This is a input component in chatting interface, can combine Aurora IMUI conveniently. Including features like record voice and video, select photo, take picture etc, supports customize style either.
Provides several ways to add dependency, you can choose one of them:
- Via Gradle
compile 'cn.jiguang.imui:chatinput:0.9.1'
- Via Maven
- Via JitPack
project's build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
module's build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.jpush:imui:0.9.1'
Using ChatInputView only need two steps.
app:voiceBtnIcon="@drawable/aurora_menuitem_mic" />
ChatInputView chatInputView = (ChatInputView) findViewById(;
Attention please, for perfect display, MUST set MenuContainer's height after init ChatInputView. If using RN, set ChatInput
's MenuContainerHeight
property instead.
Best suggestion: get soft keyboard height from other activity(Like login Activity, just before chat Activity), then set soft keyboard height via:
ChatInputView chatinput = (ChatInputView) findViewById(;
As for how to get soft keyboard height, you can listen onSizeChanged
ChatInputView offers all kinds of click listener of button and event's callback, so that user can use event listener to do their stuff flexibly. Such as send message event etc.
First of all, OnMenuClickListener
handling click event of menu item. Call chatInputView.setMenuClickListener
can set this listener:
chatInput.setMenuClickListener(new OnMenuClickListener() {
public boolean onSendTextMessage(CharSequence input) {
// After input content and click send button will fire this callback
public void onSendFiles(List<String> list) {
// chose photo or video files or finished recording video,
// then click send button fires this event.
public boolean switchToMicrophoneMode() {
// click mic button in menu item, fires before showing record voice widget
// return true will use default interface, otherwise you should return false and show your interface
return true;
public boolean switchToGalleryMode() {
// click photo button in menu item, fires before showing select photo widget
// return true will use default interface, otherwise you should return false and show your interface
return true;
public boolean switchToCameraMode() {
// click camera button in menu item, fires before showing camera widget
// return true will use default interface, otherwise you should return false and show your interface
return true;
As for how to handle these events and what to do with these events, you can refer sample project for detail.
Callback of click EditText,fires when click EidtText, usage:
mChatInput.setOnClickEditTextListener(new OnClickEditTextListener() {
public void onTouchEditText() {
This is the interface of record voice, the way to use:
mRecordVoiceBtn = mChatInput.getRecordVoiceButton();
mRecordVoiceBtn.setRecordVoiceListener(new RecordVoiceListener() {
public void onStartRecord() {
// Show record voice interface
// set directory to save audio files
File rootDir = mContext.getFilesDir();
String fileDir = rootDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/voice";
mRecordVoiceBtn.setRecordVoiceFile(fileDir, new DateFormat().format("yyyy_MMdd_hhmmss",
Calendar.getInstance(Locale.CHINA)) + "");
public void onFinishRecord(File voiceFile, int duration) {
MyMessage message = new MyMessage(null, IMessage.MessageType.SEND_VOICE);
message.setTimeString(new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm", Locale.getDefault()).format(new Date()));
mAdapter.addToStart(message, true);
public void onCancelRecord() {
* In preview record voice layout, fires when click cancel button
* Add since 0.7.3
public void onPreviewCancel() {
* In preview record voice layout, fires when click send button
* Add since chatinput 0.7.3
public void onPreviewSend() {
This is interface related to camera, usage like:
mChatInput.setOnCameraCallbackListener(new OnCameraCallbackListener() {
public void onTakePictureCompleted(String photoPath) {
MyMessage message = new MyMessage(null, IMessage.MessageType.SEND_IMAGE);
message.setTimeString(new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm", Locale.getDefault()).format(new Date()));
message.setUserInfo(new DefaultUser("1", "Ironman", "ironman"));
MessageListActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mAdapter.addToStart(message, true);
public void onStartVideoRecord() {
public void onFinishVideoRecord(String videoPath) {
// Fires when finished recording video.
// Pay attention here, when you finished recording video and click send
// button in screen, will fire onSendFiles() method.
public void onCancelVideoRecord() {
Control camera interface, include full screen event, switch take picture/ record video event, close camera event, etc.
mChatInput.setCameraControllerListener(new CameraControllerListener() {
public void onFullScreenClick() {
public void onRecoverScreenClick() {
public void onCloseCameraClick() {
public void onSwitchCameraModeClick(boolean isRecordVideoMode) {
// Judge is take picture mode or record video mode by isRecordVideoMode.
setCameraCaptureFile(String path, String fileName)
Since 0.4.5, take picture will return default path.
// The first parameter is file path that saved at, second one is file name
// Suggest calling this method when onCameraClick fires
// Deprecated since 0.4.5
mChatInput.setCameraCaptureFile(path, fileName);
Menu management class, used to add a custom menu, freely set the position of the menu item, including the left/right/lower position of the chatinput.
MenuManager menuManager = mChatInput.getMenuManager();
- Add custom menu item layout,the root node has to be MenuItem(Extends LinearLayout)
- Add custom menu feature layout,the root node has to be MenuFeature(Extends LinearLayout)
- Add custom menu by MenuManager
//First:add view mode, tag must be unique
//If set menuFeature as null means that this menu item does not require a corresponding function.
addCustomMenu(String tag, MenuItem menuItem, MenuFeature menuFeature)
//Second: add layout resources, tag must be unique
//If set menuFeatureResource as -1 means that this menu item does not require a corresponding function.
addCustomMenu(String tag, int menuItemResource, int menuFeatureResource)
- CustomMenuEventListener
menuManager.setCustomMenuClickListener(new CustomMenuEventListener() {
public boolean onMenuItemClick(String tag, MenuItem menuItem) {
//Menu feature will not be shown if return false;
return true;
public void onMenuFeatureVisibilityChanged(int visibility, String tag, MenuFeature menuFeature) {
if(visibility == View.VISIBLE){
// Menu feature is visible.
}else {
// Menu feature is gone.
setMenu(Menu menu)
The position is controlled by passing in the tag of the menu item. The default layout tags are:
Set position,tag cannot be repeated:
customize(boolean customize).// Whether to customize the position
setLeft(String ... tag).// Set left menu items
setRight(String ... tag).// Set right menu items
setBottom(String ... tag).//Set bottom menu items