An Odoo API client enabling Go programs to interact with Odoo in a simple and uniform way.
Note: Generating models require to follow instructions in GOPATH mode. Refactoring for go modules will come soon.
Define the environment variables to be able to connect to your odoo instance :
(Don't set ODOO_MODELS
if you want all your models to be generated)
export ODOO_ADMIN=admin // ensure the user has sufficient permissions to generate models
export ODOO_PASSWORD=password
export ODOO_DATABASE=odoo
export ODOO_URL=http://localhost:8069
export ODOO_MODELS="crm.lead"
is the path where the repository will be downloaded (by default its GOPATH):
export ODOO_REPO_PATH=$(echo $GOPATH | awk -F ':' '{ print $1 }')/src/
Download library and generate models :
GO111MODULE="off" go get
ls | grep -v "conversion.go\|generator\|go.mod\|go-odoo-generator\|go.sum\|ir_model_fields.go\|ir_model.go\|LICENSE\|odoo.go\|\|types.go\|version.go" // keep only go-odoo core files
GO111MODULE="off" go generate
That's it ! Your models have been generated !
Core models are ir_model.go
and ir_model_fields.go
since there are used to generate models.
It is highly recommanded to not remove them, since you would not be able to generate models again.
All others models (not core one) are specific to skilld-labs usage. They use our own odoo instance which is version 11. (note that models structure changed between odoo major versions).
If you're ok to work with those models, you can use this library instance, if not you should fork the repository and generate you own models by following steps above.
(All exemples on this README are based on model crm.lead
package main
import (
odoo ""
func main() {
c, err := odoo.NewClient(&odoo.ClientConfig{
Admin: "admin",
Password: "password",
Database: "odoo",
URL: "http://localhost:8069",
if err != nil {
crm := &odoo.CrmLead{
Name: odoo.NewString("my first opportunity"),
if id, err := c.CreateCrmLead(crm); err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("the id of the new crm.lead is %d", id)
Generated models contains high level functions to interact with models in an easy and golang way. It covers the most common usage and contains for each models those functions :
func (c *Client) CreateCrmLead(cl *CrmLead) (int64, error) {}
func (c *Client) CreateCrmLeads(cls []*CrmLead) ([]int64, error) {} // !! Only for odoo 12+ versions !!
func (c *Client) UpdateCrmLead(cl *CrmLead) error {}
func (c *Client) UpdateCrmLeads(ids []int64, cl *CrmLead) error {}
func (c *Client) DeleteCrmLead(id int64) error {}
func (c *Client) DeleteCrmLeads(ids []int64) error {}
func (c *Client) GetCrmLead(id int64) (*CrmLead, error) {}
func (c *Client) GetCrmLeads(ids []int64) (*CrmLeads, error) {}
Find is powerful and allow you to query a model and filter results. Criteria and Options
func (c *Client) FindCrmLead(criteria *Criteria) (*CrmLead, error) {}
func (c *Client) FindCrmLeads(criteria *Criteria, options *Options) (*CrmLeads, error) {}
Generated models can be converted to Many2One
func (cl *CrmLead) Many2One() *Many2One {}
The library contains custom types to improve the usability :
func NewString(v string) *String {}
func (s *String) Get() string {}
func NewInt(v int64) *Int {}
func (i *Int) Get() int64 {}
func NewBool(v bool) *Bool {}
func (b *Bool) Get() bool {}
func NewSelection(v interface{}) *Selection {}
func (s *Selection) Get() (interface{}) {}
func NewTime(v time.Time) *Time {}
func (t *Time) Get() time.Time {}
func NewFloat(v float64) *Float {}
func (f *Float) Get() float64 {}
func NewMany2One(id int64, name string) *Many2One {}
func (m *Many2One) Get() int64 {}
func NewRelation() *Relation {}
func (r *Relation) Get() []int64 {}
one2many and many2many are represented by the Relation
type and allow you to execute special actions as defined here.
is a set of Criterion and allow you to query models. More informations
Criterions can be combined using AND (arity 2), OR (arity 2) and NOT (arity 1) operators. Criteria have And, Or and Not methods to be able to do such query eg:
c := odoo.NewCriteria().Or(
odoo.NewCriterion("", "=", "Jane Doe"),
odoo.NewCriterion("", "=", "John Doe"),
allow you to filter results.
cls, err := c.FindCrmLeads(odoo.NewCriteria().Add("", "=", "John Doe"), odoo.NewOptions().Limit(2))
All high level functions are based on basic odoo webservices functions.
These functions give you more flexibility but less usability. We recommand you to use models functions (high level).
Here are available low level functions :
func (c *Client) Create(model string, values []interface{}) ([]int64, error) {} !! Creating multiple instances is only for odoo 12+ versions !!
func (c *Client) Update(model string, ids []int64, values interface{}) error {}
func (c *Client) Delete(model string, ids []int64) error {}
func (c *Client) SearchRead(model string, criteria *Criteria, options *Options, elem interface{}) error {}
func (c *Client) Read(model string, ids []int64, options *Options, elem interface{}) error {}
func (c *Client) Count(model string, criteria *Criteria, options *Options) (int64, error) {}
func (c *Client) Search(model string, criteria *Criteria, options *Options) ([]int64, error) {}
func (c *Client) FieldsGet(model string, options *Options) (map[string]interface{}, error) {}
func (c *Client) ExecuteKw(method, model string, args []interface{}, options *Options) (interface{}, error) {}
- Tests
- Modular template
- If you have an issue, please report it on the issue tracker