Name | Type | Description | Notes |
nominalCode | string | [readonly] If you've set up NominalCodeMapping then the relevant Nominal code for the PayCode will be shown here. | [optional] |
departmentCode | string | [readonly] If the journal is split by department then the relevant department code is shown here. | [optional] |
nominalName | string | [readonly] As above | [optional] |
description | string | [readonly] A description of what this line summarises. | [optional] |
qty | float | [readonly] If the PayCode is a Multiplier code then this will contain the number of days/hours | [optional] |
value | float | [readonly] The total value for this line. | [optional] |
payCode | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\PayCode | [optional] | |
costCentreCode | string | [readonly] If the journal is split by cost centre then the relevant cost centre code is shown here. | [optional] |
analysisCategories | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\AnalysisCategory[] | [readonly] If the journal is split by analysis categories | [optional] |
analysisCategoryCodes | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\AnalysisCategoryCode[] | [readonly] If the journal is split by analysis categories then the relevant analysis categories code is shown here. | [optional] |
employeeUniqueId | string | [readonly] The EmployeeId this summary line relates to. | [optional] |
journalNarrative | string | [readonly] Gets the journal narrative for the pension, if defined. | [optional] |
pensionId | string | [readonly] The PensionId of the pension associated with this summary line, only present for pension summary lines. | [optional] |
employee | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\Employee | [optional] | |
unMappedNominalCode | string | [readonly] Unmapped Nominal Code is the Nominal Code without the Nominal Mapping. | [optional] |