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Unraid Installation

Drazzilb edited this page Nov 21, 2021 · 19 revisions

Unraid Installation localhost

Here we are going to talk about using qBit Manager on unRAID

qBit Management First, we are going to need Nerd Pack.
This can be also downloaded from the Apps store

Nerd pack will be located in the settings tab When you open it up you'll see a bunch of packages that you can install.
We'll need:

  • python-pip

  • python3

  • python-setuptools

To get this running in unRAID go ahead and download the repo to your computer.

Then take all the data from the zip file and place it somewhere on your server.

An example of this would be: /mnt/user/data/scripts/qbit/

Now we need to install the requirements for this script.

Head back over to User Scripts

Create a new script: An example of this would be install-requirements

In the new text field you'll need to place:

echo "Installing required packages"
python3 -m pip install -r /mnt/user/path/to/requirements.txt 
echo "Required packages installed"

Replace path/to/ with your path example mines /data/scripts/qbit/ or /mnt/user/data/scripts/qbit/requirements.txt

Now click Save Changes

Now to set a schedule for this bash script to run.

Select At First Array Start Only This will run this script every time the array starts on every boot

Now we need to edit the config file that came with the zip file.
The config file should be pretty self-explanatory.
The only thing that must be followed is that ALL categories that you see in your qBit MUST be added to the config file with associated directories, each directory must be unique for each category.

If you'd like a guide on setting up cross-seed on unRAID please visit here

Now we need to go back to User Scripts and create our script to run this script

Add a new script

You can name yours something like auto-manage-qbittorrent Here is an example script:

echo "Running qBitTorrent Management"
python3 /mnt/user/data/scripts/qbit/ -c /mnt/user/data/scripts/qbit/config.yml -ms -l /mnt/user/data/scripts/qbit/activity.log
echo "qBitTorrent Management Completed"

However, at the core, you'll want

python3 /<path to script>/ -c /<path to config>/config.yml -ms -l /<path to where you want log file>/activity.log

if you want to change the arguments such as the -ms a full list of arguments can be seen by using the -h command.

Once you've got the config file set up you should be all set. Don't forget to set a cron schedule mines
*/30 * * * * <-- Runs every 30 min

Final note:
If you're wanting to do a test run please use the --dry-run argument anywhere w/in the call to test how things will look. Please do this before running a full run.

Unraid Installation - Docker