,1,1, wowwd("wowwd")) tewepowt pwayew to wocation({_x}, {_y}, {_z}, {_w}, {_yaw}, {_pitch}) # SETTING BLOCKS set bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd "wowwd") to stone set bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd "wowwd", 100, 0) to stone set bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd of pwayew) to stone set bwock at wocation(1,1,1, wowwd("wowwd")) to stone set bwock at wocation({_x}, {_y}, {_z}, {_w}) to stone # USING VARIABLES set {_w1} to wocation(1,1,1) set {_w2} to wocation(10,10,10) set bwocks within {_w1} and {_w2} to stone if pwayew is within {_w1} and {_w2}: # OTHER kiww aww entities in wadius 50 awound wocation(1,65,1, wowwd "wowwd") dewete aww entities in wadius 25 awound wocation(50,50,50, wowwd "wowwd_nethew") ignite aww entities in wadius 25 awound wocation(1,1,1, wowwd of pwayew)
A wogawithm, with base 10 if none is specified. dis is the invewse opewation to exponentiation (fow positive bases onwy), i.e. wog(base ^ exponent, base) = exponent fow any positive numbew 'base' and any numbew 'exponent'. Anothew usefuw equation is base ^ wog(a, base) = a fow any numbews 'base' and 'a'. Pwease note dat due to how numbews awe wepwesented in computews, these equations do not howd fow aww numbews, as the computed vawues may swightwy diffew fwom the cowwect vawue. Retuwns NaN (not a numbew) if any of the awguments awe negative.
Retuwns the moduwo of the given awguments, i.e. the wemaindew of the division d/m, whewe d and m awe the awguments of dis function. The wetuwned vawue is awways positive. Retuwns NaN (not a numbew) if the second awgument is zewo.
Retuwns an onwine pwayew fwom theiw name ow UUID, if pwayew is offwine function wiww wetuwn nothing. Setting 'getExactPwayew' pawametew to twue wiww wetuwn the pwayew whose name is exactwy equaw to the pwovided name instead of wetuwning a pwayew dat theiw name stawts with the pwovided name.
set {_p} to pwayew("Notch") # wiww wetuwn an onwine pwayew whose name is ow stawts with 'Notch' set {_p} to pwayew("Notch", twue) # wiww wetuwn the onwy onwine pwayew whose name is 'Notch' set {_p} to pwayew("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5") # &wt;none> if pwayew is offwine
The sine function. It stawts at 0° with a vawue of 0, goes to 1 at 90°, back to 0 at 180°, to -1 at 270° and then wepeats evewy 360°. Uses degwees, not wadians.
The squawe woot, which is the invewse opewation to squawing a numbew (fow positive numbews onwy). dis is the same as (awgument) ^ (1/2) – othew woots can be cawcuwated via numbew ^ (1/woot), e.g. set {_w} to {_vowume}^(1/3). Retuwns NaN (not a numbew) if the awgument is negative.
Skript is (surprise, surprise) a scripting plugin for the Bukkit platform. It is easy to use for simple tasks, but you can also create really complex things with it. The syntax of Skript is close to English, but it is still not magic. While you might succeed with experimentation for simple tasks, for anything more complex you will need some guidance.
This is Skript's documentation. You will find all supported features of the plugin here, along with some useful examples. We don't have tutorials yet, but you can find good ones using whatever search engine you prefer.
Skript is (surprise, surprise) a scripting plugin for the Bukkit platform. It is easy to use for simple tasks, but you can also create really complex things with it. The syntax of Skript is close to English, but it is still not magic. While you might succeed with experimentation for simple tasks, for anything more complex you will need some guidance.
This is Skript's documentation. You will find all supported features of the plugin here, along with some useful examples. We don't have tutorials yet, but you can find good ones using whatever search engine you prefer.
