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389 lines (285 loc) · 7.43 KB

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389 lines (285 loc) · 7.43 KB


A prettier plugin for less-opinionated options -- a fork of prettier-plugin-merge by necessity.

    Align properties of object literals:

        a = {
            id   : 1,
            name : 'alpha'
            foo  : true,

    Preserve first or last blank line of a block:

        if (condition) {



    End-of-line "//" as "// prettier-ignore":

        matrix = [  //
            1, 0, 1,
            0, 1, 0,
            0, 0, 1,

    Preserve method chain breaks:

              name: "explanation",
              xyz: true

    Return without parentheses:

        return <div>
            <div>Hello world!</div>


For Prettier v2:

npm install -D prettier@^2 @yikes2000/prettier-plugin-merge-extras

For Prettier v3:[^1]

npm install -D prettier @yikes2000/prettier-plugin-merge-extras


JSON example:

  "plugins": ["@yikes2000/prettier-plugin-merge-extras"]

JS example (CommonJS module):

module.exports = {
  plugins: ['@yikes2000/prettier-plugin-merge-extras'],

JS example (ES module):

export default {
  plugins: ['@yikes2000/prettier-plugin-merge-extras'],


Align Object Properties

Align properties of object literals.

Group consecutive lines of properties and inline comments for alignment:

  const a = {
    be  : true,
    cat : 123,

    door  : "knob",
    // inline comment, continues group
    extra : true,

    east : 123,
    foo  : [
        // multi-line, breaks group
        1, 2, 3,
    g : "new group",
    h : "hi",

Alignment options: 'colon' (default), 'value', 'none'

  Align by 'colon':            Algn by 'value':

    a = {                        a = {
        name   : 'foo',              name:   'foo',
        width  : 100,                width:  100,
        height : 20,                 height: 20,
    };                           };
Default CLI Override API Override
colon --align-object-properties=none alignObjectProperties: <string>

See preserveEolMarker option about aligning '=' symbol for assignments.

Align Single Property

Determine if single property has added white space padding:

  const a = {
    // force multi-line
    bar : true,

Only applicable when alignObjectProperties: "colon".

Default CLI Override API Override
true --no-align-single-property alignSingleProperty: <boolean>

Merge Imports

Merge simple imports:

  import { a, b } from 'foo';
  import { c } from 'foo';
  import { d } from 'foo';
  import { eee } from 'bar';

  import { a, b, c, d } from 'foo';
  import { eee } from 'bar';

Supplement a missing functionality of @trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports.

Default CLI Override API Override
true --no-merge-simple-imports mergeSimpleImports: <bool>

Preserve Method Chain Breaks

Preserve existing method chain breaks:

        name: "explanation",
        xyz: true

(Indentation is handled by Prettier.)

Otherwise Prettier formats method chain in one of two styles:



Add "// no-preserve" to revert to Prettier format:

  // no-preserve

  // no-preserve
Default CLI Override API Override
true --no-preserve-dot-chain preserveDotChain: <bool>

Preserve by EOL Marker

End-of-line "//" marker applies "// prettier-ignore" to that line, e.g.

  matrix = [  //
    1, 0, 1,
    0, 1, 0,
    0, 0, 1,

  msg =  //
      matrix.length < 9 ? 'too smalt'
    : matrix.length > 9 ? 'too big'
    :                     'just right';

End-of-line "//=" marker aligns consecutive assignment lines:

  a   = true; //=
  bbb = 1;
  cc  = "ok";

  d = 4;

End-of-line "///" (triple slash) marker aligns '//' inline comments in consecutive lines:

  statement;  // step one ///
  a = 1;      // two
  cc = "ok";  // three

End-of-line "///=" performs both alignments:

  a   = true;  // one ///=
  bbb = 1;     // two
  cc  = "ok";  // three

End-of-line "//:" and "///:" are similar:

  class Foo {
    aa   : boolean; //:
    bbbb : string;

    c  : boolean;  // charlie  ///:
    dd : string;   // delta
Default CLI Override API Override
true --no-preserve-eol-marker preserveEolMarker: <bool>

Preserve First Blank Line

Preserve the first blank line of a block (curly, bracket, or parenthesis), e.g.

  if (condition) {


  a = [

    // Odds
    1, 3, 5, 7, 9,

  sum = (

    1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9
Default CLI Override API Override
true --no-preserve-first-blank-line preserveFirstBlankLine: <bool>

Preserve Last Blank Line

Preserve the last blank line of a block (curly, bracket, or parenthesis), e.g.

  if (condition) {

Default CLI Override API Override
true --no-preserve-last-blank-line preserveLastBlankLine: <bool>

Return Parentheses

Suppress the outer parentheses in multi-line return statement, e.g.

  return <div>
    <div>Hello world!</div>
Default CLI Override API Override
false --return-parentheses returnParentheses: <bool>

Compatibility with other Prettier plugins

This plugin must be positioned last, replacing prettier-plugin-merge.

JSON example:

  "plugins": [

JS example (CommonJS module):

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
  braceStyle: 'stroustrup',


Language Supported
Javascript Yes, all options
Typescript Yes, all options
Angular alignObjectProperties, alignSingleProperty

Welcome contributors to support additional languages.

This plugin's bonus options are implemented using RegExp, which is the simplest but hacky way to achieve these results, considering Prettier's rigidity. In a few rare corner cases situations these preserve options won't work, due to the limit of this RegExp approach. Please kindly report them regardless.


This plugin is a fork of Hyeonjong's prettier-plugin-merge.