Name | Type | Description | Notes |
workingPatternId | string | The unique id of the working pattern. | [optional] |
effectiveFrom | \DateTime | The date when the assignment of the Working Pattern becomes effective. | [optional] |
effectiveTo | \DateTime | [readonly] The date when the assignment of the Working Pattern effectiveness ends. Populated automatically based on working pattern effectiveFrom dates. | [optional] |
totalHours | float | [readonly] The amount of hours per working pattern. | [optional] |
contractedWeeks | float | [readonly] The amount of weeks an employee works, utilise for employees who aren't working full time. If Null then the default is used. | [optional] |
title | string | The title of the working pattern. | [optional] |
id | string | [optional] | |
name | string | [optional] | |
metadata | mixed | [optional] | |
url | string | [optional] |