diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c9c4f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+*.jsonl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
diff --git a/.github/workflows/Build.yml b/.github/workflows/Build.yml
index e4f22de4..666cbf9c 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/Build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/Build.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ concurrency:
@@ -42,5 +43,8 @@ jobs:
path: ${{ env.PACLET_BUILD_DIR }}
+ - name: InstallTestDependencies
+ run: wolframscript -f Scripts/InstallTestDependencies.wls
- name: Test
run: wolframscript -f Scripts/TestPaclet.wls
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/Release.yml b/.github/workflows/Release.yml
index 37f3efd4..10edd31e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/Release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/Release.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ concurrency:
@@ -37,6 +38,9 @@ jobs:
- name: Build
run: wolframscript -f Scripts/BuildPaclet.wls
+ - name: InstallTestDependencies
+ run: wolframscript -f Scripts/InstallTestDependencies.wls
- name: Test
run: wolframscript -f Scripts/TestPaclet.wls
@@ -98,6 +102,9 @@ jobs:
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Unformat
+ run: wolframscript -f Scripts/UnformatFiles.wls
- name: BuildMX
run: wolframscript -f Scripts/BuildMX.wls
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e17c7adc..c7ba574b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/DisplayFunctions.wxf b/Assets/DisplayFunctions.wxf
index 2ed01ba1..805bcc5b 100644
Binary files a/Assets/DisplayFunctions.wxf and b/Assets/DisplayFunctions.wxf differ
diff --git a/Assets/Tokenizers/claude.wxf b/Assets/Tokenizers/claude.wxf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41c82a4c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Tokenizers/claude.wxf differ
diff --git a/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-2.wxf b/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-2.wxf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a2a3d5c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-2.wxf differ
diff --git a/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-3.5.wxf b/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-3.5.wxf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea4e0f0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-3.5.wxf differ
diff --git a/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-4.wxf b/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-4.wxf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46394dba
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-4.wxf differ
diff --git a/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-4o-text.wxf b/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-4o-text.wxf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a0080bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Tokenizers/gpt-4o-text.wxf differ
diff --git a/Developer/CacheTokenizers.wl b/Developer/CacheTokenizers.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fa73331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Developer/CacheTokenizers.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(* This is used to backport tokenizers from later versions of WL to 13.3 so they can be included in the MX build. *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`ChatbookDeveloper`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+PacletInstall[ "Wolfram/LLMFunctions" ];
+Block[ { $ContextPath }, Get[ "Wolfram`LLMFunctions`" ] ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+Needs[ "Developer`" -> None ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$pacletDirectory = DirectoryName[ $InputFileName, 2 ];
+$tokenizerDirectory = FileNameJoin @ { $pacletDirectory, "Assets", "Tokenizers" };
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+ensureDirectory = GeneralUtilities`EnsureDirectory;
+readWXFFile = Developer`ReadWXFFile;
+writeWXFFile = Developer`WriteWXFFile;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+CacheTokenizers // ClearAll;
+CacheTokenizers[ ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { tokenizers, exported },
+ tokenizers = ConfirmBy[ Select[ cachedTokenizer @ All, MatchQ[ _NetEncoder ] ], AssociationQ, "Tokenizers" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ Length @ tokenizers > 0, "LengthCheck" ];
+ exported = ConfirmBy[ Association @ KeyValueMap[ exportTokenizer, tokenizers ], AssociationQ, "Exported" ];
+ exported
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+exportTokenizer // ClearAll;
+exportTokenizer[ name_String, tokenizer_NetEncoder ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { dir, file, exported },
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ ensureDirectory @ $tokenizerDirectory, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ file = FileNameJoin @ { dir, name <> ".wxf" };
+ exported = ConfirmBy[ writeWXFFile[ file, tokenizer, PerformanceGoal -> "Size" ], FileExistsQ, "Export" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ readWXFFile[ exported ][ "Hello world" ], { __Integer }, "Verification" ];
+ name -> exported
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Developer/Resources/Paclets/SemanticSearch.paclet b/Developer/Resources/Paclets/SemanticSearch.paclet
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de7df530
Binary files /dev/null and b/Developer/Resources/Paclets/SemanticSearch.paclet differ
diff --git a/Developer/Resources/Styles.wl b/Developer/Resources/Styles.wl
index e0ec2ac8..8df97cd9 100644
--- a/Developer/Resources/Styles.wl
+++ b/Developer/Resources/Styles.wl
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ Cell[
ComponentwiseContextMenu -> <|
- "CellBracket" -> contextMenu[ $askMenuItem, $excludeMenuItem, Delimiter, "CellBracket" ],
- "CellGroup" -> contextMenu[ $excludeMenuItem, Delimiter, "CellGroup" ],
- "CellRange" -> contextMenu[ $excludeMenuItem, Delimiter, "CellRange" ]
+ "CellBracket" -> contextMenu[ { $askMenuItem, $excludeMenuItem, Delimiter }, "CellBracket" ],
+ "CellGroup" -> contextMenu[ { $excludeMenuItem, Delimiter }, "CellGroup" ],
+ "CellRange" -> contextMenu[ { $excludeMenuItem, Delimiter }, "CellRange" ]
PrivateCellOptions -> {
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Cell[
StyleData[ "Text" ],
- ContextMenu -> contextMenu[ $askMenuItem, Delimiter, "Text" ]
+ ContextMenu -> contextMenu[ { $askMenuItem, Delimiter }, "Text" ]
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Cell[
"*" -> "Item",
">" -> "ExternalLanguageDefault"
- ContextMenu -> contextMenu[ $askMenuItem, Delimiter, "Input" ],
+ ContextMenu -> contextMenu[ { $askMenuItem, Delimiter }, "Input" ],
CellEpilog :> With[ { $CellContext`cell = (FinishDynamic[ ]; EvaluationCell[ ]) },
Quiet @ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None ];
Symbol[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction" ][ "AIAutoAssist", $CellContext`cell ]
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Cell[
StyleData[ "Output" ],
- ContextMenu -> contextMenu[ $askMenuItem, Delimiter, "Output" ],
+ ContextMenu -> contextMenu[ { $askMenuItem, Delimiter }, "Output" ],
CellTrayWidgets -> <| "GearMenu" -> <| "Condition" -> False |> |>
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ Cell[
TaggingRules -> <| "ChatNotebookSettings" -> <| |> |>,
CellTrayWidgets -> <|
"ChatWidget" -> <| "Visible" -> False |>,
- "ChatFeedback" -> <| "Content" -> Cell[ BoxData @ ToBoxes @ $feedbackButtons, "ChatFeedback" ] |>
+ "ChatFeedback" -> <| "Content" -> Cell[ BoxData @ ToBoxes @ $feedbackButtonsV, "ChatFeedback" ] |>
menuInitializer[ "ChatOutput", RGBColor[ "#ecf0f5" ] ]
@@ -611,7 +611,8 @@ Cell[
BaselinePosition -> Scaled[ 0.275 ],
FrameMargins -> { { 3, 3 }, { 2, 2 } },
FrameStyle -> Directive[ AbsoluteThickness[ 1 ], GrayLevel[ 0.92941 ] ],
- ImageMargins -> { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }
+ ImageMargins -> { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } },
+ BaseStyle -> { "InlineCode", AutoSpacing -> False, AutoMultiplicationSymbol -> False }
@@ -1084,13 +1085,18 @@ Cell[
StyleData[ "UserMessageBox" ],
TemplateBoxOptions -> {
- DisplayFunction -> Function @ Evaluate @ FrameBox[
- Cell[ #, "Text", Background -> None ],
- Background -> RGBColor[ "#edf4fc" ],
- FrameMargins -> 8,
- FrameStyle -> RGBColor[ "#a3c9f2" ],
- RoundingRadius -> 10,
- StripOnInput -> False
+ DisplayFunction -> Function @ Evaluate @ PaneBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ #,
+ BaseStyle -> { "Text", Editable -> False, Selectable -> False },
+ Background -> RGBColor[ "#edf4fc" ],
+ FrameMargins -> 8,
+ FrameStyle -> RGBColor[ "#a3c9f2" ],
+ RoundingRadius -> 10,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ Alignment -> Right,
+ ImageSize -> { Full, Automatic }
@@ -1103,20 +1109,38 @@ Cell[
StyleData[ "AssistantMessageBox" ],
TemplateBoxOptions -> {
- DisplayFunction -> Function @ Evaluate @ FrameBox[
- #,
- BaseStyle -> "Text",
- Background -> RGBColor[ "#fcfdff" ],
- FrameMargins -> 8,
- FrameStyle -> RGBColor[ "#c9ccd0" ],
- ImageSize -> { Scaled[ 1 ], Automatic },
- RoundingRadius -> 10,
- StripOnInput -> False
+ DisplayFunction -> Function @ Evaluate @ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ #,
+ BaseStyle -> { "Text", Editable -> False, Selectable -> False },
+ Background -> RGBColor[ "#fcfdff" ],
+ FrameMargins -> 8,
+ FrameStyle -> RGBColor[ "#c9ccd0" ],
+ ImageSize -> { Scaled[ 1 ], Automatic },
+ RoundingRadius -> 10,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ EventHandlerTag @ {
+ "MouseEntered" :>
+ With[ { cell = EvaluationCell[ ] },
+ Quiet @ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None ];
+ Symbol[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction" ][ "AttachAssistantMessageButtons", cell ]
+ ],
+ Method -> "Preemptive",
+ PassEventsDown -> Automatic,
+ PassEventsUp -> True
+ }
+ StyleData[ "FeedbackButtonsHorizontal" ],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> { DisplayFunction -> Function @ Evaluate @ ToBoxes @ $feedbackButtonsH }
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
diff --git a/Developer/Resources/WorkspaceStyles.wl b/Developer/Resources/WorkspaceStyles.wl
index e1f6a546..c0a062c9 100644
--- a/Developer/Resources/WorkspaceStyles.wl
+++ b/Developer/Resources/WorkspaceStyles.wl
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ Cell[
TaggingRules -> <| "ChatNotebookSettings" -> $workspaceDefaultSettings |>,
WindowClickSelect -> True,
WindowElements -> { "VerticalScrollBar" },
- WindowFrame -> "ModelessDialog",
WindowFrameElements -> { "CloseBox", "ResizeArea" },
WindowMargins -> { { 0, Automatic }, { 0, 0 } },
WindowSize -> { $sideChatWidth, Automatic },
@@ -39,12 +38,12 @@ Cell[
StyleData[ "ChatInput" ],
CellDingbat -> None,
+ CellEventActions -> None,
CellFrame -> 0,
CellFrameLabelMargins -> 6,
CellMargins -> { { 15, 10 }, { 5, 10 } },
- Selectable -> True,
+ Selectable -> False,
ShowCellBracket -> False,
- TextAlignment -> Right,
CellFrameLabels -> {
{ None, None },
@@ -74,9 +73,9 @@ Cell[
Background -> None,
CellDingbat -> None,
CellFrame -> 0,
- CellMargins -> { { 10, 15 }, { 15, 12 } },
+ CellMargins -> { { 10, 15 }, { 25, 12 } },
Initialization -> None,
- Selectable -> True,
+ Selectable -> False,
ShowCellBracket -> False,
CellFrameLabels -> {
{ None, None },
@@ -121,6 +120,16 @@ Cell[
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+ StyleData[ "CodeAssistanceWelcomeCell" ],
+ CellMargins -> { { 10, 10 }, { 30, 10 } },
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False,
+ TaggingRules -> <| "ChatNotebookSettings" -> <| "ExcludeFromChat" -> True |> |>
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Template Boxes*)
@@ -159,6 +168,52 @@ Cell[
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+ StyleData[ "WelcomeToCodeAssistanceSplash" ],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction -> Function @ Evaluate @ ToBoxes @ Framed[
+ Pane[
+ Grid[
+ {
+ { Magnify[ RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ChatIconCodeAssistant" ], 5 ] },
+ {
+ Style[
+ "Welcome to Code Assistance Chat",
+ FontWeight -> Bold,
+ FontSize -> 17,
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[ 0.25 ]
+ ]
+ },
+ { "Ask me anything using the input field below." },
+ {
+ Button[
+ "View Tutorial \[RightGuillemet]",
+ MessageDialog[ "Not implemented yet." ],
+ Appearance -> None,
+ BaseStyle -> { "Link" }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ BaseStyle -> { "Text", FontSize -> 13, FontColor -> GrayLevel[ 0.5 ], LineBreakWithin -> False },
+ Spacings -> { 1, { 0, 1.25, 1.25, 0.75 } }
+ ],
+ Alignment -> { Center, Automatic },
+ ImageSize -> { Scaled[ 1 ], Automatic },
+ ImageSizeAction -> "ShrinkToFit"
+ ],
+ Alignment -> { Center, Automatic },
+ Background -> RGBColor[ "#fcfdff" ],
+ FrameMargins -> { { 10, 10 }, { 10, 10 } },
+ FrameStyle -> RGBColor[ "#ecf0f5" ],
+ ImageSize -> { Automatic, Automatic },
+ RoundingRadius -> 10
+ ]
+ }
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Package Footer*)
diff --git a/Developer/StylesheetBuilder.wl b/Developer/StylesheetBuilder.wl
index 0b8ba9ca..24cc420d 100644
--- a/Developer/StylesheetBuilder.wl
+++ b/Developer/StylesheetBuilder.wl
@@ -15,14 +15,6 @@ BuildStylesheets;
Begin[ "`Private`" ];
@@ -73,8 +65,8 @@ Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
-tr[name_?StringQ] := Dynamic[FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ChatbookStrings", name]]
-trBox[name_?StringQ] := DynamicBox[FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ChatbookStrings", name]]
+tr[ name_?StringQ ] := Dynamic[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "ChatbookStrings", name ] ]
+trBox[ name_?StringQ ] := DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "ChatbookStrings", name ] ]
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -101,11 +93,14 @@ $dropShadowConfig = <|
$dropShadowPaneBox := $dropShadowPaneBox =
With[ { img = createNinePatch @ $dropShadowConfig },
- PanelBox[
- #,
- Appearance -> img,
- ContentPadding -> False,
- FrameMargins -> { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }
+ PaneBox[
+ PanelBox[
+ #,
+ Appearance -> img,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ FrameMargins -> { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }
+ ],
+ ImageMargins -> { { 40, 50 }, { 0, 0 } }
@@ -266,7 +261,7 @@ makeIconTemplateBoxStyle[ file_, icon_, boxes_ ] :=
$askMenuItem = MenuItem[
- "Ask AI Assistant",
+ "StylesheetContextMenuAskAI",
{ $CellContext`nbo = InputNotebook[ ] },
@@ -286,7 +281,7 @@ $askMenuItem = MenuItem[
$excludeMenuItem = MenuItem[
- "Include/Exclude From AI Chat",
+ "StylesheetContextMenuIncludeExclude",
{ $CellContext`nbo = InputNotebook[ ] },
@@ -305,10 +300,26 @@ $excludeMenuItem = MenuItem[
-contextMenu[ a___, name_String, b___ ] := contextMenu[ a, FrontEndResource[ "ContextMenus", name ], b ];
-contextMenu[ a___, list_List, b___ ] := contextMenu @@ Flatten @ { a, list, b };
-contextMenu[ a___ ] := Flatten @ { a };
+(* Note:
+ MenuItem cannot have Dynamic or FEPrivate`FrontEndResource expressions as its first argument.
+ Maybe this is a bug, but a workaround is to use ContextMenu -> Dynamic[Function[...][args]].
+ The purpose of the Function is to inject resolved versions of FEPrivate`FrontEndResource.
+ Said differently, MenuItem can only take a String as its first argument, so we coerce the
+ FrontEnd to first resolve the string resources before it tries to resolve the ContextMenu. *)
+contextMenu[ a___, name_String, b___ ] := contextMenu[ a, FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "ContextMenus", name ], b ];
+contextMenu[ a : (_List | _FEPrivate`FrontEndResource).. ] := With[ { slot = Slot },
+ Replace[
+ Reap @ Module[ { i = 1 },
+ Replace[
+ FEPrivate`Join[ a ],
+ MenuItem[ s_String, rest__ ] :> ( Sow[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "ChatbookStrings", s ] ]; MenuItem[ slot[ i++ ], rest ] ),
+ { 2 }
+ ]
+ ],
+ { menu_FEPrivate`Join, { { resourceStrings__ } } } :> Dynamic[ Function[ menu ][ resourceStrings ] ]
+ ]
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -360,7 +371,7 @@ assistantMenuInitializer[ name_String, color_ ] :=
Appearance -> $suppressButtonAppearance
- tr["StylesheetAssistantMenuInitializerButtonTooltip"]
+ tr[ "StylesheetAssistantMenuInitializerButtonTooltip" ]
RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { name, color }, "ChatMenuButton" ]
@@ -387,7 +398,8 @@ assistantMenuInitializer[ name_String, color_ ] :=
-$feedbackButtons = Column[ { feedbackButton @ True, feedbackButton @ False }, Spacings -> { 0, { 0, 0.25, 0 } } ];
+$feedbackButtonsV := Column[ { feedbackButton @ True, feedbackButton @ False }, Spacings -> { 0, { 0, 0.25, 0 } } ];
+$feedbackButtonsH := Grid[ { { feedbackButton @ True, feedbackButton @ False } }, Spacings -> 0.2 ];
feedbackButton[ True ] := feedbackButton[ True , "ThumbsUp" ];
feedbackButton[ False ] := feedbackButton[ False, "ThumbsDown" ];
@@ -400,7 +412,7 @@ feedbackButton[ positive: True|False, name_String ] :=
RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, name<>"Inactive" ],
RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, name<>"Active" ]
- tr["StylesheetFeedbackButtonTooltip"]
+ tr[ "StylesheetFeedbackButtonTooltip" ]
diff --git a/Developer/VectorDatabases/DefinitionNotebooks/DocumentationURIs.nb b/Developer/VectorDatabases/DefinitionNotebooks/DocumentationURIs.nb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be7361d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Developer/VectorDatabases/DefinitionNotebooks/DocumentationURIs.nb
@@ -0,0 +1,9665 @@
+(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *)
+(*** Wolfram Notebook File ***)
+(* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *)
+(* Created By: SaveReadableNotebook *)
+(* https://resources.wolframcloud.com/FunctionRepository/resources/SaveReadableNotebook *)
+ {
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ "Code Assistance Documentation Vector Database",
+ "Title",
+ CellTags -> {"DefaultContent", "Name", "TemplateCell"},
+ CellID -> 806838874
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ "VectorDatabaseObject based on Wolfram Language documentation and resources used for retrieval-augmented-generation in code assistance chat",
+ "Text",
+ CellTags -> {"DefaultContent", "Description", "TemplateCell"},
+ CellID -> 163956104
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Details",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ True ->
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "Details",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ FrameBox[
+ Cell[
+ "Give a detailed description of the data, including information about the size, structure, and history of the content elements.\n\nThis section may include multiple cells, bullet lists, tables, hyperlinks and additional styles/structures as needed.\n\nAdd any other information that may be relevant, such as when the data was first created or how and why it is used within a given field. Include all relevant background or contextual information related to the data, its development, and its usage.",
+ "MoreInfoText"
+ ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.95],
+ FrameMargins -> 20,
+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ RoundingRadius -> 5,
+ ImageSize -> {Scaled[0.65], Automatic}
+ ]
+ ],
+ "MoreInfoText",
+ Deletable -> True,
+ CellTags -> {"SectionMoreInfoDetails"},
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 66}, {15, 15}}
+ ]
+ },
+ "MoreInfoOpenerButtonTemplate"
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceCreateNotebook"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Subsection",
+ Editable -> False,
+ Deletable -> False,
+ TaggingRules -> {"TemplateGroupName" -> "Details"},
+ DefaultNewCellStyle -> "Notes",
+ CellTags -> {"Details", "TemplateCellGroup"},
+ CellID -> 161845329
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Data Definitions",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ True ->
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "ContentElements",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ FrameBox[
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Define the content of the resource by assigning values to ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "ResourceData",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/ResourceData",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ". The ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw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\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej\n+Ag+AkfgCO6bYUjzC4SgKipWnMF4PmYeY/Dt5GP0djUYDFY36Ebjr8flcvz9\nHODkZb56n82nr0/zz+lsunyYXGPwHr87/Mil30MFqlD+7FYIy6vhmfFEyovl\nz82tYpQx/m9Wn3q1YSmtdBtWc44qRAUWKuzOUk4lKmArUxYtYzvAqDuZZama\nkV2C/4iqEZbmNWKPsY7pJawcfSbReZx1Y6XwruIaolVxZSo9OUeNyFKOjeLJ\nxUoxqtuyoIzmiMjXwDPm7JApLIuR8kqGWVEjy/HdYzwxW2lT1Vc5gisxR+x2\nWbt6YaZDC6Su3BbLlXX2O6eeJW9HA6XL3MjO0Iy8MzNcITvY8jmqPVdTwS1a\nM4kRyajf1KqOJRnEVAWSIfmXWVKFxLsZ1rAcK0yR0TOI2Dvm6ifNC7nq9ll7\n2humU1xJpRCPV+olHBfZppFFyjrx81xp0JmfR8G8Qu5l1KKN9qyZkcqwzCCm\nFS3NtlZNLF6PvO7AWvCchdRt2mE9WlolnJUmf/SUMa2wLu8cUsYww/AT0dwX\nHVg5fEOh+vXKDDGan5rjxryQ54S1c1p/Hw/r3ZEV7FfBIdZff2vbsi51b3LJ\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 41.0}, {38.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {38.0, 41.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}},
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
+ ],
+ FontSize -> (11 * Inherited) / 13,
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4,
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False}
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ Selectable -> False,
+ SelectWithContents -> True
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " icon inside ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "ResourceData",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/ResourceData",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " below represents the ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "ResourceObject",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/ResourceObject",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " defined within this notebook.\n\nEvaluating the ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw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\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 41.0}, {38.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {38.0, 41.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}},
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
+ ],
+ FontSize -> (11 * Inherited) / 13,
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4,
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False}
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ Selectable -> False,
+ SelectWithContents -> True
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "=",
+ "xxxx"
+ }
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " cell below defines the default content element of this resource, which will be returned by ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "ResourceData",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/ResourceData",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ "[",
+ StyleBox["obj", "TI"],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ".\n\nEvaluating the subsequent cells defines additional content elements with the specified element names. The element name is used to access the associated content via ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "ResourceData",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/ResourceData",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {StyleBox["obj", "TI"], ",", StyleBox["element", "TI"]}
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ".\n\nThe default content element is assigned a name either based on the ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "Head",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/Head",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " of the data or set to ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Content\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ".\n\nDefine as many elements as needed using different element names. You can insert the icon using the \"Insert ResourceObject\" button in the \"Tools\" above.\n\nElements set to ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "CloudObject",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/CloudObject",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ", ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "File",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/File",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ", or ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "LocalObject",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/LocalObject",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " values will be interpreted as the content of those locations.\n\nEach content element must have a string name, preferably camel case. (Typical names describe the content element, and include ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Dataset\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ", ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Text\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " and ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"TimeSeries\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ").\n\nElements defined as functions are automatically applied to the other elements of the resource. For example, ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw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\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 41.0}, {38.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {38.0, 41.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}},
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
+ ],
+ FontSize -> (11 * Inherited) / 13,
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4,
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False}
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ Selectable -> False,
+ SelectWithContents -> True
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\"Vertices\""
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "(",
+ RowBox[{RowBox[{"VertexList", "[", "#Graph", "]"}], "&"}],
+ ")"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " will define an element named ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Vertices\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " which is derived from the ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Graph\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " element when requested by the user."
+ }
+ ],
+ "MoreInfoText"
+ ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.95],
+ FrameMargins -> 20,
+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ RoundingRadius -> 5,
+ ImageSize -> {Scaled[0.65], Automatic}
+ ]
+ ],
+ "MoreInfoText",
+ Deletable -> True,
+ CellTags -> {"SectionMoreInfoContentElements"},
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 66}, {15, 15}}
+ ]
+ },
+ "MoreInfoOpenerButtonTemplate"
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceCreateNotebook"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Section",
+ Editable -> False,
+ Deletable -> False,
+ TaggingRules -> {"TemplateGroupName" -> "ContentElements"},
+ CellTags -> {
+ "ContentElements",
+ "Data Definitions",
+ "TemplateCellGroup"
+ },
+ CellID -> 41403987
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ "Primary Content",
+ "Subsection",
+ Editable -> False,
+ Deletable -> False,
+ CellTags -> "PrimaryContent",
+ CellID -> 739468720
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw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\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 41.0}, {38.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {38.0, 41.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}},
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSizeCache -> {11.122, {2.90039, 9.09961}},
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False,
+ FontSize -> (11 * Inherited) / 13
+ ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False},
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ SelectWithContents -> True,
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\"VectorDatabase\""
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "WithCleanup",
+ "[",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "SetDirectory",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"CreateDirectory", "[", "]"}],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "VectorDatabaseObject",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[{"File", "[", "#DatabasePath", "]"}],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{"OverwriteTarget", "->", "True"}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"ResetDirectory", "[", "]"}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "&"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ]
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+ "Input",
+ CellTags -> "DefaultContent",
+ CellLabel -> "In[1]:=",
+ CellID -> 751296993
+ ]
+ },
+ Open
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ "Additional Data Elements (optional)",
+ "Subsection",
+ Editable -> False,
+ Deletable -> False,
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+ CellID -> 651134066
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+ BoxData[
+ {
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+ {RowBox[{"name", "=", "\"DocumentationURIs\""}], ";"}
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+ {
+ "dir",
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "FileNameJoin",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "{",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ParentDirectory",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookDirectory", "[", "]"}], ",", "3"}],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\"Assets/VectorDatabases\"",
+ ",",
+ "name"
+ }
+ ],
+ "}"
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
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+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "zip",
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "CreateArchive",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "FileNames",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"All", ",", "dir", ",", "Infinity"}],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{"dir", "<>", "\".zip\""}],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{"OverwriteTarget", "->", "True"}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
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+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "obj",
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "CopyFile",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "zip",
+ ",",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "CloudObject",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {"\"VectorDatabases/\"", "<>", "name", "<>", "\".zip\""}
+ ],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{"Permissions", "->", "\"Public\""}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{"OverwriteTarget", "->", "True"}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{RowBox[{"DeleteFile", "[", "zip", "]"}], ";"}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Input",
+ CellLabel -> "In[7]:=",
+ CellID -> 96470356
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw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\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 41.0}, {38.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
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+ ],
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+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {38.0, 41.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}},
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSizeCache -> {11.122, {2.90039, 9.09961}},
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
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+ ShowStringCharacters -> False,
+ FontSize -> (11 * Inherited) / 13
+ ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False},
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ SelectWithContents -> True,
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\"DatabaseDirectory\""
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "=",
+ "obj"
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Input",
+ CellTags -> "DefaultContent",
+ CellLabel -> "In[12]:=",
+ CellID -> 874765044
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw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\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 41.0}, {38.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {38.0, 41.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}},
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSizeCache -> {11.122, {2.90039, 9.09961}},
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False,
+ FontSize -> (11 * Inherited) / 13
+ ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False},
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ SelectWithContents -> True,
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\"DatabasePath\""
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "With",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "{",
+ RowBox[{"file", "=", RowBox[{"name", "<>", "\".wxf\""}]}],
+ "}"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "FileNameJoin",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {"{", RowBox[{"#DatabaseDirectory", ",", "file"}], "}"}
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "&"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Input",
+ CellTags -> "DefaultContent",
+ CellLabel -> "In[13]:=",
+ CellID -> 874765045
+ ]
+ },
+ Open
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ Open
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Examples",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ True ->
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "ExampleNotebook",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ FrameBox[
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Demonstrate the data's usage, starting with the most basic use case and describing each example in a preceding text cell.\n\nWithin a group, individual examples can be delimited by inserting page breaks between them (using Tools \[FilledRightTriangle] Insert Delimiter).\n\nExamples should be grouped into Subsection and Subsubsection cells similarly to existing documentation pages. Here are some typical Subsection names and the types of examples they normally contain:\n\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
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+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Basic Examples: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "most basic usage\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Scope: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "show the breadth of the data\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
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+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Applications: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "standard industry or academic applications\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Properties and Relations: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "how the data relates to other data\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Possible Issues: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "limitations or unexpected behavior a user might experience\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Neat Examples: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "particularly interesting, unconventional, or otherwise unique usage"
+ }
+ ],
+ "MoreInfoText"
+ ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.95],
+ FrameMargins -> 20,
+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ RoundingRadius -> 5,
+ ImageSize -> {Scaled[0.65], Automatic}
+ ]
+ ],
+ "MoreInfoText",
+ Deletable -> True,
+ CellTags -> {"SectionMoreInfoExampleNotebook"},
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 66}, {15, 15}}
+ ]
+ },
+ "MoreInfoOpenerButtonTemplate"
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceCreateNotebook"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Section",
+ Editable -> False,
+ Deletable -> False,
+ TaggingRules -> {"TemplateGroupName" -> "ExampleNotebook"},
+ CellTags -> {"ExampleNotebook", "Examples", "TemplateCellGroup"},
+ CellID -> 661218443
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ "Basic Examples",
+ "Subsection",
+ CellLabel -> "In[4]:=",
+ CellID -> 462042388
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Get the ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "VectorDatabaseObject",
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+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
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+ "InlineFormula",
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+ ":"
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+ "Text",
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+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
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+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "db",
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
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+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
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+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
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+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
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+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
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+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ SelectWithContents -> True,
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
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+ "Input",
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+ BoxData[
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+ {
+ TagBox["VectorDatabaseObject", "SummaryHead"],
+ "[",
+ DynamicModuleBox[
+ {Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"},
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+ {
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+ False ->
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+ Times[
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+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
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+ {
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+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
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+ DynamicBox[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"],
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+ ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False),
+ Evaluator -> Automatic,
+ Method -> "Preemptive"
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+ {
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+ Times[
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+ {
+ TagBox["\"Vector length: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"],
+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
+ TagBox["256", "SummaryItem"]
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+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox["\"Working precision: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"],
+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
+ TagBox["\"Integer8\"", "SummaryItem"]
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+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox["\"Distance function: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"],
+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
+ TagBox["EuclideanDistance", "SummaryItem"]
+ }
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ "File",
+ "[",
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+ {
+ "File",
+ "[",
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
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+ },
+ "FileArgument"
+ ],
+ "]"
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+ "ClickToCopy2"
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+ "SummaryItem"
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+ Dynamic[Typeset`open$$],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic
+ ]
+ },
+ "SummaryPanel"
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+ DynamicModuleValues :> { }
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+ "]"
+ }
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+ VectorDatabaseObject[
+ <|
+ "DistanceFunction" -> EuclideanDistance,
+ "FeatureExtractor" -> Identity,
+ "GeneratedAssetLocation" ->
+ File[
+ "C:\\Users\\rhennigan\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\DocumentationURIs-6dd5ca26-4e67-4d6f-ad1d-5859efeebde3-Extracted\\DocumentationURIs.wxf"
+ ],
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+ File[
+ "C:\\Users\\rhennigan\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\DocumentationURIs-6dd5ca26-4e67-4d6f-ad1d-5859efeebde3-Extracted\\DocumentationURIs.wxf"
+ ],
+ "ResolvedFeatureExtractor" -> Identity,
+ "VectorDatabaseInfo" -> <|
+ "DistanceFunction" -> "l2sq",
+ "WorkingPrecision" -> "i8",
+ "Connectivity" -> 16,
+ "ExpansionAdd" -> 256,
+ "ExpansionSearch" -> 2048,
+ "Capacity" -> 683800,
+ "Dimensions" -> 256
+ |>,
+ "Version" -> 1.1,
+ "WorkingPrecision" -> "Integer8",
+ "Evaluator" -> "c++",
+ "DatabaseType" -> "USearch",
+ "MetadataKeys" -> { },
+ "Dimensions" -> {683800, 256},
+ "Hash" -> 63144803136871464942014094071819592114
+ |>
+ ],
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+ SelectWithContents -> True,
+ Selectable -> False
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Output",
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+ CellLabel -> "Out[1]=",
+ CellID -> 135685633
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+ },
+ Open
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+ Cell["Search it:", "Text", CellID -> 477433615],
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "vector",
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "RandomInteger",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {"{", RowBox[{RowBox[{"-", "128"}], ",", "127"}], "}"}
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Input",
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+ CellID -> 174568640
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+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "VectorDatabaseSearch",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"db", ",", "vector", ",", "\"Index\""}],
+ "]"
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+ "Input",
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+ CellID -> 14128918
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+ Cell[
+ BoxData[RowBox[{"{", "250003", "}"}]],
+ "Output",
+ CellLabel -> "Out[5]=",
+ CellID -> 8379989
+ ]
+ },
+ Open
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ Open
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ "Scope & Additional Elements",
+ "Subsection",
+ CellID -> 979821957
+ ],
+ Cell["Visualizations", "Subsection", CellID -> 50804313],
+ Cell["Analysis", "Subsection", CellID -> 866856397]
+ },
+ Open
+ ]
+ ],
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+ CellGroupData[
+ {
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+ "Source & Additional Information",
+ "Section",
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+ {
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Submitted By",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ True ->
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "ContributedBy",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ FrameBox[
+ Cell[
+ "Enter the name of the person, people or organization that should be publicly credited with submitting this data.",
+ "MoreInfoText"
+ ],
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+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ RoundingRadius -> 5,
+ ImageSize -> {Scaled[0.65], Automatic}
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+ "MoreInfoText",
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+ CellTags -> {"SectionMoreInfoContributedBy"},
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+ },
+ "MoreInfoOpenerButtonTemplate"
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceCreateNotebook"}
+ ]
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+ ]
+ ]
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+ "Subsection",
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+ "TemplateCellGroup"
+ },
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+ "Wolfram Staff",
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+ SelectionMove[SelectedNotebook[], After, Cell];
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+ SelectedNotebook[],
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+ Next,
+ CellTags,
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+ Blank[NotebookSelection] :>
+ SelectionMove[
+ SelectedNotebook[],
+ All,
+ CellContents,
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+ ]
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+ PassEventsUp -> False
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+ },
+ Open
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Source/Reference Citation",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ True ->
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "Citation",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ FrameBox[
+ Cell[
+ "Give a bibliographic-style citation for the original source of the data and/or its components.",
+ "MoreInfoText"
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+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9],
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+ "MoreInfoOpenerButtonTemplate"
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+ Dynamic[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceCreateNotebook"}
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+ Dynamic[CurrentValue["MouseOver"]],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic,
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+ ]
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+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["MoreInfoOpenerButtonTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ AdjustmentBox[
+ DynamicModuleBox[
+ {
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+ RSNB`verticalRegion$$,
+ RSNB`chooseAttachLocation$$
+ },
+ TagBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[{}, "MoreInfoOpenerIconTemplate"],
+ "\"Click for more information\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
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+ EventHandlerTag[
+ {
+ "MouseDown" :>
+ AttachCell[
+ ParentBox[EvaluationBox[]],
+ #2,
+ RSNB`chooseAttachLocation$$[],
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+ ],
+ Method -> "Preemptive",
+ PassEventsDown -> Automatic,
+ PassEventsUp -> True
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
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+ {
+ DownValues[RSNB`mPosRegion$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`mPosRegion$$[]] :>
+ RSNB`mPosRegion$$[Ceiling[MousePosition["WindowScaled"]*3]],
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+ Pattern[RSNB`reg, {Blank[Integer], Blank[Integer]}]
+ ]
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+ HoldPattern[RSNB`mPosRegion$$[BlankNullSequence[]]] :> None
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ DownValues[RSNB`attachPos$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[
+ RSNB`attachPos$$[
+ {
+ Pattern[RSNB`h$, Blank[Integer]],
+ Pattern[RSNB`v$, Blank[Integer]]
+ }
+ ]
+ ] :> {
+ RSNB`horizontalRegion$$[RSNB`h$],
+ RSNB`verticalRegion$$[RSNB`v$]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ DownValues[RSNB`offsetPos$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[
+ RSNB`offsetPos$$[
+ {
+ Pattern[RSNB`h$, Blank[Integer]],
+ Pattern[RSNB`v$, Blank[Integer]]
+ }
+ ]
+ ] :> {
+ RSNB`horizontalRegion$$[4 - RSNB`h$],
+ RSNB`verticalRegion$$[4 - RSNB`v$]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ DownValues[RSNB`horizontalRegion$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`horizontalRegion$$[1]] :> Left,
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`horizontalRegion$$[2]] :> Center,
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`horizontalRegion$$[3]] :> Right
+ }
+ },
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+ DownValues[RSNB`verticalRegion$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`verticalRegion$$[1]] :> Top,
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`verticalRegion$$[2]] :> Top,
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`verticalRegion$$[3]] :> Top
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ DownValues[RSNB`chooseAttachLocation$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`chooseAttachLocation$$[]] :>
+ With[ { RSNB`p$ = RSNB`mPosRegion$$[] },
+ Apply[
+ Sequence,
+ {
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+ {-30, 30},
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+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ BoxBaselineShift -> -0.5,
+ BoxMargins -> 0.2
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData["InlineMoreInfoOpenerButtonTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ AdjustmentBox[
+ DynamicModuleBox[
+ {
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+ },
+ TagBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {TemplateBox[{}, "MoreInfoOpenerIconTemplate"], #4},
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ EventHandlerTag[
+ {
+ "MouseDown" :>
+ AttachCell[
+ ParentBox[EvaluationBox[]],
+ #2,
+ RSNB`chooseAttachLocation$$[],
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+ ],
+ Method -> "Preemptive",
+ PassEventsDown -> Automatic,
+ PassEventsUp -> True
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ DynamicModuleValues :> {
+ {
+ DownValues[RSNB`mPosRegion$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`mPosRegion$$[]] :>
+ RSNB`mPosRegion$$[Ceiling[MousePosition["WindowScaled"]*3]],
+ HoldPattern[
+ RSNB`mPosRegion$$[
+ Pattern[RSNB`reg, {Blank[Integer], Blank[Integer]}]
+ ]
+ ] :> RSNB`reg,
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`mPosRegion$$[BlankNullSequence[]]] :> None
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ DownValues[RSNB`attachPos$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[
+ RSNB`attachPos$$[
+ {
+ Pattern[RSNB`h$, Blank[Integer]],
+ Pattern[RSNB`v$, Blank[Integer]]
+ }
+ ]
+ ] :> {
+ RSNB`horizontalRegion$$[RSNB`h$],
+ RSNB`verticalRegion$$[RSNB`v$]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ DownValues[RSNB`offsetPos$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[
+ RSNB`offsetPos$$[
+ {
+ Pattern[RSNB`h$, Blank[Integer]],
+ Pattern[RSNB`v$, Blank[Integer]]
+ }
+ ]
+ ] :> {
+ RSNB`horizontalRegion$$[4 - RSNB`h$],
+ RSNB`verticalRegion$$[4 - RSNB`v$]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ DownValues[RSNB`horizontalRegion$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`horizontalRegion$$[1]] :> Left,
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`horizontalRegion$$[2]] :> Center,
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`horizontalRegion$$[3]] :> Right
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ DownValues[RSNB`verticalRegion$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`verticalRegion$$[1]] :> Top,
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`verticalRegion$$[2]] :> Top,
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`verticalRegion$$[3]] :> Top
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ DownValues[RSNB`chooseAttachLocation$$] = {
+ HoldPattern[RSNB`chooseAttachLocation$$[]] :>
+ With[ { RSNB`p$ = RSNB`mPosRegion$$[] },
+ Apply[
+ Sequence,
+ {
+ RSNB`offsetPos$$[RSNB`p$],
+ {-30, 30},
+ RSNB`attachPos$$[RSNB`p$]
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ BoxBaselineShift -> -0.5,
+ BoxMargins -> 0.2
+ ]
+ ])
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+ (Function[
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+ {
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+ {12.0, 18.0},
+ {12.0, 18.75}
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+ {6.0, 4.5},
+ {16.5, 4.5},
+ {16.5, 18.0},
+ {14.25, 18.0},
+ {14.25, 17.25},
+ {15.75, 17.25},
+ {15.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 18.0}
+ },
+ {
+ {9.75, 17.25},
+ {12.75, 17.25},
+ {12.75, 16.5},
+ {9.75, 16.5}
+ }
+ }
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ {
+ {
+ {8.25, 14.25},
+ {14.25, 14.25},
+ {14.25, 13.5},
+ {8.25, 13.5}
+ },
+ {
+ {8.25, 12.0},
+ {14.25, 12.0},
+ {14.25, 11.25},
+ {8.25, 11.25}
+ },
+ {{8.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.0}, {8.25, 9.0}},
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+ ButtonFunction :> Null,
+ Appearance -> {"Default" -> None, "Hover" -> None, "Pressed" -> None},
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+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ True ->
+ DynamicModuleBox[
+ {RSNB`clickTime$$ = 0.0, RSNB`timeout$$ = 3.0},
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ #1,
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ DynamicBox[
+ ToBoxes[
+ Refresh[
+ If[ AbsoluteTime[] - RSNB`clickTime$$ > RSNB`timeout$$,
+ RawBoxes[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ False ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ GrayLevel[0.65],
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+ {
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+ {0, 1, 0}
+ },
+ {
+ {0, 2, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0}
+ },
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ {
+ {
+ {10.5, 18.75},
+ {10.5, 18.0},
+ {9.0, 18.0},
+ {9.0, 15.75},
+ {13.5, 15.75},
+ {13.5, 18.0},
+ {12.0, 18.0},
+ {12.0, 18.75}
+ },
+ {
+ {6.0, 18.0},
+ {6.0, 4.5},
+ {16.5, 4.5},
+ {16.5, 18.0},
+ {14.25, 18.0},
+ {14.25, 17.25},
+ {15.75, 17.25},
+ {15.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 18.0}
+ },
+ {
+ {9.75, 17.25},
+ {12.75, 17.25},
+ {12.75, 16.5},
+ {9.75, 16.5}
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ {
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ {
+ {
+ {8.25, 14.25},
+ {14.25, 14.25},
+ {14.25, 13.5},
+ {8.25, 13.5}
+ },
+ {
+ {8.25, 12.0},
+ {14.25, 12.0},
+ {14.25, 11.25},
+ {8.25, 11.25}
+ },
+ {{8.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.0}, {8.25, 9.0}},
+ {{8.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 6.75}, {8.25, 6.75}}
+ }
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+ ImageSize -> 12
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {0, 1, 0},
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+ {0, 1, 0}
+ },
+ {
+ {0, 2, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0}
+ },
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ {
+ {
+ {10.5, 18.75},
+ {10.5, 18.0},
+ {9.0, 18.0},
+ {9.0, 15.75},
+ {13.5, 15.75},
+ {13.5, 18.0},
+ {12.0, 18.0},
+ {12.0, 18.75}
+ },
+ {
+ {6.0, 18.0},
+ {6.0, 4.5},
+ {16.5, 4.5},
+ {16.5, 18.0},
+ {14.25, 18.0},
+ {14.25, 17.25},
+ {15.75, 17.25},
+ {15.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 18.0}
+ },
+ {
+ {9.75, 17.25},
+ {12.75, 17.25},
+ {12.75, 16.5},
+ {9.75, 16.5}
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ {
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ {
+ {
+ {8.25, 14.25},
+ {14.25, 14.25},
+ {14.25, 13.5},
+ {8.25, 13.5}
+ },
+ {
+ {8.25, 12.0},
+ {14.25, 12.0},
+ {14.25, 11.25},
+ {8.25, 11.25}
+ },
+ {{8.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.0}, {8.25, 9.0}},
+ {{8.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 6.75}, {8.25, 6.75}}
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ ImageSize -> 12
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[CurrentValue["MouseOver"]],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic,
+ FrameMargins -> 0
+ ],
+ "\"Click to copy to the clipboard\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ]
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+ RawBoxes[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ RGBColor[0, NCache[2/3, 0.66667], 0],
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+ {0, 1, 0}
+ },
+ {
+ {0, 2, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0}
+ },
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
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+ {10.5, 18.75},
+ {10.5, 18.0},
+ {9.0, 18.0},
+ {9.0, 15.75},
+ {13.5, 15.75},
+ {13.5, 18.0},
+ {12.0, 18.0},
+ {12.0, 18.75}
+ },
+ {
+ {6.0, 18.0},
+ {6.0, 4.5},
+ {16.5, 4.5},
+ {16.5, 18.0},
+ {14.25, 18.0},
+ {14.25, 17.25},
+ {15.75, 17.25},
+ {15.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 18.0}
+ },
+ {
+ {9.75, 17.25},
+ {12.75, 17.25},
+ {12.75, 16.5},
+ {9.75, 16.5}
+ }
+ }
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+ {
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
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+ {
+ {8.25, 14.25},
+ {14.25, 14.25},
+ {14.25, 13.5},
+ {8.25, 13.5}
+ },
+ {
+ {8.25, 12.0},
+ {14.25, 12.0},
+ {14.25, 11.25},
+ {8.25, 11.25}
+ },
+ {{8.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.0}, {8.25, 9.0}},
+ {{8.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 6.75}, {8.25, 6.75}}
+ }
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+ ImageSize -> 12
+ ],
+ "\"Copied\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ UpdateInterval -> 1,
+ TrackedSymbols :> {RSNB`clickTime$$}
+ ],
+ StandardForm
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ (RSNB`clickTime$$ = AbsoluteTime[];
+ CopyToClipboard[BinaryDeserialize[BaseDecode[#2], Defer]]),
+ Appearance -> {"Default" -> None, "Hover" -> None, "Pressed" -> None},
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ Evaluator -> "System"
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+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
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+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
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+ "Grid"
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+ DynamicModuleValues :> { }
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[CurrentValue["MouseOver"]],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic,
+ FrameMargins -> 0
+ ]
+ ])
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+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ #1,
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
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+ FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.89804, 0.89804, 0.89804],
+ FrameMargins -> 8,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ TooltipDelay -> 0.1,
+ TooltipStyle -> {Background -> None, CellFrame -> 0}
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ Framed[
+ Style[
+ RSNB`$$tooltip,
+ "Text",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.53725, 0.53725, 0.53725],
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+ "Tooltip"
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+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
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+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
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+ {1, 3, 3}
+ }
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+ {
+ {18.0, 17.5},
+ {18.0, 18.328},
+ {17.328, 19.0},
+ {16.5, 19.0},
+ {4.5, 19.0},
+ {3.6716, 19.0},
+ {3.0, 18.328},
+ {3.0, 17.5},
+ {3.0, 3.5},
+ {3.0, 2.6716},
+ {3.6716, 2.0},
+ {4.5, 2.0},
+ {16.5, 2.0},
+ {17.328, 2.0},
+ {18.0, 2.6716},
+ {18.0, 3.5}
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+ FaceForm[{GrayLevel[0.34902], Opacity[1.0]}],
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
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+ {
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+ AspectRatio -> Automatic,
+ ImageSize -> 12,
+ PlotRange -> {{0.0, 20.0}, {0.0, 20.0}},
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+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Center}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}},
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+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Insert an icon representing the ResourceObject\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 4300058170245655723;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton =
+ "InsertResourceObject";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`InsertResourceObjectIcon[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[4300058170245655723]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
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+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Template Input\"",
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Format selection automatically using appropriate documentation styles\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 2790153672590285854;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Template Input";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TemplateInput[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[2790153672590285854]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Literal Input\"",
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Format selection as literal Wolfram Language code\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 4138174468017918531;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Literal Input";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`LiteralInput[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[4138174468017918531]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Insert Delimiter\"",
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Insert example delimiter\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1887802176716758884;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton =
+ "Insert Delimiter";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DelimiterInsert[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1887802176716758884]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ ActionMenuBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Tables\"",
+ "\"\[ThinSpace]\[ThinSpace]\[ThinSpace]\[FilledDownTriangle]\""
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Table functions\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3216557251994556740;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode = HoldForm[Null]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3216557251994556740]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ {
+ "\"Insert table with two columns\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 5800166344906378520;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Insert table with two columns";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TableInsert[2]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[5800166344906378520]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Insert table with three columns\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = 533841403879783297;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Insert table with three columns";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TableInsert[3]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[533841403879783297]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Add a row to the selected table\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 4413051590217973467;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Add a row to the selected table";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TableRowInsert[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[4413051590217973467]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Sort the selected table\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 9150037060110806081;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Sort the selected table";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TableSort[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[9150037060110806081]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Merge selected tables\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 2347719643166780208;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Merge selected tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TableMerge[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[2347719643166780208]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ Appearance -> None,
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ],
+ ActionMenuBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Cells\"",
+ "\"\[ThinSpace]\[ThinSpace]\[ThinSpace]\[FilledDownTriangle]\""
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3216557251994556740;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode = HoldForm[Null]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3216557251994556740]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ {
+ "\"Insert comment for reviewer\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 2572781756330727330;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Cells";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Insert comment for reviewer";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CommentInsert[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[2572781756330727330]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Mark/unmark selected cells as comments\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3646530685697756512;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Cells";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Mark/unmark selected cells as comments";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CommentToggle[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3646530685697756512]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Mark/unmark selected cells as excluded\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1866935765212102190;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Cells";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Mark/unmark selected cells as excluded";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ExclusionToggle[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1866935765212102190]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ Appearance -> None,
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxBackground -> {"Columns" -> {{None}}, "Rows" -> {GrayLevel[0.9]}},
+ GridBoxFrame -> {
+ "Columns" -> False,
+ "RowsIndexed" -> {1 -> GrayLevel[0.9]}
+ },
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {5, {0.5}, 5}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.75]
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ ButtonBoxOptions -> {
+ Enabled ->
+ Dynamic[
+ Not[TrueQ[DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled]],
+ TrackedSymbols :> {DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled}
+ ]
+ },
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["MainGridTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ Thickness[0.02963],
+ StyleBox[
+ {
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ {
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBgBWIWIGZigIIGBQcwfUAPQjOoYuc3CDugqIfxGTQg9ANj\nqLgOdj66erh5+lD7oPYwGGHno6uH86H2PDCA6jPFzkdXD+M7mENpLai4JXY+\nunogHwDQSSTa\n "
+ ]
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+ {FaceForm[RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]},
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
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+ },
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+ {6.75, 4.875},
+ {4.5, 4.875}
+ },
+ {
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+ {8.25, 20.625},
+ {3.0, 20.625}
+ }
+ }
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+ },
+ {FaceForm[RGBColor[0.843, 0.847, 0.847, 1.0]]},
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 32},
+ ImagePadding -> {{5, 0}, {0, 0}},
+ BaselinePosition -> Scaled[0.25],
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.2902, 0.53725, 0.6902],
+ ImageSize -> {45.0, Automatic},
+ PlotRange -> {{0.0, 33.75}, {0.0, 33.0}},
+ AspectRatio -> Automatic
+ }
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Data Resource\"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontTracking -> "SemiCondensed",
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+ StripOnInput -> False
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+ "ColumnsIndexed" -> {2 -> RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]},
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+ "Grid"
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+ FontSize -> 24,
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ StripOnInput -> False
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+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}},
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+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}
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+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ "\[SpanFromLeft]",
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+ "\[SpanFromLeft]",
+ "\[SpanFromLeft]",
+ "\[SpanFromLeft]",
+ "\[SpanFromLeft]",
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {"\"Data Repository\"", "\" \[RightGuillemet] \""},
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ "Text",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "https://datarepository.wolframcloud.com/"
+ },
+ "HyperlinkURL"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Open Sample\"",
+ "\"View a completed sample definition notebook\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 4393071033038384034;
+ (DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Open Sample";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ViewExampleNotebook[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ]),
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[4393071033038384034]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"View a completed sample definition notebook\"",
+ False
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ],
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Style Guidelines\"",
+ "\"View general guidelines for authoring data resources\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 5906117565281445171;
+ (
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton =
+ "Style Guidelines";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ViewStyleGuidelines[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ]),
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[5906117565281445171]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"View general guidelines for authoring data resources\"",
+ False
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ],
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ "\"Tools\"",
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ False ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ AbsoluteThickness[1.0],
+ LineBox[{{0, 0}, {0, 10}, {10, 10}, {10, 0}, {0, 0}}],
+ LineBox[{{5, 2.5}, {5, 7.5}}],
+ LineBox[{{2.5, 5}, {7.5, 5}}]
+ },
+ ImageSize -> 12,
+ PlotRangePadding -> 1.5
+ ],
+ True ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ AbsoluteThickness[1.0],
+ LineBox[{{0, 0}, {0, 10}, {10, 10}, {10, 0}, {0, 0}}],
+ LineBox[{{2.5, 5}, {7.5, 5}}]
+ },
+ ImageSize -> 12,
+ PlotRangePadding -> 1.5
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ToolsOpen"},
+ True
+ ]
+ ],
+ BaselinePosition -> Scaled[0.05]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}},
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.35}}}
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ "\"Toggle documentation toolbar\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 5074018684552945401;
+ (DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tools";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ToggleToolbar[ButtonNotebook[]]),
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[5074018684552945401]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Toggle documentation toolbar\"",
+ False
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {{"\"\"", "\"\""}},
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxDividers -> {"ColumnsIndexed" -> {2 -> True}, "Rows" -> {{False}}},
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{2}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.5}}},
+ FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.6451, 0.76863, 0.8451]
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ ActionMenuBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Check\"",
+ TemplateBox[{5}, "Spacer1"],
+ "\"\[FilledDownTriangle]\""
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ "\"Check notebook for potential errors\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1898445052439169298;,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1898445052439169298]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Check notebook for potential errors\"",
+ True
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ],
+ {
+ "\"Check Definition Notebook\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 7315505126975123932;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Check";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Check Definition Notebook";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckDefinitionNotebook[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[7315505126975123932]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Check Data\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 5678342563549764489;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Check";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction = "Check Data";
+ DataResource`DefinitionNotebook`CheckDataDefinitions[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[5678342563549764489]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Check All\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 7222533872454612108;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Check";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction = "Check All";
+ (
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckDefinitionNotebook[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ];
+ DataResource`DefinitionNotebook`CheckDataDefinitions[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ])
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[7222533872454612108]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ Appearance -> None,
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ],
+ ActionMenuBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Deploy\"",
+ TemplateBox[{5}, "Spacer1"],
+ "\"\[FilledDownTriangle]\""
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1898445052439169298;,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1898445052439169298]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"\"",
+ True
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ],
+ {
+ "\"Locally on this computer\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 8714502586816766511;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Deploy";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Locally on this computer";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DeployResource[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ "Local"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[8714502586816766511]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"For my cloud account\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1389539917011878958;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Deploy";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "For my cloud account";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DeployResource[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ "CloudPrivate"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1389539917011878958]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Publicly in the cloud\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 5593410685219912767;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Deploy";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Publicly in the cloud";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DeployResource[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ "CloudPublic"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[5593410685219912767]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"In this session only (without documentation)\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 8586347731213964380;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Deploy";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "In this session only (without documentation)";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DeployResource[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[8586347731213964380]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ Appearance -> None,
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ],
+ ItemBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ DynamicBox[
+ ToBoxes[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"},
+ ""
+ ],
+ StandardForm
+ ],
+ Initialization :>
+ (CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}
+ ] =
+ "")
+ ],
+ "Text",
+ GrayLevel[1],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ ItemSize -> Fit,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ DynamicBox[
+ ToBoxes[
+ If[ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "SubmissionReviewData", "Review"},
+ False
+ ],
+ RawBoxes[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ Thickness[0.06349],
+ StyleBox[
+ {
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ {
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBgBWIWIGZigIEX9mCqQd8Bwv+Bnc/A54CiHs5HV6/ngJUP\np2HmwdTp4FCHTvOhqYfZrw2lhdDk0fno6tHcD1PPwOSAnY+uns8BAE8cGz4=\n\n "
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {FaceForm[RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]},
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ {
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ {
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBgB2IWIGZigAEJBwjNB6EblHHwX9ijqofxoeoYhKC0Bg4+\nHw4apk4Uap8aDr4QDhqqDu4uVRx8URw0TJ001D5lHHwJHDRUHYMclFbCwZfG\nQUPVNSjgp+HmIWgAG/wcEg==\n "
+ ]
+ ],
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ {
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJx10EEKgCAQhWGpFtEyEAYGggQj6RKeoSMErbuCR0/IWfTgCcPwy7fR9XrO\nu3fOTXWGOp2zM+ZvH2170nv+e2sFH0ijt45/XxJp9NgRPHYAb63kHhu9tf2H\neU8aPfbS9kxawAvxnrSCx3c3XzbS6JX4RFrAS34B53ckaw==\n "
+ ]
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+ },
+ {FaceForm[RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]},
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ ImageSize -> 15,
+ PlotRange -> {{0.0, 15.75}, {0.0, 16.5}},
+ AspectRatio -> 1.15
+ ],
+ "\"Submit Update\""
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+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
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+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ "\"Submit changes to update your data submission\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3196298050911436087;
+ (DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "SubmitUpdate";
+ With[ { RSNB`nb = ButtonNotebook[] },
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ RSNB`nb,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`SubmitRepositoryUpdate[RSNB`nb],
+ "ShowProgress" -> True
+ ]
+ ]),
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3196298050911436087]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Submit changes to update your data submission\"",
+ True
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ]
+ ],
+ RawBoxes[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
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+ {
+ GraphicsBox[
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
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+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBgB2IWIGZigAEJBwjNB6EblHHwX9ijqofxoeoYhKC0Bg4+\nHw4apk4Uap8aDr4QDhqqDu4uVRx8URw0TJ001D5lHHwJHDRUHYMclFbCwZfG\nQUPVNSjgp+HmIWgAG/wcEg==\n "
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJx10EEKgCAQhWGpFtEyEAYGggQj6RKeoSMErbuCR0/IWfTgCcPwy7fR9XrO\nu3fOTXWGOp2zM+ZvH2170nv+e2sFH0ijt45/XxJp9NgRPHYAb63kHhu9tf2H\neU8aPfbS9kxawAvxnrSCx3c3XzbS6JX4RFrAS34B53ckaw==\n "
+ ]
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+ },
+ {FaceForm[RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]},
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ ImageSize -> 15,
+ PlotRange -> {{0.0, 15.75}, {0.0, 16.5}},
+ AspectRatio -> 1.15
+ ],
+ "\"Submit to Repository\""
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+ AutoDelete -> False,
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+ "Columns" -> {{0}},
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+ "Rows" -> {{0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ "\"Submit your data to the Wolfram Data Repository\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3704832848557640569;
+ (DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Submit";
+ With[ { RSNB`nb = ButtonNotebook[] },
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ RSNB`nb,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`SubmitRepository[RSNB`nb],
+ "ShowProgress" -> True
+ ]
+ ]),
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3704832848557640569]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Submit your data to the Wolfram Data Repository\"",
+ True
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ StandardForm
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System",
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {
+ "Columns" -> {{Left}},
+ "ColumnsIndexed" -> {-1 -> Right},
+ "Rows" -> {{Center}}
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+ "Columns" -> {{None}},
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+ RGBColor[0.2902, 0.53725, 0.6902],
+ RGBColor[0.16078, 0.40392, 0.56078]
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+ GridBoxFrame -> {
+ "Columns" -> False,
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+ 1 -> RGBColor[0.2902, 0.53725, 0.6902],
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+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
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+ "Columns" -> {5, {0.9}, 5},
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+ "Grid"
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+ ButtonBoxOptions -> {
+ Enabled ->
+ Dynamic[
+ Not[TrueQ[DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled]],
+ TrackedSymbols :> {DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled}
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+ },
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
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+ Cell[
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+ CompressedData[
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+ "Wolfram Data Repository Reviewer"
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
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+ Cell[
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+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
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+ {{{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}},
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+ {
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+ {0, 1, 0},
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+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
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+ StyleData["CommentCellLabelTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {StyleBox[#1, FontSize -> 11], "\[SpanFromLeft]"},
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ DynamicBox[
+ ToBoxes[
+ DateString[
+ TimeZoneConvert[DateObject[#2, TimeZone -> 0]],
+ {
+ "Month",
+ "/",
+ "Day",
+ "/",
+ "Year",
+ " ",
+ "Hour24",
+ ":",
+ "Minute"
+ }
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+ StandardForm
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+ ItemBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TagBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Reply \[RightGuillemet]\"",
+ StyleBox["\"Reply \[RightGuillemet]\"", "HyperlinkActive"],
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+ ],
+ BaseStyle -> "Hyperlink",
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ (SelectionMove[ParentCell[EvaluationCell[]], After, Cell];
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CommentInsert[]),
+ Evaluator -> Automatic,
+ Method -> "Queued"
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+ Alignment -> Right
+ ]
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+ "Grid"
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+ "CommentLabel",
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData["OrangeButtonTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ #1,
+ "Text",
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+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ GrayLevel[1],
+ RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314]
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[] },
+ If[ #4,
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"]
+ ];
+ With[ { RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3145484069433207908;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode = HoldForm[#2[]]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3145484069433207908]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{5, 5}, {0, 0}},
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqAQDO9nxI0+A3RSO1VDq9U8M+T9UiFICAbKAIUJ9IQtbhm\nWc9Uadd4TAQUB8oSNASoBqt2ZIRmDpohQNficgOae5D9hWYI0NcETYAgoEpc\nhgBDj0hDgCrhuiCpEc4FxgKRhgBVIhsCBJQbQhWXUD1MqBI7VEknVEmx1Mo7\n1MrFpKLBZgh+QExpDwCSuadO\n "
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+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqAQDO9nxI0+A3RyphgWT7foW6Ze+taCAKygSJAcSINMcqf\n7ta6xqtzAyYCigNlCRoCVINVOzJCMwfNEKBrcbkBzT3I/kIzBOhrgiZAEFAl\nLkOAoUekIUCVcF2Q1AjnAmOBSEOAKpENAQLKDaGKS6geJlSJHaqkE6qkWGrl\nHWrlYlLRYDMEPyCmtAcACbcv5Q==\n "
+ ],
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+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqAQDO9nxKEy5DQtmVdaw7tOX/nxbvPEARkA0WA4sQYYpAz\neeGec3icDZQFqsFjiF/jorvP3wJFvv38ver4reZ1J+Om7YQgIBsoAhQHygLV\nAFViNQRoPsSESw9fJ87Y5dW5ARMBxYGyEHPg7kE2BOILoBqs2pERxBygejRD\ngCEG8QUuN6C5B+IvSDjDDQGGPJAB9DVBEyAIqBKoHqgL2RBgDAIZwNAj0hCg\nSqB6oC6gXkhqBDKAKQHIAMYCkYYAVQLVA3VBDAECyg2hikuoGCZUiR2qpBOq\npFhq5R2q5GJqlSfUKtnILmPxA2JKewBFU/Kd\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
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+ ImageResolution -> 144,
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+ Background -> RGBColor[0.16078, 0.40392, 0.56078],
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+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[
+ RGBColor[0.16078, 0.40392, 0.56078],
+ AbsoluteThickness[2]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["SuggestionGridTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ StyleBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ AdjustmentBox[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {#2, #3, {16.0, 16.0}, {{1.0, 17.0}, {1.0, 17.0}}},
+ "SuggestionIconTemplate"
+ ],
+ PaneBox[
+ #1,
+ ImageSizeAction -> "ShrinkToFit",
+ BaselinePosition -> Baseline,
+ ImageSize -> Full
+ ],
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ AdjustmentBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ ActionMenuBox[
+ TagBox[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ False ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ EdgeForm[Directive[GrayLevel[1, 0], Thickness[0.025]]],
+ FaceForm[#4],
+ RectangleBox[{-1.75, -2}, {1.75, 2}, RoundingRadius -> 0.2],
+ Thickness[0.15],
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+ LineBox[{{-0.5, -1.0}, {0.5, 0.0}, {-0.5, 1.0}}]
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+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 15},
+ ImageMargins -> 0
+ ],
+ True ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ EdgeForm[Directive[#5, Thickness[0.025]]],
+ FaceForm[#2],
+ RectangleBox[{-1.75, -2}, {1.75, 2}, RoundingRadius -> 0.2],
+ Thickness[0.15],
+ GrayLevel[1],
+ LineBox[{{-0.5, -1.0}, {0.5, 0.0}, {-0.5, 1.0}}]
+ },
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 15},
+ ImageMargins -> 0
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[CurrentValue["MouseOver"]],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic,
+ FrameMargins -> 0
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ #6,
+ Appearance -> None,
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ],
+ "\"View suggestions\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ BoxBaselineShift -> -0.5
+ ],
+ " "
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}},
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+ GridBoxItemSize -> {
+ "Columns" -> {Automatic, Automatic, Fit},
+ "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}
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+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.4}}}
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+ "Grid"
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+ (Function[
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+ {
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+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBgBGJJIGZigIIGAwcIQ8kBxk94ekHp9k9Vh8qXaoYcOfoO\nm+a+X37stKZDTP+hrxpzdOA0TBymDqYPl7n2pnG7PHlk4Pw5RxQ2FGWIwPWD\njI3p54WbLxuVYn3fnwluD8S8H/Yo9gD5KPYA+TB7YPph9sDMh9EwcZg6FPdh\nMRfdXpi7YPph7oaZD/MXzB5c4QCzBwA/Dn+d\n "
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+ }
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+ FaceForm[#2]
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+ ImageSize -> #3,
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+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
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+ PaneBox[
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+ {
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+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
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+ ],
+ {{0, 50.0}, {50.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
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+ ],
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+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
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+ PlotRange -> {{0, 50.0}, {0, 50.0}}
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+ True ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzNWG1MU1cY7m1vS4GWttBLy0dLWyhl5aultrT0C2QzM5rMIWgyluDHkMwf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\nDcvuuIyle//vxt/PCE6d\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 50.0}, {50.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {50.0, 50.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 50.0}, {0, 50.0}}
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[CurrentValue["MouseOver"]],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic,
+ FrameMargins -> 0
+ ],
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 15},
+ ImageSizeAction -> "ResizeToFit"
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ "\"Edit values\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodTitleBar"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ GrayLevel[0.97],
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ BezierCurve[
+ {
+ Offset[{0, -3}, {1, 1}],
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+ Offset[{3, 0}, {-1, 1}],
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+ Offset[{0, -3}, {-1, 1}],
+ Offset[{0, -3}, {-1, 1}],
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+ {1, -1},
+ {1, -1}
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ InsetBox[
+ FormBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Notebook Analysis\"",
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+ StripOnInput -> False
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+ TraditionalForm
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+ Offset[{8, 0}, {-1, 0}],
+ NCache[ImageScaled[{0, 1/2}], ImageScaled[{0, 0.5}]]
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+ TagBox[
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ {
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+ DiskBox[Offset[{-13, -10}, {1, 1}], Offset[6]],
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+ LineBox[
+ {
+ {Offset[{-15, -8}, {1, 1}], Offset[{-11, -12}, {1, 1}]},
+ {Offset[{-15, -12}, {1, 1}], Offset[{-11, -8}, {1, 1}]}
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Close analysis pod\"",
+ "Text",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.53725, 0.53725, 0.53725],
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+ FrameMargins -> 8,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ TooltipDelay -> 0.1,
+ TooltipStyle -> {Background -> None, CellFrame -> 0}
+ ],
+ Annotation[#1, "Close analysis pod", "Tooltip"] &
+ ],
+ EventHandlerTag[
+ {
+ "MouseClicked" :> NotebookDelete[EvaluationCell[]],
+ Method -> "Preemptive",
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+ PassEventsUp -> True
+ }
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+ ImageSize -> {Full, 20},
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+ ImagePadding -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodDelimiterTop"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ AbsoluteThickness[1],
+ GrayLevel[0.85],
+ CapForm["Round"],
+ LineBox[{{-1, 0}, {1, 0}}]
+ },
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+ ImageSize -> {Full, 2},
+ BaselinePosition -> Scaled[0.1],
+ ImageMargins -> {{0, 0}, {4, 0}}
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodDelimiterBottom"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ AbsoluteThickness[1],
+ GrayLevel[0.85],
+ CapForm["Round"],
+ LineBox[{{-1, 0}, {1, 0}}]
+ },
+ AspectRatio -> Full,
+ PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}},
+ ImagePadding -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}},
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+ BaselinePosition -> Scaled[0.1],
+ ImageMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 4}}
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodFooter"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ GrayLevel[0.97],
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ BezierCurve[
+ {
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+ Offset[{0, 3}, {-1, -1}],
+ Offset[{0, 3}, {-1, -1}],
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+ Offset[{1.3443, 0}, {-1, -1}],
+ Offset[{3, 0}, {-1, -1}],
+ Offset[{3, 0}, {-1, -1}],
+ Offset[{-3, 0}, {1, -1}],
+ Offset[{-3, 0}, {1, -1}],
+ Offset[{-1.3443, 0}, {1, -1}],
+ Offset[{0, 1.3443}, {1, -1}],
+ Offset[{0, 3}, {1, -1}],
+ Offset[{0, 3}, {1, -1}],
+ {1, 1},
+ {1, 1}
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ InsetBox[
+ BoxData[
+ FormBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[{3}, "Spacer1"],
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+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ #1,
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+ FontSize -> 12,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[{5}, "Spacer1"],
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.4],
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> Plain,
+ FontSize -> 12,
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+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ TraditionalForm
+ ]
+ ],
+ Offset[{5, 2.5}, {-1, 0}],
+ {-1, 0}
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+ ImageSize -> {Full, 21},
+ PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}},
+ ImageMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 3}},
+ ImagePadding -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodMenuItems"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ #1,
+ FrameMargins -> 3,
+ Background -> GrayLevel[1],
+ RoundingRadius -> 0,
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[
+ AbsoluteThickness[1],
+ RGBColor[0.75686, 0.82745, 0.88235]
+ ],
+ ImageMargins -> #2
+ },
+ "Highlighted"
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodActionMenuItem"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {{#1, TemplateBox[{7}, "Spacer1"], #2}},
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}},
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0}}}
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ FrameStyle -> None,
+ RoundingRadius -> 0,
+ FrameMargins -> {{5, 2}, {2, 2}},
+ ImageSize -> Full,
+ ImageMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}},
+ Background ->
+ Dynamic[
+ If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ GrayLevel[0.96],
+ GrayLevel[1.0]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ "Highlighted"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :> ReleaseHold[#3],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodDisabledMenuItem"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ #1,
+ TemplateBox[{7}, "Spacer1"],
+ StyleBox[#2, FontOpacity -> 0.4]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}},
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0}}}
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ FrameStyle -> None,
+ RoundingRadius -> 0,
+ FrameMargins -> {{5, 2}, {2, 2}},
+ ImageSize -> Full,
+ ImageMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}},
+ Background -> GrayLevel[1.0]
+ },
+ "Highlighted"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :> Null,
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
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+ Cell[
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+ DisplayFunction ->
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+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGBQBGIQ/emSb5KAhJoDAwg0aDhYbjlRtu++isNudX7urWpK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\nmgM4XiO0HK5WvFQz9FBzuAzi7tR0cNv2+e8VCzUHJ5AF0poO6PEPAFdvzZk=\n\n "
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ AspectRatio -> Automatic,
+ BaselinePosition -> Scaled[0.1],
+ ImagePadding -> 0.5,
+ ImageSize -> {14.0, 14.778},
+ PlotRange -> {{0.76, 17.27}, {0.73, 17.37}}
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell["Documentation", "Section"],
+ Cell["Usage", "Subsection"],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "UsageInputs",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Input"]
+ ],
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+ StyleKeyMapping -> {"Tab" -> "UsageDescription"},
+ Evaluatable -> False,
+ CellEventActions -> {
+ "ReturnKeyDown" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = Notebooks[EvaluationCell[]] },
+ SelectionMove[EvaluationCell[], After, Cell];
+ NotebookWrite[RSNB`nb$, Cell["", "UsageDescription"], All];
+ SelectionMove[RSNB`nb$, Before, CellContents]
+ ],
+ {"KeyDown", "\t"} :>
+ Replace[
+ SelectionMove[SelectedNotebook[], After, Cell];
+ NotebookFind[
+ SelectedNotebook[],
+ "TabNext",
+ Next,
+ CellTags,
+ AutoScroll -> True,
+ WrapAround -> True
+ ],
+ Blank[NotebookSelection] :>
+ SelectionMove[
+ SelectedNotebook[],
+ All,
+ CellContents,
+ AutoScroll -> True
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ ShowAutoStyles -> False,
+ ShowCodeAssist -> False,
+ CodeAssistOptions -> {"DynamicHighlighting" -> False},
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+ TabSpacings -> {2.5},
+ CounterIncrements -> "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 15,
+ FontWeight -> "Plain"
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "UsageDescription",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Text"]
+ ],
+ CellMargins -> {{86, 10}, {7, 0}},
+ StyleKeyMapping -> {"Backspace" -> "UsageInputs"},
+ CellGroupingRules -> "OutputGrouping",
+ CellEventActions -> {
+ "ReturnKeyDown" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = Notebooks[EvaluationCell[]] },
+ SelectionMove[EvaluationCell[], After, Cell];
+ NotebookWrite[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[""],
+ "UsageInputs",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ All
+ ];
+ SelectionMove[RSNB`nb$, Before, CellContents]
+ ],
+ {"KeyDown", "\t"} :>
+ Replace[
+ SelectionMove[SelectedNotebook[], After, Cell];
+ NotebookFind[
+ SelectedNotebook[],
+ "TabNext",
+ Next,
+ CellTags,
+ AutoScroll -> True,
+ WrapAround -> True
+ ],
+ Blank[NotebookSelection] :>
+ SelectionMove[
+ SelectedNotebook[],
+ All,
+ CellContents,
+ AutoScroll -> True
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ ShowAutoSpellCheck -> False
+ ],
+ Cell["Details & Options", "Subsection"],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Notes", StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Item"]],
+ CellDingbat ->
+ StyleBox[
+ "\[FilledVerySmallSquare]",
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.6]
+ ],
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 24}, {9, 7}},
+ ReturnCreatesNewCell -> False,
+ StyleKeyMapping -> { },
+ DefaultNewCellStyle -> "Notes",
+ ShowAutoSpellCheck -> False,
+ GridBoxOptions -> {BaseStyle -> "TableNotes"}
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "TableNotes",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Notes"]
+ ],
+ CellDingbat -> None,
+ CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[0.749, 0.694, 0.553],
+ StyleMenuListing -> None,
+ ButtonBoxOptions -> {Appearance -> {Automatic, None}},
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+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.906],
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {
+ "Columns" -> {{Left}},
+ "ColumnsIndexed" -> { },
+ "Rows" -> {{Baseline}},
+ "RowsIndexed" -> { }
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+ GridBoxDividers -> {"Columns" -> {{None}}, "Rows" -> {{True}}},
+ GridDefaultElement -> Cell["\[Placeholder]", "TableText"]
+ }
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData["TableText"],
+ DefaultInlineFormatType -> "DefaultInputInlineFormatType",
+ AutoQuoteCharacters -> { },
+ PasteAutoQuoteCharacters -> { },
+ StyleMenuListing -> None
+ ],
+ Cell["Examples", "Subsection"],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["ExampleDelimiter"],
+ Selectable -> False,
+ ShowCellBracket -> Automatic,
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 14}, {5, 10}},
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+ CellGroupingRules -> {"SectionGrouping", 58},
+ CellEvaluationFunction -> (($Line = 0;) &),
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+ CellLabelAutoDelete -> True,
+ TabFilling -> "\[LongDash]\[NegativeThickSpace]",
+ TabSpacings -> {100},
+ StyleMenuListing -> None,
+ FontFamily -> "Verdana",
+ FontWeight -> Bold,
+ FontSlant -> "Plain",
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.906]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "ExampleText",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Text"]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "PageBreak",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["ExampleDelimiter"]
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False,
+ CellFrame -> {{0, 0}, {1, 0}},
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+ CellElementSpacings -> {"CellMinHeight" -> 1},
+ Evaluatable -> True,
+ CellEvaluationFunction -> (($Line = 0;) &),
+ CellFrameColor -> GrayLevel[77/85]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Subsection"],
+ Evaluatable -> True,
+ CellEvaluationFunction -> (($Line = 0;) &),
+ ShowCellLabel -> False
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Subsubsection"],
+ Evaluatable -> True,
+ CellEvaluationFunction -> (($Line = 0;) &),
+ ShowCellLabel -> False
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["ExampleImage"],
+ PageWidth :> 650,
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 66}, {16, 5}},
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+ ShowCellLabel -> False,
+ MenuSortingValue -> 10000,
+ RasterBoxOptions -> {ImageEditMode -> False}
+ ],
+ Cell["Links", "Section"],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Link"],
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontColor ->
+ Dynamic[
+ If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ RGBColor[0.855, 0.396, 0.145],
+ RGBColor[0.02, 0.286, 0.651]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "StringTypeLink",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Link"]
+ ],
+ FontColor ->
+ Dynamic[
+ If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ RGBColor[0.969, 0.467, 0.0],
+ GrayLevel[0.467]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["CharactersRefLink"],
+ ShowSpecialCharacters -> False
+ ],
+ Cell["Annotation", "Section"],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Excluded"],
+ CellBracketOptions -> {"Color" -> RGBColor[0.9, 0.4, 0.4], "Thickness" -> 2},
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+ "Graphics" -> {"Graphics", "Excluded"},
+ "Message" -> {"Message", "MSG", "Excluded"},
+ "Output" -> {"Output", "Excluded"},
+ "Print" -> {"Print", "Excluded"},
+ "PrintTemporary" -> {"PrintTemporary", "Excluded"}
+ },
+ CellFrameMargins -> 4,
+ CellFrameLabels -> {
+ {
+ None,
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"excluded\"",
+ "ExcludedCellLabel",
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Excluded cells will not appear anywhere in the published resource except for the definition notebook\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "ExcludedCellLabel"
+ ]
+ },
+ {None, None}
+ },
+ StyleMenuListing -> None,
+ Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.95, 0.95]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "ExcludedCellLabel",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Text"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False,
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+ FontWeight -> Plain,
+ FontSlant -> Italic,
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.9, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5],
+ Background -> None
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Comment", StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Text"]],
+ CellFrame -> {{3, 0}, {0, 0}},
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 0}, {1, 0}},
+ CellElementSpacings -> {"ClosedCellHeight" -> 0},
+ GeneratedCellStyles -> {
+ "Graphics" -> {"Graphics", "Comment"},
+ "Message" -> {"Message", "MSG", "Comment"},
+ "Output" -> {"Output", "Comment"},
+ "Print" -> {"Print", "Comment"},
+ "PrintTemporary" -> {"PrintTemporary", "Comment"}
+ },
+ CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[0.88072, 0.61104, 0.14205],
+ CellFrameLabelMargins -> {{0, 10}, {0, 0}},
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.25],
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.982, 0.942, 0.871]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "AuthorComment",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Comment"]
+ ],
+ GeneratedCellStyles -> {
+ "Graphics" -> {"Graphics", "AuthorComment"},
+ "Message" -> {"Message", "MSG", "AuthorComment"},
+ "Output" -> {"Output", "AuthorComment"},
+ "Print" -> {"Print", "AuthorComment"},
+ "PrintTemporary" -> {"PrintTemporary", "AuthorComment"}
+ },
+ CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[0.36842, 0.50678, 0.7098],
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.905, 0.926, 0.956]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "ReviewerComment",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Comment"]
+ ],
+ GeneratedCellStyles -> {
+ "Graphics" -> {"Graphics", "ReviewerComment"},
+ "Message" -> {"Message", "MSG", "ReviewerComment"},
+ "Output" -> {"Output", "ReviewerComment"},
+ "Print" -> {"Print", "ReviewerComment"},
+ "PrintTemporary" -> {"PrintTemporary", "ReviewerComment"}
+ },
+ CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[0.56018, 0.69157, 0.19488],
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.934, 0.954, 0.879]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "CommentLabel",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Text"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False,
+ FontSlant -> "Italic",
+ PrivateFontOptions -> {"OperatorSubstitution" -> False},
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.5]
+ ],
+ Cell["Special Input", "Section"],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["FormObjectCell"],
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 66}, {16, 5}}
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "LocalFileInput",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Input"]
+ ],
+ CellFrameLabels -> {
+ {
+ None,
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ ButtonBox[
+ "\"Choose\"",
+ FrameMargins -> {{5, 5}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle -> {"Panel", FontSize -> 12},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic,
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1053094956087266899;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ If[ $VersionNumber >= 13.0,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`LocalFileInputDialog[
+ "Data",
+ ParentCell[EvaluationCell[]],
+ "Type" -> "FileOpen"
+ ],
+ MessageDialog[
+ "This feature requires Wolfram Language version 13 or later."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1053094956087266899]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Appearance :>
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "FEExpressions",
+ "GrayButtonNinePatchAppearance"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {None, None}
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "LocalDirectoryInput",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Input"]
+ ],
+ CellFrameLabels -> {
+ {
+ None,
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ ButtonBox[
+ "\"Choose\"",
+ FrameMargins -> {{5, 5}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle -> {"Panel", FontSize -> 12},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic,
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 4898876371082581810;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ If[ $VersionNumber >= 13.0,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`LocalFileInputDialog[
+ "Data",
+ ParentCell[EvaluationCell[]],
+ "Type" -> "Directory"
+ ],
+ MessageDialog[
+ "This feature requires Wolfram Language version 13 or later."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[4898876371082581810]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Appearance :>
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "FEExpressions",
+ "GrayButtonNinePatchAppearance"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {None, None}
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell["Misc", "Section"],
+ Cell[StyleData["Item"], DefaultNewCellStyle -> "Item"],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "RelatedSymbol",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Item"]
+ ],
+ DefaultNewCellStyle -> {"RelatedSymbol", FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"},
+ DefaultFormatType -> DefaultInputFormatType,
+ FormatType -> InputForm
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["ButtonText"],
+ FontFamily -> "Sans Serif",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ FontWeight -> Bold,
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.459, 0.459, 0.459]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["InlineFormula"],
+ HyphenationOptions -> {"HyphenationCharacter" -> "\[Continuation]"},
+ LanguageCategory -> "Formula",
+ AutoSpacing -> True,
+ ScriptLevel -> 1,
+ SingleLetterItalics -> False,
+ SpanMaxSize -> 1,
+ StyleMenuListing -> None,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 1.0 * Inherited,
+ ButtonBoxOptions -> {Appearance -> {Automatic, None}},
+ FractionBoxOptions -> {BaseStyle -> {SpanMaxSize -> Automatic}},
+ GridBoxOptions -> {
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {
+ "Columns" -> {{Automatic}},
+ "ColumnsIndexed" -> { },
+ "Rows" -> {{1.0}},
+ "RowsIndexed" -> { }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Input"],
+ CellProlog :>
+ Quiet[
+ Block[{$ContextPath}, Once[ReleaseHold[CurrentValue[#1, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]], "KernelSession"]; If[$VersionNumber >= 12.2, Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"], Needs["ResourceSystemClient`DefinitionNotebook`"]]; DefinitionNotebookClient`LoadDefinitionNotebook["Data", #1]; ] &[
+ InputNotebook[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Code"],
+ CellProlog :>
+ Quiet[
+ Block[{$ContextPath}, Once[ReleaseHold[CurrentValue[#1, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]], "KernelSession"]; If[$VersionNumber >= 12.2, Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"], Needs["ResourceSystemClient`DefinitionNotebook`"]]; DefinitionNotebookClient`LoadDefinitionNotebook["Data", #1]; ] &[
+ InputNotebook[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["DockedCell"],
+ CellFrameColor -> GrayLevel[0.75],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9]
+ ]
+ },
+ Visible -> False,
+ StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Developer/VectorDatabases/DefinitionNotebooks/WolframAlphaQueries.nb b/Developer/VectorDatabases/DefinitionNotebooks/WolframAlphaQueries.nb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dd66c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Developer/VectorDatabases/DefinitionNotebooks/WolframAlphaQueries.nb
@@ -0,0 +1,9663 @@
+(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *)
+(*** Wolfram Notebook File ***)
+(* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *)
+(* Created By: SaveReadableNotebook *)
+(* https://resources.wolframcloud.com/FunctionRepository/resources/SaveReadableNotebook *)
+ {
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ "Code Assistance Wolfram Alpha Query Vector Database",
+ "Title",
+ CellTags -> {"DefaultContent", "Name", "TemplateCell"},
+ CellID -> 806838874
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ "VectorDatabaseObject based on sample Wolfram Alpha queries used for retrieval-augmented-generation in code assistance chat",
+ "Text",
+ CellTags -> {"DefaultContent", "Description", "TemplateCell"},
+ CellID -> 163956104
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Details",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ True ->
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "Details",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ FrameBox[
+ Cell[
+ "Give a detailed description of the data, including information about the size, structure, and history of the content elements.\n\nThis section may include multiple cells, bullet lists, tables, hyperlinks and additional styles/structures as needed.\n\nAdd any other information that may be relevant, such as when the data was first created or how and why it is used within a given field. Include all relevant background or contextual information related to the data, its development, and its usage.",
+ "MoreInfoText"
+ ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.95],
+ FrameMargins -> 20,
+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ RoundingRadius -> 5,
+ ImageSize -> {Scaled[0.65], Automatic}
+ ]
+ ],
+ "MoreInfoText",
+ Deletable -> True,
+ CellTags -> {"SectionMoreInfoDetails"},
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 66}, {15, 15}}
+ ]
+ },
+ "MoreInfoOpenerButtonTemplate"
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceCreateNotebook"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Subsection",
+ Editable -> False,
+ Deletable -> False,
+ TaggingRules -> {"TemplateGroupName" -> "Details"},
+ DefaultNewCellStyle -> "Notes",
+ CellTags -> {"Details", "TemplateCellGroup"},
+ CellID -> 161845329
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Data Definitions",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ True ->
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "ContentElements",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ FrameBox[
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Define the content of the resource by assigning values to ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "ResourceData",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/ResourceData",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ". The ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw\ngqZH4Aj4MP/U3wmUgkhp7EtGYZh58zkzzGu9nLwOn04cx1me2x/D8fvtYjH+\nuHftzcNs+fI8mz7ezd6mz9PFzeTUKq+tXFk5c7q/VhdOYiXtgCSKK9P195UX\nMHgZh9KlRfZtLubgPO6TSVj4+si1fR1Cf+Xd72v9RR2tv5tJB7n8TLrEZX17\ntE+vCa68+xLftRXD8e11RFyR4s1s1y1wRXSeBogr1wGuDV0nzLorV9U6gsvg\nPAuJw4cIZwgb0xLXj/4G55z2mata7vw+1OXCLMjqE8tMoLqGkE3dYB/Dp3SG\nVOkv+2xELJvPSVSrBOJCEuJk25QY5w1wBWrfAVg5Xkj2oeIfwYf/rqCMa5c6\n0p4RxfMRz4NuAEmhG8AmUb7xljhVuaRPYoo9oueG6mdIPyJm8S/sszp9T3lJ\nSDzE5tqF0HnK9iuPJTEqzVXq5yCHQ/TyPga69+jdSXbNVxmXqqHMhh5ixGRn\nVA1j2PSK9tnGVVZH6nnpc5d6mOen5trYwEfeg8Ler8glZ4nMKq5dhHi6vwZ4\nFiifEHt5v+XK8TWI6VO87PcawjoftqZ0Y6d63ytbn3JnVt+zoA9JoZPZkdlW\nPh9rcPFslfzkzfs15a2tzzlpTr681feM43y1xRUjrku6ELyRyp0L28Kzpymu\ngv1knm3mVc19Gv/+qOdXzT3+zffaJtaRq9o6kP5y5RzZM5OXw9XJ/0d3bX0C\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 41.0}, {38.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {38.0, 41.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}},
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
+ ],
+ FontSize -> (11 * Inherited) / 13,
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4,
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False}
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ Selectable -> False,
+ SelectWithContents -> True
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " icon inside ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "ResourceData",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/ResourceData",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " below represents the ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "ResourceObject",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/ResourceObject",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " defined within this notebook.\n\nEvaluating the ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw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\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 41.0}, {38.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {38.0, 41.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}},
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
+ ],
+ FontSize -> (11 * Inherited) / 13,
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4,
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False}
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ Selectable -> False,
+ SelectWithContents -> True
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "=",
+ "xxxx"
+ }
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " cell below defines the default content element of this resource, which will be returned by ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "ResourceData",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/ResourceData",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ "[",
+ StyleBox["obj", "TI"],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ".\n\nEvaluating the subsequent cells defines additional content elements with the specified element names. The element name is used to access the associated content via ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "ResourceData",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/ResourceData",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {StyleBox["obj", "TI"], ",", StyleBox["element", "TI"]}
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ".\n\nThe default content element is assigned a name either based on the ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "Head",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/Head",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " of the data or set to ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Content\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ".\n\nDefine as many elements as needed using different element names. You can insert the icon using the \"Insert ResourceObject\" button in the \"Tools\" above.\n\nElements set to ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "CloudObject",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/CloudObject",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ", ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "File",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/File",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ", or ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "LocalObject",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/LocalObject",
+ ContentPadding -> False
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " values will be interpreted as the content of those locations.\n\nEach content element must have a string name, preferably camel case. (Typical names describe the content element, and include ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Dataset\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ", ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Text\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " and ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"TimeSeries\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ").\n\nElements defined as functions are automatically applied to the other elements of the resource. For example, ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw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\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 41.0}, {38.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {38.0, 41.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}},
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
+ ],
+ FontSize -> (11 * Inherited) / 13,
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4,
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False}
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ Selectable -> False,
+ SelectWithContents -> True
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\"Vertices\""
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "(",
+ RowBox[{RowBox[{"VertexList", "[", "#Graph", "]"}], "&"}],
+ ")"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " will define an element named ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Vertices\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " which is derived from the ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Graph\"",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ " element when requested by the user."
