type |
\SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\AttachmentOrderType |
[optional] |
carryForwardShortfall |
bool |
[ReadOnly] Whether or not shortfalls should be carried forward |
[optional] [readonly] |
allowProtectedEarnings |
bool |
[ReadOnly] Whether or not shortfalls should be carried forward |
[optional] [readonly] |
autoDeduction |
bool |
[readonly] Whether or not the amount to be deducted is automatically calculated |
[optional] [readonly] |
reference |
string |
The reference which appeared on the court paperwork |
[optional] |
issueDate |
\DateTime |
The date of issue for this Order |
[optional] |
applyFrom |
\DateTime |
The date from which to apply this Order |
[optional] |
applyUntil |
\DateTime |
An optional date on which to stop applying this order |
[optional] |
deductionIsPercentage |
bool |
Whether or not the amount given for Deduction is a percentage rather than a fixed amount |
[optional] |
deduction |
float |
The percentage or amount (depending on DeductionIsPercentage) to deduct |
[optional] |
protectedEarningsIsPercentage |
bool |
Whether or not the amount for ProtectedEarnings is a percentage rather than a fixed amount. |
[optional] |
protectedEarnings |
float |
The percentage or amount or percentage (depending on ProtectedEarningsIsPercentage) to protect |
[optional] |
chargeAdminFee |
bool |
Whether or not a £1 admin fee should be deducted for this order |
[optional] |
shortfall |
float |
Any shortfall that is being carried forward |
[optional] |
stopWhenTotalPaid |
bool |
Whether or not this order should be stopped once a total amount has been paid |
[optional] |
totalAmountToPay |
float |
The Total amount that needs to be paid for this Order |
[optional] |
amountPreviouslyPaid |
float |
Any amount that has previously been paid towards this Order |
[optional] |
stopped |
bool |
[readonly] Whether or not this Order has been stopped. This is set automatically when either it's paid in full or the ApplyUntil date has been reached. |
[optional] |
notes |
string |
A free-form text field to record any comments |
[optional] |
includeBankDetails |
bool |
[optional] |
bankDetails |
\SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\BankDetails |
[optional] |
payments |
\SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\AttachmentOrderPayment[] |
[readonly] Payments made towards this order. Only populated when viewed as a report. |
[optional] |
payee |
string |
The Id of the Payee, if any, that deductions are to be paid to. |
[optional] |
payeeName |
string |
The name of the Payee, if any, that deductions are to be paid to. |
[optional] |
documentCount |
int |
[readonly] The number of attachments associated with this model |
[optional] |
documents |
\SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\Item[] |
[readonly] The attachments associated with this model |
[optional] |
employee |
\SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\Item |
[optional] |
id |
string |
[readonly] The unique id of the object |
[optional] [readonly] |