Installation | Prepare Datasets | Pretrained Models | Train on P3M-10k | Test | Inference
- Python 3.7.7+ with Numpy and scikit-image
- Pytorch (version>=1.7.1)
- Torchvision (version 0.8.2)
Clone this repository
git clone
; -
Go into the repository
cd P3M-Net
; -
Create conda environment and activate
conda create -n p3m python=3.7.7
,conda activate p3m
; -
Install dependencies, install pytorch and torchvision separately if you need
pip install -r requirements.txt
,conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
Our code has been tested with Python 3.7.7, Pytorch 1.7.1, Torchvision 0.8.2, CUDA 10.2 on Ubuntu 18.04.
Dataset | Dataset Link |
Dataset Link |
Dataset Release Agreement |
P3M-10k | Link | Link (pw: cied) | Agreement (MIT License) |
- Download the datasets P3M-10k from the above links and unzip to the folders
, set up the configuratures in the filecore/
. Please make sure that you have checked out and agreed to the agreements.
After dataset preparation, the structure of the complete datasets should be like the following.
├── train
├── blurred_image
├── mask (alpha mattes)
├── fg_blurred
├── bg
├── facemask
├── validation
├── P3M-500-P
├── blurred_image
├── mask
├── trimap
├── facemask
├── P3M-500-NP
├── original_image
├── mask
├── trimap
- If you want to test on RWP Test set, please download the original images and alpha mattes at this link.
After datasets preparation, the structure of the complete datasets should be like the following.
├── image
├── alpha
├── ...
Here we provide the model P3M-Net(ViTAE-S) that is trained on P3M-10k for testing.
Model | Google Drive | Baidu Wangpan(百度网盘) |
P3M-Net(ViTAE-S) | Link | Link (pw: hxxy) |
Here we provide the pretrained models of all backbones for training.
Model | Google Drive | Baidu Wangpan(百度网盘) |
pretrained models | Link | Link (pw:gxn9) |
Download P3M-10k dataset in root
(set up incore/
); -
Download the pretrained models of all backbones in the previous section, and set up the output folder
. The folder structure should be like the following,
├── logs
├── models
├── pretrained
├── r34mp_pretrained_imagenet.pth.tar
├── swin_pretrained_epoch_299.pth
├── vitae_pretrained_ckpt.pth.tar
├── trained
Set up parameters in
, specify config filecfg
, name for the runnickname
, etc. Run the file:chmod +x scripts/
Set up parameters in scripts/
, specify config file cfg
, name for the run nickname
, etc. Run the file:
`chmod +x scripts/`
Test using provided model
Download provided model on P3M-10k as shown in the previous section, unzip to the folder
; -
Download P3M-10k dataset in root
(set up incore/
); -
Setup parameters in
, choosedataset=P3M10K
, andvalset=P3M_500_NP
depends on which validation set you want to use, run the file:chmod +x scripts/
The results of the alpha matte will be saved in folder
. Note that there may be some slight differences of the evaluation results with the ones reported in the paper due to some packages versions differences and the testing strategy.
Download provided model on P3M-10k as shown in the previous section, unzip to the folder
; -
Download RWP dataset in root
(set up incore/
). Download link is here; -
Setup parameters in
, choosedataset=RWP
, run the file:chmod +x scripts/
The results of the alpha matte will be saved in folder
. Note that there may be some slight differences of the evaluation results with the ones reported in the paper due to some packages versions differences and the testing strategy.
Download provided model on P3M-10k as shown in the previous section, unzip to the folder
; -
Download images in root
(set up in -
Set up parameters in
, and run the file:chmod +x samples/original/*
chmod +x scripts/
The results of the alpha matte will be saved in folder
(set up in The color results will be saved in folderSAMPLES_RESULT_COLOR_PATH
(set up in Note that there may be some slight differences of the evaluation results with the ones reported in the paper due to some packages versions differences and the testing strategy.
Here we provide the procedure of testing on sample images by our pretrained P3M-Net(ViTAE-S) model:
Setup environment following this instruction page;
Insert the path
in the filecore/
; -
Download the pretrained P3M-Net(ViTAE-S) model from here (Google Drive | Baidu Wangpan (pw: hxxy))) and unzip to the folder
; -
Save your sample images in folder
; -
Setup parameters in the file
and run by:chmod +x scripts/
; -
The results of alpha matte and transparent color image will be saved in folder
We show some sample images, the predicted alpha mattes, and their transparent results as below. We use the pretrained P3M-Net(ViTAE-S) model from section P3M-Net and Variants with `RESIZE` test strategy.