author = {Gal, Rinon and Morag, Nimrod and Shilkrot, Roy},
year = {2019},
month = {06},
pages = {542-557},
title = {Visual-Linguistic Methods for Receipt Field Recognition},
isbn = {978-3-030-20889-9},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-20890-5_35}
Receipt detection | Receipt localization | Receipt normalization | Text line segmentation | Optical character recognition | Semantic analysis |
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Fields extracted:
- Total price,
- date
Skip-Gram method, which models semantic meaning using the company of the word, can be used geometrically to learn the relationship between sums (e.g “$NN.NN”) and their neighboring labels (e.g. “Total:”)
“Skip-Rect Embedding” (SRE): a descriptor that jointly learns the relationship between textual format and spatial proximity in the OCR-enhanced image
deep network used to analyze the embedded document is relieved of the task of learning the meanings and relationships of visual glyphs and characters
character-level embedding (Char2Vec) for the words in the document, which is able to look past OCR mistakes
a method for extracting information from receipt and invoice images by (1) creating a robust character-level embedding from OCR results, (2) creating an image overlayed with the embedding data and (3) using this embedding image to jointly learn spatial and linguistic features.
A Char2Vec network for generating word level embeddings from their character level content and geometric context
the input word vs. a neighboring target word in a pair, and seek to find an embedding that encodes this pair-wise relationship
Time-Delayed Convolutional Network
sigmoid highway layer
256-dimensional embedding vector of the input word
standard auto-encoder network was implemented in order to provide dimensionality reduction for our embeddings here smaller representations are desired
A network for generating a heat-map of label probabilities using a base image overlayed with word-embedding data as generated by the Char2Vec network
For each word read by the OCR, the 256-dimensional embedding vector is extracted, the auto-encoder is used to reduce it to 32 dimensions, and then every pixel within that word’s bounding rectangle is ‘colored’ by the values of the embedding.
input image fed into the U-Net architecture is a 35-layer ‘RGB-Embedding’ image
An ‘inverted softmax’ linear classifier for determining the best candidate word to match for each label, based on the heat-map generated by the network and a set of hand-crafted features
Receipt images can often contain multiple instances of each field
learning to provide a score for each field (e.g. the TOT.AMT. ), for each detected word in the OCR’ed receipt image
‘reversed’ softmax problem: instead of looking at each OCR output and giving it a field designation (“the most likely field for the OCR word ‘T0t41’ is the TOT.AMT.”) we pick a field and label it with OCR candidates (“the most likely word for the TOT.AMT. field is ‘T0t4l’ ”)
For each OCR’ed word j we compose a descriptor vector xj, which consists of some hand-crafted features such as: “is numeric?”, “number of decimal dots”, “length in characters”, “y coordinate in the image” etc., along with features derived from the field-tagger heat maps, such as the total, mean and standard deviation of field confidences within each word’s bounding rectangle.
a strong indicator of semantic meaning for words and data in a receipt document are the immediate neighbors
linguistic models for semantic analysis can be adapted geometrically to overcome problems arising in sparse structured documents
a receipt image can be aided by finding the semantic meaning of words
Character-level embedding is especially useful when inter-character relationships are important, for example in language identification and part-of-speech tagging
- Pipeline:
- Pre-processing: Image Analysis
- Skip-Rect Embedding
- OCR Enhancement
- Field Tagging Information Extraction