- Linux
- Python>=3.6.2 and < 3.9
- PyTorch>=1.4
- torchvision (matching PyTorch install)
- CUDA (must be a version supported by the pytorch version)
- OpenCV (optional)
- Create Enviroment
conda create -n false_env python=3.8
conda activate false_env
- Install PyTorch
conda install pytorch==1.9.0 torchvision==0.10.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch
- Install Apex(optional)
git clone --recursive https://www.github.com/NVIDIA/apex
cd apex
python3 setup.py install
- Install FALSE
git clone --recursive https://github.com/GeoX-Lab/FALSE.git
pip install --progress-bar off -r requirements.txt
pip install classy-vision@https://github.com/facebookresearch/ClassyVision/tarball/master
pip install -e .[dev]
- Prepare Data, e.g.,
|_ <potsdam>
| _ <ssl_train>
| | |_ <train>
| | | |_ <img-t1-name>.tif
| | | |_ ...
| | | |_ <img-tN-name>.tif
| | | |_ ...
| _ <ssl_val>
| | |_ <val>
| | | |_ <img-v1-name>.tif
| | | |_ ...
| | | |_ <img-vN-name>.tif
| | | |_ ...
|_ <dglc>
| |_ <ssl_train>
| | |_ <train>
| | | |_ <img-t1-name>.tif
| | | |_ ...
| | | |_ <img-tN-name>.tif
| | | |_ ...
|_ <xiangtan>
| |_ <ssl_train>
| | |_ <train>
| | | |_ <img-t1-name>.tif
| | | |_ ...
| | | |_ <img-tN-name>.tif
| | | |_ ...
- Set Data Path
move to dataset_catalog.json and add (e.g. Potsdam):
"train":["SegmentationImage/potsdam/ssl_train"," "],
"val":["SegmentationImage/potsdam/ssl_val"," "]
- Data Set and Training
a) 1. Move to false_1gpu_resnet.yaml and change DATASET_NAMES to (e.g. Potsdam):
DATASET_NAMES: ["potsdam"] # change dataset name here
- Training
python tools/run_distributed_engines.py config=pretrain/FALSE/false_1gpu_resnet.yaml
b) Execute directly without modifying the configuration file:
python tools/run_distributed_engines.py config=pretrain/FALSE/false_1gpu_resnet.yaml \