+ }
+ ],
+ "MoreInfoText"
+ ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.95],
+ FrameMargins -> 20,
+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ RoundingRadius -> 5,
+ ImageSize -> {Scaled[0.65], Automatic}
+ ]
+ ],
+ "MoreInfoText",
+ Deletable -> True,
+ CellTags -> {"SectionMoreInfoContentElements"},
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 66}, {15, 15}}
+ ]
+ },
+ "MoreInfoOpenerButtonTemplate"
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceCreateNotebook"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Section",
+ Editable -> False,
+ Deletable -> False,
+ TaggingRules -> {"TemplateGroupName" -> "ContentElements"},
+ CellTags -> {
+ "ContentElements",
+ "Data Definitions",
+ "TemplateCellGroup"
+ },
+ CellID -> 41403987
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ "Primary Content",
+ "Subsection",
+ Editable -> False,
+ Deletable -> False,
+ CellTags -> "PrimaryContent",
+ CellID -> 739468720
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw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\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 41.0}, {38.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {38.0, 41.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}},
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSizeCache -> {11.122, {2.90039, 9.09961}},
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False,
+ FontSize -> (11 * Inherited) / 13
+ ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False},
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ SelectWithContents -> True,
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\"VectorDatabase\""
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "WithCleanup",
+ "[",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "SetDirectory",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"CreateDirectory", "[", "]"}],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "VectorDatabaseObject",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[{"File", "[", "#DatabasePath", "]"}],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{"OverwriteTarget", "->", "True"}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"ResetDirectory", "[", "]"}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "&"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Input",
+ CellTags -> "DefaultContent",
+ CellLabel -> "In[11]:=",
+ CellID -> 751296993
+ ]
+ },
+ Open
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ "Additional Data Elements (optional)",
+ "Subsection",
+ Editable -> False,
+ Deletable -> False,
+ CellTags -> "AdditionalDataElements",
+ CellLabel -> "In[13]:=",
+ CellID -> 651134066
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {RowBox[{"name", "=", "\"WolframAlphaQueries\""}], ";"}
+ ],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "dir",
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "FileNameJoin",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "{",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ParentDirectory",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookDirectory", "[", "]"}], ",", "3"}],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\"Assets/VectorDatabases\"",
+ ",",
+ "name"
+ }
+ ],
+ "}"
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "zip",
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "CreateArchive",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "FileNames",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"All", ",", "dir", ",", "Infinity"}],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{"dir", "<>", "\".zip\""}],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{"OverwriteTarget", "->", "True"}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "obj",
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "CopyFile",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "zip",
+ ",",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "CloudObject",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {"\"VectorDatabases/\"", "<>", "name", "<>", "\".zip\""}
+ ],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{"Permissions", "->", "\"Public\""}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{"OverwriteTarget", "->", "True"}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{RowBox[{"DeleteFile", "[", "zip", "]"}], ";"}]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Input",
+ CellLabel -> "In[1]:=",
+ CellID -> 96470356
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw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\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 41.0}, {38.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {38.0, 41.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}},
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSizeCache -> {11.122, {2.90039, 9.09961}},
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False,
+ FontSize -> (11 * Inherited) / 13
+ ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False},
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ SelectWithContents -> True,
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\"DatabaseDirectory\""
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "=",
+ "obj"
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Input",
+ CellTags -> "DefaultContent",
+ CellLabel -> "In[6]:=",
+ CellID -> 874765044
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJztmEFOg1AQhom6cIk3qBsTd126xKW7psZ921iNm9q0JsbduwFH4AgcgSNw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\ndbpsag==\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 0}, {38.0, 41.0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72},
+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 38.0}, {0, 41.0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
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+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
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+ "Byte",
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+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSizeCache -> {11.122, {2.90039, 9.09961}},
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
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+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", LineSpacing -> {0, 0}, LineBreakWithin -> False},
+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ SelectWithContents -> True,
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "\"DatabasePath\""
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "With",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "{",
+ RowBox[{"file", "=", RowBox[{"name", "<>", "\".wxf\""}]}],
+ "}"
+ }
+ ],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "FileNameJoin",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {"{", RowBox[{"#DatabaseDirectory", ",", "file"}], "}"}
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "&"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Input",
+ CellTags -> "DefaultContent",
+ CellLabel -> "In[7]:=",
+ CellID -> 874765045
+ ]
+ },
+ Open
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ Open
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Examples",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ True ->
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "ExampleNotebook",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ FrameBox[
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Demonstrate the data's usage, starting with the most basic use case and describing each example in a preceding text cell.\n\nWithin a group, individual examples can be delimited by inserting page breaks between them (using Tools \[FilledRightTriangle] Insert Delimiter).\n\nExamples should be grouped into Subsection and Subsubsection cells similarly to existing documentation pages. Here are some typical Subsection names and the types of examples they normally contain:\n\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Basic Examples: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "most basic usage\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Scope: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "show the breadth of the data\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Applications: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "standard industry or academic applications\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Properties and Relations: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "how the data relates to other data\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Possible Issues: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "limitations or unexpected behavior a user might experience\n ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"\[FilledSmallSquare] \"",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8, 0.043, 0.008],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Neat Examples: \"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontWeight -> "SemiBold",
+ FontSize -> 14,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "particularly interesting, unconventional, or otherwise unique usage"
+ }
+ ],
+ "MoreInfoText"
+ ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.95],
+ FrameMargins -> 20,
+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ RoundingRadius -> 5,
+ ImageSize -> {Scaled[0.65], Automatic}
+ ]
+ ],
+ "MoreInfoText",
+ Deletable -> True,
+ CellTags -> {"SectionMoreInfoExampleNotebook"},
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 66}, {15, 15}}
+ ]
+ },
+ "MoreInfoOpenerButtonTemplate"
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceCreateNotebook"}
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Section",
+ Editable -> False,
+ Deletable -> False,
+ TaggingRules -> {"TemplateGroupName" -> "ExampleNotebook"},
+ CellTags -> {"ExampleNotebook", "Examples", "TemplateCellGroup"},
+ CellID -> 661218443
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ "Basic Examples",
+ "Subsection",
+ CellLabel -> "In[8]:=",
+ CellID -> 462042388
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ TextData[
+ {
+ "Get the ",
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ TagBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "VectorDatabaseObject",
+ "SymbolsRefLink",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
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+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {"Link", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.39608, 0.1451]},
+ {"Link"}
+ ]
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+ ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/VectorDatabaseObject",
+ ContentPadding -> False
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+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ]
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+ "InlineFormula",
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+ ],
+ ":"
+ }
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+ "Text",
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+ ],
+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "db",
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "ResourceData",
+ "[",
+ InterpretationBox[
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ DynamicBox[
+ If[ TrueQ[
+ StringQ[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ResourceType"}
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+ GraphicsBox[
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+ ColorFunction -> RGBColor
+ ],
+ {
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12},
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+ }
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+ "\"the ResourceObject defined by this notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "the ResourceObject defined by this notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzdlk1ugzAQhaN20yVHoJtK3WXZJV1W8gKl6p5ETaNu0iipVHXnG3AEH4Ej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\n+5we96u97aP7O34ARi0taQ==\n "
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+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel,
+ ImageResolution -> {72, 72}
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+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
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+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 12}
+ ],
+ "\"only defined in a definition notebook\"",
+ TooltipStyle -> "TextStyling"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ "only defined in a definition notebook",
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ ImageSizeCache -> {11.122, {2.90039, 9.09961}},
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
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+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.5, 0.15],
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+ FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {3, 0}},
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.5, 0.35], AbsoluteThickness[0.5]],
+ RoundingRadius -> 4
+ ],
+ "ResourceObjectNotebook"
+ ],
+ ResourceObject[EvaluationNotebook[]],
+ SelectWithContents -> True,
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
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+ "Input",
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+ BoxData[
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+ {
+ TagBox["VectorDatabaseObject", "SummaryHead"],
+ "[",
+ DynamicModuleBox[
+ {Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"},
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
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+ {
+ False ->
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+ ButtonBox[
+ DynamicBox[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]
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+ {
+ Automatic,
+ Times[
+ 3.5,
+ Times[
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+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox["\"ID: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"],
+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
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+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox["\"Elements: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"],
+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
+ TagBox["59817", "SummaryItem"]
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+ NumberMarks -> False,
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+ ShowSyntaxStyles -> False
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+ {
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+ PaneBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ DynamicBox[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False),
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+ BaseStyle -> { },
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+ Method -> "Preemptive"
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+ ImageSize ->
+ Dynamic[
+ {
+ Automatic,
+ Times[
+ 3.5,
+ Times[
+ CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"],
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+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox["\"ID: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"],
+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
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+ {
+ TagBox["\"Elements: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"],
+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
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+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox["\"Vector length: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"],
+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
+ TagBox["256", "SummaryItem"]
+ }
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+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox["\"Working precision: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"],
+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
+ TagBox["\"Integer8\"", "SummaryItem"]
+ }
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+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox["\"Distance function: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"],
+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
+ TagBox["EuclideanDistance", "SummaryItem"]
+ }
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+ RowBox[
+ {
+ TagBox["\"Location: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"],
+ "\[InvisibleSpace]",
+ TagBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "File",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}],
+ "]"
+ }
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+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "File",
+ "[",
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"C:\\\\Users\\\\rhennigan\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp\\\\WolframAlphaQueries-6255df02-3496-4e77-b930-0d733c4a537f-Extracted\\\\WolframAlphaQueries.wxf\""
+ },
+ "FileArgument"
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "ClickToCopy2"
+ ],
+ "SummaryItem"
+ ]
+ }
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+ ShowStringCharacters -> False,
+ NumberMarks -> False,
+ PrintPrecision -> 3,
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+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
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+ },
+ Dynamic[Typeset`open$$],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic
+ ]
+ },
+ "SummaryPanel"
+ ],
+ DynamicModuleValues :> { }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ],
+ VectorDatabaseObject[
+ <|
+ "DistanceFunction" -> EuclideanDistance,
+ "FeatureExtractor" -> Identity,
+ "GeneratedAssetLocation" ->
+ File[
+ "C:\\Users\\rhennigan\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\WolframAlphaQueries-6255df02-3496-4e77-b930-0d733c4a537f-Extracted\\WolframAlphaQueries.wxf"
+ ],
+ "ID" -> "WolframAlphaQueries",
+ "Location" ->
+ File[
+ "C:\\Users\\rhennigan\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\WolframAlphaQueries-6255df02-3496-4e77-b930-0d733c4a537f-Extracted\\WolframAlphaQueries.wxf"
+ ],
+ "ResolvedFeatureExtractor" -> Identity,
+ "VectorDatabaseInfo" -> <|
+ "DistanceFunction" -> "l2sq",
+ "WorkingPrecision" -> "i8",
+ "Connectivity" -> 16,
+ "ExpansionAdd" -> 256,
+ "ExpansionSearch" -> 2048,
+ "Capacity" -> 59817,
+ "Dimensions" -> 256
+ |>,
+ "Version" -> 1.1,
+ "WorkingPrecision" -> "Integer8",
+ "Evaluator" -> "c++",
+ "DatabaseType" -> "USearch",
+ "MetadataKeys" -> { },
+ "Dimensions" -> {59817, 256},
+ "Hash" -> 235078148346117175893482954648565661383
+ |>
+ ],
+ Editable -> False,
+ SelectWithContents -> True,
+ Selectable -> False
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Output",
+ CellTags -> "DefaultContent",
+ CellLabel -> "Out[1]=",
+ CellID -> 265794342
+ ]
+ },
+ Open
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell["Search it:", "Text", CellID -> 477433615],
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "vector",
+ "=",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "RandomInteger",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ RowBox[
+ {"{", RowBox[{RowBox[{"-", "128"}], ",", "127"}], "}"}
+ ],
+ ",",
+ "256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "]"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ";"
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Input",
+ CellLabel -> "In[2]:=",
+ CellID -> 174568640
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+ Cell[
+ CellGroupData[
+ {
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ "VectorDatabaseSearch",
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"db", ",", "vector", ",", "\"Index\""}],
+ "]"
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+ {15.75, 17.25},
+ {15.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 18.0}
+ },
+ {
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+ {12.75, 16.5},
+ {9.75, 16.5}
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+ {14.25, 17.25},
+ {15.75, 17.25},
+ {15.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 5.25},
+ {6.75, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 17.25},
+ {8.25, 18.0}
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+ {8.25, 11.25}
+ },
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+ {8.25, 18.0}
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+ ]
+ ],
+ UpdateInterval -> 1,
+ TrackedSymbols :> {RSNB`clickTime$$}
+ ],
+ StandardForm
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ (RSNB`clickTime$$ = AbsoluteTime[];
+ CopyToClipboard[BinaryDeserialize[BaseDecode[#2], Defer]]),
+ Appearance -> {"Default" -> None, "Hover" -> None, "Pressed" -> None},
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.4}}}
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ DynamicModuleValues :> { }
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[CurrentValue["MouseOver"]],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic,
+ FrameMargins -> 0
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["PrettyTooltipTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ #1,
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ #2,
+ "Text",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.53725, 0.53725, 0.53725],
+ FontSize -> 12,
+ FontWeight -> "Plain",
+ FontTracking -> "Plain",
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.96078, 0.96078, 0.96078],
+ FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.89804, 0.89804, 0.89804],
+ FrameMargins -> 8,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ TooltipDelay -> 0.1,
+ TooltipStyle -> {Background -> None, CellFrame -> 0}
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ Framed[
+ Style[
+ RSNB`$$tooltip,
+ "Text",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.53725, 0.53725, 0.53725],
+ FontSize -> 12,
+ FontWeight -> "Plain",
+ FontTracking -> "Plain"
+ ],
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.96078, 0.96078, 0.96078],
+ FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.89804, 0.89804, 0.89804],
+ FrameMargins -> 8
+ ],
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["ToolsGridTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ "\"Insert ResourceObject\"",
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ Thickness[0.05],
+ {
+ FaceForm[{GrayLevel[0.34902], Opacity[1.0]}],
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ {
+ {
+ {1, 4, 3},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 3, 3}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ {
+ {18.0, 17.5},
+ {18.0, 18.328},
+ {17.328, 19.0},
+ {16.5, 19.0},
+ {4.5, 19.0},
+ {3.6716, 19.0},
+ {3.0, 18.328},
+ {3.0, 17.5},
+ {3.0, 3.5},
+ {3.0, 2.6716},
+ {3.6716, 2.0},
+ {4.5, 2.0},
+ {16.5, 2.0},
+ {17.328, 2.0},
+ {18.0, 2.6716},
+ {18.0, 3.5}
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ FaceForm[{GrayLevel[0.34902], Opacity[1.0]}],
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ {
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ {
+ {{5.0, 12.0}, {5.0, 11.0}, {2.0, 11.0}, {2.0, 12.0}},
+ {{2.0, 10.0}, {2.0, 9.0}, {5.0, 9.0}, {5.0, 10.0}},
+ {{2.0, 14.0}, {2.0, 13.0}, {5.0, 13.0}, {5.0, 14.0}},
+ {{2.0, 8.0}, {2.0, 7.0}, {5.0, 7.0}, {5.0, 8.0}},
+ {{2.0, 6.0}, {2.0, 5.0}, {5.0, 5.0}, {5.0, 6.0}},
+ {
+ {5.0, 18.0},
+ {2.0, 18.0},
+ {2.0, 17.0},
+ {5.0, 17.0},
+ {5.0, 18.0}
+ },
+ {
+ {5.0, 4.0},
+ {2.0, 4.0},
+ {2.0, 3.0},
+ {5.0, 3.0},
+ {5.0, 4.0}
+ },
+ {{2.0, 16.0}, {2.0, 15.0}, {5.0, 15.0}, {5.0, 16.0}}
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ FaceForm[{GrayLevel[1], Opacity[1.0]}],
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ {
+ {
+ {0, 2, 0},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 3, 3}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ {
+ {4.5, 18.0},
+ {16.5, 18.0},
+ {16.776, 18.0},
+ {17.0, 17.776},
+ {17.0, 17.5},
+ {17.0, 3.5},
+ {17.0, 3.2236},
+ {16.776, 3.0},
+ {16.5, 3.0},
+ {4.5, 3.0},
+ {4.2236, 3.0},
+ {4.0, 3.2236},
+ {4.0, 3.5},
+ {4.0, 17.5},
+ {4.0, 17.776},
+ {4.2236, 18.0},
+ {4.5, 18.0}
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ FaceForm[{RGBColor[0.86667, 0.06667, 0.0], Opacity[1.0]}],
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ {
+ {
+ {0, 2, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0}
+ },
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ {
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQrbtp7vvlx3QcGMBA1aH5wKmFrt/0He77907Pm6Th\nkCQQYbnFQ9shxRokoulw+KtGTP8hbQenhKcXlKL1HEIeL519JEHdASydpwPV\nr+Iw54jChiIPAwdlr+pm/R4luPyd643FbiEyDue/Bz9eCtTv8bBKZJ27rMOn\nS75JAjM0HZRyKqqWvhF2+FWXtadksoaDKlvjVGdvKbj7zq06fzUMKB8FclCu\nosMuTx4mbaD+qxUv1QwzFBwOrlji5xAs4+CSmf+h1VPcAey9biWH3LDadduU\npOHum/i2xt70npDDcW/zTkeg+yWmXuHMAMrD/Afxtzjc/w3bHZoepSvAw2fj\nw5dTN+UoOgAARNmGkQ==\n "
+ ],
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+ {14.809, 9.3454},
+ {13.744, 9.7099},
+ {13.017, 10.654},
+ {13.953, 10.307}
+ },
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+ {10.712, 7.177},
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+ },
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+ {8.6908, 13.381},
+ {8.0367, 14.264},
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+ },
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+ {11.738, 13.743},
+ {12.925, 14.264},
+ {12.271, 13.381},
+ {11.141, 12.979}
+ },
+ {
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+ {12.603, 11.886},
+ {12.637, 13.113},
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+ },
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+ {9.6004, 8.9331},
+ {10.481, 10.128},
+ {11.361, 8.9331}
+ },
+ {
+ {8.8261, 11.306},
+ {8.782, 12.866},
+ {10.249, 12.344},
+ {10.249, 10.826}
+ },
+ {
+ {10.712, 12.344},
+ {12.179, 12.866},
+ {12.137, 11.306},
+ {10.712, 10.826}
+ },
+ {
+ {7.7855, 12.7},
+ {7.6538, 14.019},
+ {8.325, 13.113},
+ {8.3587, 11.887}
+ },
+ {
+ {10.114, 10.394},
+ {9.2339, 9.2003},
+ {7.7378, 9.6414},
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+ },
+ {
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+ {10.249, 7.177},
+ {10.249, 6.004},
+ {9.5887, 7.1366}
+ },
+ {
+ {10.848, 10.394},
+ {12.275, 10.875},
+ {13.224, 9.6414},
+ {11.728, 9.2003}
+ },
+ {
+ {15.126, 12.009},
+ {14.018, 10.766},
+ {12.711, 11.252},
+ {13.495, 12.364}
+ },
+ {
+ {10.481, 15.384},
+ {11.321, 13.946},
+ {10.481, 12.872},
+ {9.641, 13.946}
+ },
+ {
+ {5.8362, 12.01},
+ {7.467, 12.365},
+ {8.2511, 11.252},
+ {6.9436, 10.767}
+ },
+ {
+ {7.009, 10.307},
+ {7.9452, 10.655},
+ {7.2182, 9.7099},
+ {6.152, 9.3459}
+ },
+ {
+ {6.2515, 8.9006},
+ {7.3612, 9.2795},
+ {8.5462, 8.9302},
+ {7.5545, 8.6165}
+ },
+ {
+ {7.776, 8.2109},
+ {9.1027, 8.6306},
+ {9.1365, 7.2193},
+ {7.6098, 6.5491}
+ },
+ {
+ {11.824, 7.219},
+ {11.859, 8.6305},
+ {13.185, 8.2104},
+ {13.351, 6.5484}
+ },
+ {
+ {13.407, 8.6159},
+ {12.415, 8.9301},
+ {13.6, 9.2795},
+ {14.71, 8.8998}
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ AspectRatio -> Automatic,
+ ImageSize -> 12,
+ PlotRange -> {{0.0, 20.0}, {0.0, 20.0}},
+ PlotRangePadding -> 0,
+ BaselinePosition -> Scaled[0.2]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Center}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}},
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.25}}}
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Insert an icon representing the ResourceObject\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 4300058170245655723;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton =
+ "InsertResourceObject";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`InsertResourceObjectIcon[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[4300058170245655723]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Template Input\"",
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Format selection automatically using appropriate documentation styles\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 2790153672590285854;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Template Input";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TemplateInput[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[2790153672590285854]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Literal Input\"",
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Format selection as literal Wolfram Language code\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 4138174468017918531;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Literal Input";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`LiteralInput[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[4138174468017918531]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Insert Delimiter\"",
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Insert example delimiter\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1887802176716758884;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton =
+ "Insert Delimiter";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DelimiterInsert[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1887802176716758884]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ ActionMenuBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Tables\"",
+ "\"\[ThinSpace]\[ThinSpace]\[ThinSpace]\[FilledDownTriangle]\""
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Table functions\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3216557251994556740;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode = HoldForm[Null]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3216557251994556740]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ {
+ "\"Insert table with two columns\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 5800166344906378520;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Insert table with two columns";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TableInsert[2]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[5800166344906378520]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Insert table with three columns\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = 533841403879783297;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Insert table with three columns";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TableInsert[3]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[533841403879783297]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Add a row to the selected table\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 4413051590217973467;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Add a row to the selected table";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TableRowInsert[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[4413051590217973467]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Sort the selected table\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 9150037060110806081;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Sort the selected table";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TableSort[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[9150037060110806081]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Merge selected tables\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 2347719643166780208;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Merge selected tables";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`TableMerge[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[2347719643166780208]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ Appearance -> None,
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ],
+ ActionMenuBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Cells\"",
+ "\"\[ThinSpace]\[ThinSpace]\[ThinSpace]\[FilledDownTriangle]\""
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ "Text",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontSize -> 11,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3216557251994556740;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode = HoldForm[Null]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3216557251994556740]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{4, 4}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ {
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[1],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> True}
+ },
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.10588, 0.27059, 0.37255],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314],
+ TaggingRules -> {"ButtonHovering" -> False}
+ }
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJche4+e6pyzIrq80zAsD4KAbKAIUJwYQx48fFTS\nM0vaNR4XAsoC1eAx5PCpc9ZxJUCVan7pbXNXbT969tnrtxAEZANFgOJAWaAa\noEqshgDNh5gQUtL+6MVrrKEHFAfKQsyBuwfZEIgvgGoIRgTEHKB6NEOAIQbx\nBS43oLkH4i9IOMMNAYY8UBDoa4ImQABQJVA9UBeyIcAYBAoCQ49IQ4AqgeqB\nuoB6IakRyACmBKAgMBaINASoEqgeqAtiCBBQbghVXPKfemFCldihSjqhSoql\nVt6hSi6mVnkCBxSWbGQAghHxn7jSHgAhWAlh\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Hover" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqA4BllAJchr1+//vjx4/fv3//AAJANFAGKE2PI8+fPv3z5\ngsfZQFmgGjyGvHr16vfv30CR779+rzp+q3ndybhpOyEIyAaKAMWBskA1QJVY\nDQGaDzHh0sPXiTN2eXVuwERAcaAsxBy4e5ANgfgCqAardmQEMQeoHs0QYIhB\nfIHLDWjugfgLEs5wQ4AhD2QAfU3QBAgCqgSqB+pCNgQYg0AGMPSINASoEuTy\n79+BeiGpEcgApgQgAxgLRBoCVAlUD9QFMQQIKDeEKi6hYphQJXaokk6okmKp\nlXeokoupVZ7AAYUlGxkAj7PhgJjSHgDbEuv0\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ]
+ },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9],
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ImageSize -> {All, 20},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ],
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[GrayLevel[0.9], AbsoluteThickness[2]],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ {
+ "\"Insert comment for reviewer\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 2572781756330727330;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Cells";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Insert comment for reviewer";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CommentInsert[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[2572781756330727330]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Mark/unmark selected cells as comments\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3646530685697756512;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Cells";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Mark/unmark selected cells as comments";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CommentToggle[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3646530685697756512]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Mark/unmark selected cells as excluded\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1866935765212102190;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Cells";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Mark/unmark selected cells as excluded";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ExclusionToggle[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1866935765212102190]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ Appearance -> None,
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxBackground -> {"Columns" -> {{None}}, "Rows" -> {GrayLevel[0.9]}},
+ GridBoxFrame -> {
+ "Columns" -> False,
+ "RowsIndexed" -> {1 -> GrayLevel[0.9]}
+ },
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {5, {0.5}, 5}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.75]
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ ButtonBoxOptions -> {
+ Enabled ->
+ Dynamic[
+ Not[TrueQ[DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled]],
+ TrackedSymbols :> {DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled}
+ ]
+ },
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["MainGridTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
+ },
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBgBWIWIGZigIIGBQcwfUAPQjOoYuc3CDugqIfxGTQg9ANj\nqLgOdj66erh5+lD7oPYwGGHno6uH86H2PDCA6jPFzkdXD+M7mENpLai4JXY+\nunogHwDQSSTa\n "
+ ]
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+ {FaceForm[RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]},
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+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 32},
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+ AspectRatio -> Automatic
+ }
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Data Resource\"",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
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+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro",
+ FontTracking -> "SemiCondensed",
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+ "ColumnsIndexed" -> {2 -> RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]},
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+ "Grid"
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+ FontSize -> 24,
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
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+ }
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+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}},
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}
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+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ "\[SpanFromLeft]",
+ "\[SpanFromLeft]",
+ "\[SpanFromLeft]",
+ "\[SpanFromLeft]",
+ "\[SpanFromLeft]",
+ "\[SpanFromLeft]",
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {"\"Data Repository\"", "\" \[RightGuillemet] \""},
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ "Text",
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "https://datarepository.wolframcloud.com/"
+ },
+ "HyperlinkURL"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Open Sample\"",
+ "\"View a completed sample definition notebook\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 4393071033038384034;
+ (DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Open Sample";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ViewExampleNotebook[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ]),
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[4393071033038384034]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"View a completed sample definition notebook\"",
+ False
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ],
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Style Guidelines\"",
+ "\"View general guidelines for authoring data resources\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 5906117565281445171;
+ (
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton =
+ "Style Guidelines";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ViewStyleGuidelines[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ]),
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[5906117565281445171]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"View general guidelines for authoring data resources\"",
+ False
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ],
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ "\"Tools\"",
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ False ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ AbsoluteThickness[1.0],
+ LineBox[{{0, 0}, {0, 10}, {10, 10}, {10, 0}, {0, 0}}],
+ LineBox[{{5, 2.5}, {5, 7.5}}],
+ LineBox[{{2.5, 5}, {7.5, 5}}]
+ },
+ ImageSize -> 12,
+ PlotRangePadding -> 1.5
+ ],
+ True ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ AbsoluteThickness[1.0],
+ LineBox[{{0, 0}, {0, 10}, {10, 10}, {10, 0}, {0, 0}}],
+ LineBox[{{2.5, 5}, {7.5, 5}}]
+ },
+ ImageSize -> 12,
+ PlotRangePadding -> 1.5
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "ToolsOpen"},
+ True
+ ]
+ ],
+ BaselinePosition -> Scaled[0.05]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}},
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.35}}}
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ "\"Toggle documentation toolbar\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 5074018684552945401;
+ (DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Tools";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ToggleToolbar[ButtonNotebook[]]),
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[5074018684552945401]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Toggle documentation toolbar\"",
+ False
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ],
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {{"\"\"", "\"\""}},
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxDividers -> {"ColumnsIndexed" -> {2 -> True}, "Rows" -> {{False}}},
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{2}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.5}}},
+ FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.6451, 0.76863, 0.8451]
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ ActionMenuBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Check\"",
+ TemplateBox[{5}, "Spacer1"],
+ "\"\[FilledDownTriangle]\""
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ "\"Check notebook for potential errors\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1898445052439169298;,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1898445052439169298]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Check notebook for potential errors\"",
+ True
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ],
+ {
+ "\"Check Definition Notebook\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 7315505126975123932;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Check";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Check Definition Notebook";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckDefinitionNotebook[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[7315505126975123932]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Check Data\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 5678342563549764489;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Check";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction = "Check Data";
+ DataResource`DefinitionNotebook`CheckDataDefinitions[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[5678342563549764489]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Check All\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 7222533872454612108;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Check";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction = "Check All";
+ (
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckDefinitionNotebook[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ];
+ DataResource`DefinitionNotebook`CheckDataDefinitions[
+ ButtonNotebook[]
+ ])
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[7222533872454612108]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ Appearance -> None,
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ],
+ ActionMenuBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ "\"Deploy\"",
+ TemplateBox[{5}, "Spacer1"],
+ "\"\[FilledDownTriangle]\""
+ },
+ "RowDefault"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1898445052439169298;,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1898445052439169298]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"\"",
+ True
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ],
+ {
+ "\"Locally on this computer\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 8714502586816766511;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Deploy";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Locally on this computer";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DeployResource[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ "Local"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[8714502586816766511]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"For my cloud account\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1389539917011878958;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Deploy";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "For my cloud account";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DeployResource[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ "CloudPrivate"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1389539917011878958]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Publicly in the cloud\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 5593410685219912767;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Deploy";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "Publicly in the cloud";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DeployResource[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ "CloudPublic"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[5593410685219912767]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"In this session only (without documentation)\"" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = InputNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$SuppressDynamicEvents = True,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"];
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 8586347731213964380;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Deploy";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedAction =
+ "In this session only (without documentation)";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DeployResource[
+ ButtonNotebook[],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[8586347731213964380]
+ ],
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ Appearance -> None,
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ],
+ ItemBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ DynamicBox[
+ ToBoxes[
+ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"},
+ ""
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+ StandardForm
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+ Initialization :>
+ (CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}
+ ] =
+ "")
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+ GrayLevel[1],
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+ ItemSize -> Fit,
+ StripOnInput -> False
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+ ToBoxes[
+ If[ CurrentValue[
+ EvaluationNotebook[],
+ {TaggingRules, "SubmissionReviewData", "Review"},
+ False
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+ {
+ TemplateBox[
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
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+ "\n1:eJx10EEKgCAQhWGpFtEyEAYGggQj6RKeoSMErbuCR0/IWfTgCcPwy7fR9XrO\nu3fOTXWGOp2zM+ZvH2170nv+e2sFH0ijt45/XxJp9NgRPHYAb63kHhu9tf2H\neU8aPfbS9kxawAvxnrSCx3c3XzbS6JX4RFrAS34B53ckaw==\n "
+ ]
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+ {FaceForm[RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]},
+ StripOnInput -> False
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+ ImageSize -> 15,
+ PlotRange -> {{0.0, 15.75}, {0.0, 16.5}},
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+ ],
+ "\"Submit Update\""
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+ "\"Submit changes to update your data submission\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3196298050911436087;
+ (DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "SubmitUpdate";
+ With[ { RSNB`nb = ButtonNotebook[] },
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ RSNB`nb,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`SubmitRepositoryUpdate[RSNB`nb],
+ "ShowProgress" -> True
+ ]
+ ]),
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3196298050911436087]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Submit changes to update your data submission\"",
+ True
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ]
+ ],
+ RawBoxes[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
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+ {
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
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+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
+ {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
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+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBgBWIWIGZigIEX9mCqQd8Bwv+Bnc/A54CiHs5HV6/ngJUP\np2HmwdTp4FCHTvOhqYfZrw2lhdDk0fno6tHcD1PPwOSAnY+uns8BAE8cGz4=\n\n "
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+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBgB2IWIGZigAEJBwjNB6EblHHwX9ijqofxoeoYhKC0Bg4+\nHw4apk4Uap8aDr4QDhqqDu4uVRx8URw0TJ001D5lHHwJHDRUHYMclFbCwZfG\nQUPVNSjgp+HmIWgAG/wcEg==\n "
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+ ]
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+ },
+ {FaceForm[RGBColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]},
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
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+ ImageSize -> 15,
+ PlotRange -> {{0.0, 15.75}, {0.0, 16.5}},
+ AspectRatio -> 1.15
+ ],
+ "\"Submit to Repository\""
+ }
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+ AutoDelete -> False,
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+ "Columns" -> {{0}},
+ "ColumnsIndexed" -> {2 -> 0.5},
+ "Rows" -> {{0}}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ "\"Submit your data to the Wolfram Data Repository\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3704832848557640569;
+ (DefinitionNotebookClient`$ClickedButton = "Submit";
+ With[ { RSNB`nb = ButtonNotebook[] },
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`DisplayStripe[
+ RSNB`nb,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`SubmitRepository[RSNB`nb],
+ "ShowProgress" -> True
+ ]
+ ]),
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3704832848557640569]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "\"Submit your data to the Wolfram Data Repository\"",
+ True
+ },
+ "OrangeButtonTemplate"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ StandardForm
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System",
+ SingleEvaluation -> True
+ ]
+ }
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+ "Columns" -> {{Left}},
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+ "Columns" -> {{None}},
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+ RGBColor[0.2902, 0.53725, 0.6902],
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+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
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+ "Columns" -> {5, {0.9}, 5},
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+ ButtonBoxOptions -> {
+ Enabled ->
+ Dynamic[
+ Not[TrueQ[DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled]],
+ TrackedSymbols :> {DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled}
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+ },
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
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+ CompressedData[
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+ ]
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+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
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+ {{{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}},
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+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData["CommentCellLabelTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ StyleBox[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {StyleBox[#1, FontSize -> 11], "\[SpanFromLeft]"},
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ DynamicBox[
+ ToBoxes[
+ DateString[
+ TimeZoneConvert[DateObject[#2, TimeZone -> 0]],
+ {
+ "Month",
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+ "/",
+ "Year",
+ " ",
+ "Hour24",
+ ":",
+ "Minute"
+ }
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+ StandardForm
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+ ItemBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TagBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
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+ StyleBox["\"Reply \[RightGuillemet]\"", "HyperlinkActive"],
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+ BaseStyle -> "Hyperlink",
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ (SelectionMove[ParentCell[EvaluationCell[]], After, Cell];
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CommentInsert[]),
+ Evaluator -> Automatic,
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+ Alignment -> Right
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+ "CommentLabel",
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ]
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData["OrangeButtonTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ FrameBox[
+ ButtonBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ #1,
+ "Text",
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+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`If[
+ CurrentValue[Enabled],
+ GrayLevel[1],
+ RGBColor[0.77647, 0.81765, 0.84314]
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> "System"
+ ],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[] },
+ If[ #4,
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ ProgressIndicator[Appearance -> "Necklace"]
+ ];
+ With[ { RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 3145484069433207908;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode = HoldForm[#2[]]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[3145484069433207908]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "StatusMessage"}] =
+ "";
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> {{5, 5}, {0, 0}},
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+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
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+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmNiYGAo5gASQYnljkVFiZXBAkBOaF5xZnpeaopnXklqemqRRRIz\nUFAcikHs/4QAMWqAQDO9nxKEy5DQtmVdaw7tOX/nxbvPEARkA0WA4sQYYpAz\neeGec3icDZQFqsFjiF/jorvP3wJFvv38ver4reZ1J+Om7YQgIBsoAhQHygLV\nAFViNQRoPsSESw9fJ87Y5dW5ARMBxYGyEHPg7kE2BOILoBqs2pERxBygejRD\ngCEG8QUuN6C5B+IvSDjDDQGGPJAB9DVBEyAIqBKoHqgL2RBgDAIZwNAj0hCg\nSqB6oC6gXkhqBDKAKQHIAMYCkYYAVQLVA3VBDAECyg2hikuoGCZUiR2qpBOq\npFhq5R2q5GJqlSfUKtnILmPxA2JKewBFU/Kd\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 144,
+ Interleaving -> True
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+ Background -> RGBColor[0.16078, 0.40392, 0.56078],
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+ Evaluator -> Automatic
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+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[
+ RGBColor[0.16078, 0.40392, 0.56078],
+ AbsoluteThickness[2]
+ ],
+ FrameMargins -> -1,
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["SuggestionGridTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ StyleBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ AdjustmentBox[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ TemplateBox[
+ {#2, #3, {16.0, 16.0}, {{1.0, 17.0}, {1.0, 17.0}}},
+ "SuggestionIconTemplate"
+ ],
+ PaneBox[
+ #1,
+ ImageSizeAction -> "ShrinkToFit",
+ BaselinePosition -> Baseline,
+ ImageSize -> Full
+ ],
+ RowBox[
+ {
+ AdjustmentBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ ActionMenuBox[
+ TagBox[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ False ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ EdgeForm[Directive[GrayLevel[1, 0], Thickness[0.025]]],
+ FaceForm[#4],
+ RectangleBox[{-1.75, -2}, {1.75, 2}, RoundingRadius -> 0.2],
+ Thickness[0.15],
+ #5,
+ LineBox[{{-0.5, -1.0}, {0.5, 0.0}, {-0.5, 1.0}}]
+ },
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 15},
+ ImageMargins -> 0
+ ],
+ True ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ EdgeForm[Directive[#5, Thickness[0.025]]],
+ FaceForm[#2],
+ RectangleBox[{-1.75, -2}, {1.75, 2}, RoundingRadius -> 0.2],
+ Thickness[0.15],
+ GrayLevel[1],
+ LineBox[{{-0.5, -1.0}, {0.5, 0.0}, {-0.5, 1.0}}]
+ },
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 15},
+ ImageMargins -> 0
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[CurrentValue["MouseOver"]],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic,
+ FrameMargins -> 0
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ #6,
+ Appearance -> None,
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ],
+ "\"View suggestions\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ],
+ BoxBaselineShift -> -0.5
+ ],
+ " "
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}},
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+ GridBoxItemSize -> {
+ "Columns" -> {Automatic, Automatic, Fit},
+ "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}
+ },
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.4}}}
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+ "Grid"
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+ BoxMargins -> {{0.25, -0.5}, {0.15, -0.15}}
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+ Background -> #4,
+ FrameStyle -> None,
+ FrameMargins -> {{0, 8}, {0, 0}},
+ ImageMargins -> {{0, 0}, {5, 5}},
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+ LineBreakWithin -> False
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["SuggestionIconTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ Thickness[0.055556],
+ StyleBox[
+ {
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ {
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+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3}
+ }
+ },
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBgBGJJIGZigIIGAwcIQ8kBxk94ekHp9k9Vh8qXaoYcOfoO\nm+a+X37stKZDTP+hrxpzdOA0TBymDqYPl7n2pnG7PHlk4Pw5RxQ2FGWIwPWD\njI3p54WbLxuVYn3fnwluD8S8H/Yo9gD5KPYA+TB7YPph9sDMh9EwcZg6FPdh\nMRfdXpi7YPph7oaZD/MXzB5c4QCzBwA/Dn+d\n "
+ ]
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+ FaceForm[#1]
+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ {
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+ {
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+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
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+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
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+ {8.1753, 7.4169}
+ },
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGCQBGIQDQFKDg+rRNa5P+RzKPOXE8vSVYTz8z+0ngxpVHCA\nqBNwmPd++THv7/IO8q2vA3fICTpUvlQz5Hgj52DLdX1xga2QQxoYyDmcYLed\nHTpfGM6/k8GQ3+giCue7M1dwq7wQg+vnmbyyKdBTAm6+tsTUK5wZknD7Pec2\nqB1qk4K772Y8iCXtAHM/jP/bquBcxyUEfyJ/ldnqOmW4/qw9JZMlWFTg5tfa\nm8bt6lSB23/2DAiowN0H48PcD+PD/AfTD/M/zHxY+MDsh4UfzH2w8EUPfwD5\nN5G6\n "
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ FaceForm[#2]
+ ]
+ },
+ ImageSize -> #3,
+ PlotRange -> #4,
+ AspectRatio -> Automatic,
+ BaselinePosition -> Scaled[0.1]
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData["FormEditValuesButtonTemplate"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ PaneBox[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ False ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzNWHlMVEcYf28XlGM5VlcRapRDDFK0sBaLBWVXUDxTKpe4JgvoQlALAsvV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\nN3kqZvY=\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 50.0}, {50.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {50.0, 50.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 50.0}, {0, 50.0}}
+ ],
+ True ->
+ GraphicsBox[
+ TagBox[
+ RasterBox[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJzNWG1MU1cY7m1vS4GWttBLy0dLWyhl5aultrT0C2QzM5rMIWgyluDHkMwf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\nDcvuuIyle//vxt/PCE6d\n "
+ ],
+ {{0, 50.0}, {50.0, 0}},
+ {0, 255},
+ ColorFunction -> GrayLevel
+ ],
+ BoxForm`ImageTag[
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "Grayscale",
+ Interleaving -> True
+ ],
+ Selectable -> False
+ ],
+ DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics",
+ ImageSizeRaw -> {50.0, 50.0},
+ PlotRange -> {{0, 50.0}, {0, 50.0}}
+ ]
+ },
+ Dynamic[CurrentValue["MouseOver"]],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic,
+ FrameMargins -> 0
+ ],
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, 15},
+ ImageSizeAction -> "ResizeToFit"
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ "\"Edit values\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodTitleBar"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ GrayLevel[0.97],
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ BezierCurve[
+ {
+ Offset[{0, -3}, {1, 1}],
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+ Offset[{0, -3}, {-1, 1}],
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+ {-1, -1},
+ {1, -1},
+ {1, -1}
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ InsetBox[
+ FormBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Notebook Analysis\"",
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+ StripOnInput -> False
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+ TraditionalForm
+ ],
+ Offset[{8, 0}, {-1, 0}],
+ NCache[ImageScaled[{0, 1/2}], ImageScaled[{0, 0.5}]]
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+ TagBox[
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ {
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+ DiskBox[Offset[{-13, -10}, {1, 1}], Offset[6]],
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+ LineBox[
+ {
+ {Offset[{-15, -8}, {1, 1}], Offset[{-11, -12}, {1, 1}]},
+ {Offset[{-15, -12}, {1, 1}], Offset[{-11, -8}, {1, 1}]}
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ FrameBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Close analysis pod\"",
+ "Text",
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+ FrameMargins -> 8,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ TooltipDelay -> 0.1,
+ TooltipStyle -> {Background -> None, CellFrame -> 0}
+ ],
+ Annotation[#1, "Close analysis pod", "Tooltip"] &
+ ],
+ EventHandlerTag[
+ {
+ "MouseClicked" :> NotebookDelete[EvaluationCell[]],
+ Method -> "Preemptive",
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+ PassEventsUp -> True
+ }
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+ ImageSize -> {Full, 20},
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+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodDelimiterTop"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ AbsoluteThickness[1],
+ GrayLevel[0.85],
+ CapForm["Round"],
+ LineBox[{{-1, 0}, {1, 0}}]
+ },
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+ ImageMargins -> {{0, 0}, {4, 0}}
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodDelimiterBottom"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ AbsoluteThickness[1],
+ GrayLevel[0.85],
+ CapForm["Round"],
+ LineBox[{{-1, 0}, {1, 0}}]
+ },
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+ ImageMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 4}}
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodFooter"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ GrayLevel[0.97],
+ FilledCurveBox[
+ BezierCurve[
+ {
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+ Offset[{0, 3}, {-1, -1}],
+ Offset[{0, 3}, {-1, -1}],
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+ Offset[{1.3443, 0}, {-1, -1}],
+ Offset[{3, 0}, {-1, -1}],
+ Offset[{3, 0}, {-1, -1}],
+ Offset[{-3, 0}, {1, -1}],
+ Offset[{-3, 0}, {1, -1}],
+ Offset[{-1.3443, 0}, {1, -1}],
+ Offset[{0, 1.3443}, {1, -1}],
+ Offset[{0, 3}, {1, -1}],
+ Offset[{0, 3}, {1, -1}],
+ {1, 1},
+ {1, 1}
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ InsetBox[
+ BoxData[
+ FormBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[{3}, "Spacer1"],
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+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ #1,
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+ FontSize -> 12,
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+ ],
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[{5}, "Spacer1"],
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.4],
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+ "RowDefault"
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+ TraditionalForm
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+ Offset[{5, 2.5}, {-1, 0}],
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodMenuItems"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
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+ Background -> GrayLevel[1],
+ RoundingRadius -> 0,
+ FrameStyle ->
+ Directive[
+ AbsoluteThickness[1],
+ RGBColor[0.75686, 0.82745, 0.88235]
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+ "Highlighted"
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+ }
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodActionMenuItem"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {{#1, TemplateBox[{7}, "Spacer1"], #2}},
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+ If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
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+ "Highlighted"
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+ ButtonFunction :> ReleaseHold[#3],
+ Appearance -> {
+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
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+ "Byte",
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+ Evaluator -> Automatic
+ ]
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodDisabledMenuItem"],
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+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ ButtonBox[
+ TemplateBox[
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+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
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+ StyleBox[#2, FontOpacity -> 0.4]
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+ "Highlighted"
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+ ButtonFunction :> Null,
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+ "Default" ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ ],
+ "Byte",
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+ Image[
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+ "Byte",
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+ "Pressed" ->
+ Image[
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+ Evaluator -> Automatic,
+ Enabled -> False
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+ ])
+ }
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodActionLabel"],
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+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
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+ StyleBox[
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+ ImageMargins -> 0,
+ BaselinePosition -> Baseline,
+ ImageSize -> Full
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+ }
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodMenuDelimiter"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ PaneBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
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+ LineBox[{{-1, 0}, {1, 0}}]
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+ ImageMargins -> 0,
+ BaselinePosition -> Baseline,
+ ImageSize -> Full
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+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["HintPodIconChevron"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
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+ CapForm["Round"],
+ JoinForm["Miter"],
+ LineBox[{{-0.5, 1}, {0.5, 0}, {-0.5, -1}}]
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+ Cell[
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+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
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+ (Function[
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+ {3.3914, 0.62},
+ {6.81, 0.62},
+ {10.229, 0.62},
+ {13.0, 3.3914},
+ {13.0, 6.81},
+ {13.0, 10.229},
+ {10.229, 13.0},
+ {6.81, 13.0}
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+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGCQB2IQbct1fXGBrbRD6+vAHXKtvA7r3B9WiayTdoCI8zgc\n/qoR039IHkoLOjCAgYKDB0iZu4CDPFijgsOsmSDAC1UnCzWPE0rLQMXZHV6x\nmAia1Ug56E1Y8MMwjdXh685bXX9VJRx4Jq9sCvRkcTh7BgREHfoPgTSwOAQB\ndb8OFHYAO4eLFeo+IQcRMIMLzoe4h9dBW2LqFc4MYYd4zdMCx38JOviYdzom\npIo4PJgjuHSvo6jDkgKQz0QdCsEelHDQjAHZJAa1VxIqLwH3Jzofok8S4i9W\nRQews67LQsJhnoKDMRjIQ9Q3wMJJwQFMJULDSRJmrhzUPKh6Blmof+QcwM6K\nkXb4Bgq2rzJQcXFovMhA5UUdciqqluo0SztsKMqY+NZG2OHV1E08hTrSDquA\noTmXQdABPX4BaWq/EA==\n "
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+ StyleData["HintPodIconNone"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ { },
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+ ImageSize -> {16.0, 16.0},
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+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
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+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
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+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
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+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBgBGJTIGYCYpF17g+rROQcbLmuLy6wlXaoBguoOvQf+qoR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\nGB/mT5h+WLqBmQ/zJwC4F0s3\n "
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+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
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+ {12.19, 13.37}
+ },
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+ "\n1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBgBGIjIGYCYo+HVSLr3EUdbLmuLy6wlXZYUgBiyTlAxJUc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\nPH3CzBcAJg/mdHmHVElQyuSH851lXj8ykxKEq4eFNwCKHGBr\n "
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+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 3, 3},
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+ Cell["Documentation", "Section"],
+ Cell["Usage", "Subsection"],
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+ CellEventActions -> {
+ "ReturnKeyDown" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = Notebooks[EvaluationCell[]] },
+ SelectionMove[EvaluationCell[], After, Cell];
+ NotebookWrite[RSNB`nb$, Cell["", "UsageDescription"], All];
+ SelectionMove[RSNB`nb$, Before, CellContents]
+ ],
+ {"KeyDown", "\t"} :>
+ Replace[
+ SelectionMove[SelectedNotebook[], After, Cell];
+ NotebookFind[
+ SelectedNotebook[],
+ "TabNext",
+ Next,
+ CellTags,
+ AutoScroll -> True,
+ WrapAround -> True
+ ],
+ Blank[NotebookSelection] :>
+ SelectionMove[
+ SelectedNotebook[],
+ All,
+ CellContents,
+ AutoScroll -> True
+ ]
+ ]
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+ ],
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+ StyleData[
+ "UsageDescription",
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+ ],
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+ StyleKeyMapping -> {"Backspace" -> "UsageInputs"},
+ CellGroupingRules -> "OutputGrouping",
+ CellEventActions -> {
+ "ReturnKeyDown" :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = Notebooks[EvaluationCell[]] },
+ SelectionMove[EvaluationCell[], After, Cell];
+ NotebookWrite[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[""],
+ "UsageInputs",
+ FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"
+ ],
+ All
+ ];
+ SelectionMove[RSNB`nb$, Before, CellContents]
+ ],
+ {"KeyDown", "\t"} :>
+ Replace[
+ SelectionMove[SelectedNotebook[], After, Cell];
+ NotebookFind[
+ SelectedNotebook[],
+ "TabNext",
+ Next,
+ CellTags,
+ AutoScroll -> True,
+ WrapAround -> True
+ ],
+ Blank[NotebookSelection] :>
+ SelectionMove[
+ SelectedNotebook[],
+ All,
+ CellContents,
+ AutoScroll -> True
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ ShowAutoSpellCheck -> False
+ ],
+ Cell["Details & Options", "Subsection"],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Notes", StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Item"]],
+ CellDingbat ->
+ StyleBox[
+ "\[FilledVerySmallSquare]",
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+ ],
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+ GridBoxOptions -> {BaseStyle -> "TableNotes"}
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "TableNotes",
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+ GridDefaultElement -> Cell["\[Placeholder]", "TableText"]
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+ StyleData["ExampleDelimiter"],
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+ FontSlant -> "Plain",
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.906]
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+ "ExampleText",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Text"]
+ ]
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+ "PageBreak",
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+ CellEvaluationFunction -> (($Line = 0;) &),
+ CellFrameColor -> GrayLevel[77/85]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Subsection"],
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+ CellEvaluationFunction -> (($Line = 0;) &),
+ ShowCellLabel -> False
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+ Cell[
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+ CellEvaluationFunction -> (($Line = 0;) &),
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+ RGBColor[0.02, 0.286, 0.651]
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+ "StringTypeLink",
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+ Dynamic[
+ If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"],
+ RGBColor[0.969, 0.467, 0.0],
+ GrayLevel[0.467]
+ ]
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+ "Output" -> {"Output", "Excluded"},
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+ "PrintTemporary" -> {"PrintTemporary", "Excluded"}
+ },
+ CellFrameMargins -> 4,
+ CellFrameLabels -> {
+ {
+ None,
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ TemplateBox[
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"excluded\"",
+ "ExcludedCellLabel",
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ "\"Excluded cells will not appear anywhere in the published resource except for the definition notebook\""
+ },
+ "PrettyTooltipTemplate"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "ExcludedCellLabel"
+ ]
+ },
+ {None, None}
+ },
+ StyleMenuListing -> None,
+ Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.95, 0.95]
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+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "ExcludedCellLabel",
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+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Comment", StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Text"]],
+ CellFrame -> {{3, 0}, {0, 0}},
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+ GeneratedCellStyles -> {
+ "Graphics" -> {"Graphics", "Comment"},
+ "Message" -> {"Message", "MSG", "Comment"},
+ "Output" -> {"Output", "Comment"},
+ "Print" -> {"Print", "Comment"},
+ "PrintTemporary" -> {"PrintTemporary", "Comment"}
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+ CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[0.88072, 0.61104, 0.14205],
+ CellFrameLabelMargins -> {{0, 10}, {0, 0}},
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.25],
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.982, 0.942, 0.871]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "AuthorComment",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Comment"]
+ ],
+ GeneratedCellStyles -> {
+ "Graphics" -> {"Graphics", "AuthorComment"},
+ "Message" -> {"Message", "MSG", "AuthorComment"},
+ "Output" -> {"Output", "AuthorComment"},
+ "Print" -> {"Print", "AuthorComment"},
+ "PrintTemporary" -> {"PrintTemporary", "AuthorComment"}
+ },
+ CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[0.36842, 0.50678, 0.7098],
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.905, 0.926, 0.956]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "ReviewerComment",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Comment"]
+ ],
+ GeneratedCellStyles -> {
+ "Graphics" -> {"Graphics", "ReviewerComment"},
+ "Message" -> {"Message", "MSG", "ReviewerComment"},
+ "Output" -> {"Output", "ReviewerComment"},
+ "Print" -> {"Print", "ReviewerComment"},
+ "PrintTemporary" -> {"PrintTemporary", "ReviewerComment"}
+ },
+ CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[0.56018, 0.69157, 0.19488],
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.934, 0.954, 0.879]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "CommentLabel",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Text"]
+ ],
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False,
+ FontSlant -> "Italic",
+ PrivateFontOptions -> {"OperatorSubstitution" -> False},
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.5]
+ ],
+ Cell["Special Input", "Section"],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["FormObjectCell"],
+ CellMargins -> {{66, 66}, {16, 5}}
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "LocalFileInput",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Input"]
+ ],
+ CellFrameLabels -> {
+ {
+ None,
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ ButtonBox[
+ "\"Choose\"",
+ FrameMargins -> {{5, 5}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle -> {"Panel", FontSize -> 12},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic,
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 1053094956087266899;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ If[ $VersionNumber >= 13.0,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`LocalFileInputDialog[
+ "Data",
+ ParentCell[EvaluationCell[]],
+ "Type" -> "FileOpen"
+ ],
+ MessageDialog[
+ "This feature requires Wolfram Language version 13 or later."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[1053094956087266899]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Appearance :>
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "FEExpressions",
+ "GrayButtonNinePatchAppearance"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {None, None}
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "LocalDirectoryInput",
+ StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Input"]
+ ],
+ CellFrameLabels -> {
+ {
+ None,
+ Cell[
+ BoxData[
+ ButtonBox[
+ "\"Choose\"",
+ FrameMargins -> {{5, 5}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle -> {"Panel", FontSize -> 12},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic,
+ Method -> "Queued",
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { RSNB`nb$ = ButtonNotebook[], RSNB`$cp$ = $ContextPath },
+ Quiet[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $ContextPath = RSNB`$cp$,
+ ResourceSystemClient`$AsyncronousResourceInformationUpdates =
+ False,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID = None
+ },
+ Internal`WithLocalSettings[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = True;
+ Once[
+ ReleaseHold[
+ CurrentValue[RSNB`nb$, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]
+ ],
+ "KernelSession"
+ ];
+ Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"],
+ Annotation[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCodeID =
+ 4898876371082581810;
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`CheckForUpdates[
+ RSNB`nb$,
+ ReleaseHold[
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonCode =
+ HoldForm[
+ If[ $VersionNumber >= 13.0,
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`LocalFileInputDialog[
+ "Data",
+ ParentCell[EvaluationCell[]],
+ "Type" -> "Directory"
+ ],
+ MessageDialog[
+ "This feature requires Wolfram Language version 13 or later."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ButtonCodeID[4898876371082581810]
+ ],
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`$ButtonsDisabled = False;
+ ];
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Appearance :>
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "FEExpressions",
+ "GrayButtonNinePatchAppearance"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {None, None}
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell["Misc", "Section"],
+ Cell[StyleData["Item"], DefaultNewCellStyle -> "Item"],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData[
+ "RelatedSymbol",
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+ ],
+ DefaultNewCellStyle -> {"RelatedSymbol", FontFamily -> "Source Sans Pro"},
+ DefaultFormatType -> DefaultInputFormatType,
+ FormatType -> InputForm
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["ButtonText"],
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+ FontWeight -> Bold,
+ FontColor -> RGBColor[0.459, 0.459, 0.459]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["InlineFormula"],
+ HyphenationOptions -> {"HyphenationCharacter" -> "\[Continuation]"},
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+ FontSize -> 1.0 * Inherited,
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+ FractionBoxOptions -> {BaseStyle -> {SpanMaxSize -> Automatic}},
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+ GridBoxItemSize -> {
+ "Columns" -> {{Automatic}},
+ "ColumnsIndexed" -> { },
+ "Rows" -> {{1.0}},
+ "RowsIndexed" -> { }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Input"],
+ CellProlog :>
+ Quiet[
+ Block[{$ContextPath}, Once[ReleaseHold[CurrentValue[#1, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]], "KernelSession"]; If[$VersionNumber >= 12.2, Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"], Needs["ResourceSystemClient`DefinitionNotebook`"]]; DefinitionNotebookClient`LoadDefinitionNotebook["Data", #1]; ] &[
+ InputNotebook[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["Code"],
+ CellProlog :>
+ Quiet[
+ Block[{$ContextPath}, Once[ReleaseHold[CurrentValue[#1, {TaggingRules, "CompatibilityTest"}]], "KernelSession"]; If[$VersionNumber >= 12.2, Needs["DefinitionNotebookClient`"], Needs["ResourceSystemClient`DefinitionNotebook`"]]; DefinitionNotebookClient`LoadDefinitionNotebook["Data", #1]; ] &[
+ InputNotebook[]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["DockedCell"],
+ CellFrameColor -> GrayLevel[0.75],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[0.9]
+ ]
+ },
+ Visible -> False,
+ StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:b7475c4747948df7f0cb8d53ab9e1dd1f6bb9c50b387e48ed7cf3590cfd30808
+size 8028019
diff --git a/Developer/VectorDatabases/VectorDatabaseBuilder.wl b/Developer/VectorDatabases/VectorDatabaseBuilder.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4ff6f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Developer/VectorDatabases/VectorDatabaseBuilder.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+(* :!CodeAnalysis::BeginBlock:: *)
+(* :!CodeAnalysis::Disable::SuspiciousSessionSymbol:: *)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`ChatbookVectorDatabaseBuilder`" ];
+(* Exported symbols *)
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Developer`" -> None ];
+Needs[ "GeneralUtilities`" -> None ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None ];
+ System`CreateVectorDatabase,
+ System`VectorDatabaseObject
+(* Temporary deployment URL: https://www.wolframcloud.com/obj/wolframai-content/VectorDatabases/DocumentationURIs.zip *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+cachedTokenizer = Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`cachedTokenizer;
+ensureDirectory = GeneralUtilities`EnsureDirectory;
+packedArrayQ = Developer`PackedArrayQ;
+readRawJSONString = Developer`ReadRawJSONString;
+readWXFFile = Developer`ReadWXFFile;
+toPackedArray = Developer`ToPackedArray;
+writeRawJSONString = Developer`WriteRawJSONString;
+writeWXFFile = Developer`WriteWXFFile;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$$vectorDatabase = _VectorDatabaseObject? System`Private`ValidQ;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Vector Databases*)
+$vectorDBSourceDirectory = FileNameJoin @ { DirectoryName @ $InputFileName, "SourceData" };
+$vectorDBTargetDirectory = FileNameJoin @ { DirectoryName[ $InputFileName, 3 ], "Assets", "VectorDatabases" };
+$incrementalBuildBatchSize = 512;
+$dbConnectivity = 16;
+$dbExpansionAdd = 256;
+$dbExpansionSearch = 2048;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$embeddingDimension = 384;
+$embeddingType = "Integer8";
+$embeddingService = "Local";
+$embeddingModel = "SentenceBERT";
+$embeddingMaxTokens = 8000;
+$maxSnippetLength = 4000;
+$defaultEmbeddingLocation = FileNameJoin @ { $CacheBaseDirectory, "ChatbookDeveloper", "Embeddings" };
+$dataTag = "TextLiteral";
+$tokenizer := $tokenizer = cachedTokenizer[ "gpt-4o" ];
+$embeddingLocation := $embeddingLocation = Replace[
+ PersistentSymbol[ "ChatbookDeveloper/EmbeddingCacheLocation" ],
+ Except[ _File | _String ] :> $defaultEmbeddingLocation
+$embeddingCache = <| |>;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Vector Databases*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+ImportVectorDatabaseData // ClearAll;
+ImportVectorDatabaseData[ name_String ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { file, data },
+ file = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { $vectorDBSourceDirectory, name<>".jsonl" }, FileExistsQ, "File" ];
+ data = ConfirmMatch[ jsonlImport @ file, { ___Association? AssociationQ }, "Data" ];
+ data
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+ExportVectorDatabaseData // ClearAll;
+ExportVectorDatabaseData[ name_String, data0_List ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { data, dir, file },
+ data = ConfirmBy[ toDBData @ data0, dbDataQ, "Data" ];
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ ensureDirectory @ $vectorDBSourceDirectory, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ file = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { dir, name<>".jsonl" }, StringQ, "File" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ jsonlExport[ file, data ], FileExistsQ, "Export" ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+AddToVectorDatabaseData // beginDefinition;
+AddToVectorDatabaseData // Options = { "Tag" -> "TextLiteral", "Rebuild" -> False };
+AddToVectorDatabaseData[ name_String, data_List, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { tag, newData, existingData, combined, exported, rebuilt },
+ tag = ConfirmBy[ OptionValue[ "Tag" ], StringQ, "Tag" ];
+ newData = ConfirmBy[ toDBData[ tag, data ], dbDataQ, "NewData" ];
+ existingData = ConfirmBy[ ImportVectorDatabaseData @ name, dbDataQ, "ExistingData" ];
+ combined = Union[ existingData, newData ];
+ exported = ConfirmBy[ ExportVectorDatabaseData[ name, combined ], FileExistsQ, "Export" ];
+ rebuilt = If[ TrueQ @ OptionValue[ "Rebuild" ],
+ ConfirmBy[ BuildVectorDatabase @ name, $$vectorDatabase, "Rebuild" ],
+ Missing[ "NotAvailable" ]
+ ];
+ <| "Exported" -> exported, "Rebuilt" -> rebuilt |>
+ ];
+AddToVectorDatabaseData // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+BuildVectorDatabase // ClearAll;
+BuildVectorDatabase // Options = {
+ "Connectivity" :> $dbConnectivity,
+ "ExpansionAdd" :> $dbExpansionAdd,
+ "ExpansionSearch" :> $dbExpansionSearch
+BuildVectorDatabase[ All, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ Block[
+ {
+ $dbConnectivity = OptionValue[ "Connectivity" ],
+ $dbExpansionAdd = OptionValue[ "ExpansionAdd" ],
+ $dbExpansionSearch = OptionValue[ "ExpansionSearch" ]
+ },
+ AssociationMap[ BuildVectorDatabase, FileBaseName /@ FileNames[ "*.jsonl", $vectorDBSourceDirectory ] ]
+ ];
+BuildVectorDatabase[ name_String, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := Enclose[
+ Block[
+ {
+ $dbConnectivity = OptionValue[ "Connectivity" ],
+ $dbExpansionAdd = OptionValue[ "ExpansionAdd" ],
+ $dbExpansionSearch = OptionValue[ "ExpansionSearch" ]
+ },
+ WithCleanup[
+ SetDirectory @ ensureDirectory @ $vectorDBTargetDirectory,
+ ConfirmMatch[ buildVectorDatabase @ name, $$vectorDatabase, "Build" ],
+ ResetDirectory[ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+buildVectorDatabase // ClearAll;
+buildVectorDatabase[ name_String ] :=
+ Enclose @ Catch @ Module[ { dir, rel, src, db, valueBag, count, n, stream, values },
+ loadEmbeddingCache[ ];
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ ensureDirectory @ { $vectorDBTargetDirectory, name }, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ rel = ConfirmBy[ ResourceFunction[ "RelativePath" ][ dir ], DirectoryQ, "Relative" ];
+ src = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { $vectorDBSourceDirectory, name<>".jsonl" }, FileExistsQ, "File" ];
+ DeleteFile /@ FileNames[ { "*.wxf", "*.usearch" }, dir ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ FileNames[ { "*.wxf", "*.usearch" }, dir ] === { }, "ClearedFilesCheck" ];
+ db = ConfirmMatch[
+ CreateVectorDatabase[
+ { },
+ name,
+ "Database" -> "USearch",
+ WorkingPrecision -> $embeddingType,
+ GeneratedAssetLocation -> rel,
+ OverwriteTarget -> True
+ ],
+ $$vectorDatabase,
+ "Database"
+ ];
+ ConfirmBy[ setDBDefaults[ dir, name ], FileExistsQ, "SetDBDefaults" ];
+ valueBag = Internal`Bag[ ];
+ count = ConfirmMatch[ lineCount @ src, _Integer? Positive, "LineCount" ];
+ n = 0;
+ stream = ConfirmMatch[ OpenRead @ src, _InputStream, "Stream" ];
+ withProgress[
+ While[
+ NumericArrayQ @ ConfirmMatch[ addBatch[ db, stream, valueBag ], _NumericArray|EndOfFile, "Add" ],
+ n = Internal`BagLength @ valueBag
+ ],
+ <|
+ "Text" -> "Building database \""<>name<>"\"",
+ "ElapsedTime" -> Automatic,
+ "RemainingTime" -> Automatic,
+ "ItemTotal" :> count,
+ "ItemCurrent" :> n,
+ "Progress" :> Automatic
+ |>,
+ "Delay" -> 0,
+ UpdateInterval -> 1
+ ];
+ saveEmbeddingCache[ ];
+ values = Internal`BagPart[ valueBag, All ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ Length @ values === count, "ValueCount" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ First @ db[ "Dimensions" ] === count, "VectorCount" ];
+ ConfirmBy[
+ writeWXFFile[ FileNameJoin @ { dir, "Values.wxf" }, values, PerformanceGoal -> "Size" ],
+ FileExistsQ,
+ "Values"
+ ];
+ ConfirmBy[
+ writeWXFFile[
+ FileNameJoin @ { dir, "EmbeddingInformation.wxf" },
+ <|
+ "Dimension" -> $embeddingDimension,
+ "Type" -> $embeddingType,
+ "Model" -> $embeddingModel,
+ "Service" -> $embeddingService
+ |>
+ ],
+ FileExistsQ,
+ "EmbeddingInformation"
+ ];
+ ConfirmBy[ rewriteDBData[ rel, name ], FileExistsQ, "Rewrite" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ VectorDatabaseObject @ File @ FileNameJoin @ { rel, name <> ".wxf" },
+ $$vectorDatabase,
+ "Result"
+ ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+setDBDefaults // ClearAll;
+setDBDefaults[ dir_, name_String ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { file, data },
+ file = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { dir, name<>".wxf" }, FileExistsQ, "File" ];
+ data = ConfirmBy[ readWXFFile @ file, AssociationQ, "Data" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ AssociationQ @ data[ "VectorDatabaseInfo" ], "InfoCheck" ];
+ data[ "VectorDatabaseInfo", "Connectivity" ] = ConfirmBy[ $dbConnectivity, IntegerQ, "Connectivity" ];
+ data[ "VectorDatabaseInfo", "ExpansionAdd" ] = ConfirmBy[ $dbExpansionAdd, IntegerQ, "ExpansionAdd" ];
+ data[ "VectorDatabaseInfo", "ExpansionSearch" ] = ConfirmBy[ $dbExpansionSearch, IntegerQ, "ExpansionSearch" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ writeWXFFile[ file, data ], FileExistsQ, "Export" ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+addBatch // ClearAll;
+addBatch[ db_VectorDatabaseObject, stream_InputStream, valueBag_Internal`Bag ] :=
+ Enclose @ Catch @ Module[ { batch, text, values, embeddings },
+ batch = ConfirmMatch[
+ readJSONLines[ stream, $incrementalBuildBatchSize ],
+ { __Association } | EndOfFile,
+ "Batch"
+ ];
+ If[ batch === EndOfFile, Throw @ EndOfFile ];
+ $lastBatch = batch;
+ text = ConfirmMatch[ batch[[ All, "Text" ]], { __String }, "Text" ];
+ values = ConfirmMatch[ batch[[ All, "Value" ]], { __ }, "Values" ];
+ embeddings = ConfirmBy[ $lastEmbedding = GetEmbedding @ text, NumericArrayQ, "Embeddings" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ Length @ values === Length @ embeddings, "LengthCheck" ];
+ Confirm[ $lastAdded = AddToVectorDatabase[ db, embeddings ], "AddToVectorDatabase" ];
+ Internal`StuffBag[ valueBag, values, 1 ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ db[ "Dimensions" ], { Internal`BagLength @ valueBag, $embeddingDimension }, "DimensionCheck" ];
+ embeddings
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+partition // ClearAll;
+partition[ arr_NumericArray, size_Integer? Positive ] :=
+ Module[ { max, steps },
+ max = Length @ arr;
+ steps = Ceiling[ max / size ];
+ Table[ arr[[ size * (i - 1) + 1 ;; Min[ size * i, max ] ]], { i, steps } ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+rewriteDBData // ClearAll;
+rewriteDBData[ dir_? DirectoryQ, name_String ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { file, data, wxfName, vectorsName, new },
+ file = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { dir, name<>".wxf" }, FileExistsQ, "File" ];
+ data = ConfirmBy[ readWXFFile @ file, AssociationQ, "Data" ];
+ wxfName = ConfirmBy[ FileNameTake @ file, StringQ, "WXFName" ];
+ vectorsName = ConfirmBy[ name<>"-vectors.usearch", StringQ, "VectorName" ];
+ new = ConfirmBy[ createNewDBData[ name, wxfName, vectorsName, data ], AssociationQ, "NewData" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ writeWXFFile[ file, new ], FileExistsQ, "Export" ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+createNewDBData // ClearAll;
+createNewDBData[ name_String, wxfName_String, vectorsName_String, data_Association ] :=
+ Association[
+ data,
+ "GeneratedAssetLocation" -> name,
+ "Location" -> File[ name <> "/" <> wxfName ],
+ "VectorDatabase" -> File[ name <> "/" <> vectorsName ]
+ ];
+(* TODO: insert info about service, model, etc. *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+normalize // ClearAll;
+normalize[ vectors_? MatrixQ ] := toPackedArray[ Normalize /@ vectors ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+toDBData // ClearAll;
+toDBData[ data_List ] := Reverse @ DeleteDuplicatesBy[ Reverse @ Union[ toDBData0 /@ data ], KeyTake @ { "Text", "Value" } ];
+toDBData[ tag_String, data_List ] := Block[ { $dataTag = tag }, toDBData @ data ];
+toDBData0 // ClearAll;
+toDBData0[ as_Association ] := KeySort @ trimSnippet @ <| "Tag" -> $dataTag, as |>;
+toDBData0[ { text_String, value_ } ] := trimSnippet @ <| "Tag" -> $dataTag, "Text" -> text, "Value" -> value |>;
+toDBData0[ text_String -> value_ ] := toDBData0 @ { text, value };
+toDBData0[ text_String ] := toDBData0 @ { text, text };
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+trimSnippet // ClearAll;
+trimSnippet[ str_String ] := StringTake[ str, UpTo[ $maxSnippetLength ] ];
+trimSnippet[ as: KeyValuePattern[ "Text" -> text_ ] ] := <| as, "Text" -> trimSnippet @ text |>;
+trimSnippet[ other_ ] := trimSnippet @ TextString @ other;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+dbDataQ // ClearAll;
+dbDataQ[ data_List ] := AllTrue[ data, dbDataQ0 ];
+dbDataQ[ ___ ] := False;
+dbDataQ0 // ClearAll;
+dbDataQ0[ KeyValuePattern @ { "Tag" -> _String, "Text" -> _String, "Value" -> _ } ] := True;
+dbDataQ0[ ___ ] := False;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+GetEmbedding // ClearAll;
+GetEmbedding[ string_String ] := First[ getEmbeddings @ { string }, $Failed ];
+GetEmbedding[ KeyValuePattern[ "Text" -> string_String ] ] := GetEmbedding @ string;
+GetEmbedding[ as: { __Association } ] := GetEmbedding @ as[[ All, "Text" ]];
+GetEmbedding[ strings: { ___String } ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { embeddings, packed },
+ embeddings = ConfirmBy[ getEmbeddings @ strings, AssociationQ, "Embeddings" ];
+ packed = ConfirmBy[ NumericArray[ Lookup[ embeddings, strings ], "Integer8" ], NumericArrayQ, "Packed" ];
+ packed
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getEmbeddings // ClearAll;
+getEmbeddings[ strings0_List ] :=
+ Module[ { strings },
+ strings = DeleteDuplicates @ strings0;
+ setProgress[ "Checking cache for", Length @ strings ];
+ withProgress[
+ getEmbeddings0 @ strings,
+ <|
+ "ElapsedTime" -> Automatic,
+ "ItemAction" :> $itemAction,
+ "ItemName" -> "embeddings",
+ "ItemTotal" :> $totalItems,
+ "ItemCurrent" :> $currentItem
+ |>,
+ "OuterUpdateInterval" -> 1,
+ UpdateInterval -> 1
+ ]
+ ];
+getEmbeddings0 // ClearAll;
+getEmbeddings0[ strings_List ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { notCached },
+ notCached = Select[ strings, Function @ PreemptProtect[ $currentItem++; MissingQ @ getCachedEmbedding @ # ] ];
+ setProgress[ "Creating", Length @ notCached ];
+ Confirm[ getAndCacheEmbeddings @ notCached, "GetAndCacheEmbeddings" ];
+ setProgress[ "Checking", Length @ strings ];
+ AssociationMap[ Function @ PreemptProtect[ $currentItem++; getCachedEmbedding @ # ], strings ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+toByteVector // ClearAll;
+toByteVector[ vector_ ] := NumericArray[ 127.5 * vector - 0.5, "Integer8", "ClipAndRound" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+setProgress // ClearAll;
+setProgress[ text_String, total_Integer ] :=
+ setProgress[ text, total, 0 ];
+setProgress[ text_String, total_Integer, current_Integer ] := PreemptProtect[
+ $itemAction = text;
+ $totalItems = total;
+ $currentItem = current;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getCachedEmbedding // ClearAll;
+getCachedEmbedding[ string_String ] :=
+ With[ { embedding = $embeddingCache[ string ] },
+ embedding /; NumericArrayQ @ embedding
+ ];
+getCachedEmbedding[ string_String ] :=
+ If[ $embeddingModel === "SentenceBERT",
+ Missing[ "NotCached" ],
+ getCachedEmbedding[ string, embeddingHash @ string ]
+ ];
+getCachedEmbedding[ string_String, hash_String ] :=
+ Catch @ Module[ { file, vector },
