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Martijn edited this page Oct 17, 2022 · 33 revisions

Below is a list of all features, organized by their respective configuration options. The configuration for Suki is the same as Paper, and can be found in:

  • Global settings: config/suki-global.yml
  • World settings: defaults in config/suki-world-defaults.yml, and overriding settings for a specific world can be defined in <world name>/suki-world.yml


Suki provides many optimization options. If you would like to increase your TPS, it is recommended to start with the recommended setting values. The options that can increase your TPS the most are:

  • Global view-distance.track.max-total-chunks
  • World view-distance.track.per-player
  • Global view-distance.see.max-total-chunks
  • World view-distance.see.per-player
  • World view-distance.load.per-player
  • World item-pickup.hopper.tick-rate


Suki can automatically update players' view distances to get the most out of your hardware, and you can easily reach view distances of 32 using normal CPU and RAM!

Global track.max-total-chunks

The maximum number of chunks that can be tracked by all players together. Tracking means: the player will receive entity and block updates from these chunks. A higher value costs more CPU and network bandwidth. -1 means no limit.

Default: -1
Recommended: for a server with 4 cores @ 2.0 GHz, with usually 15 players online max, 2500 works well. For 2500: if there are 15 players online, each player can track chunks at a distance of 6. If you would like 30 players to track chunks at a distance of 6, you should use 5000, etcetera.

World track.per-player

Whether track view distance is automatically optimally set for each player individually.

Default: false
Recommended: true

World track.limit-by-client-view-distance

(Only if track.per-player is true)

Whether chunks further than the client view distance will not be tracked by players. Setting this to true saves CPU and network bandwidth, without being noticeable by players.

Default: false
Recommended: true

World track.max

(Only if track.per-player is true)

The maximum chunk distance for each individual player to track. -1 means no limit.

Default: -1
Recommended: 11

Global see.max-total-chunks

The maximum number of chunks that can be seen by all players together. See distance should be much higher than tracking (which includes entities and block changes) distance. A higher value costs more RAM, and a little bit more CPU. -1 means no limit.

Default: -1
Recommended: for a server with 8GB RAM, with usually 15 players online max, 12500 works well. For 12500: if there are 15 players online, each player can see chunks at a distance of 14. If you would like 30 players to see chunks at a distance of 14, you should use 25000, etcetera.

World see.per-player

Whether see view distance is automatically optimally set for each player individually.

Default: false
Recommended: true

World see.limit-by-client-view-distance

(Only if see.per-player is true)

Whether chunks further than the client view distance will not be sent to players. Setting this to true saves network bandwidth, without being noticeable by players.

Default: false
Recommended: true

World see.max

(Only if see.per-player is true)

The maximum chunk distance for each individual player to see. -1 means no limit.

Normally, it is not necessary to change this setting, because with see.per-player, Suki will already set the view distance fairly without a limit being required.

Default: -1
Recommended: -1

World load.per-player

Whether the distance at which chunks are loaded into server memory is automatically optimally set for each player individually.

Default: false
Recommended: true

World load.limit-by-client-view-distance

(Only if load.per-player is true)

Whether chunks further than the client view distance will not be loaded into server memory. Setting this to true saves CPU and RAM. If the client sets a low view distance, this makes mob spawning higher up or lower down in their own chunks more likely, and mob spawning further away less likely.

Default: false
Recommended: true - but note that this may change mob spawning for players with very low client view distance (such as 4 or lower)

World load.limit-by-see-view-distance

(Only if load.per-player is true)

Whether chunks further than the player can receive will not be loaded into server memory. Setting this to true saves CPU and RAM.

Default: false
Recommended: true

World load.max

(Only if load.per-player is true)

The maximum chunk distance to load into server memory for each individual player. -1 means no limit.

Normally, it is not necessary to change this setting, because with load.per-player, Suki will already set the load distance fairly without a limit being required.

Default: -1
Recommended: -1

World if-can-see-but-not-tracking

Whether some chunk events will be sent to players that are too far away to see the entities in that chunk:

  • send-chunk-refresh
    When plugins request to refresh the chunk for a player
    Default: true
    Recommended: false
  • send-end-portal-fill-sound
    The sound when an End portal is completed
    Default: true
    Recommended: true
  • send-ender-dragon-spawn-sound
    The sound when an Ender Dragon spawns
    Default: true
    Recommended: true
  • send-wither-spawn-sound
    The sound when a Wither spawns
    Default: true
    Recommended: true

Global allow-invalid-client-view-distance

Whether to allow clients to send an invalid view distance. If true, clients can send a view distance above 127 (but it will have no effect). If false, clients will be kicked when they send a view distance above 127.

