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Yuvan Michael edited this page Apr 8, 2022 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the AppImageLauncher wiki! It's an open wiki, and everyone is welcome to add and edit pages!

(Some distros have it preinstalled. Check it first then try this)

Install AppImageLauncher

If you want to install AppImageLauncher on your system, please see the following pages:

We do not support elementary os.

Fedora and other RPM distributions

Unofficial (Arch or Arch based) (These are community maintained. AUR)

'sudo pacman -S appimagelauncher'

You can also use yay.



If not use the command given for arch


In case your distro is not here you can search online. 'appimagelauncher for [your distro name]' On google, bing, duckduckgo etc.