+ file = embeddingLocation @ string;
+ If[ ! FileExistsQ @ file, Throw @ Missing[ "NotCached" ] ];
+ vector = readWXFFile @ file;
+ If[ NumericArrayQ @ vector,
+ getCachedEmbedding[ string, hash ] = vector,
+ Failure[ "BadCachedVector", <| "File" -> file, "Vector" -> vector |> ]
+ ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getAndCacheEmbeddings // ClearAll;
+getAndCacheEmbeddings[ strings_List ] := Catch[ FixedPoint[ getAndCacheEmbeddings0, strings ], $tag ];
+getAndCacheEmbeddings0 // ClearAll;
+getAndCacheEmbeddings0[ { } ] := Throw[ "Done", $tag ];
+getAndCacheEmbeddings0[ strings: { __String } ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { notCachedTokens, acc, n, batch, remaining, batchVectors },
+ notCachedTokens = ConfirmMatch[ tokenCount /@ strings, { __Integer }, "Tokens" ];
+ acc = Accumulate @ notCachedTokens;
+ n = ConfirmBy[ LengthWhile[ acc, LessThan[ $embeddingMaxTokens ] ], Positive, "Count" ];
+ { batch, remaining } = ConfirmMatch[ TakeDrop[ strings, UpTo @ n ], { { __String }, { ___String } }, "Batch" ];
+ batchVectors = ConfirmBy[ createEmbeddings @ batch, AssociationQ, "Vectors" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ AllTrue[ batchVectors, NumericArrayQ ], "PackedArrayTest" ];
+ If[ remaining === { }, Throw[ "Done", $tag ], remaining ]
+ ],
+ Throw[ #, $tag ] &
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+createEmbeddings // ClearAll;
+createEmbeddings[ strings: { __String } ] /; $embeddingModel === "SentenceBERT" :=
+ Catch @ Module[ { vectors, small, meta, pairs },
+ $currentItem = If[ IntegerQ @ $currentItem, $currentItem + Length @ strings, Length @ strings ];
+ vectors = Quiet @ toPackedArray @ sentenceBERTEmbedding @ strings;
+ meta = <| "Strings" -> strings, "Vectors" -> vectors |>;
+ If[ ! packedArrayQ @ vectors, Throw @ Failure[ "EmbeddingFailure", meta ] ];
+ If[ Length @ vectors =!= Length @ strings, Throw @ Failure[ "EmbeddingShapeFailure", meta ] ];
+ small = toByteVector@*Normalize /@ vectors[[ All, 1 ;; $embeddingDimension ]];
+ pairs = Transpose @ { strings, small };
+ Association[ cacheEmbedding /@ pairs ]
+ ];
+createEmbeddings[ strings: { __String } ] :=
+ Catch @ Module[ { resp, vectors, small, meta, pairs },
+ $currentItem = If[ IntegerQ @ $currentItem, $currentItem + Length @ strings, Length @ strings ];
+ resp = ServiceExecute[ $embeddingService, "RawEmbedding", { "input" -> strings, "model" -> $embeddingModel } ];
+ vectors = Quiet @ toPackedArray @ resp[[ "data", All, "embedding" ]];
+ meta = <| "Strings" -> strings, "Response" -> resp, "Vectors" -> vectors |>;
+ If[ ! packedArrayQ @ vectors, Throw @ Failure[ "EmbeddingServiceFailure", meta ] ];
+ If[ Length @ vectors =!= Length @ strings, Throw @ Failure[ "EmbeddingShapeFailure", meta ] ];
+ small = toByteVector@*Normalize /@ vectors[[ All, 1 ;; $embeddingDimension ]];
+ pairs = Transpose @ { strings, small };
+ Association[ cacheEmbedding /@ pairs ]
+ ];
+createEmbeddings[ { } ] :=
+ <| |>;
+createEmbeddings[ string_String ] :=
+ First[ createEmbeddings @ { string }, $Failed ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+sentenceBERTEmbedding // beginDefinition;
+sentenceBERTEmbedding[ args___ ] := (
+ Needs[ "SemanticSearch`" -> None ];
+ SemanticSearch`SemanticSearch`Private`SentenceBERTEmbedding @ args
+sentenceBERTEmbedding // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+cacheEmbedding // ClearAll;
+cacheEmbedding[ string_String, vector_NumericArray ] /; $embeddingModel === "SentenceBERT" := (
+ $embeddingCache[ string ] = vector;
+ string -> vector
+cacheEmbedding[ string_String, vector_NumericArray ] :=
+ cacheEmbedding[ string, vector, embeddingHash @ string ];
+cacheEmbedding[ string_String, vector_NumericArray, hash_String ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { file },
+ file = ConfirmBy[ embeddingLocation @ string, StringQ, "File" ];
+ ensureDirectory @ DirectoryName @ file;
+ ConfirmBy[ writeWXFFile[ file, vector ], FileExistsQ, "Export" ];
+ ConfirmAssert @ NumericArrayQ @ readWXFFile @ file;
+ $embeddingCache[ string ] = vector;
+ string -> vector
+ ];
+cacheEmbedding[ { string_, vector_ } ] :=
+ cacheEmbedding[ string, vector ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+loadEmbeddingCache // ClearAll;
+loadEmbeddingCache[ ] :=
+ Enclose @ Catch @ Module[ { hash, file, cached, keys, values },
+ hash = ConfirmBy[
+ Hash[ { $embeddingModel, $embeddingService, $embeddingDimension, $embeddingType }, "SHA" ],
+ IntegerQ,
+ "Hash"
+ ];
+ file = ConfirmBy[
+ FileNameJoin @ { $embeddingLocation, "EmbeddingCache_" <> IntegerString[ hash, 36 ] <> ".wxf" },
+ StringQ,
+ "File"
+ ];
+ If[ ! AssociationQ @ $embeddingCache, $embeddingCache = <| |> ];
+ If[ ! FileExistsQ @ file, Throw @ $embeddingCache ];
+ cached = ConfirmBy[ readWXFFile @ file, AssociationQ, "Cached" ];
+ keys = ConfirmMatch[ cached[ "Keys" ], { ___String }, "Keys" ];
+ values = ConfirmBy[ cached[ "Values" ], NumericArrayQ, "Values" ];
+ MapIndexed[ ($embeddingCache[ #1 ] = values[[ First[ #2 ] ]]) &, keys ];
+ $embeddingCache
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+saveEmbeddingCache // ClearAll;
+saveEmbeddingCache[ ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { hash, file, keys, values },
+ loadEmbeddingCache[ ];
+ hash = ConfirmBy[
+ Hash[ { $embeddingModel, $embeddingService, $embeddingDimension, $embeddingType }, "SHA" ],
+ IntegerQ,
+ "Hash"
+ ];
+ file = ConfirmBy[
+ FileNameJoin @ { $embeddingLocation, "EmbeddingCache_" <> IntegerString[ hash, 36 ] <> ".wxf" },
+ StringQ,
+ "File"
+ ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ AssociationQ @ $embeddingCache, "CacheCheck" ];
+ keys = ConfirmMatch[ Keys @ $embeddingCache, { ___String }, "Keys" ];
+ values = ConfirmBy[ NumericArray[ Values @ $embeddingCache, $embeddingType ], NumericArrayQ, "Values" ];
+ writeWXFFile[ file, <| "Keys" -> keys, "Values" -> values |> ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getNamedEmbeddings // ClearAll;
+getNamedEmbeddings[ name_String, strings_List ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { embeddings },
+ ConfirmBy[ loadNamedEmbeddingCache @ name, AssociationQ, "LoadCache" ];
+ embeddings = ConfirmBy[ getEmbeddings @ strings, AssociationQ, "GetEmbeddings" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ saveNamedEmbeddingCache[ name, embeddings ], AssociationQ, "Save" ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+loadNamedEmbeddingCache // ClearAll;
+loadNamedEmbeddingCache[ name_String ] :=
+ Enclose @ Catch @ Module[ { file, data },
+ file = FileNameJoin @ { $embeddingLocation, name<>".wxf" };
+ If[ ! FileExistsQ @ file, Throw @ <| |> ];
+ data = ConfirmBy[ readWXFFile @ file, AssociationQ, "Data" ];
+ KeyValueMap[ Function[ getCachedEmbedding[ #1, embeddingHash @ #1 ] = #2 ], data ];
+ data
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+saveNamedEmbeddingCache // ClearAll;
+saveNamedEmbeddingCache[ name_String, data_Association ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { dir, file },
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ ensureDirectory @ $embeddingLocation, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ file = FileNameJoin @ { dir, name<>".wxf" };
+ ConfirmBy[ writeWXFFile[ file, data ], FileExistsQ, "Export" ];
+ data
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+tokenCount // ClearAll;
+tokenCount[ str_String ] := Enclose[ tokenCount[ str ] = Length @ ConfirmMatch[ $tokenizer @ str, { ___Integer } ] ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+embeddingLocation // ClearAll;
+embeddingLocation[ string_String ] :=
+ embeddingLocation[ string, embeddingHash @ string ];
+embeddingLocation[ string_String, hash_String ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { dir, file },
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ ensureDirectory @ $embeddingLocation, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ file = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { dir, StringTake[ hash, 3 ], hash<>".wxf" }, StringQ, "File" ];
+ embeddingLocation[ string ] = file
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+embeddingHash // ClearAll;
+embeddingHash[ string_String ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { model, service, dimension, hash },
+ model = ConfirmBy[ $embeddingModel , StringQ , "Model" ];
+ service = ConfirmBy[ $embeddingService , StringQ , "Service" ];
+ dimension = ConfirmBy[ $embeddingDimension, IntegerQ, "Dimension" ];
+ hash = ConfirmBy[ Hash[ { string, model, service, dimension }, "SHA", "HexString" ], StringQ, "Hash" ];
+ embeddingHash[ string ] = hash
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Misc Utilities*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+withProgress // ClearAll;
+withProgress // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
+withProgress[ eval_, a___ ] := Block[ { withProgress = # & }, Progress`EvaluateWithProgress[ eval, a ] ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+lineCount // ClearAll;
+lineCount[ file_? FileExistsQ ] :=
+ Module[ { count, stream },
+ Close /@ Streams @ ExpandFileName @ file;
+ count = 0;
+ WithCleanup[
+ stream = OpenRead @ file,
+ While[ Skip[ stream, String ] === Null, count++ ],
+ Close @ stream
+ ];
+ count
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+readJSONLines // ClearAll;
+readJSONLines[ stream_InputStream, n_Integer? Positive ] :=
+ Enclose @ Catch @ Module[ { lines, utf8Lines, jsonData },
+ lines = ConfirmMatch[ ReadList[ stream, String, n ], { ___String }, "Lines" ];
+ If[ lines === { }, Throw @ EndOfFile ];
+ utf8Lines = ConfirmMatch[ FromCharacterCode[ ToCharacterCode @ lines, "UTF-8" ], { __String }, "UTF8" ];
+ jsonData = ConfirmMatch[ readRawJSONString /@ utf8Lines, { __Association? AssociationQ }, "JSON" ];
+ jsonData
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+jsonlImport // ClearAll;
+jsonlImport[ file_? FileExistsQ ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { lines, fromJSON },
+ lines = ConfirmMatch[ readLines @ file, { ___String }, "Lines" ];
+ fromJSON = ConfirmBy[ readRawJSONString @ #, Not@*FailureQ, "JSON" ] &;
+ ConfirmMatch[ fromJSON /@ lines, { Except[ _? FailureQ ]... }, "Data" ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+jsonlExport // ClearAll;
+jsonlExport[ file_, data_List ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { toJSON, lines },
+ toJSON = ConfirmBy[ writeRawJSONString[ #, "Compact" -> True ], StringQ, "JSON" ] &;
+ lines = ConfirmMatch[ toJSON /@ data, { ___String? StringQ }, "Lines" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ writeLines[ file, lines ], FileExistsQ, "Export" ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+readLines // ClearAll;
+readLines[ file_ ] := Enclose @ StringSplit[ ConfirmBy[ readString @ file, StringQ, "String" ], "\n" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+writeLines // ClearAll;
+writeLines[ file_, lines: { ___String } ] := writeString[ file, StringRiffle[ lines, "\n" ] ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+readString // ClearAll;
+readString[ file_ ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { bytes },
+ bytes = ConfirmBy[ readByteArray @ file, ByteArrayQ, "Bytes" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ Check[ ByteArrayToString @ bytes, $Failed ], StringQ, "String" ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+writeString // ClearAll;
+writeString[ file_, string_String ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { bytes },
+ bytes = ConfirmBy[ Check[ StringToByteArray @ string, $Failed ], ByteArrayQ, "Bytes" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ writeByteArray[ file, bytes ], FileExistsQ, "Write" ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+readByteArray // ClearAll;
+readByteArray[ file_ ] :=
+ Enclose @ WithCleanup[
+ Quiet @ Close @ file,
+ ConfirmBy[ Replace[ ReadByteArray @ file, EndOfFile :> ByteArray @ { } ], ByteArrayQ ],
+ Quiet @ Close @ file
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+writeByteArray // ClearAll;
+writeByteArray[ file_, bytes_ByteArray ] :=
+ Enclose @ WithCleanup[
+ Quiet @ Close @ file,
+ ConfirmBy[ BinaryWrite[ file, bytes ], FileExistsQ ],
+ Quiet @ Close @ file
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
+(* :!CodeAnalysis::EndBlock:: *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FrontEnd/StyleSheets/Chatbook.nb b/FrontEnd/StyleSheets/Chatbook.nb
index 10f85f2b..1a0aa3f5 100644
--- a/FrontEnd/StyleSheets/Chatbook.nb
+++ b/FrontEnd/StyleSheets/Chatbook.nb
@@ -793,516 +793,54 @@ Notebook[
ComponentwiseContextMenu -> <|
- "CellBracket" -> {
- MenuItem[
- "Ask AI Assistant",
- KernelExecute[
- With[ { Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[] },
- {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]},
- Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]];
- Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"][
- "Ask",
- Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo,
- Wolfram`ChatNB`cells
- ]
- ]
- ],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Method -> "Queued"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Include/Exclude From AI Chat",
- KernelExecute[
- With[ { Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[] },
- {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]},
- Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]];
- Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"][
- "ExclusionToggle",
- Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo,
- Wolfram`ChatNB`cells
- ]
- ]
- ],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Method -> "Queued"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Cu&t", "Cut"],
- MenuItem["&Copy", "Copy"],
- MenuItem["&Paste", FrontEnd`Paste[After]],
- Menu[
- "Cop&y As",
- {
- MenuItem["Plain &Text", FrontEnd`CopySpecial["PlainText"]],
- MenuItem["&Input Text", FrontEnd`CopySpecial["InputText"]],
- MenuItem[
- "&LaTeX",
- KernelExecute[ToExpression["FrontEnd`CopyAsTeX[]"]],
- MenuEvaluator -> "System"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "M&athML",
- KernelExecute[ToExpression["FrontEnd`CopyAsMathML[]"]],
- MenuEvaluator -> "System"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem[
- "Cell &Object",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellObject"]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Cell Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellExpression"]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Notebook Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["NotebookExpression"]
- ]
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Evaluate Cell", "EvaluateCells"],
- MenuItem[
- "&Remove from Evaluation Queue",
- "RemoveFromEvaluationQueue"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Analyze Cell",
- KernelExecute[
- Needs["CodeInspector`"];
- CodeInspector`AttachAnalysis[
- SelectedCells[InputNotebook[]]
- ]
- ],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Method -> "Queued"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- Menu[
- "Con&vert To",
- {
- MenuItem["&InputForm", "SelectionConvert" -> InputForm],
- MenuItem[
- "&Raw InputForm",
- "SelectionConvert" -> RawInputForm
- ],
- MenuItem["&OutputForm", "SelectionConvert" -> OutputForm],
- MenuItem[
- "First Convert to BoxForm",
- "MenuListConvertFormatTypes",
- MenuAnchor -> True
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Bitmap", "SelectionConvert" -> "Bitmap"]
- }
- ],
- ToggleMenuItem[
- "&Initialization Cell",
- InitializationCell -> Toggle
- ],
- MenuItem["Add/Remove Cell Tags...", "CellTagsEditDialog"],
- Delimiter,
- Menu[
- "&Style",
- {
- LinkedItems[
- {
- MenuItem[
- "Start Cell Style Names",
- "MenuListStyles",
- MenuAnchor -> True
- ]
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Other...", "StyleOther"]
- }
- ],
- Menu[
- "Back&ground Color",
- {
- MenuItem["Palette...", "BackgroundDialog"],
- Delimiter,
- LinkedItems[
- {
- MenuItem["None", Background -> None],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Black", Background -> GrayLevel[0]],
- MenuItem["Gray", Background -> GrayLevel[0.5]],
- MenuItem["Light Gray", Background -> GrayLevel[0.85]],
- MenuItem["White", Background -> GrayLevel[1]],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem[
- "Light Blue",
- Background -> RGBColor[0.87, 0.94, 1]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Light Brown",
- Background -> RGBColor[0.94, 0.91, 0.88]
- ],
- MenuItem["Light Cyan", Background -> RGBColor[0.9, 1, 1]],
- MenuItem[
- "Light Green",
- Background -> RGBColor[0.88, 1, 0.88]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Light Magenta",
- Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.9, 1]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Light Orange",
- Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.9, 0.8]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Light Pink",
- Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.925, 0.925]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Light Purple",
- Background -> RGBColor[0.94, 0.88, 0.94]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Light Red",
- Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.85, 0.85]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Light Yellow",
- Background -> RGBColor[1, 1, 0.85]
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Orange", Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0]],
- MenuItem["Pink", Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0.5]],
- MenuItem["Yellow", Background -> RGBColor[1, 1, 0]]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- Menu[
- "Si&ze",
- {
- MenuItem["&Larger", FontSize -> Larger],
- MenuItem["&Smaller", FontSize -> Smaller],
- Delimiter,
- LinkedItems[
- {
- MenuItem["&9 Point", FontSize -> 9],
- MenuItem["1&0 Point", FontSize -> 10],
- MenuItem["&12 Point", FontSize -> 12],
- MenuItem["1&4 Point", FontSize -> 14],
- MenuItem["1&6 Point", FontSize -> 16],
- MenuItem["1&8 Point", FontSize -> 18],
- MenuItem["&24 Point", FontSize -> 24],
- MenuItem["&36 Point", FontSize -> 36],
- MenuItem["&72 Point", FontSize -> 72]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- MenuItem["Clear &Formatting", "ClearCellOptions"],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Save Se&lection As...", "SelectionSaveSpecial"],
- MenuItem["Print Selection...", "PrintSelectionDialog"],
- MenuItem["Spea&k Selection", "SelectionSpeak"],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem[
- "Properties...",
- "OptionsDialog",
- Scope -> Selection
- ]
- },
- "CellGroup" -> {
- MenuItem[
- "Include/Exclude From AI Chat",
- KernelExecute[
- With[ { Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[] },
- {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]},
- Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]];
- Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"][
- "ExclusionToggle",
- Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo,
- Wolfram`ChatNB`cells
- ]
- ]
- ],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Method -> "Queued"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Cu&t", "Cut"],
- MenuItem["&Copy", "Copy"],
- MenuItem["&Paste", FrontEnd`Paste[After]],
- Menu[
- "Cop&y As",
- {
- MenuItem["Plain &Text", FrontEnd`CopySpecial["PlainText"]],
- MenuItem[
- "Cell &Object",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellObject"]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Cell Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellExpression"]
+ "CellBracket" ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`Join[{MenuItem[#1, KernelExecute[With[{Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[]}, {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]}, Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]]; Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"]["Ask", Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo, Wolfram`ChatNB`cells]]], MenuEvaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Queued"], MenuItem[#2, KernelExecute[With[{Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[]}, {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]}, Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]]; Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"]["ExclusionToggle", Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo, Wolfram`ChatNB`cells]]], MenuEvaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Queued"], Delimiter}, FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ContextMenus", "CellBracket"]] &[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "ChatbookStrings",
+ "StylesheetContextMenuAskAI"
- MenuItem[
- "&Notebook Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["NotebookExpression"]
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "ChatbookStrings",
+ "StylesheetContextMenuIncludeExclude"
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Merge Cells", "CellMerge"],
- MenuItem["&Ungroup Cells", "CellUngroup"],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Open&/Close Group", "OpenCloseGroup"],
- MenuItem["&Open All Subgroups", "SelectionOpenAllGroups"],
- MenuItem["C&lose All Subgroups", "SelectionCloseAllGroups"],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Evaluate Cells", "EvaluateCells"],
- MenuItem[
- "&Remove from Evaluation Queue",
- "RemoveFromEvaluationQueue"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Analyze Cells",
- KernelExecute[
- Needs["CodeInspector`"];
- CodeInspector`AttachAnalysis[
- SelectedCells[InputNotebook[]]
- ]
- ],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Method -> "Queued"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Clear &Formatting", "ClearCellOptions"],
- Menu[
- "&Style",
- {
- LinkedItems[
- {
- MenuItem[
- "Start Cell Style Names",
- "MenuListStyles",
- MenuAnchor -> True
- ]
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Other...", "StyleOther"]
- }
- ]
- },
- "CellRange" -> {
- MenuItem[
- "Include/Exclude From AI Chat",
- KernelExecute[
- With[ { Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[] },
- {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]},
- Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]];
- Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"][
- "ExclusionToggle",
- Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo,
- Wolfram`ChatNB`cells
- ]
- ]
- ],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Method -> "Queued"
+ ]
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Cu&t", "Cut"],
- MenuItem["&Copy", "Copy"],
- MenuItem["&Paste", FrontEnd`Paste[After]],
- Menu[
- "Cop&y As",
- {
- MenuItem["Plain &Text", FrontEnd`CopySpecial["PlainText"]],
- MenuItem[
- "Cell &Object",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellObject"]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Cell Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellExpression"]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Notebook Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["NotebookExpression"]
+ "CellGroup" ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`Join[{MenuItem[#1, KernelExecute[With[{Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[]}, {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]}, Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]]; Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"]["ExclusionToggle", Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo, Wolfram`ChatNB`cells]]], MenuEvaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Queued"], Delimiter}, FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ContextMenus", "CellGroup"]] &[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "ChatbookStrings",
+ "StylesheetContextMenuIncludeExclude"
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Merge Cells", "CellMerge"],
- MenuItem["&Group Cells", "CellGroup"],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Open All Subgroups", "SelectionOpenAllGroups"],
- MenuItem["C&lose All Subgroups", "SelectionCloseAllGroups"],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Evaluate Cells", "EvaluateCells"],
- MenuItem[
- "&Remove from Evaluation Queue",
- "RemoveFromEvaluationQueue"
+ ]
- MenuItem[
- "Analyze Cells",
- KernelExecute[
- Needs["CodeInspector`"];
- CodeInspector`AttachAnalysis[
- SelectedCells[InputNotebook[]]
+ "CellRange" ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`Join[{MenuItem[#1, KernelExecute[With[{Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[]}, {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]}, Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]]; Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"]["ExclusionToggle", Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo, Wolfram`ChatNB`cells]]], MenuEvaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Queued"], Delimiter}, FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ContextMenus", "CellRange"]] &[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "ChatbookStrings",
+ "StylesheetContextMenuIncludeExclude"
- ],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Method -> "Queued"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Clear &Formatting", "ClearCellOptions"],
- Menu[
- "&Style",
- {
- LinkedItems[
- {
- MenuItem[
- "Start Cell Style Names",
- "MenuListStyles",
- MenuAnchor -> True
- ]
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Other...", "StyleOther"]
- }
+ ]
- }
- TaggingRules -> <|"StyleSheetVersion" -> ""|>
+ TaggingRules -> <|"StyleSheetVersion" -> ""|>
- ContextMenu -> {
- MenuItem[
- "Ask AI Assistant",
- KernelExecute[
- With[ { Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[] },
- {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]},
- Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]];
- Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"][
- "Ask",
- Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo,
- Wolfram`ChatNB`cells
- ]
- ]
- ],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Method -> "Queued"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Cu&t", "Cut"],
- MenuItem["&Copy", "Copy"],
- MenuItem["&Paste", FrontEnd`Paste[After]],
- Menu[
- "Cop&y As",
- {
- MenuItem["Plain &Text", FrontEnd`CopySpecial["PlainText"]],
- MenuItem["&Input Text", FrontEnd`CopySpecial["InputText"]],
- MenuItem[
- "&LaTeX",
- KernelExecute[ToExpression["FrontEnd`CopyAsTeX[]"]],
- MenuEvaluator -> "System"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "M&athML",
- KernelExecute[ToExpression["FrontEnd`CopyAsMathML[]"]],
- MenuEvaluator -> "System"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem[
- "Cell &Object",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellObject"]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Cell Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellExpression"]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Notebook Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["NotebookExpression"]
- ]
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Make &Hyperlink...", "CreateHyperlinkDialog"],
- MenuItem[
- "Insert Table/&Matrix...",
- FrontEndExecute[
- {
- FrontEnd`NotebookOpen[
- FrontEnd`FindFileOnPath[
- "InsertGrid.nb",
- "PrivatePathsSystemResources"
- ]
- ]
- }
- ]
- ],
- MenuItem["Chec&k Spelling...", "FindNextMisspelling"],
- Menu[
- "Citatio&n",
- {
- MenuItem[
- "Insert Bibliographical &Reference...",
- "InsertBibReference"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Insert Bibliographical &Note...",
- "InsertBibNote"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem[
- "Set / Change Citation &Style...",
- "SetCitationStyle"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Insert Bibliography and Notes",
- "InsertBibAndNotes"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Delete Bibliography and Notes",
- "DeleteBibAndNotes"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Re&build Bibliography and Notes",
- "RebuildBibAndNotes"
+ ContextMenu ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`Join[{MenuItem[#1, KernelExecute[With[{Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[]}, {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]}, Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]]; Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"]["Ask", Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo, Wolfram`ChatNB`cells]]], MenuEvaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Queued"], Delimiter}, FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ContextMenus", "Text"]] &[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "ChatbookStrings",
+ "StylesheetContextMenuAskAI"
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- Menu[
- "Sty&le",
- {
- MenuItem[
- "Start Cell Style Names",
- "MenuListStyles",
- MenuAnchor -> True
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Other...", "StyleOther"]
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Create Inline Cell", "CreateInlineCell"],
- MenuItem["Di&vide Cell", "CellSplit"],
- MenuItem["Evaluate &in Place", All],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem[
- "Toggle &Full Screen",
- FrontEndExecute[
- FrontEnd`Value[FEPrivate`NotebookToggleFullScreen[]]
- }
@@ -1321,238 +859,28 @@ Notebook[
- ContextMenu -> {
- MenuItem[
- "Ask AI Assistant",
- KernelExecute[
- With[ { Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[] },
- {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]},
- Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]];
- Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"][
- "Ask",
- Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo,
- Wolfram`ChatNB`cells
- ]
- ]
- ],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Method -> "Queued"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Cu&t", "Cut"],
- MenuItem["&Copy", "Copy"],
- MenuItem["&Paste", FrontEnd`Paste[After]],
- Menu[
- "Cop&y As",
- {
- MenuItem["Plain &Text", FrontEnd`CopySpecial["PlainText"]],
- MenuItem["&Input Text", FrontEnd`CopySpecial["InputText"]],
- MenuItem[
- "&LaTeX",
- KernelExecute[ToExpression["FrontEnd`CopyAsTeX[]"]],
- MenuEvaluator -> "System"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "M&athML",
- KernelExecute[ToExpression["FrontEnd`CopyAsMathML[]"]],
- MenuEvaluator -> "System"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem[
- "Cell &Object",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellObject"]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Cell Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellExpression"]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Notebook Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["NotebookExpression"]
- ]
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Evaluate Cell", "EvaluateCells"],
- MenuItem["Evaluate &in Place", All],
- MenuItem[
- "Analyze Cell",
- KernelExecute[
- Needs["CodeInspector`"];
- CodeInspector`AttachAnalysis[
- SelectedCells[InputNotebook[]]
+ ContextMenu ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`Join[{MenuItem[#1, KernelExecute[With[{Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[]}, {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]}, Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]]; Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"]["Ask", Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo, Wolfram`ChatNB`cells]]], MenuEvaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Queued"], Delimiter}, FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ContextMenus", "Input"]] &[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "ChatbookStrings",
+ "StylesheetContextMenuAskAI"
- ],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Method -> "Queued"
- ],
- Menu[
- "C&onvert To",
- {
- MenuItem["&InputForm", "SelectionConvert" -> InputForm],
- MenuItem[
- "&Raw InputForm",
- "SelectionConvert" -> RawInputForm
- ],
- MenuItem["&OutputForm", "SelectionConvert" -> OutputForm],
- MenuItem[
- "First Convert to BoxForm",
- "MenuListConvertFormatTypes",
- MenuAnchor -> True
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Bitmap", "SelectionConvert" -> "Bitmap"]
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Make &Hyperlink...", "CreateHyperlinkDialog"],
- MenuItem[
- "Insert Table/&Matrix...",
- FrontEndExecute[
- {
- FrontEnd`NotebookOpen[
- FrontEnd`FindFileOnPath[
- "InsertGrid.nb",
- "PrivatePathsSystemResources"
- ]
- ]
- }
- ]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Insert &Special Character...",
- FrontEndExecute[
- {FrontEnd`NotebookOpen["SpecialCharacters.nb"]}
- ]
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Check &Balance", "Balance"],
- MenuItem["Di&vide Cell", "CellSplit"],
- MenuItem[
- "&Un/Comment Selection",
- KernelExecute[ToExpression["FE`toggleComment[]"]],
- MenuEvaluator -> "System"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Un/Iconi&ze Selection",
- KernelExecute[ToExpression["FE`iconizeSelectionToggle[]"]],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Get Help", FrontEnd`SelectionHelpDialog[True]],
- MenuItem[
- "Why the Coloring?...",
- FrontEndExecute[
- {
- FrontEnd`NotebookOpen[
- FrontEnd`FindFileOnPath[
- "WhyTheColoring.nb",
- "PrivatePathsSystemResources"
- ]
- ]
- }
- ]
- ],
- MenuItem["Spea&k Selection", "SelectionSpeak"],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem[
- "Toggle &Full Screen",
- FrontEndExecute[
- FrontEnd`Value[FEPrivate`NotebookToggleFullScreen[]]
- }
CellTrayWidgets -> <|"GearMenu" -> <|"Condition" -> False|>|>,
- ContextMenu -> {
- MenuItem[
- "Ask AI Assistant",
- KernelExecute[
- With[ { Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[] },
- {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]},
- Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]];
- Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"][
- "Ask",
- Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo,
- Wolfram`ChatNB`cells
- ]
- ]
- ],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Method -> "Queued"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["Cu&t", "Cut"],
- MenuItem["&Copy", "Copy"],
- MenuItem["&Paste", FrontEnd`Paste[After]],
- Menu[
- "Cop&y As",
- {
- MenuItem["Plain &Text", FrontEnd`CopySpecial["PlainText"]],
- MenuItem["&Input Text", FrontEnd`CopySpecial["InputText"]],
- MenuItem[
- "&LaTeX",
- KernelExecute[ToExpression["FrontEnd`CopyAsTeX[]"]],
- MenuEvaluator -> "System"
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "M&athML",
- KernelExecute[ToExpression["FrontEnd`CopyAsMathML[]"]],
- MenuEvaluator -> "System"
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem[
- "Cell &Object",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellObject"]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Cell Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["CellExpression"]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "&Notebook Expression",
- FrontEnd`CopySpecial["NotebookExpression"]
+ ContextMenu ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`Join[{MenuItem[#1, KernelExecute[With[{Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo = InputNotebook[]}, {Wolfram`ChatNB`cells = SelectedCells[Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo]}, Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]]; Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"]["Ask", Wolfram`ChatNB`nbo, Wolfram`ChatNB`cells]]], MenuEvaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Queued"], Delimiter}, FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ContextMenus", "Output"]] &[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "ChatbookStrings",
+ "StylesheetContextMenuAskAI"
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- Menu[
- "Con&vert To",
- {
- MenuItem["&InputForm", "SelectionConvert" -> InputForm],
- MenuItem[
- "&Raw InputForm",
- "SelectionConvert" -> RawInputForm
- ],
- MenuItem["&OutputForm", "SelectionConvert" -> OutputForm],
- MenuItem[
- "First Convert to BoxForm",
- "MenuListConvertFormatTypes",
- MenuAnchor -> True
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Bitmap", "SelectionConvert" -> "Bitmap"]
- }
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem[
- "Un/Iconi&ze Selection",
- KernelExecute[ToExpression["FE`iconizeSelectionToggle[]"]],
- MenuEvaluator -> Automatic
- ],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem["&Get Help", FrontEnd`SelectionHelpDialog[True]],
- MenuItem["Spea&k Selection", "SelectionSpeak"],
- Delimiter,
- MenuItem[
- "Toggle &Full Screen",
- FrontEndExecute[
- FrontEnd`Value[FEPrivate`NotebookToggleFullScreen[]]
- }
@@ -2592,7 +1920,12 @@ Notebook[
FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {2, 2}},
FrameStyle ->
Directive[AbsoluteThickness[1], GrayLevel[0.92941]],
- ImageMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}
+ ImageMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}},
+ BaseStyle -> {
+ "InlineCode",
+ AutoSpacing -> False,
+ AutoMultiplicationSymbol -> False
+ }
@@ -18280,13 +17613,18 @@ Notebook[
TemplateBoxOptions -> {
DisplayFunction ->
- FrameBox[
- Cell[#1, "Text", Background -> None],
- Background -> RGBColor[0.929412, 0.956863, 0.988235],
- FrameMargins -> 8,
- FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.639216, 0.788235, 0.94902],
- RoundingRadius -> 10,
- StripOnInput -> False
+ PaneBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ #1,
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", Editable -> False, Selectable -> False},
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.929412, 0.956863, 0.988235],
+ FrameMargins -> 8,
+ FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.639216, 0.788235, 0.94902],
+ RoundingRadius -> 10,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ Alignment -> Right,
+ ImageSize -> {Full, Automatic}
@@ -18296,15 +17634,172 @@ Notebook[
TemplateBoxOptions -> {
DisplayFunction ->
- FrameBox[
- #1,
- BaseStyle -> "Text",
- Background -> RGBColor[0.988235, 0.992157, 1.0],
- FrameMargins -> 8,
- FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.788235, 0.8, 0.815686],
- ImageSize -> {Scaled[1], Automatic},
- RoundingRadius -> 10,
- StripOnInput -> False
+ TagBox[
+ FrameBox[
+ #1,
+ BaseStyle -> {"Text", Editable -> False, Selectable -> False},
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.988235, 0.992157, 1.0],
+ FrameMargins -> 8,
+ FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.788235, 0.8, 0.815686],
+ ImageSize -> {Scaled[1], Automatic},
+ RoundingRadius -> 10,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ EventHandlerTag[
+ {
+ "MouseEntered" :>
+ With[ { Wolfram`ChatNB`cell = EvaluationCell[] },
+ Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]];
+ Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"][
+ "AttachAssistantMessageButtons",
+ Wolfram`ChatNB`cell
+ ]
+ ],
+ Method -> "Preemptive",
+ PassEventsDown -> Automatic,
+ PassEventsUp -> True
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["FeedbackButtonsHorizontal"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ ButtonBox[
+ TagBox[
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ False -> TemplateBox[{}, "ThumbsUpInactive"],
+ True -> TemplateBox[{}, "ThumbsUpActive"]
+ },
+ Dynamic[CurrentValue["MouseOver"]],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic,
+ FrameMargins -> 0
+ ],
+ DynamicBox[
+ ToBoxes[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "ChatbookStrings",
+ "StylesheetFeedbackButtonTooltip"
+ ],
+ StandardForm
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "ChatbookStrings",
+ "StylesheetFeedbackButtonTooltip"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { Wolfram`ChatNB`cell$ = EvaluationCell[] },
+ Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]];
+ Catch[
+ Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"][
+ "SendFeedback",
+ Wolfram`ChatNB`cell$,
+ True
+ ],
+ Blank[]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Appearance ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "FEExpressions",
+ "SuppressMouseDownNinePatchAppearance"
+ ]
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> Automatic,
+ Method -> "Preemptive"
+ ],
+ ButtonBox[
+ TagBox[
+ TagBox[
+ TooltipBox[
+ PaneSelectorBox[
+ {
+ False -> TemplateBox[{}, "ThumbsDownInactive"],
+ True -> TemplateBox[{}, "ThumbsDownActive"]
+ },
+ Dynamic[CurrentValue["MouseOver"]],
+ ImageSize -> Automatic,
+ FrameMargins -> 0
+ ],
+ DynamicBox[
+ ToBoxes[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "ChatbookStrings",
+ "StylesheetFeedbackButtonTooltip"
+ ],
+ StandardForm
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Function[
+ Annotation[
+ #1,
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "ChatbookStrings",
+ "StylesheetFeedbackButtonTooltip"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Tooltip"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]
+ ],
+ ButtonFunction :>
+ With[ { Wolfram`ChatNB`cell$ = EvaluationCell[] },
+ Quiet[Needs["Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None]];
+ Catch[
+ Symbol["Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookAction"][
+ "SendFeedback",
+ Wolfram`ChatNB`cell$,
+ False
+ ],
+ Blank[]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Appearance ->
+ Dynamic[
+ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
+ "FEExpressions",
+ "SuppressMouseDownNinePatchAppearance"
+ ]
+ ],
+ Evaluator -> Automatic,
+ Method -> "Preemptive"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0.2}}}
+ ],
+ "Grid"
@@ -18314,20 +17809,23 @@ Notebook[
TemplateBoxOptions -> {
DisplayFunction ->
- PanelBox[
- #1,
- Appearance ->
- Image[
- CompressedData[
- "\n1:eJy9lU1LAlEUhqdxdIYYQ5gkwQFNXLiQlkMhLqJVIQhGCK7UUmljoEG0m7/p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\n2ef/8/fy0CPpd/4Dbscq/g==\n "
+ PaneBox[
+ PanelBox[
+ #1,
+ Appearance ->
+ Image[
+ CompressedData[
+ "\n1:eJy9lU1LAlEUhqdxdIYYQ5gkwQFNXLiQlkMhLqJVIQhGCK7UUmljoEG0m7/p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\n2ef/8/fy0CPpd/4Dbscq/g==\n "
+ ],
+ "Byte",
+ ColorSpace -> "RGB",
+ ImageResolution -> 72,
+ Interleaving -> True
- "Byte",
- ColorSpace -> "RGB",
- ImageResolution -> 72,
- Interleaving -> True
- ],
- ContentPadding -> False,
- FrameMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ FrameMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}
+ ],
+ ImageMargins -> {{40, 50}, {0, 0}}
diff --git a/FrontEnd/StyleSheets/Wolfram/WorkspaceChat.nb b/FrontEnd/StyleSheets/Wolfram/WorkspaceChat.nb
index 3753132e..aa671bdc 100644
--- a/FrontEnd/StyleSheets/Wolfram/WorkspaceChat.nb
+++ b/FrontEnd/StyleSheets/Wolfram/WorkspaceChat.nb
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ Notebook[
Selectable -> False,
WindowSize -> {350, Automatic},
WindowMargins -> {{0, Automatic}, {0, 0}},
- WindowFrame -> "ModelessDialog",
WindowElements -> {"VerticalScrollBar"},
WindowFrameElements -> {"CloseBox", "ResizeArea"},
WindowClickSelect -> True,
@@ -60,15 +59,16 @@ Notebook[
- TaggingRules -> <|"WorkspaceChatStyleSheetVersion" -> ""|>
+ TaggingRules -> <|"WorkspaceChatStyleSheetVersion" -> ""|>
- Selectable -> True,
+ Selectable -> False,
CellFrame -> 0,
CellDingbat -> None,
ShowCellBracket -> False,
CellMargins -> {{15, 10}, {5, 10}},
+ CellEventActions -> None,
CellFrameLabels -> {
{None, None},
@@ -94,16 +94,15 @@ Notebook[
- CellFrameLabelMargins -> 6,
- TextAlignment -> Right
+ CellFrameLabelMargins -> 6
- Selectable -> True,
+ Selectable -> False,
CellFrame -> 0,
CellDingbat -> None,
ShowCellBracket -> False,
- CellMargins -> {{10, 15}, {15, 12}},
+ CellMargins -> {{10, 15}, {25, 12}},
Initialization :> None,
CellFrameLabels -> {
{None, None},
@@ -149,6 +148,12 @@ Notebook[
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["CodeAssistanceWelcomeCell"],
+ CellMargins -> {{10, 10}, {30, 10}},
+ TaggingRules -> <|"ChatNotebookSettings" -> <|"ExcludeFromChat" -> True|>|>,
+ ShowStringCharacters -> False
+ ],
TemplateBoxOptions -> {
@@ -197,6 +202,71 @@ Notebook[
+ ],
+ Cell[
+ StyleData["WelcomeToCodeAssistanceSplash"],
+ TemplateBoxOptions -> {
+ DisplayFunction ->
+ (Function[
+ FrameBox[
+ PaneBox[
+ TagBox[
+ GridBox[
+ {
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ TemplateBox[{}, "ChatIconCodeAssistant"],
+ Magnification -> 5 * Inherited,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ StyleBox[
+ "\"Welcome to Code Assistance Chat\"",
+ FontWeight -> Bold,
+ FontSize -> 17,
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.25],
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ },
+ {"\"Ask me anything using the input field below.\""},
+ {
+ ButtonBox[
+ "\"View Tutorial \[RightGuillemet]\"",
+ ButtonFunction :> MessageDialog["Not implemented yet."],
+ Appearance -> None,
+ BaseStyle -> {"Link"},
+ Evaluator -> Automatic,
+ Method -> "Preemptive"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
+ GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{1}}, "Rows" -> {0, 1.25, 1.25, 0.75}},
+ BaseStyle -> {
+ "Text",
+ FontSize -> 13,
+ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.5],
+ LineBreakWithin -> False
+ }
+ ],
+ "Grid"
+ ],
+ Alignment -> {Center, Automatic},
+ ImageSize -> {Scaled[1], Automatic},
+ ImageSizeAction -> "ShrinkToFit"
+ ],
+ Alignment -> {Center, Automatic},
+ Background -> RGBColor[0.988235, 0.992157, 1.0],
+ FrameMargins -> {{10, 10}, {10, 10}},
+ FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.92549, 0.941176, 0.960784],
+ ImageSize -> {Automatic, Automatic},
+ RoundingRadius -> 10,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ]
+ ])
+ }
StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"
diff --git a/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChatbookStrings.tr b/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChatbookStrings.tr
index caae4a34..64fcfa38 100644
--- a/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChatbookStrings.tr
+++ b/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChatbookStrings.tr
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
"PersonaManagerInstallPersonas" -> "Install Personas",
"PersonaManagerInstallFrom" -> "Install from",
"PersonaManagerInstallFromPromptRepo" -> "Prompt Repository \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"PersonaManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"PersonaManagerManagePersonas" -> "Manage and Enable Personas",
"PersonaManagerInMenu" -> "In Menu",
"PersonaManagerName" -> "Name",
@@ -113,11 +114,13 @@
"PreferencesContentOpenAICompletionURLLabel" -> "Chat Completion URL:",
"ResourceInstallerFromURLPrompt" -> "Enter a URL",
+"ResourceInstallerFromFilePrompt" -> "Choose a Resource Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerTitle" -> "Add & Manage LLM Tools",
"ToolManagerInstallTools" -> "Install Tools",
"ToolManagerInstallFrom" -> "Install from",
"ToolManagerInstallFromLLMToolRepo" -> "LLM Tool Repository \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"ToolManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerManageTools" -> "Manage and Enable Tools",
"ToolManagerShowEnabledFor" -> "Show enabled tools for:",
"ToolManagerTool" -> "Tool",
@@ -162,6 +165,8 @@
"StylesheetCopyChatObject" -> "Copy ChatObject",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuChatInput" -> "Chat Input",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuSideChat" -> "Side Chat",
+"StylesheetContextMenuAskAI" -> "Ask AI Assistant",
+"StylesheetContextMenuIncludeExclude" -> "Include/Exclude From AI Chat",
"PersonaNameBirdnardo" -> "Birdnardo",
"PersonaNameCodeAssistant" -> "Code Assistant",
diff --git a/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChineseSimplified/ChatbookStrings.tr b/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChineseSimplified/ChatbookStrings.tr
index 69c7c0ce..4ab8801e 100644
--- a/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChineseSimplified/ChatbookStrings.tr
+++ b/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChineseSimplified/ChatbookStrings.tr
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
"PersonaManagerInstallPersonas" -> "\:5B89\:88C5\:89D2\:8272",
"PersonaManagerInstallFrom" -> "\:4ECE\:6B64\:5904\:5B89\:88C5\:ff1a",
"PersonaManagerInstallFromPromptRepo" -> "\:63D0\:793A\:8BCD\:5B58\:50A8\:5E93 \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"PersonaManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"PersonaManagerManagePersonas" -> "\:7BA1\:7406\:548C\:542F\:7528\:89D2\:8272",
"PersonaManagerInMenu" -> "\:5305\:62EC\:5728\:83DC\:5355\:4E2D",
"PersonaManagerName" -> "\:540D\:5B57",
@@ -113,11 +114,13 @@
"PreferencesContentOpenAICompletionURLLabel" -> "\:804A\:5929\:8865\:5168 URL\:ff1a",
"ResourceInstallerFromURLPrompt" -> "\:8F93\:5165 URL",
+"ResourceInstallerFromFilePrompt" -> "Choose a Resource Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerTitle" -> "\:6DFB\:52A0\:548C\:7BA1\:7406 LLM \:5DE5\:5177",
"ToolManagerInstallTools" -> "\:5B89\:88C5\:5DE5\:5177",
"ToolManagerInstallFrom" -> "\:4ECE\:6B64\:5904\:5B89\:88C5\:ff1a",
"ToolManagerInstallFromLLMToolRepo" -> "LLM \:5DE5\:5177\:5E93 \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"ToolManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerManageTools" -> "\:7BA1\:7406\:548C\:542F\:7528\:5DE5\:5177",
"ToolManagerShowEnabledFor" -> "\:663E\:793A\:542F\:7528\:7684\:5DE5\:5177\:ff1a",
"ToolManagerTool" -> "\:5DE5\:5177",
@@ -162,6 +165,8 @@
"StylesheetCopyChatObject" -> "\:590D\:5236 ChatObject",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuChatInput" -> "\:804A\:5929\:8F93\:5165",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuSideChat" -> "\:79C1\:804A",
+"StylesheetContextMenuAskAI" -> "Ask AI Assistant",
+"StylesheetContextMenuIncludeExclude" -> "Include/Exclude From AI Chat",
"PersonaNameBirdnardo" -> "Birdnardo",
"PersonaNameCodeAssistant" -> "\:4EE3\:7801\:52A9\:624B",
diff --git a/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChineseTraditional/ChatbookStrings.tr b/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChineseTraditional/ChatbookStrings.tr
index abff0bf2..e7fe0cf0 100644
--- a/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChineseTraditional/ChatbookStrings.tr
+++ b/FrontEnd/TextResources/ChineseTraditional/ChatbookStrings.tr
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
"PersonaManagerInstallPersonas" -> "\:5B89\:88DD\:4EBA\:7269\:8A8C",
"PersonaManagerInstallFrom" -> "\:5B89\:88DD\:8D77\:65BC",
"PersonaManagerInstallFromPromptRepo" -> "\:63D0\:793A\:5132\:5B58\:5EAB \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"PersonaManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"PersonaManagerManagePersonas" -> "\:7BA1\:7406\:4E26\:8CE6\:80FD\:4EBA\:7269\:8A8C",
"PersonaManagerInMenu" -> "\:6311\:9078\:9078\:55AE",
"PersonaManagerName" -> "\:540D\:7A31",
@@ -113,11 +114,13 @@
"PreferencesContentOpenAICompletionURLLabel" -> "\:7DB2\:8DEF\:804A\:5929\:7CFB\:7D71\:5BE6\:73FE\:7DB2\:5740\:FF1A",
"ResourceInstallerFromURLPrompt" -> "\:8F38\:5165\:7DB2\:5740",
+"ResourceInstallerFromFilePrompt" -> "Choose a Resource Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerTitle" -> "\:589E\:6DFB\:4E26\:7BA1\:7406 LLM \:5DE5\:5177",
"ToolManagerInstallTools" -> "\:5B89\:88DD\:5DE5\:5177",
"ToolManagerInstallFrom" -> "\:5B89\:88DD\:8D77\:65BC",
"ToolManagerInstallFromLLMToolRepo" -> "LLM \:5DE5\:5177\:5132\:5B58\:5EAB \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"ToolManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerManageTools" -> "\:7BA1\:7406\:4E26\:8CE6\:80FD\:5DE5\:5177",
"ToolManagerShowEnabledFor" -> "\:986F\:793A\:8CE6\:80FD\:5DE5\:5177\:FF1A",
"ToolManagerTool" -> "\:5DE5\:5177",
@@ -162,6 +165,8 @@
"StylesheetCopyChatObject" -> "\:8907\:88FD ChatObject",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuChatInput" -> "\:7DB2\:8DEF\:804A\:5929\:7CFB\:7D71\:8F38\:5165",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuSideChat" -> "Side Chat \:FF08\:585E\:6390\:FF09",
+"StylesheetContextMenuAskAI" -> "Ask AI Assistant",
+"StylesheetContextMenuIncludeExclude" -> "Include/Exclude From AI Chat",
"PersonaNameBirdnardo" -> "Birdnardo",
"PersonaNameCodeAssistant" -> "\:7DE8\:78BC\:5C0F\:5E6B\:624B",
diff --git a/FrontEnd/TextResources/French/ChatbookStrings.tr b/FrontEnd/TextResources/French/ChatbookStrings.tr
index 7a6eadf4..93a5f1c4 100644
--- a/FrontEnd/TextResources/French/ChatbookStrings.tr
+++ b/FrontEnd/TextResources/French/ChatbookStrings.tr
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
"PersonaManagerInstallPersonas" -> "Installer des personnages",
"PersonaManagerInstallFrom" -> "Installer \[AGrave] partir de",
"PersonaManagerInstallFromPromptRepo" -> "R\[EAcute]f\[EAcute]rentiel de l\[CloseCurlyQuote]invite \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"PersonaManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"PersonaManagerManagePersonas" -> "G\[EAcute]rer et activer les personnages",
"PersonaManagerInMenu" -> "Dans le menu",
"PersonaManagerName" -> "Nom",
@@ -113,11 +114,13 @@
"PreferencesContentOpenAICompletionURLLabel" -> "URL compl\[EGrave]te du chat\[NonBreakingSpace]:",
"ResourceInstallerFromURLPrompt" -> "Entrer une URL",
+"ResourceInstallerFromFilePrompt" -> "Choose a Resource Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerTitle" -> "Ajouter et g\[EAcute]rer des outils LLM",
"ToolManagerInstallTools" -> "Installer des outils",
"ToolManagerInstallFrom" -> "Installer \[AGrave] partir de",
"ToolManagerInstallFromLLMToolRepo" -> "R\[EAcute]f\[EAcute]rentiel d\[CloseCurlyQuote]outils LLM \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"ToolManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerManageTools" -> "G\[EAcute]rer et activer les outils",
"ToolManagerShowEnabledFor" -> "Afficher les outils activ\[EAcute]s pour\[NonBreakingSpace]:",
"ToolManagerTool" -> "Outil",
@@ -162,6 +165,8 @@
"StylesheetCopyChatObject" -> "Copier l\[CloseCurlyQuote]objet de Chat",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuChatInput" -> "Entr\[EAcute]e de chat",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuSideChat" -> "Chat lat\[EAcute]ral",
+"StylesheetContextMenuAskAI" -> "Ask AI Assistant",
+"StylesheetContextMenuIncludeExclude" -> "Include/Exclude From AI Chat",
"PersonaNameBirdnardo" -> "Birdnardo",
"PersonaNameCodeAssistant" -> "Assistant de code",
diff --git a/FrontEnd/TextResources/Japanese/ChatbookStrings.tr b/FrontEnd/TextResources/Japanese/ChatbookStrings.tr
index ba877dd0..746257a8 100644
--- a/FrontEnd/TextResources/Japanese/ChatbookStrings.tr
+++ b/FrontEnd/TextResources/Japanese/ChatbookStrings.tr
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
"PersonaManagerInstallPersonas" -> "\:30da\:30eb\:30bd\:30ca\:306e\:30a4\:30f3\:30b9\:30c8\:30fc\:30eb",
"PersonaManagerInstallFrom" -> "\:6b21\:304b\:3089\:30a4\:30f3\:30b9\:30c8\:30fc\:30eb\:ff1a",
"PersonaManagerInstallFromPromptRepo" -> "Prompt Repository \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"PersonaManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"PersonaManagerManagePersonas" -> "\:30da\:30eb\:30bd\:30ca\:306e\:7ba1\:7406\:3068\:6709\:52b9\:5316",
"PersonaManagerInMenu" -> "\:30e1\:30cb\:30e5\:30fc",
"PersonaManagerName" -> "\:540d\:524d",
@@ -113,11 +114,13 @@
"PreferencesContentOpenAICompletionURLLabel" -> "\:30c1\:30e3\:30c3\:30c8\:5b8c\:4e86\:306eURL\:ff1a",
"ResourceInstallerFromURLPrompt" -> "URL\:3092\:5165\:529b\:3057\:3066\:304f\:3060\:3055\:3044",
+"ResourceInstallerFromFilePrompt" -> "Choose a Resource Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerTitle" -> "\:5927\:898f\:6a21\:8a00\:8a9e\:30c4\:30fc\:30eb\:306e\:8ffd\:52a0\:3068\:7ba1\:7406",
"ToolManagerInstallTools" -> "\:30c4\:30fc\:30eb\:306e\:30a4\:30f3\:30b9\:30c8\:30fc\:30eb",
"ToolManagerInstallFrom" -> "\:6b21\:304b\:3089\:30a4\:30f3\:30b9\:30c8\:30fc\:30eb\:ff1a",
"ToolManagerInstallFromLLMToolRepo" -> "LLM Tool Repository \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"ToolManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerManageTools" -> "\:30c4\:30fc\:30eb\:306e\:7ba1\:7406\:3068\:6709\:52b9\:5316",
"ToolManagerShowEnabledFor" -> "\:6b21\:306b\:3064\:3044\:3066\:6709\:52b9\:5316\:3055\:308c\:305f\:30c4\:30fc\:30eb\:3092\:8868\:793a\:ff1a",
"ToolManagerTool" -> "\:30c4\:30fc\:30eb",
@@ -162,6 +165,8 @@
"StylesheetCopyChatObject" -> "ChatObject\:3092\:30b3\:30d4\:30fc\:3059\:308b",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuChatInput" -> "\:30c1\:30e3\:30c3\:30c8\:5165\:529b",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuSideChat" -> "\:30b5\:30a4\:30c9\:30c1\:30e3\:30c3\:30c8",
+"StylesheetContextMenuAskAI" -> "Ask AI Assistant",
+"StylesheetContextMenuIncludeExclude" -> "Include/Exclude From AI Chat",
"PersonaNameBirdnardo" -> "Birdnardo",
"PersonaNameCodeAssistant" -> "Code Assistant",
diff --git a/FrontEnd/TextResources/Korean/ChatbookStrings.tr b/FrontEnd/TextResources/Korean/ChatbookStrings.tr
index 0a861cfc..8032e1d7 100644
--- a/FrontEnd/TextResources/Korean/ChatbookStrings.tr
+++ b/FrontEnd/TextResources/Korean/ChatbookStrings.tr
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"PersonaManagerInstallPersonas" -> "\:D398\:B974\:C18C\:B098 \:C124\:CE58",
"PersonaManagerInstallFrom" -> "\:B2E4\:C74C\:BD80\:D130 \:C124\:CE58",
"PersonaManagerInstallFromPromptRepo" -> "\:D504\:B86C\:D504\:D2B8 \:B9AC\:D3EC\:C9C0\:D1A0\:B9AC \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"PersonaManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"PersonaManagerManagePersonas" -> "\:D398\:B974\:C18C\:B098 \:AD00\:B9AC \:BC0F \:D65C\:C131\:D654",
"PersonaManagerInMenu" -> "\:BA54\:B274\:C5D0\:C11C",
"PersonaManagerName" -> "\:C774\:B984",
@@ -114,11 +115,13 @@
"PreferencesContentOpenAICompletionURLLabel" -> "\:CC44\:D305 \:C644\:B8CC URL:",
"ResourceInstallerFromURLPrompt" -> "URL\:C744 \:C785\:B825",
+"ResourceInstallerFromFilePrompt" -> "Choose a Resource Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerTitle" -> "\:B300\:D615 \:C5B8\:C5B4 \:BAA8\:B378 \:B3C4\:AD6C\:C758 \:CD94\:AC00 \:BC0F \:AD00\:B9AC",
"ToolManagerInstallTools" -> "\:B3C4\:AD6C \:C124\:CE58",
"ToolManagerInstallFrom" -> "\:B2E4\:C74C\:BD80\:D130 \:C124\:CE58",
"ToolManagerInstallFromLLMToolRepo" -> "\:B300\:D615 \:C5B8\:C5B4 \:BAA8\:B378 \:B3C4\:AD6C \:B9AC\:D3EC\:C9C0\:D1A0\:B9AC \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"ToolManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerManageTools" -> "\:B3C4\:AD6C \:AD00\:B9AC \:BC0F \:D65C\:C131\:D654",
"ToolManagerShowEnabledFor" -> "\:B2E4\:C74C\:C5D0 \:B300\:D574 \:D65C\:C131\:D654\:B41C \:B3C4\:AD6C \:D45C\:C2DC:",
"ToolManagerTool" -> "\:B3C4\:AD6C",
@@ -163,6 +166,8 @@
"StylesheetCopyChatObject" -> "ChatObject \:BCF5\:C0AC",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuChatInput" -> "\:CC44\:D305 \:C785\:B825",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuSideChat" -> "\:C0AC\:C774\:B4DC \:CC44\:D305",
+"StylesheetContextMenuAskAI" -> "Ask AI Assistant",
+"StylesheetContextMenuIncludeExclude" -> "Include/Exclude From AI Chat",
"PersonaNameBirdnardo" -> "Birdnardo",
"PersonaNameCodeAssistant" -> "Code Assistant",
diff --git a/FrontEnd/TextResources/Spanish/ChatbookStrings.tr b/FrontEnd/TextResources/Spanish/ChatbookStrings.tr
index 86f37b27..6c95c031 100644
--- a/FrontEnd/TextResources/Spanish/ChatbookStrings.tr
+++ b/FrontEnd/TextResources/Spanish/ChatbookStrings.tr
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
"PersonaManagerInstallPersonas" -> "Instalar personas",
"PersonaManagerInstallFrom" -> "Instalar desde",
"PersonaManagerInstallFromPromptRepo" -> "Repositorio de prompts \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"PersonaManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"PersonaManagerManagePersonas" -> "Gestionar y habilitar personas",
"PersonaManagerInMenu" -> "En men\[UAcute]",
"PersonaManagerName" -> "Nombre",
@@ -113,11 +114,13 @@
"PreferencesContentOpenAICompletionURLLabel" -> "URL de finalizaci\[OAcute]n de chat:",
"ResourceInstallerFromURLPrompt" -> "Ingrese un enlace URL",
+"ResourceInstallerFromFilePrompt" -> "Choose a Resource Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerTitle" -> "Agregar y administrar herramientas LLM",
"ToolManagerInstallTools" -> "Instalar herramientas",
"ToolManagerInstallFrom" -> "Instalar desde",
"ToolManagerInstallFromLLMToolRepo" -> "Repositorio de herramientas LLM \[UpperRightArrow]",
+"ToolManagerInstallFromFile" -> "Definition Notebook",
"ToolManagerManageTools" -> "Administrar y habilitar herramientas",
"ToolManagerShowEnabledFor" -> "Mostrar herramientas habilitadas para:",
"ToolManagerTool" -> "Herramienta",
@@ -162,6 +165,8 @@
"StylesheetCopyChatObject" -> "Copiar ChatObject",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuChatInput" -> "Entrada de chat",
"StylesheetInsertionMenuSideChat" -> "Chat lateral",
+"StylesheetContextMenuAskAI" -> "Ask AI Assistant",
+"StylesheetContextMenuIncludeExclude" -> "Include/Exclude From AI Chat",
"PersonaNameBirdnardo" -> "Birdnardo",
"PersonaNameCodeAssistant" -> "Asistente de c\[OAcute]digo",
diff --git a/PacletInfo.wl b/PacletInfo.wl
index f6aa8de5..b11a30af 100644
--- a/PacletInfo.wl
+++ b/PacletInfo.wl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
PacletObject[ <|
"Name" -> "Wolfram/Chatbook",
"PublisherID" -> "Wolfram",
- "Version" -> "1.5.0",
+ "Version" -> "1.5.1",
"WolframVersion" -> "13.3+",
"Description" -> "Wolfram Notebooks + LLMs",
"License" -> "MIT",
@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@ PacletObject[ <|
{ "Asset",
"Root" -> "Assets",
"Assets" -> {
- { "Icons" , "Icons.wxf" },
- { "DisplayFunctions", "DisplayFunctions.wxf" },
{ "AIAssistant" , "AIAssistant" },
- { "SandboxMessages" , "SandboxMessages.wl" }
+ { "DisplayFunctions", "DisplayFunctions.wxf" },
+ { "Icons" , "Icons.wxf" },
+ { "SandboxMessages" , "SandboxMessages.wl" },
+ { "Tokenizers" , "Tokenizers" }
{ "LLMConfiguration",
diff --git a/Scripts/.githooks/post-checkout b/Scripts/.githooks/post-checkout
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca7fcb40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/.githooks/post-checkout
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+command -v git-lfs >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "\nThis repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting the 'post-checkout' file in the hooks directory (set by 'core.hookspath'; usually '.git/hooks').\n"; exit 2; }
+git lfs post-checkout "$@"
diff --git a/Scripts/.githooks/post-commit b/Scripts/.githooks/post-commit
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52b339cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/.githooks/post-commit
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+command -v git-lfs >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "\nThis repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting the 'post-commit' file in the hooks directory (set by 'core.hookspath'; usually '.git/hooks').\n"; exit 2; }
+git lfs post-commit "$@"
diff --git a/Scripts/.githooks/post-merge b/Scripts/.githooks/post-merge
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a912e667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/.githooks/post-merge
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+command -v git-lfs >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "\nThis repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting the 'post-merge' file in the hooks directory (set by 'core.hookspath'; usually '.git/hooks').\n"; exit 2; }
+git lfs post-merge "$@"
diff --git a/Scripts/.githooks/pre-push b/Scripts/.githooks/pre-push
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f0089bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/.githooks/pre-push
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+command -v git-lfs >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "\nThis repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting the 'pre-push' file in the hooks directory (set by 'core.hookspath'; usually '.git/hooks').\n"; exit 2; }
+git lfs pre-push "$@"
diff --git a/Scripts/BuildMX.wls b/Scripts/BuildMX.wls
index 121ad918..b0d1d401 100755
--- a/Scripts/BuildMX.wls
+++ b/Scripts/BuildMX.wls
@@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ cicd`ScriptConfirm @ expandTags @ tmp;
cicd`ConsoleLog[ "Loading paclet..." ];
PacletDirectoryUnload @ $pacletDir;
cicd`ScriptConfirmBy[ PacletDirectoryLoad @ tmp, MemberQ @ tmp ];
+Unprotect[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*" ];
+Remove[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*" ];
+Remove[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*`*" ];
+cicd`ScriptConfirmAssert[ Names[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*" ] === Names[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*`*" ] === { }, "Names" ];
cicd`ScriptConfirm @ CheckAbort[ Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ], $Failed ];
cicd`ScriptConfirmMatch[ DeleteDirectory[ tmp, DeleteContents -> True ], Null ];
diff --git a/Scripts/BuildPaclet.wls b/Scripts/BuildPaclet.wls
index f60b5a01..37667fd4 100644
--- a/Scripts/BuildPaclet.wls
+++ b/Scripts/BuildPaclet.wls
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`ChatbookScripts`" ];
If[ ! TrueQ @ $loadedDefinitions, Get @ FileNameJoin @ { DirectoryName @ $InputFileName, "Common.wl" } ];
+Get @ cFile @ FileNameJoin @ { DirectoryName @ $InputFileName, "UnformatFiles.wls" };
Get @ cFile @ FileNameJoin @ { DirectoryName @ $InputFileName, "BuildMX.wls" };
result = checkResult @ Wolfram`PacletCICD`BuildPaclet[
diff --git a/Scripts/InstallTestDependencies.wls b/Scripts/InstallTestDependencies.wls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..575d03b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/InstallTestDependencies.wls
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
+(* :!CodeAnalysis::BeginBlock:: *)
+(* :!CodeAnalysis::Disable::SuspiciousSessionSymbol:: *)
+PacletSiteUpdate @ PacletSites[ ];
+PacletInstall[ "OAuth" ];
+PacletInstall[ "ServiceConnection_OpenAI" ];
+PacletInstall[ "ServiceConnectionUtilities" ];
+PacletInstall[ "Wolfram/LLMFunctions" ];
+(* A prebuilt version of the SemanticSearch paclet is included for running tests on 13.3: *)
+If[ ! PacletObjectQ @ Quiet @ PacletInstall[ "SemanticSearch" ],
+ PacletInstall @ FileNameJoin @ {
+ DirectoryName[ $InputFileName, 2 ],
+ "Developer/Resources/Paclets/SemanticSearch.paclet"
+ }
+If[ ! PacletObjectQ @ PacletObject[ "SemanticSearch" ],
+ Print[ "::error::Failed to install SemanticSearch." ];
+ Exit[ 1 ]
+(* :!CodeAnalysis::EndBlock:: *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Scripts/UnformatFiles.wls b/Scripts/UnformatFiles.wls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f02382c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/UnformatFiles.wls
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`ChatbookScripts`" ];
+If[ ! TrueQ @ $loadedDefinitions, Get @ FileNameJoin @ { DirectoryName @ $InputFileName, "Common.wl" } ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`PacletCICD`" -> "cicd`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+unformat[ file_ ] :=
+ Enclose @ Module[ { nb, exported },
+ nb = ConfirmMatch[ Import[ file, "NB" ], _Notebook, "Import" ];
+ exported = ConfirmBy[ Export[ file, nb, "NB" ], FileExistsQ, "Export" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ StringContainsQ[ Import[ file, "String" ], "(* Internal cache information *)" ], "CacheCheck" ];
+ cicd`ConsoleLog[ " "<>exported ];
+ exported
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+files = cicd`ScriptConfirmMatch[
+ FileNames[ "*.nb", FileNameJoin @ { $pacletDir, "FrontEnd" }, Infinity ],
+ { __String }
+(* cSpell: ignore unformatting *)
+cicd`ConsoleLog[ "Unformatting " <> ToString @ Length @ files <> " files..." ];
+result = cicd`ScriptConfirmMatch[ unformat /@ files, { __String } ];
+EndPackage[ ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Actions.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Actions.wl
index ec36c786..b433e3b4 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Actions.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Actions.wl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(*Package Header*)
BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Actions`" ];
-(* cSpell: ignore TOOLCALL, ENDTOOLCALL, ENDRESULT, nodef *)
+(* cSpell: ignore TOOLCALL, ENDTOOLCALL, nodef *)
(* TODO: these probably aren't needed as exported symbols since all hooks are going through ChatbookAction *)
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ Begin[ "`Private`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PersonaManager`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ToolManager`" ];
@@ -63,41 +62,42 @@ ChatCellEvaluate[ args___ ] :=
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
-ChatbookAction[ "AccentIncludedCells" , args___ ] := catchMine @ accentIncludedCells @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "AIAutoAssist" , args___ ] := catchMine @ AIAutoAssist @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "Ask" , args___ ] := catchMine @ AskChat @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "AssistantMessageLabel" , args___ ] := catchMine @ assistantMessageLabel @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "AttachCodeButtons" , args___ ] := catchMine @ AttachCodeButtons @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "AttachWorkspaceChatInput" , args___ ] := catchMine @ attachWorkspaceChatInput @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "CopyChatObject" , args___ ] := catchMine @ CopyChatObject @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "CopyExplodedCells" , args___ ] := catchMine @ CopyExplodedCells @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "DisableAssistance" , args___ ] := catchMine @ DisableAssistance @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "DisplayInlineChat" , args___ ] := catchMine @ displayInlineChat @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "EvaluateChatInput" , args___ ] := catchMine @ EvaluateChatInput @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "EvaluateWorkspaceChat" , args___ ] := catchMine @ evaluateWorkspaceChat @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "EvaluateInlineChat" , args___ ] := catchMine @ evaluateInlineChat @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "ExclusionToggle" , args___ ] := catchMine @ ExclusionToggle @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "ExplodeDuplicate" , args___ ] := catchMine @ ExplodeDuplicate @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "ExplodeInPlace" , args___ ] := catchMine @ ExplodeInPlace @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "InsertCodeBelow" , args___ ] := catchMine @ insertCodeBelow @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "InsertInlineReference" , args___ ] := catchMine @ InsertInlineReference @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "MakeWorkspaceChatDockedCell", args___ ] := catchMine @ makeWorkspaceChatDockedCell @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "MoveToChatInputField" , args___ ] := catchMine @ moveToChatInputField @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "OpenChatBlockSettings" , args___ ] := catchMine @ OpenChatBlockSettings @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "OpenChatMenu" , args___ ] := catchMine @ OpenChatMenu @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "PersonaManage" , args___ ] := catchMine @ PersonaManage @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "RemoveCellAccents" , args___ ] := catchMine @ removeCellAccents @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "Send" , args___ ] := catchMine @ SendChat @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "SendFeedback" , args___ ] := catchMine @ SendFeedback @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "StopChat" , args___ ] := catchMine @ StopChat @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "TabLeft" , args___ ] := catchMine @ TabLeft @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "TabRight" , args___ ] := catchMine @ TabRight @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "ToggleFormatting" , args___ ] := catchMine @ ToggleFormatting @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "ToolManage" , args___ ] := catchMine @ ToolManage @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "UpdateDynamics" , args___ ] := catchMine @ updateDynamics @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "UserMessageLabel" , args___ ] := catchMine @ userMessageLabel @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ "WidgetSend" , args___ ] := catchMine @ WidgetSend @ args;
-ChatbookAction[ args___ ] := catchMine @ throwInternalFailure @ ChatbookAction @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "AccentIncludedCells" , args___ ] := catchMine @ accentIncludedCells @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "AIAutoAssist" , args___ ] := catchMine @ AIAutoAssist @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "Ask" , args___ ] := catchMine @ AskChat @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "AssistantMessageLabel" , args___ ] := catchMine @ assistantMessageLabel @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "AttachAssistantMessageButtons", args___ ] := catchMine @ attachAssistantMessageButtons @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "AttachCodeButtons" , args___ ] := catchMine @ AttachCodeButtons @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "AttachWorkspaceChatInput" , args___ ] := catchMine @ attachWorkspaceChatInput @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "CopyChatObject" , args___ ] := catchMine @ CopyChatObject @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "CopyExplodedCells" , args___ ] := catchMine @ CopyExplodedCells @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "DisableAssistance" , args___ ] := catchMine @ DisableAssistance @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "DisplayInlineChat" , args___ ] := catchMine @ displayInlineChat @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "EvaluateChatInput" , args___ ] := catchMine @ EvaluateChatInput @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "EvaluateWorkspaceChat" , args___ ] := catchMine @ evaluateWorkspaceChat @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "EvaluateInlineChat" , args___ ] := catchMine @ evaluateInlineChat @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "ExclusionToggle" , args___ ] := catchMine @ ExclusionToggle @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "ExplodeDuplicate" , args___ ] := catchMine @ ExplodeDuplicate @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "ExplodeInPlace" , args___ ] := catchMine @ ExplodeInPlace @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "InsertCodeBelow" , args___ ] := catchMine @ insertCodeBelow @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "InsertInlineReference" , args___ ] := catchMine @ InsertInlineReference @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "MakeWorkspaceChatDockedCell" , args___ ] := catchMine @ makeWorkspaceChatDockedCell @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "MoveToChatInputField" , args___ ] := catchMine @ moveToChatInputField @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "OpenChatBlockSettings" , args___ ] := catchMine @ OpenChatBlockSettings @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "OpenChatMenu" , args___ ] := catchMine @ OpenChatMenu @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "PersonaManage" , args___ ] := catchMine @ PersonaManage @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "RemoveCellAccents" , args___ ] := catchMine @ removeCellAccents @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "Send" , args___ ] := catchMine @ SendChat @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "SendFeedback" , args___ ] := catchMine @ SendFeedback @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "StopChat" , args___ ] := catchMine @ StopChat @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "TabLeft" , args___ ] := catchMine @ TabLeft @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "TabRight" , args___ ] := catchMine @ TabRight @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "ToggleFormatting" , args___ ] := catchMine @ ToggleFormatting @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "ToolManage" , args___ ] := catchMine @ ToolManage @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "UpdateDynamics" , args___ ] := catchMine @ updateDynamics @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "UserMessageLabel" , args___ ] := catchMine @ userMessageLabel @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ "WidgetSend" , args___ ] := catchMine @ WidgetSend @ args;
+ChatbookAction[ args___ ] := catchMine @ throwInternalFailure @ ChatbookAction @ args;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -402,8 +402,8 @@ EvaluateChatInput[ evalCell_CellObject, nbo_NotebookObject, settings_Association
(* Send chat while listening for an abort: *)
- sendChat[ evalCell, nbo, settings ];
- waitForLastTask[ ]
+ sendChat[ evalCell, nbo, settings ] // LogChatTiming[ "SendChat" ];
+ waitForLastTask @ settings
(* The user has issued an abort: *)
$aborted = True;
@@ -422,11 +422,12 @@ EvaluateChatInput[ evalCell_CellObject, nbo_NotebookObject, settings_Association
If[ ListQ @ $lastMessages && StringQ @ $lastChatString,
- chat = constructChatObject @ Append[
+ chat = constructChatObject @ mergeToolCallMessages @ Append[
<| "Role" -> "Assistant", "Content" -> $lastChatString |>
- ]
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "ConstructChatObject" ]
+ If[ TrueQ @ settings[ "AutoSaveConversations" ], SaveChat[ chat, settings ] ];
applyChatPost[ chat, settings, nbo, $aborted ]
applyChatPost[ None, settings, nbo, $aborted ];
@@ -438,6 +439,27 @@ EvaluateChatInput[ evalCell_CellObject, nbo_NotebookObject, settings_Association
EvaluateChatInput // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+mergeToolCallMessages // beginDefinition;
+(* :!CodeAnalysis::BeginBlock:: *)
+(* :!CodeAnalysis::Disable::KernelBug:: *)
+mergeToolCallMessages[ {
+ a___,
+ KeyValuePattern[ "ToolRequest" -> True ],
+ KeyValuePattern[ "ToolResponse" -> True ],
+ b: KeyValuePattern[ "Role" -> "Assistant" ],
+ c___
+} ] := mergeToolCallMessages @ { a, b, c };
+(* :!CodeAnalysis::EndBlock:: *)
+mergeToolCallMessages[ messages_List ] :=
+ messages;
+mergeToolCallMessages // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -533,6 +555,9 @@ ensureChatOutputCell[ cell_, new_CellObject? chatInputCellQ ] :=
ensureChatOutputCell[ cell_, None ] :=
+ensureChatOutputCell[ _, _ ] :=
+ None;
ensureChatOutputCell // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -540,15 +565,28 @@ ensureChatOutputCell // endDefinition;
waitForLastTask // beginDefinition;
-waitForLastTask[ ] := waitForLastTask @ $lastTask;
+waitForLastTask[ settings_Association ] :=
+ Module[ { timeConstraint },
+ timeConstraint = settings[ "TimeConstraint" ];
+ If[ TrueQ @ Positive @ timeConstraint,
+ TimeConstrained[ waitForLastTask @ $lastTask, timeConstraint, StopChat[ ] ],
+ waitForLastTask @ $lastTask
+ ]
+ ];
waitForLastTask[ $Canceled ] := $Canceled;
-waitForLastTask[ task_TaskObject ] := (
+waitForLastTask[ None ] :=
+ While[ MatchQ[ $nextTaskEvaluation, _Hold ],
+ runNextTask @ $nextTaskEvaluation
+ ];
+waitForLastTask[ task_TaskObject ] := LogChatTiming[
TaskWait @ task;
runNextTask[ ];
- If[ $lastTask =!= task, waitForLastTask @ $lastTask ]
+ If[ $lastTask =!= task, waitForLastTask @ $lastTask ],
+ "WaitForLastTask"
waitForLastTask[ HoldPattern[ $lastTask ] ] := Null;
@@ -764,6 +802,9 @@ revertMultimodalContent[ as: KeyValuePattern[ "Content" -> content_List ] ] := <
+revertMultimodalContent[ as: KeyValuePattern[ "Content" -> content_Association ] ] :=
+ revertMultimodalContent[ <| as, "Content" -> { content } |> ];
revertMultimodalContent[ as: KeyValuePattern[ "Content" -> _String ] ] :=
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatHistory.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatHistory.wl
index 68c14103..ac36ff6f 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/ChatHistory.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatHistory.wl
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ $$historyProperty = All | $$validChatHistoryProperty | { $$validChatHi
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+GetChatHistory // beginDefinition;
GeneralUtilities`SetUsage[ GetChatHistory, "\
GetChatHistory[cell$] gives the list of cells that would be included in the chat history for the \
CellObject specified by cell$.
@@ -60,11 +62,10 @@ GetChatHistory[ cell_CellObject, property: $$historyProperty ] := catchMine @ En
If[ KeyExistsQ[ as, "Settings" ], as[ "Settings" ] = resolveAutoSettings @ as[ "Settings" ] ];
ConfirmMatch[ selectProperties[ as, property ], Except[ _selectProperties ], "SelectedProperties" ]
- throwInternalFailure[ GetChatHistory[ cell, property ], ## ] &
+ throwInternalFailure
-GetChatHistory[ args___ ] :=
- catchMine @ throwFailure[ "InvalidArguments", GetChatHistory, HoldForm @ GetChatHistory @ args ];
+GetChatHistory // endExportedDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ selectProperties // endDefinition;
getCellExpressions // beginDefinition;
getCellExpressions[ KeyValuePattern[ "CellObjects" -> cells_ ] ] := getCellExpressions @ cells;
-getCellExpressions[ cells: { ___CellObject } ] := NotebookRead @ cells;
+getCellExpressions[ cells: { ___CellObject } ] := notebookRead @ cells;
getCellExpressions // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatMessageToCell.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatMessageToCell.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15098813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatMessageToCell.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatMessageToCell`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$chatOutputOptions = Sequence[ GeneratedCell -> True, CellAutoOverwrite -> True ];
+$selectableOptions = Sequence[ Background -> None, Selectable -> True, Editable -> True ];
+$$chatCellFormat = None | Automatic | "Default" | "Inline" | "Workspace";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+ChatMessageToCell // beginDefinition;
+ChatMessageToCell[ message: $$chatMessage, format: $$chatCellFormat ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
+ First @ ConfirmMatch[ chatMessagesToCells[ { message }, format ], { _Cell }, "Cell" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+ChatMessageToCell[ messages: $$chatMessages, format: $$chatCellFormat ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
+ ConfirmMatch[ chatMessagesToCells[ messages, format ], { ___Cell }, "Cells" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+ChatMessageToCell // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+chatMessagesToCells // beginDefinition;
+chatMessagesToCells[ messages_, None|Automatic ] := chatMessagesToCells[ messages, "Default" ];
+chatMessagesToCells[ messages_, format_ ] := chatMessageToCell[ #, format ] & /@ revertMultimodalContent @ messages;
+chatMessagesToCells // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+chatMessageToCell // beginDefinition;
+chatMessageToCell[ message_Association, format_ ] :=
+ chatMessageToCell[ message[ "Role" ], message[ "Content" ], format ];
+chatMessageToCell[ role_String, content_, format_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { formatted },
+ formatted = ConfirmMatch[ getFormattedTextData @ content, _TextData, "TextData" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ wrapCellContent[ formatted, role, format ], _Cell | Nothing, "Result" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+chatMessageToCell // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+wrapCellContent // beginDefinition;
+wrapCellContent[ text_, "Assistant", "Default" ] := Cell[ text, "ChatOutput", $chatOutputOptions ];
+wrapCellContent[ text_, "System" , "Default" ] := Cell[ text, "ChatSystemInput" ];
+wrapCellContent[ text_, "User" , "Default" ] := Cell[ text, "ChatInput" ];
+wrapCellContent[ text_, "Assistant", "Workspace" ] := workspaceOutput @ text;
+wrapCellContent[ text_, "System" , "Workspace" ] := Nothing; (* System inputs shouldn't appear in workspace chat *)
+wrapCellContent[ text_, "User" , "Workspace" ] := workspaceInput @ text;
+wrapCellContent // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+workspaceInput // beginDefinition;
+workspaceInput[ TextData[ { text_String } ] ] := workspaceInput @ text;
+workspaceInput[ TextData[ text_String ] ] := workspaceInput @ text;
+workspaceInput[ text_String ] := workspaceInput0 @ text;
+workspaceInput[ text_ ] := workspaceInput0 @ Cell @ text;
+workspaceInput // endDefinition;
+workspaceInput0 // beginDefinition;
+workspaceInput0[ stuff_ ] := Cell[
+ BoxData @ TemplateBox[ { Cell[ stuff, $selectableOptions ] }, "UserMessageBox" ],
+ "ChatInput"
+workspaceInput0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+workspaceOutput // beginDefinition;
+workspaceOutput[ text_TextData ] :=
+ wrapCellContent[
+ TextData @ Cell[
+ BoxData @ TemplateBox[ { Cell[ text, $selectableOptions ] }, "AssistantMessageBox" ],
+ Background -> None
+ ],
+ "Assistant",
+ "Default"
+ ];
+workspaceOutput // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getFormattedTextData // beginDefinition;
+getFormattedTextData[ content_String ] := getFormattedTextData[ content, FormatChatOutput @ content ];
+getFormattedTextData[ content_, (Cell|RawBoxes)[ boxes_ ] ] := getFormattedTextData[ content, boxes ];
+getFormattedTextData[ content_, TextData[ text: $$textDataList ] ] := TextData @ text;
+getFormattedTextData[ content_, string_String ] := TextData @ { string };
+getFormattedTextData[ content_String, boxes_ ] := TextData @ { content };
+getFormattedTextData // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatMessages.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatMessages.wl
index 395b39e0..35cdda7a 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/ChatMessages.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatMessages.wl
@@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ Begin[ "`Private`" ];
(* :!CodeAnalysis::BeginBlock:: *)
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Actions`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Personas`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Actions`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Personas`" ];
$ContextAliases[ "tokens`" ] = "Wolfram`LLMFunctions`Utilities`Tokenization`";
@@ -116,11 +115,12 @@ constructMessages[ settings_Association? AssociationQ, cells: { __Cell } ] :=
constructMessages[ settings, makeChatMessages[ settings, cells ] ];
constructMessages[ settings_Association? AssociationQ, messages0: { __Association } ] :=
- Enclose @ Module[ { prompted, messages, processed },
+ Enclose @ Module[
+ { prompted, messages, merged, genRole, genPos, generatedPrompts, generatedMessages, combined, processed },
If[ settings[ "AutoFormat" ], needsBasePrompt[ "Formatting" ] ];
needsBasePrompt @ settings;
- prompted = addPrompts[ settings, messages0 ];
+ prompted = addPrompts[ settings, DeleteCases[ messages0, KeyValuePattern[ "Temporary" -> True ] ] ];
messages = prompted /.
s_String :> RuleCondition @ StringTrim @ StringReplace[
@@ -133,7 +133,36 @@ constructMessages[ settings_Association? AssociationQ, messages0: { __Associatio
- processed = applyProcessingFunction[ settings, "ChatMessages", HoldComplete[ messages, $ChatHandlerData ] ];
+ merged = If[ TrueQ @ Lookup[ settings, "MergeMessages" ],
+ ConfirmMatch[ mergeMessageData @ messages, $$chatMessages, "Merged" ],
+ messages
+ ];
+ genRole = settings[ "PromptGeneratorMessageRole" ];
+ genPos = settings[ "PromptGeneratorMessagePosition" ];
+ If[ ! MatchQ[ genRole, "System"|"Assistant"|"User" ],
+ throwFailure[ "InvalidPromptGeneratorRole", genRole ]
+ ];
+ generatedPrompts = ConfirmMatch[ applyPromptGenerators[ settings, merged ], { ___String }, "Generated" ];
+ generatedMessages = Splice @ ConfirmMatch[
+ <| "Role" -> genRole, "Content" -> #, "Temporary" -> True |> & /@ generatedPrompts,
+ $$chatMessages,
+ "GeneratedMessages"
+ ];
+ combined = ConfirmMatch[
+ Check[
+ Insert[ merged, generatedMessages, genPos ],
+ throwFailure[ "InvalidPromptGeneratorPosition", genPos ]
+ ],
+ $$chatMessages,
+ "Combined"
+ ];
+ processed = applyProcessingFunction[ settings, "ChatMessages", HoldComplete[ combined, $ChatHandlerData ] ];
If[ ! MatchQ[ processed, $$validMessageResults ],
messagePrint[ "InvalidMessages", getProcessingFunction[ settings, "ChatMessages" ], processed ];
@@ -141,6 +170,9 @@ constructMessages[ settings_Association? AssociationQ, messages0: { __Associatio
processed //= DeleteCases @ KeyValuePattern[ "Content" -> "" ];
+ processed = rewriteMessageRoles[ settings, processed ];
Sow[ <| "Messages" -> processed |>, $chatDataTag ];
$lastSettings = settings;
@@ -151,6 +183,30 @@ constructMessages[ settings_Association? AssociationQ, messages0: { __Associatio
constructMessages // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+rewriteMessageRoles // beginDefinition;
+rewriteMessageRoles[ settings_? o1ModelQ, messages_ ] := convertSystemRoleToUser @ messages;
+rewriteMessageRoles[ settings_, messages_ ] := messages;
+rewriteMessageRoles // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+convertSystemRoleToUser // beginDefinition;
+convertSystemRoleToUser[ messages_List ] :=
+ convertSystemRoleToUser /@ messages;
+convertSystemRoleToUser[ as: KeyValuePattern @ { "Role" -> "System", "Content" -> content_ } ] :=
+ <| as, "Role" -> "User" |>;
+convertSystemRoleToUser[ message_Association ] :=
+ message;
+convertSystemRoleToUser // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -281,7 +337,7 @@ makeChatMessages0[ settings_, { cells___, cell_ ? promptFunctionCellQ }, include
makeChatMessages0[ settings0_, cells_List, includeSystem_ ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { settings, role, message, toMessage0, toMessage, cell, history, messages, merged },
+ Module[ { settings, role, message, toMessage0, toMessage, cell, history, messages },
settings = ConfirmBy[ <| settings0, "HistoryPosition" -> 0, "Cells" -> cells |>, AssociationQ, "Settings" ];
role = If[ TrueQ @ includeSystem, makeCurrentRole @ settings, Missing[ ] ];
cell = ConfirmMatch[ Last[ cells, $Failed ], _Cell, "Cell" ];
@@ -310,8 +366,7 @@ makeChatMessages0[ settings0_, cells_List, includeSystem_ ] := Enclose[
messages = addExcisedCellMessage @ DeleteMissing @ Flatten @ { role, history, message };
- merged = If[ TrueQ @ Lookup[ settings, "MergeMessages" ], mergeMessageData @ messages, messages ];
- $lastMessageList = merged
+ $lastMessageList = messages
@@ -1326,7 +1381,7 @@ argumentTokenToString // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
-$tokenizer := $gpt2Tokenizer;
+$tokenizer := cachedTokenizer[ "gpt-4o" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -1374,10 +1429,10 @@ cachedTokenizer[ id_String ] :=
cachedTokenizer[ id_String ] := Enclose[
Module[ { name, tokenizer },
name = ConfirmBy[ tokenizerName @ toModelName @ id, StringQ, "Name" ];
- tokenizer = findTokenizer @ name;
+ tokenizer = LogChatTiming @ findTokenizer @ name;
If[ MissingQ @ tokenizer,
(* Fallback to the GPT-2 tokenizer: *)
- tokenizer = ConfirmMatch[ $genericTokenizer, Except[ $$unspecified ], "GPT2Tokenizer" ];
+ tokenizer = ConfirmMatch[ $cachedTokenizers[ "generic" ], Except[ $$unspecified ], "GPT2Tokenizer" ];
If[ TrueQ @ Wolfram`ChatbookInternal`$BuildingMX,
tokenizer, (* Avoid caching fallback values into MX definitions *)
cacheTokenizer[ name, tokenizer ]
@@ -1407,12 +1462,37 @@ cacheTokenizer // endDefinition;
findTokenizer // beginDefinition;
-findTokenizer[ "gpt-4o-text" ] :=
+findTokenizer[ model_String ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { dir, file, tokenizer },
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ $tokenizerDirectory, StringQ, "Directory" ];
+ file = FileNameJoin @ { dir, model<>".wxf" };
+ tokenizer = If[ FileExistsQ @ file,
+ LogChatTiming[ Developer`ReadWXFFile @ file, "ReadTokenizerFile" ],
+ findTokenizer0 @ model
+ ];
+ If[ MissingQ @ tokenizer, Throw @ tokenizer ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ LogChatTiming[ tokenizer[ "test" ], "TokenizerTest" ], _List, "TokenizerTest" ];
+ tokenizer
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+findTokenizer // endDefinition;
+findTokenizer0 // beginDefinition;
+findTokenizer0[ "gpt-4o-text" ] :=
With[ { tokenizer = findTokenizer[ "gpt-4o" ] },
tokenizer /; ! MissingQ @ tokenizer
-findTokenizer[ model_String ] := Enclose[
+findTokenizer0[ model_String ] := Enclose[
Quiet @ Module[ { name, tokenizer },
initTools[ ];
Quiet @ Needs[ "Wolfram`LLMFunctions`Utilities`Tokenization`" -> None ];
@@ -1424,7 +1504,10 @@ findTokenizer[ model_String ] := Enclose[
Missing[ "NotFound" ] &
-findTokenizer // endDefinition;
+findTokenizer0 // endDefinition;
+$tokenizerDirectory := $tokenizerDirectory = FileNameJoin @ { $thisPaclet[ "Location" ], "Assets", "Tokenizers" };
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -1433,7 +1516,7 @@ $cachedTokenizers[ "chat-bison" ] = ToCharacterCode[ #, "UTF8" ] &;
$cachedTokenizers[ "gpt-4-vision" ] = If[ graphicsQ @ #, gpt4ImageTokenizer, cachedTokenizer[ "gpt-4" ] ][ # ] &;
$cachedTokenizers[ "gpt-4o" ] = If[ graphicsQ @ #, gpt4ImageTokenizer, cachedTokenizer[ "gpt-4o-text" ] ][ # ] &;
$cachedTokenizers[ "claude-3" ] = If[ graphicsQ @ #, claude3ImageTokenizer, cachedTokenizer[ "claude" ] ][ # ] &;
-$cachedTokenizers[ "generic" ] = If[ graphicsQ @ #, { }, $gpt2Tokenizer @ # ] &;
+$cachedTokenizers[ "generic" ] = If[ graphicsQ @ #, { }, cachedTokenizer[ "gpt-2" ][ # ] ] &;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -1523,22 +1606,11 @@ claude3ImageTokenCount0[ image_, { w_, h_ } ] := claude3ImageTokenCount0[ w, h ]
claude3ImageTokenCount0[ w_Integer, h_Integer ] := Ceiling[ (w * h) / 750 ];
claude3ImageTokenCount0 // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-(*Fallback Tokenizer*)
-$gpt2Tokenizer := $gpt2Tokenizer = gpt2Tokenizer[ ];
-(* https://resources.wolframcloud.com/FunctionRepository/resources/GPTTokenizer *)
-importResourceFunction[ gpt2Tokenizer, "GPTTokenizer" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Package Footer*)
- cachedTokenizer[ All ];
- $gpt2Tokenizer;
- (* This is only needed to generate $gpt2Tokenizer once, so it can be removed to reduce MX file size: *)
- Remove[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ResourceFunctions`GPTTokenizer`GPTTokenizer" ];
+ Null
(* :!CodeAnalysis::EndBlock:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/ChatModes.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/ChatModes.wl
index 72f03983..7caf0c15 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/ChatModes.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/ChatModes.wl
@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
* Workspace Chat
* Get context from multiple notebooks
* Set up an LLM subtask to choose relevant notebooks for inclusion
- * Fine-grained selection prompts (e.g. specific character ranges, instead of whole cells)
- * Update serialization to include cell identifiers when serializing notebook context
- * Create NotebookEditor tool that utilizes these cell identifiers to allow for editing of notebooks
* Create test writer tool
* Define a `$ChatEvaluationMode` that gives "Inline", "Workspace", or None based on the current chat mode
@@ -38,6 +35,7 @@ $InlineChat = False;
(*Load Subcontexts*)
$subcontexts = {
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatModes`ContentSuggestions`",
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Common.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Common.wl
index cda3b9ce..5b7a5023 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Common.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Common.wl
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ HoldComplete[
+ `getContextFromSelection,
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/ContentSuggestions.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/ContentSuggestions.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16e0adb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/ContentSuggestions.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,1012 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatModes`ContentSuggestions`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatModes`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$suggestionsService = "OpenAI";
+$suggestionsAuthentication = Automatic;
+$stripWhitespace = True;
+$defaultWLContextString = "";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Wolfram Language Suggestions*)
+$wlSuggestionsModel = "gpt-4o";
+$wlSuggestionsMultimodal = False;
+$wlSuggestionsCount = 3;
+$wlSuggestionsMaxTokens = 128;
+$wlSuggestionsTemperature = 0.9;
+$wlPlaceholderString = "\:2758";
+$wlCellsBefore = 50;
+$wlCellsAfter = 25;
+$wlDocMaxItems = 5;
+$wlFilterDocResults = False;
+$wlFilteredDocCount = 3;
+$wlSuggestionsPrompt := If[ TrueQ @ $wlFIM, $wlFIMPrompt, $wlSuggestionsPrompt0 ];
+(* TODO: make the language a template parameter to support ExternalLanguage cells too: *)
+$wlSuggestionsPrompt0 = StringTemplate[ "\
+Complete the following Wolfram Language code by writing text that can be inserted into \"%%Placeholder%%\".
