Custom environments created by users can also be used on JupyterHub. This QuickByte shows you how to make python environments accessible on JupyterHub.
If you are creating a conda environment from scrach that you know you will want to use on JupyterHub, as you are creating the environment add the ipykernel to the packages you want included.
For example, if you were making a natural language processing libraries environment, you could create an environment like this:
module load miniconda3
conda create -n nltk nltk ipykernel
Alternatively, if you already have an environment created and would like it to be available on JupyterHub, then add the ipykernal.
source activate nltk
conda install ipykernel
Remember that you can also access the terminal though JupyterHub. To do this click Terminal under the New dropdown menu.
After your environments have been modified to include the ipykernal, you can open notebooks on JupyterHub by opening a New Notebook under File and selecting the environment.