AmberELEC (formerly known as 351ELEC) is a fork of EmuELEC which is based on CoreELEC which in turn is licensed under the GPLv2 (and GPLv2-or-later), all original files created by the AmberELEC team are licensed as GPLv2-or-later and marked as such.
This firmware includes many non-commercial emulators/libraries/cores/binaries and as such, it cannot be sold, bundled, offered, included, or anything similar, in any commercial product/application including but not limited to: Android Devices, Smart-TVs, TV-boxes, Hand-held Devices, Computers, SBCs, or anything else that can run AmberELEC with those emulators/libraries/cores/binaries included.
As AmberELEC includes code from many upstream projects it includes many copyright owners. AmberELEC makes NO claim of copyright on any upstream code. Patches to upstream code have the same license as the upstream project, unless specified otherwise. For a complete copyright list please checkout the source code to examine license headers. Unless expressly stated otherwise all code submitted to the AmberELEC project (in any form) is licensed under GPLv2-or-later. You are absolutely free to retain copyright. To retain copyright simply add a copyright header to each submitted code page. If you submit code that is not your own work it is your responsibility to place a header stating the copyright.
All AmberELEC (formerly known as 351ELEC) related logos, videos, images and branding in general are the sole property of AmberELEC and they are all Copyrighted by the AmberELEC team and are not to be included in any commercial application whatsoever without the proper authorization! AmberELEC may not be bundled with games or distributed as donationware!