+Do your best to match the existing style (whitespace, line breaks, etc.).
+Your suggested text will be inserted into %%Placeholder%%, so be careful not to repeat the immediately surrounding text.
+Use `%` to refer to the previous output or `%n` for earlier outputs (where n is an output number) when appropriate.
+Limit your suggested completion to approximately one or two lines of code.
+Respond with the completion text and nothing else.
+Do not include any formatting in your response. Do not include outputs or `In[]:=` cell labels.
+Delimiters -> "%%" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Fill-in-the-Middle Completions*)
+(* cSpell: ignore Ollama, CodeGemma, DeepSeek *)
+$wlFIM = False;
+$wlFIMService = "Ollama";
+$wlFIMModel = "deepseek-coder-v2";
+$wlFIMAuthentication = Automatic;
+$wlFIMTemperature = 0.7;
+$wlFIMSuggestionsCount = 1;
+$wlFIMOptions = <|
+ "num_predict" -> $wlSuggestionsMaxTokens,
+ "stop" -> { "\n\n" },
+ "temperature" -> $wlFIMTemperature
+$wlFIMPrompt = StringTemplate[ "\
+Complete the following Wolfram Language code.
+Do your best to match the existing style (whitespace, line breaks, etc.).
+Use `%` to refer to the previous output or `%n` for earlier outputs (where n is an output number) when appropriate.
+Limit your suggested completion to approximately one or two lines of code.
+Do not include any formatting in your response. Do not include outputs or `In[]:=` cell labels.",
+Delimiters -> "%%" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+(*TextData Suggestions*)
+$textSuggestionsModel = "gpt-4o";
+$textSuggestionsMultimodal = False;
+$textSuggestionsCount = 3;
+$textSuggestionsMaxTokens = 256;
+$textSuggestionsTemperature = 0.7;
+$textPlaceholderString = "\:2758";
+$textCellsBefore = 50;
+$textCellsAfter = 25;
+$textSuggestionsPrompt = StringTemplate[ "\
+Complete the following by writing text that can be inserted into \"%%Placeholder%%\".
+The current cell style is \"%%Style%%\", so only write content that would be appropriate for this cell type.\
+Do your best to match the existing style (whitespace, line breaks, etc.).
+Your suggested text will be inserted into %%Placeholder%%, so be careful not to repeat the immediately surrounding text.
+Respond with the completion text and nothing else.",
+Delimiters -> "%%" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Notebook Content Suggestions*)
+$notebookSuggestionsModel = "gpt-4o";
+$notebookSuggestionsMultimodal = False;
+$notebookSuggestionsCount = 1;
+$notebookSuggestionsMaxTokens = 512;
+$notebookSuggestionsTemperature = 0.7;
+$notebookPlaceholderString = "\:2758";
+$notebookCellsBefore = 50;
+$notebookCellsAfter = 25;
+$notebookSuggestionsPrompt = StringTemplate[ "\
+Complete the following by writing markdown text that can be inserted into \"%%Placeholder%%\".
+Do your best to match the existing style (whitespace, line breaks, etc.).
+Your suggested text will be inserted into %%Placeholder%%, so be careful not to repeat the immediately surrounding text.
+Respond with the completion text and nothing else.
+Delimiters -> "%%" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$$emptyItem = "" | { } | { "" };
+$$emptySuggestion = $$emptyItem | BoxData @ $$emptyItem | TextData @ $$emptyItem;
+$$inLabel = "In[" ~~ DigitCharacter... ~~ "]" ~~ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ ":=";
+$$outLabel = "Out[" ~~ DigitCharacter... ~~ "]" ~~ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ ("="|"//");
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+ShowContentSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+ShowContentSuggestions[ ] := catchMine @ withChatState @ LogChatTiming @ showContentSuggestions @ InputNotebook[ ];
+ShowContentSuggestions[ nbo_ ] := catchMine @ withChatState @ LogChatTiming @ showContentSuggestions @ nbo;
+ShowContentSuggestions // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+showContentSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+showContentSuggestions[ $Failed ] :=
+ Null;
+showContentSuggestions[ nbo_NotebookObject ] :=
+ showContentSuggestions[ nbo, SelectedCells @ nbo ];
+showContentSuggestions[ nbo_NotebookObject, { selected_CellObject } ] :=
+ showContentSuggestions0[ nbo, selected ];
+(* showContentSuggestions[ nbo_NotebookObject, { } ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { selected },
+ (* FIXME: this is where notebook content suggestions should come in *)
+ SelectionMove[ nbo, After, Cell ];
+ NotebookWrite[ nbo, "", All ];
+ selected = ConfirmMatch[ SelectedCells @ nbo, { _CellObject }, "Selected" ];
+ showContentSuggestions0[ nbo, First @ selected ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+]; *)
+showContentSuggestions[ nbo_NotebookObject, { } ] :=
+ showContentSuggestions0[ nbo, nbo ];
+showContentSuggestions[ _NotebookObject, _ ] :=
+ Null;
+showContentSuggestions // endDefinition;
+showContentSuggestions0 // beginDefinition;
+showContentSuggestions0[ nbo_NotebookObject, root: $$feObj ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { selectionType, contentData, info },
+ NotebookDelete @ Cells[ nbo, AttachedCell -> True, CellStyle -> "AttachedContentSuggestions" ];
+ selectionType = CurrentValue[ nbo, "SelectionType" ];
+ $lastSelectionType = selectionType;
+ If[ ! MatchQ[ selectionType, "CellCaret"|"TextCaret"|"TextRange" ], Throw @ Null ];
+ contentData = If[ MatchQ[ root, _CellObject ], cellInformation[ root, "ContentData" ], None ];
+ info = <| "ContentData" -> contentData, "SelectionType" -> selectionType |>;
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ setServiceCaller[ showContentSuggestions0[ nbo, root, info ], "ContentSuggestions" ],
+ _CellObject | Null,
+ "ShowContentSuggestions"
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+showContentSuggestions0[ nbo_NotebookObject, root: $$feObj, selectionInfo_Association ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { type, suggestionsContainer, attached, settings, context },
+ type = ConfirmBy[ suggestionsType @ selectionInfo, StringQ, "Type" ];
+ suggestionsContainer = ProgressIndicator[ Appearance -> "Necklace" ];
+ attached = ConfirmMatch[
+ AttachCell[
+ NotebookSelection @ nbo,
+ contentSuggestionsCell[ Dynamic[ suggestionsContainer ] ],
+ { "WindowCenter", Bottom },
+ 0,
+ { Center, Top },
+ RemovalConditions -> { "EvaluatorQuit", "MouseClickOutside" }
+ ],
+ _CellObject,
+ "Attached"
+ ];
+ ClearAttributes[ suggestionsContainer, Temporary ];
+ settings = ConfirmBy[ LogChatTiming @ AbsoluteCurrentChatSettings @ root, AssociationQ, "Settings" ];
+ context = ConfirmBy[ LogChatTiming @ getSuggestionsContext[ type, nbo, settings ], StringQ, "Context" ];
+ $contextPrompt = None;
+ $selectionPrompt = None;
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ LogChatTiming @ generateSuggestions[ type, Dynamic[ suggestionsContainer ], nbo, root, context, settings ],
+ _Pane,
+ "Generate"
+ ];
+ attached
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+showContentSuggestions0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getSuggestionsContext // beginDefinition;
+getSuggestionsContext[ "WL", nbo_NotebookObject, settings_ ] := getContextFromSelection[
+ None,
+ nbo,
+ settings,
+ "NotebookInstructionsPrompt" -> False,
+ "MaxCellsBeforeSelection" -> $wlCellsBefore,
+ "MaxCellsAfterSelection" -> $wlCellsAfter
+getSuggestionsContext[ "Text", nbo_NotebookObject, settings_ ] := getContextFromSelection[
+ None,
+ nbo,
+ settings,
+ "NotebookInstructionsPrompt" -> False,
+ "MaxCellsBeforeSelection" -> $textCellsBefore,
+ "MaxCellsAfterSelection" -> $textCellsAfter
+getSuggestionsContext[ "Notebook", nbo_NotebookObject, settings_ ] := getContextFromSelection[
+ None,
+ nbo,
+ settings,
+ "NotebookInstructionsPrompt" -> False,
+ "MaxCellsBeforeSelection" -> $notebookCellsBefore,
+ "MaxCellsAfterSelection" -> $notebookCellsAfter
+getSuggestionsContext // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+contentSuggestionsCell // beginDefinition;
+contentSuggestionsCell[ Dynamic[ container_Symbol ] ] := Cell[
+ BoxData @ ToBoxes @ Framed[
+ Dynamic[ container(*, Deinitialization :> Quiet @ Remove @ container*) ],
+ Background -> GrayLevel[ 0.95 ],
+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[ 0.75 ],
+ RoundingRadius -> 5
+ ],
+ "AttachedContentSuggestions"
+contentSuggestionsCell // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+suggestionsType // beginDefinition;
+suggestionsType[ selectionInfo_Association ] := suggestionsType @ selectionInfo[ "ContentData" ];
+suggestionsType[ BoxData ] := "WL";
+suggestionsType[ TextData ] := "Text";
+suggestionsType[ _ ] := "Notebook";
+suggestionsType // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+generateSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+generateSuggestions[ "WL" , args__ ] := generateWLSuggestions @ args;
+generateSuggestions[ "Text" , args__ ] := generateTextSuggestions @ args;
+generateSuggestions[ "Notebook", args__ ] := generateNotebookSuggestions @ args;
+generateSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+generateWLSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+generateWLSuggestions[ Dynamic[ container_ ], nbo_, root_CellObject, context0_String, settings_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { context, preprocessed, relatedDocs, as, instructions, response, style, suggestions, stripped },
+ context = ConfirmBy[
+ StringReplace[
+ context0,
+ Shortest[ $leftSelectionIndicator~~___~~$rightSelectionIndicator ] :> $wlPlaceholderString
+ ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Context"
+ ];
+ If[ TrueQ @ $wlSuggestionsMultimodal,
+ context = ConfirmMatch[ GetExpressionURIs @ context, { (_String|_Image)... }, "MultimodalContext" ]
+ ];
+ $lastSuggestionContext = context;
+ preprocessed = ConfirmBy[ preprocessRelatedDocsContext @ context, StringQ, "Preprocessing" ];
+ relatedDocs = ConfirmBy[
+ LogChatTiming @ RelatedDocumentation[
+ preprocessed,
+ "Prompt",
+ MaxItems -> $wlDocMaxItems,
+ "FilterResults" -> $wlFilterDocResults,
+ "FilteredCount" -> $wlFilteredDocCount
+ ],
+ StringQ,
+ "RelatedDocumentation"
+ ];
+ as = <|
+ "Context" -> context,
+ "Placeholder" -> $wlPlaceholderString,
+ "RelatedDocumentation" -> relatedDocs
+ |>;
+ instructions = StringTrim @ ConfirmBy[ TemplateApply[ $wlSuggestionsPrompt, as ], StringQ, "Instructions" ];
+ as[ "Instructions" ] = instructions;
+ $lastInstructions = instructions;
+ response = ConfirmMatch[
+ executeWLSuggestions @ as,
+ KeyValuePattern[ "Content" -> { __String } | _String ],
+ "Response"
+ ];
+ $lastSuggestionsResponse = response;
+ style = First[ ConfirmMatch[ cellStyles @ root, { ___String }, "Styles" ], "Input" ];
+ suggestions = DeleteDuplicates @ ConfirmMatch[
+ getWLSuggestions[ style, response ],
+ { __BoxData },
+ "Suggestions"
+ ];
+ (* FIXME: strip surrounding code in getWLSuggestions instead of going from string -> boxes -> string -> boxes *)
+ stripped = Take[
+ ConfirmMatch[ stripSurroundingWLCode[ style, suggestions, context ], { __BoxData }, "Stripped" ],
+ UpTo[ $wlSuggestionsCount ]
+ ];
+ $lastSuggestions = suggestions;
+ container = formatSuggestions[ Dynamic[ container ], stripped, nbo, root, context, settings ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+generateWLSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+executeWLSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+executeWLSuggestions[ as_ ] := If[ TrueQ @ $wlFIM, executeWLSuggestionsFIM @ as, executeWLSuggestions0 @ as ];
+executeWLSuggestions // endDefinition;
+executeWLSuggestions0 // beginDefinition;
+executeWLSuggestions0[ KeyValuePattern @ { "Instructions" -> instructions_, "Context" -> context_ } ] :=
+ executeWLSuggestions0[ instructions, context ];
+executeWLSuggestions0[ instructions_, context_ ] :=
+ setServiceCaller @ LogChatTiming @ ServiceExecute[
+ $suggestionsService,
+ "Chat",
+ {
+ "Messages" -> {
+ <| "Role" -> "System", "Content" -> instructions |>,
+ <| "Role" -> "User" , "Content" -> context |>
+ },
+ "Model" -> $wlSuggestionsModel,
+ "N" -> $wlSuggestionsCount,
+ "MaxTokens" -> $wlSuggestionsMaxTokens,
+ "Temperature" -> $wlSuggestionsTemperature
+ },
+ Authentication -> $suggestionsAuthentication
+ ];
+executeWLSuggestions0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+executeWLSuggestionsFIM // beginDefinition;
+executeWLSuggestionsFIM[ as_Association ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { instructions, context, docs, before, after, prompt, suffix, responses, strings },
+ instructions = ConfirmBy[ as[ "Instructions" ], StringQ, "Instructions" ];
+ context = ConfirmBy[ as[ "Context" ], StringQ, "Context" ];
+ docs = ConfirmBy[ as[ "RelatedDocumentation" ], StringQ, "RelatedDocs" ];
+ { before, after } = ConfirmMatch[
+ StringSplit[ context, $wlPlaceholderString ],
+ { _String, _String },
+ "Split"
+ ];
+ prompt = ConfirmBy[ instructions<>"\n\n\n"<>before, StringQ, "Prompt" ];
+ suffix = ConfirmBy[ after<>"\n\n\n"<>docs, StringQ, "Suffix" ];
+ responses = ConfirmMatch[
+ Table[
+ setServiceCaller @ LogChatTiming @ ServiceExecute[
+ $wlFIMService,
+ "RawCompletion",
+ DeleteMissing @ <|
+ "model" -> $wlFIMModel,
+ "prompt" -> prompt,
+ "suffix" -> suffix,
+ "stream" -> False,
+ "options" -> $wlFIMOptions
+ |>,
+ Authentication -> $wlFIMAuthentication
+ ],
+ $wlFIMSuggestionsCount
+ ],
+ { __Association },
+ "Responses"
+ ];
+ strings = ConfirmMatch[ #[ "response" ] & /@ responses, { __String }, "Strings" ];
+ <| "Content" -> strings |>
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+executeWLSuggestionsFIM // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+preprocessRelatedDocsContext // beginDefinition;
+preprocessRelatedDocsContext[ context_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { processed, noPlaceholder },
+ processed = ConfirmBy[ preprocessRelatedDocsContext0 @ context, StringQ, "Processed" ];
+ noPlaceholder = ConfirmBy[ StringDelete[ processed, $wlPlaceholderString ], StringQ, "NoPlaceholder" ];
+ ConfirmBy[
+ StringReplace[
+ StringTrim @ noPlaceholder,
+ StartOfString ~~ "```wl" ~~ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ "```" ~~ EndOfString :> $defaultWLContextString
+ ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Result"
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+preprocessRelatedDocsContext // endDefinition;
+preprocessRelatedDocsContext0 // beginDefinition;
+preprocessRelatedDocsContext0[ context_String ] :=
+ preprocessRelatedDocsContext0[
+ context,
+ DeleteCases[
+ StringSplit[ context, code: Shortest[ "```" ~~ __ ~~ "```" ] :> codeBlock @ code ],
+ _String? (StringMatchQ[ WhitespaceCharacter... ])
+ ]
+ ];
+preprocessRelatedDocsContext0[ context_, { ___, text_String, codeBlock[ code_String ] } ] :=
+ StringJoin[ text, code ];
+(* SentenceBERT doesn't do well with pure code, so don't try to include documentation RAG if that's all we have: *)
+preprocessRelatedDocsContext0[ context_, { ___codeBlock } ] :=
+ "";
+(* TODO: in cases like this, it might be best to just use heuristics to choose relevant documentation from symbols. *)
+preprocessRelatedDocsContext0[ context_String, { (_String|_codeBlock)... } ] :=
+ context;
+preprocessRelatedDocsContext0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+stripSurroundingWLCode // beginDefinition;
+stripSurroundingWLCode[ style_, suggestions_, context_ ] :=
+ Block[ { $stripWhitespace = stripWhitespaceQ @ style },
+ stripSurroundingWLCode[ suggestions, context ]
+ ];
+stripSurroundingWLCode[ suggestions: { __BoxData }, context_String ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { surrounding, stripped },
+ surrounding = ConfirmMatch[ getSurroundingWLCode @ context, { _String, _String }, "Surrounding" ];
+ If[ StringTrim @ surrounding === { "", "" }, Throw @ suggestions ];
+ stripped = ConfirmMatch[
+ Flatten[ stripSurroundingWLCode[ #, surrounding ] & /@ suggestions ],
+ { suggestionWrapper[ _Integer, _BoxData ].. },
+ "Result"
+ ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ DeleteDuplicates @ SortBy[ stripped, First ][[ All, 2 ]], { __BoxData }, "Result" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+stripSurroundingWLCode[ suggestion_BoxData, { before_String, after_String } ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { string, stripped, boxes },
+ string = ConfirmBy[ CellToString @ StyleBox[ suggestion, ShowStringCharacters -> True ], StringQ, "String" ];
+ stripped = ConfirmBy[
+ If[ StringMatchQ[ string, before ~~ ___ ~~ after ],
+ StringDelete[ string, { StartOfString~~before, after~~EndOfString } ],
+ Throw @ { suggestionWrapper[ 1, suggestion ] }
+ ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Stripped"
+ ];
+ boxes = ConfirmMatch[ postProcessWLSuggestions @ stripped, _BoxData, "Result" ];
+ DeleteDuplicatesBy[ { suggestionWrapper[ 0, boxes ], suggestionWrapper[ 1, suggestion ] }, Last ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+stripSurroundingWLCode // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getSurroundingWLCode // beginDefinition;
+getSurroundingWLCode[ context_String ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { strings, boxes },
+ strings = First @ ConfirmMatch[
+ StringCases[
+ context,
+ StringExpression[
+ "```wl\n",
+ a___ /; StringFreeQ[ a, "```" ],
+ $wlPlaceholderString,
+ b___ /; StringFreeQ[ b, "```" ],
+ "\n```"
+ ] :> { a, b },
+ 1
+ ],
+ { { _String, _String } },
+ "Strings"
+ ];
+ boxes = ConfirmMatch[ postProcessWLSuggestions @ strings, { _BoxData, _BoxData }, "Boxes" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ CellToString /@ boxes, { _String, _String }, "Result" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getSurroundingWLCode // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getWLSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+getWLSuggestions[ style_, content_ ] :=
+ Block[ { $stripWhitespace = stripWhitespaceQ @ style },
+ postProcessWLSuggestions @ getSuggestions @ content
+ ];
+getWLSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+stripWhitespaceQ // beginDefinition;
+stripWhitespaceQ[ "Code" ] := False;
+stripWhitespaceQ[ _String ] := True;
+stripWhitespaceQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+postProcessWLSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+postProcessWLSuggestions[ suggestions_List ] :=
+ postProcessWLSuggestions /@ suggestions;
+postProcessWLSuggestions[ suggestion_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { noOutputs, noBlocks, noLabels },
+ noOutputs = StringDelete[
+ StringDelete[
+ suggestion,
+ "```" ~~ Except[ "\n" ]... ~~ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ $$outLabel ~~ ___ ~~ EndOfString
+ ],
+ $$outLabel ~~ ___ ~~ EndOfString
+ ];
+ noBlocks = StringTrim[
+ StringTrim @ StringDelete[
+ If[ StringContainsQ[ noOutputs, "```"~~__~~"```" ],
+ ConfirmBy[
+ First @ StringCases[
+ noOutputs,
+ "```" ~~ Except[ "\n" ]... ~~ "\n" ~~ code___ ~~ "```" :> code,
+ 1
+ ],
+ StringQ,
+ "NoBlocks"
+ ],
+ noOutputs
+ ],
+ {
+ StartOfLine ~~ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ "```" ~~ Except[ "\n" ]... ~~ EndOfLine,
+ "```" ~~ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ EndOfLine
+ }
+ ],
+ Longest[ "```"|"``" ]
+ ];
+ noLabels = StringTrim @ StringDelete[ noBlocks, $$inLabel ];
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ If[ TrueQ @ $stripWhitespace,
+ Flatten @ BoxData @ StringToBoxes[ noLabels, "WL" ],
+ Flatten @ BoxData @ simpleStringToBoxes @ noLabels
+ ],
+ _BoxData,
+ "Result"
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+postProcessWLSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+simpleStringToBoxes // beginDefinition;
+simpleStringToBoxes[ string_String ] := Enclose[
+ ConfirmBy[ usingFrontEnd @ FrontEndExecute @ FrontEnd`ReparseBoxStructurePacket @ string, boxDataQ, "Boxes" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+simpleStringToBoxes // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+generateTextSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+generateTextSuggestions[ Dynamic[ container_ ], nbo_, root_CellObject, context0_String, settings_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { style, context, instructions, response, suggestions },
+ style = First[ ConfirmMatch[ cellStyles @ root, { ___String }, "Styles" ], "Text" ];
+ context = ConfirmBy[
+ StringReplace[
+ context0,
+ Shortest[ $leftSelectionIndicator~~___~~$rightSelectionIndicator ] :> $textPlaceholderString
+ ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Context"
+ ];
+ If[ TrueQ @ $textSuggestionsMultimodal,
+ context = ConfirmMatch[ GetExpressionURIs @ context, { (_String|_Image)... }, "MultimodalContext" ]
+ ];
+ $lastSuggestionContext = context;
+ instructions = ConfirmBy[
+ TemplateApply[
+ $textSuggestionsPrompt,
+ <|
+ "Placeholder" -> $textPlaceholderString,
+ "Style" -> style,
+ "StyleNotes" -> styleNotes @ style
+ |> ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Instructions"
+ ];
+ $lastInstructions = instructions;
+ response = setServiceCaller @ LogChatTiming @ ServiceExecute[
+ $suggestionsService,
+ "Chat",
+ {
+ "Messages" -> {
+ <| "Role" -> "System", "Content" -> instructions |>,
+ <| "Role" -> "User" , "Content" -> context |>
+ },
+ "Model" -> $textSuggestionsModel,
+ "N" -> $textSuggestionsCount,
+ "MaxTokens" -> $textSuggestionsMaxTokens,
+ "Temperature" -> $textSuggestionsTemperature,
+ "StopTokens" -> { "\n\n" }
+ },
+ Authentication -> $suggestionsAuthentication
+ ];
+ $lastSuggestionsResponse = response;
+ suggestions = DeleteDuplicates @ ConfirmMatch[ getTextSuggestions @ response, { __TextData }, "Suggestions" ];
+ $lastSuggestions = suggestions;
+ container = formatSuggestions[ Dynamic[ container ], suggestions, nbo, root, context, settings ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+generateTextSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+styleNotes // beginDefinition;
+styleNotes[ "CodeText" ] := "
+CodeText cells typically contain a short one-line caption ending in a colon (:) that describe the next input.";
+styleNotes[ _ ] := "";
+styleNotes // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getTextSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+getTextSuggestions[ content_ ] := postProcessTextSuggestions @ getSuggestions @ content;
+getTextSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+postProcessTextSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+postProcessTextSuggestions[ suggestions_List ] := postProcessTextSuggestions /@ suggestions;
+postProcessTextSuggestions[ s_String ] := postProcessTextSuggestions[ s, FormatChatOutput @ s ];
+postProcessTextSuggestions[ s_, RawBoxes[ cell_Cell ] ] := postProcessTextSuggestions[ s, ExplodeCell @ cell ];
+postProcessTextSuggestions[ s_, { cell_Cell, ___ } ] := toTextData @ cell;
+postProcessTextSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+toTextData // beginDefinition;
+toTextData[ Cell[ text_, ___ ] ] := toTextData @ text;
+toTextData[ text_TextData ] := text;
+toTextData[ text: $$textData ] := TextData @ Flatten @ { text };
+toTextData[ boxes_BoxData ] := TextData @ { Cell[ postProcessWLSuggestions @ CellToString @ boxes, "InlineCode" ] };
+toTextData // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+generateNotebookSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+generateNotebookSuggestions[ Dynamic[ container_ ], nbo_, root_NotebookObject, context0_String, settings_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { context, preprocessed, relatedDocs, as, instructions, response, suggestions },
+ context = ConfirmBy[
+ StringReplace[
+ context0,
+ Shortest[ $leftSelectionIndicator~~___~~$rightSelectionIndicator ] :> $notebookPlaceholderString
+ ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Context"
+ ];
+ If[ TrueQ @ $notebookSuggestionsMultimodal,
+ context = ConfirmMatch[ GetExpressionURIs @ context, { (_String|_Image)... }, "MultimodalContext" ]
+ ];
+ $lastSuggestionContext = context;
+ preprocessed = ConfirmBy[ preprocessRelatedDocsContext @ context, StringQ, "Preprocessing" ];
+ relatedDocs = ConfirmBy[
+ LogChatTiming @ RelatedDocumentation[
+ preprocessed,
+ "Prompt",
+ MaxItems -> $wlDocMaxItems,
+ "FilterResults" -> $wlFilterDocResults,
+ "FilteredCount" -> $wlFilteredDocCount
+ ],
+ StringQ,
+ "RelatedDocumentation"
+ ];
+ as = <|
+ "Context" -> context,
+ "Placeholder" -> $wlPlaceholderString,
+ "RelatedDocumentation" -> relatedDocs
+ |>;
+ instructions = StringTrim @ ConfirmBy[
+ TemplateApply[ $notebookSuggestionsPrompt, as ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Instructions"
+ ];
+ as[ "Instructions" ] = instructions;
+ $lastInstructions = instructions;
+ response = setServiceCaller @ LogChatTiming @ ServiceExecute[
+ $suggestionsService,
+ "Chat",
+ {
+ "Messages" -> {
+ <| "Role" -> "System", "Content" -> instructions |>,
+ <| "Role" -> "User" , "Content" -> context |>
+ },
+ "Model" -> $notebookSuggestionsModel,
+ "N" -> $notebookSuggestionsCount,
+ "MaxTokens" -> $notebookSuggestionsMaxTokens,
+ "Temperature" -> $notebookSuggestionsTemperature
+ },
+ Authentication -> $suggestionsAuthentication
+ ];
+ $lastSuggestionsResponse = response;
+ suggestions = DeleteDuplicates @ ConfirmMatch[ getNotebookSuggestions @ response, { __Cell }, "Suggestions" ];
+ $lastSuggestions = suggestions;
+ container = formatSuggestions[ Dynamic[ container ], suggestions, nbo, root, context, settings ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+generateNotebookSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getNotebookSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+getNotebookSuggestions[ content_ ] := Flatten @ { postProcessNotebookSuggestions @ getSuggestions @ content };
+getNotebookSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+postProcessNotebookSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+postProcessNotebookSuggestions[ suggestions_List ] := postProcessNotebookSuggestions /@ suggestions;
+postProcessNotebookSuggestions[ s_String ] := postProcessNotebookSuggestions[ s, FormatChatOutput @ s ];
+postProcessNotebookSuggestions[ s_, RawBoxes[ cell_Cell ] ] := postProcessNotebookSuggestions[ s, ExplodeCell @ cell ];
+postProcessNotebookSuggestions[ s_, cells: { __Cell } ] := Cell @ CellGroupData[ cells, Open ];
+postProcessNotebookSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+getSuggestions[ KeyValuePattern[ "Content"|"content"|"choices"|"message" -> data_ ] ] := getSuggestions @ data;
+getSuggestions[ content_String ] := content;
+getSuggestions[ items_List ] := DeleteCases[ getSuggestions /@ items, $$emptySuggestion ];
+getSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+formatSuggestions // beginDefinition;
+ container_,
+ suggestions: { __ },
+ nbo_NotebookObject,
+ root: $$feObj,
+ context_,
+ settings_
+] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { styles, formatted },
+ styles = If[ MatchQ[ root, _CellObject ], ConfirmMatch[ cellStyles @ root, { ___String }, "Styles" ], None ];
+ formatted = ConfirmMatch[ formatSuggestion[ root, nbo, styles ] /@ suggestions, { __Button }, "Formatted" ];
+ Pane[ Column[ formatted, Spacings -> 0 ], ImageSize -> { UpTo[ Scaled[ 0.9 ] ], Automatic } ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+formatSuggestions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+formatSuggestion // beginDefinition;
+formatSuggestion[ root: $$feObj, nbo_NotebookObject, styles_ ] :=
+ formatSuggestion[ root, nbo, styles, # ] &;
+formatSuggestion[ root: $$feObj, nbo_NotebookObject, { styles___String }, suggestion_BoxData ] := Button[
+ RawBoxes @ Cell[
+ suggestion,
+ styles,
+ If[ MemberQ[ { styles }, "Input"|"Code" ],
+ Sequence @@ {
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ ShowAutoStyles -> True,
+ LanguageCategory -> "Input",
+ LineBreakWithin -> Automatic,
+ LineIndent -> 1,
+ PageWidth :> WindowWidth
+ },
+ Sequence @@ { }
+ ]
+ ],
+ NotebookDelete @ EvaluationCell[ ];
+ NotebookWrite[ nbo, suggestion, After ],
+ Alignment -> Left
+formatSuggestion[ root: $$feObj, nbo_NotebookObject, { styles___String }, suggestion_TextData ] := Button[
+ RawBoxes @ Cell[ suggestion, styles, Deployed -> True, Selectable -> False ],
+ NotebookDelete @ EvaluationCell[ ];
+ NotebookWrite[ nbo, suggestion, After ],
+ Alignment -> Left
+formatSuggestion[ root: $$feObj, nbo_NotebookObject, None, suggestion: Cell[ _CellGroupData ] ] := Button[
+ Column[ formatSuggestionCells /@ cellFlatten @ suggestion ],
+ NotebookDelete @ EvaluationCell[ ];
+ NotebookWrite[ nbo, suggestion, After ],
+ Alignment -> Left
+formatSuggestion // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+formatSuggestionCells // beginDefinition;
+formatSuggestionCells[ cell: Cell[ _CellGroupData, ___ ] ] :=
+ formatSuggestionCells @ cellFlatten @ cell;
+formatSuggestionCells[ cells: { __Cell } ] :=
+ formatSuggestionCells /@ cells;
+formatSuggestionCells[ Cell[ a__, CellLabel -> label_, b___ ] ] := Grid[
+ { {
+ Pane[
+ RawBoxes @ Cell[ label, "CellLabelExpired", FontSize -> 9, FontSlant -> Plain ],
+ Alignment -> Right,
+ ImageSize -> { 50, Automatic }
+ ],
+ formatSuggestionCells @ Cell[ a, b ]
+ } },
+ Alignment -> { { Right, Left }, Top }
+formatSuggestionCells[ Cell[ a__, style: "Code"|"Input", b___ ] ] :=
+ RawBoxes @ Cell[
+ a,
+ style,
+ b,
+ Deployed -> True,
+ Selectable -> False,
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ ShowAutoStyles -> True,
+ LanguageCategory -> "Input",
+ LineBreakWithin -> Automatic,
+ LineIndent -> 1,
+ PageWidth :> WindowWidth
+ ];
+formatSuggestionCells[ Cell[ a__ ] ] :=
+ RawBoxes @ Cell[ a, Deployed -> True, Selectable -> False ];
+formatSuggestionCells // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Context.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Context.wl
index 6834a1ee..80193381 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Context.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Context.wl
@@ -6,15 +6,14 @@ Begin[ "`Private`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatModes`Common`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
-$maxCellsBeforeSelection = 100;
-$maxCellsAfterSelection = 10;
-$currentSelectionIndicator = { $leftSelectionIndicator, $rightSelectionIndicator };
+$maxCellsBeforeSelection = 100;
+$maxCellsAfterSelection = 20;
+$notebookInstructionsPrompt = True;
+$currentSelectionIndicator = { $leftSelectionIndicator, $rightSelectionIndicator };
$notebookContextTemplate = StringTemplate[ "\
IMPORTANT: Below is some context from the user's currently selected notebook. \
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ getInlineChatPrompt // beginDefinition;
getInlineChatPrompt[ settings_ ] :=
If[ TrueQ @ $InlineChat,
- getInlineChatPrompt0[ settings, $inlineChatState ],
+ getInlineChatPrompt0[ settings, $inlineChatState ] // LogChatTiming[ "GetInlineChatPrompt" ],
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ getInlineChatPrompt0[
{ before___CellObject, cell_, after___CellObject }
] :=
- Block[ { $selectionInfo = info },
+ Block[ { $selectionInfo = info, $includeCellXML = TrueQ @ $notebookEditorEnabled },
"Before" -> { before },
@@ -80,7 +79,9 @@ getWorkspacePrompt // beginDefinition;
getWorkspacePrompt[ settings_Association ] :=
If[ TrueQ @ $WorkspaceChat,
- getContextFromSelection[ $evaluationNotebook, settings ],
+ Block[ { $includeCellXML = TrueQ @ $notebookEditorEnabled },
+ getContextFromSelection[ $evaluationNotebook, settings ]
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "GetWorkspacePrompt" ],
@@ -90,17 +91,37 @@ getWorkspacePrompt // endDefinition;
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
getContextFromSelection // beginDefinition;
+getContextFromSelection // Options = {
+ "NotebookInstructionsPrompt" -> True,
+ "MaxCellsBeforeSelection" :> $maxCellsBeforeSelection,
+ "MaxCellsAfterSelection" :> $maxCellsAfterSelection
-getContextFromSelection[ chatNB_NotebookObject, settings_Association ] :=
- getContextFromSelection[ chatNB, getUserNotebook @ chatNB, settings ];
+getContextFromSelection[ chatNB_NotebookObject, settings_Association, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ getContextFromSelection[ chatNB, getUserNotebook @ chatNB, settings, opts ];
-getContextFromSelection[ chatNB_NotebookObject, None, settings_Association ] :=
+getContextFromSelection[ chatNB_NotebookObject, None, settings_Association, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
-getContextFromSelection[ chatNB_, nbo_NotebookObject, settings_Association ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { selectionData },
- selectionData = ConfirmBy[ selectContextCells @ nbo, AssociationQ, "SelectionData" ];
- ConfirmBy[ getContextFromSelection0[ selectionData, settings ], StringQ, "Context" ]
+getContextFromSelection[ chatNB_, nbo_NotebookObject, settings_Association, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Block[
+ {
+ $notebookInstructionsPrompt = OptionValue[ "NotebookInstructionsPrompt" ],
+ $maxCellsBeforeSelection = OptionValue[ "MaxCellsBeforeSelection" ],
+ $maxCellsAfterSelection = OptionValue[ "MaxCellsAfterSelection" ]
+ },
+ Module[ { selectionData },
+ selectionData = ConfirmMatch[
+ LogChatTiming @ selectContextCells @ nbo,
+ _Association|None,
+ "SelectionData"
+ ];
+ If[ selectionData === None, Throw @ None ];
+ ConfirmBy[ getContextFromSelection0[ selectionData, settings ], StringQ, "Context" ]
+ ]
@@ -117,10 +138,11 @@ getContextFromSelection0[ selectionData: KeyValuePattern[ "Selected" -> { cell_C
getContextFromSelection0[ selectionData_Association, settings_ ] := Enclose[
- Catch @ Module[ { cellObjects, cells, len1, len2, before, selected, after, marked, messages, string },
+ Catch @ Module[
+ { cellObjects, cells, len1, len2, before, selected, after, marked, messages, string, nbCtx },
cellObjects = ConfirmMatch[ Flatten @ Values @ selectionData, { ___CellObject }, "CellObjects" ];
- cells = ConfirmMatch[ notebookRead @ cellObjects, { ___Cell }, "Cells" ];
+ cells = ConfirmMatch[ LogChatTiming @ notebookRead @ cellObjects, { ___Cell }, "Cells" ];
len1 = Length @ ConfirmMatch[ selectionData[ "Before" ], { ___CellObject }, "BeforeLength" ];
len2 = Length @ ConfirmMatch[ selectionData[ "Selected" ], { ___CellObject }, "SelectedLength" ];
@@ -130,9 +152,19 @@ getContextFromSelection0[ selectionData_Association, settings_ ] := Enclose[
after = ConfirmMatch[ cells[[ len1 + len2 + 1 ;; All ]] , { ___Cell }, "AfterCells" ];
marked = ConfirmMatch[ insertSelectionIndicator @ { before, selected, after }, { ___Cell }, "Marked" ];
- messages = ConfirmMatch[ makeChatMessages[ settings, marked, False ], { ___Association }, "Messages" ];
- string = ConfirmBy[ messagesToString @ messages, StringQ, "String" ];
- postProcessNotebookContextString[ applyNotebookContextTemplate @ string, string ]
+ messages = ConfirmMatch[ LogChatTiming @ makeChatMessages[ settings, marked, False ], { ___Association }, "Messages" ];
+ string = ConfirmBy[ messagesToString[ messages, "MessageTemplate" -> None ], StringQ, "String" ];
+ $contextPrompt = processContextPromptString @ string;
+ $selectionPrompt = extractSelectionPrompt @ string;
+ $lastContextPrompt = $contextPrompt;
+ $lastSelectionPrompt = $selectionPrompt;
+ nbCtx = ConfirmBy[ applyNotebookContextTemplate @ string, StringQ, "NotebookContext" ];
+ (* FIXME: pass $selectionPrompt instead of extracting again: *)
+ postProcessNotebookContextString[ nbCtx, string ]
@@ -141,27 +173,59 @@ getContextFromSelection0 // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-messagesToString // beginDefinition;
-messagesToString[ messages_List ] := messagesToString[ messages, messageToString /@ revertMultimodalContent @ messages ];
-messagesToString[ _, strings: { ___String } ] := StringRiffle[ strings, "\n\n" ];
-messagesToString // endDefinition;
+extractSelectionPrompt // beginDefinition;
+extractSelectionPrompt[ prompt_String ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { selections, selected },
+ selections = StringCases[ prompt, $leftSelectionIndicator ~~ s___ ~~ $rightSelectionIndicator :> s, 1 ];
+ If[ selections === { }, Throw @ None ];
+ selected = StringTrim @ ConfirmBy[ First @ selections, StringQ, "Selected" ];
+ If[ selected === "", Throw @ None, selected ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+extractSelectionPrompt // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-messageToString // beginDefinition;
-messageToString[ KeyValuePattern[ "Content" -> content_ ] ] := messageToString @ content;
-messageToString[ KeyValuePattern[ "Data" -> content_ ] ] := messageToString @ content;
-messageToString[ { message___String } ] := StringJoin @ message;
-messageToString[ message_String ] := message;
-messageToString // endDefinition;
+processContextPromptString // beginDefinition;
+processContextPromptString[ prompt_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { noXML, noSelection },
+ noXML = ConfirmBy[ stripCellXML @ prompt, StringQ, "NoXML" ];
+ noSelection = ConfirmBy[ (*stripSelectionIndicators @*) noXML, StringQ, "NoSelection" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ mergeCodeBlocks @ noSelection, StringQ, "Merged" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+processContextPromptString // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+stripCellXML // beginDefinition;
+stripCellXML[ prompt_String ] := StringDelete[ prompt, { "\n", "\n | " } ];
+stripCellXML // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+stripSelectionIndicators // beginDefinition;
+stripSelectionIndicators[ s_String ] := StringDelete[ s, { $leftSelectionIndicator, $rightSelectionIndicator } ];
+stripSelectionIndicators // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
postProcessNotebookContextString // beginDefinition;
+postProcessNotebookContextString[ prompt_String, string_String ] /; ! $notebookInstructionsPrompt :=
+ prompt;
postProcessNotebookContextString[ prompt_String, string_String ] :=
Module[ { selected, selectedString },
selected = StringCases[ string, $leftSelectionIndicator ~~ s__ ~~ $rightSelectionIndicator :> s, 1 ];
@@ -184,6 +248,9 @@ postProcessNotebookContextString // endDefinition;
applyNotebookContextTemplate // beginDefinition;
+applyNotebookContextTemplate[ string_String ] /; ! $notebookInstructionsPrompt :=
+ string;
applyNotebookContextTemplate[ string_String ] :=
applyNotebookContextTemplate[ string, $currentSelectionIndicator ];
@@ -244,7 +311,10 @@ selectContextCells // beginDefinition;
selectContextCells[ nbo_NotebookObject ] :=
selectContextCells @ Cells @ nbo;
-selectContextCells[ cells: { ___CellObject } ] :=
+selectContextCells[ { } ] :=
+ None;
+selectContextCells[ cells: { __CellObject } ] :=
selectContextCells @ cellInformation @ cells;
selectContextCells[ { a: KeyValuePattern[ "CursorPosition" -> "AboveCell" ], after___ } ] :=
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Evaluate.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Evaluate.wl
index 6e773820..a40fbcd2 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Evaluate.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/Evaluate.wl
@@ -28,10 +28,20 @@ evaluateWorkspaceChat // beginDefinition;
evaluateWorkspaceChat[ nbo_NotebookObject, Dynamic[ input: _Symbol|_CurrentValue ] ] := Enclose[
Catch @ Module[ { text, uuid, cell, cellObject },
If[ ! validInputStringQ @ input, input = ""; Throw @ Null ];
text = input;
uuid = ConfirmBy[ CreateUUID[ ], StringQ, "UUID" ];
- cell = Cell[ BoxData @ TemplateBox[ { text }, "UserMessageBox" ], "ChatInput", CellTags -> uuid ];
+ cell = Cell[
+ BoxData @ TemplateBox[
+ { Cell[ text, Background -> None, Selectable -> True, Editable -> True ] },
+ "UserMessageBox"
+ ],
+ "ChatInput",
+ CellTags -> uuid
+ ];
input = "";
SelectionMove[ nbo, After, Notebook, AutoScroll -> True ];
NotebookWrite[ nbo, cell ];
@@ -76,7 +86,11 @@ evaluateInlineChat[
"InlineChatCell" -> cell,
"SelectionInfo" -> selectionInfo,
"MessageCells" -> Dynamic @ messageCells
- |>
+ |>,
+ $defaultChatSettings = mergeChatSettings @ {
+ $defaultChatSettings,
+ CurrentValue[ cell, { TaggingRules, "ChatNotebookSettings" } ]
+ }
result = ConfirmMatch[ ChatCellEvaluate @ root, _ChatObject|Null, "ChatCellEvaluate" ]
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/ShowCodeAssistance.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/ShowCodeAssistance.wl
index 19efe860..f6a70b12 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/ShowCodeAssistance.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/ShowCodeAssistance.wl
@@ -12,16 +12,42 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatModes`Common`" ];
$workspaceChatWidth = 325;
-$workspaceChatNotebookOptions = Sequence[
+$codeAssistanceBaseSettings = <|
+ "AppName" -> "CodeAssistance",
+ "Authentication" -> Automatic, (* TODO *)
+ "Model" -> <| "Service" -> "OpenAI", "Name" -> "gpt-4o" |>,
+ "PromptGenerators" -> { "RelatedDocumentation" },
+ "ServiceCaller" -> "CodeAssistance",
+ "ToolOptions" -> <| "WolframLanguageEvaluator" -> <| "AppendURIPrompt" -> True, "Method" -> "Session" |> |>,
+ "Tools" -> { "NotebookEditor" },
+ "ToolSelectionType" -> <| "DocumentationLookup" -> None, "DocumentationSearcher" -> None |>
+$codeAssistanceWorkspaceSettings := <|
+ $codeAssistanceBaseSettings,
+ "AutoGenerateTitle" -> True,
+ "ConversationUUID" -> CreateUUID[ ]
+$codeAssistanceInlineSettings := <|
+ $codeAssistanceBaseSettings,
+ "AutoGenerateTitle" -> False,
+ "AutoSaveConversations" -> False
+$workspaceChatNotebookOptions := Sequence[
DefaultNewCellStyle -> "AutoMoveToChatInputField",
- StyleDefinitions -> FrontEnd`FileName[ { "Wolfram" }, "WorkspaceChat.nb", CharacterEncoding -> "UTF-8" ]
+ StyleDefinitions -> FrontEnd`FileName[ { "Wolfram" }, "WorkspaceChat.nb", CharacterEncoding -> "UTF-8" ],
+ TaggingRules -> <| "ChatNotebookSettings" -> $codeAssistanceWorkspaceSettings |>
+(* TODO: set $serviceCaller from chat settings *)
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
EnableCodeAssistance // beginDefinition;
-EnableCodeAssistance[ ] := catchMine @ Once[ enableCodeAssistance[ ]; Null, "FrontEndSession" ];
+EnableCodeAssistance[ ] := catchMine @ (enableCodeAssistance[ ]; Null);
EnableCodeAssistance // endExportedDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -29,36 +55,88 @@ EnableCodeAssistance // endExportedDefinition;
enableCodeAssistance // beginDefinition;
-enableCodeAssistance[ ] := FrontEndExecute @ {
- FrontEnd`AddMenuCommands[
- "OpenHelpLink",
- {
- MenuItem[
- "Code Assistance Chat\[Ellipsis]",
- FrontEnd`KernelExecute[
- Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None ];
- Symbol[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ShowCodeAssistance" ][ "Window" ]
+enableCodeAssistance[ ] :=
+ enableCodeAssistance[ $VersionNumber >= 14.1 ];
+enableCodeAssistance[ True ] := Once[
+ FrontEndExecute @ {
+ FrontEnd`AddMenuCommands[
+ "OpenHelpLink",
+ {
+ MenuItem[
+ "Code Assistance Chat\[Ellipsis]",
+ FrontEnd`KernelExecute[
+ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None ];
+ Symbol[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ShowCodeAssistance" ][ "Window" ]
+ ],
+ FrontEnd`MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
+ Evaluate[
+ If[ $OperatingSystem === "MacOSX",
+ FrontEnd`MenuKey[ "'", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> { FrontEnd`Control } ],
+ FrontEnd`MenuKey[ "'", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> { FrontEnd`Command } ]
+ ]
+ ]
- FrontEnd`MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- Evaluate[
- If[ $OperatingSystem === "MacOSX",
- FrontEnd`MenuKey[ "'", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> { FrontEnd`Control } ],
- FrontEnd`MenuKey[ "'", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> { FrontEnd`Command } ]
+ MenuItem[
+ "Code Assistance for Selection",
+ FrontEnd`KernelExecute[
+ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None ];
+ Symbol[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ShowCodeAssistance" ][ "Inline" ]
+ ],
+ FrontEnd`MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
+ FrontEnd`MenuKey[ "'", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> { FrontEnd`Control, FrontEnd`Shift } ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ FrontEnd`AddMenuCommands[
+ "DuplicatePreviousOutput",
+ {
+ MenuItem[
+ "AI Content Suggestion",
+ FrontEnd`KernelExecute[
+ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None ];
+ Symbol[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ShowContentSuggestions" ][ ]
+ ],
+ FrontEnd`MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
+ Evaluate[
+ If[ $OperatingSystem === "MacOSX",
+ FrontEnd`MenuKey[ "k", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> { FrontEnd`Control } ],
+ FrontEnd`MenuKey[ "k", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> { FrontEnd`Command } ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "FrontEndSession"
+(* When attachment to selection is not available, we can't do inline chat or content suggestions: *)
+enableCodeAssistance[ False ] := Once[
+ FrontEndExecute @ {
+ FrontEnd`AddMenuCommands[
+ "OpenHelpLink",
+ {
+ MenuItem[
+ "Code Assistance Chat\[Ellipsis]",
+ FrontEnd`KernelExecute[
+ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None ];
+ Symbol[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ShowCodeAssistance" ][ "Window" ]
+ ],
+ FrontEnd`MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
+ Evaluate[
+ If[ $OperatingSystem === "MacOSX",
+ FrontEnd`MenuKey[ "'", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> { FrontEnd`Control } ],
+ FrontEnd`MenuKey[ "'", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> { FrontEnd`Command } ]
+ ]
- ],
- MenuItem[
- "Code Assistance for Selection",
- FrontEnd`KernelExecute[
- Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" -> None ];
- Symbol[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ShowCodeAssistance" ][ "Inline" ]
- ],
- FrontEnd`MenuEvaluator -> Automatic,
- FrontEnd`MenuKey[ "'", FrontEnd`Modifiers -> { FrontEnd`Control, FrontEnd`Shift } ]
- ]
- }
- ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "FrontEndSession"
enableCodeAssistance // endDefinition;
@@ -67,8 +145,11 @@ enableCodeAssistance // endDefinition;
ShowCodeAssistance // beginDefinition;
ShowCodeAssistance[ ] := catchMine @ ShowCodeAssistance[ "Window" ];
-ShowCodeAssistance[ "Window" ] := catchMine @ showCodeAssistanceWindow @ getUserNotebook[ ];
-ShowCodeAssistance[ "Inline" ] := catchMine @ showCodeAssistanceInline @ InputNotebook[ ];
+ShowCodeAssistance[ nbo_NotebookObject ] := catchMine @ showCodeAssistanceWindow @ nbo;
+ShowCodeAssistance[ "Window" ] := catchMine @ ShowCodeAssistance[ getUserNotebook[ ], "Window" ];
+ShowCodeAssistance[ "Inline" ] := catchMine @ ShowCodeAssistance[ InputNotebook[ ], "Inline" ];
+ShowCodeAssistance[ nbo_NotebookObject, "Window" ] := catchMine @ showCodeAssistanceWindow @ nbo;
+ShowCodeAssistance[ nbo_NotebookObject, "Inline" ] := catchMine @ showCodeAssistanceInline @ nbo;
ShowCodeAssistance // endExportedDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -79,7 +160,7 @@ ShowCodeAssistance // endExportedDefinition;
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
showCodeAssistanceInline // beginDefinition;
-showCodeAssistanceInline[ nbo_NotebookObject ] := attachInlineChatInput @ nbo;
+showCodeAssistanceInline[ nbo_NotebookObject ] := attachInlineChatInput[ nbo, $codeAssistanceInlineSettings ];
showCodeAssistanceInline[ _ ] := MessageDialog[ "No notebook selected." ];
showCodeAssistanceInline // endDefinition;
@@ -142,7 +223,10 @@ attachToLeft[ source_NotebookObject, current_NotebookObject ] := Enclose[
WindowSize -> { $workspaceChatWidth, Automatic }
- SetSelectedNotebook @ current
+ SetSelectedNotebook @ current;
+ moveToChatInputField[ current, True ];
+ current
@@ -175,8 +259,8 @@ findCurrentWorkspaceChat // endDefinition;
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
CreateWorkspaceChat // beginDefinition;
-CreateWorkspaceChat[ ] := catchMine @ createWorkspaceChat[ ];
-CreateWorkspaceChat[ nbo_NotebookObject ] := catchMine @ createWorkspaceChat @ nbo;
+CreateWorkspaceChat[ ] := catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ createWorkspaceChat[ ];
+CreateWorkspaceChat[ nbo_NotebookObject ] := catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ createWorkspaceChat @ nbo;
CreateWorkspaceChat // endExportedDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/UI.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/UI.wl
index d65fec21..01dabfd9 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/UI.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatModes/UI.wl
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatModes`Common`" ];
$inputFieldPaneMargins = 5;
$inputFieldGridMagnification = 0.8;
$inputFieldOuterBackground = GrayLevel[ 0.95 ];
-$initialInlineChatWidth = Scaled[ 0.5 ];
+$initialInlineChatWidth = Scaled[ 1 ];
$initialInlineChatHeight = UpTo[ 200 ];
$inputFieldOptions = Sequence[
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ $inputFieldFrameOptions = Sequence[
FrameStyle -> Directive[ AbsoluteThickness[ 2 ], RGBColor[ "#a3c9f2" ] ]
-$userImageParams = <| "size" -> 50, "default" -> "identicon", "rating" -> "G" |>;
+$userImageParams = <| "size" -> 40, "default" -> "404", "rating" -> "G" |>;
$defaultUserImage = Graphics[
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ $defaultUserImage = Graphics[
Disk[ { 0, 1 }, 1 ],
Disk[ { 0, -1.8 }, { 1.65, 2 } ]
- ImageSize -> 25,
+ ImageSize -> 20,
PlotRange -> { { -2.4, 2.4 }, { -2.0, 2.8 } }
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ $inputFieldBox = None;
$inlineChatScrollPosition = 0.0;
$lastScrollPosition = 0.0;
+$maxHistoryItems = 25;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Workspace Chat*)
@@ -60,18 +62,41 @@ $lastScrollPosition = 0.0;
makeWorkspaceChatDockedCell // beginDefinition;
-makeWorkspaceChatDockedCell[ ] := Grid @ {
- {
- Button[
- "New",
- SelectionMove[ EvaluationNotebook[ ], After, Notebook ];
- NotebookWrite[ EvaluationNotebook[ ], Cell[ "", "ChatDelimiter", CellFrameLabels -> None ] ]
- ],
- Button[ "Clear", NotebookDelete @ Cells @ EvaluationNotebook[ ] ],
- Item[ "", ItemSize -> Fit ],
- Button[ "Pop Out", popOutChatNB @ EvaluationNotebook[ ], Method -> "Queued" ]
- }
+makeWorkspaceChatDockedCell[ ] :=
+ DynamicModule[ { nbo },
+ Grid @ {
+ {
+ Tooltip[
+ Button[
+ "New Chat",
+ NotebookDelete @ Cells @ nbo;
+ CurrentChatSettings[ nbo, "ConversationUUID" ] = CreateUUID[ ]
+ ],
+ "Start a new conversation"
+ ],
+ trackedDynamic[ createHistoryMenu @ nbo, "SavedChats" ],
+ Tooltip[
+ Button[
+ "Delete",
+ DeleteChat[
+ CurrentChatSettings[ nbo, "AppName" ],
+ CurrentChatSettings[ nbo, "ConversationUUID" ]
+ ];
+ NotebookDelete @ Cells @ nbo;
+ CurrentChatSettings[ nbo, "ConversationUUID" ] = CreateUUID[ ]
+ ],
+ "Remove the current chat from the history menu"
+ ]
+ ,
+ Item[ "", ItemSize -> Fit ],
+ Tooltip[
+ Button[ "Pop Out", popOutChatNB @ nbo, Method -> "Queued" ],
+ "View the chat as a normal chat notebook"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ Initialization :> (nbo = EvaluationNotebook[ ])
+ ];
makeWorkspaceChatDockedCell // endDefinition;
@@ -156,12 +181,15 @@ $attachedWorkspaceChatInputCell := $attachedWorkspaceChatInputCell = Cell[
attachInlineChatInput // beginDefinition;
attachInlineChatInput[ nbo_NotebookObject ] :=
+ attachInlineChatInput[ nbo, <| |> ];
+attachInlineChatInput[ nbo_NotebookObject, settings_Association ] :=
If[ TrueQ @ userNotebookQ @ nbo,
- attachInlineChatInput[ nbo, SelectedCells @ nbo ],
+ attachInlineChatInput[ nbo, settings, SelectedCells @ nbo ],
-attachInlineChatInput[ nbo_NotebookObject, { root_CellObject } ] := Enclose[
+attachInlineChatInput[ nbo_NotebookObject, settings_Association, { root_CellObject } ] := Enclose[
Module[ { selectionInfo, attached },
NotebookDelete @ $lastAttachedInlineChat;
@@ -180,10 +208,10 @@ attachInlineChatInput[ nbo_NotebookObject, { root_CellObject } ] := Enclose[
attached = ConfirmMatch[
NotebookSelection @ nbo,
- inlineChatInputCell[ root, selectionInfo ],
- { Left, Bottom },
+ inlineChatInputCell[ root, selectionInfo, settings ],
+ { "WindowCenter", Bottom },
- { Left, Top },
+ { Center, Top },
RemovalConditions -> { "EvaluatorQuit" }
@@ -198,8 +226,21 @@ attachInlineChatInput[ nbo_NotebookObject, { root_CellObject } ] := Enclose[
-(* FIXME: Need to handle multiple or no cell selections *)
-attachInlineChatInput[ nbo_NotebookObject, { ___ } ] := Null;
+(* TODO: moving the selection probably isn't ideal: *)
+attachInlineChatInput[ nbo_NotebookObject, settings_, { } ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { root },
+ SelectionMove[ nbo, Previous, Cell ];
+ root = Replace[ SelectedCells @ nbo, { cell_CellObject } :> cell ];
+ If[ MatchQ[ root, _CellObject ],
+ attachInlineChatInput[ nbo, settings, { root } ],
+ Null
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+(* FIXME: Need to handle multiple cell selections *)
+attachInlineChatInput[ nbo_NotebookObject, settings_, { ___ } ] := Null;
attachInlineChatInput // endDefinition;
@@ -208,14 +249,23 @@ attachInlineChatInput // endDefinition;
getSelectionInfo // beginDefinition;
-getSelectionInfo[ cell_CellObject ] := getSelectionInfo[ cell, cellInformation[ cell, "CursorPosition" ] ];
-getSelectionInfo[ cell_, Except[ { _Integer, _Integer } ] ] := None;
-getSelectionInfo[ cell_, pos_ ] := getSelectionInfo[ cell, pos, cellHash @ cell ];
+getSelectionInfo[ cell_CellObject ] :=
+ getSelectionInfo[ cell, cellInformation[ cell, { "ContentData", "CursorPosition" } ] ];
-getSelectionInfo[ cell_CellObject, pos: { _Integer, _Integer }, hash_String ] := <|
- "CellObject" -> cell,
- "CursorPosition" -> pos,
- "Hash" -> hash
+getSelectionInfo[ cell_, KeyValuePattern[ "CursorPosition" -> Except[ { _Integer, _Integer } ] ] ] :=
+ None;
+getSelectionInfo[ cell_, info_ ] :=
+ getSelectionInfo[ cell, info, cellHash @ cell ];
+ cell_CellObject,
+ as: KeyValuePattern[ "CursorPosition" -> { _Integer, _Integer } ],
+ hash_String
+] := <|
+ as,
+ "CellObject" -> cell,
+ "Hash" -> hash
getSelectionInfo // endDefinition;
@@ -233,7 +283,7 @@ cellHash // endDefinition;
inlineChatInputCell // beginDefinition;
-inlineChatInputCell[ root_CellObject, selectionInfo_ ] := Cell[
+inlineChatInputCell[ root_CellObject, selectionInfo_, settings_ ] := Cell[
BoxData @ inlineTemplateBox @ TemplateBox[
ToBoxes @ DynamicModule[ { messageCells = { }, cell },
@@ -255,12 +305,14 @@ inlineChatInputCell[ root_CellObject, selectionInfo_ ] := Cell[
cell = EvaluationCell[ ];
parentCell[ cell ] = root;
parentNotebook[ cell ] = parentNotebook @ root;
+ attachInlineChatButtons[ EvaluationCell[ ], Dynamic @ messageCells ]
Deinitialization :> Quiet[
$inputFieldBox = None;
Unset @ parentCell @ cell;
Unset @ parentNotebook @ cell;
+ ClearAll @ evaluateCurrentInlineChat;
@@ -268,11 +320,116 @@ inlineChatInputCell[ root_CellObject, selectionInfo_ ] := Cell[
Background -> None,
- Selectable -> True
+ Selectable -> True,
+ TaggingRules -> <| "ChatNotebookSettings" -> settings |>
inlineChatInputCell // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+attachInlineChatButtons // beginDefinition;
+attachInlineChatButtons[ cell_CellObject, messageCells_Dynamic ] := AttachCell[
+ cell,
+ inlineChatButtonsCell[ cell, messageCells ],
+ { Right, Top },
+ Offset[ { -57, -7 }, 0 ],
+ { Left, Top }
+attachInlineChatButtons // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+inlineChatButtonsCell // beginDefinition;
+(* TODO: define a template box for this in the stylesheet *)
+inlineChatButtonsCell[ cell_CellObject, messageCells_Dynamic ] :=
+ Cell @ BoxData @ GridBox[
+ { { closeButton @ cell }, { popOutButton[ cell, messageCells ] } },
+ AutoDelete -> False,
+ GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> { { 0 } }, "Rows" -> { { 0 } } },
+ GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> { { 0 } }, "Rows" -> { { 0 } } }
+ ];
+inlineChatButtonsCell // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+closeButton // beginDefinition;
+closeButton[ cell_CellObject ] := ToBoxes @ Button[
+ RawBoxes @ FrameBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ GrayLevel[ 0.3 ],
+ AbsoluteThickness[ 1 ],
+ CapForm[ "Round" ],
+ LineBox @ { { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, { { 1, -1 }, { -1, 1 } } }
+ },
+ ImagePadding -> { { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 } },
+ ImageSize -> { 6, 6 },
+ PlotRange -> 1
+ ],
+ Alignment -> { Center, Center },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[ 0.96 ],
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ FrameMargins -> None,
+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[ 0.85 ],
+ ImageSize -> { 16, 16 },
+ RoundingRadius -> 2,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ NotebookDelete @ cell,
+ Appearance -> "Suppressed",
+ Tooltip -> "Close"
+closeButton // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+popOutButton // beginDefinition;
+popOutButton[ cell_CellObject, messageCells_Dynamic ] := ToBoxes @ Button[
+ RawBoxes @ FrameBox[
+ GraphicsBox[
+ {
+ GrayLevel[ 0.3 ],
+ AbsoluteThickness[ 1 ],
+ CapForm[ "Round" ],
+ LineBox @ {
+ { { -0.4, 0.8 }, { -0.8, 0.8 }, { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, -0.4 } },
+ { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 1, 1 } },
+ { { 0.2, 1 }, { 1, 1 }, { 1, 0.2 } }
+ }
+ },
+ ImagePadding -> { { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 } },
+ ImageSize -> { 10, 10 },
+ PlotRange -> 1
+ ],
+ Alignment -> { Center, Center },
+ Background -> GrayLevel[ 0.96 ],
+ ContentPadding -> False,
+ FrameMargins -> None,
+ FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[ 0.85 ],
+ ImageSize -> { 16, 16 },
+ RoundingRadius -> 2,
+ StripOnInput -> False
+ ],
+ NotebookDelete @ cell;
+ popOutWorkspaceChatNB @ messageCells,
+ Appearance -> "Suppressed",
+ Tooltip -> "View in Code Assistance Chat"
+popOutButton // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -305,7 +462,15 @@ inlineChatInputField[
Dynamic[ currentInput_ ],
Dynamic[ messageCells_ ]
-] :=
+] := (
+ evaluateCurrentInlineChat[ ] := ChatbookAction[
+ "EvaluateInlineChat",
+ cell,
+ root,
+ selectionInfo,
+ Dynamic @ currentInput,
+ Dynamic @ messageCells
+ ];
@@ -323,20 +488,6 @@ inlineChatInputField[
RawBoxes @ inlineTemplateBox @ TemplateBox[
{ RGBColor[ "#a3c9f2" ], RGBColor[ "#f1f7fd" ], 27 },
- ],
- Style[
- ActionMenu[
- "More",
- {
- "Close" :> NotebookDelete @ EvaluationCell[ ],
- "View in Chat" :> (
- NotebookDelete @ EvaluationCell[ ];
- popOutWorkspaceChatNB @ messageCells
- )
- },
- ImageSize -> { Automatic, 25 }
- ],
- Magnification -> 1
@@ -358,7 +509,8 @@ inlineChatInputField[
Method -> "Queued"
- ];
+ ]
inlineChatInputField // endDefinition;
@@ -376,6 +528,8 @@ moveToInlineChatInputField[ box_BoxObject ] := Quiet @ Catch[
+moveToInlineChatInputField[ None ] := Null;
moveToInlineChatInputField // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -384,7 +538,7 @@ moveToInlineChatInputField // endDefinition;
displayInlineChatMessages // beginDefinition;
displayInlineChatMessages[ { }, inputField_ ] :=
- Pane[ inputField, ImageSize -> { Scaled[ 0.5 ], Automatic } ];
+ Pane[ inputField, ImageSize -> { $initialInlineChatWidth, Automatic } ];
displayInlineChatMessages[ cells: { __Cell }, inputField_ ] :=
DynamicModule[ { w, h, size },
@@ -398,6 +552,7 @@ displayInlineChatMessages[ cells: { __Cell }, inputField_ ] :=
+ (* FIXME: code blocks don't show syntax styles or string characters *)
formatInlineMessageCells /@ cells,
Alignment -> Left,
BaseStyle -> { Magnification -> 0.8 },
@@ -456,7 +611,11 @@ formatInlineMessageCells[ cell: Cell[ __, "ChatOutput", ___ ] ] :=
Pane[ assistantImage[ ], ImageMargins -> $messageAuthorImagePadding ],
- RawBoxes @ Append[ DeleteCases[ cell, Background -> _ ], Background -> None ]
+ RawBoxes @ InputFieldBox[
+ Append[ DeleteCases[ cell, Background -> _ ], Background -> None ],
+ Appearance -> None,
+ ImageSize -> { Scaled[ 1 ], Automatic }
+ ]
Alignment -> { Left, Top }
@@ -505,7 +664,7 @@ moveToChatInputField0 // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
-(*Chat Message Labels*)
+(*Chat Message Decorations*)
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -558,12 +717,12 @@ userImage[ ] := userImage[ $CloudUserID ];
userImage[ user_String ] := Enclose[
Module[ { hash, url, image },
- hash = Hash[ ToLowerCase @ StringTrim @ user, "MD5", "HexString" ];
- url = ConfirmBy[ URLBuild[ { "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/", hash }, $userImageParams ], StringQ, "URL" ];
- image = ConfirmBy[ Import @ url, ImageQ, "Image" ];
- userImage[ user ] = Show[ image, ImageSize -> 25 ]
+ hash = Hash[ ToLowerCase @ StringTrim @ user, "MD5", "HexString" ];
+ url = ConfirmBy[ URLBuild[ { "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/", hash }, $userImageParams ], StringQ, "URL" ];
+ image = ConfirmBy[ Quiet @ Import @ url, ImageQ, "Image" ];
+ userImage[ user ] = Show[ image, ImageSize -> 20 ]
- $defaultUserImage &
+ (userImage[ user ] = $defaultUserImage) &
userImage[ other_ ] :=
@@ -571,6 +730,50 @@ userImage[ other_ ] :=
userImage // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+attachAssistantMessageButtons // beginDefinition;
+attachAssistantMessageButtons[ cell_ ] /; $dynamicText || MatchQ[ $ChatEvaluationCell, _CellObject ] := Null;
+attachAssistantMessageButtons[ cell_CellObject ] :=
+ attachAssistantMessageButtons[ cell, CurrentChatSettings[ cell, "WorkspaceChat" ] ];
+attachAssistantMessageButtons[ cell0_CellObject, True ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { cell, attached },
+ cell = topParentCell @ cell0;
+ If[ ! MatchQ[ cell, _CellObject ], Throw @ Null ];
+ (* If chat has been reloaded from history, it no longer has the necessary metadata for feedback: *)
+ If[ ! StringQ @ CurrentValue[ cell, { TaggingRules, "ChatData" } ], Throw @ Null ];
+ (* Remove existing attached cell, if any: *)
+ NotebookDelete @ Cells[ cell, AttachedCell -> True, CellStyle -> "ChatOutputTrayButtons" ];
+ (* Attach new cell: *)
+ attached = AttachCell[
+ cell,
+ Cell[
+ BoxData @ TemplateBox[ { }, "FeedbackButtonsHorizontal" ],
+ "ChatOutputTrayButtons",
+ Magnification -> AbsoluteCurrentValue[ cell, Magnification ]
+ ],
+ { Left, Bottom },
+ 0,
+ { Left, Top },
+ RemovalConditions -> "MouseExit"
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+attachAssistantMessageButtons[ cell_CellObject, _ ] :=
+ Null;
+attachAssistantMessageButtons // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Chat Notebook Conversion*)
@@ -580,6 +783,9 @@ userImage // endDefinition;
popOutWorkspaceChatNB // beginDefinition;
+popOutWorkspaceChatNB[ Dynamic[ cells_ ] ] :=
+ popOutWorkspaceChatNB @ cells;
popOutWorkspaceChatNB[ cells: { ___Cell } ] := Enclose[
Module[ { nbo },
NotebookClose @ findCurrentWorkspaceChat[ ];
@@ -635,6 +841,88 @@ $fromWorkspaceChatConversionRules := $fromWorkspaceChatConversionRules = Dispatc
] :> Cell[ Flatten @ TextData @ text, "ChatOutput" ]
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+createHistoryMenu // beginDefinition;
+createHistoryMenu[ nbo_NotebookObject ] :=
+ createHistoryMenu[ nbo, ListSavedChats @ CurrentChatSettings[ nbo, "AppName" ] ];
+createHistoryMenu[ nbo_NotebookObject ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { appName, chats },
+ appName = ConfirmBy[ CurrentChatSettings[ nbo, "AppName" ], StringQ, "AppName" ];
+ chats = ConfirmMatch[ ListSavedChats @ appName, { ___Association }, "Chats" ];
+ If[ chats === { }, Throw @ ActionMenu[ "History", { "Nothing here yet" :> Null } ] ];
+ ActionMenu[
+ "History",
+ makeHistoryMenuItem[ nbo ] /@ Take[ chats, UpTo @ $maxHistoryItems ],
+ Method -> "Queued"
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+createHistoryMenu // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+makeHistoryMenuItem // beginDefinition;
+makeHistoryMenuItem[ nbo_NotebookObject ] :=
+ makeHistoryMenuItem[ nbo, # ] &;
+makeHistoryMenuItem[ nbo_NotebookObject, chat_Association ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { title, date, timeString, label },
+ title = ConfirmBy[ chat[ "ConversationTitle" ], StringQ, "Title" ];
+ date = DateObject[ ConfirmBy[ chat[ "Date" ], NumericQ, "Date" ], TimeZone -> 0 ];
+ timeString = ConfirmBy[ relativeTimeString @ date, StringQ, "TimeString" ];
+ label = Row @ { title, " ", Style[ timeString, FontOpacity -> 0.75, FontSize -> Inherited * 0.9 ] };
+ label :> loadConversation[ nbo, chat ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+makeHistoryMenuItem // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+loadConversation // beginDefinition;
+loadConversation[ nbo_NotebookObject, id_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { loaded, uuid, messages, cells, cellObjects },
+ loaded = ConfirmBy[ LoadChat @ id, AssociationQ, "Loaded" ];
+ uuid = ConfirmBy[ loaded[ "ConversationUUID" ], StringQ, "UUID" ];
+ messages = ConfirmBy[ loaded[ "Messages" ], ListQ, "Messages" ];
+ cells = ConfirmMatch[ ChatMessageToCell[ messages, "Workspace" ], { __Cell }, "Cells" ];
+ cellObjects = ConfirmMatch[ Cells @ nbo, { ___CellObject }, "CellObjects" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ NotebookDelete @ cellObjects, { Null... }, "Delete" ];
+ WithCleanup[
+ NotebookDelete @ First[ Cells[ nbo, AttachedCell -> True, CellStyle -> "ChatInputField" ], $Failed ],
+ SelectionMove[ nbo, Before, Notebook, AutoScroll -> True ];
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ NotebookWrite[ nbo, cells, AutoScroll -> False ],
+ Null,
+ "Write"
+ ],
+ ChatbookAction[ "AttachWorkspaceChatInput", nbo ]
+ ];
+ CurrentChatSettings[ nbo, "ConversationUUID" ] = uuid;
+ moveToChatInputField[ nbo, True ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+loadConversation // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Package Footer*)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatState.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatState.wl
index 612ca939..45ae57c8 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/ChatState.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatState.wl
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ withChatState // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
withChatState[ eval_ ] :=
+ $ChatNotebookEvaluation = True,
$absoluteCurrentSettingsCache = <| |>,
$AutomaticAssistance = False,
$chatState = True,
@@ -26,6 +27,10 @@ withChatState[ eval_ ] :=
$enableLLMServices = Automatic,
$WorkspaceChat = False,
withChatState = # &,
+ $contextPrompt = None,
+ $selectionPrompt = None,
+ $toolCallCount = 0,
+ $openToolCallBoxes = Automatic,
(* Values used for token budgets during cell serialization: *)
$cellStringBudget = $cellStringBudget,
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatTitle.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatTitle.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93903136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatTitle.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatTitle`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$maxTitleLength = 30;
+$hardMaxTitleLength = 40;
+$maxContextLength = 100000; (* characters *)
+$titlePrompt := "\
+Please come up with a meaningful window title for the current chat conversation using no more than \
+"<>ToString[$maxTitleLength]<>" characters.
+The title should be specific to the topics discussed in the chat.
+Do not give generic titles such as \"Chat\", \"Transcript\", or \"Chat Transcript\".
+Respond only with the title and nothing else.
