General pipeline settings
Display pipeline help menu (Default: false)--singleEnd
true/false for single-end sequencing (Default: false)--unstranded
true/false for unstranded library prep (Default: true)--stranded
true/false for forward-stranded library prep (Default: false)--revstranded
true/false for reverse-stranded library prep (Default: false)--gencode
gencode reference. Required for Salmonh indexing (Default: false).--customQC
Run customQC module and generate HTML report (Default: true).
featureCount quantification settings
subread featureCounts group (Default: gene_id)--fc_count_type subread
subread featureCounts type (Default: exon)--fc_group_features_type
GTF biotype field for subread featureCounts (Default: gene_biotype)--normalize_counts
enable edgeR RPKM/CPM normalization for featureCounts (Default: true)--biotypeQC
perform featureCounts biotype quantification (Default: true).
Pipeline steps
Read QC with fastqc (Default: true)--runTrimGalore
Read trimming with TrimGalore (Default: true)--runSortMeRNA
rRNA filtering with SortMeRNA (Default: true)--runPostQC
Alignment QC with RSeQC,Preseq (Default: true)--runRSeQC_TIN
RSeQC TIN (Default: true)--runMarkDup
Sambamba markdup (Default: true)--runFeatureCounts
Expression quantification with featureCounts (Default: true)--runMapping
Read alignment with STAR (Default: true)--runSalmon
Alignment-free transcript quantification with Salmon (Default: false)--runMultiQC
MultiQC report (Default: true)--runGermlineCallingGATK
GATK4 germline variant calling (Default: false)--runGATK4_BQSR
GATK4 base quality score recalibration with--runGermlineCallingGATK
enabled (Default: true).
Reference resources
/path/to/reference/transcripts.fasta (required for Salmon)--genome_bed
path/to/snp_sites.vcf (optional, GATK4 BQSR)--scatter_interval_list
path/to/scatter.interval_list (required for GATK4)--rRNA_database_manifest
path/to/rRNA database file (required for SortMeRNA)