Post a new run.
Request Body:
"username": "username",
"start_time": "start_time"
Response Body:
"username": "username",
"start_time": "start_time",
"run_id": "run_id"
Update a run with it's required information.
Request Body:
"username": "username",
"run_id": "run_id",
"finish_time": "finish_time",
"average_speed": "average_speed",
"total_distance": "total_distance",
"coordinates": "coordinates"
is an object with key of run which is a stringified array of location objects as below:
longitude: -2.2397547,
latitude: 53.4860582
}, ...]"
Get all runs for a users subscribers as an array of runs.
Query Parameter: ?username=<insert username>
Get all runs for a specific user as an array of runs.
"runs": [
"username": "username",
"run_id": "run_id",
"start_time": "start time"
}, ...
Get all users returns an array of users
"users": [
"cumulative_distance": "cumulative_distance",
"rewards_earned": "number of rewards earned",
"username": "username",
"followers": [],
"subscriptions": []
}, ...
Adds a new user to the database.
Request Body:
"username": "username"
Response Body:
"username": "username",
"cumulative_distance": 0,
"rewards_earned": 0,
"followers": [],
"subscriptions": [],
Adds the distance for a completed run to the user's cumulative distance key.
Request Body:
"distance": "distance"
is a number.
Response Body:
"username": "username",
"cumulative_distance": <new distance added here>,
"rewards_earned": 0,
"followers": [],
"subscriptions": [],
Returns the requested user
Response Body:
"user": {
"cumulative_distance": 0.0,
"rewards_earned": 2.0,
"username": "username",
"followers": [],
"subscriptions": []
Adds a follower to the user's followers array.
Request Body:
"username": <username of follower>
Adds a subscription to the user's subscriptions array.
Request Body:
"username": <username of subscription>
Adds a new reward to the database.
Request Body:
"challenge": "<running distance to achieve>",
"reward": "<reward to be earned>"
is a number.
Updates the reward's winner and whether it has been achieved.
Request Body:
"reward_id": "reward_id",
"winner": "<username of the user that achieved fthe challenge>"
Returns all the rewards that have yet to be achieved. If queried as below the response will contain all rewards that have been achieved.
Query Parameter: ?completed=yes
Response Body:
"completed": true/false,
"reward_id": "reward_id",
"challenge": "challenge distance,
"winner": "winner,
"reward": "reward"
Updates the total number of rewards achieved for a specific user.
No request body required.