Name | Type | Description | Notes |
makeAndModel | string | [optional] | |
registration | string | [optional] | |
firstRegistered | \DateTime | [optional] | |
hasApprovedEmissionsValue | bool | [optional] | |
co2Emissions | int | [optional] | |
engineSize | int | [optional] | |
zeroEmissionsMileage | int | [optional] | |
fuelType | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\BenefitDetailsCarPowerType | [optional] | |
availableFrom | \DateTime | [optional] | |
availableTo | \DateTime | [optional] | |
daysUnavailable | int | [optional] | |
listPrice | float | [optional] | |
nonStandardAccessories | float | [optional] | |
employeeCapitalContributions | float | [optional] | |
employeePrivateContributions | float | [optional] | |
freeFuel | bool | [optional] | |
fuelAvailableFrom | \DateTime | [optional] | |
fuelAvailableTo | \DateTime | [optional] | |
freeFuelReinstated | bool | [optional] | |
registeredPriorTo1998 | bool | [readonly] | [optional] [readonly] |
rate | float | [readonly] The applicable rate based on CO2Emissions and Engine Size | [optional] |
chargeableValue | float | [readonly] The chargeable value of the car | [optional] [readonly] |
fullYearCharge | float | [readonly] The charge for the car for a full year, not taking in to account available dates or EmployeePrivateContributions | [optional] [readonly] |
cashEquivalent | float | [readonly] | [optional] |
cashEquivalentFuel | float | [readonly] | [optional] |