Vogt-Bailey index toolbox in Python
It is possible to simply copy the folder vb_toobox
to your project folder and
proceed from there. If you take this approach, be sure you have the following
packages installed
The preferred way to install is through pip. It is as easy as
pip install vb_toolbox
If your pip is properly configured, you can now use the program vb_tool
your command line, and import any of the submodules in vb_toolbox
into your python
If the VBIndex toolbox was installed from PyPI via pip
, the command line program vb_tool
be available in your terminal. You can test if the program is correctly
installed by typing
vb_tool -h
Alternatively, if you have downloaded the source code, you can install the program by typing
pip install py_vb_toolbox/
In your terminal, if you see the following output, the program has been properly installed.
usage: vb_tool [-h] [-j N] [-n norm] [-fb] [-hy] [-m file] [-c file]
[-t tolerance] [-mi max iterations] [-debug] -s file -d file -o
Calculate the Vogt-Bailey index of a dataset. For more information, refer to
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-j N, --jobs N Maximum number of jobs to be used. If absent, one job
per CPU will be spawned.
-n norm, --norm norm Laplacian normalization to be employed. Possibilities are
"geig", "unnorm", "rw" and "sym". Defaults to geig for
the full brain and ROI analyses, and to unnorm
-fb, --full-brain Calculate full brain feature gradient analysis.
-hy, --hybrid Calculate searchlight VB index with hybrid approach.
-rh, --reho Calculate the KCC index for ReHo approach.
-vol, --volumetric Calculate VB index based on volumetric data.
-ta, --temporal-analysis
Calculate the time varying VB index of a time window.
-ws, --window-size Window size for Temporal Analysis.
-st, --step Step for Temporal Analysis.
-sz, --size Size for Temporal Analysis.
-p, --path Path for temporal folder.
-vm, --volmask Nifti file containing the whole brain mask
in volumetric space. Only relevant if computing the
volumetric VB.
-m file, --mask file File containing the labels to identify the cortex,
rather than the medial brain structures. This flag
must be set for the searchlight and full brain
-c file, --clusters file
File specifying the surface clusters. The cluster with
index 0 is expected to denote the medial brain
structures and will be ignored.
-t tolerance, --tol tolerance
Residual tolerance (stopping criterion) for LOBPCG.
Default value = sqrt(10e-18)*n, where n is the number
of nodes per graph. Note that the LOBPCG algorithm is only
utilised for full-brain analysis.
-mi max iterations, --maxiter max iterations
Maximum number of iterations for LOBPCG. Defaults to
-debug, --debug Save additional files for debugging.
required named arguments:
-s file, --surface file
File containing the surface mesh.
-d file, --data file File containing the data over the surface (or volume
if hybrid).
-o file, --output file
Base name for the output files.
The VB Index Team (See Contributors Section in the main README)
Bajada, C. J., Campos, L. Q. C., Caspers, S., Muscat, R., Parker, G. J., Ralph, M. A. L., ... & Trujillo-Barreto, N. J. (2020). A tutorial and tool for exploring feature similarity gradients with MRI data. NeuroImage, 221, 117140.
Ciantar, K. G., Farrugia, C., Scerri, K., Xu, T., & Bajada, C. J. (2020). Geometric effects of volume-to-surface mapping of fMRI data. bioRxiv.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
There are five main uses for the vb_tool
- Searchlight analysis
- Surface searchlight (Searchlight analysis)
- Hybrid approach (Hybrid analysis)
- No surface mapping approach (Volumetric analysis)
- Over time approach (Temporal analysis)
- Full brain feature gradient analysis (Full Brain analysis)
- Feature gradient analysis in a specified set of regions of interest (ROI analysis)
The original analysis with surface mapping is called Searchlight analysis. However, it is currently not recommended to be used. The command to use is the following one:
vb_tool --surface input_data/surface.surf.gii --data input_data/data.nii --mask input_data/cortical_mask.shape.gii --output search_light
Other analysis methods based on the searchlight approach are the following ones
The per vertex VB-index analysis can be carried out with the following command
vb_tool --hybrid --surface input_data/surface.surf.gii --data input_data/data.nii --mask input_data/cortical_mask.shape.gii --output search_light
The number of vertices in the surface mesh must match the number of entries in the mask.
The cortical mask must contain a logical array, with True
values in the
region on which the analysis will be carried out, and False
in the regions to
be left out. This is most commonly used to mask out midbrain structures which
would otherwise influence the analysis of the cortical regions.
In order to run the Searchlight analysis with no surface mapping can be carried out with the following command:
vb_tool --data input_data/data.nii.gz -vol --output volumetric_output
This is the simplest way to run this analysis. It will output two files, -vol.nii.gz and -neigh.nii.gz. The first file is going to store the information from the analysis. On the other hand, the second file is going to store the neighbourhood used for every voxel, so the output should be a cube.
