GET quotes/random
Returns information about quotes for a given page and a given pagesize. Quotes are ordered by random.
- A valid access token must be provided in access_token parameter.
The access_token
should be sent using an HTTP header like so:
Authorization: Bearer access_token
An example call with CURL:
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ZllAle9NZ11FkMyX5xm0evswWOTinrr5I26uLcGB"
All parameters are optional. If you don't provide these parameters the default values will be used:
- page - The page number starting from 1 to +infinity. If not specified, the default value is 1.
- pagesize - The number of quotes per page. If not specified, the default value is 10.
Example request:
A JSON object containing keys quotes where quotes is a list of Quote object in full format with their author is small author.
Quote object:
- id - ID of the quote.
- content - Body of the quote
- user_id - ID of the author of the quote.
- approved - Tells the state of the quote. Since we are showing published quotes, approved will always be
. - created_at - Date telling when the quote was submitted.
- tags_list - An array of tags associated with the quote.
- has_comments - Tells if a quote has comments.
- total_comments - The number of comments for the quote.
- is_favorite - Tells if the quote in the favorite quotes of the user.
User object:
- id - ID of the user.
- login - Login of the user.
- profile_hidden - Tells if the profile of the user should be hidden.
- url_avatar - Full URL of the user's avatar.
- wants_notification_comment_quote - Tells if the user wants to be notified when a comment on one of its quotes.
- is_admin - True if the user is an administrator.
Additional keys:
- total_quotes - The total number of published quotes.
- total_pages - The total number of pages with the given pagesize.
- page - The number of the current page.
- pagesize - The number of quotes to display per page.
- url - URL of the current page.
- has_next_page - True if we can hit a next page of quotes.
- next_page - Displayed if
is true. The URL to hit if we want the next page of quotes. - has_previous_page - True if we can hit a previous page of quotes.
- previous_page - Displayed if
is true. The URL to hit if we want the previous page of quotes.
All known errors cause the resource to return HTTP error code header together with a JSON array containing at least status
and error
keys describing the source of error.
- 404 Not Found — No quotes have been found for this page and this pagesize.
"content":"Ut praesentium voluptatem ad amet explicabo nisi impedit autem. Laborum error quia quisquam culpa. Cupiditate molestiae aut autem quis expedita. Nemo natus consequatur exercitationem magni repellendus a ut. Impedit nesciunt velit quasi.",
"created_at":"2013-08-15 07:00:38",
"tags_list": [
"content":"Quo ab dolores qui numquam est. Id a aut distinctio possimus dolor eum repellendus. Libero aut sapiente non cupiditate cumque et architecto. Nihil aut vitae nihil odio corporis et repellendus.",
"created_at":"2013-07-16 07:00:38",
"tags_list": [
For an error with HTTP code 404:
"error":"No quotes have been found."