Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | string | Name of the Spinal Point | [optional] |
number | int | Number of Spinal Point within the Scale | [optional] |
annualValue | float | Annual Value for the Spinal Point | [optional] |
annualValueAltMax | float | Annual Value for the Spinal Point (Alternative Max Value) | [optional] |
annualValueLAInner | float | Annual Value for the Spinal Point Inner London Allowance | [optional] |
annualValueLAInnerAltMax | float | Annual Value for the Spinal Point Inner LA (Alt Max Value) | [optional] |
annualValueLAOuter | float | Annual Value for the Spinal Point Outer London Allowance | [optional] |
annualValueLAOuterAltMax | float | Annual Value for the Spinal Point Outer LA (Alt Max Value) | [optional] |
annualValueLAFringe | float | Annual Value for the Spinal Point Fringe London Allowance | [optional] |
annualValueLAFringeAltMax | float | Annual Value for the Spinal Point Fringe LA (Alt Max Value) | [optional] |
effectiveDate | \DateTime | Date these rates became effective | [optional] |
predecessorId | string | Spinal point predecessorId | [optional] |