- Allow users to filter by multiple "Supported units" at the same time using tags.
- Adapt to new DB matchers structure.
- Fix rendering Chanelog.
- Allow filtering by support effect text
- Fixed bug in the sync from the db
- Fixed bug introduced by new DB file for PVP mode
- Enforced text in some orb types to use a white font for easier readability.
- Google Analytics
- See the changelog by clicking the version number in the lower right
- Formatting of all orb types
- Unit types shown next to unit name
- Updated UX.
- Other table now includes units that had some other effect in addition to their stat boost.
- Fixed benign sync error with OPTC-DB.
- Reorganized some backend files
- Fixed OPTC-DB data (will be up to date within 12 hours)
- Uses live OPTC-DB data for character tables
- DB Links now open in a new tab
- Dark mode
- Sorting
- Better UI, Filtering
- Initial version with tables