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Step 2.3: Theming and Styling

Lessons | Exercise | Demo

Theming and Styling with UI Fabric. In this section, we will illustrate how to utilize some of the built-in theming and styling features right inside UI Fabric component library.

For advanced or non-Fabric component scenarios, UI Fabric also exposes its own CSS-in-JS library called mergeStyles that is very performant compared with other similar libraries. A CodePen that illustrates what mergeStyles does:

These are the areas that we will focus on in this step:

  1. Theming with Fabric using <Customizer> component
  2. Customizing themes and loading with loadTheme()
  3. Customizing Fabric Components styles prop
  4. CSS-in-JS with mergeStyles

Fabric Theming and Styling

1. Applying Fabric Themes

  • Fabric applies themes by propagating the theme down the children through the React Context mechanism
  • It is applied with the <Customizer> component
  • There are some predefined themes within Fabric already, like Fluent (which will become the default in the next major), MDL2, Azure, and some other sample themes like Teams.
  • Take a look at demo/src/components/TodoApp.tsx

2. Customizing Fabric Themes

  • Use the loadTheme() function to load a theme (applies to entire application):
  • Erase the <Customizer> inside the TodoApp.tsx and place this code in the module scope. This will initialize a theme to be used throughout the application
  • Fabric website has a handy theme generator to get you started with a theme:
import { loadTheme } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';

  palette: {
    themePrimary: '#0078d4',
    themeLighterAlt: '#eff6fc',
    themeLighter: '#deecf9',
    themeLight: '#c7e0f4',
    themeTertiary: '#71afe5',
    themeSecondary: '#2b88d8',
    themeDarkAlt: '#106ebe',
    themeDark: '#005a9e',
    themeDarker: '#004578',
    neutralLighterAlt: '#f8f8f8',
    neutralLighter: '#f4f4f4',
    neutralLight: '#eaeaea',
    neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#dadada',
    neutralQuaternary: '#d0d0d0',
    neutralTertiaryAlt: '#c8c8c8',
    neutralTertiary: '#c2c2c2',
    neutralSecondary: '#858585',
    neutralPrimaryAlt: '#4b4b4b',
    neutralPrimary: '#333333',
    neutralDark: '#272727',
    black: '#1d1d1d',
    white: '#ffffff'

3. Customizing One Fabric Control Instance

  • Fabric components expose a styles prop (not to be confused with the React built-in one called style)
  • You can use intellisense to discover which parts of the component you can to customize
  • You can even use a style function to change the style based on some style prop
  • Take a look at these customizations in demo/src/components/TodoHeader.tsx

Advanced / Non-Fabric Component Styling

1. CSS-in-JS with mergeStyles

  • mergeStyles is a styling library that creates CSS class from styles that are expressed in JS.
  • Fabric uses mergeStyles under the hood, so typically you would only directly use mergeStyles in niche or non-Fabric scenarios.
  • These classes can be passed into className prop of any component like <div>
  • This library replaces the need to import CSS stylesheets because they are bundled as normal JS code
  • Take a look at demo/src/components/TodoApp.tsx


Fabric Theming and Styling

Applying Fabric Themes

Apply some included and predefined themes from the UI Fabric package inside the /step2-03/exercise/src/components/TodoApp.tsx. Do this by replacing:

import { FluentCustomizations } from '@uifabric/fluent-theme';


import { TeamsCustomizations } from '@uifabric/theme-samples';

Customizing Fabric Themes

Create your own theme and apply the color palette here:

  1. Delete the Customizer component

  2. Paste in this code in the TodoApp.tsx before the TodoApp component definition

  3. Play around with the values and use intellisense to discover the ITheme type within VS Code

Customizing One Fabric Control Instance

  1. Open exercise/src/components/TodoFooter.tsx

  2. Find the <DefaultButton> and insert a styles prop

  3. Try to customize this with a styles object (let the Intellisense of VS Code guide you on what you can use to customize)

  4. Try to customize this with a styles function

Advanced / Non-Fabric Component Styling

CSS in JS with MergeStyles

The styling library name is neither glamorous nor does it bring about emotion, but it is very quick and lightweight. MergeStyles turns CSS Rules into CSS class names to be applied to the components.

NOTE: Fabric components automatically use mergeStyles under the hood, so it is typically not necessary to directly call mergeStyles when styling Fabric components.

  1. Try applying a merged style className as a prop inside TodoApp
import { mergeStyles } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';

const className = mergeStyles({
  backgroundColor: 'red',
  selectors: {
    ':hover': {
      backgroundColor: 'blue'
  1. Try to give a few components extra padding