+Here is the chat transcript:
+Remember, respond only with the title and nothing else.";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+GenerateChatTitle // beginDefinition;
+GenerateChatTitle // Options = { "Temperature" -> 0.7 };
+GenerateChatTitle[ messages: $$chatMessages, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ generateChatTitle[ messages, OptionValue[ "Temperature" ] ];
+GenerateChatTitle // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+generateChatTitle // beginDefinition;
+generateChatTitle[ messages_, temperature_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { title, task },
+ task = ConfirmMatch[
+ generateChatTitleAsync[ messages, Function[ title = # ], temperature ],
+ _TaskObject,
+ "Task"
+ ];
+ TaskWait @ task;
+ ConfirmMatch[ title, _String|_Failure, "Result" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+generateChatTitle // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+GenerateChatTitleAsynchronous // beginDefinition;
+GenerateChatTitleAsynchronous[ messages: $$chatMessages, f_ ] := catchMine @ generateChatTitleAsync[ messages, f ];
+GenerateChatTitleAsynchronous // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+generateChatTitleAsync // beginDefinition;
+generateChatTitleAsync[ messages: $$chatMessages, callback_, temperature: Automatic | _? NumericQ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { string, short, instructions, context },
+ string = ConfirmBy[ messagesToString[ messages, "IncludeSystemMessage" -> False ], StringQ, "String" ];
+ short = ConfirmBy[ StringTake[ string, UpTo[ $maxContextLength ] ], StringQ, "Short" ];
+ instructions = ConfirmBy[ TemplateApply[ $titlePrompt, short ], StringQ, "Prompt" ];
+ context = ConfirmMatch[
+ Block[ { $multimodalMessages = True }, expandMultimodalString @ instructions ],
+ _String | { __ },
+ "Context"
+ ];
+ $lastChatTitleContext = context;
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ llmSynthesizeSubmit[ context, <| "Temperature" -> temperature |>, callback @* postProcessChatTitle ],
+ _TaskObject,
+ "Task"
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+generateChatTitleAsync // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+postProcessChatTitle // beginDefinition;
+postProcessChatTitle[ title0_String, KeyValuePattern[ "StatusCode" -> 200 ] ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { title },
+ title = ConfirmBy[
+ StringReplace[
+ StringTrim @ title0,
+ StartOfString ~~ (("\"" ~~ t___ ~~ "\"") | ("'" ~~ t___ ~~ "'")) ~~ EndOfString :> t
+ ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Title"
+ ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ StringQ @ title && StringLength @ title > 0, "StringCheck" ];
+ Which[
+ StringContainsQ[ title, "\n"|"```" ],
+ Failure[ "TitleCharacters", <| "MessageTemplate" -> "Unexpected characters in generated title." |> ],
+ StringLength @ title > $hardMaxTitleLength,
+ Failure[ "TitleLength", <| "MessageTemplate" -> "Generated title exceeds the maximum length." |> ],
+ True,
+ title
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+postProcessChatTitle // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Chatbook.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Chatbook.wl
index 1cf36d17..18d7cfb1 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Chatbook.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Chatbook.wl
@@ -6,12 +6,25 @@ Wolfram`ChatbookLoader`$MXFile = FileNameJoin @ {
+If[ MemberQ[ $Packages, "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ]
+ ,
+ Wolfram`ChatbookLoader`$protectedNames = Replace[
+ Wolfram`Chatbook`$ChatbookProtectedNames,
+ Except[ _List ] :> Names[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*" ]
+ ];
+ Wolfram`ChatbookLoader`$allNames = Replace[
+ Wolfram`Chatbook`$ChatbookNames,
+ Except[ _List ] :> Union[ Wolfram`ChatbookLoader`$protectedNames, Names[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*`*" ] ]
+ ];
+ Unprotect @@ Wolfram`ChatbookLoader`$protectedNames;
+ ClearAll @@ Wolfram`ChatbookLoader`$allNames;
If[ FileExistsQ @ Wolfram`ChatbookLoader`$MXFile
- Unprotect[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*" ];
- ClearAll[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*" ];
- ClearAll[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*`*" ];
Get @ Wolfram`ChatbookLoader`$MXFile;
(* Ensure all subcontexts are in $Packages to avoid reloading subcontexts out of order: *)
If[ MatchQ[ Wolfram`Chatbook`$ChatbookContexts, { __String } ],
@@ -23,15 +36,7 @@ Quiet[
- PreemptProtect[
- Quiet[
- Unprotect[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*" ];
- ClearAll[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*" ];
- Remove[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*`*" ],
- { Remove::rmnsm }
- ];
- Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Main`" ]
- ],
+ PreemptProtect @ Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Main`" ],
{ $Context, $ContextPath, $ContextAliases } = { ## }
] & [ $Context, $ContextPath, $ContextAliases ]
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ChatbookFiles.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ChatbookFiles.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18f9ca89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ChatbookFiles.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookFiles`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$chatbookRoot := FileNameJoin @ { ExpandFileName @ LocalObject @ $LocalBase, "Chatbook" };
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$ChatbookFilesDirectory := chatbookFilesDirectory[ { }, False ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+ChatbookFilesDirectory // beginDefinition;
+ChatbookFilesDirectory // Options = { "EnsureDirectory" -> True };
+ChatbookFilesDirectory[ opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ chatbookFilesDirectory[ { }, OptionValue[ "EnsureDirectory" ] ];
+ChatbookFilesDirectory[ name_String, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ chatbookFilesDirectory[ { name }, OptionValue[ "EnsureDirectory" ] ];
+ChatbookFilesDirectory[ { names___String }, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ chatbookFilesDirectory[ { names }, OptionValue[ "EnsureDirectory" ] ];
+ChatbookFilesDirectory // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+chatbookFilesDirectory // beginDefinition;
+chatbookFilesDirectory[ { names___String }, ensure_ ] := Enclose[
+ If[ TrueQ @ ensure,
+ ConfirmBy[ GeneralUtilities`EnsureDirectory @ { $chatbookRoot, names }, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ],
+ ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { $chatbookRoot, names }, StringQ, "Directory" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+chatbookFilesDirectory // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Common.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Common.wl
index 886fcfe8..a605746f 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Common.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Common.wl
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -44,6 +45,10 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -93,6 +98,7 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
$cloudNotebooks := TrueQ @ CloudSystem`$CloudNotebooks;
$chatIndicatorSymbol = "\|01f4ac";
+$defaultAppName = "Default";
$chatDelimiterStyles = { "ChatBlockDivider", "ChatDelimiter", "ExcludedChatDelimiter" };
$chatIgnoredStyles = { "ChatExcluded" };
@@ -127,9 +133,34 @@ $resourceVersions = <|
"ClickToCopy" -> "1.0.0",
"GPTTokenizer" -> "1.1.0",
"MessageFailure" -> "1.0.0",
- "ReplaceContext" -> "1.0.0"
+ "RelativeTimeString" -> "1.0.0",
+ "ReplaceContext" -> "1.0.0",
+ "SelectByCurrentValue" -> "1.0.1"
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Basic Argument Patterns*)
+$$optionsSequence = (Rule|RuleDelayed)[ _Symbol|_String, _ ] ...;
+$$size = Infinity | (_Real|_Integer)? NonNegative;
+$$unspecified = _Missing | Automatic | Inherited;
+$$feObj = _FrontEndObject | $FrontEndSession | _NotebookObject | _CellObject | _BoxObject;
+$$template = _String|_TemplateObject|_TemplateExpression|_TemplateSequence;
+$$serviceCaller = _String? StringQ | { ___String? StringQ };
+(* Helper functions for held pattern tests: *)
+u[ f_ ] := Function[ Null, f @ Unevaluated @ #, HoldAllComplete ];
+pt[ patt_, f_ ] := PatternTest[ patt, Evaluate @ u @ f ];
+(* Atomic expressions (not including raw objects like Association etc): *)
+$$complex = pt[ _Complex , AtomQ ];
+$$integer = pt[ _Integer , IntegerQ ];
+$$rational = pt[ _Rational, AtomQ ];
+$$real = pt[ _Real , Developer`RealQ ];
+$$string = pt[ _String , StringQ ];
+$$symbol = pt[ _Symbol , Developer`SymbolQ ];
+$$atomic = $$complex | $$integer | $$rational | $$real | $$string | $$symbol;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
(*Style Patterns*)
@@ -144,36 +175,37 @@ $$chatOutputStyle = cellStylePattern @ $chatOutputStyles;
$$excludeHistoryStyle = cellStylePattern @ $excludeHistoryStyles;
$$nestedCellStyle = cellStylePattern @ $nestedCellStyles;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Text Data*)
$$textDataItem = (_String|_Cell|_StyleBox|_ButtonBox);
$$textDataList = { $$textDataItem... };
$$textData = $$textDataItem | $$textDataList;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-(*Other Argument Patterns *)
-$$optionsSequence = (Rule|RuleDelayed)[ _Symbol|_String, _ ] ...;
-$$size = Infinity | (_Real|_Integer)? NonNegative;
-$$unspecified = _Missing | Automatic | Inherited;
-$$feObj = _FrontEndObject | $FrontEndSession | _NotebookObject | _CellObject | _BoxObject;
-$$template = _String|_TemplateObject|_TemplateExpression|_TemplateSequence;
+$$graphics = _? graphicsQ;
-(* Helper functions for held pattern tests: *)
-u[ f_ ] := Function[ Null, f @ Unevaluated @ #, HoldAllComplete ];
-pt[ patt_, f_ ] := PatternTest[ patt, Evaluate @ u @ f ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Chat Messages*)
+$$messageRole = "System"|"Assistant"|"User";
+$$messageContentData = KeyValuePattern @ { "Type" -> "Text"|"Image", "Data" -> _ } | $$string | $$graphics;
+$$messageContent = $$messageContentData | { $$messageContentData... };
+$$chatMessage = KeyValuePattern @ { "Role" -> $$messageRole, "Content" -> $$messageContent };
+$$chatMessages = { $$chatMessage... };
-(* Atomic expressions (not including raw objects like Association etc): *)
-$$complex = pt[ _Complex , AtomQ ];
-$$integer = pt[ _Integer , IntegerQ ];
-$$rational = pt[ _Rational, AtomQ ];
-$$real = pt[ _Real , Developer`RealQ ];
-$$string = pt[ _String , StringQ ];
-$$symbol = pt[ _Symbol , Developer`SymbolQ ];
-$$atomic = $$complex | $$integer | $$rational | $$real | $$string | $$symbol;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+wordsPattern[ words_ ] := _String? (containsWordsQ @ words);
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Text and Expression Resources*)
+(* FIXME: These need to go after beginDefinition and endDefinition initializations *)
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -287,6 +319,8 @@ KeyValueMap[ Function[ MessageName[ Chatbook, #1 ] = #2 ], <|
"InvalidHandlerKeys" -> "Invalid setting for HandlerFunctionsKeys: `1`; using defaults instead.",
"InvalidHandlers" -> "Invalid setting for HandlerFunctions: `1`; using defaults instead.",
"InvalidMessages" -> "The value `2` returned by `1` is not a valid list of messages.",
+ "InvalidPromptGeneratorPosition" -> "Invalid position spec for prompt generator messages: `1`.",
+ "InvalidPromptGeneratorRole" -> "Invalid role for prompt generator messages: `1`. Valid values are: \"System\", \"Assistant\", or \"User\".",
"InvalidResourceSpecification" -> "The argument `1` is not a valid resource specification.",
"InvalidResourceURL" -> "The specified URL does not represent a valid resource object.",
"InvalidRootSettings" -> "The value `1` is not valid for root chat settings.",
@@ -298,6 +332,7 @@ KeyValueMap[ Function[ MessageName[ Chatbook, #1 ] = #2 ], <|
"NoSandboxKernel" -> "Unable to start a sandbox kernel. This may mean that the number of currently running kernels exceeds the limit defined by $LicenseProcesses.",
"NotImplemented" -> "Action \"`1`\" is not implemented.",
"NotInstallableResourceType" -> "Resource type `1` is not an installable resource type for chat notebooks. Valid types are `2`.",
+ "PersonaDirectoryNotFound" -> "The directory `2` for persona `1` was not found.",
"RateLimitReached" -> "Rate limit reached for requests. Please try again later.",
"ResourceNotFound" -> "Resource `1` not found.",
"ResourceNotInstalled" -> "The resource `1` is not installed.",
@@ -519,7 +554,7 @@ importResourceFunction::failure = "[ERROR] Failed to import resource function `1
importResourceFunction // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
importResourceFunction[ symbol_Symbol, name_String ] :=
- importResourceFunction[ symbol, name, Lookup[ $resourceVersions, name, "Latest" ] ];
+ importResourceFunction[ symbol, name, Lookup[ $resourceVersions, name ] ];
importResourceFunction[ symbol_Symbol, name_String, version_String ] /; $mxFlag := Enclose[
Block[ { PrintTemporary },
@@ -574,14 +609,15 @@ catchTop[ eval_ ] := catchTop[ eval, Chatbook ];
catchTop[ eval_, sym_Symbol ] :=
- $ChatNotebookEvaluation = True,
- $currentChatSettings = None,
- $messageSymbol = Replace[ $messageSymbol, Chatbook -> sym ],
- $catching = True,
- $failed = False,
- catchTop = # &,
- catchTopAs = (#1 &) &
+ $chatEvaluationID = CreateUUID[ ],
+ $currentChatSettings = None,
+ $messageSymbol = Replace[ $messageSymbol, Chatbook -> sym ],
+ $catching = True,
+ $failed = False,
+ catchTop = # &,
+ catchTopAs = (#1 &) &
+ $chatStartTime = AbsoluteTime[ ];
Catch[ setServiceCaller @ eval, $catchTopTag ]
@@ -774,23 +810,39 @@ makeInternalFailureData[ eval_, args___ ] :=
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
setServiceCaller // beginDefinition;
-setServiceCaller // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
-setServiceCaller[ eval_ ] := (
+setServiceCaller[ eval_ ] :=
+ setServiceCaller[ eval, chatbookServiceCaller[ ] ];
+setServiceCaller[ eval_, caller_ ] := (
Quiet @ Needs[ "ServiceConnectionUtilities`" -> None ];
- setServiceCaller[ eval, ServiceConnectionUtilities`$Caller ]
+ setServiceCaller[ eval, caller, ServiceConnectionUtilities`$Caller ]
-setServiceCaller[ eval_, { c___ } ] :=
- Block[ { ServiceConnectionUtilities`$Caller = { c, "Chatbook" }, setServiceCaller = # & },
+setServiceCaller[ eval_, caller: $$serviceCaller, { current___ } ] :=
+ Block[ { ServiceConnectionUtilities`$Caller = DeleteDuplicates @ Flatten @ { current, "Chatbook", caller } },
-setServiceCaller[ eval_, _ ] :=
- setServiceCaller[ eval, { } ];
+setServiceCaller[ eval_, caller_, _ ] :=
+ setServiceCaller[ eval, caller, { } ];
+setServiceCaller // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
setServiceCaller // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+chatbookServiceCaller // beginDefinition;
+chatbookServiceCaller[ ] := Flatten @ {
+ If[ TrueQ @ $InlineChat, "InlineChat", Nothing ],
+ If[ TrueQ @ $WorkspaceChat, "WorkspaceChat", Nothing ],
+ Replace[ $serviceCaller, Except[ $$serviceCaller ] -> Nothing ]
+chatbookServiceCaller // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Bug Report Link Generation*)
@@ -1164,14 +1216,26 @@ inlineTemplateBoxes // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-$chatbookIcons := $chatbookIcons =
- Developer`ReadWXFFile @ PacletObject[ "Wolfram/Chatbook" ][ "AssetLocation", "Icons" ];
+$chatbookIcons := Enclose[
+ Module[ { file, icons },
+ file = ConfirmBy[ $thisPaclet[ "AssetLocation", "Icons" ], FileExistsQ, "File" ];
+ icons = ConfirmBy[ Developer`ReadWXFFile @ file, AssociationQ, "Icons" ];
+ If[ TrueQ @ $mxFlag, icons, $chatbookIcons = icons ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure[ $chatbookIcons, ## ] &
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-$templateBoxDisplayFunctions := $templateBoxDisplayFunctions =
- Developer`ReadWXFFile @ PacletObject[ "Wolfram/Chatbook" ][ "AssetLocation", "DisplayFunctions" ];
+$templateBoxDisplayFunctions := Enclose[
+ Module[ { file, funcs },
+ file = ConfirmBy[ $thisPaclet[ "AssetLocation", "DisplayFunctions" ], FileExistsQ, "File" ];
+ funcs = ConfirmBy[ Developer`ReadWXFFile @ file, AssociationQ, "Functions" ];
+ If[ TrueQ @ $mxFlag, funcs, $templateBoxDisplayFunctions = funcs ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure[ $templateBoxDisplayFunctions, ## ] &
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -1231,7 +1295,6 @@ mxInitialize // endDefinition;
$debug = False;
- $templateBoxDisplayFunctions;
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/CommonSymbols.wl b/Source/Chatbook/CommonSymbols.wl
index 8728d39c..10ff8e0b 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/CommonSymbols.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/CommonSymbols.wl
@@ -11,22 +11,29 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -35,6 +42,7 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -48,19 +56,26 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -74,18 +89,23 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -98,6 +118,7 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -122,6 +143,7 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -132,7 +154,11 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -166,6 +192,8 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -180,6 +208,9 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -190,6 +221,7 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -225,6 +257,7 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
@@ -247,6 +280,7 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Dynamics.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Dynamics.wl
index cc489f1b..9d39204b 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Dynamics.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Dynamics.wl
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ $dynamicTriggers = <|
"Models" :> $modelsTrigger,
"Personas" :> $personasTrigger,
"Preferences" :> $preferencesTrigger,
+ "SavedChats" :> $savedChatsTrigger,
"Services" :> $servicesTrigger,
"Tools" :> $toolsTrigger
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Explode.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Explode.wl
index 79af0742..4c222e44 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Explode.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Explode.wl
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ $$newCellStyle = Alternatives[
+ "Subitem",
@@ -22,6 +23,8 @@ $$newCellStyle = Alternatives[
+$$ws = _String? (StringMatchQ[ WhitespaceCharacter... ]);
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -40,15 +43,67 @@ explodeCell[ string_String ] := Cell[ #, "Text" ] & /@ StringSplit[ string, Long
explodeCell[ (BoxData|TextData)[ textData_, ___ ] ] := explodeCell @ Flatten @ List @ textData;
explodeCell[ textData_List ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { processed },
+ Module[ { processed, grouped, post },
processed = ConfirmMatch[ ReplaceRepeated[ textData, $preprocessingRules ], $$textDataList, "Preprocessing" ];
- ConfirmMatch[ regroupCells @ processed, $$textDataList, "RegroupCells" ]
+ grouped = ConfirmMatch[ regroupCells @ processed, $$textDataList, "RegroupCells" ];
+ post = ConfirmMatch[ Flatten[ postProcessExplodedCells /@ grouped ], { __Cell }, "PostProcessing" ];
+ SequenceReplace[
+ post,
+ { Cell[ caption_? captionQ, "Text", a___ ], input: Cell[ __, "Input"|"Code", ___ ] } :>
+ Sequence[ Cell[ caption, "CodeText", a ], input ]
+ ]
- throwInternalFailure[ explodeCell @ textData, ## ] &
+ throwInternalFailure
explodeCell // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+captionQ // beginDefinition;
+captionQ[ text_String ] := StringEndsQ[ text, ":"~~WhitespaceCharacter... ];
+captionQ[ (ButtonBox|Cell|StyleBox|TextData)[ text_, ___ ] ] := captionQ @ text;
+captionQ[ { ___, text_ } ] := captionQ @ text;
+captionQ[ _ ] := False;
+captionQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+postProcessExplodedCells // beginDefinition;
+ Cell[ BoxData @ RowBox @ { RowBox @ { "In", "[", n_String, "]" }, "="|":=", boxes__ }, "Input", a___ ]
+] := Cell[ BoxData @ boxes, "Input", CellLabel -> "In["<>n<>"]:=", a ];
+ Cell[ BoxData @ RowBox @ { RowBox @ { "Out", "[", n_String, "]" }, "="|":=", boxes__ }, "Input", a___ ]
+] := Cell[ BoxData @ boxes, "Output", CellLabel -> "Out["<>n<>"]=", a ];
+postProcessExplodedCells[ Cell[
+ BoxData @ RowBox @ {
+ RowBox @ { RowBox @ { "In", "[", nIn_String, "]" }, ":=", in___ },
+ $$ws...,
+ RowBox @ { RowBox @ { "Out", "[", nOut_String, "]" }, "=", out___ }
+ },
+ "Input"
+] ] := {
+ Cell[ BoxData @ RowBox @ { in }, "Input", CellLabel -> "In["<>nIn<>"]:=" ],
+ Cell[ BoxData @ RowBox @ { out }, "Output", CellLabel -> "Out["<>nOut<>"]=" ]
+postProcessExplodedCells[ cell: Cell[ __, "Input", ___ ] ] := DeleteCases[
+ cell /. { RowBox @ { RowBox @ { "In", "[", _, "]" }, "="|":=", boxes__ } :> RowBox @ { boxes } },
+ RowBox @ { RowBox @ { "Out", "[", _, "]" }, "="|":=", __ },
+ Infinity
+postProcessExplodedCells[ cell_Cell ] :=
+ cell;
+postProcessExplodedCells // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -97,7 +152,11 @@ $preprocessingRules := $preprocessingRules = Dispatch @ {
(* Remove nested cells: *)
Cell @ BoxData[ cell_Cell, ___ ] :> cell,
- StyleBox[ a_String, "InlineItem", b___ ] :> StyleBox[ "\n"<>a, b ],
+ Cell[ TextData @ { StyleBox[ "\[Bullet]", ___ ], " ", content___ }, "InlineItem", ___ ] :>
+ Cell[ TextData @ content, "Item" ],
+ Cell[ TextData @ { _String, StyleBox[ "\[Bullet]", ___ ], " ", content___ }, "InlineSubitem", ___ ] :>
+ Cell[ TextData @ content, "Subitem" ],
(* Format text tables: *)
Cell[ content__, "TextTableForm", opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :>
@@ -125,7 +184,16 @@ $preprocessingRules := $preprocessingRules = Dispatch @ {
StyleBox[ "\n", "TinyLineBreak", ___ ] :> "\n",
Cell[ boxes_, style: "MarkdownDelimiter"|"BlockQuote", a___ ] :>
- Cell[ boxes, "Text", style, a ]
+ Cell[ boxes, "Text", style, a ],
+ (* Fix cases where the LLM tried to manually create MarkdownImageBoxes: *)
+ RowBox @ { "\\!", RowBox @ { "\\(", RowBox @ { "*MarkdownImageBox", "[", uri_, "]" }, "\\)" } } :>
+ With[ { expr = Quiet @ catchAlways @ GetExpressionURI @ StringTrim[ uri, "\"" ] },
+ If[ FailureQ @ expr,
+ "\[LeftSkeleton]Removed\[RightSkeleton]",
+ ToBoxes @ expr
+ ]
+ ]
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -183,6 +251,9 @@ regroupCells[ { grouped___ }, { grouping___ }, { string_String, rest___ } ] :=
+regroupCells[ { grouped___ }, { grouping___ }, { other_, rest___ } ] :=
+ regroupCells[ { grouped }, { grouping, other }, { rest } ];
regroupCells[ { grouped___ }, { grouping___ }, { } ] :=
DeleteCases[ { grouped, Cell[ TextData @ { grouping }, "Text" ] }, Cell[ TextData @ { }, ___ ] ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Feedback.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Feedback.wl
index 4bc02512..29f40783 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Feedback.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Feedback.wl
@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ Begin[ "`Private`" ];
(* :!CodeAnalysis::BeginBlock:: *)
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Formatting.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Formatting.wl
index 320575f6..84d8840b 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Formatting.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Formatting.wl
@@ -223,9 +223,10 @@ reformatTextData[ string_String ] /; StringContainsQ[ string, $$mdEscapedCharact
s_String :> RuleCondition @ StringReplace[ s, $mdUnescapeRules ]
+(* cSpell: ignore maxrec *)
reformatTextData[ string_String ] := joinAdjacentStrings @ Flatten[
makeResultCell /@ discardBadToolCalls @ DeleteCases[
- StringSplit[ string, $textDataFormatRules, IgnoreCase -> True ],
+ Quiet[ StringSplit[ string, $textDataFormatRules, IgnoreCase -> True ], RegularExpression::maxrec ],
@@ -307,12 +308,29 @@ makeResultCell0[ imageCell[ alt_String, url_String ] ] := image[ alt, url ];
makeResultCell0[ hyperlinkCell[ label_String, url_String ] ] := hyperlink[ label, url ];
-makeResultCell0[ bulletCell[ whitespace_String, item_String ] ] := Flatten @ {
+makeResultCell0[ bulletCell[ "", item_String ] ] := {
- whitespace,
- StyleBox[ "\[Bullet]", "InlineItem", FontColor -> GrayLevel[ 0.5 ] ],
- " ",
- formatTextString @ item
+ Cell[
+ TextData @ Flatten @ {
+ StyleBox[ "\[Bullet]", FontColor -> GrayLevel[ 0.5 ] ],
+ " ",
+ formatTextString @ item
+ },
+ "InlineItem"
+ ]
+makeResultCell0[ bulletCell[ whitespace_String, item_String ] ] := {
+ "\n",
+ Cell[
+ TextData @ Flatten @ {
+ whitespace,
+ StyleBox[ "\[Bullet]", FontColor -> GrayLevel[ 0.5 ] ],
+ " ",
+ formatTextString @ item
+ },
+ "InlineSubitem"
+ ]
makeResultCell0[ sectionCell[ n_, section_String ] ] := Flatten @ {
@@ -578,6 +596,7 @@ formatRaw[ item_, { } ] := item;
formatRaw[ item_, StyleBox[ box_ ] ] := formatRaw[ item, box ];
formatRaw[ item_, box: _ButtonBox|_Cell|_StyleBox ] := RawBoxes @ box;
formatRaw[ item_, string_String ] := string;
+formatRaw[ item_, text: $$textDataList ] := RawBoxes @ Cell @ TextData @ text;
formatRaw // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -783,7 +802,6 @@ insertCodeBelow[ cell_Cell, evaluate_ ] :=
cellObj = topParentCell @ EvaluationCell[ ];
nbo = parentNotebook @ cellObj;
insertAfterChatGeneratedCells[ cellObj, cell ];
- NotebookDelete @ Cells[ nbo, AttachedCell -> True, CellStyle -> "AttachedChatInput" ];
If[ TrueQ @ evaluate,
selectionEvaluateCreateCell @ nbo,
SelectionMove[ nbo, After, CellContents ]
@@ -1066,7 +1084,7 @@ fancyTooltip[ expr_, tooltip_ ] := Tooltip[
$$endToolCall = Longest[ "ENDRESULT" ~~ (("(" ~~ (LetterCharacter|DigitCharacter).. ~~ ")") | "") ];
$$eol = " "... ~~ "\n";
$$cmd = Repeated[ Except[ WhitespaceCharacter ], { 1, 80 } ];
-$$simpleToolCommand = StartOfLine ~~ $$ws ~~ ("/" ~~ c: $$cmd) ~~ $$eol /; $simpleToolMethod && toolShortNameQ @ c;
+$$simpleToolCommand = StartOfLine ~~ $$ws ~~ ("/" ~~ $$cmd) ~~ $$eol;
$$simpleToolCall = Shortest[ $$simpleToolCommand ~~ ___ ~~ ($$endToolCall|EndOfString) ];
@@ -1085,19 +1103,25 @@ $textDataFormatRules = {
Longest[ "```" ~~ language: Except[ "\n" ]... ] ~~ (" "...) ~~ "\n",
Shortest[ code__ ],
- ] /; StringFreeQ[ code, "TOOLCALL:" ~~ ___ ~~ ($$endToolCall|EndOfString) ] :>
+ ] /; StringFreeQ[ code, ("TOOLCALL:" ~~ ___ ~~ ($$endToolCall|EndOfString))|$$simpleToolCall ] :>
codeBlockCell[ language, code ]
- "![" ~~ alt: Shortest[ ___ ] ~~ "](" ~~ url: Shortest[ Except[ ")" ].. ] ~~ ")" /;
- StringFreeQ[ alt, "["~~___~~"]("~~__~~")" ] :>
- imageCell[ alt, url ]
+ Longest @ StringExpression[
+ (("```" ~~ Except[ "\n" ]... ~~ (" "...) ~~ "\n"))|"",
+ tool: ("TOOLCALL:" ~~ Shortest[ ___ ] ~~ ($$endToolCall|EndOfString))
+ ] :> inlineToolCallCell @ tool
- tool: ("TOOLCALL:" ~~ Shortest[ ___ ] ~~ ($$endToolCall|EndOfString)) :> inlineToolCallCell @ tool
- ,
- tool: $$simpleToolCall :> inlineToolCallCell @ tool
+ Longest @ StringExpression[
+ (("```" ~~ Except[ "\n" ]... ~~ (" "...) ~~ "\n"))|"",
+ tool: $$simpleToolCall
+ ] :> inlineToolCallCell @ tool
StartOfLine ~~ "/retry" ~~ (WhitespaceCharacter|EndOfString) :> $discardPreviousToolCall
+ "![" ~~ alt: Shortest[ ___ ] ~~ "](" ~~ url: Shortest[ Except[ ")" ].. ] ~~ ")" /;
+ StringFreeQ[ alt, "["~~___~~"]("~~__~~")" ] :>
+ imageCell[ alt, url ]
+ ,
("\n"|StartOfString).. ~~ w:" "... ~~ ("* "|"- ") ~~ item: Longest[ Except[ "\n" ].. ] :>
bulletCell[ w, item ]
@@ -1409,7 +1433,8 @@ parseFullToolCallString[ id_String, tool: HoldPattern[ _LLMTool ], parameters_As
"FormattingFunction" -> getToolFormattingFunction @ tool,
"ToolCall" -> StringTrim @ string,
"Parameters" -> parameters,
- "Result" -> output
+ "Result" -> output,
+ "Open" -> TrueQ @ $openToolCallBoxes
parseFullToolCallString // endDefinition;
@@ -1429,8 +1454,7 @@ parseToolCallID[ string_String? StringQ ] :=
- StartOfLine ~~ "/" ~~ cmd: Except[ WhitespaceCharacter ].. ~~ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ "\n" /;
- toolShortNameQ @ cmd
+ StartOfLine ~~ "/" ~~ cmd: Except[ WhitespaceCharacter ].. ~~ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ "\n"
@@ -1493,6 +1517,7 @@ makeToolCallBoxLabel[ as0_, name_String, icon_ ] :=
LabelStyle -> { FontSize -> 12 }
+ TrueQ @ as0[ "Open" ],
Method -> "Active"
@@ -1724,7 +1749,11 @@ makeInteractiveCodeCell[ lang_String? wolframLanguageQ, code_ ] :=
BoxData @ If[ StringQ @ code, wlStringToBoxes @ code, code ],
- Background -> GrayLevel[ 1 ]
+ Background -> GrayLevel[ 1 ],
+ LanguageCategory -> "Input",
+ ShowAutoStyles -> True,
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ ShowSyntaxStyles -> True
handler = inlineInteractiveCodeCell[ display, code ];
codeBlockFrame[ Cell @ BoxData @ ToBoxes @ handler, code ]
@@ -1781,8 +1810,12 @@ formatNLInputs // beginDefinition;
formatNLInputs[ string_String ] :=
- "\[FreeformPrompt][\"" ~~ q: Except[ "\"" ].. ~~ ("\"]"|EndOfString) :>
- ToString[ RawBoxes @ formatNLInputFast @ q, StandardForm ]
+ {
+ "\[FreeformPrompt][\"" ~~ q: Except[ "\"" ].. ~~ ("\"]"|EndOfString) :>
+ ToString[ RawBoxes @ formatNLInputFast @ q, StandardForm ],
+ "ResourceFunction[\"" ~~ name: Except[ "\"" ].. ~~ ("\"]"|EndOfString) :>
+ ToString[ RawBoxes @ formatResourceFunctionFast @ name, StandardForm ]
+ }
formatNLInputs[ boxes_ ] :=
@@ -1792,10 +1825,40 @@ formatNLInputs[ boxes_ ] :=
RowBox @ { "\[FreeformPrompt]", "[", q_String } /; StringMatchQ[ q, "\""~~Except[ "\""]..~~("\""|"") ] :>
RuleCondition @ formatNLInputFast @ q
+ ,
+ RowBox @ { "ResourceFunction", "[", name_String, "]" } /; StringMatchQ[ name, "\""~~Except[ "\""]..~~"\"" ] :>
+ RuleCondition @ If[ TrueQ @ $dynamicText,
+ formatResourceFunctionFast @ name,
+ formatResourceFunctionSlow @ name
+ ]
formatNLInputs // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+formatResourceFunctionFast // beginDefinition;
+formatResourceFunctionFast[ name_String ] := (
+ Needs[ "FunctionResource`" -> None ];
+ FunctionResource`InertResourceFunctionBoxes[ "Published", StringTrim[ name, "\"" ] ]
+formatResourceFunctionFast // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+formatResourceFunctionSlow // beginDefinition;
+formatResourceFunctionSlow[ name_String ] := (
+ Needs[ "FunctionResource`" -> None ];
+ FunctionResource`MakeResourceFunctionBoxes @ StringTrim[ name, "\"" ]
+formatResourceFunctionSlow // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -1938,29 +2001,14 @@ makeInlineCodeCell // beginDefinition;
makeInlineCodeCell[ s_String? nameQ ] /; Context @ s === "System`" :=
hyperlink[ s, "paclet:ref/" <> Last @ StringSplit[ s, "`" ] ];
-makeInlineCodeCell[ s_String? LowerCaseQ ] := StyleBox[ unescapeInlineMarkdown @ s, "TI" ];
+makeInlineCodeCell[ s_String? LowerCaseQ ] :=
+ StyleBox[ unescapeInlineMarkdown @ s, "TI" ];
-makeInlineCodeCell[ code_String ] /; $dynamicText := Cell[
- BoxData @ TemplateBox[ { stringToBoxes @ unescapeInlineMarkdown @ code }, "ChatCodeInlineTemplate" ],
+makeInlineCodeCell[ code_String ] := Cell[
+ BoxData @ TemplateBox[ { Cell[ unescapeInlineMarkdown @ code, Background -> None ] }, "ChatCodeInlineTemplate" ],
-makeInlineCodeCell[ code0_String ] :=
- With[ { code = unescapeInlineMarkdown @ code0 },
- If[ SyntaxQ @ code,
- Cell[
- BoxData @ TemplateBox[ { stringToBoxes @ code }, "ChatCodeInlineTemplate" ],
- "ChatCode",
- Background -> None
- ],
- Cell[
- BoxData @ TemplateBox[ { Cell[ code, Background -> None ] }, "ChatCodeInlineTemplate" ],
- "ChatCodeActive",
- Background -> None
- ]
- ]
- ];
makeInlineCodeCell // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -2080,7 +2128,11 @@ attachment[ alt_String, key_String, expr_ ] :=
BoxData @ boxes,
- Background -> GrayLevel[ 1 ]
+ Background -> GrayLevel[ 1 ],
+ LanguageCategory -> "Input",
+ ShowAutoStyles -> True,
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True,
+ ShowSyntaxStyles -> True
handler = inlineInteractiveCodeCell[ display, Cell[ BoxData @ cachedBoxes @ expr, "Input" ] ];
codeBlockFrame[ Cell @ BoxData @ ToBoxes @ handler, expr ]
@@ -2533,8 +2585,11 @@ stringToBoxes[ s_String ] /; $dynamicText := StringReplace[
+stringToBoxes[ s_String /; StringMatchQ[ s, "\"" ~~ __ ~~ "\"" ] ] :=
+ With[ { str = stringToBoxes @ StringTrim[ s, "\"" ] }, "\""<>str<>"\"" /; StringQ @ str ];
stringToBoxes[ s_String ] :=
- adjustBoxSpacing @ stringToBoxes0 @ usingFrontEnd @ MathLink`CallFrontEnd @ FrontEnd`ReparseBoxStructurePacket @ s;
+ adjustBoxSpacing @ stringToBoxes0 @ reparseBoxStructurePacket @ s;
stringToBoxes // endDefinition;
@@ -2543,6 +2598,21 @@ stringToBoxes0 // beginDefinition;
stringToBoxes0[ boxes_? boxDataQ ] := boxes;
stringToBoxes0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+reparseBoxStructurePacket // beginDefinition;
+reparseBoxStructurePacket[ string_String ] := Replace[
+ usingFrontEnd @ MathLink`CallFrontEnd @ FrontEnd`ReparseBoxStructurePacket @ StyleBox[
+ string,
+ ShowStringCharacters -> True
+ ],
+ StyleBox[ boxes_, ___ ] :> boxes
+reparseBoxStructurePacket // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -2565,12 +2635,32 @@ boxSymbolQ // endDefinition;
adjustBoxSpacing // beginDefinition;
adjustBoxSpacing[ row: RowBox @ { "(*", ___, "*)" } ] := row;
-adjustBoxSpacing[ RowBox[ items_List ] ] := RowBox[ adjustBoxSpacing /@ DeleteCases[ items, " " ] ];
adjustBoxSpacing[ "\n" ] := "\[IndentingNewLine]";
adjustBoxSpacing[ s_String ] /; $CloudEvaluation := Lookup[ $autoOperatorRenderings, s, s ];
+adjustBoxSpacing[ RowBox[ items_List ] ] := RowBox[ adjustBoxSpacing /@ adjustSequenceSpacing @ items ];
adjustBoxSpacing[ box_ ] := box;
adjustBoxSpacing // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+adjustSequenceSpacing // beginDefinition;
+adjustSequenceSpacing[ items_List ] := SequenceReplace[
+ items,
+ {
+ { $space, op: $infixOperators, $space } :> op,
+ { $space, op: $infixOperators } :> op,
+ { op: $infixOperators, $space } :> op,
+ { ",", $space } -> ","
+ }
+adjustSequenceSpacing // endDefinition;
+$space = " "|" "|" ";
+$infixOperators = "+"|"-"|"*"|"/"|"^"|"&&"|"||"|"=="|"==="|"!="|"=!="|"<"|"<="|">"|">="|"->"|":>"|"="|":=";
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Alternate Chat Mode Styles*)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/FrontEnd.wl b/Source/Chatbook/FrontEnd.wl
index ab4f7a39..3349fb50 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/FrontEnd.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/FrontEnd.wl
@@ -126,10 +126,21 @@ createFETask[ eval_ ] /; $cloudNotebooks :=
createFETask[ eval_ ] :=
- With[ { inline = $InlineChat, state = $inlineChatState },
+ With[ { inline = $InlineChat, state = $inlineChatState, id = $chatEvaluationID, t = $chatStartTime },
If[ $feTaskDebug, Internal`StuffBag[ $feTaskLog, <| "Task" -> Hold @ eval, "Created" -> AbsoluteTime[ ] |> ] ];
(* FIXME: This Block is a bit of a hack: *)
- AppendTo[ $feTasks, Hold @ Block[ { $InlineChat = inline, $inlineChatState = state }, eval ] ];
+ AppendTo[
+ $feTasks,
+ Hold @ Block[
+ {
+ $InlineChat = inline,
+ $inlineChatState = state,
+ $chatEvaluationID = id,
+ $chatStartTime = t
+ },
+ eval
+ ]
+ ];
@@ -646,24 +657,28 @@ cellPrint // endDefinition;
cloudCellPrint // beginDefinition;
-cloudCellPrint[ cell0_Cell ] :=
- Enclose @ Module[ { cellUUID, nbUUID, cell },
- cellUUID = CreateUUID[ ];
- nbUUID = ConfirmBy[ cloudNotebookUUID[ ], StringQ ];
- cell = Append[ DeleteCases[ cell0, ExpressionUUID -> _ ], ExpressionUUID -> cellUUID ];
- CellPrint @ cell;
- CellObject[ cellUUID, nbUUID ]
+cloudCellPrint[ cell_Cell ] :=
+ With[ { obj = MathLink`CallFrontEnd @ FrontEnd`CellPrintReturnObject @ cell },
+ obj /; MatchQ[ obj, _CellObject ]
-cloudCellPrint // endDefinition;
+cloudCellPrint[ Cell[ a__, CellTags -> tags0_, b___ ] ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { uuid, tags, cell, obj },
+ uuid = ConfirmBy[ CreateUUID[ ], StringQ, "UUID" ];
+ tags = Select[ Flatten @ { tags0, uuid }, StringQ ];
+ cell = Cell[ a, CellTags -> tags, b ];
+ CellPrint @ cell;
+ obj = First @ ConfirmMatch[ Cells[ CellTags -> uuid ], { _CellObject }, "Cells" ];
+ SetOptions[ obj, CellTags -> Replace[ tags, { uuid } -> Inherited ] ];
+ obj
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-cloudNotebookUUID // beginDefinition;
-cloudNotebookUUID[ ] := cloudNotebookUUID[ EvaluationNotebook[ ] ];
-cloudNotebookUUID[ NotebookObject[ _, uuid_String ] ] := uuid;
-cloudNotebookUUID // endDefinition;
+cloudCellPrint[ Cell[ a___ ] ] :=
+ cloudCellPrint @ Cell[ a, CellTags -> { } ];
+cloudCellPrint // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -750,6 +765,63 @@ $cloudCellFixes := $cloudCellFixes = Dispatch @ {
StyleBox[ a_ ] :> a
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+cellReference // beginDefinition;
+cellReference[ cell_CellObject ] := Lookup[ $cellReferences, cell, createCellReference @ cell ];
+cellReference[ ref_String ] := Lookup[ $cellReferences, ref , findCellReference @ ref ];
+cellReference // endDefinition;
+$cellReferences = <| |>;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+createCellReference // beginDefinition;
+createCellReference[ cell_CellObject ] :=
+ With[ { ref = tinyHash @ cell },
+ $cellReferences[ cell ] = ref;
+ $cellReferences[ ref ] = cell;
+ ref
+ ];
+createCellReference // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+findCellReference // beginDefinition;
+findCellReference[ ref_String ] /; StringLength @ ref > $tinyHashLength := findCellReferenceInString @ ref;
+findCellReference[ ref_String ] := Catch[ findNotebookCell[ ref ] /@ Notebooks[ ]; Missing[ "NotFound" ], $ref ];
+findCellReference // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+findCellReferenceInString // beginDefinition;
+findCellReferenceInString[ s_String ] := findCellReferenceInString[ s, Select[ Keys @ $cellReferences, StringQ ] ];
+findCellReferenceInString[ s_String, refs: { ___String } ] := First[ StringCases[ s, refs, 1 ], Missing[ "NotFound" ] ];
+findCellReferenceInString // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+findNotebookCell // beginDefinition;
+findNotebookCell[ ref_ ] := findNotebookCell[ ref, # ] &;
+findNotebookCell[ ref_, nbo_ ] := checkCellReference[ ref ] /@ Cells @ nbo;
+findNotebookCell // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+checkCellReference // beginDefinition;
+checkCellReference[ ref_ ] := checkCellReference[ ref, # ] &;
+checkCellReference[ ref_, cell_CellObject ] := With[ { r = cellReference @ cell }, Throw[ cell, $ref ] /; ref === r ];
+checkCellReference[ _, _ ] := Null;
+checkCellReference // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -813,17 +885,34 @@ tryInlineChatParent // endDefinition;
notebookRead // beginDefinition;
notebookRead[ cells_ ] /; $cloudNotebooks := cloudNotebookRead @ cells;
-notebookRead[ cells_ ] := NotebookRead @ cells;
+notebookRead[ cells_ ] := notebookReadWithCellObjects @ cells;
notebookRead // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
cloudNotebookRead // beginDefinition;
-cloudNotebookRead[ cells: { ___CellObject } ] := NotebookRead /@ cells;
-cloudNotebookRead[ cell_ ] := NotebookRead @ cell;
+cloudNotebookRead[ cells: { ___CellObject } ] := notebookReadWithCellObjects /@ cells;
+cloudNotebookRead[ cell_ ] := notebookReadWithCellObjects @ cell;
cloudNotebookRead // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+notebookReadWithCellObjects // beginDefinition;
+notebookReadWithCellObjects[ cell_CellObject ] := appendCellObject[ NotebookRead @ cell, cell ];
+notebookReadWithCellObjects[ cells: { ___CellObject } ] := appendCellObject[ NotebookRead @ cells, cells ];
+notebookReadWithCellObjects[ other_ ] := NotebookRead @ other;
+notebookReadWithCellObjects // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+appendCellObject // beginDefinition;
+appendCellObject[ Cell[ a___ ], obj_CellObject ] := Cell[ a, CellObject -> obj ];
+appendCellObject[ cells: { ___Cell }, objs: { ___CellObject } ] := MapThread[ appendCellObject, { cells, objs } ];
+appendCellObject // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Graphics.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Graphics.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b85474ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Graphics.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Graphics`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Argument Patterns*)
+$$graphicsPattern = HoldPattern @ Alternatives[
+ _System`AstroGraphics,
+ _GeoGraphics,
+ _Graphics,
+ _Graphics3D,
+ _Image,
+ _Image3D,
+ _Legended
+$$definitelyNotGraphics = HoldPattern @ Alternatives[
+ _Association,
+ _CloudObject,
+ _File,
+ _List,
+ _String,
+ _URL,
+ Null,
+ True|False
+$$graphicsBoxIgnoredHead = HoldPattern @ Alternatives[
+ BoxData,
+ Cell,
+ FormBox,
+ PaneBox,
+ StyleBox,
+ TagBox
+$$graphicsBoxIgnoredTemplates = Alternatives[
+ "Labeled",
+ "Legended"
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Graphics Testing*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+graphicsQ // beginDefinition;
+graphicsQ[ $$graphicsPattern ] := True;
+graphicsQ[ $$definitelyNotGraphics ] := False;
+graphicsQ[ RawBoxes[ boxes_ ] ] := graphicsBoxQ @ Unevaluated @ boxes;
+graphicsQ[ g_ ] := MatchQ[ Quiet @ Show @ Unevaluated @ g, $$graphicsPattern ];
+graphicsQ[ ___ ] := False;
+graphicsQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+graphicsBoxQ // beginDefinition;
+graphicsBoxQ[ _GraphicsBox|_Graphics3DBox ] := True;
+graphicsBoxQ[ $$graphicsBoxIgnoredHead[ box_, ___ ] ] := graphicsBoxQ @ Unevaluated @ box;
+graphicsBoxQ[ TemplateBox[ { box_, ___ }, $$graphicsBoxIgnoredTemplates, ___ ] ] := graphicsBoxQ @ Unevaluated @ box;
+graphicsBoxQ[ RowBox[ boxes_List ] ] := AnyTrue[ boxes, graphicsBoxQ ];
+graphicsBoxQ[ TemplateBox[ boxes_List, "RowDefault", ___ ] ] := AnyTrue[ boxes, graphicsBoxQ ];
+graphicsBoxQ[ GridBox[ boxes_List, ___ ] ] := AnyTrue[ Flatten @ boxes, graphicsBoxQ ];
+graphicsBoxQ[ ___ ] := False;
+graphicsBoxQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+validGraphicsQ // beginDefinition;
+validGraphicsQ[ g_? graphicsQ ] := getPinkBoxErrors @ Unevaluated @ g === { };
+validGraphicsQ[ ___ ] := False;
+validGraphicsQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getPinkBoxErrors // beginDefinition;
+(* TODO: hook this up to evaluator outputs and CellToString to give feedback about pink boxes *)
+getPinkBoxErrors[ { } ] :=
+ { };
+getPinkBoxErrors[ cells: _CellObject | { __CellObject } ] :=
+ getPinkBoxErrors @ NotebookRead @ cells;
+getPinkBoxErrors[ cells: _Cell | { __Cell } ] :=
+ Module[ { nbo },
+ UsingFrontEnd @ WithCleanup[
+ nbo = NotebookPut[ Notebook @ Flatten @ { cells }, Visible -> False ],
+ SelectionMove[ nbo, All, Notebook ];
+ MathLink`CallFrontEnd @ FrontEnd`GetErrorsInSelectionPacket @ nbo,
+ NotebookClose @ nbo
+ ]
+ ];
+getPinkBoxErrors[ data: _TextData | _BoxData | { __BoxData } ] :=
+ getPinkBoxErrors @ Cell @ data;
+getPinkBoxErrors[ exprs_List ] :=
+ getPinkBoxErrors[ Cell @* BoxData /@ MakeBoxes /@ Unevaluated @ exprs ];
+getPinkBoxErrors[ expr_ ] :=
+ getPinkBoxErrors @ { Cell @ BoxData @ MakeBoxes @ expr };
+getPinkBoxErrors // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+(* Matches against the head in addition to checking ImageQ to avoid passing Image3D when a 2D image is expected: *)
+image2DQ // beginDefinition;
+image2DQ[ _Image? ImageQ ] := True;
+image2DQ[ _ ] := False;
+image2DQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Handlers.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Handlers.wl
index 6bffb647..3f9091bf 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Handlers.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Handlers.wl
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ applyHandlerFunction[ settings_Association, name_String, args0_ ] := Enclose[
$ChatHandlerData = ConfirmBy[ addHandlerArguments @ args, AssociationQ, "AddHandlerArguments" ];
handler = Confirm[ getHandlerFunction[ settings, name ], "HandlerFunction" ];
handler @ KeyDrop[ $ChatHandlerData, $handlerDroppedParameters ]
- ],
- throwInternalFailure[ applyHandlerFunction[ settings, name, args0 ], ## ] &
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ name ],
+ throwInternalFailure
applyHandlerFunction // endDefinition;
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ applyProcessingFunction[ settings_Association, name_String, args_HoldComplete, p
function = Confirm[ getProcessingFunction[ settings, name, default ], "ProcessingFunction" ];
function @@ args
- ],
- throwInternalFailure[ applyProcessingFunction[ settings, name, args, default ], ## ] &
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ name ],
+ throwInternalFailure
applyProcessingFunction[ settings_, name_, args: Except[ _HoldComplete ], params_, default_ ] :=
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/InlineReferences.wl b/Source/Chatbook/InlineReferences.wl
index 0dbc2242..53e3656f 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/InlineReferences.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/InlineReferences.wl
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Personas`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ResourceInstaller`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/LLMUtilities.wl b/Source/Chatbook/LLMUtilities.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4aff9a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/LLMUtilities.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`LLMUtilities`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$llmSynthesizeAuthentication = Automatic; (* TODO *)
+$defaultLLMSynthesizeEvaluator = <| "Model" -> <| "Service" -> "OpenAI", "Name" -> "gpt-4o-mini" |> |>; (* TODO *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*LLM Utilities*)
+$$llmPromptString = $$string | KeyValuePattern @ { "Type" -> "Text" , "Data" -> $$string };
+$$llmPromptGraphics = $$graphics | KeyValuePattern @ { "Type" -> "Image", "Data" -> $$graphics };
+$$llmPromptItem = $$llmPromptString | $$llmPromptGraphics;
+$$llmPrompt = $$llmPromptItem | { $$llmPromptItem.. };
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+llmSynthesize // beginDefinition;
+llmSynthesize[ prompt: $$llmPrompt ] :=
+ llmSynthesize[ prompt, <| |> ];
+llmSynthesize[ prompt: $$llmPrompt, evaluator_Association ] := Enclose[
+ ConfirmMatch[ llmSynthesize0[ prompt, evaluator, 1 ], Except[ "", _String ], "Result" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+llmSynthesize // endDefinition;
+llmSynthesize0 // beginDefinition;
+llmSynthesize0[ prompt: $$llmPrompt, evaluator_Association, attempt_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { result, callback },
+ result = $Failed;
+ callback = Function[ result = # ];
+ TaskWait @ llmSynthesizeSubmit[ prompt, evaluator, callback ];
+ If[ MatchQ[ result, Failure[ "InvalidResponse", _ ] ] && attempt <= 3,
+ Pause[ Exp @ attempt / E ];
+ llmSynthesize0[ prompt, evaluator, attempt + 1 ],
+ result
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+llmSynthesize0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+llmSynthesizeSubmit // beginDefinition;
+llmSynthesizeSubmit[ prompt: $$llmPrompt, callback_ ] :=
+ llmSynthesizeSubmit[ prompt, <| |>, callback ];
+llmSynthesizeSubmit[ prompt0: $$llmPrompt, evaluator0_Association, callback_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { evaluator, prompt, messages, config, chunks, handlers, keys },
+ evaluator = ConfirmBy[
+ <| $defaultLLMSynthesizeEvaluator, DeleteCases[ evaluator0, Automatic | _Missing ] |>,
+ AssociationQ,
+ "Evaluator"
+ ];
+ prompt = ConfirmMatch[ truncatePrompt[ prompt0, evaluator ], $$llmPrompt, "Prompt" ];
+ messages = { <| "Role" -> "User", "Content" -> prompt |> };
+ config = LLMConfiguration @ evaluator;
+ chunks = Internal`Bag[ ];
+ handlers = <|
+ "BodyChunkReceived" -> Function[
+ Internal`StuffBag[ chunks, # ]
+ ],
+ "TaskFinished" -> Function[
+ Module[ { data, strings },
+ data = Internal`BagPart[ chunks, All ];
+ $lastSynthesizeSubmitLog = data;
+ strings = extractBodyChunks @ data;
+ If[ ! MatchQ[ strings, { __String } ],
+ callback[ Failure[ "InvalidResponse", <| "Data" -> data |> ], #1 ],
+ With[ { s = StringJoin @ strings }, callback[ s, #1 ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ |>;
+ keys = { "BodyChunk", "BodyChunkProcessed", "StatusCode", "EventName" };
+ setServiceCaller @ LLMServices`ChatSubmit[
+ messages,
+ config,
+ Authentication -> $llmSynthesizeAuthentication,
+ HandlerFunctions -> handlers,
+ HandlerFunctionsKeys -> keys,
+ "TestConnection" -> False
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+llmSynthesizeSubmit // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+truncatePrompt // beginDefinition;
+truncatePrompt[ string_String, evaluator_ ] := stringTrimMiddle[ string, modelContextLimit @ evaluator ];
+truncatePrompt[ { strings___String }, evaluator_ ] := truncatePrompt[ StringJoin @ strings, evaluator ];
+truncatePrompt[ prompts: { ($$string|$$graphics).. }, evaluator_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { stringCount, images, imageCount, budget, imageBudget, resized, imageTokens, stringBudget },
+ stringCount = Count[ prompts, _String ];
+ images = Cases[ prompts, $$graphics ];
+ imageCount = Length @ images;
+ budget = ConfirmBy[ modelContextLimit @ evaluator, IntegerQ, "Budget" ];
+ imageBudget = Max[ 512, 2^(13 - imageCount) ];
+ resized = Replace[ prompts, i: $$graphics :> resizePromptImage[ i, imageBudget ], { 1 } ];
+ imageTokens = Total @ Cases[ resized, i: $$graphics :> imageTokenCount @ i ];
+ stringBudget = ConfirmMatch[
+ Floor[ (budget - imageTokens) / stringCount ],
+ _Integer? Positive,
+ "StringBudget"
+ ];
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ Replace[ resized, s_String :> stringTrimMiddle[ s, stringBudget ], { 1 } ],
+ { (_String|_Image).. },
+ "Result"
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+truncatePrompt[ prompts: { ___, _Association, ___ }, evaluator_ ] :=
+ truncatePrompt[ Replace[ prompts, as_Association :> as[ "Data" ], { 1 } ], evaluator ];
+truncatePrompt // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+resizePromptImage // beginDefinition;
+resizePromptImage[ image_ ] := resizePromptImage[ image, 4096 ];
+resizePromptImage[ image_Image, max_Integer ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { dims, size },
+ dims = ConfirmMatch[ ImageDimensions @ image, { _Integer, _Integer }, "Dimensions" ];
+ size = ConfirmBy[ Max[ dims, max ], IntegerQ, "Max" ];
+ If[ size > max, ImageResize[ image, { UpTo[ max ], UpTo[ max ] } ], image ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+resizePromptImage[ gfx: $$graphics, max_Integer ] :=
+ resizePromptImage[ resizeMultimodalImage @ gfx, max ];
+resizePromptImage // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+modelContextLimit // beginDefinition;
+modelContextLimit[ KeyValuePattern[ "Model" -> model_ ] ] := modelContextLimit @ model;
+modelContextLimit[ KeyValuePattern[ "Name" -> model_String ] ] := modelContextLimit @ model;
+modelContextLimit[ "gpt-4-turbo"|"gpt-4o"|"gpt-4o-mini" ] := 200000;
+modelContextLimit[ _ ] := 8000;
+modelContextLimit // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+imageTokenCount // beginDefinition;
+imageTokenCount[ img_Image ] := imageTokenCount @ ImageDimensions @ img;
+imageTokenCount[ { w_Integer, h_Integer } ] := 85 + 170 * Ceiling[ h / 512 ] * Ceiling[ w / 512 ];
+imageTokenCount // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+extractBodyChunks // beginDefinition;
+extractBodyChunks[ data_ ] := Enclose[
+ ConfirmMatch[ DeleteCases[ Flatten @ { extractBodyChunks0 @ data }, "" ], { ___String }, "Result" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+extractBodyChunks // endDefinition;
+extractBodyChunks0 // beginDefinition;
+extractBodyChunks0[ content_String ] := content;
+extractBodyChunks0[ content_List ] := extractBodyChunks /@ content;
+extractBodyChunks0[ KeyValuePattern[ "BodyChunkProcessed" -> content_ ] ] := extractBodyChunks0 @ content;
+extractBodyChunks0[ KeyValuePattern[ "ContentDelta" -> content_ ] ] := extractBodyChunks0 @ content;
+extractBodyChunks0[ KeyValuePattern @ { "Type" -> "Text", "Data" -> content_ } ] := extractBodyChunks0 @ content;
+extractBodyChunks0[ KeyValuePattern @ { } ] := { };
+extractBodyChunks0[ bag_Internal`Bag ] := extractBodyChunks0 @ Internal`BagPart[ bag, All ];
+extractBodyChunks0[ Null ] := { };
+extractBodyChunks0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Main.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Main.wl
index 65f7a29a..b3dcace7 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Main.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Main.wl
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
@@ -28,16 +32,21 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
@@ -45,16 +54,28 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
@@ -92,11 +113,14 @@ Chatbook is a symbol for miscellaneous chat notebook messages.\
$ChatbookContexts = {
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatbookFiles`",
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatMessageToCell`",
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ChatTitle`",
@@ -108,21 +132,26 @@ $ChatbookContexts = {
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Graphics`",
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`LLMUtilities`",
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`",
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Search`",
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Storage`",
@@ -131,59 +160,90 @@ $ChatbookContexts = {
Scan[ Needs[ # -> None ] &, $ChatbookContexts ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$ChatbookNames := $ChatbookNames =
+ Block[ { $Context, $ContextPath },
+ Union[ Names[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*" ], Names[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*`*" ] ]
+ ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Protected Symbols*)
- $AutomaticAssistance,
- $ChatbookContexts,
- $ChatNotebookEvaluation,
- $CurrentChatSettings,
- $DefaultChatHandlerFunctions,
- $DefaultChatProcessingFunctions,
- $DefaultModel,
- $DefaultToolOptions,
- $DefaultTools,
- $InlineChat,
- $InstalledTools,
- $ToolFunctions,
- $WorkspaceChat,
- AbsoluteCurrentChatSettings,
- AppendURIInstructions,
- BasePrompt,
- CachedBoxes,
- CellToChatMessage,
- Chatbook,
- ChatbookAction,
- ChatCellEvaluate,
- CreateChatDrivenNotebook,
- CreateChatNotebook,
- CurrentChatSettings,
- DisplayBase64Boxes,
- EnableCodeAssistance,
- ExplodeCell,
- FormatChatOutput,
- FormatToolCall,
- FormatToolResponse,
- FormatWolframAlphaPods,
- GetChatHistory,
- GetExpressionURI,
- GetExpressionURIs,
- InlineTemplateBoxes,
- MakeExpressionURI,
- SandboxLinguisticAssistantData,
- SetModel,
- SetToolOptions,
- ShowCodeAssistance,
- StringToBoxes,
- WriteChatOutputCell
+$ChatbookProtectedNames = "Wolfram`Chatbook`" <> # & /@ {
+ "$AutomaticAssistance",
+ "$ChatbookContexts",
+ "$ChatbookFilesDirectory",
+ "$ChatNotebookEvaluation",
+ "$ChatTimingData",
+ "$CurrentChatSettings",
+ "$DefaultChatHandlerFunctions",
+ "$DefaultChatProcessingFunctions",
+ "$DefaultModel",
+ "$DefaultToolOptions",
+ "$DefaultTools",
+ "$InlineChat",
+ "$InstalledTools",
+ "$ToolFunctions",
+ "$WorkspaceChat",
+ "AbsoluteCurrentChatSettings",
+ "AddChatToSearchIndex",
+ "AppendURIInstructions",
+ "BasePrompt",
+ "CachedBoxes",
+ "CellToChatMessage",
+ "CellToString",
+ "Chatbook",
+ "ChatbookAction",
+ "ChatbookFilesDirectory",
+ "ChatCellEvaluate",
+ "ChatMessageToCell",
+ "CreateChatDrivenNotebook",
+ "CreateChatNotebook",
+ "CurrentChatSettings",
+ "DeleteChat",
+ "DisplayBase64Boxes",
+ "EnableCodeAssistance",
+ "ExplodeCell",
+ "FormatChatOutput",
+ "FormatToolCall",
+ "FormatToolResponse",
+ "FormatWolframAlphaPods",
+ "GenerateChatTitle",
+ "GenerateChatTitleAsynchronous",
+ "GetAttachments",
+ "GetChatHistory",
+ "GetExpressionURI",
+ "GetExpressionURIs",
+ "InlineTemplateBoxes",
+ "ListSavedChats",
+ "LoadChat",
+ "LogChatTiming",
+ "MakeExpressionURI",
+ "RebuildChatSearchIndex",
+ "RelatedDocumentation",
+ "RelatedWolframAlphaQueries",
+ "SandboxLinguisticAssistantData",
+ "SaveChat",
+ "SearchChats",
+ "SetModel",
+ "SetToolOptions",
+ "ShowCodeAssistance",
+ "ShowContentSuggestions",
+ "StringToBoxes",
+ "WriteChatOutputCell"
+Protect @@ $ChatbookProtectedNames;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Package Footer*)
+ $ChatbookNames;
+ SetAttributes[ Evaluate @ Names[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`*" ], ReadProtected ];
mxInitialize[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Models.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Models.wl
index ed87d1b1..1c929c53 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Models.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Models.wl
@@ -106,18 +106,25 @@ $fallbackModelList = { "gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", "gpt-4" };
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
chatModelQ // beginDefinition;
-chatModelQ[ _? (modelContains[ "instruct" ]) ] := False;
-chatModelQ[ _? (modelContains[ StartOfString~~("gpt"|"ft:gpt") ]) ] := True;
+chatModelQ[ wordsPattern[ "instruct"|"realtime" ] ] := False;
+chatModelQ[ wordsPattern[ StartOfString~~("gpt"|"ft:gpt"|"chatgpt-4o") ] ] := True;
chatModelQ[ _String ] := False;
chatModelQ // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-modelContains // beginDefinition;
-modelContains[ patt_ ] := modelContains[ #, patt ] &;
-modelContains[ m_String, patt_ ] := StringContainsQ[ m, WordBoundary~~patt~~WordBoundary, IgnoreCase -> True ];
-modelContains // endDefinition;
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+o1ModelQ // beginDefinition;
+o1ModelQ[ model_ ] := Enclose[
+ o1ModelQ[ model ] = StringContainsQ[
+ ConfirmBy[ toModelName @ model, StringQ, "Name" ],
+ WordBoundary~~"o1"~~WordBoundary
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+o1ModelQ // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -127,11 +134,24 @@ modelName[ KeyValuePattern[ "Name" -> name_String ] ] := modelName @ name;
modelName[ name_String ] := toModelName @ name;
modelName // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+serviceName // beginDefinition;
+serviceName[ KeyValuePattern[ "Model" -> model_ ] ] := serviceName @ model;
+serviceName[ { service_String, _String | $$unspecified } ] := service;
+serviceName[ KeyValuePattern[ "Service" -> service_String ] ] := service;
+serviceName[ _String | _Association | $$unspecified ] := "OpenAI";
+serviceName // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
toModelName // beginDefinition;
+toModelName[ KeyValuePattern[ "Model" -> model_ ] ] :=
+ toModelName @ model;
toModelName[ KeyValuePattern @ { "Service" -> service_, "Name"|"Model" -> model_ } ] :=
toModelName @ { service, model };
@@ -193,7 +213,7 @@ multimodalModelQ[ "gpt-4-turbo" ] :=
multimodalModelQ[ name_String? StringQ ] /; StringStartsQ[ name, "claude-3" ] :=
-multimodalModelQ[ name_String? StringQ ] /; StringStartsQ[ name, "gpt-4o"|"gpt-4o-mini" ] :=
+multimodalModelQ[ name_String? StringQ ] /; StringStartsQ[ name, "gpt-4o"|"gpt-4o-mini"|"chatgpt-4o" ] :=
multimodalModelQ[ name_String? StringQ ] /; StringStartsQ[ name, "gpt-4-turbo-" ] :=
@@ -219,6 +239,7 @@ modelNameData[ data: KeyValuePattern @ {
"BaseName" -> _String,
"Date" -> _? modelDateSpecQ | None,
"Preview" -> True|False,
+ "Family" -> _String|None,
"FineTuned" -> True|False,
"FineTuneName" -> _String|None,
"Organization" -> _String|None,
@@ -237,6 +258,7 @@ modelNameData[ model0_ ] := Enclose[
"Name" -> model,
"Date" -> None,
"Preview" -> False,
+ "Family" -> None,
"FineTuned" -> False,
"FineTuneName" -> None,
"Organization" -> None,
@@ -254,6 +276,7 @@ modelNameData[ model0_ ] := Enclose[
data = <| defaults, data |>;
data[ "DisplayName" ] = ConfirmBy[ createModelDisplayName @ data, StringQ, "DisplayName" ];
+ data[ "Family" ] = ConfirmMatch[ chooseModelFamily @ data, _String | None, "Family" ];
data //= KeySort;
modelNameData[ model0 ] = ConfirmBy[ data, AssociationQ, "FullData" ]
@@ -272,6 +295,9 @@ modelNameData0[ model_String ] :=
"-"|" "
+modelNameData0[ { before___, "chatgpt", after___ } ] :=
+ modelNameData0 @ { before, "ChatGPT", after };
modelNameData0[ { "gpt", rest___ } ] :=
modelNameData0 @ { "GPT", rest };
@@ -301,11 +327,43 @@ modelNameData0[ { "GPT", version_String, rest___ } ] /; StringStartsQ[ version,
modelNameData0[ { "GPT-4o", rest___ } ] :=
modelNameData0 @ { "GPT-4", "Omni", rest };
+modelNameData0[ { before___, gpt_String, "4o", after___ } ] /; StringEndsQ[ gpt, "gpt", IgnoreCase -> True ] :=
+ modelNameData0 @ { before, gpt<>"-4", "Omni", after };
modelNameData0[ parts: { __String } ] :=
<| "BaseName" -> StringRiffle @ Capitalize @ parts |>;
modelNameData0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$$version = ("v"|"") ~~ DigitCharacter.. ~~ Repeated[ "." ~~ DigitCharacter.., { 0, Infinity } ];
+$$parameterCount0 = DigitCharacter.. ~~ Repeated[ "." ~~ DigitCharacter.., { 0, Infinity } ] ~~ ("b"|"m"|"");
+$$parameterCount = ((DigitCharacter.. ~~ "x") | "") ~~ $$parameterCount0;
+$$versionOrParams = $$version | $$parameterCount | "";
+chooseModelFamily // beginDefinition;
+chooseModelFamily[ as_Association ] := chooseModelFamily @ as[ "Name" ];
+chooseModelFamily[ name_String ] := chooseModelFamily[ name ] = chooseModelFamily0 @ name;
+chooseModelFamily // endDefinition;
+chooseModelFamily0 // beginDefinition;
+(* cSpell: ignore Qwen, Nemotron *)
+chooseModelFamily0[ wordsPattern[ "Phi" ~~ $$versionOrParams ] ] := "Phi";
+chooseModelFamily0[ wordsPattern[ "Llama" ~~ $$versionOrParams ] ] := "Llama";
+chooseModelFamily0[ wordsPattern[ "Gemma" ~~ $$versionOrParams ] ] := "Gemma";
+chooseModelFamily0[ wordsPattern[ "CodeGemma" ~~ $$versionOrParams ] ] := "Gemma";
+chooseModelFamily0[ wordsPattern[ "Qwen" ~~ $$versionOrParams ] ] := "Qwen";
+chooseModelFamily0[ wordsPattern[ "Nemotron" ~~ $$versionOrParams ] ] := "Nemotron";
+chooseModelFamily0[ wordsPattern[ "Mistral" ~~ $$versionOrParams ] ] := "Mistral";
+chooseModelFamily0[ wordsPattern[ { "DeepSeek", "Coder", $$versionOrParams } ] ] := "DeepSeekCoder";
+chooseModelFamily0[ _String ] := None;
+chooseModelFamily0 // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -481,7 +539,7 @@ modelIcon[ name_String ] /; StringStartsQ[ name, "ft:" ] :=
modelIcon[ gpt_String ] /; StringStartsQ[ gpt, "gpt-3.5" ] :=
RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ModelGPT35" ];
-modelIcon[ gpt_String ] /; StringStartsQ[ gpt, "gpt-4" ] :=
+modelIcon[ gpt_String ] /; StringStartsQ[ gpt, "gpt-4"|"chatgpt-4" ] :=
RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ModelGPT4" ];
modelIcon[ name_String ] :=
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/PersonaManager.wl b/Source/Chatbook/PersonaManager.wl
index c82af5b5..6c824aa5 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/PersonaManager.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/PersonaManager.wl
@@ -69,6 +69,14 @@ CreatePersonaManagerPanel[ ] := DynamicModule[{favorites, delimColor},
Appearance -> "Suppressed",
BaselinePosition -> Baseline,
Method -> "Queued"
+ ],
+ Button[
+ grayDialogButtonLabel @ tr[ "PersonaManagerInstallFromFile" ],
+ If[ $CloudEvaluation, SetOptions[ EvaluationNotebook[ ], DockedCells -> Inherited ] ];
+ Block[ { PrintTemporary }, ResourceInstallFromFile[ "Prompt" ] ],
+ Appearance -> "Suppressed",
+ BaselinePosition -> Baseline,
+ Method -> "Queued"
@@ -146,7 +154,7 @@ CreatePersonaManagerPanel[ ] := DynamicModule[{favorites, delimColor},
2 -> True,
4 -> True,
- -2 -> Directive[delimColor, AbsoluteThickness[5]]
+ -2 -> Directive[AbsoluteThickness[5]]
3 -> True
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Personas.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Personas.wl
index 6a927402..e72671d4 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Personas.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Personas.wl
@@ -186,79 +186,98 @@ fixFEResourceBoxes // endDefinition;
loadPacletPersonas // beginDefinition;
-loadPacletPersonas[ paclet_PacletObject ] := loadPacletPersonas[ paclet[ "Name" ], paclet[ "Version" ], paclet ];
+loadPacletPersonas[ paclet_PacletObject ] :=
+ loadPacletPersonas[ paclet[ "Name" ], paclet[ "Version" ], paclet ];
loadPacletPersonas[ name_, version_, paclet_ ] := loadPacletPersonas[ name, version, _ ] =
- Handle[_Failure] @ Module[{
- extensions
- },
- Needs["PacletTools`" -> None];
- extensions = RaiseConfirmMatch[
- PacletTools`PacletExtensions[paclet, "LLMConfiguration"],
- {{_String, _Association}...}
- ];
- Map[
- extension |-> loadPersonaFromPacletExtension[
- paclet,
- PacletTools`PacletExtensionDirectory[paclet, extension],
- extension
- ],
- extensions
- ]
+ Cases[
+ Flatten @ Cases[
+ paclet[ "StructuredExtensions" ],
+ { "LLMConfiguration", as_ } :> loadPersonasFromPacletExtension[ paclet, as ]
+ ],
+ HoldPattern[ _String -> _Association ]
loadPacletPersonas // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+loadPersonasFromPacletExtension // beginDefinition;
+loadPersonasFromPacletExtension[ paclet_, extensionInfo_Association ] :=
+ loadPersonasFromPacletExtension[ paclet, extensionInfo, Lookup[ extensionInfo, "Personas" ] ];
+loadPersonasFromPacletExtension[ paclet_, extensionInfo_, personas_List ] :=
+ Cases[
+ Flatten[ loadPersonaFromPacletExtension[ paclet, extensionInfo, # ] & /@ personas ],
+ HoldPattern[ _String -> _Association ]
+ ];
+loadPersonasFromPacletExtension // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
loadPersonaFromPacletExtension // beginDefinition;
- paclet_?PacletObjectQ,
- extensionDirectory_?StringQ,
- {"LLMConfiguration", options_?AssociationQ}
-] := Handle[_Failure] @ Module[{
- personas = Lookup[options, "Personas"]
- RaiseConfirmMatch[personas, {___?StringQ}];
- Map[
- personaName |-> (
- (* Note:
- Stop errors from propagating upwards so that a failure to load
- any one persona doesn't prevent other, valid, personas from
- being loaded and returned. *)
- personaName -> Handle[_Failure] @ loadPersonaFromDirectory[
- paclet,
- personaName,
- FileNameJoin[{extensionDirectory, "Personas", personaName}]
- ]
- ),
- personas
- ]
+loadPersonaFromPacletExtension[ paclet_, extensionInfo_, persona: KeyValuePattern[ "Symbol" -> _String ] ] :=
+ loadPersonaFromSymbol[ paclet, extensionInfo, persona ];
+loadPersonaFromPacletExtension[ paclet_, extensionInfo_, persona_String ] :=
+ loadPersonaFromName[ paclet, extensionInfo, persona ];
loadPersonaFromPacletExtension // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+loadPersonaFromSymbol // beginDefinition;
+(* FIXME: Need to finish loading these when actually referenced anywhere *)
+loadPersonaFromSymbol[ _, _, persona: KeyValuePattern[ "Name" -> name_String ] ] :=
+ name -> <| persona, "Hidden" -> True, "Loaded" -> False |>;
+loadPersonaFromSymbol // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+loadPersonaFromName // beginDefinition;
+loadPersonaFromName[ paclet_, extensionInfo_Association, name_String ] :=
+ With[ { extensionDir = pacletExtensionDirectory[ paclet, { "LLMConfiguration", extensionInfo } ] },
+ name -> loadPersonaFromDirectory[ paclet, name, FileNameJoin @ { extensionDir, "Personas", name } ]
+ ];
+loadPersonaFromName // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+pacletExtensionDirectory // beginDefinition;
+pacletExtensionDirectory[ paclet_, extension_ ] :=
+ Module[ { dir },
+ Needs[ "PacletTools`" -> None ];
+ dir = PacletTools`PacletExtensionDirectory[ paclet, extension ];
+ If[ TrueQ @ Wolfram`ChatbookInternal`$BuildingMX,
+ dir,
+ pacletExtensionDirectory[ paclet, extension ] = dir
+ ]
+ ];
+pacletExtensionDirectory // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
loadPersonaFromDirectory // beginDefinition;
loadPersonaFromDirectory[ paclet_PacletObject, personaName_, dir_? StringQ ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { icon, config, origin, prompts, extra },
- If[ ! DirectoryQ @ dir,
- Raise[
- ChatbookError,
- <| "PersonaDirectory" -> dir |>,
- "Persona does not exist in expected directory: ``",
- InputForm @ dir
- ];
- ];
+ Catch @ Module[ { icon, config, origin, prompts, extra },
+ If[ ! DirectoryQ @ dir, Throw @ messageFailure[ "PersonaDirectoryNotFound", personaName, dir ] ];
icon = FileNameJoin @ { dir, "Icon.wl" };
config = FileNameJoin @ { dir, "LLMConfiguration.wl" };
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/PreferencesContent.wl b/Source/Chatbook/PreferencesContent.wl
index 1e0d5605..bb59009f 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/PreferencesContent.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/PreferencesContent.wl
@@ -472,6 +472,9 @@ makeModelSelector0[ services_Association? AssociationQ ] := Enclose[
+makeModelSelector0[ failure: HoldPattern @ Failure[ LLMServices`LLMServiceInformation, ___ ] ] :=
+ Pane[ failure, ImageSize -> { $preferencesWidth-50, Automatic } ];
makeModelSelector0 // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -1084,8 +1087,12 @@ makeToolCallFrequencySelector // endDefinition;
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
servicesSettingsPanel // beginDefinition;
+servicesSettingsPanel[ ] := Catch[ servicesSettingsPanel0[ ], $servicesSettingsTag ];
+servicesSettingsPanel // endDefinition;
+servicesSettingsPanel0 // beginDefinition;
-servicesSettingsPanel[ ] := Enclose[
+servicesSettingsPanel0[ ] := Enclose[
Module[ { settingsLabel, settings, serviceGrid },
settingsLabel = subsectionText @ tr[ "PreferencesContentSubsectionRegisteredServices" ];
@@ -1109,7 +1116,7 @@ servicesSettingsPanel[ ] := Enclose[
-servicesSettingsPanel // endDefinition;
+servicesSettingsPanel0 // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -1128,7 +1135,7 @@ makeServiceGrid[ ] := Grid[
Spacer[ 1 ]
- KeyValueMap[ makeServiceGridRow, DeleteCases[ $availableServices, KeyValuePattern[ "Hidden" -> True ] ] ]
+ makeServiceGridRows @ $availableServices
Alignment -> { Left, Baseline },
Background -> { { }, { GrayLevel[ 0.898 ], { White } } },
@@ -1140,6 +1147,19 @@ makeServiceGrid[ ] := Grid[
makeServiceGrid // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+makeServiceGridRows // beginDefinition;
+makeServiceGridRows[ services_Association ] :=
+ KeyValueMap[ makeServiceGridRow, DeleteCases[ services, KeyValuePattern[ "Hidden" -> True ] ] ];
+makeServiceGridRows[ failure: HoldPattern @ Failure[ LLMServices`LLMServiceInformation, ___ ] ] :=
+ Throw[ Pane[ failure, ImageSize -> { $preferencesWidth-50, Automatic } ], $servicesSettingsTag ];
+makeServiceGridRows // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/Common.wl b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/Common.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1ba4973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/Common.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`Common`" ];
+ `$$prompt,
+ `getSmallContextString,
+ `insertContextPrompt,
+ `vectorDBSearch
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Argument Patterns*)
+$$prompt = $$string | { $$string... } | $$chatMessages;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/DefaultPromptGenerators.wl b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/DefaultPromptGenerators.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42b4fd55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/DefaultPromptGenerators.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`DefaultPromptGenerators`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`Common`" ];
+ System`LLMPromptGenerator
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$defaultPromptGenerators := $defaultPromptGenerators = <|
+ "RelatedDocumentation" -> LLMPromptGenerator[ relatedDocumentationGenerator, "Messages" ](*,
+ "RelatedWolframAlphaQueries" -> LLMPromptGenerator[ relatedWolframAlphaQueriesGenerator, "Messages" ]*)
+(* TODO: update RelatedWolframAlphaQueries to support same argument types as RelatedDocumentation *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+relatedDocumentationGenerator // beginDefinition;
+relatedDocumentationGenerator[ messages: $$chatMessages ] :=
+ If[ TrueQ[ $InlineChat || $WorkspaceChat ], (* TODO: define a flag for when using Code Assistance instead of this *)
+ LogChatTiming @ RelatedDocumentation[ messages, "Prompt", MaxItems -> 20, "FilterResults" -> True ],
+ LogChatTiming @ RelatedDocumentation[ messages, "Prompt", MaxItems -> 5, "FilterResults" -> False ]
+ ];
+relatedDocumentationGenerator // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+relatedWolframAlphaQueriesGenerator // beginDefinition;
+relatedWolframAlphaQueriesGenerator[ messages: $$chatMessages ] :=
+ If[ TrueQ[ $InlineChat || $WorkspaceChat ],
+ LogChatTiming @ RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ messages, "Prompt", MaxItems -> 20, "FilterResults" -> True ],
+ LogChatTiming @ RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ messages, "Prompt", MaxItems -> 5, "FilterResults" -> False ]
+ ];
+relatedWolframAlphaQueriesGenerator // endDefinition;
+(* TODO: prompt generator selectors that work like tool selections *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+applyPromptGenerators // beginDefinition;
+applyPromptGenerators[ settings_Association, messages_ ] :=
+ applyPromptGenerators[ settings, settings[ "PromptGenerators" ], messages ];
+applyPromptGenerators[ settings_, generators0_, messages: $$chatMessages ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { generators, data, prompts },
+ generators = ConfirmMatch[
+ LogChatTiming[ toPromptGenerator /@ Flatten @ { generators0 }, "LLMPromptGenerators" ],
+ { ___LLMPromptGenerator },
+ "Generators"
+ ];
+ If[ generators === { }, Throw @ { } ];
+ data = ConfirmBy[ makePromptGeneratorData[ settings, messages ], AssociationQ, "Data" ];
+ prompts = ConfirmMatch[ applyPromptGenerator[ #, data ] & /@ generators, { $$string... }, "Prompts" ];
+ DeleteCases[ prompts, "" ]
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "ApplyPromptGenerators" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+applyPromptGenerators // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+toPromptGenerator // beginDefinition;
+toPromptGenerator[ ___ ] /; $VersionNumber < 14.1 := Nothing;
+toPromptGenerator[ name_String ] := toPromptGenerator @ $defaultPromptGenerators @ name;
+toPromptGenerator[ generator_LLMPromptGenerator ] := generator;
+toPromptGenerator // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+makePromptGeneratorData // beginDefinition;
+(* TODO: build the full spec supported by LLMPromptGenerator:
+ * Input
+ * Messages
+ * LLMEvaluator
+ * ChatObject
+ * { spec1, spec2, ... }
+makePromptGeneratorData[ settings_, messages: { ___, KeyValuePattern[ "Content" -> input_ ] } ] := <|
+ "Input" -> input,
+ "Messages" -> messages
+makePromptGeneratorData // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+applyPromptGenerator // beginDefinition;
+applyPromptGenerator[ gen_LLMPromptGenerator, data_Association ] :=
+ formatGeneratedPrompt @ LogChatTiming[ gen @ data, "ApplyPromptGenerator" ];
+applyPromptGenerator // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+formatGeneratedPrompt // beginDefinition;
+formatGeneratedPrompt[ string_String ] := string;
+formatGeneratedPrompt[ content_List ] := StringJoin[ formatGeneratedPrompt /@ content ];
+formatGeneratedPrompt[ KeyValuePattern @ { "Type" -> "Text", "Data" -> data_ } ] := TextString @ data;
+formatGeneratedPrompt[ KeyValuePattern @ { "Type" -> "Image", "Data" -> image_? image2DQ } ] := image;
+formatGeneratedPrompt[ _Missing | None ] := "";
+formatGeneratedPrompt[ expr_ ] := FormatToolResponse @ expr;
+formatGeneratedPrompt // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/EmbeddingContext.wl b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/EmbeddingContext.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..961e3dde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/EmbeddingContext.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`EmbeddingContext`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$smallContextMessageCount = 10;
+$smallContextStringLength = 8000;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Convert Chat Messages to String*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getSmallContextString // beginDefinition;
+getSmallContextString // Options = { "IncludeSystemMessage" -> False };
+getSmallContextString[ messages0: { ___Association }, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { messages, string },
+ messages = Reverse @ Take[ Reverse @ messages0, UpTo[ $smallContextMessageCount ] ];
+ If[ messages === { }, Throw[ "" ] ];
+ string = ConfirmBy[ messagesToString[ messages, opts ], StringQ, "String" ];
+ If[ StringLength @ string > $smallContextStringLength,
+ StringTake[ string, { -$smallContextStringLength, -1 } ],
+ string
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getSmallContextString // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/PromptGenerators.wl b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/PromptGenerators.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d1fcb6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/PromptGenerators.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Load Subcontexts*)
+$subcontexts = {
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`Common`",
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`DefaultPromptGenerators`",
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`EmbeddingContext`",
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`RelatedDocumentation`",
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`RelatedWolframAlphaQueries`",
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`VectorDatabases`"
+Scan[ Needs[ # -> None ] &, $subcontexts ];
+$ChatbookContexts = Union[ $ChatbookContexts, $subcontexts ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/RelatedDocumentation.wl b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/RelatedDocumentation.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2e125b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/RelatedDocumentation.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`RelatedDocumentation`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$documentationSnippetBaseURL = "https://www.wolframcloud.com/obj/wolframai-content/DocumentationSnippets/Text";
+$snippetsCacheDirectory := $snippetsCacheDirectory = ChatbookFilesDirectory[ "DocumentationSnippets" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+RelatedDocumentation // beginDefinition;
+RelatedDocumentation // Options = {
+ "FilteredCount" -> Automatic,
+ "FilterResults" -> Automatic,
+ "MaxItems" -> 20
+GeneralUtilities`SetUsage[ RelatedDocumentation, "\
+RelatedDocumentation[\"string$\"] gives a list of documentation URIs that are semantically related to the \
+conversational-style question specified by \"string$\".
+RelatedDocumentation[All] gives the full list of available documentation URIs." ];
+RelatedDocumentation[ ___ ] /; $noSemanticSearch := Failure[
+ "SemanticSearchUnavailable",
+ <|
+ "MessageTemplate" :> "SemanticSearch paclet is not available.",
+ "MessageParameters" -> { }
+ |>
+RelatedDocumentation[ prompt_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ RelatedDocumentation[ prompt, Automatic, opts ];
+RelatedDocumentation[ prompt_, Automatic, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ RelatedDocumentation[ prompt, "URIs", opts ];
+RelatedDocumentation[ prompt_, count: _Integer | UpTo[ _Integer ], opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ RelatedDocumentation[ prompt, Automatic, count, opts ];
+RelatedDocumentation[ prompt_, property_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ RelatedDocumentation[ prompt, property, OptionValue @ MaxItems, opts ];
+RelatedDocumentation[ prompt_, Automatic, count_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ RelatedDocumentation[ prompt, "URIs", count, opts ];
+RelatedDocumentation[ prompt: $$prompt, "URIs", Automatic, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
+ (* TODO: filter results *)
+ ConfirmMatch[ vectorDBSearch[ "DocumentationURIs", prompt, "Values" ], { ___String }, "Queries" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+RelatedDocumentation[ All, "URIs", Automatic, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
+ (* TODO: filter results *)
+ Union @ ConfirmMatch[ vectorDBSearch[ "DocumentationURIs", All ], { __String }, "QueryList" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+RelatedDocumentation[ prompt: $$prompt, "Snippets", Automatic, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ (* TODO: filter results *)
+ DeleteMissing[ makeDocSnippets @ vectorDBSearch[ "DocumentationURIs", prompt, "Values" ] ],
+ { ___String },
+ "Snippets"
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+RelatedDocumentation[ prompt_, property_, UpTo[ n_Integer ], opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ RelatedDocumentation[ prompt, property, n, opts ];
+RelatedDocumentation[ prompt_, property_, n_Integer, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
+ Take[ ConfirmMatch[ RelatedDocumentation[ prompt, property, Automatic, opts ], { ___String } ], UpTo @ n ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+ prompt: $$prompt,
+ property: "Results"|"Values"|"EmbeddingVector"|All,
+ n_Integer,
+ opts: OptionsPattern[ ]
+] :=
+ catchMine @ Enclose[
+ (* TODO: filter results *)
+ Take[ ConfirmBy[ vectorDBSearch[ "DocumentationURIs", prompt, property ], ListQ, "Results" ], UpTo @ n ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+ ];
+RelatedDocumentation[ prompt_, property: "Index"|"Distance", n_Integer, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ Enclose[
+ Lookup[
+ Take[
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ RelatedDocumentation[ prompt, "Results", n, opts ],
+ { KeyValuePattern[ property -> _ ]... },
+ "Results"
+ ],
+ UpTo @ n
+ ],
+ property
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+ ];
+RelatedDocumentation[ prompt_, "Prompt", n_Integer, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ relatedDocumentationPrompt[
+ ensureChatMessages @ prompt,
+ n,
+ MatchQ[ OptionValue[ "FilterResults" ], Automatic|True ],
+ Replace[ OptionValue[ "FilteredCount" ], Automatic -> Ceiling[ n / 4 ] ]
+ ];
+RelatedDocumentation[ args___ ] := catchMine @ throwFailure[
+ "InvalidArguments",
+ RelatedDocumentation,
+ HoldForm @ RelatedDocumentation @ args
+RelatedDocumentation // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+ensureChatMessages // beginDefinition;
+ensureChatMessages[ prompt_String ] := { <| "Role" -> "User", "Content" -> prompt |> };
+ensureChatMessages[ message: KeyValuePattern[ "Role" -> _ ] ] := { message };
+ensureChatMessages[ messages: $$chatMessages ] := messages;
+ensureChatMessages // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+relatedDocumentationPrompt // beginDefinition;
+relatedDocumentationPrompt[ messages: $$chatMessages, count_, filter_, filterCount_ ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { uris, filtered, string },
+ uris = ConfirmMatch[
+ RelatedDocumentation[ messages, "URIs", count ],
+ { ___String },
+ "URIs"
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "RelatedDocumentationURIs" ];
+ If[ uris === { }, Throw[ "" ] ];
+ filtered = ConfirmMatch[
+ filterSnippets[ messages, uris, filter, filterCount ] // LogChatTiming[ "FilterSnippets" ],
+ { ___String },
+ "Filtered"
+ ];
+ string = StringTrim @ StringRiffle[ "# "<># & /@ DeleteCases[ filtered, "" ], "\n\n======\n\n" ];
+ If[ string === "",
+ "",
+ prependRelatedDocsHeader[ string, filter ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+relatedDocumentationPrompt // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+prependRelatedDocsHeader // beginDefinition;
+prependRelatedDocsHeader[ string_String, True ] := $relatedDocsStringFilteredHeader <> string;
+prependRelatedDocsHeader[ string_String, _ ] := $relatedDocsStringUnfilteredHeader <> string;
+prependRelatedDocsHeader // endDefinition;
+$relatedDocsStringFilteredHeader =
+"IMPORTANT: Here are some Wolfram documentation snippets that you should use to respond.\n\n";
+$relatedDocsStringUnfilteredHeader =
+"Here are some Wolfram documentation snippets that you may find useful.\n\n";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+filterSnippets // beginDefinition;
+filterSnippets[ messages_, uris: { __String }, filter_, filterCount_Integer? Positive ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { snippets, inserted, transcript, xml, instructions, response, pages },
+ snippets = ConfirmMatch[ makeDocSnippets @ uris, { ___String }, "Snippets" ];
+ If[ ! TrueQ @ filter, Throw @ snippets ];
+ inserted = insertContextPrompt @ messages;
+ transcript = ConfirmBy[ getSmallContextString @ inserted, StringQ, "Transcript" ];
+ xml = ConfirmMatch[ snippetXML /@ snippets, { __String }, "XML" ];
+ instructions = ConfirmBy[
+ TemplateApply[
+ $bestDocumentationPrompt,
+ <|
+ "FilteredCount" -> filterCount,
+ "Snippets" -> StringRiffle[ xml, "\n\n" ],
+ "Transcript" -> transcript
+ |>
+ ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Prompt"
+ ];
+ response = StringTrim @ ConfirmBy[ llmSynthesize @ instructions, StringQ, "Response" ];
+ pages = ConfirmMatch[ makeDocSnippets @ StringCases[ response, uris ], { ___String }, "Pages" ];
+ pages
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+filterSnippets // endDefinition;
+$bestDocumentationPrompt = StringTemplate[ "\
+Your task is to read a chat transcript between a user and assistant, and then select the most relevant \
+Wolfram Language documentation snippets that could help the assistant answer the user's latest message. \
+Each snippet is uniquely identified by a URI (always starts with 'paclet:' or 'https://resources.wolframcloud.com').
+Choose up to %%FilteredCount%% documentation snippets that would help answer the user's MOST RECENT message. \
+Respond only with the corresponding URIs of the snippets and nothing else. \
+If there are no relevant pages, respond with just the string \"none\".
+Here is the chat transcript:
+Here are the available documentation snippets to choose from:
+Reminder: Choose up to %%FilteredCount%% documentation snippets that would help answer the user's MOST RECENT message. \
+Respond only with the corresponding URIs of the snippets and nothing else. \
+If there are no relevant pages, respond with just the string \"none\".\
+", Delimiters -> "%%" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+snippetXML // beginDefinition;
+snippetXML[ snippet_String ] := "\n" <> snippet <> "\n";
+snippetXML // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Documentation Snippets*)
+$documentationSnippets = <| |>;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+makeDocSnippets // beginDefinition;
+makeDocSnippets[ uris0: { ___String } ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { uris, data, snippets, strings },
+ uris = DeleteDuplicates @ uris0;
+ data = ConfirmBy[ getDocumentationSnippetData @ uris, AssociationQ, "Data" ];
+ snippets = ConfirmMatch[ Values @ data, { ___Association }, "Snippets" ];
+ strings = ConfirmMatch[ Lookup[ "String" ] /@ snippets, { ___String }, "Strings" ];
+ strings
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+makeDocSnippets[ uri_String ] :=
+ First @ makeDocSnippets @ { uri };
+makeDocSnippets // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getDocumentationSnippetData // beginDefinition;
+getDocumentationSnippetData[ { } ] := <| |>;
+getDocumentationSnippetData[ uris: { __String } ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { cached, missing },
+ cached = ConfirmBy[
+ AssociationMap[ getCachedDocumentationSnippet, uris ],
+ AllTrue @ MatchQ[ _Missing | KeyValuePattern[ "String" -> _String ] ],
+ "Cached"
+ ];
+ missing = ConfirmMatch[
+ Union[ First /@ StringSplit[ Keys @ Select[ cached, MissingQ ], "#" ] ],
+ { ___String },
+ "Missing"
+ ];
+ LogChatTiming @ fetchDocumentationSnippets @ missing;
+ ConfirmBy[
+ AssociationMap[ getCachedDocumentationSnippet, uris ],
+ AllTrue @ MatchQ[ KeyValuePattern[ "String" -> _String ] ],
+ "Result"
+ ]
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "GetDocumentationSnippets" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getDocumentationSnippetData // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getCachedDocumentationSnippet // beginDefinition;
+getCachedDocumentationSnippet[ uri_String ] := getCachedDocumentationSnippet @ StringSplit[ uri, "#" ];
+getCachedDocumentationSnippet[ { base_String } ] := getCachedDocumentationSnippet @ { base, None };
+getCachedDocumentationSnippet[ { base_String, fragment_ } ] := getCachedDocumentationSnippet0[ base, fragment ];
+getCachedDocumentationSnippet // endDefinition;
+getCachedDocumentationSnippet0 // beginDefinition;
+getCachedDocumentationSnippet0[ base_String, fragment_ ] :=
+ With[ { snippet = $documentationSnippets[ base, fragment ] },
+ snippet /; snippetDataQ @ snippet
+ ];
+getCachedDocumentationSnippet0[ base_String, fragment_ ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { file, data, snippet },
+ file = ConfirmBy[ snippetCacheFile @ base, StringQ, "File" ];
+ data = If[ TrueQ @ FileExistsQ @ file, Quiet @ Developer`ReadWXFFile @ file, Throw @ Missing[ "NotCached" ] ];
+ snippet = data[ fragment ];
+ If[ AssociationQ @ data && snippetDataQ @ snippet,
+ $documentationSnippets[ base ] = data; snippet,
+ Missing[ "NotCached" ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getCachedDocumentationSnippet0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+snippetDataQ // beginDefinition;
+snippetDataQ[ KeyValuePattern[ "String" -> _String ] ] := True;
+snippetDataQ[ _ ] := False;
+snippetDataQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+snippetCacheFile // beginDefinition;
+snippetCacheFile[ uri_String ] /; StringStartsQ[ uri, "paclet:" ] :=
+ snippetCacheFile[ uri, StringDelete[ uri, "paclet:" ], "Documentation" ];
+snippetCacheFile[ uri_String ] /; StringStartsQ[ uri, "https://resources.wolframcloud.com/" ] :=
+ snippetCacheFile[ uri, StringDelete[ uri, "https://resources.wolframcloud.com/" ], "ResourceSystem" ];
+snippetCacheFile[ uri_String, path0_String, name_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { path, file },
+ path = ConfirmBy[ StringTrim[ path0, "/" ] <> ".wxf", StringQ, "Path" ];
+ file = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { $snippetsCacheDirectory, name, path }, StringQ, "File" ];
+ snippetCacheFile[ uri ] = file
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+snippetCacheFile // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+fetchDocumentationSnippets // beginDefinition;
+fetchDocumentationSnippets[ { } ] := { };
+fetchDocumentationSnippets[ uris: { __String } ] :=
+ Module[ { $results, tasks },
+ $results = AssociationMap[ <| "URI" -> #1 |> &, uris ];
+ tasks = fetchDocumentationSnippets0 @ $results /@ uris;
+ TaskWait @ tasks;
+ processDocumentationSnippetResults @ $results
+ ];
+fetchDocumentationSnippets // endDefinition;
+fetchDocumentationSnippets0 // beginDefinition;
+fetchDocumentationSnippets0 // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
+fetchDocumentationSnippets0[ $results_ ] :=
+ fetchDocumentationSnippets0[ $results, # ] &;
+fetchDocumentationSnippets0[ $results_, uri_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { url, setResult, task },
+ url = ConfirmBy[ toDocSnippetURL @ uri, StringQ, "URL" ];
+ setResult = Function[ $results[ uri ] = <| $results @ uri, # |> ];
+ task = URLSubmit[
+ url,
+ HandlerFunctions -> <|
+ "BodyReceived" -> setResult,
+ "ConnectionFailed" -> Function[ $results[ uri ] = <| $results @ uri, # |> ]
+ |>,
+ HandlerFunctionsKeys -> { "BodyByteArray", "StatusCode", "Headers", "ContentType", "Cookies" }
+ ];
+ $results[ uri, "URL" ] = url;
+ $results[ uri, "Task" ] = task
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+fetchDocumentationSnippets0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+toDocSnippetURL // beginDefinition;
+toDocSnippetURL[ uri_String ] /; StringStartsQ[ uri, "paclet:" ] :=
+ URLBuild @ { $documentationSnippetBaseURL, StringDelete[ uri, StartOfString~~"paclet:" ] <> ".wxf" };
+toDocSnippetURL[ uri_String ] :=
+ toDocSnippetURL0 @ URLParse[ uri, { "Domain", "Path" } ];
+toDocSnippetURL // endDefinition;
+toDocSnippetURL0 // beginDefinition;
+toDocSnippetURL0[ { "resources.wolframcloud.com", { "", repo_String, "resources", name_String } } ] :=
+ URLBuild @ { $documentationSnippetBaseURL, "Resources", repo, name <> ".wxf" };
+toDocSnippetURL0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+processDocumentationSnippetResults // beginDefinition;
+processDocumentationSnippetResults[ results_Association ] := KeyValueMap[ processDocumentationSnippetResult, results ];
+processDocumentationSnippetResults // endDefinition;
+(* TODO: retry failed results *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+processDocumentationSnippetResult // beginDefinition;
+processDocumentationSnippetResult[ base_String, as_Association ] :=
+ processDocumentationSnippetResult[ base, as, as[ "BodyByteArray" ], as[ "StatusCode" ] ];
+processDocumentationSnippetResult[ base_String, as_, bytes_ByteArray, 200 ] :=
+ processDocumentationSnippetResult[ base, as, Quiet @ Developer`ReadWXFByteArray @ bytes ];
+processDocumentationSnippetResult[ base_String, as_, data_List ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { combined, keyed, processed, file },
+ combined = ConfirmMatch[ makeCombinedSnippet @ data, None -> _Association, "Combined" ];
+ keyed = Last @ StringSplit[ ConfirmBy[ #[ "URI" ], StringQ, "URI" ], "#" ] -> # & /@ data;
+ processed = ConfirmBy[ Association[ combined, keyed ], AssociationQ, "Processed" ];
+ file = ConfirmBy[ snippetCacheFile @ base, StringQ, "File" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ GeneralUtilities`EnsureDirectory @ DirectoryName @ file, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ Developer`WriteWXFFile[ file, processed ], FileExistsQ, "Export" ];
+ $documentationSnippets[ base ] = processed
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+processDocumentationSnippetResult // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+makeCombinedSnippet // beginDefinition;
+makeCombinedSnippet[ { data_Association, ___ } ] := makeCombinedSnippet @ data;
+(* TODO: combined several initial snippets instead of just one *)
+makeCombinedSnippet[ data_Association ] := None -> data;
+makeCombinedSnippet // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+cacheDocumentationSnippetResult // beginDefinition;
+cacheDocumentationSnippetResult[ as_Association ] :=
+ cacheDocumentationSnippetResult[ as[ "URI" ], as ];
+cacheDocumentationSnippetResult[ uri_String, as_Association ] :=
+ uri -> cacheDocumentationSnippetResult[ StringSplit[ uri, "#" ], as ];
+cacheDocumentationSnippetResult[ { base_String, fragment: _String|None }, as_Association ] :=
+ If[ AssociationQ @ $documentationSnippets[ base ],
+ $documentationSnippets[ base, fragment ] = as,
+ $documentationSnippets[ base ] = <| fragment -> as |>
+ ];
+cacheDocumentationSnippetResult // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/RelatedWolframAlphaQueries.wl b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/RelatedWolframAlphaQueries.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b847225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/RelatedWolframAlphaQueries.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`RelatedWolframAlphaQueries`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+RelatedWolframAlphaQueries // beginDefinition;
+GeneralUtilities`SetUsage[ RelatedWolframAlphaQueries, "\
+RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[\"string$\"] gives a list of Wolfram|Alpha queries that are semantically related to the \
+conversational-style question specified by \"string$\".
+RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[All] gives the full list of available Wolfram|Alpha sample queries." ];
+RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ ___ ] /; $noSemanticSearch := Failure[
+ "SemanticSearchUnavailable",
+ <|
+ "MessageTemplate" :> "SemanticSearch paclet is not available.",
+ "MessageParameters" -> { }
+ |>
+RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ prompt: _String | { ___String } ] :=
+ catchMine @ RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ prompt, Automatic ];
+RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ prompt: _String | { ___String }, Automatic ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
+ ConfirmMatch[ vectorDBSearch[ "WolframAlphaQueries", prompt, "Values" ], { ___String }, "Queries" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ prompt_, UpTo[ n_Integer ] ] :=
+ RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ prompt, n ];
+RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ prompt_, n_Integer ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
+ ConfirmMatch[ Take[ RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ prompt, Automatic ], UpTo @ n ], { ___String }, "Queries" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ All ] := catchMine @ $uniqueWAQueries;
+RelatedWolframAlphaQueries[ args___ ] := catchMine @ throwFailure[
+ "InvalidArguments",
+ RelatedWolframAlphaQueries,
+ HoldForm @ RelatedWolframAlphaQueries @ args
+RelatedWolframAlphaQueries // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$uniqueWAQueries := Enclose[
+ $uniqueWAQueries = Union @ ConfirmMatch[ vectorDBSearch[ "WolframAlphaQueries", All ], { __String }, "QueryList" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/VectorDatabases.wl b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/VectorDatabases.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..251f38e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/PromptGenerators/VectorDatabases.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`VectorDatabases`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PromptGenerators`Common`" ];
+ System`VectorDatabaseObject,
+ System`VectorDatabaseSearch
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$vectorDBNames = { "DocumentationURIs", "WolframAlphaQueries" };
+$dbVersion = "1.1.0";
+$allowDownload = True;
+$cacheEmbeddings = True;
+$embeddingDimension = 384;
+$maxNeighbors = 50;
+$maxEmbeddingDistance = 150.0;
+$embeddingService = "Local";
+$embeddingModel = "SentenceBERT";
+$embeddingAuthentication = Automatic; (* FIXME *)
+$conversationVectorSearchPenalty = 1.0;
+$relatedQueryCount = 5;
+$relatedDocsCount = 20;
+$querySampleCount = 10;
+$relevantFileCount = 3;
+$maxExtraFiles = 20;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Remote Content Locations*)
+$baseVectorDatabasesURL = "https://www.wolframcloud.com/obj/wolframai-content/VectorDatabases";
+(* TODO: these will be moved to the data repository: *)
+$vectorDBDownloadURLs = AssociationMap[
+ URLBuild @ { $baseVectorDatabasesURL, $dbVersion, # <> ".zip" } &,
+ $vectorDBNames
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$pacletVectorDBDirectory := FileNameJoin @ { $thisPaclet[ "Location" ], "Assets/VectorDatabases" };
+$localVectorDBDirectory := ChatbookFilesDirectory @ { "VectorDatabases", $dbVersion };
+(* TODO: need versioned URLs and paths *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Argument Patterns*)
+$$vectorDatabase = _VectorDatabaseObject? System`Private`ValidQ;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$vectorDBSearchCache = <| |>;
+$embeddingCache = <| |>;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Vector Database Utilities*)
+$vectorDBDirectory := getVectorDBDirectory[ ];
+$noSemanticSearch := $noSemanticSearch = ! PacletObjectQ @ Quiet @ PacletInstall[ "SemanticSearch" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getVectorDBDirectory // beginDefinition;
+getVectorDBDirectory[ ] := Enclose[
+ $vectorDBDirectory = SelectFirst[
+ {
+ $pacletVectorDBDirectory,
+ $localVectorDBDirectory
+ },
+ vectorDBDirectoryQ,
+ (* TODO: need a version of this that prompts the user with a dialog asking them to download *)
+ ConfirmBy[ downloadVectorDatabases[ ], vectorDBDirectoryQ, "Downloaded" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getVectorDBDirectory // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+vectorDBDirectoryQ // beginDefinition;
+vectorDBDirectoryQ[ dir_? DirectoryQ ] := AllTrue[ $vectorDBNames, vectorDBDirectoryQ0 @ FileNameJoin @ { dir, # } & ];
+vectorDBDirectoryQ[ _ ] := False;
+vectorDBDirectoryQ // endDefinition;
+vectorDBDirectoryQ0 // beginDefinition;
+vectorDBDirectoryQ0[ dir_? DirectoryQ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { name, existsQ, expected },
+ name = ConfirmBy[ FileBaseName @ dir, StringQ, "Name" ];
+ existsQ = FileExistsQ @ FileNameJoin @ { dir, # } &;
+ expected = { name <> ".wxf", "Values.wxf", name <> "-vectors.usearch" };
+ TrueQ @ AllTrue[ expected, existsQ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+vectorDBDirectoryQ0[ _ ] := False;
+vectorDBDirectoryQ0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+downloadVectorDatabases // beginDefinition;
+downloadVectorDatabases[ ] /; ! $allowDownload :=
+ Throw[ Missing[ "DownloadDisabled" ], $vdbTag ];
+downloadVectorDatabases[ ] :=
+ downloadVectorDatabases[ $localVectorDBDirectory, $vectorDBDownloadURLs ];
+downloadVectorDatabases[ dir0_, urls_Association ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { names, sizes, dir, tasks },
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ GeneralUtilities`EnsureDirectory @ dir0, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ names = ConfirmMatch[ Keys @ urls, { __String }, "Names" ];
+ sizes = ConfirmMatch[ getDownloadSize /@ Values @ urls, { __? Positive }, "Sizes" ];
+ $downloadProgress = AssociationMap[ 0 &, names ];
+ $progressText = "Downloading semantic search indices\[Ellipsis]";
+ evaluateWithProgress[
+ tasks = ConfirmMatch[ KeyValueMap[ downloadVectorDatabase @ dir, urls ], { __TaskObject }, "Download" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ taskWait @ tasks, { __TaskObject }, "TaskWait" ];
+ $progressText = "Unpacking files\[Ellipsis]";
+ ConfirmBy[ unpackVectorDatabases @ dir, DirectoryQ, "Unpacked" ],
+ <|
+ "Text" :> $progressText,
+ "ElapsedTime" -> Automatic,
+ "RemainingTime" -> Automatic,
+ "ByteCountCurrent" :> Total @ $downloadProgress,
+ "ByteCountTotal" -> Total @ sizes,
+ "Progress" -> Automatic
+ |>
+ ]
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "DownloadVectorDatabases" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+downloadVectorDatabases // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+(* This is a workaround for EvaluateWithProgress never printing a progress panel when called normally in a chat: *)
+evaluateWithProgress // beginDefinition;
+evaluateWithProgress // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
+evaluateWithProgress[ args___ ] /; $WorkspaceChat := evaluateWithWorkspaceProgress @ args;
+evaluateWithProgress[ args___ ] /; $InlineChat := evaluateWithInlineProgress @ args;
+evaluateWithProgress[ args___ ] := Progress`EvaluateWithProgress @ args;
+evaluateWithProgress // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+evaluateWithWorkspaceProgress // beginDefinition;
+evaluateWithWorkspaceProgress // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
+evaluateWithWorkspaceProgress[ args___ ] :=
+ Catch @ Module[ { nbo, cell, container, attached },
+ nbo = $evaluationNotebook;
+ cell = First[ Cells[ nbo, AttachedCell -> True, CellStyle -> "ChatInputField" ], None ];
+ If[ ! MatchQ[ cell, _CellObject ], Throw @ evaluateWithDialogProgress @ args ];
+ container = ProgressIndicator[ Appearance -> "Percolate" ];
+ attached = AttachCell[
+ cell,
+ Magnify[
+ Panel[
+ Dynamic[ container, Deinitialization :> Quiet @ Remove @ container ],
+ ImageSize -> { Full, Automatic }
+ ],
+ AbsoluteCurrentValue[ nbo, Magnification ]
+ ],
+ { Center, Top },
+ 0,
+ { Center, Bottom }
+ ];
+ WithCleanup[
+ Progress`EvaluateWithProgress[
+ args,
+ "Container" :> container,
+ "Delay" -> 0
+ ],
+ NotebookDelete @ attached;
+ Quiet @ Remove @ container;
+ ]
+ ];
+evaluateWithWorkspaceProgress // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+evaluateWithInlineProgress // beginDefinition;
+evaluateWithInlineProgress // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
+evaluateWithInlineProgress[ args___ ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { container, cells, inserted },
+ container = ProgressIndicator[ Appearance -> "Percolate" ];
+ cells = $inlineChatState[ "MessageCells" ];
+ inserted = insertInlineProgressIndicator[ Dynamic @ container, cells ];
+ If[ ! MatchQ[ inserted, { ___Cell } ], Throw @ evaluateWithDialogProgress @ args ];
+ WithCleanup[
+ Progress`EvaluateWithProgress[
+ args,
+ "Container" :> container,
+ "Delay" -> 0
+ ],
+ ConfirmMatch[ removeInlineProgressIndicator @ cells, { ___Cell }, "Removed" ];
+ Quiet @ Remove @ container;
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+evaluateWithInlineProgress // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+insertInlineProgressIndicator // beginDefinition;
+insertInlineProgressIndicator[ Dynamic[ container_ ], Dynamic[ cells0_Symbol ] ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { cells, cell },
+ cells = ConfirmMatch[ cells0, { ___Cell }, "Cells" ];
+ cell = Cell[
+ BoxData @ assistantMessageBox @ ToBoxes @ Dynamic[
+ container,
+ Deinitialization :> Quiet @ Remove @ container
+ ],
+ "ChatOutput",
+ "EvaluateWithProgressContainer",
+ CellFrame -> 0,
+ PrivateCellOptions -> { "ContentsOpacity" -> 1 }
+ ];
+ cells0 = Append[ cells, cell ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+insertInlineProgressIndicator // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+removeInlineProgressIndicator // beginDefinition;
+removeInlineProgressIndicator[ Dynamic[ cells_Symbol ] ] :=
+ cells = DeleteCases[ cells, Cell[ __, "EvaluateWithProgressContainer", ___ ] ];
+removeInlineProgressIndicator // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+evaluateWithDialogProgress // beginDefinition;
+evaluateWithDialogProgress // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
+evaluateWithDialogProgress[ args___ ] :=
+ Module[ { container, dialog },
+ container = ProgressIndicator[ Appearance -> "Percolate" ];
+ dialog = CreateDialog[
+ Pane[
+ Dynamic[ container, Deinitialization :> Quiet @ Remove @ container ],
+ ImageMargins -> { { 5, 5 }, { 10, 5 } }
+ ],
+ WindowTitle -> Dynamic[ $progressText ]
+ ];
+ WithCleanup[
+ Progress`EvaluateWithProgress[
+ args,
+ "Container" :> container,
+ "Delay" -> 0
+ ],
+ NotebookClose @ dialog;
+ Quiet @ Remove @ container;
+ ]
+ ];
+evaluateWithDialogProgress // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getDownloadSize // beginDefinition;
+getDownloadSize[ url_String ] := getDownloadSize @ CloudObject @ url;
+getDownloadSize[ obj_CloudObject ] := FileByteCount @ obj;
+getDownloadSize // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+unpackVectorDatabases // beginDefinition;
+unpackVectorDatabases[ dir_? DirectoryQ ] :=
+ unpackVectorDatabases[ dir, FileNames[ "*.zip", dir ] ] // LogChatTiming[ "UnpackVectorDatabases" ];
+unpackVectorDatabases[ dir_, zips: { __String } ] :=
+ unpackVectorDatabases[ dir, zips, unpackVectorDatabase /@ zips ];
+unpackVectorDatabases[ dir_, zips_, extracted: { { __String }.. } ] :=
+ dir;
+unpackVectorDatabases // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+unpackVectorDatabase // beginDefinition;
+unpackVectorDatabase[ zip_String? FileExistsQ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { root, dir, res },
+ root = ConfirmBy[ DirectoryName @ zip, DirectoryQ, "RootDirectory" ];
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ GeneralUtilities`EnsureDirectory @ { root, FileBaseName @ zip }, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ res = ConfirmMatch[ ExtractArchive[ zip, dir, OverwriteTarget -> True ], { __? FileExistsQ }, "Extracted" ];
+ DeleteFile @ zip;
+ res
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+unpackVectorDatabase // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+taskWait // beginDefinition;
+taskWait[ tasks_List ] := taskWait /@ tasks;
+taskWait[ task_TaskObject ] := taskWait[ task, task[ "TaskStatus" ] ];
+taskWait[ task_TaskObject, "Removed" ] := task;
+taskWait[ task_TaskObject, _ ] := TaskWait @ task;
+taskWait // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+downloadVectorDatabase // beginDefinition;
+downloadVectorDatabase[ dir_ ] :=
+ downloadVectorDatabase[ dir, ## ] &;
+downloadVectorDatabase[ dir_, name_String, url_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { file },
+ file = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { dir, name<>".zip" }, StringQ, "File" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ URLDownloadSubmit[
+ url,
+ file,
+ HandlerFunctions -> <| "TaskProgress" -> setDownloadProgress @ name |>,
+ HandlerFunctionsKeys -> { "ByteCountDownloaded" }
+ ],
+ _TaskObject,
+ "Task"
+ ]
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ { "DownloadVectorDatabase", name } ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+downloadVectorDatabase // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+setDownloadProgress // beginDefinition;
+setDownloadProgress[ name_String ] := setDownloadProgress[ name, ## ] &;
+setDownloadProgress[ name_, KeyValuePattern[ "ByteCountDownloaded" -> b_? Positive ] ] := $downloadProgress[ name ] = b;
+setDownloadProgress // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+inVectorDBDirectory // beginDefinition;
+inVectorDBDirectory // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
+inVectorDBDirectory[ eval_ ] := WithCleanup[ SetDirectory @ $vectorDBDirectory, eval, ResetDirectory[ ] ];
+inVectorDBDirectory // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+initializeVectorDatabases // beginDefinition;
+initializeVectorDatabases[ ] := Block[ { $allowDownload = False }, Catch[ getVectorDB /@ $vectorDBNames, $vdbTag ] ];
+initializeVectorDatabases // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getVectorDB // beginDefinition;
+getVectorDB[ name_String ] := Enclose[
+ getVectorDB[ name ] = ConfirmMatch[
+ Association @ loadVectorDB @ name,
+ KeyValuePattern @ { "Values" -> { ___String }, "VectorDatabaseObject" -> $$vectorDatabase },
+ "VectorDB"
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getVectorDB // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+loadVectorDB // beginDefinition;
+loadVectorDB[ name_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { values, vectorDB, dims },
+ values = ConfirmMatch[ loadVectorDBValues @ name, { ___String }, "Values" ];
+ vectorDB = ConfirmMatch[ loadVectorDatabase @ name, $$vectorDatabase, "VectorDatabaseObject" ];
+ dims = ConfirmMatch[ inVectorDBDirectory @ vectorDB[ "Dimensions" ], { _Integer, _Integer }, "Dimensions" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ Length @ values === First @ dims, "LengthCheck" ];
+ <| "Values" -> values, "VectorDatabaseObject" -> vectorDB |>
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+loadVectorDB // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+loadVectorDatabase // beginDefinition;
+loadVectorDatabase[ name_String ] := Enclose[
+ inVectorDBDirectory @ Module[ { dir, file },
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ name, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ file = ConfirmBy[ File @ FileNameJoin @ { dir, name<>".wxf" }, FileExistsQ, "File" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ VectorDatabaseObject @ file, $$vectorDatabase, "Database" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+loadVectorDatabase // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+loadVectorDBValues // beginDefinition;
+loadVectorDBValues[ name_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { root, dir, file },
+ root = ConfirmBy[ $vectorDBDirectory, DirectoryQ, "RootDirectory" ];
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { root, name }, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ file = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { dir, "Values.wxf" }, FileExistsQ, "File" ];
+ loadVectorDBValues[ name ] = ConfirmMatch[ Developer`ReadWXFFile @ file, { __String }, "Read" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+loadVectorDBValues // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+vectorDBSearch // beginDefinition;
+vectorDBSearch[ dbName_String, prompt_String ] :=
+ vectorDBSearch[ dbName, prompt, All ];
+vectorDBSearch[ dbName_String, All ] :=
+ vectorDBSearch[ dbName, All, "Values" ];
+vectorDBSearch[ dbName_String, "", All ] := <|
+ "EmbeddingVector" -> None,
+ "SearchData" -> Missing[ "NoInput" ],
+ "Values" -> { }
+vectorDBSearch[ dbName_String, prompt_String, All ] :=
+ With[ { result = $vectorDBSearchCache[ dbName, prompt ] },
+ result /; AssociationQ @ result
+ ];
+vectorDBSearch[ dbName_String, prompt_String, All ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { vectorDBInfo, vectorDB, allValues, embeddingVector, close, indices, distances, values, data, result },
+ vectorDBInfo = ConfirmBy[ getVectorDB @ dbName, AssociationQ, "VectorDBInfo" ];
+ vectorDB = ConfirmMatch[ vectorDBInfo[ "VectorDatabaseObject" ], $$vectorDatabase, "VectorDatabase" ];
+ allValues = ConfirmBy[ vectorDBInfo[ "Values" ], ListQ, "Values" ];
+ embeddingVector = ConfirmMatch[ getEmbedding @ prompt, _NumericArray, "EmbeddingVector" ];
+ close = ConfirmMatch[
+ inVectorDBDirectory @ VectorDatabaseSearch[
+ vectorDB,
+ embeddingVector,
+ { "Index", "Distance" },
+ MaxItems -> $maxNeighbors
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "VectorDatabaseSearch" ],
+ { ___Association },
+ "PositionsAndDistances"
+ ];
+ indices = ConfirmMatch[ close[[ All, "Index" ]], { ___Integer }, "Indices" ];
+ distances = ConfirmMatch[ close[[ All, "Distance" ]], { ___Real }, "Distances" ];
+ values = ConfirmBy[ allValues[[ indices ]], ListQ, "Values" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ Length @ indices === Length @ distances === Length @ values, "LengthCheck" ];
+ data = MapApply[
+ <| "Value" -> #1, "Index" -> #2, "Distance" -> #3 |> &,
+ Transpose @ { values, indices, distances }
+ ];
+ result = <| "Values" -> DeleteDuplicates @ values, "Results" -> data, "EmbeddingVector" -> embeddingVector |>;
+ (* Cache and verify: *)
+ cacheVectorDBResult[ dbName, prompt, result ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ $vectorDBSearchCache[ dbName, prompt ] === result, "CacheCheck" ];
+ result
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+vectorDBSearch[ dbName_String, prompt_String, key_String ] := Enclose[
+ Lookup[ ConfirmBy[ vectorDBSearch[ dbName, prompt, All ], AssociationQ, "Result" ], key ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+vectorDBSearch[ dbName_String, prompt_String, keys: { ___String } ] := Enclose[
+ KeyTake[ ConfirmBy[ vectorDBSearch[ dbName, prompt, All ], AssociationQ, "Result" ], keys ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+vectorDBSearch[ dbName_String, prompts: { ___String }, prop_ ] :=
+ AssociationMap[ vectorDBSearch[ dbName, #, prop ] &, prompts ];
+vectorDBSearch[ dbName_String, All, "Values" ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { vectorDBInfo },
+ vectorDBInfo = ConfirmBy[ getVectorDB @ dbName, AssociationQ, "VectorDB" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ vectorDBInfo[ "Values" ], ListQ, "Values" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+vectorDBSearch[ dbName_String, messages0: { __Association }, prop: "Values"|"Results" ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[
+ {
+ messages,
+ conversationString, lastMessageString, selectionString,
+ conversationResults, lastMessageResults, selectionResults,
+ combined, n, merged
+ },
+ (* TODO: asynchronously pre-cache embeddings for each type *)
+ messages = ConfirmMatch[ insertContextPrompt @ messages0, { __Association }, "Messages" ];
+ conversationString = ConfirmBy[ getSmallContextString @ messages, StringQ, "ConversationString" ];
+ lastMessageString = ConfirmBy[
+ getSmallContextString[ { Last @ messages }, "IncludeSystemMessage" -> True ],
+ StringQ,
+ "LastMessageString"
+ ];
+ selectionString = If[ StringQ @ $selectionPrompt, $selectionPrompt, None ];
+ If[ conversationString === "" || lastMessageString === "", Throw @ { } ];
+ getEmbeddings @ Select[ { conversationString, lastMessageString, selectionString }, StringQ ];
+ conversationResults = ConfirmMatch[
+ MapAt[
+ # + $conversationVectorSearchPenalty &,
+ vectorDBSearch[ dbName, conversationString, "Results" ],
+ { All, "Distance" }
+ ],
+ { KeyValuePattern[ { "Distance" -> _Real, "Value" -> _ } ]... },
+ "ConversationResults"
+ ];
+ lastMessageResults =
+ If[ lastMessageString === conversationString,
+ { },
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ vectorDBSearch[ dbName, lastMessageString, "Results" ],
+ { KeyValuePattern[ { "Distance" -> _Real, "Value" -> _ } ]... },
+ "LastMessageResults"
+ ]
+ ];
+ selectionResults =
+ If[ StringQ @ selectionString,
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ vectorDBSearch[ dbName, selectionString, "Results" ],
+ { KeyValuePattern[ { "Distance" -> _Real, "Value" -> _ } ]... },
+ "SelectionResults"
+ ],
+ { }
+ ];
+ combined = SortBy[ Join[ conversationResults, lastMessageResults, selectionResults ], Lookup[ "Distance" ] ];
+ n = Ceiling[ $maxNeighbors / 10 ];
+ merged = Take[
+ DeleteDuplicates @ Join[
+ Take[ conversationResults, UpTo[ n ] ],
+ Take[ lastMessageResults , UpTo[ n ] ],
+ Take[ selectionResults , UpTo[ n ] ],
+ combined
+ ],
+ UpTo[ $maxNeighbors ]
+ ];
+ If[ prop === "Results",
+ merged,
+ DeleteDuplicates[ Lookup[ "Value" ] /@ merged ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+vectorDBSearch // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+insertContextPrompt // beginDefinition;
+insertContextPrompt[ messages_ ] :=
+ insertContextPrompt[ messages, $contextPrompt, $selectionPrompt ];
+insertContextPrompt[ { before___, last_Association }, context_String, selection_String ] := {
+ before,
+ <| "Role" -> "User" , "Content" -> context |>,
+ <| "Role" -> "System", "Content" -> "User's currently selected text: \""<>selection<>"\"" |>,
+ last
+insertContextPrompt[ { before___, last_Association }, context_String, _ ] := {
+ before,
+ <| "Role" -> "User", "Content" -> context |>,
+ last
+insertContextPrompt[ messages_List, _, _ ] :=
+ messages;
+insertContextPrompt // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+cacheVectorDBResult // beginDefinition;
+cacheVectorDBResult[ dbName_String, prompt_String, data_Association ] := (
+ If[ ! AssociationQ @ $vectorDBSearchCache, $vectorDBSearchCache = <| |> ];
+ If[ ! AssociationQ @ $vectorDBSearchCache[ dbName ], $vectorDBSearchCache[ dbName ] = <| |> ];
+ $vectorDBSearchCache[ dbName, prompt ] = data
+cacheVectorDBResult // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getEmbedding // beginDefinition;
+getEmbedding // Options = { "CacheEmbeddings" -> $cacheEmbeddings };
+getEmbedding[ string_String, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ With[ { embedding = $embeddingCache[ string ] },
+ embedding /; NumericArrayQ @ embedding
+ ];
+getEmbedding[ string_String, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := Enclose[
+ First @ ConfirmMatch[ getEmbeddings[ { string }, opts ], { _NumericArray }, "Embedding" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getEmbedding // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getEmbeddings // beginDefinition;
+getEmbeddings // Options = { "CacheEmbeddings" -> $cacheEmbeddings };
+getEmbeddings[ { }, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := { };
+getEmbeddings[ strings: { __String }, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ If[ TrueQ @ OptionValue[ "CacheEmbeddings" ],
+ getEmbeddings0 @ strings,
+ Block[ { $cacheEmbeddings = False }, getAndCacheEmbeddings @ strings ]
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "GetEmbeddings" ];
+getEmbeddings // endDefinition;
+getEmbeddings0 // beginDefinition;
+getEmbeddings0[ strings: { __String } ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { notCached },
+ notCached = Select[ strings, ! KeyExistsQ[ $embeddingCache, # ] & ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ getAndCacheEmbeddings @ notCached, { ___NumericArray }, "CacheEmbeddings" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ Lookup[ $embeddingCache, strings ], { __NumericArray }, "Result" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getEmbeddings0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getAndCacheEmbeddings // beginDefinition;
+getAndCacheEmbeddings[ { } ] :=
+ { };
+getAndCacheEmbeddings[ strings: { __String } ] /; $embeddingModel === "SentenceBERT" := Enclose[
+ Module[ { vectors },
+ vectors = ConfirmBy[
+ Developer`ToPackedArray @ sentenceBERTEmbedding @ strings,
+ Developer`PackedArrayQ,
+ "PackedArray"
+ ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ Length @ strings === Length @ vectors, "LengthCheck" ];
+ MapThread[ cacheEmbedding, { strings, vectors } ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getAndCacheEmbeddings[ strings: { __String } ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { resp, vectors },
+ resp = ConfirmBy[
+ setServiceCaller @ ServiceExecute[
+ $embeddingService,
+ "RawEmbedding",
+ { "input" -> strings, "model" -> $embeddingModel },
+ Authentication -> $embeddingAuthentication
+ ],
+ AssociationQ,
+ "EmbeddingResponse"
+ ];
+ vectors = ConfirmBy[
+ Developer`ToPackedArray @ resp[[ "data", All, "embedding" ]],
+ Developer`PackedArrayQ,
+ "PackedArray"
+ ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ Length @ strings === Length @ vectors, "LengthCheck" ];
+ MapThread[ cacheEmbedding, { strings, vectors } ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getAndCacheEmbeddings // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+cacheEmbedding // beginDefinition;
+cacheEmbedding[ key_String, vector_ ] /; ! $cacheEmbeddings := toTinyVector @ vector;
+cacheEmbedding[ key_String, vector_ ] := $embeddingCache[ key ] = toTinyVector @ vector;
+cacheEmbedding // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+sentenceBERTEmbedding := getSentenceBERTEmbeddingFunction[ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getSentenceBERTEmbeddingFunction // beginDefinition;
+getSentenceBERTEmbeddingFunction[ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { name },
+ Needs[ "SemanticSearch`" -> None ];
+ name = ConfirmBy[
+ SelectFirst[
+ {
+ "SemanticSearch`SentenceBERTEmbedding",
+ "SemanticSearch`SemanticSearch`Private`SentenceBERTEmbedding"
+ },
+ NameQ @ # && ToExpression[ #, InputForm, System`Private`HasAnyEvaluationsQ ] &
+ ],
+ StringQ,
+ "SymbolName"
+ ];
+ getSentenceBERTEmbeddingFunction[ ] = Symbol @ name
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getSentenceBERTEmbeddingFunction // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+toTinyVector // beginDefinition;
+toTinyVector[ v_ ] := NumericArray[ 127.5 * Normalize @ v[[ 1;;$embeddingDimension ]] - 0.5, "Real16" ];
+toTinyVector // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Prompting.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Prompting.wl
index 78ad36fa..37eae713 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Prompting.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Prompting.wl
@@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ $basePromptComponents[ "WolframLanguageStyle" ] = "
* Keep code simple when possible
* Use functional programming instead of procedural
* Do not assign global variables when it's not necessary
+* Always use proper naming conventions for your variables (e.g. lowerCamelCase)
+* Never use single capital letters to represent variables (e.g. use `a Sin[k x + \[Phi]]` instead of `A Sin[k x + \[Phi]]`)
* Prefer modern Wolfram Language symbols and methods
* Many new symbols have been added to WL since your knowledge cutoff date, so check documentation as needed
* When creating plots, add options such as labels and legends to make them easier to understand";
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ResourceInstaller.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ResourceInstaller.wl
index bd6ebcc2..d6055402 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/ResourceInstaller.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ResourceInstaller.wl
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ResourceInstaller`" ];
@@ -59,10 +60,7 @@ $resourceBrowseURLs = <|
"LLMTool" -> "https://resources.wolframcloud.com/LLMToolRepository"
-$ResourceInstallationDirectory := GeneralUtilities`EnsureDirectory @ {
- ExpandFileName @ LocalObject @ $LocalBase,
- "Chatbook"
+$ResourceInstallationDirectory := $ChatbookFilesDirectory;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -397,6 +395,84 @@ scrapeResourceFromShingle[ url_String ] := Enclose[
scrapeResourceFromShingle // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+ResourceInstallFromFile // ClearAll;
+(* Not sure if this syntactic sugar is warranted *)
+ResourceInstallFromFile[ ] :=
+ catchMine @ ResourceInstallFromFile[ Automatic, Automatic ]
+ResourceInstallFromFile[ rtype: $$installableType|Automatic ] :=
+ catchMine @ ResourceInstallFromFile[ rtype, Automatic ];
+ResourceInstallFromFile[ File[ path_String ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ ResourceInstallFromFile[ Automatic, path ];
+(* I expect these next two definitions to be the most used *)
+ResourceInstallFromFile[ rtype: $$installableType|Automatic, Automatic ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
+ Module[ { path },
+ path = ConfirmMatch[
+ SystemDialogInput[ "FileOpen", ".nb", WindowTitle -> FrontEndResource[ "ChatbookStrings", "ResourceInstallerFromFilePrompt" ] ],
+ _String|$Canceled,
+ "InputString"
+ ];
+ If[ path === $Canceled,
+ $Canceled,
+ ConfirmBy[ ResourceInstallFromFile[ rtype, path ], AssociationQ, "Install" ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure[ ResourceInstallFromFile @ rtype, ## ] &
+ResourceInstallFromFile[ rtype: $$installableType|Automatic, path_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { ro, expected, actual, file },
+ ro = ConfirmMatch[ resourceFromFile[ rtype, path ], _ResourceObject, "ResourceObject" ];
+ expected = Replace[ rtype, Automatic -> $$installableType ];
+ actual = ConfirmBy[ ro[ "ResourceType" ], StringQ, "ResourceType" ];
+ If[ ! MatchQ[ actual, expected ],
+ If[ StringQ @ expected,
+ throwMessageDialog[ "ExpectedInstallableResourceType", expected, actual ],
+ throwMessageDialog[ "NotInstallableResourceType", actual, $installableTypes ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ file = ConfirmBy[ ResourceInstall @ ro, FileExistsQ, "ResourceInstall" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ getResourceFile @ file, AssociationQ, "GetResourceFile" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure[ ResourceInstallFromFile[ rtype, path ], ## ] &
+ResourceInstallFromFile[ args___ ] :=
+ catchMine @ throwFailure[ "InvalidArguments", ResourceInstallFromFile, HoldForm @ ResourceInstallFromFile @ args ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+resourceFromFile // beginDefinition;
+resourceFromFile[ Automatic, path_String ] := Block[ { PrintTemporary },
+ Quiet[ DefinitionNotebookClient`ScrapeResource[ Import[ path ] ] ]
+resourceFromFile[ rtype_, path_String ] := Enclose[
+ Block[ { PrintTemporary },
+ Quiet @ With[ { nb = Import @ path },
+ ConfirmMatch[ DefinitionNotebookClient`NotebookResourceType @ nb, rtype, "ResourceType" ];
+ DefinitionNotebookClient`ScrapeResource @ nb
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+resourceFromFile // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -554,7 +630,7 @@ resourceTypeDirectory // beginDefinition;
resourceTypeDirectory[ rtype_String ] := Enclose[
Module[ { root, typeName },
- root = ConfirmBy[ $ResourceInstallationDirectory, DirectoryQ, "RootDirectory" ];
+ root = ConfirmBy[ $ResourceInstallationDirectory, StringQ, "RootDirectory" ];
typeName = ConfirmBy[ resourceTypeDirectoryName @ rtype, StringQ, "TypeName" ];
ConfirmBy[ GeneralUtilities`EnsureDirectory @ { root, typeName }, DirectoryQ, "Directory" ]
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Sandbox.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Sandbox.wl
index be44f2ec..59da3905 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Sandbox.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Sandbox.wl
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ pingSandboxKernel[ kernel_LinkObject ] := Enclose[
- ]
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "PingSandboxKernel" ]
pingSandboxKernel // endDefinition;
@@ -300,8 +300,8 @@ startSandboxKernel[ ] := Enclose[
Quiet @ LinkClose @ kernel;
throwFailure[ "NoSandboxKernel" ]
- ],
- throwInternalFailure[ startSandboxKernel[ ], ## ] &
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "StartSandboxKernel" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
startSandboxKernel // endDefinition;
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ $messageOverrides := $messageOverrides = Flatten @ Apply[
sandboxEvaluate // beginDefinition;
sandboxEvaluate[ KeyValuePattern[ "code" -> code_ ] ] := sandboxEvaluate @ code;
-sandboxEvaluate[ code_String ] := sandboxEvaluate @ toSandboxExpression @ code;
+sandboxEvaluate[ code_String ] := sandboxEvaluate @ toSandboxExpression @ code // LogChatTiming[ "SandboxEvaluate" ];
sandboxEvaluate[ HoldComplete[ xs__, x_ ] ] := sandboxEvaluate @ HoldComplete @ CompoundExpression[ xs, x ];
sandboxEvaluate[ HoldComplete[ eval_ ] ] /; useCloudSandboxQ[ ] := cloudSandboxEvaluate @ HoldComplete @ eval;
sandboxEvaluate[ HoldComplete[ eval_ ] ] /; useSessionQ[ ] := sessionEvaluate @ HoldComplete @ eval;
@@ -832,7 +832,23 @@ toSandboxExpression[ s_String, $Failed ] /; StringContainsQ[ s, "'" ] :=
-toSandboxExpression[ s_String, $Failed ] := HoldComplete @ ToExpression[ s, InputForm ];
+toSandboxExpression[ s_String, $Failed ] :=
+ Module[ { openers, closers, new, held },
+ openers = StringCount[ s, "[" ];
+ closers = StringCount[ s, "]" ];
+ (
+ new = s <> StringRepeat[ "]", openers - closers ];
+ held = Quiet @ ToExpression[ new, InputForm, HoldComplete ];
+ If[ MatchQ[ held, _HoldComplete ],
+ sandboxStringNormalize[ s ] = new;
+ held,
+ HoldComplete[ ToExpression[ s, InputForm ] ]
+ ]
+ ) /; openers > closers
+ ];
+toSandboxExpression[ s_String, $Failed ] :=
+ HoldComplete @ ToExpression[ s, InputForm ];
toSandboxExpression // endDefinition;
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Search.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Search.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5609e55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Search.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Search`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$rootStorageName = "Search";
+$chatSearchIndex = None;
+$searchIndexVersion = 1;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+SearchChats // beginDefinition;
+SearchChats // Options = { MaxItems -> 10 };
+SearchChats[ app: _String|All, query_String, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ searchChats[ app, query, OptionValue[ MaxItems ] ];
+SearchChats[ query_String, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ SearchChats[ All, query, opts ];
+SearchChats // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+searchChats // beginDefinition;
+searchChats[ appName_String, query_String, max_? Positive ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { index, flat, values, vectors, embedding, idx, results },
+ index = Values @ ConfirmBy[ loadChatSearchIndex @ appName, AssociationQ, "Load" ];
+ flat = ConfirmMatch[
+ Flatten[ Thread @ { KeyDrop[ #, "Vectors" ], #Vectors } & /@ index, 1 ],
+ { { _Association, _NumericArray }... }
+ ];
+ If[ flat === { }, Throw @ { } ];
+ { values, vectors } = ConfirmMatch[ Transpose @ flat, { _, _ }, "Transpose" ];
+ embedding = ConfirmBy[ getEmbedding[ query, "CacheEmbeddings" -> False ], NumericArrayQ, "Embedding" ];
+ idx = ConfirmMatch[
+ Nearest[ Normal @ vectors -> "Index", Normal @ embedding, Floor[ 2*max+1 ] ],
+ { ___Integer },
+ "Nearest"
+ ];
+ results = ConfirmMatch[ values[[ idx ]], { ___Association }, "Results" ];
+ Take[ DeleteDuplicatesBy[ results, Lookup[ "ConversationUUID" ] ], UpTo @ Floor @ max ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+searchChats // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+AddChatToSearchIndex // beginDefinition;
+AddChatToSearchIndex[ as: KeyValuePattern[ "ConversationUUID" -> _String ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ addChatToSearchIndex @ as;
+AddChatToSearchIndex[ uuid_String ] :=
+ catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ addChatToSearchIndex @ uuid;
+AddChatToSearchIndex[ app_String, uuid_String ] :=
+ catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ addChatToSearchIndex @ <| "AppName" -> app, "ConversationUUID" -> uuid |>;
+AddChatToSearchIndex // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+addChatToSearchIndex // beginDefinition;
+addChatToSearchIndex[ spec_ ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { data, appName, uuid, vectors, metadata },
+ If[ $noSemanticSearch, Throw @ Missing[ "NoSemanticSearch" ] ];
+ data = ConfirmMatch[ getChatConversationData @ spec, _Association|_Missing, "Data" ];
+ If[ MissingQ @ data, Throw @ Missing[ "NotSaved" ] ]; (* TODO: auto-save here? *)
+ appName = ConfirmBy[ data[ "AppName" ], StringQ, "AppName" ];
+ uuid = ConfirmBy[ data[ "ConversationUUID" ], StringQ, "ConversationUUID" ];
+ vectors = ConfirmMatch[ data[ "Vectors" ], { ___NumericArray }, "Vectors" ];
+ If[ vectors === { }, Throw @ Missing[ "NoVectors" ] ];
+ ConfirmBy[ loadChatSearchIndex @ appName, AssociationQ, "Load" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ AssociationQ @ $chatSearchIndex[ appName ], "CheckIndex" ];
+ metadata = ConfirmBy[ getChatMetadata @ data, AssociationQ, "Metadata" ];
+ $chatSearchIndex[ appName, uuid ] = <| metadata, "Vectors" -> vectors |>;
+ ConfirmBy[ saveChatIndex @ appName, FileExistsQ, "Save" ];
+ Success[ "AddedChatToSearchIndex", <| "AppName" -> appName, "ConversationUUID" -> uuid |> ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+addChatToSearchIndex // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+RebuildChatSearchIndex // beginDefinition;
+RebuildChatSearchIndex[ appName_String ] := catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ rebuildChatSearchIndex @ appName;
+RebuildChatSearchIndex[ All ] := catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ rebuildChatSearchIndex @ All;
+RebuildChatSearchIndex[ ] := catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ rebuildChatSearchIndex @ All;
+RebuildChatSearchIndex // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+rebuildChatSearchIndex // beginDefinition;
+rebuildChatSearchIndex[ appName_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { root, chats },
+ root = ConfirmBy[
+ ChatbookFilesDirectory[ { $rootStorageName, appName }, "EnsureDirectory" -> False ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Root"
+ ];
+ If[ DirectoryQ @ root, ConfirmMatch[ DeleteDirectory[ root, DeleteContents -> True ], Null, "Delete" ] ];
+ If[ ! AssociationQ @ $chatSearchIndex, $chatSearchIndex = <| |> ];
+ chats = ConfirmMatch[ ListSavedChats @ appName, { ___Association }, "Chats" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ addChatToSearchIndex /@ chats, { ___Success }, "AddChatToSearchIndex" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ saveChatIndex @ appName, FileExistsQ, "Save" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ $chatSearchIndex[ appName ], AssociationQ, "Result" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+rebuildChatSearchIndex[ All ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { root, chats },
+ root = ConfirmBy[
+ ChatbookFilesDirectory[ $rootStorageName, "EnsureDirectory" -> False ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Root"
+ ];
+ If[ DirectoryQ @ root, ConfirmMatch[ DeleteDirectory[ root, DeleteContents -> True ], Null, "Delete" ] ];
+ $chatSearchIndex = <| |>;
+ chats = ConfirmMatch[ ListSavedChats[ ], { ___Association }, "Chats" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ addChatToSearchIndex /@ chats, { ___Success }, "AddChatToSearchIndex" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ saveChatIndex[ ], { ___? FileExistsQ }, "Save" ];
+ $chatSearchIndex
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+rebuildChatSearchIndex // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+loadChatSearchIndex // beginDefinition;
+loadChatSearchIndex[ appName_String ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { root, file, data, index },
+ If[ ! AssociationQ @ $chatSearchIndex, $chatSearchIndex = <| |> ];
+ If[ AssociationQ @ $chatSearchIndex[ appName ],
+ Throw @ $chatSearchIndex[ appName ],
+ $chatSearchIndex[ appName ] = <| |>
+ ];
+ root = ConfirmBy[
+ ChatbookFilesDirectory[ { $rootStorageName, appName }, "EnsureDirectory" -> False ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Root"
+ ];
+ file = FileNameJoin @ { root, "index.wxf" };
+ If[ ! FileExistsQ @ file, Throw @ rebuildChatSearchIndex @ appName ];
+ data = Quiet @ Developer`ReadWXFFile @ file;
+ If[ ! AssociationQ @ data, Throw @ rebuildChatSearchIndex @ appName ];
+ index = ConfirmBy[ data[ "Index" ], AssociationQ, "Index" ];
+ $chatSearchIndex[ appName ] = index
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+loadChatSearchIndex[ All ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { root, files, names },
+ If[ ! AssociationQ @ $chatSearchIndex, $chatSearchIndex = <| |> ];
+ root = ConfirmBy[
+ ChatbookFilesDirectory[ $rootStorageName, "EnsureDirectory" -> False ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Root"
+ ];
+ If[ ! DirectoryQ @ root, Throw @ $chatSearchIndex ];
+ files = ConfirmMatch[ FileNames[ "index.wxf", root, { 2 } ], { ___String }, "Files" ];
+ If[ files === { }, Throw @ $chatSearchIndex ];
+ names = ConfirmMatch[ FileBaseName @* DirectoryName /@ files, { __String }, "Names" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ loadChatSearchIndex /@ names, { ___Association }, "Load" ];
+ $chatSearchIndex
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+loadChatSearchIndex // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+saveChatIndex // beginDefinition;
+saveChatIndex[ appName_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { index, root, file, data },
+ index = ConfirmBy[ $chatSearchIndex[ appName ], AssociationQ, "Data" ];
+ root = ConfirmBy[
+ ChatbookFilesDirectory[ { $rootStorageName, appName }, "EnsureDirectory" -> True ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Root"
+ ];
+ file = FileNameJoin @ { root, "index.wxf" };
+ data = <| "Index" -> index, "Version" -> $searchIndexVersion |>;
+ ConfirmBy[ Developer`WriteWXFFile[ file, data, PerformanceGoal -> "Size" ], FileExistsQ, "Result" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+saveChatIndex[ ] :=
+ saveChatIndex /@ Keys @ $chatSearchIndex;
+saveChatIndex // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/SendChat.wl b/Source/Chatbook/SendChat.wl
index 8c78060e..c0e6d5c9 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/SendChat.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/SendChat.wl
@@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ Begin[ "`Private`" ];
(* :!CodeAnalysis::BeginBlock:: *)
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Actions`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Personas`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Actions`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Personas`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ sendChat[ evalCell_, nbo_, settings0_ ] /; $useLLMServices := catchTopAs[ Chatbo
cells0 = ConfirmMatch[ selectChatCells[ settings, evalCell, nbo ], { __CellObject }, "SelectChatCells" ];
{ cells, target } = ConfirmMatch[
- chatHistoryCellsAndTarget @ cells0,
+ chatHistoryCellsAndTarget @ cells0 // LogChatTiming[ "ChatHistoryCellsAndTarget" ],
{ { __CellObject }, _CellObject | None },
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ sendChat[ evalCell_, nbo_, settings0_ ] /; $useLLMServices := catchTopAs[ Chatbo
{ messages, data } = Reap[
- constructMessages[ settings, cells ],
+ constructMessages[ settings, cells ] // LogChatTiming[ "ConstructMessages" ],
{ __Association },
@@ -120,14 +119,14 @@ sendChat[ evalCell_, nbo_, settings0_ ] /; $useLLMServices := catchTopAs[ Chatbo
CurrentValue[ evalCell, CellDingbat ],
TemplateBox[ { }, "ChatInputActiveCellDingbat" ] -> TemplateBox[ { }, "ChatInputCellDingbat" ]
- ]
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "SetCellDingbat" ]
cellObject = $lastCellObject = ConfirmMatch[
createNewChatOutput[ settings, target, cell ],
- ];
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "CreateChatOutput" ];
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ sendChat[ evalCell_, nbo_, settings0_ ] /; $useLLMServices := catchTopAs[ Chatbo
- task = $lastTask = chatSubmit[ container, messages, cellObject, settings ];
+ task = $lastTask = chatSubmit[ container, prepareMessagesForLLM @ messages, cellObject, settings ];
addHandlerArguments[ "Task" -> task ];
@@ -341,19 +340,26 @@ makeHTTPRequest // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-makeStopTokens // beginDefinition;
+prepareMessagesForLLM // beginDefinition;
-makeStopTokens[ settings_Association ] :=
- Select[
- DeleteDuplicates @ Flatten @ {
- settings[ "StopTokens" ],
- If[ settings[ "ToolMethod" ] === "Simple", { "\n/exec", "/end" }, { "ENDTOOLCALL", "/end" } ],
- If[ TrueQ @ $AutomaticAssistance, "[INFO]", Nothing ]
- },
- StringQ
+prepareMessagesForLLM[ messages: { ___Association } ] := ReplaceAll[
+ messages,
+ s_String :> RuleCondition @ StringTrim @ StringReplace[
+ s,
+ "\nENDRESULT(" ~~ Repeated[ LetterCharacter|DigitCharacter, $tinyHashLength ] ~~ ")\n" :> "\nENDRESULT\n"
+ ]
+prepareMessagesForLLM // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+makeStopTokens // beginDefinition;
+makeStopTokens[ settings_Association ] := makeStopTokens[ settings, settings[ "StopTokens" ] ];
+makeStopTokens[ settings_, None | { } ] := Missing[ ];
+makeStopTokens[ settings_, tokens: { __String } ] := tokens;
makeStopTokens // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -370,7 +376,10 @@ chatIndicatorSymbol // endDefinition;
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
prepareMessagesForHTTPRequest // beginDefinition;
-prepareMessagesForHTTPRequest[ messages_List ] := $lastHTTPMessages = prepareMessageForHTTPRequest /@ messages;
+prepareMessagesForHTTPRequest[ messages_List ] :=
+ $lastHTTPMessages = prepareMessagesForLLM[ prepareMessageForHTTPRequest /@ messages ];
prepareMessagesForHTTPRequest // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -526,6 +535,43 @@ chatSubmit // endDefinition;
chatSubmit0 // beginDefinition;
chatSubmit0 // Attributes = { HoldFirst };
+(* Currently used for o1 models since they don't support streaming: *)
+ container_,
+ messages: { __Association },
+ cellObject_,
+ settings_
+] /; settings[ "ForceSynchronous" ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { auth, stop, result },
+ auth = settings[ "Authentication" ];
+ stop = makeStopTokens @ settings;
+ result = ConfirmMatch[
+ Quiet[
+ LLMServices`Chat[
+ standardizeMessageKeys @ messages,
+ makeLLMConfiguration @ settings,
+ Authentication -> auth
+ ],
+ { LLMServices`Chat::unsupported }
+ ],
+ _Association | _Failure,
+ "ChatResult"
+ ];
+ If[ FailureQ @ result, throwTop @ writeErrorCell[ cellObject, result ] ];
+ writeChunk[ Dynamic @ container, cellObject, <| "BodyChunkProcessed" -> result[ "Content" ] |> ];
+ logUsage @ container;
+ trimStopTokens[ container, stop ];
+ checkResponse[ settings, Unevaluated @ container, cellObject, <| |> ];
+ (* This cannot return a TaskObject: *)
+ None
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
chatSubmit0[ container_, messages: { __Association }, cellObject_, settings_ ] := Quiet[
Needs[ "LLMServices`" -> None ];
$lastChatSubmitResult = ReleaseHold[
@@ -537,7 +583,8 @@ chatSubmit0[ container_, messages: { __Association }, cellObject_, settings_ ] :
makeLLMConfiguration @ settings,
Authentication -> settings[ "Authentication" ],
HandlerFunctions -> chatHandlers[ container, cellObject, settings ],
- HandlerFunctionsKeys -> chatHandlerFunctionsKeys @ settings
+ HandlerFunctionsKeys -> chatHandlerFunctionsKeys @ settings,
+ "TestConnection" -> False
"Container" :> container,
@@ -584,7 +631,7 @@ makeLLMConfiguration[ as: KeyValuePattern[ "Model" -> model_String ] ] :=
makeLLMConfiguration @ Append[ as, "Model" -> { "OpenAI", model } ];
makeLLMConfiguration[ as_Association ] :=
- $lastLLMConfiguration = LLMConfiguration @ Association[
+ $lastLLMConfiguration = LLMConfiguration @ DeleteMissing @ Association[
KeyTake[ as, { "Model", "MaxTokens", "Temperature", "PresencePenalty" } ],
"StopTokens" -> makeStopTokens @ as
@@ -679,7 +726,7 @@ trimStopTokens[ container_, stop: { ___String } ] :=
) /; StringQ @ full
-trimStopTokens[ container_, { ___String } ] :=
+trimStopTokens[ container_, { ___String } | _Missing ] :=
trimStopTokens // endDefinition;
@@ -725,10 +772,10 @@ withFETasks // endDefinition;
writeChunk // beginDefinition;
writeChunk[ container_, cell_, KeyValuePattern[ "BodyChunkProcessed" -> chunks_ ] ] :=
- With[ { chunk = StringJoin @ Select[ Flatten @ { chunks }, StringQ ] },
- If[ chunk === "",
+ With[ { strings = extractBodyChunks @ chunks },
+ If[ ! MatchQ[ strings, { __String } ],
- writeChunk0[ container, cell, chunk, chunk ]
+ With[ { chunk = StringJoin @ strings }, writeChunk0[ container, cell, chunk, chunk ] ]
@@ -842,7 +889,7 @@ autoCorrect[ string_String ] := StringReplace[ string, $llmAutoCorrectRules ];
autoCorrect // endDefinition;
(* cSpell: ignore evaliator *)
-$llmAutoCorrectRules = Flatten @ {
+$llmAutoCorrectRules := $llmAutoCorrectRules = Flatten @ {
"wolfram_language_evaliator" -> "wolfram_language_evaluator",
"\\!\\(\\*MarkdownImageBox[\"" ~~ Shortest[ uri__ ] ~~ "\"]\\)" :> uri,
"\\!\\(MarkdownImageBox[\"" ~~ Shortest[ uri__ ] ~~ "\"]\\)" :> uri,
@@ -974,7 +1021,7 @@ writeResult[ settings_, container_, cell_, as_Association ] := Enclose[
If[ settings[ "BypassResponseChecking" ], Throw @ writeReformattedCell[ settings, container, cell ] ];
log = ConfirmMatch[ Internal`BagPart[ $debugLog, All ], { ___Association }, "DebugLog" ];
- processed = StringJoin @ Cases[ log, KeyValuePattern[ "BodyChunkProcessed" -> s_String ] :> s ];
+ processed = StringJoin @ ConfirmMatch[ extractBodyChunks @ log, { ___String }, "Processed" ];
{ body, data } = ConfirmMatch[ extractBodyData @ log, { _, _ }, "ExtractBodyData" ];
$lastFullResponseData = <| "Body" -> body, "Processed" -> processed, "Data" -> data |>;
@@ -1121,6 +1168,7 @@ toolEvaluation[ settings_, container_Symbol, cell_, as_Association ] := Enclose[
(* Ensure dynamic text is up to date: *)
$lastDynamicUpdate = AbsoluteTime[ ];
+ $toolCallCount = If[ IntegerQ @ $toolCallCount, $toolCallCount + 1, 1 ];
string = ConfirmBy[ container[ "FullContent" ], StringQ, "FullContent" ];
@@ -1134,6 +1182,8 @@ toolEvaluation[ settings_, container_Symbol, cell_, as_Association ] := Enclose[
+ applyHandlerFunction[ settings, "ToolRequestReceived", <| "ToolRequest" -> toolCall |> ];
toolResponse = ConfirmMatch[
If[ FailureQ @ toolCall,
@@ -1163,7 +1213,11 @@ toolEvaluation[ settings_, container_Symbol, cell_, as_Association ] := Enclose[
newMessages = Join[
- <| "Role" -> "assistant", "Content" -> appendToolCallEndToken[ settings, StringTrim @ string ] |>,
+ <|
+ "Role" -> "Assistant",
+ "Content" -> appendToolCallEndToken[ settings, StringTrim @ string ],
+ "ToolRequest" -> True
+ |>,
makeToolResponseMessage[ settings, response ]
@@ -1171,7 +1225,11 @@ toolEvaluation[ settings_, container_Symbol, cell_, as_Association ] := Enclose[
$finishReason = None;
req = If[ TrueQ @ $useLLMServices,
- ConfirmMatch[ constructMessages[ settings, newMessages ], { __Association }, "ConstructMessages" ],
+ ConfirmMatch[
+ prepareMessagesForLLM @ constructMessages[ settings, newMessages ],
+ { __Association },
+ "ConstructMessages"
+ ],
(* TODO: this path will be obsolete when LLMServices is widely available *)
ConfirmMatch[ makeHTTPRequest[ settings, newMessages ], _HTTPRequest, "HTTPRequest" ]
@@ -1185,6 +1243,10 @@ toolEvaluation[ settings_, container_Symbol, cell_, as_Association ] := Enclose[
$lastDynamicUpdate = AbsoluteTime[ ];
+ applyHandlerFunction[ settings, "ToolResponseReceived", <| "ToolResponse" -> toolResponse |> ];
+ If[ ! sendToolResponseQ[ settings, toolResponse ], StopChat @ cell ];
task = $lastTask = chatSubmit[ container, req, cell, settings ];
addHandlerArguments[ "Task" -> task ];
@@ -1197,7 +1259,7 @@ toolEvaluation[ settings_, container_Symbol, cell_, as_Association ] := Enclose[
If[ task === $Canceled, StopChat @ cell ];
- ],
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "ToolEvaluation" ],
@@ -1207,41 +1269,92 @@ toolEvaluation // endDefinition;
The user has already been provided with this result, so you do not need to repeat it.
Reply with /end if the tool call provides a satisfactory answer, otherwise respond normally."; *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+sendToolResponseQ // beginDefinition;
+(* TODO: allow one final response when reaching the limit and disable tools for the next chat submit *)
+sendToolResponseQ[ KeyValuePattern[ "MaxToolResponses" -> n_Integer ], _ ] /; $toolCallCount > n := False;
+sendToolResponseQ[ KeyValuePattern[ "SendToolResponse" -> False ], _ ] := False;
+sendToolResponseQ[ _, response_LLMToolResponse ] := ! TrueQ @ terminalToolResponseQ @ response;
+sendToolResponseQ[ _, _ ] := True;
+sendToolResponseQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+terminalToolResponseQ // beginDefinition;
+terminalToolResponseQ[ res_LLMToolResponse ] := TrueQ @ Or[ terminalQ @ res[ "Tool" ], terminalQ @ res[ "Data" ] ];
+terminalToolResponseQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+terminalQ // beginDefinition;
+terminalQ[ tool_LLMTool ] := terminalQ @ tool[ "Data" ];
+terminalQ[ KeyValuePattern[ "Output" -> KeyValuePattern[ "SendToolResponse" -> False ] ] ] := True;
+terminalQ[ KeyValuePattern[ "SendToolResponse" -> False ] ] := True;
+terminalQ[ _ ] := False;
+terminalQ // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
makeToolResponseMessage // beginDefinition;
-makeToolResponseMessage[ settings_, response_ ] := makeToolResponseMessage0[ serviceName @ settings, response ];
+makeToolResponseMessage[ settings_, response_ ] :=
+ makeToolResponseMessage[ settings, settings[ "Model" ], response ];
+makeToolResponseMessage[ settings_, model_Association, response_ ] :=
+ makeToolResponseMessage0[ model[ "Service" ], model[ "Family" ], response ];
makeToolResponseMessage // endDefinition;
makeToolResponseMessage0 // beginDefinition;
-makeToolResponseMessage0[ "Anthropic"|"MistralAI", response_ ] := <|
- "Role" -> "User",
- "Content" -> Replace[ Flatten @ { "", response, "" }, { s__String } :> StringJoin @ s ]
+makeToolResponseMessage0[ "Anthropic"|"MistralAI", family_, response_ ] := <|
+ "Role" -> "User",
+ "Content" -> wrapResponse[ "", response, "" ],
+ "ToolResponse" -> True
+(* cSpell: ignore Qwen, Nemotron *)
+makeToolResponseMessage0[ service_, "Qwen"|"Nemotron"|"Mistral", response_ ] := <|
+ "Role" -> "User",
+ "Content" -> wrapResponse[ "", response, "" ],
+ "ToolResponse" -> True
-makeToolResponseMessage0[ service_String, response_ ] :=
- <| "Role" -> "System", "Content" -> response |>;
+(* cSpell: ignore Nemotron *)
+(* makeToolResponseMessage0[ service_, "Nemotron", response_ ] := <|
+ "Role" -> "User",
+ "Content" -> wrapResponse[ "Tool\n", response, "" ],
+ "ToolResponse" -> True
+makeToolResponseMessage0[ service_, "Mistral", response_ ] := <|
+ "Role" -> "User",
+ "Content" -> wrapResponse[ "[TOOL_RESULTS] {\"content\": ", response, "} [/TOOL_RESULTS]" ],
+ "ToolResponse" -> True
+|>; *)
+makeToolResponseMessage0[ service_String, family_, response_ ] :=
+ <| "Role" -> "System", "Content" -> response, "ToolResponse" -> True |>;
makeToolResponseMessage0 // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-userToolResponseQ // beginDefinition;
-userToolResponseQ[ settings_ ] := MatchQ[ serviceName @ settings, "Anthropic"|"MistralAI" ];
-userToolResponseQ // endDefinition;
+wrapResponse // beginDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-serviceName // beginDefinition;
-serviceName[ KeyValuePattern[ "Model" -> model_ ] ] := serviceName @ model;
-serviceName[ { service_String, _String | $$unspecified } ] := service;
-serviceName[ KeyValuePattern[ "Service" -> service_String ] ] := service;
-serviceName[ _String | _Association | $$unspecified ] := "OpenAI";
-serviceName // endDefinition;
+wrapResponse[ left_, response_, right_ ] := Replace[
+ Flatten @ { left, response, right },
+ { s__String } :> StringJoin @ s
+wrapResponse // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -1304,7 +1417,7 @@ selectChatCells[ as_Association? AssociationQ, cell_CellObject, nbo_NotebookObje
$selectedChatCells = selectChatCells0[ cell, clearMinimizedChats @ nbo ]
- ];
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "SelectChatCells" ];
selectChatCells // endDefinition;
@@ -1741,7 +1854,7 @@ activeAIAssistantCell[
CellTags -> cellTags,
CellTrayWidgets -> <| "ChatFeedback" -> <| "Visible" -> False |> |>,
PrivateCellOptions -> { "ContentsOpacity" -> 1 },
- TaggingRules -> <| "ChatNotebookSettings" -> smallSettings @ settings |>
+ TaggingRules -> <| "ChatNotebookSettings" -> toSmallSettings @ settings |>
@@ -1764,8 +1877,8 @@ activeAIAssistantCell[
outer = If[ TrueQ[ $WorkspaceChat||$InlineChat ], assistantMessageBox, # & ]
- BoxData @ outer @ TagBox[
- ToBoxes @ Dynamic[
+ BoxData @ TagBox[
+ outer @ ToBoxes @ Dynamic[
(* `$dynamicTrigger` is used to precisely control when the dynamic updates, otherwise we can get an
FE crash if a NotebookWrite happens at the same time. *)
@@ -1802,7 +1915,7 @@ activeAIAssistantCell[
Selectable -> True,
ShowAutoSpellCheck -> False,
ShowCursorTracker -> False,
- TaggingRules -> <| "ChatNotebookSettings" -> smallSettings @ settings |>,
+ TaggingRules -> <| "ChatNotebookSettings" -> toSmallSettings @ settings |>,
If[ scrollOutputQ @ settings,
PrivateCellOptions -> { "TrackScrollingWhenPlaced" -> True },
Sequence @@ { }
@@ -2118,7 +2231,10 @@ reformatCell[ settings_, string_, tag_, open_, label_, pageData_, cellTags_, uui
outer = If[ TrueQ @ $WorkspaceChat,
TextData @ {
- BoxData @ TemplateBox[ { Cell[ #, Background -> None ] }, "AssistantMessageBox" ],
+ BoxData @ TemplateBox[
+ { Cell[ #, Background -> None, Editable -> True, Selectable -> True ] },
+ "AssistantMessageBox"
+ ],
Background -> None
} &,
@@ -2279,7 +2395,7 @@ makeCompactChatData[
BaseEncode @ BinarySerialize[
- smallSettings @ as,
+ toSmallSettings @ as,
"MessageTag" -> tag,
"Data" -> Association[
@@ -2298,29 +2414,29 @@ makeCompactChatData // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-smallSettings // beginDefinition;
-smallSettings[ as_Association ] := smallSettings0 @ KeyDrop[ as, { "OpenAIKey", "Tokenizer" } ] /. $exprToNameRules;
-smallSettings // endDefinition;
+toSmallSettings // beginDefinition;
+toSmallSettings[ as_Association ] := toSmallSettings0 @ KeyDrop[ as, { "OpenAIKey", "Tokenizer" } ] /. $exprToNameRules;
+toSmallSettings // endDefinition;
-smallSettings0 // beginDefinition;
+toSmallSettings0 // beginDefinition;
-smallSettings0[ as: KeyValuePattern[ "Model" -> model: KeyValuePattern[ "Icon" -> _ ] ] ] :=
- smallSettings0 @ <| as, "Model" -> KeyTake[ model, { "Service", "Name" } ] |>;
+toSmallSettings0[ as: KeyValuePattern[ "Model" -> model: KeyValuePattern[ "Icon" -> _ ] ] ] :=
+ toSmallSettings0 @ <| as, "Model" -> KeyTake[ model, { "Service", "Name" } ] |>;
-smallSettings0[ as_Association ] :=
- smallSettings0[ as, as[ "LLMEvaluator" ] ];
+toSmallSettings0[ as_Association ] :=
+ toSmallSettings0[ as, as[ "LLMEvaluator" ] ];
-smallSettings0[ as_, KeyValuePattern[ "LLMEvaluatorName" -> name_String ] ] :=
+toSmallSettings0[ as_, KeyValuePattern[ "LLMEvaluatorName" -> name_String ] ] :=
If[ AssociationQ @ GetCachedPersonaData @ name,
Append[ as, "LLMEvaluator" -> name ],
-smallSettings0[ as_, _ ] :=
+toSmallSettings0[ as_, _ ] :=
-smallSettings0 // endDefinition;
+toSmallSettings0 // endDefinition;
$exprToNameRules := AssociationMap[ Reverse, $AvailableTools ];
@@ -2541,6 +2657,7 @@ errorBoxes[ as___ ] :=
(*Package Footer*)
+ $llmAutoCorrectRules;
(* :!CodeAnalysis::EndBlock:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Serialization.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Serialization.wl
index 35262803..d6c81e86 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Serialization.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Serialization.wl
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
(* Avoiding context aliasing due to bug 434990: *)
Needs[ "GeneralUtilities`" -> None ];
-GeneralUtilities`SetUsage[ `CellToString, "\
+GeneralUtilities`SetUsage[ CellToString, "\
CellToString[cell$] serializes a Cell expression as a string for use in chat.\
" ];
@@ -21,20 +21,6 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ErrorUtils`" ];
StyleBox[..., FontVariations -> {"StrikeThrough" -> True}]
-(* TODO:
- There should be a way to pass custom serialization rules in chat settings, e.g.
- ```
- "ConversionRules" -> {
- _GraphicsBox -> "[Image]",
- Cell[box_, "MyStyle"] :> formatMyStyle[box]
- }
- ```
- These replacements should be done prior to calling `cellToString`, but need to be tagged in some way so we don't
- try to serialize the results again via `fasterCellToString0`.
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -186,8 +172,15 @@ $escapedMarkdownCharacters = { "`", "$", "*", "_", "#", "|" };
[] () {} + - . !
