My email configration. Currently I use lieer to fetch emails from Gmail, davmail & offlineimap to fetch emails from MS Exchange, notmuch to index, msmtp to send emails. Also using notmuch frontend from Emacs.
My problem with any particular mail setup was that I use Gmail labels quite extensively, and handling these over IMAP is rather awkward. Notmuch seems to be the only software that provides the same first-class support for labels.
But I also have an Exchange account, with which I communicate via IMAP/SMTP adapter, and in this case, I synchronize notmuch tags and IMAP folders.
- My post about email configuration. I wrote it some time ago, but the general idea remains.
Guix dependency |
python-lieer |
Lieer is a program to link up Gmail and notmuch. Basically, it downloads mail from Gmail via API, stores them in Maildir, and synchronizes labels with notmuch.
I have a separate directory in my ~/Mail
for each address. To init lieer, run the following command in the directory:
gmi init <address>
After which the settings will be stored in gmailieer.json
and the credentials in .credentials.gmailieer.json
. The latter file is stored encrypted.
My preferred settings:
gmi set --replace-slash-with-dot gmi set --ignore-tags-local new
Running gmi sync
in the required directory performs the synchronization. The first sync takes a while, the subsequent syncs are pretty fast.
DavMail is a gateway between MS Exchange and the rest of the world, which uses IMAP/SMTP/LDAP/etc. As I have one corporate MS Exchange address, this is just the program I need. As of yet, it isn’t packaged for Guix, but it’s easy enough to download.
It has a GUI mode, but I prefer headless config.
Also it’s a bit of problem to get it launched as it looks for its jars in the pwd, so here is a script.
cd $HOME/bin/davmail-6.0.0-3375
Shepherd service is defined in
Guix dependency |
offlineimap |
OfflineIMAP is a program that can synchronize IMAP mailbox and Maildir. Lieer does everything by itself, but my pirate Exchange IMAP needs this program. There is also isync, but there I had some weird issues with duplicate UIDs, which don’t occur for OfflineIMAP.
I have a few options for setting a username and password. First, I can run pass
in remotepasswordeval
, and while this will work, it will keep my keyring unlocked because I want to run offlineimap
every couple of minutes.
Another option is to use noweb and not push the file below to the version control. Then I have a plaintext password of email on my computer, but I think it’s a lesser evil than the entire keyring.
I would use password-store-get
from password-store.el, but I want this to be able to run without any 3rd party packages, so it’s just bash.
pass show Job/Digital/Email/[email protected] | sed -n 's/username: //;2p'
pass show Job/Digital/Email/[email protected] | head -n 1
accounts = pvkorytov
[Account pvkorytov]
localrepository = pvkorytov-local
remoterepository = pvkorytov-remote
[Repository pvkorytov-local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Mail/pvkorytov_etu/
[Repository pvkorytov-remote]
type = IMAP
remotehost = localhost
remoteuser = <<mail-username()>>
remotepass = <<mail-password()>>
remoteport = 1143
starttls = no
ssl = no
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
Guix dependency |
notmuch |
parallel |
Notmuch is an email indexer program, which handles labels in a way somewhat similar to Gmail. It also provides a frontend for Emacs, but it’s not the only one available.
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.notmuch-configNot much is going on here.
First, the database path. It’s different on desktop and termux.
(expand-file-name "~/Mail")
My name and list of emails. It’s not like it’s a secret anyhow.
name=Pavel Korytov
[email protected]
[email protected];[email protected]
A list of tags which will be added by notmuch new
and directory names which will be ignored by notmuch new
# ignore=.osync_workdir;.mbsyncstate;.uidvalidity;.lock;/.*gmailieer\.json.*/
Exclude these tags from search by default.
Maildir compatibility.
Now we have to link up lieer & davmail’s maildir and with notmuch. This is done via the notmuch hook system, which allows running custom scripts before and after any command.
With lieer and Gmail, it is enough to simply run the program, because Gmail has first-class support for tags. Maildir does not, so I decide to synchronize notmuch tags and IMAP folders. In essence, the idea is to:
- move emails to their folders by tags before the synchronization
- tag mails by their folders after the synchronization
The problem is that with that approach one email can have only one tag, but it’s better than nothing.
