All kind of tips & tricks for people interested in contributing to unicorn.
A Travis job is set up for unicorn
here. Each branch and PR is cross-tested against Scala 2.10.4
, Scala 2.11.5
, OpenJDK 7
and OpenJDK 8
Unicorn uses scoverage plugin for code coverage. To run it, use:
sbt clean coverage test
is important)
Results are placed in unicorn\unicorn-core\target\scala-2.11\scoverage-report
and unicorn\unicorn-play\target\scala-2.11\scoverage-report
Minimum coverage is set for both projects, 100% for unicorn-play
and 98% for unicorn-core
(there are some DB screw-ups that are hard to test there), so all code you add to project have to be 100% test-covered, otherwise Travis build will fail.
Before release you must have access to Sonatype and have PGP keys for signing artifacts.
To automate release process, unicorn
uses sbt-release plugin. To release a new version, just use sbt release
and follow instructions. For more information, see plugin docs.
Warn - You should not update version file (version.sbt
) yourself, sbt-release
does it for you.