-$leftSelectionIndicator = "\\["<>"BeginSelection"<>"]";
-$rightSelectionIndicator = "\\["<>"EndSelection"<>"]";
+(* $leftSelectionIndicator = "\\["<>"BeginSelection"<>"]";
+$rightSelectionIndicator = "\\["<>"EndSelection"<>"]"; *)
+$leftSelectionIndicator = "";
+$rightSelectionIndicator = "";
+(* Determines if serialized cell content should be wrapped in ... | *)
+$includeCellXML = False;
+$xmlCellAttributes = { "id" };
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -307,7 +300,7 @@ $wolframAlphaInputTemplate = codeTemplate[ "\
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
-CellToString // SetFallthroughError;
+CellToString // beginDefinition;
CellToString // Options = {
"CharacterEncoding" -> $cellCharacterEncoding,
@@ -320,7 +313,9 @@ CellToString // Options = {
"MaxOutputCellStringLength" -> $maxOutputCellStringLength,
"PageWidth" -> $cellPageWidth,
"UnhandledBoxFunction" -> None,
- "WindowWidth" -> $windowWidth
+ "WindowWidth" -> $windowWidth,
+ "IncludeXML" :> $includeCellXML,
+ "XMLCellAttributes" :> $xmlCellAttributes
(* :!CodeAnalysis::BeginBlock:: *)
@@ -331,6 +326,7 @@ CellToString[ cell_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
$cellCharacterEncoding = OptionValue[ "CharacterEncoding" ],
$CellToStringDebug = TrueQ @ OptionValue[ "Debug" ],
$unhandledBoxFunction = OptionValue[ "UnhandledBoxFunction" ],
+ $includeCellXML = TrueQ @ OptionValue[ "IncludeXML" ],
$cellPageWidth, $windowWidth, $maxCellStringLength, $maxOutputCellStringLength,
$contentTypes, $multimodalImages
@@ -368,6 +364,8 @@ CellToString[ cell_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
(* :!CodeAnalysis::EndBlock:: *)
+CellToString // endExportedDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -421,13 +419,17 @@ cellToString // beginDefinition;
(* Argument normalization *)
cellToString[ data: _TextData|_BoxData|_RawData ] := cellToString @ Cell @ data;
cellToString[ string_String? StringQ ] := cellToString @ Cell @ string;
-cellToString[ cell_CellObject ] := cellToString @ NotebookRead @ cell;
+cellToString[ cell_CellObject ] := cellToString @ notebookRead @ cell;
(* Multiple cells to one string *)
cellToString[ Notebook[ cells_List, ___ ] ] := cellsToString @ cells;
cellToString[ Cell @ CellGroupData[ cells_List, _ ] ] := cellsToString @ cells;
cellToString[ nbo_NotebookObject ] := cellToString @ Cells @ nbo;
-cellToString[ cells: { __CellObject } ] := cellsToString @ NotebookRead @ cells;
+cellToString[ cells: { __CellObject } ] := cellsToString @ notebookRead @ cells;
+(* Wrap serialized cell in xml tags for the notebook editor tool: *)
+cellToString[ cell_Cell? xmlCellQ ] :=
+ cellToXMLString @ cell;
(* Drop cell label for some styles *)
cellToString[ Cell[ a__, style: $$noCellLabelStyle, b___, CellLabel -> _, c___ ] ] :=
@@ -609,6 +611,79 @@ cellsToString[ cells_List ] :=
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+xmlCellQ // beginDefinition;
+xmlCellQ[ Cell[ __, $$chatInputStyle|$$chatOutputStyle, ___ ] ] := False;
+xmlCellQ[ _Cell ] := TrueQ @ $includeCellXML;
+xmlCellQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+cellToXMLString // beginDefinition;
+cellToXMLString[ cell_Cell ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { string, attributes, attributeString },
+ string = ConfirmBy[ Block[ { $includeCellXML = False }, cellToString @ cell ], StringQ, "String" ];
+ attributes = ConfirmBy[ cellXMLAttributes @ cell, AssociationQ, "XMLAttributes" ];
+ attributeString = StringTrim @ StringRiffle @ KeyValueMap[ StringJoin[ #1, "='", #2, "'" ] &, attributes ];
+ If[ StringLength @ attributeString > 0, attributeString = " " <> attributeString ];
+ StringJoin[
+ "\n",
+ string,
+ "\n | "
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+cellToXMLString // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+cellXMLAttributes // beginDefinition;
+cellXMLAttributes[ cell_Cell ] := DeleteMissing @ AssociationMap[
+ Apply @ Rule,
+ KeyTake[
+ <|
+ "id" :> xmlCellID @ cell,
+ "style" :> xmlCellStyle @ cell,
+ "label" :> xmlCellLabel @ cell
+ |>,
+ $xmlCellAttributes
+ ]
+cellXMLAttributes // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+xmlCellID // beginDefinition;
+xmlCellID[ Cell[ __, CellObject -> cell_CellObject, ___ ] ] := cellReference @ cell;
+xmlCellID[ _Cell ] := Missing[ ];
+xmlCellID // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+xmlCellStyle // beginDefinition;
+xmlCellStyle[ Cell[ _, style__String, OptionsPattern[ ] ] ] := { style };
+xmlCellStyle[ _Cell ] := Missing[ ];
+xmlCellStyle // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+xmlCellLabel // beginDefinition;
+xmlCellLabel[ Cell[ __, CellLabel -> label_String, ___ ] ] := label;
+xmlCellLabel[ _Cell ] := Missing[ ];
+xmlCellLabel // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -914,6 +989,9 @@ fasterCellToString0[ NamespaceBox[
] ] := "\[FreeformPrompt][\""<>query<>"\"]";
+(* FreeformEvaluate *)
+fasterCellToString0[ RowBox @ { "=[", query_String, "]" } ] := "\[FreeformPrompt]["<>query<>"]";
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -1375,6 +1453,16 @@ preprocessTraditionalForm // endDefinition;
fasterCellToString0[ SubscriptBox[ "\[InvisiblePrefixScriptBase]", x_ ] ] :=
fasterCellToString0 @ SubscriptBox[ " ", x ];
+(* Derivative *)
+fasterCellToString0[ SuperscriptBox[ f_, "\[Prime]", ___ ] ] :=
+ "Derivative[1][" <> fasterCellToString0 @ f <> "]";
+fasterCellToString0[ SuperscriptBox[ f_, "\[Prime]\[Prime]", ___ ] ] :=
+ "Derivative[2][" <> fasterCellToString0 @ f <> "]";
+fasterCellToString0[ SuperscriptBox[ f_, TagBox[ RowBox @ { "(", n_String, ")" }, Derivative ], ___ ] ] :=
+ "Derivative[" <> n <> "][" <> fasterCellToString0 @ f <> "]";
(* Sqrt *)
fasterCellToString0[ SqrtBox[ a_ ] ] :=
(needsBasePrompt[ "WolframLanguage" ]; "Sqrt["<>fasterCellToString0 @ a<>"]");
@@ -2202,24 +2290,6 @@ makeExpressionString[ box_, _ ] := makeExpressionString[ box ] =
makeExpressionString // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-stringToBoxes // SetFallthroughError;
-stringToBoxes[ s_String /; StringMatchQ[ s, "\"" ~~ __ ~~ "\"" ] ] :=
- With[ { str = stringToBoxes @ StringTrim[ s, "\"" ] }, "\""<>str<>"\"" /; StringQ @ str ];
-stringToBoxes[ string_String ] :=
- stringToBoxes[
- string,
- (* TODO: there could be a kernel implementation of this *)
- Quiet @ usingFrontEnd @ MathLink`CallFrontEnd @ FrontEnd`UndocumentedTestFEParserPacket[ string, True ]
- ];
-stringToBoxes[ string_, { BoxData[ boxes_, ___ ], ___ } ] := boxes;
-stringToBoxes[ string_, other_ ] := string;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -2663,6 +2733,14 @@ firstMatchingCellGroup[ nb_, patt_, "Content" ] := Catch[
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Backwards Compatibility*)
+(* The resource function ExportMarkdownString depends on CellToString in the original context: *)
+Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`CellToString = CellToString;
+(* https://resources.wolframcloud.com/FunctionRepository/resources/ExportMarkdownString *)
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Package Footer*)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Services.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Services.wl
index 398af209..5615907f 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Services.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Services.wl
@@ -27,6 +27,16 @@ $llmServicesAvailable := $llmServicesAvailable = (
PacletNewerQ[ PacletObject[ "Wolfram/LLMFunctions" ], "1.2.2" ]
+$$llmServicesFailure = HoldPattern @ Failure[
+ LLMServices`LLMServiceInformation,
+ KeyValuePattern[ "MessageTemplate" :> LLMServices`LLMServiceInformation::corrupt ]
+(* Used to filter out models that are known not to work with chat notebooks: *)
+$invalidModelNameParts = <|
+ "OpenAI" -> WordBoundary~~("instruct"|"realtime")~~WordBoundary
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -163,7 +173,7 @@ getModelListQuietly // endDefinition;
checkModelList // beginDefinition;
checkModelList[ info_, models_List ] :=
- models;
+ Select[ models, usableChatModelQ @ info ];
checkModelList[ info_, $Canceled | $Failed | Missing[ "NotConnected" ] ] :=
Missing[ "NotConnected" ];
@@ -183,6 +193,32 @@ checkModelList[ info_, other_ ] :=
checkModelList // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+usableChatModelQ // beginDefinition;
+usableChatModelQ[ KeyValuePattern[ "Service" -> service_ ] ] :=
+ usableChatModelQ @ service;
+usableChatModelQ[ service_String ] :=
+ With[ { patt = $invalidModelNameParts @ service },
+ If[ MissingQ @ patt,
+ True &,
+ usableChatModelQ[ patt, # ] &
+ ]
+ ];
+usableChatModelQ[ patt_, model_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { name },
+ name = ConfirmBy[ toModelName @ model, StringQ, "Name" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ StringFreeQ[ name, patt, IgnoreCase -> True ], True|False, "Result" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+usableChatModelQ // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -232,6 +268,19 @@ getAvailableServices0[ services0_Association? AssociationQ ] := Enclose[
+(* If stored service information is corrupt, attempt to reset it and try again: *)
+getAvailableServices0[ $$llmServicesFailure ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { services },
+ ConfirmMatch[ llm`ResetServices[ ], { __Success }, "Reset" ];
+ services = llm`LLMServiceInformation @ llm`ChatSubmit;
+ (* If it's still failing, return the failure: *)
+ If[ MatchQ[ services, $$llmServicesFailure ], Throw @ services ];
+ (* Otherwise we can proceed normally: *)
+ getAvailableServices0 @ ConfirmBy[ services, AssociationQ, "Services" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
getAvailableServices0 // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Settings.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Settings.wl
index 2e586699..05c72193 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Settings.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Settings.wl
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Actions`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Personas`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ResourceInstaller`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -19,57 +18,70 @@ $cloudInheritanceFix := $cloudNotebooks;
(* cSpell: ignore AIAPI *)
$defaultChatSettings = <|
- "Assistance" -> Automatic,
- "Authentication" -> Automatic,
- "AutoFormat" -> True,
- "BasePrompt" -> Automatic,
- "BypassResponseChecking" -> False,
- "ChatContextPreprompt" -> Automatic,
- "ChatDrivenNotebook" -> False,
- "ChatHistoryLength" -> 1000,
- "ChatInputIndicator" -> Automatic,
- "ConversionRules" -> None,
- "DynamicAutoFormat" -> Automatic,
- "EnableChatGroupSettings" -> False,
- "EnableLLMServices" -> Automatic,
- "FrequencyPenalty" -> 0.1,
- "HandlerFunctions" :> $DefaultChatHandlerFunctions,
- "HandlerFunctionsKeys" -> Automatic,
- "IncludeHistory" -> Automatic,
- "InitialChatCell" -> True,
- "LLMEvaluator" -> "CodeAssistant",
- "MaxCellStringLength" -> Automatic,
- "MaxContextTokens" -> Automatic,
- "MaxOutputCellStringLength" -> Automatic,
- "MaxTokens" -> Automatic,
- "MergeMessages" -> True,
- "Model" :> $DefaultModel,
- "Multimodal" -> Automatic,
- "NotebookWriteMethod" -> Automatic,
- "OpenAIAPICompletionURL" -> "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions",
- "OpenAIKey" -> Automatic,
- "PresencePenalty" -> 0.1,
- "ProcessingFunctions" :> $DefaultChatProcessingFunctions,
- "Prompts" -> { },
- "SetCellDingbat" -> True,
- "ShowMinimized" -> Automatic,
- "StreamingOutputMethod" -> Automatic,
- "TabbedOutput" -> True, (* TODO: define a "MaxOutputPages" setting *)
- "TargetCloudObject" -> Automatic,
- "Temperature" -> 0.7,
- "TokenBudgetMultiplier" -> Automatic,
- "Tokenizer" -> Automatic,
- "ToolCallExamplePromptStyle" -> Automatic,
- "ToolCallFrequency" -> Automatic,
- "ToolExamplePrompt" -> Automatic,
- "ToolMethod" -> Automatic,
- "ToolOptions" :> $DefaultToolOptions,
- "Tools" -> Automatic,
- "ToolSelectionType" -> <| |>,
- "ToolsEnabled" -> Automatic,
- "TopP" -> 1,
- "TrackScrollingWhenPlaced" -> Automatic,
- "VisiblePersonas" -> $corePersonaNames
+ "AppName" -> Automatic,
+ "Assistance" -> Automatic,
+ "Authentication" -> Automatic,
+ "AutoFormat" -> True,
+ "AutoSaveConversations" -> Automatic,
+ "BasePrompt" -> Automatic,
+ "BypassResponseChecking" -> Automatic,
+ "ChatContextPreprompt" -> Automatic,
+ "ChatDrivenNotebook" -> False,
+ "ChatHistoryLength" -> 1000,
+ "ChatInputIndicator" -> Automatic,
+ "ConversationUUID" -> None,
+ "ConversionRules" -> None,
+ "DynamicAutoFormat" -> Automatic,
+ "EnableChatGroupSettings" -> False,
+ "EnableLLMServices" -> Automatic,
+ "ForceSynchronous" -> Automatic,
+ "FrequencyPenalty" -> 0.1,
+ "HandlerFunctions" :> $DefaultChatHandlerFunctions,
+ "HandlerFunctionsKeys" -> Automatic,
+ "IncludeHistory" -> Automatic,
+ "InitialChatCell" -> True,
+ "LLMEvaluator" -> "CodeAssistant",
+ "MaxCellStringLength" -> Automatic,
+ "MaxContextTokens" -> Automatic,
+ "MaxOutputCellStringLength" -> Automatic,
+ "MaxTokens" -> Automatic,
+ "MaxToolResponses" -> 5,
+ "MergeMessages" -> True,
+ "Model" :> $DefaultModel,
+ "Multimodal" -> Automatic,
+ "NotebookWriteMethod" -> Automatic,
+ "OpenAIAPICompletionURL" -> "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions",
+ "OpenAIKey" -> Automatic,
+ "OpenToolCallBoxes" -> Automatic,
+ "PresencePenalty" -> 0.1,
+ "ProcessingFunctions" :> $DefaultChatProcessingFunctions,
+ "PromptGeneratorMessagePosition" -> 2,
+ "PromptGeneratorMessageRole" -> "System",
+ "PromptGenerators" -> { },
+ "PromptGeneratorsEnabled" -> Automatic, (* TODO *)
+ "Prompts" -> { },
+ "SendToolResponse" -> Automatic,
+ "SetCellDingbat" -> True,
+ "ShowMinimized" -> Automatic,
+ "StopTokens" -> Automatic,
+ "StreamingOutputMethod" -> Automatic,
+ "TabbedOutput" -> True, (* TODO: define a "MaxOutputPages" setting *)
+ "TargetCloudObject" -> Automatic,
+ "Temperature" -> 0.7,
+ "TimeConstraint" -> Automatic,
+ "TokenBudgetMultiplier" -> Automatic,
+ "Tokenizer" -> Automatic,
+ "ToolCallExamplePromptStyle" -> Automatic,
+ "ToolCallFrequency" -> Automatic,
+ "ToolExamplePrompt" -> Automatic,
+ "ToolMethod" -> Automatic,
+ "ToolOptions" :> $DefaultToolOptions,
+ "Tools" -> Automatic,
+ "ToolSelectionType" -> <| |>,
+ "ToolsEnabled" -> Automatic,
+ "TopP" -> 1,
+ "TrackScrollingWhenPlaced" -> Automatic,
+ "VisiblePersonas" -> $corePersonaNames
$cachedGlobalSettings := $cachedGlobalSettings = getGlobalSettingsFile[ ];
@@ -108,9 +120,11 @@ $DefaultModel = <| "Service" -> "OpenAI", "Name" -> "gpt-4o" |>;
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
(*Handler Functions*)
$DefaultChatHandlerFunctions = <|
- "ChatAbort" :> $ChatAbort,
- "ChatPost" :> $ChatPost,
- "ChatPre" :> $ChatPre
+ "ChatAbort" :> $ChatAbort,
+ "ChatPost" :> $ChatPost,
+ "ChatPre" :> $ChatPre,
+ "ToolRequestReceived" -> None,
+ "ToolResponseGenerated" -> None
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -237,11 +251,12 @@ resolveAutoSettings[ settings0_Association ] := Enclose[
$initialCellStringBudget = makeCellStringBudget @ resolved;
$cellStringBudget = $initialCellStringBudget;
$conversionRules = resolved[ "ConversionRules" ];
+ $openToolCallBoxes = resolved[ "OpenToolCallBoxes" ];
If[ $catching, $currentChatSettings = resolved ];
- ],
+ ] // LogChatTiming[ "ResolveAutoSettings" ],
@@ -255,18 +270,20 @@ resolveAutoSettings0[ settings: KeyValuePattern[ _ :> _ ] ] :=
resolveAutoSettings @ AssociationMap[ Apply @ Rule, settings ];
resolveAutoSettings0[ settings_Association ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { auto, sorted, resolved, result },
+ Module[ { auto, sorted, resolved, override, result },
auto = ConfirmBy[ Select[ settings, SameAs @ Automatic ], AssociationQ, "Auto" ];
sorted = ConfirmBy[ <| KeyTake[ auto, $autoSettingKeyPriority ], auto |>, AssociationQ, "Sorted" ];
resolved = ConfirmBy[ Fold[ resolveAutoSetting, settings, Normal @ sorted ], AssociationQ, "Resolved" ];
+ override = ConfirmBy[ overrideSettings @ resolved, AssociationQ, "Override" ];
If[ $chatState,
- If[ resolved[ "Assistance" ], $AutomaticAssistance = True ];
- If[ resolved[ "WorkspaceChat" ], $WorkspaceChat = True ];
+ If[ override[ "Assistance" ], $AutomaticAssistance = True ];
+ If[ override[ "WorkspaceChat" ], $WorkspaceChat = True ];
- result = ConfirmBy[ resolveTools @ KeySort @ resolved, AssociationQ, "ResolveTools" ];
+ result = ConfirmBy[ resolveTools @ KeySort @ override, AssociationQ, "ResolveTools" ];
If[ result[ "ToolMethod" ] === Automatic,
result[ "ToolMethod" ] = chooseToolMethod @ result
+ result[ "StopTokens" ] = autoStopTokens @ result;
@@ -274,6 +291,31 @@ resolveAutoSettings0[ settings_Association ] := Enclose[
resolveAutoSettings0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+overrideSettings // beginDefinition;
+overrideSettings[ settings_Association? o1ModelQ ] := <| settings, $o1Overrides |>;
+overrideSettings[ settings_Association? gpt4oTextToolsQ ] := <| settings, $gpt4oTextToolOverrides |>;
+overrideSettings[ settings_Association ] := settings;
+overrideSettings // endDefinition;
+$o1Overrides = <| "PresencePenalty" -> 0, "Temperature" -> 1 |>;
+$gpt4oTextToolOverrides = <| "Model" -> <| "Service" -> "OpenAI", "Name" -> "gpt-4o-2024-05-13" |> |>;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+gpt4oTextToolsQ // beginDefinition;
+gpt4oTextToolsQ[ settings_Association ] := TrueQ @ And[
+ settings[ "ToolsEnabled" ],
+ toModelName @ settings === "gpt-4o",
+ settings[ "ToolMethod" ] =!= "Service"
+gpt4oTextToolsQ // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -290,42 +332,54 @@ resolveAutoSetting[ settings_, key_ -> value_ ] := <| settings, key -> resolveAu
resolveAutoSetting // endDefinition;
resolveAutoSetting0 // beginDefinition;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "Assistance" ] := False;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ChatInputIndicator" ] := "\|01f4ac";
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "DynamicAutoFormat" ] := dynamicAutoFormatQ @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "EnableLLMServices" ] := $useLLMServices;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "HandlerFunctionsKeys" ] := chatHandlerFunctionsKeys @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "IncludeHistory" ] := Automatic;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "MaxCellStringLength" ] := chooseMaxCellStringLength @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "MaxContextTokens" ] := autoMaxContextTokens @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "MaxOutputCellStringLength" ] := chooseMaxOutputCellStringLength @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "MaxTokens" ] := autoMaxTokens @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "Multimodal" ] := multimodalQ @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "NotebookWriteMethod" ] := "PreemptiveLink";
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ShowMinimized" ] := Automatic;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "StreamingOutputMethod" ] := "PartialDynamic";
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "TokenBudgetMultiplier" ] := 1;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "Tokenizer" ] := getTokenizer @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "TokenizerName" ] := getTokenizerName @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ToolCallExamplePromptStyle" ] := chooseToolExamplePromptStyle @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ToolCallFrequency" ] := Automatic;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ToolExamplePrompt" ] := chooseToolExamplePromptSpec @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ToolsEnabled" ] := toolsEnabledQ @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "TrackScrollingWhenPlaced" ] := scrollOutputQ @ as;
-resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, key_String ] := Automatic;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "AppName" ] := $defaultAppName;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "Assistance" ] := False;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "AutoSaveConversations" ] := autoSaveConversationsQ @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "BypassResponseChecking" ] := bypassResponseCheckingQ @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ChatInputIndicator" ] := "\|01f4ac";
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "DynamicAutoFormat" ] := dynamicAutoFormatQ @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "EnableLLMServices" ] := $useLLMServices;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ForceSynchronous" ] := forceSynchronousQ @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "HandlerFunctionsKeys" ] := chatHandlerFunctionsKeys @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "IncludeHistory" ] := Automatic;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "MaxCellStringLength" ] := chooseMaxCellStringLength @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "MaxContextTokens" ] := autoMaxContextTokens @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "MaxOutputCellStringLength" ] := chooseMaxOutputCellStringLength @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "MaxTokens" ] := autoMaxTokens @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "Multimodal" ] := multimodalQ @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "NotebookWriteMethod" ] := "PreemptiveLink";
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "OpenToolCallBoxes" ] := openToolCallBoxesQ @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "PromptGeneratorMessagePosition" ] := 2;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "PromptGeneratorMessageRole" ] := "System";
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "PromptGenerators" ] := { };
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ShowMinimized" ] := Automatic;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "StreamingOutputMethod" ] := "PartialDynamic";
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "TokenBudgetMultiplier" ] := 1;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "Tokenizer" ] := getTokenizer @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "TokenizerName" ] := getTokenizerName @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ToolCallExamplePromptStyle" ] := chooseToolExamplePromptStyle @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ToolCallFrequency" ] := Automatic;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ToolExamplePrompt" ] := chooseToolExamplePromptSpec @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "ToolsEnabled" ] := toolsEnabledQ @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, "TrackScrollingWhenPlaced" ] := scrollOutputQ @ as;
+resolveAutoSetting0[ as_, key_String ] := Automatic;
resolveAutoSetting0 // endDefinition;
(* Settings that require other settings to be resolved first: *)
$autoSettingKeyDependencies = <|
+ "AutoSaveConversations" -> { "AppName", "ConversationUUID" },
+ "BypassResponseChecking" -> "ForceSynchronous",
+ "ForceSynchronous" -> "Model",
"HandlerFunctionsKeys" -> "EnableLLMServices",
"MaxCellStringLength" -> { "Model", "MaxContextTokens" },
"MaxContextTokens" -> "Model",
"MaxOutputCellStringLength" -> "MaxCellStringLength",
"MaxTokens" -> "Model",
"Multimodal" -> { "EnableLLMServices", "Model" },
+ "OpenToolCallBoxes" -> "SendToolResponse",
"Tokenizer" -> "TokenizerName",
"TokenizerName" -> "Model",
- "ToolCallExamplePromptStyle" -> "Model",
+ "ToolCallExamplePromptStyle" -> { "Model", "ToolsEnabled" },
"ToolExamplePrompt" -> "Model",
"Tools" -> { "LLMEvaluator", "ToolsEnabled" },
"ToolsEnabled" -> { "Model", "ToolCallFrequency" }
@@ -348,6 +402,34 @@ $autoSettingKeyPriority := Enclose[
* ChatContextPreprompt
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+openToolCallBoxesQ // beginDefinition;
+openToolCallBoxesQ[ as_Association ] := If[ as[ "SendToolResponse" ] === False, True, Automatic ];
+openToolCallBoxesQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+bypassResponseCheckingQ // beginDefinition;
+bypassResponseCheckingQ[ as_Association ] := TrueQ @ as[ "ForceSynchronous" ];
+bypassResponseCheckingQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+forceSynchronousQ // beginDefinition;
+forceSynchronousQ[ as_Association ] := TrueQ @ Or[ o1ModelQ @ as, serviceName @ as === "GoogleGemini" ];
+forceSynchronousQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+autoSaveConversationsQ // beginDefinition;
+autoSaveConversationsQ[ as_Association ] := TrueQ[ StringQ @ as[ "AppName" ] && StringQ @ as[ "ConversationUUID" ] ];
+autoSaveConversationsQ // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -388,21 +470,89 @@ autoToolExamplePromptSpec // endDefinition;
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
chooseToolExamplePromptStyle // beginDefinition;
-chooseToolExamplePromptStyle[ as_Association ] := chooseToolExamplePromptStyle[ as, as[ "Model" ] ];
-chooseToolExamplePromptStyle[ as_, model_String ] := autoToolExamplePromptStyle[ "OpenAI" ];
-chooseToolExamplePromptStyle[ as_, { service_String, _String } ] := autoToolExamplePromptStyle @ service;
-chooseToolExamplePromptStyle[ as_, model_Association ] := autoToolExamplePromptStyle @ model[ "Service" ];
+chooseToolExamplePromptStyle[ KeyValuePattern[ "ToolsEnabled" -> False ] ] := None;
+chooseToolExamplePromptStyle[ settings_Association ] := chooseToolExamplePromptStyle[ settings, settings[ "Model" ] ];
+chooseToolExamplePromptStyle[ _, as_Association ] := autoToolExamplePromptStyle[ as[ "Service" ], as[ "Family" ] ];
chooseToolExamplePromptStyle // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
autoToolExamplePromptStyle // beginDefinition;
-autoToolExamplePromptStyle[ "AzureOpenAI"|"OpenAI" ] := "ChatML";
-autoToolExamplePromptStyle[ "Anthropic" ] := "XML";
-autoToolExamplePromptStyle[ _ ] := "Basic"; (* TODO: measure performance of other models to choose the best option *)
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle[ service_, family_ ] := autoToolExamplePromptStyle[ service, family ] =
+ autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ service, family ];
autoToolExamplePromptStyle // endDefinition;
+(* cSpell: ignore Qwen, Nemotron *)
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0 // beginDefinition;
+(* By service: *)
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ "AzureOpenAI", _ ] := "ChatML";
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ "OpenAI" , _ ] := "ChatML";
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ "Anthropic" , _ ] := "XML";
+(* By model family: *)
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ _, "Phi" ] := "Phi";
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ _, "Llama" ] := "Llama";
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ _, "Gemma" ] := "Gemma";
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ _, "Qwen" ] := "ChatML";
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ _, "Nemotron" ] := "Nemotron";
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ _, "Mistral" ] := "Instruct";
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ _, "DeepSeekCoder" ] := "DeepSeekCoder";
+(* Default: *)
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0[ _, _ ] := "Basic";
+autoToolExamplePromptStyle0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+autoStopTokens // beginDefinition;
+autoStopTokens[ as_Association? o1ModelQ ] :=
+ None;
+autoStopTokens[ KeyValuePattern[ "ToolsEnabled" -> False ] ] :=
+ If[ TrueQ @ $AutomaticAssistance, { "[INFO]" }, None ];
+autoStopTokens[ as_Association ] := Replace[
+ DeleteDuplicates @ Flatten @ {
+ methodStopTokens @ as[ "ToolMethod" ],
+ styleStopTokens @ as[ "ToolCallExamplePromptStyle" ],
+ If[ TrueQ @ $AutomaticAssistance, "[INFO]", Nothing ]
+ },
+ { } -> None
+autoStopTokens // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+(* cSpell: ignore ENDTOOLCALL *)
+methodStopTokens // beginDefinition;
+methodStopTokens[ "Simple" ] := { "\n/exec", "/end" };
+methodStopTokens[ "Service" ] := { "/end" };
+methodStopTokens[ "Textual"|"JSON" ] := { "ENDTOOLCALL", "/end" };
+methodStopTokens[ _ ] := { "ENDTOOLCALL", "\n/exec", "/end" };
+methodStopTokens // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+(* cSpell: ignore cbegin *)
+styleStopTokens // beginDefinition;
+styleStopTokens[ "Phi" ] := { "<|user|>", "<|assistant|>" };
+styleStopTokens[ "Llama" ] := { "<|start_header_id|>" };
+styleStopTokens[ "Gemma" ] := { "" };
+styleStopTokens[ "Nemotron" ] := { "", "" };
+styleStopTokens[ "DeepSeekCoder" ] := { "<\:ff5cbegin\:2581of\:2581sentence\:ff5c>" };
+styleStopTokens[ _String ] := { };
+styleStopTokens // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -425,6 +575,8 @@ chooseMaxOutputCellStringLength // endDefinition;
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
autoMaxContextTokens // beginDefinition;
+(* cSpell: ignore ollama *)
+autoMaxContextTokens[ as_? ollamaQ ] := serviceMaxContextTokens @ as;
autoMaxContextTokens[ as_Association ] := autoMaxContextTokens[ as, as[ "Model" ] ];
autoMaxContextTokens[ as_, model_ ] := autoMaxContextTokens[ as, model, toModelName @ model ];
autoMaxContextTokens[ _, _, name_String ] := autoMaxContextTokens0 @ name;
@@ -432,7 +584,8 @@ autoMaxContextTokens // endDefinition;
autoMaxContextTokens0 // beginDefinition;
autoMaxContextTokens0[ name_String ] := autoMaxContextTokens0 @ StringSplit[ name, "-"|Whitespace ];
-autoMaxContextTokens0[ { ___, "gpt", "4o" , ___ } ] := 2^17;
+autoMaxContextTokens0[ { ___, "o1" , ___ } ] := 2^17;
+autoMaxContextTokens0[ { ___, "gpt"|"chatgpt", "4o" , ___ } ] := 2^17;
autoMaxContextTokens0[ { ___, "gpt", "4", "vision" , ___ } ] := 2^17;
autoMaxContextTokens0[ { ___, "gpt", "4", "turbo" , ___ } ] := 2^17;
autoMaxContextTokens0[ { ___, "claude", "2" , ___ } ] := 10^5;
@@ -444,9 +597,36 @@ autoMaxContextTokens0[ { ___, "gpt", "3.5" , ___ } ] := 2^12;
autoMaxContextTokens0[ { ___, "chat", "bison", "001" , ___ } ] := 20000;
autoMaxContextTokens0[ { ___, "gemini", ___, "pro", "vision", ___ } ] := 12288;
autoMaxContextTokens0[ { ___, "gemini", ___, "pro" , ___ } ] := 30720;
+autoMaxContextTokens0[ { ___, "phi3.5" , ___ } ] := 2^17;
autoMaxContextTokens0[ _List ] := 2^12;
autoMaxContextTokens0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+ollamaQ // beginDefinition;
+ollamaQ[ as_Association ] := MatchQ[ serviceName @ as, "Ollama"|"ollama" ];
+ollamaQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+serviceMaxContextTokens // beginDefinition;
+serviceMaxContextTokens[ settings_Association ] :=
+ serviceMaxContextTokens[ serviceName @ settings, toModelName @ settings ];
+serviceMaxContextTokens[ service_String, name_String ] :=
+ Module[ { max },
+ max = Quiet @ ServiceExecute[ service, "ModelContextLength", { "Name" -> name } ];
+ If[ TrueQ @ Positive @ max,
+ serviceMaxContextTokens[ service, name ] = Floor @ max,
+ autoMaxContextTokens0 @ name
+ ]
+ ];
+serviceMaxContextTokens // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -557,13 +737,15 @@ $$disabledToolsModel = Alternatives[
"gemini-1.0-pro" ~~ ___,
- "gemini-pro"
+ "gemini-pro",
+ "o1" ~~ WordBoundary ~~ ___
toolsEnabledQ[ KeyValuePattern[ "ToolsEnabled" -> enabled: True|False ] ] := enabled;
toolsEnabledQ[ KeyValuePattern[ "ToolCallFrequency" -> freq: (_Integer|_Real)? NonPositive ] ] := False;
toolsEnabledQ[ KeyValuePattern[ "Model" -> model_ ] ] := toolsEnabledQ @ toModelName @ model;
toolsEnabledQ[ model: KeyValuePattern @ { "Service" -> _, "Name" -> _ } ] := toolsEnabledQ @ toModelName @ model;
+toolsEnabledQ[ { service_String, name_String } ] := toolsEnabledQ @ <| "Service" -> service, "Name" -> name |>;
toolsEnabledQ[ model_String ] := ! StringMatchQ[ model, $$disabledToolsModel, IgnoreCase -> True ];
toolsEnabledQ[ ___ ] := False;
@@ -585,10 +767,21 @@ dynamicSplitQ // endDefinition;
(* TODO: need to support something like CurrentChatSettings[scope, {"key1", "key2", ...}] for nested values *)
GeneralUtilities`SetUsage[ CurrentChatSettings, "\
-CurrentChatSettings[obj$, \"key$\"] gives the current chat settings for the CellObject or NotebookObject obj$ for the specified key.
-CurrentChatSettings[obj$] gives all current chat settings for obj$.
-CurrentChatSettings[] is equivalent to CurrentChatSettings[EvaluationCell[]].
-CurrentChatSettings[\"key$\"] is equivalent to CurrentChatSettings[EvaluationCell[], \"key$\"].\
+CurrentChatSettings[] gives the current global chat settings.
+CurrentChatSettings[\"key$\"] gives the global setting for the specified key.
+CurrentChatSettings[obj$] gives all settings scoped by obj$.
+CurrentChatSettings[obj$, \"key$\"] gives the setting scoped by obj$ for the specified key.
+CurrentChatSettings[obj$, $$] = value$ sets the chat settings for obj$ to value$.
+CurrentChatSettings[obj$, $$] =. resets the chat settings for obj$ to the default value.
+* The value for obj$ can be any of the following:
+| $FrontEnd | persistent global scope |
+| $FrontEndSession | session global scope |
+| NotebookObject[$$] | notebook scope |
+| CellObject[$$] | cell scope |
+* When setting chat settings without a key using CurrentChatSettings[obj$] = value$, \
+the value$ must be an Association or Inherited.
+* CurrentChatSettings[obj$, $$] =. is equivalent to CurrentChatSettings[obj$, $$] = Inherited.\
" ];
CurrentChatSettings[ ] := catchMine @
@@ -877,7 +1070,7 @@ storeGlobalSettings // endDefinition;
$globalSettingsFile := Enclose[
Module[ { dir },
- dir = ConfirmBy[ $ResourceInstallationDirectory, DirectoryQ, "ResourceInstallationDirectory" ];
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ $ResourceInstallationDirectory, StringQ, "ResourceInstallationDirectory" ];
$globalSettingsFile = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { dir, "GlobalChatSettings.wxf" }, StringQ, "File" ]
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Storage.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Storage.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eca06fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Storage.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Storage`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* TODO:
+ * Save chat as a callback to GenerateChatTitleAsynchronous?
+ * Save attachments separately by their hash ID (requires maintaining ref counts)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$maxTitleGenerationMessages = 10; (* 5 input/output pairs *)
+$savedChatDataVersion = 2;
+$rootStorageName = "SavedChats";
+$defaultConversationTitle = "Untitled Chat";
+$maxChatItems = Infinity;
+$timestampPrefixLength = 7; (* good for about 1000 years *)
+$$timestampPrefix = Repeated[ LetterCharacter|DigitCharacter, { $timestampPrefixLength } ];
+$metaKeys = { "AppName", "ConversationTitle", "ConversationUUID", "Date", "Version" };
+(* TODO: these patterns might need to move to Common.wl *)
+$$conversationData = KeyValuePattern @ {
+ "AppName" -> _String,
+ "ConversationTitle" -> _String,
+ "ConversationUUID" -> _String,
+ "Date" -> _Real,
+ "Version" -> $savedChatDataVersion
+$$conversationFullData = KeyValuePattern @ {
+ "AppName" -> _String,
+ "ConversationTitle" -> _String,
+ "ConversationUUID" -> _String,
+ "Date" -> _Real,
+ "Messages" -> _List,
+ "Version" -> $savedChatDataVersion
+$$legacyData = KeyValuePattern[ "Version" -> _? (LessThan @ $savedChatDataVersion ) ];
+$$appSpec = $$string | All | _NotebookObject;
+$generatedTitleCache = <| |>;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+ListSavedChats // beginDefinition;
+ListSavedChats // Options = { MaxItems -> $maxChatItems };
+ListSavedChats[ opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ ListSavedChats[ All, opts ];
+ListSavedChats[ appSpec: $$appSpec, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ listSavedChats[ appSpec, OptionValue[ MaxItems ] ];
+ListSavedChats // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+listSavedChats // beginDefinition;
+listSavedChats[ appSpec: $$appSpec, maxItems_? Positive ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { appName, dirName, root, depth, files, sorted, take },
+ appName = ConfirmMatch[ determineAppName @ appSpec, $$string | All, "Name" ];
+ dirName = If[ StringQ @ appName, appName, Nothing ];
+ root = ConfirmBy[
+ ChatbookFilesDirectory[ { $rootStorageName, dirName }, "EnsureDirectory" -> False ],
+ StringQ,
+ "Root"
+ ];
+ depth = If[ StringQ @ appName, 2, 3 ];
+ files = FileNames[ "metadata.wxf", root, { depth } ];
+ If[ files === { }, Throw @ { } ];
+ (* show most recent first *)
+ sorted = If[ StringQ @ appName, Reverse @ files, ReverseSortBy[ files, FileNameTake[ #, { -2 } ] & ] ];
+ take = ConfirmMatch[ Take[ sorted, UpTo @ Floor @ maxItems ], { ___String }, "Take" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ readChatMetaFile /@ take, { ___Association }, "Metadata" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+listSavedChats // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+determineAppName // beginDefinition;
+determineAppName[ All ] := All;
+determineAppName[ name_String ] := name;
+determineAppName[ nbo_NotebookObject ] := notebookAppName @ nbo;
+determineAppName // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+notebookAppName // beginDefinition;
+notebookAppName[ nbo_NotebookObject ] := notebookAppName[ nbo, CurrentChatSettings[ nbo, "AppName" ] ];
+notebookAppName[ nbo_, name_String ] := name;
+notebookAppName[ nbo_, $$unspecified ] := $defaultAppName;
+notebookAppName // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+readChatMetaFile // beginDefinition;
+readChatMetaFile[ file_String ] := readChatMetaFile[ file, Quiet @ Developer`ReadWXFFile @ file ];
+readChatMetaFile[ file_String, as_Association ] := checkChatDataVersion @ as;
+readChatMetaFile[ file_String, _? FailureQ ] := Nothing; (* corrupt WXF file (should we auto-remove it?) *)
+readChatMetaFile // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(* TODO: LoadChat[NotebookObject[...], spec]*)
+LoadChat // beginDefinition;
+LoadChat[ as: KeyValuePattern[ "ConversationUUID" -> _String ] ] := catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ loadChat @ as;
+LoadChat[ uuid_String ] := catchMine @ LoadChat @ <| "ConversationUUID" -> uuid |>;
+LoadChat[ app_String, uuid_String ] := catchMine @ LoadChat @ <| "AppName" -> app, "ConversationUUID" -> uuid |>;
+LoadChat // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+loadChat // beginDefinition;
+loadChat[ as_Association ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { data },
+ data = ConfirmMatch[ getChatConversationData @ as, $$conversationFullData|_Missing, "Data" ];
+ If[ MissingQ @ data, Throw @ data ];
+ ConfirmBy[ restoreAttachments @ data, AssociationQ, "RestoreAttachments" ];
+ data
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+loadChat // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getChatConversationData // beginDefinition;
+getChatConversationData[ data: $$conversationFullData ] :=
+ data;
+getChatConversationData[ KeyValuePattern @ { "AppName" -> appName_String, "ConversationUUID" -> uuid_String } ] :=
+ getChatConversationData[ appName, uuid ];
+getChatConversationData[ KeyValuePattern[ "ConversationUUID" -> uuid_String ] ] :=
+ getChatConversationData @ uuid;
+getChatConversationData[ uuid_String ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { root, dir },
+ root = ConfirmBy[ storageDirectory[ ], StringQ, "Root" ];
+ dir = First[ conversationFileNames[ uuid, root, { 2 } ], Throw @ Missing[ "NotFound" ] ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ getChatConversationData0 @ dir, $$conversationFullData|_Missing, "Data" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getChatConversationData[ appName_String, uuid_String ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { root, dir },
+ root = ConfirmBy[ storageDirectory @ appName, StringQ, "Root" ];
+ dir = First[ conversationFileNames[ uuid, root ], Throw @ Missing[ "NotFound" ] ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ getChatConversationData0 @ dir, $$conversationFullData|_Missing, "Data" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getChatConversationData // endDefinition;
+getChatConversationData0 // beginDefinition;
+getChatConversationData0[ dir_String ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { fail, file, data },
+ fail = Function[ Quiet @ DeleteDirectory[ dir, DeleteContents -> True ]; Throw @ Missing[ "NotFound" ] ];
+ file = FileNameJoin @ { dir, "data.wxf" };
+ If[ ! FileExistsQ @ file, fail[ ] ];
+ data = Quiet @ Developer`ReadWXFFile @ file;
+ If[ ! AssociationQ @ data, fail[ ] ];
+ checkChatDataVersion @ data
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getChatConversationData0[ missing_Missing ] :=
+ missing;
+getChatConversationData0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+restoreAttachments // beginDefinition;
+restoreAttachments[ KeyValuePattern[ "Attachments" -> attachments_Association ] ] :=
+ Association @ KeyValueMap[ # -> restoreAttachments @ ## &, attachments ];
+restoreAttachments[ "Expressions", expressions_Association ] := Enclose[
+ $attachments = ConfirmBy[ <| $attachments, expressions |>, AssociationQ, "Attachments" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+restoreAttachments[ "ToolCalls", toolCalls_Association ] := Enclose[
+ $toolEvaluationResults = ConfirmBy[ <| $toolEvaluationResults, toolCalls |>, AssociationQ, "ToolCalls" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+restoreAttachments[ key_, value_ ] :=
+ value;
+restoreAttachments // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+DeleteChat // beginDefinition;
+DeleteChat[ as_Association ] := catchMine @ DeleteChat[ as[ "AppName" ], as[ "ConversationUUID" ] ];
+DeleteChat[ uuid_String ] := catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ deleteChat[ $defaultAppName, uuid ];
+DeleteChat[ appName_String, uuid_String ] := catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ deleteChat[ appName, uuid ];
+DeleteChat // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+deleteChat // beginDefinition;
+deleteChat[ appName_String, uuid_String ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { root, dirs, dir },
+ root = ConfirmBy[ storageDirectory @ appName, StringQ, "Root" ];
+ dirs = ConfirmMatch[ conversationFileNames[ uuid, root ], { ___String }, "Directories" ];
+ If[ dirs === { }, Throw @ Missing[ "NotFound" ] ];
+ dir = ConfirmBy[ First[ dirs, $Failed ], StringQ, "Directory" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ DeleteDirectory[ dir, DeleteContents -> True ], Null, "DeleteDirectory" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ ! DirectoryQ @ dir, "DirectoryCheck" ];
+ updateDynamics[ "SavedChats" ];
+ dir
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+deleteChat // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+SaveChat // beginDefinition;
+SaveChat // Options = { "AutoGenerateTitle" -> True };
+SaveChat[ messages: $$chatMessages, settings_Association, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ LogChatTiming @ saveChat[ messages, settings, OptionValue[ "AutoGenerateTitle" ] ];
+SaveChat[ chat_ChatObject, settings_Association, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ SaveChat[ chat[ "Messages" ], settings, opts ];
+SaveChat[ chat_Dataset, settings_Association, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ SaveChat[ Normal @ chat, settings, opts ];
+SaveChat // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+saveChat // beginDefinition;
+saveChat[ messages0_, settings0_, autoTitle_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { settings, messages, appName, metadata, vectors, directory, attachments, smallSettings, as },
+ settings = If[ TrueQ @ autoTitle, <| settings0, "AutoGenerateTitle" -> True |>, settings0 ];
+ messages = ConfirmMatch[ prepareMessagesForSaving[ messages0, settings ], $$chatMessages, "Messages" ];
+ appName = ConfirmBy[ Lookup[ settings, "AppName", $defaultAppName ], StringQ, "AppName" ];
+ metadata = ConfirmMatch[ getChatMetadata[ appName, messages, settings ], $$conversationData, "Metadata" ];
+ vectors = ConfirmMatch[ createMessageVectors[ metadata, messages, settings ], { ___NumericArray }, "Vectors" ];
+ directory = ConfirmBy[ targetDirectory[ appName, metadata ], DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ attachments = ConfirmBy[ GetAttachments[ messages, All ], AssociationQ, "Attachments" ];
+ smallSettings = ConfirmBy[ toSmallSettings @ settings, AssociationQ, "Settings" ];
+ (* Save metadata file for quick loading of minimal information: *)
+ ConfirmBy[
+ saveChatFile[ "metadata", metadata, directory ],
+ FileExistsQ,
+ "SaveMetadata"
+ ];
+ (* Save messages and attachments (if any): *)
+ ConfirmBy[
+ saveChatFile[
+ "data",
+ <|
+ metadata,
+ "Attachments" -> attachments,
+ "Messages" -> messages,
+ "Settings" -> smallSettings,
+ "Vectors" -> vectors
+ |>,
+ directory,
+ PerformanceGoal -> "Size"
+ ],
+ FileExistsQ,
+ "SaveMessages"
+ ];
+ as = ConfirmBy[
+ <|
+ "Path" -> Flatten @ File @ directory,
+ KeyTake[ metadata, { "ConversationTitle", "ConversationUUID" } ],
+ metadata
+ |>,
+ AssociationQ,
+ "ResultData"
+ ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ cleanupStaleChats @ appName, { ___String }, "Cleanup" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ AddChatToSearchIndex @ as, _Success | Missing[ "NoSemanticSearch" ], "AddToSearchIndex" ];
+ updateDynamics[ "SavedChats" ];
+ Success[ "Saved", as ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+saveChat // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+createMessageVectors // beginDefinition;
+createMessageVectors[ metadata_, messages: $$chatMessages, settings_ ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { partitioned, strings, rVectors, iVectors, title, titleVector },
+ If[ $noSemanticSearch, Throw @ { } ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ Length @ messages >= 2, "LengthCheck" ];
+ partitioned = ConfirmBy[ Partition[ messages, UpTo[ 2 ] ], ListQ, "Pairs" ];
+ strings = ConfirmMatch[ messagesToString /@ partitioned, { __String }, "Strings" ];
+ rVectors = ConfirmMatch[ getEmbeddings @ strings, { __NumericArray }, "Embeddings" ];
+ iVectors = ConfirmMatch[ toInt8Vector /@ rVectors, { __NumericArray }, "Int8Vectors" ];
+ title = metadata[ "ConversationTitle" ];
+ If[ StringQ @ title,
+ titleVector = ConfirmMatch[ toInt8Vector @ getEmbedding @ title, _NumericArray, "TitleVector" ];
+ Prepend[ iVectors, titleVector ],
+ iVectors
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+createMessageVectors // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+toInt8Vector // beginDefinition;
+toInt8Vector[ arr_NumericArray ] := NumericArray[ arr, "Integer8", "ClipAndRound" ];
+toInt8Vector // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getAppName // beginDefinition;
+getAppName[ settings_Association ] := getAppName @ settings[ "AppName" ];
+getAppName[ app_String ] := app;
+getAppName[ _ ] := $defaultAppName;
+getAppName // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+targetDirectory // beginDefinition;
+targetDirectory[ app_String, meta_Association ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { uuid, date, root, prefix },
+ uuid = ConfirmBy[ meta[ "ConversationUUID" ], StringQ, "UUID" ];
+ date = ConfirmMatch[ meta[ "Date" ], _Real, "Date" ];
+ root = ConfirmBy[ $rootStorageName, StringQ, "RootName" ];
+ prefix = ConfirmBy[ timestampPrefixString @ date, StringQ, "Prefix" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ ChatbookFilesDirectory @ { root, app, prefix<>"_"<>uuid }, DirectoryQ, "Result" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+targetDirectory // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+timestampPrefixString // beginDefinition;
+timestampPrefixString[ date_Real ] := IntegerString[ Round @ date, 36, $timestampPrefixLength ];
+timestampPrefixString // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+cleanupStaleChats // beginDefinition;
+cleanupStaleChats[ app_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { root, dirs, grouped, delete },
+ root = ConfirmBy[ storageDirectory @ app, StringQ, "Root" ];
+ dirs = ConfirmMatch[ conversationFileNames[ All, root ], { ___String }, "Directories" ];
+ grouped = GatherBy[ dirs, StringDrop[ FileNameTake @ #, $timestampPrefixLength ] & ];
+ delete = ConfirmMatch[ Flatten[ Most /@ grouped ], { ___String }, "Delete" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ Length @ delete < Length @ dirs, "LengthCheck" ];
+ ConfirmMatch[ (DeleteDirectory[ #, DeleteContents -> True ]; #) & /@ delete, { ___String }, "Result" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+cleanupStaleChats // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getAttachmentsForSaving // beginDefinition;
+getAttachmentsForSaving[ messages_ ] := getAttachmentsForSaving[ messages, GetAttachments[ messages, All ] ];
+getAttachmentsForSaving[ messages_, as_Association ] := If[ AllTrue[ as, SameAs @ <| |> ], None, as ];
+getAttachmentsForSaving // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+prepareMessagesForSaving // beginDefinition;
+prepareMessagesForSaving[ messages_, settings_ ] :=
+ revertMultimodalContent @
+ If[ TrueQ @ settings[ "SaveSystemMessage" ],
+ messages,
+ dropSystemMessage @ dropTemporaryMessages @ messages
+ ];
+prepareMessagesForSaving // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+dropTemporaryMessages // beginDefinition;
+dropTemporaryMessages[ messages_List ] := DeleteCases[ messages, KeyValuePattern[ "Temporary" -> True ] ];
+dropTemporaryMessages // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+dropSystemMessage // beginDefinition;
+dropSystemMessage[ { KeyValuePattern[ "Role" -> "System" ], messages___ } ] := dropSystemMessage @ { messages };
+dropSystemMessage[ messages_List ] := messages;
+dropSystemMessage // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+saveChatFile // beginDefinition;
+saveChatFile[ "metadata", data_Association, directory_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ saveChatFile0[ "metadata", KeyTake[ data, $metaKeys ], directory, opts ];
+saveChatFile[ type_String, data_Association, directory_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ saveChatFile0[ type, data, directory, opts ];
+saveChatFile // endDefinition;
+saveChatFile0 // beginDefinition;
+saveChatFile0[ type_String, data_, directory_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { file },
+ file = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { directory, type <> ".wxf" }, StringQ, "File" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ Developer`WriteWXFFile[ file, data, opts ], FileExistsQ, "Export" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+saveChatFile0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getChatMetadata // beginDefinition;
+getChatMetadata[ data: $$conversationData ] :=
+ KeyTake[ data, $metaKeys ];
+getChatMetadata[ appName_, messages_, settings_Association ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { uuid, title, date, version },
+ uuid = ConfirmBy[ getChatUUID @ settings, StringQ, "ConversationUUID" ];
+ title = ConfirmBy[ getChatTitle[ messages, settings ], StringQ, "ConversationTitle" ];
+ date = ConfirmMatch[ AbsoluteTime[ TimeZone -> 0 ], _Real, "Date" ];
+ version = ConfirmBy[ $savedChatDataVersion, IntegerQ, "Version" ];
+ <|
+ "AppName" -> appName,
+ "ConversationUUID" -> uuid,
+ "ConversationTitle" -> title,
+ "Date" -> date,
+ "Version" -> version
+ |>
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getChatMetadata // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getChatUUID // beginDefinition;
+getChatUUID[ KeyValuePattern[ "ConversationUUID" -> id_String ] ] := id;
+getChatUUID[ _Association ] := CreateUUID[ ];
+getChatUUID // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getChatTitle // beginDefinition;
+getChatTitle[ messages_, KeyValuePattern[ "ConversationTitle" -> title_String ] ] := title;
+getChatTitle[ messages_, settings_Association ] := defaultConversationTitle[ messages, settings ];
+getChatTitle // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+defaultConversationTitle // beginDefinition;
+defaultConversationTitle[ messages_, settings_ ] :=
+ If[ TrueQ @ settings[ "AutoGenerateTitle" ],
+ generateTitleCached @ messages,
+ $defaultConversationTitle
+ ];
+defaultConversationTitle // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+generateTitleCached // beginDefinition;
+generateTitleCached[ messages_List ] := generateTitleCached0 @ Take[ messages, UpTo @ $maxTitleGenerationMessages ];
+generateTitleCached // endDefinition;
+generateTitleCached0 // beginDefinition;
+generateTitleCached0[ messages_List ] :=
+ generateTitleCached0[ Hash @ messages, messages ];
+generateTitleCached0[ hash_Integer, messages_ ] :=
+ With[ { cached = $generatedTitleCache[ hash ] },
+ cached /; StringQ @ cached
+ ];
+generateTitleCached0[ hash_Integer, messages_ ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { title },
+ title = ConfirmMatch[ GenerateChatTitle @ messages, _String|_Failure, "Title" ];
+ $lastGeneratedTitle = title;
+ $lastRegeneratedTitle = None;
+ (* retry once if first attempt failed using higher temperature: *)
+ If[ FailureQ @ title,
+ title = ConfirmBy[ GenerateChatTitle[ messages, "Temperature" -> 1.0 ], StringQ, "Retry" ];
+ $lastRegeneratedTitle = title
+ ];
+ $generatedTitleCache[ hash ] = title
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+generateTitleCached0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Upgrade Data*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+checkChatDataVersion // beginDefinition;
+checkChatDataVersion[ as: $$conversationData ] := as;
+checkChatDataVersion[ as: $$legacyData ] := upgradeChatData @ as;
+checkChatDataVersion // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+upgradeChatData // beginDefinition;
+upgradeChatData[ as: KeyValuePattern[ "Version" -> oldVersion_Integer ] ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { upgraded, newVersion },
+ ConfirmAssert[ oldVersion < $savedChatDataVersion, "OldVersionCheck" ];
+ upgraded = ConfirmBy[ upgradeChatData0[ oldVersion, as ], AssociationQ, "Upgraded" ];
+ newVersion = ConfirmMatch[ upgraded[ "Version" ], _Integer, "NewVersion" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ oldVersion < newVersion <= $savedChatDataVersion, "NewVersionCheck" ];
+ If[ newVersion === $savedChatDataVersion,
+ upgraded,
+ upgradeChatData @ upgraded
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+upgradeChatData // endDefinition;
+upgradeChatData0 // beginDefinition;
+upgradeChatData0[ 1, as_Association ] := upgradeChatData1 @ as;
+upgradeChatData0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Update from version 1*)
+(* Adds vectors to the saved data: *)
+upgradeChatData1 // beginDefinition;
+upgradeChatData1[ metadata_Association ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { appName, directory, file, data, messages, settings, vectors, newData, newMeta },
+ appName = ConfirmBy[ metadata[ "AppName" ], StringQ, "AppName" ];
+ directory = ConfirmBy[ targetDirectory[ appName, metadata ], DirectoryQ, "Directory" ];
+ file = ConfirmBy[ FileNameJoin @ { directory, "data.wxf" }, FileExistsQ, "File" ];
+ data = ConfirmBy[ Developer`ReadWXFFile @ file, AssociationQ, "Data" ];
+ messages = ConfirmMatch[ data[ "Messages" ], $$chatMessages, "Messages" ];
+ settings = ConfirmBy[ data[ "Settings" ], AssociationQ, "Settings" ];
+ vectors = ConfirmMatch[ createMessageVectors[ metadata, messages, settings ], { ___NumericArray }, "Vectors" ];
+ newData = <| data, "Vectors" -> vectors, "Version" -> 2 |>;
+ newMeta = ConfirmBy[ <| metadata, "Version" -> 2 |>, AssociationQ, "Metadata" ];
+ ConfirmBy[
+ saveChatFile[ "metadata", newMeta, directory ],
+ FileExistsQ,
+ "SaveMetadata"
+ ];
+ ConfirmBy[
+ saveChatFile[ "data", newData, directory, PerformanceGoal -> "Size" ],
+ FileExistsQ,
+ "SaveMessages"
+ ];
+ If[ KeyExistsQ[ metadata, "Messages" ],
+ newData,
+ newMeta
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+upgradeChatData1 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*File Utilities*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+storageDirectory // beginDefinition;
+storageDirectory[ ] := ChatbookFilesDirectory[ $rootStorageName, "EnsureDirectory" -> False ];
+storageDirectory[ name_String ] := ChatbookFilesDirectory[ { $rootStorageName, name }, "EnsureDirectory" -> False ];
+storageDirectory[ All ] := storageDirectory[ ];
+storageDirectory // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+conversationFileNames // beginDefinition;
+conversationFileNames[ All, args__ ] :=
+ conversationFileNames[ __, args ];
+conversationFileNames[ pattern_, args__ ] := Enclose[
+ Sort @ ConfirmMatch[ FileNames[ conversationFilePattern @ pattern, args ], { ___String }, "FileNames" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+conversationFileNames // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+conversationFilePattern // beginDefinition;
+conversationFilePattern[ pattern_ ] := $$timestampPrefix ~~ "_" ~~ pattern;
+conversationFilePattern // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/ToolManager.wl b/Source/Chatbook/ToolManager.wl
index aee9a049..b1d845cc 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/ToolManager.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/ToolManager.wl
@@ -435,7 +435,12 @@ addPersonaSource // endDefinition;
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
getFullToolList // beginDefinition;
-getFullToolList[ ] := DeleteDuplicates @ Join[ Values @ $DefaultTools, Values @ $InstalledTools ];
+getFullToolList[ ] := DeleteCases[
+ DeleteDuplicates @ Join[ Values @ $DefaultTools, Values @ $InstalledTools ],
+ _[ KeyValuePattern[ "Hidden" -> True ], ___ ]
getFullToolList // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -454,7 +459,7 @@ getFullPersonaList // endDefinition;
standardizePersonaData // beginDefinition;
standardizePersonaData[ persona_Association ] :=
- standardizePersonaData[ persona, Lookup[ persona, "Tools", { } ] ];
+ standardizePersonaData[ persona, getValidPersonaTools @ persona ];
standardizePersonaData[ persona_Association, tools_List ] :=
Append[ persona, "Tools" -> tools ];
@@ -467,6 +472,13 @@ standardizePersonaData[ persona_Association, None ] :=
standardizePersonaData // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+getValidPersonaTools // beginDefinition;
+getValidPersonaTools[ persona_Association ] := Quiet @ Cases[ Lookup[ persona, "Tools", { } ], _LLMTool ];
+getValidPersonaTools // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -1224,6 +1236,14 @@ installToolsSection[ ] := Sequence[
Appearance -> "Suppressed",
BaselinePosition -> Baseline,
Method -> "Queued"
+ ],
+ Button[
+ grayDialogButtonLabel @ tr[ "ToolManagerInstallFromFile" ],
+ If[ $CloudEvaluation, SetOptions[ EvaluationNotebook[ ], DockedCells -> Inherited ] ];
+ Block[ { PrintTemporary }, ResourceInstallFromFile[ "LLMTool" ] ],
+ Appearance -> "Suppressed",
+ BaselinePosition -> Baseline,
+ Method -> "Queued"
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/Common.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/Common.wl
index 2e38bf13..27ede1d7 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/Common.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/Common.wl
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Personas`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ResourceInstaller`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
@@ -91,7 +90,6 @@ $DefaultToolOptions = <|
$defaultToolIcon = RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "WrenchIcon" ];
-$attachments = <| |>;
$selectedTools = <| |>;
$toolBox = <| |>;
$toolEvaluationResults = <| |>;
@@ -163,7 +161,10 @@ reevaluateToolExpressions // endDefinition;
(*Installed Tools*)
$installedTools := Association @ Cases[
GetInstalledResourceData[ "LLMTool" ],
- as: KeyValuePattern[ "Tool" -> tool_ ] :> (toolName @ tool -> addExtraToolData[ tool, as ])
+ as: KeyValuePattern[ "Tool" -> tool0_ ] :>
+ With[ { tool = Quiet @ tool0 },
+ (toolName @ tool -> addExtraToolData[ tool, as ]) /; MatchQ[ tool, _LLMTool ]
+ ]
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -394,7 +395,7 @@ withToolBox // endDefinition;
selectTools // beginDefinition;
selectTools[ as_Association ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { llmEvaluatorName, toolNames, selections, selectionTypes, add, remove, selectedNames, tools, short },
+ Module[ { llmEvaluatorName, toolNames, selections, selectionTypes, add, remove, selectedNames, short },
llmEvaluatorName = ConfirmBy[ getLLMEvaluatorName @ as, StringQ, "LLMEvaluatorName" ];
toolNames = ConfirmMatch[ getToolNames @ as, { ___String }, "Names" ];
@@ -851,18 +852,21 @@ simpleToolRequestParser // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$$argNameDelimiter = (":"|"="|"-") ~~ " "...;
parseSimpleToolCallParameterStrings // beginDefinition;
parseSimpleToolCallParameterStrings[ { param_String }, argString_String ] :=
- <| param -> StringDelete[ argString, StartOfString ~~ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ param ~~ ":" ~~ " "... ] |>;
+ <| param -> StringDelete[ argString, StartOfString ~~ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ param ~~ $$argNameDelimiter ] |>;
parseSimpleToolCallParameterStrings[ paramNames: { __String }, argString_String ] := Enclose[
- Catch @ Module[ { namedSplit, defaults, pairs },
- namedSplit = StringSplit[ argString, StartOfLine ~~ (" "|"\t")... ~~ p: paramNames ~~ ":" ~~ " "... :> p ];
+ Catch @ Module[ { namedSplit, defaults, pairs, as },
+ namedSplit = StringSplit[ argString, StartOfLine ~~ (" "|"\t"|"")... ~~ p: paramNames ~~ $$argNameDelimiter :> p ];
If[ OddQ @ Length @ namedSplit, Throw @ parseSimpleToolCallParameterStrings0[ paramNames, argString ] ];
defaults = AssociationMap[ "" &, paramNames ];
pairs = ConfirmMatch[ Partition[ namedSplit, 2 ], { { _String, _String } .. }, "Pairs" ];
- ConfirmBy[ <| defaults, Rule @@@ pairs |>, AssociationQ, "Parameters" ]
+ as = ConfirmBy[ <| defaults, Rule @@@ pairs |>, AssociationQ, "Parameters" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ trimSimpleParameterString /@ as, AllTrue @ StringQ, "Result" ]
@@ -873,16 +877,35 @@ parseSimpleToolCallParameterStrings // endDefinition;
parseSimpleToolCallParameterStrings0 // beginDefinition;
parseSimpleToolCallParameterStrings0[ paramNames: { __String }, argString_String ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { split, padded },
+ Module[ { split, padded, threaded },
split = StringSplit[ argString, "\n" ];
padded = PadRight[ split, Length @ paramNames, "" ];
- ConfirmBy[ AssociationThread[ paramNames -> padded ], AssociationQ, "Parameters" ]
+ threaded = ConfirmBy[ AssociationThread[ paramNames -> padded ], AssociationQ, "Parameters" ];
+ ConfirmBy[ trimSimpleParameterString /@ threaded, AllTrue @ StringQ, "Result" ]
parseSimpleToolCallParameterStrings0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+trimSimpleParameterString // beginDefinition;
+trimSimpleParameterString[ s_String ] := StringDelete[
+ s,
+ {
+ StartOfString ~~ Alternatives[
+ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ "|" ~~ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ "\n" ~~ WhitespaceCharacter...,
+ WhitespaceCharacter...
+ ],
+ WhitespaceCharacter... ~~ EndOfString
+ }
+trimSimpleParameterString // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -1076,7 +1099,19 @@ arg1
-After you write /exec, the system will execute the tool call for you and return the result.";
+After you write /exec, the system will execute the tool call for you and return the result.
+If your arguments require multiple lines, specify the name of each argument followed by a colon and a space, \
+then the value:
+arg1: value that
+spans multiple
+arg2: another
$simpleToolPost = "\
@@ -1212,11 +1247,52 @@ $toolFrequencyExplanations = <|
5 -> "ALWAYS make a tool call in EVERY response, no matter what."
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Properties*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getToolIcon // beginDefinition;
+getToolIcon[ tool: $$llmTool ] := getToolIcon @ toolData @ tool;
+getToolIcon[ as_Association ] := Lookup[ toolData @ as, "Icon", RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "WrenchIcon" ] ];
+getToolIcon[ _ ] := $defaultToolIcon;
+getToolIcon // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getToolDisplayName // beginDefinition;
+getToolDisplayName[ tool_ ] :=
+ getToolDisplayName[ tool, Missing[ "NotFound" ] ];
+getToolDisplayName[ tool: $$llmTool, default_ ] :=
+ getToolDisplayName @ toolData @ tool;
+getToolDisplayName[ as_Association, default_ ] :=
+ Lookup[ as, "DisplayName", toDisplayToolName @ Lookup[ as, "Name", default ] ];
+getToolDisplayName[ _, default_ ] :=
+ default;
+getToolDisplayName // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getToolFormattingFunction // beginDefinition;
+getToolFormattingFunction[ HoldPattern @ LLMTool[ as_, ___ ] ] := getToolFormattingFunction @ as;
+getToolFormattingFunction[ as_Association ] := Lookup[ as, "FormattingFunction", Automatic ];
+getToolFormattingFunction[ _ ] := Automatic;
+getToolFormattingFunction // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Package Footer*)
- Null
+ $toolConfiguration;
(* :!CodeAnalysis::EndBlock:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/ChatPreferences.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/ChatPreferences.wl
similarity index 85%
rename from Source/Chatbook/Tools/ChatPreferences.wl
rename to Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/ChatPreferences.wl
index d9cd96fd..69f54527 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/ChatPreferences.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/ChatPreferences.wl
@@ -10,33 +10,19 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Personas`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ResourceInstaller`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
-$usableChatSettingsKeys = {
- "Assistance",
- "ChatHistoryLength",
- "LLMEvaluator",
- "MaxCellStringLength",
- "MergeMessages",
- "Model",
- "Prompts",
- "Temperature",
- "ToolCallFrequency",
- "Tools"
-$$scope = _NotebookObject | $FrontEnd;
+(*Tool Specification*)
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
-(*Chat Preferences*)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$chatPreferencesIcon = RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ChatBlockSettingsMenuIcon" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-(*Tool Description*)
$chatPreferencesDescription = "\
Get and set current chat preferences.
@@ -63,6 +49,62 @@ Key descriptions
| Tools | [ string ] | | The list of currently enabled tools. Use the 'get' action for available names. |
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$defaultChatTools0[ "ChatPreferences" ] = <|
+ toolDefaultData[ "ChatPreferences" ],
+ "Icon" -> $chatPreferencesIcon,
+ "Description" -> $chatPreferencesDescription,
+ "Function" -> chatPreferences,
+ "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
+ "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
+ "Parameters" -> {
+ "action" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> { "get", "set" },
+ "Help" -> "Whether to get or set chat settings",
+ "Required" -> True
+ |>,
+ "key" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "String",
+ "Help" -> "Which chat setting to get or set",
+ "Required" -> False
+ |>,
+ "value" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "String",
+ "Help" -> "The value to set the chat setting to",
+ "Required" -> False
+ |>,
+ "scope" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> { "global", "notebook" },
+ "Help" -> "The scope of the chat setting (default is 'notebook')",
+ "Required" -> False
+ |>
+ }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$usableChatSettingsKeys = {
+ "Assistance",
+ "ChatHistoryLength",
+ "LLMEvaluator",
+ "MaxCellStringLength",
+ "MergeMessages",
+ "Model",
+ "Prompts",
+ "Temperature",
+ "ToolCallFrequency",
+ "Tools"
+$$scope = _NotebookObject | $FrontEnd;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Chat Preferences*)
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/DocumentationLookup.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/DocumentationLookup.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22e60e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/DocumentationLookup.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Specification*)
+$defaultChatTools0[ "DocumentationLookup" ] = <|
+ toolDefaultData[ "DocumentationLookup" ],
+ "ShortName" -> "doc_lookup",
+ "Icon" -> RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ToolIconDocumentationLookup" ],
+ "Description" -> "Get documentation pages for Wolfram Language symbols.",
+ "Function" -> documentationLookup,
+ "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
+ "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
+ "Parameters" -> {
+ "names" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> DelimitedSequence[ "WolframLanguageSymbol", "," ],
+ "Help" -> "One or more Wolfram Language symbols separated by commas",
+ "Required" -> True
+ |>
+ }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Function*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+documentationLookup // beginDefinition;
+documentationLookup[ KeyValuePattern[ "names" -> name_ ] ] := documentationLookup @ name;
+documentationLookup[ name_Entity ] := documentationLookup @ CanonicalName @ name;
+documentationLookup[ names_List ] := StringRiffle[ documentationLookup /@ names, "\n\n---\n\n" ];
+documentationLookup[ name_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { usage, details, examples, strings, body },
+ usage = ConfirmMatch[ documentationUsage @ name, _String|_Missing, "Usage" ];
+ details = ConfirmMatch[ documentationDetails @ name, _String|_Missing, "Details" ];
+ examples = ConfirmMatch[ documentationBasicExamples @ name, _String|_Missing, "Examples" ];
+ strings = ConfirmMatch[ DeleteMissing @ { usage, details, examples }, { ___String }, "Strings" ];
+ body = If[ strings === { }, ToString[ Missing[ "NotFound" ], InputForm ], StringRiffle[ strings, "\n\n" ] ];
+ "# " <> name <> "\n\n" <> body
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+documentationLookup // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+documentationUsage // beginDefinition;
+documentationUsage[ name_String ] := documentationUsage[ name, wolframLanguageData[ name, "PlaintextUsage" ] ];
+documentationUsage[ name_, missing_Missing ] := missing;
+documentationUsage[ name_, usage_String ] := "## Usage\n\n" <> usage;
+documentationUsage // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+documentationDetails // beginDefinition;
+documentationDetails[ name_String ] := Missing[ ]; (* TODO *)
+documentationDetails // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+documentationBasicExamples // beginDefinition;
+documentationBasicExamples[ name_String ] :=
+ documentationBasicExamples[ name, wolframLanguageData[ name, "DocumentationBasicExamples" ] ];
+documentationBasicExamples[ name_, missing_Missing ] := missing;
+documentationBasicExamples[ name_, examples_List ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { cells, strings },
+ cells = renumberCells @ Replace[ Flatten @ examples, RawBoxes[ cell_ ] :> cell, { 1 } ];
+ strings = ConfirmMatch[ cellToString /@ cells, { ___String }, "CellToString" ];
+ If[ strings === { },
+ Missing[ ],
+ StringDelete[
+ "## Basic Examples\n\n" <> StringRiffle[ strings, "\n\n" ],
+ Longest[ "```\n\n```"~~("wl"|"") ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+documentationBasicExamples // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+cellToString[ args___ ] := CellToString[
+ args,
+ "ContentTypes" -> If[ TrueQ @ $multimodalMessages, { "Text", "Image" }, Automatic ],
+ "MaxCellStringLength" -> 100
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+renumberCells // beginDefinition;
+renumberCells[ cells_List ] := Block[ { $line = 0 }, renumberCell /@ Flatten @ cells ];
+renumberCells // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+renumberCell // beginDefinition;
+renumberCell[ Cell[ a__, "Input", b: (Rule|RuleDelayed)[ _, _ ]... ] ] :=
+ Cell[ a, "Input", CellLabel -> "In[" <> ToString @ ++$line <> "]:=" ];
+renumberCell[ Cell[ a__, "Output", b: (Rule|RuleDelayed)[ _, _ ]... ] ] :=
+ Cell[ a, "Output", CellLabel -> "Out[" <> ToString @ $line <> "]=" ];
+renumberCell[ Cell[ a__, style: "Print"|"Echo", b: (Rule|RuleDelayed)[ _, _ ]... ] ] :=
+ Cell[ a, style, CellLabel -> "During evaluation of In[" <> ToString @ $line <> "]:=" ];
+renumberCell[ cell_Cell ] := cell;
+renumberCell // endDefinition;
+$line = 0;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+wolframLanguageData // beginDefinition;
+wolframLanguageData[ name_, property_ ] := Enclose[
+ wolframLanguageData[ name, property ] = ConfirmBy[ WolframLanguageData[ name, property ], Not@*FailureQ ],
+ Missing[ "DataFailure" ] &
+wolframLanguageData // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/DocumentationSearcher.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/DocumentationSearcher.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2beaa628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/DocumentationSearcher.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Specification*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$documentationSearcherIcon = RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ToolIconDocumentationSearcher" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$documentationSearcherDescription = "\
+Search Wolfram Language documentation for symbols and more. \
+Follow up search results with the documentation lookup tool to get the full information.";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$defaultChatTools0[ "DocumentationSearcher" ] = <|
+ toolDefaultData[ "DocumentationSearcher" ],
+ "ShortName" -> "doc_search",
+ "Icon" -> $documentationSearcherIcon,
+ "Description" -> $documentationSearcherDescription,
+ "Function" -> documentationSearch,
+ "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
+ "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
+ "Parameters" -> {
+ "query" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "String",
+ "Help" -> "A string representing a documentation search query",
+ "Required" -> True
+ |>
+ }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Function*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+documentationSearch // beginDefinition;
+documentationSearch[ KeyValuePattern[ "query" -> name_ ] ] := documentationSearch @ name;
+documentationSearch[ names_List ] := StringRiffle[ documentationSearch /@ names, "\n\n" ];
+documentationSearch[ name_String ] /; NameQ[ "System`" <> name ] := documentationLookup @ name;
+documentationSearch[ query_String ] := documentationSearch[ query, documentationSearchAPI @ query ];
+documentationSearch[ query_String, { } ] := ToString[ Missing[ "NoResults" ], InputForm ];
+documentationSearch[ query_String, results_List ] := StringRiffle[ results, "\n" ];
+documentationSearch // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/NotebookEditor.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/NotebookEditor.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b35684c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/NotebookEditor.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(* $notebookEditorEnabled := TrueQ @ $WorkspaceChat || TrueQ @ $InlineChat; *)
+$notebookEditorEnabled = False;
+$cancelledNotebookEdit = Failure[ "Cancelled", <| "Message" -> "Proposed change was rejected by the user" |> ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$nbEditIcon = RawBoxes[
+ DynamicBox @ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEBitmaps", "NotebookIcon" ][
+ GrayLevel[ 0.651 ],
+ RGBColor[ 0.86667, 0.066667, 0. ]
+ ]
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$nbEditDescription = "\
+Modify notebook cells. \
+Use this if the user asks you to write code for them, fix issues, etc. \
+The user will be presented with a diff view of your changes and can accept or reject them, \
+so you do not need to ask for permission. \
+If the user asks you to fix code, edit only the relevant input cells and let them reevaluate as needed. \
+Do not include cell labels like `In[...]:=` in the content you write. These will be automatically generated for you. \
+Do not try to write output cells. Instead, just write inputs so that the user can reevaluate them. \
+Write content as Markdown and the tool will automatically convert it to the right format.";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$defaultChatTools0[ "NotebookEditor" ] = <|
+ toolDefaultData[ "NotebookEditor" ],
+ "ShortName" -> "nb_edit",
+ "Icon" -> $nbEditIcon,
+ "Description" -> $nbEditDescription,
+ "Enabled" :> $notebookEditorEnabled,
+ "Function" -> notebookEdit,
+ "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
+ "Hidden" -> True, (* TODO: hide this from UI *)
+ "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
+ "Parameters" -> {
+ "action" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "String",
+ "Help" -> "Action to execute. Valid values are 'delete', 'write', 'append', 'prepend'.",
+ "Required" -> True
+ |>,
+ "target" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "String",
+ "Help" -> "Target of action. Can be a cell ID or 'selected' (default).",
+ "Required" -> False
+ |>,
+ "content" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "String",
+ "Help" -> "Content to write, append, or prepend.",
+ "Required" -> False
+ |>
+ }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Function*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+notebookEdit // beginDefinition;
+notebookEdit[ as_Association ] := Catch[
+ notebookEdit[
+ as[ "action" ],
+ notebookEditTarget @ as[ "target" ],
+ notebookEditContent @ as[ "content" ]
+ ],
+ $notebookEditTag
+notebookEdit[ "delete" , target_, content_ ] := notebookEditDelete[ target, content ];
+notebookEdit[ "write" , target_, content_ ] := notebookEditWrite[ target, content ];
+notebookEdit[ "append" , target_, content_ ] := notebookEditAppend[ target, content ];
+notebookEdit[ "prepend", target_, content_ ] := notebookEditPrepend[ target, content ];
+notebookEdit // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+notebookEditDelete // beginDefinition;
+notebookEditDelete[ target_, _ ] :=
+ notebookEditDelete @ target;
+notebookEditDelete[ nbo_NotebookObject ] :=
+ If[ TrueQ @ ChoiceDialog[ Row @ { "Delete current selection in ", nbo, "?" } ],
+ NotebookDelete @ nbo;
+ Success[ "NotebookDelete", <| "Content" -> "Selection" |> ],
+ $cancelledNotebookEdit
+ ];
+notebookEditDelete[ cell_CellObject ] :=
+ If[ TrueQ @ ChoiceDialog[ Row @ { "Delete cell ", cell, "?" } ],
+ NotebookDelete @ cell;
+ Success[ "NotebookDelete", <| "Content" -> cell |> ],
+ $cancelledNotebookEdit
+ ];
+notebookEditDelete[ cells: { __CellObject } ] :=
+ If[ TrueQ @ ChoiceDialog[ Row @ { "Delete the following cells? ", cells } ],
+ NotebookDelete @ cells;
+ Success[ "NotebookDelete", <| "Content" -> cells |> ],
+ $cancelledNotebookEdit
+ ];
+notebookEditDelete[ _Missing ] :=
+ Missing[ "TargetNotFound" ];
+notebookEditDelete // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+notebookEditWrite // beginDefinition;
+notebookEditWrite[ target_, content_ ] := notebookEditWrite0[ target, content ];
+notebookEditWrite // endDefinition;
+notebookEditWrite0 // beginDefinition;
+notebookEditWrite0[ nbo_NotebookObject, content: { __Cell } ] :=
+ If[ TrueQ @ ChoiceDialog[
+ Column @ { Row @ { "Overwrite the current selection in ", nbo, " with the following?" }, content }
+ ],
+ NotebookWrite[ nbo, content ];
+ Success[ "NotebookWrite", <| "Content" -> content |> ],
+ $cancelledNotebookEdit
+ ];
+notebookEditWrite0[ cell_CellObject, content: { __Cell } ] :=
+ If[ TrueQ @ ChoiceDialog[ Column @ { Row @ { "Overwrite ", cell, " with the following?" }, content } ],
+ NotebookWrite[ cell, content ];
+ Success[ "NotebookWrite", <| "Content" -> content |> ],
+ $cancelledNotebookEdit
+ ];
+notebookEditWrite0[ { first_CellObject, rest___CellObject }, content: { __Cell } ] :=
+ If[ TrueQ @ ChoiceDialog[ Column @ { Row @ { "Overwrite the following cells? ", { first, rest } }, content } ],
+ NotebookDelete @ { rest };
+ SelectionMove[ first, All, CellContents ];
+ NotebookWrite[ parentNotebook @ first, content ];
+ Success[ "NotebookWrite", <| "Content" -> content |> ],
+ $cancelledNotebookEdit
+ ];
+notebookEditWrite0[ _Missing, _ ] :=
+ Missing[ "TargetNotFound" ];
+notebookEditWrite0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+notebookEditAppend // beginDefinition;
+notebookEditAppend[ target_, content_ ] := notebookEditAppend0[ target, content ];
+notebookEditAppend // endDefinition;
+notebookEditAppend0 // beginDefinition;
+notebookEditAppend0[ nbo_NotebookObject, content: { __Cell } ] := (
+ SelectionMove[ nbo, After, Cell ];
+ NotebookWrite[ nbo, content, After ];
+ Success[ "NotebookWrite", <| "Content" -> content |> ]
+notebookEditAppend0[ cell_CellObject, content: { __Cell } ] := (
+ SelectionMove[ cell, After, Cell ];
+ NotebookWrite[ parentNotebook @ cell, content, After ];
+ Success[ "NotebookWrite", <| "Content" -> content |> ]
+notebookEditAppend0[ { ___, last_CellObject }, content: { __Cell } ] :=
+ notebookEditAppend0[ last, content ];
+notebookEditAppend0[ _Missing, _ ] :=
+ Missing[ "TargetNotFound" ];
+notebookEditAppend0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+notebookEditPrepend // beginDefinition;
+notebookEditPrepend[ target_, content_ ] := notebookEditPrepend0[ target, content ];
+notebookEditPrepend // endDefinition;
+notebookEditPrepend0 // beginDefinition;
+notebookEditPrepend0[ nbo_NotebookObject, content: { __Cell } ] := (
+ SelectionMove[ nbo, Before, Cell ];
+ NotebookWrite[ nbo, content, Before ];
+ Success[ "NotebookWrite", <| "Content" -> content |> ]
+notebookEditPrepend0[ cell_CellObject, content: { __Cell } ] := (
+ SelectionMove[ cell, Before, Cell ];
+ NotebookWrite[ parentNotebook @ cell, content, Before ];
+ Success[ "NotebookWrite", <| "Content" -> content |> ]
+notebookEditPrepend0[ { first_CellObject, ___ }, content: { __Cell } ] :=
+ notebookEditPrepend0[ first, content ];
+notebookEditPrepend0[ _Missing, _ ] :=
+ Missing[ "TargetNotFound" ];
+notebookEditPrepend0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+notebookEditTarget // beginDefinition;
+notebookEditTarget[ "selected" ] /; $WorkspaceChat := getUserNotebook[ ];
+notebookEditTarget[ "selected" ] /; $InlineChat := ensureValidWriteTarget @ $inlineChatState[ "ParentCell" ];
+notebookEditTarget[ "selected" ] /; True := $evaluationNotebook;
+notebookEditTarget[ _Missing | "" ] := notebookEditTarget[ "selected" ];
+notebookEditTarget[ target_String ] := notebookEditTarget @ StringSplit[ target, "," ];
+notebookEditTarget[ { target_String } ] := cellReference @ target;
+notebookEditTarget[ targets: { ___String } ] := notebookEditTarget[ cellReference /@ targets ];
+notebookEditTarget[ targets: { __CellObject } ] := targets;
+notebookEditTarget[ s_String ] /; StringContainsQ[ s, "selected"|"selection" ] := notebookEditTarget[ "selected" ];
+notebookEditTarget[ _ ] := Missing[ "TargetNotFound" ];
+notebookEditTarget // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+ensureValidWriteTarget // beginDefinition;
+ensureValidWriteTarget[ cell_CellObject ] :=
+ With[ { valid = ensureValidWriteTarget[ cell, CurrentValue[ cell, GeneratedCell ] ] },
+ If[ MatchQ[ valid, _CellObject ],
+ valid,
+ cell
+ ]
+ ];
+ensureValidWriteTarget[ cell_CellObject, False ] :=
+ cell;
+ensureValidWriteTarget[ cell_, True ] :=
+ With[ { prev = previousCell @ cell },
+ If[ MatchQ[ prev, Except[ cell, _CellObject ] ],
+ ensureValidWriteTarget @ prev,
+ $Failed
+ ]
+ ];
+ensureValidWriteTarget // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+notebookEditContent // beginDefinition;
+notebookEditContent[ content_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { cells },
+ cells = ConfirmMatch[ toCellExpressions @ content, { ___Cell } | _String, "Cells" ];
+ cells
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+notebookEditContent // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+toCellExpressions // beginDefinition;
+toCellExpressions[ "" ] :=
+ Missing[ "NoContent" ];
+toCellExpressions[ content_String ] /; StringContainsQ[ content, "Cell["~~___~~"]" ] && SyntaxQ @ content :=
+ toCellExpressions[ content, Quiet @ ToExpression[ content, InputForm, HoldComplete ] ];
+toCellExpressions[ content_String ] :=
+ toCellExpressions[ content, FormatChatOutput @ content ];
+toCellExpressions[ content_, RawBoxes[ boxes_ ] ] :=
+ toCellExpressions[ content, boxes ];
+toCellExpressions[ content_, boxes_Cell ] :=
+ With[ { exploded = catchAlways @ ExplodeCell @ boxes },
+ If[ MatchQ[ exploded, { ___Cell } ],
+ exploded,
+ content
+ ]
+ ];
+toCellExpressions[ content_, HoldComplete[ cell_Cell ] ] :=
+ { cell };
+toCellExpressions[ content_, HoldComplete[ cells: { ___Cell } ] ] :=
+ cells;
+toCellExpressions // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WebFetcher.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WebFetcher.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af7f22ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WebFetcher.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Specification*)
+$defaultChatTools0[ "WebFetcher" ] = <|
+ toolDefaultData[ "WebFetcher" ],
+ "ShortName" -> "web_fetch",
+ "Icon" -> RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ToolIconWebFetcher" ],
+ "Description" -> "Fetch plain text or image links from a URL.",
+ "Function" -> webFetch,
+ "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
+ "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
+ "Parameters" -> {
+ "url" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "URL",
+ "Help" -> "The URL",
+ "Required" -> True
+ |>,
+ "format" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> { "Plaintext", "ImageLinks" },
+ "Help" -> "The type of content to retrieve (\"Plaintext\" or \"ImageLinks\")",
+ "Required" -> True
+ |>
+ }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Function*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+webFetch // beginDefinition;
+webFetch[ KeyValuePattern @ { "url" -> url_, "format" -> fmt_ } ] := webFetch[ url, fmt ];
+webFetch[ url_, "Plaintext" ] := fetchWebText @ url;
+webFetch[ url: _URL|_String, fmt_String ] := webFetch[ url, fmt, Import[ url, { "HTML", fmt } ] ];
+webFetch[ url_, "ImageLinks", { } ] := <| "Result" -> { }, "String" -> "No links found at " <> TextString @ url |>;
+webFetch[ url_, "ImageLinks", links: { __String } ] := <| "Result" -> links, "String" -> StringRiffle[ links, "\n" ] |>;
+webFetch[ url_, fmt_, result_String ] := shortenWebText @ niceWebText @ result;
+webFetch // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+fetchWebText // beginDefinition;
+fetchWebText[ URL[ url_ ] ] :=
+ fetchWebText @ url;
+fetchWebText[ url_String ] :=
+ fetchWebText[ url, $webSession ];
+fetchWebText[ url_String, session_WebSessionObject ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { body, strings },
+ ConfirmMatch[ WebExecute[ session, { "OpenPage" -> url } ], _Success | { __Success } ];
+ Pause[ 3 ]; (* Allow time for the page to load *)
+ body = ConfirmMatch[ WebExecute[ session, "LocateElements" -> "Tag" -> "body" ], { __WebElementObject } ];
+ strings = ConfirmMatch[ WebExecute[ "ElementText" -> body ], { __String } ];
+ shortenWebText @ niceWebText @ strings
+ ],
+ shortenWebText @ niceWebText @ Import[ url, { "HTML", "Plaintext" } ] &
+fetchWebText[ url_String, _Missing | _? FailureQ ] :=
+ shortenWebText @ niceWebText @ Import[ url, { "HTML", "Plaintext" } ];
+fetchWebText // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+shortenWebText // beginDefinition;
+shortenWebText[ text_String ] := shortenWebText[ text, toolOptionValue[ "WebFetcher", "MaxContentLength" ] ];
+shortenWebText[ text_String, len_Integer? Positive ] := StringTake[ text, UpTo[ len ] ];
+shortenWebText[ text_String, Infinity|All ] := text;
+shortenWebText[ text_String, _ ] := shortenWebText[ text, $defaultWebTextLength ];
+shortenWebText // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+niceWebText // beginDefinition;
+niceWebText[ str_String ] := StringReplace[ StringDelete[ str, "\r" ], Longest[ "\n"~~Whitespace~~"\n" ] :> "\n\n" ];
+niceWebText[ strings_List ] := StringRiffle[ StringTrim[ niceWebText /@ strings ], "\n\n" ];
+niceWebText // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$webSession := getWebSession[ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getWebSession // beginDefinition;
+getWebSession[ ] := getWebSession @ $currentWebSession;
+getWebSession[ session_WebSessionObject? validWebSessionQ ] := session;
+getWebSession[ session_WebSessionObject ] := (Quiet @ DeleteObject @ session; startWebSession[ ]);
+getWebSession[ _ ] := startWebSession[ ];
+getWebSession // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+validWebSessionQ // ClearAll;
+validWebSessionQ[ session_WebSessionObject ] :=
+ With[ { valid = Quiet @ StringQ @ WebExecute[ session, "PageURL" ] },
+ If[ valid, True, Quiet @ DeleteObject @ session; False ]
+ ];
+validWebSessionQ[ ___ ] := False;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+startWebSession // beginDefinition;
+startWebSession[ ] := $currentWebSession =
+ If[ TrueQ @ $CloudEvaluation,
+ Missing[ "NotAvailable" ],
+ StartWebSession[ Visible -> $webSessionVisible ]
+ ];
+startWebSession // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WebImageSearcher.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WebImageSearcher.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9498b82f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WebImageSearcher.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Specification*)
+$defaultChatTools0[ "WebImageSearcher" ] = <|
+ toolDefaultData[ "WebImageSearcher" ],
+ "ShortName" -> "img_search",
+ "Icon" -> RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ToolIconWebImageSearcher" ],
+ "Description" -> "Search the web for images.",
+ "Function" -> webImageSearch,
+ "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
+ "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
+ "Parameters" -> {
+ "query" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "String",
+ "Help" -> "Search query text",
+ "Required" -> True
+ |>
+ }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Function*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+webImageSearch // beginDefinition;
+webImageSearch[ KeyValuePattern[ "query" -> query_ ] ] := Block[ { PrintTemporary }, webImageSearch @ query ];
+webImageSearch[ query_String ] := webImageSearch[ query, webImageSearch0[ query ] ];
+webImageSearch[ query_, { } ] := <|
+ "Result" -> { },
+ "String" -> "No results found"
+webImageSearch[ query_, urls: { __ } ] := <|
+ "Result" -> Column[ Hyperlink /@ urls, BaseStyle -> "Text" ],
+ "String" -> StringRiffle[ TextString /@ urls, "\n" ]
+webImageSearch[ query_, failed_Failure ] := <|
+ "Result" -> failed,
+ "String" -> makeFailureString @ failed
+webImageSearch // endDefinition;
+webImageSearch0 // beginDefinition;
+webImageSearch0[ query_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { opts, raw, result, held, $unavailable },
+ opts = Sequence @@ ConfirmMatch[ toolOptions[ "WebImageSearcher" ], { $$optionsSequence }, "Options" ];
+ result = Quiet[
+ Check[
+ raw = WebImageSearch[ query, "ImageHyperlinks", opts ],
+ $unavailable,
+ (* cSpell: ignore unexp *)
+ IntegratedServices`IntegratedServices::unexp
+ ],
+ IntegratedServices`IntegratedServices::unexp
+ ];
+ held = HoldForm @ Evaluate @ raw;
+ Quiet @ Replace[
+ result,
+ {
+ $unavailable :> messageFailure[ "IntegratedServiceUnavailable", "WebImageSearch", held ],
+ Except[ _List ] :> messageFailure[ "IntegratedServiceError" , "WebImageSearch", held ]
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+webImageSearch0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WebSearcher.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WebSearcher.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c19d8f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WebSearcher.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Specification*)
+$defaultChatTools0[ "WebSearcher" ] = <|
+ toolDefaultData[ "WebSearcher" ],
+ "ShortName" -> "web_search",
+ "Icon" -> RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ToolIconWebSearcher" ],
+ "Description" -> "Search the web.",
+ "Function" -> webSearch,
+ "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
+ "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
+ "Parameters" -> {
+ "query" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "String",
+ "Help" -> "Search query text",
+ "Required" -> True
+ |>
+ }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Function*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+webSearch // beginDefinition;
+webSearch[ KeyValuePattern[ "query" -> query_ ] ] :=
+ Block[ { PrintTemporary }, webSearch @ query ];
+webSearch[ query_String ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { result, json, string },
+ result = ConfirmMatch[ webSearch0 @ query, _Dataset|_Failure, "WebSearch" ];
+ If[ MatchQ[ result, _Failure ],
+ Throw @ <| "Result" -> result, "String" -> makeFailureString @ result |>
+ ];
+ json = ConfirmBy[ Developer`WriteRawJSONString[ Normal @ result /. URL[ url_ ] :> url ], StringQ, "JSON" ];
+ json = StringReplace[ json, "\\/" -> "/" ];
+ string = ConfirmBy[ TemplateApply[ $webSearchResultTemplate, json ], StringQ, "TemplateApply" ];
+ <| "Result" -> result, "String" -> string |>
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+webSearch // endDefinition;
+webSearch0 // beginDefinition;
+webSearch0[ query_String ] := Enclose[
+ Module[ { opts, raw, result, held, $unavailable },
+ opts = Sequence @@ ConfirmMatch[ toolOptions[ "WebSearcher" ], { $$optionsSequence }, "Options" ];
+ result = Quiet[
+ Check[
+ raw = WebSearch[ query, opts ],
+ $unavailable,
+ (* cSpell: ignore unexp *)
+ IntegratedServices`IntegratedServices::unexp
+ ],
+ IntegratedServices`IntegratedServices::unexp
+ ];
+ held = HoldForm @ Evaluate @ raw;
+ Quiet @ Replace[
+ result,
+ {
+ $unavailable :> messageFailure[ "IntegratedServiceUnavailable", "WebSearch", held ],
+ Except[ _Dataset ] :> messageFailure[ "IntegratedServiceError" , "WebSearch", held ]
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+webSearch0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$webSearchResultTemplate := StringTemplate @ StringJoin[
+ "Results\n-------\n\n`1`\n\n-------",
+ If[ toolSelectedQ[ "WebFetcher" ],
+ $webSearchFetchPrompt,
+ ""
+ ]
+$webSearchFetchPrompt = "
+Important: The snippet text is not enough information to write an informed response! If there are any relevant \
+results, you should now immediately use the web_fetcher tool to retrieve them before responding. Do not ask the user \
+for permission first. If it made sense to use the web_searcher tool, it's also implied that you should use the \
+web_fetcher tool.";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/WolframAlpha.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WolframAlpha.wl
similarity index 91%
rename from Source/Chatbook/Tools/WolframAlpha.wl
rename to Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WolframAlpha.wl
index 1c12dfcc..cd872203 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/WolframAlpha.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WolframAlpha.wl
@@ -6,6 +6,54 @@ Begin[ "`Private`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Specification*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$wolframAlphaIcon = RawBoxes @ DynamicBox @ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEBitmaps", "InsertionAlpha" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$wolframAlphaDescription = "\
+Use natural language queries with Wolfram|Alpha to get up-to-date computational results about entities in chemistry, \
+physics, geography, history, art, astronomy, and more.";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$defaultChatTools0[ "WolframAlpha" ] = <|
+ toolDefaultData[ "WolframAlpha" ],
+ "ShortName" -> "wa",
+ "Icon" -> $wolframAlphaIcon,
+ "Description" -> $wolframAlphaDescription,
+ "DisplayName" -> "Wolfram|Alpha",
+ "Enabled" :> ! TrueQ @ $AutomaticAssistance,
+ "FormattingFunction" -> wolframAlphaResultFormatter,
+ "Function" -> getWolframAlphaText,
+ "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
+ "Parameters" -> {
+ "query" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "String",
+ "Help" -> "the input",
+ "Required" -> True
+ |>,
+ "steps" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "Boolean",
+ "Help" -> "whether to show step-by-step solution",
+ "Required" -> False
+ |>(*,
+ "assumption" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "String",
+ "Help" -> "the assumption to use, passed back from a previous query with the same input.",
+ "Required" -> False
+ |>*)
+ }
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WolframLanguageEvaluator.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WolframLanguageEvaluator.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fce3102c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultToolDefinitions/WolframLanguageEvaluator.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Specification*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$wolframLanguageEvaluatorIcon = RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "AssistantEvaluate" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$wolframLanguageEvaluatorDescription = "\
+Evaluate Wolfram Language code for the user in a separate kernel. \
+The user does not automatically see the result. \
+Do not ask permission to evaluate code. \
+You must include the result in your response in order for them to see it. \
+If a formatted result is provided as a markdown link, use that in your response instead of typing out the output. \
+The evaluator supports interactive content such as Manipulate. \
+You have read access to local files.
+Parse natural language input with `\[FreeformPrompt][\"query\"]`, which is analogous to ctrl-= input in notebooks. \
+Natural language input is parsed before evaluation, so it works like macro expansion. \
+You should ALWAYS use this natural language input to obtain things like `Quantity`, `DateObject`, `Entity`, etc. \
+\[FreeformPrompt] should be written as \\uf351 in JSON.
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$defaultChatTools0[ "WolframLanguageEvaluator" ] = <|
+ toolDefaultData[ "WolframLanguageEvaluator" ],
+ "ShortName" -> "wl",
+ "Icon" -> $wolframLanguageEvaluatorIcon,
+ "Description" -> $wolframLanguageEvaluatorDescription,
+ "Enabled" :> ! TrueQ @ $AutomaticAssistance,
+ "FormattingFunction" -> sandboxFormatter,
+ "Function" -> sandboxEvaluate,
+ "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
+ "Parameters" -> {
+ "code" -> <|
+ "Interpreter" -> "String",
+ "Help" -> "Wolfram Language code to evaluate",
+ "Required" -> True
+ |>
+ }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Tool Function*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+wolframLanguageEvaluator // beginDefinition;
+wolframLanguageEvaluator[ code_String ] :=
+ Block[ { $ChatNotebookEvaluation = True }, wolframLanguageEvaluator[ code, sandboxEvaluate @ code ] ];
+wolframLanguageEvaluator[ code_, result_Association ] :=
+ KeyTake[ result, { "Result", "String" } ];
+wolframLanguageEvaluator // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultTools.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultTools.wl
index c3f692a1..2bfef15f 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultTools.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/DefaultTools.wl
@@ -1,1250 +1,24 @@
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Package Header*)
BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`" ];
-(* cSpell: ignore TOOLCALL, ENDARGUMENTS, ENDTOOLCALL, Deflatten, Liouville, unexp *)
-(* :!CodeAnalysis::BeginBlock:: *)
-(* :!CodeAnalysis::Disable::SuspiciousSessionSymbol:: *)
Begin[ "`Private`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Personas`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ResourceInstaller`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-(* Uncomment the following when the ChatPreferences tool is ready: *)
-(* $defaultChatTools0[ "ChatPreferences" ] = <|
- toolDefaultData[ "ChatPreferences" ],
- "Icon" -> RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ChatBlockSettingsMenuIcon" ],
- "Description" -> $chatPreferencesDescription,
- "Function" -> chatPreferences,
- "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
- "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
- "Parameters" -> {
- "action" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> { "get", "set" },
- "Help" -> "Whether to get or set chat settings",
- "Required" -> True
- |>,
- "key" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> "String",
- "Help" -> "Which chat setting to get or set",
- "Required" -> False
- |>,
- "value" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> "String",
- "Help" -> "The value to set the chat setting to",
- "Required" -> False
- |>,
- "scope" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> { "global", "notebook" },
- "Help" -> "The scope of the chat setting (default is 'notebook')",
- "Required" -> False
- |>
- }
-|>; *)
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-$documentationSearchDescription = "\
-Search Wolfram Language documentation for symbols and more. \
-Follow up search results with the documentation lookup tool to get the full information.";
-$defaultChatTools0[ "DocumentationSearcher" ] = <|
- toolDefaultData[ "DocumentationSearcher" ],
- "ShortName" -> "doc_search",
- "Icon" -> RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ToolIconDocumentationSearcher" ],
- "Description" -> $documentationSearchDescription,
- "Function" -> documentationSearch,
- "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
- "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
- "Parameters" -> {
- "query" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> "String",
- "Help" -> "A string representing a documentation search query",
- "Required" -> True
- |>
- }
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-documentationSearch // beginDefinition;
-documentationSearch[ KeyValuePattern[ "query" -> name_ ] ] := documentationSearch @ name;
-documentationSearch[ names_List ] := StringRiffle[ documentationSearch /@ names, "\n\n" ];
-documentationSearch[ name_String ] /; NameQ[ "System`" <> name ] := documentationLookup @ name;
-documentationSearch[ query_String ] := documentationSearch[ query, documentationSearchAPI @ query ];
-documentationSearch[ query_String, { } ] := ToString[ Missing[ "NoResults" ], InputForm ];
-documentationSearch[ query_String, results_List ] := StringRiffle[ results, "\n" ];
-documentationSearch // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-$defaultChatTools0[ "DocumentationLookup" ] = <|
- toolDefaultData[ "DocumentationLookup" ],
- "ShortName" -> "doc_lookup",
- "Icon" -> RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ToolIconDocumentationLookup" ],
- "Description" -> "Get documentation pages for Wolfram Language symbols.",
- "Function" -> documentationLookup,
- "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
- "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
- "Parameters" -> {
- "names" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> DelimitedSequence[ "WolframLanguageSymbol", "," ],
- "Help" -> "One or more Wolfram Language symbols separated by commas",
- "Required" -> True
- |>
- }
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-documentationLookup // beginDefinition;
-documentationLookup[ KeyValuePattern[ "names" -> name_ ] ] := documentationLookup @ name;
-documentationLookup[ name_Entity ] := documentationLookup @ CanonicalName @ name;
-documentationLookup[ names_List ] := StringRiffle[ documentationLookup /@ names, "\n\n---\n\n" ];
-documentationLookup[ name_String ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { usage, details, examples, strings, body },
- usage = ConfirmMatch[ documentationUsage @ name, _String|_Missing, "Usage" ];
- details = ConfirmMatch[ documentationDetails @ name, _String|_Missing, "Details" ];
- examples = ConfirmMatch[ documentationBasicExamples @ name, _String|_Missing, "Examples" ];
- strings = ConfirmMatch[ DeleteMissing @ { usage, details, examples }, { ___String }, "Strings" ];
- body = If[ strings === { }, ToString[ Missing[ "NotFound" ], InputForm ], StringRiffle[ strings, "\n\n" ] ];
- "# " <> name <> "\n\n" <> body
- ],
- throwInternalFailure[ documentationLookup @ name, ## ] &
-documentationLookup // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-documentationUsage // beginDefinition;
-documentationUsage[ name_String ] := documentationUsage[ name, wolframLanguageData[ name, "PlaintextUsage" ] ];
-documentationUsage[ name_, missing_Missing ] := missing;
-documentationUsage[ name_, usage_String ] := "## Usage\n\n" <> usage;
-documentationUsage // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-documentationDetails // beginDefinition;
-documentationDetails[ name_String ] := Missing[ ]; (* TODO *)
-documentationDetails // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-documentationBasicExamples // beginDefinition;
-documentationBasicExamples[ name_String ] :=
- documentationBasicExamples[ name, wolframLanguageData[ name, "DocumentationBasicExamples" ] ];
-documentationBasicExamples[ name_, missing_Missing ] := missing;
-documentationBasicExamples[ name_, examples_List ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { cells, strings },
- cells = renumberCells @ Replace[ Flatten @ examples, RawBoxes[ cell_ ] :> cell, { 1 } ];
- strings = ConfirmMatch[ cellToString /@ cells, { ___String }, "CellToString" ];
- If[ strings === { },
- Missing[ ],
- StringDelete[
- "## Basic Examples\n\n" <> StringRiffle[ strings, "\n\n" ],
- Longest[ "```\n\n```"~~("wl"|"") ]
- ]
- ]
- ],
- throwInternalFailure[ documentationBasicExamples[ name, examples ], ## ] &
-documentationBasicExamples // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-cellToString[ args___ ] := CellToString[
- args,
- "ContentTypes" -> If[ TrueQ @ $multimodalMessages, { "Text", "Image" }, Automatic ],
- "MaxCellStringLength" -> 100
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-renumberCells // beginDefinition;
-renumberCells[ cells_List ] := Block[ { $line = 0 }, renumberCell /@ Flatten @ cells ];
-renumberCells // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-renumberCell // beginDefinition;
-renumberCell[ Cell[ a__, "Input", b: (Rule|RuleDelayed)[ _, _ ]... ] ] :=
- Cell[ a, "Input", CellLabel -> "In[" <> ToString @ ++$line <> "]:=" ];
-renumberCell[ Cell[ a__, "Output", b: (Rule|RuleDelayed)[ _, _ ]... ] ] :=
- Cell[ a, "Output", CellLabel -> "Out[" <> ToString @ $line <> "]=" ];
-renumberCell[ Cell[ a__, style: "Print"|"Echo", b: (Rule|RuleDelayed)[ _, _ ]... ] ] :=
- Cell[ a, style, CellLabel -> "During evaluation of In[" <> ToString @ $line <> "]:=" ];
-renumberCell[ cell_Cell ] := cell;
-renumberCell // endDefinition;
-$line = 0;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-$sandboxEvaluateDescription = "\
-Evaluate Wolfram Language code for the user in a separate kernel. \
-The user does not automatically see the result. \
-Do not ask permission to evaluate code. \
-You must include the result in your response in order for them to see it. \
-If a formatted result is provided as a markdown link, use that in your response instead of typing out the output. \
-The evaluator supports interactive content such as Manipulate. \
-You have read access to local files.