So, here are the rules which match tags & folders:
tag | folder |
inbox | INBOX |
sent | Sent |
spam | Junk |
trash | Trash | | Job_Digital | | Job_Digital.Docs | | Job_Digital.Support | | Job_Digital.Superservice | | Job_Digital.Applicants | | Job_Digital.Testers |
job.moevm | Job_Moevm |
etu | Etu |
etu.grad-school | Etu.Grad_School |
And below is a noweb function, which generates the following commands for notmuch to execute:
- before sync:
notmuch search --output files "NOT path:[PATH] AND tag:[TAG] AND tag:[ROOT_TAG]" | xargs -I ! mv ! [PATH]
Move emails withTAG
but outside the matchingPATH
to the latternotmuch search --output=files "NOT path:[ARCHIVE_PATH] AND tag:[ROOT_TAG] AND NOT tag:[TAG1] ... AND NOT tag:[TAGN]" | xargs -I ! mv ! [ARCHIVE_PATH]
Move untagged emails to theARCHIVE_PATH
- after sync:
notmuch tag +[TAG] "path:[PATH] AND NOT tag:[TAG]"
Tag emails inPATH
which do not yet have the matchingTAG
notmuch tag -[TAG] "NOT path:[PATH] AND tag:[TAG] AND tag:[ROOT_TAG]"
from emails which are outside the matchingPATH
These rules are getting included in the respective hooks.
(setq my/maildir-root "~/Mail")
(let ((rules '()))
(dolist (row tags)
(let ((tag (nth 0 row))
(folder (nth 1 row)))
(unless (string-empty-p make_tag)
(format "notmuch tag +%s \"path:%s/%s/cur/** AND NOT tag:%s\""
tag root folder tag)
(unless (string-empty-p remove)
(format "notmuch tag -%s \"NOT path:%s/%s/cur/** AND tag:%s AND tag:%s\""
tag root folder tag root_tag)
(unless (string-empty-p move)
(format "notmuch search --output=files \"NOT path:%s/%s/cur/** AND tag:%s AND tag:%s\""
root folder tag root_tag)
(format " | xargs -I ! mv ! %s/%s/%s/cur/" my/maildir-root root folder))
(unless (string-empty-p archive_root)
(format "notmuch search --output=files \"NOT path:%s/%s/cur/** AND %s AND tag:%s\""
root archive_root
(lambda (row)
(format "NOT tag:%s" (car row)))
" AND ")
(format " | xargs -I ! mv ! %s/%s/%s/cur/" my/maildir-root root archive_root))
(string-join rules "\n"))
This hook runs fetch from Gmail & offlineimap in parallel before the notmuch new
command. The parallel
command is provided by GNU Parallel.
It isn’t necessary to run cd
for offlineimap, but it’s easier to write that way.
(my/mail-format-tags-rules tags "pvkorytov_etu" "pvkorytov" nil nil t "Archive")
# GMI="/home/pavel/Programs/miniconda3/envs/mail/bin/gmi"
echo "Running pre-new filters"
echo "Pre-new filters done"
parallel --link -j0 "(cd /home/pavel/Mail/{1}/ && {2} {3})" ::: thexcloud progin6304 pvkorytov_etu ::: "$GMI" "$GMI" "offlineimap" ::: sync sync ""
And this hook tags different mailboxes with different tags.
(my/mail-format-tags-rules tags "pvkorytov_etu" "pvkorytov" t t)
notmuch tag +main "path:thexcloud/** AND tag:new"
notmuch tag +progin "path:progin6304/** AND tag:new"
notmuch tag +pvkorytov "path:pvkorytov_etu/** AND tag:new"
echo "Running post-new filters"
echo "Post-new filters done"
notmuch tag -new "tag:new"
A script to run notmuch new
and push a notification if there is new mail.
export DISPLAY=:0
if [ -f "$CHECK_FILE" ]; then
QUERY="$QUERY and date:@$DATE.."
notmuch new
NEW_UNREAD=$(notmuch count "$QUERY")
ALL_UNREAD=$(notmuch count "$ALL_QUERY")
if [ $NEW_UNREAD -gt 0 ]; then
MAIN_UNREAD=$(notmuch count "tag:unread AND tag:main")
PROGIN_UNREAD=$(notmuch count "tag:unread AND tag:progin")
ETU_UNREAD=$(notmuch count "tag:unread AND tag:pvkorytov")
read -r -d '' NOTIFICATION <<EOM
$NEW_UNREAD new messages
$MAIN_UNREAD [email protected]
$PROGIN_UNREAD [email protected]
$ETU_UNREAD [email protected]
notify-send "New Mail" "$NOTIFICATION"
echo "$(date +%s)" > $CHECK_FILE
The script is ran via GNU Mcron every 5 minutes.
