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File metadata and controls

189 lines (153 loc) · 6.36 KB


A series of KMM(Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile) foundation libraries.


Official release of KMM libraries provided by SuoxingTech. Including:

  • kmm-arch which provides fundamental MVVM Architecture Components (i.e. ViewModel).
  • kmm-kv which provides Key-value storage solution. Jetpack DataStore for Android and NSUserDefaults for iOS.
  • kmm-database which provides wrapped Realm's Kotlin SDK.
  • kmm-analytics which provides wrapped FirebaseAnalytics & FirebaseCrashlytics.

For more information about released packages you can visit Packages under our organization space.

Latest version

Library Dependency Version
kmm_arch dev.suoxing.kmm:kmm-arch github
kmm_kv dev.suoxing.kmm:kmm-kv github
kmm_database dev.suoxing.kmm:kmm-database github
kmm_analytics dev.suoxing.kmm:kmm-analytics github

Using GitHub Registry

Artifacts are currently published to GitHubPackages, which requires additional config on dependencyResolutionManagement block:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven {
            name = "GitHubPackages"
            url = uri("")

            val prop = java.util.Properties().apply {
                load(, "")))
            val githubUser: String? = prop.getProperty("github.user")
            val githubToken: String? = prop.getProperty("github.token")

            credentials {
                username = githubUser
                password = githubToken

Add Dependency

sourceSets {
    val commonMain by getting {
        dependencies {

kmm_analytics may have issue on iOS builds. you can use only android artifact by add to android dependency like: implementation("dev.suoxing.kmm:kmm_analytics-android:$kmm_analytics_ver")

Start using kmm-arch ViewModel

dev.suoxing.kmm_arch.viewmodel.ViewModel aims to make ViewModel cross-platform. So that most bussiness logic code could be placed in shared module.

Implementing your ViewModel in shared module

It's simple to implement your own ViewModel class, just subclassing dev.suoxing.kmm_arch.viewmodel.ViewModel and define UiState class (must be data class) like following code:

class HomeViewModel : ViewModel<HomeUiState>() {}

In addition, you might need koin to deal with dependency injection, in that case you need to wrap another BaseViewModel yourself:

import dev.suoxing.kmm_arch.viewmodel.ViewModel
import org.koin.core.component.KoinComponent

abstract class BaseViewModel<T: Any>() : ViewModel<T>(), KoinComponent

Android Compose with LifecycleExt

import androidx.lifecycle.compose.collectAsStateWithLifecycle

fun HomeScene(
    viewModel: HomeViewModel = androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel.compose.viewModel(),
) {
    val uiState by viewModel.uiStateFlow.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()

iOS with SwiftUI @StateObject

For iOS you need to make a bridge helper, here is the sample code we are using internally:

import Foundation
import shared
import SwiftUI

/// Wrap KMM ViewModel to `ObservableObject` with a published `uiState`.
class ObservableViewModel<UiState: AnyObject, VM: BaseViewModel<UiState>> : ObservableObject{
    /// `UiState` type can be inferred from `vm` instance passed to wrapper.
    @Published var uiState: UiState
    /// Real KMM ViewModel reference.
    /// Named as `actor` in order to inform developer to invoke this only for handling user actions.
    /// Little bit ugly, but I think it's okay. 😅
    let actor: VM
    init (_ vm: VM) {
        // peek latest value to guarantee that `uiState` is always non-null.
        self.uiState = vm.peek() = vm
        vm.collect { value in
            // update `uiState` everytime `uiStateFlow` emits new value.
            self.uiState = value
    /// - It is recommended to call it in [onAppear], which will check whether [viewModelScope] is active (because it may have been cancelled).
    /// If it is not active, a new [viewModelScope] can be created in time.
    /// - In fact, it is a manual implementation of life cycle management, which is equivalent to starting the viewModel when [onAppear] and pausing it when [onDisapper].
    /// (because it just cancels the viewModelScope), deinit is called by the system
    func activate() {
        // debugPrint(, ":vm:activate") { // onNewScope is called when the ViewModel creates a new [viewModelScope]
            // Because the viewModelScope was canceled, uiStateFlow needs to be collected again. Otherwise, it will not respond to the new state.
   { value in
                // update `uiState` everytime `uiStateFlow` emits new value.
                self.uiState = value
    /// - It is recommended to call it in onDisappear, which will cancel [viewModelScope]
    func clear() {
        // manually cancel coroutine scope, since `deinit` may never be called.
        // debugPrint(, ":vm:clear")
    deinit {
        // cancel coroutine scope
        debugPrint(, ":vm:deinit")

Then use it as any other @StateObject:

struct MainScene: View {
    @StateObject private var viewModel = ObservableViewModel(HomeViewModel())

    var body: some View {
            .onAppear {
       // custom function initializing scene data
            .onDisappear {