Default: false

Entity activation


Chunk packets will be interweaved with non-chunk packets to provide a smooth game experience even if the network capacity (of either the server or client) is limited, or if the client's CPU, GPU or RAM loads/renders chunks slowly. This system fully replaces the vanilla packet sending (which is: send all packets in order regardless of type), and cannot be completely turned off.


The Paper configuration setting will be multiplied by this value to get a target estimation for the network-constrained chunk sending. A higher value means chunks are sent sooner, meaning faster chunk loading, but a higher chance of overloading the network capacity.

Default: 1.15
Recommended: recommended to keep at 1.15, but can be changed to between 1.0 (mostly helps clients with bad computer specs or bad connections) and 1.5 (mostly helps clients with good computer specs and connections but high ping - such as on the other side of the world)

Global assume-packets-in-transit-arrived-after-time

Packets will be assumed to have arrived after this time in milliseconds, even if no response has been received.

Default: 600
Recommended: the highest ping that you expect your players to normally have - but 600 is a reasonably good guess for most servers

Global ignore-network-conditions-for-chunks-within-chessboard-distance

Chunk packets within this distance of the player will always be instantly sent like vanilla, without being placed in a queue behind non-chunk packets. A value of -1 means all chunk packets are potentially queued behind non-chunk packets.

Default: 1
Recommended: 1 is a good default setting, -1 if your players have very bad computer specs and get screen freeze when teleporting, 2 if your players have good computer specs


Short TPS dips


Hoppers picking up items is intensive for the server, so it is helpful to decrease the frequency at which the necessary checks are performed. This barely affects gameplay in any way, and doensn't break mob farms or redstone machines unless they rely on tick-precise floating item pickups of hoppers (I have never seen such a farm or machine because they would probably not work in vanilla either).

World hopper.tick-rate

How often (in ticks) to tick hoppers to pick up floating items. This does not affect hoppers pulling items from container such as chests or other hoppers: it only affects floating items lying on top of them. A higher value can increase TPS if there are a lot of open hoppers (hoppers without a block above them) on the server, because all hoppers that are open on the top will constantly check for floating items (even if there are no items nearby).

Default: 1
Recommended: 20 (once every second)

World hopper.minecart-immunity.duration

For how long (in ticks) hopper minecarts can ignore hopper.tick-rate and pick up items every tick, after items are detected nearby. -1 disables these extra pickups for hopper minecarts.

Default: 200
Recommended: 200

World hopper.minecart-immunity.detection

Settings for the detection of dropped items around hopper minecarts to give them temporary immunity from hopper.tick-rate (see hopper.minecart-immunity.duration).

  • horizontal-distance
    Max horizontal distance to check for items
    Default: 32.0
    Recommended: 32.0
  • vertical-distance
    Max vertical distance to check for items
    Default: 4.0
    Recommended: 4.0
  • max-age
    Max age (in ticks) of a hopper minecart to gain temporary item pickup limit immunity (-1 means no age limit)
    Default: 1200
    Recommended: 1200
  • tick-rate
    How often (in ticks) to check for items nearby
    Default: 20 (once every second)
    Recommended: 20

World villager.delay-after-drop

For how long (in ticks) items dropped by villagers cannot be picked up. When a villager's inventory is full, they will drop some of their items on the ground, particularly to pass them to other villagers (in the case of farmers). This can lead to multiple villagers constantly throwing food at each other in a villager breeding farm. If this value is -1, the vanilla value (which is currently 10) is used.

Default: -1
Recommended: 100 (5 seconds)


World only-refresh-for-players

Whether to only refresh lootables (such as naturally generated chests) when the contents are checked by a player.

Default: false
Recommended: true


Survival debug stick

Banners in head slot

Unstrip with bone meal





World all-nether-bricks-count-as-fortress

If true, mobs that normally only spawn in Nether fortresses can spawn on Nether bricks anywhere in the Nether.

Default: false


World wither

If true, a Wither will never despawn just because all players are far away.

Default: false



World too-quickly.self

Whether the vanilla <player> moved too quickly check is enabled.

Default: true

World too-quickly.vehicle

Whether the vanilla Vehicle of <player> moved too quickly check is enabled.

Default: true

World wrongly.self

Whether the vanilla <player> moved wrongly check is enabled.

Default: true

World wrongly.vehicle

Whether the vanilla Vehicle of <player> moved wrongly check is enabled.

Default: true


World enabled

Whether chunks are relocated when data corruption is detected. This is true in Paper.

Default: true
Recommended: false

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