(job "*/5 * * * * " "~/bin/scripts/check-email")
Guix dependency |
msmtp |
Sending emails can be done with MSMTP. It automatially chooses the email address and server based on the contents of the message, which is handy if there are multiple mailboxes to be managed.
auth on
tls on
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
logfile ~/.msmtp.log
account main
port 587
from [email protected]
user [email protected]
passwordeval "pass show My_Online/APIs/google-main-app-password | head -n 1"
account progin
port 587
from [email protected]
user [email protected]
passwordeval "pass show My_Online/ETU/[email protected] | head -n 1"
account pvkorytov
tls off
auth plain
host localhost
port 1025
from [email protected]
user pvkorytov
passwordeval "pass show Job/Digital/Email/[email protected] | head -n 1"
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.emacs.d/mail.el
Guix dependency |
emacs-notmuch |
Finally, Emacs configuration. Let’s start with some variables:
(setq user-mail-address "[email protected]")
(setq user-full-name "Pavel Korytov")
Then, the problem with my Guix setup is that Emacs by default doesn’t see the elisp files of notmuch, so here is a small workaround:
(let ((dir "/home/pavel/.guix-extra-profiles/mail/mail/share/emacs/site-lisp"))
(when (file-directory-p dir)
(let ((default-directory dir))
On termux the above doesn’t work, and I don’t need it here anyway.
Some functions to toggle tags:
(defun my/notmuch-toggle-trash ()
(evil-collection-notmuch-toggle-tag "trash" "search" #'ignore))
(defun my/notmuch-toggle-inbox ()
(evil-collection-notmuch-toggle-tag "inbox" "search" #'ignore))
(defun my/notmuch-toggle-unread ()
(evil-collection-notmuch-toggle-tag "unread" "search" #'ignore))
And notmuch settings:
(use-package notmuch
:if (not my/is-termux)
;; :ensure nil
:commands (notmuch notmuch-search)
(notmuch-wash-cited-text :foreground (doom-color 'yellow)))
(setq mail-specify-envelope-from t)
(setq message-sendmail-envelope-from 'header)
(setq mail-envelope-from 'header)
(setq notmuch-always-prompt-for-sender t)
(setq message-send-mail-function #'message-send-mail-with-sendmail)
(setq sendmail-program (executable-find "msmtp"))
(setq send-mail-function #'sendmail-send-it)
(setq mml-secure-openpgp-sign-with-sender t)
(setq notmuch-mua-user-agent-function 'notmuch-mua-user-agent-full)
:keymaps 'notmuch-search-mode-map
:states '(normal)
"d" #'my/notmuch-toggle-trash
"i" #'my/notmuch-toggle-inbox
"u" #'my/notmuch-toggle-unread)
;; Use org-contacts for completion
(require 'org-contacts)
(setq notmuch-address-command 'as-is)
(add-hook 'notmuch-hello-mode-hook
(lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 0))))
The file is read in init.el
I used to have a more complicated keybinding system here, but that seemed to go against the Dao.
