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File metadata and controls

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This dotfiles repository uses a combination of git and GNU stow. To use, simply clone:

cd ~
git clone
cd dotfiles


From inside ~/dotfiles, one may symlink configurations of choice into the $HOME directory in the following manner:

stow i3
stow vim

Similarly, configurations for other directories may be symlinked as follows:

stow -t ~ -d hosts common-home

Starter install:

stow aliases bash cargo colors git lf lint mimeapps mpv nvim ptpython pypoetry python ranger readline ripgrep scripts snippets tmux uv yazi zsh
stow -t ~ -d hosts common-home

Configuration Details

List of configs, which directories these belong in, and other details.

Name Stow dir Dependencies Details
alacritty $HOME alacritty Terminal emulator
aliases $HOME Shell aliases
bash $HOME Shell
cargo $HOME cargo Rust
colors $HOME Terminal and rofi colors
devilspie $HOME devilspie, devilspie2 Window tweaker
dunst $HOME Notification manager
frece $HOME frece rofi Frecency indexed database (mostly for rofi)
git $HOME Personal
hosts/* / Personal
hosts/*-home $HOME Personal
i3 $HOME feh, i3lock-color, jq, maim, mlocate, rofi, ttf-noto, wmctrl Window manager
i3blocks $HOME fping, gsimplecal, tff-font-awesome Better system bar
latexmk $HOME Latexmk config
lint $HOME Linting config
mimeapps $HOME Choose default app used to open files
mpv $HOME Video player
ncmpcpp $HOME Music player (MPD client)
nushell $HOME nushell Structured shell
nvim $HOME neovim, python-neovim Better than emacs
pacdef $HOME paru Declarative package management
picom $HOME Compositor
polybar $HOME fping, progress, tff-font-awesome, trizen Better system bar
ptpython $HOME ptpython Python REPL
ranger $HOME ranger CLI file manager
readline $HOME GNU readline config (vi bindings)
ripgrep $HOME ripgrep Search utility
rofi $HOME rofi GUI app/command launcher
scripts $HOME Personal (e.g. emoji clipboard copier)
skhd $HOME skhd Keyboard shortcuts (MacOS)
systemd $HOME Services
termite $HOME Terminal emulator
thunar $HOME thunar File manager
tmux $HOME tmux Terminal multiplexer
tridactyl $HOME firefox Firefox vim-like browsing
vim $HOME vim Better than emacs
xmodmap $HOME Keyboard remappings (e.g. Caps Lock -> Escape)
xonsh $HOME xonsh Shell -- Python based!
zathura $HOME zathura PDF reader
zsh $HOME zplug Shell