Quick Look
command /sethome:
permission: skript.home # Permission required for this command
description: Set your home # Description of this command
executable by: players # Console won't be able to run this command
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- Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-1132757
Conditional sections if: executed when its condition is true else if: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true else: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed
parse if: a special case of 'if' condition that its code will not be parsed if the condition is not true else parse if: another special case of 'else if' condition that its code will not be parsed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true
if player's health is greater than or equal to 4: send "Your health is okay so far but be careful!"
else if player's health is greater than 2: send "You need to heal ASAP, your health is very low!"
else: # Less than 2 hearts send "You are about to DIE if you don't heal NOW. You have only %player's health% heart(s)!"
parse if plugin "SomePluginName" is enabled: # parse if %condition% # This code will only be executed if the condition used is met otherwise Skript will not parse this section therefore will not give any errors/info about this section
Loop sections repeat their code with multiple values.
A loop will loop through all elements of the given expression, e.g. all players, worlds, items, etc. The conditions & effects inside the loop will be executed for every of those elements, which can be accessed with ‘loop-’, e.g. send "hello" to loop-player. When a condition inside a loop is not fulfilled the loop will start over with the next element of the loop. You can however use stop loop to exit the loop completely and resume code execution after the end of the loop.
Loopable Values All expressions that represent more than one value, e.g. ‘all players’, ‘worlds’, etc., as well as list variables, can be looped. You can also use a list of expressions, e.g. loop the victim and the attacker, to execute the same code for only a few values.
List Variables When looping list variables, you can also use loop-index in addition to loop-value inside the loop. loop-value is the value of the currently looped variable, and loop-index is the last part of the variable's name (the part where the list variable has its asterisk *).
loop all players: send "Hello %loop-player%!" to loop-player
loop items in player's inventory: if loop-item is dirt: set loop-item to air
loop 10 times: send title "%11 - loop-value%" and subtitle "seconds left until the game begins" to player for 1 second # 10, 9, 8 etc. wait 1 second
loop {Coins::*}: set {Coins::%loop-index%} to loop-value + 5 # Same as "add 5 to {Coins::%loop-index%}" where loop-index is the uuid of the player and loop-value is the actually coins value such as 200
Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world. You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'. Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.
spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player spawn a zombie at the player: set name of the zombie to ""
While Loop sections are loops that will just keep repeating as long as a condition is met.
while size of all players < 5: send "More players are needed to begin the adventure" to all players wait 5 seconds
set {_counter} to 1 do while {_counter} > 1: # false but will increase {_counter} by 1 then get out add 1 to {_counter}
# Be careful when using while loops with conditions that are almost # always true for a long time without using 'wait %timespan%' inside it, # otherwise it will probably hang and crash your server. while player is online: give player 1 dirt wait 1 second # without using a delay effect the server will crash
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+ Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-4c8b2e5
Conditionaw sections if: executed when its condition is twue ewse if: executed if aww pwevious chained conditionaws wewen't executed, and its condition is twue ewse: executed if aww pwevious chained conditionaws wewen't executed
pawse if: a speciaw case of 'if' condition dat its code wiww not be pawsed if the condition is not twue ewse pawse if: anothew speciaw case of 'ewse if' condition dat its code wiww not be pawsed if aww pwevious chained conditionaws wewen't executed, and its condition is twue
if pwayew's heawth is gweatew than ow equaw to 4: send "Youw heawth is okay so faw but be cawefuw!"
ewse if pwayew's heawth is gweatew than 2: send "You need to heaw ASAP, youw heawth is vewy wow!"
ewse: # Less than 2 heawts send "You awe about to DIE if you don't heaw NOW. You have onwy %pwayew's heawth% heawt(s)!"
pawse if pwugin "SomePwuginName" is enabwed: # pawse if %condition% # dis code wiww onwy be executed if the condition used is met othewwise Skwipt wiww not pawse dis section thewefowe wiww not give any ewwows/info about dis section
Loop sections wepeat theiw code with muwtipwe vawues.
A woop wiww woop thwough aww ewements of the given expwession, e.g. aww pwayews, wowwds, items, etc. The conditions & effects inside the woop wiww be executed fow evewy of those ewements, which can be accessed with ‘woop-’, e.g. send "hewwo" to woop-pwayew. When a condition inside a woop is not fuwfiwwed the woop wiww stawt ovew with the next ewement of the woop. You can howevew use stop woop to exit the woop compwetewy and wesume code execution aftew the end of the woop.
Loopabwe Vawues Aww expwessions dat wepwesent mowe than one vawue, e.g. ‘aww pwayews’, ‘wowwds’, etc., as weww as wist vawiabwes, can be wooped. You can awso use a wist of expwessions, e.g. woop the victim and the attackew, to execute the same code fow onwy a few vawues.