Root keybindings:
"am" (my/command-in-persp "notmuch" "mail" 0 (notmuch)))
notmuch-hello-mode 0 "mail"
notmuch-search-mode 0 "mail"
notmuch-tree-mode 0 "mail"
notmuch-message-mode 0 "mail")
Root tag | Prefix | Keybinding description |
main | m | [email protected] |
progin | p | [email protected] |
pvkorytov | v | [email protected] |
Tag | Prefix | Name |
inbox | i | inbox |
unread | u | unread |
sent | s | sent |
a | all mail |
The following formats the tables above to a proper syntax for setq notmuch-saved-searches
(let ((searches '()))
(dolist (root_tag root_tags)
(dolist (tag filter_tags)
(format "(:name \"%s\" :query \"%s\" :key \"%s\")"
(format "%s (%s)"
(nth 0 root_tag)
(nth 2 tag))
(concat "tag:" (nth 0 root_tag)
(unless (string-empty-p (nth 0 tag))
(concat " AND tag:" (nth 0 tag))))
(concat (nth 1 root_tag) (nth 1 tag)))
(string-join searches "\n"))
(setq notmuch-saved-searches
'((:name "drafts" :query "tag:draft" :key "d")
(setq notmuch-show-empty-saved-searches nil)
:states '(normal visual)
:keymaps '(notmuch-hello-mode-map)
"f" #'notmuch-jump-search)
(with-eval-after-load 'notmuch
(add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'mml-secure-sign-pgpmime))
(setq mml-secure-key-preferences
("[email protected]" "914472A1FD6775C166F96EBEED739ADF81C78160"))
Edit <2024-08-19 Mon>: Apparently this was a feature, not a bug. Disabling this.
By default, message.el
inserts the signature at the bottom of the message, like this:
<message text> Person <[email protected]> writes: > Stuff -- Yours, me
This creates issues with certain email clients. For instance, MS Exchange often just cuts the text at Person <[email protected]>....
, so there’s no way to see the signature from the UI.
What’s more, MS Exchange, Gmail and other such clients add the signature before the quotation block, like that:
<message text> -- Yours, me Person <[email protected]> writes: > Stuff
So here I modifiy the citation function to insert the signature like in the second example for certain cases.
Edit <2022-10-27 Thu>: for consistency’s sake, I’ll make the signature on the top for all cases.
Edit <2024-08-19 Mon>: see above
(defun my/message-insert-signature-need-on-top ()
Then advice the notmuch-mua-reply
(defun my/message-maybe-fix-signature (&rest _)
(when (my/message-insert-signature-need-on-top)
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (re-search-forward message-signature-separator nil t)
(move-beginning-of-line 0)
(kill-region (point) (point-max)))
(when (re-search-forward (rx "sign=pgpmime") nil t)
(insert (current-kill 0))
(insert "\n\n")
(set-buffer-modified-p nil))))
(with-eval-after-load 'notmuch-mua
(advice-add #'notmuch-mua-reply :after #'my/message-maybe-fix-signature))
(defun my/message-ensure-subject ()
(unless (or (message-field-value "Subject")
(y-or-n-p "No subject. Send? "))
(user-error "Aborting.")))
(add-hook 'notmuch-mua-send-hook #'my/message-ensure-subject)
(defvar my/ru-formal-pronous
'("вы" "вас" "вам" "вами" "ваш" "ваша" "ваше" "ваши" "вашего"
"вашей" "вашему" "вашим" "вашем" "вашеми"))
(defvar my/ru-formal-pronous-regex
(mapcar (lambda (p) (format " %s " p)) my/ru-formal-pronous) 'words))
(defun my/message-ensure-capitalized-formal-pronouns ()
(cl-block nil
(let ((case-fold-search nil)
(while (re-search-forward my/ru-formal-pronous-regex nil t)
(let* ((match (match-string 0))
(capitalized (capitalize match))
(beg (match-beginning 0))
(end (match-end 0)))
(if (or confirmed
(y-or-n-p (format "Replace %s with %s? "
match capitalized)))
(delete-region beg end)
(insert capitalized)
(setq confirmed t))
(add-hook 'notmuch-mua-send-hook #'my/message-ensure-capitalized-formal-pronouns)
Otherwise msmtp
may call pinentry
while Emacs is locked, which means EXWM can’t process the password window.
(defun my/ensure-password ()
(my/password-store-get "Job/Digital/Email/[email protected]"))
(add-hook 'notmuch-mua-send-hook #'my/ensure-password)
mailcap file is a file which defines how to read to different MIME types. Notmuch also uses it, so why not keep it here.
audio/*; mpc add %s
image/*; feh %s
application/msword; /usr/bin/xdg-open %s
application/pdf; zathura %s
application/postscript ; zathura %s
text/html; firefox %s