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Landing page for



To update the site you should pull the latest changes from git using the www-data user. This can be done with the following command:

sudo -u www-data git pull --ff-only

If this command fails it means someone has made changes on the server and you should seek out that person and spank them.


To run this in production you need to set up a webserver like Apache. Once that is set-up you should clone the repository into the /var/www folder. Make sure to set the ownership of the folder to www-data in order to allow the webserver user to access it.

Menu generation

Due to the Täffä API being painfully slow menus are generated separately. The menus can be generated hourly by placing the following script in /etc/cron.hourly/

cd /var/www/
for l in sv fi en
        MENU=$(php -f menu.php lang=$l)
        echo $MENU > menu_$l.html

Development setup

Docker (recommended way)

Install Docker

Oneliner to be run in the same directory as index.php resides:

docker run -t -i -p 8000:80 -v `pwd`:/var/www "eriksencosta/php-dev:latest" webserver --foreground start

To shut it down, press ctl+c


The following command will start a Docker container listening on port 8000. Make sure to replace the path with the path to the project.

docker run -t -i -p 8000:80 -v <path_to_project>:/var/www "eriksencosta/php-dev:latest" /bin/bash

Once the container is running you need to start the webserver:

webserver start

The site should now be available at http://localhost:8000 (or at the IP of the virtual machine running Docker if you're using Windows/Mac).

To exit the container use: exit.

Here is an example of what this might look like:

$ docker run -t -i -p 8000:80 -v ~/Projects/ "eriksencosta/php-dev:latest" /bin/bash
root@a0c39ad37ba9:/# webserver start
Starting PHP-FPM (PHP version 5.6.6) server.
Starting Nginx server.
root@a0c39ad37ba9:/# exit

For more information look here:

Otto on any platform

  1. Install otto, VirtualBox and vagrant
  2. Clone this repository git clone
  3. If on linux, make sure kernel modules are loaded: sudo modprobe vboxdrv vboxnetadp vboxnetflt
  4. In the project folder, run otto compile
  5. Run otto dev this will start a virtual machine
  6. Allow otto to install all of its dependencies
  7. Make a note of the IP that the virtual machine is running on.
  8. Log in to the virtual machine with otto dev ssh 8b. Windows: Use Putty (or similar) to connect. 8c. Write the IP in the Host Name field. Press enter. 8d. Login: "vagrant" PW: "vagrant"
  9. Run the PHP server with: php -S
  10. The server is now running on port 5000 on the IP printed out in step 5

Alternatively, install XAMPP/MAMP locally:

MAMP on Mac OS X

  1. Download MAMP
  2. Install the .pkg file you downloaded (next, next, continue, etc.)
  3. Open the MAMP application from Applications/MAMP/MAMP (the icon is a little elephant!)
  4. Inside MAMP, go to Preferences.../Web Server
  5. Select Apache and click the little folder icon to the right of "Document Root:". As "Document Root" you should choose the folder where your index.php file is located.
  6. Done. Start the server from MAMP by clicking 'Start Servers'. :)

XAMPP on Windows

  1. Start by downloading and installing XAMPP
  2. Open XAMPP Control Panel
  3. Move the folder to C:\xampp\htdocs
  4. Press "Start" on Apache-row
  5. In case Xampp fails to run Apache, make sure Xampp isn't being stopped by your antivirus program and try rebooting your computer
  6. If it starts successfully open your browser and type localhost/ in the addressbar to check if it's up and running

XAMPP on Arch Linux

  1. Ladda ner nyaste XAMPP från
  2. Kör vid behov chmod 755 xampp-linux-*
  3. sudo ./xampp-linux-*
  4. Lägg till din github-mapp till /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf, följ instruktioner på
  5. chmod o+x /väg/till/din/mapp/
  6. Fungerar kanske? Om inte så hjälper StackExchange.


TäffäAPI or as it is referred to in code, TaffaAPI is a class for easy access to the taffa API located at