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Discord's roadmap

Tais993 edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 3 revisions

Discord is working on a ton, and has been working a ton. I'll explain some of the relavant features really short here, so you can stay up-to-date with ease


Command's with a / as their prefix. Examples can be the /thread command, allows you to create a command

Attachment option

Added 8/9 febuary, so really recent.
Just allow you to request a file from the user in a command.

Slash-command auto-complete

Easiest is to just show it tbh

See a link to the YouTube video here

Allows us to give the user "options" live, this means you won't be limited to 25 hardcoded options.
An example use-case would be the tag command, you can show the user possible tags live.

Context Commands

Command's visible when right clicking a member/user

context-commands example


Also added the 8th of Feburary! Another recent addition.
It's more or less a form, currently only accepts the text input.
Selection menu support will be added in the future, unsure about other things that might get added.


Now let's talk about features that are in WIP, and unfortunately not yet released.

date-picker option for slash-commands

Explains itself, no new info on this.

NSFW commands

Don't question

Slash-commands improved UI

Current UI isn't that nice, so they're working on the improvements seen below.

  • all required options are selected instead of 1
  • errors are rendered inside the editor
  • multi-line support


This info is a few months old, I don't know anything more recent about it "it'll enable more new features"

Permission system rework

This one is so important, currently you can only allow/deny specific roles/users. That's fine for our bot, but just shitty to manage and such. Discord is now allowing a lot more, you can set permissions instead, or specific roles/users. And even better, moderators of the server can set everything too! If they only want the command to be used in specific channels by specific people, this is possible easily, see pictures below (might has received some changes) :p

specific_bot specific_command

Source(s): GitHub Discussions API-Plans discussion Editor upgrades article Autocomplete article

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