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Generics Support

In SwiftyMocky, we are supporting generics for methods generation, as well as for generic constrained methods in mocked protocols.

Protocols with generic methods

We support generic constrained methods in protocols definition, so something like below:

//sourcery: AutoMockable
public protocol HistorySectionMapperType: class {
    func map<T: DateSortable>(_ items: [T]) ->  [(key: String, items: [T])]

Will generate valid mock.

Please have in mind, that generic methods are problematic in a lot of cases, so you could experience:

  1. AutoComplete issues for given, perform and verify: - use full <MockName>.Given. for getting autocomplete.
  2. Use full .any(Value.Type) instead of .any, to avoid ambiguity.
  3. Matching issues - if you are using generic parameters as .value, you might need to add additional comparators to Matcher instance. However, it should be handled for most of basic types.
  4. When working with methods like func decode<T>(_ type: T.Type, data: Data) -> T, it will require to register comparator for every custom T.Type used, like Matcher.default.register(CustomType.Type.self) - or just use .any(Custom.self)

Protocols with generic subscripts

We support generic subscript, but for now they need to annotated manually, like below:

//sourcery: AutoMockable
public protocol ProtocolWithGenericSubscript: class {
    //sourcery: associatedtype = "T: Sequence"
    subscript<T: Sequence>(_ items: [T]) -> Int where T.Element: Equatable { get set }

Annotations associatedtype should contain everything in <>, while where at the end gets autoparsed. That will generate a valid mock.

Please have in mind, that generic methods are problematic in a lot of cases, so you could experience. They generally match the ones of generic method above.

Protocols with associated types

We are also supporting protocols with associated types (mock will be generated as generic class), but that requires some aditional manuall annotations:

//sourcery: AutoMockable
//sourcery: associatedtype = "T1: Sequence"
//sourcery: associatedtype = "T2: Comparable, EmptyProtocol"
protocol AVeryAssociatedProtocol {
    associatedtype T1: Sequence
    associatedtype T2: Comparable, EmptyProtocol

    func fetch(for value: T2) -> T1

Definition above will produce:

class AVeryAssociatedProtocolMock<TypeT1,TypeT2>: AVeryAssociatedProtocol, Mock where TypeT1: Sequence, TypeT2: Comparable, TypeT2: EmptyProtocol {

	typealias T1 = TypeT1
	typealias T2 = TypeT2

// ...

Generic Protocols constrained to type

In some scenarios, you might end up defining protocol "inheriting" from generic protocol and constraining it to some specific type. You can use typealias annotations to resolve this scenario. Consider following example:

protocol SomeObjectRepository: Repository where Entity == SomeObject { }

protocol Repository {
    associatedType Entity: EntityType

    func store(_ entity: Entity)
    func getEntity(id: String) -> Entity

protocol EntityType {
    var id: String { get }

In order to generate valid mock, you need to define what Entity is for SomeObjectRepository. You can do it by "annotating" typealias:

//sourcery: AutoMockable
//sourcery: typealias = "Entity = SomeObject"
protocol SomeObjectRepository: Repository where Entity == SomeObject { }

That would result in generating valid mock.