This is a compilation of the three different types of portfolio projects you can create. The explanation for the different types are contained in this YouTube video.
P.S. If you're interested in contributing go ahead and create a pull request :-)
- Digital Clock
- Todo App
- Expense Tracker
- Vowel Counter
- Pig Latin Generator
- Weight Tracker App
- Recipes App
- Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
- Space Invaders Game
- Snake Game
- Tetris Game
- Pong Game
- Calculator
- Web Scraper
- Flash Card App
- Address Book (Contact Manager)
- Facebook Clone
- Twitter Clone
- LinkedIn Clone
- Instagram Clone
- Online Forum
- "Fake" E-Commerce Store
- Crypto Tracker
- Airline/Hotel Reservation System
- WYSIWG (What you see is what you get) Editor
- A list of sample Web App Ideas from Flavio Copes
- Martyr2'S Mega Project Ideas List! from
- 40 Side Project Ideas for Software Engineers from
- 30 Developer Portfolio Project Ideas from Simon Barker