This may take a while since the tool will try to compute the VB index for every voxel and for every voxel both inside and outside of the brain. In order to speed this up, a volumetric mask can be specified:
vb_tool --data input_data/data.nii.gz --volmask input_data/volumetric_mask.nii.gz --volume --output volumetric_output
The mask is an optional parameter that can be specified in the Volumetric and Temporal analysis.
The purpose of this analysis is to see how the VB index changes over time. For this, a window size is specified, then, an average volume is calculated and the VB index is computed. This analysis can be run along Hybrid or Volumetric analysis:
vb_tool --data input_data/data.nii.gz --volmask input_data/volumetric_mask.nii.gz --window-size 10 --temporal-analysis [--hybrid/--volume] --output temporal_analysis
It is a requirement to choose one of the arguments within square brackets. For example, lets say that the first 5 volumes are taken, for the first iteration, volumes 1,2,3,4,5 are going to be taken into account to compute the VB index, and for the next iteration, volumes 2,3,4,5,6 are going to be taken into account. So, the increment or step by default is 1, however, this can be specified using the step parameter:
vb_tool --data input_data/data.nii.gz --volmask input_data/volumetric_mask.nii.gz --step 10 --temporal-analysis [--hybrid/--volume] --output temporal_analysis
It is recommended that the window size is a divisor of the number of volumes that exist in the data. If it is not a divisor, that means that for the last iterations, the window size will be smaller than the one specified due to lack of volumes. At that point, the program will not continue calculating and it will directly output the results.
To perform full brain feature gradient analysis and extract the associated VB index, the flag
or --full-brain
must be set instead of --hybrid
. Otherwise, the flags are the same as for the hybrid analysis.
vb_tool --surface input_data/surface.surf.gii --data input_data/data.func.gii --mask input_data/cortical_mask.shape.gii --full-brain --output full_brain_gradient
Be warned, however, that this analysis can take long and require a large amount of RAM. For data sets with 32k vertices, upwards of 30GB of RAM were used.
Sometimes, one is interested only in a small set of ROIs. In this case, the feature gradient map and the associated VB index value for each ROI will be extracted. The way of calling the program is as follows:
vb_tool --surface input_data/surface.surf.gii --data input_data/data.func.gii -c input_data/clusters.shape.gii --output clustered_analysis
The cluster file works similarly to the cortical mask employed for the searchlight and full brain methods. However, its structure is slightly different. Instead of an array of logical values, the file must contain an array of integers, where each integer corresponds to a different cluster. The 0th cluster is special, and denotes an area which will not be analyzed. In this regard, it has a similar use to the cortical mask.
The VB Toolbox also supports analysing data with the Regional Homogeneity (ReHo) index. The ReHo index measures the similarity between the Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) signal of a voxel with respect to its immediate neighbors.
This can be used along Hybrid, Volumetric or Temporal analysis. For this next example, the command for Volumetric analysis will be used:
vb_tool --data input_data/data.nii.gz --volmask input_data/volumetric_mask.nii.gz --volume --reho --output volumetric_output
can handle two separate cases. If there is a single structure in the
file, vb_tool
will read it as a matrix in which each row relates to a specific
vertex. If there are two or more structures, it will read them as a series of
column vectors in which each entry relates to a vertex. It will then coalesce
them into a single matrix, and run the analysis of all quantities concurrently.
uses a high level of parallelism. The number of threads spawned by
itself can be controlled using the -j/--jobs
flag. By default, the software
will try to use all the CPUs in your computer at the same time to perform the
analysis. Depending on the BLAS installation on your computer, this might not
be the fastest approach, but will rarely be the slowest. If you are
unsure, keep the default number of jobs.
Due to the job structure of the vb_tool
, the level of parallelism it can achieve
on its own depends on the specific analysis being carried out.
- Full brain analysis: Low level of parallelism. Will only spawn one job
- Region of Interest (ROI) analysis: Medium level of parallelism. Will spawn as many jobs as there are ROIs, or number of CPUS, whichever is the lowest.
- Any other analysis: High level of parallelism. Will spawn as many jobs as there are CPUs
Especially for the whole brain analysis, having a well-optimized BLAS installation will greatly accelerate the process, and allow for further parallelism. Both MKL and OpenBLAS have been shown to support fast analysis. If you are using the Anaconda distribution, you will have a good BLAS pre-configured.
The following information is only useful for individuals who are actively contributing to the program.
We use setuptool and wheel to build the distribution code. The process is described next. More information can be found here.
- Be sure that setuptools, twine, and wheel are up-to-dated
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel twine
- Run the build command
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
- Upload the package to pip
python3 -m twine upload dist/*
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Aitor-Alberdi 💻 🚧 |
Keith George Ciantar 💻 |
NicoleEic 💻 |
claudebajada 🐛 🤔 📆 💻 |
Lucas Campos 💻 🐛 🤔 🚧 |
paola-g 💻 |
ChristineFarrugia 💻 |
jschewts 💻 |
Kenneth Scerri 📆 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!