Thanks for considering contributing to the project. All contributions are appreciated.
Please select the appropriate issue label when opening a new issue.
Suggest a new bot feature.
Suggest changes to improve an existing feature. For example, changing the format of a command response, etc.
If something is not working as expected, file a bug report.
Improvements or additions to documentation
View the existing issues to find one that interests you. If you find an issue to work on, you are welcome to open a pull request with a fix.
Please follow the following guidelines when adding a poll request:
- Use the command and event templates when adding new commands or event files to the project.
- Follow PEP8 guidelines in formatting python code.
- Using Black formatter is greatly recommended.
- Make sure your code has passed all tests before submitting a poll request.
Creating a poll request
Fork the repository on GitHub.
Clone the forked repo to your local machine.
Create a new feature branch from master
Commit your changes
Push your changes back up to your fork.
When you're ready, submit a pull request so that we can review your changes.
Don't forget to link poll request to issue if you are solving one.
If you have an existing fork, make sure to sync the latest changes from the upstream repository before working on a new contribution.
$ git remote add upstream
$ git pull upstream master
You may be asked for changes to be made before a poll request can be merged.
Once your poll request is merged, your contributions will be publicly visible on the repository page.