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Woolverine94 edited this page Oct 1, 2023 · 25 revisions

biniou uses a Python virtual environment, therefore it is cross-platform and you can run it on the following platforms :

Debian 12 / Ubuntu 22.04.3
Windows 10 / Windows 11
macOS Homebrew install
Docker via Dockerfile

⚠️ As biniou is still in an early stage of development, it is recommended to install it in an "expendable" virtual machine ⚠️

biniou itself works inside his Python virtual environment and thus, should be harmless to your system, but its prerequisites could conflict with already installed softwares. If you're not sure how to install, and have this option, use the Dockerfile install method, which does not modify at all your operating system and create an isolated docker container. You could either use a virtual machine with a supported OS.

Debian 12 / Ubuntu 22.04.3

  1. Install the pre-requisites as root :
apt install git pip python3 python3-venv gcc perl make ffmpeg openssl
  1. Clone this repository as user :
git clone
  1. Launch the installer :
cd ./biniou

Windows 10 / Windows 11

Windows installation has more prerequisites than linux one, and requires following softwares (that will be installed automatically during the install process) :

  • Git
  • Python
  • OpenSSL
  • Visual Studio Build tools
  • Windows 10/11 SDK
  • Vcredist x86/64
  • ffmpeg
  • ... and all their dependencies.

It's a lot of changes on your operating system, and this could potentially bring unwanted behaviors on your system, depending on which softwares are already installed on it. ⚠️ You should really make a backup of your system and datas before starting the installation process. ⚠️

  1. Download wget for windows :

Note : DO NOT move wget from your default downloads folder, it will be used by the install script and is expected to be in the same directory.

  1. Download and execute from your default downloads folder :
    * for Windows 10 : install_win10.cmd
    * for Windows 11 : install_win11.cmd

    (right-click on the link and select "Save Target/Link as ..." to download)

    All the installation is automated, but Windows UAC will ask you confirmation for each software installed during the "prerequisites" phase.

macOS Homebrew install

⚠️ Homebrew install is theoretically compatible with macOS, but has not been tested. Use at your own risk. ⚠️

  1. Install Homebrew for your operating system
  2. Install required homebrew "bottles" :
brew install git python3 gcc gcc@11 perl make ffmpeg openssl
  1. Install python virtualenv :
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
  1. Clone this repository as user :
git clone
  1. Launch the installer :
cd ./biniou


These instructions assumes that you already have a configured and working docker environment.

  1. Create the docker image :
docker build -t biniou
  1. Launch the container :
docker run -it -p 7860:7860 \
-v biniou_outputs:/home/biniou/biniou/outputs \
-v biniou_models:/home/biniou/biniou/models \
-v biniou_cache:/home/biniou/.cache/huggingface \
-v biniou_gfpgan:/home/biniou/biniou/gfpgan \

Note : to save storage space, the previous container launch command defines common shared volumes for all biniou containers.

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