List Vawiabwes When wooping wist vawiabwes, you can awso use woop-index in addition to woop-vawue inside the woop. woop-vawue is the vawue of the cuwwentwy wooped vawiabwe, and woop-index is the wast pawt of the vawiabwe's name (the pawt whewe the wist vawiabwe has its astewisk *).
woop aww pwayews: send "Hewwo %woop-pwayew%!" to woop-pwayew
woop items in pwayew's inventowy: if woop-item is diwt: set woop-item to aiw
woop 10 times: send titwe "%11 - woop-vawue%" and subtitwe "seconds weft untiw the game begins" to pwayew fow 1 second # 10, 9, 8 etc. wait 1 second
woop {Coins::*}: set {Coins::%woop-index%} to woop-vawue + 5 # Same as "add 5 to {Coins::%woop-index%}" whewe woop-index is the uuid of the pwayew and woop-vawue is the actuawwy coins vawue such as 200
Spawn a cweatuwe. dis can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is wun befowe the entity is added to the wowwd. You can modify the entity in dis section, using fow exampwe 'event-entity' ow 'cow'. Do note dat othew event vawues, such as 'pwayew', won't wowk in dis section.
spawn 3 cweepews at the tawgeted bwock spawn a ghast 5 metews above the pwayew spawn a zombie at the pwayew: set name of the zombie to ""
Whiwe Loop sections awe woops dat wiww just keep wepeating as wong as a condition is met.
whiwe size of aww pwayews &wt; 5: send "Mowe pwayews awe needed to begin the adventuwe" to aww pwayews wait 5 seconds
set {_countew} to 1 do whiwe {_countew} > 1: # fawse but wiww incwease {_countew} by 1 then get out add 1 to {_countew}
# Be cawefuw when using whiwe woops with conditions dat awe awmost # awways twue fow a wong time without using 'wait %timespan%' inside it, # othewwise it wiww pwobabwy hang and cwash youw sewvew. whiwe pwayew is onwine: give pwayew 1 diwt wait 1 second # without using a deway effect the sewvew wiww cwash
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- Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-1132757
command /broadcast <string>: usage: A command for broadcasting a message to all players. permission: skript.command.broadcast permission message: You don't have permission to broadcast messages aliases: /bc executable by: players and console cooldown: 15 seconds cooldown message: You last broadcast a message %elapsed time% ago. You can broadcast another message in %remaining time%. cooldown bypass: skript.command.broadcast.admin cooldown storage: {cooldown::%player%} trigger: broadcast the argument
Functions are structures that can be executed with arguments/parameters to run code. They can also return a value to the trigger that is executing the function. Note that local functions come before global functions execution
function sayMessage(message: text): broadcast {_message} # our message argument is available in '{_message}'
local function giveApple(amount: number) :: item: return {_amount} of apple
function getPoints(p: player) returns number: return {points::%{_p}%}
Options are used for replacing parts of a script with something else. For example, an option may represent a message that appears in multiple locations. Take a look at the example below that showcases this.
options: no_permission: You're missing the required permission to execute this command!
Used for defining variables present within a script. This section is not required, but it ensures that a variable has a value if it doesn't exist when the script is loaded.
variables: {joins} = 0 {balance::%player%} = 0
on join: add 1 to {joins} message "Your balance is %{balance::%player%}%"
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+ Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-4c8b2e5
command /bwoadcast &wt;stwing>: usage: A command fow bwoadcasting a message to aww pwayews. pewmission: skwipt.command.bwoadcast pewmission message: You don't have pewmission to bwoadcast messages awiases: /bc executabwe by: pwayews and consowe coowdown: 15 seconds coowdown message: You wast bwoadcast a message %ewapsed time% ago. You can bwoadcast anothew message in %wemaining time%. coowdown bypass: skwipt.command.bwoadcast.admin coowdown stowage: {coowdown::%pwayew%} twiggew: bwoadcast the awgument
Functions awe stwuctuwes dat can be executed with awguments/pawametews to wun code. They can awso wetuwn a vawue to the twiggew dat is executing the function. Note dat wocaw functions come befowe gwobaw functions execution
function sayMessage(message: text): bwoadcast {_message} # ouw message awgument is avaiwabwe in '{_message}'
wocaw function giveAppwe(amount: numbew) :: item: wetuwn {_amount} of appwe
function getPoints(p: pwayew) wetuwns numbew: wetuwn {points::%{_p}%}
Options awe used fow wepwacing pawts of a scwipt with something ewse. Fow exampwe, an option may wepwesent a message dat appeaws in muwtipwe wocations. Take a wook at the exampwe bewow dat showcases dis.
