Before you send it out you'll need to update the template with the following information:
- when you'd like the slides returned byNUMBER OF BLITZ PRESENTATIONS
- we recommend 12DAY
of the data blitzSTART TIME
of the data blitzFINISH TIME
of the data blitzATTENDEES
- what you call your attendees- The context is a sentence saying "we don't want to keep any
longer than we have to". - Eg1: "we don't want to keep any neuroscientists longer than we have to"
- If in doubt, choose "delegates", or "participants".
- The context is a sentence saying "we don't want to keep any
- when you'll send around the compiled slides- It doesn't have to be the day before, but if you're turning around the slides in a short period of time then it makes sense to give yourself a little wiggle room.
- to whom the participants should send their slidesCOORDINATOR'S NAME
- so you can sign off the email!
SUBJECT: Congratulations on being selected for the [NAME OF CONFERENCE]
data blitz | Instructions for participation | DEADLINE [DEADLINE DATE]
Your abstract has been selected as one of [NUMBER OF BLITZ PRESENTATIONS]
to feature in the early career researcher data blitz as part of the [NAME OF CONFERENCE]
The data blitz requires you to present a summary of your research in just two minutes. It is a really fun session and it will encourage conference participants to come to your poster. Once they're there, you'll have a great opportunity to tell everyone (including the poster judges) about your research.
The first thing to do is reply to this email to let me know that you're able to participate. Please do this asap so we can find someone to replace you if needed.
The idea of a data blitz is to keep everything moving very quickly. We'll be on stage on [DAY]
and we don't want to keep any [ATTENDEES]
longer than we have to!
I have a timer that will go off 2 minutes after I've introduced you. You will be stopped midsentence and hustled off stage if you haven't finished your slides.
In order to keep everything moving smoothly I'll compile all the slides into one powerpoint presentation. Please find attached a template slidedeck (DataBlitzSlides_TEMPLATE.pptx). I hope it's self explanatory. The long and short of it is I'd like you to return to me a title slide and two slides that make up your presentation.
Please be very careful when embedding videos. They often do not work. If you really want to embed a video please make sure to get the slides to me way in advance of the deadline so I can get back to you and tell you if everything runs correctly or not. Emailing them to a friend or colleague to have them check that they work on a Windows machine is also a good idea as it will be faster than waiting for me to get back to you.
Animations are ok and should transfer easily. Please do not change the size or the master slide in the file I've sent so that all of your presentations fit neatly into one deck. Please also do not add logos or additional information to the title slide.
The last slide before the examples is my data collection tool. The information there will help me schedule live tweets about your presentation. I don't have to tweet anything except the title slide (which is the title of your poster and will be listed publicly on the conference website). The most open answers will have me schedule a custom tweet about the talk, with pictures of the slides, and have the slides included in an archived online version that folks can access and cite in the future. I'd love to be able to share your work far and wide 🚀🌟
I'll send the running order around with the completed slides on [DAY BEFORE THE BLITZ]
. It will be alphabetical order by last name. In that email I'll also include some instructions for where to stand in order to keep the presentations moving smoothly. (It will be easier for me to plan once I've seen the space!) It won't be complicated, just be in line at the side of the stage in the correct order and walk up when it's your turn :)
So, here's your to do list:
- Please confirm that you'll take part if you haven't already
- Download the template slidedeck attached here (DataBlitzSlides_TEMPLATE.pptx) and rename as DataBlitzSlides_[YOUR-NAME].pptx (eg: DataBlitzSlides_Kirstie-Whitaker.pptx)
- Edit the slides to best show off your awesome research
- Complete the questions in the slide deck about tagging the right people in tweets and sharing images of the slides
- Send the slides back to me at
at 12noon. (Earlier if you have videos!) - Practise your presentation to keep it to time
- Have fun at
Thank you! I'm really excited to hear more about your research. The presentations at previous Data Blitzes have received uniformly positive feedback, mostly from senior members of the audience. I'm confident you're going to shine just as brightly at this event :)