-Parse natural language input with `\[FreeformPrompt][\"query\"]`, which is analogous to ctrl-= input in notebooks. \
-Natural language input is parsed before evaluation, so it works like macro expansion. \
-You should ALWAYS use this natural language input to obtain things like `Quantity`, `DateObject`, `Entity`, etc. \
-\[FreeformPrompt] should be written as \\uf351 in JSON.
-$defaultChatTools0[ "WolframLanguageEvaluator" ] = <|
- toolDefaultData[ "WolframLanguageEvaluator" ],
- "ShortName" -> "wl",
- "Description" -> $sandboxEvaluateDescription,
- "Enabled" :> ! TrueQ @ $AutomaticAssistance,
- "FormattingFunction" -> sandboxFormatter,
- "Function" -> sandboxEvaluate,
- "Icon" -> RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "AssistantEvaluate" ],
- "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
- "Parameters" -> {
- "code" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> "String",
- "Help" -> "Wolfram Language code to evaluate",
- "Required" -> True
- |>
- }
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-wolframLanguageEvaluator // beginDefinition;
-wolframLanguageEvaluator[ code_String ] :=
- Block[ { $ChatNotebookEvaluation = True }, wolframLanguageEvaluator[ code, sandboxEvaluate @ code ] ];
-wolframLanguageEvaluator[ code_, result_Association ] :=
- KeyTake[ result, { "Result", "String" } ];
-wolframLanguageEvaluator // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-(*Wolfram Alpha*)
-$wolframAlphaDescription = "\
-Use natural language queries with Wolfram|Alpha to get up-to-date computational results about entities in chemistry, \
-physics, geography, history, art, astronomy, and more.";
-$wolframAlphaIcon = RawBoxes @ DynamicBox @ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEBitmaps", "InsertionAlpha" ];
-$defaultChatTools0[ "WolframAlpha" ] = <|
- toolDefaultData[ "WolframAlpha" ],
- "ShortName" -> "wa",
- "Description" -> $wolframAlphaDescription,
- "DisplayName" -> "Wolfram|Alpha",
- "Enabled" :> ! TrueQ @ $AutomaticAssistance,
- "FormattingFunction" -> wolframAlphaResultFormatter,
- "Function" -> getWolframAlphaText,
- "Icon" -> $wolframAlphaIcon,
- "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
- "Parameters" -> {
- "query" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> "String",
- "Help" -> "the input",
- "Required" -> True
- |>,
- "steps" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> "Boolean",
- "Help" -> "whether to show step-by-step solution",
- "Required" -> False
- |>(*,
- "assumption" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> "String",
- "Help" -> "the assumption to use, passed back from a previous query with the same input.",
- "Required" -> False
- |>*)
- }
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-$defaultChatTools0[ "WebSearcher" ] = <|
- toolDefaultData[ "WebSearcher" ],
- "ShortName" -> "web_search",
- "Icon" -> RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ToolIconWebSearcher" ],
- "Description" -> "Search the web.",
- "Function" -> webSearch,
- "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
- "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
- "Parameters" -> {
- "query" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> "String",
- "Help" -> "Search query text",
- "Required" -> True
- |>
- }
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-webSearch // beginDefinition;
-webSearch[ KeyValuePattern[ "query" -> query_ ] ] :=
- Block[ { PrintTemporary }, webSearch @ query ];
-webSearch[ query_String ] := Enclose[
- Catch @ Module[ { result, json, string },
- result = ConfirmMatch[ webSearch0 @ query, _Dataset|_Failure, "WebSearch" ];
- If[ MatchQ[ result, _Failure ],
- Throw @ <| "Result" -> result, "String" -> makeFailureString @ result |>
- ];
- json = ConfirmBy[ Developer`WriteRawJSONString[ Normal @ result /. URL[ url_ ] :> url ], StringQ, "JSON" ];
- json = StringReplace[ json, "\\/" -> "/" ];
- string = ConfirmBy[ TemplateApply[ $webSearchResultTemplate, json ], StringQ, "TemplateApply" ];
- <| "Result" -> result, "String" -> string |>
- ],
- throwInternalFailure
-webSearch // endDefinition;
-webSearch0 // beginDefinition;
-webSearch0[ query_String ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { opts, raw, result, held, $unavailable },
- opts = Sequence @@ ConfirmMatch[ toolOptions[ "WebSearcher" ], { $$optionsSequence }, "Options" ];
- result = Quiet[
- Check[
- raw = WebSearch[ query, opts ],
- $unavailable,
- IntegratedServices`IntegratedServices::unexp
- ],
- IntegratedServices`IntegratedServices::unexp
- ];
- held = HoldForm @ Evaluate @ raw;
- Quiet @ Replace[
- result,
- {
- $unavailable :> messageFailure[ "IntegratedServiceUnavailable", "WebSearch", held ],
- Except[ _Dataset ] :> messageFailure[ "IntegratedServiceError" , "WebSearch", held ]
- }
- ]
- ],
- throwInternalFailure
-webSearch0 // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$webSearchResultTemplate := StringTemplate @ StringJoin[
- "Results\n-------\n\n`1`\n\n-------",
- If[ toolSelectedQ[ "WebFetcher" ],
- $webSearchFetchPrompt,
- ""
- ]
-$webSearchFetchPrompt = "
-Important: The snippet text is not enough information to write an informed response! If there are any relevant \
-results, you should now immediately use the web_fetcher tool to retrieve them before responding. Do not ask the user \
-for permission first. If it made sense to use the web_searcher tool, it's also implied that you should use the \
-web_fetcher tool.";
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-$defaultChatTools0[ "WebFetcher" ] = <|
- toolDefaultData[ "WebFetcher" ],
- "ShortName" -> "web_fetch",
- "Icon" -> RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ToolIconWebFetcher" ],
- "Description" -> "Fetch plain text or image links from a URL.",
- "Function" -> webFetch,
- "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
- "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
- "Parameters" -> {
- "url" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> "URL",
- "Help" -> "The URL",
- "Required" -> True
- |>,
- "format" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> { "Plaintext", "ImageLinks" },
- "Help" -> "The type of content to retrieve (\"Plaintext\" or \"ImageLinks\")",
- "Required" -> True
- |>
- }
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-webFetch // beginDefinition;
-webFetch[ KeyValuePattern @ { "url" -> url_, "format" -> fmt_ } ] := webFetch[ url, fmt ];
-webFetch[ url_, "Plaintext" ] := fetchWebText @ url;
-webFetch[ url: _URL|_String, fmt_String ] := webFetch[ url, fmt, Import[ url, { "HTML", fmt } ] ];
-webFetch[ url_, "ImageLinks", { } ] := <| "Result" -> { }, "String" -> "No links found at " <> TextString @ url |>;
-webFetch[ url_, "ImageLinks", links: { __String } ] := <| "Result" -> links, "String" -> StringRiffle[ links, "\n" ] |>;
-webFetch[ url_, fmt_, result_String ] := shortenWebText @ niceWebText @ result;
-webFetch // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-fetchWebText // beginDefinition;
-fetchWebText[ URL[ url_ ] ] :=
- fetchWebText @ url;
-fetchWebText[ url_String ] :=
- fetchWebText[ url, $webSession ];
-fetchWebText[ url_String, session_WebSessionObject ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { body, strings },
- ConfirmMatch[ WebExecute[ session, { "OpenPage" -> url } ], _Success | { __Success } ];
- Pause[ 3 ]; (* Allow time for the page to load *)
- body = ConfirmMatch[ WebExecute[ session, "LocateElements" -> "Tag" -> "body" ], { __WebElementObject } ];
- strings = ConfirmMatch[ WebExecute[ "ElementText" -> body ], { __String } ];
- shortenWebText @ niceWebText @ strings
- ],
- shortenWebText @ niceWebText @ Import[ url, { "HTML", "Plaintext" } ] &
-fetchWebText[ url_String, _Missing | _? FailureQ ] :=
- shortenWebText @ niceWebText @ Import[ url, { "HTML", "Plaintext" } ];
-fetchWebText // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-shortenWebText // beginDefinition;
-shortenWebText[ text_String ] := shortenWebText[ text, toolOptionValue[ "WebFetcher", "MaxContentLength" ] ];
-shortenWebText[ text_String, len_Integer? Positive ] := StringTake[ text, UpTo[ len ] ];
-shortenWebText[ text_String, Infinity|All ] := text;
-shortenWebText[ text_String, _ ] := shortenWebText[ text, $defaultWebTextLength ];
-shortenWebText // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-niceWebText // beginDefinition;
-niceWebText[ str_String ] := StringReplace[ StringDelete[ str, "\r" ], Longest[ "\n"~~Whitespace~~"\n" ] :> "\n\n" ];
-niceWebText[ strings_List ] := StringRiffle[ StringTrim[ niceWebText /@ strings ], "\n\n" ];
-niceWebText // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$webSession := getWebSession[ ];
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-getWebSession // beginDefinition;
-getWebSession[ ] := getWebSession @ $currentWebSession;
-getWebSession[ session_WebSessionObject? validWebSessionQ ] := session;
-getWebSession[ session_WebSessionObject ] := (Quiet @ DeleteObject @ session; startWebSession[ ]);
-getWebSession[ _ ] := startWebSession[ ];
-getWebSession // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-validWebSessionQ // ClearAll;
-validWebSessionQ[ session_WebSessionObject ] :=
- With[ { valid = Quiet @ StringQ @ WebExecute[ session, "PageURL" ] },
- If[ valid, True, Quiet @ DeleteObject @ session; False ]
- ];
-validWebSessionQ[ ___ ] := False;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-startWebSession // beginDefinition;
-startWebSession[ ] := $currentWebSession =
- If[ TrueQ @ $CloudEvaluation,
- Missing[ "NotAvailable" ],
- StartWebSession[ Visible -> $webSessionVisible ]
- ];
-startWebSession // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-$defaultChatTools0[ "WebImageSearcher" ] = <|
- toolDefaultData[ "WebImageSearcher" ],
- "ShortName" -> "img_search",
- "Icon" -> RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ToolIconWebImageSearcher" ],
- "Description" -> "Search the web for images.",
- "Function" -> webImageSearch,
- "FormattingFunction" -> toolAutoFormatter,
- "Origin" -> "BuiltIn",
- "Parameters" -> {
- "query" -> <|
- "Interpreter" -> "String",
- "Help" -> "Search query text",
- "Required" -> True
- |>
- }
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-webImageSearch // beginDefinition;
-webImageSearch[ KeyValuePattern[ "query" -> query_ ] ] := Block[ { PrintTemporary }, webImageSearch @ query ];
-webImageSearch[ query_String ] := webImageSearch[ query, webImageSearch0[ query ] ];
-webImageSearch[ query_, { } ] := <|
- "Result" -> { },
- "String" -> "No results found"
-webImageSearch[ query_, urls: { __ } ] := <|
- "Result" -> Column[ Hyperlink /@ urls, BaseStyle -> "Text" ],
- "String" -> StringRiffle[ TextString /@ urls, "\n" ]
-webImageSearch[ query_, failed_Failure ] := <|
- "Result" -> failed,
- "String" -> makeFailureString @ failed
-webImageSearch // endDefinition;
-webImageSearch0 // beginDefinition;
-webImageSearch0[ query_String ] := Enclose[
- Module[ { opts, raw, result, held, $unavailable },
- opts = Sequence @@ ConfirmMatch[ toolOptions[ "WebImageSearcher" ], { $$optionsSequence }, "Options" ];
- result = Quiet[
- Check[
- raw = WebImageSearch[ query, "ImageHyperlinks", opts ],
- $unavailable,
- IntegratedServices`IntegratedServices::unexp
- ],
- IntegratedServices`IntegratedServices::unexp
- ];
- held = HoldForm @ Evaluate @ raw;
- Quiet @ Replace[
- result,
- {
- $unavailable :> messageFailure[ "IntegratedServiceUnavailable", "WebImageSearch", held ],
- Except[ _List ] :> messageFailure[ "IntegratedServiceError" , "WebImageSearch", held ]
- }
- ]
- ],
- throwInternalFailure
-webImageSearch0 // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
-(*Full Examples*)
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-$fullExamples :=
- With[ { keys = $fullExamplesKeys },
- If[ keys === { },
- "",
- needsBasePrompt[ "EndTurnToolCall" ];
- StringJoin[
- "## Full examples\n\n",
- "The following are brief conversation examples that demonstrate how you can use tools in a ",
- "conversation with the user.\n\n---\n\n",
- StringRiffle[ Values @ KeyTake[ $fullExamples0, $fullExamplesKeys ], "\n\n---\n\n" ],
- "\n\n---\n"
- ]
- ]
- ];
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-$fullExamplesKeys :=
- With[ { selected = Keys @ $selectedTools },
- Select[
- {
- "AstroGraphicsDocumentation",
- "FileSystemTree",
- "FractionalDerivatives",
- "NaturalLanguageInput",
- "PlotEvaluate",
- "TemporaryDirectory"
- },
- ContainsAll[ selected, $exampleDependencies[ #1 ] ] &
- ]
- ];
-$exampleDependencies = <|
- "AstroGraphicsDocumentation" -> { "DocumentationLookup" },
- "FileSystemTree" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", "DocumentationLookup" },
- "FractionalDerivatives" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", "DocumentationLookup", "WolframLanguageEvaluator" },
- "NaturalLanguageInput" -> { "WolframLanguageEvaluator" },
- "PlotEvaluate" -> { "WolframLanguageEvaluator" },
- "TemporaryDirectory" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", "WolframLanguageEvaluator" }
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-$fullExamples0 = <| |>;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-(*Example Templates*)
-$chatMessageTemplates = <| |>;
-$messageTemplateType = "Basic";
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Basic" ] = <| |>;
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Basic", "User" ] = "User: %%1%%";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Basic", "Assistant" ] = "Assistant: %%1%%\n/end";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Basic", "System" ] = "System: %%1%%";
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Instruct" ] = <| |>;
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Instruct", "User" ] = "[INST]%%1%%[/INST]";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Instruct", "Assistant" ] = "%%1%%\n/end";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Instruct", "System" ] = "[INST]%%1%%[/INST]";
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Zephyr" ] = <| |>;
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Zephyr", "User" ] = "<|user|>\n%%1%%";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Zephyr", "Assistant" ] = "<|assistant|>\n%%1%%\n/end";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Zephyr", "System" ] = "<|system|>\n%%1%%";
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Phi" ] = <| |>;
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Phi", "User" ] = "<|user|>\n%%1%%<|end|>";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Phi", "Assistant" ] = "<|assistant|>\n%%1%%\n/end<|end|>";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Phi", "System" ] = "<|user|>\n%%1%%<|end|>";
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Boxed" ] = <| |>;
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Boxed", "User" ] = "[user]\n%%1%%";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Boxed", "Assistant" ] = "[assistant]\n%%1%%\n/end";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "Boxed", "System" ] = "[system]\n%%1%%";
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "ChatML" ] = <| |>;
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "ChatML", "User" ] = "<|im_start|>user\n%%1%%<|im_end|>";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "ChatML", "Assistant" ] = "<|im_start|>assistant\n%%1%%\n/end<|im_end|>";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "ChatML", "System" ] = "<|im_start|>system\n%%1%%<|im_end|>";
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "XML" ] = <| |>;
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "XML", "User" ] = "%%1%%";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "XML", "Assistant" ] = "%%1%%\n/end";
-$chatMessageTemplates[ "XML", "System" ] = "%%1%%";
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-messageTemplate // beginDefinition;
-messageTemplate[ id_String ] := Enclose[
- StringTemplate[
- ConfirmBy[ $chatMessageTemplates[ $messageTemplateType, id ], StringQ, "TemplateString" ],
- Delimiters -> "%%"
- ],
- throwInternalFailure
-messageTemplate // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-user // beginDefinition;
-user[ a_List ] := TemplateApply[ messageTemplate[ "User" ], StringRiffle[ TextString /@ Flatten @ a, "\n" ] ];
-user[ a_String ] := user @ { a };
-user // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-assistant // beginDefinition;
-assistant[ { a___, "tool"|"Tool" -> { name_, as_ }, b___ } ] := assistant @ { a, toolCall[ name, as ], b };
-assistant[ a_List ] := TemplateApply[ messageTemplate[ "Assistant" ], StringRiffle[ TextString /@ Flatten @ a, "\n" ] ];
-assistant[ a_String ] := assistant @ { a };
-assistant // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-system // beginDefinition;
-system[ a_List ] := TemplateApply[ messageTemplate[ "System" ], StringRiffle[ TextString /@ Flatten @ a, "\n" ] ];
-system[ a_String ] := system @ { a };
-system // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-toolCall // beginDefinition;
-toolCall[ args__ ] := formatToolCallExample @ args;
-toolCall // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-toolExample // beginDefinition;
-toolExample[ { rules: (_Rule|_String)... } ] := StringRiffle[ toolExample0 /@ { rules }, "\n\n" ];
-toolExample[ rules: (_Rule|_String)... ] := toolExample @ { rules };
-toolExample // endDefinition;
-toolExample0 // beginDefinition;
-toolExample0[ "user"|"User" -> message_ ] := user @ message;
-toolExample0[ "assistant"|"Assistant" -> message_ ] := assistant @ message;
-toolExample0[ "system"|"System" -> message_ ] := system @ message;
-toolExample0[ prompt_String ] := prompt;
-toolExample0 // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$fullExamples0[ "AstroGraphicsDocumentation" ] := toolExample[
- "user" -> "How do I use AstroGraphics?",
- "assistant" -> {
- "Let me check the documentation for you. One moment...",
- "tool" -> { "DocumentationLookup", <| "names" -> "AstroGraphics" |> }
- },
- "system" -> {
- "Usage",
- "AstroGraphics[primitives, options] represents a two-dimensional view of space and the celestial sphere.",
- "",
- "Basic Examples",
- "..."
- },
- "assistant" -> "To use [AstroGraphics](paclet:ref/AstroGraphics), you need to..."
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$fullExamples0[ "NaturalLanguageInput" ] := toolExample[
- "user" -> "How far away is NYC from Boston?",
- "assistant" -> {
- "tool" -> {
- "WolframLanguageEvaluator",
- <| "code" -> "GeoDistance[\[FreeformPrompt][\"Boston, MA\"], \[FreeformPrompt][\"New York City\"]]" |>
- }
- },
- "system" -> "Quantity[164.41, \"Miles\"]",
- "assistant" -> "It's 164.41 miles from Boston to New York City.",
- "user" -> "If I made the trip in 3h 17m, how fast was I going?",
- "assistant" -> {
- "tool" -> {
- "WolframLanguageEvaluator",
- <| "code" -> "\[FreeformPrompt][\"164.41 Miles\"] / \[FreeformPrompt][\"3h 17m\"]" |>
- }
- },
- "system" -> "Quantity[50.071, \"Miles\" / \"Hours\"]",
- "assistant" -> "You were going 50.071 miles per hour.",
- "user" -> "What time would I arrive if I left right now?",
- "assistant" -> {
- "tool" -> {
- "WolframLanguageEvaluator",
- <| "code" -> "\[FreeformPrompt][\"3h 17m from now\"]" |>
- }
- }
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$fullExamples0[ "FileSystemTree" ] := toolExample[
- "user" -> "What's the best way to generate a tree of files in a given directory?",
- "assistant" -> {
- "tool" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", <| "query" -> "tree of files" |> }
- },
- "system" -> {
- "* FileSystemTree - (score: 9.9) FileSystemTree[root] gives a tree whose keys are ...",
- "* Tree Drawing - (score: 3.0) ..."
- },
- "assistant" -> {
- "tool" -> { "DocumentationLookup", <| "names" -> "FileSystemTree" |> }
- },
- "..."
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$fullExamples0[ "FractionalDerivatives" ] := toolExample[
- "user" -> "Calculate the half-order fractional derivative of x^n with respect to x.",
- "assistant" -> {
- "tool" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", <| "query" -> "fractional derivatives" |> }
- },
- "system" -> {
- "* FractionalD - (score: 9.5) FractionalD[f, {x, a}] gives ...",
- "* NFractionalD - (score: 9.2) ..."
- },
- "assistant" -> {
- "tool" -> { "DocumentationLookup", <| "names" -> "FractionalD" |> }
- },
- "system" -> {
- "Usage",
- "FractionalD[f, {x, a}] gives the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative D_x^a f(x) of order a of the function f.",
- "",
- "Basic Examples",
- "..."
- },
- "assistant" -> {
- "tool" -> {
- "WolframLanguageEvaluator",
- <| "code" -> "FractionalD[x^n, {x, 1/2}]" |>
- }
- },
- "system" -> {
- "Out[n]= Piecewise[...]\n",
- "![Formatted Result](expression://content-{id})"
- },
- "assistant" -> {
- "The half-order fractional derivative of $$x^n$$ with respect to $$x$$ is given by:",
- "![Fractional Derivative](expression://content-{id})"
- }
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$fullExamples0[ "PlotEvaluate" ] := toolExample[
- "user" -> "Plot sin(x) from -5 to 5",
- "assistant" -> {
- "tool" -> {
- "WolframLanguageEvaluator",
- <| "code" -> "Plot[Sin[x], {x, -5, 5}, AxesLabel -> {\"x\", \"sin(x)\"}" |>
- }
- },
- "system" -> "Out[n]= ![image](attachment://content-{id})",
- "assistant" -> {
- "Here's the plot of $$\\sin{x}$$ from -5 to 5:",
- "![Plot](attachment://content-{id})"
- }
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-$fullExamples0[ "TemporaryDirectory" ] := toolExample[
- "user" -> "Where is the temporary directory located?",
- "assistant" -> {
- "tool" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", <| "query" -> "location of temporary directory" |> }
- },
- "system" -> {
- "* $TemporaryDirectory - (score: 9.6) $TemporaryDirectory gives the main system directory for temporary files.",
- "* CreateDirectory - (score: 8.5) CreateDirectory[\"dir\"] creates ..."
- },
- "assistant" -> {
- "tool" -> { "WolframLanguageEvaluator", <| "code" -> "$TemporaryDirectory" |> }
- },
- "system" -> "Out[n]= \"C:\\Users\\UserName\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\"",
- "assistant" -> "The temporary directory is located at C:\\Users\\UserName\\AppData\\Local\\Temp."
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
-(*Expression URIs*)
-$expressionSchemes = { "attachment", "audio", "dynamic", "expression", "video" };
-$$expressionScheme = Alternatives @@ $expressionSchemes;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-FormatToolResponse // ClearAll;
-FormatToolResponse[ response_ ] := makeToolResponseString @ response;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-MakeExpressionURI // ClearAll;
-MakeExpressionURI[ args: Repeated[ _, { 1, 3 } ] ] := makeExpressionURI @ args;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-GetExpressionURIs // ClearAll;
-GetExpressionURIs // Options = { Tooltip -> Automatic };
-GetExpressionURIs[ str_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
- GetExpressionURIs[ str, ## &, opts ];
-GetExpressionURIs[ str_String, wrapper_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
- catchMine @ Block[ { $uriTooltip = OptionValue @ Tooltip },
- StringSplit[
- str,
- link: Shortest[ "![" ~~ __ ~~ "](" ~~ __ ~~ ")" ] /; expressionURIQ @ link :>
- catchAlways @ GetExpressionURI[ link, wrapper ]
- ]
- ];
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-GetExpressionURI // beginDefinition;
-GetExpressionURI // Options = { Tooltip -> Automatic };
-GetExpressionURI[ uri_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
- catchMine @ GetExpressionURI[ uri, ## &, opts ];
-GetExpressionURI[ URL[ uri_ ], wrapper_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
- catchMine @ GetExpressionURI[ uri, wrapper, opts ];
-GetExpressionURI[ uri_String, wrapper_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
- Module[ { held },
- held = ConfirmMatch[ getExpressionURI[ uri, OptionValue[ Tooltip ] ], _HoldComplete, "GetExpressionURI" ];
- wrapper @@ held
- ],
- throwInternalFailure
-GetExpressionURI[ All, wrapper_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
- Module[ { attachments },
- attachments = ConfirmBy[ $attachments, AssociationQ, "Attachments" ];
- ConfirmAssert[ AllTrue[ attachments, MatchQ[ _HoldComplete ] ], "HeldAttachments" ];
- Replace[ attachments, HoldComplete[ a___ ] :> RuleCondition @ wrapper @ a, { 1 } ]
- ],
- throwInternalFailure
-GetExpressionURI // endExportedDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-getExpressionURI // beginDefinition;
-getExpressionURI[ uri_, tooltip_ ] := Block[ { $tooltip = tooltip }, getExpressionURI0 @ uri ];
-getExpressionURI // endDefinition;
-getExpressionURI0 // beginDefinition;
-getExpressionURI0[ str_String ] :=
- Module[ { split },
- split = First[ StringSplit[ str, "![" ~~ alt__ ~~ "](" ~~ url__ ~~ ")" :> { alt, url } ], $Failed ];
- getExpressionURI0 @@ split /; MatchQ[ split, { _String, _String } ]
- ];
-getExpressionURI0[ uri_String ] := getExpressionURI0[ None, uri ];
-getExpressionURI0[ tooltip_, uri_String? expressionURIKeyQ ] :=
- getExpressionURI0[ tooltip, uri, <| "Domain" -> uri |> ];
-getExpressionURI0[ tooltip_, uri_String ] := getExpressionURI0[ tooltip, uri, URLParse @ uri ];
-getExpressionURI0[ tooltip_, uri_, as: KeyValuePattern[ "Domain" -> key_? expressionURIKeyQ ] ] := Enclose[
- ConfirmMatch[ displayAttachment[ uri, tooltip, key ], _HoldComplete, "DisplayAttachment" ],
- throwInternalFailure
-getExpressionURI0[ tooltip_, uri_String, as_ ] :=
- throwFailure[ "InvalidExpressionURI", uri ];
-getExpressionURI0 // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-expressionURIQ // beginDefinition;
-expressionURIQ[ str_String ] := expressionURIKeyQ @ expressionURIKey @ str;
-expressionURIQ // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-expressionURIKeyQ // beginDefinition;
-expressionURIKeyQ[ key_String ] :=
- StringMatchQ[ key, "content-" ~~ Repeated[ LetterCharacter|DigitCharacter, $tinyHashLength ] ];
-expressionURIKeyQ[ _ ] :=
- False;
-expressionURIKeyQ // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-expressionURIKey // beginDefinition;
-expressionURIKey[ str_String ] := expressionURIKey[ str ] = FixedPoint[
- StringDelete @ {
- StartOfString ~~ "![" ~~ __ ~~ "](",
- StartOfString ~~ LetterCharacter.. ~~ "://",
- ")"~~EndOfString
- },
- str
-expressionURIKey // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-displayAttachment // beginDefinition;
-displayAttachment[ uri_, None, key_ ] :=
- getAttachment[ uri, key ];
-displayAttachment[ uri_, tooltip_String, key_ ] := Enclose[
- Replace[
- ConfirmMatch[ getAttachment[ uri, key ], _HoldComplete, "GetAttachment" ],
- HoldComplete[ expr_ ] :>
- If[ TrueQ @ $tooltip,
- HoldComplete @ Tooltip[ expr, tooltip ],
- HoldComplete @ expr
- ]
- ],
- throwInternalFailure
-displayAttachment // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-getAttachment // beginDefinition;
-getAttachment[ uri_String, key_String ] :=
- Lookup[ $attachments, key, throwFailure[ "URIUnavailable", uri ] ];
-getAttachment // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-makeToolResponseString // beginDefinition;
-makeToolResponseString[ failure_Failure ] := makeFailureString @ failure;
-makeToolResponseString[ expr_? simpleResultQ ] :=
- With[ { string = fixLineEndings @ TextString @ expr },
- If[ StringLength @ string < $toolResultStringLength,
- If[ StringContainsQ[ string, "\n" ], "\n" <> string, string ],
- StringJoin[
- "\n",
- fixLineEndings @ ToString[
- Unevaluated @ Short[ expr, Floor[ $toolResultStringLength / 100 ] ],
- OutputForm,
- PageWidth -> 100
- ],
- "\n\n\n",
- makeExpressionURI[ "expression", "Formatted Result", Unevaluated @ expr ]
- ]
- ]
- ];
-makeToolResponseString[ expr_ ] := makeExpressionURI @ expr;
-makeToolResponseString // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-makeExpressionURI // beginDefinition;
-makeExpressionURI[ expr_ ] :=
- makeExpressionURI[ Automatic, Unevaluated @ expr ];
-makeExpressionURI[ label_, expr_ ] :=
- makeExpressionURI[ Automatic, label, Unevaluated @ expr ];
-makeExpressionURI[ Automatic, label_, expr_ ] :=
- makeExpressionURI[ expressionURIScheme @ expr, label, Unevaluated @ expr ];
-makeExpressionURI[ scheme_, Automatic, expr_ ] :=
- makeExpressionURI[ scheme, expressionURILabel @ expr, Unevaluated @ expr ];
-makeExpressionURI[ scheme_, label_, expr_ ] :=
- With[ { id = "content-" <> tinyHash @ Unevaluated @ expr },
- $attachments[ id ] = HoldComplete @ expr;
- "![" <> TextString @ label <> "](" <> TextString @ scheme <> "://" <> id <> ")"
- ];
-makeExpressionURI // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-expressionURILabel // beginDefinition;
-expressionURILabel // Attributes = { HoldAllComplete };
-(* Audio *)
-expressionURILabel[ Audio[ path_String, ___ ] ] := "Audio Player: " <> path;
-expressionURILabel[ Audio[ File[ path_String ], ___ ] ] := "Audio Player: " <> path;
-expressionURILabel[ _Audio ] := "Embedded Audio Player";
-(* Video *)
-expressionURILabel[ Video[ path_String, ___ ] ] := "Video Player: " <> path;
-expressionURILabel[ Video[ File[ path_String ], ___ ] ] := "Video Player: " <> path;
-expressionURILabel[ _Video ] := "Embedded Video Player";
-(* Dynamic *)
-expressionURILabel[ _Manipulate ] := "Embedded Interactive Content";
-(* Graphics *)
-expressionURILabel[ _Graph|_Graph3D ] := "Graph";
-expressionURILabel[ _Tree ] := "Tree";
-expressionURILabel[ gfx_ ] /; graphicsQ @ Unevaluated @ gfx := "Image";
-(* Data *)
-expressionURILabel[ _List|_Association ] := "Data";
-(* Other *)
-expressionURILabel[ _ ] := "Content";
-expressionURILabel // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-expressionURIScheme // beginDefinition;
-expressionURIScheme // Attributes = { HoldAllComplete };
-expressionURIScheme[ _Video ] := (needsURIPrompt[ "SpecialURIVideo" ]; "video");
-expressionURIScheme[ _Audio ] := (needsURIPrompt[ "SpecialURIAudio" ]; "audio");
-expressionURIScheme[ _Manipulate|_DynamicModule|_Dynamic ] := (needsURIPrompt[ "SpecialURIDynamic" ]; "dynamic");
-expressionURIScheme[ gfx_ ] /; graphicsQ @ Unevaluated @ gfx := "attachment";
-expressionURIScheme[ _ ] := "expression";
-expressionURIScheme // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
-needsURIPrompt // beginDefinition;
-needsURIPrompt[ name_String ] := (
- needsBasePrompt[ name ];
- If[ toolSelectedQ[ "WolframLanguageEvaluator" ], needsBasePrompt[ "SpecialURIImporting" ] ]
-needsURIPrompt // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-wolframLanguageData // beginDefinition;
-wolframLanguageData[ name_, property_ ] := Enclose[
- wolframLanguageData[ name, property ] = ConfirmBy[ WolframLanguageData[ name, property ], Not@*FailureQ ],
- Missing[ "DataFailure" ] &
-wolframLanguageData // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-(*Tool Properties*)
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-getToolIcon // beginDefinition;
-getToolIcon[ tool: $$llmTool ] := getToolIcon @ toolData @ tool;
-getToolIcon[ as_Association ] := Lookup[ toolData @ as, "Icon", RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "WrenchIcon" ] ];
-getToolIcon[ _ ] := $defaultToolIcon;
-getToolIcon // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-getToolDisplayName // beginDefinition;
-getToolDisplayName[ tool_ ] :=
- getToolDisplayName[ tool, Missing[ "NotFound" ] ];
-getToolDisplayName[ tool: $$llmTool, default_ ] :=
- getToolDisplayName @ toolData @ tool;
-getToolDisplayName[ as_Association, default_ ] :=
- Lookup[ as, "DisplayName", toDisplayToolName @ Lookup[ as, "Name", default ] ];
-getToolDisplayName[ _, default_ ] :=
- default;
-getToolDisplayName // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-getToolFormattingFunction // beginDefinition;
-getToolFormattingFunction[ HoldPattern @ LLMTool[ as_, ___ ] ] := getToolFormattingFunction @ as;
-getToolFormattingFunction[ as_Association ] := Lookup[ as, "FormattingFunction", Automatic ];
-getToolFormattingFunction[ _ ] := Automatic;
-getToolFormattingFunction // endDefinition;
+(*Default Tools*)
+(* Uncomment the following when the ChatPreferences tool is ready: *)
+(* Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`DefaultToolDefinitions`ChatPreferences`" ]; *)
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`DefaultToolDefinitions`DocumentationLookup`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`DefaultToolDefinitions`DocumentationSearcher`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`DefaultToolDefinitions`NotebookEditor`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`DefaultToolDefinitions`WebFetcher`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`DefaultToolDefinitions`WebImageSearcher`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`DefaultToolDefinitions`WebSearcher`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`DefaultToolDefinitions`WolframAlpha`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`DefaultToolDefinitions`WolframLanguageEvaluator`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -1256,11 +30,5 @@ $defaultChatTools0 = Map[
<| KeyTake[ $defaultChatTools0, $defaultToolOrder ], $defaultChatTools0 |>
- $toolConfiguration;
-(* :!CodeAnalysis::EndBlock:: *)
End[ ];
EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/Examples.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/Examples.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0fb3c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/Examples.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$fullExamples :=
+ With[ { keys = $fullExamplesKeys },
+ If[ keys === { },
+ "",
+ needsBasePrompt[ "EndTurnToolCall" ];
+ StringJoin[
+ "## Full examples\n\n",
+ "The following are brief conversation examples that demonstrate how you can use tools in a ",
+ "conversation with the user.\n\n---\n\n",
+ StringRiffle[ Values @ KeyTake[ $fullExamples0, $fullExamplesKeys ], "\n\n---\n\n" ],
+ "\n\n---\n"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$fullExamplesKeys :=
+ With[ { selected = Keys @ $selectedTools },
+ Select[
+ {
+ "AstroGraphicsDocumentation",
+ "FileSystemTree",
+ "FractionalDerivatives",
+ "NaturalLanguageInput",
+ "PlotEvaluate",
+ "TemporaryDirectory"
+ },
+ ContainsAll[ selected, $exampleDependencies[ #1 ] ] &
+ ]
+ ];
+$exampleDependencies = <|
+ "AstroGraphicsDocumentation" -> { "DocumentationLookup" },
+ "FileSystemTree" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", "DocumentationLookup" },
+ "FractionalDerivatives" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", "DocumentationLookup", "WolframLanguageEvaluator" },
+ "NaturalLanguageInput" -> { "WolframLanguageEvaluator" },
+ "PlotEvaluate" -> { "WolframLanguageEvaluator" },
+ "TemporaryDirectory" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", "WolframLanguageEvaluator" }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$fullExamples0 = <| |>;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Example Templates*)
+$chatMessageTemplates = <| |>;
+$messageTemplateType = "Basic";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Basic" ] = <| |>;
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Basic", "User" ] = "User: %%1%%";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Basic", "Assistant" ] = "Assistant: %%1%%\n/end";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Basic", "System" ] = "System: %%1%%";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Instruct" ] = <| |>;
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Instruct", "User" ] = "[INST]%%1%%[/INST]";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Instruct", "Assistant" ] = "%%1%%\n/end";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Instruct", "System" ] = "[INST]%%1%%[/INST]";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Zephyr" ] = <| |>;
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Zephyr", "User" ] = "<|user|>\n%%1%%";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Zephyr", "Assistant" ] = "<|assistant|>\n%%1%%\n/end";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Zephyr", "System" ] = "<|system|>\n%%1%%";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Phi" ] = <| |>;
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Phi", "User" ] = "<|user|>\n%%1%%<|end|>";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Phi", "Assistant" ] = "<|assistant|>\n%%1%%\n/end<|end|>";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Phi", "System" ] = "<|user|>\n%%1%%<|end|>";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Boxed" ] = <| |>;
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Boxed", "User" ] = "[user]\n%%1%%";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Boxed", "Assistant" ] = "[assistant]\n%%1%%\n/end";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Boxed", "System" ] = "[system]\n%%1%%";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "ChatML" ] = <| |>;
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "ChatML", "User" ] = "<|im_start|>user\n%%1%%<|im_end|>";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "ChatML", "Assistant" ] = "<|im_start|>assistant\n%%1%%\n/end<|im_end|>";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "ChatML", "System" ] = "<|im_start|>system\n%%1%%<|im_end|>";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "XML" ] = <| |>;
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "XML", "User" ] = "%%1%%";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "XML", "Assistant" ] = "%%1%%\n/end";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "XML", "System" ] = "%%1%%";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+(* cSpell: ignore cend *)
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "DeepSeekCoder" ] = <| |>;
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "DeepSeekCoder", "User" ] = "User: %%1%%";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "DeepSeekCoder", "Assistant" ] = "Assistant: %%1%%\n/end<\:ff5cend\:2581of\:2581sentence\:ff5c>";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "DeepSeekCoder", "System" ] = "System: %%1%%";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Llama" ] = <| |>;
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Llama", "User" ] = "<|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>\n%%1%%<|eot_id|>";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Llama", "Assistant" ] = "<|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>\n%%1%%\n/end<|eot_id|>";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Llama", "System" ] = "<|start_header_id|>system<|end_header_id|>\n%%1%%<|eot_id|>";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Gemma" ] = <| |>;
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Gemma", "User" ] = "user\n%%1%%";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Gemma", "Assistant" ] = "model\n%%1%%\n/end";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Gemma", "System" ] = "user\n%%1%%";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+(* cSpell: ignore Nemotron *)
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Nemotron" ] = <| |>;
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Nemotron", "User" ] = "User\n%%1%%";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Nemotron", "Assistant" ] = "Assistant\n%%1%%\n/end";
+$chatMessageTemplates[ "Nemotron", "System" ] = "System\n%%1%%";
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+messageTemplate // beginDefinition;
+messageTemplate[ id_String ] := Enclose[
+ StringTemplate[
+ ConfirmBy[ $chatMessageTemplates[ $messageTemplateType, id ], StringQ, "TemplateString" ],
+ Delimiters -> "%%"
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+messageTemplate // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+user // beginDefinition;
+user[ a_List ] := TemplateApply[ messageTemplate[ "User" ], StringRiffle[ TextString /@ Flatten @ a, "\n" ] ];
+user[ a_String ] := user @ { a };
+user // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+assistant // beginDefinition;
+assistant[ { a___, "tool"|"Tool" -> { name_, as_ }, b___ } ] := assistant @ { a, toolCall[ name, as ], b };
+assistant[ a_List ] := TemplateApply[ messageTemplate[ "Assistant" ], StringRiffle[ TextString /@ Flatten @ a, "\n" ] ];
+assistant[ a_String ] := assistant @ { a };
+assistant // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+system // beginDefinition;
+system[ a_List ] := TemplateApply[ messageTemplate[ "System" ], StringRiffle[ TextString /@ Flatten @ a, "\n" ] ];
+system[ a_String ] := system @ { a };
+system // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+toolCall // beginDefinition;
+toolCall[ args__ ] := formatToolCallExample @ args;
+toolCall // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsubsection::Closed:: *)
+toolExample // beginDefinition;
+toolExample[ { rules: (_Rule|_String)... } ] := StringRiffle[ toolExample0 /@ { rules }, "\n\n" ];
+toolExample[ rules: (_Rule|_String)... ] := toolExample @ { rules };
+toolExample // endDefinition;
+toolExample0 // beginDefinition;
+toolExample0[ "user"|"User" -> message_ ] := user @ message;
+toolExample0[ "assistant"|"Assistant" -> message_ ] := assistant @ message;
+toolExample0[ "system"|"System" -> message_ ] := system @ message;
+toolExample0[ prompt_String ] := prompt;
+toolExample0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Full Example Specifications*)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$fullExamples0[ "AstroGraphicsDocumentation" ] := toolExample[
+ "user" -> "How do I use AstroGraphics?",
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "Let me check the documentation for you. One moment...",
+ "tool" -> { "DocumentationLookup", <| "names" -> "AstroGraphics" |> }
+ },
+ "system" -> {
+ "Usage",
+ "AstroGraphics[primitives, options] represents a two-dimensional view of space and the celestial sphere.",
+ "",
+ "Basic Examples",
+ "..."
+ },
+ "assistant" -> "To use [AstroGraphics](paclet:ref/AstroGraphics), you need to..."
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$fullExamples0[ "NaturalLanguageInput" ] := toolExample[
+ "user" -> "How far away is NYC from Boston?",
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "tool" -> {
+ "WolframLanguageEvaluator",
+ <| "code" -> "GeoDistance[\[FreeformPrompt][\"Boston, MA\"], \[FreeformPrompt][\"New York City\"]]" |>
+ }
+ },
+ "system" -> "Quantity[164.41, \"Miles\"]",
+ "assistant" -> "It's 164.41 miles from Boston to New York City.",
+ "user" -> "If I made the trip in 3h 17m, how fast was I going?",
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "tool" -> {
+ "WolframLanguageEvaluator",
+ <| "code" -> "\[FreeformPrompt][\"164.41 Miles\"] / \[FreeformPrompt][\"3h 17m\"]" |>
+ }
+ },
+ "system" -> "Quantity[50.071, \"Miles\" / \"Hours\"]",
+ "assistant" -> "You were going 50.071 miles per hour.",
+ "user" -> "What time would I arrive if I left right now?",
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "tool" -> {
+ "WolframLanguageEvaluator",
+ <| "code" -> "\[FreeformPrompt][\"3h 17m from now\"]" |>
+ }
+ }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$fullExamples0[ "FileSystemTree" ] := toolExample[
+ "user" -> "What's the best way to generate a tree of files in a given directory?",
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "tool" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", <| "query" -> "tree of files" |> }
+ },
+ "system" -> {
+ "* FileSystemTree - (score: 9.9) FileSystemTree[root] gives a tree whose keys are ...",
+ "* Tree Drawing - (score: 3.0) ..."
+ },
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "tool" -> { "DocumentationLookup", <| "names" -> "FileSystemTree" |> }
+ },
+ "..."
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$fullExamples0[ "FractionalDerivatives" ] := toolExample[
+ "user" -> "Calculate the half-order fractional derivative of x^n with respect to x.",
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "tool" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", <| "query" -> "fractional derivatives" |> }
+ },
+ "system" -> {
+ "* FractionalD - (score: 9.5) FractionalD[f, {x, a}] gives ...",
+ "* NFractionalD - (score: 9.2) ..."
+ },
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "tool" -> { "DocumentationLookup", <| "names" -> "FractionalD" |> }
+ },
+ "system" -> {
+ "Usage",
+ "FractionalD[f, {x, a}] gives the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative D_x^a f(x) of order a of the function f.",
+ "",
+ "Basic Examples",
+ "..."
+ },
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "tool" -> {
+ "WolframLanguageEvaluator",
+ <| "code" -> "FractionalD[x^n, {x, 1/2}]" |>
+ }
+ },
+ "system" -> {
+ "Out[n]= Piecewise[...]\n",
+ "![Formatted Result](expression://content-{id})"
+ },
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "The half-order fractional derivative of $$x^n$$ with respect to $$x$$ is given by:",
+ "![Fractional Derivative](expression://content-{id})"
+ }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$fullExamples0[ "PlotEvaluate" ] := toolExample[
+ "user" -> "Plot sin(x) from -5 to 5",
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "tool" -> {
+ "WolframLanguageEvaluator",
+ <| "code" -> "Plot[Sin[x], {x, -5, 5}, AxesLabel -> {\"x\", \"sin(x)\"}" |>
+ }
+ },
+ "system" -> "Out[n]= ![image](attachment://content-{id})",
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "Here's the plot of $$\\sin{x}$$ from -5 to 5:",
+ "![Plot](attachment://content-{id})"
+ }
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+$fullExamples0[ "TemporaryDirectory" ] := toolExample[
+ "user" -> "Where is the temporary directory located?",
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "tool" -> { "DocumentationSearcher", <| "query" -> "location of temporary directory" |> }
+ },
+ "system" -> {
+ "* $TemporaryDirectory - (score: 9.6) $TemporaryDirectory gives the main system directory for temporary files.",
+ "* CreateDirectory - (score: 8.5) CreateDirectory[\"dir\"] creates ..."
+ },
+ "assistant" -> {
+ "tool" -> { "WolframLanguageEvaluator", <| "code" -> "$TemporaryDirectory" |> }
+ },
+ "system" -> "Out[n]= \"C:\\Users\\UserName\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\"",
+ "assistant" -> "The temporary directory is located at C:\\Users\\UserName\\AppData\\Local\\Temp."
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/ExpressionURIs.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/ExpressionURIs.wl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ce3c381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/ExpressionURIs.wl
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Header*)
+BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`" ];
+Begin[ "`Private`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
+Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$expressionSchemes = { "attachment", "audio", "dynamic", "expression", "video" };
+$$expressionScheme = Alternatives @@ $expressionSchemes;
+$$expressionURIKey := "content-" ~~ Repeated[ LetterCharacter|DigitCharacter, $tinyHashLength ];
+$attachmentTypes = { "Expressions", "ToolCalls" };
+$$attachmentProperty = Alternatives @@ $attachmentTypes;
+$attachments = <| |>;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+FormatToolResponse // ClearAll;
+FormatToolResponse[ response_ ] := makeToolResponseString @ response;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+makeToolResponseString // beginDefinition;
+makeToolResponseString[ failure_Failure ] := makeFailureString @ failure;
+makeToolResponseString[ expr_? simpleResultQ ] :=
+ With[ { string = fixLineEndings @ TextString @ expr },
+ If[ StringLength @ string < $toolResultStringLength,
+ If[ StringContainsQ[ string, "\n" ], "\n" <> string, string ],
+ StringJoin[
+ "\n",
+ fixLineEndings @ ToString[
+ Unevaluated @ Short[ expr, Floor[ $toolResultStringLength / 100 ] ],
+ OutputForm,
+ PageWidth -> 100
+ ],
+ "\n\n\n",
+ makeExpressionURI[ "expression", "Formatted Result", Unevaluated @ expr ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+makeToolResponseString[ expr_ ] := makeExpressionURI @ expr;
+makeToolResponseString // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+MakeExpressionURI // ClearAll;
+MakeExpressionURI[ args: Repeated[ _, { 1, 3 } ] ] := makeExpressionURI @ args;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+makeExpressionURI // beginDefinition;
+makeExpressionURI[ expr_ ] :=
+ makeExpressionURI[ Automatic, Unevaluated @ expr ];
+makeExpressionURI[ label_, expr_ ] :=
+ makeExpressionURI[ Automatic, label, Unevaluated @ expr ];
+makeExpressionURI[ Automatic, label_, expr_ ] :=
+ makeExpressionURI[ expressionURIScheme @ expr, label, Unevaluated @ expr ];
+makeExpressionURI[ scheme_, Automatic, expr_ ] :=
+ makeExpressionURI[ scheme, expressionURILabel @ expr, Unevaluated @ expr ];
+makeExpressionURI[ scheme_, label_, expr_ ] :=
+ With[ { id = "content-" <> tinyHash @ Unevaluated @ expr },
+ $attachments[ id ] = HoldComplete @ expr;
+ "![" <> TextString @ label <> "](" <> TextString @ scheme <> "://" <> id <> ")"
+ ];
+makeExpressionURI // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+expressionURIScheme // beginDefinition;
+expressionURIScheme // Attributes = { HoldAllComplete };
+expressionURIScheme[ _Video ] := (needsURIPrompt[ "SpecialURIVideo" ]; "video");
+expressionURIScheme[ _Audio ] := (needsURIPrompt[ "SpecialURIAudio" ]; "audio");
+expressionURIScheme[ _Manipulate|_DynamicModule|_Dynamic ] := (needsURIPrompt[ "SpecialURIDynamic" ]; "dynamic");
+expressionURIScheme[ gfx_ ] /; graphicsQ @ Unevaluated @ gfx := "attachment";
+expressionURIScheme[ _ ] := "expression";
+expressionURIScheme // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+needsURIPrompt // beginDefinition;
+needsURIPrompt[ name_String ] := (
+ needsBasePrompt[ name ];
+ If[ toolSelectedQ[ "WolframLanguageEvaluator" ], needsBasePrompt[ "SpecialURIImporting" ] ]
+needsURIPrompt // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+expressionURILabel // beginDefinition;
+expressionURILabel // Attributes = { HoldAllComplete };
+(* Audio *)
+expressionURILabel[ Audio[ path_String, ___ ] ] := "Audio Player: " <> path;
+expressionURILabel[ Audio[ File[ path_String ], ___ ] ] := "Audio Player: " <> path;
+expressionURILabel[ _Audio ] := "Embedded Audio Player";
+(* Video *)
+expressionURILabel[ Video[ path_String, ___ ] ] := "Video Player: " <> path;
+expressionURILabel[ Video[ File[ path_String ], ___ ] ] := "Video Player: " <> path;
+expressionURILabel[ _Video ] := "Embedded Video Player";
+(* Dynamic *)
+expressionURILabel[ _Manipulate ] := "Embedded Interactive Content";
+(* Graphics *)
+expressionURILabel[ _Graph|_Graph3D ] := "Graph";
+expressionURILabel[ _Tree ] := "Tree";
+expressionURILabel[ gfx_ ] /; graphicsQ @ Unevaluated @ gfx := "Image";
+(* Data *)
+expressionURILabel[ _List|_Association ] := "Data";
+(* Other *)
+expressionURILabel[ _ ] := "Content";
+expressionURILabel // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+GetExpressionURIs // ClearAll;
+GetExpressionURIs // Options = { Tooltip -> Automatic };
+GetExpressionURIs[ str_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ GetExpressionURIs[ str, ## &, opts ];
+GetExpressionURIs[ str_String, wrapper_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ Block[ { $uriTooltip = OptionValue @ Tooltip },
+ StringSplit[
+ str,
+ link: Shortest[ "![" ~~ __ ~~ "](" ~~ __ ~~ ")" ] /; expressionURIQ @ link :>
+ catchAlways @ GetExpressionURI[ link, wrapper ]
+ ]
+ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+expressionURIQ // beginDefinition;
+expressionURIQ[ str_String ] := expressionURIKeyQ @ expressionURIKey @ str;
+expressionURIQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+expressionURIKeyQ // beginDefinition;
+expressionURIKeyQ[ key_String ] := StringMatchQ[ key, $$expressionURIKey ];
+expressionURIKeyQ[ _ ] := False;
+expressionURIKeyQ // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+expressionURIKey // beginDefinition;
+expressionURIKey[ str_String ] := expressionURIKey[ str ] = FixedPoint[
+ StringDelete @ {
+ StartOfString ~~ "![" ~~ __ ~~ "](",
+ StartOfString ~~ LetterCharacter.. ~~ "://",
+ ")"~~EndOfString
+ },
+ str
+expressionURIKey // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+GetExpressionURI // beginDefinition;
+GetExpressionURI // Options = { Tooltip -> Automatic };
+GetExpressionURI[ uri_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ GetExpressionURI[ uri, ## &, opts ];
+GetExpressionURI[ URL[ uri_ ], wrapper_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ catchMine @ GetExpressionURI[ uri, wrapper, opts ];
+GetExpressionURI[ uri_String, wrapper_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
+ Module[ { held },
+ held = ConfirmMatch[ getExpressionURI[ uri, OptionValue[ Tooltip ] ], _HoldComplete, "GetExpressionURI" ];
+ wrapper @@ held
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+GetExpressionURI[ All, wrapper_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := catchMine @ Enclose[
+ Module[ { attachments },
+ attachments = ConfirmBy[ $attachments, AssociationQ, "Attachments" ];
+ ConfirmAssert[ AllTrue[ attachments, MatchQ[ _HoldComplete ] ], "HeldAttachments" ];
+ Replace[ attachments, HoldComplete[ a___ ] :> RuleCondition @ wrapper @ a, { 1 } ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+GetExpressionURI // endExportedDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getExpressionURI // beginDefinition;
+getExpressionURI[ uri_, tooltip_ ] := Block[ { $tooltip = tooltip }, getExpressionURI0 @ uri ];
+getExpressionURI // endDefinition;
+getExpressionURI0 // beginDefinition;
+getExpressionURI0[ str_String ] :=
+ Module[ { split },
+ split = First[ StringSplit[ str, "![" ~~ alt__ ~~ "](" ~~ url__ ~~ ")" :> { alt, url } ], $Failed ];
+ getExpressionURI0 @@ split /; MatchQ[ split, { _String, _String } ]
+ ];
+getExpressionURI0[ uri_String ] := getExpressionURI0[ None, uri ];
+getExpressionURI0[ tooltip_, uri_String? expressionURIKeyQ ] :=
+ getExpressionURI0[ tooltip, uri, <| "Domain" -> uri |> ];
+getExpressionURI0[ tooltip_, uri_String ] := getExpressionURI0[ tooltip, uri, URLParse @ uri ];
+getExpressionURI0[ tooltip_, uri_, as: KeyValuePattern[ "Domain" -> key_? expressionURIKeyQ ] ] := Enclose[
+ ConfirmMatch[ displayAttachment[ uri, tooltip, key ], _HoldComplete, "DisplayAttachment" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getExpressionURI0[ tooltip_, uri_String, as_ ] :=
+ throwFailure[ "InvalidExpressionURI", uri ];
+getExpressionURI0 // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+displayAttachment // beginDefinition;
+displayAttachment[ uri_, None, key_ ] :=
+ getAttachment[ uri, key ];
+displayAttachment[ uri_, tooltip_String, key_ ] := Enclose[
+ Replace[
+ ConfirmMatch[ getAttachment[ uri, key ], _HoldComplete, "GetAttachment" ],
+ HoldComplete[ expr_ ] :>
+ If[ TrueQ @ $tooltip,
+ HoldComplete @ Tooltip[ expr, tooltip ],
+ HoldComplete @ expr
+ ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+displayAttachment // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getAttachment // beginDefinition;
+getAttachment[ uri_String, key_String ] :=
+ Lookup[ $attachments, key, throwFailure[ "URIUnavailable", uri ] ];
+getAttachment // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+GetAttachments // beginDefinition;
+GetAttachments[ ] :=
+ GetAttachments[ None, All ];
+GetAttachments[ prop: $$attachmentProperty ] :=
+ GetAttachments[ None, prop ];
+GetAttachments[ messages_ ] :=
+ catchMine @ GetAttachments[ messages, All ];
+GetAttachments[ messages: $$chatMessages|None, prop: $$attachmentProperty|All ] :=
+ catchMine @ getAttachments[ messages, prop ];
+GetAttachments // endExportedDefinition;
+(* TODO: this should identify expression and tool call keys from earlier sessions and give Missing[...] for those *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+getAttachments // beginDefinition;
+(* cSpell: ignore ENDRESULT *)
+getAttachments[ messages_List, All ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { allExprKeys, allToolKeys, string, exprKeys, toolKeys, exprs, toolCalls },
+ allExprKeys = ConfirmMatch[ Keys @ $attachments, { ___String }, "ExpressionKeys" ];
+ allToolKeys = ConfirmMatch[ Keys @ $toolEvaluationResults, { ___String }, "ToolKeys" ];
+ string = ConfirmBy[ messagesToString[ messages, "MessageTemplate" -> None ], StringQ, "String" ];
+ exprKeys = DeleteDuplicates @ StringCases[ string, allExprKeys ];
+ toolKeys = DeleteDuplicates @ StringCases[ string, "ENDRESULT("~~key:allToolKeys~~")" :> key ];
+ exprs = ConfirmBy[ KeyTake[ $attachments, exprKeys ], AssociationQ, "Expressions" ];
+ toolCalls = ConfirmBy[ KeyTake[ $toolEvaluationResults, toolKeys ], AssociationQ, "ToolCalls" ];
+ <| "Expressions" -> exprs, "ToolCalls" -> toolCalls |>
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getAttachments[ None, All ] := Enclose[
+ <|
+ "Expressions" -> ConfirmBy[ $attachments, AssociationQ, "Expressions" ],
+ "ToolCalls" -> ConfirmBy[ $toolEvaluationResults, AssociationQ, "ToolCalls" ]
+ |>,
+ throwInternalFailure
+getAttachments[ messages_, prop: $$attachmentProperty ] := Enclose[
+ ConfirmBy[ getAttachments[ messages, All ][ prop ], AssociationQ, "Result" ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+getAttachments // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(*Package Footer*)
+ Null
+End[ ];
+EndPackage[ ];
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/ToolOptions.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/ToolOptions.wl
index 0dcd0691..eafdd366 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/ToolOptions.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/ToolOptions.wl
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Personas`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ResourceInstaller`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/Tools.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/Tools.wl
index aee7251a..6246c9ea 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Tools/Tools.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Tools/Tools.wl
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ Begin[ "`Private`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Load Subcontexts*)
-Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`Common`" ];
-Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`ToolOptions`" ];
-Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`DefaultTools`" ];
-Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`ChatPreferences`" ];
-Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`WolframAlpha`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`Common`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`DefaultTools`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`Examples`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`ExpressionURIs`" ];
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Tools`ToolOptions`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/UI.wl b/Source/Chatbook/UI.wl
index a48c739a..cbed585e 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/UI.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/UI.wl
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ErrorUtils`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Menus`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Personas`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`PreferencesUtils`" ];
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Serialization`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -111,20 +110,15 @@ SetFallthroughError[createChatNotEnabledToolbar]
-] := Module[{
- button
- button = EventHandler[
+] :=
+ EventHandler[
"MouseClicked" :> (
tryMakeChatEnabledNotebook[nbObj, menuCell]
(* Needed so that we can open a ChoiceDialog if required. *)
Method -> "Queued"
- ];
- Pane[button, {$chatMenuWidth, Automatic}]
+ ]
@@ -232,19 +226,32 @@ makeAutomaticResultAnalysisCheckbox[
Dynamic[ autoAssistQ @ target, setterFunction ],
- Row @ {
- tr[ "UIAutomaticAnalysisLabel" ],
- Spacer[ 3 ],
- Tooltip[ chatbookIcon[ "InformationTooltip", False ], tr[ "UIAutomaticAnalysisTooltip" ] ]
- }
+ (* We can only get the tooltip to glue itself to the text by first literalizing the text resource as a string before typesetting to RowBox. *)
+ Dynamic @ Row[
+ {
+ FrontEndResource[ "ChatbookStrings", "UIAutomaticAnalysisLabel" ],
+ Spacer[ 3 ],
+ Tooltip[ chatbookIcon[ "InformationTooltip", False ], FrontEndResource[ "ChatbookStrings", "UIAutomaticAnalysisTooltip" ] ]
+ },
+ "\[NoBreak]", StripOnInput -> True]
+menuItemLineWrap[label_, width_ : 50] :=
+ label,
+ $chatMenuWidth - width,
+ BaselinePosition -> Baseline, BaseStyle -> { LineBreakWithin -> Automatic, LineIndent -> -0.05, LinebreakAdjustments -> { 1, 10, 1, 0, 1 } } ]
-labeledCheckbox[value_, label_, enabled_ : Automatic] := Style[
+labeledCheckbox[value_, label_, enabled_ : Automatic] :=
@@ -253,7 +260,7 @@ labeledCheckbox[value_, label_, enabled_ : Automatic] := Style[
Enabled -> enabled
- label
+ menuItemLineWrap @ label
BaseStyle -> {
@@ -262,9 +269,7 @@ labeledCheckbox[value_, label_, enabled_ : Automatic] := Style[
Preferences.nb *)
CheckboxBoxOptions -> { ImageMargins -> 0 }
- ],
- LineBreakWithin -> False
+ ]
@@ -280,7 +285,7 @@ makeToolCallFrequencySlider[ obj_ ] :=
- Style[ tr[ "UIAdvancedChooseAutomatically" ], "ChatMenuLabel" ]
+ Style[ menuItemLineWrap @ tr[ "UIAdvancedChooseAutomatically" ], "ChatMenuLabel" ]
slider = Pane[
@@ -720,7 +725,7 @@ makeChatActionMenuContent[
- tr[ "UIAdvancedToolCallFrequency" ],
+ menuItemLineWrap @ tr[ "UIAdvancedToolCallFrequency" ],
@@ -761,7 +766,7 @@ makeChatActionMenuContent[
alignedMenuIcon[persona, personaValue, icon],
- personaDisplayName[persona, personaSettings],
+ menuItemLineWrap @ personaDisplayName[persona, personaSettings],
Hold[callback["Persona", persona];updateDynamics[{"ChatBlock"}]]
@@ -780,8 +785,8 @@ makeChatActionMenuContent[
- {alignedMenuIcon[getIcon["PersonaOther"]], tr[ "UIAddAndManagePersonas" ], "PersonaManage"},
- {alignedMenuIcon[getIcon["ToolManagerRepository"]], tr[ "UIAddAndManageTools" ], "ToolManage"},
+ {alignedMenuIcon[getIcon["PersonaOther"]], menuItemLineWrap @ tr[ "UIAddAndManagePersonas" ], "PersonaManage"},
+ {alignedMenuIcon[getIcon["ToolManagerRepository"]], menuItemLineWrap @ tr[ "UIAddAndManageTools" ], "ToolManage"},
"Label" -> tr[ "UIModels" ],
diff --git a/Source/Chatbook/Utils.wl b/Source/Chatbook/Utils.wl
index 38a663b8..681e32bb 100644
--- a/Source/Chatbook/Utils.wl
+++ b/Source/Chatbook/Utils.wl
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
$tinyHashLength = 5;
+$messageToStringDelimiter = "\n\n";
+$messageToStringTemplate = StringTemplate[ "`Role`: `Content`" ];
(* cSpell: ignore deflatten *)
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -40,6 +43,61 @@ importResourceFunction[ selectByCurrentValue, "SelectByCurrentValue" ];
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+messagesToString // beginDefinition;
+messagesToString // Options = {
+ "IncludeSystemMessage" -> False,
+ "IncludeTemporaryMessages" -> False,
+ "MessageDelimiter" -> $messageToStringDelimiter,
+ "MessageTemplate" -> $messageToStringTemplate
+messagesToString[ { }, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ "";
+messagesToString[ messages0_, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] := Enclose[
+ Catch @ Module[ { messages, system, temporary, template, delimiter, reverted, strings },
+ messages = ConfirmMatch[ messages0, $$chatMessages, "Messages" ];
+ (* Check if the system messages should be included: *)
+ system = ConfirmMatch[ OptionValue[ "IncludeSystemMessage" ], True|False, "System" ];
+ If[ ! system, messages = Replace[ messages, { KeyValuePattern[ "Role" -> "System" ], m___ } :> { m } ] ];
+ If[ messages === { }, Throw[ "" ] ];
+ (* Check if the temporary messages should be included: *)
+ temporary = ConfirmMatch[ OptionValue[ "IncludeTemporaryMessages" ], True|False, "Temporary" ];
+ If[ ! temporary, messages = DeleteCases[ messages, KeyValuePattern[ "Temporary" -> True ] ] ];
+ If[ messages === { }, Throw[ "" ] ];
+ template = ConfirmMatch[ OptionValue[ "MessageTemplate" ], _String|_TemplateObject|None, "Template" ];
+ delimiter = ConfirmMatch[ OptionValue[ "MessageDelimiter" ], _String, "Delimiter" ];
+ reverted = ConfirmMatch[
+ revertMultimodalContent @ messages,
+ { KeyValuePattern[ "Content" -> _String ].. },
+ "Reverted"
+ ];
+ strings = ConfirmMatch[
+ If[ template === None, Lookup[ reverted, "Content" ], TemplateApply[ template, # ] & /@ reverted ],
+ { __String },
+ "Strings"
+ ];
+ ConfirmBy[ StringRiffle[ strings, delimiter ], StringQ, "Result" ]
+ ],
+ throwInternalFailure
+messagesToString[ { messages__ }, assistant_String, opts: OptionsPattern[ ] ] :=
+ messagesToString[ { messages, <| "Role" -> "Assistant", "Content" -> assistant |> }, opts ];
+messagesToString // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -91,6 +149,15 @@ makeFailureString[ failure: Failure[ tag_, as_Association ] ] := Enclose[
makeFailureString // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+containsWordsQ // beginDefinition;
+containsWordsQ[ p_ ] := containsWordsQ[ #, p ] &;
+containsWordsQ[ m_String, p_List ] := containsWordsQ[ m, StringExpression @@ Riffle[ p, Except[ WordCharacter ]... ] ];
+containsWordsQ[ m_String, p_ ] := StringContainsQ[ m, WordBoundary~~p~~WordBoundary, IgnoreCase -> True ];
+containsWordsQ // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
@@ -152,113 +219,6 @@ fastFileHash[ file_ ] := fastFileHash[ file, ReadByteArray @ file ];
fastFileHash[ file_, bytes_ByteArray ] := Hash @ bytes;
fastFileHash // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
-$$graphics = HoldPattern @ Alternatives[
- _System`AstroGraphics,
- _GeoGraphics,
- _Graphics,
- _Graphics3D,
- _Image,
- _Image3D,
- _Legended
-$$definitelyNotGraphics = HoldPattern @ Alternatives[
- _Association,
- _CloudObject,
- _File,
- _List,
- _String,
- _URL,
- Null,
- True|False
-$$graphicsBoxIgnoredHead = HoldPattern @ Alternatives[
- BoxData,
- Cell,
- FormBox,
- PaneBox,
- StyleBox,
- TagBox
-$$graphicsBoxIgnoredTemplates = Alternatives[
- "Labeled",
- "Legended"
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-graphicsQ[ $$graphics ] := True;
-graphicsQ[ $$definitelyNotGraphics ] := False;
-graphicsQ[ RawBoxes[ boxes_ ] ] := graphicsBoxQ @ Unevaluated @ boxes;
-graphicsQ[ g_ ] := MatchQ[ Quiet @ Show @ Unevaluated @ g, $$graphics ];
-graphicsQ[ ___ ] := False;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
-graphicsBoxQ[ _GraphicsBox|_Graphics3DBox ] := True;
-graphicsBoxQ[ $$graphicsBoxIgnoredHead[ box_, ___ ] ] := graphicsBoxQ @ Unevaluated @ box;
-graphicsBoxQ[ TemplateBox[ { box_, ___ }, $$graphicsBoxIgnoredTemplates, ___ ] ] := graphicsBoxQ @ Unevaluated @ box;
-graphicsBoxQ[ RowBox[ boxes_List ] ] := AnyTrue[ boxes, graphicsBoxQ ];
-graphicsBoxQ[ TemplateBox[ boxes_List, "RowDefault", ___ ] ] := AnyTrue[ boxes, graphicsBoxQ ];
-graphicsBoxQ[ GridBox[ boxes_List, ___ ] ] := AnyTrue[ Flatten @ boxes, graphicsBoxQ ];
-graphicsBoxQ[ ___ ] := False;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-validGraphicsQ[ g_? graphicsQ ] := getPinkBoxErrors @ Unevaluated @ g === { };
-validGraphicsQ[ ___ ] := False;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-getPinkBoxErrors // beginDefinition;
-(* TODO: hook this up to evaluator outputs and CellToString to give feedback about pink boxes *)
-getPinkBoxErrors[ { } ] :=
- { };
-getPinkBoxErrors[ cells: _CellObject | { __CellObject } ] :=
- getPinkBoxErrors @ NotebookRead @ cells;
-getPinkBoxErrors[ cells: _Cell | { __Cell } ] :=
- Module[ { nbo },
- UsingFrontEnd @ WithCleanup[
- nbo = NotebookPut[ Notebook @ Flatten @ { cells }, Visible -> False ],
- SelectionMove[ nbo, All, Notebook ];
- MathLink`CallFrontEnd @ FrontEnd`GetErrorsInSelectionPacket @ nbo,
- NotebookClose @ nbo
- ]
- ];
-getPinkBoxErrors[ data: _TextData | _BoxData | { __BoxData } ] :=
- getPinkBoxErrors @ Cell @ data;
-getPinkBoxErrors[ exprs_List ] :=
- getPinkBoxErrors[ Cell @* BoxData /@ MakeBoxes /@ Unevaluated @ exprs ];
-getPinkBoxErrors[ expr_ ] :=
- getPinkBoxErrors @ { Cell @ BoxData @ MakeBoxes @ expr };
-getPinkBoxErrors // endDefinition;
-(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
-(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
-(* Matches against the head in addition to checking ImageQ to avoid passing Image3D when a 2D image is expected: *)
-image2DQ // beginDefinition;
-image2DQ[ _Image? ImageQ ] := True;
-image2DQ[ _ ] := False;
-image2DQ // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*File Format Utilities*)
@@ -419,6 +379,96 @@ tinyHash[ e_ ] := tinyHash[ Unevaluated @ e, $tinyHashLength ];
tinyHash[ e_, n_ ] := StringTake[ IntegerString[ Hash @ Unevaluated @ e, 36 ], -n ];
tinyHash // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+$ChatTimingData := chatTimingData[ ];
+$ChatTimingData /: Unset @ $ChatTimingData := ($timingLog = Internal`Bag[ ]; Null);
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+chatTimingData // beginDefinition;
+chatTimingData[ ] := SortBy[ Internal`BagPart[ $timingLog, All ], Lookup[ "AbsoluteTime" ] ]; (* TODO: format this data *)
+chatTimingData // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+LogChatTiming // beginDefinition;
+LogChatTiming // Attributes = { HoldFirst, SequenceHold };
+LogChatTiming[ tag_String ] := Function[ eval, LogChatTiming[ eval, tag ], HoldAllComplete ];
+LogChatTiming[ sym_Symbol ] := LogChatTiming @ Evaluate @ Capitalize @ SymbolName @ sym;
+LogChatTiming[ tags_List ] := LogChatTiming @ Evaluate @ StringRiffle[ tags, ":" ];
+LogChatTiming[ eval: (h_Symbol)[ ___ ] ] := LogChatTiming[ eval, Capitalize @ SymbolName @ h ];
+LogChatTiming[ eval_ ] := LogChatTiming[ eval, "None" ];
+LogChatTiming[ eval_, tag_String ] := (
+ If[ ! NumberQ @ $chatStartTime, $chatStartTime = AbsoluteTime[ ] ];
+ If[ ! StringQ @ $chatEvaluationID, $chatEvaluationID = CreateUUID[ ] ];
+ If[ MatchQ[ $timings, _Internal`Bag ],
+ logChatTiming[ eval, tag ],
+ Block[ { $timings = Internal`Bag[ ] },
+ logChatTiming[ eval, tag ]
+ ]
+ ]
+LogChatTiming // endExportedDefinition;
+$timings = Internal`Bag[ ];
+$timingLog = Internal`Bag[ ];
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+logChatTiming // beginDefinition;
+logChatTiming // Attributes = { HoldFirst, SequenceHold };
+logChatTiming[ eval_, tag_String ] :=
+ Module[ { now, absNow, result, fullTime, innerTimings, usedTime },
+ now = chatTime[ ];
+ absNow = AbsoluteTime[ ];
+ Block[ { $timings = Internal`Bag[ ] },
+ fullTime = First @ AbsoluteTiming[ result = eval ];
+ innerTimings = Internal`BagPart[ $timings, All ];
+ ];
+ usedTime = fullTime - Total @ innerTimings;
+ Internal`StuffBag[ $timings, fullTime ];
+ Internal`StuffBag[
+ $timingLog,
+ <|
+ "ChatEvaluationCell" -> $ChatEvaluationCell,
+ "Tag" -> tag,
+ "UsedTiming" -> usedTime,
+ "FullTiming" -> fullTime,
+ "ChatTime" -> now,
+ "AbsoluteTime" -> absNow,
+ "UUID" -> $chatEvaluationID
+ |>
+ ];
+ result;
+ result
+ ];
+logChatTiming // endDefinition;
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+chatTime // beginDefinition;
+chatTime[ ] := chatTime @ $chatStartTime;
+chatTime[ start_Real ] := AbsoluteTime[ ] - start;
+chatTime[ _ ] := Missing[ "NotAvailable" ];
+chatTime // endDefinition;
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
(*Package Footer*)
diff --git a/Source/Startup/Begin/BeginStartup.wl b/Source/Startup/Begin/BeginStartup.wl
index 8972bce7..ae441473 100644
--- a/Source/Startup/Begin/BeginStartup.wl
+++ b/Source/Startup/Begin/BeginStartup.wl
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+Wolfram`ChatbookStartupDump`$loadStart = SessionTime[ ];
Note: This context name was chosen to avoid being cleared by the Chatbook.wl
loading code, which clears names in the Wolfram`Chatbook` context
diff --git a/Source/Startup/End/EndStartup.wl b/Source/Startup/End/EndStartup.wl
index 4bc4c3e7..ee4d59d8 100644
--- a/Source/Startup/End/EndStartup.wl
+++ b/Source/Startup/End/EndStartup.wl
@@ -10,4 +10,6 @@
(* Once code assistance is ready, this "14.1.0" can be changed to "14.0.0" to enable it for 14.1 users: *)
If[ PacletNewerQ[ Wolfram`ChatbookStartupDump`$versionString, "14.1.0" ],
Wolfram`Chatbook`EnableCodeAssistance[ ]
\ No newline at end of file
+Wolfram`ChatbookStartupDump`$loadTime = SessionTime[ ] - Wolfram`ChatbookStartupDump`$loadStart;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/Common.wl b/Tests/Common.wl
index 27db4ae9..f6f62e26 100644
--- a/Tests/Common.wl
+++ b/Tests/Common.wl
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ BeginPackage[ "Wolfram`ChatbookTests`" ];
(* :!CodeAnalysis::BeginBlock:: *)
+ `$TestDefinitionsLoaded,
@@ -29,6 +30,10 @@ If[ ! PacletObjectQ @ PacletObject[ "Wolfram/PacletCICD" ],
Needs[ "Wolfram`PacletCICD`" -> "cicd`" ];
+If[ StringQ @ Environment[ "GITHUB_ACTIONS" ],
+ ServiceConnect[ "OpenAI", Authentication -> <| "APIKey" -> Environment[ "OPENAI_API_KEY" ] |> ]
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
@@ -68,10 +73,10 @@ If[ ! DirectoryQ @ $pacletDirectory, abort[ "Paclet directory ", $pacletDirector
Quiet @ PacletDirectoryUnload @ $sourceDirectory;
PacletDataRebuild[ ];
PacletDirectoryLoad @ $pacletDirectory;
+Get[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
If[ ! MemberQ[ $LoadedFiles, FileNameJoin @ { $pacletDirectory, "Source", "Chatbook", "64Bit", "Chatbook.mx" } ],
abort[ "Paclet MX file was not loaded!" ]
-Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ];
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
diff --git a/Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt b/Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt
index 710b279e..f38b7d59 100644
--- a/Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt
+++ b/Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt
@@ -2,24 +2,26 @@
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
- Get @ FileNameJoin @ { DirectoryName[ $TestFileName ], "Common.wl" },
+ If[ ! TrueQ @ Wolfram`ChatbookTests`$TestDefinitionsLoaded,
+ Get @ FileNameJoin @ { DirectoryName[ $TestFileName ], "Common.wl" }
+ ],
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "GetDefinitions@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:4,1-9,2"
+ TestID -> "GetDefinitions@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:4,1-11,2"
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ],
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "LoadContext@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:11,1-16,2"
+ TestID -> "LoadContext@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:13,1-18,2"
Context @ CurrentChatSettings,
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "CurrentChatSettingsContext@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:18,1-23,2"
+ TestID -> "CurrentChatSettingsContext@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:20,1-25,2"
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -29,14 +31,14 @@ VerificationTest[
CurrentChatSettings[ ],
KeyValuePattern[ (Rule|RuleDelayed)[ "Model", _ ] ],
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:28,1-33,2"
+ TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:30,1-35,2"
CurrentChatSettings[ "Model" ],
KeyValuePattern @ { "Service" -> _String, "Name" -> _String } | _String | Automatic,
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:35,1-40,2"
+ TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:37,1-42,2"
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -46,14 +48,14 @@ VerificationTest[
UsingFrontEnd @ CurrentChatSettings[ $FrontEnd, "Model" ],
KeyValuePattern @ { "Service" -> _String, "Name" -> _String } | _String | Automatic,
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:45,1-50,2"
+ TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:47,1-52,2"
UsingFrontEnd @ CurrentChatSettings[ $FrontEndSession, "Model" ],
KeyValuePattern @ { "Service" -> _String, "Name" -> _String } | _String | Automatic,
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:52,1-57,2"
+ TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:54,1-59,2"
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ VerificationTest[
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings-Notebooks@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:62,1-70,2"
+ TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings-Notebooks@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:64,1-72,2"
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ VerificationTest[
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings-ChatBlocks@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:75,1-93,2"
+ TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings-ChatBlocks@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:77,1-95,2"
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ VerificationTest[
{ "NotebookModel", "BlockModel", "BlockModel" },
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings-ChatBlocks@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:95,1-110,2"
+ TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings-ChatBlocks@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:97,1-112,2"
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ VerificationTest[
Except[ _? FailureQ ],
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings-Regression#426@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:119,1-133,2"
+ TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings-Regression#426@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:121,1-135,2"
(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
@@ -142,5 +144,5 @@ VerificationTest[
Except[ _? FailureQ ],
SameTest -> MatchQ,
- TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings-Regression#592@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:138,1-146,2"
+ TestID -> "CurrentChatSettings-Regression#592@@Tests/CurrentChatSettings.wlt:140,1-148,2"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt b/Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d2c67be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+ If[ ! TrueQ @ Wolfram`ChatbookTests`$TestDefinitionsLoaded,
+ Get @ FileNameJoin @ { DirectoryName[ $TestFileName ], "Common.wl" }
+ ],
+ Null,
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "GetDefinitions@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:4,1-11,2"
+ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`" ],
+ Null,
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "LoadContext@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:13,1-18,2"
+ Context @ RelatedDocumentation,
+ "Wolfram`Chatbook`",
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentationContext@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:20,1-25,2"
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
+ uris = RelatedDocumentation[ "What's the biggest pokemon?" ],
+ { __String },
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-URIs@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:30,1-35,2"
+(* cSpell: ignore textcontent *)
+ Length @ Select[
+ uris,
+ StringStartsQ @ StringExpression[
+ "paclet:ref/",
+ "interpreter"|"entity"|"textcontent",
+ "/",
+ "Pokemon"|"ComputedPokemon",
+ "#"
+ ]
+ ],
+ _Integer? (GreaterThan[ 5 ]),
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-URIs-Count@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:38,1-52,2"
+ snippets = RelatedDocumentation[ "What's the biggest pokemon?", "Snippets" ],
+ { __String },
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-Snippets@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:54,1-59,2"
+ Total @ StringCount[ snippets, "Entity[\"Pokemon\"," ],
+ _Integer? (GreaterThan[ 5 ]),
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-Snippets-Count@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:61,1-66,2"
+ uris = RelatedDocumentation[ "What's the biggest pokemon?", Automatic, 3 ],
+ { _String, _String, _String },
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-URIs-Count@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:68,1-73,2"
+ AllTrue[ uris, StringStartsQ[ "paclet:ref/" ] ],
+ True,
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-URIs-Match@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:75,1-80,2"
+ RelatedDocumentation[ "What's the biggest pokemon?", "Snippets", 3 ],
+ { _String, _String, _String },
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-Snippets-Count@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:82,1-87,2"
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
+ prompt = RelatedDocumentation[
+ "What's the 123456789th prime?",
+ "Prompt",
+ "FilterResults" -> False,
+ "MaxItems" -> 20
+ ],
+ _String,
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-Prompt@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:92,1-102,2"
+ StringCount[ prompt, "paclet:ref/Prime#" ],
+ _Integer? (GreaterThan[ 3 ]),
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-Prompt-Count@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:104,1-109,2"
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Message Input*)
+ prompt = RelatedDocumentation[
+ {
+ <| "Role" -> "User" , "Content" -> "What's the 123456789th prime?" |>,
+ <| "Role" -> "Assistant", "Content" -> "```wl\nPrime[123456789]\n```" |>,
+ <| "Role" -> "User" , "Content" -> "What about the one after that?" |>
+ },
+ "Prompt",
+ "FilterResults" -> False,
+ "MaxItems" -> 20
+ ],
+ _String,
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-Prompt-Messages@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:114,1-128,2"
+ StringCount[ prompt, { "paclet:ref/Prime#", "paclet:ref/NextPrime#" } ],
+ _Integer? (GreaterEqualThan[ 8 ]),
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-Prompt-Messages-Count@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:130,1-135,2"
+(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
+(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
+(*Selection Prompt*)
+ prompt = Block[
+ { Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`$contextPrompt = "```wl\nIn[1]:= Prime[123456789]\nOut[1]= 2543568463\n```" },
+ RelatedDocumentation[
+ { <| "Role" -> "User", "Content" -> "What does this do?" |> },
+ "Prompt",
+ "FilterResults" -> False,
+ "MaxItems" -> 20
+ ]
+ ],
+ _String,
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-Prompt-Selection@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:140,1-153,2"
+ StringCount[ prompt, "paclet:ref/Prime#" ],
+ _Integer? (GreaterEqualThan[ 2 ]),
+ SameTest -> MatchQ,
+ TestID -> "RelatedDocumentation-Prompt-Selection-Count@@Tests/RelatedDocumentation.wlt:155,1-160,2"