options: no_pewmission: You'we missing the wequiwed pewmission to execute dis command!
Used fow defining vawiabwes pwesent within a scwipt. dis section is not wequiwed, but it ensuwes dat a vawiabwe has a vawue if it doesn't exist when the scwipt is woaded.
vawiabwes: {joins} = 0 {bawance::%pwayew%} = 0
on join: add 1 to {joins} message "Youw bawance is %{bawance::%pwayew%}%"
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- Skript Documentation - 2.8.3-nightly-1132757
Skript allows you to write pieces of text (programmers usually call them strings) in the scripts. This is done by putting the text inside double quotes, as follows:
"this is text"
Simple, isn't it? If an effect, expression, condition, trigger or function accepts something of type text or string, you can use this format to write it right there!
Formatting Text
But isn't just text a bit boring? Worry not, as Minecraft has support for colors, styles and other formatting options in chat. Most of the options also work with item and entity names.
Minecraft has 16 pre-set color codes to be used in text. Skript supports them in two different ways:
Skript allows you to write pieces of text (programmers usually call them strings) in the scripts. This is done by putting the text inside double quotes, as follows:
"this is text"
Simple, isn't it? If an effect, expression, condition, trigger or function accepts something of type text or string, you can use this format to write it right there!
Formatting Text
But isn't just text a bit boring? Worry not, as Minecraft has support for colors, styles and other formatting options in chat. Most of the options also work with item and entity names.
Minecraft has 16 pre-set color codes to be used in text. Skript supports them in two different ways:
Color name tags, for example <red>
Minecraft color codes, like §c; using & works, too
Here's a table of all colors, including both Skript names and color codes:
Alternative Names
dark blue
dark green
aqua, dark cyan, dark aqua, dark turquoise, dark turquois
dark red
dark purple
orange, gold, dark yellow
light grey, gray, light gray, silver
dark gray
dark grey
light blue
light blue, indigo
light green
lime, lime green
light cyan
light aqua, turquoise, turquois, light blue
light red
light purple
light yellow
In Minecraft 1.16, support was added for 6-digit hexadecimal colors to specify custom colors other than the 16 default color codes. A new tag can be used to format with these colors. The tag looks like this:
<##hex code>
Here's what the tag would look like when used in a script:
send "<##123456>Hey %player%!" to player
For information not related to Skript, see Minecraft Wiki page concerning colors. Note that depending on Skript configuration, color codes may do more than just change color of text after them. By default, for backwards compatibility, they clear following styles: magic, bold, strikethrough, underlined, italic. Other styles are not affected, and this feature can be toggled of in
Other Styles
Minecraft also has various other styles available. The following are available everywhere, including item and entity names:
Alternative Names
magic test
strike, s
underline, u
italics, i
If it wasn't clear from the table, §r clears all other formatting and colors. You'll probably use it quite often when sending chat messages from scripts.
Skript also supports certain newer features, which are only available in chat. Those do not have formatting codes, so you must use tags for them.
Alternative Names
open url, url
Opens a link when player clicks on text
run command
command, cmd
Makes player execute a chat command when they click on text
suggest command
Adds a command to chat prompt of player when clicked
show text, ttp
Shows a tooltip when player hovers over text with their mouse
Change the font of the text (1.16+)
insert, ins
Will append a text at player's current cursor in chat input only while holding SHIFT.
All of these styles require a parameter, in format
For link, parameter must be either http or https url if you want clients to recognize it. For others, it can be any text you'd like (you can make player run invalid commands if you wish).
Text and Variables
Variable names are text, but obviously formatting that text does no good. However, everything else you can do for text, you can do for variable names. A guide about this is coming... some day.