Designed to run on Unix Systems (Linux).
Not tested on MacOS!
Simple Parent-Child Orchestration Example using Fork to create a Childprocess.
To run this program, run:
gcc fork_semaphore_mmap.c -o fsm -lpthread
and then:
- One or more threads generate data and put it into a buffer
- One or more threads take data items from the buffer, one at time
- Only one producer or consumer may access the buffer at any one time
- Variants, of increasing difficulty:
- Single producer & single consumer
- Multiple producers & single consumer
- Multiple producers & multiple consumers
Multithreading (N+M) with N Producer and M Consumer using Semaphores, Mutex and Circular Buffer
To run this program, run:
gcc producer_consumer.c -o prodcon -lpthread
and then:
To test this program, run:
gcc producer_consumer.c -o prodcon -lpthread && ./prodcon > tests/test.txt && node tests/producer_consumer.js tests/test.txt
You will need Node.js for the test.