as padding members and automatically initiallize it in init struct. This requires moving the pad field as a member in struct member entry info to a member entry variant type? -
Allow injecting dynamic shader defines at build-time (we already have a runtime mechanism from generation)
Allow generation directly from shader strings.
proc_macro as an option alongside of build.rs. We need proc_macro::tracked* feature?
Use something like derivative and use MaybeUninit for padded fields
Use rustfmt instead of prettyparse
Use struct like this instead directly using the array.
#[repr(C)] struct PaddedField<const N: usize, T> { field: T, padding: [u8; N], } impl<const N: usize, T> PaddedField<N, T> { pub fn new(value: T) -> Self { Self { field: value, padding: [0; N], } } }
Add a way to encode variant types in wgsl?.
- Maybe a seperate binary that accepts rust source.
- Generates accessors, setters in wgsl
- Struct fields are efficiently utilised.