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MacOS remove UPBGE damaged comment

lordloki edited this page Jun 26, 2022 · 5 revisions

UPBGE is a free and open source application that it is not signed and notarized for MacOS. This is because we are not agreed with this Apple process.

Due to this when you download the application and try to execute the app, the system will raise this warning:

Then to remove that comment and to execute the application without problems, you will have to do the following steps the first time:

If you have the build downloaded in Download folder, do the following:

  • open a terminal

  • write: xattr -cr UPBGE-0.30-macOS-arm64.dmg

    NOTE: In the command before you will have to replace UPBGE-0.30-macOS-arm64.dmg with the exact name of the build that you downloaded.

  • Then open the app normally

The explanation for this is that, basically, when you download an app that it is not officially signed and notarized then MacOS system adds a tag, in the app, pointing that is in quarantine. Then with the command we remove that tag.

You can see the process in the following image:

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