Name | Type | Description | Notes |
taxYear | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\TaxYear | [optional] | |
taxMonth | int | [readonly] The Tax Month that the Payment Date falls in | [optional] |
payPeriod | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\PayPeriods | [optional] | |
ordinal | int | [readonly] Indicates whether this uses first, second, third (etc.) PaySchedule for this PayPeriod. | [optional] |
period | int | [readonly] The period (i.e, Tax Week or Tax Month) that this PayRun is for. | [optional] |
startDate | \DateTime | [readonly] The start date of the period this PayRun covers | [optional] |
endDate | \DateTime | [readonly] The end date of the period this PayRun covers | [optional] |
paymentDate | \DateTime | [readonly] The intended date that Employees will be paid, although this can be changed on a per PayRunEntry basis | [optional] |
employeeCount | int | [readonly] The number of Employees included in this PayRun (including any CIS Subcontractors) | [optional] |
subContractorCount | int | [readonly] The number of CIS Subcontractors included in this PayRun | [optional] |
nonRtiEmployeeCount | int | [readonly] The number of employees excluded from the RTI submission in this PayRun | [optional] |
totals | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\PayRunTotals | [optional] | |
payslipScheduledDateTime | \DateTime | The scheduled date time for sending payslips by email. | [optional] |
state | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\PayRunState | [optional] | |
isClosed | bool | [readonly] Set to True if the PayRun is Finalised and changes can no longer be made | [optional] [readonly] |
isRolledBack | bool | [readonly] Set to True if the PayRun is currently rolled back | [optional] |
dateClosed | \DateTime | [optional] | |
autoPilotCloseDate | \DateTime | [readonly] If AutoPilot is enabled in the AutomationSettings for the Employer then this property will tell you when the payrun will be automatically closed | [optional] |
entries | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\Item[] | [readonly] The PayRunEntries that make up this PayRun. This is populate automatically when you start a PayRun. | [optional] |