diff --git a/lib/l10n/arb/intl_es.arb b/lib/l10n/arb/intl_es.arb index 9fbe158f0..1df0cc5a3 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/arb/intl_es.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/arb/intl_es.arb @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "codexDescription": "Buscar todos los objetos de warframe", + "codexDescription": "Buscar todos los objetos del juego", "@codexDescription": { "description": "Codex description", "type": "text", @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "contributeTranslationsDescription": "Voluntario para contribuir con las traducciones", + "contributeTranslationsDescription": "Ser voluntario para contribuir con las traducciones", "@contributeTranslationsDescription": { "description": "Description for contribute translations link", "type": "text", @@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "modLevelLabel": "Level {rank}", + "modLevelLabel": "Rango {rank}", "@modLevelLabel": { "description": "The label shown to users as they slide the mod slider", "type": "text", @@ -811,85 +811,85 @@ "rank": {} } }, - "codexHint": "Search here...", + "codexHint": "Busque aquí...", "@codexHint": { "description": "Codex description when a user enters the codex or when the search bar is empty", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "codexNoResults": "No results", + "codexNoResults": "Sin resultados", "@codexNoResults": { "description": "Displayed when a search result in codex returns empty", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "codexVaultedLabel": "Vaulted", + "codexVaultedLabel": "En la Bóveda Prime", "@codexVaultedLabel": { "description": "A label shown in codex items to detenote items that are vaulted", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "exploreTitle": "Explore", + "exploreTitle": "Explorar", "@exploreTitle": { "description": "Title for explore page", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "constructionProgressTitle": "Construction Progress", + "constructionProgressTitle": "Progreso de Construcción", "@constructionProgressTitle": { "description": "Title for invasion constrcution progress", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "synthTargetTitle": "SynthTargets", + "synthTargetTitle": "Objetivos de Síntesis", "@synthTargetTitle": { "description": "Title for synthtargets.", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "archonHuntTitle": "Archon Hunt", + "archonHuntTitle": "Cacería de Arcontes", "@archonHuntTitle": { "description": "Title for archon hunt notification toggle.", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "archonHuntDescription": "Archon hunt reset notification.", + "archonHuntDescription": "Notificación del reinicio de la Cacería de Arcontes.", "@archonHuntDescription": { "description": "Description for archon hunt notification toggle.", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "allFissuresButton": "All", + "allFissuresButton": "Todo", "@allFissuresButton": { "description": "Button label for all fissures", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "voidStormFissuresButton": "Void Storms", + "voidStormFissuresButton": "Fisuras del Vacío", "@voidStormFissuresButton": { "description": "Button label for void storm fissures", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "saleEndsTitle": "SALE ENDS", + "saleEndsTitle": "EL DESCUENTO TERMINA", "@saleEndsTitle": { "description": "Sale ends title for countdown timer", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "salePriceTitle": "Sale price", + "salePriceTitle": "Precio de venta", "@salePriceTitle": { "description": "Displays the item's sale price for darvo sales", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "originalPriceTitle": "Original Price", + "originalPriceTitle": "Precio Original", "@originalPriceTitle": { "description": "Displays the item's original price for darvo sales", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "discountTitle": "{discount}% OFF!", + "discountTitle": "{discount}% de descuento!", "@discountTitle": { "description": "Displays the discount applied for a given darvo sale", "type": "text", @@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ "discount": {} } }, - "inStockInformation": "Only {stock} left", + "inStockInformation": "Solo queda {stock}", "@inStockInformation": { "description": "Displays the stock information for a darvo deal", "type": "text", @@ -905,133 +905,133 @@ "stock": {} } }, - "outOfStockTitle": "OUT OF STOCK", + "outOfStockTitle": "AGOTADO", "@outOfStockTitle": { "description": "Tells the user when darvo is out of stock for the current sale", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "duviriJoy": "Duviri Joy", + "duviriJoy": "Espiral: Alegría", "@duviriJoy": { "description": "Duviri joy state. If Duviri doesn't have a translatetion then only joy can be translated.", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "duviriAnger": "Duviri Anger", + "duviriAnger": "Espiral: Ira", "@duviriAnger": { "description": "Duviri anger state. If Duviri doesn't have a translatetion then only joy can be translated.", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "duviriEnvy": "Duviri Envy", + "duviriEnvy": "Espiral: Envidia", "@duviriEnvy": { "description": "Duviri envy state. If Duviri doesn't have a translatetion then only joy can be translated.", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "duviriSorrow": "Duviri Sorrow", + "duviriSorrow": "Espiral: Tristeza", "@duviriSorrow": { "description": "Duviri sorrow state. If Duviri doesn't have a translatetion then only joy can be translated.", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "duviriFear": "Duviri Fear", + "duviriFear": "Espiral: Miedo", "@duviriFear": { "description": "Duviri Fear state. If Duviri doesn't have a translatetion then only joy can be translated.", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "mapTitle": "Maps", + "mapTitle": "Mapas", "@mapTitle": { "description": "Map title", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "mapDescription": "See region maps", + "mapDescription": "Ver regiones del mapa", "@mapDescription": { "description": "Map card description", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishTitle": "Fish", + "fishTitle": "Pescado", "@fishTitle": { "description": "Fish title", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishDescription": "See fish information by region", + "fishDescription": "Ver información de peces por región", "@fishDescription": { "description": "fish card description", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishName": "Name", + "fishName": "Nombre", "@fishName": { "description": "Display a fish name along side it", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishTime": "Time", + "fishTime": "Tiempo", "@fishTime": { "description": "Display time a day a fish can be caught in", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishSpear": "Spear", + "fishSpear": "Arpón", "@fishSpear": { "description": "Display the type of spear used to catch fish", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishRarity": "Rarity", + "fishRarity": "Rareza", "@fishRarity": { "description": "Display rarity of a given fish", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishBait": "Bait", + "fishBait": "Carnada", "@fishBait": { "description": "Display type of bait needed to catch fish", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishStanding": "Standing", + "fishStanding": "De pie", "@fishStanding": { "description": "Display standing earned with fish", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishUnique": "Unique", + "fishUnique": "Único", "@fishUnique": { "description": "Display a unique resources earned by given fish", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishBladder": "Bladders", + "fishBladder": "Vejiga", "@fishBladder": { "description": "Displays how many bladders can be earned with the given fish size", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishGills": "Gills", + "fishGills": "Branquias", "@fishGills": { "description": "Displays how many gills can be earned with the given fish size", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishTumors": "Tumors", + "fishTumors": "Tumores", "@fishTumors": { "description": "Displays how many tumors can be earned with the given fish size", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishMeat": "Meats", + "fishMeat": "Carne", "@fishMeat": { "description": "Displays how many meat can be earned with the given fish size", "type": "text", "placeholder": {} }, - "fishOil": "Oils", + "fishOil": "Aceite", "@fishOil": { "description": "Displays how many oils can be earned with the given fish size", "type": "text",